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440 SCRA 50
CARPIO-MORALES; October 1, 2004
Petition for review on certiorari of a eci!ion of t"e R#C of I$oi$o
-%ir&i$io Sinico, i! t"e re&i!tere owner of a 'arce$ of $an, w"ic" "e
$et t"e !'o(!e! E($a$io an Concoria So)brea c($tivate, wit"o(t "i)
!"arin& in t"e 'ro(ce, a! "i! *a!!i!tance in t"e e(cation of "i!
co(!in!* inc$(in& efenant +e$i'e So)brea
-After t"e eat" of t"e E($a$io So)brea, +e$i'e contin(e to c($tivate
t"e $ot
-On ,(ne 20, 1--., Sinico re/(e!te +e$i'e0! wife for t"e ret(rn of t"e
'o!!e!!ion of t"e $ot b(t t"e $atter re/(e!te ti)e to avi!e "er
-Re'eate e)an! for t"e ret(rn of t"e 'o!!e!!ion of t"e $ot
re)aine (n"eee, forcin& Sinico to fi$e a civi$ ca!e before t"e R#C
a&ain!t t"e !'o(!e! So)brea for Accion Reivinicatoria wit"
Pre$i)inar1 Manator1 In2(nction
-#"e efenant! fi$e a Motion to 3i!)i!!, a$$e&in& t"at t"e R#C "a!
no 2(ri!iction over t"eir 'er!on an t"at a! t"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e
ca!e i! an a&ric($t(ra$ $an w"ic" i! covere b1 t"e Co)'re"en!ive
A&rarian Refor) Pro&ra) 4CARP5 of t"e &overn)ent, t"e ca!e i!
wit"in t"e e6c$(!ive ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction of t"e 3ARA7 in accorance
wit" Section 50 of Re'(b$ic Act 8859 4#:E COMPRE:E;SI%E
A<RARIA; RE+ORM LA= O+ 1->>5
-#"e '$aintiff fi$e an O''o!ition a$$e&in& t"at t"e ca!e oe! not invo$ve
an a&rarian i!'(te, t"ere bein& no tenanc1 re$ation!"i' or $ea!e"o$
a&ree)ent wit" t"e efenant!?
-#"e R#C of I$oi$o &rante t"e Motion to 3i!)i!!
-A! t"eir Motion for Recon!ieration wa! enie b1 t"e tria$ co(rt, t"e
'$aintiff!, "erein 'etitioner!, $o&e t"e 're!ent Petition for Review on
=O; t"e 3e'art)ent of A&rarian Refor) A2(ication 7oar 43ARA75
"a! ori&ina$ an e6c$(!ive 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e at bar
HELD ;o?
Ratio. ,(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter i! eter)ine b1 t"e
a$$e&ation! of t"e co)'$aint? It i! not affecte b1 t"e '$ea! !et (' b1 t"e
efenant in "i! an!wer or in a )otion to i!)i!!, ot"erwi!e,
2(ri!iction wo($ be e'enent on "i! w"i)!?
Reasoning.#"e a$$e&ation! in 'etitioner0! co)'$aint !"ow t"at t"e
action i! one for recover1 of 'o!!e!!ion, not one w"ic" invo$ve! an
a&rarian i!'(te?
-Section .45 of RA 8859 or t"e CARP Law efine! *a&rarian i!'(te*
over w"ic" t"e 3ARA7 "a! e6c$(!ive ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction a!@
45 an1 controver!1 re$atin& to ten(ria$ arran&e)ent!, w"et"er
$ea!e"o$, tenanc1, !tewar!"i' or ot"erwi!e, over $an! evote to
a&ric($t(re, inc$(in& i!'(te! concernin& far)worAer! a!!ociation! or
re're!entation of 'er!on! in ne&otiatin&, fi6in&, )aintainin&, c"an&in&
or !eeAin& to arran&e ter)! or conition! of !(c" ten(ria$
arran&e)ent! inc$(in& an1 controver!1 re$atin& to co)'en!ation of
$an! ac/(ire (ner t"i! Act an ot"er ter)! an conition! of
tran!fer of owner!"i' fro) $anowner! to far)worAer!, tenant! an
ot"er a&rarian refor) beneficiarie!, w"et"er t"e i!'(tant! !tan in t"e
'ro6i)ate re$ation of far) o'erator an beneficiar1, $anowner an
tenant, or $e!!or an $e!!ee?
-Since peii!ne"#$ %ci!n i# !ne &!" "ec!'e"( !& p!##e##i!n %n)
)!e# n! in'!*'e %n %+"%"i%n )i#p,e, -e RTC -%# .,"i#)ici!n
!'e" i.
Disposition Petition i! &rante?
20 P:IL 52.
MORELA;3; 3ece)ber 11, 1-11
A''ea$ fro) C+I #ar$ac0! 2(&)ent i!)i!!in& t"e action before it on
)otion of t"e '$aintiff ('on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e co(rt "a no 2(ri!iction
of t"e !(b2ect )atter
- On 3ec 1-09, M$a Rai$roa Co? be&an an action in C+I #ar$ac for t"e
cone)nation of 8-,-10 !/? )? rea$ e!tate $ocate in #ar$ac? #"i! i! for
con!tr(ction of a rai$roa $ine *fro) Pani/(i to #a1(& in #ar$ac,* a!
a(t"oriBe b1 $aw?
- 7efore be&innin& t"e action, M$a Rai$roa "a ca(!e to be )ae a
t"oro(&" !earc" in t"e Office of t"e Re&i!tr1 of Pro'ert1 an of t"e #a6
w"ere t"e $an! !o(&"t to be cone)ne were $ocate an to w"o)
t"e1 be$on&e? A! a re!($t of !(c" inve!ti&ation!, it a$$e&e t"at t"e
$an! in /(e!tion were $ocate in #ar$ac?
- After fi$in& an ($1 !ervin& t"e co)'$aint, t"e '$aintiff, '(r!(ant to
$aw an 'enin& fina$ eter)ination of t"e action, tooA 'o!!e!!ion of
an occ('ie t"e $an! e!cribe in t"e co)'$aint, b(i$in& it! $ine an
'(ttin& t"e !a)e in o'eration?
- On Oct 4, M$a Rai$roa &ave notice to t"e efenant! t"at on Oct? -,
a )otion wo($ be )ae to t"e co(rt to i!)i!! t"e action ('on t"e
&ro(n t"at t"e co(rt "a no 2(ri!iction of t"e !(b2ect )atter, it "avin&
2(!t been a!certaine b1 t"e '$aintiff t"at t"e $an !o(&"t to be
cone)ne wa! !it(ate in t"e Province of ;(eva Eci2a, in!tea of t"e
Province of #ar$ac, a! a$$e&e in t"e co)'$aint? #"i! )otion wa! "ear
an, after (e con!ieration, t"e tria$ co(rt i!)i!!e t"e action ('on
t"e &ro(n 're!ente b1 t"e '$aintiff?
1? =O; C+I #ar$ac "a! 'ower an a(t"orit1 to taAe co&niBance of
cone)nation of rea$ e!tate $ocate in anot"er 'rovince
2? =O; Sec? .99
of t"e Coe of Civi$ Proce(re an Act? ;o? 125>
are a''$icab$e an !o t"e C+I "a! no 2(ri!iction
SEC. 122. Venue of actions. Action! to confir) tit$e to rea$ e!tate, or to !ec(re
a 'artition of rea$ e!tate, or to cance$ c$o(!, or re)ove o(bt! fro) t"e tit$e to
rea$ e!tate, or to obtain 'o!!e!!ion of rea$ e!tate, or to recover a)a&e! for
in2(rie! to rea$ e!tate, or to e!tab$i!" an1 intere!t, ri&"t, or tit$e in or to rea$ e!tate,
or action! for t"e cone)nation of rea$ e!tate for '(b$ic (!e, !"a$$ be bro(&"t in
t"e 'rovince were t"e $an!, or !o)e 'art t"ereof, i! !it(ate; action! a&ain!t
e6ec(tor!, a)ini!trator!, an &(arian! to(c"in& t"e 'erfor)ance of t"eir
officia$ (tie!, an action! for acco(nt an !ett$e)ent b1 t"e), an action! for
t"e i!trib(tion of t"e e!tate! of ecea!e 'er!on! a)on& t"e "eir! an
i!trib(te!, an action! for t"e 'a1)ent of $e&acie!, !"a$$ be bro(&"t in t"e
'rovince in w"ic" t"e wi$$ wa! a)itte to 'robate, or $etter! of a)ini!tration
were &rante, or t"e &(arian wa! a''ointe? An a$$ action! not "erein
ot"erwi!e 'rovie for )a1 be bro(&"t in an1 'rovince w"ere t"e efenant or
an1 nece!!ar1 'art1 efenant )a1 re!ie or be fo(n, or in an1 'rovince w"ere
t"e '$aintiff, e6ce't in ca!e! were ot"er !'ecia$ 'rovi!ion i! )ae in t"i! Coe? In
ca!e neit"er t"e '$aintiff nor t"e efenant re!ie! wit"in t"e P"i$i''ine I!$an!
an t"e action i! bro(&"t to !eiBe or obtain tit$e to 'ro'ert1 of t"e efenant
wit"in t"e P"i$i''ine I!$an! an t"e action i! bro(&"t to !eiBe or obtain tit$e to
'ro'ert1 of t"e efenant wit"in t"e P"i$i''ine I!$an!, t"e action !"a$$ be
bro(&"t in t"e 'rovince w"ere t"e 'ro'ert1 w"ic" t"e '$aintiff !eeA! to !eiBe or to
obtain tit$e to i! !it(ate or i! fo(n@ Provided, t"at in an action for t"e forec$o!(re
of a )ort&a&e ('on rea$ e!tate, w"en t"e !ervice ('on t"e efenant i! not
'er!ona$, b(t i! b1 '(b$ication, in accorance wit" $aw, t"e action )(!t be
bro(&"t in t"e 'rovince w"ere t"e $an $ie!? An in a$$ ca!e! 'roce!! )a1 i!!(e
fro) t"e co(rt in w"ic" an action or !'ecia$ 'roceein& i! 'enin&, to be enforce
in an1 'rovince to brin& in efenant! an to enforce a$$ orer! an ecree! of
t"e co(rt? #"e fai$(re of a efenant to ob2ect to t"e ven(e of t"e action at t"e
ti)e of enterin& "i! a''earance in t"e action !"a$$ be ee)e a waiver on "i!
'art of a$$ ob2ection to t"e '$ace or trib(na$ in w"ic" t"e action i! bro(&"t, e6ce't
in t"e action! referre to in t"e fir!t !i6teen $ine! of t"i! !ection re$atin& to rea$
e!tate, an action! a&ain!t e6ec(tor!, a)ini!trator!, an &(arian!, an for t"e
i!trib(tion of e!tate! an 'a1)ent of $e&acie!?
Ratio Section! 55 an 58
of Act ;o? 1.8 of t"e P"i$i''ine Co))i!!ion
confer 'erfect an co)'$ete 2(ri!iction ('on t"e C+I of t"e!e I!$an!
wit" re!'ect to rea$ e!tate in t"e P"i$i''ine I!$an!? S(c" 2(ri!iction i!
not )ae to e'en ('on $oca$it1? #"ere i! no !(&&e!tion of $i)itation?
#"e 2(ri!iction i! (niver!a$? It i! now"ere !(&&e!te, )(c" $e!!
'rovie, t"at a C+I of one 'rovince, re&($ar$1 !ittin& in !ai 'rovince,
)a1 not (ner certain conition! taAe co&niBance of an action ari!in&
in anot"er 'rovince or of an action re$atin& to rea$ e!tate $ocate
o(t!ie of t"e bo(narie! of t"e 'rovince to w"ic" it )a1 at t"e ti)e be
- Proce(re oe! not a$ter or c"an&e t"at 'ower or a(t"orit1; it !i)'$1
irect! t"e )anner in w"ic" it !"a$$ be f($$1 an 2(!t$1 e6erci!e? #o be
!(re, in certain ca!e!, if t"at 'ower i! not e6erci!e in confor)it1 wit"
t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"e 'roce(ra$ $aw, '(re$1, t"e co(rt atte)'tin& to
e6erci!e it $o!e! t"e 'ower to e6erci!e it $e&a$$1? #"i! oe! not )ean
t"at it $o!e! 2(ri!iction of t"e !(b2ect )atter? It )ean! !i)'$1 t"at "e
)a1 t"ereb1 $o!e 2(ri!iction of t"e 'er!on or t"at t"e 2(&)ent )a1
t"ereb1 be renere efective for $acA of !o)et"in& e!!entia$ to
!(!tain it? #"ere i!, of co(r!e, an i)'ortant i!tinction between 'er!on
an !(b2ect )atter are bot" conferre b1 $aw? A! to t"e !(b2ect )atter,
not"in& can c"an&e t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over i)ini!" it or
ictate w"en it !"a$$ attac" or w"en it !"a$$ be re)ove? #"at i! a
)atter of $e&i!$ative enact)ent w"ic" none b(t t"e $e&i!$at(re )a1
c"an&e? On t"e ot"er "an, t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over t"e 'er!on
i!, in !o)e in!tance!, )ae to efen on t"e con!ent or ob2ection, on
t"e act! or o)i!!ion! of t"e 'artie! or an1 of t"e)? ,(ri!iction over
t"e 'er!on, "owever, )a1 be conferre b1 con!ent, e6're!!$1 or
i)'$ie$1 &iven, or it )a1, b1 an ob2ection, be 'revente fro) attac"in&
or re)ove after it "a! attac"e?
2? ;O
Ratio Sec? .99 contain! no e6're!! in"ibition a&ain!t t"e co(rt? #"e
'ro"ibition 'rovie t"erein i! c$ear$1 irecte a&ain!t t"e one w"o
be&in! t"e action an $a1! t"e ven(e? #"e co(rt, before t"e action i!
co))ence, "a! not"in& to o wit" it eit"er? #"e '$aintiff oe! bot"?
On$1 w"en t"at i! one oe! t"e !ection be&in to o'erate effective$1 !o
far a! t"e co(rt i! concerne? #"e 'ro"ibition i! not a $i)itation on t"e
'ower of t"e co(rt b(t on t"e ri&"t! of t"e '$aintiff? It e!tab$i!"e! a
re$ation not between t"e co(rt an t"e !(b2ect, b(t between t"e '$aintiff
an t"e efenant? It re$ate! not to 2(ri!iction b(t to tria$? It !i)'$1
&ive! to efenant t"e (n/(a$ifie ri&"t, if "e e!ire! it, to "ave t"e tria$
taAe '$ace w"ere "i! $an $ie! an w"ere, 'robab$1, a$$ of "i! witne!!e!
$ive? It! ob2ect i! to !ec(re to "i) a convenient tria$?
- #"at it "a 2(ri!iction of t"e 'er!on! of a$$ t"e 'artie! i! ini!'(tab$e?
#"at 2(ri!iction wa! obtaine not on$1 b1 t"e (!(a$ co(r!e of 'ractice -
t"at i!, b1 t"e 'roce!! of t"e co(rt - b(t a$!o b1 con!ent e6're!!$1
&iven, i! a''arent? #"e '$aintiff !(b)itte it!e$f to t"e 2(ri!iction b1
be&innin& t"e action? #"e efenant! are now in t"i! co(rt a!Ain& t"at
t"e action be not i!)i!!e b(t contin(e? #"e1 are not on$1 nor
ob2ectin& to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt b(t, rat"er, are "ere on t"i!
a''ea$ for t"e '(r'o!e of )aintainin& t"at ver1 2(ri!iction over t"e)?
;or i! t"e '$aintiff in an1 'o!ition to a!Ae for favor!? It i! c$ear$1 &(i$t1
of &ro!! ne&$i&ence in t"e a$$e&ation! of it! co)'$aint, if t"e $an oe!
not $ie in #ar$ac a! it now a!!ert!?
- #"e fact t"at !(c" a 'rovi!ion a''ear! in t"e 'roce(ra$ $aw at once
rai!e! a !tron& 're!()'tion t"at it "a! not"in& to o wit" t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over t"e !(b2ect )atter? It beco)e! )ere$1 a
)atter of )et"o, of convenience to t"e 'artie! $iti&ant? If t"eir intere!t!
are be!t !(b!erve b1 brin&in& in t"e Co(rt In!tance of t"e cit1 of
Mani$a an action affectin& $an! in t"e Province of I$oco! ;orte, t"ere i!
no contro$$in& rea!on w"1 !(c" a co(r!e !"o($ not be fo$$owe? #"e
)atter i!, (ner t"e $aw, entire$1 wit"in t"e contro$ of eit"er 'art1? #"e
SEC. 44. Jurisdiction of Courts of First Instance. #"e 2(ri!iction of Co(rt! of
+ir!t In!tance !"a$$ be of two Ain!@ 1? Ori&ina$; an 2? A''e$$ate?
SEC. 45. Its original jurisdiction? Co(rt! of +ir!t In!tance !"a$$ "ave ori&ina$
2? In a$$ civi$ action! w"ic" invo$ve t"e tit$e to or 'o!!e!!ion of rea$ 'ro'ert1, or
an1 intere!t t"erein, or t"e $e&a$it1 of an1 ta6, i)'o!t, or a!!e!!)ent, e6ce't
action! of forcib$e entr1 into, an etainer of $an! or b(i$in&!, ori&ina$
2(ri!iction of w"ic" i! b1 t"i! Act conferre ('on co(rt! of 2(!tice of t"e 'eace?
'$aintiffD! intere!t! !e$ect t"e ven(e? If !(c" !e$ection i! not in
accorance wit" !ection .99, t"e efenant )a1 )aAe ti)e$1 ob2ection
an, a! a re!($t, t"e ven(e i! c"an&e to )eet t"e re/(ire)ent! of t"e
- Section .99 of t"e Coe of Civi$ Proce(re i! not a''$icab$e to
action! b1 rai$roa cor'oration! to cone)n $an!; an t"at, w"i$e wit"
t"e con!ent of efenant! e6're!! or i)'$ie t"e ven(e )a1 be $ai
an t"e action trie in an1 'rovince !e$ecte b1 t"e '$aintiff
nevert"e$e!! t"e efenant! w"o!e $an! $ie in one 'rovince, or an1
one of !(c" efenant!, )a1, b1 ti)e$1 a''$ication to t"e co(rt, re/(ire
t"e ven(e a! to t"eir, or, if one efenant, "i!, $an! to be c"an&e to
t"e 'rovince w"ere t"eir or "i! $an! $ie? In !(c" ca!e t"e action a! to
a$$ of t"e efenant! not ob2ectin& wo($ contin(e in t"e 'rovince
w"ere ori&ina$$1 be&(n? It wo($ be !evere a! to t"e ob2ectin&
efenant! an orere contin(e before t"e co(rt of t"e a''ro'riate
'rovince or 'rovince!? ="i$e we are of t"at o'inion an !o "o$ it can
not affect t"e eci!ion in t"e ca!e before (! for t"e rea!on t"at t"e
)e&en)%n# %"e n! !6.ecin+ ! -e 'en,e %n) %"e n! %#7in+ &!" %
c-%n+e -e"e!&? #"e1 "ave not on$1 e6're!!$1 !(b)itte t"e)!e$ve!
to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt b(t are "ere a!Ain& t"at t"at 2(ri!iction
be )aintaine a&ain!t t"e effort! of t"e '$aintiff to re)ove it?
Disposition #"e 2(&)ent )(!t be RE%ERSE3 an t"e ca!e
REMA;3E3 to t"e trial co(rt wit" irection to 'rocee wit" t"e action
accorin& to $aw?
88 SCRA 29:
S%nc-e;< Fe6",%"( 85, =>5:
3irect a''ea$ to t"e SC
- Marc" 12, 1-5>@ #on&"a) C"(a co))ence !(it for forcib$e entr1
an i$$e&a$ etainer a&ain!t :atib Abbain wit" t"e ,(!tice of t"e Peace
4,OP5 Co(rt of 7on&ao, S($(? C"(aD! averre t"at "e i! t"e owner of a
4-"ectare $an to&et"er wit" t"e i)'rove)ent! t"ereon )o!t$1 cocon(t
tree! $ocate in Maranin&, 7on&ao, S($(; t"at t"i! $an wa! onate to
"i) b1 "i! fat"er, S(bin& C"(a, in 1-52 an fro) t"at ate "e "a!
a!!()e owner!"i' t"ereof, taAen 'o!!e!!ion of t"e $an an 'ai t"e
corre!'onin& ta6e! 1ear$1; t"at fro) 1-52-1-5>, Abbain "a! been "i!
tenant an t"e two ivie t"e fr(it! or co'ra "arve!te t"erefro) on
50-50ba!i!; t"at in 1-59, Abbain b1 )ean! of force, !trate&1 an
!tea$t" (n$awf($$1 entere an !ti$$ occ('ie! t"e $an in /(e!tion after
C"(a "ave re'eate$1 e)ane of "i) to vacate t"e 're)i!e! (e to
"i! fai$(re to &ive c"(a0! !"are of t"e !evera$ "arve!t!?
LC@ ,OP Mana&($a renere 2(&)ent irectin& Abbain to vacate t"e
're)i!e! an '$ace C"(a in 'o!!e!!ion of t"e '$antation, wit" co!t!?
#"i! 2(&)ent wa! 'reicate ('on t"e finin&! t"at !o)eti)e before
==II, Abbain, beca(!e of financia$ "ar!"i', !o$ for P225 to S(bin&
C"(a t"e cocon(t '$antation; t"at after t"e !a$e, Abbain beca)e t"e
tenant of C"(a, t"e "arve!t! of t"e $an ivie on a 50-50 ba!i!; t"at
!(b!e/(ent$1, S(bin& C"(a onate t"e '$antation to "i! !on,
#on&"a) C"(a, an Abbain, t"e !a)e tenant of t"e fat"er, contin(e
to be t"e tenant on t"e $an?
- Abbain fi$e a 'etition in t"e C+I of S($( a&ain!t #on&"a) C"(a an
,(&e Mana&($a, !eeAin& re$ief fro) t"e 2(&)ent of t"e ,O#P Co(rt
anrEor ann($)ent of it! eci!ion wit" 're$i)inar1 in2(nction? :e averre
t"at t"e JOTP Court did not have jurisdiction over the civil case
an t"at !ai case was within the eclusive original jurisdiction of
the Court of !grarian Relations "C!R#.
C+I of S($(@ 'etition i!)i!!e wit"o(t ca(!e
-F'etitioner "a! not 're!ente an1 'roof or !"owin& of $an$or an
tenant re$ation!"i' between t"e 'artie!* to brin& t"e ca!e wit"in t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e CAR, an t"at ('on t"e a$$e&ation! of t"e co)'$aint,
t"e ca!e i! *c$ear$1 one of e2ect)ent?*
=O; t"e ,O#P Co(rt "a! 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e fi$e b1 C"(a
Ratio. ="ere a 2(&)ent or 2(icia$ orer i! voi in t"i! !en!e it )a1
be !ai to be a $aw$e!! t"in&, w"ic" can be treate a! an o(t$aw an
!$ain at !i&"t, or i&nore w"erever an w"enever it e6"ibit! it! "ea?
An in <o)eB v!? Conce'cion, t"i! Co(rt /(ote wit" a''rova$ t"e
fo$$owin& fro) +ree)an on ,(&)ent!@ *A voi 2(&)ent i! in $e&a$
effect no 2(&)ent? 71 it no ri&"t! are ive!te? +ro) it no ri&"t! can
be obtaine? 7ein& wort"$e!! in it!e$f, a$$ 'roceein&! fo(ne ('on it
are e/(a$$1 wort"$e!!? It neit"er bin! nor bar! an1 one? A$$ act!
'erfor)e (ner it an a$$ c$ai)! f$owin& o(t of it are voi? #"e 'artie!
atte)'tin& to enforce it )a1 be re!'on!ib$e a! tre!'a!!er!? #"e
'(rc"a!er at a !a$e b1 virt(e of it! a(t"orit1 fin! "i)!e$f wit"o(t tit$e
an wit"o(t rere!!?*
Since t"e 2(&)ent "ere on it! face i! voi ab initio, t"e $i)ite 'erio!
for re$ief fro) 2(&)ent in R($e .> are ina''$icab$e? #"at 2(&)ent i!
v($nerab$e to attacA *in an1 wa1 an at an1 ti)e, even w"en no a''ea$
"a! been taAen?*
Reasoning. #"e 'rovi!ion! of Sec? 21 of RA 11-- 4a''rove A(&(!t
.0, 1-545, Anown a! t"e A&ric($t(ra$ #enanc1 Act of t"e P"i$i''ine!,
"SEC. 21. Ejectment; violation; jurisdiction. All cases involving the
dispossession of a tenant ! the landholder or ! a third part! and"or
the settlement and disposition of disputes arising from the relationship
of landholder and tenant# as $ell as the violation of an! of the
provisions of this Act# shall e under the original and e%clusive
jurisdiction of such court as ma! no$ or hereafter e authori&ed ! la$
to ta'e cogni&ance of tenanc! relations anddisputes."
Sec? 9, RA 1289, creatin& t"e +ir!t Co(rt of A&rarian Re$ation!,
effective ,(ne 14, 1-55, a! a)ene b1 Re'(b$ic Act 140- w"ic" tooA
effect on Se'te)ber -, 1-55,'rovie!(
"SEC. ). *urisdiction of the Court. +he Court shall have original and
e%clusive jurisdiction over the entire Philippines# to consider#
investigate# decide# and settle all ,uestions# matters# controversies or
disputes involving all those relationships estalished ! la$ $hich
determine the var!ing rights of persons in the cultivation and use of
agricultural land $here one of the parties $or's the land."
- C"(aD! co)'$aint wa! fi$e on Marc" 12, 1-5> G $on& after RA0!
11--, 1289 an 140- were incor'orate in o(r !tat(te booA!? C"(aD!
co)'$aint 'o!itive$1 averre t"at :atib Abbain i! "i! tenant on a 50-50
!"arin& ba!i! of t"e "arve!t; an t"at "e !eeA! e2ect)ent of :atib
Abbain *(e to "i! non-co)'$iance of o(r a&ree)ent of "i! &ivin& )1
!"are of t"e !evera$ "arve!t! "e )ae?* #"e ,O#P Co(rt it!e$f fo(n
t"at Abbain contin(e to be t"e tenant of C"(a after t"e $atter beca)e
owner of t"e '$antation w"ic" "e ac/(ire fro) "i! fat"er b1 virt(e of a
onation; an t"at Abbain ref(!e to &ive *t"e !"are of "i! $an$or of
t"e "arve!t?*
- If bot" t"e co)'$aint an t"e inferior co(rtD! 2(&)ent "ave an1
)eanin& at a$$, it i! t"at t"e ,O#P Co(rt "a no 2(ri!iction over t"e
ca!e? Ri&"t at t"e o(t!et, t"e co)'$aint !"o($ "ave been re2ecte?
+ai$in& in t"i!, t"e ca!e !"o($ "ave been i!)i!!e (rin& t"e co(r!e
of t"e tria$, w"en it beca)e a$$ t"e )ore evient t"at a $an$or-tenant
re$ation!"i' e6i!te? #"e 2(&e "a no 'ower to eter)ine t"e ca!e?
7eca(!e C"(aD! !(it co)e! wit"in t"e covera&e of Sec? 21, R?A? 11--
- t"at *ca!e! invo$vin& t"e i!'o!!e!!ion of a tenant b1 t"e
$an"o$er,* !"a$$ be (ner t"e *ori&ina$ an e6c$(!ive 2(ri!iction of
!(c" co(rt a! )a1 now or "ereafter be a(t"oriBe b1 $aw to taAe
co&niBance of tenanc1 re$ation! an i!'(te!*, an t"e broa !wee' of
Section 9, RA 1289, w"ic" $o&e wit" t"e CAR *ori&ina$ an e6c$(!ive
2(ri!iction ? ? ? to con!ier, inve!ti&ate, ecie, an !ett$e a$$ /(e!tion!,
)atter!, controver!ie! or i!'(te! invo$vin& a$$ t"o!e re$ation!"i'!
e!tab$i!"e b1 $aw w"ic" eter)ine t"e var1in& ri&"t! of 'er!on! in t"e
c($tivation an (!e of a&ric($t(ra$ $an w"ere one of t"e 'artie! worA!
t"e $an?*
,(ri!'r(ence "a! !ince !tabi$iBe t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e CAR over
ca!e! of t"i! nat(re? S(c" e6c$(!ive a(t"orit1 i! not ive!te b1 a )ere
aver)ent on t"e 'art of t"e tenant t"at "e a!!ert! owner!"i' over t"e
$an, *!ince t"e $aw oe! not e6c$(e fro) t"e 2(ri!iction* of t"e CAR,
*ca!e! in w"ic" a tenant c$ai)! owner!"i' over t"e $an &iven to "i)
for c($tivation b1 t"e $an$or?*
#"e 2(&)ent an 'roceein&! of t"e ,(!tice of t"e Peace Co(rt are
n($$ an voi?
The judg$ent of the JOTP Court is not $erel% a voida&le
judg$ent. It is void on its face. It $a% &e attac'ed directl% or
collaterall%? :ere, t"e attacA i! irect? Abbain !o(&"t to ann($ t"e
2(&)ent? Even after t"e ti)e for a''ea$ or review "a e$a'!e,
a''e$$ant co($ brin&, a! "e bro(&"t, !(c" an action? More, "e a$!o
!o(&"t to en2oin enforce)ent of t"at 2(&)ent? In var1in& $an&(a&e,
t"e Co(rt "a! e6're!!e it! re'robation for 2(&)ent! renere b1 a
co(rt wit"o(t 2(ri!iction? S(c" a 2(&)ent i! "e$ to be a dead li$&
on the judicial tree( which should &e lopped of) or wholl%
disregarded as the circu$stances re*uire.
Disposition #"e eci!ion of t"e ,O#P Co(rt of S($( i! ann($$e?
/ene"%* ",*e?
8B5 SCRA 8:1
NOCON, Fe6",%"( =9, =>>9
Petition for certiorari to review t"e eci!ion of t"e ;LRC
-SEA+3EC-AH3 i! a e'art)ent of an internationa$ or&aniBation, t"e
So(t"ea!t A!ian +i!"erie! 3eve$o')ent Center? Private Re!'onent
LaBa&a wa! "ire a! a Re!earc" A!!ociate an event(a$$1 beca)e t"e
:ea of E6terna$ Affair! Office of SEA+3EC-AH3? :owever, "e wa!
ter)inate a$$e&e$1 (e to financia$ con!traint! bein& e6'erience b1
SEA+EC-AH3? :e wa! !(''o!e to receive !e'aration benefit! b(t
SEA+3EC-AH3 fai$e to 'a1 'rivate re!'onent "i! !e'aration 'a1 !o
LaBa&a fi$e a co)'$aint for non-'a1)ent of !e'aration benefit!, '$(!
)ora$ a)a&e! an attorne10! fee! wit" t"e ;LRC?
-In t"eir A;S=ER =I#: COI;#ERCLAIM, SEA+3EC a$$e&e t"at
;LRC "a! n! .,"i#)ici!n !'e" -e c%#e 6ec%,#e? 415 It i! an
internationa$ or&aniBation; 425 LaBa&a )(!t fir!t !ec(re c$earance!
fro) t"e 'ro'er e'art)ent! for 'ro'ert1 or )one1 acco(ntabi$it1
before an1 c$ai) for !e'aration 'a1 wi$$ be 'ai 4an c$earance! "a!
not been 'ai5
COI;#ERCLAIM@ LaBa&a "a 'ro'ert1 acco(ntabi$it1 an o(t!tanin&
ob$i&ation to SEA+3EC-AH3 a)o(ntin& to P29, 5.2?11 an t"at
LaBa&a wa! not entit$e to t"e accr(e !icA $eave benefit! (e to "i!
fai$(re to avai$ of t"e !a)e (rin& "i! e)'$o1)ent
-LA@ for LaBa&a
-;LRC@ affir)e LA, e$ete attorne10! fee! an act(a$ a)a&e!
-SEA+3EC-AH3 fi$e M+R, enie
1? =O; SEA+EC-AH3 i! i))(ne fro) !(it owin& to it! internationa$
2? =O; SEA+3EC-AH3 i! e!to''e fro) c$ai)in& t"at t"e co(rt "a
no 2(ri!iction
1? CES
Ratio. 7ein& an inter&overn)enta$ or&aniBation, SEA+3EC inc$(in&
it! e'art)ent! en2o1! f(nctiona$ ine'enence an freeo) fro)
contro$ of t"e !tate in w"o!e territor1 it! office i! $ocate?
Reasoning. One of t"e ba!ic i))(nitie! of an internationa$
or&aniBation i! i))(nit1 fro) $oca$ 2(ri!iction 4i))(ne fro) $e&a$
writ! an 'roce!!e! i!!(e b1 t"e trib(na$! of t"e co(ntr1 w"ere it i!
fo(n5 t"at t"e !(b2ection of !(c" an or&aniBation to t"e a(t"orit1 of
t"e $oca$ co(rt! wo($ affor a convenient )ei() t"r( w"ic" t"e "o!t
&overn)ent )a1 interfere in t"eir o'eration! or even inf$(ence or
contro$ it! 'o$icie! an eci!ion! of t"e or&aniBation? S(c" !(b2ection
to $oca$ 2(ri!iction wo($ i)'air t"e ca'acit1 of !(c" bo1 to i!c"ar&e
it! re!'on!ibi$itie! i)'artia$$1 on be"a$f of it! )e)ber-!tate!?
2? ;O
Ratio. E!to''e$ oe! not a''$1 to confer 2(ri!iction to a trib(na$ t"at
"a! none over a ca(!e of action? ,(ri!iction i! conferre b1 $aw?
="ere t"ere i! none, no a&ree)ent of t"e 'artie! can 'rovie one?
Sett$e i! t"e r($e t"at t"e eci!ion of a trib(na$ not ve!te wit"
a''ro'riate 2(ri!iction i! n($$ an voi?
-#"e $acA of 2(ri!iction of a co(rt )a1 be rai!e at an1 !ta&e of t"e
'roceein&!, even on a''ea$?
-#"e i!!(e of 2(ri!iction i! not $o!t b1 waiver or b1 e!to''e$
99B SCRA 1:>
S%n)!'%*-/,ie""e;, Oc!6e" =:, 8BB9
-'etition for review on certiorari
-Petitioner Marie Antoinette So$iven fi$e a co)'$aint for P1-5,155 a!
act(a$ a)a&e! wit" P200A a! )ora$ a)a&e!, P100A a! e6e)'$ar1
a)a&e! an P100A a! attorne10! fee! a&ain!t re!'onent +a!tfor)
P"i$!?, wit" t"e MaAati R#C? It a$$e&e t"at re!'onent, t"ro(&" it!
're!ient 3r? E!cobar, obtaine a $oan fro) 'etitioner 4P190A5 'a1ab$e
wit"in 21 a1! wit" .J intere!t? On t"e !a)e a1, re!'onent i!!(e a
'o!tate c"ecA for P190A K P5A int? . weeA! $ater, E!cobar avi!e
'etitioner not to e'o!it t"e c"ecA a! t"e acco(nt fro) w"ere it wa!
rawn "a in!(fficient f(n! an in!tea 'ro'o!e t"at t"e P195A be
ro$$e-over wit" 5J )ont"$1 intere!t, to w"ic" t"e $atter a&ree?
Re!'onent i!!(e !evera$ c"ecA! a! 'a1)ent for intere!t! for 5
)ont"! b(t t"ereafter ref(!e to 'a1 it! 'rinci'a$ ob$i&ation e!'ite
'etitioner0! re'eate e)an!?
-In it! co(nterc$ai), re!'onent enie obtainin& t"e $oan an t"at it
i not a(t"oriBe E!cobar to !ec(re !ai $oan or i!!(e c"ecA! a!
'a1)ent for intere!t!? After a tria$ on t"e )erit!, t"e co(rt orere
re!'onent to 'a1 t"e a)o(nt of t"e $oan '$(! intere!t an attorne1!
fee!, b(t )ora$ an e6e)'$ar1 a)a&e! a! we$$ a! t"e co(nterc$ai)
were i!)i!!e?
-Re!'onent fi$e a M+R /(e!tionin& t"e co(rt0! 2(ri!iction a$$e&in&
t"at !ince t"e 'rinci'a$ e)an 4P1-5,1555 i not e6cee P200A, t"e
co)'$aint !"o($ "ave been fi$e wit" t"e M#C, '(r!(ant to RA 98-1?
#"e #C enie t"e M+R !ince t"e tota$it1 of t"e c$ai) e6ceee 200A
an !ince re!'onent wa! e!to''e fro) /(e!tionin& 2(ri!iction? On
a''ea$, t"e CA rever!e t"e #C eci!ion on t"e &ro(n of $acA of
2(ri!iction an t"at re!'onent )a1 a!!ai$ 2(ri!iction of t"e #C
an1ti)e even for t"e fir!t ti)e on a''ea$? Petitioner fi$e an M+R w"ic"
wa! enie b1 t"e CA, "ence t"i! 'etition?
ISSUE @MeD6e"# !& "e*i+i!,# +"!,pA
=O; t"e tria$ co(rt "a! 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e
Ratio. ="i$e it i! tr(e t"at 2(ri!iction )a1 be rai!e at an1 ti)e, t"i!
r($e 're!(''o!e! t"at e!to''e$ "a! not !('ervene? Since re!'onent
active$1 'artici'ate in a$$ !ta&e! of t"e 'roceein&! before t"e #C an
even !o(&"t affir)ative re$ief, it i! e!to''e fro) c"a$$en&in& t"e #C0!
2(ri!iction, e!'ecia$$1 !ince an aver!e 2(&)ent "a been renere?
A 'art1 cannot invoAe t"e 2(ri!iction of a co(rt to !ec(re affir)ative
re$ief a&ain!t "i! o''onent an after obtainin& or fai$in& to obtain !(c"
re$ief, re'(iate t"at !a)e 2(ri!iction?
Reasoning. Section . of RA 98-1 'rovie! t"at w"ere t"e a)o(nt of
t"e e)an in t"e co)'$aint in!tit(te in Metro Mani$a oe! not
e6cee P200A, e6c$(!ive of intere!t, a)a&e! of w"atever Ain, att10!
fee!, $iti&ation e6'en!e! an co!t!, t"e e6c$(!ive 2(ri!iction over t"e
!a)e i! ve!te in t"e Metro'o$itan #ria$ co(rt, M(nici'a$ #ria$ Co(rt
an M(nici'a$ Circ(it #ria$ Co(rt?
-A)ini!trative Circ($ar 0---4 !'ecifie! &(ie$ine! in t"e
i)'$e)entation of RA 98-1? Par 2 of t"e Circ($ar 'rovie! t"at t"e ter)
Fa)a&e! of w"atever AinL a''$ie! on$1 to ca!e! w"ere a)a&e! are
)ere$1 a con!e/(ence of t"e )ain action? In t"e in!tant ca!e, t"e )ain
ca(!e of action i! t"e co$$ection of t"e ebt a)o(ntin& to P1-5A? #"e
a)a&e! bein& c$ai)e are )ere$1 incienta$ an are t"(! not
inc$(e in eter)inin& t"e 2(ri!ictiona$ a)o(nt?
Disposition. =:ERE+ORE, t"e in!tant 'etition i! <RA;#E3
8B5 SCRA 111
MEDIALDEA< Fe6 =:, =>>8
Petition for certiorari
- ,($1 1-9- M Private re!'onent La(rente 4for)er !a$e !('ervi!or of
'etitioner cor'oration5 wa! notifie an avi!e of "i! i))eiate
ter)ination for &ro!! ne&$ect of (t1 anEor i!"one!t1
- A(&(!t 1-9- - La(rente in!tit(te a civi$ action for a)a&e! a&ain!t
S+SC an Siao, it! )ana&er
- La(rente fi$e a co)'$aint for i$$e&a$ i!)i!!a$ 4$abor ca!e5?
- ,an(ar1 1->0 - Petitioner! fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! on Civi$ Ca!e,
c$ai)in& t"at t"e 2(ri!iction !"o($ be ve!te wit" t"e ;LRC?
- +ebr(ar1 5, 1->0 - it wa! fo(n t"at t"e ter)ination of t"e
co)'$ainant wa! for a 2(!t an va$i ca(!e
- +ebr(ar1 2>, 1->0 M #"e co(rt in Civi$ Ca!e eferre t"e
eter)ination of t"e )otion to i!)i!! (nti$ after tria$?
- Petitioner! fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration b(t it wa! enie?
#"(!, t"i! 'etition for t"e i!!(ance of a writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction?
=O; t"e re!'onent 2(&e co))itte &rave ab(!e of i!cretion w"en
it eferre t"e eter)ination or re!o$(tion of t"e )otion to i!)i!!
/(e!tionin& t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over c$ai)! for a)a&e!?
Ratio *4t5"e r($e i! t"at w"ere a co(rt "a! a$rea1 obtaine an i!
e6erci!in& 2(ri!iction over a controver!1, it! 2(ri!iction to 'rocee to
t"e fina$ eter)ination of t"e ca(!e i! not affecte b1 new $e&i!$ation
'$acin& 2(ri!iction over !(c" 'roceein&! in anot"er trib(na$? #"e
e6ce'tion to t"e r($e i! w"ere t"e !tat(te e6're!!$1 'rovie!, or i!
con!tr(e to t"e effect t"at it i! intene to o'erate a! to action!
'enin& before it! enact)ent? ="ere a !tat(te c"an&in& t"e
2(ri!iction of a co(rt "a! no retroactive effect, it cannot be a''$ie to a
ca!e t"at wa! 'enin& 'rior to t"e enact)ent of t"e !tat(te?* 47en&Bon
v? Incion&5
a? Artic$e 219 4a5 445 of t"e Labor Coe a! a)ene b1 Section - of
Re'(b$ic Act ;o? 8915 c$ear$1 'rovie! t"at t"e $abor arbiter !"a$$
"ave ori&ina$ an e6c$(!ive 2(ri!iction to "ear an ecie c$ai)!
for act(a$, )ora$, e6e)'$ar1 an ot"er for)! of a)a&e! ari!in&
fro) an e)'$o1er-e)'$o1ee re$ation!"i'? :owever, w"en t"e civi$
ca!e for a)a&e! wa! in!tit(te in 1-9-, t"e a''$icab$e $aw t"en
wa! Artic$e 219 4a5 4.5 of t"e Labor Coe a! a)ene b1
Pre!ientia$ 3ecree ;o? 1.89 4Ma1 1, 1-9>5 w"ic" 'rovie! t"at
-aor Ariters shall not entertain claims for moral or other forms
of damages.
b? #o re/(ire t"e 'rivate re!'onent to fi$e a !in&$e !(it co)binin&
"i! action! for i$$e&a$ i!)i!!a$ an a)a&e! in t"e ;LRC wo($
be to !anction t"e retroactivit1 of Re'(b$ic Act ;o? 8915 w"ic"
tooA effect on Marc" 21, 1->-, w"ere t"e !a)e $aw oe! not
e6're!!$1 !o 'rovie, or oe! not inten to o'erate a! to action!
'enin& before it! enact)ent, "ence 're2(icia$ to t"e orer$1
a)ini!tration of 2(!tice?
Disposition. #"e 'etition i! 3ISMISSE3 for $acA of )erit?
O& -e p*%ini&&
@p%+e =A
-Mani$a Rai$roa fi$e an action for cone)nation 'roceein&! in C+I
of #ar$ac w"en t"e1 Anew t"at t"e $an! concerne are fo(n in ;(eva
Eci2a? ;ow t"e1 are a!!ai$in& t"e 2(ri!iction of C+I #ar$ac?
Proce(re oe! not a$ter or c"an&e t"at 'ower or a(t"orit1; it !i)'$1
irect! t"e )anner in w"ic" it !"a$$ be f($$1 an 2(!t$1 e6erci!e? #o be
!(re, in certain ca!e!, if t"at 'ower i! not e6erci!e in confor)it1 wit"
t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"e 'roce(ra$ $aw, '(re$1, t"e co(rt atte)'tin& to
e6erci!e it $o!e! t"e 'ower to e6erci!e it $e&a$$1? #"i! oe! not )ean
t"at it $o!e! 2(ri!iction of t"e !(b2ect )atter? It )ean! !i)'$1 t"at "e
)a1 t"ereb1 $o!e 2(ri!iction of t"e 'er!on or t"at t"e 2(&)ent )a1
t"ereb1 be renere efective for $acA of !o)et"in& e!!entia$ to
!(!tain it? #"ere i!, of co(r!e, an i)'ortant i!tinction between 'er!on
an !(b2ect )atter are bot" conferre b1 $aw? A! to t"e !(b2ect )atter,
not"in& can c"an&e t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over i)ini!" it or
ictate w"en it !"a$$ attac" or w"en it !"a$$ be re)ove? #"at i! a
)atter of $e&i!$ative enact)ent w"ic" none b(t t"e $e&i!$at(re )a1
c"an&e? On t"e ot"er "an, t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over t"e 'er!on
i!, in !o)e in!tance!, )ae to efen on t"e con!ent or ob2ection, on
t"e act! or o)i!!ion! of t"e 'artie! or an1 of t"e)? ,(ri!iction over
t"e 'er!on, "owever, )a1 be conferre b1 con!ent, e6're!!$1 or
i)'$ie$1 &iven, or it )a1, b1 an ob2ection, be 'revente fro) attac"in&
or re)ove after it "a! attac"e?
- #"at it "a 2(ri!iction of t"e 'er!on! of a$$ t"e 'artie! i! ini!'(tab$e?
#"at 2(ri!iction wa! obtaine not on$1 b1 t"e (!(a$ co(r!e of 'ractice -
t"at i!, b1 t"e 'roce!! of t"e co(rt - b(t a$!o b1 con!ent e6're!!$1
&iven, i! a''arent? #"e '$aintiff !(b)itte it!e$f to t"e 2(ri!iction b1
be&innin& t"e action? #"e efenant! are now in t"i! co(rt a!Ain& t"at
t"e action be not i!)i!!e b(t contin(e? #"e1 are not on$1 nor
ob2ectin& to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt b(t, rat"er, are "ere on t"i!
a''ea$ for t"e '(r'o!e of )aintainin& t"at ver1 2(ri!iction over t"e)?
;or i! t"e '$aintiff in an1 'o!ition to a!Ae for favor!? It i! c$ear$1 &(i$t1
of &ro!! ne&$i&ence in t"e a$$e&ation! of it! co)'$aint, if t"e $an oe!
not $ie in #ar$ac a! it now a!!ert!?
O& -e )e&en)%n
=. 6( #e"'ice !& #,DD!n#
8. 6( '!*,n%"( %ppe%"%nce
=9: SCRA 49=
PARAS< M%"c- =5, =>:2
Petition for review on certiorari !eeAin& to rever!e an !et a!ie CA
r($in& of en1in& M+R?
- E$i!eo 7oticano i! t"e re&i!tere owner of a 7efor tr(cA w"ic" i!
(!e in "a($in& $o&! for a fee? It wa! "it at t"e rear b1 anot"er 7efor
tr(cA owne b1 Man(e$ C"( an riven b1 ,ai)e Si&(a w"i$e $oae
wit" $o&! an 'arAe 'ro'er$1 b1 t"e river Ma6i)o 3a$an&in at t"e
!"o($er of t"e nationa$ "i&"wa1?
- C"( acAnow$e&e owner!"i' an a&ree to !"o($er t"e e6'en!e!
of t"e re'air, b(t fai$e to co)'$1 wit" t"e a&ree)ent? 7oticano fi$e a
co)'$aint at t"e C+I at Cabanat(an a&ain!t C"( an Si&(a? S())on!
were i!!(e b(t one wa! ret(rne (n!erve for Si&(a wi$e t"e ot"er
!erve t"r( C"(0! wife?
- 7oticano )ove to i!)i!! t"e ca!e a&ain!t Si&(a an to ec$are
C"( in efa($t? #"e Co(rt &rante t"e )otion! an a(ce fro)
evience t"at C"( i! re!'on!ib$e for t"e fa($t an ne&$i&ence of t"e
river (ner Art 21>0 CC?
- C"( fi$e wit" t"e #C a notice of a''ea$ an an (r&ent )otion for
e6ten!ion of ti)e to fi$e recor on a''ea$? Co(rt &rante t"e )otion!?
- 7oticano fi$e a M#3 t"e a''ea$ an for e6ec(tion, b(t t"e a''ea$
wa! !ti$$ a''rove? #"e ca!e wa! bro(&"t to t"e CA? CA !et a!ie t"e
#C eci!ion for bein& n($$ an voi?
- 7oticano fi$e an M+R wit" t"e CA to w"ic" CA enie?
1? =O; t"e /(e!tion of 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over t"e 'er!on of t"e
efenant cannot be rai!e for t"e fir!t ti)e on a''ea$
2? =O; CA erre in "o$in& t"at C"( i not vo$(ntari$1 !(b)it "i)!e$f
to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e #C e!'ite "i! vo$(ntar1 a''earance
1? ;O
Ratio #"e efect! in 2(ri!iction ari!in& fro) irre&($aritie! in t"e
co))ence)ent of t"e 'roceein&!, efective 'roce!! or even
ab!ence of 'roce!! )a1 be waive for fai$(re to )aAe !ea!ona$
Reasoning #"e circ()!tance! a''ear to !"ow t"at t"ere wa! waiver
b1 t"e efenant to a$$e&e !(c" efect w"en "e fai$e to rai!e t"e
/(e!tion in t"e C+I an at t"e fir!t o''ort(nit1?
2? CES, "e vo$(ntari$1 !(b)itte "i)!e$f to t"e co(rt0! 2(ri!iction?
Ratio Iner Sec 2., R($e 14 ROC, t"e efenant0! vo$(ntar1
a''earance in co(rt !"a$$ be e/(iva$ent to !ervice? It "a! been "e$ b1
t"e co(rt t"at t"e efect of !())on! i! c(re b1 t"e vo$(ntar1
a''earance b1 t"e a''earance of t"e efenant?
Disposition #"e a!!ai$e eci!ion an re!o$(tion of CA are rever!e
an !et a!ie? #"e eci!ion of t"e C+I 4now R#C5 i! rein!tate?
1. 6( '!*,n%"( #,6Di##i!n
42 SCRA 944
CASTRO< J,ne 84, =>29
Petition for certiorari
-Petitioner Rori&(eB fi$e a ca!e for recover1 of t"e !() of P5,.20?00
'$(! intere!t, attorne10! fee! an co!t a&ain!t S'!? Robe$$ao?
-A writ of 're$i)inar1 attac")ent wa! i!!(e an !erve to +e
Robe$$ao at t"eir !tore in 3ivi!oria? S'! Robe$$ao '$eae to t"e
Rori&(eB for ti)e before t"e attac")ent to be effective$1 enforce?
Rori&(eB a&ree to t"e !(!'en!ion of t"e 2(&)ent on t"e conition
t"at +e Robe$$ao0! 'arent!, t"e now re!'onent!, +eerico N +e$i!a
#o$entino, to bin t"e)!e$ve! 2oint$1 an !evera$$1 wit" t"e Robe$$ao!,
to 'a1 t"e entire ob$i&ation !(b2ect of t"e !(it? +e$i!a #o$entino, bein&
're!ent, i))eiate$1 a&ree to t"i! 'ro'o!a$?
-A co)'ro)i!e a&ree)ent wa! t"en entere to b1 t"e 'artie!? #"e
Rebe$$ao! !(b!e/(ent$1 fai$e to co)'$1 wit" t"e ter)! of t"e
co)'ro)i!e a&ree)ent, t"(! 'ro)'tin& 'etitioner Rori&(eB to
re/(e!t t"e Cit1 Co(rt for a writ of e6ec(tion on t"e 'ro'ertie! of t"e
Robe$$ao! an a$!o of t"e #o$entino!? #"e re/(e!t wa! &rante b1 t"e
Cit1 Co(rt? #"e #o$entino! bro(&"t an action for certiorari wit" t"e
Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of Mani$a? #"e C+I renere 2(&)ent
e6c$(in& t"e #o$entino! fro) t"e effect! of t"e writ of e6ec(tion? #"(!
t"i! a''ea$?
=O; t"e C+I erre in e6c$(in& t"e #o$entino! fro) t"e effect! of t"e
writ of e6ec(tion?
-#"e contention of t"e C+I t"at t"e i!'o!itive 'ortion of t"e 2(&)ent
of t"e Cit1 Co(rt oe! not e6'$icit$1 en2oin t"e #o$entino! to 'a1 2oint$1
an !evera$$1 wit" t"e Rebe$$ao! t"e a)o(nt (e to t"e '$aintiff, an
t"at t"e Cit1 Co(rt never ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over #o$entino! an
t"erefore cannot be bo(n b1 t"e 2(&)ent renere b1 !ai co(rt, i!
-#"e i!'o!itive 'ortion of t"e 2(&)ent of t"e Cit1 Co(rt a''rovin& t"e
co)'ro)i!e an en2oinin& !trict co)'$iance t"ereto b1 t"e 'artie! i!
ae/(ate for t"e '(r'o!e of e6ec(tion? ,(&)ent on a co)'ro)i!e
nee not !'ecifica$$1 na)e a 'er!on to be !(b2ect of e6ec(tion t"ereof
in obvio(! avoiance of re'etition?
-On *%c7 !& .,"i#)ici!n !& -e c!," !'e" -e T!*enin!#@ t"e
#o$entino! free$1 an vo$(ntari$1 entere into t"e co)'ro)i!e
a&ree)ent w"ic" beca)e t"e ba!i! of 2(&)ent of t"e Cit1 Co(rt?
Iner t"e circ()!tance!, t"e #o$entino! are e!to''e t"e ver1
a(t"orit1 t"e1 invoAe? An even a!!()in& t"at e!to''e$ $ie!, we
cannot !et a!ie t"e 'rinci'$e of e/(it1 t"at jurisdiction over a
person not originall% a part% to a case $a% &e ac*uired( upon
proper conditions( thru the voluntar% appearance of the person
&efore the court. 71 co)in& forwar wit" t"e ori&ina$ $iti&ant! in
)ovin& for a 2(&)ent on co)'ro)i!e an b1 a!!()in& !(c" intere!t
in t"e fina$ a2(ication of t"e ca!e to&et"er wit" t"e Robe$$ao!, t"e
#o$entino! effective$1 !(b)itte t"e)!e$ve! to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e
Cit1 Co(rt?
-J,"i#)ici!n !'e" -e p*%ini&& can be ac/(ire b1 t"e co(rt ('on
fi$in& of t"e co)'$aint? On t"e ot"er "an, .,"i#)ici!n !'e" -e
)e&en)%n# can be ac/(ire b1 t"e co(rt ('on !ervice of va$i
!())on! an ('on vo$(ntar1 a''earanceE!(b)i!!ion of a 'er!on in
12 P-i*. >8=
STREET< M%"c- 85, =>=:
- A )ort&a&e wa! e6ec(te b1 Pa$anca, a! !ec(rit1 for a ebt owin& to
"i) to t"e banA? After t"e e6ec(tion of t"i! in!tr()ent, Pa$anca
ret(rne to C"ina w"ere "e ie?
- A! Pa$anca wa! a nonre!ient, it wa! nece!!ar1 for t"e banA to &ive
notice to "i) b1 '(b$ication '(r!(ant to !ection .-- of t"e Coe of Civi$
Proce(re? An orer for '(b$ication wa! accorin&$1 obtaine fro) t"e
co(rt, an '(b$ication wa! )ae in (e for) in a new!'a'er of t"e cit1
of Mani$a?
- #"e orer of t"e co(rt wa! entere irectin& t"at '(b$ication !"o($
be )ae in a new!'a'er, t"e co(rt irecte t"at t"e c$erA of t"e co(rt
!"o($ e'o!it in t"e 'o!t office in a !ta)'e enve$o'e a co'1 of t"e
!())on! an co)'$aint irecte to Pa$anca at "i! $a!t '$ace of
- #"e ca(!e 'roceee in t"e C+I an Pa$anca not "avin& a''eare,
2(&)ent wa! taAen a&ain!t "i) b1 efa($t? It wa! orere t"at
Pa$anca !"o($ e$iver !ai a)o(nt to t"e c$erA of t"e co(rt to be
a''$ie to t"e !ati!faction of t"e 2(&)ent, an it wa! ec$are t"at in
ca!e of fai$(re to !ati!f1 t"e 2(&)ent, t"e )ort&a&e 'ro'ert1 $ocate in
t"e cit1 of Mani$a !"o($ be e6'o!e to '(b$ic !a$e?
- Pa1)ent wa! never )ae an t"e co(rt orere t"e !a$e of t"e
'ro'ert1? #"e 'ro'ert1 wa! bro(&"t in b1 t"e banA?
- Abo(t !even 1ear! after t"e confir)ation of t"i! !a$e, a )otion wa!
)ae b1 %icente Pa$anca, a! a)ini!trator of t"e e!tate of t"e ori&ina$
efenant, w"erein t"e a''$icant re/(e!te t"e co(rt to !et a!ie t"e
1? =O; t"e orer of efa($t an t"e 2(&)ent renere t"ereon were
voi beca(!e t"e co(rt "a never ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over t"e
efenant or over t"e !(b2ect of t"e action?
2? =O; t"e !(''o!e irre&($arit1 in t"e 'roceein&! wa! of !(c"
&ravit1 a! to a)o(nt to a enia$ of (e 'roce!! of $aw?
1? ;O?
- #"e action to forec$o!e a )ort&a&e i! !ai to be a p"!cee)in+ H,%#i
in "eD, b1 w"ic" i! e6're!!e t"e iea t"at w"i$e it i! not !trict$1
!'eaAin& an action in re) 1et it 'artaAe! of t"at nat(re an i!
!(b!tantia$$1 !(c"? #"e e6're!!ion, I%ci!n in "eDJ i!, in it! narrow
a''$ication, (!e on$1 wit" reference to certain 'roceein&! in co(rt! of
a)ira$t1 w"erein t"e 'ro'ert1 a$one i! treate a! re!'on!ib$e for t"e
c$ai) or ob$i&ation ('on w"ic" t"e 'roceein&! are ba!e? #"e action
/(a!i in re) iffer! fro) t"e tr(e action in re) in t"e circ()!tance t"at
in t"e for)er an inivi(a$ i! na)e a! efenant, an t"e '(r'o!e of
t"e 'roceein& i! to !(b2ect "i! intere!t t"erein to t"e ob$i&ation or $ien
b(renin& t"e 'ro'ert1? A$$ 'roceein&! "avin& for t"eir !o$e ob2ect t"e
!a$e or ot"er i!'o!ition of t"e 'ro'ert1 of t"e efenant, w"et"er b1
attac")ent, forec$o!(re, or ot"er for) of re)e1, are in &enera$ wa1
t"(! e!i&nate? #"e 2(&)ent entere in t"e!e 'roceein&! i!
conc$(!ive on$1 between t"e 'artie!?
- Severa$ 'rinci'$e!@ 415 #"at t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt i! erive fro)
t"e 'ower w"ic" it 'o!!e!!e! over t"e 'ro'ert1; 4II5 t"at 2(ri!iction
over t"e 'er!on i! not ac/(ire an i! none!!entia$; 4III5 t"at t"e re$ief
&rante b1 t"e co(rt )(!t be $i)ite to !(c" a! can be enforce
a&ain!t t"e 'ro'ert1 it!e$f?
- In a forec$o!(re 'roceein& a&ain!t a nonre!ient owner it i!
nece!!ar1 for t"e co(rt, a! in a$$ ca!e! of forec$o!(re, to a!certain t"e
a)o(nt (e, a! 're!cribe in !ection 258 of t"e Coe of Civi$
Proce(re, an to )aAe an orer re/(irin& t"e efenant to 'a1 t"e
)one1 into co(rt? #"i! !te' i! a nece!!ar1 'rec(r!or of t"e orer of
!a$e? It i! c$ear$1 intene )ere$1 a! co)'$iance wit" t"e re/(ire)ent
t"at t"e a)o(nt (e !"a$$ be a!certaine an t"at t"e efenant !"a$$
be re/(ire to 'a1 it? A! f(rt"er evience of t"i! it )a1 be ob!erve
t"at accorin& to t"e Coe of Civi$ Proce(re a 'er!ona$ 2(&)ent
a&ain!t t"e ebtor for t"e eficienc1 i! not to be renere (nti$ after t"e
'ro'ert1 "a! been !o$ an t"e 'rocee! a''$ie to t"e )ort&a&e ebt
4!ec? 2805
- ="atever )a1 be t"e effect in ot"er re!'ect! of t"e fai$(re of t"e c$erA
of t"e C+I to )ai$ t"e 'ro'er 'a'er! to t"e efenant in C"ina, !(c"
irre&($arit1 co($ in no wi!e i)'air or efeat t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e
co(rt, for in o(r o'inion t"at 2(ri!iction re!t! ('on a ba!i! )(c" )ore
!ec(re t"an wo($ be !(''$ie b1 an1 for) of notice t"at co($ be
&iven to a re!ient of a forei&n co(ntr1?
2? ;O?
- In a forec$o!(re ca!e, !o)e notification of t"e 'roceein&! to t"e
nonre!ient owner, 're!cribin& t"e ti)e wit"in w"ic" a''earance )(!t
be )ae, i! ever1w"ere reco&niBe a! e!!entia$? #o an!wer t"i!
nece!!it1 t"e !tat(te! &enera$$1 'rovie for '(b$ication, an (!(a$$1 in
aition t"ereto, for t"e )ai$in& of notice to t"e efenant, if "i!
re!ience i! Anown? It i! )ere$1 a )ean! 'rovie b1 $aw w"ereb1 t"e
owner )a1 be a)oni!"e b1 "i! 'ro'ert1 i! t"e !(b2ect of 2(icia$
'roceein&! an t"at it i! inc()bent ('on "i) to taAe !(c" !te'! a! "e
!ee! fit to 'rotect it?
- #"i! )oe of notification oe! not invo$ve an1 ab!o$(te a!!(rance
t"at t"e ab!ent owner !"a$$ t"ereb1 receive act(a$ notice? #"e iea
('on w"ic" t"e $aw 'rocee! in reco&niBin& t"e efficac1 of a )ean! of
notification w"ic" )a1 fa$$ !"ort of act(a$ notice i! a''arent$1 t"i!@
Pro'ert1 i! a$wa1! a!!()e to be in t"e 'o!!e!!ion of it! owner, in
'er!on or b1 a&ent; an "e )a1 be !afe$1 "e$, (ner certain
conition!, to be affecte wit" Anow$e&e t"at 'roceein&! "ave been
in!tit(te for it! cone)nation an !a$e?
- +ai$(re of t"e c$erA to )ai$ t"e notice, if in fact "e i !o fai$ in "i!
(t1, i! not !(c" a! irre&($arit1 a! a)o(nt! to a enia$ of (e 'roce!!
of $aw; an "ence in o(r o'inion t"at irre&($arit1, if 'rove, wo($ not
avoi t"e 2(&)ent in t"i! ca!e? ;otice wa! &iven b1 '(b$ication in a
new!'a'er an t"i! i! t"e on$1 for) of notice w"ic" t"e $aw
(nconitiona$$1 re/(ire!?
Sep%"%e Opini!n
MALCOLM< )i##en
- #"e f(na)enta$ iea of (e 'roce!! of $aw i! t"at no )an !"a$$ be
cone)ne in "i! 'er!on or 'ro'ert1 wit"o(t notice an an o''ort(nit1
of bein& "ear in "i! efen!e?
- *A 2(&)ent w"ic" i! voi ('on it! face, an w"ic" re/(ire! on$1 in
in!'ection of t"e 2(&)ent ro$$ to e)on!trate it want of vita$it1 i! a
ea $i)b ('on t"e 2(icia$ tree, w"ic" !"o($ be $o''e off, if t"e
'ower !o to o e6i!t!? It can bear no fr(it to t"e '$aintiff, b(t i! a
con!tant )enace to t"e efenant?*
84 SCRA 2.
AHII;O, Ma1 1., 1-95
Ori&ina$ Action!? Certiorari an conte)'t?
- H(e)aa, a$$e&e$1 t"e i$$e&iti)ate !on of A$varo Pa!tor, Sr?, wa!
a''ointe a! !'ecia$ a)ini!trator of t"e $atter0! e!tate b1 t"e C+I of
Ceb(? A! !(c", "e fi$e a co)'$aint a&ain!t "i! "a$f !ib$in&!, t"e
!'o(!e! A$varo Pa!tor, ,r? an Maria E$ena Ac"ava$, an Sofia
Mi&e$1, w"o were a$$ at t"at ti)e citiBen! of S'ain an re!iin& in t"at
co(ntr1? #"e !(it a$!o na)e At$a! Minin& a! co-re!'onent? #"e !(it
wa! to !ett$e t"e /(e!tion of owner!"i' over certain 'ro'ertie! an
ri&"t! in !o)e )inin& c$ai)! a! H(e)aa be$ieve t"at t"o!e
'ro'ertie! be$on& to t"e e!tate of A$varo Pa!tor, Sr?
- H(e)aa, on "i! own, ca(!e e6traterritoria$ !ervice of !())on! to
be )ae t"ro(&" t"e 3e'art)ent of +orei&n Affair! an t"e P"i$i''ine
E)ba!!1 in Mari, S'ain, w"ic" effecte t"e !ervice of t"e !())on!
t"ro(&" re&i!tere )ai$ ('on 3e Mi&e$1 an Pa!tor, ,r? at t"eir
re!'ective are!!e! in A$icante an 7arce$ona?
- 7ot" 3e Mi&e$1 an Pa!tor entere a !'ecia$ a''earance an fi$e a
)otion to i!)i!! on t"e &ro(n of $acA of 2(ri!iction a! t"e1 are non-
re!ient!? #"e1 f(rt"er a$$e&e t"at earne!t effort! towar a
co)'ro)i!e "ave not been )ae a! re/(ire in t"e Civi$ Coe in !(it!
between )e)ber! of t"e !a)e fa)i$1, #"e )otion wa! enie b1
,(&e +erano! an "e r($e t"at t"e re!'onent! were 'ro'er$1
- #"e !(b!e/(ent )otion for recon!ieration wa! enie b1 +erano!
inicatin& in t"e orer t"at t"e action of H(e)aa wa! for t"e recover1
of rea$ 'ro'ert1 an rea$ ri&"t!? #"e re!'onent! were in!tr(cte to fi$e
t"eir an!wer?
- 3e Mi&e$1 fi$e t"i! action wit" t"e S('re)e Co(rt?
=O; ,(&e +erano! &rave$1 ab(!e "i! i!cretion in en1in& 3e
Mi&e$10! )otion to i!)i!!e ba!e on t"e $acA of 2(ri!iction over "er
NO. #"e fact t"at !"e a$$e&e a! a &ro(n for i!)i!!a$ t"e $acA of
earne!t effort to co)'ro)i!e i! deemed as aandonment of her
special appearance and as voluntar! sumission to the courts
Ratio. ="en t"e a''earance i! b1 )otion for t"e '(r'o!e of ob2ectin&
to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over t"e 'er!on, it )(!t be for t"e !o$e
an !e'arate '(r'o!e of ob2ectin& to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt? If t"e
)otion i! for an1 ot"er '(r'o!e t"an to ob2ect to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e
co(rt over "i! 'er!on, "e t"ereb1 !(b)it! "i)!e$f to t"e 2(ri!iction of
t"e co(rt,
Reasoning. Even if t"e $ower co(rt i not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over 3e
Mi&e$1, "er )otion to i!)i!! wa! 'ro'er$1 enie beca(!e
H(e)aa0! action a&ain!t "er )a1be re&are a! a H,%#i in "eD
w"ere jurisdiction over the person of a non.resident defendant is not
necessar! and $here the service of summons is re,uired onl! for the
purpose of compl!ing $ith the re,uirement of due process. E,%#i in
"eD is an action et$een parties $here the direct oject is to reach
and dispose of propert! o$ed ! the parties or of some interest
- #"e SC cite t"e PerAin! ca!e a! a 'receent? In t"at ca!e, it r($e
t"at in a /(a!i in re) action 2(ri!iction over a non re!ient efenant
i! not e!!entia$? #"e !ervice of !())on! b1 '(b$ication i! re/(ire
)ere$1 to !ati!f1 t"e con!tit(tiona$ re/(ire)ent of (e 'roce!!? #"e
2(&)ent of t"e co(rt wo($ !ett$e t"e tit$e to t"e 'ro'ertie! an to t"at
e6tent it 'artaAe! of t"e nat(re of 2(&)ent in re)? #"e 2(&)ent i!
confine to t"e re! 4'ro'ertie!5 an no 'er!ona$ 2(&)ent co($ be
renere a&ain!t t"e non re!ient? It !"o($ be note t"at t"e civi$ ca!e
fi$e b1 H(e)aa i! re$ate to a te!ta)entar1 'roceein& a! it wa!
fi$e for t"e '(r'o!e of recoverin& t"e 'ro'ertie! w"ic" in t"e
(ner!tanin& of H(e)aa, be$on&e to t"e e!tate of t"e Late Pa!tor,
Sr? an w"ic" were "e$ b1 3e Mi&e$1 an "er brot"er?
Disposition. Petition i! i!)i!!e
CALLE,O SR; October 1>, 2004
Petition for t"e Review of t"e 3eci!ion an re!o$(tion of CA
- October 22, 1--1 O S'! Aba&at fi$e co)'$aint a&ain!t S'! <onBa&a
for recover1 of 'o!!e!!ion of $an in 7ac$aran, ParaPa/(e i!!(e in
t"eir na)e!, a! owner!? S'! Aba&at a$$e&e in t"eir co)'$aint t"at
t"e1 were t"e owner! of a !)a$$ "(t 4baron&-baron&5 con!tr(cte on
t"e $ot, w"ic" wa! t"en owne b1 t"e &overn)ent
- +ebr(ar1 22, 1-81 O Aba&at fi$e an a''$ication for !a$e! 'atent over
t"e $an
- ,an(ar1 28, 1-9. O "(t wa! &(tte b1 fire an after t"at, S'!
<re&orio b(i$t a two-!tore1 "o(!e on t"e 'ro'ert1 wit"o(t t"eir con!ent?
S'! Aba&at fi$e a co)'$aint for e2ect)ent a&ain!t S'! <re&orio b(t
co)'$aint wa! i!)i!!e for $acA of 2(ri!iction beca(!e in t"eir
an!wer to t"e co)'$aint, t"e S'! <re&orio c$ai)e owner!"i' over t"e
- S'! <re&orio !o$ "o(!e to S'! <onBa&a for P100,000 (ner a ee
of conitiona$ !a$e, in w"ic" S'! <re&orio (nertooA to !ec(re an
awar of t"e $an b1 t"e &overn)ent in favor of S'! <onBa&a? In an
MOA, S'! <re&orio inicate t"at if t"e1 wo($ not !ec(re !(c", t"e1
wo($ ret(rn P-0,000 a! 'a1)ent for t"e "o(!e
- ,an(ar1 2, 1->8 O 7(rea( of Lan! &rante t"e a''$ication of Aba&at
for a !a$e! 'atent over t"e 'ro'ert1? #C# ;o? 12>1>8 wa! i!!(e b1
t"e Re&i!ter of 3ee! in "i! na)e? S'! Aba&at e)ane t"at S'!
<onBa&a vacate t"e 'ro'ert1, b(t $atter ref(!e
- Se'te)ber 2-, 1--2 O S'! Aba&at fi$e a )otion for $eave to fi$e a
t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint a&ain!t t"e S'! <re&orio? #C no $on&er re!o$ve
t"e )otion for $eave to fi$e a t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint
- T"i%* C!," O October 10, 1--4, in favor of S'! Aba&at
- CA O 3ece)ber 1-, 1--9, affir)e t"e eci!ion of t"e tria$ co(rt on?
On t"e '$ea of S'! <onBa&a t"at t"e #C !"o($ "ave orere t"e S'!
<re&orio to ref(n to t"e) t"e P-0,000?00 t"e $atter "a receive a!
'a1)ent for t"e "o(!e, CA r($e t"at a !e'arate co)'$aint !"o($
"ave been fi$e a&ain!t t"e S'! <re&orio, in!tea of a''ea$in& t"e
eci!ion of t"e #C?
=O; R#C an CA erre in not orerin& S'! <re&orio to ref(n to
t"e) t"e P-0,000 t"e1 "a 'ai for t"e "o(!e an w"ic" t"e $atter
'ro)i!e to o !o (ner t"eir Me)oran() of A&ree)ent
Ratio #"e r($e i! t"at a 'art1 i! entit$e on$1 to !(c" re$ief con!i!tent
wit" an $i)ite to t"at !o(&"t b1 t"e '$eain&! or incienta$ t"ereto? A
tria$ co(rt wo($ be actin& be1on it! 2(ri!iction if it &rant! re$ief to a
'art1 be1on t"e !co'e of t"e '$eain&!? Moreover, t"e ri&"t of a 'art1
to recover e'en!, not on t"e 'ra1er, b(t on t"e !co'e of t"e
'$eain&!, t"e i!!(e! )ae an t"e $aw?
- S'! <onBa&a fai$e to fi$e an1 '$eain& a&ain!t S'! <re&orio for t"e
enforce)ent of t"e ee of conitiona$ !a$e, t"e ee of fina$ an
ab!o$(te !a$e, an t"e Me)oran() of A&ree)ent e6ec(te b1 t"e)?
#"e 'etitioner! fi$e t"eir )otion for $eave to fi$e a t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint
a&ain!t t"e intervenor!, S'! <re&orio, an a''ene t"ereto t"eir
t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint for ine)nit1 for an1 2(&)ent t"at )a1 be
renere b1 t"e co(rt a&ain!t t"e) an in favor of t"e re!'onent!?
:owever, S'! <onBa&a i not inc$(e in t"eir 'ra1er t"at 2(&)ent be
renere a&ain!t t"e t"ir-'art1 efenant! to ref(n t"e P-0,000?00
'ai b1 t"e) to t"e S'! <re&orio? S'! <onBa&a fai$e to a!!ai$ t"e tria$
co(rt0! orer of enia$ in t"e a''e$$ate co(rt? Even after t"e tria$ co(rt
"a &rante $eave to t"e S'! <re&orio to intervene a! 'artie!-
efenant! an t"e $atter fi$e t"eir An!wer-in-Intervention, S'!
<onBa&a fai$e to fi$e a cro!!-c$ai) a&ain!t t"e intervenor! for !'ecific
'erfor)ance for t"e ref(n of t"e P-0,000?00 t"e1 "a receive fro)
t"e 'etitioner! (ner t"eir ee of conitiona$ !a$e, t"e ee of fina$
an ab!o$(te !a$e an t"e )e)oran() of a&ree)ent an 'a1 fi$in&
an ocAet fee! t"erefor?
Disposition Petition i! DENIED DUE COURSE? CA eci!ion an
re!o$(tion are AFFIRMED?
E,e#i!n !& *%K
=:1 SCRA 192
/ANCAYCO< M%"c- =>, =>>B
Petition to review eci!ion of R#C Pa!i&
- t"ere are 2 ca!e! invo$ve "ere@ a cri)ina$ action for vio$ation of t"e
Anti-<raft an Corr('t Practice! Act 4RA .01-5 an an civi$ action for
a)a&e! ari!in& fro) a fe$on1 4efa)ation t"ro(&" a '(b$i!"e
interview w"ereb1 C"aveB i)'(te t"at ;e)e!io Co wa! a c$o!e
a!!ociate 4cron1Q5 of Marco!5, bot" a&ain!t So$icitor <enera$ +ranci!co
C"aveB 4a)on& ot"er!5
- in t"e cri)ina$ ca!e 4fi$e in t"e Office of t"e O)b(!)an5, t"e Office
of t"e So$<en 4OS<5 entere it! a''earance for C"aveB an t"e ot"er
acc(!e 43IL< Sec an 2 !ectora$ re'!5 a! far a! t"e Pre$i)
Inve!ti&ation i! concerne? Irbano et? a$? fi$e a !'ecia$ civi$ action for
'ro"ibition in t"e SC to en2oin t"e So$<en an "i! a!!ociate! fro)
actin& a! co(n!e$ for C"aveB in t"e PI? #"e contention i! in t"e event
t"at an infor)ation i! fi$e a&ain!t t"e acc(!e, t"e a''earance of t"e
OS< in t"e PI wo($ be in conf$ict wit" it! ro$e a! t"e a''e$$ate co(n!e$
for t"e Peo'$e of t"e P"i$! 4co(n!e$ at t"e fir!t in!tance i! t"e
'rovincia$E !tate 'ro!ec(tor5?
- in t"e action for a)a&e!, t"e OS< $iAewi!e acte a! co(n!e$ for
C"aveB, w"o wa! t"en t"e So$<en an co(n!e$ for PC<<, t"e a&enc1
re!'on!ib$e for t"e inve!ti&ation of &raft an corr('t 'ractice! of t"e
Marco!e!? #"e OS< fi$e for e6ten!ion of ti)e to fi$e re/(ire '$eain&,
an afterwar! fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! on be"a$f of C"aveB?
Petitioner Co ob2ecte to a''earance of OS< a! co(n!e$, contenin&
t"at "e i! !(in& C"aveB in "i! 'er!ona$ ca'acit1?
- OS< )anife!te t"at it i! a(t"oriBe to re're!ent C"aveB or an1
'(b$ic officia$ even if t"e !ai officia$ i! !(e in "i! 'er!ona$ ca'acit1
'(r!(ant to t"e (nconitiona$ 'rovi!ion! of P349> w"ic" efine! t"e
f(nction! of OS<, a! we$$ a! EO.00 w"ic" )ae OS< an ine'enent
a&enc1 (ner t"e Office of t"e Pre!ient
- R#C enie t"e 'etition, t"(! a$$owin& t"e a''earance of OS< a!
co(n!e$? It a$!o enie t"e M+R? #"(!, t"i! 'etition for review
1? =O; t"e OS< "a! a(t"orit1 to a''ear for 4a5 a certain &ov0t officia$
in t"e PI of t"eir ca!e before t"e O)b(!)an an 4b5 t"e So$<en in a
!(it for a)a&e! ari!in& fro) a cri)e
1? ;O
Ratio #"e OS< i! not a(t"oriBe to re're!ent a '(b$ic officia$ at A;C
!ta&e of a cri)ina$ ca!e or in a civi$ !(it for a)a&e! ari!in& fro) a
fe$on1 4a''$ie! to a$$ '(b$ic officia$! an e)'$o1ee! in t"e e6ec(tive,
$e&i!$ative an 2(icia$ branc"e!5?
Reasoning P349>11 efine! t"e (tie! an f(nction! of OS<@
SEC1? #"e OS< !"a$$ re're!ent t"e <ov0t of t"e P"i$!, it! a&encie!
an in!tr()enta$itie! an it! officia$! an a&ent! in an1 $iti&ation,
'roceein&, inve!ti&ation or )atter re/(irin& t"e !ervice! of a $aw1er? 6
6 6
- t"e OS< !(b)it! t"at !ince t"ere i! no /(a$ification, it can re're!ent
an1 '(b$ic officia$ wit"o(t an1 /(a$ification or i!tinction in an1
- Sa)e ar&()ent !ee)! to a''$1 to a !i)i$ar 'rovi!ion in t"e Rev
A)in Coe 4Sec? 1881@ A! 'rinci'a$ $aw officer of t"e <ov0t, t"e
So$<en !"a$$ "ave t"e a(t"orit1 to act for an re're!ent t"e <ov0t , it!
officer! an a&ent! in an1 officia$ inve!ti&ation, 'roceein& or )atter
re/(irin& t"e !ervice! of a $aw1er5? In Anti./raft -eague v 0rtega, SC
inter'rete Sec? 1881 to e)brace PI? :owever, !"o($ an info be fi$e
after, t"en OS< can no $on&er act a! co(n!e$? #"e rationa$e &iven wa!
t"at '(b$ic officia$! are !(b2ecte to n()ero(! !(it!, an t"reat! of
cri)ina$ 'ro!ec(tion co($ !ta1 t"e "an of t"e '(b$ic officia$? OS<
'rovie! a!!(rance a&ain!t ti)iit1 in t"at t"e1 wi$$ be ($1
re're!ente b1 co(n!e$ in t"e PI?
- :owever, t"e co(rt ec$are t"i! r($in& abanone in t"i! ca!e? #"e
ano)a$1 in t"i! r($in& beco)e! obvio(! w"en, in t"e event of a
2(&)ent of conviction, t"e ca!e i! bro(&"t on a''ea$ to t"e a''e$$ate
co(rt!? #"e OS<, a! t"e a''e$$ate co(n!e$ of t"e Peo'$e, i! e6'ecte
to taAe a !tan a&ain!t t"e acc(!e? More often t"an not, it oe!?
Accorin&$1, t"ere i! a c$ear conf$ict of intere!t "ere, an one w"ic"
!)acA! of et"ica$ con!ieration!, w"ere t"e OS<, a! co(n!e$ for t"e
'(b$ic officia$, efen! t"e $atter in t"e PI, an w"ere t"e !a)e office,
a! a''e$$ate co(n!e$ of t"e Peo'$e, re're!ent! t"e 'ro!ec(tion w"en
t"e ca!e i! bro(&"t on a''ea$? #"i! ano)a$o(! !it(ation co($ not
"ave been conte)'$ate an a$$owe b1 t"e $aw? It i! a !it(ation w"ic"
cannot be co(ntenance b1 t"e Co(rt?
- anot"er rea!on w"1 t"e OS< can0t re're!ent an acc(!e in a cri)
ca!e@ t"e State can !'eaA an act on$1 b1 $aw, w"atever it !a1! or
oe! i! $awf($, an t"at w"ic" i! (n$awf($ i! not t"e wor or ee of t"e
!tate? A! !(c", a '(b$ic officia$ w"o i! !(e cri)ina$$1 i! act(a$$1 !(e
in "i! 'er!ona$ ca'acit1 ina!)(c" a! "i! 'rinci'a$ 4t"e State5 can never
t"e a(t"or of a wron&f($ act? #"e !a)e a''$ie! to a !(it for a)a&e!
ari!in& fro) a fe$on1, w"ere t"e '(b$ic officia$ i! "e$ acco(ntab$e for
"i! act; t"e !tate i! not $iab$e?
RR Re@ H(e!tion of Law 4co'ie verbati)? #"i! i! a$$ t"at i! )entione5
-bot" i!!(e! rai!e '(re /(e!tion! of $aw ina!)(c" a! t"ere are no
evientiar1 )atter! to be eva$(ate b1 t"i! Co(rt? Moreover, if t"e on$1
i!!(e i! w"et"er or not t"e conc$(!ion! of t"e tria$ co(rt are in
con!onance wit" $aw an 2(ri!'r(ence, t"en t"e i!!(e i! a '(re
/(e!tion of $aw 4#orre! v C(5? #"(!, t"e Co(rt re!o$ve to con!o$iate
bot" Petition! an to treat t"e) a! Petition! for certiorari on '(re
/(e!tion! of $aw in accorance wit" t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"e R($e! of
Disposition Petition i! &rante?
=B5 SCRA =8=

Petition for review of t"e eci!ion of t"e CA

-In 1-94, Orti&a! an Co? fi$e a co)'$aint for (n$awf($ etainer
a&ain!t Ma6i)o 7e$)onte in t"e M(nici'a$ Co(rt of San ,(an RiBa$,
'ra1in& t"at 2(&)ent be renere 1?5 orerin& t"e efenant "i!
!(cce!!or!-in-intere!t to vacate an !(rrener t"e $ot to '$aintiff; 2?5
ec$arin& t"e re!ientia$ b(i$in& con!tr(cte on t"e $ot b1 efenant
a! forfeite in favor of '$aintiff; .?0 cone)in& efenant to 'a1
)ont"$1 rent of 5,000 fro) ,($1 1>, 1-91 (' to t"e ti)e "e vacate!,
to&et"er wit" attorne1D! fee! an e6e)'$ar1 a)a&e!? #"e R($e in
favor of '$aintiff an &rante t"e re$ieve! 'ra1e for?
-7e$)onte fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! in t"e Cfi ba!e on $acA of
2(ri!iction on t"e 'art of t"e MC? C+I enie )otion an affir)e in
totot t"e MC 2(&)ent? #"e !ai co(rt a$!o i!!(e a writ of e6ec(tion?
7e$)onte fi$e a 'etition for certiorari an 'ro"ibition wit" 're$i)in!r1
in2(nction in t"e CA, a!!i$in& t"e 1?5 t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e C+I anf MC;
2?5 t"e 'ro'riet1 of t"e 2(&)ent on t"e '$eain&! renere b1 t"e MC;
an .?5 t"e 'ro'riet1 of t"e i!!(ance of t"e writ of e6ec(tion i!!(e b1
t"e C+I? #"e Ca r($e in favor of 7e$)onte, "o$in& t"at t"e MC "a! no
2(ri!iction? :ence t"e 're!ent 'etition?

1? =O; t"e CA "a! a''e$$ate 2(ri!iction over t"i! ca!e
2? =O; t"e MC "a 2(ri!iction to re!o$ve t"e i!!(e! in t"e ori&ina$

1? ;O?
Reasoning. After ana$1Bin& t"e i!!(e! rai!e b1 7e$)onte before t"e
CA, na)e$1 1?5 t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e C+I anf MC; 2?5 t"e 'ro'riet1 of
t"e 2(&)ent on t"e '$eain&! renere b1 t"e MC; an .?5 t"e
'ro'riet1 of t"e i!!(ance of t"e writ of e6ec(tion i!!(e b1 t"e C+I, t"e
SC "e$ t"at t"e !a)e are '(re$1 $e&a$ in nat(re? Since a''e$$ate
2(ri!iction over ca!e! invo$vin& '(re$1 $e&a$ /(e!tion! i! e6c$(!ive$1
ve!te in t"e SC b1 Sec? 19 of t"e ,(iciar1 Act 4RA 2-85, it i!
a''arent t"at t"e eci!ion (ner review renere b1 t"e CA wit"o(t
2(ri!iction !"o($ be !et a!ie?
2? ;O?
Reasoning. ="ere a !(bivi!ion owner !eeA! not 2(!t to e2ect t"e $ot
b(1er w"o efa($te in "i! 'a1)ent! b(t a$!o 'ra1! t"at t"e re!ientia$
b(i$in& con!tr(cte b1 t"e b(1er be forfeite in '$aintiffD! favor,
2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e be$on&! to t"e C+I not t"e MC in an
e2ect)ent ca!e? #"e i!!(e! rai!e before t"e inferior co(rt i not on$1
invo$ve t"e 'o!!e!!ion of t"e $ot b(t a$!o ri&"t! an ob$i&ation! of t"e
'artie! to t"e re!ientia$ b(i$in& w"ic" (ner Art? 45 of t"e CC i! rea$
'ro'ert1? A!$o, '$aintiffD! c$ai) to t"e b$& rai!e! /(e!tion of owner!"i'?
-A C+I cannot a!!()e 2(ri!iction in a ca!e a''ea$e to it (ner SECII
R($e 40 w"ere one of t"e 'artie! ob2ecte to it! 2(ri!iction? Since t"e
ori&ina$ ca!e wa! ecie b1 t"e MC wit"o(t 2(ri!iction over t"e
!(b2ect )atter t"ereof, t"e C+I !"o($ "ave i!)i!!e t"e ca!e! w"en
it wa! bro(&"t before it on a''ea$?
Disposition. =it"o(t 're2(ice to t"e ri&"t of Orti&a! to fi$e t"e 'ro'er
action in t"e 'ro'er co(rt, t"e eci!ion! of t"e CA, C+I an MC of San
,(an RiBa$ are !et a!ie?
/R =4B>B1
Petition for review on certiorari
#an re're!ente "i)!e$f to be t"e owner of "arboar! an !o$ t"e)
to ,o!efa? ,o!efa 'ai a$$ "i! ob$i&ation! to #an? #"e "arboar!
a''arent$1 be$on&e to S"anon&? ="en #an fai$e to 'a1 S"anon&,
it !ent a e)an $etter for t"e 'a1)ent of t"e "arboar! to bot" #an
an ,o!efa?
#ria$ Co(rt r($e in favor of S"anon&
#"e Co(rt of A''ea$! affir)e t"e tria$ co(rt0! 3eci!ion?
Petitioner fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration b(t wa! enie?
Petitioner a!cribe! to t"e CA t"e error in affir)in& t"e r($in& of t"e tria$
co(rt t"at ,o!efa i! $iabe to S"anon& e!'ite F#:E MOI;#AI; O+
E%I3E;CEL !"owin& t"at t"e1 "a no b(!ine!! tran!action wit" eac"
ot"er an t"at it wa! #an w"o wa! !o$e$1 re!'on!ib$e to S"anon& for
t"e 'a1)ent of t"e &oo!?

1? =O; ,o!efa i! $iab$e to S"anon& for t"e 'a1)ent of t"e
1? ;O
Reasoning. Evience inicate t"at #an bo(&"t t"e "arboar! fro)
S"anon& an, in t(rn, !o$ t"e) to 'etitioner? :owever, bot" t"e tria$
co(rt an t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! i&nore t"i! &$arin& rea$it1 an in!tea
"e$ t"at 'etitioner '(rc"a!e t"e boar! irect$1 fro) re!'onent?
/ene"%* R,*e @ On$1 /(e!tion! of $aw )a1 be entertaine b1 t"e
S('re)e Co(rt in a 'etition for review on certiorari
415 t"e conc$(!ion i! &ro(ne on !'ec($ation!, !(r)i!e! or
425 t"e inference i! )anife!t$1 )i!taAen, ab!(r or i)'o!!ib$e;
4.5 t"ere i! &rave ab(!e of i!cretion;
445 t"e 2(&)ent i! ba!e on a )i!a''re"en!ion of fact!;
455 t"e finin&! of fact are conf$ictin&;
485 t"ere i! no citation of !'ecific evience on w"ic" t"e fact(a$ finin&!
are ba!e;
495 t"e finin& of ab!ence of fact! i! contraicte b1 t"e 're!ence of
evience on recor;
4>5 t"e finin&! of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! are contrar1 to t"o!e of t"e tria$
4-5 t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! )anife!t$1 over$ooAe certain re$evant an
(ni!'(te fact! t"at, if 'ro'er$1 con!iere, wo($ 2(!tif1 a ifferent
4105 t"e finin&! of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! are be1on t"e i!!(e! of t"e
4115 !(c" finin&! are contrar1 to t"e a)i!!ion! of bot" 'artie!?
Disposition Petition i! &rante?
C-%n+e !& 'en,e
=B1 SCRA 1>1 @=>:=A
Petition for certiorari
#"e one w"o fi$e t"i! a''ea$ w"ic" 'artaAe! of a nat(re of certiorari are 'rivate 'ro!ec(tor! +ranci!co Cr(B an Renecio E!'irit(? #"e
a!!ertion of t"e 'etitioner 'rivate 'ro!ec(tor! i! t"at t"e1 are in!tit(tin& t"e action T!(b2ect to t"e contro$ an !('ervi!ion of t"e +i!ca$? 4C,
+ernano0! 'refator1 !tate)ent !tate! t"at t"e two "ave no $e&a$ !tanin& to rai!e t"i! 'etition? Since So$ <en MenoBa never bot"ere to
/(e!tion t"eir $e&a$ !tanin&, t"e Co(rt contente it!e$f wit" t"e fact t"at t"e So$icitor <enera$ "a! a(t"orit1 to rai!e t"i! 'etition in be"a$f of
t"e Peo'$e of t"e P"i$i''ine!5
#"e So$icitor <enera$ ao'te a two-'ron&e t"r(!t! in t"i! 'etition@ 1? t"e !ettin& a!ie, b1 certiorari, of t"e orer of t"e M(nici'a$ Co(rt of
UabanAa$an, 're!ie over b1 ,(&e Rafae$ <a!ata1a, &rantin& bai$ to t"e acc(!e in t"e cri)ina$ ca!e! )entione above, an 2? t"e
-SepeD6e" =4, =>:B? actin& on t"e evience 're!ente b1 t"e
P"i$i''ine Con!tab($ar1 co))aner at :ini&aran, ;e&ro! Occienta$,
t"e C+I of t"at 'rovince i!!(e a !earc" warrant for t"e !earc" an
!eiB(re of t"e ecea!e boie! of !even 'er!on! be$ieve in t"e
'o!!e!!ion of t"e acc(!e MACOR Pab$o So$a in "i! "aciena at Sta?
I!abe$, UabanAa$an, ;e&ro! Occienta$?
-SepeD6e" =5, =>:B? ar)e wit" warrant, e$e)ent! of t"e ..2n
PCEI;P Co)'an1 'roceee to t"e '$ace of So$a? 3i&&in&! )ae in a
canefie$ 1ie$e two co))on &rave! containin& t"e boie! of
+ernano +ernaneB, Mateo O$i)'o!, A$freo PereB, C(!toio
,(anica, Ar!o$o ,(anica, Ro$$ie Ca$$et an 7ienvenio E)'erao?
-SepeD6e" 81 %n) Oc!6e" =, =>:B@ t"e PC 'rovincia$ co))aner of
;e&ro! Occienta$ fi$e !even 495 !e'arate co)'$aint! for )(rer
a&ain!t t"e acc(!e Pab$o So$a, +ranci!co <arcia, Ricaro <arcia,
,o!e 7et"oven Cabra$, +$oreno 7a$i!cao an fo(rteen 4145 ot"er
'er!on! of (nAnown na)e!? After (e 're$i)inar1 e6a)ination of t"e
co)'$ainantD! witne!!e! an "i! ot"er evience, t"e )(nici'a$ co(rt
fo(n 'robab$e ca(!e a&ain!t t"e acc(!e? It t"(! i!!(e an orer for
t"eir arre!t?
-:owever, wit"o(t &ivin& t"e 'ro!ec(tion t"e o''ort(nit1 to 'rove t"at
t"e evience of &(i$t of t"e acc(!e i! !tron&, t"e co(rt &rante t"e)
t"e ri&"t to 'o!t bai$ for t"eir te)'orar1 re$ea!e? #"e acc(!e Pab$o
So$a, +ranci!co <arcia, an ,o!e 7et"oven Cabra$ avai$e t"e)!e$ve!
of t"i! ri&"t an "ave !ince been re$ea!e fro) etention?
-In a 'ara$$e$ eve$o')ent, t"e witne!!e! in t"e )(rer ca!e! infor)e
t"e 'ro!ec(tion of t"eir fear! t"at if t"e tria$ i! "e$ at t"e Co(rt of +ir!t
In!tance branc" in :i)a)a1$an w"ic" i! b(t 10 Ai$o)eter! fro)
UabanAa$an, t"eir !afet1 co($ be 2eo'ariBe? At $ea!t two of t"e
acc(!e are officia$! wit" 'ower an inf$(ence in UabanAa$an an t"e1
"ave been re$ea!e on bai$? In aition, )o!t of t"e acc(!e re)aine
at $ar&e? Inee, t"ere "ave been re'ort! )ae to 'o$ice a(t"oritie! of
t"reat! )ae on t"e fa)i$ie! of t"e witne!!e!?* #"e fact! a$$e&e ar&(e
!tron&$1 for t"e re)eie! !o(&"t, na)e$1 a c"an&e of ven(e an t"e
cance$$ation of t"e bai$ bon!?
-M%"c- =4, =>:=@ t"i! Co(rt i!!(e t"e fo$$owin& re!o$(tion@ *#"e Co(rt
Re!o$ve to@ 4A5 V;oteW t"e co))ent of t"e So$icitor <enera$ on t"e
(r&ent 'etition for c"an&e of ven(e an cance$$ation of bai$ bon!,
ao'tin& t"e '$ea of t"e 'etition, na)e$1, 415 t"e !ettin& a!ie, b1
certiorari, of t"e orer of t"e M(nici'a$ Co(rt of UabanAa$an, 're!ie
over b1 ,(&e Rafae$ <a!ata1a, &rantin& bai$ to t"e acc(!e 425 t"e
'etition for a c"an&e of ven(e or '$ace of tria$ of t"e !a)e cri)ina$
ca!e! to avoi a )i!carria&e of 2(!tice;
475 V#ran!ferW t"e ven(e of t"e afore!ai cri)ina$ ca!e! to 7ranc" % of
t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of ;e&ro! Occienta$ at 7aco$o Cit1,
're!ie b1 E6ec(tive ,(&e A$fon!o 7a&(io, con!ierin& t"at 3i!trict
,(&e O!terva$o E)i$ia of t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance, ;e&ro!
Occienta$, 7ranc" %I at :i)a)a1$an "a! an a''rove $eave of
ab!ence coverin& t"e 'erio fro) ,an(ar1 12 to Marc" 12, 1->1 (e to
a )i$ attacA of cerebra$ t"ro)bo!i! an t"at t"e !ai 7ranc" % i! t"e
neare!t co(rt !tation to :i)a)a1$an; an
4C5 VAwaitW t"e co))ent of re!'onent! on t"e 'etition to cance$ bai$,
wit"o(t 're2(ice to t"e '(b$ic officia$! concerne taAin& t"e nece!!ar1
)ea!(re! to a!!(re t"e !afet1 of t"e witne!!e! of t"e 'ro!ec(tion?*
-#"e co))ent! re!'ective$1 !(b)itte b1 re!'onent +$oreno
7a$i!cao on Marc" 5, 1->1, re!'onent +ranci!co <arcia on Marc" 11,
1->1 an re!'onent Pab$o So$a on Marc" 18, 1->1, ea$t !o$e$1 wit"
t"e /(e!tion of t"e cance$$ation of t"e bai$ bon!? S(c" co))ent!
were con!iere a! an!wer!, wit" t"e ca!e t"ereafter ee)e
!(b)itte for eci!ion?
="et"er or not t"e bai$ bon! of re!'onent! !"o($ be cance$$e
Ratio. #"ere bein& a fai$(re to abie b1 t"e ba!ic re/(ire)ent t"at t"e
'ro!ec(tion be "ear in a ca!e w"ere t"e acc(!e i! c"ar&e wit" a
ca'ita$ offen!e, 'rior to bai$ bein& &rante, )(!t be ecie in favor of
'etition for a c"an&e of ven(e or '$ace of tria$ of t"e !a)e cri)ina$ ca!e! to avoi a )i!carria&e of 2(!tice?*
'etitioner? #"e bai$ bon! )(!t be cance$$e an t"e ca!e re)ane to
t"e !a$a of E6ec(tive ,(&e A$fon!o 7a&(io for !(c" "earin&?
Reasoning. 7ai$ wa! &rante to t"e acc(!e in t"e Orer of t"e
M(nici'a$ Co(rt wit"o(t "earin& t"e 'ro!ec(tion? #"at i! to i!re&ar
t"e a(t"oritative octrine en(nciate in Peo'$e v? San 3ie&o?
-,(!tice Ca'i!trano@ *#"e /(e!tion 're!ente before (! i!, w"et"er t"e
'ro!ec(tion wa! e'rive of 'roce(ra$ (e 'roce!!? #"e an!wer i! in
t"e affir)ative? =e are of t"e con!iere o'inion t"at w"et"er t"e
)otion for bai$ of a efenant w"o i! in c(!to1 for a ca'ita$ offen!e be
re!o$ve in a !())ar1 'roceein& or in t"e co(r!e of a re&($ar tria$,
t"e 'ro!ec(tion )(!t be &iven an o''ort(nit1 to 're!ent, wit"in a
rea!onab$e ti)e, a$$ t"e evience t"at it )a1 e!ire to intro(ce before
t"e co(rt !"o($ re!o$ve t"e )otion for bai$? If, a! in t"e cri)ina$ ca!e
invo$ve in t"e in!tant !'ecia$ civi$ action, t"e 'ro!ec(tion !"o($ be
enie !(c" an o''ort(nit1, t"ere wo($ be a vio$ation of 'roce(ra$
(e 'roce!!, an t"e orer of t"e co(rt &rantin& bai$ !"o($ be
con!iere voi on t"at &ro(n?*
-,? CaroBo@ *#:E LA=, AS =E :A%E SEE;, IS SE3ILOIS I;
MAI;#AI;I;< +OR A 3E+E;3A;# C:AR<E3 =I#: CRIME
7I# ,IS#ICE, #:OI<: 3IE #O #:E ACCISE3, IS 3IE #O #:E
ACCISER ALSO? #"e conce't of fairne!! )(!t not be !traine ti$$ it i!
narrowe to a fi$a)ent? =e are to Aee' t"e ba$ance tr(e?*
-t"e ver1 e!!ence of (e 'roce!! a! t"e e)boi)ent of 2(!tice
re/(ire! t"at t"e 'ro!ec(tion be &iven t"e o''ort(nit1 to 'rove t"at
t"ere i! !tron& evience of &(i$t? It oe! not !(ffice, a! a!!erte "erein,
t"at t"e /(e!tion! a!Ae b1 t"e )(nici'a$ 2(&e before bai$ wa!
&rante co($ be c"aracteriBe a! !earc"in&? #"e fact i not c(re an
infir)it1 of a 2(ri!ictiona$ c"aracter?
ON CHAN/E OF VENUE? #"e con!tit(tion i! /(ite e6'$icit? #"e
S('re)e Co(rt co($ orer *a c"an&e of ven(e or '$ace of tria$ to
avoi a )i!carria&e of 2(!tice?*
-Peo'$e v? <(tierreB, ,?7?L? Re1e!@ "1to compel the prosecution to
proceed to trial in a localit! $here its $itnesses $ill not e at liert! to
reveal $hat the! 'no$ is to ma'e a moc'er! of the judicial process#
and to etra! the ver! purpose for $hich courts have een
-#"e e6erci!e b1 t"i! :onorab$e Co(rt of it! above con!tit(tiona$ 'ower
in t"i! ca!e wi$$ be a''ro'riate? #"e witne!!e! in t"e ca!e are fearf($
for t"eir $ive!? #"e1 are afrai t"e1 wo($ be Ai$$e on t"eir wa1 to or
fro) :i)a)a1$an (rin& an1 of t"e a1! of tria$? 7eca(!e of t"i! fear,
t"e1 )a1 eit"er ref(!e to te!tif1 or te!tif1 fa$!e$1 to !ave t"eir $ive!?
-t"ere )a1 be ca!e! w"ere t"e fear, ob2ective$1 viewe, )a1, to !o)e
inivi(a$!, be $e!! t"an terrif1in&, b(t t"e /(e!tion )(!t a$wa1! be t"e
effect it "a! on t"e witne!!e! w"o wi$$ te!tif1?
-#"e 'ri)oria$ ai) an intent of t"e Con!tit(tion )(!t ever be Ae't in
)in? In ca!e of o(bt, it !"o($ be re!o$ve in favor of a c"an&e of
Dispositive. =:ERE+ORE, t"e a!!ai$e orer of 2(&e Rafae$
<a!ata1a &rantin& bai$ to 'rivate re!'onent! i! n($$ifie, !et a!ie,
an ec$are to be wit"o(t force an effect? E6ec(tive ,(&e A$fon!o
7a&(io of t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of ;e&ro! Occienta$, to w"o!e
!a$a t"e ca!e! "a been tran!ferre b1 virt(e of t"e re!o$(tion of t"i!
Co(rt of Marc" 5, 1->1, i! irecte fort"wit" to "ear t"e 'etition! for
bai$ of 'rivate re!'onent!, wit" t"e 'ro!ec(tion bein& ($1 "ear on
t"e /(e!tion of w"et"er or not t"e evience of &(i$t a&ain!t t"e
re!'onent! i! !tron&? #"i! eci!ion i! i))eiate$1 e6ec(tor1? ;o
<?R? ;o? 1.0>88
RE<ALA3O; Se't 18, 1-->
Petition for certiorari w"ic" !te))e fro) a co)'$aint for i$$e&a$
i!)i!!a$ fi$e b1 "erein 'rivate re!'onent before t"e ;LRC
- ? Private re!'onent a$$e&e! t"at "e !tarte worAin& a! O'eration!
Mana&er of 'etitioner St? Martin +(nera$ :o)e on +ebr(ar1 8, 1--5?
:owever, t"ere wa! no contract of e)'$o1)ent e6ec(te between "i)
an 'etitioner nor wa! "i! na)e inc$(e in t"e !e)i-)ont"$1 'a1ro$$?
On ,an(ar1 22, 1--8, "e wa! i!)i!!e fro) "i! e)'$o1)ent for
a$$e&e$1 )i!a''ro'riatin& P.>,000?00 w"ic" wa! intene for
'a1)ent b1 'etitioner of it! va$(e ae ta6 4%A#5 to t"e 7(rea( of
Interna$ Reven(e 47IR5? Petitioner on t"e ot"er "an c$ai)! t"at 'rivate
re!'onent wa! not it! e)'$o1ee b(t on$1 t"e (nc$e of A)e$ita
Ma$abe, t"e owner of 'etitioner St? MartinD! +(nera$ :o)e? So)eti)e
in 1--5, 'rivate re!'onent, w"o wa! for)er$1 worAin& a! an over!ea!
contract worAer, a!Ae for financia$ a!!i!tance fro) t"e )ot"er of
A)e$ita? Since t"en, a! an inication of &ratit(e, 'rivate re!'onent
vo$(ntari$1 "e$'e t"e )ot"er of A)e$ita in over!eein& t"e b(!ine!!?
- In ,an(ar1 1--8, t"e )ot"er of A)e$ita 'a!!e awa1, !o t"e $atter
t"en tooA over t"e )ana&e)ent of t"e b(!ine!!? S"e t"en i!covere
t"at t"ere were arrear! in t"e 'a1)ent of ta6e! an ot"er &overn)ent
fee!, a$t"o(&" t"e recor! '(r'orte to !"ow t"at t"e !a)e were
a$rea1 'ai? A)e$ita t"en )ae !o)e c"an&e! in t"e b(!ine!!
o'eration an 'rivate re!'onent an "i! wife were no $on&er a$$owe
to 'artici'ate in t"e )ana&e)ent t"ereof? A! a con!e/(ence, t"e $atter
fi$e a co)'$aint c"ar&in& t"at 'etitioner "a i$$e&a$$1 ter)inate "i!
- Private re!'onent a''ea$e to t"e ;LRC? On ,(ne 1., 1--9, t"e
;LRC renere a re!o$(tion !ettin& a!ie t"e /(e!tione eci!ion an
re)anin& t"e ca!e to t"e $abor arbiter for i))eiate a''ro'riate
'roceein&!? Petitioner t"en fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration w"ic"
wa! enie b1 t"e ;LRC in it! re!o$(tion ate A(&(!t 1>, 1--9 for
$acA of )erit, "ence t"e 're!ent 'etition a$$e&in& t"at t"e ;LRC
co))itte &rave ab(!e of i!cretion?
=O; t"e SC !"o($ entertain t"e 're!ent 'etition
;O 4!"o($ be re)ane to CA5
Ratio. A$$ reference! in t"e a)ene Sec - of 7P ;o? 12- to !(''o!e
a''ea$! fro) t"e ;LRC to t"e SC are inter'rete an "ereb1 ec$are
to )ean an refer to 'etition! for certiorari (ner R($e 85?
Con!e/(ent$1, a$$ !(c" 'etition! !"o($ "encefort" be initia$$1 fi$e in
t"e CA in !trict ob!ervance of t"e octrine on t"e "ierarc"1 of co(rt! a!
t"e a''ro'riate for() for t"e re$ief e!ire?
Reasoning. It wi$$ be note t"at 'ara&ra'" 4.5, Section - of 7?P? ;o?
12- now &rant! e6c$(!ive a''e$$ate 2(ri!iction to t"e Co(rt of A''ea$!
over a$$ fina$ a2(ication! of t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt! an t"e /(a!i-
2(icia$ a&encie! &enera$$1 or !'ecifica$$1 referre to t"erein e6ce't,
a)on& ot"er!, *t"o!e fa$$in& wit"in t"e a''e$$ate 2(ri!iction of t"e
S('re)e Co(rt in accorance wit" ? ? ? t"e Labor Coe of t"e
P"i$i''ine! (ner Pre!ientia$ 3ecree ;o? 442, a! a)ene, ? ? ? ?*
#"i! wo($ nece!!ari$1 contraict w"at "a! been r($e an !ai a$$
a$on& t"at a''ea$ oe! not $ie fro) eci!ion! of t"e ;LRC? Cet, (ner
!(c" e6ce'tin& c$a(!e $itera$$1 con!tr(e, t"e a''ea$ fro) t"e ;LRC
cannot be bro(&"t to t"e Co(rt of A''ea$!, b(t to t"i! Co(rt b1
nece!!ar1 i)'$ication?
#"e !a)e e6ce'tive c$a(!e f(rt"er conf(!e! t"e !it(ation b1 ec$arin&
t"at t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! "a! no a''e$$ate 2(ri!iction over eci!ion!
fa$$in& wit"in t"e a''e$$ate 2(ri!iction of t"e S('re)e Co(rt in
accorance wit" t"e Con!tit(tion, t"e 'rovi!ion! of 7?P? ;o? 12-, an
t"o!e !'ecifie ca!e! in Section 19 of t"e ,(iciar1 Act of 1-4>? #"e!e
ca!e! can, of co(r!e, be 'ro'er$1 e6c$(e fro) t"e e6c$(!ive
a''e$$ate 2(ri!iction of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$!? :owever, beca(!e of t"e
afore)entione a)en)ent b1 tran!'o!ition, a$!o !(''o!e$1
e6c$(e are ca!e! fa$$in& wit"in t"e a''e$$ate 2(ri!iction of t"e
S('re)e Co(rt in accorance wit" t"e Labor Coe? #"i! i! i$$o&ica$ an
i)'racticab$e, an Con&re!! co($ not "ave intene t"at 'roce(ra$
&affe, !ince t"ere are no ca!e! in t"e Labor Coe t"e eci!ion!,
re!o$(tion!, orer! or awar! w"erein are wit"in t"e a''e$$ate
2(ri!iction of t"e S('re)e Co(rt or of an1 ot"er co(rt for t"at )atter?
-Incienta$$1, it wa! note b1 t"e !'on!or t"erein t"at !o)e /(arter!
were of t"e o'inion t"at reco(r!e fro) t"e ;LRC to t"e Co(rt of
A''ea$! a! an initia$ !te' in t"e 'roce!! of 2(icia$ review wo($ be
circ(ito(! an wo($ 'ro$on& t"e 'roceein&!? On t"e contrar1, a! "e
co))enab$1 an rea$i!tica$$1 e)'"a!iBe, t"at 'roce(re wo($ be
avanta&eo(! to t"e a&&rieve 'art1 on t"i! rea!onin&@ i?e?, , to a$$ow
t"e!e ca!e! to be a''ea$e to t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! wo($ &ive $iti&ant!
t"e avanta&e to "ave a$$ t"e evience on recor be ree6a)ine an
rewei&"e after w"ic" t"e finin&! of fact! an conc$(!ion! of !ai
boie! are corre!'onin&$1 affir)e, )oifie or rever!e?
-Iner !(c" &(arantee, t"e S('re)e Co(rt can t"en a''$1 !trict$1 t"e
a6io) t"at fact(a$ finin&! of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! are fina$ an )a1
not be rever!e on a''ea$ to t"e S('re)e Co(rt? A 'er(!a$ of t"e
recor! wi$$ revea$ a''ea$! w"ic" are fact(a$ in nat(re an )a1,
t"erefore, be i!)i!!e o(tri&"t b1 )in(te re!o$(tion!?
-="i$e t"e SC oe! not wi!" to intr(e into t"e Con&re!!iona$ !'"ere
on t"e )atter of t"e wi!o) of a $aw, on t"i! !core it a! t"e f(rt"er
ob!ervation! t"at t"ere i! a &rowin& n()ber of $abor ca!e! bein&
e$evate to t"i! Co(rt w"ic", not bein& a trier of fact, "a! at ti)e! been
con!traine to re)an t"e ca!e to t"e ;LRC for re!o$(tion of (nc$ear
or a)bi&(o(! fact(a$ finin&!; t"at t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! i! 'roce(ra$$1
e/(i''e for t"at '(r'o!e, a!ie fro) t"e increa!e n()ber of it!
co)'onent ivi!ion!; an t"at t"ere i! (neniab$1 an i)'erative nee
for e6'eitio(! action on $abor ca!e! a! a )a2or a!'ect of
con!tit(tiona$ 'rotection to $abor?
-#"i! ca!e t"erefore, reiterate t"e 2(icia$ 'o$ic1 t"at t"e S('re)e
Co(rt wi$$ not entertain irect re!ort to it (n$e!! t"e rere!! e!ire
cannot be obtaine in t"e a''ro'riate co(rt! or w"ere e6ce'tiona$ an
co)'e$$in& circ()!tance! 2(!tif1 avai$)ent of a re)e1 wit"in an
ca$$in& for t"e e6erci!e of it! 'ri)ar1 2(ri!iction?
Disposition.#"e in!tant 'etition for certiorari i! "ereb1 REMA;3E3,
an a$$ 'ertinent recor! t"ereof orere to be +OR=AR3E3, to t"e
Co(rt of A''ea$! for a''ro'riate action an i!'o!ition con!i!tent wit"
t"e view! an r($in& "erein !et fort", wit"o(t 'rono(nce)ent a! to
8B: SCRA 548
DAVIDE< M%( :, =>>8
#"e co))on ori&in of t"e!e ca!e! i! Pro(cer! 7anA of t"e
P"i$i''ine! an Pro(cer! Pro'ertie!, Inc? v! C7, ,o!e 7? +ernaneB?
,r? an t"e Monetar1 7oar fi$e before t"e MaAati R#C?
- t"e con!o$iation of t"e 2 ca!e! wa! orere@
FIRST CASE- a 'etition for review on certiorari of t"e eci!ion an t"e
re!o$(tion of t"e CA? #"e i)'(&ne eci!ion ('"e$ t"e Orer of
re!'onent ,(&e <(aiB &rantin& t"e )otion for i!!(ance of a writ of
're$i)inar1 in2(nction en2oinin& C7, +ernaneB an t"e Monetar1
7oar fro) i)'$e)entin& Monetar1 7oar Re!o$(tion! ;o? 84- an
;o? 951, or fro) taAin& t"e t"reatene a''ro'riate a$ternative action
an t"e Orer in t"e !a)e ca!e en1in& 'etitioner!D )otion to i!)i!!
an vacate !ai in2(nction? #"e c"a$$en&e re!o$(tion, on t"e ot"er
"an, enie 'etitioner!D M+R?
SECOND CASE- a 'etition for review irecte 'rinci'a$$1 a&ain!t t"e
eci!ion of t"e CA i!)i!!in& t"e 'etition t"erein fi$e an !(!taine
t"e vario(! Orer! of t"e re!'onent ,(&e, b(t irecte t"e '$aintiff!
t"erein to a)en t"e a)ene co)'$aint b1 !tatin& in it! 'ra1er t"e
!'ecific a)o(nt of a)a&e! w"ic" Pro(cer! 7anA of t"e P"i$i''ine!
4P7P5 c$ai)! to "ave !(!taine a! a re!($t of $o!!e! of o'eration an
t"e con!ervatorD! banA fra(! an ab(!e!; t"e C$erA of Co(rt wa! a$!o
orere to eter)ine t"e a)o(nt of fi$in& fee! w"ic" !"o($ be 'ai b1
t"e '$aintiff! wit"in t"e a''$icab$e 're!cri'tive or re&$e)entar1 'erio?
- Petitioner! c$ai) t"at (rin& t"e re&($ar e6a)ination of t"e P7P, C7
e6a)iner! !t()b$e ('on !o)e "i&"$1 /(e!tionab$e $oan! w"ic" "a
been e6tene b1 t"e P7P )ana&e)ent to !evera$ entitie!? I'on
f(rt"er e6a)ination, it wa! i!covere t"at t"e!e $oan!, tota$$in&
a''ro6i)ate$1 P.00 )i$$ion, were *fictitio(!* a! t"e1 were e6tene,
wit"o(t co$$atera$, to certain intere!t! re$ate to P7P owner!
t"e)!e$ve!? Sai $oan! were ee)e to be ano)a$o(! 'artic($ar$1
beca(!e t"e tota$ 'ai-in ca'ita$ of P7P at t"at ti)e wa! on$1 P
140?544 )i$$ion? #"i! )ean! t"at t"e entire 'ai-in ca'ita$ of t"e banA,
to&et"er wit" !o)e P180 )i$$ion of e'o!itor!D )one1, wa! (ti$iBe b1
P7P )ana&e)ent to f(n t"e!e (n!ec(re $oan!?
- at t"e "ei&"t of t"e controver!1 !(rro(nin& t"e i!cover1 of t"e
ano)a$o(! $oan!, !evera$ b$in ite)! abo(t a fa)i$1-owne banA in
7inono w"ic" &rante fictitio(! $oan! to it! !tocA"o$er! a''eare in
)a2or new!'a'er!? #"e!e new! ite)! tri&&ere a banA-r(n in P7P
w"ic" re!($te in contin(o(! over-rawin&! on t"e banAD! e)an
e'o!it acco(nt wit" t"e C7? On t"e ba!i! of t"e re'ort !(b)itte b1
t"e S('ervi!ion an E6a)ination Sector, 3e'art)ent I of t"e C7, t"e
Monetar1 7oar 4M7 '$ace P7P (ner con!ervator!"i'?
- P7P nonet"e$e!! re/(e!te t"at t"e !a)e be $ifte b1 t"e C7?
Con!e/(ent$1, t"e M7 irecte t"e 'rinci'a$ !tocA"o$er! of P7P to
increa!e it! ca'ita$ acco(nt! b1 !(c" an a)o(nt t"at wo($ be
nece!!ar1 for t"e e$i)ination of P7PD! ne&ative net wort"?
- C7 !enior e'(t1 <overnor <abrie$ Sin&!on infor)e P7P t"at t"e
C7 wo($ be wi$$in& to $ift t"e con!ervator!"i' (ner t"e fo$$owin&
4a5 P7PD! (n!ec(re overraft wit" t"e Centra$ 7anA wi$$ be converte
into an e)er&enc1 $oan, to be !ec(re b1 !(fficient co$$atera$
4b5 A co)'tro$$er for P7P an an1 n()ber of banA e6a)iner! ee)e
nece!!ar1 to over!ee P7PD! o'eration! !"a$$ be e!i&nate b1 t"e C7,
(ner ter)! of reference to be eter)ine b1 t"e <overnor;
4c5 A $etter fro) t"e Mana&e)ent of P7P a(t"oriBin& t"e C7 to
a(to)atica$$1 ret(rn c$earin& ite)! t"at wo($ re!($t in an overraft in
it! C7 acco(nt !"a$$ be !(b)itte to t"e C7?
- t"e M7 a''rove t"e con!o$iation of P7PD! ot"er (n!ec(re
ob$i&ation! to t"e C7 wit" it! overraft an a(t"oriBin& t"e conver!ion
t"ereof into an e)er&enc1 $oan? #"e !a)e re!o$(tion a(t"oriBe t"e
C7 <overnor to $ift t"e con!ervator!"i' an ret(rn P7PD! )ana&e)ent
to it! 'rinci'a$ !tocA"o$er! ('on co)'$etion of t"e oc()entation an
f($$ co$$atera$iBation of t"e e)er&enc1 $oan, b(t irecte P7P to 'a1 t"e
e)er&enc1 $oan in 5 e/(a$ ann(a$ in!ta$$)ent!, wit" intere!t an
'ena$t1 rate! at MRR 1>0 a1! '$(! 4>J 'er ann(), an $i/(iate
a)a&e! of 5J for e$a1e 'a1)ent!?
- P7P !(b)itte a re"abi$itation '$an to t"e C7? A$t"o(&" !ai 'ro'o!a$
wa! e6'$ore an i!c(!!e, no 'ro&ra) acce'tab$e to bot" t"e C7
an PPI wa! arrive at beca(!e of i!a&ree)ent! on certain )atter!
!(c" a! intere!t rate!, 'ena$tie! an $i/(iate a)a&e!? ;o ot"er
re"abi$itation 'ro&ra) wa! !(b)itte b1 P7P for a$)o!t . 1ear!; a! a
re!($t t"ereof, it! overraft! wit" t"e C7 contin(e to acc()($ate?
Con!e/(ent$1, 'er Re!o$(tion ;o? 84-, t"e C7 Monetar1 7oar
ecie to a''rove in 'rinci'$e w"at it con!iere a viab$e
re"abi$itation 'ro&ra) for P7P?
- #"ere bein& no re!'on!e fro) bot" P7P an PPI on t"e 'ro'o!e
re"abi$itation '$an, t"e M7 i!!(e Re!o$(tion ;o? 951 on 9 A(&(!t
1->9 in!tr(ctin& C7 )ana&e)ent to avi!e t"e banA t"at@
a? #"e C7 con!ervator!"i' over P7P )a1 be $ifte on$1 after P7P !"a$$
"ave ientifie t"e new &ro(' of !tocA"o$er! w"o wi$$ '(t in new
ca'ita$ in P7P an after t"e Monetar1 7oar !"a$$ "ave con!iere
!(c" new !tocA"o$er! a! acce'tab$e; an
b? #"e !tocA"o$er! of P7P "ave to ecie w"et"er or not to acce't
t"e ter)! of t"e re"abi$itation '$an a! 'rovie (ner Re!o$(tion
;o? 84- wit"in one weeA fro) recei't of notice "ereof an if !(c"
ter)! are not acce'tab$e to t"e), t"e Centra$ 7anA wi$$ taAe
a''ro'riate a$ternative action on t"e )atter; ? ? ?
- t"e P7P, wit"o(t re!'onin& to t"e co))(nication! of t"e C7, fi$e a
co)'$aint a&ain!t t"e C7, t"e M7 an C7 <overnor ,o!e 7?
+ernaneB, ,r? #"e co)'$aint, a$$e&e t"at t"e con!ervator!"i' wa!
(nwarrante, i$$-)otivate, i$$e&a$, (tter$1 (nnece!!ar1 an (n2(!tifie;
t"at t"e a''oint)ent of t"e con!ervator wa! arbitrar1; t"at "erein
'etitioner! acte in ba fait"; t"at t"e C7-e!i&nate con!ervator!
co))itte banA fra(! an ab(!e!; t"at t"e C7 i! &(i$t1 of 'ro)i!!or1
e!to''e$; an t"at b1 rea!on of t"e con!ervator!"i', it !(ffere $o!!e!?
It 'ra1e for a 2(icia$ review of t"e M7 Re!o$(tion! an t"e i!!(ance
of a #RO?
- #"e ca!e wa! raff$e to 7ranc" 149 of MaAati R#C co(rt w"ic" wa!
t"en 're!ie over b1 re!'onent ,(&e?
- re!'onent ,(&e i!!(e a #RO; S(b!e/(ent$1, "e i!!(e an Orer
en2oinin& efenant-'etitioner! or an1 of t"eir a&ent! fro)
i)'$e)entin& Monetar1 7oar Re!o$(tion! ;o!? 84- an 951 or fro)
taAin& t"e t"reatene *a''ro'riate a$ternative action* inc$(in&
e6c$(!ion of '$aintiff banA fro) !ett$e)ent of c$earin& ba$ance! at t"e
Centra$ 7anA c$earin& "o(!e or an1 ot"er action t"at wi$$ i!t(rb t"e
!tat(! /(o or t"e viabi$it1 of '$aintiff banA (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of t"i!
ca!e conitione ('on t"e 'o!tin& of a bon in t"e a)o(nt of
- P7P fi$e t"e A)ene Co)'$aint i)'$eain& PPI a! an aitiona$
'$aintiff? ;o new a$$e&ation! or ca(!e! of action for !ai '$aintiff were
)ae? Petitioner! fi$e a Motion to 3i!)i!! t"e A)ene Co)'$aint?
- t"e re!'onent ,(&e "ane own an Orer en1in& t"e )otion to
i!)i!! on t"e fo$$owin& &ro(n!@ 4a5 t"e a)ene co)'$aint a$$e&e!
($ti)ate fact! !"owin& t"at '$aintiff "a! a ri&"t an t"at !(c" a ri&"t "a!
been vio$ate b1 efenant; t"e /(e!tione M7 Re!o$(tion! were
i!!(e arbitrari$1 an wit" ba fait", *bein& a 'art of a !c"e)e to ive!t
'$aintiffD! 're!ent !tocA"o$er! of t"eir contro$ of P7P an to awar t"e
!a)e to t"e P3IC or it! (nAnown tran!feree!*; an t"e aver)ent! of
$e&a$it1 or i$$e&a$it1 of t"e con!ervator!"i' are re$evant to t"e ca(!e of
action !ince t"e co)'$aint !eeA! t"e $iftin& of t"e con!ervator!"i'; 4b5
="i$e it i! tr(e t"at (ner Section 2>-A of t"e Centra$ 7anA Act t"e
con!ervator taAe! over t"e )ana&e)ent of a banA, t"e 7oar of
3irector! of !(c" banA i! not 'ro"ibite fro) fi$in& a !(it to $ift t"e
con!ervator!"i' an fro) /(e!tionin& t"e va$iit1 of bot" t"e
con!ervatorD! fra(($ent act! an ab(!e! an it! 'rinci'a$D! 4M75
arbitrar1 action; be!ie!, PPI i! now a 'art1-'$aintiff in t"e action; an
4c5 '$aintiff! "ave 'ai t"e correct fi$in& fee! !ince *t"e va$(e of t"e
ca!e cannot be e!ti)ate?*
FIR+T C!+,
- Inab$e to acce't t"e above Orer, C7 an +ernaneB fi$e wit"
re!'onent CA a 'etition for certiorari wit" 're$i)inar1 in2(nction to
ann($ t"e Orer! of t"e re!'onent ,(&e, re!train t"e i)'$e)entation
of t"e !a)e an n($$if1 t"e writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction? #"e1 conten
t"erein t"at@ 1? #"e tria$ co(rtD! in2(nctive orer an writ are ano)a$o(!
an i$$e&a$ beca(!e t"e1 are irecte a&ain!t C7 act! an )ea!(re!
w"ic" con!tit(te no inva!ion of '$aintiffD! ri&"t!; an 2? #"e co)'$aint
fi$e wa!, on it! face, i!)i!!ib$e@ 4a5 for fai$(re to !tate a ca(!e of
action, 4b5 for bein& (na(t"oriBe b1 t"e 'art1 in w"o!e na)e it
'(r'ort! to "ave been fi$e, an 4c5 for fai$(re of t"e '(r'orte '$aintiff
to 'a1 t"e re/(ire fi$in& fee!?
- CA i!)i!!e t"e 'etition for $acA of )erit, r($in& t"at t"e C7D!
!(en an (nti)e$1 anno(nce)ent of t"e con!ervator!"i' over P7P
eroe t"e confience w"ic" t"e banAin& '(b$ic "a "it"erto re'o!e
on t"e banA an re!($te in t"e banA-r(n; it t"en conc$(e t"at w"en
t"e C7 *'ere)'tori$1 an i$$ti)e$1 anno(nce* t"e con!ervator!"i',
P7P wa! not &iven an o''ort(nit1 to be "ear !ince t"e C7 arbitrari$1
br(!"e a!ie a)ini!trative (e 'roce!! notwit"!tanin& P7PD!
"avin& !(fficient$1 e!tab$i!"e it! in"erent cor'orate ri&"t to
a(tono)o(!$1 'erfor) it! banAin& activitie! wit"o(t (n(e
&overn)enta$ interference t"at wo($ in effect ive!t it! !tocA"o$er! of
t"eir contro$ over t"e o'eration! of t"e banA?* It f(rt"er "e$ t"at t"e
c"a$$en&e re!o$(tion! of t"e M7 are not 2(!t avi!or1 in c"aracter
*beca(!e t"e !a)e !o(&"t to i)'o!e ('on t"e re!'onent banA
'etitioner!D &overn)enta$ act! t"at were !'ecifica$$1 e!i&ne an
e6ec(te to evi!e a !c"e)e t"at wo($ irre'arab$1 ive!t fro) t"e
!tocA"o$er! of t"e re!'onent banA contro$ of t"e !a)e?*
On t"e i!!(e of t"e non-'a1)ent of t"e correct ocAet fee!, t"e !ai
co(rt, in r($in& t"at t"e correct a)o(nt wa! 'ai, !ai t"at *t"e in!tant
ca!e i! inca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation beca(!e t"e va$(e of t"e
$o!!e! inc(rre b1 t"e re!'onent banA cannot be ca$ibrate nor
'inne own to a !'ecific a)o(nt in view of t"e a)a&e t"at )a1 be
ca(!e b1 t"e a''oint)ent of a con!ervator to it! &oowi$$ an
!tanin& in t"e co))(nit1?*
- 'etitioner! fi$e wit" t"i! Co(rt t"e in!tant 'etition for review? It i!
a$$e&e t"erein t"at t"e re!'onent Co(rt co))itte &rave ab(!e of
i!cretion in@
415 I&norin& 'etitioner!D contention t"at !ince P7P i not 'a1 t"e
correct fi$in& fee!, t"e tria$ co(rt i not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over t"e
ca!e; "ence, '(r!(ant to Manc"e!ter 3eve$o')ent Cor'?, et a$? v!?
Co(rt of A''ea$!, et a$?, t"e co)'$aint !"o($ "ave been i!)i!!e for
$acA of 2(ri!iction on t"e 'art of t"e co(rt;
425 ? ? ? r($in& on t"e 'ro'riet1 or i)'ro'riet1 of t"e con!ervator!"i' a!
a ba!i! for eter)inin& t"e e6i!tence of a ca(!e of action !ince t"e
a)ene co)'$aint oe! not !eeA t"e ann($)ent or $iftin& of t"e
4.5 ? ? ? not "o$in& t"at t"e a)ene co)'$aint !"o($ "ave been
i!)i!!e beca(!e it wa! fi$e in t"e na)e of P7P wit"o(t t"e
a(t"orit1 of it! con!ervator; an
445 ? ? ? not !ettin& a!ie t"e Orer of t"e tria$ co(rt &rantin& t"e
i!!(ance of a writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction w"ic" (n$awf($$1 re!traine
t"e C7 fro) e6erci!in& it! )anate re!'on!ibi$itie! an effective$1
co)'e$$e it to a$$ow t"e P7P to contin(e inc(rrin& overraft! wit" it?
- 'rivate re!'onent! ar&(e t"at t"e Manc"e!ter r($e i! not a''$icab$e
in t"e ca!e at bar beca(!e w"at i! 'ri)ari$1 !o(&"t for "erein i! a writ
of in2(nction an not an awar for a)a&e!; it i! f(rt"er a$$e&e t"at an
orer en1in& a )otion to i!)i!! i! neit"er a''ea$ab$e nor be )ae
t"e 'ro'er !(b2ect of a 'etition for certiorari ab!ent a c$ear !"owin& of
$acA of 2(ri!iction or &rave ab(!e of i!cretion?
+,CO-D C!+,
- P(r!(ant to t"e 'ower! an a(t"orit1 conferre ('on "er b1 t"e
Centra$ 7anA, Att1? Leonia #an!in!in-Encarnacion, in "er ca'acit1 a!
con!ervator, in!tit(te refor)! ai)e at )aAin& P7P )ore viab$e? =it"
t"i! '(r'o!e in )in, !"e !tarte reor&aniBin& t"e banAD! 'er!onne$
an co))ittee!?
- In orer to 'revent "er fro) contin(in& wit" t"e reor&aniBation, P7P
fi$e an O)nib(! Motion a!Ain& t"e tria$ co(rt for an orer@
4a5 rein!tatin& P7P officer! to t"eir ori&ina$ 'o!ition! an re!torin& t"e
banAD! !tanin& co))ittee! to t"eir re!'ective co)'o!ition! 'rior to
!ai reor&aniBation; 4b5 en2oinin& t"e $ea!e of an1 'ortion of t"e banAD!
!'ace in Pro(cer! 7anA Centre b(i$in& to t"ir 'artie! an t"e
re$ocation of e'art)ent!Eoffice! of P7P a! wa! conte)'$ate; an 4c5
to "o$, after an o''ort(nit1 to be "ear i! &iven "er, !ai con!ervator
in conte)'t of co(rt for i!obeience of an re!i!tance to t"e writ of
in2(nction? An o''o!ition to t"e conte)'t c"ar&e wa! $ater fi$e b1 !ai
- re!'onent ,(&e i!!(e an Orer 4a5 re/(irin& con!ervator
#an!in!in-Encarnacion to rein!tate P7P officer! to t"eir ori&ina$
'o!ition! 'rior to t"e reor&aniBation of t"e banAD! 'er!onne$ an
re!tore P7PD! !tanin& co))ittee! to t"eir ori&ina$ co)'o!ition!, an
4b5 re!trainin& "er fro) $ea!in& o(t to t"ir 'artie! an1 'ortion of P7PD!
!'ace in t"e Pro(cer! 7anA Centre b(i$in&?
- A !econ Orer irecte #an!in!in-Encarnacion to '(b$i!" t"e
financia$ !tate)ent of P7P
- On !evera$ occa!ion! t"ereafter, con!ervator #an!in!in-Encarnacion
ca(!e t"e '(b$ication of P7PD! financia$ !tate)ent a! re/(ire b1
re&($ation!, wit"o(t, "owever, carr1in& t"e ite)! en()erate b1 t"e
tria$ co(rt a! *!(!'en!e acco(nt!?* Con!e/(ent$1, conte)'t c"ar&e!
were fi$e a&ain!t "er, of w"ic" !"e wa! fo(n &(i$t1? #an!in!in-
Encarnacion fi$e a 'etition for certiorari a&ain!t re!'onent ,(&e,
:enr1 L? Co an t"e $aw fir) of H(i!()bin&, #orre! an Evan&e$i!ta?
S"e 'ra1! t"erein for 2(&)ent ec$arin& re!'onent 2(&e to be
wit"o(t 2(ri!iction to entertain bot" t"e co)'$aint an a)ene
co)'$aint; ec$arin& n($$ an voi a$$ "i! orer!, !'ecia$$1 t"e conte)'t
orer!; an finin& re!'onent ,(&e an re!'onent $aw1er! &(i$t1 of
vio$atin& t"eir re!'ective oat"! of office?
- In "er Me)oran() !(b)itte to t"e CA, #an!in!in-Encarnacion
a$$e&e t"at@ 415 re!'onent ,(&e "a! no 2(ri!iction beca(!e t"e
fi$in& of t"e ca!e wa! not a(t"oriBe b1 t"e 'etitioner or t"e
con!ervator in vio$ation of Section 2>-A of R?A? ;o? 285, a! a)ene,
it wa! fi$e after t"e ten 4105 a1 'erio 're!cribe b1 Section 2- of
R?A? ;o? 285, a! a)ene, an t"e correct ocAet fee! were not 'ai;
425 re!'onent ,(&e i$$e&a$$1 orere "er to ret(rn to PPI t"e
a)ini!tration of t"e banAD! t"ree 4.5 'ro'ertie!, contrar1 to "i! own
writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction an ear$ier orer to )aAe t"e banA viab$e,
an to '(b$i!" t"e a$$e&e *!(!'en!e acco(nt!* contrar1 to Section 2>-
A of R?A? ;o? 285, a! a)ene, t"e writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction an
"er con!tit(tiona$ ri&"t to !i$ence; 4.5 re!'onent ,(&e erre in
ec$arin& "er in conte)'t of co(rt notwit"!tanin& "i! $acA of
2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e an fai$(re to !et an1 ate for t"e "earin& an
rece'tion of evience, in vio$ation of "er ri&"t to (e 'roce!! of $aw;
an 445 re!'onent! ,(&e an $aw1er! are a)ini!trative$1 $iab$e for
t"eir &ro!!$1 i$$e&a$ act(ation! an for e'rivin& t"e <overn)ent of at
$ea!t P1.?2 )i$$ion in fi$in& fee!?
- In i!'o!in& of t"e i!!(e! rai!e, re!'onent Co(rt )ere$1 ao'te
wit" a''rova$ t"e r($in& of t"e re!'onent ,(&e on t"e /(e!tion of
2(ri!iction, !(!tainin& t"e re!'onent ,(&eD! r($in&? A! to t"e fi$in& of
t"e co)'$aint after t"e $a'!e of t"e 10-a1 'erio 'rovie for in
Section 2- of R?A? ;o? 285, it r($e t"at t"e Section oe! not a''$1
beca(!e t"e co)'$aint e!!entia$$1 !eeA! to co)'e$ t"e con!ervator to
'erfor) "i! (tie! an refer! to circ()!tance! an incient! w"ic"
tran!'ire after !ai 10-a1 'erio?
- On t"e i!!(e of $acA of 2(ri!iction for non-'a1)ent of correct fi$in&
fee!, to w"ic" an e6ce'tion wa! )ae in t"e i!'o!itive 'ortion, t"e
re!'onent Co(rt fo(n t"e !a)e to be *'art$1* )eritorio(!? It a&ree
wit" 'etitioner t"at w"i$e t"e ot"er $o!!e! an a)a&e! !o(&"t to be
recovere are inca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, t"e a)a&e! inf$icte
on P7P (e to $o!!e! of o'eration an t"e con!ervatorD! banA fra(!
an ab(!e! were in fact 'e&&e at P10>,49-,991?00 in 'ara&ra'" 28
of t"e a)ene co)'$aint? #"i! !'ecific a)o(nt, "owever, !"o($ "ave
been !tate in t"e 'ra1er of t"e co)'$aint? It a$!o "e$ t"at t"e
Manc"e!ter ca!e *"a! been $e&a$$1 con!tr(e in t"e !(b!e/(ent ca!e
of S(n In!(rance Office Lt? an t"e ca!e of +i$i'ina! S"e$$ Petro$e()
Cor'? to t"e effect t"at a''$1in& t"e octrine initiate in t"e ca!e of
Manc"e!ter, to&et"er wit" !ai !(b!e/(ent t"ereto 4!ic5, '$aintiff! in
t"e ori&ina$ ca!e !"o($ be &iven a rea!onab$e ti)e to a)en t"eir
co)'$aint, )ore 'artic($ar$1, to !tate in t"eir 'ra1er in t"e a)ene
co)'$aint t"e !'ecific a)o(nt of a)a&e! ? ? ?*
- On t"e orer! of conte)'t an t"e rea!on! t"erefor, re!'onent
Co(rt )ere$1 !tate@
? ? ? <enera$$1, w"en t"e co(rt "a! 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter
an of t"e 'er!on, eci!ion! ('on or /(e!tion! 'ertinent to t"e ca(!e
are eci!ion! wit"in it! 2(ri!iction, an "owever, irre&($ar or erroneo(!
t"e1 )a1 be, t"e1 cannot be correcte b1 certiorari?
- +ina$$1, on t"e a)ini!trative $iabi$it1 of t"e re!'onent ,(&e an t"e
$aw1er!, t"e re!'onent Co(rt ec$are t"e c$ai) to be wit"o(t )erit?
=O; t"e re!'onent ,(&e co))itte &rave ab(!e of i!cretion
a)o(ntin& to $acA of 2(ri!iction in not i!)i!!in& t"e Civi$ Ca!e on t"e
&ro(n of non-'a1)ent of t"e correct a)o(nt of ocAet fee in vio$ation
of t"e r($e en(nciate in 2anchester 3evelopment Corp. vs. Court of
Appeals# et al.
Ratio #"e action )(!t be i!)i!!e for fai$(re of t"e '$aintiff! t"erein
to 'a1 t"e correct ocAet fee!, '(r!(ant to 2anchester. #"e !ai ca!e
wa! ecie b1 t"i! Co(rt on 9 Ma1 1->9, e6act$1 . )ont"! an 20
a1! before t"e fi$in& of t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint an 5 )ont"! an 1>
a1! before t"e fi$in& of t"e A)ene Co)'$aint? It wa! r($e t"erein
The Court ac*uires jurisdiction over an% case onl% upon the
pa%$ent of the prescri&ed doc'et fee. !n a$end$ent of the
co$plaint or si$ilar pleading will not there&% vest jurisdiction in
the Court( $uch less the pa%$ent of the doc'et fee &ased on the
a$ounts sought in the a$ended pleading.
Reasoning #"e re!'onent ,(&e, in r($in& t"at P7P an PPI "a
'ai t"e correct ocAet fee of P102?00, !ai t"at *t"e va$(e of t"e ca!e
cannot be e!ti)ate* !ince w"at i! !o(&"t i! an in2(nction a&ain!t t"e
enforce)ent of t"e c"a$$en&e re!o$(tion! of t"e M7; in !"ort, t"e
c$ai) for a)a&e! i! )ere$1 incienta$? I'on t"e ot"er "an,
re!'onent Co(rt, in it! Re!o$(tion, r($e t"at t"e ca!e i! *inca'ab$e of
'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation* beca(!e t"e va$(e of t"e $o!!e! inc(rre b1 t"e
P7P *cannot be ca$ibrate nor 'inne own to a !'ecific a)o(nt in
view of t"e a)a&e t"at )a1 be ca(!e b1 t"e a''oint)ent of a
con!ervator to it! &oowi$$ an !tanin& in t"e co))(nit1?*
7ot" conc$(!ion! are (nfo(ne an are t"e re!($t of a
)i!a''re"en!ion of t"e a$$e&ation! an ca(!e! of action in bot" t"e
co)'$aint an a)ene co)'$aint?
- ="i$e P7P c$ever$1 wore it! co)'$aint to )aAe it a''ear a! one
'rinci'a$$1 for in2(nction, e$iberate$1 o)ittin& t"e c$ai) for a)a&e! a!
a !'ecific ca(!e of action, a caref($ e6a)ination t"ereof bear! t"at t"e
!a)e i! in rea$it1 an action for a)a&e! ari!in& o(t of t"e a$$e&e
*(nwarrante, i$$-)otivate an i$$e&a$ con!ervator!"i',* or a
con!ervator!"i' w"ic" *wa! (tter$1 (nnece!!ar1 an (n2(!tifie,* an
t"e *arbitrar1* a''oint)ent of a con!ervator? #"(!, a! !tate ear$ier, it
evote t"e b($A of it! 'etition to etai$e event!, occ(rrence! an
tran!action! in !(''ort t"ereof an 'atient$1 en()erate t"e $o!!e! it
!(!taine an !(ffere?
- #"e!e are t"e ver1 a)a&e! referre to in t"e 'ra1er@
Fto f($$1 re'air t"e a)a&e! inf$icte on P7P con!i!tin& of $o!!e! of
o'eration an t"e con!ervator!D banA fra(! an ab(!e!L
b(t not !'ecifie t"erein? #o t"i! Co(rtD! )in, t"i! wa! one to evae
t"e 'a1)ent of t"e corre!'onin& fi$in& fee! w"ic", a! co)'(te b1
'etitioner on t"e ba!i! a$one of t"e !'ecifie $o!!e! of
P10>,49-,991?00, wo($ a)o(nt to abo(t P 4.9,000?00? #"e P7P t"en
c$ear$1 acte wit" )anife!t ba fait" in re!ortin& to t"e fore&oin& c$ever
!trate&1 to avoi 'a1in& t"e correct fi$in& fee!? #"e 'rono(nce)ent! in
t"e Manc"e!ter ca!e !"o($ t"(! be reiterate@
#"e Co(rt cannot c$o!e t"i! ca!e wit"o(t )aAin& t"e ob!ervation t"at it
frown! at t"e 'ractice of co(n!e$ w"o fi$e t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint in t"i!
ca!e of o)ittin& an1 !'ecification of t"e a)o(nt of a)a&e! in t"e
'ra1er a$t"o(&" t"e a)o(nt of over P9> )i$$ion i! a$$e&e in t"e bo1
of t"e co)'$aint? #"i! i! c$ear$1 intene for no ot"er '(r'o!e t"an to
evae t"e 'a1)ent of t"e correct fi$in& fee! if not to )i!$ea t"e ocAet
c$erA in t"e a!!e!!)ent of t"e fi$in& fee? ? ? ?
- #"e re!'onent Co(rt it!e$f, confronte b1 t"e !a)e i!!(e, b(t
'er"a'! (naware of it! ear$ier Re!o$(tion, r($e t"at P7P an PPI are
$iab$e for t"e fi$in& fee! on t"e c$ai) for a)a&e!?
- re!'onent Co(rt a''$ie t"e r($e $ai own in Sun 4nsurance 0ffice
and 5ilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp. w"ic" were, b1 t"en, a$rea1
overt(rne b1 2anchester? Even &rantin& for t"e !aAe of ar&()ent
t"at Sun 4nsurance and Pilipinas Shell )a1 a''$1 in t"i! ca!e, t"e
Co(rt cate&orica$$1 !tate@
4t is not simpl! the filing of the complaint or appropriate initiator!
pleading# ut the pa!ment of the prescried doc'et fee# that vests a
trial court $ith jurisdiction over the suject.matter or nature of the
action. 6here the filling of the initiator! pleading is not accompanied
! pa!ment of the doc'et fee# the court ma! allo$ the pa!ment of the
fee $ithin a reasonale time ut in no case e!ond the applicale
prescriptive or reglementar! period.
- #"e 're!cri'tive 'erio t"erein )entione refer! to t"e 'erio wit"in
w"ic" a !'ecific action )(!t be fi$e? It )ean! t"at in ever1 ca!e, t"e
ocAet fee )(!t be 'ai before t"e $a'!e of t"e 're!cri'tive 'erio?
- #"ere can be no /(e!tion t"at in t"e in!tant ca!e, P7PD! c$ai)! for
a)a&e! ari!e o(t of an in2(r1 to it! ri&"t!? P(r!(ant to Artic$e 1148 of
t"e Civi$ Coe, t"e action t"erefor )(!t be initiate wit"in 4 1ear! fro)
t"e ti)e t"e ca(!e of action accr(e? Since t"e a)a&e! aro!e o(t of
t"e a$$e&e (nwarrante, i$$-)otivate, i$$e&a$, (nnece!!ar1 an
(n2(!tifie con!ervator!"i', t"e ca(!e of action, if an1, fir!t accr(e in
1->4 an contin(e (nti$ 1->9, w"en t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint wa! fi$e?
#"ere i! no !"owin& t"at P7P 'ai t"e correct fi$in& fee for t"e c$ai)
wit"in t"e 're!cribe 'erio? :ence, not"in& can !ave t"e ca!e fro)
bein& i!)i!!e?
PREMISES CO;SI3ERE3, t"e 'etition! are <RA;#E3? #"e eci!ion
an re!o$(tion of t"e CA are RE%ERSE3 an SE# ASI3E?
Re!'onent ,(&e i! orere to i!)i!! Civi$ Ca!e? A$$ 'roceein&!
(nertaAen an a$$ orer! i!!(e b1 re!'onent ,(&e are "ereb1 SE#
ASI3E for bein& n($$ an voi?
/R N!. :911B
P%)i**%< M%( :, =>>=
Petition for review on certiorari
- Private re!'onent! Ra)on Antonio, Sa$vaor Sa$en&a an I$i'ia
+ernaneB 4$e!!ee!5 fi$e a co)'$aint wit" t"e Metro#C a$$e&in& t"at
'etitioner A!c(e 4$e!!or5 ref(!e to co$$ect t"eir renta$!? :ence, t"e1
!o(&"t con!i&nation of t"e 'a1)ent! wit" t"e Metro#C?
- A!c(e fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! co)'$aint on t"e &ro(n t"at it i! t"e
R#C not M#C w"ic" "a! 2(ri!iction over con!i&nation ca!e!, t"e
!(b2ect )atter of $iti&ation bein& inca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation? #"e
Metro#C enie A!c(e0! )otion to i!)i!! an "e$ t"at t"e inferior
co(rt "a 2(ri!iction !ince t"e con!i&ne a)o(nt wa! P5,825 4we$$
be$ow 20U5?
- A!c(e $ater a''ea$e to t"e R#C b(t t"e !a)e i!)i!!e t"e a''ea$
for bein& 're)at(re? A!c(e bro(&"t t"e ca!e to t"e SC on irect
a''ea$ b(t t"e ca!e wa! referre bacA to t"e CA? #"e CA t"en
i!)i!!e t"e 'etition an r($e t"at t"e 2(ri!iction of a co(rt in
con!i&nation ca!e! e'en! on t"e a)o(nt con!i&ne, con!i&nation
bein& )ere$1 a for) of 'a1)ent an t"e o''o!ite of a e)an b1 a
creitor for 'a1)ent?
=O; t"e CA erre in "o$in& t"at con!i&nation ca!e! fa$$ wit"in t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e Metro#C an t"at t"e a)o(nt con!i&ne eter)ine!
!ai 2(ri!iction
Ratio In va$i con!i&nation ca!e!, w"ere t"e t"in& !o(&"t to be
e'o!ite i! a !() of )one1, t"e a)o(nt of ebt (e i! eter)inab$e,
"ence, t"e !(b2ect )atter i! ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation? #"i!
a)o(nt !o(&"t to be con!i&ne t"en eter)ine! t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e
Reasoning 'etitioner i! of t"e be$ief t"at it i! t"e R#C, not t"e M#C,
w"ic" "a! 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e, ina!)(c" a! t"e !(b2ect )atter of
$iti&ation 4t"e a)o(nt to be con!i&ne5 i! inca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1
e!ti)ation? #"i! i! wron&? Con!i&nation i! t"e act of e'o!itin& t"e
t"in& (e wit" t"e co(rt or 2(icia$ a(t"oritie! w"enever t"e creitor
cannot acce't or ref(!e! to acce't 'a1)ent an it &enera$$1 re/(ire! a
'rior tener of 'a1)ent? #wo of t"e re/(i!ite! of it va$i con!i&nation
are 415 t"at t"ere i! a ebt (e? an 425 t"e a)o(nt i! '$ace it t"e
i!'o!a$ of t"e co(rt? #"(!, w"ere no ebt i! (e an owin&,
con!i&nation i! not 'ro'er? In a va$i con!i&nation w"ere t"e t"in&
!o(&"t to be e'o!ite i! a !() of )one1, t"e a)o(nt of t"e ebt (e
i! eter)inab$e? C$ear$1, t"e !(b2ect )atter 4i?e?, t"e a)o(nt (e5 in
con!i&nation ca!e! i! ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation? #"i! a)o(nt
!o(&"t to be con!i&ne eter)ine! t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt?
- In t"e ca!e at bar? t"e a)o(nt con!i&ne bein& P5,825?00, t"e
re!'onent )etro'o$itan tria$ co(rt correct$1 a!!()e 2(ri!iction over
t"e !a)e in accorance wit" Section ..415 of 7P 7$&? 12-?
Disposition Petition 3E;IE3? CA eci!ion A++IRME3?
=5 SCRA 544
DIZON< Ap"i* 8>, =>55
- On A(&(!t 14, 1-81, ;e&re 4a''e$$ant5 fi$e "i! co)'$aint a&ain!t
Caba"(& S"i''in& N Co 4a''e$$ee5, a co))on carrier en&a&e in t"e
b(!ine!! of tran!'ortin& 'er!on! an &oo! for a 'rice wit"in
P"i$i''ine water!, to recover t"e !() of P.,994?-0, re're!entin& t"e
va$(e of a car&o of rie fi!" be$on&in& to "i) w"ic" wa! $oae on t"e
$atterD! ve!!e$, an w"ic" wa! tota$$1 e!tro1e on boar t"ereof,
before it co($ be tran!'orte to it! '$ace of e!tination, (e to t"e
&ro!! ne&$i&ence of t"e officer! an )e)ber! of t"e crew of !ai
- A! Caba"(&0! an!wer a)itte $iabi$it1 for t"e $o!! of !ai car&o, b(t
on$1 (' to t"e a)o(nt of P.,9..,9>, a''e$$ant )ove for a 2(&)ent
on t"e '$eain&!? In re'$1in& t"ereto, "owever, a''e$$ee )ove to
i!)i!! t"e ca!e on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e a)o(nt of t"e c$ai) i not fa$$
wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt? Re!o$vin& t"i! )otion, t"e co(rt
i!)i!!e t"e co)'$aint for $acA of 2(ri!iction, wit"o(t 're2(ice to t"e
ri&"t of a''e$$ant to fi$e t"e !a)e wit" t"e corre!'onin& )(nici'a$
- A''e$$ant )aintain! in t"i! a''ea$ t"at "i! action i! one in a)ira$t1
an )ariti)e 2(ri!iction, w"ic", '(r!(ant to t"e 'rovi!ion! of Section
44 of t"e ,(iciar1 Act, a! a)ene, fa$$! wit"in t"e e6c$(!ive ori&ina$
2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt! of fir!t in!tance, irre!'ective of t"e a)o(nt or
t"e va$(e of t"e &oo! invo$ve?
=O; t"e ca!e fa$$! wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of C+I 4R#C5
Ratio. It "a! been "e$ t"at, to &ive a)ira$t1 2(ri!iction over a
contract, t"e !a)e )(!t re$ate to t"e trae an b(!ine!! of t"e !ea
A)ira$t1 2(ri!iction, it "a! a$!o been "e$, e6ten! to a$$ )ariti)e
Reasoning. #"e action wa! ba!e ('on an ora$ contract for t"e
tran!'ortation of &oo! b1 water?
-Moreover, t"e a$$e&ation! of t"e co)'$aint c$ear$1 !"ow@ fir!t, t"at t"e
contract entere into between t"e 'artie! "a a$rea1 been 'artia$$1
'erfor)e wit" t"e $oain& of t"e &oo! !(b2ect-)atter t"ereof on
boar a''e$$eeD! ve!!e$ an t"e acce'tance t"ereof b1 !ai a''e$$ee,
an !econ, t"at t"e )ariti)e contract binin& t"e 'artie! wa!
breac"e b1 t"e carrier beca(!e t"ro(&" "i! fa($t an t"at of "i!
a&ent! an re're!entative! t"e car&o beca)e a tota$ $o!!?
Disposition Rever!e?
=B> P-i*. =9:
A''ea$ fro) C+I Sa)ar
-L(cina 7aito fi$e action for !(''ort a&ain!t "er "(!ban
Anata$io Sar)iento?
-C+I Sa)ar i!)i!!e "er co)'$aint on t"e &ro(n t"at it "a! no
2(ri!iction, t"e a)o(nt e)ane a! !(''ort bein& on$1 P920
=O; t"e C+I "a! 2(ri!iction over an action for !(''ort if t"e a)o(nt
c$ai)e or e)ane a! !(''ort i! on$1 P920, or not )ore t"an
P2,000 4now P5,0005
Ratio. An action for !(''ort oe! not on$1 invo$ve t"e eter)ination of
t"e a)o(nt to be &iven a! !(''ort, b(t a$!o t"e re$ation of t"e 'artie!,
t"e ri&"t to !(''ort create b1 t"e re$ation, t"e nee! of t"e c$ai)ant,
t"e financia$ re!o(rce! of t"e 'er!on fro) w"o) !(''ort i! !o(&"t, a$$
of w"ic" are not ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation?
Reasoning. An action for !(''ort fa$$! wit"in t"e ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction of
Co(rt! of +ir!t In!tance (ner !ection 444a5 of Re'(b$ic Act ;o? 2-8,
a! a)ene b1 Re'(b$ic Act ;o? 281.?
Disposition #"e orer a''ea$e fro) i! !et a!ie an t"e ca!e i!
ECc*,#i'e !"i+in%* .,"i#)ici!n in ci'i* %n) e#%e
#e*eDen p"!cee)in+#0!'e" p"!'i#i!n%* "eDe)ie#
ECc*,#i'e !"i+in%* .,"i#)ici!n in &!"ci6*e en"( %n)
,n*%K&,* )e%ine" c%#e#
/ANCAYCO< M%"c- =:, =>>=
Petition to review t"e eci!ion an re!o$(tion of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$!
- Li) Uie" #on&, Inc? own! a b(i$in& in Mani$a? One of t"e roo)! in
t"e b(i$in& 4Roo) .015 i! occ('ie b1 Re&ina$o Li), an M#C 2(&e?
- #"e ori&ina$ occ('ant of Roo) 10. wa! Li) En& Piao, t"e fat"er of
Re&ina$o? ="en Li) En& Piao ie, t"e occ('anc1 wa! contin(e b1
Re&ina$o? Event(a$$1, Re&ina$o wa! ab$e to ac/(ire a "o(!e an $ot
in H(eBon Cit1 b(t "e !ti$$ (!e t"e roo) w"ere "e Ae't "i! booA!,
oc()ent!, a''$iance! an ot"er i)'ortant be$on&in&!?
- Se'te)ber 1->9 M LU#, Inc? c"an&e t"e $ocA of t"e )ain oor of t"e
b(i$in& w"ic" wa! co))on$1 (!e b1 a$$ t"e occ('ant! of t"e
- Se'te)ber .0, 1->9 M Re&ina$o wa! (nab$e to enter t"e b(i$in&
beca(!e "e i not "ave a Ae1 to t"e new $ocA? :e wa! (nab$e to &et
"i! $aw booA! for a ca!e "e wa! worAin& on !o "e "a to '(rc"a!e
new one! w"ic" co!t "i) P1,2.5?00?
- October 1, 1->9 - :e re/(e!te for a new Ae1 fro) t"e OIC of t"e
b(iin& b(t "i! re/(e!t wa! not co)'$ie wit"?
- October 2, 1->9 M Re&ina$o in!tit(te a civi$ ca!e a&ain!t Rafae$ Li)
an Li) Uie" #on&, Inc? before t"e Metro'o$itan #ria$ Co(rt? #"e
co)'$aint wa! eno)inate a! an action for a)a&e! wit" in2(nction
b(t wa! !(b!e/(ent$1 i!)i!!e for $acA of 2(ri!iction?
- October 2., 1->9 M Anot"er co)'$aint wa! in!tit(te in t"e M#C
w"ic" "a t"e !a)e a$$e&ation!? Re&ina$o a$$e&e! t"at "e "a! a c$ear
an (n)i!taAab$e ri&"t to t"e (!e of !ai roo), entit$in& "i) to t"e writ
of 're$i)inar1 )anator1 in2(nction to co))an 'etitioner to 'rovie
"i) t"e a''ro'riate Ae1 to t"e $ocA of t"e )ain b(i$in&; an to 'a1
a)a&e! in t"e a)o(nt of P1,25.?00, P5,000?00 attorne1D! fee! an
co!t! of t"e !(it?
- ;ove)ber 2, 1->9 - A te)'orar1 re!trainin& orer wa! i!!(e b1
re!'onent 2(&e 'enin& tria$ on t"e )erit!, co))anin& LU#, Inc? to
e$iver t"e a''ro'riate Ae1! to Re&ina$o an to a$$ow "i) to enter t"e
're)i!e! an Roo) .01 of t"e b(i$in&? - ;ove)ber ., 1->9 M LU#,
Inc? in!tit(te t"e in!tant 'etition?
- #"e E6ec(tive ,(&e i!!(e a te)'orar1 re!trainin& orer, en2oinin&
t"e enforce)ent of t"e te)'orar1 re!trainin& orer ear$ier i!!(e b1
re!'onent 2(&e an fro) f(rt"er taAin& co&niBance of !ai civi$ ca!e?
Wi- "e+%") ! -e i##,e !& p!##e##i!n? +orce wa! (!e b1 LU#,
Inc? in e'rivin& Re&ina$o of '"1!ica$ 'o!!e!!ion of t"e roo) w"en
t"e )ain oor0! $ocA wa! c"an&e wit"o(t t"e Anow$e&e an con!ent
of Re&ina$o?
- #"e i!!(e invo$ve i! )ere '"1!ica$ 'o!!e!!ion 4'o!!e!!ion e facto5
an not 2(riica$ 'o!!e!!ion 4'o!!e!!ion e 2(re5 nor owner!"i'?
- #"e '(r'o!e of forcib$e entr1 i! t"at re&ar$e!! of t"e act(a$ conition
of t"e tit$e to 'ro'ert1, t"e 'art1 in 'eaceab$e an /(iet 'o!!e!!ion
!"a$$ not be t(rne o(t b1 !tron& "an, vio$ence or terror?
- Con!ierin& t"at re!'onent 2(&e fo(n t"e a''$icabi$it1 of t"e R($e
in S())ar1 Proce(re, t"e )otion to i!)i!! wa! correct$1 enie, a
)otion to i!)i!! bein& one of t"e 'ro"ibite '$eain&! an )otion!
(ner Section 15 of t"e 1->. R($e! on S())ar1 Proce(re?
Wi- "e+%") ! -e i##,e !& .,"i#)ici!n?
- LU#, Inc? ar&(e t"at w"en t"e a)o(nt of a)a&e! c$ai)e i! not
!'ecifica$$1 a$$e&e in t"e co)'$aint, 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e wo($
fa$$ (ner t"e R#C a! t"e fai$(re to !o a$$e&e wo($ c"aracteriBe t"e
!(b2ect )atter a! one w"ic" i! inca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation?
- In Singson vs. Aragon, t"e SC "e$ t"at e6e)'$ar1 a)a&e! )(!t be
!'ecifie an if not, t"e )(nici'a$ tria$ co(rt co($ !ti$$ &rant it, if
to&et"er wit" t"e ot"er )one1 c$ai)!, t"e a)o(nt of t"e tota$ c$ai)
oe! not e6cee P10,000?00 4now P20,0005?
=O; t"e action for !'ecific 'erfor)ance in t"i! ca!e fa$$! (ner t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e R#C
Ratio In 7ichanco vs. -aurilla# it wa! "e$ t"at w"at confer! 2(ri!iction
on t"e inferior co(rt in forcib$e entr1 an i$$e&a$ etainer ca!e! i! not
t"e a)o(nt of (n'ai renta$! or a)a&e! invo$ve, b(t rat"er t"e
nat(re of t"e action beca(!e t"e rent! or a)a&e! are on$1 incienta$
to t"e )ain action?
- #"e !(it i! one for forcib$e entr1 an etainer (ner R($e 90 of t"e
R($e! of Co(rt? It wa! t"ro(&" !tea$t" t"at LU#, Inc? 'revente
Re&ina$o fro) (!in& t"e roo)?
- An1 'er!on e'rive of 'o!!e!!ion of an1 $an or b(i$in& or 'art
t"ereof, )a1 fi$e an action for forcib$e entr1 an etainer in t"e 'ro'er
inferior co(rt a&ain!t t"e 'er!on (n$awf($$1 e'rivin& or wit""o$in&
'o!!e!!ion fro) "i)?
- #"i! re$ief i! avai$ab$e to a $an$or, venor an venee an a$!o to a
tenant or $e!!ee or an1 ot"er 'er!on a&ain!t w"o) t"e 'o!!e!!ion of
an1 $an or b(i$in&, or a 'art of it, i! (n$awf($$1 wit""e$, or i!
ot"erwi!e (n$awf($$1 e'rive 'o!!e!!ion wit"in 1 1ear after !(c"
(n$awf($ e'rivation or wit""o$in& 'o!!e!!ion?
Disposition Petition i! enie? ;o co!t!?
ECc*,#i'e !"i+in%* .,"i#)ici!n in ci'i* %ci!n#
in'!*'in+ i*e ! !" p!##e##i!n !& "e%*
.04 SCRA 9.>
UAPI;A;; Marc" 19, 1---
Petition for Certiorari
- Petitioner! fi$e a co)'$aint a&ain!t re!'onent!, eno)inate
*3ECLARA#IO; O+ ;ILLI#C A;3 PAR#I#IO;,* wit" t"e R#C of
Mana(e Cit1
- #"e co)'$aint a$$e&e t"at 'etitioner! are co-owner! of t"at 'arce$ of
$an in Li$oan, Ceb(? #"e $an wa! 'revio(!$1 owne b1 t"e !'o(!e!
Ca!i)ero #a(t"o an Ce!aria #a(t"o?
- I'on t"e eat" of !ai !'o(!e!, t"e 'ro'ert1 wa! in"erite b1 t"eir
$e&a$ "eir!, "erein 'etitioner! an 'rivate re!'onent!? Since t"en, t"e
$ot "a re)aine (nivie (nti$ 'etitioner! i!covere a '(b$ic
oc()ent eno)inate *3ECLARA#IO; O+ :EIRS A;3 3EE3 O+
- 71 virt(e of t"i! ee, re!'onent! ivie t"e 'ro'ert1 a)on&
t"e)!e$ve! to t"e e6c$(!ion of 'etitioner!?
- #"e co)'$aint 'ra1e t"at t"e oc()ent be ec$are n($$ an voi
an an orer be i!!(e to 'artition t"e $an a)on& a$$ t"e "eir!?
- Re!'onent! fi$e a Motion to 3i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint on t"e &ro(n of
$acA of 2(ri!iction over t"e nat(re of t"e ca!e a! t"e action i! one for
re-'artition an !ince t"e a!!e!!e va$(e of t"e 'ro'ert1 a! !tate in
t"e co)'$aint i! P5,000?00, t"en, t"e ca!e fa$$! wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of
t"e MC#C of Li$oan, Co)'o!te$a, Ceb(
- Petitioner! fi$e an O''o!ition to t"e Motion to 3i!)i!! !a1in& t"at
t"e co)'$aint i! for t"e ann($)ent of a oc()ent eno)inate a!
PRE%IOIS ORAL PAR#I#IO;,* w"ic" i! c$ear$1 one inca'ab$e of
'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, t"(!, co&niBab$e b1 t"e R#C
- #"e re!'onent 2(&e i!!(e an Orer &rantin& t"e Motion to
- A Motion for Recon!ieration of !ai orer wa! fi$e b1 'etitioner!
- Re!'onent! i not o''o!e t"e )otion for recon!ieration?
- Re!'onent 2(&e i!!(e anot"er Orer en1in& t"e )otion for
- :ence, t"i! 'etition
=O; t"e R#C "a! 2(ri!iction to entertain t"e civi$ ca!e?
Ratio Singsong vs. 4saela Sa$mill@ In eter)inin& w"et"er an action
i! one t"e !(b2ect )atter of w"ic" i! not ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1
e!ti)ation t"i! Co(rt "a! ao'te t"e criterion of fir!t a!certainin& t"e
nat(re of t"e 'rinci'a$ action or re)e1 !o(&"t? If it i! 'ri)ari$1 for t"e
recover1 of a !() of )one1, t"e c$ai) i! con!iere ca'ab$e of
'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, an w"et"er 2(ri!iction i! in t"e )(nici'a$ co(rt!
or in t"e co(rt! of fir!t in!tance wo($ e'en on t"e a)o(nt of t"e
c$ai)? :owever, w"ere t"e ba!ic i!!(e i! !o)et"in& ot"er t"an t"e
ri&"t to recover a !() of )one1, w"ere t"e )one1 c$ai) i! '(re$1
incienta$ to, or a con!e/(ence of, t"e 'rinci'a$ re$ief !o(&"t, t"i! Co(rt
"a! con!iere !(c" action! a! ca!e! w"ere t"e !(b2ect of t"e
$iti&ation )a1 not be e!ti)ate in ter)! of )one1, an are co&niBab$e
e6c$(!ive$1 b1 co(rt! of fir!t in!tance E6a)'$e! of action! inca'ab$e of
'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation are t"o!e for !'ecific 'erfor)ance, !(''ort, or
forec$o!(re of )ort&a&e or ann($)ent of 2(&)ent; a$!o action!
/(e!tionin& t"e va$iit1 of a )ort&a&e, ann($$in& a ee of !a$e or
conve1ance an to recover t"e 'rice 'ai an for re!ci!!ion, w"ic" i! a
co(nter'art of !'ecific 'erfor)ance?
="i$e action! (ner Sec? ..4.5 of 7?P? 12- are a$!o inca'ab$e of
'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, t"e $aw !'ecifica$$1 )anate! t"at t"e1 are
co&niBab$e b1 t"e M#C, ME#C, or MC#C w"ere t"e a!!e!!e va$(e of
t"e rea$ 'ro'ert1 invo$ve oe! e6cee P20,000?00 in Metro Mani$a, or
P50,000?00, if $ocate e$!ew"ere? If t"e va$(e e6cee! P20,000?00 or
P50,000?00 a! t"e ca!e )a1 be, it i! t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt! w"ic"
"ave 2(ri!iction (ner Sec? 1-425?
Reasoning #"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e co)'$aint in t"i! ca!e i!
ann($)ent of a oc()ent eno)inate a! *3ECLARA#IO; O+ :EIRS
#"e )ain '(r'o!e of 'etitioner! in fi$in& t"e co)'$aint i! to ec$are n($$
an voi t"e oc()ent in w"ic" 'rivate re!'onent! ec$are
t"e)!e$ve! a! t"e on$1 "eir! of t"e $ate !'o(!e! Ca!i)ero #a(t"o an
Ce!aria #a(t"o an ivie "i! 'ro'ert1 a)on& t"e)!e$ve! to t"e
e6c$(!ion of 'etitioner! w"o a$!o c$ai) to be $e&a$ "eir! an entit$e to
t"e 'ro'ert1? ="i$e t"e co)'$aint a$!o 'ra1! for t"e 'artition of t"e
'ro'ert1, t"i! i! 2(!t incienta$ to t"e )ain action, w"ic" i! t"e
ec$aration of n($$it1 of t"e oc()ent above-e!cribe? It i! a6io)atic
t"at 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter of a ca!e i! conferre b1 $aw
an i! eter)ine b1 t"e a$$e&ation! in t"e co)'$aint an t"e c"aracter
of t"e re$ief !o(&"t, irre!'ective of w"et"er t"e '$aintiff i! entit$e to a$$
or !o)e of t"e c$ai)! a!!erte t"erein?
Di#p!#ii!n #"e 'etition wa! <RA;#E3?
== SCRA 5:B
REYES, JBL< Ap"i* 8> =>55
A''ea$ on 'oint! of $aw fro) an orer of t"e C+I Mani$a !(!tainin& an
affir)in& an orer of t"e M#C Mani$a i!)i!!in& t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint
for want of 2(ri!iction?
-Man(fact(rerD! 3i!trib(tor!, Inc? "a fi$e action in M#C Mani$a,
7ranc" III, !eeAin& to co)'e$ C( Si( Lion& to acce't e$iver1 of 94,500
'iece! of '$a!tifi$) ba&!, ba$ance of 100,000 'iece! orere b1 !ai
C( Sio Lion& an !(''$ie b1 t"e Man(fact(rer0! 3i!trib(tor!; to 'a1
P.,.98?00, t"e va$(e of t"e 100,000 'iece! of '$a!tifi$) ba&! orere
b1 "i), '$(! 12J intere!t 'er ann() t"ereon (nti$ f($$1 'ai; an to 'a1
t"e a)o(nt of P>44?00, for an a! !ti'($ate attorne1D! fee!?
Man((fact(rer0! 3i!trib(tor! a$!o 'ra1e for !(c" ot"er re$ief! a! )a1
be ee)e 2(!t an e/(itab$e in t"e 're)i!e!?
-C( Sio Lion& fi$e M#3 on t"e &ro(n t"at, t"e !(b2ect of t"e $iti&ation
bein& !'ecific 'erfor)ance, t"e !a)e $a1 wit"in t"e e6c$(!ive
2(ri!iction of t"e C+I? M#C ('"e$ C( Sio Lion& an i!)i!!e t"e
-C+I affir)e t"e orer of i!)i!!a$ wit" co!t!, !a1in&@ FMan(fact(rer0!
3i!trib(tor!D! action before t"e M#C wa! one for !'ecific
'erfor)anceX ="et"er ref(!a$ to acce't e$iver1 of !ai '$a!tifi$)!
wa! 2(!tifie or not i! not ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation an wa!,
t"erefore, not co&niBab$e b1 t"e M(nici'a$ Co(rt?*
-.anufacturer/s Distri&utors conten t"at t"e !(b2ect of t"e $iti&ation
were t"e 100,000 '$a!tifi$) ba&!, contracte for b1 C( Sio Lion& at a
tota$ 'rice of P.,.98?00, an, t"erefore, it wa! !(!ce'tib$e of 'ec(niar1
=O; t"e i!!(e i! inca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, an i! t"erefore
not wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of M#C
-#"ere i! no controver!1, a! to t"e contract(a$ 'rice for t"e '$a!tifi$)
ba&!; t"e i!'(te i! w"et"er or not C( Sio Lion& wa! 2(!tifie in it!
ref(!a$ to acce't t"e e$iver1 of t"e ba&!? #"i! )atter '$ain$1 i! not
ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, an, t"erefore, i! not wit"in t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e M#C?
-S'eaAin& of t"e ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction of t"e ,(!tice of t"e Peace an
M(nici'a$ Co(rt!, t"e ,(iciar1 Act, a! a)ene, in it! !ec>>, after
conferrin& ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction in ,(!tice of t"e Peace an M(nici'a$
Co(rt! over ca!e! w"ere t"e va$(e of t"e !(b2ect )atter or a)o(nt of
t"e e)an oe! not e6cee P5,000?00, 'rovie! nevert"e$e!! in it!
'ar2 t"at *#"e 2(ri!iction of a 2(!tice of t"e 'eace an 2(&e of a
)(nici'a$ co(rt !"a$$ not e6ten to civi$ action! in w"ic" t"e !(b2ect of
$iti&ation i! not ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, e6ce't in forcib$e entr1
an etainer ca!e!; nor to t"o!e w"ic" invo$ve t"e $e&a$it1 of an1 ta6,
i)'o!t or a!!e!!)ent; nor to action! invo$vin& a)ira$t1 or )ariti)e
2(ri!iction; nor to )atter! of 'robate, t"e a''oint)ent! of tr(!tee! or
receiver; nor to action! for ann($)ent of )arria&e!; ? ? ?* ,(ri!iction
over t"e c$a!!e! of ca!e! t"(! e6c$(e i! conferre on t"e C+I
4,(iciar1 Act, !ec445?
-#"at Man(fact(rer0! 3i!trib(tor!D! co)'$aint a$!o !o(&"t t"e 'a1)ent
b1 C( Sio Lion& of P.,.98?00 '$(! intere!t an attorne1D! fee!, oe!
not &ive a 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation to t"e $iti&ation, for t"e 'a1)ent of
!(c" a)o(nt! can on$1 be orere a! a con!e/(ence of t"e !'ecific
'erfor)ance 'ri)ari$1 !o(&"t? In ot"er wor!, !(c" 'a1)ent wo($ be
b(t an incient or con!e/(ence of C( Sio Lion&D! $iabi$it1 for !'ecific
'erfor)ance? If no !(c" $iabi$it1 i! 2(icia$$1 ec$are, t"e 'a1)ent
cannot be aware? :ence, t"e a)o(nt! !o(&"t o not re're!ent t"e
va$(e of t"e !(b2ect of $iti&ation?
-S(b2ect )atter over w"ic" 2(ri!iction cannot be conferre b1 con!ent,
"a! reference, not to t"e re! or 'ro'ert1 invo$ve in t"e $iti&ation nor to
a 'artic($ar ca!e, b(t to t"e c$a!! of ca!e!, t"e '(r'orte !(b2ect of
$iti&ation, t"e nat(re of t"e action an of t"e re$ief !o(&"t?
-+he 82unicipal +rial9 Court has no jurisdiction of a suit for specific
performance of a contract# although the damages alleged for its
reach# if permitted# are $ithin the amount of $hich that court has
-Cr(B v!? #an 4>9 P"i$? 8295 i! ina''$icab$e? In !ai ca!e, t"e '$aintiff
"a )ae an a$ternative 'ra1er@ !'ecific 'erfor)ance or 'a1)ent of
t"e !() of P844?.1? #"e a$ternative 'ra1er )eant t"at t"e 'a1)ent of
t"e $atter !() wa! a 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation of t"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance
!o(&"t, !ince it wo($ e/(a$$1 !ati!f1 t"e c$ai)! of t"e '$aintiff!? In t"e
're!ent ca!e, t"e 'a1)ent in )one1 i! not an a$ternative e/(iva$ent,
b(t a con!e/(ence or re!($t of t"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance, an "ence
can not con!tit(te a 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation t"ereof?
Disposition C+I orer affir)e?
>9 SCRA 829
,I<O; ;ove)ber 29, 1-50
Ori&ina$ action in t"e S('re)e Co(rt? Certiorari an 'ro"ibition wit"
- A(&(!t ., 1-4-@ re!'onent #e$e!fora Ca)bao fi$e a co)'$aint
a&ain!t t"e 'etitioner Man(e$ Cr(B, 'ra1in& t"at t"e $atter be orere to
fini!" t"e con!tr(ction of a "o(!e )entione in t"e co)'$aint, or to 'a1
"er t"e !() of P844?.1?
- =it"in ten a1! fro) t"e recei't of t"e !())on!, t"e 'etitioner fi$e a
)otion for a bi$$ of 'artic($ar!, w"ic" wa! enie b1 t"e co(rt?
- Se'te)ber 1-, 1-4-@ 'etitioner fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! t"e ca!e on
t"e &ro(n t"at t"e C+I "a! no 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect-)atter of
t"e !(itGt"e e)an containe in t"e 'ra1er i! on$1 for P844?.1,
w"ic" fa$$! (ner t"e ,(!tice of t"e Peace or t"e ,(&e of t"e
M(nici'a$ Co(rt? #"e )otion to i!)i!! wa! enie b1 t"e co(rt, an
tria$ for t"e )erit! wa! a$!o !et?
- Orer !ettin& t"e ca!e for tria$ on October 10, 1-4- wa! receive b1
'etitioner0! co(n!e$ on October 12 4two a1! after5? Since t"e 'artie!
i not a''ear at t"e tria$, t"e co(rt i!)i!!e t"e ca!e for $acA of
intere!t of t"e 'artie! on October 10, 1-4-?
- October 12, 1-4-@ re!'onent Ca)bao fi$e a )otion 'ra1in& t"at t"e
tria$ of t"e ca!e be !et for ;ove)ber 14, 1-4-? #"e )otion wa! "ear
on October 15, 1-4-, b(t a! t"e 'etitioner0! co(n!e$ receive notice of
t"e !ai )otion on Oct? 15, "e co($ not a''ear in t"e !ai "earin&?
1? =O; C+I "a! 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e?
Ratio #"e 2(ri!iction of t"e re!'ective co(rt! i! eter)ine b1 t"e
va$(e of t"e e)an an not t"e va$(e of t"e tran!action o(t of w"ic"
t"e e)an aro!e?
- #"e ca!e co)e! wit"in t"e e6c$(!ive ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction of t"e
)(nici'a$ co(rt or 2(!tice of t"e 'eace co(rt?
J,)ici%"( Ac !& =>9:
SEC? 44? 0riginal jurisdiction.C+I !"a$$ "ave ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction@
4c5 In a$$ ca!e! in w"ic" t"e e)an, e6c$(!ive of intere!t, or t"e
va$(e of t"e 'ro'ert1 in controver!1, a)o(nt! to )ore t"an two
t"o(!an 'e!o!?
SEC? >8? *urisdiction of justices of the peace and judges of municipal
courts of chartered cities.
4b5 Ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction in civi$ action! ari!in& in t"eir re!'ective
)(nici'a$itie!, an not e6c$(!ive$1 co&niBab$e b1 t"e C+I?
SEC? >>? 0riginal *urisdiction in civil cases.
:%% e6c$(!ive ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction w"ere t"e va$(e of t"e !(b2ect-
)atter or a)o(nt of t"e e)an oe! not e6cee two t"o(!an
'e!o!, e6c$(!ive of intere!t an co!t!?
- #"e a$ternative 'ra1er for !'ecific 'erfor)ance i! a$!o of t"e !a)e
va$(e, for t"e a$ternative 'ra1er! wo($ not "ave been )ae in t"e
co)'$aint if one wa! )ore va$(ab$e t"an t"e ot"er; t"e !'ecific
'erfor)ance a$ternative$1 'ra1e for i! ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation
at P844?.1?
,(&e of C+I i! ec$are wit"o(t 2(ri!iction to tr1 t"e ca!e, an i!
orere to !to' f(rt"er 'roceein&! b1 i!)i!!in& t"e ca!e?
89 SCRA 922
REYES, J.B.L., J,*( 1=, =>5:
- Anre! La'itan "a! a''ea$e irect$1 to t"i! Co(rt a&ain!t an orer of
t"e C+I of Ceb(, i!)i!!in&, for $acA of 2(ri!iction, "i! co)'$aint for
re!ci!!ion an a)a&e! a&ain!t a''e$$ee! Scania, Inc?, of Mani$a an
<enera$ En&ineerin& Co? of Ceb(? P$aintiff aver! t"at on A'ri$ 19, 1-8.
"e '(rc"a!e fro) Scania, Inc?, one A7C 3ie!e$ En&ine; t"at "e
bo(&"t t"e en&ine for r(nnin& a rice an corn )i$$; t"at efenant! "a
warrante an a!!(re "i) t"at a$$ !'are 'art! for !ai en&ine are Ae't
in !tocA in t"eir !tore!, enab$in& "i) to avoi $o!! (e to $on& 'erio!
of waitin&, an t"at efenant! wo($ re'$ace an1 'art of t"e en&ine
t"at )i&"t breaA wit"in 12 )ont"! after e$iver1?
- #"e ca) rocAer ar) of t"e en&ine broAe (e to fa($t1 )ateria$ an
worA)an!"i' an it !to''e f(nctionin&; t"e !e$$er! were (nab$e to
!en a re'$ace)ent (nti$ A(&(!t 2-, 1-8.; bare$1 !i6 a1! after
re'$ace)ent t"e new 'art broAe a&ain (e to fa($t1 ca!tin& an 'oor
)ateria$, !o La'itan notifie t"e !e$$er! an e)ane re!ci!!ion of
t"e contract of !a$e; "e !o(&"t ret(rn of t"e 'rice an a)a&e! b(t
efenant! i not 'a1?
- Scania, Inc?, )ove to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e
tota$ a)o(nt c$ai)e wa! on$1 P>,9.5?00, an wa! wit"in t"e e6c$(!ive
2(ri!iction of t"e )(nici'a$ co(rt, (ner RA .>2>, a)enin& t"e
,(iciar1 Act b1 increa!in& t"e 2(ri!iction of )(nici'a$ co(rt! to civi$
ca!e! invo$vin& P10,000?00 or $e!!? #"e C+I i!)i!!e t"e action for
$acA of 2(ri!iction? La'itan a''ea$e irect$1 to t"i! Co(rt, ar&(in& 415
t"at re!ci!!ion wa! inca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, an 425 t"at a!
"e c$ai)e )ora$ an e6e)'$ar1 a)a&e!, be!ie! t"e 'rice of
P.,9.5?00, P4,000?00 act(a$ a)a&e!, an P1,000?00 attorne1!D fee!,
t"e va$(e of "i! e)an e6ceee t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e )(nici'a$
=O; C+I "a 2(ri!iction
Ratio. In eter)inin& w"et"er an action i! one t"e !(b2ect )atter of
w"ic" i! not ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, t"i! Co(rt "a! ao'te
t"e criterion of fir!t a!certainin& t"e nat(re of t"e 'rinci'a$ action or
re)e1 !o(&"t? If it i! 'ri)ari$1 for t"e recover1 of a !() of )one1, t"e
c$ai) i! con!iere ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation, an w"et"er
2(ri!iction i! in t"e )(nici'a$ co(rt! or in t"e C+I wo($ e'en on t"e
a)o(nt of t"e c$ai)? :owever, w"ere t"e ba!ic i!!(e i! !o)et"in&
ot"er t"an t"e ri&"t to recover a !() of )one1, or w"ere t"e )one1
c$ai) i! '(re$1 incienta$ to, or a con!e/(ence of, t"e 'rinci'a$ re$ief
!o(&"t, $iAe in !(it! to "ave t"e efenant 'erfor) "i! 'art of t"e
contract an in action! for !(''ort, or for ann($)ent of a 2(&)ent or
to forec$o!e a )ort&a&e, t"i! Co(rt "a! con!iere !(c" action! a!
ca!e! w"ere t"e !(b2ect of t"e $iti&ation )a1 not be e!ti)ate in ter)!
of )one1, an are co&niBab$e e6c$(!ive$1 b1 t"eC+I? Action! for
!'ecific 'erfor)ance of contract! "ave been e6're!!$1 'rono(nce to
be e6c$(!ive$1 co&niBab$e b1 t"e C+I? An no co&ent rea!on a''ear!
w"1 an action for re!ci!!ion !"o($ be ifferent$1 treate? =e,
t"erefore, r($e t"at t"e !(b2ect )atter of action! for re!ci!!ion of
contract! are not ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation?
9. SCRA 1>-
CO;CEPCIO;; Se'te)ber .0, 1-98
Petition for certiorari
- A co)'$aint wa! fi$e before t"e C+I of RiBa$ a&ain!t 'rivate
re!'onent! <(i$$er)o e$o! Re1e! an Marce$ina Marce$o for t"e
recover1 of t"e !() of P1520 '$(! intere!t an t"e !() e/(iva$ent to
25J of t"e tota$ a)o(nt (e a! attorne10! fee!, an in efa($t of
'a1)ent t"ereof, to orer t"e forec$o!(re of t"e c"atte$ )ort&a&e
4wort" P15,.405 e6ec(te b1 t"e !ai re!'onent!? <re&orio
E)'erao an Leonara e $a Cr(B were )ae 'art1 efenant! !ince
t"e1 were co-)aAer! of t"e 'ro)i!!or1 note?
- Private re!'onent!, in t"eir an!wer c$ai)! t"at t"e $oane !(e
('on i! on$1 one of five $oan! !ec(re b1 t"e) fro) t"e 'etitioner
w"erein t"e1 were c"ar&e (!(rio(! intere!t? #"e1 c$ai) t"at t"e
ba$ance (e i! on$1 P1280?
- +or fai$(re to '$ea, E)'erao wa! ec$are in efa($t w"i$e t"e ca!e
a&ain!t e $a Cr(B wa! i!)i!!e wEo 're2(ice?
- Re!'onent! fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! for $acA of 2(ri!iction !ince t"e
'etitioner on$1 'ra1! for P1520? It t"erefore co)e! (ner t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction of t"e )(nici'a$ co(rt? A$!o, !ince
t"e 'etitioner 'ra1! for forec$o!(re of c"atte$ in 7($acan, it !"o($ "ave
been fi$e t"ere w"ere t"e ee of c"atte$ )ort&a&e i! $ocate? #"e
C+I i!)i!!e t"e ca!e? Motion for recon!ieration wa! $iAewi!e
1? =O; t"e cit1 co(rt "a! 2(ri!iction
1? CES?
Ratio A$t"o(&" t"e '(r'o!e of t"e action i! to recover an a)o(nt '$(!
intere!t w"ic" co)e! wit"in t"e ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction of t"e ,(!tice of t"e
Peace Co(rt, 1et w"en !ai action invo$ve! forec$o!(re of c"atte$
)ort&a&e coverin& 'ro'ertie! va$(e at )ore t"an P10,000, t"e action
!"o($ be in!tit(te before t"e C+I?
Reasoning In t"e ca!e at bar, t"e a)o(nt !o(&"t to be recovere i!
P1520 '$(! intere!t an co!t!, an c"atte$ )ort&a&e of 'ro'ertie!
va$(e at P15.40? It i! t"erefore wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e C+I?
Disposition Petition &rante
:= SCRA 24
AEUINO, =B J%n. =>2:
-#"i! ca!e i! abo(t t"e 'ro'riet1 of a !e'arate action to co)'e$ a
i!tre!!e r(ra$ banA, w"ic" i! (ner 2(icia$ $i/(iation, to acce't a
c"ecA in 'a1)ent of a )ort&a&e ebt?
-S'o(!e! +ranci!co S? :ernaneB an ,o!efa I? AtienBa obtaine
fro) t"e R(ra$ 7anA of L(cena, Inc? a $oan of P8,000 !ec(re b1 a
)ort&a&e on t"eir two $ot! !it(ate in C(bao, H(eBon Cit1? #"ree
)ont"! after t"at $oan wa! obtaine, t"e L(cena banA beca)e a
i!tre!!e banA?
-7efore t"e e6'iration of t"e one 1ear ter) of t"e $oan, or on A(&(!t
22, 1-81, :ernaneB went to t"e L(cena banA an offere to 'a1 t"e
$oan b1 )ean! of a c"ecA for P8,000 w"ic" wa! rawn a&ain!t t"e
banA b1 a e'o!itor, t"e San Pab$o Co$$e&e!, an w"ic" wa! 'a1ab$e
to :ernaneB? A! t"e banAD! e6ec(tive vice-'re!ient wa! not
avai$ab$e, t"e 'a1)ent wa! not con!())ate? At t"e ti)e t"at t"e
c"ecA wa! i!!(e, t"e San Pab$o Co$$e&e! "a a e'o!it in t"e L(cena
banA a)o(ntin& to P11,>-0?18? In!tea of wit"rawin& P8,000 fro)
t"at e'o!it, t"e San Pab$o Co$$e&e! c"o!e to i!!(e a c"ecA for t"at
a)o(nt to :ernaneB? :e !ent to t"e banA b1 re&i!tere )ai$ a
'"oto!tat of t"e c"ecA an a $etter in/(irin& w"et"er t"e banA wo($
"onor t"e c"ecA an w"en "e co($ &o 'er!ona$$1 to t"e banA for t"at
'(r'o!e? #"at $etter wa! receive b1 t"e banA? #"e e6ec(tive vice-
're!ient wrote to :ernaneB an infor)e "i) t"at t"e c"ecA co($
not be "onore for t"e ti)e bein& beca(!e of aver!e event! t"at "a
i!r('te t"e banAD! o'eration!? ="at t"e vice-'re!ient )eant wa!
t"at b1 rea!on of t"e $etter of t"e Centra$ 7anA <overnor ate ,(ne
18, 1-81 t"e o'eration! of t"e L(cena banA were !(!'ene? #"e
vice-'re!ient e6'$aine t"at beca(!e t"ere wa! a r(n on t"e banA it!
a!!et! were e6"a(!te, an !o t"e c"ecA !ent b1 :ernaneB, w"ic"
c"ecA wa! rawn a&ain!t t"e L(cena banA, co($ not be acce'te? #"e
vice-'re!ient !ai t"at w"en :ernaneB 're!ente t"e c"ecA, t"e
L(cena banA wa! no $on&er in a 'o!ition to "onor wit"rawa$! an t"at
"a :ernaneB 'ai ca!", "i! 'a1)ent wo($ "ave been acce'te? #o
"onor t"e c"ecA wo($ "ave been tanta)o(nt to a$$owin& a e'o!itor
4San Pab$o Co$$e&e!5 to )aAe a wit"rawa$ b(t t"e L(cena banA co($
not entertain wit"rawa$! wit"o(t t"e con!ent of t"e Centra$ 7anA
e6a)iner!? Pa1)ent b1 c"ecA wa! a i!b(r!e)ent?
A''arent$1, t"e vice-'re!ient i not taAe t"e tro(b$e of a!Ain& t"e
Centra$ 7anA e6a)iner! w"et"er t"e 'a1)ent b1 c"ecA )ae b1
:ernaneB co($ be acce'te? :ernaneB "i)!e$f w"o !"o($ "ave
Anown t"at t"e banA wa! a i!tre!!e banA w"ic" "a !(!'ene
o'eration! an w"ic" wa! (ner t"e !('ervi!ion of Centra$ 7anA
e6a)iner!, i not bot"er to taAe (' "i! 'rob$e) wit" t"e !ai
-:ernaneB a&ain a!Ae t"e banA w"en "e co($ e$iver t"e c"ecA?
#"e e6ec(tive vice-'re!ient to$ :ernaneB t"at t"e banA co($ not
1et "onor t"e c"ecA beca(!e it "a not re!()e it! banAin&
o'eration!; t"at it wa! awaitin& t"e o(tco)e of a ca!e fi$e b1 t"e banA
a&ain!t t"e Centra$ 7anA; t"at it )i&"t reo'en in ,an(ar1, 1-82, an
t"at, an1wa1, t"e $oan wo($ not be (e (nti$ Marc" 21, 1-82?
:ernaneB !ent anot"er $etter an enc$o!e t"e ori&ina$ c"ecA 4($1
enor!e5 wit" "i! $etter to t"e banA !ent b1 re&i!tere )ai$ an
!'ecia$ e$iver1? Letter wa! ret(rne to :ernaneB beca(!e t"e banAD!
)ana&er wa! a$$e&e$1 in Mani$a? Ineterre, :ernaneB a&ain )ai$e
t"e c"ecA to t"e banA wit" t"e re/(e!t t"at "i! )ort&a&e be cance$$e?
-Monetar1 7oar "a ecie to $i/(iate t"e L(cena banA? #o
i)'$e)ent t"e re!o$(tion of t"e Monetar1 7oar for t"e Li/(iation of
t"e L(cena banA, t"e Centra$ 7anA, '(r!(ant to !ection 2- of it!
c"arter an on t"e a!!()'tion t"at t"e L(cena banA wa! in!o$vent,
fi$e wit" t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of Mani$a a 'etition ate Marc"
29, 1-82 for a!!i!tance an !('ervi!ion in t"e $i/(iation of t"e L(cena
banA? Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of Mani$a i!!(e an orer irectin& t"e
L(cena banA to t(rn over it! a!!et! to t"e Centra$ 7anAD! a(t"oriBe
-A)on& t"e acco(nt! receivab$e of t"e L(cena banA inventorie b1 t"e
Centra$ 7anAD! re're!entative wa! t"e acco(nt of :ernaneB? In a
$etter ate October 2-, 1-8. :ernaneB infor)e t"e Centra$ 7anA
t"at "e "a !ent to t"e L(cena banA on A'ri$ 25, 1-82 t"e c"ecA for
P8,000? :e a&ain re/(e!te t"at "i! )ort&a&e be cance$$e? #"e
A!!ociate S('erintenent of 7anA! in "i! an!wer ret(rne t"e c"ecA to
:ernaneB an infor)e "i) t"at, accorin& to t"e L(cena banAD!
e6ec(tive vice-'re!ient, t"e c"ecA co($ not be a''$ie to t"e
'a1)ent of :ernaneBD $oan beca(!e t"e banA wa! a$rea1 c$o!e
w"en "e receive t"e c"ecA? Moreover, t"e c"ecA wa! rawn a&ain!t
t"e c(rrent e'o!it! of t"e San Pab$o Co$$e&e! in t"e L(cena banA
w"ic" wa! in t"e 'roce!! of $i/(iation? :ernaneB wa! avi!e to
!ett$e "i! acco(nt b1 'a1in& ca!" or b1 )ean! of a c"ecA rawn
a&ain!t a banA ot"er t"an t"e L(cena banA?
-3i!re&arin& t"at !(&&e!tion, :ernaneB anno(nce to t"e A!!ociate
S('erintenent of 7anA! in "i! $etter t"at "e wa! &oin& to e'o!it t"e
!ai c"ecA in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of Li'a Cit1 on or before
3ece)ber 28, 1-8.?
-In!tea of fi$in& a con!i&nation co)'$aint? :ernaneB enc$o!e t"e
c"ecA wit" "i! $etter to t"e c$erA of co(rt of t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance
at Li'a Cit1? :ernaneB wrote a $etter ate ,an(ar1 11, 1-84
infor)in& t"e A!!ociate S('erintenent of 7anA! of t"e 2(icia$ e'o!it
of t"e c"ecA? Co'ie! of t"at $etter were f(rni!"e t"e L(cena banA an
t"e San Pab$o Co$$e&e!?
- :ernaneB an "i! wife fi$e an action in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance at
Li'a Cit1 to co)'e$ t"e R(ra$ 7anA of L(cena, Inc?, t"e Centra$ 7anA
a! $i/(iator, an ,o!e S? MartineB a! receiver, to acce't t"e c"ecA
an to e6ec(te t"e cance$$ation of t"e rea$ e!tate )ort&a&e? #"e
:ernaneB !'o(!e! a$!o a!Ae for )ora$ a)a&e! in t"e a)o(nt of
P10,000 an attorne1D! fee! of P.,000?
- Centra$ 7anA fi$e a )otion to i!)i!!? It contene t"at t"ere wa!
i)'ro'er ven(e beca(!e, a! t"e action a$$e&e$1 invo$ve tit$e to rea$
'ro'ert1, it !"o($ "ave been in!tit(te in H(eBon Cit1 w"ere t"e
enc()bere $ot! are !it(ate? It f(rt"er contene t"at !ince t"e
L(cena banA i! (ner $i/(iation an i! in t"e "an! of a receiver, it!
'ro'ertie! an a!!et! are in c(!toia $e&i! an )a1, t"erefore, be
reac"e on$1 b1 )otion or 'etition in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5001- of t"e Co(rt
of +ir!t In!tance of Mani$a? #"e )otion wa! enie?
-Co(n!e$ for t"e L(cena banA on ,an(ar1 .0, 1-89 offere to
co)'ro)i!e t"e ca!e b1 !ti'($atin& t"at t"e Centra$ 7anA wo($ a''$1
t"e c"ecA in /(e!tion to t"e )ort&a&e ebt of :ernaneB if t"e ba$ance
of t"e e'o!it of t"e San Pab$o Co$$e&e! wo($ be eno(&" to cover t"e
a)o(nt of t"e c"ecA of P8,000 an t"at, b1 virt(e of t"at co)'ro)i!e,
t"e co)'$aint an co(nterc$ai) wo($ be i!)i!!e?#"at conitiona$
an e/(ivoca$ co)'ro)i!e offer fiBB$e o(t beca(!e t"e $aw1er! of
:ernaneB an t"e Centra$ 7anA i not a!!ent to it?
-Lower co(rt orere t"e L(cena banA or t"e Centra$ 7anA, a!
$i/(iator, to acce't an "onor t"e c"ecA, to cance$ t"e )ort&a&e, an
to 'a1 t"e :ernaneB !'o(!e P25,000 a! )ora$ a)a&e! 4not
P10,000 a! 'ra1e for in t"e co)'$aint5 '$(! P1,000 a! attorne1D! fee!?
-#"e L(cena banA, t"e Centra$ 7anA an it! e)'$o1ee, t"e receiver,
a''ea$e to t"e SC?
1? =O; t"e action of t"e :ernaneB !'o(!e! to co)'e$ t"e) to "onor
t"e c"ecA in /(e!tion an to cance$ t"e )ort&a&e on t"eir two $ot! i! a
rea$ action affectin& tit$e to rea$ 'ro'ert1 w"ic" !"o($ "ave been fi$e
in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of RiBa$ at H(eBon Cit1 w"ere t"e
)ort&a&e $ot! are !it(ate?
2? =O; L(cena banA "a not $o!t it! 2(riica$ 'er!ona$it1 after it wa!
'$ace (ner $i/(iation t"(! )aAin& it not fa$$ (ner t"e 2(ri!iction of
t"e $i/(iation co(rt
1? ;o it i! a 'er!ona$ action?
Section 24a5, R($e 4 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt 'rovie! t"at *action!
affectin& tit$e to, or for recover1 of 'o!!e!!ion, or for 'artition or
cone)nation of, or forec$o!(re of )ort&a&e on, rea$ 'ro'ert1, !"a$$ be
co))ence an trie in t"e 'rovince w"ere t"e 'ro'ert1 or an1 'art
t"ereof $ie!*
;ote t"at t"e r($e )ention! an action for forec$o!(re of a rea$ e!tate
)ort&a&e b(t oe! not )ention an action for t"e cance$$ation of a rea$
)ort&a&e? In t"e in!tant ca!e, t"e action i! 'ri)ari$1 to co)'e$ t"e
)ort&a&ee to acce't 'a1)ent of t"e )ort&a&e ebt an to re$ea!e t"e
T-% %ci!n, K-ic- i# n! eCp"e##*( inc*,)e) in -e en,De"%i!n
&!,n) in #eci!n 8@%A !& R,*e 9, )!e# n! in'!*'e -e i*e ! -e
D!"+%+e *!#. I i# % pe"#!n%* %ci!n %n) n! % "e%* %ci!n. T-e
D!"+%+ee -%# n! &!"ec*!#e) -e D!"+%+e. P*%ini&&#J i*e i# n!
in H,e#i!n. T-e( %"e in p!##e##i!n !& -e D!"+%+e) *!#.
:ence, t"e ven(e of '$aintiff!D 'er!ona$ action i! t"e '$ace w"ere t"e
efenant or an1 of t"e efenant! re!ie! or )a1 be fo(n, or w"ere
t"e '$aintiff or an1 of t"e '$aintiff! re!ie!, at t"e e$ection of t"e '$aintiff
4Sec? 2VbW, R($e 45?
#"e '$aintiff! in t"eir brief confo(n a rea$ action wit" an action in re)
an a 'er!ona$ action wit" an action in 'er!ona)? #"e1 ar&(e t"at
t"eir action i! not an action in re) an, t"erefore, it co($ be bro(&"t in
a '$ace ot"er t"an t"e '$ace w"ere t"e )ort&a&e $ot! are $ocate?
A "e%* %ci!n i# n! -e #%De %# %n %ci!n in "eD %n) % pe"#!n%*
%ci!n i# n! -e #%De %# %n %ci!n in pe"#!n%D.
In % pe"#!n%* %ci!n, -e p*%ini&& #ee7# -e "ec!'e"( !& pe"#!n%*
p"!pe"(, -e en&!"ceDen !& % c!n"%c !" -e "ec!'e"( !&
)%D%+e#. In % "e%* %ci!n, -e p*%ini&& #ee7# -e "ec!'e"( !& "e%*
p"!pe"(, !", %# in)ic%e) in #eci!n 8@%A !& R,*e 9, % "e%* %ci!n i#
%n %ci!n %&&ecin+ i*e ! "e%* p"!pe"( !" &!" -e "ec!'e"( !&
p!##e##i!n, !" &!" p%"ii!n !" c!n)eDn%i!n !&, !" &!"ec*!#,"e !&
% D!"+%+e !n, "e%* p"!pe"(.
An %ci!n in pe"#!n%D i# %n %ci!n %+%in# % pe"#!n !n -e 6%#i#
!& -i# pe"#!n%* *i%6i*i(, K-i*e %n %ci!n in "eD i# %n %ci!n %+%in#
-e -in+ i#e*&, in#e%) !& %+%in# -e pe"#!n @= C. J. S. >91-9A,
Hence, % "e%* %ci!n D%( % -e #%De iDe 6e %n %ci!n, in
pe"#!n%D %n) n! nece##%"i*( %n %ci!n in "eD. In -i# c%#e, -e
p*%ini&&# %**e+e) in -ei" c!Dp*%in -% -e( Ke"e "e#i)en# !&
S%n J,%n, B%%n+%#, K-ic- in -ei" 6"ie& -e( c-%"%ce"i;e %# -ei"
*e+%* "e#i)ence %n) K-ic- %ppe%"# ! 6e -ei" )!Dici*e !& !"i+in.
On t"e ot"er "an, it i! inicate in t"e 'ro)i!!or1 note an )ort&a&e
!i&ne b1 t"e) an in t"e #orren! tit$e coverin& t"e )ort&a&e $ot!
t"at t"eir re!ience i! at 11 C"ica&o Street, C(bao, H(eBon Cit1,
w"ic" a''arent$1 i! t"e '$ace w"ere t"e !ai $ot! are $ocate? #"e
'$aintiff! i not te!tif1 (rin& t"e tria$, So, t"e1 "ave no te!ti)on1 in
t"e recor! a! to t"eir act(a$ re!ience?
We -!*) -% -e "i%* c!," #-!,*) -%'e )i#Di##e) -e %ci!n
6ec%,#e -e 'en,e -e"e!& K%# iDp"!pe"*( *%i) in B%%n+%#. T-e
e"D I"e#i)e#I in #eci!n 8L6M !& R,*e 9 "e&e"# ! -e p*%ce !&
%c,%* "e#i)ence !" -e p*%ce !& %6!)e %n) n! nece##%"i*( ! -e
*e+%* "e#i)ence !" )!Dici*e @D%n+K% T"%n#p!"%i!n C!., Inc. '#.
S%"Dien!, L-882>4, J%n,%"( 1=, =>22, 24 SCRA =89, =8:A. @O&
c!,"#e, -e %c,%* "e#i)ence D%( %*#! in #!De c%#e# 6e -e *e+%*
"e#i)ence !" )!Dici*e.A.
San ,(an, 7atan&a! )i&"t be t"e '$ace w"ere t"e '$aintiff! "ave t"eir
o)ici$e or $e&a$ re!ience b(t t"ere i! no /(e!tion t"at 11 C"ica&o
Street, C(bao, H(eBon Cit1 i! t"eir '$ace of aboe or t"e '$ace w"ere
t"e1 act(a$$1 re!ie? So, t"e action in t"i! ca!e, w"ic" i! a 'er!ona$
action to co)'e$ t"e efenant! to "onor t"e c"ecA in /(e!tion an to
cance$ t"e )ort&a&e, !"o($ "ave been fi$e in H(eBon Cit1 if t"e
'$aintiff! intene to (!e t"eir re!ience a! t"e ba!i! for t"eir c"oice of
#"e Centra$ 7anA 'oint! o(t t"at t"e ree)'tion action of t"e
:ernaneB !'o(!e! wo($ ($ti)ate$1 affect t"e f(n! an 'ro'ert1 of
t"e L(cena 7anA? :ence, t"e $i/(iation co(rt i! t"e co)'etent trib(na$
to 'a!! ('on t"e i!!(e a! to w"et"er t"e :ernaneB !'o(!e! co($
va$i$1 'a1 t"eir )ort&a&e ebt b1 )ean! of t"e c"ecA of t"e San
Pab$o Co$$e&e!?
2? ;o? #"e $i/(iation co(rt or t"e Mani$a co(rt "a! e6c$(!ive
2(ri!iction to entertain t"e c$ai) of t"e :ernaneB !'o(!e!?
At t"e ti)e t"e :ernaneB !'o(!e! fi$e in 1-84 t"eir con!i&nation
co)'$aint t"e L(cena banA wa! a$rea1 (ner $i/(iation? #"e Mani$a
co(rt in it! orer of Marc" 2>, 1-8. "a orere t"e officer! of t"e
L(cena banA to t(rn over to t"e Centra$ 7anA or to t"e receiver, t"e
S('erintenent of 7anA!, a$$ of it! a!!et!, 'ro'ertie! an 'a'er!?
A)on& t"e a!!et! t(rne over to t"e receiver wa! t"e o(t!tanin& or
(n'ai acco(nt of t"e :ernaneB !'o(!e! w"ic" a''ear! in t"e
inventor1 a!@ *.-.? :ernaneB, +ranci!co S?, 11 C"ica&o St?, C(bao,
H? C?
An a)on& t"e 'a'er! or ob$i&ation! t(rne over to t"e receiver wa!
Le&er ;o? 058 eviencin& t"e e'o!it of t"e San Pab$o Co$$e&e! in
t"e L(cena banA in t"e !() of P11,>-0?18, a&ain!t w"ic" t"e c"ecA for
P8,000 wa! rawn? It wa! t"at c"ecA w"ic" t"e :ernaneB !'o(!e!
"a i!!(e to 'a1 t"eir )ort&a&e ebt to t"e L(cena banA?
Iner !ection 2- of t"e Centra$ 7anA Act, Re'(b$ic Act ;o? 285, w"en
t"e Monetar1 7oar, ('on infor)ation !(b)itte b1 t"e S('erintenent
of 7anA!, fin! a banA to be in!o$vent, it !"a$$ forbi t"e banA to o
b(!ine!! an it !"a$$ taAe care of it! a!!et! accorin& to $aw?
In t"at ca!e, if t"e Monetar1 7oar fin! o(t t"at t"e in!o$vent banA
cannot re!()e b(!ine!! wit" !afet1 to it! creitor!, it !"a$$ t"ro(&" t"e
So$icitor <enera$, fi$e a 'etition in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance, 'ra1in&
for t"e a!!i!tance an !('er vi!ion of t"e co(rt in t"e $i/(iation of t"e
banAD! affair!? #"ereafter, t"e S('erintenent of 7anA!, ('on orer of
t"e Monetar1 7oar an (ner t"e !('ervi!ion of t"e co(rt, !"a$$
convert to )one1 t"e banAD! a!!et!? *Sabio e! /(e (no e $o!
ebere! 'ri)oria$e! e (n e'o!itario e! "acer!e car&o
in)eiata)ente e too e$ activo 1 'a!ivo e (n banco* 4L(1 La) N
Co? v!? Mercanti$e 7anA of C"ina, 91 P"i$? 59., 5985?
T-e &%c -% -e in#!*'en 6%n7 i# &!"6i))en ! )! 6,#ine##, -%
i# %##e# %"e ,"ne) !'e" ! -e S,pe"inen)en !& B%n7#, %# %
"ecei'e", &!" c!n'e"#i!n in! c%#-, %n) -% i# *iH,i)%i!n i#
,n)e"%7en Ki- .,)ici%* ine"'eni!n De%n# -%, %# &%" %# *%K&,*
%n) p"%cic%6*e, %** c*%iD# %+%in# -e in#!*'en 6%n7 #-!,*) 6e
&i*e) in -e *iH,i)%i!n p"!cee)in+.
#"e 2(icia$ $i/(iation i! intene to 'revent )($ti'$icit1 of action!
a&ain!t t"e in!o$vent banA? #"e $aw)aAin& bo1 conte)'$ate t"at for
convenience on$1 one co(rt, if 'o!!ib$e !"o($ 'a!! ('on t"e c$ai)!
a&ain!t t"e in!o$vent banA an t"at t"e $i/(iation co(rt !"o($ a!!i!t
t"e S('erintenent of 7anA! an contro$ "i! o'eration!?
In t"e co(r!e of t"e $i/(iation, contentio(! ca!e! )i&"t ari!e w"erein
a f($$-re!! "earin& wo($ be re/(ire an $e&a$ i!!(e! wo($ "ave to
be re!o$ve? :ence, it wo($ be nece!!ar1 in 2(!tice to a$$ concerne
t"at a Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance !"o($ a!!i!t an !('ervi!e t"e
$i/(iation an !"o($ act a! ()'ire an arbitrator in t"e a$$owance
an i!a$$owance of c$ai)!?
T-e .,)ici%* *iH,i)%i!n i# % p"%+D%ic %""%n+eDen )e#i+ne) !
e#%6*i#- ),e p"!ce## %n) !")e"*ine## in -e *iH,i)%i!n !& -e
6%n7, ! !6'i%e -e p"!*i&e"%i!n !& *ii+%i!n# %n) ! %'!i)
in.,#ice %n) %"6i"%"ine##.
Dispositio-. =:ERE+ORE, t"e tria$ co(rt 2(&)ent i! rever!e an
!et a!ie? #"e ca!e i! i!)i!!e wit"o(t 're2(ice to t"e ri&"t of t"e
:ernaneB !'o(!e! to taAe (' wit" t"e $i/(iation co(rt t"e !ett$e)ent
of t"eir )ort&a&e ob$i&ation? Co!t! a&ain!t t"e '$aintiff! a''e$$ee!? SO
In pe"#!n%D0 in "eD0 H,%#i in "eD
:a$f-brot"er a''ointe a! a)ini!trator, ca(!e t"e e6traterritoria$
!ervice of !())on! to "a$f !ib$in&! $ivin& in S'ain to !ett$e t"e /(e!tion
of owner!"i' over certain 'ro'ertie! an ri&"t! in !o)e )inin& c$ai)!
a! H(e)aa be$ieve t"at t"o!e 'ro'ertie! be$on& to t"e e!tate of
A$varo Pa!tor, Sr? 3e Mi&e$1 an Pa!tor bot" fi$e a )otion to i!)i!!
on t"e &ro(n of $acA of 2(ri!iction 7I# f(rt"er a$$e&e t"at earne!t
effort! towar! a co)'ro)i!e "ave not been )ae
Even if t"e $ower co(rt i not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over 3e Mi&e$1, "er
)otion to i!)i!! wa! 'ro'er$1 enie beca(!e H(e)aa0! action
a&ain!t "er )a1be re&are a! a H,%#i in "eD w"ere jurisdiction over
the person of a non.resident defendant is not necessar! and $here the
service of summons is re,uired onl! for the purpose of compl!ing $ith
the re,uirement of due process. E,%#i in "eD is an action et$een
parties $here the direct oject is to reach and dispose of propert!
o$ed ! the parties or of some interest therein.
-in a /(a!i in re) action 2(ri!iction over a non re!ient efenant i!
not e!!entia$? #"e !ervice of !())on! b1 '(b$ication i! re/(ire
)ere$1 to !ati!f1 t"e con!tit(tiona$ re/(ire)ent of (e 'roce!!? #"e
2(&)ent of t"e co(rt wo($ !ett$e t"e tit$e to t"e 'ro'ertie! an to t"at
e6tent it 'artaAe! of t"e nat(re of 2(&)ent in re)? #"e 2(&)ent i!
confine to t"e re! 4'ro'ertie!5 an no 'er!ona$ 2(&)ent co($ be
renere a&ain!t t"e non re!ient?
Con!o$iate ca!e!? I!!(e wa! re&arin& t"e 'a1)ent of t"e correct
ocAet fee?
-It i! not !i)'$1 t"e fi$in& of t"e co)'$aint or a''ro'riate initiator1
'$eain&, b(t t"e 'a1)ent of t"e 're!cribe ocAet fee, t"at ve!t! a
tria$ co(rt wit" 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect-)atter or nat(re of t"e
action? ="ere t"e fi$$in& of t"e initiator1 '$eain& i! not acco)'anie b1
'a1)ent of t"e ocAet fee, t"e co(rt )a1 a$$ow t"e 'a1)ent of t"e fee
wit"in a rea!onab$e ti)e b(t in no ca!e be1on t"e a''$icab$e
're!cri'tive or re&$e)entar1 'erio?
- #"e 're!cri'tive 'erio t"erein )entione refer! to t"e 'erio wit"in
w"ic" a !'ecific action )(!t be fi$e? It )ean! t"at in ever1 ca!e, t"e
ocAet fee )(!t be 'ai before t"e $a'!e of t"e 're!cri'tive 'erio?
/.R. N!. =4=>98.
PAN/ANIBAN< N!'eD6e" 82, 8BB1
Petition for review on Certiorari
- Petitioner ,(ana <o '(rc"a!e a ca!"ier0! c"ecA of P500U fro) t"e
+ar Ea!t 7anA an #r(!t Co)'an1 4+E7#C5, 'rivate re!'onent #on&?
On <o0! in!tr(ction, t"e ca!"ier0! c"ecA bore t"e wor! Y+ina$
Pa1)entEH(itc$ai)0 after t"e na)e of 'a1ee #on& a$$e&e$1 to in!(re
t"at #on& wo($ "onor "i! co))it)ent t"at "e wo($ no $on&er a!A for
f(rt"er 'a1)ent! for "i! intere!t in t"e Yinfor)a$ b(!ine!! 'artner!"i'0
w"ic" "e an !"e "a ear$ier i!!o$ve? #on& e'o!ite it wit" t"e
wor! Y+ina$ Pa1)entEH(itc$ai)0 a$rea1 era!e, "ence, it wa! not
- #on&0! $aw1er re/(e!te t"at t"e c"ecA be re'$ace wit" anot"er
'a1ab$e to Y,o"n!on #on&-+ina$ Sett$e)entEH(itc$ai)0 wit" !a)e
a)o(nt, t"e banA c"ar&e! to be 'ai b1 "i! c$ient-#on&, w"ic" wa!
enie b1 +E7#C? So, #on& fi$e co)'$aint a&ain!t +E7#C an <o at
R#C Mani$a? +E7#C an <o an!were t"at era!(re wa! intentiona$,
w"ic" 2(!tifie t"e i!"onor an ref(!a$ to re'$ace c"ecA?
- Ca!e 'enin&, <o0! !on, <eor&e, fi$e a cri)ina$ co)'$aint a&ain!t
#on& fa$!ification of t"e c"ecA? #"e cri)ina$ co)'$aint wa! i!)i!!e?
- #on& fi$e YMotion for Leave to +i$e a S(''$e)enta$ Co)'$aint an to
A)it t"e Attac"e S(''$e)enta$ Co)'$aint0 w"ic" S(''$e)enta$
Co)'$aint a$$e&e t"at S'!? <o0! Y(!e0 t"eir !on to fi$e t"e cri)ina$
co)'$aint a&ain!t "i) w"ic" ca(!e a)a&e!, "ence, t"e 'ra1er for
an increa!e in t"e a)o(nt of M3 an E3 !o(&"t to be recovere fro)
P2?5M to P55M an 'ra1in& for t"e awar of A3 of P5>U? R#C &rante
t"e )otion an a)itte t"e S(''$e)enta$ Co)'$aint?
- <o fi$e a Manife!tation of 3e'o!it an e'o!ite to t"e R#C C$erA of
Co(rt P500U re're!entin& t"e a)o(nt of t"e c"ecA, ;suject to the
condition that it shall remain deposited until the disposition of the
case.< M+R! of +E7#C an <o were enie?
- One of t"e efen!e! of +E7#C an <o@ #on& cannot 'ro!ec(te "i!
S(''$e)enta$ Co)'$aint, an t"e !a)e !"o($ be i!)i!!e, (n$e!!
t"e corre!'onin& ocAet fee an $e&a$ fee! for t"e )onetar1 c$ai)! of
P55M are 'ai for?
- On +eb? 5, 1---, R#C, actin& on t"e verba$ )otion of #on&0! co(n!e$,
a$$owe t"e re$ea!e of 'etitioner!0 P500U e'o!it to #on&? Later, R#C,
in t"e intere!t of 2(!tice an beca(!e of t"e "(&e a)o(nt of o(t$a1
invo$ve 4t"e Co(rt con!ier! t"e b(!ine!! c$i)ate an t"e 'e!o
cr(nc" 'revai$in&5, a$$owe #on& to fir!t e'o!it P25U on or before
3ec?15, 1--- an P20U ever1 )ont" t"ereafter (nti$ t"e f($$ a)o(nt of
ocAet fee! i! 'ai, an Fon$1 t"en !"a$$ t"e e'o!it! be con!iere a!
'a1)ent of ocAet fee!?L +E7#C an <o fi$e M+R b(t wa! enie?
:ence, t"i! ca!e?
=O; re!'onent 2(&e an t"e CA erre in a$$owin& 'rivate
re!'onent to 'a1 t"e ocAet fee on a !ta&&ere ba!i!?
Ratio 3ocAet fee! !"o($ be 'ai ('on t"e fi$in& of t"e initiator1
'$eain&!? :owever, for co&ent rea!on! to be eter)ine b1 t"e tria$
2(&e, !ta&&ere 'a1)ent t"ereof wit"in a rea!onab$e 'erio )a1 be
a$$owe? In$e!! &rave ab(!e of i!cretion i! e)on!trate, t"e
i!cretion of t"e tria$ 2(&e in &rantin& !ta&&ere 'a1)ent !"a$$ not be
Reasoning An action co))ence! fro) t"e fi$in& of t"e ori&ina$
co)'$aint an t"e 'a1)ent of t"e 're!cribe ocAet fee!? :owever,
w"ere t"e fi$in& of t"e initiator1 '$eain& i! not acco)'anie b1
'a1)ent of t"e ocAet fee, t"e co(rt )a1 a$$ow 'a1)ent of t"e fee
wit"in a rea!onab$e ti)e b(t in no ca!e be1on t"e a''$icab$e
're!cri'tive or re&$e)entar1 'erio? =Sun 4nsurance 0ffice -td. 7
Asuncion> In ot"er wor!, w"i$e t"e 'a1)ent of t"e 're!cribe ocAet
fee i! a 2(ri!ictiona$ re/(ire)ent, even it! non'a1)ent at t"e ti)e of
fi$in& oe! not a(to)atica$$1 ca(!e t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e, a! $on&
a! t"e fee i! 'ai wit"in t"e a''$icab$e 're!cri'tive or re&$e)entar1
'erio; )ore !o w"en t"e 'art1 invo$ve e)on!trate! a wi$$in&ne!! to
abie b1 t"e r($e! 're!cribin& !(c" 'a1)ent?
Disposition Petition i! 3E;IE3?
/.R. N!. =9B>49
Petition for certiorari an 'ro"ibition
- Private re!'onent! C(!toio, R(fo, #o)a! an :onorio, a$$
!(rna)e 7a$ane own a 1,.--- !/(are )eter 'arce$ of $an !it(ate in
Ma$a1o ;orte, Corte!, 7o"o$, e!i&nate a! Lot ;o? 1914? So)eti)e in
Marc" 1->0, t"e1 a$$owe 7ert($o :ino& to (!e a 'ortion of t"e !ai
'ro'ert1 for a 'erio of ten 1ear! an con!tr(ct t"ereon a !)a$$ "o(!e
of $i&"t )ateria$! at a no)ina$ ann(a$ renta$ of P100?00 on$1,
con!ierin& t"e c$o!e re$ation! of t"e 'artie!? After t"e e6'iration of t"e
ten-1ear 'erio, t"e1 e)ane t"e ret(rn of t"e occ('ie 'ortion an
re)ova$ of t"e "o(!e con!tr(cte t"ereon b(t 7ert($o ref(!e an
in!tea c$ai)e owner!"i' of t"e entire 'ro'ert1 b1 virt(e of a 3ee of
Ab!o$(te Sa$e ate ,($1 2, 1->0, e6ec(te b1 one #o)a! Pa"ac wit"
t"e Anow$e&e an confor)it1 of 'rivate re!'onent!?
- Accorin&$1, 'rivate re!'onent! fi$e a co)'$aint for FRecover1 of
Owner!"i' an Po!!e!!ion, Re)ova$ of Con!tr(ction an 3a)a&e!L
a&ain!t 7ert($o?
- #ria$ en!(e b(t on ,(ne 24, 1-->, 7ert($o ie wit"o(t co)'$etin&
"i! evience? Att1? S($'icio A? #ina)'a1 wit"rew a! co(n!e$ for
7ert($o a! "i! !ervice! were ter)inate b1 'etitioner 7ert($o :ino&
III? Att1? %eronico <? Peta$corin t"en entere "i! a''earance a! new
co(n!e$ for 7ert($o?
- On Se'te)ber 22, 1-->, Att1? Peta$corin fi$e a )otion to e6'(n&e
t"e co)'$aint fro) t"e recor an n($$if1 a$$ co(rt 'roceein&! on
t"e &ro(n t"at 'rivate re!'onent! fai$e to !'ecif1 in t"e
co)'$aint t"e a)o(nt of a)a&e! c$ai)e !o a! to 'a1 t"e correct
ocAet fee!; an t"at (ner Manc"e!ter 3eve$o')ent Cor'oration v!?
Co(rt of A''ea$!, non-'a1)ent of t"e correct ocAet fee i!
2(ri!ictiona$? It wa! f(rt"er a$$e&e t"at t"e 'rivate re!'onent! fai$e
to 'a1 t"e correct ocAet fee !ince t"e )ain !(b2ect )atter of t"e ca!e
cannot be e!ti)ate a! it i! for recover1 of owner!"i', 'o!!e!!ion an
re)ova$ of con!tr(ction?
- Private re!'onent! o''o!e t"e )otion to e6'(n&e on t"e fo$$owin&
&ro(n!@ 4a5 !ai )otion wa! fi$e )ore t"an !even 1ear! fro) t"e
in!tit(tion of t"e ca!e; 4b5 Att1? Peta$corin "a! not co)'$ie wit"
Section 18, R($e . of t"e R($e! of Co(rt w"ic" 'rovie! t"at t"e eat"
of t"e ori&ina$ efenant re/(ire! a !(b!tit(tion of 'artie! before a
$aw1er can "ave $e&a$ 'er!ona$it1 to re're!ent a $iti&ant an t"e )otion
to e6'(n&e oe! not )ention of an1 !'ecific 'art1 w"o) "e i!
re're!entin& Vt"i! wa! $ater on co)'$ie wit" b1 Att1? Peta$corinW; 4c5
co$$ectib$e fee! (e t"e co(rt can be c"ar&e a! $ien on t"e 2(&)ent;
an 45 con!ierin& t"e $a'!e of ti)e, t"e )otion i! )ere$1 a i$ator1
!c"e)e e)'$o1e b1 'etitioner!?
- In t"eir Re2oiner, 'etitioner! )anife!te t"at t"e $a'!e of ti)e oe!
not ve!t t"e co(rt wit" 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e (e to fai$(re to 'a1
t"e correct ocAet fee!? A! to t"e contention t"at eficienc1 in
'a1)ent of ocAet fee! can be )ae a! a $ien on t"e 2(&)ent,
'etitioner! ar&(e t"at t"e 'a1)ent of fi$in& fee! cannot be )ae
e'enent on t"e re!($t of t"e action taAen?
- On ,an(ar1 21, 1---, t"e tria$ co(rt orere t"e co)'$aint to be
e6'(n&e fro) t"e recor! an t"e n($$ification of a$$ co(rt 'roceein&!
taAen for fai$(re to 'a1 t"e correct ocAet fee!?
- On ,an(ar1 2>, 1---, ('on 'a1)ent of eficienc1 ocAet fee, 'rivate
re!'onent! fi$e a )anife!tation wit" 'ra1er to rein!tate t"e ca!e?
Petitioner! o''o!e t"e rein!tate)ent b(t on Marc" 22, 1---, t"e tria$
co(rt i!!(e t"e fir!t a!!ai$e Orer rein!tatin& t"e ca!e?
- On ,($1 14, 1---, 'etitioner! )anife!te t"at t"e tria$ co(rt "avin&
e6'(n&e t"e co)'$aint an n($$ifie a$$ co(rt 'roceein&!, t"ere i! no
va$i ca!e an t"e co)'$aint !"o($ not be a)itte for fai$(re to 'a1
t"e correct ocAet fee!; t"at t"ere !"o($ be no ca!e to be rein!tate
an no ca!e to 'rocee a! t"ere i! no co)'$aint fi$e?
- After t"e !(b)i!!ion of 'rivate re!'onent!0 o''o!ition an
'etitioner!0 re2oiner, t"e tria$ co(rt i!!(e t"e !econ a!!ai$e Orer
on A(&(!t 1., 1---, e!!entia$$1 en1in& 'etitioner!0
)anife!tationEre2oiner? #"e tria$ co(rt "e$ t"at t"e i!!(e! rai!e in
!(c" )anife!tationEre2oiner are 'ractica$$1 t"e !a)e a! t"o!e rai!e in
t"e a)ene )otion to e6'(n&e w"ic" "a a$rea1 been 'a!!e ('on
in t"e Orer ate ,an(ar1 21, 1---? Moreover, t"e tria$ co(rt
ob!erve t"at t"e Orer ate Marc" 22, 1--- w"ic" rein!tate t"e
ca!e wa! not ob2ecte to b1 'etitioner! wit"in t"e re&$e)entar1 'erio
or even t"ereafter via a )otion for recon!ieration e!'ite recei't
t"ereof on Marc" 28, 1---?
- On A(&(!t 25, 1---, 'etitioner! fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration b(t
t"e !a)e wa! enie b1 t"e tria$ co(rt in it! t"ir a!!ai$e Orer ate
October 15, 1---? :ence, t"i! 'etition?
=O; &rave ab(!e of i!cretion wa! co))itte b1 t"e tria$ co(rt in
rein!tatin& t"e co)'$aint ('on t"e 'a1)ent of eficienc1 ocAet fee!
- #"e (navai$abi$it1 of t"e writ of certiorari an 'ro"ibition in t"i! ca!e i!
borne o(t of t"e fact t"at 'etitioner! 'rinci'a$$1 a!!ai$ t"e Orer ate
Marc" 22, 1--- w"ic" t"e1 never !o(&"t recon!ieration of, in (e
ti)e, e!'ite recei't t"ereof on Marc" 28, 1---? In!tea, 'etitioner!
went t"ro(&" t"e )otion of fi$in& a !(''$e)enta$ '$eain& an on$1
w"en t"e $atter wa! enie, or after )ore t"an t"ree )ont"! "ave
'a!!e, i t"e1 rai!e t"e i!!(e t"at t"e co)'$aint !"o($ not "ave
been rein!tate in t"e fir!t '$ace beca(!e t"e tria$ co(rt "a no
2(ri!iction to o !o, "avin& a$rea1 r($e t"at t"e co)'$aint !"a$$ be
- After reco&niBin& t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e tria$ co(rt b1 !eeAin&
affir)ative re$ief in t"eir )otion to !erve !(''$e)enta$ '$eain& ('on
'rivate re!'onent!, 'etitioner! are effective$1 barre b1 e!to''e$ fro)
c"a$$en&in& t"e tria$ co(rt0! 2(ri!iction? If a 'art1 invoAe! t"e
2(ri!iction of a co(rt, "e cannot t"ereafter c"a$$en&e t"e co(rt0!
2(ri!iction in t"e !a)e ca!e? #o r($e ot"erwi!e wo($ a)o(nt to
!'ec($atin& on t"e fort(ne of $iti&ation, w"ic" i! a&ain!t t"e 'o$ic1 of t"e
- It )(!t be c$arifie t"at t"e !ai orer i! b(t a re!o$(tion on an
incienta$ )atter w"ic" oe! not to(c" on t"e )erit! of t"e ca!e or '(t
an en to t"e 'roceein&!? It i! an inter$oc(tor1 orer !ince t"ere
$eave! !o)et"in& e$!e to be one b1 t"e tria$ co(rt wit" re!'ect to t"e
)erit! of t"e ca!e? #"e re)e1 a&ain!t an inter$oc(tor1 orer i!
&enera$$1 not to re!ort fort"wit" to certiorari, b(t to contin(e wit" t"e
ca!e in (e co(r!e an, w"en an (nfavorab$e verict i! "ane own,
to taAe an a''ea$ in t"e )anner a(t"oriBe b1 $aw? On$1 w"en t"e
co(rt i!!(e !(c" orer wit"o(t or in e6ce!! of 2(ri!iction or wit"
&rave ab(!e of i!cretion an w"en t"e a!!ai$e inter$oc(tor1 orer i!
'atent$1 erroneo(! an t"e re)e1 of a''ea$ wo($ not affor
ae/(ate an e6'eitio(! re$ief wi$$ certiorari be con!iere an
a''ro'riate re)e1 to a!!ai$ an inter$oc(tor1 orer? S(c" !'ecia$
circ()!tance! are ab!o$(te$1 wantin& in t"e 're!ent ca!e?
- P$ain$1, w"i$e t"e 'a1)ent of t"e 're!cribe ocAet fee i! a
2(ri!ictiona$ re/(ire)ent, even it! non-'a1)ent at t"e ti)e of fi$in&
oe! not a(to)atica$$1 ca(!e t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e, a! $on& a! t"e
fee i! 'ai wit"in t"e a''$icab$e 're!cri'tive or re&$e)entar1 'erio,
)ore !o w"en t"e 'art1 invo$ve e)on!trate! a wi$$in&ne!! to abie
b1 t"e r($e! 're!cribin& !(c" 'a1)ent? #"(!, w"en in!(fficient fi$in&
fee! were initia$$1 'ai b1 t"e '$aintiff! an t"ere wa! no intention to
efra( t"e &overn)ent, t"e Manc"e!ter r($e oe! not a''$1? Iner
t"e 'ec($iar circ()!tance! of t"i! ca!e, t"e rein!tate)ent of t"e
co)'$aint wa! 2(!t an 'ro'er con!ierin& t"at t"e ca(!e of action of
'rivate re!'onent!, bein& a rea$ action, 're!cribe! in t"irt1 1ear!, an
'rivate re!'onent! i not rea$$1 inten to evae t"e 'a1)ent of t"e
're!cribe ocAet fee b(t !i)'$1 conten t"at t"e1 co($ not be fa($te
for inae/(ate a!!e!!)ent beca(!e t"e c$erA of co(rt )ae no notice
of e)an or rea!!e!!)ent? #"e1 were in &oo fait" an !i)'$1 re$ie
on t"e a!!e!!)ent of t"e c$erA of co(rt?
- ="i$e t"e ocAet fee! were ba!e on$1 on t"e rea$ 'ro'ert1 va$(ation,
t"e tria$ co(rt ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over t"e action, an 2(&)ent
awar! w"ic" were $eft for eter)ination b1 t"e co(rt or a! )a1 be
'roven (rin& tria$ wo($ !ti$$ be !(b2ect to aitiona$ fi$in& fee! w"ic"
!"a$$ con!tit(te a $ien on t"e 2(&)ent? It wo($ t"en be t"e
re!'on!ibi$it1 of t"e C$erA of Co(rt of t"e tria$ co(rt or "i! ($1
a(t"oriBe e'(t1 to enforce !ai $ien an a!!e!! an co$$ect t"e
aitiona$ fee!?
-1 P"i$ 4>2
7en&Bon; Ma1 .0, 1-52
Ori&ina$ Action in t"e S('re)e Co(rt? Certiorari
In an oratorica$ conte!t "e$ in ;a&a, Ca)arine!D S(r, fir!t "onor wa!
&iven b1 t"e boar of five 2(&e! to ;e!tor ;o!ce, an !econ "onor
to E))a I)'eria$? Si6 a1! $ater, E))a a!Ae t"e co(rt of fir!t
in!tance of t"at 'rovince to rever!e t"e awar, a$$e&in& t"at one of t"e
2(&e! "a fa$$en into error in &rain& "er 'erfor)ance? After a
"earin&, an over t"e ob2ection? of t"e ot"er fo(r 2(&e! of t"e conte!t,
t"e co(rt ec$are E))a I)'eria$ winner of t"e fir!t '$ace
=O; t"e co(rt! "ave t"e a(t"orit1 to rever!e t"e awar of t"e boar of
2(&e! of an oratorica$ co)'etition
Reasoning.. #"e Co(rt "e$@ F=e ob!erve t"at in a!!()in& 2(ri!iction
over t"e )atter, t"e re!'onent 2(&e rea!one o(t t"at w"ere t"ere i!
a wron& t"ere i! a re)e1 an t"at co(rt! of fir!t in!tance are co(rt! of
&enera$ 2(ri!iction?
#"e f$aw in "i! rea!onin& $ie! in t"e a!!()'tion t"at I)'eria$ !(ffere
!o)e wron& at t"e "an! of t"e boar of 2(&e!? If at a$$, t"ere wa!
error on t"e 'art of one 2(&e, at )o!t? Error an wron& o not )ean
t"e !a)e t"in&? *=ron&* a! (!e in t"e afore!ai $e&a$ 'rinci'$e i! t"e
e'rivation or vio$ation of a ri&"t? A! !tate before, a conte!tant "a! no
ri&"t to t"e 'riBe (n$e!! an (nti$ "e or !"e i! ec$are winner b1 t"e
boar of referee! or 2(&e!
<rantin& t"at I)'eria$ !(ffere !o)e $o!! or in2(r1, 1et in $aw t"ere are
in!tance! of *a)n() ab!/(e in2(ria*? #"i! i! one of t"e)? If fra( or
)a$ice "a been 'roven, it wo($ be a ifferent 'ro'o!ition? 7(t t"en
"er action !"o($ be irecte a&ain!t t"e inivi(a$ 2(&e or 2(&e!
w"o fra(($ent$1 or )a$icio(!$1 in2(re "er? ;ot a&ain!t t"e ot"er
Disposition. #"e 2(iciar1 "a! no 'ower to rever!e t"e awar of t"e
boar of 2(&e! of an oratorica$ conte!t? +or t"at )atter it wo($ not
interfere in $iterar1 conte!t!, bea(t1 conte!t! an !i)i$ar co)'etition!
18 SCRA =::
A''ea$ fro) t"e orer of t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of Cotabato
i!)i!!in&, on a )otion to i!)i!!, it! Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 2012 for
certiorari, in2(nction an a)a&e! on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e co)'$aint
t"erein !tate! no ca(!e of action, an fro) t"e !(b!e/(ent orer of t"e
co(rt a /(o en1in& t"e )otion for t"e recon!ieration of t"e !ai orer
of i!)i!!a$?
-A''e$$ant #eooro Santia&o, ,r? wa! a '('i$ in <rae Si6 at t"e Sero
E$e)entar1 Sc"oo$ in Cotabato Cit1?
-="en t"e !c"oo$ 1ear wa! abo(t to en t"e *Co))ittee On #"e
Ratin& Of St(ent! +or :onor* wa! con!tit(te b1 t"e teac"er!
concerne at !ai !c"oo$ for t"e '(r'o!e of !e$ectin& t"e *"onor
!t(ent!* of it! &ra(atin& c$a!!? #"e above-na)e co))ittee
e$iberate an fina$$1 a2(&e #eooro C? Santia&o, ,r? a! t"ir
"onor? #"e !c"oo$D! &ra(ation e6erci!e! were t"ereafter !et for Ma1
21, 1-85; b(t t"ree a1! before t"at ate, t"e *t"ir '$acer* #eooro
Santia&o, ,r?, re're!ente b1 "i! )ot"er, an wit" "i! fat"er a!
co(n!e$, !o(&"t t"e inva$iation of t"e *ranAin& of "onor !t(ent!* t"(!
)ae, b1 in!tit(tin& t"e civi$ ca!e in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of
Cotabato, a&ain!t t"e co))ittee )e)ber! a$on& wit" t"e 3i!trict
S('ervi!or an t"e Acae)ic S('ervi!or of t"e '$ace?
SANTIA/O# %**e+e) -%? 415 P$aintiff-'etitioner #eooro C? Santia&o,
,r? i! a !i6t" &raer at t"e Sero E$e)entar1 Sc"oo$ in Cotabato Cit1
!c"e($e to be &ra(ate on Ma1 21!t, 1-85 wit" t"e "onor ranA of
t"ir '$ace, w"ic" i! i!'(te; 425 #"at t"e teac"er! of t"e !c"oo$ "a
been )ae re!'onent! a! t"e1 co)'o!e t"e *Co))ittee on t"e
Ratin& of St(ent for :onor*, w"o!erave ab(!e of officia$ i!cretion i!
t"e !(b2ect of !(it, w"i$e t"e ot"er efenant! were inc$(e a!
Princi'a$, 3i!trict S('ervi!or an Acae)ic S('ervi!or of t"e !c"oo$;
4.5 #"at #eooro Santia&o, ,r? "a been a con!i!tent "onor '('i$ fro)
<rae I to <rae % of t"e Sero E$e)entar1 Sc"oo$, w"i$e Patricia
LiP&at 4!econ '$acer in t"e i!'(te ranAin& in <rae %I5 "a never
been a c$o!e riva$ of 'etitioner before, e6ce't in <rae % w"erein !"e
ranAe t"ir; 445 #"at Santia&o, ,r? "a been 're2(ice, w"i$e "i!
c$o!e!t riva$ "a been !o )(c" benefite, b1 t"e circ()!tance t"at t"e
$atter, Socorro Meina, wa! coac"e an t(tore (rin& t"e !())er
vacation of 1-84 b1 Mr!? A$'a! w"o beca)e t"e teac"er of bot" '('i$!
in En&$i!" in <rae %I, re!($tin& in t"e far $ea Meina obtaine over
t"e ot"er '('i$; 455 #"at t"e co))ittee referre to in t"i! ca!e "a
been i$$e&a$$1 con!tit(te a! t"e !a)e wa! co)'o!e of a$$ t"e <rae
%I teac"er! on$1, in vio$ation of t"e Service Man(a$ for #eac"er! of t"e
7(rea( of P(b$ic Sc"oo$! w"ic" 'rovie! t"at t"e co))ittee to !e$ect
t"e "onor !t(ent! !"o($ be co)'o!e of a$$ teac"er! in <rae! %
an %I; 485 #"at t"ere are irect an circ()!tantia$ )atter!, w"ic" !"a$$
be 'roven (rin& t"e tria$, w"erein re!'onent! "ave e6erci!e &rave
ab(!e of i!cretion an irre&($aritie!, !(c" a! t"e c"an&in& of t"e fina$
ratin&! on t"e &rain& !"eet! of Socorro Meina an Patricia LiP&at;
495 #"at t"ere wa! a (nani)o(! a&ree)ent an (ner!tanin& a)on&
t"e re!'onent teac"er! to in!($t an 're2(ice t"e !econ an t"ir
"onor! b1 ratin& Socorro Meina wit" a 'erfect !core, w"ic" i! ver1
(nnat(ra$; 4>5 #"at t"e wor! *fir!t '$ace* in 'etitionerD! certificate in
<rae I wa! era!e an re'$ace wit" t"e wor! *!econ '$ace*, w"ic"
i! an in!tance of t"e (n2(!t an i!cri)inatin& ab(!e! co))itte b1
t"e re!'onent teac"er! in t"e i!'(te !e$ection of "onor '('i$! t"e1
)ae; 4-5 #"at 'etitioner 'er!ona$$1 a''ea$e t"e )atter to t"e Sc"oo$
Princi'a$, to t"e 3i!trict S('ervi!or, an to t"e Acae)ic S('ervi!or,
b(t !ai officia$! *'a!!e t"e b(cA to eac" ot"er* to e$a1 "i!
&rievance!, an a! to a''ea$ to "i&"er a(t"oritie! wi$$ be too $ate, t"ere
i! no ot"er !'ee1 an ae/(ate re)e1 (ner t"e circ()!tance!;
an, t"at 'etitioner an "i! 'arent! !(ffere )enta$ an )ora$
a)a&e! in t"e a)o(nt of P10,000?00; an 4105 #"e 'etitioner! 'ra1e
to t"e Co(rt to !et a!ie t"e fina$ $i!t of "onor !t(ent! in <rae %I of
t"e Sero E$e)entar1 Sc"oo$ for t"at !c"oo$ 1ear 1-84-1-85, an,
(rin& t"e 'enenc1 of t"e !(it, to en2oin t"e re!'onent teac"er! fro)
officia$$1 an for)a$$1 '(b$i!"in& an 'roc$ai)in& t"e !ai "onor '('i$!
in <rae %I in t"e &ra(ation e6erci!e! t"e !c"oo$ wa! !c"e($e to
"o$ on t"e 21!t of Ma1 of t"at 1ear 1-85?
LC@ enie in2(nction
-A! !c"e($e, t"e &ra(ation e6erci!e! of t"e Sero E$e)entar1
Sc"oo$ for t"e !c"oo$ 1ear 1-84-1-85 wa! "e$ on Ma1 21, wit" t"e
!a)e 'rote!te $i!t of "onor !t(ent!?
#"e Co(rt t"en re/(ire t"e re!'onent! to an!wer t"e 'etition wit"in
10 a1! b(t re!'onent! )ove for t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e in!tea
on t"e &ro(n! 415 t"at t"e action for certiorari wa! i)'ro'er, an 425
t"at even a!!()in& t"e 'ro'riet1 of t"e action, t"e /(e!tion bro(&"t
before t"e co(rt "a a$rea1 beco)e acae)ic? #"i! wa! o''o!e b1
#"e )otion to i!)i!! wa! &rante?
I'on recei't of a co'1 of t"e above-/(ote orer, t"e 'etitioner )ove
for t"e recon!ieration t"ereof, b(t t"e !a)e wa! i!)i!!e?
Petitioner! a''ea$e
=O; t"e !ai co))ittee of teac"er! oe! fa$$! wit"in t"e cate&or1 of
t"e trib(na$, boar, or officer e6erci!in& 2(icia$ f(nction! conte)'$ate
b1 R($e 85
1? ;O 4t"erefore, no ca(!e of action e6i!t!5
Reasoning. In t"i! 2(ri!iction certiorari i! a !'ecia$ civi$ action
in!tit(te a&ain!t Dan1 trib(na$, boar, or officer e6erci!in& 2(icia$
f(nction!?D A 2(icia$ f(nction i! an act 'erfor)e b1 virt(e of 2(icia$
'ower!; t"e e6erci!e of a 2(icia$ f(nction i! t"e oin& of !o)et"in& in
t"e nat(re of t"e action of t"e co(rt? In orer t"at a !'ecia$ civi$ action
of certiorari )a1 be invoAe in t"i! 2(ri!iction t"e fo$$owin&
circ()!tance! )(!t e6i!t@ 415 t"at t"ere )(!t be a !'ecific controver!1
invo$vin& ri&"t! of 'er!on! or 'ro'ert1 an !ai controver!1 i! bro(&"t
before a trib(na$, boar or officer for "earin& an eter)ination of t"eir
re!'ective ri&"t! an ob$i&ation!; 425 t"e trib(na$, boar or officer
before w"o) t"e controver!1 i! bro(&"t )(!t "ave t"e 'ower an
a(t"orit1 to 'rono(nce 2(&)ent an rener a eci!ion on t"e
controver!1 con!tr(in& an a''$1in& t"e $aw! to t"at en; 4.5 t"e
trib(na$, boar or officer )(!t 'ertain to t"at branc" of t"e !overei&n
'ower w"ic" be$on&! to t"e 2(iciar1, or at $ea!t, w"ic" oe! not
be$on& to t"e $e&i!$ative or e6ec(tive e'art)ent?
- It i! evient, ('on t"e fore&oin& a(t"oritie!, t"at t"e !o ca$$e
co))ittee on t"e ratin& of !t(ent! for "onor w"o!e action! are
/(e!tione in t"i! ca!e e6erci!e neit"er 2(icia$ nor /(a!i 2(icia$
f(nction! in t"e 'erfor)ance of it! a!!i&ne ta!A? 7efore a trib(na$
boar, or officer )a1 e6erci!e 2(icia$ or /(a!i 2(icia$ act!, it i!
nece!!ar1 t"at t"ere be a $aw t"at &ive ri!e to !o)e !'ecific ri&"t! of
'er!on! or 'ro'ert1 (ner w"ic" aver!e c$ai)! to !(c" ri&"t! are
)ae, an t"e controver!1 en!(in& t"erefro) i! bro(&"t, in t(rn,
before t"e trib(na$, boar or officer c$ot"e wit" 'ower an a(t"orit1 to
eter)ine w"at t"at $aw i! an t"ere('on a2(icate t"e re!'ective
ri&"t! of t"e contenin& 'artie!?
- #"ere i! not"in& on recor abo(t an1 r($e of $aw t"at 'rovie! t"at
w"en teac"er! !it own to a!!e!! t"e inivi(a$ )erit! of t"eir '('i$!
for '(r'o!e! of ratin& t"e) for "onor!, !(c" f(nction invo$ve! t"e
eter)ination of w"at t"e $aw i! an t"at t"e1 are t"erefore
a(to)atica$$1 ve!te wit" 2(icia$ or /(a!i 2(icia$ f(nction!?
Dispositive. #"e 2(&)ent a''ea$e fro) i! affir)e, wit" co!t!
a&ain!t a''e$$ant?
/.R. L-1245
LABRADOR< J,ne 1B, =>48
Action to recover 'iece of 'ro'ert1
- #"e $an be$on&! to t"e '$aintiff, in w"o!e na)e t"e tit$e wa!
re&i!tere before t"e war? 3(rin& t"e ,a'ane!e occ('ation, t"e $an
wa! ac/(ire b1 a ,a'ane!e cor'oration, #aiwan #eAAo!"o, for t"e
!() of P140,000, an t"ere('on tit$e t"ereto i!!(e in it! na)e? After
$iberation, t"e A$ien Pro'ert1 C(!toian of t"e Inite State! of A)erica
tooA 'o!!e!!ion, contro$, an c(!to1 t"ereof (ner !ection 12 of t"e
#rain& wit" t"e Ene)1 Act, for t"e rea!on t"at it be$on&e to an
ene)1 nationa$? 3(rin& t"e 1ear 1-48 t"e 'ro'ert1 wa! occ('ie b1
t"e Co'ra E6'ort Mana&e)ent Co)'an1 (ner a c(!toian!"i'
a&ree)ent wit" Inite State! A$ien Pro'ert1 C(!toian, an w"en it
vacate t"e 'ro'ert1 it wa! occ('ie b1 t"e efenant "erein? #"e
efenant wa! a(t"oriBe to re'air t"e ware"o(!e on t"e $an, an
act(a$$1 !'ent t"ereon t"e re'air! t"e !() of P28,>->?29?
- P$aintiff bro(&"t an action in co(rt to ann($ t"e !a$e of 'ro'ert1 of
#aiwan #eAAo!"o, an recover it! 'o!!e!!ion? #"e ca!e i not co)e
for tria$ beca(!e t"e 'artie! 're!ente a 2oint 'etition in w"ic" it i!
c$ai)e b1 '$aintiff t"at t"e !a$e in favor of t"e #aiwan #eAAo!"o wa!
n($$ an voi beca(!e it wa! e6ec(te (ner t"reat!, (re!!, an
inti)iation, an it wa! a&ree t"at t"e tit$e i!!(e in t"e na)e of t"e
#aiwan #eAAo!"o be cance$$e an t"e ori&ina$ tit$e of '$aintiff re-
- #"e 're!ent action i! to recover t"e rea!onab$e renta$! fro) A(&(!t,
1-48, t"e ate w"en t"e efenant be&an to occ('1 t"e 're)i!e!, to
t"e ate it vacate it?
1? =O; efenant i! $iab$e for rent of t"e !ai 'erio
1? ;o
Ratio If efenant-a''e$$ant i! $iab$e at a$$, it! ob$i&ation!, )(!t ari!e
fro) an1 of t"e fo(r !o(rce! of ob$i&ation!, na)$e1, $aw, contract
or /(a!i-contract, cri)e, or ne&$i&ence? 4Artic$e 10>-, S'ani!"
Civi$ Coe?5
Reasoning 3efenant-a''e$$ant i! not &(i$t1 of an1 offen!e at a$$,
beca(!e it entere t"e 're)i!e! an occ('ie it wit" t"e
'er)i!!ion of t"e entit1 w"ic" "a t"e $e&a$ contro$ an
a)ini!tration t"ereof, t"e A$ien Pro'ert1 A)ini!tration? ;eit"er
wa! t"ere an1 ne&$i&ence on it! 'art? #"ere wa! a$!o no 'rivit1
4of contract or ob$i&ation5 between t"e A$ien Pro'ert1 C(!toian
an t"e #aiwan #eAAo!"o, !(c" t"at t"e A$ien Pro'ert1
C(!toian or it! 'er)ittee 4efenant-a''e$$ant5 )a1 be "e$
re!'on!ib$e for t"e !(''o!e i$$e&a$it1 of t"e occ('ation of t"e
'ro'ert1 b1 t"e !ai #aiwan #eAAo!"o? #"e A$ien Pro'ert1
A)ini!tration "a t"e contro$ an a)ini!tration of t"e 'ro'ert1
not a! !(cce!!or to t"e intere!t! of t"e ene)1 "o$er of t"e tit$e,
t"e #aiwan #eAAo!"o, b(t b1 e6're!! 'rovi!ion of $aw? ;eit"er i!
it a tr(!tee of t"e for)er owner, t"e '$aintiff-a''e$$ee "erein, b(t
a tr(!tee of t"en <overn)ent of t"e Inite State!, in it! own
ri&"t, to t"e e6c$(!ion of, an a&ain!t t"e c$ai) or tit$e of, t"e
ene)1 owner? +ro) A(&(!t, 1-48, w"en efenant-a''e$$ant
tooA 'o!!e!!ion, to t"e $ate of 2(&)ent on +ebr(ar1 2>, 1-4>,
A$ien Pro'ert1 A)ini!tration "a t"e ab!o$(te contro$ of t"e
'ro'ert1 a! tr(!tee of t"e <overn)ent of t"e Inite State!, wit"
'ower to i!'o!e of it b1 !a$e or ot"erwi!e, a! t"o(&" it were t"e
ab!o$(te owner? #"erefore, even if efenant-a''e$$ant were
$iab$e to t"e A$ien Pro'ert1 A)ini!tration for renta$!, t"e!e
wo($ not accr(e to t"e benefit of t"e '$aintiff-a''e$$ee, t"e
owner, b(t to t"e Inite State! <overn)ent?
Disposition ="erefore, t"e 'art of t"e 2(&)ent a''ea$e fro), w"ic"
!entence! efenant-a''e$$ant to 'a1 renta$! fro) A(&(!t, 1-48, to
+ebr(ar1 2>, 1-4-, i! "ereb1 rever!e? In a$$ ot"er re!'ect! t"e
2(&)ent i! affir)e? Co!t! of t"i! a''ea$ !"a$$ be a&ain!t t"e '$aintiff-
2> PHIL 555
FERIA< DeceD6e" 1, =>92
Petition for certiorari to !et a!ie t"e orer of t"e re!'onent 2(&e
en1in& t"e )otion to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint of re!'onent!
- re!'onent! fi$e a co)'$aint !eeAin& to recover a)o(nt! of )one1
(e to t"e) fro) t"e 'etitioner before t"e o(tbreaA of t"e war?
- t"e &ro(n of t"e )otion to i!)i!! fi$e b1 t"e 'etitioner! i! t"at t"e
co)'$aint of t"e re!'onent! oe! not !tate fact! !(fficient to
con!tit(te a ca(!e of action, beca(!e t"e '$aintiff! "ave no ri&"t to
e)an t"e 'a1)ent of t"e efenant!0 ebt! (nti$ after t"e
ter)ination or $e&a$ ce!!ation of t"e )oratori() 'rovie in EO ;o?
.2@ Enforcement of pa!ment of pa!ments of all dets and other
monetar! oligations pa!ale $ithin the Philippines# e%cept dets and
other monetar! oligations# entered into in an! area after declaration
! Presidential Proclamation# that such area has een freed from
enem! occupation and control# is temporaril! suspended pending
action ! the Common$ealth /overnment.
1? =O; co)'$ain of t"e re!'onent! !tate! fact! !(fficient to
con!tit(te a ca(!e of action
1? ;O
Ratio. A ca(!e of action i! an act or o)i!!ion of one 'art1 in vio$ation
of t"e $e&a$ ri&"t! of anot"er, an it! e!!entia$ e$e)ent! are@ 1? $e&a$
ri&"t of '$aintiff, 2? corre$ative ob$i&ation of t"e efenant, an .? act or
o)i!!ion of efenant in vio$ation of !ai $e&a$ ri&"t?
Reasoning. In t"i! ca!e, t"ere wa! no o)i!!ion on t"e 'art of t"e
efenant in vi$ation of t"e $e&a$ ri&"t! of t"e '$aintiff! to be 'ai,
beca(!e EO ;o? .2 !ai ebt! are not 1et 'a1ab$e or t"eir 'a1)ent
cannot be enforce (nti$ t"e $e&a$ ce!!ation of t"e )oratori(), w"ic" i!
!ti$$ in force?
333BUT @n! "e*%e) ! !pic C%,#e !& Aci!nA? even if t"e co)'$aint
of t"e '$aintiff! re!'onent! !tate! no ca(!e of action, t"e SC "o$!
t"at t"e fact! !tate in t"e 'etition for certiorari an 'ro"ibition fi$e in
t"e 're!ent ca!e o ;O# entit$e t"e 'etitioner to !ai re$ief!? 7eca(!e
2(&e :A3 2(ri!iction an i not e6cee it or act wit" &rave ab(!e of
i!cretion in en1in& t"e 'etitioner0! )otion to i!)i!!? #"i! Co(rt, in
action! of certiorari, can on$1 eter)ine =O; t"e co(rt acte wit"o(t
or in e6ce!! of it! 2(ri!iction or wit" &rave ab(!e of i!cretion? SoX
Disposition Petition i! enie?
/.R. NO. =912::
#"i! i! a 'etition for review on certiorari (ner R($e 45 of t"e 1--9
R($e! on Civi$ Proce(re of t"e eci!ion of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! an it!
re!o$(tion en1in& 'etitioner0! )otion for recon!ieration?
- On ;ove)ber 5, 1-->, re!'onent Continenta$ Ce)ent Cor'oration
4CCC5 fi$e a co)'$aint for a)a&e! a&ain!t 'etitioner 3A;+OSS an
Mec"atronic! In!tr()ent! an Contro$!, Inc? 4MI;CI5 before t"e R#C
of HC, 7ranc" >0, a$$e&in& t"at@
415 CCC '(rc"a!e fro) MI;CI two 3anfo!! 7ran +re/(enc1
ConverterEInverter for (!e in t"e +ini!" Mi$$ of it! Ce)ent P$ant? #"e
!ai '(rc"a!e i! covere b1 a P(rc"a!e Orer w"ic" inicate t"e
e$iver1 ate to be wit"in ei&"t 4>5 to ten 4105 weeA! fro) t"e o'enin&
of t"e $etter of creit? CCC e6ec(te an o'ene a $etter of creit (ner
in favor of 3A;+OSS I;3IS#RIES P#E? L#3; 425 CCC t"ro(&" a
$etter ate 9 ;ove)ber 1--9, reiterate it! e)an t"at ever1 e$a1
in t"e !"i')ent of t"e two 425 (nit +re/(enc1 ConverterEInverter wi$$
ca(!e !(b!tantia$ $o!!e! in it! o'eration! an re/(e!te for t"e ear$1
worA o(t an t"e i))eiate !"i')ent of t"e fre/(enc1 converter to
avoi f(rt"er $o!! to t"e co)'an1; :owever, on - ;ove)ber 1--9,
3A;+OSS, infor)e t"e ot"er MI;CI t"ro(&" fa6 tran!)i!!ion, co'1
f(rni!"e '$aintiff CCC, t"at t"e rea!on w"1 3A;+OSS "a! e$iver1
'rob$e)! wa! t"at !o)e of t"e !(''$ie co)'onent! for t"e new %L#
5000 !erie! i not )eet t"e a&ree /(a$it1 !tanar? #"at )ean! t"at
t"eir factor1 wa! canva!!in& for anot"er !(''$ier? An at t"at )o)ent,
t"ere wa! no c$ear )e!!a&e w"en nor)a$ 'ro(ction wi$$ re!()e?
-3(e to t"i! infor)ation receive, CCC !(r)i!e t"at efenant!
MI;CI an 3A;+OSS co($ not be ab$e to e$iver t"e two 425 (nit
+re/(enc1 Converter wit"in t"e )a6i)() 'erio of ten 4105 weeA!
'erio fro) t"e o'enin& of t"e Letter of Creit, a! one of t"e conition!
in t"e P(rc"a!e Orer? #"ereafter, no efinite co))it)ent wa!
receive b1 '$aintiff CCC fro) efenant! MI;CI an 3A;+OSS for
t"e e$iver1 of t"e two (nit +re/(enc1 Converter?
-71 rea!on of t"e e$a1 to e$iver, CCC infor)e MI;CI in a $etter
ate 1. ;ove)ber 1--9, of t"e '$aintiff0! intention to c%nce* t"e !ai
orer? A! a con!e/(ence t"ereof, CCC "a! !(ffere an act(a$
!(b!tantia$ 'ro(ction $o!!e! in t"e a)o(nt P>,084,000?00 (e to t"e
ti)e $o!t an e$a1 in t"e e$iver1 of t"e !ai two 425 (nit +re/(enc1
ConverterEInverter? LiAewi!e, '$aintiff CCC wa! co)'e$$e to $ooA for
anot"er !(''$ier?
- On +ebr(ar1 19, 1---, 3A;+OSS fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! t"e
co)'$aint on t"e &ro(n t"at it i not !tate a ca(!e of action?
- #"e co(rt a /(o enie t"e )otion to i!)i!! in it! orerV4W ate
Ma1 2>, 1---?
- 3anfo!! fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration of t"e orer b(t it wa!
enie? On a''ea$ to t"e CA, t"e $atter a$!o enie 3anfo!!0 'etition
for $acA of )erit? #"e CA $iAewi!e enie 'etitioner0! )otion for
recon!ieration, "ence, t"i! a''ea$?
=O; t"e CA erre in affir)in& t"e enia$ b1 t"e co(rt a /(o of
'etitioner0! )otion to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint for a)a&e! on t"e &ro(n
t"at it fai$e to !tate a ca(!e of action?
Ratio. In orer to !(!tain a i!)i!!a$ on t"e &ro(n of $acA of ca(!e of
action, t"e in!(fficienc1 )(!t a''ear on t"e face of t"e co)'$aint? An
t"e te!t of t"e !(fficienc1 of t"e fact! a$$e&e in t"e co)'$aint to
con!tit(te a ca(!e of action i! w"et"er or not, a)ittin& t"e fact!
a$$e&e, t"e co(rt can rener a va$i 2(&)ent t"ereon in accorance
wit" t"e 'ra1er of t"e co)'$aint? +or t"i! '(r'o!e, t"e )otion to
i!)i!! )(!t "1'ot"etica$$1 a)it t"e tr(t" of t"e fact! a$$e&e in t"e
Reasoning. After a caref($ 'er(!a$ of t"e a$$e&ation! in re!'onent0!
co)'$aint for a)a&e! a&ain!t 'etitioner, we r($e t"at t"e !a)e fai$e
to !tate a ca(!e of action? ="en re!'onent !(e 'etitioner for
a)a&e!, 'etitioner "a not vio$ate an1 ri&"t of re!'onent fro)
w"ic" a ca(!e of action "a ari!en? Re!'onent on$1 !(r)i!e t"at
'etitioner wo($ not be ab$e to e$iver t"e two (nit! fre/(enc1
converterEinverter on t"e ate a&ree ('on b1 t"e)? 7a!e on t"i!
a''re"en!ion, it cance$$e it! orer !i6 a1! 'rior to t"e a&ree ate of
e$iver1? :ow co($ re!'onent "o$ 'etitioner $iab$e for a)a&e! 415
w"en 'etitioner "a not 1et breac"e it! ob$i&ation to e$iver t"e &oo!
an 425 after re!'onent )ae it i)'o!!ib$e for 'etitioner to e$iver
t"e) b1 cance$$in& it! orer even before t"e a&ree e$iver1 ateQ
-Seci!n = @+A, R,*e =5 !& -e =>>2 Re'i#e) R,*e# !n Ci'i*
P"!ce),"e 'rovie! t"at@
Section 1? <ro(n! M =it"in t"e ti)e for b(t before fi$in& t"e an!wer to
t"e co)'$aint or '$eain& a!!ertin& a c$ai), a )otion to i!)i!! )a1
be )ae on an1 of t"e fo$$owin& &ro(n!@
666 666 666
4&5 #"at t"e '$eain& a!!ertin& t"e c$ai) !tate! no ca(!e of action;
-O; CAISE O+ AC#IO;@ A c%,#e !& %ci!n i! efine (ner Seci!n
8, R,*e 8 of t"e !a)e R($e!
Sec? 2? Ca(!e of action, efine? M A ca(!e of action i! t"e act or
o)i!!ion b1 w"ic" a 'art1 vio$ate! a ri&"t of anot"er?RRR
-It is the delict or wrongful act or o$ission co$$itted &% the
defendant in violation of the pri$ar% right of the plaintiff.
-Disposition. =:ERE+ORE, we "ereb1 <RA;# t"e 'etition? #"e
a!!ai$e eci!ion of t"e CA ate +ebr(ar1 11, 2000 an it! re!o$(tion
ate ,(ne 9, 2000 are RE%ERSE3 an SE# ASI3E? Civi$ Ca!e
'enin& before t"e R#C of H(eBon Cit1, 7ranc" >0, i! "ereb1
=85 SCRA 18
ESCOLIN< N!'eD6e" 8:, =>:1
Petition for certiorari an 'ro"ibition !eeAin& to ann($ an !et a!ie t"e
orer of t"e Sec(ritie! an E6c"an&e Co))i!!ion 4SEC5
- Caro$ina :ofi$ePa i! a !tocA"o$er of Pioneer <$a!! Man(fact(rin&
Cor'oration, a o)e!tic cor'oration en&a&e in t"e o'eration of !i$ica
)ine! an t"e )an(fact(re of &$a!! an &$a!!ware? Since 1-89,
Pioneer <$a!! "a obtaine vario(! $oan acco))oation! fro) t"e
3eve$o')ent 7anA of t"e P"i$i''ine! V37PW, an a$!o fro) ot"er $oca$
an forei&n !o(rce! w"ic" 37P &(arantee? #"e 'rocee! were (!e
in t"e con!tr(ction of a &$a!! '$ant in Ro!ario, Cavite, an t"e
o'eration of !even !i$ica )inin& c$ai)! owne b1 t"e cor'oration?
- A! !ec(rit1, Pioneer <$a!! )ort&a&e anEor a!!i&ne it! a!!et! to
t"e 37P in aition to t"e )ort&a&e! e6ec(te b1 !o)e of it!
cor'orate officer! over t"eir 'er!ona$ a!!et!? #"ro(&" t"e conver!ion
into e/(it1 of t"e acc()($ate (n'ai intere!t! on t"e vario(! $oan!
37P wa! ab$e to &ain contro$ of t"e o(t!tanin& !"are! of co))on
!tocA! of Pioneer <$a!!, an to &et t"ree re&($ar !eat! in t"e
cor'orationD! boar of irector!?
- ="en Pioneer <$a!! !(ffere !erio(! $i/(iit1 'rob$e)! !(c" t"at it
co($ no $on&er )eet it! financia$ ob$i&ation! wit" 37P, it entere into a
acion en 'a&o a&ree)ent wit" t"e $atter, w"ereb1 a$$ it! a!!et!
)ort&a&e to 37P were cee to t"e $atter in f($$ !ati!faction of t"e
cor'orationD! ob$i&ation! in t"e tota$ a)o(nt of P5- )i$$ion? Part of t"e
a!!et! tran!ferre to t"e 37P wa! t"e &$a!! '$ant in Ro!ario, Cavite,
w"ic" 37P $ea!e an !(b!e/(ent$1 !o$ to Inion <$a!! an
Container Cor'oration?
- :ofi$ePa fi$e a co)'$aint before t"e SEC a&ain!t t"e 37P, Inion
<$a!! an Pioneer <$a!!? :ofi$ePa 'ra1e t"at t"e acion en 'a&o be
ec$are n($$ an voi an t"e a!!et! of t"e Pioneer <$a!! taAen over
b1 37P 'artic($ar$1 t"e &$a!! '$ant be ret(rne?
- Of t"e five ca(!e! of action '$eae, on$1 t"e fir!t ca(!e of action
concerne Inion <$a!! a! tran!feree an 'o!!e!!or of t"e &$a!! '$ant?
Inion <$a!! )ove for i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e
SEC "a no 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter or nat(re of t"e !(it?
Re!'onent :ofi$ePa fi$e "er o''o!ition to !ai )otion, to w"ic"
Inion <$a!! fi$e a re2oiner?
- SEC :earin& Officer E(&enio Re1e! &rante t"e M#3 for $acA of
2(ri!iction? :owever, ('on a M+R, "e rever!e "i! ori&ina$ orer?
Inab$e to !ec(re a recon!ieration of t"e Orer a! we$$ a! to "ave t"e
!a)e reviewe b1 t"e Co))i!!ion En 7anc, Inion <$a!! fi$e t"i!
'etition in t"e SC?
1? =O; t"e SEC "a! 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e an not t"e re&($ar
1? ;O?
Ratio In orer t"at t"e SEC can taAe co&niBance of a ca!e, t"e
controver!1 )(!t 'ertain to an1 of t"e fo$$owin& re$ation!"i'!@ VaW
between t"e cor'oration, 'artner!"i' or a!!ociation an t"e '(b$ic; VbW
between t"e cor'oration, 'artner!"i' or a!!ociation an it!
!tocA"o$er!, 'artner!, )e)ber!, or officer!; VcW between t"e
cor'oration, 'artner!"i' or a!!ociation an t"e !tate in !o far a! it!
franc"i!e, 'er)it or $icen!e to o'erate i! concerne; an VW a)on& t"e
!tocA"o$er!, 'artner! or a!!ociate! t"e)!e$ve!?
Reasoning ="i$e t"e R($e! of Co(rt, w"ic" a''$ie! !(''$etori$1 to
'roceein&! before t"e SEC, a$$ow! t"e 2oiner of ca(!e! of action in
one co)'$aint, !(c" 'roce(re "owever i! !(b2ect to t"e r($e!
re&arin& 2(ri!iction, ven(e an 2oiner of 'artie!? Since Inion <$a!!
"a! no intra-cor'orate re$ation!"i' wit" :ofi$ePa, it cannot be 2oine a!
'art1-efenant in !ai ca!e a! to o !o wo($ vio$ate t"e r($e on
2(ri!iction? :ofi$ePaD! co)'$aint a&ain!t Inion <$a!! for cance$$ation
of t"e !a$e of t"e &$a!! '$ant !"o($ t"erefore be bro(&"t !e'arate$1
before t"e re&($ar co(rt?
- S(c" action, if in!tit(te, !"a$$ be !(!'ene to await t"e fina$
o(tco)e of t"e SEC ca!e, for t"e i!!(e of t"e va$iit1 of t"e acion en
'a&o 'o!e in t"e SEC ca!e i! a 're2(icia$ /(e!tion, t"e re!o$(tion of
w"ic" i! a $o&ica$ anteceent of t"e i!!(e invo$ve in t"e action a&ain!t
Inion <$a!!? #"(!, :ofi$ePaD! co)'$aint a&ain!t t"e $atter can on$1
'ro!'er if fina$ 2(&)ent i! renere in SEC Ca!e ;o? 20.5, ann($$in&
t"e acion en Pa&o e6ec(te in favor of t"e 37P?
;O#E@ #"e 2(ri!iction of t"e SEC i! e$ineate, b1 Sec 5 of P3 -02-
SEC? 5? In aition to t"e re&($ator1 an a2(icative f(nction of t"e
Sec(ritie! an E6c"an&e Co))i!!ion over cor'oration!, 'artner!"i'!
an ot"er for)! of a!!ociation! re&i!tere wit" it a! e6're!!$1 &rante
(ner e6i!tin& $aw! an evice!, it !"a$$ "ave ori&ina$ an e6c$(!ive
2(ri!iction to "ear an ecie ca!e! invo$vin&@
a5 3evice! an !c"e)e! e)'$o1e b1 or an1 act!, of t"e boar of
irector!, b(!ine!! a!!ociate!, it! officer! or 'artner!, a)o(ntin& to
fra( an )i!re're!entation w"ic" )a1 be etri)enta$ to t"e intere!t
of t"e '(b$ic anEor t"e !tocA"o$er! 'artner!, )e)ber! of
a!!ociation! or or&aniBation! re&i!tere wit" t"e Co))i!!ion;
b5 Controver!ie! ari!in& o(t of intra-cor'orate or 'artner!"i' re$ation!,
between an a)on& !tocA"o$er!, )e)ber! or a!!ociate!; between
an1 or a$$ of t"e) an t"e cor'oration, 'artner!"i' or a!!ociation of
w"ic" t"e1 are !tocA"o$er!, )e)ber! or a!!ociate!, re!'ective$1; an
between !(c" cor'oration, 'artner!"i' or a!!ociation an t"e !tate
in!ofar a! it concern! t"eir inivi(a$ franc"i!e or ri&"t to e6i!t a! !(c"
c5 Controver!ie! in t"e e$ection or a''oint)ent! of irector!, tr(!tee!,
officer! or )ana&er! of !(c" cor'oration!, 'artner!"i'! or
Disposition Petition <RA;#E3? H(e!tione orer! of SEC, !et a!ie?
W-! D%( 6e p%"ie#
115 SCRA 9>.
<IERRERO; ,($1 .0, 1->2
S'ecia$ Civi$ Action for certiorari
- ,(a!in& :arware, a$$e&in& to be a !in&$e 'ro'rietor!"i' ($1
or&aniBe an e6i!tin& (ner an b1 virt(e of t"e $aw! of t"e
P"i$i''ine! an re're!ente b1 it! )ana&er On& 7on Con&, fi$e a
co)'$aint for t"e co$$ection of a !() of )one1 a&ain!t Pi$ar 3o$$a?
- In "er An!wer, efenant !tate t"at !"e *"a! no Anow$e&e abo(t
'$aintiffD! $e&a$ 'er!ona$it1 an ca'acit1 to !(e a! a$$e&e in t"e
- After '$aintiff "a co)'$ete t"e 're!entation of it! evience an
re!te it! ca!e, efenant fi$e a Motion for 3i!)i!!a$ of Action
43e)(rrer to Evience5 ba!e on '$aintiffD! $acA of $e&a$ ca'acit1 to
!(e? 3efenant contene t"at ,(a!in& :arware i! a !in&$e
'ro'rietor!"i', not a cor'oration or a 'artner!"i' ($1 re&i!tere in
accorance wit" $aw, an t"erefore i! not a 2(riica$ 'er!on wit" $e&a$
ca'acit1 to brin& an action in co(rt? P$aintiff fi$e an O''o!ition an
)ove for t"e a)i!!ion of an A)ene Co)'$aint?
- ,(&e MenoBa i!)i!!e t"e ca!e an enie a)i!!ion of t"e
A)ene Co)'$aint? M+R wa! $iAewi!e enie
=O; t"e $ower co(rt co))itte &rave ab(!e of i!cretion w"en it
i!)i!!e t"e ca!e an ref(!e to a)it t"e A)ene Co)'$aint
Ratio A efect in t"e e!i&nation of t"e 'artie! )a1 be !())ari$1
correcte at an! stage of the action 'rovie no 're2(ice i! ca(!e
t"ereb1 to t"e aver!e 'art1? 4Sec? 4, R($e 10, Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt5
0 #"e co)'$aint in t"e co(rt be$ow !"o($ "ave been fi$e in t"e na)e
of t"e owner of ,(a!in& :arware? #"e a$$e&ation! in t"e bo1 of t"e
co)? '$aint wo($ !"ow t"at t"e !(it i! bro(&"t b1 !(c" 'er!on AS
'ro'rietor or owner of t"e b(!ine!! con(cte (ner t"e na)e an
!t1$e ,(a!in& :arware*? #"e e!cri'tive wor! *oin& b(!ine!! a!
,(a!in& :arwareD * )a1 be ae in t"e tit$e of t"e ca!e, a! i!
c(!to)ari$1 one?
- R($e . of t"e Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt , Sec? 1? ="o )a1 be 'artie!?-
On$1 nat(ra$ or 2(riica$ 'er!on! or entitie! a(t"oriBe b1 $aw )a1 be
'artie! in a civi$ action
- Petitioner i! efinite$1 not a nat(ra$ 'er!on; nor i! it a 2(riica$ 'er!on
a! efine in t"e ;ew Civi$ Coe of t"e P"i$i''ine!?
#"e $aw oe! not
ve!t 2(riica$ or $e&a$ 'er!ona$it1 ('on t"e !o$e 'ro'rietor!"i' nor
e)'ower it to fi$e or efen an action in co(rt?
- :owever, t"e efect of t"e co)'$aint i! )ere$1 for)a$, not
!(b!tantia$? S(b!tit(tion of t"e 'art1 '$aintiff wo($ not con!tit(te a
c"an&e in t"e Ientit1 of t"e 'artie!?
- #"e co(rt! !"o($ be $ibera$ in a$$owin& a)en)ent! to '$eain&! to
avoi )($ti'$icit1 of !(it! an in orer t"at t "e rea$ controver!ie!
between t"e 'artie! are 're!ente an t"e ca!e ecie on t"e )erit!
wit"o(t (nnece!!ar1 e$a1? #"i! r($e a''$ie! wit" )ore rea!on an
wit" &reater force w"en t"e a)en)ent !o(&"t to be )ae refer! to a
)ere )atter of for) an no !(b!tantia$ ri&"t! are 're2(ice?
Dispositive Petition i! <RA;#E3?
Art? 44? #"e fo$$owin& are 2(riica$ 'er!on!@
415 #"e State an it! 'o$itica$ !(bivi!ion!;
425 Ot"er cor'oration!, in!tit(tion! an entitie! for '(b$ic intere!t or '(r'o!e, create b1 $aw; t"eir 'er!ona$it1 be&in! a! !oon a! t"e1 "ave
been con!tit(te accorin& to $aw;
4.5 Cor'oration!, 'artner!"i'! an a!!ociation! for 'rivate intere!t or '(r'o!e to w"ic" t"e $aw &rant! a 2(riica$ 'er!ona$it1, !e'arate an
i!tinct fro) t"at of eac" !"are"o$er, 'artner or )e)ber?
AEUINO Lc!nc,""in+M
- It !"o($ a''ear in t"e a)ene co)'$aint 4a co'1 w"ic" wa! not
attac"e to t"e 'etition5 t"at t"e '$aintiff i! On& :(a or :(at, oin&
b(!ine!! (ner t"e traena)e, ,(a!in& :arware, an in t"e bo1 of
t"e co)'$aint t"e 'er!ona$ circ()!tance! of On& :(a !"o($ be
P%"ie# in ine"e#
/R N!. =8==54
EUISUMBIN/< SepeD6e" 85, 8BB5
Review on certiorari of eci!ion of Co(rt of A''ea$!
- <onBa$e! fi$e co)'$aint 4action for !'ecific 'erfor)ance5 a&ain!t
Manio !'!, !eeAin& e6ec(tion of ee of !a$e of 'ro'ert1 !"e bo(&"t fr
Pri!ci$$a Manio? <onBa$e! !ai !"e ' own'a1)ent to Pri!ci$$a
beca(!e !"e "a an SPA fro) "er !on Ari!tot$e, t"e owner of t"e $an?
- #C r($e in favor of <onBa$e!? <onBa$e! e'o!ite ba$ance wE t"e
co(rt an fi$e )otion for e6ec(tion, wEc wa! wErawn bec eci!ion
wa!n0t !erve on efenant!? S"eriff fina$$1 !erve a co'1 at an
(n&o$1 "o(r of 12 )n?
- #C0! eci!ion beca)e fina$ an e6ec(tor1?
- #"e 3abon!, c$ai)in& to "ave bo(&"t t"e $an fr Ari!tot$e, fi$e before
t"e CA a 'etition for ann($)ent of 2(&)ent an orer! of t"e #C?
#"e1 a$$e&e t"at t"e eci!ion wa! voi for $acA of 2(ri!iction over
t"eir 'er!on! a! t"e rea$ 'artie! in intere!t? CA i!!(e re!o$(tion
re!trainin& #C fro) i)'$e)entin& it! eci!ion? :ence, t"i! 'etition b1
1? =O; t"ere wa! ba!i! to ann($ t"e eci!ion of t"e #C?
2? =O; t"e 3abon! can !eeA ann($)ent of t"e #C 2(&)ent
1? CES?
An action !"o($ be bro(&"t a&ain!t t"e rea$ 'art1 in intere!t? #"e rea$
'art1 in intere!t i! t"e one w"o wo($ be benefite or in2(re b1 t"e
2(&)ent or i! t"e one entit$e to t"e avai$! of t"e !(it?
- ;a)e 'etitioner! "erein are Cari$$o 4Pre!iin& ,(&e5, <(1ot 4C$erA
of Co(rt5, Seno1 43e'(t1 S"eriff5, Ri!onar 4Re&i!trar of 3ee!5, an
<onBa$e!? Cari$$o, <(1ot, Seno1 an Ri!onar are not intere!te
'artie! beca(!e t"e1 wo($ not benefit fro) t"e affir)ative re$ief!
!o(&"t? On$1 <onBa$e! re)ain! a! &en(ine 'art1-'etitioner in t"i!
- <onBa$e! in!i!t! t"at t"e 3abon! "ave no ri&"t to !eeA ann($)ent of
t"e #C0! 2(&)ent bec t"e10re not 'artie! to t"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance
ca!e? 7(t t"e 3abon! in!i!t t"at t"e1 are 'artie! in intere!t bec t"e1
are b(1er!, owner! an 'o!!e!!or! of t"e conte!te $an?
- #"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance ca!e bro(&"t b1 <onBa$e! to t"e #C
na)e Pri!ci$$a Manio an "(!ban a! efenant!? :owever, t"e $ot i!
owne b1 Ari!tot$e, t"eir !on? Pri!ci$$a "a no intere!t on t"e $ot an
can "ave no intere!t in t"e 2(&)ent of t"e #C? +ai$(re to i)'$ea
Ari!tot$e Manio rener! t"e 'roceein&! in t"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance
ca!e n($$ an voi?
2? CES?
A 'er!on nee not be a 'art1 to t"e 2(&)ent !o(&"t to be ann($$e?
="at i! e!!entia$ i! t"at "e can 'rove t"at t"e 2(&)ent wa! obtaine
b1 fra( an "e wo($ be aver!e$1 affecte t"ereb1?
A$t"o(&" t"e 3abon! are not 'artie! to t"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance ca!e,
an1 finin& of e6trin!ic fra( wo($ aver!e$1 affect t"eir owner!"i'
an co($ be ba!i! of ann($)ent of 2(&)ent? In t"i! ca!e, <onBa$e!
Anew of t"e !a$e of $ot b1 Ari!tot$e Manio to t"e 3abon! 1et <onBa$e!
i not inc$(e t"e 3abon! in "er 'etition? #"i! i! e6trin!ic fra(?
Disposition Petition i! enie?
112 +CR! 234
BELLOSILLO0 A,+,# 89, =>>1
NATURE@ S'ecia$ Civi$ Action for P"!-i6ii!n an M%n)%D,# wit"
Pra1er for P"e*iDin%"( In.,nci!n %n)0!" Re#"%inin+ O")e" !eeA to
en2oin t"e Pre!ientia$ Co))i!!ion on <oo <overn)ent 4PC<<5
fro) 'roceein& wit" t"e !c"e($e a(ction !a$e b1 C"ri!tie0! 4of ;C5
of t"e O$ Ma!ter! Paintin&! an 1>t" an 1-t" cent(r1 !i$verware
!eiBe fro) Ma$acaPan& an t"e Metro'o$itan M(!e() of Mani$a an
'$ace in t"e c(!to1 of t"e Centra$ 7anA?
- Pre!? A/(ino, t"ro(&" E6ec? Sec? Macarai&, ,r?, a(t"oriBe C"air)an
Ca'ara! to !i&n t"e Con!i&n)ent A&ree)ent a$$owin& t"e a(ction !a$e
of >2 O$ Ma!ter! Paintin&! an anti/(e !i$verware !eiBe fro)
Ma$acaPan& an t"e Metro'o$itan M(!e() of Mani$a a$$e&e to be 'art
of t"e i$$-&otten wea$t" of t"e $ate Pre!ient Marco!, "i! re$ative! an
- Accorin& to t"e a&ree)ent, PC<< !"a$$ con!i&n to C:RIS#IEDS for
!a$e at '(b$ic a(ction t"e >2 O$ Ma!ter! Paintin&! t"en fo(n at t"e
Metro'o$itan M(!e() of Mani$a a! we$$ a! t"e !i$verware containe in
91 carton! in t"e c(!to1 of t"e Centra$ 7anA of t"e P"i$i''ine!, an
!(c" ot"er 'ro'ert1 a! )a1 !(b!e/(ent$1 be ientifie b1 PC<< an
acce'te b1 C:RIS#IEDS to be !(b2ect to t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"e
- PC<< t"ro(&" it! new C"air)an 3avi M? Ca!tro, wrote Pre!?
A/(ino efenin& t"e Con!i&n)ent A&ree)ent an ref(tin& t"e
a$$e&ation! of COA(it C"air)an 3o)in&o 4t"at t"e a(t"orit1 of for)er
PC<< C"air)an Ca'ara! to enter into t"e Con!i&n)ent A&ree)ent
wa! of o(btf($ $e&a$it1;
t"e contract wa! "i&"$1 i!avanta&eo(! to t"e &overn)ent; PC<<
"a a 'oor tracA recor in a!!et i!'o!a$ b1 a(ction in t"e I?S?; an,
t"e a!!et! !(b2ect of a(ction were "i!torica$ re$ic! an "a c($t(ra$
!i&nificance, "ence, t"eir i!'o!a$ wa! 'ro"ibite b1 $aw?
- 3irector of ;ationa$ M(!e() <abrie$ S? Ca!a$ i!!(e a certification
t"at t"e ite)! !(b2ect of t"e Con!i&n)ent A&ree)ent did not fall $ithin
the classification of protected cultural properties and did not
specificall! ,ualif! as part of the 5ilipino cultural heritage. :ence, t"i!
- After t"e ora$ ar&()ent! of t"e 'artie!, t"e a''$ication for 're$i)inar1
in2(nction to re!train t"e !c"e($e !a$e of t"e artworA! wa! 3E;IE3
on t"e &ro(n t"at 'etitioner! "a not 're!ente a c$ear $e&a$ ri&"t to a
re!trainin& orer an t"at 'ro'er 'artie! "a not been i)'$eae?
- #"e !a$e at '(b$ic a(ction 'roceee a! !c"e($e an t"e 'rocee!
of Z1.,.02,804?>8 were t(rne over to t"e 7(rea( of #rea!(r1?

- On )otion of 'etitioner!, 12 )ore were 2oine a! aitiona$
'etitioner! an Cata$ino Macarai&, ,r?, in "i! ca'acit1 a! for)er
E6ec(tive Secretar1, t"e inc()bent E6ec(tive Secretar1, an
C"air)an Mateo A?#? Ca'ara! were i)'$eae a! aitiona$
=O; t"e in!tant 'etition co)'$ie! wit" t"e $e&a$ re/(i!ite! for t"i!
Co(rt to e6erci!e it! 'ower of 2(icia$ review over t"i! ca!e?
HELD@ ;O? #"e 'aintin&! an !i$verware, w"ic" were taAen fro)
Ma$acaPan& an t"e Metro'o$itan M(!e() of Mani$a an tran!ferre to
t"e Centra$ 7anA M(!e() 4t"e owner!"i' of t"e!e 'aintin&! $e&a$$1
be$on&! to t"e fo(nation or cor'oration or t"e )e)ber! t"ereof?5
- #"e confi!cation of t"e!e 'ro'ertie! b1 t"e A/(ino a)ini!tration
"owever !"o($ not be (ner!too to )ean t"at t"e owner!"i' of
t"e!e 'aintin&! "a! a(to)atica$$1 'a!!e on t"e &overn)ent wit"o(t
co)'$1in& wit" con!tit(tiona$ an !tat(tor1 re/(ire)ent! of (e
'roce!! an 2(!t co)'en!ation? If t"e!e 'ro'ertie! were a$rea1
ac/(ire b1 t"e &overn)ent, an1 con!tit(tiona$ or !tat(tor1 efect in
t"eir ac/(i!ition an t"eir !(b!e/(ent i!'o!ition )(!t be rai!e on$1
b1 t"e 'ro'er 'artie! - t"e tr(e owner! t"ereof -w"o!e a(t"orit1 to
recover e)anate! fro) t"eir 'ro'rietar1 ri&"t! w"ic" are 'rotecte b1
!tat(te! an t"e Con!tit(tion? :avin& fai$e to !"ow t"at t"e1 are t"e
$e&a$ owner! of t"e artworA! or t"at t"e va$(e 'iece! "ave beco)e
'(b$ic$1 owne, 'etitioner! o not 'o!!e!! an1 c$ear $e&a$ ri&"t
w"at!oever to /(e!tion t"eir a$$e&e (na(t"oriBe i!'o!ition?
- 3()$ao v? Co)e$ec@ #"e r($e i! !ett$e t"at no /(e!tion invo$vin& t"e
con!tit(tiona$it1 or va$iit1 of a $aw or &overn)enta$ act )a1 be "ear
an ecie b1 t"e co(rt (n$e!! t"ere i! co)'$iance wit" t"e $e&a$
re/(i!ite! for 2(icia$ in/(ir1, na)e$1@ that the ,uestion must e raised
! the proper part!; t"at t"ere )(!t be an actual case or controvers!;
t"at t"e /(e!tion )(!t be raised at the earliest possile opportunit!;
an, t"at t"e eci!ion on t"e con!tit(tiona$ or $e&a$ /(e!tion must e
necessar! to t"e eter)ination of t"e ca!e it!e$f? 7(t t"e )o!t
i)'ortant are t"e fir!t two 425 re/(i!ite!?
- SC@ we "ave "e$ t"at one "avin& no ri&"t or intere!t to 'rotect
cannot invoAe t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt a! 'art1-'$aintiff in an

4S(!ti&(er v? #a)a1o, <?R? ;o? L-2-.415
- #"i! i! 're)i!e on Sec? 2, R($e ., of t"e R($e! of Co(rt, w"ic"
'rovie! t"at ever1 action )(!t be 'ro!ec(te an efene in t"e
na)e of t"e rea$ 'art1-in-intere!t, an t"at a$$ 'er!on! "avin&
intere!t in t"e !(b2ect of t"e action an in obtainin& t"e re$ief
e)ane !"a$$ be 2oine a! '$aintiff!?
- #"e Co(rt wi$$ e6erci!e it! 'ower of 2(icia$ review on$1 if t"e ca!e i!
bro(&"t before it b1 a 'art1 w"o "a! t"e $e&a$ !tanin& to rai!e t"e
con!tit(tiona$ or $e&a$ /(e!tion? ILe+%* #%n)in+I )ean! a
'er!ona$ an !(b!tantia$ intere!t in t"e ca!e !(c" t"at t"e 'art1 "a!
!(!taine or wi$$ !(!tain irect in2(r1 a! a re!($t of t"e &overn)enta$
act t"at i! bein& c"a$$en&e? #"e ter) Iine"e#I i! )ateria$
intere!t, an intere!t in i!!(e an to be affecte b1 t"e ecree, a!
i!tin&(i!"e fro) )ere intere!t in t"e /(e!tion invo$ve, or a )ere
incienta$ intere!t 4:o(!e Internationa$ 7(i$in& #enant!
A!!ociation, Inc? v? Inter)eiate A''e$$ate Co(rt, <?R? ;o? L-
- Moreover, t"e intere!t of t"e 'art1 '$aintiff )(!t be 'er!ona$ an
not one ba!e on a e!ire to vinicate t"e con!tit(tiona$ ri&"t of
!o)e t"ir an re$ate 'art1?
- #aPaa v? #(vera @ #"ere are certain in!tance! "owever w"en t"i!
Co(rt "a! a$$owe e6ce'tion! to t"e r($e on $e&a$ !tanin&, a! w"en a
citiBen brin&! a ca!e for )ana)(! to 'roc(re t"e enforce)ent of a
'(b$ic (t1 for t"e f($fi$$)ent of a '(b$ic ri&"t reco&niBe b1 t"e
Con!tit(tion, an 4Pa!c(a$ v? Secretar1 of P(b$ic =orA!5 w"en a
ta6'a1er /(e!tion! t"e va$iit1 of a &overn)enta$ act a(t"oriBin& t"e
i!b(r!e)ent of '(b$ic f(n!?
-AS re&ar! Mana)(!@ it oe! not f($fi$$ t"e criteria for a )ana)(!
!(it? -egaspi v. Civil Service Commission@ a writ of )ana)(! )a1 be
i!!(e to a citiBen on$1 w"en t"e '(b$ic ri&"t to be enforce an t"e
conco)itant (t1 of t"e !tate are (ne/(ivocab$1 !et fort" in t"e
-In t"e ca!e at bar, 'etitioner! are not after t"e f($fi$$)ent of a 'o!itive
(t1 re/(ire of re!'onent officia$! (ner t"e 1->9 Con!tit(tion? ="at
t"e1 !eeA i! t"e en2oinin& of an officia$ act beca(!e it i! con!tit(tiona$$1
infir)e? Moreover, 'etitioner!D c$ai) for t"e contin(e en2o1)ent an
a''reciation b1 t"e '(b$ic of t"e artworA! i! at )o!t a 'rivi$e&e an i!
(nenforceab$e a! a con!tit(tiona$ ri&"t in t"i! action for )ana)(!?
-A! re&ar! #a6'a1er0! S(it@ ;eit"er can t"i! 'etition be a$$owe a! a
ta6'a1erD! !(it? ;ot ever1 action fi$e b1 a ta6'a1er can /(a$if1 to
c"a$$en&e t"e $e&a$it1 of officia$ act! one b1 t"e &overn)ent?
- A ta6'a1erD! !(it can 'ro!'er on$1 if t"e &overn)enta$ act! bein&
/(e!tione invo$ve i!b(r!e)ent of '(b$ic f(n! ('on t"e t"eor1
t"at t"e e6'enit(re of '(b$ic f(n! b1 an officer of t"e !tate for
t"e '(r'o!e of a)ini!terin& an (ncon!tit(tiona$ act con!tit(te! a
)i!a''$ication of !(c" f(n!, w"ic" )a1 be en2oine at t"e
re/(e!t of a ta6'a1er?
- -Obvio(!$1, 'etitioner! are not c"a$$en&in& an1 e6'enit(re
invo$vin& '(b$ic f(n! b(t t"e i!'o!ition of w"at t"e1 a$$e&e to be
'(b$ic 'ro'ertie!? It i! wort"1 to note t"at 'etitioner! a)it t"at t"e
'aintin&! an anti/(e !i$verware were ac/(ire fro) 'rivate
!o(rce! an not wit" '(b$ic )one1?
DISPOSITIVE@ #"e 'etition for 'ro"ibition an
)ana)(! i! DISMISSED.
889 SCRA 2>8
S'ecia$ civi$ action for certiorari of t"e i!)i!!a$ orer
#"e controver!1 "a! it! &ene!i! in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? -0-999 w"ic" wa!
fi$e before 7ranc" 88 4MaAati, Metro Mani$a5 of t"e Re&iona$ #ria$
Co(rt 4R#C5, ;ationa$ Ca'ita$ ,(icia$ Re&ion? #"e 'rinci'a$ '$aintiff!
t"erein, now t"e 'rinci'a$ 'etitioner!, are a$$ )inor! ($1 re're!ente
an 2oine b1 t"eir re!'ective 'arent!? I)'$eae a! an aitiona$
'$aintiff i! t"e P"i$i''ine Eco$o&ica$ ;etworA, Inc? 4PE;I5, a o)e!tic,
non-!tocA an non-'rofit cor'oration or&aniBe for t"e '(r'o!e of, inter
a$ia, en&a&in& in concerte action &eare for t"e 'rotection of o(r
environ)ent an nat(ra$ re!o(rce!? #"e ori&ina$ efenant wa! t"e
:onorab$e +($&encio S? +actoran, ,r?, t"en Secretar1 of t"e
3e'art)ent of Environ)ent an ;at(ra$ Re!o(rce! 43E;R5? :i!
!(b!tit(tion in t"i! 'etition b1 t"e new Secretar1, t"e :onorab$e An&e$
C? A$ca$a, wa! !(b!e/(ent$1 orere ('on 'ro'er )otion b1 t"e
'etitioner!? #"e co)'$aint wa! in!tit(te a! a ta6'a1er!D c$a!! !(it
an a$$e&e! t"at t"e '$aintiff! *are a$$ citiBen! of t"e Re'(b$ic of t"e
P"i$i''ine!, ta6'a1er!, an entit$e to t"e f($$ benefit, (!e an
en2o1)ent of t"e nat(ra$ re!o(rce trea!(re t"at i! t"e co(ntr1D! vir&in
tro'ica$ rainfore!t!?* #"e !a)e wa! fi$e for t"e)!e$ve! an ot"er!
w"o are e/(a$$1 concerne abo(t t"e 're!ervation of !ai re!o(rce b(t
are *!o n()ero(! t"at it i! i)'racticab$e to brin& t"e) a$$ before t"e
Co(rt?* #"e )inor! f(rt"er a!!everate t"at t"e1 *re're!ent t"eir
&eneration a! we$$ a! &eneration! 1et (nborn?* Con!e/(ent$1, it i!
'ra1e for t"at 2(&)ent be renere@
*? ? ? orerin& efenant, "i! a&ent!, re're!entative! an ot"er 'er!on!
actin& in "i! be"a$f to G
415 Cance$ a$$ e6i!tin& ti)ber $icen!e a&ree)ent! in t"e co(ntr1;
425 Cea!e an e!i!t fro) receivin&, acce'tin&, 'roce!!in&,
renewin& or a''rovin& new ti)ber $icen!e a&ree)ent!?*
an &rantin& t"e '$aintiff! *? ? ? !(c" ot"er re$ief! 2(!t an e/(itab$e
(ner t"e 're)i!e!?*
-#"e ori&ina$ efenant, Secretar1 +actoran, ,r?, fi$e a Motion to
3i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint ba!e on two 425 &ro(n!, na)e$1@ 415 t"e
'$aintiff! "ave no ca(!e of action a&ain!t "i) an 425 t"e i!!(e rai!e
b1 t"e '$aintiff! i! a 'o$itica$ /(e!tion w"ic" 'ro'er$1 'ertain! to t"e
$e&i!$ative or e6ec(tive branc"e! of <overn)ent? In t"eir O''o!ition to
t"e Motion, t"e 'etitioner! )aintain t"at 415 t"e co)'$aint !"ow! a
c$ear an (n)i!taAab$e ca(!e of action, 425 t"e )otion i! i$ator1 an
4.5 t"e action 're!ent! a 2(!ticiab$e /(e!tion a! it invo$ve! t"e
efenantD! ab(!e of i!cretion?
-S(b!e/(ent$1, re!'onent ,(&e i!!(e an orer &rantin& t"e
afore)entione )otion to i!)i!!? In t"e !ai orer, not on$1 wa! t"e
efenantD! c$ai) G t"at t"e co)'$aint !tate! no ca(!e of action
a&ain!t "i) an t"at it rai!e! a 'o$itica$ /(e!tion G !(!taine, t"e
re!'onent ,(&e f(rt"er r($e t"at t"e &rantin& of t"e re$ief! 'ra1e
for wo($ re!($t in t"e i)'air)ent of contract! w"ic" i! 'ro"ibite b1
t"e f(na)enta$ $aw of t"e $an?
-P$aintiff! t"(! fi$e t"e in!tant !'ecia$ civi$ action for certiorari (ner
R($e 85 of t"e Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt an a!A t"i! Co(rt to re!cin
an !et a!ie t"e i!)i!!a$ orer on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e re!'onent
,(&e &rave$1 ab(!e "i! i!cretion in i!)i!!in& t"e action? A&ain,
t"e 'arent! of t"e '$aintiff!-)inor! not on$1 re're!ent t"eir c"i$ren, b(t
"ave a$!o 2oine t"e $atter in t"i! ca!e?
=O; Civi$ Ca!e ;o? -0-999 i! a c$a!! !(it
CES? #"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e co)'$aint i! of co))on an &enera$
intere!t not 2(!t to !evera$, b(t to a$$ citiBen! of t"e P"i$i''ine!?
Con!e/(ent$1, !ince t"e 'artie! are !o n()ero(!, it beco)e!
i)'racticab$e, if not tota$$1 i)'o!!ib$e, to brin& a$$ of t"e) before t"e
co(rt? =e $iAewi!e ec$are t"at t"e '$aintiff! t"erein are n()ero(! an
re're!entative eno(&" to en!(re t"e f($$ 'rotection of a$$ concerne
intere!t!? :ence, a$$ t"e re/(i!ite! for t"e fi$in& of a va$i c$a!! !(it
(ner Section 12, R($e . of t"e Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt are 're!ent
bot" in t"e !ai civi$ ca!e an in t"e in!tant 'etition, t"e $atter bein& b(t
an incient to t"e for)er?
-#"i! ca!e, "owever, "a! a !'ecia$ an nove$ e$e)ent? Petitioner!
)inor! a!!ert t"at t"e1 re're!ent t"eir &eneration a! we$$ a!
&eneration! 1et (nborn? =e fin no iffic($t1 in r($in& t"at t"e1 can, for
t"e)!e$ve!, for ot"er! of t"eir &eneration an for t"e !(cceein&
&eneration!, fi$e a c$a!! !(it? #"eir 'er!ona$it1 to !(e in be"a$f of t"e
!(cceein& &eneration! can on$1 be ba!e on t"e conce't of
inter&enerationa$ re!'on!ibi$it1 in!ofar a! t"e ri&"t to a ba$ance an
"ea$t"f($ eco$o&1 i! concerne? S(c" a ri&"t, a! "ereinafter
e6'o(ne, con!ier! t"e *r"1t") an "ar)on1 of nat(re?* ;at(re
)ean! t"e create wor$ in it! entiret1? S(c" r"1t") an "ar)on1
ini!'en!ab$1 inc$(e, inter a$ia, t"e 2(icio(! i!'o!ition, (ti$iBation,
)ana&e)ent, renewa$ an con!ervation of t"e co(ntr1D! fore!t,
)inera$, $an, water!, fi!"erie!, wi$$ife, off-!"ore area! an ot"er
nat(ra$ re!o(rce! to t"e en t"at t"eir e6'$oration, eve$o')ent an
(ti$iBation be e/(itab$1 acce!!ib$e to t"e 're!ent a! we$$ a! f(t(re
&eneration!? ;ee$e!! to !a1, ever1 &eneration "a! a re!'on!ibi$it1 to
t"e ne6t to 're!erve t"at r"1t") an "ar)on1 for t"e f($$ en2o1)ent of
a ba$ance an "ea$t"f($ eco$o&1? P(t a $itt$e ifferent$1, t"e )inor!D
a!!ertion of t"eir ri&"t to a !o(n environ)ent con!tit(te!, at t"e !a)e
ti)e, t"e 'erfor)ance of t"eir ob$i&ation to en!(re t"e 'rotection of t"at
ri&"t for t"e &eneration! to co)e?
Dispositive Petition granted. Challenged order set aside.
C!Dp,*#!"( .!in)e" !& in)i#pen#%6*e p%"ie#
/.R. N!. =B8>BB
PAN/ANIBAN< Oc. 8, =>>2
Petition for review
-O$ana1, et a$? 4'etitioner!5 are co-owner! 'ro-inivi!o of a fi!"'on
w"ic" t"e1 in"erite fro) t"eir ecea!e 'arent!?
-A contract of $ea!e over t"e fi!"'on wa! e6ec(te between Ci'riano
#anoc an O$ana1, et a$?
-Private Re!'onent Moi!e! +arnacio wa! a''ointe in t(rn b1 #anoc
a! caretaAer-tenant of t"e !a)e fi!"'on?
-After t"e ter)ination of t"e $ea!e contract, t"e $e!!ee 4#anoc5
!(rrenere 'o!!e!!ion of t"e $ea!e 're)i!e! to t"e $e!!or!,
O$ana1, et a$?
-#"ree a1! t"ereafter, +arnacio in!tit(te Civi$ Ca!e for *'eacef($
'o!!e!!ion, )aintenance of !ec(rit1 of ten(re '$(! a)a&e!, wit"
)otion for t"e i!!(ance of an inter$oc(tor1 orer* a&ain!t O$ana1, et
a$?, before Re!'onent Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt? #"e ca!e wa! intene to
)aintain 'rivate re!'onent a! tenant of t"e fi!"'on?
-R#C r($e in favor of +arnacio
-IAC affir)e wit" !$i&"t )oification
-SC !(!taine IAC
-Petitioner! fi$e wit" CA a 'etition for ann($)ent of t"e afore!ai
2(&)ent? CA !ai to i)'$ea R#C
-3i!!ati!fie, 'etitioner! $o&e t"i! 'etition for review
1? =O; a fina$ 2(&)ent )a1 be ann($$e on t"e &ro(n of $acA of
2(ri!iction 4over t"e !(b2ect )atter anEor over t"e 'er!on of
ini!'en!ab$e 'artie!5 an enia$ of (e 'roce!!, a!ie fro) e6trin!ic
2? =O; a$$ t"e co-owner! 'ro-inivi!o of a rea$ 'ro'ert1 ini!'en!ab$e
=. YES.
Ratio. Iner t"e 're!ent 'roce(re, a!ie fro) t"e re$ief! 'rovie in
t"e!e two !ection! 4Sec!? 1 N 2, R($e .>5, t"ere i! no ot"er )ean!
w"ereb1 t"e efeate 'art1 )a1 'roc(re fina$ an e6ec(tor1 2(&)ent
to be !et a!ie wit" a view to t"e renewa$ of t"e $iti&ation, (n$e!! 4a5
t"e 2(&)ent i! voi for want of 2(ri!iction or for $acA of (e 'roce!! of
$aw, or 4b5 it "a! been obtaine b1 fra(?D 4I MoranD! R($e! of Co(rt
1-50 E?, '? 8-9, citin& An(ran v? A/(ino, .> P"i$? 2-; 7anco E!'aPo$-
+i$i'ino v? Pa$anca, .9 P"i$? -215? Rea!on of '(b$ic 'o$ic1 w"ic" favor!
t"e !tabi$it1 of 2(icia$ eci!ion! are 4!ic5 )(te in t"e 're!ence of fra(
w"ic" t"e $aw ab"or! 4<arc"itorena v!? Sote$o, 94 P"i$? 255?
Reasoning ,(ri!iction i! conferre b1 $aw? It! e6erci!e )(!t !trict$1
co)'$1 wit" t"e $e&a$ re/(i!ite!; ot"erwi!e, a c"a$$en&e on t"e &ro(n
of $acA of 2(ri!iction )a1 be bro(&"t (' an1ti)e? S(c" 2(ri!iction
nor)a$$1 refer! to 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect?
8. YES.
Ratio Co-owner! in an action for t"e !ec(rit1 of ten(re of a tenant are
enco)'a!!e wit"in t"e efinition of ini!'en!ab$e 'artie!; t"(!, a$$ of
t"e) )(!t be i)'$eae?
Reasoning A! "e$ b1 t"e S('re)e Co(rt, were t"e co(rt! to 'er)it
an action in e2ect)ent to be )aintaine b1 a 'er!on "avin& )ere$1 an
(nivie intere!t in an1 &iven tract of $an, a 2(&)ent in favor of t"e
efenant! wo($ not be conc$(!ive a! a&ain!t t"e ot"er co-owner! not
'artie! to t"e !(it, an t"(! t"e efenant in 'o!!e!!ion of t"e 'ro'ert1
)i&"t be "ara!!e b1 a! )an1 !(cceein& action! of e2ect)ent, a!
t"ere )i&"t be co-owner! of t"e tit$e a!!erte a&ain!t "i)? #"e
'(r'o!e of t"i! 'rovi!ion wa! to 'revent )($ti'$icit1 of !(it! b1 re/(irin&
t"e 'er!on a!!ertin& a ri&"t a&ain!t t"e efenant to inc$(e wit" "i),
eit"er a! co-'$aintiff! or a! co-efenant!, a$$ 'er!on! !tanin& in t"e
!a)e 'o!ition, !o t"at t"e w"o$e )atter in i!'(te )a1 be eter)ine
once an for a$$ in one $iti&ation?
Disposition PE#I#IO; <RA;#E3?
/.R. N!. =9=41:
CARPIO< M%"c- 81, 8BB9
Petition for review on certiorari
-Co(ntr1 7(! Line! 'a!!en&er b(! wit" '$ate n()ber ;CA 241 co$$ie
wit" a tric1c$e?
-tric1c$e river #(aBon fi$e a co)'$aint for a)a&e! a&ain!t Mr!?
CereBo, a! owner of t"e b(! $ine, "er "(!ban Attorne1 ,(an CereBo
4*Att1? CereBo*5, an b(! river 3ani$o A? +orona 4*+orona*5?
-Mr!? CereBo a!!ert! t"at t"e tria$ co(rt co($ not va$i$1 rener
2(&)ent !ince it fai$e to ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over +orona, an
ini!'en!ab$e 'art1? Mr!? CereBo 'oint! o(t t"at t"ere wa! no !ervice
of !())on! on +orona?
1? =O; +rona i! an ini!'en!ab$e 'art1
=. NO.
Ratio CO.P56+OR7 JOI-D,R OF I-DI+P,-+!86, P!RTI,+. An
ini!'en!ab$e 'art1 i! one w"o!e intere!t i! affecte b1 t"e co(rt0!
action in t"e $iti&ation, an wit"o(t w"o) no fina$ re!o$(tion of t"e ca!e
i! 'o!!ib$e
Reasoning Mr!? CereBo0! $iabi$it1 a! an e)'$o1er in an action for a
/(a!i-e$ict i! not on$1 !o$iar1, it i! a$!o 'ri)ar1 an irect? +orona i!
not an ini!'en!ab$e 'art1 to t"e fina$ re!o$(tion of #(aBon0! action for
a)a&e! a&ain!t Mr!? CereBo? #"e re!'on!ibi$it1 of two or )ore
'er!on! w"o are $iab$e for a /(a!i-e$ict i! !o$iar1? ="ere t"ere i! a
!o$iar1 ob$i&ation on t"e 'art of ebtor!, a! in t"i! ca!e, eac" ebtor
i! $iab$e for t"e entire ob$i&ation? :ence, eac" ebtor i! $iab$e to 'a1 for
t"e entire ob$i&ation in f($$? #"ere i! no )er&er or ren(nciation of ri&"t!,
b(t on$1 )(t(a$ re're!entation? ="ere t"e ob$i&ation of t"e 'artie! i!
!o$iar1, eit"er of t"e 'artie! i! ini!'en!ab$e, an t"e ot"er i! not
even a nece!!ar1 'art1 beca(!e co)'$ete re$ief i! avai$ab$e fro)
eit"er? #"erefore, 2(ri!iction over +orona i! not even nece!!ar1 a!
#(aBon )a1 co$$ect a)a&e! fro) Mr!? CereBo a$one?
Di#p!#ii!n PE#I#IO; 3E;IE3?
Pe"Di##i'e J!in)e"
=99 SCRA 122
FERIA< SepeD6e" 89,=>:5
A''ea$ b1 certiorari fro) t"e orer of t"e R#C of 7a&(io
-Petitioner Re)eio +$ore! fi$e a co)'$aint wit" t"e R#C of 7a&(io@
"i! fir!t ca(!e of action wa! a&ain!t re!'onent I&nacio 7inon&ca$ for
ref(!in& to 'a1 t"e a)o(nt of P11,84.?00 re're!entin& co!t of tr(cA
tire! w"ic" "e '(rc"a!e on creit fro) 'etitioner on vario(! occa!ion!
fro) A(&(!t to October, 1->1; an t"e !econ ca(!e of action wa!
a&ain!t re!'onent +ernano Ca$ion for a$$e&e$1 ref(!in& to 'a1 t"e
a)o(nt of P10,212?00 re're!entin& co!t of tr(cA tire! w"ic" "e
'(rc"a!e on creit fro) 'etitioner on !evera$ occa!ion! fro) Marc",
1->1 to ,an(ar1, 1->2?
-On 3ece)ber 15, 1->., co(n!e$ for re!'onent 7inon&ca$ fi$e a
Motion to 3i!)i!! on t"e &ro(n of $acA of 2(ri!iction !ince t"e
a)o(nt of t"e e)an a&ain!t !ai re!'onent wa! on$1 P11,84.?00,
an (ner Section 1-4>5 of 7P12- t"e re&iona$ tria$ co(rt !"a$$ e6erci!e
e6c$(!ive ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction if t"e a)o(nt of t"e e)an i! )ore t"an
twent1 t"o(!an 'e!o! 4P20,000?005?
-It wa! f(rt"er averre in !ai )otion t"at a$t"o(&" anot"er 'er!on,
+ernano Ca$ion, wa! a$$e&e$1 inebte to 'etitioner in t"e a)o(nt of
P10,212?00, "i! ob$i&ation wa! !e'arate an i!tinct fro) t"at of t"e
ot"er re!'onent?
-At t"e "earin& of !ai Motion to 3i!)i!!, co(n!e$ for re!'onent
Ca$ion 2oine in )ovin& for t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint on t"e
&ro(n of $acA of 2(ri!iction?
-R#C i!)i!!e t"e co)'$aint for $acA of 2(ri!iction?
-Petitioner a''ea$e b1 certiorari to t"e SC
=O; t"e a''$ication of t"e tota$it1 r($e in Sec ..415
of 7P 12- an
Section 11
of t"e interi) r($e! i! !(b2ect to 'er)i!!ive 2oiner of
'artie! (ner Sec 8
of R($e .
Petitioner )aintain! t"at t"e R#C "a! 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e
fo$$owin& t"e *nove$* tota$it1 r($e intro(ce in Section ..4$5 of 7P12-
an Section 11 of t"e Interi) R($e!?
-Petitioner co)'are! t"e above-/(ote 'rovi!ion! wit" t"e for)er r($e
(ner Section >> of t"e ,(iciar1 Act of 1-4> a! a)ene w"ic" rea!
a! fo$$ow!@ ="ere t"ere are !evera$ c$ai)! or ca(!e! of action
between t"e !a)e 'artie! e)boie in t"e !a)e co)'$aint, t"e
a)o(nt of t"e e)an !"a$$ be t"e tota$it1 of t"e e)an in a$$ t"e
ca(!e! of action, irre!'ective of w"et"er t"e ca(!e! of action aro!e o(t
of t"e !a)e or ifferent tran!action!; b(t w"ere t"e c$ai)! or ca(!e! of
action 2oine in a !in&$e co)'$aint are !e'arate$1 owne b1 or (e to
ifferent 'artie!, eac" !e'arate c$ai) !"a$$ f(rni!" t"e 2(ri!ictiona$
te!t, an ar&(e! t"at wit" t"e e$etion of t"e 'rovi!o in t"e for)er r($e,
t"e tota$it1 r($e wa! re(ce to c$arit1 an brevit1 an t"e 2(ri!ictiona$
te!t i! t"e tota$it1 of t"e c$ai)! in a$$, not in eac", of t"e ca(!e! of
action, irre!'ective of w"et"er t"e ca(!e! of action aro!e o(t of t"e
!a)e or ifferent tran!action!?
-#"i! ar&()ent i! 'art$1 correct? #"ere i! no ifference between t"e
Provie,#"at w"ere t"ere are !evera$ c$ai)! or ca(!e! of action between t"e
!a)e or ifferent 'artie!, e)boie in t"e !a)e co)'$aint, t"e a)o(nt of t"e
e)an !"a$$ be t"e tota$it1 of t"e c$ai)! in a$$ t"e ca(!e! of action, irre!'ective
of w"et"er t"e ca(!e! of action aro!e o(t of t"e !a)e or ifferent tran!action!? ???
A''$ication of t"e tota$it1 r($e?-In action! w"ere t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt i!
e'enent on t"e a)o(nt invo$ve, t"e te!t of 2(ri!iction !"a$$ be t"e a&&re&ate
!() of a$$ t"e )one1 e)an!, e6c$(!ive on$1 of intere!t an co!t!, irre!'ective
of w"et"er or not t"e !e'arate c$ai)! are owne b1 or (e to ifferent 'artie!? If
an1 e)an i! for a)a&e! in a civi$ action, t"e a)o(nt t"ereof )(!t be
!'ecifica$$1 a$$e&e?
Per)i!!ive 2oiner of 'artie!?-A$$ 'er!on! in w"o) or a&ain!t w"o) an1 ri&"t to
re$ief in re!'ect to or ari!in& o(t of t"e !a)e tran!action or !erie! of tran!action!
i! a$$e&e to e6i!t, w"et"er 2oint$1, !evera$$1, or in t"e a$ternative, )a1, e6ce't a!
ot"erwi!e 'rovie in t"e!e r($e!, 2oin a! '$aintiff! or be 2oine a! efenant! in
one co)'$aint, w"ere an1 /(e!tion of $aw or fact co))on to a$$ !(c" '$aintiff! or
to a$$ !(c" efenant! )a1 ari!e in t"e action; b(t t"e co(rt )a1 )aAe !(c"
orer! a! )a1 be 2(!t to 'revent an1 '$aintiff or efenant fro) bein&
e)barra!!e or '(t to e6'en!e in aconnection wit" an1 'roceein&! in w"ic" "e
)a1 "ave no intere!t?
for)er an 're!ent r($e! in ca!e! w"ere a '$aintiff !(e! a efenant on
two or )ore !e'arate ca(!e! of action? In !(c" ca!e!, t"e a)o(nt of
t"e e)an !"a$$ be t"e tota$it1 of t"e c$ai)! in a$$ t"e ca(!e! of action
irre!'ective of w"et"er t"e ca(!e! of action aro!e o(t of t"e !a)e or
ifferent tran!action!?
-#"ere i! a ifference between t"e for)er an 're!ent r($e! in ca!e!
w"ere two or )ore '$aintiff! "avin& !e'arate ca(!e! of action a&ain!t a
efenant 2oine in a !in&$e co)'$aint?
-Iner t"e for)er r($e, *w"ere t"e c$ai)! or ca(!e! of action 2oine in
a !in&$e co)'$aint are !e'arate$1 owne b1 or (e to ifferent 'artie!,
eac" !e'arate c$ai) !"a$$ f(rni!" t"e 2(ri!ictiona$ te!t?L A! wore, t"e
for)er r($e a''$ie on$1 to ca!e! of 'er)i!!ive 2oiner of 'artie!
'$aintiff? :owever, it wa! a$!o a''$icab$e to ca!e! of 'er)i!!ive 2oiner
of 'artie! efenant?
-Iner t"e 're!ent $aw, -e !%*i( ",*e i# %pp*ie) %*#! ! c%#e#
K-e"e K! !" D!"e p*%ini&&# -%'in+ #ep%"%e c%,#e# !& %ci!n
%+%in# % )e&en)%n .!in in % #in+*e c!Dp*%in, %# Ke** %# ! c%#e#
K-e"e % p*%ini&& -%# #ep%"%e c%,#e# !& %ci!n %+%in# K! !"
D!"e )e&en)%n# .!ine) in % #in+*e c!Dp*%in. 9owever( the
causes of action in favor of the two or $ore plaintiffs or against
the two or $ore defendants should arise out of the sa$e
transaction or series of transactions and there should &e a
co$$on *uestion of law or fact( as provided in +ection 3 of Rule
: .
-In other words( in cases of per$issive joinder of parties( whether
as plaintiffs or as defendants( under +ection 3 of Rule :( the total
of all the clai$s shall now furnish the jurisdictional test? ;ee$e!!
to !tate a$!o, if in!tea of 2oinin& or bein& 2oine in one co)'$aint
!e'arate action! are fi$e b1 or a&ain!t t"e 'artie!, t"e a)o(nt
e)ane in eac" co)'$aint !"a$$ f(rni!" t"e 2(ri!ictiona$ te!t?
-In the case at &ar( the lower court correctl% held that the
jurisdictional test is su&ject to the rules on joinder of parties
pursuant to +ection 2 of Rule 1 and +ection 3 of Rule : of the
Rules of Court and that( after a careful scrutin% of the co$plaint(
it appears that there is a $isjoinder of parties for the reason that
the clai$s against respondents 8inongcal and Calion are
separate and distinct and neither of which falls within its
#"e orer a''ea$e fro) i! affir)e?
C*%## #,i
142 SCRA 191
+ERIA; Ma1 .0, 1->8
S'ecia$ action for certiorari, 'ro"ibition wit" 're$i)inar1 in2(nction
- Petitioner, ;E=S=EEU, Inc? !eeA! to ann($ t"e eci!ion of t"e IAC
!(!tainin& t"e Orer of t"e C+I 7aco$o Cit1? C+I enie ;ew!weeA0!
Motion to 3i!)i!! co)'$aint for $ibe$? 4H(e!tion a! to w"et"er t"e
'rinte artic$e !(e ('on it! actionab$e or not i! a )atter of evience?5
- 4nitial complaint( Private re!'onent!, incor'orate a!!ociation! of
!(&arcane '$anter! in ;e&ro! Occienta$ c$ai)in& to "ave >,500
)e)ber! an !evera$ inivi(a$ !(&ar '$anter!, fi$e in -ei" !Kn
6e-%*& %n)0!" %# % c*%## #,i in 6e-%*& !& %** #,+%"c%ne p*%ne"# in
-e p"!'ince !& Ne+"!# Occi)en%*, a&ain!t 'etitioner an two of
'etitioner!D non-re!ient corre!'onent!Ere'orter! +re 7r(nin& an
7arr1 Ca)e?
- It wa! a$$e&e t"at t"e1 co))itte $ibe$ b1 t"e '(b$ication of t"e
artic$e IAn I#*%n) !& Fe%"I in t"e +eb 2., 1->1 i!!(e of 'etitionerD!
weeA$1 new! )a&aBine ?e$s$ee'? It !(''o!e$1 'ortra1e t"eir i!$an
a! a '$ace o)inate b1 bi& $anowner! w"o not on$1 e6'$oite t"e
i)'overi!"e an (ner'ai !(&arcane worAer!, b(t a$!o br(ta$iBe
an Ai$$e t"e)?
- Co)'$ainant! t"erein a$$e&e t"at #%i) %"ic*e, %7en %# % K-!*e,
#-!Ke) % )e*i6e"%e %n) D%*ici!,# ,#e !& &%*#e-!!), #*%ne)
p"e#en%i!n %n)0!" Di#"ep"e#en%i!n !& &%c#.
- #"e1 'ra1e t"at efenant! be orere to 'a1 t"e) P$M a! act(a$
an co)'en!ator1 a)a&e!, an !(c" a)o(nt! for )ora$, e6e)'$ar1
an corrective a)a&e! a! t"e co(rt )a1 eter)ine?
- ;E=S=EEU fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! on t"e &ro(n! t"at ---
415 t"e 'rinte artic$e !(e ('on i! not actionab$e in fact an in $aw;
an 425 t"e co)'$aint i! bereft of a$$e&ation! t"at !tate, )(c" $e!!
!(''ort a ca(!e of action? It 'ointe o(t t"e non-$ibe$o(! nat(re of t"e
artic$e an, con!e/(ent$1, t"e fai$(re of t"e co)'$aint to !tate a ca(!e
of action?
- ;O CAISE O+ AC#IO; beca(!e no a$$e&ation t"at an1t"in&
containe in t"e artic$e re&arin& !(&arcane '$anter! referre
!'ecifica$$1 to an1 one of t"e 'rivate re!'onent!; t"at $ibe$ can be
co))itte on$1 a&ain!t inivi(a$ re'(tation; an t"at in ca!e! w"ere
$ibe$ i! c$ai)e to "ave been irecte at a &ro(', t"ere i! actionab$e
efa)ation on$1 if t"e $ibe$ can be !ai to reac" be1on t"e )ere
co$$ectivit1 to o a)a&e to a !'ecific, inivi(a$ &ro(' )e)berD!
1? =O; re!'onent! fai$e to !tate a ca(!e of action
2? =O; t"i! ca!e i! a c$a!! !(it
1? CES
Ratio 3efa)ator1 )atter w"ic" oe! not revea$ t"e Ientit1 of t"e
'er!on ('on w"o) t"e i)'(tation i! ca!t, affor! no &ro(n of action
(n$e!! it be !"own t"at t"e reaer! of t"e $ibe$ co($ "ave ientifie t"e
'er!ona$it1 of t"e inivi(a$ efa)e? It i! evient t"at t"e $ar&er t"e
co$$ectivit1, t"e )ore iffic($t it i! for t"e inivi(a$ )e)ber to 'rove
t"at t"e efa)ator1 re)arA! a''$1 to "i)?
2? ;O
Ratio It i! not a ca!e w"ere one or )ore )a1 !(e for t"e benefit of a$$
4Mat"a1 v!? Con!o$iate 7anA an #r(!t Co?5 or w"ere t"e
re're!entation of c$a!! intere!t affecte b1 t"e 2(&)ent or ecree i!
ini!'en!ab$e to )aAe eac" )e)ber of t"e c$a!! an act(a$ 'art1
47or$aBa v!? Po$i!tico5? 6e have here a case $here each of the
plaintiffs has a separate and distinct reputation in the communit!? #"e1
o not "ave a co))on or &enera$ intere!t in t"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e
- ="ere t"e efa)ation i! a$$e&e to "ave been irecte at a &ro(' or
c$a!!, it i! e!!entia$ t"at t"e !tate)ent )(!t be #! #Keepin+ !" %**-
eD6"%cin+ %# ! %pp*( ! e'e"( in)i'i),%* in -% +"!,p !" c*%##,
or #,&&icien*( #peci&ic !o t"at eac" inivi(a$ in t"e c$a!! or &ro('
can 'rove t"at t"e efa)ator1 !tate)ent !'ecifica$$1 'ointe to "i), !o
t"at "e can brin& t"e action !e'arate$1, if nee be?
Disposition #"e eci!ion of t"e Inter)eiate A''e$$ate Co(rt i!
rever!e an t"e co)'$aint in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 15>12 of t"e C+I ;e&ro!
Occienta$ i! i!)i!!e, wit"o(t 'rono(nce)ent a! to co!t!?
Tin+%, SepeD6e" 1B, 8BB4
Petition for Review on Certiorari fi$e b1 t"e MIAA a!!ai$in& t"e
3eci!ion of t"e CA w"ic" irecte t"e i!!(ance of a writ of 're$i)inar1
in2(nction re!trainin& 'etitioner fro) evictin& t"e "o)eowner! of Rivera
%i$$a&e fro) t"eir we$$in&!?
-#"e t"en Civi$ Aerona(tic! A)ini!tration 4CAA5 wa! entr(!te wit"
t"e a)ini!tration, o'eration, )ana&e)ent, contro$, )aintenance an
eve$o')ent of t"e Mani$a Internationa$ Air'ort 4MIA5, now t"e ;AIA?
#"e CAA entere into inivi(a$ $ea!e contract! wit" it! e)'$o1ee! for
t"e $ea!e of 'ortion! of a 4-"ectare $ot !it(ate in Rivera %i$$a&e,
7aran&a1 1-- an 200 in Pa!a1 Cit1? #"e $ea!e! were for a 25-1ear
'erio to co))ence on Ma1 25, 1-85 (' to Ma1 24, 1--0 at P20 'er
ann() a! renta$?
- #"ereafter, EO 99> wa! i!!(e 4$ater a)ene b1 EO -0.5, creatin&
MIAA, tran!ferrin& e6i!tin& a!!et! of t"e MIA to MIAA, an ve!tin& t"e
$atter wit" t"e 'ower to a)ini!ter an o'erate t"e MIA?
- MIAA !to''e i!!(in& accr(e renta$ bi$$! an ref(!e to acce't
renta$ 'a1)ent! fro) t"e $e!!ee!? A! a re!($t, re!'onent
"o)eowner! a!!ociation, '(r'orte$1 re're!entin& t"e $e!!ee!,
re/(e!te MIAA to !e$$ t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ert1 to it! )e)ber!, invoAin&
t"e 'rovi!ion! of P3 1519 or t"e Irban Lan Refor) Act an P3 2018?
#"e MIAA enie t"e re/(e!t, c$ai)in& t"at t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ert1 i!
inc$(e in it! Conce't(a$ 3eve$o')ent P$an intene for air'ort-
re$ate activitie!?
- Re!'onent fi$e a 'etition for )ana)(! an 'ro"ibition wit" 'ra1er
for t"e i!!(ance of a 're$i)inar1 in2(nction a&ain!t MIAA an t"e
;ationa$ :o(!in& A(t"orit1 4;:A5 wit" t"e R#C of Pa!a1? #"e 'etition
!o(&"t to re!train t"e MIAA fro) i)'$e)entin& it! Conce't(a$
3eve$o')ent P$an in!ofar a! Rivera %i$$a&e i! concerne an to
co)'e$ MIAA to !e&re&ate Rivera %i$$a&e fro) t"e !co'e of t"e
Conce't(a$ 3eve$o')ent P$an an t"e ;:A to taAe t"e nece!!ar1
!te'! for t"e i!'o!ition of t"e 'ro'ert1 in favor of t"e )e)ber! of t"e
"o)eowner! a!!ociation?
- After t"e 're$i)inar1, t"e R#C enie t"e 'ra1er for t"e i!!(ance of a
te)'orar1 re!trainin& orer anEor writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction an
i!)i!!e t"e 'etition for $acA of )erit? #"e tria$ co(rt "e$, a)on&
ot"er!, t"at t"e 'etition fai$e to !tate a ca(!e of action ina!)(c" a!
re!'onent "o)eowner! a!!ociation i! not t"e rea$ 'art1-in-intere!t,
t"e inivi(a$ )e)ber! of t"e a!!ociation bein& t"e one! w"o "ave
'o!!e!!or1 ri&"t! over t"eir re!'ective 're)i!e!? Moreover, t"e $ea!e
contract! "ave a$rea1 e6'ire?
- I'on a''ea$, t"e CA ann($$e an !et a!ie t"e orer of t"e tria$
co(rt an re)ane t"e ca!e for f(rt"er 'roceein&!? A writ of
're$i)inar1 in2(nction wa! i!!(e re!trainin& an 'reventin&
re!'onent MIAA fro) evictin& t"e )e)ber! of Rivera %i$$a&e
A!!ociation fro) t"eir re!'ective $ot! in t"e Rivera %i$$a&e? #"e CA
r($e t"at t"e ca!e can be con!tr(e a! a c$a!! !(it in!tit(te b1 t"e
Rivera %i$$a&e $e!!ee!? #"e "o)eowner! a!!ociation, con!iere a!
t"e re're!entative of t"e $e!!ee!, )ere$1 in!tit(te t"e !(it for t"e
benefit of it! )e)ber!? It oe! not c$ai) to "ave an1 ri&"t or intere!t in
t"e $ot! occ('ie b1 t"e $e!!ee!, nor !eeA t"e re&i!tration of t"e tit$e!
to t"e $an in it! na)e?
- MIAA ar&(e! t"at t"e 'etition fi$e b1 t"e "o)eowner! a!!ociation
wit" t"e tria$ co(rt fai$! to !tate a ca(!e of action beca(!e t"e
"o)eowner! a!!ociation i! not t"e rea$ 'art1-in-intere!t in t"e !(it?
A$$e&e$1, t"e 7oar Re!o$(tion 're!ente b1 re!'onent !"ow! t"at it
wa! on$1 t"e boar of irector! of t"e a!!ociation, a! i!tin&(i!"e
fro) t"e )e)ber! t"ereof, w"ic" a(t"oriBe re!'onent to act a! it!
re're!entative in t"e !(it?
=O; t"e 'etition fi$e b1 re!'onent wit" t"e tria$ co(rt !tate! a ca(!e
of action a&ain!t 'etitionerE =O; re!'onent "a! 'er!ona$it1 to !(e
#"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re re/(ire! t"at ever1 action )(!t be
'ro!ec(te or efene in t"e na)e of t"e rea$ 'art1-in-intere!t, i?e?,
t"e 'art1 w"o !tan! to be benefite or in2(re b1 t"e 2(&)ent in t"e
!(it, or t"e 'art1 entit$e to t"e avai$! of t"e !(it? A ca!e i! i!)i!!ib$e
for $acA of 'er!ona$it1 to !(e ('on 'roof t"at t"e '$aintiff i! not t"e rea$
'art1-in-intere!t, "ence &ro(ne on fai$(re to !tate a ca(!e of action?
#"e 'etition before t"e tria$ co(rt wa! fi$e b1 t"e "o)eowner!
a!!ociation, re're!ente b1 it! Pre!ient, Panfi$o R? C"i(tena, Sr?,
('on a(t"orit1 of a 7oar Re!o$(tion e)'owerin& t"e $atter to fi$e *A$$
nece!!ar1 action to t"e Co(rt of ,(!tice an ot"er re$ate act!
nece!!ar1 to "ave o(r :o(!in& Pro2ect n()ber 4 $an be tit$e to t"e
)e)ber! of t"e A!!ociation?*
Obvio(!$1, t"e 'etition cannot be con!iere a c$a!! !(it (ner Sec?
12, R($e . of t"e R($e! of Co(rt, t"e re/(i!ite! t"erefor not bein&
're!ent in t"e ca!e, notab$1 beca(!e t"e 'etition oe! not a$$e&e t"e
e6i!tence an 'rove t"e re/(i!ite! of a c$a!! !(it, i?e?, t"at t"e !(b2ect
)atter of t"e controver!1 i! one of co))on or &enera$ intere!t to )an1
'er!on! an t"e 'artie! are !o n()ero(! t"at it i! i)'racticab$e to
brin& t"e) a$$ before t"e co(rt, an beca(!e it wa! bro(&"t on$1 b1 one
In 7oar of O'to)etr1 v? Co$et, it wa! "e$ t"at co(rt! )(!t e6erci!e
(t)o!t ca(tion before a$$owin& a c$a!! !(it, w"ic" i! t"e e6ce'tion to
t"e re/(ire)ent of 2oiner of a$$ ini!'en!ab$e 'artie!? +or w"i$e no
iffic($t1 )a1 ari!e if t"e eci!ion !ec(re i! favorab$e to t"e '$aintiff!,
a /(anar1 wo($ re!($t if t"e eci!ion were ot"erwi!e a! t"o!e w"o
were ee)e i)'$eae b1 t"eir !e$f-a''ointe re're!entative! wo($
certain$1 c$ai) enia$ of (e 'roce!!?
#"ere i!, "owever, )erit in t"e a''e$$ate co(rt! 'rono(nce)ent t"at
t"e 'etition !"o($ be con!tr(e a! a !(it bro(&"t b1 t"e "o)eowner!
a!!ociation a! t"e re're!entative of t"e )e)ber! t"ereof (ner Sec? .,
R($e . of t"e R($e! of Co(rt, w"ic" 'rovie!@
Sec? .? Re're!entative! a! 'artie!? ="ere t"e action i! a$$owe to be
'ro!ec(te or efene b1 a re're!entative or !o)eone actin& in a
fi(ciar1 ca'acit1, t"e beneficiar1 !"a$$ be inc$(e in t"e tit$e of t"e
ca!e an !"a$$ be ee)e to be t"e rea$ 'art1 in intere!t? A
re're!entative )a1 be a tr(!tee of an e6're!! tr(!t, a &(arian, an
e6ec(tor or a)ini!trator, or a 'art1 a(t"oriBe b1 $aw or t"e!e R($e!?
An a&ent actin& in "i! own na)e an for t"e benefit of an (ni!c$o!e
'rinci'a$ )a1 !(e or be !(e wit"o(t 2oinin& t"e 'rinci'a$ e6ce't w"en
t"e contract invo$ve! t"in&! be$on&in& to t"e 'rinci'a$?
4t is a settled rule that ever! action must e prosecuted or defended in
the name of the real part!.in.interest. 6here the action is allo$ed to
e prosecuted or defended ! a representative acting in a fiduciar!
capacit!# the eneficiar! must e included in the title of the case and
shall e deemed to e the real part!.in.interest. +he name of such
eneficiaries shall# li'e$ise# e included in the complaint.
Moreover, Sec? 4, R($e > of t"e R($e! of Co(rt 'rovie! t"at facts
sho$ing the capacit! of a part! to sue or e sued# or the authorit! of a
part! to sue or e sued in a representative capacit! must e averred in
the complaint. 4n order to maintain an action in a court of justice# the
plaintiff must have an actual legal e%istence# that is# he or she or it
must e a person in la$ and possessed of a legal entit! as either a
natural or an artificial person. +he part! ringing suit has the urden of
proving the sufficienc! of the representative character that he claims. 4f
a complaint is filed ! one $ho claims to represent a part! as plaintiff
ut $ho# in fact# is not authori&ed to do so# such complaint is not
deemed filed and the court does not ac,uire jurisdiction over the
complaint. 4t must e stressed that an unauthori&ed complaint does not
produce an! legal effect.
In t"i! ca!e, the petition filed $ith the trial court sufficientl! avers that
the homeo$ners association# through its President# is suing in a
representative capacit! as authori&ed under the @oard Aesolution
attached to the petition. Although the names of the individual memers
of the homeo$ners association $ho are the eneficiaries and real in the suit $ere not indicated in the title of the
petition# this defect can e cured ! the simple e%pedient of re,uiring
the association to disclose the names of the principals and to amend
the title and averments of the petition accordingl!.
Essentiall!# the purpose of the rule that actions should e rought or
defended in the name of the real part!.in.interest is to protect against
undue and unnecessar! litigation and to ensure that the court $ill have
the enefit of having efore it the real adverse parties in the
consideration of a case. +his rule# ho$ever# is not to e narro$l! and
restrictivel! construed# and its application should e neither dogmatic
nor rigid at all times ut vie$ed in consonance $ith e%tant realities and
practicalities. As correctl! noted ! the CA# the dismissal of this case
ased on the lac' of personalit! to sue of petitioner.association $ill
onl! result in the filing of multiple suits ! the individual memers of
the association.
#"e in!tant 'etition i! <RA;#E3? #"e eci!ion of t"e CA i!
RE%ERSE3 an SE# ASI3E? #"e civi$ ca!e in t"e R#C of Pa!a1 Cit1
i! orere 3ISMISSE3?
==8 SCRA 58>
MELENCIO-HERRERA, M%"c- =2, =>:8
3irect a''ea$ fro) t"e eci!ion of t"e C+I w"ic" i!)i!! t"e ca!e for
3a)a&e! (e to t"e eat" of '$aintiff
1-80@ 3eaf-)(te Mario e$ Ca!ti$$o fe$$ ('on a$i&"tin& t"e b(! of t"e
re!'onent! an ie?
1-82@ Action for recover1 of a)a&e! wa! fi$e b1 Severo e$ Ca!ti$$o,
t"e fat"er of t"e victi), a&ain!t t"e river, con(ctor, an t"e owner
1-88@ Severo ie? Co(n!e$ for Motion for Ann($)ent Proceein&!
after "avin& $earne t"at '$aintiff Severo a$rea1 ie wit"o(t re!tin&
"i! ca!e? Co(rt orere '$aintiff0! co(n!e$ to verif1 e6i!tence of "eir!
wi$$in& to be !(b!tit(te a! 'artie!-'$aintiff!? A$$e&e$1, a F3ee of
A!!i&n)entL wa! e6ec(te b1 Severo in favor of "i! !on-in-$aw
=ence!$ao :a$oc of a$$ "i! ri&"t! in t"e 'roceein&! in 1-80 !o '$aintiff
fi$e a Motion to A)it A)ene Co)'$aint, !(b!tit(tin& =ence!$ao a!
'art1-'$aintiff? A)ene Co)'$aint wa! a)itte b1 t"e co(rt?
C+I@ i!)i!!e ori&ina$ an a)ene co)'$aint! (e to t"e eat" of
Severo? =ence!$ao "a no 'er!ona$it1 to contin(e t"e ca!e, not bein&
a "eir of Severo?
1? =O; t"e co)'$aint !"o($ be i!)i!!e (e to t"e eat" of t"e
'$aintiff, even if "e "a a$rea1 a!!i&ne "i! ri&"t! before "e ie
2? =O; a)a&e! !"o($ "ave been aware
1? ;O
Ratio. ="ere an a!!i&nab$e ri&"t "a! been tran!ferre before action
bro(&"t, t"e 'roceein& o(&"t to be in!tit(te in t"e na)e of t"e
a!!i&nee; an w"ere an a!!i&n)ent i! effecte 'enente $ite, it i!
'ro'er to "ave t"e a!!i&nee !(b!tit(te for t"e ori&ina$ '$aintiff? If !(c"
!(b!tit(tion !"o($ not be effecte an t"e tran!fer of t"e ri&"t of
action !"o($ not be bro(&"t to t"e attention of t"e co(rt, t"e ori&ina$
'$aintiff, if !(cce!!f($ in t"e $iti&ation, wo($ "o$ t"e fr(it! of t"e action
a! a !ort of tr(!tee for t"e (!e an benefit of "i! a!!i&nee?
Reasoning. #"i! i! not a ca!e w"ere t"e 'rovi!ion! of Section 19,
R($e . of t"e R($e! of Co(rt on *eat" of a 'art1* are a''$icab$e?
Rat"er, it i! a !it(ation w"ere '$aintiff, w"i$e a$ive, "a a!!i&ne "i!
ri&"t! to anot"er, in w"ic" ca!e, t"e 'ro'er 'roce(re wo($ "ave
been for t"e tran!feree to "ave been !(b!tit(te for t"e tran!feror a!
'$aintiff? #"e ri&"t! of Severo to c$ai) a)a&e! for "i! !on were
tran!ferab$e? Severo "a tran!ferre "i! ri&"t! a! '$aintiff to =ence!$ao
:a$oc b(t after t"e a!!i&n)ent t"e ca!e contin(e in SeveroD! na)e
an t"ere wa! no i))eiate an for)a$ !(b!tit(tion of 'art1 '$aintiff?
#"i! i! b(t a for)a$it1, "owever, an t"e fact re)ain! t"at, after t"e
a!!i&n)ent, t"e !(b!tantia$ '$aintiff an rea$ 'art1 in intere!t beca)e
:a$oc, wit" Severo a! a !ort of tr(!tee of w"atever fr(it! t"e $iti&ation
wo($ brin&?
2? CES
Reasoning. Artic$e! 1984 an 2208 of t"e Civi$ Coe? +ai$(re to
e6erci!e e6traorinar1 care for t"e !afet1 of it! 'a!!en&er! even after
bein& a''ri!e of t"e fact t"at t"e victi) wa! a eaf-)(te? S"o($ "ave
been re)ane to CA for eter)ination of a)o(nt of a)a&e! b(t (e
to 'enenc1 of ca!e for 1. 1ear! K '(t an en to controver!1, Co(rt
i)'o!e P12,000 for eat" of victi), '$(! P2,000 att10! fee!
Disposition. =:ERE+ORE, t"e 2(&)ent a''ea$e fro) i! "ereb1
rever!e, an efenant! "ereb1 orere 2oint$1 an !evera$$1, to 'a1
=ence!$ao :a$oc, t"e a)o(nt of P12,000?00 a! a)a&e! for eat",
wit"o(t intere!t, an P2,000?00 a! attorne1D! fee!? ;o co!t!? SO
14 SCRA 442
B%""e)!, J.? Oc. 1B, =>2B
A''ea$ fro) a eci!ion of t"e C+I of Sor!o&on
-A''e$$ee Se&(no <o1a$a, wit" "i! now ecea!e wife Antonina !o$
to <o2o a 2?5 "ectare 'arce$ of a&ric($t(ra$ $an for P950 b1 a F3ee of
Pacto e Retro Sa$eL, t"e re'(rc"a!e to be )ae wit"in one 1ear, a!
!tate in t"e ee? #"e ee a$!o inicate! t"at t"e venee 'ai
anot"er P100 in aition to t"e '(rc"a!e 'rice? 10 1ear! after t"e
e6ec(tion of !ai oc()ent, <o2o fi$e a ca!e wit" t"e C+I a&ain!t
<o1a$a b1 wa1 of a 'etition for con!o$iation of owner!"i' of !ai $an?
<o2o a$$e&e t"at t"e 'erio for re'(rc"a!in& "a e6'ire an
owner!"i' "a beco)e con!o$iate in "i) an t"at for '(r'o!e! of
recorin& t"e con!o$iation in t"e Re&i!tr1 of Pro'ert1, it wa!
nece!!ar1 t"at a 2(icia$ orer be i!!(e to t"at effect?
-<o1a$a fi$e an an!wer to t"e 'etition, a$$e&in& t"at t"e1 "a obtaine
a ca!" $oan of P>10 fro) <o2o 'a1ab$e wEin one 1ear wEo intere!t an
t"at to &(arantee 'a1)ent, <o1a$a e6ec(te a )ort&a&e in favor of t"e
'etitioner on t"e 'arce$ of $an in /(e!tion? :ence, a$t"o(&" t"e ee
wa! e6ec(te in t"e for) of a 'acto e retro !a$e, t"e tr(e intention of
t"e 'artie! wa! for it to be a )ere )ort&a&e to !ec(re 'a1)ent?
<o1a$a f(rt"er c$ai)e t"at "e an "i! wife atte)'te to 'a1 t"e ebt
b(t 'etitioner ref(!e to receive t"e !() an cance$ t"e )ort&a&e? 71
wa1 of co(nterc$ai), <o1a$a 'ra1e t"at 'etitioner receive t"e P>10
an t"at t"e oc()ent of )ort&a&e be ec$are !o, an not a 'acto e
retro !a$e? :e f(rt"er 'ra1e for P1>00 'er ann() (nti$ t"e fina$
ter)ination of t"e ca!e for t"e fr(it! of !ai 'ro'ert1 an in t"e ca!e
t"at t"e in!tr()ent be ee)e a tr(e 'acto e retro !a$e, t"at
'etitioner be orere to e6ec(te a ee of re!a$e in favor of
re!'onent! in accorance wit" A1808CC?
-Co(n!e$ for <o1a$a fi$e a )anife!tation infor)in& t"e #C t"at t"e
na)e efenant, Antonina, "a ie, 'ro)'tin& t"e #C to i!!(e an
orer re/(irin& co(n!e$ for t"e '$aintiff to !(b)it an a)ene
Co)'$aint !(b!tit(tin& Antonina wit" one of "er !(cce!!or! in intere!t
a! 'art1 efenant!? <o1a$a fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! t"e 'etition on
t"e &ro(n t"at notwit"!tanin& t"e $a'!e of 4. a1! after a''e$$ant0!
recei't of a co'1 of t"e !ai #C orer, !ai a''e$$ant fai$e an
ne&$ecte to !(b)it t"e a)ene co)'$aint re/(ire of "i)? A''e$$ant
o''o!e t"e )otion b(t t"e #C i!)i!!e t"e co)'$aint?
-A''e$$ee fi$e a )otion to ec$are a''e$$ant in efa($t in re!'ect of
!ai a''e$$ee0! co(nterc$ai), w"ic" wa! &rante b1 t"e #C, w"ic"
f(rt"er re/(ire <o1a$a to !(b)it "i! evience before t"e C$erA of
Co(rt? #C renere favorab$e 2(&)ent on a''e$$ee0! co(nterc$ai),
ec$arin& t"e 3ee of Pacto e Retro Sa$e an e/(itab$e )ort&a&e an
orerin& <o2o to receive t"e P>10 an to re!tore 'o!!e!!ion to t"e
efenant! an a$$owin& t"e) to reee) t"e !a)e?
-A''e$$ant a''ea$e to t"e CA, w"ic" ('on finin& t"at t"e !ai a''ea$
invo$ve! '(re$1 /(e!tion! of $aw, certifie t"e !a)e to t"e SC?
Parties; Re contractual $one% clai$s < Dis$issal &% clai$ant <
Co$pulsor% counterclai$< !nswer; Defenses
=O; #C erre in ec$arin& '$aintiff in efa($t wit" re!'ect to
efenant0! co(nterc$ai)
CES? #"e a''e$$ant conten! t"at t"ere i! no occa!ion for t"e #C to
ec$are "i) in efa($t in re!'ect of a''e$$ee0! co(nterc$ai) a! !ai
co(nterc$ai) fa$$! wit"in t"e cate&or1 of co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)
w"ic" oe! not ca$$ for an ine'enent an!wer a! t"e co)'$aint
a$rea1 enie! it! )ateria$ a$$e&ation!? It i! now !ett$e t"at a '$aintiff
w"o fai$! or c"oo!e! not to an!wer a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) )a1
not be ec$are in efa($t, 'rinci'a$$1 beca(!e t"e i!!(e! rai!e in t"e
co(nterc$ai) are ee)e a(to)atica$$1 2oine b1 t"e a$$e&ation! of t"e
-="i$e it i! tr(e t"at (ner Sec? . of R($e 19, a co)'$aint )a1 be
i!)i!!e for fai$(re to 'ro!ec(te if t"e '$aintiff fai$! to co)'$1 wit" an
orer of t"e co(rt, !ai 'rovi!ion cannot a''$1 w"en t"e orer i&nore
i! a voi one, a! in t"i! ca!e? 4A! in Sec 20 of R($e ., t"e eat" of t"e
efenant in a contract(a$ )one1 c$ai) oe! i!)i!! !(c" action for
recover1, b(t wi$$ be a$$owe to contin(e (nti$ fina$ 2(&)ent i! entere?
+avorab$e 2(&)ent obtaine b1 t"e '$aintiff !"a$$ be enforce in t"e
)anner 'rovie in t"e!e R($e! for 'ro!ec(tin& c$ai)! a&ain!t t"e
e!tate of a ecea!e 'er!on? In 7arra)ea v! 7arbara, t"e SC "e$
t"at an orer to a)en t"e co)'$aint, before t"e 'ro'er !(b!tit(tion of
'artie! a! irecte b1 Sec? 19, R($e . 4Sec? 18, new $aw5, i! voi an
i)'o!e! ('on t"e '$aintiff no (t1 to co)'$1 t"erewit" to t"e en t"at
an orer i!)i!!in& t"e !ai co)'$aint, for !(c" non-co)'$iance,
wo($ !i)i$ar$1 be voi? It wa! f(rt"er "e$ in +erriera v! <onBa$e! t"at
t"e contin(ance of a 'roceein& (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of w"ic" a 'art1
t"ereto ie!, wit"o(t !(c" 'art1 "avin& been va$i$1 !(b!tit(te in
accorance wit" t"e r($e!, a)o(nt! to $acA of 2(ri!iction?
=9,R,FOR,( the decision appealed fro$ is set aside
@p%+e :A
-7oie! fo(n in Ma1or So$a0! "aciena? Infor)ation fi$e a&ain!t
Ma1or, C"ief of Po$ice an ot"er acc(!e? Acc(!e were &rante bai$?
=itne!!e! fear for t"eir $ive! beca(!e t"e tria$ wa! to be "e$ near t"e
town w"ere t"e acc(!e were 'owerf($? A$!o, t"e witne!!e! "a been
receivin& t"reat! on t"eir $ive!? Re$evance@ C"an&e in ven(e
ON CHAN/E OF VENUE? #"e con!tit(tion i! /(ite e6'$icit? #"e
S('re)e Co(rt co($ orer *a c"an&e of ven(e or '$ace of tria$ to
avoi a )i!carria&e of 2(!tice?*
-Peo'$e v? <(tierreB, ,?7?L? Re1e!@ *X#O COMPEL #:E
-#"e e6erci!e b1 t"i! :onorab$e Co(rt of it! above con!tit(tiona$ 'ower
in t"i! ca!e wi$$ be a''ro'riate? #"e witne!!e! in t"e ca!e are fearf($
for t"eir $ive!? #"e1 are afrai t"e1 wo($ be Ai$$e on t"eir wa1 to or
fro) :i)a)a1$an (rin& an1 of t"e a1! of tria$? 7eca(!e of t"i! fear,
t"e1 )a1 eit"er ref(!e to te!tif1 or te!tif1 fa$!e$1 to !ave t"eir $ive!?
-t"ere )a1 be ca!e! w"ere t"e fear, ob2ective$1 viewe, )a1, to !o)e
inivi(a$!, be $e!! t"an terrif1in&, b(t t"e /(e!tion )(!t a$wa1! be t"e
effect it "a! on t"e witne!!e! w"o wi$$ te!tif1?
-#"e 'ri)oria$ ai) an intent of t"e Con!tit(tion )(!t ever be Ae't in
)in? In ca!e of o(bt, it !"o($ be re!o$ve in favor of a c"an&e of
1> SCRA 1B1
REYES, J.B.L.< M%( 1=, =>2=
Petition for certiorari an 'ro"ibition, wit" 're$i)inar1 in2(nction, to
ann($ certain orer! of t"e re!'onent Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of RiBa$,
i!!(e an to 'ro"ibit t"e !ai co(rt fro) f(rt"er 'roceein& wit" t"e
!ai civi$ ca!e?
- Antonio ,? %i$$e&a! an ,(an Ponce Enri$e =2a!or of 2anila and
Bndersecretar! of 5inance and concurrentl! Acting Commissioner of
Customs# respectivel!# $ith offices in the Cit! of 2anila> fi$e a civi$
action in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of RiBa$ !eeAin& to recover fro)
t"e "erein 'etitioner a)a&e! ('on an a$$e&e $ibe$ ari!in& fro) a
'(b$ication of #i)e 4A!ia Eition5 )a&aBine, in it! i!!(e of 1> A(&(!t
1-89, of an e!!a1, entit$e *Corr('tion in A!ia*, w"erein t"e
efenant! a$$e&e$1 i)'(te to '$aintiff! t"e co))i!!ion of t"e cri)e!
of &raft an corr('tion an ne'oti!)?
- Petitioner #i)e, Inc?, i! an A)erican cor'oration wit" 'rinci'a$ office!
at RocAefe$$er Center, ;ew CorA Cit1, ;? C?, an i! t"e '(b$i!"er of
*#i)e*, a weeA$1 new! )a&aBine?
- %i$$e&a! an Enri$e fi$e a Motion for $eave to taAe t"e e'o!ition! *of
Mr? Ant"on1 <onBa$e!, #i)e-$ife Internationa$*, an *Mr? Ce!ar 7?
Enri/(eB, M($$er N P"i''! 4Mani$a5 Lt?*, in connection wit" t"e
activitie! an o'eration! in t"e P"i$i''ine! of t"e 'etitioner? It wa!
&rante b1 ,(&e Re1e! an "e a$!o i!!(e a writ of attac")ent on
t"e rea$ an 'er!ona$ e!tate of #i)e, Inc?
- #i)e Inc? fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint for $acA of
2(ri!iction an i)'ro'er ven(e, re$1in& ('on t"e 'rovi!ion! of
Re'(b$ic Act 4.8. =According to this la$# C+he criminal and civil action for
damages in cases of $ritten defamations. . .$here one of the offended parties is
a pulic officer $hose office is in the Cit! of 2anila at the time of the commission
of the offense# the action shall e filed in the Court of 5irst 4nstance of the Cit! of
2anila or of the cit! or province $here the lielous article is printed and first
pulished# and in case such pulic officer does not hold office in the Cit! of
2anila# the action shall e filed in the Court of 5irst 4nstance of the province or
cit! $here he held office at the time of the commission of the offense or $here
the lielous article is printed and first pulished>.
- Re!'onent co(rt eferre t"e eter)ination of t"e )otion to
i!)i!! (nti$ after tria$ of t"e ca!e on t"e )erit!, t"e co(rt "avin&
con!iere t"at t"e &ro(n! re$ie ('on in t"e )otion o not a''ear to
be in(bitab$e?
- Petitioner )ove for recon!ieration of t"e efer)ent; #"e
re!'onent 2(&e i!!(e an orer re affir)in& t"e 'revio(! orer of
efer)ent for t"e rea!on t"at *t"e r($e $ai own (ner Re'(b$ic Act
;o? 4.8., a)enin& Artic$e .80 of t"e Revi!e Pena$ Coe, i! not
a''$icab$e to action! a&ain!t non-re!ient efenant!, an beca(!e
/(e!tion! invo$vin& "arra!)ent! an inconvenience, a! we$$ a!
i!r('tion of '(b$ic !ervice o not a''ear in(bitab$e ? ? ?*
- Petitioner fi$e t"e in!tant 'etition for certiorari an 'ro"ibition?
=Suject of the petition( +he orders for the ta'ing of the said
depositions# for deferring determination of the motion to dismiss# and
for re affirming the deferment# and the $rit of attachment are sought to
e annulled in the petition.>
1? ="et"er or not, (ner t"e 'rovi!ion! of Re'(b$ic Act ;o? 4.8. t"e
re!'onent Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of RiBa$ "a! 2(ri!iction to taAe
co&niBance of t"e civi$ !(it for a)a&e! ari!in& fro) an a$$e&e$1
$ibe$o(! '(b$ication, con!ierin& t"at t"e action wa! in!tit(te b1 '(b$ic
officer! w"o!e office! were in t"e Cit1 of Mani$a at t"e ti)e of t"e
2? If it "a! no 2(ri!iction, w"et"er or not it! erroneo(! a!!()'tion of
2(ri!iction )a1 be c"a$$en&e b1 a forei&n cor'oration b1 writ of
certiorari or 'ro"ibition; an
1? ;o? #"e 'ro'er ven(e i! t"e C+I of Mani$a?
Ratio; Iner Artic$e .80 of t"e Revi!e Pena$ Coe, a! a)ene b1
Re'(b$ic Act ;o? 4.8., action! for a)a&e! b1 '(b$ic officia$! for
$ibe$o(! '(b$ication! a&ain!t t"e) can on$1 be fi$e in t"e co(rt! of fir!t
in!tance of t"e cit1 or 'rovince w"ere t"e offene f(nctionar1 "e$
office at t"e ti)e of t"e co))i!!ion of t"e offen!e, in ca!e t"e $ibe$o(!
artic$e wa! fir!t 'rinte or '(b$i!"e o(t!ie t"e P"i$i''ine!?
a? =4ntent of the la$> #"e a!!ertion t"at a forei&n cor'oration or a non-
re!ient efenant i! not inconvenience b1 an o(t-of-town !(it i!
irre$evant an (ntenab$e, for ven(e an 2(ri!iction are not e'enent
('on convenience or inconvenience to a 'art1; an )oreover, ven(e
wa! fi6e (ner Re'(b$ic Act ;o? 4.8., '(r!(ant to t"e ba!ic 'o$ic1 of
t"e $aw t"at i!, a! 'revio(!$1 !tate, to 'rotect t"e intere!t of t"e '(b$ic
!ervice w"en t"e offene 'art1 i! a '(b$ic officer, b1 )ini)iBin& a!
)(c" a! 'o!!ib$e an1 interference wit" t"e i!c"ar&e of "i! (tie!?
b? =+e%tual and strict interpretation of the la$> #"e r($e i! t"at w"ere a
!tat(te create! a ri&"t an 'rovie! a re)e1 for it! enforce)ent, t"e
re)e1 i! e6c$(!ive; an w"ere it confer! 2(ri!iction ('on a 'artic($ar
co(rt, t"at 2(ri!iction i! $iAewi!e e6c$(!ive, (n$e!! ot"erwi!e 'rovie?
:ence, t"e ven(e 'rovi!ion! of Re'(b$ic Act ;o 4.8. !"o($ be
ee)e )anator1 for t"e 'art1 brin&in& t"e action, (n$e!! t"e
/(e!tion of ven(e !"o($ be waive b1 t"e efenant, w"ic" wa! not
t"e ca!e "ere?
2? Ce!?
Ratio; #"e action of a co(rt in ref(!in& to r($e, or eferrin& it! r($in&,
on a )otion to i!)i!! for $acA of 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter, or
for i)'ro'er ven(e, i! in e6ce!! of 2(ri!iction an correctib$e b1 writ of
'ro"ibition or certiorari !(e o(t in t"e a''e$$ate Co(rt, even before
tria$ on t"e )erit! i! "a?
It wo($ be (!e$e!! an f(ti$e to &o a"ea wit" t"e 'roceein&! if t"e
co(rt "a no 2(ri!iction?
#"e writ! a''$ie for are &rante@ t"e re!'onent Co(rt of +ir!t
In!tance of RiBa$ i! ec$are wit"o(t 2(ri!iction to taAe co&niBance of
it! Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 1040.; an it! orer! i!!(e in connection t"erewit"
are "ereb1 ann($$e an !et a!ie? Re!'onent co(rt i! f(rt"er
co))ane to e!i!t fro) f(rt"er 'roceein&! in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 1040.
#"e writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction "eretofore i!!(e b1 t"i! S('re)e
Co(rt i! )ae 'er)anent?
VITU/J< M%( 2, 8BB9
S'ecia$ civi$ action of certiorari
- On vario(! ate! in 1--8, 3e$fino C? #ec!on a''$ie for !i6 485
ce$$($ar '"one !(b!cri'tion! wit" 'etitioner Pi$i'ino #e$e'"one
Cor'oration 4PIL#EL5, w"ic" a''$ication! were eac" a''rove an
covere, b1 !i6 )obi$ine !ervice a&ree)ent!?
- On 05 A'ri$ 2001, re!'onent fi$e wit" t"e R#C of I$i&an Cit1, Lanao
3e$ ;orte, a co)'$aint a&ain!t 'etitioner for a *S() of Mone1 an
3a)a&e!?* Petitioner )ove for t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint on t"e
&ro(n of i)'ro'er ven(e, citin& a co))on 'rovi!ion in t"e )obi$ine
!ervice a&ree)ent! to t"e effect t"at -
*%en(e of a$$ !(it! ari!in& fro) t"i! A&ree)ent or an1 ot"er !(it irect$1
or inirect$1 ari!in& fro) t"e re$ation!"i' between PIL#EL an
!(b!criber !"a$$ be in t"e 'ro'er co(rt! of MaAati, Metro Mani$a?
S(b!criber "ereb1 e6're!!$1 waive! an1 ot"er ven(e!?*
- In an orer, t"e R#C enie 'etitionerD! M#3 an re/(ire it to fi$e an
an!wer wit"in 15 a1! fro) recei't t"ereof?
- PIL#EL fi$e a M+R, t"ro(&" re&i!tere )ai$, of t"e orer of t"e tria$
co(rt? In it! !(b!e/(ent orer, #C enie t"e M+R?
- Petitioner fi$e a 'etition for certiorari (ner R($e 85 of t"e Revi!e
R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re before t"e CA?
- CA !aw no )erit in t"e 'etition an affir)e t"e a!!ai$e orer! of
t"e #C? Petitioner )ove for a recon!ieration, b(t t"e a''e$$ate co(rt
enie t"e )otion?
=O; 'artie! )a1 !ti'($ate on t"e ven(e of an1 $iti&ation between t"e)
Ratio Section 4, R($e 4, of t"e Revi!e R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re a$$ow!
t"e 'artie! to a&ree an !ti'($ate in writin&, before t"e fi$in& of an
action, on t"e e6c$(!ive ven(e of an1 $iti&ation between t"e)? S(c" an
a&ree)ent wo($ be va$i an binin& 'rovie t"at t"e !ti'($ation on
t"e c"o!en ven(e i! e6c$(!ive in nat(re or in intent, t"at it i! e6're!!e
in writin& b1 t"e 'artie! t"ereto, an t"at it i! entere into before t"e
fi$in& of t"e !(it?
Reasoning. #"e 'rovi!ion containe in 'ara&ra'" 22 of t"e *Mobi$e
Service A&ree)ent,* a !tanar contract )ae o(t b1 'etitioner
PIL#EL to it! !(b!criber!, a''arent$1 acce'te an !i&ne b1
re!'onent? #"e ae !ti'($ation t"at t"e !(b!criber *e6're!!$1
waive! an1 ot"er ven(e* !"o($ inicate, c$ear$1 eno(&", t"e intent of
t"e 'artie! to con!ier t"e ven(e !ti'($ation a! bein& 'rec$(!ive in
#"e a''e$$ate co(rt, "owever, wo($ a''ear to anc"or it! eci!ion on
t"e t"e!i! t"at t"e !(b!cri'tion a&ree)ent, bein& a )ere contract of
a"e!ion, oe! not bin re!'onent on t"e ven(e !ti'($ation? 7(t !(c"
an a&ree)ent i! not 'er !e inefficacio(!? #"e r($e in!tea i! t"at,
!"o($ t"ere be a)bi&(itie! in a contract of a"e!ion, !(c" a)bi&(itie!
are to be con!tr(e a&ain!t t"e 'art1 t"at 're'are it? If, "owever, t"e
!ti'($ation! are not ob!c(re, b(t are c$ear an $eave no o(bt on t"e
intention of t"e 'artie!, t"e $itera$ )eanin& of it! !ti'($ation! )(!t be
"e$ contro$$in&?
A contract ($1 e6ec(te i! t"e $aw between t"e 'artie!, an t"e1 are
ob$i&e to co)'$1 f($$1 an not !e$ective$1 wit" it! ter)!? A contract of
a"e!ion i! no e6ce'tion?
Disposition =:ERE+ORE, t"e in!tant 'etition i! <RA;#E3?
In /ene"%*? M%nne" !& D%7in+ %**e+%i!n# in
Aci!n%6*e )!c,Den
5= SCRA =95
FERNANDO< N!'eD6e" 88, =>29
Santia&o a''$ie for re&i!tration of a 'arce$ of $an $ocate in San
Mateo, RiBa$? #"e a''$ication i! o''o!e b1 t"e 3irector of Lan!,
3irector of +ore!tr1 an b1 Mr!? Pacita %? e $o! Santo! on t"e &ro(n
t"at t"e 'ro'ert1 a''$ie for i! 'art of t"e '(b$ic o)ain?
S(b!e/(ent$1, )otion! to i!)i!! t"e a''$ication were fi$e b1 t"e
o''o!itor Pacita %? e $o! Santo! an t"e 3irector of +ore!tr1 w"ic"
)otion! are 'rinci'a$$1 ba!e on t"e a$$e&ation t"at t"e 'ro'ert1
a''$ie for i! a 'ortion of t"e '(b$ic o)ain w"ic" wa! $ea!e to Mr!?
Pacita e $o! Santo! (ner Pa!t(re Lea!e A&ree)ent ;o? 1.05?
#"e )otion to i!)i!! wa! &rante ba!e on t"e oc()ent! attac"e
to t"eir )otion b1 ,(&e Ceci$ia M(PoB Pa$)a, now an A!!ociate
,(!tice of t"i! Co(rt, i!)i!!e t"e !(it? In t"i! a''ea$, Santia&o !eeA!
for t"e eci!ion to be rever!e? :i! new co(n!e$, t"e fir) of L(na an
Mana$o, i! t"oro(&" an co)'re"en!ive?
=O; t"e orer of t"e $ower co(rt !"o($ be rever!e?
Even t"e )o!t c(r!or1 reain& of t"e orer of i!)i!!a$ can $ea to no
ot"er conc$(!ion e6ce't t"at it !"o($ be affir)e? ;otwit"!tanin& t"e
vi&or wit" w"ic" t"e a''ea$ i! bein& 'ro!ec(te b1 new co(n!e$, it
cannot !(ffice for a rever!a$? #"e infir)it1 of t"e ca!e i! inc(rab$e?
#"e '$eain& $eft no c"oice to t"e t"en ,(&e M(PoB Pa$)a e6ce't to
i!)i!! t"e ca!e, w"ic" wrote@ F??? t"e 'ortion of t"e !ai 'arce$ of $an
!(b2ect of t"i! re&i!tration w"ic" wa! c$ai)e a! 'art of t"e '(b$ic
fore!t "a! a$rea1 been re$ea!e b1 t"e :onorab$e Secretar1 of
A&ric($t(re an ;at(ra$ Re!o(rce! for a&ric($t(ra$ '(r'o!e! a!
evience b1 it! orer ate A(&(!t 10, 1-81?L Attac"e to !(c"
'$eain& were t"e oc()ent!, w"ic", in t"e $an&(a&e of t"e t"en
,(&e Pa$)a, *!"ow t"at t"e $an ob2ect of t"i! re&i!tration 'roceein&
i! 'art of t"e '(b$ic o)ain? +or)er co(n!e$ o(&"t to "ave rea$iBe
t"e fata$ effect on "i! c$ientD! ca!e of !(c" an a)i!!ion? If it were "i!
intention to e)o$i!" entire$1 t"e 'reten!ion of '$aintiff to t"e c$ai) t"at
"e "a been in o'en, '(b$ic, (ninterr('te, 'eacef($ an aver!e
'o!!e!!ion in t"e conce't of owner fro) ,($1 28, 1>-4 (' to t"e
're!ent, "e co($ not "ave !(cceee an1 better?
="at wa! !o cate&orica$$1 t"erein !et fort" a! to !(c" 'arce$
of $an bein& a 'art of a '(b$ic fore!t, a$t"o(&" t"ereafter re$ea!e b1
t"e Secretar1 of A&ric($t(re an ;at(ra$ Re!o(rce! for a&ric($t(ra$
'(r'o!e!, i! conc$(!ive an binin&? It wo($ c$ear$1 a''ear t"at
Santia&o co($ not in tr(t" !"ow t"at t"ere wa! !(c" an o'en,
(ninterr('te, 'eacef($ an aver!e 'o!!e!!ion in t"e conce't of
It i! a fa)i$iar octrine,* accorin& to ,(!tice ,?7?L? Re1e! in ,oeD!
Raio N E$ectrica$ S(''$1 v? A$to E$ectronic! Cor'?, 5 *t"at an
a)i!!ion )ae in t"e '$eain&! cannot be controverte b1 t"e 'art1
)aAin& !(c" a)i!!ion an are conc$(!ive a! to "i), an t"at a$$
'roof! !(b)itte b1 "i) contrar1 t"ereto or incon!i!tent t"erewit",
!"o($ be i&nore, w"et"er ob2ection i! inter'o!e b1 t"e 'art1 or
not ??? ?* 8 Even if t"ere "a been a f($$ "earin& on t"e ca!e, t"erefore,
t"e re!($t wo($ not "ave been an1 ifferent? #"ere wa! no c"oice t"en
for t"e $ower co(rt e6ce't to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint?
#"e 're!ent co(n!e$ of Santia&o trie! to e6tricate "i)!e$f
fro) a 'reica)ent of "i! own )aAin& b1 ar&(in& t"at t"e )otion to
i!)i!! of Pacita e $o! Santo! i! not entit$e to reco&nition a! t"ere
wa! a &enera$ orer of efa($t e6ce't a! to t"e 7(rea( of Lan! an
t"e 7(rea( of +ore!tr1, not $ifte a! to "er an t"at !"e "a! no intere!t
to o''o!e t"e a''$ication a$t"o(&" a)itte$1 t"ere wa! a c$ai) on "er
'art (ner a 'a!t(re $ea!e a&ree)ent in "er favor? 7(t in t"e )otion to
i!)i!! of e $o! Santo!, it wa! a$$e&e t"at t"e !on of Santia&o,
,(anito wa! one ti)e t"e $e!!ee of t"e ti)ber area !o(&"t to be
re&i!tere b1 Santia&o? #"ere wa! no enia$ of !(c" a$$e&ation? It i!
/(ite obvio(! t"en t"at t"e fact!, no $e!! t"an t"e $aw, ca$$ for 'reci!e$1
t"e conc$(!ion reac"e b1 t"e t"en ,(&e M(PoB Pa$)a?
*R($e! of '$eain& are intene to !ec(re a )et"o b1 w"ic" t"e
i!!(e! )a1 be 'ro'er$1 $ai before t"e co(rt? ="en t"o!e i!!(e! are
a$rea1 c$ear before t"e co(rt, t"e eficienc1 in t"e ob!ervance of t"e
r($e! !"o($ not be &iven (n(e i)'ortance? ="at i! i)'ortant i! t"at
t"e ca!e be ecie ('on t"e )erit! an t"at it !"o($ not be a$$owe
to &o off on 'roce(ra$ 'oint!? #ec"nica$itie!, in t"e a''ro'riate
$an&(a&e of ,(!tice MaAa$inta$, *!"o($ &ive wa1 to t"e rea$itie! of t"e
!it(ation?* 1. =e$$ co($ ,(!tice CaroBo ob!erve@ *A !1!te) of
'roce(re i! 'erverte fro) it! 'ro'er f(nction w"en it )($ti'$ie!
i)'ei)ent! to 2(!tice wit"o(t t"e warrant of c$ear
Dispositive. =:ERE+ORE, t"e a''ea$e orer of ;ove)ber 19,
1-81 of t"e t"en ,(&e M(PoB Pa$)a i! affir)e? Co!t! a&ain!t
a''e$$ant L(i! R? Santia&o
T-e C*%iD
C!,ne"c*%iD0c"!##-c*%iD %&e" %n#Ke"
9> SCRA 81:
ANTONIO< J%n,%"( 1=, =>28
A''ea$ b1 efenantfro) a eci!ion of t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance
orerin& !ai efenant to 'a1 t"e '$aintiff
- ;AMARCO i! a <OCC or&aniBe an e6i!tin& (ner an b1 virt(e of
RA 1.45? +E3ERA#IO; i! a non-!tocA cor'oration ($1 or&aniBe an
e6i!tin& (ner an b1 virt(e of t"e $aw! of t"e P"i$i''ine!?
- #"e1 entere into a Contract of Sa$e w"ic" !a1! t"at t"e
Mana&e)ent of ;AMARCO wa! a(t"oriBe to i)'ort ite)! wort"
Z2,001,0.1? +E3ERA#IO; e'o!ite P200,000 a! 'artia$ 'a1)ent
an t"e ba$ance !"a$$ be 'ai on ca!" ba!i! ('on e$iver1 of t"e ($1
inor!e ne&otiab$e !"i''in& oc()ent coverin& t"e !a)e an
- #o in!(re 'a1)ent, t"e ;AMARCO acce'te t"ree o)e!tic $etter!
of creit for t"e acco(nt of t"e +E3ERA#IO;?
- #"e +E3ERA#IO; an !o)e of it! )e)ber! fi$e a co)'$aint
a&ain!t t"e ;AMARCO for !'ecific 'erfor)ance an a)a&e!,
a$$e&in& t"at after t"e ;AMARCO "a e$ivere a &reat 'ortion of t"e
&oo! $i!te in t"e Contract of Sa$e, it ref(!e to e$iver t"e ot"er
&oo! )entione in t"e !ai contract?
- C+I orere t"e ;AMARCO to !'ecifica$$1 'erfor) it! ob$i&ation in
t"e Contract of Sa$e, b1 e$iverin& to t"e +E3ERA#IO; t"e
(ne$ivere &oo!?
- SC@ #"e Contract of Sa$e wa! va$i?*
- ;AMARCO@ +E3ERA#IO;DS act or o)i!!ion in ref(!in& to !ati!f1 t"e
for)erD! va$i, 2(!t an e)anab$e c$ai) "a! co)'e$$e it to fi$e t"e
in!tant action; an 'ra1in& t"at t"e +E3ERA#IO; be orere to 'a1
t"e ;AMARCO t"e co!t! of )erc"ani!e '$(! a)a&e!?
- +E3ERA#IO; )ove to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e
ca(!e of action a$$e&e t"erein i! barre forever, '(r!(ant to !ection 8
of R($e 10 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt? In !(''ort t"ereof, t"e +E3ERA#IO;
a$$e&e it fi$e a ca!e for !'ecific 'erfor)ance to enforce co)'$iance
wit" t"e contract of !a$e; t"at !ai contract i! a$!o t"e ba!i!
;AMARCOD! 're!ent co)'$aint; t"at w"en ;AMARCO fi$e it! an!wer
to t"e co)'$aint, it i not !et (' an1 co(nterc$ai) t"erein; t"at t"e C+I
'ro)($&ate t"e eci!ion in !ai ca!e orerin&, a)on& ot"er!, t"e
;AMARCO to !'ecifica$$1 'erfor) it! ob$i&ation (ner t"e contract of
!a$e b1 e$iverin& to t"e +E3ERA#IO; t"e &oo! !(b2ect-)atter of t"e
contract a! are invo$ve in t"e co)'$aint?
- ;AMARCO o''o!e t"e )otion to i!)i!! contenin& t"at it! c$ai)
for t"e recover1 of t"e co!t of )erc"ani!e e$ivere to t"e
+E3ERA#IO; i! not nece!!ari$1 connecte for !'ecific 'erfor)ance
an, t"erefore, oe! not fa$$ (ner t"e cate&or1 of co)'($!or1
co(nterc$ai); t"at ;AMARCOD! fai$(re to !et it (' a! a co(nterc$ai) in
it! an!wer oe! not con!tit(te re! 2(icata; t"at t"e e$iverie! of t"e
)erc"ani!e were effecte t"ro(&" t"e fa($t or ne&$i&ence of one of it!
'er!onne$, ,(an #? Arive, w"o wa! a)ini!trative$1 c"ar&e t"erefor,
fo(n &(i$t1 an accorin&$1 i!)i!!e?; t"at t"e 're!ent c$ai) i! not
nece!!ari$1 connecte wit" t"e tran!action or occ(rrence t"at i! t"e
!(b2ect )atter of Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 428>4, a! t"e !a)e evience wo($
not !(''ort or ref(te bot"?
- #"e +E3ERA#IO; fi$e a re2oiner reiteratin& t"at t"e re/(ire)ent!
on t"e r($e of co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) are 're!ent; t"at t"e fir!t
re/(ire)ent t"at t"e co(nterc$ai) ari!e! o(t of or i! nece!!ari$1
connecte wit" t"e contract of !a$e !(b2ect-)atter of ;AMARCOD!
ca(!e of action i! evient fro) t"e face of t"e co)'$aint it!e$f?
- LC i!!(e an orer "o$in& *in abe1ance* action on t"e )otion to
i!)i!! ti$$ after t"e tria$ on t"e )erit!?
- +E3ERA#IO; fi$e it! an!wer to t"e ;AMARCOD! co)'$aint
a)ittin& !o)e )ateria$ aver)ent! of t"e co)'$aint, !'ecifica$$1
en1in& ot"er a$$e&ation! an con!i!tent$1 wit" it! 'o!ition averre a!
affir)ative efen!e t"at ;AMARCOD! fai$(re to a!!ert it! c$ai) a&ain!t
t"e +E3ERA#IO; before 2(&)ent in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 428>4 on
October 15, 1-80 con!tit(te a bar to t"e in!tit(tion of t"e 're!ent
action? 71 wa1 of co(nterc$ai), t"e +E3ERA#IO; !o(&"t P50,000?00
a! attorne1D! fee! an ot"er e6'en!e! of $iti&ation, a! we$$ a!
P19,000?00 a! a)a&e! for i)'ro'er i!!(ance of a writ of attac")ent
w"ic" writ, evient$1 "a been i!!(e ear$ier b1 t"e co(rt?
- ;AMARCO fi$e an an!wer to t"e +E3ERA#IO;DS co(nterc$ai)
!'ecifica$$1 en1in& t"e )ateria$ aver)ent! t"ereof an )aintainin&
t"at t"e 're!ent action i! not barre b1 Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 428>4?
=O; t"i! action of ;AMARCO for t"e co$$ection of t"e 'a1)ent of t"e
)erc"ani!e e$ivere to, b(t not 1et 'ai b1, t"e +E3ERA#IO;, i!
a$rea1 barre a! a con!e/(ence of t"e fai$(re of ;AMARCO to !et it
(' a! a co(nterc$ai) in t"e 'revio(! ca!e, 4Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 428>45?
- A co(nterc$ai) "a! been "e$ to be co)'($!or1 if t"ere i! a $o&ica$
re$ation!"i' between it an t"e )ain c$ai)?
- 7(t even a!!()in& for t"e nonce t"at ;AMARCOD! 're!ent c$ai) i!
$o&ica$$1 re$ate to t"e c$ai) of t"e +E3ERA#IO; in t"e 'revio(! ca!e,
;AMARCOD! c$ai) "avin& accr(e or )at(re after t"e !ervice of it!
an!wer in t"e ear$ier ca!e i! in t"e nat(re of an after-ac/(ire
co(nterc$ai) w"ic" (ner t"e r($e! i! not barre even if it i! not !et ('
in t"e 'revio(! ca!e a! a co(nterc$ai)? An after-ac/(ire co(nterc$ai),
i! one of t"e reco&niBe e6ce'tion! to t"e &enera$ r($e t"at a
co(nterc$ai) i! co)'($!or1 an )(!t be a!!erte if it ari!e! o(t of t"e
!a)e tran!action a! t"e o''o!in& 'art1D! c$ai)?
- #"e 'art1 nee not a!!ert a co(nterc$ai) t"at "a! not )at(re at t"e
ti)e "e !erve! "i! '$eain&? #"i! i! erive fro) t"e $an&(a&e in t"e
r($e $i)itin& it! a''$ication to c$ai)! t"e '$eaer "a! Dat t"e ti)e of
!ervin& t"e '$eain&?D A co(nterc$ai) ac/(ire b1 efenant after "e
"a! an!were wi$$ not be con!iere co)'($!or1, even if it ari!e! o(t
of t"e !a)e tran!action a! oe! '$aintiffD! c$ai)? Si)i$ar$1, a
co(nterc$ai) ac/(ire b1 '$aintiff after "e "a! re'$ie to a co(nterc$ai)
b1 efenant i! not co)'($!or1 (ner R($e 1.4a5? :owever, if a 'art1
!"o($ ac/(ire a )at(re co(nterc$ai) after "e "a! '$eae, R($e
1.4e5 'rovie! t"at "e )a1 obtain t"e co(rtD! 'er)i!!ion to inc$(e it in
a !(''$e)enta$ '$eain& (ner R($e 1545?*
- A co(nterc$ai) )a1 be a!!erte (ner R($e 1.4e5 on$1 b1 $eave of
co(rt, w"ic" (!(a$$1 wi$$ be &rante in orer to enab$e t"e 'artie! to
$iti&ate a$$ t"e c$ai)! t"at t"e1 "ave a&ain!t eac" ot"er at one ti)e
t"ereb1 avoiin& )($ti'$e action!? :owever, R($e 1.,4e5 i! 'er)i!!ive
in c"aracter? An after-ac/(ire co(nterc$ai), even if it ari!e! o(t of t"e
tran!action or occ(rrence t"at i! t"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e o''o!in&
'art1D! c$ai), nee not be '$eae !(''$e)enta$$1; t"e after-ac/(ire
c$ai) i! not con!iere a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) (ner R($e 1.4a5
an a fai$(re to inter'o!e it wi$$ not bar it! a!!ertion a $ater !(it?
- #"e co(nterc$ai) )(!t be e6i!tin& at t"e ti)e of fi$$in& t"e an!wer,
t"o(&" not at t"e co))ence)ent of t"e action for (ner Section . of
t"e for)er R($e 10, t"e co(nterc$ai) or cro!!-c$ai) w"ic" a 'art1 )a1
aver in "i! an!wer )(!t be one w"ic" "e )a1 "ave *at t"e ti)e*
a&ain!t t"e 'o!in& 'art1? #"at '"ra!e can on$1 "ave reference to t"e
ti)e of t"e an!wer? Certain$1 a 're)at(re co(nterc$ai) cannot be !et
(' in t"e an!wer? #"i! con!tr(ction i! not on$1 e6'$icit fro) t"e
$an&(a&e of t"e aforecite 'rovi!ion! b(t a$!o !erve! to "ar)oniBe t"e
aforecite !ection! of R($e 10, wit" !ection 4 of t"e !a)e r($e w"ic"
'rovie! t"at *a co(nterc$ai) ? ? ? w"ic" eit"er )at(re or wa! ac/(ire
b1 a 'art1 after !ervin& "i! '$eain& )a1, wit" t"e 'er)i!!ion of t"e
co(rt, be 're!ente a! a co(nterc$ai) ? ? ? b1 !(''$e)enta$ '$eain&
before 2(&)ent?*
- #"(! a 'art1 w"o fai$! to inter'o!e a co(nterc$ai) a$t"o(&" ari!in&
o(t of or i! nece!!ari$1 connecte wit" tran!action or occ(rrence of t"e
'$aintiffD! !(it b(t w"ic" i not e6i!t or )at(re at t"e ti)e !ai 'art1
fi$e! "i! an!wer i! not t"ereb1 barre fro) inter'o!in& !(c" c$ai) in a
f(t(re $iti&ation? :owever !(c" c$ai) )a1 wit" t"e co(rtD! 'er)i!!ion
be inc$(e in t"e !a)e ca!e b1 wa1 of !(''$e)enta$ '$eain& before
2(&)ent (ner Section 4 of for)er R($e 10 of t"e R($e! 4now Sec? -
R($e 85? An t"e !a)e )a1 be a$$owe (n$e!! t"e ca!e "a!
'ro&re!!e !o far t"at it )a1 be inconvenient or conf(!in& to a$$ow t"e
aitiona$ c$ai) to be '$eae?
- =e t"erefore r($e t"at ;AMARCOD! 're!ent action, i! not barre b1
it! fai$(re to a!!ert it a! a co(nterc$ai) t"e 'revio(! ca!e?
7ARRE3O, i!!entin&@
- ;a)arcoD! 're!ent c$ai) ari!e o(t of or wa! nece!!ari$1 connecte
wit" t"e tran!action or occ(rrence t"at wa! t"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e
+eerationD! action in Civi$ Ca!e ;o 428>4 wit"in t"e conte)'$ation of
t"e r($e on co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)!?
- It wa! t"e e$e)ent of ti)e "erein invo$ve t"at !o)e"ow in(ce )e
at t"e be&innin& to be inc$ine, a$beit re$(ctant$1, to !(!tain ;a)arcoD!
'o!ition in t"i! a''ea$? At t"e 'reci!e ti)e t"at ;a)arco fi$e it!
an!wer in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 428>4, it wa! not 1et certain t"at t"e
+eeration wo($ not 'a1 or t"at 'a1)ent of it! !i&"t raft! wo($ not
be effecte b1 t"e banA? In ot"er wor!, fro) t"at 'oint of view,
;a)arcoD! ca(!e of action "a not 1et )at(re t"en? It i! a$!o c$ear,
"owever, t"at !ai ca(!e of action accr(e before 2(&)ent wa!
renere b1 t"e tria$ co(rt?
- Iner Section 4 of R($e 10 of t"e o$ r($e!, now Section - of R($e 8,
a co(nterc$ai) w"ic" eit"er )at(re or wa! ac/(ire b1 a efenant
after !ervin& "i! an!wer )a1 be !et (' in a !(''$e)enta$ '$eain&
$ater before 2(&)ent? Since t"i! )a1 be one or not in t"e ca!e of
co(nterc$ai)! not ari!in& o(t of t"e !a)e tran!action or occ(rrence,
t"e /(e!tion t"at ari!e! i!, )(!t it "ave to be one in t"e ca!e of
co(nterc$ai)! t"at o ari!e fro) t"e !a)e tran!action or occ(rrence,
!(c" t"at if not inter'o!e, t"e1 )(!t be ee)e barreQ
- I a&ree t"at t"e Co(rt r($e for t"e 're!ent t"at for a co(nterc$ai) to be
con!iere a! barre, (ner t"e above 'rovi!ion!, t"e ca(!e of action
t"ereof )(!t "ave a$rea1 accr(e at t"e ti)e t"e an!wer i! fi$e b1
t"e efenant, a$t"o(&" I, for one, wo($ 'refer !(''$e)enta$
co(nterc$ai)!, t"e efenant !"o($ 2(!t t"e !a)e be co)'e$$e to
a$$e&e it in !(c" a !(''$e)enta$ '$eain& in t"o!e ca!e! w"ere "i!
c$ai) accr(e! before tria$ "a! be&an or at t"e $ate!t, before t"e
efenant "a! !tarte 're!entin& "i! evience? Ot"erwi!e !tate, )1
'o!ition i! t"at t"e c$ai) of ;a)arco in t"i! ca!e i ari!e o(t of t"e
!a)e tran!action or occ(rrence t"at wa! t"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e
+eerationD! anterior action, b(t ina!)(c" a!, on t"e "1'ot"e!i! t"at
t"e contract were binin&, t"e for)er!D ca(!e of action co($ not "ave
been con!iere a! a$rea1 )at(re w"en it fi$e it! an!wer, t"ere
wo($ "ave been no nee for it to fi$e t"i! co(nterc$ai)?
- #"e w"o$e tro(b$e wit" ;a)arcoD! 'o!e in t"i! a a''ea$ $ie!, "owever,
in t"e fact t"at in it! an!wer to t"e +eerationD! co)'$aint, it '$eae
t"e efen!e of i$$e&a$it1 or n($$it1 of t"e contract? +ro) t"at 'oint of
view, it wa! i))ateria$ to ;a)arcoD! recover1 of t"e '(rc"a!e 'rice of
&oo! it "a a$rea1 e$ivere (ner t"e contract t"at t"ere wa! in !ai
contract an1 ter) for t"e 'a1)ent t"ereof? A! far a! ;a)arco wa!
concerne, t"o!e &oo! "a been e$ivere i$$e&a$$1 an !"o($ "ave
been i))eiate$1 ret(rne (n$e!! t"eir va$(e "a been 'ai for,
4Artic$e 1412 425, Civi$ Coe5 or ;a)arco wa! in 'ari e$icto 4Artic$e
1411, i5? S(c" bein& t"e ca!e, it i! /(ite evient t"at w"en ;a)arco
fi$e it! an!wer to t"e +eerationD! action, it! ca(!e of action for t"e
recover1 of t"e 'rice of t"e e$ivere &oo! wa! a$rea1 e6i!tin& an
co($ "ave been t"e !(b2ect of a co(nterc$ai)? #"i! )ean! t"at a! of
t"e ti)e ;a)arco fi$e it! an!wer conte!tin& t"e $e&a$it1 or va$iit1 of
t"e contract, it wa! inc()bent ('on it to t"en an t"ere !eeA recover1
of w"atever it "a e$ivere t"ere(ner?
ADen)e) %n) S,pp*eDen%* p*e%)in+#
/R N!. =42294
Con!o$iate 'etition! for review on Certiorari
- Petitioner fi$e a co)'$aint for n($$ification of Secon S(''$e)enta$
E6tra-2(icia$ !ett$e)ent, )ort&a&e, forec$o!(re !a$e, an ta6
ec$aration a&ain!t re!'onent! on Ma1 20, 2000? #"e co)'$aine
a$$e&e t"at t"e /(e!tione 'artition w"ic" wa! e6ec(te b1 "er
)ot"er wa! (nenforceab$e !ince at t"e ti)e of t"e e6ec(tion t"e
'etitioner wa! on$1 15 1ear! o$ an t"at no co(rt a''rova$ wa!
!ec(re? :er )ot"er obtaine a $oan fro) t"e !'o(!e! re!'onent!
an (!e t"e 'ro'ert1 a! !ec(rit1 4)ort&a&e5? 3(e to non-'a1)ent t"e
'ro'ert1 wa! forec$o!e an !o$ to re!'onent! a! "i&"e!t bier!?
#"e ee of !a$e "a! been fi$e wit" t"e Re&i!ter of 3ee an t"e
re!'onent! obtaine n t"eir na)e a ta6 ec$aration over t"e 'ro'ert1?
- Petitioner !(b!e/(ent$1 fi$e wit" t"e !a)e R#C a Motion to A)it
S(''$e)enta$ Co)'$aint to invoAe "er ri&"t to e6erci!e $e&a$
ree)'tion over t"e 'ro'ert1? #"i! !(''$e)enta$ )otion wa! enie b1
t"e R#C on 3ece)ber 2>, 2000? Petitioner fi$e a Petition for Certiorari
an Mana)(! (ner R($e 85 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt wit" t"e CA? #"e
CA i!)i!!e t"e 'etition on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e ca(!e of action in t"e
S(''$e)enta$ co)'$aint i! entire$1 ifferent fro) t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint,
t"at t"e !ai co)'$aint i not )ere$1 !(''$1 it! eficiencie!, an t"at,
at an1 rate, in t"e event t"e tria$ co(rt i!!(e! an aver!e r($in&, t"e
'etitioner can !ti$$ t"e !a)e? Petitioner fi$e t"i! Petition for review on
certiorari (ner R($e 45 wit" t"e SC?
- =it" re&ar t"e ori&ina$ action, t"e R#C i!)i!!e t"e ca!e ('on
)otion of t"e re!'onent! on t"e &ro(n of fai$(re to 'ro!ec(te?
A''arent$1, t"e 'etitioner "a a!Ae for 'o!t'one)ent! o'enin& t"e
oor for a c$ai) b1 t"e re!'onent! of non-!(it? 4#"i! i! w"ere it
beco)e! )ore intere!tin&5 Petitioner fi$e two a''ea$! wit" t"e CA?
7ot" a''ea$! rai!e e!!entia$$1 t"e !a)e i!!(e!? One of t"e a''ea$!
an orinar1 a''ea$ an t"e ot"er i! a Petition for Certiorari (ner R($e
85 fi$e fo(r )ont"! after t"e fir!t? #"e CA r($e in favor of t"e
'etitioner (ner t"e orinar1 a''ea$ b(t a )otion for recon!ieration
wa! fi$e b1 t"e re!'onent! an t"e CA "a! 1et to r($e on t"i!
recon!ieration )otion? #"e ot"er a''ea$ wa! i!)i!!e on t"e &ro(n
t"at 2(&)ent of t"e R#C can on$1 be a''ea$e via an orinar1 a''ea$
an not b1 certiorari? :ence t"i! 'etition for review (ner R($e 45 wit"
t"e SC?
1? =O; t"e enia$ of t"e Motion to a)it !(''$e)enta$ Co)'$aint i!
2? =O; t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e 'etition for certiorari wit" re&ar t"e
ori&ina$ action i! 'ro'er
1? ;o? A! it! ver1 na)e enote!, a !(''$e)enta$ '$eain& on$1 !erve!
to bo$!ter or a !o)et"in& to t"e 'ri)ar1 '$eain&? A !(''$e)ent
e6i!t! !ie b1 !ie wit" t"e ori&ina$? It oe! not re'$ace t"at w"ic" it
!(''$e)ent? Moreover, a !(''$e)enta$ '$eain& a!!()e! t"at t"e
ori&ina$ '$eain& i! to !tan an t"at t"e i!!(e! 2'ine wit" t"e ori&ina$
'$eain& re)aine an i!!(e to be trie in t"e action? It i! b(t a
contin(ation of t"e co)'$aint? It! (!(a$ office i! to !et (' new fact!
w"ic" 2(!tif1, en$ar&e or c"an&e t"e Ain of re$ief wit" re!'ect to t"e
!a)e !(b2ect )atter a! t"e controver!1 referre to in t"e ori&ina$
co)'$aint? In t"i! ca!e, t"e con!o$iation of t"e tit$e over t"e 'ro'ert1 in
t"e na)e of t"e re!'onent, Man(e$ S1, an t"e i!!(e a! to w"et"er it
'rec$(e 'etitioner a! a$$e&e co-owner fro) e6erci!in& t"e ri&"t of
$e&a$ ree)'tion, are new )atter! t"at occ(rre after t"e fi$in& of t"e
ori&ina$ co)'$aint? #"e re$ief 'ra1 for in t"e S(''$e)enta$ co)'$aint,
w"ic" i! t"e e6erci!e of t"e ri&"t of $e&a$ ree)'tion accore to co-
owner! of 'ro'ert1, i! &er)ane to an intertwine wit" t"e ca(!e of
action in t"e Co)'$aint for t"e n($$ification? #"e ri&"t of $e&a$
ree)'tion a! co-owner i! conferre b1 $aw an i! )ere$1 a nat(ra$
con!e/(ence of co-owner!"i'? :ence 'etitioner0! ca(!e of action for
$e&a$ ree)'tion a! e)boie in t"e !(''$e)enta$ co)'$aint !te)!
irect$1 fro) an i! an e6ten!ion of "er ri&"t! a! co-owner of t"e
'ro'ert1 !(b2ect of t"e co)'$aint? A$!o a! 'etitioner correct$1 'ointe
o(t, even if t"e tria$ co(rt ecie! in "er favor, t"e ree)'tion 'erio
wo($ "ave $a'!e a$rea1 an wo($ not for) 'art of t"e eci!ion
!ince it i! not 'ra1e for, )(c" $e!! a$$e&e in t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint? In
!(c" a ca!e, t"e re!'onent! co($ o''o!e t"e e6erci!e !ince it wo($
not "ave been inc$(e in t"e eci!ion over t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint?
2? Ce!? #"e 'etitioner i! &(i$t1 of for() !"o''in&? +or() !"o''in&
con!i!t! of fi$$in& )($ti'$e !(it! invo$vin& t"e !a)e 'artie! for t"e !a)e
ca(!e of action, eit"er !i)($taneo(!$1 or !(cce!!ive$1, t"e t"e '(r'o!e
of obtainin& a favorab$1 2(&)ent? #"ere i! for() !"o''in& w"ere
t"ere e6i!t@ 4a5 ientit1 of 'artie!, or at $ea!t !(c" 'artie! a! re're!ent
t"e !a)e intere!t! in bot" action!; 4b5 ientit1 of ri&"t! a!!erte an
re$ief 'ra1e for, t"e re$ief bein& fo(ne on t"e !a)e fact!; 4c5 t"e
ientit1 of t"e two 'recein& 'artic($ar! i! !(c" t"at an1 2(&)ent
renere in t"e 'enin& ca!e, re&ar$e!! of w"ic" 'art1 i! !(cce!!f($
wo($ a)o(nt to re! 2(icata? #"e eci!ion of t"e R#C i! i!)i!!in&
t"e ca!e i! a fina$ orer an t"e 'ro'er re)e1 a&ain!t !(c" fina$ orer
i! a''ea$ an not certiorari? A! a &enera$ r($e, a writ of certiorari !i$$ not
i!!(e w"ere t"e re)e1 of a''ea$ i! avai$ab$e to t"e a&&rieve 'art1?
#"e re)eie! of a''ea$ in t"e orinar1 co(r!e of $aw an t"at of
certiorari (ner R($e 85 are )(t(a$$1 e6c$(!ive an not a$ternative or
c()($ative? "ence t"e !'ecia$ civi$ action of certiorari (ner R($e 85
cannot be a !(b!tit(te for an a''ea$ w"ere t"e $atter re)e1 i!
avai$ab$e? #"i! i! a fir) 2(icia$ 'o$ic1?
Petition for t"e non-!(it i! enie? Petition for t"e a)i!!ion of t"e
!(''$e)enta$ orer i! &rante? #"e tria$ co(rt i! irecte to a)it !ai
T-i") P%"( C!Dp*%in, ec.
85 SCRA 29=
CASTRO< Oc!6e" 85, =>5:
- October 2., 1-5- O Re'(b$ic of t"e P"i$i''ine! fi$e !(it a&ain!t t"e
Centra$ S(ret1 N In!(rance Co)'an1 an Man&oba, )ana&er of t"e
bon e'art)ent !tatin& t"at Po Uee Ua) w"o wa! t"e !(b2ect of
e'ortation 'roceein&! in w"o) t"e bon wa! )ae in favor of, i
not a''ear in !(c" 'roceein&! e!'ite notice to t"e S(ret1? #"i!
con!tit(te a vio$ation of t"e conition! of t"e bon ca(!in& t"e
forfeit(re of t"e bon )ae b1 t"e S(ret1 in favor of t"e &overn)ent?
Re'(b$ic c$ai)! P5,000 4a)o(nt of bon5 an P1,000 4att10! fee!5
- ,($1 5, 1-8. O S(ret1 fi$e it! an!wer@ 415 t"at it! bon cannot be
)ae $iab$e be1on t"e a)o(nt of P5,000; 425 t"at it i! not $iab$e for
attorne1D! fee! in t"e ab!ence of an1 !ti'($ation to t"at effect; 4.5 t"at
t"e co(rt "a! no 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e a! t"e a)o(nt invo$ve i!
on$1 P5,000; an 445 t"at t"e Re'(b$ic "a! no ca(!e of action?
- ,($1 .0, 1-8. O S(ret1 fi$e a t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint, wit" $eave of
co(rt, a&ain!t Po Uee Ua) an #on1 <o a$$e&in& t"at for con!ieration
of t"e bon, t"e t"ir-'art1 efenant!, e6ec(te an ine)nit1
a&ree)ent in favor of t"e S(ret1 to ine)nif1 it for a)a&e, $o!!,
e6'en!e! etc an t"at in t"e event 2(&)ent i! renere a&ain!t it, t"e
t"ir 'art1 efenant! be orere to rei)b(r!e
- Se'te)ber 9, 1-8. O t"e t"ir-'art1 efenant! an!wer@ efen!e t"at
t"e ca!e i! 're)at(re a! t"e )ain ca!e "a! not 1et been ter)inate?
- 3ece)ber 2, 1-8. O ('on verba$ )otion of t"e t"ir 'art1
efenant!, t"e tria$ co(rt i!)i!!e t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint for $acA
of 2(ri!iction t"at t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint wa! fi$e after t"e 'a!!a&e
of RA .>2> conferrin& ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction on t"e M(nici'a$ Co(rt in
civi$ ca!e! invo$vin& not )ore t"an P10,000?00, an t"at t"e t"ir-'art1
co)'$aint refer! to a c$ai) of on$1 P8,000?00
- 3ece)ber ., 1-8. O #C orere !(ret1 to 'a1 t"e Re'(b$ic P5,000,
wit" intere!t
- CA@ S(ret1 inter'o!e it! a''ea$ fro) t"e orer i!)i!!in& it! t"ir-
'art1 co)'$aint an fro) t"e eci!ion orerin& it to 'a1 t"e Re'(b$ic
t"e a)o(nt of P5,000, contenin& t"at t"e tria$ co(rt erre in 415 not
ec$arin& it!e$f wit"o(t 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect-)atter of t"e action,
an 425 i!)i!!in& t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint? 7(t it certifie t"e ca!e to
SC '(r!(ant to Sec 2 Artic$e %III of t"e Con!tit(tion an Sec 194.5 of
RA 2-8 w"ere 2(ri!iction of #C i! in i!!(e
1? =O; t"e tria$ co(rt "a 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect-)atter of t"e
)ain action
2? =O; t"e tria$ co(rt "a 2(ri!iction over t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint
1? CES
- Even t"o(&" t"e tota$ a)o(nt invo$ve i! on$1 P8,000 4P5,000 (ner
t"e bon an P1,000 a! attorne1D! fee!5 an a co(rt of fir!t in!tance i!
ve!te wit" 2(ri!iction on$1 over ca!e! in w"ic" t"e e)an, e6c$(!ive
of intere!t, or t"e va$(e of t"e 'ro'ert1 in controver!1, e6cee!
P10,000, '(r!(ant to !ection 44 of Re'(b$ic Act 2-8, a! a)ene b1
Re'(b$ic Act .>2> w"ic" tooA effect on ,(ne 22, 1-8., t"e 're!ent
action "avin& been fi$e on ,(ne 20, 1-8. 4two a1! before t"e
effectivit1 of Re'(b$ic Act .>2> w"ic" broaene t"e 2(ri!iction of
)(nici'a$ an cit1 co(rt! to inc$(e ca!e! in w"ic" t"e e)an,
e6c$(!ive of intere!t, or t"e va$(e of t"e 'ro'ert1 in controver!1, oe!
not e6cee P10,0005 it i! cannot be ar&(e t"at t"e co(rtD! 2(ri!iction
over t"e ca!e wa! $o!t on ,(ne 22, 1-8., w"en Re'(b$ic Act .>2> tooA
effect, an t"erefore t"e ca!e !"o($ "ave been re)ane to t"e
)(nici'a$ co(rt?
- It i! not i!'(te t"at t"e tria$ co(rt ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over t"e
!(b2ect-)atter on ,(ne 20, 1-8. w"en t"e co)'$aint wa! fi$e wit" it? It
i! of no )o)ent t"at !())on! wa! !erve an t"at t"e ca!e wa!
"ear an ecie after t"e effectivit1 of Re'(b$ic Act .>2>, beca(!e
t"e r($e i! fir)$1 entrenc"e in o(r $aw t"at 2(ri!iction once ac/(ire
contin(e! (nti$ t"e ca!e i! fina$$1 ter)inate
2? CES
- It i! tr(e t"at t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint wa! fi$e after t"e effectivit1
ate of RA.>2>? It i! $iAewi!e tr(e t"at t"e e)an t"erein )ae oe!
not e6cee P10,000, an, t"erefore, i! not wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e
Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance if it were an ine'enent action? 7(t t"e t"ir-
'art1 co)'$aint i! an ancillar! !(it w"ic" e'en! on t"e 2(ri!iction of
t"e co(rt over t"e )ain action? Since t"e tria$ co(rt "a ac/(ire
2(ri!iction over t"e co)'$aint, it nece!!ari$1 fo$$ow! t"at it $iAewi!e "a
2(ri!iction over t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint w"ic" i! b(t an incient
t"ereof? #"i! )(!t be !o beca(!e 2(ri!iction over t"e )ain ca!e
e)brace! a$$ incienta$ )atter! ari!in& t"erefro) an connecte
t"erewit"? A contrar1 r($e wo($ re!($t in *!'$it 2(ri!iction* w"ic" i! not
favore, an in )($ti'$icit1 of !(it!, a !it(ation obno6io(! to t"e orer$1
a)ini!tration of 2(!tice?
Talisa%0+ila% .illing Co.( et al. vs. CIR( et al; #"e t"ir-'art1
co)'$aint i! b(t a contin(ation of t"e )ain action, it! '(r'o!e bein&
)ere$1 to !eeA *contrib(tion, ine)nit1, !(bro&ation or an1 ot"er re$ief,
in re!'ect of "i! o''onentD! c$ai)?* 4R($e 8, See? 12?5 #"e ai) i! to
avoi t"e action! w"ic" !"o($ be trie to&et"er to !ave t"e ti)e an
co!t of a re('$ication of evience, to obtain con!i!tent re!($t! fro)
ientica$ or !i)i$ar evience, an to o awa1 wit" t"e !erio(! "anica'
to a efenant of a ti)e ifference between a 2(&)ent a&ain!t "i)
an a 2(&)ent in "i! favor a&ain!t t"e t"ir 'art1 efenant?
Petitioner! (r&e t"at a r($e !i)i$ar to t"e r($e on co(nterc$ai) be
ao'te? 7(t a t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint cannot be $iAene to a
co(nterc$ai) w"ic" )(!t be wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt tr1in&
t"e )ain ca!e, beca(!e (n$iAe a t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint, a co(nterc$ai)
*nee not i)ini!" or efeat t"e recover1 !o(&"t b1 t"e o''o!in&
'art1, b(t )a1 c$ai) it!e$f e6ceein& in a)o(nt or ifferent in Ain fro)
t"at !o(&"t in t"e o''o!in& 'art1D! c$ai)* 4R($e 8, Sec? 85? A t"ir-'art1
co)'$aint )a1 $iAewi!e be $iAene to a cro!! c$ai) (ner R($e -,
!ection 5? ??? #"e 'rinci'$e i! at once a''arent, na)e$1, t"at w"ere an
action i! anci$$ar1 to a )ain action over w"ic" a co(rt "a! 2(ri!iction,
no ine'enent 2(ri!iction i! neee to enab$e t"e co(rt to taAe
co&niBance of t"e anci$$ar1 action?
Disposition t"e orer ate 3ece)ber 2, 1-8. i!)i!!in& t"e t"ir-
'art1 co)'$aint i! !et a!ie; t"e eci!ion ate 3ece)ber ., 1-8. i!
)oifie in t"e !en!e t"at t"e t"ir-'art1 efenant! are "ereb1
orere to 'a1 to t"e S(ret1 w"atever !()! t"e $atter wi$$ 'a1 to t"e
Re'(b$ic b1 virt(e of t"e 2(&)ent a''ea$e fro)?
CALLEJO< M%( =2, 8BB4
Petition for review on certiorari eci!ion of CA
- A!ian contr(ction $ea!e fro) MonarA E/(i')ent !evera$ 'iece! of
e/(i')ent w"ic" it fai$e to 'a1 for, e!'ite e)an!? MonarA t"en
fi$e in t"e R#C an action to recover a !() of )one1 a)o(ntin& to P5
)i$$ion '$(! 12J intere!t? A!ian fi$e a )otion to fi$e an a)it an!wer
wit" .
'art1 co)'$aint a&ain!t 7ect"e$ Over!ea! Cor'? A!ian,
a$t"o(&" a)ittin& t"e it! inebtene!! to MonarA, c$ai)e t"at it (!e
t"e $ea!e e/(i')ent to 'erfor) !ervice! in favor of 7ect"e$, w"ic" in
t(rn fai$e to 'a1 A!ian for t"e !a)e? A!ian c$ai)! t"at it nee! to
i)'$ea 7ect"e$ for Fcontrib(tion, ine)nit1, !(bro&ation, or ot"er
re$ief! to off-!et or to 'a1 t"e a)o(nt of )one1L c$ai)e b1 MonarA?
MonarA in t(rn fi$e a )otion for !())ar1 2(&)ent, contenin& t"at
t"ere were no &en(ine i!!(e! rai!e?
- R#C@ Motion of A!ian for $eave to fi$e a .
'art co)'$aint wa! enie,
b(t )otion of MonarA for !())ar1 2(&)ent &rante 4R#C con!iere
t"i! a! )otion for 2(&)ent on t"e '$eain&!5? ,(&)ent orere A!ian
to 'a1 MonarA P5 )i$$ion '$(! intere!t
- A!ian a''ea$e to CA? CA affir)e, !(!tainin& t"e i!a$$owance of
t"e .
'art1 co)'$aint on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e tran!action between t"e
!ai 'artie! i not ari!e o(t of t"e !a)e tran!action on w"ic"
MonarA0! c$ai) wa! ba!e? M+R wa! a$!o enie?
1? =O; a .r-'art1 co)'$aint i! 'ro'er
2? =O; 2(&)ent on t"e '$eain&! i! 'ro'er
1? ;O
Ratio Section 11, R($e 8 'rovie!@ FD
=fourth# etc.>.part! complaint? M
A .
4fo(rt", etc?5 M 'art1 co)'$aint i! a c$ai) t"at a efenin& 'art1
)a1, wit" $eave of co(rt, fi$e a&ain!t a 'er!on not a 'art1 to t"e action,
ca$$e t"e .r 4fo(rt", etc?5 M 'art1 efenant, for contrib(tion,
ine)nit1, !(bro&ation or an1 ot"er re$ief, in re!'ect of "i! o''onent0!
Reasoning P(r'o!e of t"e r($e@ 'er)it a efenant to a!!ert an
ine'enent c$ai) a&ain!t a .
-'art1 w"ic" "e, ot"erwi!e, wo($
a!!ert in anot"er action, t"(! 'reventin& )($ti'$icit1 of !(it!? #"i! i! a
r($e of 'roce(re an oe! not create a !(b!tantia$ ri&"t? ;eit"er oe!
it abri&e, en$ar&e, or n($$if1 t"e !(b!tantia$ ri&"t! of an1 $iti&ant? #"i!
ri&"t to fi$e a .
-'art1 co)'$aint a&ain!t a .
-'art1 re!t! in t"e
i!cretion of t"e tria$ co(rt? #"e .
-'art1 co)'$aint i! act(a$$1
ine'enent of, !e'arate an i!tinct fro) t"e '$aintiff0! co)'$aint,
!(c" t"at were it not for t"e r($e, it wo($ "ave to be fi$e !e'arate$1
fro) t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint?
- Prere/(i!ite to t"e e6erci!e of ri&"t@ !o)e !(b!tantive ba!i! for a .
'art1 c$ai) i! fo(n to e6i!t, w"et"er t"e ba!i! be one of ine)nit1,
!(bro&ation, contrib(tion or ot"er !(b!tantive ri&"t? 7rin&in& of a .
'art1 efenant i! 'ro'er if "e wo($ be $iab$e to '$aintiff, efenant or
bot" for a$$ or 'art of t"e '$aintiff0! c$ai) a&ain!t t"e ori&ina$ efenant,
a$t"o(&" t"e .
-'art1 efenant0! $iabi$it1 ari!e! o(t of anot"er
- #"e efenant )a1 i)'$ea anot"er a! .
-'art1 efenant 4a5 on an
a$$e&ation of $iabi$it1 of t"e $atter to t"e efenant for contrib(tion,
ine)nit1, !(bro&ation or an1 ot"er re$ief; 4b5 on t"e &ro(n of irect
$iabi$it1 of t"e .
-'art1 efenant to t"e '$aintiff; or 4c5 t"e $iabi$it1 of t"e
-'art1 efenant to bot" t"e '$aintiff an t"e efenant?
- #"ere )(!t be a ca(!a$ connection between t"e c$ai) of t"e '$aintiff
in "i! co)'$aint an a c$ai) for contrib(tion, ine)nit1 or ot"er re$ief of
t"e efenant a&ain!t t"e .
-'art1 efenant?
- Capa!as v. C54@ Co(rt )ae o(t t"e ff te!t!@ 415 w"et"er it ari!e! o(t
of t"e !a)e tran!action on w"ic" t"e '$aintiff0! c$ai) i! ba!e; or
w"et"er t"e .
-'art1 c$ai), a$t"o(&" ari!in& o(t of anot"er or ifferent
contract or tran!action, i! connecte wit" t"e '$aintiff0! c$ai); 425
w"et"er t"e .
-'art1 efenant wo($ be $iab$e to t"e '$aintiff or to t"e
efenant for a$$ or 'art of t"e '$aintiff0! c$ai) a&ain!t t"e ori&ina$
efenant, a$t"o(&" t"e .
-'art1 efenant0! $iabi$it1 ari!e! o(t of
anot"er tran!action; an 4.5 w"et"er t"e .
-'art1 efenant )a1
a!!ert an1 efen!e! w"ic" t"e .r-'art1 '$aintiff "a! or )a1 "ave to
t"e '$aintiff0! c$ai)?
- .
-'art1 co)'$aint oe! not "ave to !"ow wit" certaint1 t"at t"ere wi$$
be recover1 a&ain!t t"e .
-'art1 efenant; !(fficient t"at '$eain&!
!"ow 'o!!ibi$it1 of recover1? In eter)inin& t"e !(fficienc1 of t"e .
'art1 co)'$aint, t"e a$$e&ation! in t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint an t"e .
'art1 co)'$aint )(!t be e6a)ine? A .
-'art1 co)'$aint )(!t a$$e&e
fact! w"ic" prima facie !"ow t"at t"e efenant i! entit$e to
contrib(tion, ine)nit1, !(bro&ation or ot"er re$ief fro) t"e .
- In t"i! ca!e, t"e c$ai)! of MonarA a&ain!t A!ian aro!e o(t of t"e
contract! of $ea!e an !a$e; !(c" tran!action! are ifferent an
!e'arate fro) t"o!e between 7ect"e$ an A!ian w"ere t"e e/(i')ent
$ea!e fro) MonarA wa! (!e b1 t"e 'etitioner? #"ere i! no !"owin& in
t"e 'ro'o!e .
-'art1 co)'$aint t"at 7ect"e$ Anew or a''rove t"e
(!e of t"e $ea!e e/(i')ent b1 A!ian for t"e !ai 'ro2ect
- fact t"at A!ian (!e t"e e/(i')ent it $ea!e fro) MonarA in
connection wit" it! 'ro2ect wit" 7ect"e$ oe! not 'rovie a !(b!tantive
ba!i! for t"e fi$in& of a .
-'art1 co)'$aint a&ain!t t"e $atter? #"ere i!
no ca(!a$ connection between t"e c$ai) of MonarA, an t"e fai$(re of
7ect"e$ to 'a1 t"e ba$ance of it! acco(nt to A!ian after t"e co)'$etion
of t"e 'ro2ect?
2? CES
Ratio Section 1, R($e .4@ F*udgment on the pleadings? M ="ere an
an!wer fai$! to tener an i!!(e, or, ot"erwi!e, a)it! t"e )ateria$
a$$e&ation! of t"e aver!e 'art10! '$eain&, t"e co(rt )a1, on )otion of
t"at 'art1, irect 2(&)ent on !(c" '$eain&? :owever, in action! for
ec$aration of n($$it1 or ann($)ent of )arria&e or for $e&a$ !e'aration,
t"e )ateria$ fact! a$$e&e in t"e co)'$aint !"a$$ a$wa1! be 'rove?L
Reasoning #"e enia$ of t"e 'etitioner0! )otion wit" $eave to fi$e a
t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint a&ain!t 7ect"e$ i! wit"o(t 're2(ice to it! ri&"t to
fi$e a !e'arate co)'$aint a&ain!t t"e $atter?
- Con!ierin& t"at t"e 'etitioner a)itte it! $iabi$it1 for t"e 'rinci'a$
c$ai) of t"e re!'onent in it! An!wer wit" #"ir-Part1 Co)'$aint, t"e
tria$ co(rt i not err in renerin& 2(&)ent on t"e '$eain&! a&ain!t it?
Disposition Petition i! enie?
88 SCRA >>5
BEN/ZON, M%"c- =1, =>5:
Petition for certiorari, 'ro"ibition an )ana)(! on eci!ion of C+I of
A&(!an i!)i!!in& t"e co)'$aint of Ca$o
-So)eti)e on Ma1 9, 1-5-, '$aintiff-a''e$$ant Ca$o orere fro)
efenant-a''e$$ee A2a6 Internationa$, Inc?, 1,200 ft? of ,o"n S"aw wire
ro'e at P2?>5 'er foot? #"e tran!action wa! evience b1 C"ar&e
Orer ;o? .9091, for P.,420?00? Accorin& to '$aintiff Ca$o, w"en t"e
wire ro'e wa! e$ivere to 7(t(an Cit1, t"e !a)e wa! fo(n !"ort of
.00 ft? P$aintiff t"en wrote two $etter! to efenant a!Ain& for eit"er
co)'$etion of e$iver1 or acco(nt a2(!t)ent of t"e a$$e&e
(ne$ivere .00 ft? of wire ro'e?
-On ;ove)ber 20, 1-81, a co)'$aint ocAete a! Civi$ Ca!e ;o? I%-
-.082 wa! fi$e in t"e M(nici'a$ Co(rt of Mani$a b1 one Ao$fo
7enavie! w"o c$ai)e to "ave ac/(ire t"e o(t!tanin& creit
acco(nt of Ca$o fro) efenant A2a6 Internationa$, Inc? C"ar&e Orer
;o? .9091 wa! a)on& t"o!e inc$(e in t"e a!!i&ne acco(nt?
S(b!e/(ent$1, a 2(&)ent b1 efa($t wa! entere, an a writ of
e6ec(tion i!!(e, a&ain!t '$aintiff Ca$o?
-On ,an(ar1 2., 1-82, '$aintiff Ca$o, a!!i!te b1 "er "(!ban, Marco!
Ca$o, fi$e in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of A&(!an a co)'$aint a&ain!t
efenant a!Ain& 415 t"at t"e $atter eit"er effect co)'$ete e$iver1 of
C"ar&e Orer ;o? .9091 or t"at !"e be re$ieve fro) 'a1in& P>55?00
an 425 t"at t"e $atter ine)nif1 "er for P12,000 a! attorne1D! fee!,
a)a&e! an e6'en!e! of $iti&ation?2 #"e ca!e wa! ocAete a! Civi$
Ca!e ;o? >80?
-In!tea of fi$in& an an!wer, efenant )ove for t"e i!)i!!a$ of Civi$
Ca!e >80 on t"e &ro(n, inter a$ia, t"at t"e !(b2ect t"ereof wa!
invo$ve an inti)ate$1 re$ate to t"at in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? I%--.082 of t"e
M(nici'a$ Co(rt of Mani$a? #"e co(rt a /(o !(!taine t"e )otion an
i!)i!!e t"e ca!e? P$aintiff-a''e$$ant )ove for recon!ieration an
new tria$? ="en t"i! fai$e, !"e in!tit(te t"e 're!ent a''ea$?
-#"e i!)i!!a$ of Civi$ Ca!e ;o? >80 b1 t"e co(rt a /(o beca(!e of t"e
'enenc1 of Civi$ Ca!e ;o? I%--.082 in t"e )(nici'a$ co(rt of Mani$a i!
'reicate on t"e !(''o!ition t"at '$aintiffD! c$ai) i! a co)'($!or1
co(nter-c$ai) t"at !"o($ be fi$e in t"e $atter ca!e? #"ere i! no
/(e!tion t"at it ari!e! o(t of t"e !a)e tran!action w"ic" i! t"e ba!i! of
t"e co)'$aint in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? I%--.082 an oe! not re/(ire t"e
're!ence of t"ir 'artie! over w"o) t"e )(nici'a$ co(rt of Mani$a
co($ not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction?
=O; '$aintiffD! c$ai) i! a co)'($!or1 co(nter-c$ai) t"at !"o($ be
fi$e in t"e ear$ier ca!e
;o? P$aintiffD! c$ai) i! not a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) in Civi$ Ca!e ;o?
I%--.082 for t"e !i)'$e rea!on t"at t"e a)o(nt t"ereof e6cee! t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e )(nici'a$ co(rt?
Reasoning #"e r($e t"at a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) not !et (' i!
barre, w"en a''$ie to t"e )(nici'a$ co(rt, 're!(''o!e! t"at t"e
a)o(nt invo$ve i! wit"in t"e !ai co(rtD! 2(ri!iction? Ot"erwi!e, a!
t"i! Co(rt "a a$rea1 note in C( La1 v? <a$)e! we wo($ co)e to
t"e ab!(r !it(ation w"ere a c$ai) )(!t be fi$e wit" t"e )(nici'a$
co(rt w"ic" it i! 'ro"ibite fro) taAin& co&niBance of, bein& be1on it!
2(ri!iction? 7e!ie!, t"e rea!on (ner$1in& t"e r($e, w"ic" i! to !ett$e
a$$ re$ate controver!ie! in one !ittin& on$1, oe! not obtain? +or, even
if t"e co(nterc$ai) in e6ce!! of t"e a)o(nt co&niBab$e b1 t"e inferior
co(rt i! !et (', t"e efenant cannot obtain 'o!itive re$ief? #"e R($e!
a$$ow t"i! on$1 for t"e efenant to 'revent '$aintiff fro) recoverin&
fro) "i)? #"i! )ean! t"at !"o($ t"e co(rt fin bot" '$aintiffD!
co)'$aint an efenantD! co(nterc$ai) 4for an a)o(nt e6ceein& !ai
co(rtD! 2(ri!iction5 )eritorio(!, it wi$$ !i)'$1 i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint on
t"e &ro(n t"at efenant "a! a bi&&er creit? Since efenant !ti$$ "a!
to in!tit(te a !e'arate action for t"e re)ainin& ba$ance of "i!
co(nterc$ai), t"e 'revio(! $iti&ation i not rea$$1 !ett$e a$$ re$ate
Disposition P$aintiff Ca$oD! c$ai) of P12,000?00 not bein& a
co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? %I--.082, it nee not be
fi$e t"ere? #"e 'enenc1 t"en of !ai civi$ ca!e co($ not be '$eae
in abate)ent of Civi$ Ca!e ;o? >80? Con!e/(ent$1, t"e $ower co(rt
erre in i!)i!!in& '$aintiffD! co)'$aint?
P%+e 85
A''ea$ fro) a eci!ion of t"e C+I of Sor!o&on
-a$$e&e$1 a 'acto e retro !a$e 4t"e ot"er 'art1 a$$e&e it wa! a
)ort&a&e5, <o2o t"e b(1er a$$e&e t"at t"e 'erio for ree)'tion "a!
a$rea1 $a'!e !o "e fi$e a 'etition for con!o$iation of owner!"i'?
-<o1a$a0!, t"e b(1er! w"o were a$$e&in& t"at t"e1 "a obtaine a ca!"
$oan fro) <o2o an t"e $an a$$e&e$1 !o$ to <o2o wa! on$1 a !ec(rit1
to t"e $oan, an t"at t"e1 trie to 'a1 t"eir ebt to <o2o b(t <o2o
ref(!e? <o1a$a0! fi$e a co(nterc$ai) for <o2o to receive t"e a)o(nt
(e, for t"e oc()ent to be ec$are a )ort&a&e an not a 'acto e
retro !a$e, for P1>00 'er ann() for t"e fr(it! of !ai 'ro'ert1 an t"at,
if ever t"e oc()ent be ee)e a 'acto e retro !a$e, for <o2o to be
orere to e6ec(te a ee of re!a$e in favor of t"e <o1a$a!?
-<o1a$a0! !'o(!e ie, #C orere <o2o to a)en t"e Co)'$aint to
!(b!tit(te t"e !'o(!e wit" one of "er !(cce!!or! in intere!t a! 'art1?
;otwit"!tanin& t"e $a'!e of 4. a1! after recei't of co'1 of #C orer,
<o2o a$$e&e$1 fai$e to !(b)it t"e a)ene co)'$aint !o <o1a$a fi$e
a )otion to i!)i!! t"e 'etition? #C i!)i!!e co)'$aint, <o2o wa!
a$!o ec$are in efa($t in re <o1a$a0! co(nterc$ai)? #C r($e in favor
of <o1a$a?
-A''e$$ant a''ea$e to t"e CA, w"ic" ('on finin& t"at t"e !ai a''ea$
invo$ve! '(re$1 /(e!tion! of $aw, certifie t"e !a)e to t"e SC?
#"e a''e$$ant conten! t"at t"ere i! no occa!ion for t"e #C to ec$are
"i) in efa($t in re!'ect of a''e$$ee0! co(nterc$ai) a! !ai
co(nterc$ai) fa$$! wit"in t"e cate&or1 of co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)
w"ic" oe! not ca$$ for an ine'enent an!wer a! t"e co)'$aint
a$rea1 enie! it! )ateria$ a$$e&ation!? It i! now !ett$e t"at a '$aintiff
w"o fai$! or c"oo!e! not to an!wer a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) )a1
not be ec$are in efa($t, 'rinci'a$$1 beca(!e t"e i!!(e! rai!e in t"e
co(nterc$ai) are ee)e a(to)atica$$1 2oine b1 t"e a$$e&ation! of t"e
-="i$e it i! tr(e t"at (ner Sec? . of R($e 19, a co)'$aint )a1 be
i!)i!!e for fai$(re to 'ro!ec(te if t"e '$aintiff fai$! to co)'$1 wit" an
orer of t"e co(rt, !ai 'rovi!ion cannot a''$1 w"en t"e orer i&nore
i! a voi one, a! in t"i! ca!e? 4A! in Sec 20 of R($e ., t"e eat" of t"e
efenant in a contract(a$ )one1 c$ai) oe! i!)i!! !(c" action for
recover1, b(t wi$$ be a$$owe to contin(e (nti$ fina$ 2(&)ent i! entere?
+avorab$e 2(&)ent obtaine b1 t"e '$aintiff !"a$$ be enforce in t"e
)anner 'rovie in t"e!e R($e! for 'ro!ec(tin& c$ai)! a&ain!t t"e
e!tate of a ecea!e 'er!on? In 7arra)ea v! 7arbara, t"e SC "e$
t"at an orer to a)en t"e co)'$aint, before t"e 'ro'er !(b!tit(tion of
'artie! a! irecte b1 Sec? 19, R($e . 4Sec? 18, new $aw5, i! voi an
i)'o!e! ('on t"e '$aintiff no (t1 to co)'$1 t"erewit" to t"e en t"at
an orer i!)i!!in& t"e !ai co)'$aint, for !(c" non-co)'$iance,
wo($ !i)i$ar$1 be voi? It wa! f(rt"er "e$ in +erriera v! <onBa$e! t"at
t"e contin(ance of a 'roceein& (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of w"ic" a 'art1
t"ereto ie!, wit"o(t !(c" 'art1 "avin& been va$i$1 !(b!tit(te in
accorance wit" t"e r($e!, a)o(nt! to $acA of 2(ri!iction?
Disposition =:ERE+ORE, t"e eci!ion a''ea$e fro) i! !et a!ie
B%""e) i& n! #e ,p
/.R. N!. >=1>=
/UTIERREZ, JR< J%n,%"( 89, =>>=
- ,($1 .1, 1->9, t"e Re'(b$ic of t"e P"i$i''ine!, t"ro(&" t"e
Pre!ientia$ Co))i!!ion on <oo <overn)ent 4PC<<5 wit" t"e
a!!i!tance of So$icitor <enera$ +ranci!co C"aveB fi$e wit" t"e
re!'onent Sani&anba1an a co)'$aint ocAete a! Civi$ Ca!e ;o?
00.. a&ain!t E(aro Co2(an&co, ,r? an ,(an Ponce Enri$e, a)on&
ot"er!, for reconve1ance, rever!ion an acco(ntin&, re!tit(tion an
-After t"e enia$ of "i! )otion to i!)i!!, re!'onent Enri$e fi$e "i!
an!wer wit" co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) an cro!!-c$ai) wit" a)a&e!?
On ,an(ar1 .0, 1->-, re!'onent Sani&anba1an i!!(e a re!o$(tion
w"ic" eferre #"e re!o$(tion of t"e Motion to 3i!)i!! t"e
Co(nterc$ai) a&ain!t t"e P$aintiff &overn)ent (nti$ after
tria$Re!'onent Enri$e t"en re/(e!te $eave fro) t"e Sani&anba1an
to i)'$ea t"e 'etitioner an t"e PC<< officia$! a! 'art1 efenant!
for $o&in& t"i! a$$e&e *"ara!!)ent !(it* a&ain!t "i)?
#"e )otion 'ra1in& for $eave to i)'$ea aitiona$ 'artie!4C"aveB et
a$5 to "i! co(nterc$ai) wa! &rante in a re!o$(tion ate ,(ne >, 1->-,
wit"o(t 're2(ice to t"e efen!e! w"ic" !ai efenant! )a1 '(t fort"
inivi(a$$1 or in co))on, in t"eir 'er!ona$ ca'acitie! or ot"erwi!e?
In a $ater re!o$(tion ate ;ove)ber 2, 1->-, re!'onent
Sani&anba1an enie a )otion to recon!ier t"e ,(ne >, 1->-
#"ereafter, a$$ t"e PC<< officia$! fi$e t"eir an!wer to t"e
co(nterc$ai)! invoAin& t"eir i))(nit1 fro) !(it! a! 'rovie in Section
4 of E6ec(tive Orer ;o? 1?
In!tea of fi$in& an an!wer, t"e 'etitioner co)e! to t"i! Co(rt a!!ai$in&
t"e re!o$(tion! a! renere wit" &rave ab(!e of i!cretion a)o(ntin&
to $acA of 2(ri!iction?
Peii!ne"$# c*%iD
-no co(nter-c$ai) can be fi$e a&ain!t "i) in "i! ca'acit1 a! So$icitor
<enera$ !ince "e i! on$1 actin& a! co(n!e$ for t"e Re'(b$ic? :e cite!
t"e ca!e of @orja v? @orja,

- !ince "e i! !i)'$1 t"e $aw1er in t"e ca!e, e6erci!in& "i! (t1 (ner
t"e $aw to a!!i!t t"e <overn)ent in t"e fi$in& an 'ro!ec(tion of a$$
ca!e! '(r!(ant to Section 1, E6ec(tive Orer ;o? 14, "e cannot be
!(e in a co(nterc$ai) in t"e !a)e ca!e?
1?=O; C"aveB 4So$<En5i! i))(ne fro) !(it
2?=O; it i! 'ro'er to i)'$ea C"aveB 4a! So$<en5 'etitioner a!
aitiona$ 'art1 efenant in t"e co(nterc$ai) fi$e b1 re!'onent
#"e &enera$ r($e i! t"at '(b$ic officia$! can be "e$ 'er!ona$$1
acco(ntab$e for act! c$ai)e to "ave been 'erfor)e in connection
wit" officia$ (tie! w"ere t"e1 "ave acte ultra vires or w"ere t"ere i! a
!"owin& of ba fait"?
Moreover, t"e 'etitionerD! ar&()ent t"at t"e i))(nit1 proviso (ner
Section 44a5 of E6ec(tive Orer ;o? 1 a$!o e6ten! to "i) i! not we$$-
taAen? A )ere invocation of t"e i))(nit1 c$a(!e oe! not ipso facto
re!($t in t"e c"ar&e! bein& a(to)atica$$1 ro''e?
I))(nit1 fro) !(it cannot in!tit(tiona$iBe irre!'on!ibi$it1 an non-
acco(ntabi$it1 nor &rant a 'rivi$e&e !tat(! not c$ai)e b1 an1 ot"er
officia$ of t"e Re'(b$ic? 4id?, at 'a&e 5>85
="ere t"e 'etitioner e6cee! "i! a(t"orit1 a! So$icitor <enera$ act! in
#"e a''earance of a $aw1er a! co(n!e$ for a 'art1 an "i! 'artici'ation in a
ca!e a! !(c" co(n!e$ oe! not )aAe "i) a 'art1 to t"e action? #"e fact t"at "e
re're!ent! t"e intere!t! of "i! c$ient or t"at "e act! in t"eir be"a$f wi$$ not "o$
"i) $iab$e for or )aAe "i) entit$e to an1 awar t"at t"e Co(rt )a1 a2(icate to
t"e 'artie!, ot"er t"an "i! 'rofe!!iona$ fee!? #"e 'rinci'$e t"at a co(nterc$ai)
cannot be fi$e a&ain!t 'er!on! w"o are actin& in re're!entation of anot"er Q
!(c" a! tr(!tee! Q in t"eir inivi(a$ ca'acitie! 4C"a)ber! v? Ca)eron, 2 +e?
R($e! Service, '? 155; 2- +? S(''? 9425 co($ be a''$ie wit" )ore force an
effect in t"e ca!e of a co(n!e$ w"o!e 'artici'ation in t"e action i! )ere$1
confine to t"e 're'aration of t"e efen!e of "i! c$ient? A''e$$ant, "owever,
a!!erte t"at "e fi$e t"e co(nterc$ai) a&ain!t !ai $aw1er not in "i! inivi(a$
ca'acit1 b(t a! co(n!e$ for t"e "eir! of H(intin e 7or2a? 7(t a! we "ave a$rea1
!tate t"at t"e e6i!tence of a $aw1er-c$ient re$ation!"i' oe! not )aAe t"e for)er
a 'art1 to t"e action, even t"i! a$$e&ation of a''e$$ant wi$$ not a$ter t"e re!($t =e
"ave arrive at 4at ''? -24--255
ba fait", or, a! contene b1 t"e 'rivate re!'onent, *)a$icio(!$1
con!'ir4e!5 wit" t"e PC<< co))i!!ioner! in 'er!ec(tin& re!'onent
Enri$e b1 fi$in& a&ain!t "i) an evient$1 ba!e$e!! !(it in ero&ation of
t"e $atterD! con!tit(tiona$ ri&"t! an $ibertie!* 4Aollo, '? 4195, t"ere can
be no /(e!tion t"at a co)'$aint for a)a&e! )a1 be fi$e a&ain!t "i)?
:i&" 'o!ition in &overn)ent oe! not confer a $icen!e to 'er!ec(te or
recA$e!!$1 in2(re anot"er? #"e action! &overne b1 Artic$e! 1-, 20, 21,
an .2 of t"e Civi$ Coe on :()an Re$ation! )a1 be taAen a&ain!t
'(b$ic officer! or 'rivate citiBen! a$iAe?
2? ;o? Senator Enri$e "a! to fi$e a !e'arate an i!tinct civi$ action for
a)a&e! a&ain!t t"e So$icitor <enera$?
-#"e c"ar&e! 're!!e b1 re!'onent Enri$e for a)a&e! (ner Artic$e
.2 of t"e Civi$ Coe ari!in& fro) t"e fi$in& of an a$$e&e "ara!!)ent
!(it wit" )a$ice an evient ba fait" o not con!tit(te a co)'($!or1
In t"e ca!e of +iu Po v? @autista, 410. SCRA .>> V1->1W5, we r($e t"at
a)a&e! c$ai)e to "ave been !(ffere a! a con!e/(ence of an
action fi$e a&ain!t t"e 'etitioner )(!t be '$eae in t"e !a)e action
a! a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)? =e were referrin&, "owever, to a ca!e
fi$e b1 t"e 'rivate re!'onent a&ain!t t"e 'etitioner! or 'artie! in t"e
$iti&ation? In t"e 're!ent ca!e, t"e co(nterc$ai) wa! fi$e a&ain!t t"e
$aw1er, not a&ain!t t"e 'art1 '$aintiff it!e$f?
-#o a$$ow a co(nterc$ai) a&ain!t a $aw1er w"o fi$e! a co)'$aint for "i!
c$ient!, w"o i! )ere$1 t"eir re're!entative in co(rt an not a '$aintiff or
co)'$ainant in t"e ca!e wo($ $ea to )i!c"ievo(! con!e/(ence!?
-#"e 'rob$e) i! 'artic($ar$1 'er'$e6in& for t"e So$icitor <enera$? A!
co(n!e$ of t"e Re'(b$ic, t"e So$icitor <enera$ "a! to a''ear in
controver!ia$ an 'o$itica$$1 c"ar&e ca!e!? It i! not (n(!(a$ for "i&"
officia$! of t"e <overn)ent to (nwittin&$1 (!e !"ortc(t! in t"e Bea$o(!
e!ire to e6'eite e6ec(tive 'ro&ra)! or refor)!? #"e So$icitor
<enera$ cannot $ooA at t"e!e ca!e! wit" inifferent ne(tra$it1? :i!
'erce'tion of nationa$ intere!t an obeience to in!tr(ction! fro)
above )a1 co)'e$ "i) to taAe a !tance w"ic" to a re!'onent )a1
a''ear too 'er!ona$ an bia!e? It i! $iAewi!e (nrea!onab$e to re/(ire
<overn)ent Pro!ec(tor! to efen t"e)!e$ve! a&ain!t co(nterc$ai)!
in t"e ver1 !a)e ca!e! t"e1 are 'ro!ec(tin&?
=:9 SCRA 129
#"e in!tant 'etition for certiorari an 'ro"ibition rai!e! t"e ($ti)ate
i!!(e of w"et"er or not t"e e6ec(tion of a fina$ 2(&)ent in an
e2ect)ent ca!e )a1 be !ta1e b1 a co-e/(a$ co(rt in orer t"at t"e
ri&"t of ine)nification an retention of an a$$e&e b(i$er in &oo fait"
)a1 not be renere )eanin&$e!! or i$$(!or1 in an ine'enent civi$
action for !'ecific 'erfor)ance?
Petitioner L(a$"ati A$aba Co2(an&co i! t"e wiow of 3on ,(an
Co2(an&co, t"e re&i!tere owner of t"e i!'(te 'arce$ of re!ientia$
$an containin& an area of 5>5 !/(are )eter! an !it(ate at San
A&(!tin, Ma$o$o!, 7($acan? Man1 1ear! bacA 4abo(t !i6t1 1ear!,
accorin& to t"e )(nici'a$ tria$ co(rt5 t"e 'arent! of 'rivate re!'onent
P(rificacion %i$$e&a!, wit" t"e ac/(ie!cence of 3on ,(an Co2(an&co,
con!tr(cte a re!ientia$ "o(!e an $ater a !tr(ct(re "o(!in& a baAer1
on t"e afore!ai $ot? It wa! (ner!too t"at t"e1 co($ re)ain on t"e
$an wit" "i! b$e!!in&! an wit"o(t 'a1in& renta$! on conition t"at
t"e1 wo($ vacate t"e 're)i!e! w"en neee b1 t"e owner?
After "er 'arentD! eat", %i$$e&a! re)aine in t"e 'ro'ert1, renovatin&
t"e !a)e an !'enin& P.00,000?00 in t"e 'roce!!? S"e a$!o $ea!e
o(t a 'ortion of t"e $an to Sia'no A''$iance! at P800?00 a )ont"
wit"o(t t"e Anow$e&e an con!ent of 3on ,(an Co2(an&co? #"i! $atter
act a''arent$1 e!tro1e "er con&enia$ re$ation! wit" t"e $anowner
beca(!e !oon t"ereafter, 3on ,(an Co2(an&co, t"ro(&" "i! attorne1 in
fact, e)ane t"at !"e $eave t"e 'ro'ert1? 3e!'ite "i! re'eate
written e)an! for "er to !(rrener 'o!!e!!ion of t"e 'ro'ert1,
%i$$e&a! ref(!e, 'ro)'tin& Co2(an&co to in!tit(te e2ect)ent
'roceein&! a&ain!t "er before t"e M(nici'a$ #ria$ Co(rt 4M#C5 of
Ma$o$o!, 7($acan, 7ranc" I on A(&(!t 2., 1-9>?
On +ebr(ar1 5, 1-9-, 3on ,(an Co2(an&co ie inte!tate? In t"e tria$
co(rtD! orer of October 22, 1-9-, "i! wife L(a$"ati, "erein 'etitioner,
to&et"er wit" ne'"ew! an niece!, were !(b!tit(te a! 'artie!-
In it! eci!ion ate ,(ne .0, 1->., t"e inferior co(rt i!)i!!e t"e
action for e2ect)ent for $acA of 2(ri!iction? It cite t"e (na!!ai$ab$e fact
t"at %i$$e&a! an "er 'reece!!or!-in-intere!t "a been in act(a$
'o!!e!!ion of t"e !(b2ect $an for no $e!! t"an !i6t1 1ear! an t"at in
aition, %i$$e&a! a!!erte an aver!e c$ai) of owner!"i', t"(!
tran!for)in& t"e !(it into an *accion '(b$iciana* w"ic" i! 'ro'er$1
co&niBab$e b1 co(rt! of fir!t in!tance 4now re&iona$ tria$ co(rt!5?
On a''ea$ to t"e t"en Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance 4C+I5 of Ma$o$o!, 7ranc"
[%, t"e inferior co(rt wa! rever!e in!ofar a! it "a erroneo(!$1 enie
2(ri!iction over t"e e2ect)ent ca!e? #"e tria$ co(rt t"en orere
%i$$e&a! to vacate t"e 're)i!e! an to !(rrener 'o!!e!!ion t"ereof to
"erein 'etitioner Co2(an&co?
#"e ca!e wa! e$evate to t"e a''e$$ate co(rt an to t"e S('re)e
Co(rt an in bot" in!tance!, "erein 'etitioner Co2(an&coD! ri&"t of
'o!!e!!ion over t"e $an wa! ('"e$? After entr1 of 2(&)ent wa!
)ae on ;ove)ber 20, 1->5, "erein 'etitioner went to t"e Re&iona$
#ria$ Co(rt of Ma$o$o!, 7ranc" [%, w"ere !"e fi$e a )otion for
e6ec(tion of t"e 2(&)ent, w"ic" t"e co(rt &rante on ,(ne .0, 1->8?
On ,($1 2-, 1->8, a writ of e)o$ition wa! i!!(e a&ain!t %i$$e&a!, w"o
i not o''o!e t"e orere e)o$ition b(t in!tea a!Ae t"e $ower
co(rt to &ive "er )ore ti)e 4fort1 a1! fro) A(&(!t 9, 1->85 to effect
t"e tran!fer of "er 'er!ona$ 'ro'ertie! an to re)ove t"e
i)'rove)ent! on t"e !(b2ect $ot to w"ic" )otion t"e co(rt accee?
On Se'te)ber 18, 1->8, before t"e $a'!e of t"e &race 'erio, %i$$e&a!
fi$e a !e'arate civi$ action ocAete a! Civi$ Ca!e ;o? -0-4-M a&ain!t
'etitioner Co2(an&co an t"e 'rovincia$ !"eriff *for !'ecific
'erfor)ance wit" (r&ent 'ra1er for i!!(ance of a te)'orar1 re!trainin&
orer an 're$i)inar1 in2(nction?* #"i! ca!e, in!tea of bein& referre
to 7ranc" [% w"ic" "a ear$ier i!!(e t"e writ of e)o$ition, wa!
raff$e to anot"er Ma$o$o! branc" of t"e 7($acan #ria$ Co(rt,
!'ecifica$$1 7ranc" [%II w"ic" i!!(e on t"e !a)e a1, Se'te)ber 18,
1->8, a te)'orar1 re!trainin& orer en2oinin& Co2(an&co an
'artic($ar$1 t"e !"eriff *fro) enforcin& or i)'$e)entin& t"e Orer of
3e)o$ition i!!(e in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 9042-M ? ? ?* #"i! wa! fo$$owe b1
anot"er orer ate October 8, 1->8 &rantin& a writ of 're$i)inar1
in2(nction? #"e twin orer! are now t"e !(b2ect of t"e in!tant 'etition
for certiorari on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e1 "ave been i!!(e wit" &rave
ab(!e of i!cretion a)o(ntin& to $acA of 2(ri!iction?
1? ="et"er or not t"e re!'onent co(rt va$i$1 i!!(e an in2(nction
2? ="et"er or not %i$$e&a! can !(cce!!f($$1 rai!e an ine'enent
action to a!!ert t"at !"e an "er 'reece!!or! are b(i$er! in &oo
fait" an t"at t"e1 are entit$e to recover t"e va$(e of i)'rove)ent! on
t"e $ot?
1? ;O?
Ratio. A! ear$1 a! 1-22 in t"e ca!e of Cabi&ao v? 3e$ Ro!ario, t"i!
Co(rt $ai own t"e octrine t"at *no co(rt "a! 'ower to interfere b1
in2(nction wit" t"e 2(&)ent! or ecree! of a co(rt of conc(rrent or
coorinate 2(ri!iction "avin& 'ower to &rant t"e re$ief !o(&"t b1
Reasoning. #"e vario(! branc"e! of t"e co(rt of fir!t in!tance of a
'rovince or cit1, "avin& a! t"e1 "ave t"e !a)e or e/(a$ a(t"orit1 an
e6erci!in& a! t"e1 o conc(rrent an coorinate 2(ri!iction, !"o($
not, cannot an are not 'er)itte to interfere wit" t"eir re!'ective
ca!e!, )(c" $e!! wit" t"eir orer! or 2(&)ent!? A contrar1 r($e wo($
obvio(!$1 $ea to conf(!ion an !erio(!$1 "a)'er t"e a)ini!tration of
2? ;O
Ratio. R($e -, Section 4 of t"e Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt on co)'($!or1
co(nterc$ai) 'rovie! t"e an!wer? It !tate!@
*A co(nterc$ai) or cro!!-c$ai) not !et (' !"a$$ be barre if it ari!e! o(t
of or i! nece!!ari$1 connecte wit", t"e tran!action or occ(rrence t"at
i! t"e !(b2ect-)atter of t"e o''o!in& 'art1D! or co-'art1D! c$ai) an
oe! not re/(ire for it! a2(ication t"e 're!ence of t"ir 'artie! of
w"o) t"e co(rt cannot ac/(ire 2(ri!iction?
Reasoning. %i$$e&a!D c$ai) to recover co)'en!ation for i)'rove)ent!
)ae on t"e $an i! e!!entia$$1 in t"e nat(re of a co(nterc$ai) !ince it
i! interwoven wit" t"e fact of 'o!!e!!ion? Sai c$ai) for co)'en!ation
!"o($ "ave been 're!ente a! a co(nterc$ai) in t"e e2ect)ent !(it? It
i! ee)e barre if not rai!e on ti)e an t"e 'art1 in error i!
'rec$(e fro) !ettin& it (' in a !(b!e/(ent $iti&ation?
-#"e r($e on co)'($!or1 co(nter-c$ai) i! e!i&ne to enab$e t"e
i!'o!ition of t"e entire conf$ict at one ti)e an in one action? #"e
'"i$o!o'"1 of t"e r($e i! to 3ISCOIRA<E MIL#IPLICI#C O+ SII#S?
-Accorin& to %i$$e&a!, t"e rea!on w"1 t"e co(nterc$ai) for
ine)nification wa! not )ae in t"e ori&ina$ action wa! beca(!e it
beca)e a *ri'e i!!(e* on$1 after t"e e2ect)ent 'roceein&!? %i$$e&a!
contene t"at t"e e!to''e$ of 2(&)ent co($ on$1 e6ten to t"o!e
fact! an conition! e6i!tin& at t"e ti)e t"e 2(&)ent wa! renere
an not to t"o!e w"ic" !('ervene before t"e !econ !(it?
-#"e ar&()ent i! (ntenab$e? In "er '$eain&!, %i$$e&a! re'eate$1
!tre!!e t"at t"e re!ientia$ "o(!e w"ic" "er 'arent! "a con!tr(cte
wa! a$rea1 t"ere on t"e /(e!tione $ot for a! $on& a! !"e co($
re)e)ber, t"at !"e "er!e$f "a! $ive t"ere a$$ "er $ife an t"at in t"e
"one!t be$ief t"at t"e $an "a been *onate* to "er 'arent! b1 "er
*A(nt #ec$a*, !"e )ae vario(! i)'rove)ent! an renovation t"ereon?
Obvio(!$1, !(c" ec$aration! on t"e 'art of %i$$e&a! co)'$ete$1 ne&ate
"er ab!(r c$ai) t"at t"e fact(a$ ba!i! for "er !(b!e/(ent action aro!e
after t"e e2ect)ent !(it beca)e fina$?
-#"(!, %i$$e&a! !"o($ "ave !et fort", !i)($taneo(!$1 wit" t"e a!!ertion
t"at !"e wa! entit$e to t"e 'arce$ of $an b1 ri&"t of in"eritance, t"e
a$ternative c$ai) t"at a!!()in& !"e wa! not $e&a$$1 entit$e to t"e
i!'(te $ot, at $ea!t a! a b(i$er in &oo fait", !"e "a! t"e ri&"t to t"e
va$(e of t"e b(i$in&! an i)'rove)ent! w"ic" !"e an "er 'arent!
"a intro(ce on t"e $an?
-An w"i$e it )a1 be ar&(e t"at t"e efen!e of bein& a b(i$er in &oo
fait" wo($ "ave been incon!i!tent wit" "er c$ai) of owner!"i', in t"e
ca!e of Ca!t$e 7ro!?, =o$f an Son! v? <o-,(no, t"e Co(rt "e$ t"at a
'art1 )a1 !et fort" a! )an1 efen!e! an co(nterc$ai)! a! "e )a1
"ave, w"atever be t"eir nat(re? #"e!e )a1 even be incon!i!tent wit"
eac" ot"er beca(!e w"at i! !(fficient i! t"at eac" i! con!i!tent wit"
-Since %i$$e&a! fai$e to !et (' !(c" a$ternative efen!e 4i?e? a b(i$er
in &oo fait" i! entit$e to recover t"e va$(e of i)'rove)ent!5 an
in!tea re$ie on t"e !o$e efen!e t"at !"e in"erite t"e $an fro) "er
'arent!, t"e re2ection t"ereof wa! a co)'$ete re!o$(tion of t"e
controver!1 between t"e 'artie! w"ic" bar! a $ater ca!e ba!e ('on
t"e (n'$eae efen!e? #"e a2(ication of t"e i!!(e 2oine b1 t"e
'artie! in t"e ear$ier ca!e con!tit(te! re! 2(icata, t"e t"eor1 bein& t"at
w"at i! barre b1 'rior 2(&)ent are not on$1 t"e )atter! act(a$$1
rai!e an $iti&ate ('on, b(t a$!o !(c" ot"er )atter! a! co($ "ave
been rai!e b(t were not? 1.
-It bear! e)'"a!iBin& t"at in e2ect)ent ca!e!, t"e r($e i! e6'$icit t"at
t"e 2(&)ent )(!t be e6ec(te i))eiate$1 w"en it i! in favor of t"e
'$aintiff to 'revent f(rt"er a)a&e! to "i) ari!in& fro) t"e $o!! of
'o!!e!!ion? #"e !en!e of (r&enc1 i! )ore 'rono(nce in t"e ca!e at
bar w"ere t"e e2ect)ent ca!e in favor of Co2(an&co wa! ecie in
1-9> an !(b!e/(ent$1 a''ea$e a$$ t"e wa1 to t"e S('re)e Co(rt?
7(t t"e fina$ victor1 contin(e! to e$(e Co2(an&co to t"i! a1 (e to a
$ar&e e6tent to t"e $e&a$ )ane(ver! (ti$iBe b1 %i$$e&a! to fore!ta$$ t"e
-+or it! 'art, re!'onent tria$ co(rt "a! atte)'te to 2(!tif1 it! writ of
in2(nction b1 !tatin& t"at t"e i)'enin& e)o$ition of %i$$e&a!D "o(!e
an ot"er b(i$in&! on t"e i!'(te 'ro'ert1 wo($ rener in(ti$e "er
ri&"t a! a b(i$er in &oo fait"? =e cannot a&ree? #"e $o!! to %i$$e&a!
i! not !(fficient to warrant a b$atant i!re&ar of e!tab$i!"e
'receent! e!'ecia$$1 w"en it i! borne in )in t"at for )ore t"an "a$f a
cent(r1, %i$$e&a! an "er fa)i$1 "ave en2o1e t"e fr(it! of t"e $an
wit"o(t 'a1in& a !in&$e centavo in ret(rn? S(re$1, t"e e/(itie! are )ore
in favor of Co2(an&co, t"e $anowner?
Dispositive =:ERE+ORE, t"e 'etition i! &rante? #"e re!'onent
co(rt i! "ereb1 orere to 3ISMISS Civi$ Ca!e ;o? -0-4-M an a$$
'roceein&! "e$ t"erein are ec$are n($$ an voi? #"e Re&iona$ #ria$
Co(rt of Ma$o$o!, 7($acan, 7ranc" [% i! orere to i))eiate$1
e6ec(te t"e eci!ion in t"e e2ect)ent ca!e? Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 9042-M?
Co!t! a&ain!t 'rivate re!'onent %i$$e&a!? #"i! eci!ion i! i))eiate$1
/R N!. 29858
PARAS< Oc!6e" 8>, =>:2
Action to recover 'o!!e!!ion
Lot 94 of t"e Ca$a)ba Caa!tre wa! co-owne 7eatriB Mana$o an "er
co))on-$aw "(!ban, L(ciano Mana$o? On ;ove)ber 5, 1-49 7eatriB
!o$ "er one-"a$f intere!t t"erein to t"e !'o(!e! 3e)etrio Car'ena
an Sa$( Catini& for t"e !() of P5,000?00? #o Aee' t"e tran!action
fro) L(ciano, t"e !a$e wa! )ae in t"e nei&"borin& town of Sta? Ro!a,
La&(na, an t"e 'artie! a&ree t"at 7eatriB wo($ re)ain in
'o!!e!!ion of t"e 'ro'ert1 b(t wit" t"e ob$i&ation of 'a1in& t"e $an
ta6e! (e t"ereon? On Ma1 22, 1-4> 7eatriB an L(ciano were
)arrie, b(t !"e ie t"ree )ont"! t"ereafter?
On A(&(!t .0, 1-4> t"e ee of t"e !a$e wa! re&i!tere an, a! a
re!($t, #C# ;o? 18>.. wa! cance$$e an #C# ;o? 2004 wa! i!!(e in
t"e na)e of t"e Car'ena !'o(!e! for t"e 'ortion '(rc"a!e b1 t"e),
w"ic" wa! ientifie a! Lot ;o? 94-7 of !(bivi!ion '$an P!-2.2.0?
I'on t"e eat" of t"eir venor, t"e Car'ena! notifie L(ciano of t"e
!a$e an be!ie! e)ane of "i) t"e 'o!!e!!ion of $ot 94-7, b(t t"e
$atter, in!tea of ac/(ie!cin& t"ereto, fi$e an action a&ain!t t"e) to
ann($ t"e !a$e )ae in t"eir favor b1 7eatriB an to "ave "i)!e$f
ec$are owner of t"e 'ro'ert1 !(b2ect )atter t"ereof 4Civi$ Ca!e ;o?
-1-45? 3efenantD! an!wer in !ai ca!e a$$e&e, a! efen!e, t"at t"e
!a$e in t"eir favor wa! va$i an t"at b1 virt(e of t"e !a)e t"e1 beca)e
owner! of t"e 'ro'ert1 !(b2ect )atter t"ereof? Con!e/(ent$1, t"e1
'ra1e for t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e an for a)a&e!? #"e ca!e wa!
i!)i!!e b1 t"e $ower co(rt after a tria$ on t"e )erit! an on a''ea$,
t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! affir)e t"e i!)i!!a$?
It a''ear! t"at in 1-45 a baron&-baron& wa! erecte on Lot 94-7 b1 a
tenant occ('1in& t"e !a)e? #wo 1ear! t"ereafter t"e b(i$in& wa! !o$
to 7eatriB Mana$o for P200?00, an t"ereafter !ai i)'rove)ent, wit"
an a!!e!!e va$(e of P150?00, wa! ec$are in "er na)e for ta6ation
'(r'o!e!? After "er eat", L(ciano Mana$o an t"eir c"i$ren contin(e
to occ('1 !ai "o(!e, )aAin& con!ierab$e i)'rove)ent! t"ereon in
t"e 1ear! 1-52 an 1-5., b(t in 3ece)ber 1-54 L(ciano Mana$o !o$
it to Pe$a&ia Cai$$e! %a? e In!on an 7eronica Ca'area w"o be&an
occ('1in& t"e !a)e on A'ri$ 2, 1-55?
#"e 're!ent action wa! co))ence on A'ri$ 11, 1-55 in t"e Co(rt of
+ir!t In!tance of La&(na b1 t"e Car'ena !'o(!e! a&ain!t L(ciano
Mana$o, Pe$a&ia Cai$$e! %a? e In!on an 7eronica Ca'area to
recover t"e 'o!!e!!ion of Lot 94-7 an t"e "o(!e erecte t"ereon a!
we$$ a! rea!onab$e renta$ for it! (!e an occ('anc1 fro) A(&(!t 1,
1-4>? A''e$$ee! "erein a$$e&e in t"eir an!wer t"at t"e !a$e e6ec(te
b1 7eatriB Mana$o in favor of a''e$$ant! covere on$1 Lot 94-7 an not
t"e "o(!e erecte t"ereon?
="i$e t"e ca!e wa! 'enin& in t"e $ower co(rt, or )ore !'ecifica$$1 on
A'ri$ 19, 1-55, a''e$$ee!, wit"o(t t"e con!ent of a''e$$ant!, )ove t"e
"o(!e in /(e!tion to t"e a2oinin& $ot, w"ic" co)'e$$e t"e $atter to fi$e
a !(''$e)enta$ co)'$aint to recover fro) t"e for)er t"e !() of
P2,500?00 re're!entin& t"e va$(e of t"e "o(!e, '$(! attorne1D! fee!?
A! a''e$$ee! "a a$rea1 vacate Lot 94-7, t"e $ower co(rt, after tria$
on t"e )erit!, renere 2(&)ent ec$arin& a''e$$ant t"e owner! of t"e
"o(!e in /(e!tion an !entencin& a''e$$ee! to 'a1 a''e$$ant! t"e !()
of P1,000?00 re're!entin& t"e fair )arAet va$(e t"ereof? A''e$$ant!D
c$ai) for a)a&e! for t"e (!e an occ('anc1 of t"e 're)i!e! wa!,
"owever, i!)i!!e for not "avin& been !et (' in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? -1-4,
t"e !a)e bein& co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)? #"e 're!ent i! t"eir a''ea$
fro) t"i! 'ortion of t"e eci!ion of t"e $ower co(rt
=O; t"e action fi$e b1 L(ciano Mana$o i! a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)
Ce!? A! !tate above, t"e '(r'o!e of t"e action fi$e b1 L(ciano
Mana$o 4Civi$ Ca!e ;o? -1-4 of t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of La&(na5
wa! to ann($ t"e !a$e )ae b1 "i! wife, 7eatriB Mana$o, in favor of t"e
Car'ena !'o(!e! an to recover owner!"i' of t"e 'ro'ert1 !(b2ect
)atter t"ereof? #"e rent! w"ic" a''e$$ant! now !eeA to co$$ect fro)
a''e$$ee! were for t"e occ('anc1 of !ai 'ro'ert1 an of t"e "o(!e
con!tr(cte t"ereon? :a t"e !a$e been ann($$e, it wo($ "ave )eant
t"at t"e Car'ena!, a''e$$ant! "erein, "a no ri&"t to co$$ect rent! fro)
t"e occ('ant! of t"e $ot an of t"e "o(!e afore!ai, w"i$e if t"e co(rt
!(!taine t"e va$iit1 of t"e !a$e, t"e1 wo($ "ave "a !(c" ri&"t? It i!
t"(! obvio(! t"at t"e c$ai) w"ic" t"e1 !eeA to enforce now a!, to !a1
t"e $ea!t, a )atter nece!!ari$1 connecte wit" t"e tran!action or
occ(rrence !(b2ect )atter of t"e co)'$aint fi$e a&ain!t t"e) in Civi$
Ca!e ;o? -1-4? It fo$$ow! t"at t"e !a)e con!tit(te a co)'($!or1
co(nterc$ai) w"ic" t"e1 !"o($ "ave '$eae in t"eir an!wer fi$e in
t"e afore!ai ca!e?
In 7er!e! v!? %i$$an(eva, 25 P"i$? 49., it wa! "e$ t"at in an action for
t"e recover1 of a 'arce$ of $an, t"e efenant )(!t !et (' a
co(nterc$ai) for t"e va$(e of i)'rove)ent! )ae or intro(ce b1 "i)
on t"e 'ro'ert1, ot"erwi!e "i! c$ai) wo($ be barre? #"at t"i! r($in&
a''$ie! to t"e 're!ent ca!e can not be i!'(te beca(!e t"e on$1
ifference between bot" ca!e! i! t"at in t"e one before (! t"e
co(nterc$ai) i! for rent! for t"e occ('anc1 of t"e $an !o(&"t to be
recovere an of t"e "o(!e con!tr(cte t"ereon, in!tea of bein& Q a!
in t"e 7er!e! ca!e Q for t"e recover1 of t"e va$(e of i)'rove)ent!
)ae on t"e 'ro'ert1
A''e$$ant!, "owever, ar&(e t"at even a!!()in& t"at t"eir c$ai)
con!tit(te a )anator1 co(nterc$ai) in re$ation to Civi$ Ca!e ;o?
-1-4, !ti$$ t"e1 co($ not "ave '$eae it a! !(c" in !ai ca!e beca(!e
it wa! not wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of La&(na
w"ere t"e ca!e wa! 'enin&? In t"i! connection t"e1 conten t"at t"eir
co(nterc$ai) a&ain!t L(ciano Mana$o an "i! co-'$aintiff! wo($ "ave
been for (n$awf($ etainer an t"e co$$ection of one )ont" rent on$1,
beca(!e w"en t"e action wa! co))ence Mana$o "a been in
'o!!e!!ion of t"e $ot an "o(!e invo$ve t"erein on$1 for one )ont"?
#"i! i! not entire$1 correct? #"e recor on a''ea$ fi$e b1 Mana$o in t"e
afore!ai ea!e !"ow! t"at t"e efenant! 4a''e$$ant! "erein5 fi$e an
an!wer in w"ic" t"e1 a$$e&e t"at t"e1 were *t"e tr(e an $awf($
owner! of t"e 'arce$ of $an* !(b2ect )atter of t"e action b1 virt(e of
t"e ee of !a$e e6ec(te in t"eir favor b1 7eatriB Mana$o, ('on t"e
re&i!tration of w"ic" a tran!fer certificate of tit$e wa! i!!(e in t"eir
na)e? #"eir an!wer a$!o inter'o!e a co(nterc$ai) w"ic" t"e1
incor'orate a$$ t"e a$$e&ation! )ae in t"eir an!wer an f(rt"er
a$$e&e t"at t"e '$aintiff! "a fi$e t"e action a&ain!t t"e) )a$icio(!$1,
t"(! ca(!in& t"e) a)a&e! in t"e !() of P2,000?00? Sai an!wer
'ra1e not on$1 for t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint b(t a$!o for 2(&)ent
ec$arin& !ai efenant! a! tr(e an $awf($ owner! of t"e 'ro'ert1 in
/(e!tion* 4E6"ibit C, ''? 1>-2.5? It i! obvio(! t"erefore t"at, for a$$ $e&a$
'(r'o!e!, a''e$$ant! "a, b1 wa1 of co(nterc$ai), fi$e an accion
reivinicatoria w"ic", of co(r!e, nece!!ari$1 inc$(e t"e /(e!tion of
'o!!e!!ion? #"i! notwit"!tanin&, t"e1 fai$e to c$ai) rent! or
co)'en!ation for t"e (!e an occ('anc1 of t"e $ot an "o(!e !(b2ect
)atter of t"e co)'$aint fi$e a&ain!t t"e)? #"e ri&"t to co$$ect t"e!e
rent! or rea!onab$e co)'en!ation bein& )ere$1 incienta$ to t"e
co(nterc$ai), it !ee)! c$ear t"at t"e fact t"at t"e a)o(nt t"ereof wa!
$e!! t"an t"e 2(ri!ictiona$ a)o(nt for t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of
La&(na i not e'rive !ai co(rt of a(t"orit1 to taAe co&niBance of t"e
La!t$1, a''e$$ant! conten t"at t"ere wa! ab!o$(te$1 no )(t(a$it1 of
c$ai)! beca(!e t"e '$aintiff! in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? -1-4 were L(ciano
Mana$o an t"e "eir! of "i! ecea!e wife, w"erea! t"e c$ai) for rent!
in t"e 're!ent ca!e i! irecte, 2oint$1 an !evera$$1, a&ain!t L(ciano
Mana$o, Pe$a&ia Cai$$e! %a? e In!on an 7eronica Ca'area? #"i!
i! $iAewi!e (ntenab$e beca(!e a 'art1 )a1 not evae t"e effect of t"e
octrine of re! 2(icata b1 !i)'$1 inc$(in& aitiona$ 'artie!, in t"e
!(b!e/(ent $iti&ation or b1 not inc$(in& a! 'artie! in t"e $atter 'er!on!
w"o were 'artie! in t"e 'revio(! !(it
Disposition. 3eci!ion affir)e
/.R. N!. =B8>98
PAN/ANIBAN< Ap"i* =:, =>>2
Petition fi$e (ner R($e 85 a!!ai$in& t"e Orer! of re!'onent ,(&e
for bein& contrar1 to $aw an for "avin& been i!!(e in e6ce!! of "i!
2(ri!iction an wit" &rave ab(!e of i!cretion tanta)o(nt to $acA of
#"e Orer of ,($1 1, 1--1, rea!@
*#:E An!wer wit" Co(nterc$ai) fi$e b1 t"e acc(!e t"ro(&" co(n!e$,
ate +ebr(ar1 12, 1--1, a! we$$ a! t"e O''o!ition t"ereto; t"e
Me)oran() fi$e b1 t"e Private Pro!ec(tor, in S(''ort of Motion to
E6'(n&e fro) t"e Recor! AnEOr to 3i!)i!! An!wer wit"
Co(nterc$ai); t"e S(''$e)ent; an Co))ent on S(''$e)ent, are a$$
orere e6'(n&e fro) t"e Recor!, con!ierin& t"at t"i! i! a cri)ina$
ca!e w"erein t"e civi$ $iabi$it1 of t"e ac(!e 4!ic5 i! i)'$ie$1 in!tit(te
Petitioner! '$eae for recon!ieration of !ai Orer b(t re!'onent
2(&e, in t"e Orer of A(&(!t 21, 1--1, enie t"eir )otion, t"(!@
*AC#I;< on t"e Motion for Recon!ieration ate ,($1 19, 1--1, of t"e
acc(!e t"ro(&" co(n!e$, t"i! Co(rt fin! no )erit t"erein, !(c" t"at
!ai )otion i! "ereb1 enie?*
- #"i! 'etition e)anate fro) a cri)ina$ ca!e in t"e R#C of Mani$a?
Sai ca!e co))ence on October 1>, 1--0, wit" t"e fi$in& of an
Infor)ation a&ain!t 'etitioner! c"ar&in& t"e) wit" e!tafa for a$$e&e$1
efra(in& 'rivate re!'onent E'ifanio Cera$e of t"e !() of
P1,550,000?00? #"e acc(!ator1 'ortion of t"e Infor)ation rea! a!
*??? t"e !ai acc(!e in(ce an !(cceee in in(cin& t"e !ai
EPI+A;IO CERAL3E to avance t"e tota$ a)o(nt of P1,550,000?00 to
be 'ai to M?C? Ca!tro Con!tr(ction, Co? re're!entin& t"e '(rc"a!e
'rice of 8 'arce$! of $an $ocate in Pan&a!inan w"ic" t"e A/(a$an
%ent(re! N Mana&e)ent Cor'oration, a 2oint b(!ine!! vent(re
or&aniBe b1 acc(!e AMA3O +? CA7AERO an t"e !ai EPI+A;IO
CERAL3E, '(rc"a!e fro) t"e !ai co)'an1, wit" t"e (ner!tanin&
t"at t"e !ai a)o(nt wo($ be ret(rne to t"e !ai EPI+A;IO
CERAL3E a! !oon a! t"e $oan for P1,500,000?00 a''$ie for b1 t"e
!ai A/(a$an %ent(re! N Mana&e)ent Cor'oration wit" So$i 7anA,
of w"ic" !ai acc(!e AMA3O +? CA7AERO i! t"e Senior %ice-
Pre!ient, i! re$ea!e, b(t bot" acc(!e, once t"e !ai $oan "a been
a''rove b1 t"e banA, in f(rt"erance of t"eir con!'irac1 an fa$!e$1
'retenin& t"at acc(!e CARME; C? PERES "a been a(t"oriBe b1
t"e !ai A/(a$an %ent(re! N Mana&e)ent Cor'oration to receive t"e
c"ecA for P1,500,000?00 for an in it! own be"a$f, !(cceee in
in(cin& t"e ca!"ier of !ai So$i 7anA to re$ea!e t"e !a)e to acc(!e
CARME; C? PERES, t"ereb1 enab$in& "er to enca!" t"e afore!ai
c"ecA, an in!tea of t(rnin& over t"e !ai a)o(nt to t"e !ai
EPI+A;IO CERAL3E; acc(!e fai$e an ref(!e, an !ti$$ fai$ an
ref(!e, to o !o e!'ite re'eate e)an! )ae to t"at effect, an
wit" intent to efra(, )i!a''ro'riate, )i!a''$ie an converte t"e
!ai a)o(nt to t"eir own 'er!ona$ (!e an benefit???L
- 'etitioner! entere a '$ea of not &(i$t1?
- Att1? A)bro!io 7$anco entere "i! a''earance a! 'rivate 'ro!ec(tor?
- #"e Pre!iin& ,(&e of t"e R#C of Mani$a, :on? E$i!a R? I!rae$,
in"ibite "er!e$f *o(t of e$icaeBa* fro) f(rt"er "earin& t"e ca!e
*con!ierin& t"at t"e co)'$ainant i! a re$ative b1 affinit1 of a ne'"ew of
"er "(!ban?* #"ereafter, t"e ca!e wa! re-raff$e to 7ranc" %II
're!ie over b1 re!'onent ,(&e A$freo Canto!?
- On A'ri$ 2, 1--1, 'etitioner! fi$e an An!wer wit" Co(nterc$ai)
a$$e&in& t"at t"e )one1 $oane fro) So$ibanA )entione in t"e
Infor)ation wa! ($1 a''$ie to t"e '(rc"a!e of t"e 8 'arce$! of $an in
Pan&a!inan, an t"at t"e fi$in& of !ai Infor)ation wa! (n2(!tifie an
)a$icio(!? Petitioner! inc$(e t"e fo$$owin& 'ra1er@
*=:ERE+ORE, it i! re!'ectf($$1 'ra1e t"at after tria$ 2(&)ent be
1? 3i!)i!!in&, or /(a!"in& t"e infor)ation, an t"e civi$ action
i)'$ie$1 in!tit(te in t"e cri)ina$ action;
2? Orerin& t"e co)'$ainin& witne!! Cera$e to 'a1 to t"e acc(!e
t"e fo$$owin& a)o(nt!@
4a5 P1,500,000?00 a! )ora$ a)a&e!;
4b5 P500,000?00 a! e6e)'$ar1 a)a&e!;
4c5 P100,000?00 a! attorne1D! fee!; an
45 P20,000?00, a! $iti&ation e6'en!e!?
Acc(!e 'ra1 for !(c" ot"er re$ief!, $e&a$ an e/(itab$e in t"e
- 3(rin& t"e initia$ "earin& on A'ri$ 15, 1--1, t"e 'ro!ec(tion verba$$1
)ove t"at t"e an!wer wit" co(nterc$ai) be e6'(n&e fro) t"e
recor! anEor be i!)i!!e? #"e re!'onent 2(&e &ave t"e
contenin& 'artie! ti)e to !(b)it a Me)oran() an Co))ent or
O''o!ition, re!'ective$1?
- #"e Me)oran() of t"e 'rivate 'ro!ec(tor 2(!tifie "i! Motion to
E6'(n&e t"e an!wer wit" co(nterc$ai) for two rea!on!@ 415 t"e tria$
co(rt "a no 2(ri!iction over t"e an!wer wit" co(nterc$ai) for non-
'a1)ent of t"e 're!cribe ocAet fee! an 425 -e Ic!Dp,*#!"(
c!,ne"c*%iD %+%in# c!Dp*%in%n i# 6%""e) &!" &%i*,"e ! &i*e i
6e&!"e %""%i+nDen.I
- In t"eir O''o!ition, 'etitioner! ar&(e t"at t"i! Co(rt in *avier vs. 4AC
$ai own, for *'roce(ra$ !o(nne!!,* t"e r($e t"at a co(nterc$ai)
!"o($ be 'er)itte in a cri)ina$ action w"ere t"e civi$ a!'ect i! not
re!erve? +(rt"er, ina!)(c" a! 'etitioner!D co(nterc$ai) wa!
co)'($!or1 in nat(re, t"e1 were not re/(ire to 'a1 ocAet fee!
t"erefor? Aitiona$$1, t"e R($e! o not !'ecifica$$1 'rovie for t"e
'erio for fi$in& of co(nterc$ai)! in cri)ina$ ca!e!, w"erea! Section .
of R($e - an Section - of R($e 8 a$$ow t"e fi$in&, wit" $eave of co(rt, of
a co(nterc$ai) at an1 ti)e before 2(&)ent? #"(!, 'etitioner!
contene t"at t"eir fi$in& wa! wit"in t"e 'ro'er 'erio?
- re!'onent ,(&e Canto! &rante t"e 'ro!ec(tionD! )otion to
e6'(n&e an enie t"e 'etitioner!D )otion for recon!ieration?
- - Petitioner! invoAe Section 1, R($e 111 of t"e R($e! on Cri)ina$
Proce(re? #"e1 conten t"at it i! not on$1 a ri&"t b(t an *o(tri&"t (t1*
of t"e acc(!e to fi$e an an!wer wit" co(nterc$ai) !ince fai$(re to o
!o !"a$$ re!($t in t"e co(nterc$ai) bein& forever barre?
- Petitioner! ar&(e t"at (ner R($e 1.8 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt,
'artic($ar$1 Section > t"ereof, c$erA! of co(rt are in!tr(cte to *Aee' a
&enera$ ocAet, eac" 'a&e of w"ic" !"a$$ be n()bere an 're'are
for receivin& a$$ t"e entrie! in a !in&$e ca!e, an !"a$$ enter t"erein a$$
ca!e! 6 6 6?* #"(!, re!'onent ,(&e Canto! a$$e&e$1 erre in
e6'(n&in& a$$ recor! wit" re!'ect to t"e An!wer wit" Co(nterc$ai) for,
on a''ea$, *if t"e recor! e$evate 6 6 6 are inco)'$ete an inacc(rate,
t"ere ari!e! a &rave an&er t"at t"e en! of 2(!tice an (e 'roce!!
!"a$$ not be !erve an in!tea fr(!trate?*
- Petitioner! f(rt"er a$$e&e t"at t"e Orer fai$e to re!o$ve t"e $e&a$
i!!(e! rai!e b1 t"e 'artie! a! it ne&$ecte to !tate t"e $e&a$ ba!i!
=O; t"e re!'onent 2(&e co))itte &rave ab(!e of i!cretion,
a)o(ntin& to $acA or e6ce!! of 2(ri!iction in orerin& t"at t"e an!wer
wit" co(nterc$ai) of t"e 'etitioner! in t"e cri)ina$ ca!e, to&et"er wit"
a$$ '$eain&! fi$e in re$ation t"ereto, be e6'(n&e fro) t"e recor!?
4=O; t"e acc(!e-'etitioner! w"o were c"ar&e wit" e!tafa )a1 fi$e
an an!wer wit" co(nterc$ai) for )ora$ an e6e)'$ar1 a)a&e! '$(!
attorne1D! fee! an $iti&ation e6'en!e! a&ain!t t"e 'rivate co)'$ainant
in t"e !a)e cri)ina$ action?5
Preli$inar% .atters
Liti! Penentia a! a 3efen!e
- Private re!'onent be$ate$1 inter'o!e! $iti! 'enentia to efeat t"e
'etition a$$e&e! t"at t"e 're!ent 'etition i! barre b1 t"e cro!!-c$ai) of
t"e 'etitioner! a&ain!t A/(a$an %ent(re! an Mana&e)ent
Cor'oration, of w"ic" 'etitioner! are !tocA"o$er! an officer!, in Civi$
Ca!e ;o? -0-5.0.5 4fi$e a&ain!t bot" 'etitioner! an t"e 'rivate
re!'onent b1 So$ibanA5?
- +C said? C!n#i)e"%i!n# !& ),e p"!ce## p"e'en ,# &"!D %7in+
,p -e De"i# !& -i# %"+,Den in &%'!" !& p"i'%e "e#p!n)en. T-i#
c"!##-c*%iD K%# ne'e" "%i#e) in -e "i%* c!," -- ce"%in*( n! in
-e MeD!"%n),D )%e) Ap"i* =>, =>>=, #,6Die) ! -e c!," %
H,! in #,pp!" !& "e#p!n)en Ce"%*)eJ# D!i!n ! eCp,n+e -e
%n#Ke" Ki- c!,ne"c*%iD. T-e R,*e# "eH,i"e -% I@%A D!i!n
%%c7in+ % p*e%)in+ !" % p"!cee)in+ #-%** inc*,)e %** !6.eci!n#
-en %'%i*%6*e, %n) %** !6.eci!n# n! #! inc*,)e) #-%** 6e )eeDe)
K%i'e).I C!n#eH,en*( %n) ine*,c%6*(, -e +"!,n) !& *ii#
pen)eni% K-ic- K%# n! %"+,e) in -e c!," % H,! i# )eeDe)
The Pa%$ent of Filing Fees
- #"e Co(rt a&ree! wit" 'etitioner! t"at ina!)(c" a! t"e co(nterc$ai)
i! co)'($!or1, t"ere i! no nece!!it1 to 'a1 !(c" fee!, a! t"e R($e! o
not re/(ire t"e) 4a! c$arifie in S(n In!(rance Office, Lt? v!?

M%in I##,e
HELD ;O? 4;O5
A! "e$ in *avier# co(nterc$ai) i! co)'($!or1 an i! con!iere
barre if not !et (' w"ere t"e fo$$owin& circ()!tance! are 're!ent@ 415
t"at it ari!e! o(t of, or i! nece!!ari$1 connecte wit" t"e tran!action or
occ(rrence t"at i! t"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e o''o!in& 'art1D! c$ai); 425
t"at it oe! not re/(ire for it! a2(ication t"e 're!ence of t"ir 'artie!
of w"o) t"e co(rt cannot ac/(ire 2(ri!iction, an 4.5 t"at t"e co(rt
"a! 2(ri!iction to entertain t"e c$ai)?
A! cate&orica$$1 reco&niBe in t"e ca!e of ,avier, a c$ai) for )a$icio(!
'ro!ec(tion or *&ro!!$1 (nfo(ne !(it* a! a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)
"a! no a''ro'riate ven(e ot"er t"an t"e !a)e cri)ina$ ca!e w"ic" i!
a$$e&e to be a )a$icio(! !(it? #"e co(nterc$ai) !tan! on t"e !a)e
footin& an i! to be te!te b1 t"e !a)e r($e! a! if it were an
ine'enent action? A co(nterc$ai) i! efine a! an1 c$ai) for )one1
or ot"er re$ief w"ic" a efenin& 'art1 )a1 "ave a&ain!t an o''o!in&
'art1? Co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) i! one w"ic" at t"e ti)e of !(it ari!e!
o(t of, or i! nece!!ari$1 connecte wit", t"e !a)e tran!action or
occ(rrence t"at i! t"e !(b2ect )atter of '$aintiffD! co)'$aint? It i!
co)'($!or1 in t"e !en!e t"at if it i! wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt,
an oe! not re/(ire for it! a2(ication t"e 're!ence of t"ir 'artie!
over w"o) t"e co(rt cannot ac/(ire 2(ri!iction, it )(!t be !et ('
t"erein, an wi$$ be barre in t"e f(t(re if not !et ('?
- In 2(!tif1in& "i! Orer, ,(&e Canto! r($e t"at *t"i! i! a cri)ina$
ca!e w"erein t"e civi$ $iabi$it1 of t"e acc(!e i! i)'$ie$1 in!tit(te
t"erein?* #"i! 2(!tification be&! t"e /(e!tion? 7a!ica$$1, t"at i! t"e
rea!on w"1 'etitioner! "erein fi$e t"eir an!wer wit" co(nterc$ai) for,
a''arent$1, in "irin& a 'rivate 'ro!ec(tor, Cera$e intene to
'ro!ec(te "i! civi$ c$ai) to&et"er wit" t"e cri)ina$ action? :ence, a! a
'rotective )ea!(re, 'etitioner! fi$e t"eir co(nterc$ai) in t"e !a)e
ca!e? Since (ner Section 1 R($e 111, t"e civi$ action w"ic" i! ee)e
i)'$ie$1 in!tit(te wit" t"e cri)ina$ action, if not waive or re!erve,
inc$(e! recover1 of ine)nit1 (ner t"e RPC, an a)a&e! (ner
Art?.2, .., .4 an 2198 of t"e Civi$ Coe ari!in& fro) t"e !a)e act or
o)i!!ion of t"e acc(!e, !"o($ not t"e acc(!e "ave t"e ri&"t to fi$e a
co(nterc$ai) in t"e cri)ina$ ca!eQ Obvio(!$1, t"e an!wer i! in t"e
affir)ative, a! wa! "e$ in ,avier?
+o$e Reservations in the !pplication of Javier
- #"e $o&ic an co&enc1 of ,avier notwit"!tanin&, !o)e re!ervation!
an concern! were voice o(t b1 )e)ber! of t"e Co(rt (rin& t"e
e$iberation! on t"e 're!ent ca!e? #"e!e were en&enere b1 t"e
obvio(! $ac(na in t"e R($e! of Co(rt, w"ic" contain! no e6're!!
'rovi!ion for t"e a2(ication of a co(nterc$ai) in a civi$ action
i)'$ie$1 in!tit(te in a cri)ina$ ca!e? #"e fo$$owin& 'rob$e)! were
15 ="i$e t"e r($e! on civi$ 'roce(re e6're!!$1 reco&niBe a efenantD!
entit$e)ent to '$ea "i! co(nterc$ai) an offer evience in !(''ort
t"ereof, t"e r($e! on cri)ina$ 'roce(re w"ic" a(t"oriBe t"e i)'$ie
in!tit(tion of a civi$ action in a cri)ina$ ca!e are, in contra!t, !i$ent on
t"i! 'oint an o not 'rovie !'ecific &(ie$ine! on "ow !(c"
co(nterc$ai) !"a$$ be '(r!(e?
25 A 2(&)ent in a cri)ina$ action i! not re/(ire to 'rovie for t"e
awar of a co(nterc$ai)?
.5 A$$owin& an "earin& co(nterc$ai)! 4an 'o!!ib$1 cro!!-c$ai)! an
t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint!5 in a cri)ina$ action wi$$ !(re$1 e$a1 t"e !ai
action? #"e 'ri)ar1 i!!(e in a cri)ina$ 'ro!ec(tion t"at i! (ner t"e
contro$ of !tate 'ro!ec(tor! i! t"e &(i$t of t"e acc(!e an "i! civi$
$iabi$it1 ari!in& fro) t"e !a)e act or o)i!!ion? E6tenin& t"e civi$ action
ari!in& fro) t"e !a)e act or o)i!!ion to co(nterc$ai)!, cro!!-c$ai)!
an t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint!, an a$$owin& t"e acc(!e an ot"er 'artie!
to !(b)it evience of t"eir re!'ective c$ai)! wi$$ co)'$icate t"e
i!'o!ition of t"e cri)ina$ ca!e?
45 A2(ication of co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)! anEor re$ate c$ai)! or
'$eain&! $o&ica$$1 inc$(e! t"e a''$ication of ot"er r($e! w"ic", b1
t"eir ver1 nat(re, a''$1 on$1 to civi$ action!? #"e fo$$owin& )atter! )a1
be invoAe in connection wit" t"e fi$in& of an an!wer wit" a
co(nterc$ai)@ t"e &en(inene!! an (e e6ec(tion of an actionab$e
oc()ent w"ic" are ee)e a)itte (n$e!! !'ecifica$$1 enie (ner
oat"; affir)ative efen!e! $iAe re! 2(icata, 're!cri'tion an !tat(te of
fra(! w"ic" are ee)e waive b1 fai$(re to inter'o!e t"e) a!
affir)ative efen!e! in an an!wer; an t"e fai$(re of a efenant to fi$e
an an!wer !ea!onab$1 )a1 re!($t in "i! efa($t in t"e civi$ a!'ect b(t
not in t"e cri)ina$? A! a con!e/(ence of t"e!e )atter!, t"e entr1 of
'$ea (rin& arrai&n)ent wi$$ no $on&er !i&na$ 2oiner of i!!(e! in a
cri)ina$ action?
55 In an i)'$ie$1 in!tit(te civi$ action, an acc(!e i! not !(fficient$1
a''ri!e of t"e !'ecific ba!i! of t"e c$ai)! a&ain!t "i)? An acc(!e
$earn! of t"e i)'$ie in!tit(tion of a civi$ action fro) t"e content! of an
infor)ation? An infor)ation, "owever, i! fi$e in be"a$f of t"e Peo'$e of
t"e P"i$i''ine!? :ence, it oe! not contain t"e ($ti)ate fact! re$atin& to
t"e civi$ $iabi$it1 of t"e acc(!e?
85 7eca(!e an acc(!e i! not !(fficient$1 a''ri!e of t"e !'ecific ba!i!
of t"e civi$ action a&ain!t "i), "e )a1 fi$e a )otion for bi$$ of 'artic($ar!
or taAe avanta&e of i!cover1 'roce(re!? #"e en re!($t, in an1
ca!e, wi$$ be e$a1 an co)'$ication in t"e cri)ina$ action an even
conf(!ion a)on& t"e 'artie!?
95 #"e R($e! of Co(rt oe! not !'ecif1 t"e recAonin& ate for t"e fi$in&
of an an!wer in an i)'$ie$1 in!tit(te civi$ action?
>5 An acc(!e can fi$e "i! an!wer wit" co(nterc$ai) on$1 after t"e
initia$ "earin&, beca(!e t"e 'rivate co)'$ainant )a1 !ti$$ re!erve "i!
civi$ action at an1 ti)e before t"e 'ro!ec(tion co))ence! to 're!ent
evience? On t"e ot"er "an, an an!wer in an orinar1 civi$ action
!"o($ be fi$e before t"e !tart of "earin&, beca(!e "earin&
co))ence! on$1 after t"e i!!(e! "ave been 2oine, i?e?, after t"e
re!'on!ive '$eain&! "ave been fi$e?
-5 Conf(!ion in t"e a''$ication of t"e r($e! on civi$ 'roce(re wi$$
certain$1 enco(ra&e $iti&ant! to c"a$$en&e before a''e$$ate co(rt!
inter$oc(tor1 incient! of t"e i)'$ie$1 in!tit(te civi$ action?
105 So)e )e)ber! of t"e Co(rt be$ieve t"at a ca(!e of action for
)a$icio(! 'ro!ec(tion )a1 be 're)at(re beca(!e t"ere i! a! 1et no
finin& of !(c" wron&f($ 'ro!ec(tion? #"i! fact i! 'reci!e$1 w"at t"e tria$
co(rt !ti$$ "a! to eter)ine?
--B( -e &!"e+!in+ )i#c,##i!n, Ke )! n! iDp*( %n( &%,* in J%'ie".
T-e "e%* p"!6*eD *ie# in -e %6#ence !& c*e%"-c, ",*e# +!'e"nin+
-e p"!#ec,i!n !& iDp*ie)*( in#i,e) ci'i* %ci!n# %n) -e
nece##%"( c!n#eH,ence# %n) iDp*ic%i!n# -e"e!&. F!" -i#
"e%#!n, -e c!,ne"-c*%iD !& -e %cc,#e) c%nn! 6e "ie) !+e-e"
Ki- -e c"iDin%* c%#e 6ec%,#e, %# %*"e%)( )i#c,##e), i Ki**
,nnece##%"i*( c!Dp*ic%e %n) c!n&,#e -e c"iDin%* p"!cee)in+#.
T-,#, -e "i%* c!," #-!,*) c!n&ine i#e*& ! -e c"iDin%* %#pec
%n) -e p!##i6*e ci'i* *i%6i*i( !& -e %cc,#e) %"i#in+ !, !& -e
c"iDe. T-e c!,ne"-c*%iD @%n) c"!##-c*%iD !" -i") p%"(
c!Dp*%in, i& %n(A #-!,*) 6e #e %#i)e !" "e&,#e) c!+ni;%nce
Ki-!, p"e.,)ice ! -ei" &i*in+ in #ep%"%e p"!cee)in+# % -e
p"!pe" iDe. A 6%*%nce, ,ni* -e"e %"e )e&inii'e ",*e# !&
p"!ce),"e ! +!'e"n -e in#i,i!n, p"!#ec,i!n %n) "e#!*,i!n !&
-e ci'i* %#pec @%n) -e c!n#eH,ence# %n) iDp*ic%i!n# -e"e!&A
iDp*ie)*( in#i,e) in % c"iDin%* c%#e, "i%* c!,"# #-!,*) *iDi
-ei" .,"i#)ici!n ! -e ci'i* *i%6i*i( !& -e %cc,#e) %"i#in+ &"!D
-e c"iDin%* c%#e.
Disposition =:ERE+ORE, 're)i!e! con!iere, t"e /(e!tione
Orer! are "ereb1 MO3I+IE3? #"e co(nterc$ai) of t"e acc(!e i!
"ereb1 !et a!ie wit"o(t 're2(ice? #"e Re!'onent R#C of Mani$a i!
3IREC#E3 to 'rocee wit" t"e tria$ of t"e cri)ina$ action an t"e civi$
action ari!in& fro) t"e cri)ina$ offen!e t"at i! i)'$ie$1 in!tit(te
t"erein, wit" a$$ 2(icio(! i!'atc"?
/.R. =B>B8B
Review on certiorari
- On +eb?1, 1->., 'etitioner +e$i!a C"an an 'rivate re!'onent <race
C(, entere into a contract of $ea!e, t"e ter)! of w"ic" were@
OOC( wi$$ occ('1 Roo) 401 an roofto' of Roo) 442 of a b$& in
IrbiBtono owne b1 C"an?
OO#er) of $ea!e i! 1 1ear at a )ont"$1 renta$ of P2,400?
OO#"e 're)i!e! !"a$$ be (!e a! a $earnin& center?
- #"e contract wa! renewe for t"e !(cceein& 2 1ear! or (' to +eb?1,
1->8, after w"ic" ate, no written contract of $ea!e wa! e6ec(te
a$t"o(&" C( contin(e to occ('1 t"e 're)i!e!? Increa!in& ever1 1ear,
t"e )ont"$1 event(a$$1 ca)e to P., 4>4?>0 in ,an? 1->-?
- ;ov? 1->-@ C"an $ocAe t"e wa1 to t"e roofto'? In t"e en!(in&
e6c"an&e of co))(nication, C( in!i!te t"at !"e be a$$owe to (!e
t"e roofto' of R)?442, w"i$e C"an )aintaine t"at on$1 R)?401 wa!
$ea!e an t"at t"e (!e of t"e roofto' wa! )ere$1 to$erate, ain&
t"at t"e (!e of t"e roofto' 'o!e an&er to t"e !t(ent!? C"an
event(a$$1 ter)inate t"e $ea!e, ref(!e to co$$ect t"e renta$ for
3ec?1->- 4t(rne own a c"ecA tenere b1 C(5 an &ave C( on$1
(nti$ ,an?1--0 to vacate t"e 're)i!e!?
- C(0! $aw1er tenere t"e 'a1)ent in ca!" wit" notice to C"an t"at in
ca!e of non-acce'tance, t"e !a)e wi$$ be e'o!ite in co(rt b1 wa1 of
con!i&nation? At t"i! 'oint, C"an &ave C( (' to Marc", 1--0
- ,an?15, 1--0@ C( fi$e a civi$ ca!e for con!i&nation wit" t"e M#C?
C"an an!were wit" a co(nterc$ai) for e2ect)ent? #"e M#C0!
OOec$are t"at t"e roofto' i! inc$(e in t"e $ea!e
OOfi6e t"e ter) of t"e $ea!e (nti$ ,(ne .0, 1--2
OO"e$ va$i an $e&a$ t"e con!i&nation b1 C(
- 7ot" 'artie! a''ea$e to t"e R#C? C( )aintaine t"at t"e M#C
!"o($ "ave fi6e a $on&er 'erio w"i$e C"an contene t"at t"e M#C
erre in e6tenin& t"e ter) of t"e $ea!e an in ('"o$in& t"e va$iit1 of
t"e con!i&nation? R#C $ater affir)e t"e M#C? C( t"en went to t"e CA
on 'etition for review, wit" t"e !a)e a$$e&ation t"at t"at t"e R#C erre
in not fi6in& a $on&er 'erio of e6ten!ion of t"e $ea!e? #"e CA rever!e
an !et a!ie t"e eci!ion! of t"e M#C an R#C an i!)i!!e, for
$acA of )erit, t"e co)'$aint for con!i&nation? #"e CA "e$ t"at C"an
"a 2(!tifiab$e ca(!e 4C(0! over!ta15 to ref(!e to acce't t"e 'a1)ent? It
r($e t"at t"e M#C an R#C erre in 'a!!in& ('on t"e i!!(e of
e2ect)ent rai!e in C"an0! co(nterc$ai) !ince an action for e2ect)ent
can on$1 be initiate t"ro(&" a verifie co)'$aint, not a co(nterc$ai)?
C"an0! M+R wa! enie b1 t"e CA an !o !"e fi$e t"i! in!tant
=O; C"an0! action for e2ect)ent !et (' in a co(nterc$ai) wa! 'ro'er
Reasoning Sec?9, R($e 8 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt 'rovie! t"at t"e
an!wer )a1 contain an1 co(nterc$ai) w"ic" a 'art1 )a1 "ave a&ain!t
t"e o''o!in& 'art1 'rovie t"at t"e co(rt "a! 2(ri!iction to entertain
t"e c$ai) an can, if t"e 're!ence of t"ir 'artie! i! e!!entia$ for it!
a2(ication, ac/(ire 2(ri!iction of !(c" 'artie!? Iner Sec? 2 of R($e
-, a co(nterc$ai) not !et (' !"a$$ be barre if it ari!e! o(t of or i!
nece!!ari$1 connecte wit" t"e tran!action or occ(rrence t"at i! t"e
!(b2ect )atter of t"e o''o!in& 'art1D! c$ai) an oe! not re/(ire for it!
a2(ication t"e 're!ence of t"ir 'artie! of w"o) t"e co(rt cannot
ac/(ire 2(ri!iction? A co(nterc$ai) )a1 be co)'($!or1 or 'er)i!!ive?
- C"anD! co(nterc$ai) for e2ect)ent i! a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)
beca(!e it i! nece!!ari$1 connecte wit" t"e tran!action or occ(rrence
w"ic" i! t"e !(b2ect )atter of C(D! co)'$aint, viB?, t"e $ea!e contract
between t"e)? Con!e/(ent$1, t"e CA erre w"en it "e$ t"at C"anD!
ca(!e of action for e2ect)ent co($ not be !et (' in a co(nterc$ai)?
- #"e ca!e of C"in& P(e v!? <onBa$e! i! ina''$icab$e beca(!e in C"in&
P(e t"e con!i&nation ca!e! were fi$e wit" t"e C+I w"ic" i not "ave
2(ri!iction over e2ect)ent ca!e!; nece!!ari$1, no co(nterc$ai) for
e2ect)ent co($ "ave been inter'o!e t"erein? #"e ratio of t"e !ai
ca!e i! t"at con!i&nation i! not 'ro'er w"ere t"e ref(!a$ of t"e creitor
to acce't tener of 'a1)ent i! wit" 2(!t ca(!e? In t"e in!tant ca!e, t"e
e2ect)ent wa! !et (' a! a co(nterc$ai) in t"e M#C w"ic" "a!
2(ri!iction over it an C( 2oine t"at i!!(e an t"e incient! t"ereto b1
"er an!wer to t"e co(nterc$ai), an t"e co(nterc$ai) to t"e
- #"e CA t"erefore !"o($ "ave confine it!e$f to t"e 'rinci'a$ error
rai!e in C(D! 'etition in 4t"e (ration of t"e e6tene ter) of t"e $ea!e
fi6e in t"e eci!ion of t"e M#C an affir)e b1 t"e R#C5? A! fi6e,
t"e ter) of t"e $ea!e wa! e6tene to ,(ne .0, 1--2? #"at 'erio "a
e6'ire !i6 )ont"! before t"e CA 'ro)($&ate it! c"a$$en&e eci!ion?
Con!ierin& t"at C"an i not fi$e an1 'etition for t"e review of t"e
R#C eci!ion an wa!, t"erefore, ee)e to "ave a&ree to t"e
e6ten!ion; an con!ierin& f(rt"er t"at C( i not co)e to (! on a
'etition for review to !eeA rever!a$ of t"e eci!ion t"erein an !"o($
t"(! be con!iere to "ave a&ree to t"e i!)i!!a$ of "er con!i&nation
ca!e, t"e 'artie! )(!t be ee)e bo(n b1 t"e e6tene ter), w"ic"
"a!, nevert"e$e!!, a$rea1 $a'!e?
>>On Counterclai$s
- A co(nterc$ai) i! an1 c$ai) for )one1 or ot"er re$ief w"ic" a
efenin& 'art1 )a1 "ave a&ain!t an o''o!in& 'art1? It nee not
i)ini!" or efeat t"e recover1 !o(&"t b1 t"e o''o!in& 'art1, b(t )a1
c$ai) re$ief e6ceein& in a)o(nt or ifferent in Ain fro) t"at !o(&"t b1
t"e o''o!in& 'art1D! c$ai)? Co(nterc$ai)! are e!i&ne to enab$e t"e
i!'o!ition of a w"o$e controver!1 of intere!te 'artie! conf$ic$in&
c$ai)!, at one ti)e an in one action, 'rovie a$$ t"e 'artie! can be
bro(&"t before t"e co(rt an t"e )atter ecie wit"o(t 're2(icin& t"e
ri&"t! of an1 'art1? A co(nterc$ai) *i! in it!e$f a i!tinct an
ine'enent ca(!e of action, !o t"at w"en 'ro'er$1 !tate a! !(c", t"e
efenant beco)e!, in re!'ect to t"e )atter !tate b1 "i), an actor,
an t"ere are two !i)($taneo(! action! 'enin& between t"e !a)e
'artie!, w"erein eac" i! at t"e !a)e ti)e bot" a '$aintiff an a
efenant ? ? ? ? A co(nterc$ai) !tan! on t"e !a)e footin& an i! to be
te!te b1 t"e !a)e r($e!, a! if it were an ine'enent action? In !"ort,
t"e efenant i! a '$aintiff wit" re!'ect to "i! co(nterc$ai)?
Disposition 'etition <RA;#E3? CA eci!ion SE# ASI3E?
T-e An#Ke"
P%+e 85
-a$$e&e$1 a 'acto e retro !a$e 4t"e ot"er 'art1 a$$e&e it wa! a
)ort&a&e5, <o2o t"e b(1er a$$e&e t"at t"e 'erio for ree)'tion "a!
a$rea1 $a'!e !o "e fi$e a 'etition for con!o$iation of owner!"i'?
-<o1a$a0!, t"e b(1er! w"o were a$$e&in& t"at t"e1 "a obtaine a ca!"
$oan fro) <o2o an t"e $an a$$e&e$1 !o$ to <o2o wa! on$1 a !ec(rit1
to t"e $oan, an t"at t"e1 trie to 'a1 t"eir ebt to <o2o b(t <o2o
ref(!e? <o1a$a0! fi$e a co(nterc$ai) for <o2o to receive t"e a)o(nt
(e, for t"e oc()ent to be ec$are a )ort&a&e an not a 'acto e
retro !a$e, for P1>00 'er ann() for t"e fr(it! of !ai 'ro'ert1 an t"at,
if ever t"e oc()ent be ee)e a 'acto e retro !a$e, for <o2o to be
orere to e6ec(te a ee of re!a$e in favor of t"e <o1a$a!?
-<o1a$a0! !'o(!e ie, #C orere <o2o to a)en t"e Co)'$aint to
!(b!tit(te t"e !'o(!e wit" one of "er !(cce!!or! in intere!t a! 'art1?
;otwit"!tanin& t"e $a'!e of 4. a1! after recei't of co'1 of #C orer,
<o2o a$$e&e$1 fai$e to !(b)it t"e a)ene co)'$aint !o <o1a$a fi$e
a )otion to i!)i!! t"e 'etition? #C i!)i!!e co)'$aint, <o2o wa!
a$!o ec$are in efa($t in re <o1a$a0! co(nterc$ai)? #C r($e in favor
of <o1a$a?
-A''e$$ant a''ea$e to t"e CA, w"ic" ('on finin& t"at t"e !ai a''ea$
invo$ve! '(re$1 /(e!tion! of $aw, certifie t"e !a)e to t"e SC?
R,*e :, %**e+%i!n# )eeDe) %)Die)
9= P-i* 4>5
CARSON< Fe6 4, =>=5
- on t"e 9t" of ;ove)ber 1-12, t"e '$aintiff !o$ to t"e *La Irania Ci&ar
+actor1 4Lt?5,* a /(antit1 of $eaf tobacco?
- on 18t" ,an(ar1, 1-1., t"e *La Irania Ci&ar +actor1 4Lt?5,* '$e&e
to t"e efenant cor'oration a! !ec(rit1 for t"e 'a1)ent of an
inebtene!! of P25,000 t"e ba$e! of tobacco? #"e ba$e! of tobacco
t"(! '$e&e were !tore in t"e boe&a of a t"ir 'er!on, Me!!r!?
S'r(n&$i N Co?, !it(ate at ;o? 42 4now ;o? 2145 of Ca$$e 3avi,
- on or abo(t t"e 1!t a1 of +ebr(ar1, 1-1., t"e efenant cor'oration
e)ane an obtaine fro) Me!!r!? S'r(n&$i N Co? t"e Ae1! to t"e
!ai boe&a, an i!covere t"at of t"e 4.8 ba$e! of tobacco t"ere
re)aine on$1 t"o!e !et fort" in 'ara&ra'" 4 of t"e an!wer? 4I "ave no
iea "ow )an1? Sorr1?5
- t"e efenant banA i not Anow an "a been (nab$e to a!certain
w"et"er *La Irania Ci&ar +actor1 4Lt?5,* )i!re're!ente t"e /(antit1
of t"e tobacco in t"e !ai ware"o(!e at t"e ti)e of t"e e6ec(tion of
!ai oc()ent of '$e&e, or w"et"er t"e ifference between t"e
a)o(nt e!cribe in t"e oc()ent of '$e&e an t"at fo(n on "an
on t"e 1!t of +ebr(ar1, 1-1., an in t"e )eanti)e been i!'o!e of b1
*La Irania Ci&ar +actor1 4Lt?5,* in co$$(!ion wit" Me!!r!? S'r(n&$i N
Co?, b(t t"at if !(c" i!'o!ition wa! )ae it wa! wit"o(t t"e Anow$e&e
or con!ent of t"e efenant banA?
- fro) !ai 1!t a1 of +ebr(ar1, 1-1., t"e efenant cor'oration "a
been in t"e ab!o$(te an e6c$(!ive 'o!!e!!ion of t"e tobacco, (nti$ t"e
15t" of Ma1, 1-1., w"en !a)e wa! !o$ (ner an b1 virt(e of t"e
oc()ent of '$e&e b1 t"e efenant banA for t"e !() of P12,922?.8
w"ic" wa! a''$ie on acco(nt of !ai $oan, t"e entire a)o(nt of w"ic"
wa! t"en 'a!t (e an (n'ai, $eavin& a $ar&e ba$ance t"ereof !ti$$ (e
an (n'ai?
- on t"e 22n a1 of A'ri$, 1-1., t"e '$aintiff #ec 7i N Co?, fi$e a
co)'$aint in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of Mani$a a&ain!t *La Irania
Ci&ar +actor1 4Lt?5,* c$ai)in& t"e 'a1)ent of t"e !() of P11,592?-8
a! t"e ba$ance of t"e (n'ai '(rc"a!e 'rice of t"e tobacco
- on t"e 5t" a1 of Ma1, 1-1., #ec 7i N Co? a!Ae for an obtaine
fro) t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance an attac")ent a&ain!t t"e !ai ba$e! of
tobacco, b(t ina!)(c" a! t"e boe&a wa! $ocAe an t"e !"eriff wa!
infor)e t"at t"e Ae1! were in t"e 'o!!e!!ion of t"e banA, "e
e)ane t"e e$iver1 t"ereof fro) t"e $atter, w"ic" e)an wa!
ref(!e b1 t"e banA, a$$e&in& t"at it "e$ 'o!!e!!ion of t"e tobacco
(ner a '$e&e?
- t"e !"eriff notifie it t"at t"e ba$e! of tobacco were attac"e !(b2ect
to t"e re!($t! of t"e co)'$aint fi$e b1 #ec 7i N Co? a&ain!t *La Irania
Ci&ar +actor1 4Lt?5,L
- on >t" a1 of Ma1, 1-1., t"e banA an!were t"e notification of t"e
!"eriff, confir)in& t"e fact t"at it "a in it! 'o!!e!!ion t"e ba$e! of
tobacco !'ecifie in t"e notification, a! !ec(rit1 for t"e 'a1)ent of a
$oan an t"at it intene to !e$$ t"e !a)e; t"at t"e !"eriff
co))(nicate t"e an!wer of t"e banA to t"e attorne1! to #ec 7i N Co?,
w"o re'$ie in!i!tin& ('on t"e $ev1 of t"e attac")ent?
- on t"e 1-t" a1 of Ma1, 1-1., t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance renere
2(&)ent in !ai ca!e a&ain!t *La Irania Ci&ar +actor1 4Lt?5,* in favor
of #ec 7i N Co?, for t"e !() of P11,592?-8, wit" $e&a$ intere!t fro)
A'ri$ 22, 1-1., an co!t!?
- on t"e 22 a1 of Ma1, 1-1., t"e !"eriff atte)'te to e6ec(te t"e
2(&)ent ('on t"e ba$e! of tobacco attac"e an in t"e 'o!!e!!ion of
t"e efenant cor'oration, b(t wa! (nab$e to o !o (e to t"e
!tate)ent of t"e a&ent of !ai cor'oration, t"at t"e tobacco "a been
!o$ an t"at t"e 'rocee! of t"e !a$e "a been a''$ie ('on t"e
'a1)ent of t"e a)o(nt (e to fro) *La Irania Ci&ar +actor1 4Lt?5,*
- Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance fo(n t"at t"e '$aintiffD! c$ai) wa! a 'referre
creit (ner t"e 'rovi!ion! of 'ara&ra'" 1 of artic$e 1-22 of t"e Civi$
Coe; t"at t"e '$e&e e6ec(te b1 *La Irania Ci&ar +actor1 4Lt?5,* in
favor of t"e efenant cor'oration wa! not binin& ('on t"e '$aintiff
for t"e rea!on t"at it wa! not !et fort" in a '(b$ic in!tr()ent a!
re/(ire b1 artic$e 1>85 of t"e Civi$ Coe in orer to be effective
a&ain!t, t"ir 'er!on, an renere 2(&)ent in favor of t"e '$aintiff
an a&ain!t t"e efenant for t"e a)o(nt of t"e for)erD! 2(&)ent
a&ain!t *La Irania Ci&ar +actor1 4Lt?5,* wit" intere!t an co!t!?
=O; t"e co(rt erre in "o$in& t"at t"e '$aintiff i not waive an1
efect in t"e 'rivate in!tr()ent of '$e&e b1 e6're!!$1 a)ittin& it!
&en(inene!! an t"e correctne!! of it! ate b1 !ti'($ation, an b1
fai$(re to ob2ect to it! intro(ction in evience?
-OT,; the case dealt $ith a pledgor.pledgee 8credit9 relationship. +he
discussion here is limited to that pertaining to civil provision. Please
see case re issues on credit.
A &enera$ a)i!!ion of t"e tr(t" of t"e a$$e&ation! !et fort" in a
'$eain& i! not an a)i!!ion of t"e tr(t" of an i)'o!!ib$e conc$(!ion of
fact rawn fro) ot"er fact! !et o(t in t"e '$eain&, nor of a wron&
conc$(!ion of $aw ba!e on t"e a$$e&ation! of fact we$$ '$eae, nor of
t"e tr(t" of a &enera$ aver)ent of fact! contraicte b1 )ore !'ecific
aver)ent!? #"(!, if a '$eaer a$$e&e! t"at two 'e!o! were borrowe on
one a1 an two )ore borrowe on anot"er )aAin& five Pin a$$, a
!ti'($ation of t"e tr(t" of t"e a$$e&ation! in t"e '$eain& oe! not
a)o(nt to an a)i!!ion b1 t"e o''o!in& 'art1 t"at twice two )aAe
five? A&ain if a '$eaer a$$e&e! t"at one "(nre 'e!o! were $oane
wit"o(t intere!t for one 1ear an "a not been 'ai, an t"at t"e
borrower i! inebte to t"e $ener in t"e !() of one "(nre an ten
'e!o!, t"at bein& t"e a)o(nt of t"e ca'ita$ to&et"er wit" intere!t for
t"e 1ear for w"ic" t"e )one1 wa! $oane, a !ti'($ation a! to t"e tr(t"
of t"e a$$e&ation !et fort" in t"e '$eain&! i! not an a)i!!ion of t"e
tr(t" of t"e conc$(!ion of $aw a! to t"e intere!t (e b1 t"e borrower?
#"e!e e$e)entar1 'rinci'$e! "ave been /(ite f($$1 eve$o'e in a &reat
variet1 of ca!e! ari!in& on e)(rrer!, an !(fficient$1 i!'o!e of t"e
atte)'t of co(n!e$ to fi6 t"e attention of t"e co(rt ('on t"i! !in&$e
aver)ent of t"e an!wer, a'art fro) t"e conte6t an to t"e e6c$(!ion of
t"e !'ecific a$$e&ation! of fact, t"e tr(t" of w"ic", a! !ti'($ate b1 t"e
'artie!, cannot be /(e!tione?
DISPOSITION? ,(&)ent affir)e
/RN L 1=:5>
ANTONIO< AU/ : =>21
A''ea$ fro) t"e eci!ion of t"e CA
-So(t"ern In(!tria$ Pro2ect! 4SIP5 "ire P"i$i''ine Averti!in&
Co(n!e$or! 4PAC5 to 'ro)ote SIP0! 'ro(ct!? SIP acc()($ate (n'ai
-PAC fi$e co)'$aint? Attac"e wE t"e co)'$aint were two $etter!
4Anne6e AN75 fro) SIP0! $aw1er, !a1in& t"at it wo($ not be 'o!!ib$e
for SIP to !ett$e in f($$ it! acco(nt of P-9,-52 0> in one 'a1)ent an
!(&&e!te t"at it 4SIP5 be a$$owe to !ett$e it! acco(nt b1 *'erioic
a)ortiBation*; an t"at SIP "a inc$(e PAC in it! $i!t of creitor! *to
w"o) 'a1)ent! are re&($ar$1 !c"e($e?*
- SIP fi$e an!wer !tatin&@
1? #"at it a)it! t"e a$$e&ation! in 'ara&ra'" 1 in!ofar a!
it! 'er!ona$it1 i! concerned ut is $"o sufficient information to
form a elief as to the truth of the rest of the allegations.
2? #"at efenant i! $"o sufficient 'no$ledge or
information to form a elief as to the truth# correctness or
accurac! of the allegations !et fort" in 'ara&ra'"! 2 to 8 of
'$aintiff! co)'$aint?*
- PAC fi$e a )otion for 2(&)ent on t"e '$eain&! a! t"e an!wer
fai$e to tener an i!!(e or *ot"erwi!e a)it! t"e )ateria$
a$$e&ation! of t"e co)'$aintL? SIP i not o''o!e to t"i! )otion?
,(&e Revi$$a enie t"e )otion an !et t"e ca!e for 're-tria$? #"en
t"e ca!e wa! !et for tria$ on t"e )erit!?
- PAC 're!ente it! ca!e an fi$e )e)orana !a1in& t"at SIP0!
an!wer fai$e to tener an i!!(e a! !ai 'art1 *co($ not "ave
enie Anow$e&e of t"e acco(nt in t"e face of it! written
a)i!!ion!,* "ence, 2(&)ent on t"e '$eain&! wa! 'ro'er?
- SIP 're!ente it! ca!e an fi$e )e)orana !a1in& t"at (ner
Seci!n =B, R,*e : of t"e R($e! of Co(rt, it! an!wer "a !(fficient$1
enie t"e a$$e&ation! of t"e co)'$aint an '$ace t"e) in i!!(e, !o
t"at it beca)e inc()bent ('on 'etitioner to 'rove it! a$$e&ation!X ;
an t"at a enia$ for *$acA of !(fficient Anow$e&e or infor)ation to
for) a be$ief a! to t"e tr(t"* of t"e aver)ent! of t"e co)'$aint i! a
!'ecific enia$ an a! !(c" '$ace! in i!!(e t"e a$$e&ation! of t"e
co)'$aint !o enie?
- TC ec$are t"at !ai an!wer rea$$1 fai$e to tener an1 i!!(e an
t"at t"e c$ai)! a$$e&e in t"e co)'$aint are, t"erefore, ee)e
a)itte? #C orere SIP to 'a1 PAC t"e !() of P>-,100?0. wit"
$e&a$ intere!t, attorne1D! fee!, an t"e co!t! of !(it?
- SIP fi$e )otion for recon!ieration? PAC fi$e an o''o!ition to t"e
M+R on t"e &ro(n! t"at t"e eci!ion wa! in accorance wit" $aw
an t"e evience? ,(&e Revi$$a &rante M+R *in t"e intere!t of
2(!ticeL an !et t"e ca!e for "earin& on t"e )erit!?
- PAC fi$e an o)nib(! )otion for recon!ieration an for
e6ec(tion, contenin& t"at t"e M+R bein& 'ro for)a, i not
interr('t t"e r(nnin& of t"e 'erio for a''ea$, an !ince SIP receive
notice of t"e eci!ion, t"e 2(&)ent beca)e fina$ an e6ec(tor1,
an con!e/(ent$1 it co($ no $on&er be )oifie, or !et a!ie? ,(&e
Revi$$a enie t"e o)nib(! )otion?

-PAC fi$e 'etition for certiorari, 'ro"ibition an )ana)(!, wE
'ra1er for 're$i)inar1 in2(nction wE t"e CA, w"ic" &ave (e co(r!e
to t"e 'etition an i!!(e a writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction? CA $ater
i!)i!!e t"e 'etition an i!!o$ve t"e writ of 're$i)inar1
in2(nction? CA !ai t"at 'rivate re!'onent co($ o no )ore t"an
c$ai) in it! )otion for recon!ieration t"at t"e 2(&)ent of t"e tria$
co(rt wa! contrar1 to R($e >, Section 10, of t"e R($e! of Co(rt
ISSUE @&!" -i# !picA
1? =O; re!'onent0! an!wer con!tit(te enia$ 4a$$e&ation not ee)e
1 ;O
-#"e r($e a(t"oriBin& an an!wer to t"e effect t"at t"e efenant "a! no
Anow$e&e or infor)ation !(fficient to for) a be$ief a! to t"e tr(t" of an
aver)ent an &ivin& !(c" an!wer t"e effect of a enia$, )!e# n!
%pp*( K-e"e -e &%c %# ! K-ic- K%n !& 7n!K*e)+e i# %##e"e) i#
#! p*%in*( %n) nece##%"i*( Ki-in -e )e&en)%nJ# 7n!K*e)+e -%
-i# %'e"Den !& i+n!"%nce D,# 6e p%*p%6*( ,n",e 4a! "e$ in
Ca'ito$ Motor! Cor'oration v? Cab(t5
- *an (ne6'$aine enia$ of infor)ation an be$ief of a )atter of
recor!, t"e )ean! of infor)ation concernin& w"ic" are wit"in t"e
contro$ of t"e '$eaer, or are reai$1 acce!!ib$e to "i), i! eva!ive an
i! in!(fficient to con!tit(te an effective enia$?*
Reasoning; #"e r($e t"at a )ere a$$e&ation of i&norance of t"e fact!
a$$e&e in t"e co)'$aint i! in!(fficient to rai!e an i!!(e, for t"e
efenant )(!t aver 'o!itive$1 or !tate "ow it i! t"at "e i! i&norant of
t"e fact! !o a$$e&e, )(!t be a''$ie in t"i! ca!e, for 'etitionerD!
co)'$aint e6'$icit$1 averre t"at t"e $etter! 4Anne6AN75 were written b1
'rivate re!'onent, a$beit t"r( it! $aw1er? ="et"er or not t"e !ai
aver)ent! in t"e co)'$aint were tr(e, co($ not conceivab$1 be
(nAnown to 'rivate re!'onent? A! a )atter of fact it "a! never been
enie b1 'rivate re!'onent t"at it wa! inebte to 'etitione? It "a!
not been a!!erte t"at t"e $etter! attac"e a! Anne6e! *A* an *7* to
t"e co)'$aint w"ic" were !ent to 'etitioner b1 t"e co(n!e$ of 'rivate
re!'onent were not a(t"oriBe b1 t"e $atter? #"ere wa! t"(! a fai$(re
on 'rivate re!'onentD! 'art to en1 t"e )ateria$ aver)ent! of t"e
co)'$aint? Con!e/(ent$1, t"e !a)e, inc$(in& t"e content! of Anne6e!
*A* an *7*, w"ic" for)e 'art of t"e co)'$aint, an in w"ic" t"e
e6i!tence an va$iit1 of 'etitionerD! c$ai) were (ne/(ivoca$$1
concee, )(!t be ee)e to "ave been a)itte? A$t"o(&"
!anctione b1 t"e r($e!, t"e for) of enia$ ao'te b1 'rivate
re!'onent )(!t be avai$e of in &oo fait" an wit" !incerit1 an not
re!orte to )ere$1 for t"e '(r'o!e of e$a1 or to conf(!e t"e aver!e
'art1 a! to w"at aver)ent! in t"e co)'$aint are act(a$$1 '(t in i!!(e?
Disposition A''ea$e 2(&)ent rever!e an !et a!ie, an
So(t"ern In(!tria$ Pro2ect!, Inc? to 'a1 P"i$i''ine Averti!in&
Co(n!e$or!, Inc? t"e a)o(nt of P>-,100?0., wit" $e&a$ intere!t (nti$ f($$1
'ai, '$(! 10J of t"e 'rinci'a$ a)o(nt (e b1 wa1 of attorne1D! fee!,
an co!t!?
=8> SCRA 91>
A''ea$ fro) a 3eci!ion renere b1 t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of
- Law $oane P10,000 to O$1)'ic Saw)i$$ wit"o(t intere!t? #"e $oan
beca)e (e on ,an(ar1 .1, 1-80 b(t wa! not 'ai on t"at ate? #"e
ebtor! a!Ae for an e6ten!ion of . )ont"! 4A'ri$ .0, 1-805?
- Marc" 19, 1-80 M Anot"er $oan oc()ent wa! rawn (' w"erein t"e
ob$i&ation wa! increa!e b1 P8,000 4to an!wer or attorne10! fee!, $e&a$
intere!t an ot"er co!t!5? 3efenant! fai$e to 'a1 t"eir (e! b1 A'ri$
an w"en a action wa! in!tit(te a&ain!t t"e) b1 Law in Se'te)ber,
t"e1 c$ai)e t"at t"e aitiona$ intere!t a! (!(rio(!?
- A writ of attac")ent wa! t"en e6ec(te on rea$ an 'er!ona$
'ro'ertie! of t"e efenant?
- #C@ orere O$1)'ic Saw)i$$ to 'a1 Lia) Law P10,000 '$(! t"e
P8,000 intere!t?
=O; t"e eci!ion of t"e tria$ co(rt wa! correct
Ratio Sec? - of t"e I!(r1 Law envi!a&e! a co)'$aint fi$e
a&ain!t an entit1 w"ic" "a! co))itte (!(r1, for t"e recover1 of
t"e (!(rio(! intere!t 'ai? In t"at ca!e, if t"e entit1 !(e !"a$$
not fi$e it! an!wer (ner oat" en1in& t"e a$$e&ation of (!(r1, t"e
efenant !"a$$ be ee)e to "ave a)itte t"e (!(r1? #"e
'rovi!ion oe! not a''$1 to a ca!e, a! in t"e 're!ent, w"ere it i!
t"e efenant, not t"e '$aintiff, w"o i! a$$e&in& (!(r1?
- Sec? - of t"e I!(r1 Law !tate!@ F#"e 'er!on or cor'oration !(e !"a$$
fi$e it! an!wer in writin& (ner oat" to an1 co)'$aint bro(&"t or fi$e
a&ain!t !ai 'er!on or cor'oration before a co)'etent co(rt to recover
t"e )one1 or ot"er 'er!ona$ or rea$ 'ro'ert1, !ee! or a&ric($t(ra$
'ro(ct!, c"ar&e or receive in vio$ation of t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"i! Act?
#"e $acA of taAin& an oat" to an an!wer to a co)'$aint wi$$ )ean t"e
a)i!!ion of t"e fact! containe in t"e $atter?L
- +or !o)eti)e, (!(r1 "a! been $e&a$$1 none6i!tent? Intere!t can now
be c"ar&e a! tener an borrower )a1 a&ree ('on?4 #"e R($e! of
Co(rt in re&ar! to a$$e&ation! of (!(r1, 'roce(ra$ in nat(re, !"o($
be con!iere re'ea$e wit" retroactive effect?
Disposition ,(&)ent affir)e
H!K ! c!ne# )!c,Den
CORONA< J%n,%"( =1, 8BB9
Petition for review
- A)a$io L? Sar)iento, re&i!tere owner of A?L? Sar)iento
Con!tr(ction, a''$ie for a $oan fro) P"i$i''ine 7anAin& Cor'oration in
t"e !() of P4,128,000, evience b1 'ro)i!!or1 note no? 828->4?
- P(r!(ant t"ereto, Sar)iento ob$i&ate "i)!e$f to 'a1 t"e a)o(nt wit"
intere!t at t"e rate of 2-J 'er ann()? Aitiona$$1, it wa! !ti'($ate
t"at if 'a1)ent wa! not )ae ('on )at(rit1 of t"e $oan, 'ena$t1
c"ar&e! of 1J 'er )ont" an 25J of t"e tota$ a)o(nt (e wo($ be
c"ar&e a&ain!t "i)?
- Sar)iento !i&ne t"e afore!ai 'ro)i!!or1 note to&et"er wit" t"e
i!c$o!(re !tate)ent on $oanEcreit tran!action 'rovie b1 t"e banA?
- Sar)iento fai$e to 'a1 t"e ob$i&ation on )at(rit1, 'ro)'tin& P7C to
!en "i) a $etter of e)an? 3e!'ite t"e e)an, "owever,
Sar)iento !ti$$ fai$e to !ett$e "i! inebtene!!?
- P7C fi$e a co)'$aint for a !() of )one1 a&ain!t "i)? In "i! an!wer,
Sar)iento enie t"at "e receive t"e 'rocee! of t"e $oan tran!action
an 'ra1e t"at t"e ca!e a&ain!t "i) be i!)i!!e?
- #"e tria$ co(rt renere it! eci!ion finin& t"at '$aintiff )i!erab$1
fai$e to 'rove it! ca!e b1 're'onerance of evience? #"e ca!e wa!
- P7C fi$e a )otion for new tria$ w"ic" t"e tria$ co(rt !(b!e/(ent$1
&rante e!'ite t"e o''o!ition of Sar)iento?
- #"e tria$ co(rt renere a eci!ion finin& t"e evience a(ce b1
t"e banA to be in!(fficient to !(b!tantiate it! c$ai)? #"e tria$ co(rt
rein!tate it! ear$ier i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e a&ain!t Sar)iento an
enie P"i$i''ine 7anAin& Cor'oration0! !(b!e/(ent )otion for
- P7C a''ea$e to t"e CA
- CA affir)e wit" )oification t"e tria$ co(rt0! b1 e$etin& t"e tria$
co(rt0! awar of attorne10! fee!?
- :ence, t"e in!tant 'etition
=O; no 'roof wa! re/(ire of 'etitioner to e!tab$i!" t"e content! of
t"e !ai oc()ent! beca(!e !(c" 2(icia$ a)i!!ion! of re!'onent
create a 'ri)a facie ca!e in 'etitioner0! favor
- It i! (ni!'(te t"at re!'onent Sar)iento !i&ne t"e 'ro)i!!or1
note an t"e acco)'an1in& i!c$o!(re !tate)ent on $oanEcreit
tran!action? 7(t !ai 'iece! of evience 'rove on$1 t"e e6i!tence of
!(c" oc()ent!? #"ere wa! even no /(e!tion a! to t"at beca(!e
re!'onent Sar)iento "i)!e$f a)itte t"e (e e6ec(tion t"ereof?
- #"e i)'ortant i!!(e wa! w"et"er or not re!'onent Sar)iento
act(a$$1 receive t"e 'rocee! of t"e !(b2ect $oan !o a! to )aAe "i)
$iab$e t"erefor, a )atter w"ic" !"o($ "ave been venti$ate before t"e
tria$ co(rt?
- #"e tria$ co(rt i in fact )aAe a finin& t"at t"e oc()entar1
evience of 'etitioner fai$e to 'rove an1t"in& !"owin& t"at re!'onent
inee receive t"e 'rocee! of t"e $oan? #"e Co(rt of A''ea$!
affir)e t"e conc$(!ion! of t"e tria$ co(rt an ec$are@
A 're-e6i!tin& ob$i&ation, it )a1 be concee, con!tit(te! va$(e an )a1, of an b1
it!e$f, !erve a! va$(ab$e an !(fficient con!ieration for a contract !(c" a! t"e $oan !(e
('on? A! an e!!entia$ e$e)ent of a contract, "owever, t"e !a)e !"o($ "ave been
!ati!factori$1 'rove b1 t"e a''e$$ant M 'artic($ar$1 w"en, a! in t"e in!tant ca!e, t"e
ab!ence of con!ieration wa! 'reci!e$1 '(t in i!!(e b1 t"e '$eain&! an wa!
b(ttre!!e b1 bot" ora$ an oc()entar1 evience? :avin& fai$e in t"i! )ateria$
re!'ect, t"e a''e$$ant0! wit"rawa$ of t"e a)o(nt !(''o!e$1 creite to t"e a''e$$ee0!
acco(nt wa! (ner!tanab$1 inter'rete b1 t"e co(rt a /(o a! a ter)inationEcance$$ation
of t"e $oan t"e $atter a''$ie for? Con!ierin& f(rt"er t"at contract! wit"o(t
con!ieration o not e6i!t in conte)'$ation of $aw an 'ro(ce no effect w"at!oever
4Artic$e 1.52, Civi$ Coe of t"e P"i$i''ine!5, t"e tria$, $iAewi!e, correct$1 i!)i!!e t"e
a''e$$ant0! ca!e?
- A !tate)ent in a written in!tr()ent re&arin& t"e 'a1)ent of
con!ieration i! )ere$1 in t"e nat(re of a recei't an )a1 be
contraicte? Re!'onent Sar)iento enie "avin& receive t"e
'rocee! of t"e $oan an in fact 're!ente evience !"owin& t"at on
t"e a1 'etitioner c$ai)e to "ave creite t"e !(b2ect a)o(nt, it wa!
a&ain ebite or wit"rawn b1 'etitioner, a)itte$1 ('on t"e
in!tr(ction of t"e officia$! fro) 'etitioner0! "ea office?
- Petitioner atte)'te to controvert t"i! fact b1 c$ai)in& t"at t"e
'rocee! of t"e $oan were a''$ie to re!'onent0! 'revio(! ob$i&ation!
to t"e banA? 7(t t"ere i! not"in& in t"e recor! !"owin& t"at
re!'onent "a ot"er ob$i&ation! to w"ic" t"e 'rocee! of t"e $oan
co($ or !"o($ "ave been a''$ie? Moreover, 'etitioner fai$e to
e6'$ain 2(!t e6act$1 w"at !ai ob$i&ation! were or to w"at e6tent t"e
'(r'orte 'rocee! were a''$ie in !ati!faction t"ereof? ="at
a''eare c$ear$1 wa! t"at t"e 'rocee! of t"e $oan were e'o!ite
t"en wit"rawn t"e !a)e a1 b1 'etitioner it!e$f, t"(! ne&atin& it!
c$ai) t"at re!'onent act(a$$1 receive it? Petitioner t"erefore fai$e to
e!tab$i!" it! ca!e a&ain!t re!'onent Sar)iento?
- 7e t"at a! it )a1, t"e &enera$ r($e i! t"at on$1 /(e!tion! of $aw )a1
be rai!e in a 'etition for review on certiorari? 7arrin& a !"owin& t"at
t"e finin&! of fact co)'$aine of are tota$$1 evoi of !(''ort in t"e
recor!, !(c" eter)ination )(!t !tan for t"e Co(rt i! neit"er
e6'ecte nor re/(ire to e6a)ine or ref(te t"e ora$ an oc()entar1
evience !(b)itte b1 t"e 'artie!?
Di#p!#ii!n Petition 3E;IE3?
De&en#e0!6.eci!n K%i'e)
/.R. N!. =4==9>
PAN/ANIBAN< SepeD6e" 2, 8BB9
Petition for Review (ner R($e 45 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt, a!!ai$in& CA
eci!ion, an re!o$(tion en1in& M+R?
-A(&(!t 2, 1-8.@ <eor&e Uaton fi$e a re/(e!t wit" t"e 3i!trict Office of
t"e 7(rea( of +ore!tr1 in P(erto Prince!a, Pa$awan, for t"e re-
c$a!!ification 4fore!ta&ric($t(ra$ $an5 of a 'iece of rea$ 'ro'ert1
Anown a! So)brero I!$an 4\1>"a!5?
-7+3O P(erto Prince!a orere t"e in!'ection, inve!ti&ation an
!(rve1 of t"e $an, an t"ereafter for <eor&e Uaton to a''$1 for a
"o)e!tea 'atent?
-<abrie$ Manococ 4now retire Lan C$a!!ification Inve!ti&ator5
(nertooA t"e inve!ti&ation, in!'ection an !(rve1 of t"e area in t"e
're!ence of <eor&e, "i! brot"er Roo$fo 4ecea!e5 an "i! co(!in,
Man(e$ Pa$anca, ,r?, 4re!'onent5? 3(rin& !ai !(rve1, t"ere were no
act(a$ occ('ant! on t"e i!$an b(t t"ere were !o)e cocon(t tree!
9 +or ot"er footnote! in t"i! ca!e@
V14W #"e !ai !ection 'rovie! t"at FVtW"e!e r($e! !"a$$ a''$1 in a$$ co(rt!, e6ce't a! ot"erwi!e 'rovie b1 t"e S('re)e Co(rt?L
V.5W ]14&5 of R($e 18 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt?
V.9W ]2 of R($e . of t"e R($e! of Co(rt rea!@
FSEC? 2? Partie! in intere!t?- A rea$ 'art1 in intere!t i! t"e 'art1 w"o !tan! to be benefite or in2(re b1 t"e 2(&)ent in t"e !(it, or t"e 'art1
entit$e to t"e avai$! of t"e !(it? In$e!! ot"erwi!e a(t"oriBe b1 $aw or t"e!e R($e!, ever1 action )(!t be 'ro!ec(te or efene in t"e
na)e of t"e rea$ 'art1 in intere!t?L
c$ai)e to "ave been '$ante b1 <eor&e an Pa$anca 4a$$e&e
over!eer of <eor&e5 w"o went to t"e i!$an fro) ti)e to ti)e to
(nertaAe eve$o')ent worA, $iAe '$antin& of aitiona$ cocon(t tree!?
-#"e a''$ication for conver!ion of t"e w"o$e So)brero I!$an wa!
favorab$1 enor!e b1 7+3O P(erto Prince!a to it! )ain office in
Mani$a for a''ro'riate action? #"e na)e! of +e$ici!i)o Cor'(B,
C$e)ente Ma&a1ao an ,e!(! <a'i$an&o an ,(an +re!ni$$o were
inc$(e in t"e enor!e)ent a! co-a''$icant! of <eor&e? A(t"oritie!
note t"at !ince t"e !(b2ect $an wa! no $on&er neee for fore!t
'(r'o!e!, t"e !a)e i! t"erefore certifie an re$ea!e a! a&ric($t(ra$
$an for i!'o!ition (ner t"e P(b$ic Lan Act?
-<eor&e Uaton !a1!@ t"e w"o$e So)brero I!$an "a been c$a!!ifie
fro) fore!t $an to a&ric($t(ra$ $an an certifie avai$ab$e for
i!'o!ition ('on "i! re/(e!t an at "i! in!tance?
-:owever $an inve!ti&ator! of t"e P(erto Prince!a 3i!trict Lan
Office, $ater favorab$1 enor!e t"e re/(e!t of re!'onent! Man(e$
Pa$anca ,r? an LorenBo A&(!tin, for a(t"orit1 to !(rve1 vacant
'ortion! of So)brero I!$an con!i!tin& of 5"ectare! eac"?
-S(b!e/(ent$1, re!'onent! fi$e t"eir own "o)e!tea 'atent
a''$ication!@ LorenBo A&(!tin 44?."a!5, ,(an +re!ni$$o 4>?5"a!5, an
,e!(! <a'i$an&o 4QQ"a!5? Man(e$ Pa$anca, ,r? wa! i!!(e a
:o)e!tea Patent ;o? an OC# for 8?>4 "ectare! of So)brero I!$an?
-Uaton fi$e Co)'$aint for F;($$ification of A''$ication! for :o)e!tea
an Ori&ina$ Certificate of #it$e ;o? <-90>- an for Reconve1ance of
#it$eL an 'ra1e for reconve1ance of t"e w"o$e i!$an in "i! favor,
ar&(in& t"at t"e "o)e!tea 'atent! an ori&ina$ certificate! of tit$e
coverin& certain 'ortion! of So)brero I!$an i!!(e in favor of
re!'onent! were inva$i for "avin& been obtaine t"ro(&" fra(?
Re#p!n)en$# %"+,Den#?
-Man(e$ Pa$anca a!!ert! t"at "e "i)!e$f re/(e!te for t"e
rec$a!!ification of t"e i!$an in i!'(te; t"at abo(t t"e ti)e of !(c"
re/(e!t, +re!ni$$o, <a'i$an&o an "i)!e$f a$rea1 occ('ie t"eir
re!'ective area! an intro(ce n()ero(! i)'rove)ent!; t"at Uaton
never fi$e an1 "o)e!tea a''$ication for t"e i!$an; t"at <abrie$
Manococ never (nertooA t"e in!'ection an !(rve1 of t"e i!$an;
t"at "e i! not a )ere over!eer of Uaton beca(!e "e wa! actin& for
"i)!e$f in eve$o'in& "i! own area an not a! an1bo10! caretaAer?
-Re!'onent! aver t"at t"e1 are a$$ bona fie an $awf($ 'o!!e!!or! of
t"eir re!'ective 'ortion!, "ave ec$are !(c" for ta6ation '(r'o!e! an
"ave been fait"f($$1 'a1in& ta6e! t"ereon for twent1 1ear!? #"e1
conten t"at Uaton "a! no $e&a$ ca'acit1 to !(e in!ofar a! t"e i!$an i!
concerne 4an action for reconve1ance can on$1 be bro(&"t b1 t"e
owner an not a )ere "o)e!tea a''$icant5 an t"at 'etitioner i! &(i$t1
of e!to''e$ b1 $ac"e! for "i! fai$(re to a!!ert "i! ri&"t over t"e $an for
an (nrea!onab$e an (ne6'$aine 'erio of ti)e?
-After fi$in& t"eir An!wer wit" S'ecia$ anEor Affir)ative 3efen!e! an
Co(nterc$ai), re!'onent! a$!o fi$e a Motion to 3i!)i!! on t"e
&ro(n of t"e a$$e&e efiance b1 Uaton of t"e R#C0! orer to a)en
"i! Co)'$aint 4!(b!tit(tion b1 t"e $e&a$ "eir! of t"e ecea!e
<a'i$an&o5? M#3 wa! &rante? Uaton0! M+R wa! enie?
-Uaton fi$e 'etition for certiorari before CA? In!tea of $i)itin& it!e$f to
t"e a$$e&ation of &rave ab(!e of i!cretion, CA r($e on t"e )erit! N
"e$ t"at w"i$e Uaton "a ca(!e t"e rec$a!!ification of So)brero
I!$an fro) fore!t to a&ric($t(ra$ $an, "e never a''$ie for a
"o)e!tea 'atent (ner t"e P(b$ic Lan Act? :ence, "e never
ac/(ire tit$e to t"at $an? A$!o, &rantin& ar&(eno t"at Uaton "a t"e
e6c$(!ive ri&"t to a''$1 for a 'atent to t"e $an in /(e!tion, "e wa!
a$rea1 barre b1 $ac"e! for "avin& !$e't on "i! ri&"t for a$)o!t 2.
1ear! fro) t"e ti)e Pa$anca0! tit$e "a been i!!(e
-On MR, CA acAnow$e&e t"at it "a erre w"en it r($e on t"e )erit!
of t"e ca!e? It a&ree wit" Uaton t"at t"e #C "a acte wit"o(t
2(ri!iction in 'erf(nctori$1 i!)i!!in& "i! Se't10, 1--- M+R, on t"e
erroneo(! &ro(n t"at it wa! a t"ir an 'ro"ibite )otion w"en it wa!
act(a$$1 on$1 "i! fir!t )otion? ;onet"e$e!!, t"e co)'$aint wa!
i!)i!!e )ot( 'ro'rio b1 t"e CA M wit" two 2(!tice! i!!entin& M
'(r!(ant to it! Fre!i(a$ 'rero&ativeL (ner Sec? 1 of R($e - of t"e
R($e! of Co(rt? CA !ai t"at fro) t"e a$$e&ation! of t"e co)'$aint,
Uaton c$ear$1 "a no !tanin& to !eeA reconve1ance of t"e i!'(te
$an, beca(!e "e neit"er "e$ tit$e to it nor even a''$ie for a
"o)e!tea 'atent? It reiterate t"at on$1 t"e State co($ !(e for
cance$$ation of t"e tit$e i!!(e ('on a "o)e!tea 'atent, an for
rever!ion of t"e $an to t"e '(b$ic o)ain? It a$!o r($e t"at 're!cri'tion
"a a$rea1 barre t"e action for reconve1ance?
1? =O; CA wa! correct in re!o$vin& t"e 'etition for certiorari ba!e on
an i!!(e not rai!e in t"e 'etition 4=O; CA wa! correct in r($in& on
t"e )erit!5
2? =O; CA wa! correct in invoAin& it! a$$e&e Yre!i(a$ 'rero&ative0
(ner Section 1, R($e - of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re in
re!o$vin& t"e Petition on an i!!(e not rai!e in t"e Petition 4an
event(a$$1 i!)i!!in& t"e ca!e for 're!cri'tion an $acA of 2(ri!iction5
="ere 're!cri'tion, $acA of 2(ri!iction or fai$(re to !tate a ca(!e of
action c$ear$1 a''ear fro) t"e co)'$aint fi$e wit" t"e #C, t"e action
)a1 be i!)i!!e )ot( 'ro'rio b1 t"e CA, even if t"e ca!e "a! been
e$evate for review on ifferent &ro(n!? %eri$1, t"e i!)i!!a$ of !(c"
ca!e! a''ro'riate$1 en! (!e$e!! $iti&ation!?
1? #"i! i! not t"e fir!t ti)e t"at 'etitioner "a! taAen i!!(e wit" t"e
'ro'riet1 of t"e CA0! r($in& on t"e )erit!? :e rai!e it wit" t"e CA
w"en "e )ove for recon!ieration of CA0! 3ec>, 2000 3eci!ion? #"e
CA even correcte it!e$f in it! ;ov20, 2001 Re!o$(tion?
-#"at !"o($ "ave been eno(&" to !ett$e t"e i!!(e? #"e CA0!
Re!o$(tion on t"i! 'oint "a! renere 'etitioner0! i!!(e )oot? #"ere i!
no nee to i!c(!! it f(rt"er? S(ffice it to !a1 t"at t"e a''e$$ate co(rt
inee acte ($tra 2(ri!ictio in r($in& on t"e )erit! of t"e ca!e w"en
t"e on$1 i!!(e t"at co($ "ave been, an wa! in fact, rai!e wa! t"e
a$$e&e &rave ab(!e of i!cretion co))itte b1 t"e tria$ co(rt in
en1in& Uaton0! M+R?
-Sett$e i! t"e octrine t"at t"e !o$e office of a writ of certiorari i! t"e
correction of error! of 2(ri!iction? S(c" writ oe! not inc$(e a review
of t"e evience,V10W )ore !o w"en no eter)ination of t"e )erit! "a!
1et been )ae b1 t"e tria$ co(rt, a! in t"i! ca!e?
2? ;O
-CA0! Fre!i(a$ 'rero&ative!L (ner Sec1 of R($e- of t"e R($e! of
Co(rt i! ifferent fro) t"e Fre!i(a$ 2(ri!ictionL of #C over ca!e!
a''ea$e to CA?
-RESI3IAL PRERO<A#I%ES@ Sec = !& R,*e > !& -e R,*e# !&
defenses and ojections not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in
the ans$er are deemed $aived# e%cept $hen
=1> lac' of jurisdiction over the suject matter#
=2> litis pendentia#
=D> res judicata and
=E> prescription
are evident from the pleadings or the evidence on record. 4n the four
e%cepted instances# the court shall motu proprio dismiss the claim or
-RESI3IAL ,IRIS3IC#IO;@ Sec > !& R,*e 9= !& -e R,*e# !&
#"e Fre!i(a$ 2(ri!ictionL of tria$ co(rt! i! avai$ab$e at a !ta&e in w"ic"
t"e co(rt i! nor)a$$1 ee)e to "ave $o!t 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e or
t"e !(b2ect )atter invo$ve in t"e a''ea$? #"i! !ta&e i! reac"e ('on
t"e 'erfection of t"e a''ea$! b1 t"e 'artie! or ('on t"e a''rova$ of t"e
recor! on a''ea$, b(t 'rior to t"e tran!)itta$ of t"e ori&ina$ recor! or
t"e recor! on a''ea$? In eit"er in!tance, t"e #C !ti$$ retain! it! !o-
ca$$e re!i(a$ 2(ri!iction to i!!(e 'rotective orer!, a''rove
co)'ro)i!e!, 'er)it a''ea$! of ini&ent $iti&ant!, orer e6ec(tion
'enin& a''ea$, an a$$ow t"e wit"rawa$ of t"e a''ea$?
-CA0! )ot( 'ro'rio i!)i!!a$ of 'etitioner0! Co)'$aint co($ not "ave
been ba!e on re!i(a$ 2(ri!iction (ner R($e 41? S(c" orer of
i!)i!!a$ wa! not one for t"e 'rotection an 're!ervation of t"e ri&"t!
of t"e 'artie!, 'enin& t"e i!'o!ition of t"e ca!e on a''ea$? ="at t"e
CA referre to a! re!i(a$ 'rero&ative! were t"e &enera$ re!i(a$
'ower! of t"e co(rt! to i!)i!! an action )ot( 'ro'rio ('on t"e
&ro(n! )entione in Section 1 of R($e - of t"e R($e! of Co(rt an
(ner a(t"orit1 of Section 2 of R($e 1 of t"e !a)e r($e!?
10R($e41?FSEC? -? Perfection of a''ea$; effect t"ereof? M A 'art10! a''ea$ b1 notice of a''ea$ i! ee)e 'erfecte a! to "i) ('on t"e fi$in&
of t"e notice of a''ea$ in (e ti)e?
FA 'art10! a''ea$ b1 recor on a''ea$ i! ee)e 'erfecte a! to "i) wit" re!'ect to t"e !(b2ect )atter t"ereof ('on t"e a''rova$ of t"e
recor on a''ea$ fi$e in (e ti)e?
FIn a''ea$! b1 notice of a''ea$, t"e co(rt $o!e! 2(ri!iction over t"e ca!e ('on t"e 'erfection of t"e a''ea$! fi$e in (e ti)e an t"e
e6'iration of t"e ti)e to a''ea$ of t"e ot"er 'artie!?
FIn a''ea$! b1 recor on a''ea$, t"e co(rt $o!e! 2(ri!iction on$1 over t"e !(b2ect )atter t"ereof ('on t"e a''rova$ of t"e recor! on a''ea$
fi$e in (e ti)e an t"e e6'iration of t"e ti)e to a''ea$ of t"e ot"er 'artie!?
FIn eit"er ca!e, 'rior to t"e tran!)itta$ of t"e ori&ina$ recor or t"e recor on a''ea$, t"e co(rt )a1 i!!(e orer! for t"e 'rotection an
're!ervation of t"e ri&"t! of t"e 'artie! w"ic" o not invo$ve an1 )atter $iti&ate b1 t"e a''ea$, a''rove co)'ro)i!e!, 'er)it a''ea$! of
ini&ent $iti&ant!, orer e6ec(tion 'enin& a''ea$ in accorance wit" Section 2 of R($e .-, an a$$ow wit"rawa$ of t"e a''ea$?L
-,(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter i! conferre b1 $aw an i!
eter)ine b1 t"e a$$e&ation! in t"e co)'$aint an t"e c"aracter of t"e
re$ief !o(&"t? Uaton 'ra1e, a)on& ot"er!, for a 2(&)ent 415 n($$if1in&
t"e "o)e!tea 'atent a''$ication! of Re!'onent! A&(!tin, +re!ni$$o
an <a'i$an&o a! we$$ a! :o)e!tea Patent ;o? 145-29 an OC# ;o?
<-90>- in t"e na)e of Re!'onent Pa$anca; an 425 orerin& t"e
irector of t"e Lan Mana&e)ent 7(rea( to reconve1 t"e So)brero
I!$an to 'etitioner?
-H@ i t"e Co)'$aint !(fficient$1 a$$e&e an action for ec$aration of
n($$it1 of t"e free 'atent an certificate of tit$e or, a$ternative$1, for
reconve1anceQ Or i it '$ea )ere$1 for rever!ionQ
-An!@ #"e co)'$aint i not !(fficient$1 )aAe a ca!e for an1 of !(c"
action!, over w"ic" t"e #C co($ "ave e6erci!e 2(ri!iction?
-In an action for n($$ification of tit$e or ec$aration of it! n($$it1, t"e
co)'$aint )(!t contain t"e fo$$owin& a$$e&ation!@
15 t"at t"e conte!te $an wa! 'rivate$1 owne b1 t"e '$aintiff 'rior to
t"e i!!(ance of t"e a!!ai$e certificate of tit$e to t"e efenant; an
25 t"at t"e efenant 'er'et(ate a fra( or co))itte a )i!taAe in
obtainin& a oc()ent of tit$e over t"e 'arce$ of $an c$ai)e b1 t"e
-In t"e!e ca!e!, t"e n($$it1 ari!e! not fro) fra( or eceit, b(t fro) t"e
fact t"at t"e irector of t"e Lan Mana&e)ent 7(rea( "a no
2(ri!iction to be!tow tit$e; "ence, t"e i!!(e 'atent or certificate of tit$e
wa! voi ab initio?
-In an a$ternative action for reconve1ance, t"e certificate of tit$e i! a$!o
re!'ecte a! incontrovertib$e, b(t t"e tran!fer of t"e 'ro'ert1 or tit$e
t"ereto i! !o(&"t to be n($$ifie on t"e &ro(n t"at it wa! wron&f($$1 or
erroneo(!$1 re&i!tere in t"e efenant0! na)e? #"e co)'$aint )(!t
a$$e&e two fact! t"at, if a)itte, wo($ entit$e t"e '$aintiff to recover
tit$e to t"e i!'(te $an@
415 t"at t"e '$aintiff wa! t"e owner of t"e $an, an
425 t"at t"e efenant i$$e&a$$1 i!'o!!e!!e t"e '$aintiff of t"e
-In t"e 're!ent ca!e, now"ere in t"e Co)'$aint i 'etitioner a$$e&e
t"at "e "a 'revio(!$1 "e$ tit$e to t"e $an in /(e!tion? On t"e
contrar1, "e acAnow$e&e t"at t"e i!'(te i!$an wa! '(b$ic $an,
t"at it "a never been 'rivate$1 tit$e in "i! na)e, an t"at "e "a not
a''$ie for a "o)e!tea (ner t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"e P(b$ic Lan Act?
-Rever!ionQ ;o? Section 101 of t"e P(b$ic Lan Act cate&orica$$1
ec$are! t"at on$1 t"e !o$icitor &enera$ or t"e officer in "i! !tea )a1
in!tit(te !(c" an action? A 'rivate 'er!on )a1 not brin& an action for
rever!ion or an1 ot"er action t"at wo($ "ave t"e effect of cance$in& a
free 'atent an it! erivative tit$e, wit" t"e re!($t t"at t"e $an t"ereb1
covere wo($ a&ain for) 'art of t"e '(b$ic o)ain?
-The dis$issal of the Co$plaint is proper not onl% &ecause of
lac' of jurisdiction( &ut also &ecause of the utter a&sence of a
cause of action( a defense raised &% respondents in their !nswer.
-A!!()in& t"at 'etitioner i! t"e 'ro'er 'art1 to brin& t"e action for
ann($)ent of tit$e or it! reconve1ance, t"e ca!e !"o($ !ti$$ be
i!)i!!e for bein& ti)e-barre?
A? 1-99, +eb21@ a "o)e!tea 'atent an an OC# wa! i!!(e to
1->>, Oct8@ fi$in& of t"e co)'$aint, wa1 'a!t ten 1ear! fro) t"e ate
of t"e i!!(ance of t"e Certificate, t"e 're!cri'tive 'erio for
reconve1ance of fra(($ent$1 re&i!tere rea$ 'ro'ert1?
7? Pa$anca0! tit$e attaine t"e !tat(! of inefea!ibi$it1 one 1ear fro) t"e
i!!(ance of t"e 'atent an t"e Certificate of #it$e in +ebr(ar1 1-99? It i!
no $on&er o'en to review on t"e &ro(n of act(a$ fra(?
#ria$ co(rt! "ave a(t"orit1 an i!cretion to i!)i!! an action on t"e
&ro(n of 're!cri'tion w"en t"e 'artie!D '$eain&! or ot"er fact! on
recor !"ow it to be inee ti)e-barre; an it )a1 o !o
-on t"e ba!i! of a )otion to i!)i!! 4Sec? 1,f, R($e 18, R($e! of Co(rt5,
-an an!wer w"ic" !et! (' !(c" &ro(n a! an affir)ative efen!e 4Sec?
5, R($e 185, or
-even if t"e &ro(n i! a$$e&e after 2(&)ent on t"e )erit!, a! in a
)otion for recon!ieration; or
-even if t"e efen!e "a! not been a!!erte at a$$, a! w"ere no
!tate)ent t"ereof i! fo(n in t"e '$eain&!; or
-w"ere a efenant "a! been ec$are in efa($t?
="at i! e!!entia$ on$1 i! t"at t"e fact! e)on!tratin& t"e $a'!e of t"e
're!cri'tive 'erio be ot"erwi!e !(fficient$1 an !ati!factori$1 a''arent
on t"e recor; eit"er in t"e aver)ent! of t"e '$aintiffD! co)'$aint, or
ot"erwi!e e!tab$i!"e b1 t"e evience?
Disposition Petition enie? CA re!o$(tion affir)e? Co)'$aint
i!)i!!e on t"e &ro(n! of $acA of 2(ri!iction, fai$(re to !tate a ca(!e
of action an 're!cri'tion? Co!t! a&ain!t 'etitioner?
Re p%"# !& p*e%)in+
854 SCRA 5=9
FAPUNAN< DeceD6e" =5, =>>5
Petition for review on certiorari of a eci!ion of t"e CA?
- Petitioner +i$-E!tate <o$f an 3eve$o')ent, Inc? 4+E<3I5 i! t"e
eve$o'er of t"e Mani$a So(t"woo! &o$f co(r!e an re!ientia$
!(bivi!ion 'ro2ect w"ic" 'art$1 cover! $an! $ocate in 7iPan, La&(na?
- 3ece)ber 2-, 1--2@ +e$i'e La1o! fi$e a Co)'$aint for In2(nction an
3a)a&e! wit" A''$ication for Pre$i)inar1 In2(nction a&ain!t +i$-E!tate
Rea$t1 Cor'oration 4+ERC5 wit" t"e R#C of 7iPan? It a$$e&e t"at
+e$i'e La1o! i! t"e $e&a$ owner an 'o!!e!!or of t"wo 'arce$! of $an
"avin& a tota$ area of >.9,8-5 !/? )? $ocate in 7iPan, La&(na Anown
a! Lot! 1 N 2 of P$an P!(-201? La1o! c$ai)e t"at t"e So(t"woo!
'ro2ect encroac"e ('on t"e aforecite $an! an t"(! "i! ri&"t! of
owner!"i' an 'o!!e!!ion were vio$ate w"en +ERC bro(&"t in )en
an e/(i')ent to be&in eve$o')ent of t"e !ai 'ro'ertie!?
- +ebr(ar1 2, 1--.@ +ERC fi$e an O''o!ition to A''$ication for =rit of
Pre$i)inar1 In2(nction an e6'$icit$1 !tate t"erein t"at t"e eve$o'er i!
it! !i!ter co)'an1, +E<3I?
- M%"c- 8>, =>>1? ,(&e S($tan of R#C 7iPan i!!(e an orer en1in&
t"e 'ra1er for 're$i)inar1 in2(nction in view of La1o!0 inabi$it1 to
!(b!tantiate "i! ri&"t?
- J,ne 84, =>>1? La1o! a$on& wit" "i! wife an ot"er inivi(a$! fi$e
anot"er ca!e for In2(nction an 3a)a&e wit" Pra1er for Pre$i)inar1
In2(nction wit" t"e R#C of San Pero, t"i! ti)e a&ain!t +E<3I? #"e
co)'$aint i! ba!ica$$1 ientica$ to t"at fi$e in t"e 7iPan ca!e, e6ce't for
c"an&e! in t"e n()ber of 'art1-'$aintiff! an 'art1-efenant! an in
t"e area !iBe of t"e c$ai)e $an"o$in&!?
- +E<3I )ove to i!)i!! t"e San Pero ca!e on &ro(n! of litis
pendentia, for()-!"o''in&, $acA of ca(!e of action an $acA of
2(ri!iction? +E<3I ar&(e! t"at a !i)i$ar co)'$aint wa! 'revio(!$1 fi$e
wit" t"e R#C 7iPan co(rt? +E<3I a$!o averre t"at t"e oc()ent!
re$ie ('on b1 t"e 'rivate re!'onent! are of o(btf($ veracit1 an t"at
t"e1 fai$e to 'a1 t"e correct fi$in& fee!?
- ,(&e Cab(co-Anre! of San Pero R#C enie +E<3I0! )otion to
i!)i!!, a! we$$ a! t"e Motion for Recon!ieration? +E<3I fi$e a
Petition for Certiorari an Pro"ibition wit" A''$ication for Pre$i)inar1
In2(nction wit" t"e CA? CA orere an R#O en2oinin& Cab(co-Anre!?
- ,an(ar1 25, 1--4@ R#C 7iPan ca!e wa! i!)i!!e wit"o(t 're2(ice
on &ro(n! of for()-!"o''in&?
1? =O; La1o! i! &(i$t1 of for()-!"o''in&?
2? =O; t"e San Pero ca!e "a! ca(!e of action?
=. YES
Reasoning Private re!'onent! "ave inee re!orte to for()-
!"o''in& in orer to obtain a favorab$e eci!ion? #"e 'attern i!
(ni!'(tab$1 revea$e b1 t"e fact t"at after +e$i'e La1o! in!tit(te in
1--2 a ca!e for in2(nction an a)a&e! wit" a''$ication for 're$i)inar1
in2(nction in t"e R#C of 7iPan, an after "i! 'ra1er wa! enie in
Marc" 1--., "e 4an ot"er inivi(a$!5 fi$e an ientica$ co)'$aint for
in2(nction an a)a&e! wit" 're$i)inar1 in2(nction in ,(ne 1--., t"i!
ti)e wit" R#C San Pero? An e6a)ination wo($ !"ow t"at t"e San
Pero co)'$ain! i! !i)'$1 an i)'rove ver!ion of t"e 7iPan co)'$aint?
- Re!'onent! content t"at t"ere i! no ientit1 of 'art-efenant! !ince
it wa! +ERC in t"e 7iPan ca!e an +E<3I in t"e San Pero ca!e? #"i!
i! (n)eritorio(!, beca(!e +E<3I vo$(ntari$1 !(b)itte to t"e co(rt0!
2(ri!iction b1 fi$in& it! an!wer an e6're!!$1 !tatin& t"at it i! t"e
eve$o'er of So(t"woo!, an not +ERC? #"e 7iPan co(rt e6're!!$1
reco&niBe +E<3I a! t"e efenant in t"e !ai ca!e?
- #"e wi$$f($ atte)'t b1 'rivate re!'onent to obtain a 're$i)inar1
in2(nction in anot"er co(rt after it fai$e to ac/(ire t"e !a)e fro) t"e
ori&ina$ co(rt con!tit(te! &rave ab(!e of t"e 2(icia$ 'roce!!?
SC-A)Dini#"%i'e Ci"c,*%" B9->9?
Revi!e Circ($ar 2---1 a''$ie! to an &overn! t"e fi$in& of
'etition! in t"e S('re)e Co(rt an t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! an i!
intene to 'revent t"e )($ti'$e fi$in& of t"e 'etition! or
co)'$aint! invo$vin& t"e !a)e i!!(e! in ot"er trib(na$!?
#"e fo$$owin& re/(ire)ent! 666 !"a$$ be !trict$1 co)'$ie wit"
in t"e fi$in& of t"e co)'$aint!, 'etition!, a''$ication! or ot"er
initiator1 '$eain&! in a$$ co(rt! an a&encie! ot"er t"an t"e SC
#"e co)'$aint an ot"er initiator1 '$eain&! referre to an
!(b2ect of t"i! Circ($ar are t"e ori&ina$ civi$ co)'$aint, co(nter-
c$ai), cro!!-c$ai), t"ir 4fo(rt", etc5 'art1 co)'$aint, or co)'$aint-
in-intervention, 'etition, or a''$ication w"erein a 'art1 a!!ert! "i!
c$ai) for re$ief?
8. NO
Ratio In t"e eter)ination of =O; t"e co)'$aint !tate! a ca(!e of
action, t"e anne6e! attac"e to t"e co)'$aint )a1 be con!iere, t"e1
bein& 'art! of t"e co)'$aint?
Reasoning #"e San Pero ca!e a$!o i not !tate a ca(!e of action?
In eter)inin& =O; a co)'$aint !tate! a ca(!e of action, on$1 t"e
a$$e&ation! in t"e co)'$aint )(!t be con!iere? #"e te!t if !(fficienc1
of t"e fact! i! =O; a)ittin& t"e fact! a$$e&e t"e co(rt can rener a
va$i 2(&)ent ('on t"e !a)e in accorance wit" t"e 'ra1er t"ereof?
- #"ere i! no ca(!e of action beca(!e La1o!0 c$ai) on t"e $an in
/(e!tion i! ba!e on a fabricate oc()ent? #"e affiavit of !e$f-
a2(ication i! a vita$ 'art of t"e co)'$aint t"at !"o($ be con!iere in
t"e eter)ination of w"et"er or not a ca(!e of action e6i!t!?
- #"e $an P!(-201 i! an ori&ina$ !(rve1 for ,? Ree $ocate in Ma$ate,
Mani$a, an Si-1498- i! a !(rve1 n()ber for t"e '$an of a $an 'arce$
!it(ate in 7o? 7e!!an&, Ca&a1an in t"e na)e of <re&orio 7$anco
- :owever t"e CA an R#C $i)ite it!e$f to t"e a$$e&ation! in t"e
co)'$aint 'ro'er of t"e San Pero ca!e in conc$(in& t"at !ai
co)'$aint !tate a ca(!e of action? #"i! i! erroneo(!?
- In t"e ca!e of Marco''er Minin& v <arcia, t"e R#C "a t"e
o''ort(nit1 to e6a)ine t"e )erit! of t"e co)'$aint, t"e an!wer wit"
co(nterc$ai), t"e 'etitioner0! an!wer to t"e co(nterc$ai) an it!
an!wer to t"e re/(e!t for a)i!!ion? It wa! b(t $o&ica$ for !ai co(rt to
con!ier a$$ of t"e!e '$eain&! in eter)inin& =O; t"ere wa! a
!(fficient ca(!e of action in t"e 'etitioner0! co)'$aint?
- Re&a$ao@ #"e e6ce'tion i! 'rovie in Sec? 2 R($e -? It a! a$!o been
"e$ t"at (ner t"i! &ro(n t"e tria$ co(rt can con!ier a$$ t"e '$eain&!
fi$e, inc$(in& anne6e!, )otion! an t"e evience on recor?

#"e 'etition for review on certiorari i! &rante? Re!'onent!0 co)'$aint
i! i!)i!!e?
/.R. N!. =928=2
Oc!6e" 2, 8BB9
'etition for review on certiorari a!!ai$in& t"e Re!o$(tion of t"e CA
i!)i!!in& t"e 'etition for certiorari fi$e b1 t"e 37P an Att1? ;i$o
- 7ibiana <(erra e ABarcon, "erein 'rivate re!'onent, an "er $ate
"(!ban Inocente! ABarcon, obtaine a $oan fro) P;7? A! co$$atera$,
t"e1 )ort&a&e 2 $ot! wit" t"e banA? 7(t t"e1 co($ not 'a1 t"eir $oan?
A!(ncion Ca$ceta to$ 7ibiana t"at !"e i! wi$$in& to 'a1 t"eir $oan if
7ibiana wo($ )ort&a&e t"e $ot! to "er? Private re!'onent! a&ree?
A!(ncion Ca$ceta t"en )ae an initia$ 'a1)ent of P29.,000?00 to t"e
P;7? #"e banA e6tene t"e ree)'tion 'erio to a$$ow A!(ncion to
a''$1 wit" t"e 37P a $oan of P.?5M to be 'ai to t"e P;7? Private
re!'onent! e6ec(te a !i)($ate ee of !a$e of t"eir $ot! in "er favor
to enab$e "er to )ort&a&e t"e !a)e wit" t"e 37P?
- ="en t"e 'rocee! of t"e $oan were re$ea!e, A!(ncion 'ai t"e
P;7 P-00,000?00 re're!entin& t"e (n'ai ba$ance of re!'onent!0
$oan? :owever, !"e fai$e to 'a1 "er $oan wit" t"e 37P, 'ro)'tin& t"e
banA to forec$o!e t"e )ort&a&e coverin& t"e 2 $ot!? After "earin&
'rivate re!'onent!0 a''$ication for 're$i)inar1 in2(nction, t"e R#C
i!!(e an Orer en2oinin& t"e 37P an Att1? ;i$o <a$or'ort, t"e banA0!
e'(tiBe !'ecia$ !"eriff, fro) 'roceein& wit" t"e a(ction !a$e of t"e
$ot! 'enin& t"e fina$ eter)ination of t"e civi$ ca!e w"erein 'rivate
re!'onent! 'ra1e for ann($)ent of t"e contract an t"e #C#!
tran!ferrin& tit$e over t"e $ot! to A!(ncion Ca$ceta?
- 37P an Att1? <a$or'ort fi$e an M+R b(t were enie b1 t"e R#C?
:ence, t"e1 fi$e wit" t"e CA a 'etition for certiorari a$$e&in& t"at in
&rantin& t"e in2(nctive re$ief in favor of 'rivate re!'onent!, t"e R#C
acte wit" &rave ab(!e of i!cretion? #"e CA i!)i!!e t"e 'etition for
certiorari for fai$(re of one of t"e 'etitioner!, Att1? ;i$o <a$or'ort to !i&n
t"e certification a&ain!t for() !"o''in&? #"e CA enie 'etitioner!0
M+R, "o$in& t"at Att1? 3e)o!t"ene! 3e)eci$$o, 7ranc" Mana&er of
t"e 37P at #a&bi$aran Cit1, fai$e to !"ow t"at "e i! t"e banA0!
a(t"oriBe re're!entative to fi$e t"e 'etition for certiorari?
=O; t"e CA acte wit" &rave ab(!e of i!cretion in i!)i!!in& t"e
'etition for certiorari
#"e certification a&ain!t for() !"o''in& i! fata$$1 efective, not "avin&
been ($1 !i&ne b1 bot" 'etitioner!? #"i! 'roce(ra$ f$aw warrant! t"e
i!)i!!a$ of t"e 'etition for certiorari? #"e certification a&ain!t for()
!"o''in& )(!t be !i&ne b1 t"e 'rinci'a$ 'artie!?
#"e 'etitioner! before t"e CA were t"e 37P, re're!ente b1 Att1?
3e)o!t"ene! 3e)eci$$o, t"e banA0! 7ranc" Mana&er at #a&bi$aran
Cit1, an Att1? ;i$o <a$or'ort, 37P0! e'(tiBe !'ecia$ !"eriff? #"e
certification a&ain!t for() !"o''in& wa! !i&ne b1 Att1? 3e)eci$$o
on$1? Petitioner! e6'$aine in t"eir M+R t"at in t"e verification of t"e
'etition for certiorari, Att1? 3e)eci$$o !tate (ner oat" t"at "e i! t"e
37P0! inc()bent 7ranc" :ea an it! ($1 a(t"oriBe officer? #"e1
!(b)itte a co'1 of a re!o$(tion 'a!!e b1 t"e 37P 7oar of
<overnor!, a(t"oriBin& 7ranc" :ea! of t"e 37P to !i&n t"e
verification an certification a&ain!t for() !"o''in& of a$$ initiator1
'$eain&! of t"e banA? ="at 'etitioner! fai$e to e6'$ain, "owever, i!
t"eir fai$(re to attac" a certifie tr(e co'1 of t"e re!o$(tion to t"eir
'etition? #"eir o)i!!ion i! fata$ to t"eir ca!e? Co(rt! are not e6'ecte
to taAe 2(icia$ notice of cor'orate boar re!o$(tion! or a cor'orate
officer0! a(t"orit1 to re're!ent a cor'oration? Petitioner!0 fai$(re to
!(b)it 'roof t"at Att1? 3e)eci$$o "a! been a(t"oriBe b1 t"e 37P to
fi$e t"e 'etition i! a *!(fficient &ro(n for t"e i!)i!!a$ t"ereof?* Att1?
<a$or'ort conten! t"at t"e !i&nat(re of Att1? 3e)eci$$o, re're!entin&
t"e 37P, i! !(fficient !ince "e an 37P are bein& !(e 2oint$1, t"e1
"avin& a co))on intere!t in t"e $ot! (ner $iti&ation? :i! contention
$acA! )erit? 37P i! bein& !(e a! a )ort&a&ee, w"i$e "e i! i)'$eae
a! t"e banA0! e'(tiBe !'ecia$ !"eriff w"o con(cte t"e e6tra-2(icia$
forec$o!(re of t"e )ort&a&e? #"eir intere!t! are not t"e !a)e? #"e
certification a&ain!t for() !"o''in& !"o($ be !i&ne b1 a$$ t"e
'etitioner! in a ca!e, an t"e !i&nin& b1 on$1 one of t"e) i!
Petition i! 3E;IE3
915 SCRA >5
EUISUMBIN/< A,+,# ==, 8BB9
Petition for review on certiorari
- Petitioner Ro!e)arie =ee an re!'onent Ro!ario 3? <a$veB are
!i!ter!? Ro!e)arie $ive! wit" "(!ban Man(e$ in 7ataan? Ro!ario $ive!
in ;ew CorA, ISA
- #"e1 entere into an a&ree)ent w"ereb1 Ro!ario wo($ !en
Ro!e)arie ISZ20,000, "a$f of !ai a)o(nt to be e'o!ite in a
!avin&! acco(nt w"i$e t"e ba$ance co($ be inve!te in t"e )one1
)arAet? #"e intere!t to be earne t"erefro) wo($ be &iven to
Ro!arioD! !on, Mano$ito <a$veB, a! "i! a$$owance
- In accorance wit" "er a&ree)ent wit" Ro!ario, Ro!e)arie &ave
Mano$ito "i! )ont"$1 a$$owance ran&in& fro) P2,000 to P4,000 a
)ont" fro) 1--. to ,an(ar1 1---? :owever, !o)eti)e in 1--5,
Ro!ario a!Ae for t"e ret(rn of t"e ISZ20,000 an for an acco(ntin&?
Ro!e)arie 'ro)i!e to co)'$1 wit" t"e e)an b(t fai$e to o !o? A
written e)an wa! !ent to "er? ="en Ro!e)arie i not co)'$1,
Ro!ario fi$e a !(it a&ain!t "er?
- #"e =ee! )ove to i!)i!! t"e ca!e ba!e on t"e fo$$owin&
&ro(n!@ 415 t"e $acA of a$$e&ation in t"e co)'$aint t"at earne!t effort!
towar a co)'ro)i!e "a been )ae in accorance wit" Artic$e 1515
of t"e +a)i$1 Coe; 425 fai$(re to !tate a va$i ca(!e of action, t"e
action bein& 're)at(re in t"e ab!ence of 'revio(! earne!t effort!
towar a co)'ro)i!e; an 4.5 t"e certification a&ain!t for() !"o''in&
wa! efective, "avin& been e6ec(te b1 an attorne1-in-fact an not t"e
- Ro!ario a)ene "er co)'$aint to a t"at FEarne!t effort! towar!
"ave been )ae b(t t"e !a)e "ave fai$eL 4)a$i ta$a&a 1(n& !in($at
ni$a5? #"e tria$ co(rt acce'te t"e a)ene co)'$aint an i!)i!!e
t"e =ee0! )otion to i!)i!!? =ee )ove for an M+R? It wa! a$!o
- #"e =ee co('$e bro(&"t t"e )atter to t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! via a
!'ecia$ civi$ action for certiorari, 'ro"ibition, an )ana)(!? It wa!
a$!o enie? #"e Co(rt of A''ea$! "e$ t"at t"e co)'$aint, a!
a)ene, !(fficient$1 !tate a ca(!e of action? It $iAewi!e "e$ t"at t"e
/(e!tione certification a&ain!t for() !"o''in& a''ene t"ereto wa!
not !o efective a! to warrant t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint? An M+R
wa! fi$e b(t wa! $iAewi!e enie?
1? =O; t"e certification of non-for() !"o''in& e6ec(te b1 t"e
'$aintiff0! att1-in-fact i! efective
2? =O; t"e a)ene co)'$aint before t"e R#C !tate! a ca(!e of
1? ;o
Reasoning #"e S'ecia$ Power of Attorne1 e6ec(te b1 "er in favor of
<race <a$veB, if !(b2ecte to caref($ !cr(tin1 wo($ c$ear$1 !"ow t"at
t"e a(t"orit1 &iven to t"e $atter i! not on$1 broa b(t a$!o a$$
enco)'a!!in& t"at it inc$(e! t"e 'ower an a(t"orit1 to in!tit(te bot"
civi$ an cri)ina$ action!? Coro$$ar1 wit" t"i! 'ower i! t"e a(t"orit1 to
!i&n a$$ 'a'er!, oc()ent!, an '$eain&! nece!!ar1 for t"e
acco)'$i!")ent of t"e !ai '(r'o!e?

#"e SPA inc$(e!@
1? #o a!A, e)an an c$ai) an1 !() of )one1 t"at i! ($1 V(eW fro)
an1 'er!on nat(ra$, 2(riica$ anEor cor'oration in t"e P"i$i''ine!;
2? #o fi$e cri)ina$ anEor civi$ co)'$aint! before t"e co(rt! of 2(!tice in
t"e P"i$i''ine! to enforce )1 ri&"t! an intere!tV!W;
.? #o atten "earin&! anEor Pre$i)inar1 ConferenceV!W, to )aAe
!ti'($ation!, a2(!t c$ai)!, to !ett$e anEor enter into Co)'ro)i!e
A&ree)entV!W, to $iti&ate an to ter)inate !(c" 'roceein&!; VanW
4? #o !i&n a$$ 'a'er!, oc()ent! an '$eain&! nece!!ar1 for t"e
acco)'$i!")ent of t"e above '(r'o!e!?
2? CES
Ratio It i! tr(e t"at t"e $ea !entence of 'ara&ra'" --A, )a1 be
inco)'$ete or even &ra))atica$$1 incorrect a! t"ere )i&"t be a
)i!!in& wor or '"ra!e, b(t to o(r )in, a $acAin& wor $iAe
*co)'ro)i!e* co($ be !(''$ie b1 t"e re!t of t"e 'ara&ra'"?
Reasoning Petitioner! !(b)it t"at t"e a)ene co)'$aint vio$ate!
R($e >, Section 1.. of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re, a! t"ere i!
no '$ain an irect !tate)ent of t"e ($ti)ate fact! on w"ic" t"e '$aintiff
re$ie! for "er c$ai)? S'ecifica$$1, 'etitioner! conten t"at t"e a$$e&ation
in 'ara&ra'" --A of t"e a)ene co)'$aint t"at *Earne!t effort!
towar! "ave been )ae b(t t"e !a)e "ave fai$e* i! c$ear$1
in!(fficient? #"e !entence i! inco)'$ete, t"(! re/(ire! t"e reaer of t"e
'$eain& to en&a&e in e(ction! or inference! in orer to &et a
co)'$ete !en!e of t"e ca(!e of action, accorin& to 'etitioner!?
-Re!'onent reb(t! b1 !tatin& t"at t"e a)ene co)'$aint a! we$$ a!
t"e anne6e! attac"e to t"e '$eain&! !"o($ be taAen in t"eir entiret1?
#"(! taAen to&et"er, in t"eir entiret1, t"e a)ene co)'$aint an t"e
attac")ent! to t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint, c$ear$1 !"ow t"at a !(fficient
ca(!e of action a! it i! !"own an !tate t"at earne!t effort! towar! a
co)'ro)i!e "ave been )ae, accorin& to re!'onent?
-A 'ara&ra'" i! *a i!tinct !ection or !(bivi!ion of a written or 'rinte
co)'o!ition t"at con!i!t! of fro) one to )an1 !entence!, for)! a
r"etorica$ (nit? A! a *!"ort co)'o!ition con!i!tin& of a &ro(' of
!entence! ea$in& wit" a !in&$e to'ic,* a 'ara&ra'" )(!t nece!!ari$1
be con!tr(e in it! entiret1 in orer to 'ro'er$1 erive t"e )e!!a&e
!o(&"t to be conve1e? In t"e in!tant ca!e, 'ara&ra'" --A of t"e
A)ene Co)'$aint ea$! wit" t"e to'ic of effort! )ae b1 t"e
re!'onent to reac" a co)'ro)i!e between t"e 'artie!? :ence, it i! in
t"i! $i&"t t"at t"e efective $ea !entence )(!t be (ner!too or
-:avin& e6a)ine t"e A)ene Co)'$aint in it! entiret1 a! we$$ a! t"e
oc()ent! attac"e t"ereto, fo$$owin& t"e r($e t"at oc()ent!
attac"e to a '$eain& are con!iere bot" a! evience an a! 'art of
t"e '$eain&, we fin t"at t"e re!'onent "a! 'ro'er$1 !et o(t "er
ca(!e of action?
Disposition Petition i! enie?
FERIA, 1B A,+. =>95
-Co)'$aint fi$e on ,an(ar1 9, 1-45, in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of
I$oi$o b1 E)i$iana #('a! %a? e Ata! a&ain!t 7a&(iaro?
-3e Ata! i! t"e e6c$(!ive an ab!o$(te an re&i!tere owner of t"e
fo$$owin& e!cribe 'ro'ert1, !it(ate in t"e Cit1 of I$oi$o? #"e above
$ot, wit"o(t t"e i)'rove)ent! w"ic" were b(rne (rin& t"e war, i!
a!!e!!e at P4,8>0?
-#"at !o)eti)e in t"e )ont" of ,($1, 1-48, 7a&(iaro verba$$1 !o$icite
t"e 'er)i!!ion of "erein e Ata! to con!tr(ct a "o(!e of $i&"t )ateria$!
on t"e $ot of !o)e t"ree braBa! wie an t"ree braBa! $on& 2(!t
eno(&" for t"e) to !$ee', at a )ont"$1 renta$ of twent1 'e!o! 4P205,
'a1ab$e in avance, an e Ata! to$ 7a&(iaro t"at !"e wo($ t"inA t"e
)atter; !"e fo(n o(t t"at efenant "a a$rea1 be&(n t"e
con!tr(ction of a ni'a an ba)boo "o(!e wit" no a''rova$ fro) "er;
-In!tea of con!tr(ctin& a "o(!e of t"ree braBa! b1 t"ree braBa! a!
above 7a&(iaro "a! b(i$t aition! after aition! to t"e "o(!e !(c"
t"at t"e 're!ent "o(!e con!tr(cte i! twent1-ei&"t an one-"a$f feet on
t"e front an fort1-two an one-"a$f feet on t"e !ie, an "a! rente a
'art t"ereof to ot"er 'er!on!, an t"at w"en '$aintiff i!covere t"i!
ano)a$1 an vio$ation! of t"eir verba$ an initia$ a&ree)ent, efenant
wa! to$ !o)eti)e on October, 1-45, to 'a1 a )ont"$1 renta$ of fift1
'e!o! 4P505 a )ont", or vacate t"e $ot in /(e!tion? +or t"e )ont" of
October, 7a&(iaro 'ai on$1 t"e !() of P25, $eavin& a ba$ance of P25,
an for !(b!e/(ent )ont"! 7a&(iaro "a! ref(!e an !ti$$ ref(!e! to
'a1 t"e !ai renta$! of fift1 'e!o! 4P505, or vacate t"e 're)i!e!, in
!'ite of re'eate e)an!?
-Pra1er@ efenant to 'a1 to '$aintiff t"e !() of fift1 'e!o! 4P505 a!
)ont"$1 renta$! for t"e $ot occ('ie b1 "i) of t"e 'ro'ert1 of "erein
'$aintiff, be&innin& wit" t"e )ont" of October, 1-45, or to vacate t"e $ot
in /(e!tion, wit" co!t! a&ain!t t"e efenant, an for !(c" ot"er an
for !(c" ot"er an f(rt"er re$ief a! t"i! :onorab$e Co(rt !"a$$ ee) 2(!t
an e/(itab$e?
-7a&(iaro fi$e )otion to i!)i!! on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e Co(rt "a! no
2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e co)'$aint or !(it, t"e action
bein& eit"er for t"e co$$ection of renta$! of a rea$ e!tate w"ic" o not
reac" to two "(nre 'e!o! 4P2005 or for e2ect)ent fro) t"e 're)i!e!
in 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect of t"e $iti&ation?
-C+I )otion to i!)i!! enie an !entencin& 7a&(iaro eit"er to 'a1
two "(nre fift1 'e!o! 4P2505 or to vacate t"e $ot in /(e!tion?
-Petition for Certiorari on t"e &ro(n t"e re!'onent 2(&e acte
wit"o(t 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter in tr1in& an eciin& t"e
ca!e, an at t"e !a)e ti)e a!Ae t"i! Co(rt to en2oin t"e re!'onent
2(&e fro) taAin& f(rt"er action in t"e ca!e (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of t"i!
=O; t"e co(rt acte wit"o(t 2(ri!iction
Ce!, co(rt acte wit"o(t 2(ri!iction? It i! an a6io), in civi$ 'roce(re
t"at if t"e re$ief e)ane i! not t"e 'ro'er one w"ic" )a1 be &rante
(ner t"e $aw, it oe! not c"aracteriBe or eter)ine t"e nat(re of t"e
'$aintiffD! action, an t"at t"e re$ief to w"ic" t"e '$aintiff i! entit$e
ba!e on t"e fact! a$$e&e b1 "i) in "i! co)'$aint, a$t"o(&" it i! not
t"e re$ief e)ane, i! w"at eter)ine! t"e nat(re of t"e action? An
t"at i! t"e rea!on w"1 it i! &enera$$1 ae to 'ra1er! for re$ief, t"o(&"
not nece!!ar1, t"e wor! *an for !(c" ot"er re$ief a! t"e $aw
warrant!,* or ot"er! to t"e !a)e effect? So if a '$aintiff a$$e&e!, for
in!tance, t"at t"e efenant owe! t"e for)er a certain a)o(nt of
)one1 an i not 'a1 it at t"e ti)e !ti'($ate, an 'ra1! t"at t"e
efenant be !entence to ret(rn a certain 'er!ona$ 'ro'ert1 to t"e
'$aintiff, !(c" 'ra1er wi$$ not )aAe or convert t"e action of recover1, of
ebt into one of recover1 of 'er!ona$ 'ro'ert1, an t"e co(rt !"a$$ &rant
t"e 'ro'er re$ief, or !entence t"e efenant to 'a1 "i! ebt to t"e
#"e attorne1 of t"e '$aintiff, in "i! o''o!ition to t"e efenantD! )otion
to i!)i!! fi$e in t"e co(rt be$ow, an in "i! an!wer to t"e 'etition for
certiorari in t"i! Co(rt, conten! t"at t"e '$aintiffD! 'rinci'a$ action i! for
breac" of contract, an t"erefore wit"in t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e Co(rt of
+ir!t In!tance, beca(!e it i! not ca'ab$e of 'ec(niar1 e!ti)ation? #"ere
i! no !(c" Ain of action? 7reac" of contract )a1 be t"e ca(!e of
action, b(t not t"e action or re$ief it!e$f? Accorin& to o(r Civi$ Coe, a
breac" of contract i! acc(!e of action, eit"er for !'ecific 'erfor)ance,
or 'erfor)ance, or re!ci!!ion of t"e contract? A! t"e '$aintiff i! entit$e
i! entit$e on$1 to one of t"e two re$ief!, if "e 'ra1! t"at t"e efenant!
be !entence to 'erfor) t"e ob$i&ation! i)'o!e ('on "i) b1 t"e
contract t"e action i! !'ecific 'erfor)ance, an if "e 'ra1! t"at t"e
contract be re!cin t"e '$aintiffD! action i! re!ci!!ion? In contract! of
$ea!e of a rea$ e!tate, if t"e $e!!ee vio$ate! t"e ter)! of t"e contract b1
"i! fai$(re to 'a1 t"e rent (e or to co)'$1 wit" t"e conition! of t"e
$ea!e, an ref(!e! to vacate or ret(rn t"e 'o!!e!!ion of t"e 'ro'ert1
$ea!e to t"e $e!!or notwit"!tanin& e)an to o !o, t"e action i!
i$$e&a$ etainer if fi$e wit"in one 1ear, an recover1 or re!toration of
'o!!e!!ion if fi$e after one 1ear, fro) t"e e)an?
#"at t"e 'ra1er of re$ief in t"e co)'$aint !ee)! to conve1 t"e iea t"at
t"e '$aintiff wo($ a&ree to $et t"e efenant contin(e in 'o!!e!!ion if
"e 'a1! t"e rent! or a)a&e! e)ane b1 t"e '$aintiff, oe! not
c"an&e t"e nat(re of t"e action, !ince t"e co(rt )a1 on$1 &rant t"e
'ro'er re$ief accorin& to $aw, t"at i!, t"e e2ect)ent of t"e efenant
an t"e 'a1)ent b1 t"e $atter of t"e a)a&e! (e for t"e occ('ation of
t"e $an, t"o(&" t"e '$aintiff i! free to conone !ai 'a1)ent? It i!
evient t"at t"e co(rt can not a(t"oriBe t"e efenant 'etitioner to
contin(e in 'o!!e!!ion t"e $an a! $e!!ee if "e 'a1! t"e rent! or
a)a&e! e)ane b1 t"e '$aintiff !ince !(c" contin(ation e'en!
not on$1 ('on t"e '$aintiffD! wi$$ b(t a$!o ('on t"at of t"e efenant? A
2(&)ent a(t"oriBin& t"e efenant to contin(e a! $e!!ee for a certain
an efinite 'erio of ti)e after t"e 2(&)ent, wi$$ not bin t"e '$aintiff
to &rant !(c" $ea!e nor t"e efenant to contin(e a! $e!!ee 'a1in& t"e
)ont"$1 renta$ fi6e b1 t"e co(rt? A co(rt cannot )aAe an i)'o!e a
contract ('on t"e 'artie!?
Even a!!()in&, ar&(eno, t"at t"e co)'$aint )a1 contain two
a$ternative! or ine'enent action!, one of forcib$e entr1 an anot"er
for recover1 of rent! or a)a&e!, t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of I$oi$o
"a! no 2(ri!iction to entertain eit"er one or bot"? It "a! no 2(ri!iction
over t"e action of forcib$e entr1, for it i! wit"in t"e e6c$(!ive 2(ri!iction
of t"e 2(!tice of t"e 'eace; nor over t"at of recover1 of rent! or
a)a&e!, beca(!e t"e a)o(nt c$ai)e b1 t"e '$aintiff in "i! co)'$aint,
w"ic" eter)ine! t"e co(rt 2(ri!iction, i! $e!! t"an two "(nre 'e!o!
4P2005? Accorin& to t"e co)'$aint, t"e 'etitioner "a occ('ie t"e $ot
in /(e!tion (rin& t"e )ont"! of October, ;ove)ber, 3ece)ber an
,an(ar1 w"en t"e co)'$aint wa! fi$e, an t"e tota$ a)o(nt of rent! or
a)a&e! c$ai)e a! (e for t"at occ('ation at t"e rate of fift1 'e!o!
4P505 a )ont", )in(! t"e !() of twent1-five 'e!o! 4P255 w"ic" wa!
'ai on acco(nt of t"e rent for October, a&&re&ate on$1 one "(nre
an !event1-five 'e!o! 4P1955?
#"e fact t"at, in it! 2(&)ent, t"e $ower co(rt "a! aware t"e '$aintiff
t"e !() of P250, inc$(in& t"e rent for +ebr(ar1, an not t"e P25 'ai
on acco(nt b1 t"e 'etitioner for t"e )ont" of October a! a$$e&e in t"e
!a)e co)'$aint, i not confer ('on t"e co(rt 2(ri!iction over t"e
ca!e? If t"e co(rt "a! no 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter accorin&
to t"e a$$e&ation! in t"e co)'$aint, it can not ac/(ire it 2(!t beca(!e t"e
rent! c$ai)e an t"o!e t"at )a1 accr(e (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of t"e
!(it )a1 a)o(nt to a !() wit"in it! 2(ri!iction? #o "o$ ot"erwi!e
wo($ $ea to t"e ab!(rit1 t"at t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt e'en!
not ('on t"e a$$e&ation! in t"e co)'$aint, b(t ('on a contin&enc1
w"ic" )a1 or )a1 not ari!e or occ(r? A! t"e a)a&e! c$ai)e in t"e
co)'$aint a)o(nte to one "(nre an !event1-five 'e!o! 4P1955,
co($ t"e $ower co(rt "ave !entence t"e efenant to 'a1 t"e a)o(nt
c$ai)e "a t"e $atter )ae a confe!!ion of 2(&)entQ
#"e re!'onent 2(&eD! eci!ion in t"i! ca!e i! !et a!ie; wit" co!t!
a&ain!t t"e re!'onent E)i$iana #('a! %a? e Ata!? So orere?
PARAS, J., )i##enin+?
- #"e wi$$in&ne!! of t"e '$aintiff to $et t"e efenant, "erein 'etitioner
Man(e$ 7a&(ioro, retain 'o!!e!!ion of t"e $an ('on 'a1)ent of t"e
rent 4w"ic", '$aintiff a$$e&e!, !"o($ be P505 i! '$ain$1 re'(&nant to t"e
t"eor1 t"at t"e 'rinci'a$ '(r'o!e of t"e action i! e2ect)ent of t"e
efenant or, in t"e $an&(a&e of !ection 1 of R($e 92, *t"e re!tit(tion of
I'on t"e ot"er "an, &ivin& !(c" rea!onab$e inten)ent! to t"e
a$$e&ation! of t"e co)'$aint a! are con!i!tent wit" an i)'$ie b1 t"e
re$ief !o(&"t, t"e action )a1 be one for t"e enforce)ent of a $ea!e
contract G i)'$ie or ot"erwi!e G in w"ic" t"e co(rt i! a!Ae to fi6 t"e
a)o(nt of t"e rent for want of corre!'onin& !ti'($ation? #"e c$ai) t"at
t"e rent o(&"t to be P50, w"en con!iere wit" t"e 'ra1er *for !(c"
ot"er an f(rt"er re$ief a! t"i! :onorab$e Co(rt !"a$$ ee) 2(!t an
e/(itab$e,* )ere$1 invoAe! t"e i!cretion an 2(&)ent of t"e co(rt
re&arin& t"e ri&"teo(!ne!! of !ai c$ai)?
-="i$e t"e co)'$aint )a1 be treate ;a! one for !i)'$e e2ect)ent, in
t"e $i&"t of !o)e of it! aver)ent!, t"e circ()!tance nevert"e$e!! oe!
not 'revent it fro) bein& an action G it! eno)ination i))ateria$ G
t"at )a1 be fi$e ori&ina$$1 in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance, in view of t"e
ot"er a$$e&ation! an t"e 'ra1er? In t"e $atter !it(ation, )atter!
containe in t"e '$eain& w"ic" are not nece!!ar1 to, or are
inco)'atib$e wit", t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance )a1 be
con!iere !(r'$(!a&e? #"e co)'$aint )i&"t "ave been awAwar$1
rafte, b(t (n$e!! t"e efenant wa! act(a$$1 )i!$e to "i! !(r'ri!e or
in2(r1, it !"o($ be "e$ !(fficient? 4LiBarra&a :er)ano! v!? Ca' #ico,
24 P"i$?, 504?5 It i! nee$e!! to !tate t"at t"e nat(re of an action i!
eter)ine b1 it! a$$e&ation! an 'ra1er? A! $on& a! t"e co)'$aint
)aAe! o(t a ca!e co&niBab$e b1 t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance, t"e $atterD!
2(ri!iction wi$$ not be a$tere or taAen awa1 !i)'$1 beca(!e t"e action
cannot 'ro!'er? #"e 2(&)ent in t"i! ca!e wa! renere after t"e
efenant "a been ec$are in efa($t?
:ILA3O, ,?, i!!entin&@
-Libera$$1 con!tr(e, a! it !"o($ be 4R($e 15, !ection 195, t"e '$aintiffD!
co)'$aint i! !(!ce'tib$e of two con!tr(ction!@ a! a co)'$aint in
e2ect)ent, an a! one ai)e at invoAin& t"e &enera$ 2(ri!iction of t"e
Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance in action! for 'o!!e!!ion of rea$ 'ro'ert1, a!
re&ar! t"e '$aintiffD! $an (ner !ection 58, 'ara&ra'" 2, of Act ;o?
1.8? In c"oo!in& between t"e!e two con!tr(ction! in 2(!tice to t"e
$earnin& an inte$$i&ence of co(n!e$ for t"e '$aintiff, it !ee)! to )e t"at
t"e co(rt !"o($ "ave "a no iffic($t1 in conc$(in& t"at "e )eant an
intene to re!ort to t"e $atter 'roce(re, a! "e !"o($ be 're!()e to
Anow !(c" an e$e)enta$ r($e a! t"at w"ic" confer! ('on t"e )(nici'a$
or 2(!tice of t"e 'eace co(rt e6c$(!ive ori&ina$ 2(ri!iction of forcib$e
entr1 an (n$awf($ etainer ca!e! wit"in t"e fir!t 1ear fo$$owin& t"e
accr(a$ of t"e ca(!e of action?
-Even w"ere t"e efenant e)'$o1!, e? &?, vio$ence in taAin&
'o!!e!!ion of t"e '$aintiffD! $an, t"e $aw oe! not co)'e$ t"e $atter to
re!ort to t"e !())ar1 re)e1 1 f(rni!"e b1 R($e 92, !ection 1, 2(!t
a! it oe! not co)'e$ t"e '$aintiff to fi$e a cri)ina$ co)'$aint for an1
cri)ina$ offen!e w"ic" t"e efenant )a1 "ave co))itte wit" t"e (!e
of !(c" vio$ence? #"e $aw &rant! t"e '$aintiff of re)eie!, a! we$$ a! a
c"oice of co(rt!, !o $on& a! "e $a1! before t"e co(rt of "i! c"oice t"e
fact! ca$$in& for a 'ro'er e6erci!e of it! 2(ri!iction? So t"at an
(ni!'(te owner of $an w"o, a! !(c", i! b1 $aw entit$e to it!
'o!!e!!ion, an w"o i! e'rive t"ereof, e?? &?, b1 force, w"i$e entit$e
to t"e !())ar1 re)e1 affore b1 R($e 92, !ection 1, w"ic"
accorin& to !ai !ection "e )a1 re!ort to, i! neit"er co)'e$$e to
brin& "i! ca!e t"ere(ner, a$$e&in& t"e c"aracteri!tic circ()!tance of
vio$ence, $o&in& "i! action in t"e 'ro'er inferior co(rt, nor forbien to
!eeA rere!! fro) t"e 'ro'er Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance b1 brin&in& "i!
ca!e (ner it! &enera$ 2(ri!iction *in a$$ civi$ action! w"ic" invo$ve ? ? ?
t"e 'o!!e!!ion of rea$ 'ro'ert1 ? ? ?*, waivin& t"e effect! of t"e vio$ence
co))itte b1 t"e efenant a! we$$ a! t"e !())ar1 re)e1 to w"ic"
!(c" c"aracteri!tic circ()!tance )a1 entit$e, "a !i)'$1 a$$e&in&, a!
"i! ca(!e of action, "i! owner!"i' of t"e $an, "i! ri&"t to it!
'o!!e!!ion an t"e fact t"at "e "a! been e'rive of !(c" 'o!!e!!ion
b1 t"e efenant, re&ar$e!! of t"e )anner e)'$o1e in !(c"
e'rivation? #"e !a)e $aw w"ic" oe! not co)'e$ t"e owner to brin& a
cri)ina$ action b1 rea!on of !(c" vio$ence oe! not co)'e$ "i) to
brin& a forcib$e entr1 !(it b1 rea!on t"ereof? An it wo($ be to )1
)in !cana$o(! to affir) in a &overn)ent of $aw! t"at in !(c"
circ()!tance! t"e owner wi$$ be 'revente fro) brin&in& "i! ca!e
(ner t"e &enera$ 2(ri!iction of t"e Co(rt of +ir!t In!tance of t"e
'rovince wit"o(t invoAin& t"e c"aracteri!tic circ()!tance of vio$ence?
Of co(r!e, in an orinar1 action co))ence in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t
In!tance, "e wi$$ not be entit$e to t"e !())ar1 'roceein&!, !(c" a!
t"e i))eiate e6ec(tion of t"e 2(&)ent, etc?, 'rovie for in R($e 92?
So $on& a! t"e '$aintiff oe! not re$1 on an1 of t"e !'ecific
circ()!tance! c"aracteriBin& t"e action a! one of forcib$e entr1 or
(n$awf($ etainer, it cannot be !ai to be wit"in t"e e6c$(!ive ori&ina$
2(ri!iction of t"e )(nici'a$ or 2(!tice of t"e 'eace co(rt, even wit"in
t"e fir!t 1ear fo$$owin& t"e accr(a$ of t"e ca(!e of action?
/.R. N!. =592>:
PUNO< N!'eD6e" =2, 8BB4
Petition for certiorari
- In 1--4, re!'onent Monra&on Internationa$ P"i$i''ine!,
Incor'orate 4MIPI5, entere into a Lea!e A&ree)ent wit" C$arA
3eve$o')ent Cor'oration 4C$arA5to eve$o' t"e 2.2-"ectare Mi)o!a
Lei!(re E!tate? #"e1 a$!o entere into !(''$e)enta$ $ea!e a&ree)ent!
to eve$o' ot"er aitiona$ area!? Part of t"e f(n! (!e for t"e!e
'ro2ect! wa! &enerate fro) $oan! obtaine fro) 'etitioner C"ina
7anAin& Cor'oration 4C7C5? #o !ec(re t"e!e $oan!, MIPI e6ec(te
'ro)i!!or1 note! in favor of C7C? In aition, re!'onent Antonio I?
<onBa$e! e6ec(te a S(ret1 A&ree)ent in favor of C7C in t"e a)o(nt
of P100M? In 1--9, t"e A!ian financia$ cri!i! tran!'ire? #"e en!(in&
!"ocA to t"e P"i$i''ine econo)1 affecte MIPI0! abi$it1 to 'a1 it!
ob$i&ation! to C7C?
- In 2000, C7C fi$e a co)'$aint for a !() of )one1 wit" R#C MaAati
Cit1 a&ain!t MIPI an Mr? <onBa$e!? #"e certification of for()
!"o''in& wa! attac"e to t"e co)'$aint? It wa! to t"e effect t"at@
MERCE3ES E? <ERMA;, t"e Mana&er of Loan! N 3i!co(nt! 3e't of
t"e C"ina 7anAin& Cor' certifie t"at t"e efenant C"ina 7anA "a!
not co))ence an1 ot"er action or 'roceein& invo$vin& t"e !a)e
i!!(e! in t"e SC, CA or before an1 ot"er trib(na$ or a&enc1, an t"at to
t"e be!t of "er Anow$e&e, no !(c" action or 'roceein& i! 'enin&,
an t"at if a !i)i$ar action or 'roceein& "a! been fi$e or i! 'enin&
before SC, CA or an1 ot"er trib(na$ or a&enc1, !"e (nertaAe! to
re'ort t"at fact wit"in five 455 a1!?
- In 2001, MIPI an <onBa$e! fi$e M#3 on t"e ff? &ro(n!@ V1W t"e
co)'$aint fai$e to co)'$1 wit" t"e re/(ire)ent! !et fort" (ner SC
A)ini!trative Circ($ar ;o? 04--4 an Section 5, R($e 9 of t"e 1--9
R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re a! re&ar! certification! a&ain!t for()
!"o''in&; an V2W t"ere wa! nonco)'$iance wit" a conition 'receent
for t"e fi$in& of t"e ca!e anEor t"e !a)e fai$e to !tate a ca(!e of
action or wa! 're)at(re
- R#C enie M#3 an M+R of MIPI an <onBa$e!? CA &rante t"e
'etition for certiorari an rever!e R#C? CA r($e t"at C7C fai$e to
co)'$1 wit" t"e re/(ire)ent! of Section 5, R($e 9 of t"e 1--9 R($e! of
Civi$ Proce(re a! t"ere wa! not"in& in t"e recor! !"owin& t"at t"e
!i&nator1 of t"e certification a&ain!t for() !"o''in& wa! a(t"oriBe b1
C7C? It referre to t"e Cor'oration Coe an 2(ri!'r(ence w"ic" !tate
t"at cor'oration! e6erci!e t"eir cor'orate 'ower! t"ro(&" t"eir boar
of irector! an no 'er!on can bin t"e cor'oration wit"o(t a(t"orit1
fro) t"e $atter? CA enie C7C0! M+R? :ence, t"e 're!ent 'etition?
=O; C7C0! fai$(re to attac" t"e re/(i!ite boar re!o$(tion )aAin& M!?
<er)an an a(t"oriBe !i&nator1 of certification! a&ain!t for()
!"o''in& wa! a fata$ error an cannot be rectifie b1 !(b!e/(ent
!(b)i!!ion t"ereof?
Ratio #"e Co(rt "a! re$a6e, (ner 2(!tifiab$e circ()!tance!, t"e r($e
re/(irin& t"e !(b)i!!ion of t"e!e certification! an "a! a''$ie t"e r($e
of !(b!tantia$ co)'$iance (ner 2(!tifiab$e circ()!tance! wit" re!'ect
to t"e content! of t"e certification? If t"e be$ate fi$in& of t"e certification
a&ain!t for() !"o''in& for co)'e$$in& rea!on! in 'revio(! r($in&! i!
a$$owe, wit" )ore rea!on !"o($ t"e Co(rt !anction t"e ti)e$1
!(b)i!!ion of !(c" certification t"o(&" t"e 'roof of t"e !i&nator10!
a(t"orit1 wa! !(b)itte t"ereafter?
Reasoning #"e co(rt "a! (!e t"e octrine of !tare eci!i! to
en(nciate t"i! 'rinci'$e? #"e ff? ca!e! were cite a! a(t"orit1@ Shipside
4ncorporated v. CA# Ateneo 3e ?aga Bniversit! v. 2analo# and#
Pascual F Santos 4nc v. +ramo 6a'as ?eighorhood Association? At
t"e )eetin& of C7C0! 7oar of 3irector!, t"e 7oar, in a re!o$(tion,
a''rove, confir)e an ratifie M!? <er)an0! a(t"orit1? #"o(&" t"e
worin& of t"e boar re!o$(tion $eave! )(c" to be e!ire, it re)ain!
e/(a$$1 !(!ce'tib$e of inter'retation in favor of M!? <er)an0!
'ree6i!tin& !tat(! a! an a(t"oriBe !i&nator1?
Disposition Petition i! <RA;#E3?
/.R. N!. =1>B=:
CARPIO< Ap"i* ==, 8BB4
Petition for certiorari
- On 1> Marc" 1--8, 'etitioner fi$e a Co)'$aint for ann($)ent of tit$e
wit" 'ra1er for 're$i)inar1 )anator1 in2(nction a&ain!t re!'onent?
Petitioner c$ai)! t"at a! t"e !o$e "eir of one #eoorico Cr(B, !"e i! t"e
!o$e owner of a $ot covere b1 #ran!fer Certificate of #it$e ;o? #-.-09?
Petitioner f(rt"er c$ai)! t"at t"e $ot wa! fra(($ent$1 !o$ to E(&enio
Lo'eB, ,r? w"o $ater on tran!ferre t"e $ot to re!'onent?
- Re!'onent !ea!onab$1 fi$e it! An!wer wit" co)'($!or1
co(nterc$ai)? Petitioner )ove to i!)i!! re!'onent0! co(nterc$ai)
for $acA of a certificate of non-for() !"o''in&?
- In an Orer ate 11 Marc" 1---, t"e tria$ co(rt enie 'etitioner0!
)otion to i!)i!! re!'onent0! co(nterc$ai)? #"e tria$ co(rt rea!one
t"at re!'onent0! co(nterc$ai) i! co)'($!or1 an t"erefore e6c$(e
fro) t"e covera&e of Section 5, R($e 9 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt?
Petitioner )ove t"at t"e tria$ co(rt recon!ier it! Orer invoAin& t"e
)anator1 nat(re of a certificate of non-for() !"o''in& (ner
S('re)e Co(rt A)ini!trative Circ($ar ;o? 04--4? On 25 Ma1 1---,
t"e tria$ co(rt rever!e it! 11 Marc" 1--- Orer an i!)i!!e
re!'onent0! co(nterc$ai) for $acA of a certificate of non-for()
- Re!'onent !ea!onab$1 fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration ar&(in&
t"at A)ini!trative Circ($ar ;o? 04--4 oe! not a''$1 to co)'($!or1
co(nterc$ai)! fo$$owin& t"e r($in& in Santo #o)a! Iniver!it1 :o!'ita$
v? S(r$a? On 4 ,(ne 1---, t"e tria$ co(rt a&ain rever!e it!e$f an
reca$$e it! Orer i!)i!!in& re!'onent0! co(nterc$ai)? #"e tria$ co(rt
r($e t"at t"e fi$in& of a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) oe! not re/(ire a
certificate of non-for() !"o''in&?
=O; a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) '$eae in an An!wer can be
i!)i!!e on t"e &ro(n of a fai$(re to acco)'an1 it wit" a certificate
of non-for() !"o''in&
- Santo #o)a! c$arifie t"e !co'e of A)ini!trative Circ($ar ;o? 04--4
wit" re!'ect to co(nterc$ai)!? #"e Co(rt 'ointe o(t t"at t"i! circ($ar
i! intene 'ri)ari$1 to cover Fan initiator1 '$eain& or an inci'ient
a''$ication of a 'art1 a!!ertin& a c$ai) for re$ief?L #"e i!tinction
between a co)'($!or1 an a 'er)i!!ive co(nterc$ai) i! vita$ in t"e
a''$ication of t"e circ($ar? #"e Co(rt e6'$aine@
It !"o($ not be too iffic($t, t"e fore&oin& rationa$e of t"e
circ($ar a't$1 taAen, to !(!tain t"e view t"at t"e circ($ar in
/(e!tion "a! not, in fact, been conte)'$ate to inc$(e a Ain of
c$ai) w"ic", b1 it! ver1 nat(re a! bein& a(6i$iar1 to t"e
'roceein&! in t"e !(it an a! erivin& it! !(b!tantive an
2(ri!ictiona$ !(''ort t"erefro), can on$1 be a''ro'riate$1 '$eae
in t"e an!wer an not re)ain o(t!tanin& for ine'enent
re!o$(tion e6ce't b1 t"e co(rt w"ere t"e )ain ca!e 'en!?
Pre!cinin& fro) t"e fore&oin&, t"e 'rovi!o in t"e !econ
'ara&ra'" of Section 5, R($e > of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$
Proce(re, i?e?, t"at t"e vio$ation of t"e anti-for() !"o''in& r($e
F!"a$$ not be c(rab$e b1 )ere a)en)ent 666 b(t !"a$$ be ca(!e
for t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e wit"o(t 're2(ice,L bein& 'reicate
on t"e a''$icabi$it1 of t"e nee for a certification a&ain!t for()-
!"o''in&, obvio(!$1 oe! not inc$(e a c$ai) w"ic" cannot be
ine'enent$1 !et ('?
- #"e Co(rt reiterate t"i! r($in& in Ponciano v? ,(&e Parente$a, ,r?
- A)ini!trative Circ($ar ;o? 04--4 oe! not a''$1 to co)'($!or1
co(nterc$ai)!? #"e circ($ar a''$ie! to initiator1 an !i)i$ar '$eain&!?
A co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) !et (' in t"e an!wer i! not an Finitiator1L or
!i)i$ar '$eain&? #"e initiator1 '$eain& i! t"e '$aintiff0! co)'$aint? A
re!'onent "a! no c"oice b(t to rai!e a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) t"e
)o)ent t"e '$aintiff fi$e! t"e co)'$aint? Ot"erwi!e, re!'onent waive!
t"e co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)? In !"ort, t"e co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) i!
a reaction or re!'on!e, )anator1 ('on 'ain of waiver, to an initiator1
'$eain& w"ic" i! t"e co)'$aint?
- Petitioner0! co(n!e$ fai$! or !i)'$1 ref(!e! to acce't t"e i!tinction
between a 'er)i!!ive co(nterc$ai) an a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)?
#"i! i!tinction wa! t"e ba!i! for t"e r($in& in Santo #o)a! an
Ponciano? #"e !o$e i!!(e for re!o$(tion in t"e 're!ent ca!e i!
w"et"er re!'onent0! co(nterc$ai) i! co)'($!or1 or 'er)i!!ive? If it i!
a 'er)i!!ive co(nterc$ai), t"e $acA of a certificate of non-for()
!"o''in& i! fata$? If it i! a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai), t"e $acA of a
certificate of non-for() !"o''in& i! i))ateria$?
- A co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) i! an1 c$ai) for )one1 or ot"er re$ief,
w"ic" a efenin& 'art1 )a1 "ave a&ain!t an o''o!in& 'art1, w"ic" at
t"e ti)e of !(it ari!e! o(t of, or i! nece!!ari$1 connecte wit", t"e
!a)e tran!action or occ(rrence t"at i! t"e !(b2ect )atter of '$aintiff0!
co)'$aint?V-W It i! co)'($!or1 in t"e !en!e t"at it i! wit"in t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt, oe! not re/(ire for it! a2(ication t"e
're!ence of t"ir 'artie! over w"o) t"e co(rt cannot ac/(ire
2(ri!iction, an wi$$ be barre in t"e f(t(re if not !et (' in t"e an!wer
to t"e co)'$aint in t"e !a)e ca!e? An1 ot"er co(nterc$ai) i!
- Re!'onent0! co(nterc$ai) a! !et (' in it! an!wer !tate!@
.? #"at beca(!e of t"e (nwarrante, ba!e$e!!, an (n2(!tifie
act! of t"e '$aintiff, "erein efenant "a! !(ffere an contin(e to
!(ffer act(a$ a)a&e! in t"e !() of at $ea!t P400,000,000?00
w"ic" t"e $aw, e/(it1, an 2(!tice re/(ire t"at to be 'ai b1 t"e
'$aintiff an f(rt"er to rei)b(r!e t"e attorne10! fee! of
- It i! c$ear t"at t"e co(nterc$ai) !et (' b1 re!'onent ari!e! fro) t"e
fi$in& of '$aintiff0! co)'$aint? #"e co(nterc$ai) i! !o intertwine wit"
t"e )ain ca!e t"at it i! inca'ab$e of 'roceein& ine'enent$1? #"e
co(nterc$ai) wi$$ re/(ire a re-$iti&ation of t"e !a)e evience if t"e
co(nterc$ai) i! a$$owe to 'rocee in a !e'arate action? Even
'etitioner reco&niBe! t"at re!'onent0! co(nterc$ai) i! co)'($!or1? A
co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) oe! not re/(ire a certificate of non-for()
!"o''in& beca(!e a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) i! not an initiator1
Disposition #"e eci!ion 'etition i! enie?
Re D%nne" !& D%7in+ %**e+%i!n#
881 SCRA 28B
FELICIANO< J,ne8:,=>>1
-,?,? Minin& an E6'$oration Cor'oration 4*,?,? Minin&*5 e6ec(te an
e$ivere to 'etitioner Per'et(a$ Savin&! 4*7anA*5 a 'ro)i!or1 note in
t"e a)o(nt of P950?000?00 'a1ab$e in one $()' !() ('on )at(rit1
wit" intere!t at 2.J 'er ann()? #"e note a$!o containe, inter a$ia, a
c$a(!e 'roviin& for 'ena$t1 intere!t at t"e rate of .J , nor )ont" on
t"e a)o(nt (e, co)'o(ne )ont"$1? #"e 'ro)i!or1 note wa!
e6ec(te for ,?,? Minin& b1 re!'onent! ,o!e Oro 7? +a2aro an
E))an(e$ +? 3e$ Mane? Me!!r!? +a2aro an 3e$ M(no are !ai to
be officer! of ,?,? Minin&?
I'on )at(rit1 of t"e 'ro)i!!or1 note, neit"er ,?,? Minin& nor an1one
e$!e 'ai t"e a)o(nt of t"e inebtene!!, notwit"!tanin& 'etitionerD!
re'eate written e)an! for 'a1)ent?
-'etitioner 7anA fi$e a co)'$aint wit" t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt, MaAati,
a&ain!t ,?,; Minin&, ,o!e E))an(e$ ,a$anoni an "erein re!'onent!
+a2aro an 3e$ M(no, for co$$ection of t"e a)o(nt! (e (ner t"e
'ro)i!!or1 note
-3efenantD! +a2aro an 3e$ M(no were i)'$eae a! a&ent!Eor
re're!entative! of 3efenant Cor'oration w"o were !i&natorie! in t"e
Pro)i!!or1 ;ote or a$ternative$1, in t"eir 'er!ona$ ca'acitie! Fif it be
!"own t"at t"e1 contracte t"e $oan f($$1 Anowin& t"at t"e 3efenant
Cor'oration wo($ be (nab$e to 'a1 t"e !a)e ('on )at(rit1, anEor
t"at t"e1 (!e t"e 'rocee! of t"e $oan foe t"eir own 'er!ona$ benefitL
-Re!'onent +a2aro an 3e$ M(no fi$e a Motion to 3i!)i!! on t"e
&ro(n t"at t"e co)'$aint "a fai$e to !tate ca(!e of action a&ain!t
t"e)? R#C enie )otion to i!)i!!? +a2aro an 3e$ M(no rai!e
t"e ca!e to t"e SC b(t SC referre ca!e to CA? Re!'onent! +a2aro
an 3e$ M(no, ba!ica$$1 a$$e&e t"at 'etitioner 7anAD! co)'$aint i
not !et fort" an1 ca(!e of action a! a&ain!t t"e) 'er!ona$$1, an t"at
Section 1., R($e . of t"e R($e! of Co(rt on a$ternative efenant! wa!
not a''$icab$e to t"e ca!e at bar? CA &rante )otion of +a2aro an
3e$ M(no
=O; co)'$aint of Per'et(a$ Savin&! !tate a ca(!e of action a&ain!t
re!'onent! +a2aro an 3e$ M(no, a! i!tin&(i!"e fro) ,?,?
Minin&, on w"o!e be"a$f t"e1 "a '(r'orte to act?
Reasoning. In Rava 3eve$o')ent Cor'oration v? Co(rt of A''ea$!,
t"e Co(rt e$aborate on t"i! e!tab$i!"e !tanar in t"e fo$$owin&
D#"e r($e i! t"at a efenant )ovin& to i!)i!! a co)'$aint on t"e
&ro(n of $acA of ca(!e of action i! re&are a! "avin& "1'ot"etica$$1
a)itte a$$ t"e aver)ent! t"ereof? #"e te!t of t"e !(fficienc1 of t"e
fact! fo(n in a 'etition a! con!tit(tin& a ca(!e of action i! w"et"er or
not, a)ittin& t"e fact! a$$e&e, t"e co(rt can rener a va$i ,(&)ent
('on t"e !a)e in accorance wit" t"e 'ra1er t"ereof?
- In it! 3eci!ion, CA !ai, a)on& ot"er t"e t"at 'etitioner 7anAD!
co)'$aint i not !tate a ca(!e of action a&ain!t re!'onent! +a2aro
an 3e$ M(no in t"eir 'er!ona$ an inivi(a$ ca'acitie! for t"e
rea!on t"at? no evience "a been 're!ente to !(''ort !(c" a$$e&e
$iabi$it1 on t"e *!o ca$$e a$ternative ca(!e of action?*
-#"e SC "e$ t"at t"e CA wa! in rever!ib$e error? It wa! /(ite
're)at(re for t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! to con!ier evience 4or $acA of
evience5 o(t!ie t"e co)'$aint !ince t"e tria$ "a not 1et !tarte? #"e
a$$e&ation! )ae b1 t"e banA co($ be 'roven on tria$?
-t"i! i! re&ar! t"e !i!ter!, one in IS an one in RP w"o i! taAin& care
of t"e !on of t"e !i!ter in IS? A$$owance i!!(e!X
etitioner! !(b)it t"at t"e a)ene co)'$aint vio$ate! R($e >, Section
1.. of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re, a! t"ere i! no '$ain an
irect !tate)ent of t"e ($ti)ate fact! on w"ic" t"e '$aintiff re$ie! for "er
c$ai)? S'ecifica$$1, 'etitioner! conten t"at t"e a$$e&ation in 'ara&ra'"
--A of t"e a)ene co)'$aint t"at *Earne!t effort! towar! "ave been
)ae b(t t"e !a)e "ave fai$e* i! c$ear$1 in!(fficient? #"e !entence i!
inco)'$ete, t"(! re/(ire! t"e reaer of t"e '$eain& to en&a&e in
e(ction! or inference! in orer to &et a co)'$ete !en!e of t"e ca(!e
of action, accorin& to 'etitioner!?
-Re!'onent reb(t! b1 !tatin& t"at t"e a)ene co)'$aint a! we$$ a!
t"e anne6e! attac"e to t"e '$eain&! !"o($ be taAen in t"eir entiret1?
#"(! taAen to&et"er, in t"eir entiret1, t"e a)ene co)'$aint an t"e
attac")ent! to t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint, c$ear$1 !"ow t"at a !(fficient
ca(!e of action a! it i! !"own an !tate t"at earne!t effort! towar! a
co)'ro)i!e "ave been )ae, accorin& to re!'onent?
-A 'ara&ra'" i! *a i!tinct !ection or !(bivi!ion of a written or 'rinte
co)'o!ition t"at con!i!t! of fro) one to )an1 !entence!, for)! a
r"etorica$ (nit? A! a *!"ort co)'o!ition con!i!tin& of a &ro(' of
!entence! ea$in& wit" a !in&$e to'ic,* a 'ara&ra'" )(!t nece!!ari$1
be con!tr(e in it! entiret1 in orer to 'ro'er$1 erive t"e )e!!a&e
!o(&"t to be conve1e? In t"e in!tant ca!e, 'ara&ra'" --A of t"e
A)ene Co)'$aint ea$! wit" t"e to'ic of effort! )ae b1 t"e
re!'onent to reac" a co)'ro)i!e between t"e 'artie!? :ence, it i! in
t"i! $i&"t t"at t"e efective $ea !entence )(!t be (ner!too or
-:avin& e6a)ine t"e A)ene Co)'$aint in it! entiret1 a! we$$ a! t"e
oc()ent! attac"e t"ereto, fo$$owin& t"e r($e t"at oc()ent!
attac"e to a '$eain& are con!iere bot" a! evience an a! 'art of
t"e '$eain&, we fin t"at t"e re!'onent "a! 'ro'er$1 !et o(t "er
ca(!e of action?
Re E&&ec !& F%i*,"e ! P*e%)
Petition for review on certiorari
-7(! co$$ie wit" tric1c$e
="en a 'art1 "a! anot"er re)e1 avai$ab$e to "i), w"ic" )a1 eit"er
be a )otion for new tria$ or a''ea$ fro) an aver!e eci!ion of t"e tria$
co(rt, an "e wa! not 'revente b1 fra(, accient, )i!taAe or
e6c(!ab$e ne&$i&ence fro) fi$in& !(c" )otion or taAin& !(c" a''ea$, "e
cannot avai$ "i)!e$f of t"i! 'etition? Inee, re$ief wi$$ not be &rante to
a 'art1 w"o !eeA! avoiance fro) t"e effect! of t"e 2(&)ent w"en
t"e $o!! of t"e re)e1 at $aw wa! (e to "i! own ne&$i&ence; ot"erwi!e
t"e 'etition for re$ief can be (!e to revive t"e ri&"t to a''ea$ w"ic"
"a! been $o!t t"r( ine6c(!ab$e ne&$i&ence?
Reasoning t"ere wa! no fra(, accient, )i!taAe, or e6c(!ab$e
ne&$i&ence t"at 'revente Mr!? CereBo fro) fi$in& an a''ea$, a )otion
for new tria$ or a 'etition for certiorari? It wa! error for "er to avai$ of a
'etition for re$ief fro) 2(&)ent?After t"e SC0! re!o$(tion en1in& Mr!?
CereBo0! 'etition for re$ief beca)e fina$ an e6ec(tor1, Mr!? CereBo, in
"er $a!t itc" atte)'t to evae $iabi$it1, fi$e before t"e Co(rt of
A''ea$! a 'etition for ann($)ent of t"e 2(&)ent of t"e tria$ co(rt?
Ann($)ent i! avai$ab$e on$1 on t"e &ro(n! of e6trin!ic fra( an $acA
of 2(ri!iction? If ba!e on e6trin!ic fra(, a 'art1 )(!t fi$e t"e 'etition
wit"in fo(r 1ear! fro) it! i!cover1, an if ba!e on $acA of 2(ri!iction,
before $ac"e! or e!to''e$ bar! t"e 'etition? E6trin!ic fra( i! not a va$i
&ro(n if !(c" fra( wa! (!e a! a &ro(n, or co($ "ave been (!e
a! a &ro(n, in a )otion for new tria$ or 'etition for re$ief fro)
2(&)ent? Mr!? CereBo in!i!t! t"at $acA of 2(ri!iction, not e6trin!ic
fra(, wa! "er &ro(n for fi$in& t"e 'etition for ann($)ent of 2(&)ent?
:owever, a 'art1 )a1 avai$ of t"e re)e1 of ann($)ent of 2(&)ent
(ner R($e on$1 if t"e orinar1 re)eie! of new tria$, a''ea$, 'etition
for re$ief fro) 2(&)ent, or ot"er a''ro'riate re)eie! are no $on&er
avai$ab$e t"ro(&" no fa($t of t"e 'art1? Mr!? CereBo co($ "ave avai$e
of a new tria$ or a''ea$ b(t t"ro(&" "er own fa($t !"e erroneo(!$1
avai$e of t"e re)e1 of a 'etition for re$ief, w"ic" wa! enie wit"
fina$it1? #"(!, Mr!? CereBo )a1 no $on&er avai$ of t"e re)e1 of
Di#p!#ii!n PE#I#IO; 3E;IE3?
/.R. NO. =415>5
Petition for review on certiorari (ner R($e 45 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt
- On ,an(ar1 ., 2001, Metro'o$itan 7anA an #r(!t Co)'an1 4or
*MetrobanA*5 fi$e a co)'$aint for !() of )one1 a&ain!t !'o(!e!
:()berto an Car)encita e$o! Santo! 4or *'etitioner!*5 before t"e
Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt of 3avao Cit1?
- On ,an(ar1 22, 2001, 'etitioner! were !erve wit" t"e !())on!,
to&et"er wit" a co'1 of t"e co)'$aint? A! 'etitioner! fai$e to fi$e an
an!wer wit"in t"e re&$e)entar1 'erio, MetrobanA, on +ebr(ar1 >,
2001, fi$e a )otion to ec$are t"e) in efa($t? #"e )otion wa! !et for
"earin& on +ebr(ar1 18, 2001?
- Actin& on t"e )otion, t"e $ower co(rt, 're!ie over b1 :on?
E))an(e$ C? Car'io 4or *re!'onent 2(&e*5, i!!(e an orer ate
+ebr(ar1 12, 2001 ec$arin& 'etitioner! in efa($t an !ettin& t"e e%.
parte 're!entation of MetrobanAQ! evience on Marc" 9, 2001?
- On +ebr(ar1 15, 2001, 'etitioner! fi$e an o''o!ition to MetrobanA0!
)otion to ec$are t"e) in efa($t, c$ai)in& t"at ('on recei't of t"e
!())on!, t"e1 i))eiate$1 !o(&"t t"e !ervice! of Att1? P"i$i'
Panto2an b(t it wa! on$1 on +ebr(ar1 12, 2001 t"at t"e1 were ab$e to
)eet wit" Att1? Panto2an? Petitioner! a$$e&e t"at not bein& *$earne in
$aw*, t"e1 were (naware *of t"e con!e/(ence! of e$a1 in t"e fi$in& of
t"eir an!wer?*
- On t"e !a)e ate, +ebr(ar1 15, 2001, 'etitioner! fi$e a )otion to
a)it an!wer, a! we$$ a! t"e an!wer? In an orer ate +ebr(ar1 18,
2001, re!'onent 2(&e i!re&are 'etitioner!0 o''o!ition to
MetrobanA0! )otion for efa($t
- On +ebr(ar1 1-, 2001, MetrobanA fi$e an o''o!ition to 'etitioner!0
)otion to a)it an!wer, ar&(in& t"at !ai )otion wa! renere )oot
an acae)ic b1 t"e +ebr(ar1 12, 2001 orer? MetrobanA a$!o c"ie
'etitioner! for vio$atin& t"e t"ree-a1 notice r($e (ner Sec? 4, R($e 15
of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re? In an orer ate +ebr(ar1 20,
2001, t"e )otion to a)it an!wer wa! enie?
- On +ebr(ar1 29, 2001, 'etitioner! fi$e a )otion to $ift t"e orer of
efa($t; MetrobanA o''o!e t"e )otion?
- On Marc" 2, 2001, re!'onent 2(&e i!!(e an orer "o$in& in
abe1ance t"e e%.parte rece'tion of evience 'enin& re!o$(tion of
'etitioner!0 )otion to $ift t"e orer of efa($t?
- On Marc" 5, 2001, re!'onent 2(&e i!!(e an orer en1in&
'etitioner!0 )otion to $ift t"e orer of efa($t an !ettin& t"e rece'tion
of MetrobanA0! evience on Marc" 9, 2001, a! 'revio(!$1 !c"e($e?
On t"at ate 4Marc" 9, 20015, MetrobanA 're!ente it! evience an
t"e ca!e wa! !(b)itte for eci!ion? Petitioner! )ove for
recon!ieration of t"e Marc" 5, 2001 orer b(t t"eir )otion wa!
- Petitioner! fi$e a Petition for Certiorari wit" t"e CA a!cribin& &rave
ab(!e of i!cretion co))itte b1 t"e tria$ co(rt a)o(ntin& to $acA of
2(ri!iction in i!!(in& t"e Orer!, ec$arin& t"e) in efa($t an en1in&
t"eir O''o!ition to Metro'o$itan 7anA an #r(!t Co)'an10!
4MetrobanA5 Motion to 3ec$are t"e) in 3efa($t; an t"e Orer!
en1in& t"eir Motion to Lift t"e Orer of 3efa($t an t"eir Motion for
- CA enie t"e 'etition for $acA of )erit an accorin&$1 i!)i!!e
t"e !a)e? #"e CA i not fin t"e e6c(!e 'roffere b1 'etitioner!? It
a$!o r($e t"at for an orer of efa($t to be !et a!ie, 'etitioner! )(!t
"ave a )eritorio(! efen!e or t"at !o)et"in& co($ be &aine b1
"avin& t"e orer of efa($t !et a!ie
- #"e CA f(rt"er fo(n (n)eritorio(! t"e contention of 'etitioner! t"at
t"e1 were ec$are in efa($t wit"o(t &ivin& t"e) a)'$e ti)e to fi$e an
o''o!ition to MetrobanA0! Motion to 3ec$are t"e) in 3efa($t; t"at
(ner Section ., R($e - of t"e R($e! of Co(rt, it i! 'rovie t"at t"e
co(rt !"a$$, ('on )otion of t"e c$ai)in& 'art1 wit" notice to t"e
efenin& 'art1 in efa($t, an 'roof of !(c" fai$(re, ec$are t"e
efenin& 'art1 in efa($t; an t"at !ince it i! c$ear fro) t"e recor!
t"at t"e re&$e)entar1 'erio for fi$in& an an!wer "a e6'ire wit" no
re!'on!ive '$eain& fi$e b1 'etitioner!, t"e tria$ co(rt "a 'ro'er$1
ec$are t"e) in efa($t? #"e CA f(rt"er ec$are t"at even a!!()in&
t"at t"e tria$ co(rt co))itte a 'roce(ra$ $a'!e in ec$arin& 'etitioner!
in efa($t before t"e !c"e($e "earin& of MetrobanA0! )otion, !(c"
error i! not !o !erio(! a! to con!tit(te &rave ab(!e of i!cretion?
1? =O; LI#IS PE;3E;#IA rai!e b1 'etitioner! a! an affir)ative
efen!e i! a )eritorio(! efen!e?
=. YES
ReasoningSection ., R($e - of t"e R($e! of Co(rt 'rovie!@
Sec? .? 3efault; declaration of If t"e efenin& 'art1 fai$! to an!wer
wit"in t"e ti)e a$$owe t"erefor, t"e co(rt !"a$$, ('on )otion of t"e
c$ai)in& 'art1 wit" notice to t"e efenin& 'art1, an 'roof of !(c"
fai$(re, ec$are t"e efenin& 'art1 in efa($t? #"ere('on, t"e co(rt
!"a$$ 'rocee to rener 2(&)ent &rantin& t"e c$ai)ant !(c" re$ief a!
"i! '$eain& )a1 warrant, (n$e!! t"e co(rt in it! i!cretion re/(ire! t"e
c$ai)ant to !(b)it evience? S(c" rece'tion of evience )a1 be
e$e&ate to t"e c$erA of co(rt?
- C$ear$1, t"ere are t"ree re/(ire)ent! w"ic" )(!t be co)'$ie wit"
b1 t"e c$ai)in& 'art1 before t"e co(rt )a1 ec$are t"e efenin& 'art1
in efa($t, to wit@ 415 t"e c$ai)in& 'art1 )(!t fi$e a )otion a!Ain& t"e
co(rt to ec$are t"e efenin& 'art1 in efa($t; 425 t"e efenin& 'art1
)(!t be notifie of t"e )otion to ec$are "i) in efa($t; 4.5 t"e c$ai)in&
'art1 )(!t 'rove t"at t"e efenin& 'art1 "a! fai$e to an!wer wit"in
t"e 'erio 'rovie b1 t"e R($e?
- In fi$in& )otion!, Section 4, R($e 15 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt,
!'ecifica$$1 'rovie!@
Sec? 4? Gearing of motion? E6ce't for )otion! w"ic" t"e co(rt )a1 act
('on wit"o(t 're2(icin& t"e ri&"t! of t"e aver!e 'art1, ever1 written
)otion !"a$$ be !et for "earin& b1 t"e a''$icant?
- Prior to t"e 're!ent r($e on efa($t intro(ce b1 t"e 1--9 R($e! of
Civi$ Proce(re, a! a)ene, Section 1 of t"e for)er R($e 1> on
efa($t i! !i$ent on w"et"er or not t"ere i! nee for a notice of a )otion
to ec$are efenant in efa($t? #"e Co(rt t"en r($e t"at t"ere i! no
nee? :owever, t"e 're!ent r($e e6're!!$1 re/(ire! t"at t"e )otion of
t"e c$ai)in& 'art1 !"o($ be wit" notice to t"e efenin& 'art1? #"e
'(r'o!e of a notice of a )otion i! to avoi !(r'ri!e! on t"e o''o!ite
'art1 an to &ive "i) ti)e to !t(1 an )eet t"e ar&()ent!? #"e
notice of a )otion i! re/(ire w"en t"e 'art1 "a! t"e ri&"t to re!i!t t"e
re$ief !o(&"t b1 t"e )otion an 'rinci'$e! of nat(ra$ 2(!tice e)an
t"at "i! ri&"t be not affecte wit"o(t an o''ort(nit1 to be "ear?
- #"erefore, a! t"e 're!ent r($e on efa($t re/(ire! t"e fi$in& of a
)otion an notice of !(c" )otion to t"e efenin& 'art1, it i! not
eno(&" t"at t"e efenant fai$e to an!wer t"e co)'$aint wit"in t"e
re&$e)entar1 'erio to be a !(fficient &ro(n for ec$aration in efa($t?

Disposition. Petition for review i! /RANTED? #"e 3eci!ion of t"e
Co(rt of A''ea$!i! REVERSED an SET ASIDE? #"e Orer of 3efa($t
of t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt i! SET ASIDE an t"e An!wer fi$e b1
'etitioner! i! ee)e ADMITTED? #"e tria$ co(rt i! DIRECTED to
contin(e wit" e$iberate !'ee wit" t"e 'roceein&! in t"e ca!e be$ow?
/.R. NO. =415>5
Petition for review on certiorari (ner R($e 45 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt
- On ,an(ar1 ., 2001, Metro'o$itan 7anA an #r(!t Co)'an1 4or
*MetrobanA*5 fi$e a co)'$aint for !() of )one1 a&ain!t !'o(!e!
:()berto an Car)encita e$o! Santo! 4or *'etitioner!*5 before t"e
Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt of 3avao Cit1?
- On ,an(ar1 22, 2001, 'etitioner! were !erve wit" t"e !())on!,
to&et"er wit" a co'1 of t"e co)'$aint? A! 'etitioner! fai$e to fi$e an
an!wer wit"in t"e re&$e)entar1 'erio, MetrobanA, on +ebr(ar1 >,
2001, fi$e a )otion to ec$are t"e) in efa($t? #"e )otion wa! !et for
"earin& on +ebr(ar1 18, 2001?
- Actin& on t"e )otion, t"e $ower co(rt, 're!ie over b1 :on?
E))an(e$ C? Car'io 4or *re!'onent 2(&e*5, i!!(e an orer ate
+ebr(ar1 12, 2001 ec$arin& 'etitioner! in efa($t an !ettin& t"e e%.
parte 're!entation of MetrobanAQ! evience on Marc" 9, 2001?
- On +ebr(ar1 15, 2001, 'etitioner! fi$e an o''o!ition to MetrobanA0!
)otion to ec$are t"e) in efa($t, c$ai)in& t"at ('on recei't of t"e
!())on!, t"e1 i))eiate$1 !o(&"t t"e !ervice! of Att1? P"i$i'
Panto2an b(t it wa! on$1 on +ebr(ar1 12, 2001 t"at t"e1 were ab$e to
)eet wit" Att1? Panto2an? Petitioner! a$$e&e t"at not bein& *$earne in
$aw*, t"e1 were (naware *of t"e con!e/(ence! of e$a1 in t"e fi$in& of
t"eir an!wer?*
- On t"e !a)e ate, +ebr(ar1 15, 2001, 'etitioner! fi$e a )otion to
a)it an!wer, a! we$$ a! t"e an!wer? In an orer ate +ebr(ar1 18,
2001, re!'onent 2(&e i!re&are 'etitioner!0 o''o!ition to
MetrobanA0! )otion for efa($t
- On +ebr(ar1 1-, 2001, MetrobanA fi$e an o''o!ition to 'etitioner!0
)otion to a)it an!wer, ar&(in& t"at !ai )otion wa! renere )oot
an acae)ic b1 t"e +ebr(ar1 12, 2001 orer? MetrobanA a$!o c"ie
'etitioner! for vio$atin& t"e t"ree-a1 notice r($e (ner Sec? 4, R($e 15
of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re? In an orer ate +ebr(ar1 20,
2001, t"e )otion to a)it an!wer wa! enie?
- On +ebr(ar1 29, 2001, 'etitioner! fi$e a )otion to $ift t"e orer of
efa($t; MetrobanA o''o!e t"e )otion?
- On Marc" 2, 2001, re!'onent 2(&e i!!(e an orer "o$in& in
abe1ance t"e e%.parte rece'tion of evience 'enin& re!o$(tion of
'etitioner!0 )otion to $ift t"e orer of efa($t?
- On Marc" 5, 2001, re!'onent 2(&e i!!(e an orer en1in&
'etitioner!0 )otion to $ift t"e orer of efa($t an !ettin& t"e rece'tion
of MetrobanA0! evience on Marc" 9, 2001, a! 'revio(!$1 !c"e($e?
On t"at ate 4Marc" 9, 20015, MetrobanA 're!ente it! evience an
t"e ca!e wa! !(b)itte for eci!ion? Petitioner! )ove for
recon!ieration of t"e Marc" 5, 2001 orer b(t t"eir )otion wa!
- Petitioner! fi$e a Petition for Certiorari wit" t"e CA a!cribin& &rave
ab(!e of i!cretion co))itte b1 t"e tria$ co(rt a)o(ntin& to $acA of
2(ri!iction in i!!(in& t"e Orer!, ec$arin& t"e) in efa($t an en1in&
t"eir O''o!ition to Metro'o$itan 7anA an #r(!t Co)'an10!
4MetrobanA5 Motion to 3ec$are t"e) in 3efa($t; an t"e Orer!
en1in& t"eir Motion to Lift t"e Orer of 3efa($t an t"eir Motion for
- CA enie t"e 'etition for $acA of )erit an accorin&$1 i!)i!!e
t"e !a)e? #"e CA i not fin t"e e6c(!e 'roffere b1 'etitioner!? It
a$!o r($e t"at for an orer of efa($t to be !et a!ie, 'etitioner! )(!t
"ave a )eritorio(! efen!e or t"at !o)et"in& co($ be &aine b1
"avin& t"e orer of efa($t !et a!ie
- #"e CA f(rt"er fo(n (n)eritorio(! t"e contention of 'etitioner! t"at
t"e1 were ec$are in efa($t wit"o(t &ivin& t"e) a)'$e ti)e to fi$e an
o''o!ition to MetrobanA0! Motion to 3ec$are t"e) in 3efa($t; t"at
(ner Section ., R($e - of t"e R($e! of Co(rt, it i! 'rovie t"at t"e
co(rt !"a$$, ('on )otion of t"e c$ai)in& 'art1 wit" notice to t"e
efenin& 'art1 in efa($t, an 'roof of !(c" fai$(re, ec$are t"e
efenin& 'art1 in efa($t; an t"at !ince it i! c$ear fro) t"e recor!
t"at t"e re&$e)entar1 'erio for fi$in& an an!wer "a e6'ire wit" no
re!'on!ive '$eain& fi$e b1 'etitioner!, t"e tria$ co(rt "a 'ro'er$1
ec$are t"e) in efa($t? #"e CA f(rt"er ec$are t"at even a!!()in&
t"at t"e tria$ co(rt co))itte a 'roce(ra$ $a'!e in ec$arin& 'etitioner!
in efa($t before t"e !c"e($e "earin& of MetrobanA0! )otion, !(c"
error i! not !o !erio(! a! to con!tit(te &rave ab(!e of i!cretion?
1? =O; LI#IS PE;3E;#IA rai!e b1 'etitioner! a! an affir)ative
efen!e i! a )eritorio(! efen!e?
=. YES
ReasoningSection ., R($e - of t"e R($e! of Co(rt 'rovie!@
Sec? .? 3efault; declaration of If t"e efenin& 'art1 fai$! to an!wer
wit"in t"e ti)e a$$owe t"erefor, t"e co(rt !"a$$, ('on )otion of t"e
c$ai)in& 'art1 wit" notice to t"e efenin& 'art1, an 'roof of !(c"
fai$(re, ec$are t"e efenin& 'art1 in efa($t? #"ere('on, t"e co(rt
!"a$$ 'rocee to rener 2(&)ent &rantin& t"e c$ai)ant !(c" re$ief a!
"i! '$eain& )a1 warrant, (n$e!! t"e co(rt in it! i!cretion re/(ire! t"e
c$ai)ant to !(b)it evience? S(c" rece'tion of evience )a1 be
e$e&ate to t"e c$erA of co(rt?
- C$ear$1, t"ere are t"ree re/(ire)ent! w"ic" )(!t be co)'$ie wit"
b1 t"e c$ai)in& 'art1 before t"e co(rt )a1 ec$are t"e efenin& 'art1
in efa($t, to wit@ 415 t"e c$ai)in& 'art1 )(!t fi$e a )otion a!Ain& t"e
co(rt to ec$are t"e efenin& 'art1 in efa($t; 425 t"e efenin& 'art1
)(!t be notifie of t"e )otion to ec$are "i) in efa($t; 4.5 t"e c$ai)in&
'art1 )(!t 'rove t"at t"e efenin& 'art1 "a! fai$e to an!wer wit"in
t"e 'erio 'rovie b1 t"e R($e?
- In fi$in& )otion!, Section 4, R($e 15 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt,
!'ecifica$$1 'rovie!@
Sec? 4? Gearing of motion? E6ce't for )otion! w"ic" t"e co(rt )a1 act
('on wit"o(t 're2(icin& t"e ri&"t! of t"e aver!e 'art1, ever1 written
)otion !"a$$ be !et for "earin& b1 t"e a''$icant?
- Prior to t"e 're!ent r($e on efa($t intro(ce b1 t"e 1--9 R($e! of
Civi$ Proce(re, a! a)ene, Section 1 of t"e for)er R($e 1> on
efa($t i! !i$ent on w"et"er or not t"ere i! nee for a notice of a )otion
to ec$are efenant in efa($t? #"e Co(rt t"en r($e t"at t"ere i! no
nee? :owever, t"e 're!ent r($e e6're!!$1 re/(ire! t"at t"e )otion of
t"e c$ai)in& 'art1 !"o($ be wit" notice to t"e efenin& 'art1? #"e
'(r'o!e of a notice of a )otion i! to avoi !(r'ri!e! on t"e o''o!ite
'art1 an to &ive "i) ti)e to !t(1 an )eet t"e ar&()ent!? #"e
notice of a )otion i! re/(ire w"en t"e 'art1 "a! t"e ri&"t to re!i!t t"e
re$ief !o(&"t b1 t"e )otion an 'rinci'$e! of nat(ra$ 2(!tice e)an
t"at "i! ri&"t be not affecte wit"o(t an o''ort(nit1 to be "ear?
- #"erefore, a! t"e 're!ent r($e on efa($t re/(ire! t"e fi$in& of a
)otion an notice of !(c" )otion to t"e efenin& 'art1, it i! not
eno(&" t"at t"e efenant fai$e to an!wer t"e co)'$aint wit"in t"e
re&$e)entar1 'erio to be a !(fficient &ro(n for ec$aration in efa($t?

Disposition. Petition for review i! /RANTED? #"e 3eci!ion of t"e
Co(rt of A''ea$!i! REVERSED an SET ASIDE? #"e Orer of 3efa($t
of t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt i! SET ASIDE an t"e An!wer fi$e b1
'etitioner! i! ee)e ADMITTED? #"e tria$ co(rt i! DIRECTED to
contin(e wit" e$iberate !'ee wit" t"e 'roceein&! in t"e ca!e be$ow?
82 SCRA =825
REYES, J.B.L.< Ap"i* 1B, =>5>
Petition for a writ of certiorari to !et a!ie certain orer! of t"e C+I
i!)i!!in& a co)'$aint for breac" of contract an a)a&e!, en1in&
recon!ieration, ref(!in& to a)it an a)ene co)'$aint, an
ec$arin& t"e i!)i!!a$ fina$ an (na''ea$ab$e?
- Petitioner, actre!! 3a(en-:ernaeB, fi$e! a co)'$aint to recover
P14,900 4t"e ba$ance a$$e&e$1 (e to "er for "er !ervice! a! $eain&
actre!!5, '$(! a)a&e!, a&ain!t 'rivate re!'onent! :o$$1woo +ar
Ea!t Pro(ction! 4:+EP5 an it! Pre!ient %a$enB(e$a
- I'on )otion of efenant!, re!'onent co(rt i!)i!!e t"e
co)'$aint beca(!e Fc$ai) of '$aintiff wa! not evience b1 an1 written
oc()ent, eit"er '(b$ic or 'rivateL, an t"e co)'$aint wa! F3efective
on it! faceL for vio$atin& CC A 1.58 an 1.5>
, a! we$$ a! for
containin& efective a$$e&e, 'etition!?
- P$aintiff !o(&"t recon!ieration of t"e i!)i!!a$, an for a)i!!ion of
an a)ene co)'$aint, attac"e to t"e )otion
- co(rt enie t"e recon!ieration an t"e $eave to a)en?
- a !econ recon!ieration wa! fi$e
- co(rt enie it a! it! a$$e&ation! were )ore or $e!! t"e !a)e a! t"e
fir!t )otion, an not acco)'anie b1 an affiavit of )erit!? #"e co(rt
f(rt"er ec$are t"e i!)i!!a$ fina$ an (na''ea$ab$e?
- "ence t"i! 'etition
- t"e re!'onent co(rt0! efen!e@ #"e 'ro'o!e a)en)ent !(ffer!
fro) t"e !a)e vita$ efect of t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint, w"ic" i! vio$ation of
A 1.58 beca(!e t"e contract !(e ('on wa! not a$$e&e to be in
writin&, an A 1.5> in beca(!e t"e writin& wa! ab!o$(te an
ini!'en!ab$e beca(!e t"e a)o(nt e6cee! P500; an t"at t"e !econ
)otion for recon!ieration i not interr('t t"e 'erio for a''ea$
beca(!e it wa! not !erve on . a1!0 notice?
1? =O; t"e '$aintiff-'etitioner wa! entit$e a! of ri&"t to a)en t"e
ori&ina$ i!)i!!e co)'$aint
2? =O; 666
Reasoning #w"en a co(rt !(!tain! a e)(rrer or )otion to i!)i!!,
t"e co(rt )(!t &ive t"e 'art1 '$aintiff an o''ort(nit1 to a)en "i!
co)'$aint if "e !o c"oo!e!? #"e fir!t orer of i!)i!!a$ i not 'rovie
t"at t"e !a)e wa! wit"o(t 're2(ice to a)en)ent of t"e co)'$aint, or
re!erve to t"e '$aintiff t"e ri&"t to a)en "i! co)'$aint, !o t"e orer
wa! erroneo(!?
11 Artic$e 1.58? Contract! !"a$$ be ob$i&ator1, in w"atever for) t"e1 )a1 "ave been entere into, 'rovie a$$ t"e e!!entia$ re/(i!ite! for
t"eir va$iit1 are 're!ent? :owever, w"en t"e $aw re/(ire! t"at a contract be in !o)e for) in orer t"at it )a1 be va$i or enforceab$e, or t"at
a contract be 'rove in a certain wa1, t"at re/(ire)ent i! ab!o$(te an ini!'en!ab$e? In !(c" ca!e!, t"e ri&"t of t"e 'artie! !tate in t"e
fo$$owin& artic$e cannot be e6erci!e?
Artic$e 1.5>? #"e fo$$owin& )(!t a''ear in a '(b$ic oc()ent@ 415 Act! an contract! w"ic" "ave for t"eir ob2ect t"e creation, tran!)i!!ion,
)oification or e6tin&(i!")ent of rea$ ri&"t! over i))ovab$e 'ro'ert1; !a$e! of rea$ 'ro'ert1 or of an intere!t t"erein are &overne b1 artic$e!
140., ;o? 2, an 1405; 425 #"e ce!!ion, re'(iation or ren(nciation of "ereitar1 ri&"t! or of t"o!e of t"e con2(&a$ 'artner!"i' of &ain!; 4.5
#"e 'ower to a)ini!ter 'ro'ert1, or an1 ot"er 'ower w"ic" "a! for it! ob2ect an act a''earin& or w"ic" !"o($ a''ear in a '(b$ic oc()ent,
or !"o($ 're2(ice a t"ir 'er!on; 445 #"e ce!!ion of action! or ri&"t! 'roceein& fro) an act a''earin& in a '(b$ic oc()ent?
A$$ ot"er contract! w"ere t"e a)o(nt invo$ve e6cee! five "(nre 'e!o! )(!t a''ear in writin&, even a 'rivate one? 7(t !a$e! of &oo!,
c"atte$! or t"in&! in action are &overne b1 artic$e!, 140., ;o? 2 an 1405? 412>0a5
:ence, 'etitioner wa! wit"in "er ri&"t! in fi$in& "er !o-ca$$e !econ
)otion for recon!ieration, w"ic" wa! act(a$$1 a fir!t )otion a&ain!t
t"e ref(!a$ to a)it t"e a)ene co)'$aint?
A$!o, !ince a )otion to i!)i!! i! not a re!'on!ive '$eain&, t"e
'$aintiff-'etitioner wa! entit$e a! of ri&"t to a)en t"e ori&ina$
i!)i!!e co)'$aint? Pae!te v ,a(ri&(e@
FA)en)ent! to '$eain&! are favore an !"o($ be $ibera$$1
a$$owe in t"e f(rt"erance of 2(!tice? 4#orre! v!? #o)acr(B, 4- P"i$?
-1.5? Moreover, (ner !ection 1 of R($e 19, R($e! of Co(rt, a 'art1
)a1 a)en "i! '$eain& once a! a )atter of co(r!e, t"at i!, wit"o(t
$eave of co(rt, at an1 ti)e before a re!'on!ive '$eain& i! !erve? A
)otion to i!)i!! i! not a *re!'on!ive '$eain&*? 4Moran on t"e R($e!
of Co(rt, vo$? 1, 1-52, e?, '? .985? A! '$aintiff! a)ene t"eir
co)'$aint before it wa! an!were, t"e )otion to a)it t"e a)en)ent
!"o($ not "ave been enie?L
Disposition #"e orer i!)i!!in& t"e co)'$aint i! !et a!ie, an t"e
ca!e i! orere re)ane to t"e co(rt of ori&in for f(rt"er 'roceein&!
not at variance wit" t"i! eci!ion?
<?R? ;o? 120.>4
AIS#RIA-MAR#I;ES; ,an(ar1 1., 2004
NATURE? Petition for review on certiorari 4R($e 455
FACTS? Petitioner fi$e a co)'$aint for co$$ection of !() of )one1
a&ain!t re!'onent! P"i$i''ine Infra!tr(ct(re!, Inc? 4PII5, P"i$i''ine
7riti!" A!!(rance Co?, Inc? 4P7AC5, #"e So$i <(arant1, Inc? 4So$i5,
7?+? :o)e!, Inc? 47+ :o)e!5, Pi$ar 3eve$o')ent Cor'oration 4P3C5
an #o)a! 7? A&(irre 4A&(irre5? #"e co)'$aint a$$e&e, a)on& ot"er!,
t"at@ 4i5 'etitioner i!!(e 5 Letter! of <(arantee in favor of t"e
P"i$i''ine ;ationa$ 7anA 4P;75 a! !ec(rit1 for creit acco))oation!
e6tene b1 P;7 to PII; 4ii5 PII, 7+ :o)e!, P3C an A&(irre e6ec(te
a 3ee of InertaAin& binin& t"e)!e$ve!, 2oint$1 an !evera$$1, to 'a1
or rei)b(r!e 'etitioner ('on e)an !(c" a)o(nt of )one1 or to
re'air t"e a)a&e!, $o!!e! or 'ena$tie! w"ic" 'etitioner )a1 'a1 or
!(ffer on acco(nt of it! &(arantee!; 4iii5 on A'ri$ 24, 1->5, P;7 ca$$e
on t"e &(arantee! of 'etitioner; 4iv5 t"ereafter, 'etitioner e)ane
fro) PII t"e i))eiate !ett$e)ent of P20,-5-,52-?.8, re're!entin& t"e
a&&re&ate a)o(nt of t"e &(arantee! of 'etitioner ca$$e b1 P;7 an
t"e f(rt"er !() of P.51,519?59 re're!entin& vario(! fee! an c"ar&e!;
4v5 PII ref(!e to !ett$e !ai ob$i&ation!; 4vi5 re!'onent! So$i an
P7AC a$!o ref(!e to 'a1 'etitioner e!'ite e)an?
Re!'onent 7+ :o)e! fi$e a Motion to 3i!)i!! on t"e
&ro(n t"at it i! (ner&oin& re"abi$itation receiver!"i' in t"e SEC an
'(r!(ant to P?3? -02-A, t"e tria$ co(rt "a! no 2(ri!iction to tr1 t"e
ca!e? Re!'onent PII a$!o fi$e a Motion to 3i!)i!! on t"e &ro(n t"at
t"e co)'$aint !tate! no ca(!e of action? #"e ot"er re!'onent! fi$e
t"eir re!'ective re!'on!ive '$eain&!?
#"e tria$ co(rt, t"ro(&" ,(&e Roberto M? La&)an, i!!(e
an Orer !(!'enin& t"e ca!e on$1 a! a&ain!t re!'onent 7+ :o)e!
an en1in& re!'onent PIID! )otion to i!)i!!? #"ereafter, "earin& on
t"e )erit! en!(e?
3(rin& tria$, 'etitioner 're!ente Ro!a(ro #er)($o, it!
trea!(r1 e'art)ent )ana&er, w"o te!tifie t"at t"e a)o(nt of
P1-,0.5,258?59 wa! 'ai b1 'etitioner to t"e P;7 t"ro(&" t"e acco(nt
of t"e ;ationa$ #rea!(r1 to cover t"e 'rinci'a$ $oan an intere!t!
inc(rre b1 PII? Con!e/(ent$1, 'etitioner fi$e a Motion to A)en
Co)'$aint to Confor) to Evience '(r!(ant to Section 5, R($e 10 of
t"e Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt, !eeAin& to a)en t"e 'ertinent 'ortion! of
t"e co)'$aint in!ofar a! it refer! to t"e fact of 'a1)ent an t"e a)o(nt
'ai b1 'etitioner to P;7?
Actin& on t"e )otion to a)en, t"e tria$ co(rt, at t"at ti)e
're!ie b1 ,(&e ,o!e$ito ,? 3e$a Ro!a, i!!(e t"e a!!ai$e Orer,
i!)i!!in& t"e ca!e wit"o(t 're2(ice on t"e &ro(n of fai$(re of t"e
co)'$aint to !tate a ca(!e of action, t"(! in effect, rever!in& t"e Orer
i!!(e b1 ,(&e La&)an five 1ear! ear$ier? PetitionerD! )otion for
recon!ieration of t"e orer of i!)i!!a$ wa! enie b1 ,(&e e $a
Ro!a? S(b!e/(ent$1, 'etitioner fi$e wit" t"e S('re)e Co(rt a 'etition
for certiorari a&ain!t t"e tria$ co(rt? #"e SC i!!(e referre t"e ca!e to
t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! for i!'o!ition? #"e Co(rt of A''ea$! i!)i!!e
t"e 'etition an enie 'etitioner0! )otion for recon!ieration? :ence,
t"i! 'etition?
ISSUES? 415 =O; an orer i!)i!!in& a 'etition wit"o(t 're2(ice
!"o($ be a''ea$e b1 wa1 of orinar1 a''ea$; 425 =O; t"e Co(rt of
A''ea$! erre in affir)in& t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint on t"e &ro(n
t"at 'etitioner fai$e to !tate a ca(!e of action for not a$$e&in& $o!! or
act(a$ 'a1)ent )ae b1 it to P;7 (ner it! &(arantee!; 4.5 =O; t"e
co)'$aint !tate a ca(!e of action?
415 ;O 4(ner t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re5? Prior to t"e 1--9
R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re, an orer i!)i!!in& an action )a1 be
a''ea$e b1 orinar1 a''ea$? :owever, (ner Section 14"5, R($e 41 of
t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re, no a''ea$ )a1 be taAen fro) an
orer i!)i!!in& an action wit"o(t 're2(ice? It )a1 be !(b2ect of a
!'ecia$ civi$ action for certiorari (ner R($e 85 of t"e 1--9 R($e! of
Civi$ Proce(re? Con!ierin& t"at t"e a!!ai$e eci!ion of t"e Co(rt of
A''ea$! wa! 'ro)($&ate in 1--4, re!'onent a''e$$ate co(rt co($
not "ave co))itte an1 &rave ab(!e of i!cretion in i!)i!!in& CA-
<?R? SP ;o? .14>.? Ne'e"-e*e##, in -e -i+-e" ine"e# !&
#,6#%ni%* .,#ice %n) p,"#,%n ! -e -!"n6!!7 )!c"ine -%
p"!ce),"%* *%K# D%( 6e %pp*ie) "e"!%ci'e*(, =5 -e C!," +i'e#
),e c!,"#e ! -e p"e#en peii!n?
425 CES? It !"o($ be !tre!!e t"at t"e a)en)ent of t"e co)'$aint
wa! !o(&"t after 'etitioner "a a$rea1 're!ente evience, )ore
!'ecifica$$1, t"e te!ti)on1 of 'etitionerD! #rea!(r1 3e'art)ent Mana&er
an a ebit )e)o fro) t"e P;7 'rovin& t"at 'etitioner "a 'ai t"e
P;7 in t"e a)o(nt of P1-,0.5,258?59 '(r!(ant to t"e &(arantee! it
accore to re!'onent PII?
#"e recor !"ow! t"at re!'onent! i not rai!e an1 ob2ection w"en it
're!ente evience to 'rove 'a1)ent to P;7? :ence, a! 'rovie for
in Section 5, R($e 10 of t"e Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt, w"en i!!(e! not
rai!e b1 t"e '$eain&! are trie b1 e6're!! or i)'$ie con!ent of t"e
'artie!, t"e1 !"a$$ be treate in a$$ re!'ect!, a! if t"e1 "a been rai!e
in t"e '$eain&!? A !cr(tin1 of t"e '$eain&! fi$e b1 re!'onent!
revea$ t"at none of t"e) enie 'etitionerD! c$ai) t"at !ai evience
wa! 're!ente before t"e tria$ co(rt wit"o(t ob2ection! "avin& been
rai!e b1 re!'onent!? ;one of t"e) c$ai)e t"at t"e1 rai!e an1
ob2ection! at t"e ti)e w"en 'etitioner 're!ente it! evience to 'rove
it! 'a1)ent to P;7? Re!'onent! Pi$ar an A&(irre a)itte t"e
're!entation of t"e !ai evience?
Re!'onent! conten t"at !ince t"e1 "a a$rea1 a$$e&e t"e fai$(re of
t"e co)'$aint to !tate a ca(!e of action a! an affir)ative efen!e in
t"eir an!wer, t"ere wa! no f(rt"er nee for t"e) to rai!e an ob2ection
at t"e ti)e t"e evience wa! intro(ce? #"i! i! not '$a(!ib$e? It i!
!ett$e t"at even if the co$plaint &e defective( &ut the parties go to
trial thereon( and the plaintiff( without o&jection( introduces
sufficient evidence to constitute the particular cause of action
which it intended to allege in the original co$plaint( and the
defendant voluntaril% produces witnesses to $eet the cause of
action thus esta&lished( an issue is joined as full% and as
effectivel% as if it had &een previousl% joined b1 t"e )o!t 'erfect
'$eain&!? LiAewi!e, w"en i!!(e! not rai!e b1 t"e '$eain&! are trie
b1 e6're!! or i)'$ie con!ent of t"e 'artie!, t"e1 !"a$$ be treate in a$$
re!'ect! a! if t"e1 "a been rai!e in t"e '$eain&!?
Re!'onent!D fai$(re to ob2ect to t"e evience at t"e ti)e it i!
're!ente in co(rt i! fata$ to t"eir ca(!e ina!)(c" a! w"atever
'erceive efect t"e co)'$aint "a wa! c(re b1 t"e intro(ction of
'etitionerD! evience 'rovin& act(a$ $o!! !(!taine b1 'etitioner (e to
'a1)ent )ae b1 it to P;7?
4.5 CES? PetitionerD! ca(!e of action a&ain!t re!'onent! !te))e
fro) t"e ob$i&ation of re!'onent! (ner t"eir 3ee of InertaAin&, a
co'1 of w"ic" wa! attac"e to t"e co)'$aint? In t"e 're!ent 'etition,
'etitioner "a beco)e $iab$e to 'a1 t"e a)o(nt! covere b1 !ai
&(arantee! w"en, a! t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint a$$e&e!, t"e P;7 ca$$e
('on !ai &(arantee!? Re!'onent!D ob$i&ation (ner t"e 3ee of
InertaAin& to Aee' 'etitioner free an "ar)$e!! fro) an1 a)a&e or
$iabi$it1 t"en beca)e o'erative a! !oon a! t"e $iabi$it1 of 'etitioner
aro!e an t"ere wa! no nee for 'etitioner to fir!t !(!tain act(a$ $o!!
before it co($ "ave a ca(!e of action a&ain!t re!'onent!? #"e )ere
inc$(!ion in 'etitionerD! ori&ina$ co)'$aint of t"e a$$e&ation t"at t"e P;7
"a a$rea1 ca$$e on t"e &(arantee! of 'etitioner i! !(fficient to
con!tit(te a ca(!e of action a&ain!t re!'onent!? C$ear$1 t"erefore, t"e
ori&ina$ co)'$aint, b1 it!e$f, !tate a va$i ca(!e of action?
DISPOSITIVE@ #"e 'etition i! <RA;#E3? Let t"e ori&ina$ recor! of
Civi$ Ca!e ;o? >8-.>18- be REMA;3E3 to t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt
47ranc" 2-5, Mani$a, for contin(ation of t"e tria$ on t"e )erit!?
5: PHIL ==1
LAUREL< M%( =2, =>1>
A''ea$ fro) t"e orer of t"e C+I of S(ri&ao i!)i!!in& t"e co)'$aint
fi$e b1 S(ri&ao Minin& a&ain!t :arri!, et a$?
- On October 24, 1-.5, S(ri&ao Minin& fi$e a co)'$aint c$ai)in& t"at it
i! t"e owner b1 '(rc"a!e of 14 '$acer c$ai)! an t"at $oe c$ai)! were
!taAe b1 t"e efenant! :arri!, S(ri&ao-Mainit Minin& S1nicate?
S(ri&ao Con!o$iate Minin& Co?, Inc?, an Otto =eber on '$aintiffD!
'$acer c$ai)! after t"e $atter "a been va$i$1 an ($1 !taAe an
$ocate b1 t"e '$aintiff or it! &rantor! an 'reece!!or! in intere!t?
- On ;ove)ber 2., 1-.5, t"e efenant! e)(rre to t"e co)'$aint on
t"e &ro(n t"at t"e co)'$aint wa! a)bi&(o(! an (ninte$$i&ib$e? On
,an(ar1 -, 1-.8 t"e C+I entere an orer re/(irin& S(ri&ao Minin& to
a)en it! co)'$aint !o a! to contain a etai$e e!cri'tion of it! '$acer
- On ,an(ar1 1., 1-.8 an a)ene co)'$aint wa! fi$e to w"ic"
anot"er e)(rrer wa! inter'o!e b(t wa! overr($e? On ,(ne 11,
1-.8, a t"ir a)ene co)'$aint in w"ic" t"irt1-two ot"er inivi(a$!
were inc$(e a! 'artie!-efenant? In t"i! t"ir a)ene co)'$aint
t"e '$acer c$ai)! were re(ce, to e$even, an t"e re$ief 'ra1e for
wa! abo(t t"e !a)e a! t"at a!Ae in t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint, a$t"o(&"
t"e a)o(nt !o(&"t a! a)a&e! wa! increa!e to P4-,000?
- E6"ibit! O an O-1 to 0-- were 're!ente? =it" t"e e6ce'tion of
E6"ibit O-9, a$$ are ee! of !a$e in favor of S(ri&ao Minin& coverin&
t"e '$acer c$ai)! an bear ate! 'o!terior to 4A+#ER5 October 24,
1-.5, t"e ate of t"e fi$in& of t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint? E6"ibit O-9 i! a
ee of !a$e e6ec(te b1 Pab$o Ati$$o in favor of Ma6i)o 7orro)eo on
,an(ar1 2., 1-.5? #"e )inin& c$ai)! conve1e b1 Ma6i)o 7orro)eo,
to S(ri&ao Minin& (ner E6"ibit O-- were t"e !a)e c$ai)! ac/(ire b1
Ma6i)o 7orro)eo, (ner E6"ibit O-9?
- 7efore S(ri&ao Minin& co($ c$o!e it! evience, t"e efenant!
)ove for t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint on t"e &ro(n t"at, w"en t"e
action wa! co))ence, '$aintiffD! ri&"t of action "a not 1et accr(e,
!ince t"e '$aintiff i not beco)e t"e owner of t"e c$ai)! (nti$ after t"e
ori&ina$ co)'$aint wa! fi$e on October 24, 1-.5? #"e C+I &rante t"e
1? =O; t"e $ower co(rt erre in i!)i!!in& t"e co)'$aint
1? ;O?
Ratio In$e!! t"e '$aintiff "a! a va$i an !(b!i!tin& ca(!e of action at
t"e ti)e "i! action i! co))ence, t"e efect cannot be c(re or
re)eie b1 t"e ac/(i!ition or accr(a$ of one w"i$e t"e action i!
'enin&, an a !(''$e)enta$ co)'$aint or an a)en)ent !ettin& ('
!(c" $ater accr(e ca(!e of action i! not 'er)i!!ib$e?
Reasoning S(b2ect to certain /(a$ification! an e6ce't a! ot"erwi!e
'rovie b1 $aw, an action co))ence before t"e ca(!e of action "a!
accr(e i! 're)at(re$1 bro(&"t an !"o($ be i!)i!!e, 'rovie, an
ob2ection on t"i! &ro(n i! 'ro'er$1 an !ea!onab$1 inter'o!e? #"e
fact t"at t"e ca(!e of action accr(e! after t"e action i! co))ence
an w"i$e it i! 'enin& i! of no )o)ent?
- In t"i! ca!e, ti)e$1 ob2ection wa! )ae b1 co(n!e$ for t"e a''e$$ee!
('on i!cover1 of t"e i))at(rit1 of t"e action? #"e ate w"en a civi$
action i! ee)e co))ence i! eter)ine b1 !ection .>- of t"e
Coe of Civi$ Proce(re? Iner !ection .>-, w"ic" wa! taAen fro)
!ection 405 of t"e Coe of Civi$ Proce(re of Ca$ifornia, t"e action i!
ee)e co))ence ('on t"e *fi$in& of a co)'$aint in t"e office of t"e
c$erA of t"e co(rt in w"ic" t"e action i! to be in!tit(te?* #"e ori&ina$
co)'$aint wa! fi$e on October 24, 1-.5?
- #"e ri&"t to a)en a '$eain& i! not an ab!o$(te an (nconitiona$
ri&"t? It i! to be a$$owe in f(rt"erance of 2(!tice (ner a !o(n 2(icia$
i!cretion? #"i! 2(icia$ i!cretion, ('on t"e ot"er "an, i! of co(r!e not
wit"o(t an1 re!triction? #"e ca(!e of action )(!t e6i!t at t"e ti)e t"e
action wa! be&(n, an t"e '$aintiff wi$$ not be a$$owe b1 an
a)en)ent to intro(ce a ca(!e of action w"ic" "a no e6i!tence
w"en t"e action wa! co))ence? A! !oon a! an action i! bro(&"t an
t"e co)'$aint i! fi$e, t"e 'roceein&! t"(! initiate are not !(b2ect to
t"e arbitrar1 contro$ of t"e 'artie! or of t"e co(rt, b(t )(!t be ea$t wit"
in accorance wit" reco&niBe r($e! of '$eain& an 'ractice?
A)en)ent! )(!t be !(c", an on$1 !(c", a! are nece!!ar1 to
'ro)ote t"e co)'$etion of t"e action be&(n?
- It i! tr(e, t"at an a)ene co)'$aint an t"e an!wer t"ereto taAe t"e
'$ace of t"e ori&ina$! w"ic" are t"ereb1 re&are a! abanone? #"at,
"owever, w"ic" i! no ca(!e of action w"at!oever cannot b1
a)en)ent or !(''$e)enta$ '$eain& be converte into a ca(!e of
action@ ;i"i$ o re accre!cit ei /(i ni"i$ in re /(ano 2(a accre!ceret
Disposition Orer a''ea$e fro) i! A++IRME3?
Fi*in+0 Se"'ice !& p*e%)in+#, .,)+Den# %n) !-e"
<?R? ;o? 14>.81
SA;3O%AL-<I#IERRES; ;ov? 2-, 2005
Petition for review on certiorari a!!ai$in& eci!ion an re!o$(tion of t"e
- S'o(!e! 7a(ti!ta are t"e re&i!tere owner! of a $ot in 7atan&a!?
- MMCI? fi$e wit" t"e R#C a co)'$aint for cance$$ation of 'etitioner!0
tit$e an a)a&e!, wit" a''$ication for a 're$i)inar1 in2(nction, a$$e&in&
t"at Fwit"o(t an1 co$or of ri&"t an t"ro(&" (bio(! )ean!,L 'etitioner!
were ab$e to obtain ori&ina$ tit$e in t"eir na)e!?
- S'o(!e! fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! on t"e &ro(n t"at it oe! not !tate
a ca(!e of action? #"e1 averre t"at re!'onent i! a 'rivate
cor'oration, "ence, i!/(a$ifie (ner t"e Con!tit(tion

fro) ac/(irin&
'(b$ic a$ienab$e $an! e6ce't b1 $ea!e, an cannot be con!iere a
rea$ 'art1 in intere!t?
- R#C &rante )otion to i!)i!!?
- MMCI fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration wit" )otion for $eave to fi$e
an a)ene co)'$aint for /(ietin& of tit$e? Re!'onent a$$e&e t"at
t"e tec"nica$ e!cri'tion in 'etitioner!0 tit$e oe! not cover t"e i!'(te
- S'o(!e! fi$e t"eir o''o!ition, contenin& t"at t"e a)ene
co)'$aint oe! not a$!o !tate a ca(!e of action an if a)itte,
re!'onent0! t"eor1 of t"e ca!e i! !(b!tantia$$1 )oifie?
- R#C i!!(e an Orer en1in& 'etitioner!0 )otion to i!)i!!?
- Petitioner! fi$e wit" t"e CA a !'ecia$ civi$ action for certiorari an
'ro"ibition, a$$e&in& t"at t"e a)ene co)'$aint oe! not c(re t"e
efect in t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint w"ic" oe! not !tate a ca(!e of action?
- CA i!)i!!e t"e 'etition for certiorari an 'ro"ibition? Petitioner!
fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration b(t it wa! enie?
=O; t"e CA erre in "o$in& t"at t"e tria$ co(rt i not co))it &rave
ab(!e of i!cretion a)o(ntin& to $acA or e6ce!! of 2(ri!iction in
a)ittin& re!'onent0! a)ene co)'$aint
- Section 2, R($e 10 of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re
!"ow! t"at
6e&!"e -e &i*in+ !& %n( "e#p!n#i'e p*e%)in+, a 'art1 "a! t"e
%6#!*,e "i+- to a)en "i! '$eain&, re&ar$e!! of w"et"er a new
ca(!e of action or c"an&e in t"eor1 i! intro(ce?
- Petitioner! "a not 1et fi$e a re!'on!ive '$eain& to t"e ori&ina$
co)'$aint? ="at t"e1 fi$e wa! a )otion to i!)i!!, w"ic" i! not a
FSEC? 2? A)en)ent! a! a )atter of ri&"t? M A 'art1 )a1 a)en "i! '$eain& once a! a )atter of ri&"t at an1 ti)e before a re!'on!ive
'$eain& i! !erve or, in t"e ca!e of a re'$1, at an1 ti)e wit"in ten 4105 a1! after it i! !erve?L
re!'on!ive '$eain& a! conte)'$ate b1 t"e R($e? #"(! re!'onent,
a! a '$aintiff, )a1 fi$e an a)ene co)'$aint even after t"e ori&ina$
co)'$aint wa! orere i!)i!!e, 'rovie t"at t"e orer of i!)i!!a$
i! not 1et fina$, a! in t"i! ca!e?
- A! to 'etitioner!0 contention t"at MMCI i! barre fro) ac/(irin& t"e
!(b2ect $ot, !(ffice it to !a1 t"at t"i! i! a )atter of efen!e w"ic" can
on$1 be 'ro'er$1 eter)ine (rin& t"e f($$-b$own tria$ of t"e in!tant
Dispositive Petition 3E;IE3? CA eci!ion affir)e in toto?
/R N!. =9=9:9
Petition for review on certiorari
- #"i! 'etition i! fi$e b1 <CP, !eeAin& rever!a$ of CA eci!ion?
- #"e ca!e !tarte w"en Reco$iBao fi$e co)'$aint for a)a&e! for
'"1!ica$ in2(rie! !(!taine b1 "i) a! 'a!!en&er of <CP0! b(!? R#C
renere eci!ion in favor of Reco$iBao?
- Co'1 of eci!ion !ent to 'etitioner wa! ret(rne beca(!e it "a
F)oveL 4re!ience5, w"i$e co'1 !ent to Att1? A/(ino, t"en 'etitioner0!
co(n!e$, wa! ret(rne F(n!erveL bein& (nc$ai)e? Petitioner !tate!
t"at co'1 of eci!ion wa! 'er!ona$$1 e$ivere b1 Civi$ 3ocAet C$erA of
#C on Att1? A/(ino w"o ref(!e to receive t"e !a)e !a1in& "e wa! no
$on&er co(n!e$ for 'etitioner, a$t"o(&" no notice of wit"rawa$ a!
co(n!e$ wa! fi$e b1 "i)?
- Private re!'onent fi$e a )otion for e6ec(tion of t"e 2(&)ent, co'1
f(rni!"e to Att1? Arno$ M? A/(ino an 'etitioner w"ic" t"e co(rt
&rante? =rit of e6ec(tion wa! i!!(e, w"ic" 'etitioner receive?
- Att1? ,o!e e L(na entere "i! a''earance a! new co(n!e$ for t"e
'etitioner wit" )otion for recon!ieration of t"e orer &rantin& t"e
)otion for e6ec(tion or t"e /(a!"a$ of t"e writ of e6ec(tion on t"e
&ro(n t"at 'etitioner "a not been ($1 notifie?
- Petitioner receive a ;otice of 3e)an for Pa1)ent fro) t"e
e'(tie! of t"e E6-officio S"eriff of t"e R#C attac"in& t"ereto co'ie! of
t"e writ of e6ec(tion an t"e eci!ion? 'etitioner fi$e a ;otice of
A''ea$? 2 )o! $ater, re!'onent co(rt i!!(e a!!ai$e re!o$(tion
en1in& 'etitioner!0 )otion for recon!ieration or to /(a!" writ of
- Petitioner went to CA on 'etition for certiorari? CA fo(n no ab(!e of
i!cretion an i!)i!!e t"e 'etition? Recon!ieration wa! a$!o
enie? :ence, t"e 're!ent 'etition for review on certiorari?
- Petitioner ar&(e! t"at@ w"en a co'1 of t"e eci!ion w"ic" t"e co(rt
!ent to Att1? A/(ino wa! ret(rne to !ener, re!'onent ,(&e
re!orte in ca(!in& t"e !ervice of t"e eci!ion to !ai co(n!e$ in o'en
co(rt, a! 'etitioner0! co(n!e$ on recor, w"en !ai $aw1er a''eare in
t"e !a$a of re!'onent ,(&e for anot"er ca!e; 'etitioner !"o($ be
ee)e a! "avin& no notice of t"e tria$ co(rt eci!ion !ince it!
co(n!e$, w"o "a not wit"rawn a! !(c", ref(!e to receive a co'1 of
t"e !a)e? ="at t"e civi$ ocAet c$erA of t"e tria$ co(rt !"o($ "ave
one wa! to re!ort to !(b!tit(te !ervice?
- Re!'onent in "i! Co))ent conten! t"at !ince Att1? A/(ino i!
co(n!e$ of 'etitioner an t"ere i! not"in& to !"ow t"at "e wit"rew a!
co(n!e$ of 'etitioner, t"e co'1 of t"e eci!ion )ai$e to "i) b1
re&i!tere )ai$ a$t"o(&" ret(rne (n!erve i! !(fficient to !erve a!
notice to "i) an to "i! c$ient fo$$owin& Sec? 5 of R($e 1. of RoC; it
wa! t"e (t1 of 'etitioner to notif1 t"e co(rt t"at Att1? A/(ino wa! no
$on&er it! $aw1er; if a $aw1er i! &oin& to wit"raw a! co(n!e$ for "i!
c$ient, "e !"o($ fi$e a )otion to wit"raw a! !(c" wit" t"e confor)it1
of t"e c$ient?
=O; CA eci!ion !"o($ be rever!e
- C$ient! are bo(n b1 t"e action! of t"eir co(n!e$ in t"e con(ct of
t"eir ca!e? If it were ot"erwi!e, an a $aw1er0! )i!taAe or ne&$i&ence
wa! a)itte a! a rea!on for t"e o'enin& of a ca!e, t"ere wo($ be no
en to $iti&ation !o $on& a! co(n!e$ "a not been !(fficient$1 i$i&ent or
e6'erience? #"e on$1 e6ce'tion to t"e &enera$ r($e i! w"en t"e
co(n!e$0! act(ation! are &ro!! or 'a$'ab$e, re!($tin& in !erio(! in2(!tice
to c$ient? In t"i! ca!e, w"i$e Att1? A/(ino, co(n!e$ of 'etitioner, wa! far
fro) bein& vi&i$ant in 'rotectin& t"e intere!t of "i! c$ient, "i! infraction!
cannot be !ai to "ave e'rive 'etitioner of (e 'roce!!?
- Petitioner wa! ab$e to active$1 'artici'ate in t"e 'roceein&! a ,uo?
="i$e it )a1 "ave $o!t it! ri&"t to a''ea$, it wa! not enie it! a1 in
co(rt? Ri&"t to a''ea$ i! not a nat(ra$ ri&"t or a 'art of (e 'roce!! b(t
on$1 a !tat(tor1 'rivi$e&e an )a1 be e6erci!e on$1 in t"e )anner an
in accorance wit" t"e 'rovi!ion! of $aw?
- ="en 'etitioner i! at fa($t or not entire$1 b$a)e$e!!, t"ere i! no
rea!on to overt(rn we$$-!ett$e 2(ri!'r(ence?
- Petitioner wa! wantin& in a$$ t"e!e area!? ;ot on$1 i it fai$ to
re&($ar$1 c"ecA on t"e !tat(! of t"e ca!e, it a$!o fai$e to en!(re t"at it
co($ be notifie of t"e eci!ion a! !oon a! it wa! 'ro)($&ate?
Petitioner i not infor) t"e co(rt t"at it "a! !evere it! re$ation!"i'
wit" Att1? A/(ino? ;eit"er i it "ire a new $aw1er !oon after Att1?
A/(ino a$$e&e$1 cea!e to be it! co(n!e$?
- #"at Att1? A/(ino ref(!e to receive a co'1 of t"e eci!ion an no
!(b!tit(te !ervice wa! effecte oe! not era!e t"e fact t"at a co'1 of
t"e tria$ co(rt eci!ion "a ear$ier been !ent b1 re&i!tere )ai$ to Att1?
A/(ino #"i! i! !(fficient !ervice of t"e eci!ion on 'etitioner !ince
!ervice ('on co(n!e$ of recor at "i! &iven are!! i! !ervice to
- In ca!e! w"ere !ervice wa! )ae on t"e co(n!e$ of recor at "i!
&iven are!!, notice !ent to 'etitioner it!e$f i! not even nece!!ar1?
Even t"en, in t"e 're!ent ca!e, t"e tria$ co(rt "a !ent a co'1 of t"e
eci!ion to 'etitioner0! Anown are!!?
Co(rt reiterate! t"e i!tinction between 'etition for review on certiorari
(ner R($e 45 an 'etition for certiorari (ner R($e 85? It !"o($ be
reca$$e t"at a 'etition (ner R($e 45 brin&! (' for review error! of
2(&)ent w"i$e a 'etition (ner R($e 85 concern! error! of 2(ri!iction
or &rave ab(!e of i!cretion a)o(ntin& to $acA or e6ce!! of
2(ri!iction? <rave ab(!e of i!cretion i! not an a$$owab$e &ro(n
(ner R($e 45? :owever, a 'etition for review on certiorari (ner
R($e 45 )a1 be con!iere a! a 'etition for certiorari (ner R($e 85
w"ere it i! a$$e&e t"at t"e re!'onent! ab(!e t"eir i!cretion?
Disposition Petition i! i!)i!!e?
/.R. N!. =989B5
Petition for certiorari fi$e VR85W
- Ma? Corona Ro)ero an "er !ib$in&! e6ec(te a $etter-contract to !e$$
wit" 'rivate re!'onent Sat(rnino Oren?
- In !ai contract, Oren 'ro'o!e to '(rc"a!e fro) Ro)ero an "er
!ib$in&! a 'ro'ert1 $ocate at 3enver cor? ;ew CorA St!?, C(bao, HC
for t"e tota$ a)o(nt of P19M?
- #"e contract !ti'($ate t"at 'rivate re!'onent !"a$$ 'a1 'etitioner
t"e a)o(nt of P9M ('on t"e e6ec(tion of t"e ee of ab!o$(te !a$e,
t"e ba$ance of P10M not $ater t"an 3ece)ber 1-, 1--8 an t"at Oren
!"a$$ !"o($er t"e e6'en!e! to evict t"e !/(atter! on t"e 'ro'ert1?
- ="en Oren fai$e to 'a1 t"e own 'a1)ent, 'etitioner Corona to$
"i) t"at !"e wa! re!cinin& t"e contract to !e$$?
- Oren t"en fi$e a co)'$aint for !'ecific 'erfor)ance an a)a&e!
a&ain!t 'etitioner! before t"e HC R#C a$$e&in& t"at "e "a! co)'$ie
wit" "i! ob$i&ation to evict t"e !/(atter! on t"e 'ro'ert1 an i! entit$e
to e)an fro) 'etitioner! t"e 'erfor)ance of t"eir ob$i&ation (ner
t"e contract?
- Si)($taneo(! wit" t"e fi$in& of t"e co)'$aint, Oren ca(!e t"e
annotation of a notice of $i! 'enen! on t"e #C#?
- A(&(!t 11, 1--9, Man(e$ C? Li)!ico, ,r? an A$o1!i(! R? Santo!,
!(b!e/(ent b(1er! of t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ert1 !o$ b1 Corona an "er
!ib$in&!, fi$e a )otion for $eave to intervene wit" t"e R#C an were
a)itte a! efenant!-intervenor!? - #"e1 fi$e a )otion for t"e
cance$$ation of $i! 'enen! w"ic" t"e R#C &rante in it! Re!o$(tion
!a1in& t"at t"e evience 're!ente b1 Oren oe! not bear o(t t"e
)ain a$$e&ation! in t"e co)'$aint an t"at "e oe! not "ave an1
actionab$e ri&"t over t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ert1 t"ere bein& no ee of !a$e
e6ec(te between "i) an t"e efenant! over t"e !(b2ect rea$
'ro'ertie! a! offere in t"e a$$e&e a&ree)ent?
- R#C@ enie Oren0! MR?
- ;ov? 18, 1-->, Oren fi$e a 'etition for certiorari before t"e CA
!eeAin& t"e n($$ification of t"e re!o$(tion! of t"e R#C an a!Ae for t"e
re-annotation of t"e notice of $i! 'enen! on t"e #C#?
- #"e CA &rante t"e 'etition on 4 &ro(n!@ +ir!t, t"e1 !ai t"at t"e
&enera$ r($e i! Fa notice of $i! 'enen! cannot be cance$$e w"i$e t"e
action i! 'enin& an (neter)ine e6ce't in ca!e! e6're!!$1
'rovie b1 !tat(te?L Secon, CA cite Sec?99 of P3 152--Pro'ert1
Re&i!tration 3ecree w"ic" 'rovie for two &ro(n! for t"e co(rt to
orer t"e cance$$ation of a notice of $i! 'enen! (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of
an action w"ic" are@ 415 if t"e annotation wa! for t"e '(r'o!e of
)o$e!tin& t"e tit$e of t"e aver!e 'art1, or 425 w"en t"e annotation i!
not nece!!ar1 to 'rotect t"e tit$e of t"e 'art1 w"o ca(!e it to be
recore 4;O= SEC 14, R1. ROC5? #"ir, t"e 3octrine of Li!
Penen! wo($ be renere )eanin&$e!! if t"e 'rivate re!'onent!
are a$$owe to fi$e a bon re&ar$e!! of t"e a)o(nt, in !(b!tit(tion of
!ai notice an t"at t"e $aw oe! not a(t"oriBe a 2(&e to cance$ a
notice of $i! 'enen! 'enin& $iti&ation, ('on t"e )ere fi$in& of a
!(fficient bon b1 t"e 'art1 on w"o!e tit$e !ai notice i! annotate?
+o(rt", if t"ere wa! inee an a&ree)ent to !e$$ between t"e 'etitioner
an t"e 'rivate re!'onent!-owner! 4w"ic" /(e!tion of fact i! not for
t"i! co(rt to eter)ine in t"i! 'etition5, t"en t"e !ai 'artie! are bo(n
b1 t"e 'rovi!ion! of A1495 of t"e Civi$ Coe 4#"e contract of !a$e i!
'erfecte at t"e )o)ent t"ere i! a )eetin& of )in! ('on t"e t"in&
w"ic" i! t"e ob2ect of t"e contract an ('on t"e 'rice?+ro) t"at
)o)ent, t"e 'artie! )a1 reci'roca$$1 e)an 'erfor)ance, !(b2ect to
t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"e $aw &overnin& t"e for) of contract?5
-CA enie Ro)ero! MR on ,an(ar1 28, 2000?
Petitioners/ contention. b1 orerin& t"e re-annotation of t"e notice of
$i! 'enen!, w"en 'rivate re!'onent i not even a!!ert a c$ai) of
'o!!e!!ion or tit$e over t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ert1, t"e CA went a&ain!t t"e
octrine in %i$$an(eva v!? Co(rt of A''ea$! w"ere t"i! Co(rt "e$ t"at
t"e a''$icant )(!t, in t"e co)'$aint or an!wer fi$e in t"e !(b2ect
$iti&ation, a!!ert a c$ai) of 'o!!e!!ion or tit$e over t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ert1
in orer to &ive (e co(r!e to "i! a''$ication; t"e CA, in conc$(in&
t"at t"ere wa! no "earin& before t"e annotation wa! cance$$e,
over$ooAe t"e fact t"at t"e )otion for cance$$ation wa! !et for "earin&
on ;ove)ber 12, 1--9, t"at 'rivate re!'onent wa! ($1 notifie b(t
fai$e to a''ear, an t"at "e wa! ab$e to fi$e "i! o''o!ition to t"e
)otion to cance$ $i! 'enen! w"ic" t"e R#C con!iere before
'ro)($&atin& it! Re!o$(tion ate ;ove)ber 28, 1--9?
Orden/s contention. t"e co(rt a /(o cance$$e t"e notice of $i!
'enen! even before it "a! been a''ri!e of a$$ t"e re$evant fact! of
t"e ca!e; t"e CA wa! correct in r($in& t"at w"i$e t"e 'artie! are $ocAe
in $e&a$ batt$e an (nti$ it beco)e! )anife!t t"at t"e &ro(n! !et fort"
in Sec? 99, P?3? ;o? 152- e6i!t, t"e tria$ co(rt !"o($ not a$$ow t"e
cance$$ation of t"e $i! 'enen!;
In t"eir Re'$1, 'etitioner! reiterate t"eir ar&()ent! an cite A+P
M(t(a$ 7enefit A!!ociation, Inc? v!? Co(rt of A''ea$! w"ere it wa! "e$
t"at a notice of $i! 'enen! )a1 be annotate on$1 w"ere t"ere i! an
action or 'roceein& in co(rt w"ic" affect! tit$e to or 'o!!e!!ion of rea$
'ro'ert1? #"e1 f(rt"er )aintain t"at t"e re/(ire)ent of 'rior "earin&
wa! !(fficient$1 co)'$ie wit" in t"i! ca!e an 'etitioner! i not act in
ba fait" w"en !"e !o$ t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ert1 'enin& t"e o(tco)e of
t"i! ca!e !ince t"ere wa! no o(t!tanin& in2(nction or re!trainin& orer
w"ic" wo($ "ave 'revente "er fro) oin& !o?
=O; t"e CA co))itte &rave ab(!e of i!cretion in orerin& t"e re-
annotation of t"e $i! 'enen!?
;O? Petitioner! "ave fai$e to !"ow t"at t"e CA co))itte <A3?
Reasoning. :eir! of E(&enio Lo'eB, Sr? v!? Enri/(eB@ Li! 'enen!,
w"ic" $itera$$1 )ean! 'enin& !(it, refer! to t"e 2(ri!iction, 'ower or
contro$ w"ic" a co(rt ac/(ire! over 'ro'ert1 invo$ve in a !(it, 'enin&
t"e contin(ance of t"e action, an (nti$ fina$ 2(&)ent?
-Li) v? %era Cr(B@ +o(ne ('on '(b$ic 'o$ic1 an nece!!it1, $i!
'enen! i! intene to Aee' t"e 'ro'ertie! in $iti&ation wit"in t"e 'ower
of t"e co(rt (nti$ t"e $iti&ation i! ter)inate, an to 'revent t"e efeat
of t"e 2(&)ent or ecree b1 !(b!e/(ent a$ienation?
- Care v!? I$are@ It! notice i! an anno(nce)ent to t"e w"o$e wor$
t"at a 'artic($ar 'ro'ert1 i! in $iti&ation an !erve! a! a warnin& t"at
one w"o ac/(ire! an intere!t over !ai 'ro'ert1 oe! !o at "i! own ri!A
or t"at "e &a)b$e! on t"e re!($t of t"e $iti&ation over !ai 'ro'ert1?
- #"e fi$in& of a notice of $i! 'enen! "a! a two-fo$ effect@ 415 to Aee'
t"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e $iti&ation wit"in t"e 'ower of t"e co(rt (nti$ t"e
entr1 of t"e fina$ 2(&)ent to 'revent t"e efeat of t"e fina$ 2(&)ent
b1 !(cce!!ive a$ienation!; an 425 to bin a '(rc"a!er, bona fie or
not, of t"e $an !(b2ect of t"e $iti&ation to t"e 2(&)ent or ecree t"at
t"e co(rt wi$$ 'ro)($&ate !(b!e/(ent$1?
- Ma&a$ena :o)eowner! A!!ociation, Inc? v!? CA@ a notice of $i!
'enen! i! a''ro'riate in t"e fo$$owin&@
4a5 an action to recover 'o!!e!!ion of rea$ e!tate;
4b5 an action to /(iet tit$e t"ereto;
4c5 an action to re)ove c$o(! t"ereon;
45 an action for 'artition; an
4e5 an1 ot"er 'roceein&! of an1 Ain in Co(rt irect$1 affectin& t"e
tit$e to t"e $an or t"e (!e or occ('ation t"ereof or t"e b(i$in&!
-At$antic Erector!, Inc? v!? :erba$ Cove Rea$t1 Cor'?@ Re!ortin& to $i!
'enen! i! not nece!!ari$1 confine to ca!e! t"at invo$ve tit$e to or
'o!!e!!ion of rea$ 'ro'ert1 b(t a$!o a''$ie! to !(it! !eeAin& to
e!tab$i!" a ri&"t to, or an e/(itab$e e!tate or intere!t in, a !'ecific rea$
'ro'ert1; or to enforce a $ien, a c"ar&e or an enc()brance a&ain!t it?
- #"e octrine of $i! 'enen! "a! no a''$ication to a 'roceein& in
w"ic" t"e on$1 ob2ect !o(&"t i! t"e recover1 of a )one1 2(&)ent,
t"o(&" t"e tit$e or ri&"t of 'o!!e!!ion to 'ro'ert1 be incienta$$1
affecte? It i! e!!entia$ t"at t"e 'ro'ert1 be irect$1 affecte !(c" a!
w"en t"e re$ief !o(&"t in t"e action or !(it inc$(e! t"e recover1 of
'o!!e!!ion, or t"e enforce)ent of a $ien, or an a2(ication between
conf$ictin& c$ai)! of tit$e, 'o!!e!!ion, or t"e ri&"t of 'o!!e!!ion to
!'ecific 'ro'ert1, or re/(irin& it! tran!fer or !a$e? Even if a 'art1
initia$$1 avai$! of a notice of $i! 'enen! ('on t"e fi$in& of a ca!e in
co(rt, !(c" notice i! renere n(&ator1 if t"e ca!e t(rn! o(t to be a
'(re$1 'er!ona$ action? In !(c" event, t"e notice of $i! 'enen!
beco)e! f(nct(! officio?
-#o '(t t"e 'ro'ert1 (ner t"e covera&e of t"e r($e on $i! 'enen!, a$$
a 'art1 "a! to o i! to a!!ert a c$ai) of 'o!!e!!ion or tit$e over t"e
!(b2ect 'ro'ert1? It i! not nece!!ar1 t"at owner!"i' or intere!t over t"e
'ro'ert1 i! 'rove?
-71 'ra1in& for t"e Ro)ero! to be bo(n b1 t"e ter)! of t"eir contract
4ie? S'ecific 'erfor)ance an a)a&e!5, Oren in effect a!A! t"e co(rt
to orer 'etitioner! to f($fi$$ t"eir 'ro)i!e to !e$$ t"e 'ro'ert1 for t"e
a)o(nt of P19M?
-="i$e Oren i not e6'$icit$1 !tate t"at "e wa! r(nnin& after t"e
owner!"i' of t"e 'ro'ert1, a !i)'$e reain& of t"e co)'$aint wo($
!"ow t"at !(c" wa! "i! intent? #"i! i! !(fficient for '(r'o!e! of
annotatin& $i! 'enen!?
- #"ere i! no re/(ire)ent t"at t"e 'art1 a''$1in& for t"e annotation
)(!t 'rove "i! ri&"t or intere!t over t"e 'ro'ert1 !o(&"t to be
annotate? #"(!, even on t"e ba!i! of an (nre&i!tere ee of !a$e, a
notice of $i! 'enen! )a1 be annotate on t"e tit$e?
-Sai annotation cannot be con!iere a! a co$$atera$ attacA a&ain!t
t"e certificate of tit$e ba!e on t"e 'rinci'$e t"at t"e re&i!tration of a
notice of $i! 'enen! oe! not 'ro(ce a $e&a$ effect !i)i$ar to a $ien?
- #"e r($e! )ere$1 re/(ire t"at an affir)ative re$ief be c$ai)e !ince a
notation of $i! 'enen! neit"er affect! t"e )erit! of a ca!e nor create!
a ri&"t or a $ien? It on$1 'rotect! t"e a''$icant0! ri&"t! w"ic" wi$$ be
eter)ine (rin& tria$?
Dispositive t"e 'etition for certiorari i! 3ISMISSE3 for $acA of )erit?
Petition for review of t"e Re!o$(tion

of t"e CA
-On ,($1 1>, 1->>, t"e 'etitioner wa! c"ar&e wit" vio$ation of
Pre!ientia$ 3ecree ;o? 1>88 4i$$e&a$ 'o!!e!!ion of firear)!5 in t"e
Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt of MaAati Cit1, ocAete a! Cri)ina$ Ca!e ;o?
429? On Marc" 22, 2000, t"e 'etitioner fi$e an a''$ication for a)ne!t1
wit" t"e Loca$ A)ne!t1 7oar for Metro Mani$a? In (e co(r!e, t"e
boar enie t"e !ai a''$ication? On A(&(!t 28, 2002, t"e ;ationa$
A)ne!t1 Co))i!!ion 4;AC5 i!!(e a Re!o$(tion affir)in& t"at of t"e
Loca$ A)ne!t1 7oar? #"e )otion for recon!ieration t"ereof wa!
enie b1 t"e ;AC, 'er it! Re!o$(tion ate ;ove)ber 1., 2002, a
co'1 of w"ic" wa! receive b1 t"e 'etitioner on ;ove)ber 22, 2002?
-Iner R($e III, Section 4 of ;AC A)ini!trative Orer ;o? 2, Serie! of
1---, t"e 'etitioner "a (nti$ 3ece)ber 9, 2002, a Sat(ra1, wit"in
w"ic" to fi$e a 'etition for review of t"e !ai re!o$(tion wit" t"e Co(rt of
A''ea$!? On 3ece)ber -, 2002, t"e 'etitioner fi$e a )otion in t"e
a''e$$ate co(rt for an e6ten!ion of fifteen 4155 a1! fro) 3ece)ber -,
2002, or (nti$ 3ece)ber 24, 2002 wit"in w"ic" to fi$e "i! 'etition? #"e
'etitioner a$$e&e t"erein t"at "e "a 2(!t en&a&e t"e !ervice! of
co(n!e$ w"o neee aitiona$ ti)e to !t(1 t"e ca!e an raft t"e
'etition? :owever, t"e 'etitioner fai$e to fi$e "i! 'etition for review?
-3ece)ber 24, 2002 wa! ec$are a nationa$ "o$ia1; 3ece)ber 25,
2002 wa! a$!o a "o$ia1? On 3ece)ber 28, 2002, t"e 'etitioner fi$e a
!econ )otion for e6ten!ion of fifteen 4155 a1! fro) 3ece)ber 28,
2002 or (nti$ ,an(ar1 10, 2002, wit"in w"ic" to fi$e "i! 'etition? #"e
'etitioner fi$e "i! 'etition for review wit" t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! on
,an(ar1 10, 200.?
-On ,an(ar1 1., 200., t"e CA i!!(e a Re!o$(tion &rantin& t"e
'etitioner0! fir!t )otion for a fifteen-a1 e6ten!ion co(nte fro)
3ece)ber 9, 2002 or (nti$ 3ece)ber 22, 2002, wit"in w"ic" to fi$e !ai
'etition? On +ebr(ar1 20, 200., t"e CA i!!(e a Re!o$(tion en1in&
'etitioner0! !econ )otion for "avin& been fi$e o(t of ti)e? #"e
'etitioner fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration of t"e +ebr(ar1 20, 200.
Re!o$(tion c$ai)in& t"at, !ince t"e $a!t a1 to fi$e "i! 'etition wa! a
Sat(ra1, 3ece)ber 9, 2002, an t"e ne6t a1, 3ece)ber >, 2002
wa! a S(na1, t"e $a!t a1 for fi$in& t"e 'etition wa! 3ece)ber -,
2002? :e rea!one t"at !ince "e fi$e "i! )otion for e6ten!ion of ti)e
to fi$e "i! 'etition for review on t"e !ai ate, t"e !ai )otion wa!
ti)e$1 fi$e?
-On A(&(!t 1-, 200., t"e CA i!!(e a Re!o$(tion en1in& t"e
'etitioner0! )otion, re$1in& on A?M? ;o? 00-2-14-SC i!!(e on +ebr(ar1
2-, 2000, w"ic" 'rovie! t"at an1 e6ten!ion of ti)e to fi$e t"e re/(ire
'$eain& !"o($ be co(nte fro) t"e e6'iration of t"e 'erio
re&ar$e!! of t"e fact t"at t"e !ai (e ate i! a Sat(ra1, S(na1, or
$e&a$ "o$ia1?
=O; t"e 'etitioner ti)e$1 fi$e "i! !econ )otion for e6ten!ion of ti)e
to fi$e "i! 'etition for review?
;O? Petitioner0! )otion for a !econ e6ten!ion of ti)e to fi$e "i!
'etition for review wa! fi$e o(t of ti)e?
Reasoning. Section 1, R($e 22, of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re
Section 1? Go$ to compute time. In co)'(tin& an1 'erio of ti)e
're!cribe or a$$owe b1 t"e!e R($e!, or b1 orer of t"e co(rt, or b1
an1 a''$icab$e !tat(te, t"e a1 of t"e act or event fro) w"ic" t"e
e!i&nate 'erio of ti)e be&in! to r(n i! to be e6c$(e an t"e ate
of 'erfor)ance inc$(e? If t"e $a!t a1 of t"e 'erio, a! t"(!
co)'(te, fa$$! on a Sat(ra1, a S(na1, or a $e&a$ "o$ia1 in t"e
'$ace w"ere t"e co(rt !it!, t"e ti)e !"a$$ not r(n (nti$ t"e ne6t worAin&
-#"e Co(rt c$arifie t"e 'rovi!ion w"en it i!!(e A?M? ;o? 00-2-14-SC,
w"ic" rea!@
="erea!, t"e aforecite 'rovi!ion a''$ie! in t"e )atter of fi$in& of
'$eain&! in co(rt! w"en t"e (e ate fa$$! on a Sat(ra1, S(na1, or
$e&a$ "o$ia1, in w"ic" ca!e, t"e fi$in& of t"e !ai '$eain& on t"e ne6t
worAin& a1 i! ee)e on ti)e;
="erea!, t"e /(e!tion "a! been rai!e if t"e 'erio i! e6tene i'!o
2(re to t"e ne6t worAin& a1 i))eiate$1 fo$$owin& w"ere t"e $a!t a1
of t"e 'erio i! a Sat(ra1, S(na1 or $e&a$ "o$ia1 !o t"at w"en a
)otion for e6ten!ion of ti)e i! fi$e, t"e 'erio of e6ten!ion i! to be
recAone fro) t"e ne6t worAin& a1 an not fro) t"e ori&ina$
e6'iration of t"e 'erio;
;O= #:ERE+ORE, t"e Co(rt Re!o$ve!, for t"e &(iance of t"e
7enc" an t"e 7ar, to ec$are t"at Section 1, R($e 22 !'eaA! on$1 of
*t"e $a!t a1 of t"e 'erio* !o t"at w"en a 'art1 !eeA! an e6ten!ion
an t"e !a)e i! &rante, t"e (e ate cea!e! to be t"e $a!t a1 an
"ence, t"e 'rovi!ion no $on&er a''$ie!? An1 e6ten!ion of ti)e to fi$e t"e
re/(ire '$eain& !"o($ t"erefore be co(nte fro) t"e e6'iration of
t"e 'erio re&ar$e!! of t"e fact t"at !ai (e ate i! a Sat(ra1,
S(na1 or $e&a$ "o$ia1?
-#"e e6ten!ion &rante b1 t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! !"o($ be tacAe to
t"e ori&ina$ 'erio an co))ence! i))eiate$1 after t"e e6'iration of
!(c" 'erio? Iner t"e Re!o$(tion of t"i! Co(rt in A?M? ;o? 00-2-14-
SC, t"e CA "a! no i!cretion to recAon t"e co))ence)ent of t"e
e6ten!ion it &rante fro) a ate $ater t"an t"e e6'iration of !(c"
'erio, re&ar$e!! of t"e fact t"at !ai (e ate i! a Sat(ra1, S(na1,
or a $e&a$ "o$ia1?
-#"e Co(rt of A''ea$! cannot be fa($te for &rantin& t"e 'etitioner0!
fir!t )otion for e6ten!ion of fifteen 4155 a1! wit"in w"ic" to fi$e "i!
'etition for review, recAone fro) 3ece)ber 9, 2002, an not fro)
3ece)ber -, 2002 a! 'ra1e for b1 t"e 'etitioner? In !o oin&, it
)ere$1 a''$ie, wit" fea$t1, Section 1, R($e 22 of t"e Revi!e R($e! of
Co(rt, a! a)ene, a! c$arifie b1 t"e Co(rt via it! Re!o$(tion in A?M?
;o? 00-2-14-SC? :a t"e CA &rante t"e 'etitioner! fir!t )otion for
e6ten!ion an recAone t"e fifteen-a1 'erio fro) 3ece)ber -, 2002,
in!tea of fro) 3ece)ber 9, 2002, t"e a''e$$ate co(rt wo($ "ave
acte wit" &rave ab(!e of it! i!cretion?
Dispositive Petition granted
D!)e# !& #e"'ice
=. '!*,n%"( %ppe%"%nce
8. V!*,n%"( #,6Di##i!n
-S'o(!e! #o$entino were co-)ovant! in t"e )otion for a 2(&)ent on a
co)'ro)i!e wit" S'o(!e! Rebo$$ao
t"e #o$entino! free$1 an vo$(ntari$1 entere into t"e co)'ro)i!e
a&ree)ent w"ic" beca)e t"e ba!i! of 2(&)ent of t"e Cit1 Co(rt?
Iner t"e circ()!tance!, t"e #o$entino! are e!to''e t"e ver1
a(t"orit1 t"e1 invoAe? An even a!!()in& t"at e!to''e$ $ie!, we
cannot !et a!ie t"e 'rinci'$e of e/(it1 t"at jurisdiction over a
person not originall% a part% to a case $a% &e ac*uired( upon
proper conditions( thru the voluntar% appearance of the person
&efore the court. 71 co)in& forwar wit" t"e ori&ina$ $iti&ant! in
)ovin& for a 2(&)ent on co)'ro)i!e an b1 a!!()in& !(c" intere!t
in t"e fina$ a2(ication of t"e ca!e to&et"er wit" t"e Robe$$ao!, t"e
#o$entino! effective$1 !(b)itte t"e)!e$ve! to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e
Cit1 Co(rt?
-J,"i#)ici!n !'e" -e p*%ini&& can be ac/(ire b1 t"e co(rt ('on
fi$in& of t"e co)'$aint? On t"e ot"er "an, .,"i#)ici!n !'e" -e
)e&en)%n# can be ac/(ire b1 t"e co(rt ('on !ervice of va$i
!())on! an ('on vo$(ntar1 a''earanceE!(b)i!!ion of a 'er!on in
1. #e"'ice in pe"#!n
/.R. N!. =8518=
VITU/< Oc!6e" 81, =>>2
Petition for review
-Petitioner #o1ota C(bao, Inc?, (nertooA re'air! on t"e car owne b1
'rivate re!'onent <(evarra? #"e re'air co!twa! 'ai b1 )ean! of
7PI C"ecA rawn b1 <(evarra in favor of #o1ota?
-#"e c"ecA wa! i!"onore?
-<(evarra fai$e to )aAe &oo t"e c"ecA
-#o1ota a civi$ ca!e for co$$ection of t"e (n'ai acco(nt?
-tria$ co(rt i!!(e t"e #,DD!n# ! /,e'%""% % -i# %))"e## in 8>
B,"+!# S"ee, C%*%D6%, L%+,n%.
-Proce!! Server Antonio Ri)a! of t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt of
Ca$a)ba, La&(na, !(b)itte to t"e tria$ co(rt a ret(rn on t"e !ervice; it
rea in f($$@
*Re!'ectf($$1 ret(rne to t"e 7ranc" C$erA of Co(rt, Re&iona$ #ria$
Co(rt, ;ationa$ Ca'ita$ ,(icia$ Re&ion, 7ranc" -2, H(eBon Cit1, t"e
"erein attac"e ori&ina$ !())on in t"e above entit$e ca!e wit" t"e
infor)ation t"at it wa! ($1 !erve to t"e efenant 3A;ILO A?
<IE%ARRA, -", -e" #i#e"-in-*%K, /LORIA CABALLES, 6(
*e%'in+ % c!p( !& -e #,DD!n# %n) c!Dp*%in 6, "e&,#e) !
-#o1ota c$ai)! t"at <(evarra "a fai$e to fi$e an A;S=ER wit"in t"e
re&$e)entar1 'erio, )ove to ec$are <(evarra in efa($t? A co'1 of
t"e )otion wa! f(rni!"e <(evarra, t"ro(&" re&i!tere )ai$ wit" ret(rn
car, at 2- 7(r&o! Street, Ca$a)ba, La&(na?
-'etitioner fi$e t"e re&i!tr1 ret(rn car inicatin& recei't of t"e )otion
-tria$ co(rt &rante 'etitionerD! Motion #o 3ec$are 3efenant In 3efa($t
an a$$owe an e6-'arte 're!entation of 'etitionerD! evience?
-#C in favor of #o1ota
- a writ of e6ec(tion wa! i!!(e to i)'$e)ent t"e eci!ion? #"e 3e'(t1
S"eriff, i)'$e)entin& t"e writ, $evie on <(evarraD! #o1ota Coro$$a?
#"e notice of $ev1 wa! !erve on <(evarra 'er!ona$$1 b(t "e ref(!e
to !i&n t"e recei't t"ereof, e6're!!e !(r'ri!e over it, an !tate t"at
"e wa! not aware of an1 ca!e in!tit(te a&ain!t "i)? <(evarra t(rne
over t"e ve"ic$e b(t fi$e a certiorari 'etition before t"e CA c$ai)in&
t"at t"e tria$ co(rt i not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over "i! 'er!on beca(!e
of a efective !ervice of !())on! on "i)?
-CA in favor of <(evarra-ann($$e an !et a!ie t"e efa($t 2(&)ent,
t"e writ of e6ec(tion, t"e $ev1 ('on e6ec(tion an t"e !a$e at '(b$ic
a(ction of t"e ve"ic$e-!a1in& t"at !(b!tit(te !ervice of !())on! wa!
not va$i
-#o1ota went to SC
2? =O; !ervice of !())on! i! efective
8. YES.
It i! not "ere i!'(te t"at !(b!tit(te !ervice of !())on! "a! been
re!orte to b1 t"e 'roce!! !erver b(t t"at, (nfort(nate$1, t"e !erverD!
ret(rn i not !tate t"e fact! or t"e neee 'artic($ar! t"at co($ 2(!tif1
t"e !(b!tit(te !ervice? #"e con!tit(tiona$ re/(ire)ent of (e 'roce!!,
t"i! Co(rt "a! "e$ in 7oticano v!? C"(, ,r?, e6act! t"at t"e !ervice 4of
!())on!5 be !(c" a! )a1 rea!onab$1 be e6'ecte to &ive t"e notice
e!ire? Once t"e !ervice 'rovie b1 t"e r($e! acco)'$i!"e! t"at en,
*t"e re/(ire)ent of 2(!tice i! an!were; t"e traitiona$ notion! of fair
'$a1 are !ati!fie; (e 'roce!! i! !erve?* A$t"o(&" Moran, on t"e
R($e! of Co(rt, "a! !ai t"at *Irre&($aritie! of t"i! Ain 4!(b!tit(te
!ervice5 4)i&"t5 be c(re b1 'roof t"at t"e co'ie! 4"ave5 act(a$$1 been
e$ivere to t"e efenant,* in t"e ca!e at bar, "owever, 'rivate
re!'onent a''ear! to "ave been notifie of t"e ca!e for t"e fir!t ti)e
on$1 at t"e ti)e t"e $ev1 on e6ec(tion of 2(&)ent wa! effecte b1 t"e
#"e fact of t"e )atter wa! t"at <(evarra evient$1 "a been (naware
of t"e 'roceein&! before t"e R#C? I'on $earnin& of t"e aver!e
eci!ion, b(t a$rea1 too $ate in t"e a1 for "i) to &et re$ief fro) t"at
co(rt, "e fi$e, in!tea, a certiorari 'etition before t"e Co(rt of A''ea$!?
#"e a''e$$ate co(rt neit"er ab(!e it! i!cretion nor wa! in error w"en
it ref(!e to con!ier t"e affiavit of t"e 'roce!! !erver 4ec$arin& t"e
conco)itant fact! re/(ire to be incor'orate in t"e ret(rn5 w"ic" wa!
're!ente to it for t"e fir!t ti)e on$1 a! an anne6 to it! Re'$1 fi$e wit"
t"e trib(na$? +or t"e a''e$$ate co(rt to "ave acce'te t"e affiavit
favorab$1 on it! face va$(e, wit"o(t "earin&, wo($ "ave a&ain been a
enia$ to t"e efenant 4"erein 'rivate re!'onent5 of "i! ri&"t to (e
Di#p!#ii!n PE#I#IO; 3E;IE3?
9. S,6#i,e) #e"'ice
/.R. N!. =1:4BB
/ARCIA< SepeD6e" =5, 8BB4
Petition for review on certiorari
-%:+ P"i$! fi$e an e2ect)ent !(it in t"e Me#C a&ain!t H(e$nan
invo$vin& a cono)ini() (nit
-Me#C in favor of %:+ P"i$!?
-on it! finin& t"at *!())on! to&et"er wit" a co'1 of t"e co)'$aint wa!
!erve Von 'etitionerW t"r( "i! wife on A(&(!t 25, 1--2 b1 !(b!tit(te
!ervice* an t"at 'etitioner *fai$e to fi$e "i! an!wer wit"in t"e
re&$e)entar1 'erio*, ca)e o(t wit" a eci!ion ate ;ove)ber 2.,
-Co'1 of t"e afore)entione eci!ion wa! !erve on 'etitioner b1
"e+i#e"e) D%i* b(t t"e !a)e wa! ret(rne (nc$ai)e on acco(nt of
'etitionerD! fai$(re to c$ai) t"e !a)e )e#pie -e p!#D%#e"J# -"ee
@1A #,cce##i'e n!ice# !n N!'eD6e" 84, =>>8, DeceD6e" 2, =>>8
%n) DeceD6e" ==, =>>8.
-;o a''ea$ "avin& been taAen b1 t"e 'etitioner, t"e Me#C eci!ion
beca)e fina$ an e6ec(tor1?
-a writ of e6ec(tion, a notice of $ev1 an a notice to vacate were !erve
on 'etitionerD! wife w"o acAnow$e&e recei't t"ereof?
-'etitioner fi$e wit" t"e R#C a Petition for Re$ief fro) ,(&)ent =it"
Pra1er for Pre$i)inar1 In2(nction anEor te)'orar1 re!trainin& orer,
t"ere(ner a$$e&in&, t"at "e wa! never !erve wit" !())on! an wa!
co)'$ete$1 (naware of t"e 'roceein&! in t"e e2ect)ent !(it, ain&
t"at "e $earne of t"e 2(&)ent renere t"ereon on$1 on M%( =:,
=>>1 K-en % n!ice !& *e'( !n eCec,i!n c%De ! -i# 7n!K*e)+e?
:e t"(! 'ra1e t"e R#C to ann($ an !et a!ie t"e Me#C eci!ion an
t"e writ! i!!(e in connection t"erewit"?
-In a eci!ion ate ,(ne ., 1--8, t"e R#C &rante 'etitionerD! 'etition
for re$ief an !et a!ie t"e Me#C eci!ion? #"e R#C e6'$aine t"at
'etitioner "a been (n($1 e'rive of a "earin& an "a been
'revente fro) taAin& an a''ea$ for t"e rea!on t"at 'etitionerD! wife, in
a fit of an&er, tore t"e !())on! an co)'$aint in t"e e2ect)ent !(it in
t"e "eat of a )arita$ !/(abb$e?
-%:+ went to SC b(t SC re)ane to CA
-CA-in a eci!ion ate Se'te)ber 19, 1--9, ('on a finin& t"at
'etitionerD! 'etition for re$ief wa! fi$e wit" t"e R#C be1on t"e 80-a1
)anator1 'erio t"erefor (ner Section ., R($e .> of t"e R($e! of
Co(rt, "e'e"#e) %n) #e %#i)e -e RTC )eci#i!n %n) "ein#%e) -%
!& -e MeTC,
1. NO.
Reasoning #"e recor! c$ear$1 revea$ t"at a co'1 of t"e Me#C
eci!ion wa! !ent to 'etitioner t"ro(&" re&i!tere )ai$ at "i! &iven
are!! on ;ove)ber 25, 1--2? It !"o($ be note t"at 'etitioner wa!
not re're!ente b1 co(n!e$ (rin& t"e 'roceein&! before t"e Me#C?
#"e fir!t notice to "i) b1 t"e 'o!t)a!ter to c"ecA "i! )ai$ wa! on
;ove)ber 25, 1--2? #"ereafter, !(b!e/(ent notice! were !ent b1 t"e
'o!t)a!ter on 3ece)ber 9, 1--2 an 3ece)ber 11, 1--2? +or !(re, a
certification t"at t"e re&i!tere )ai$ wa! (nc$ai)e b1 t"e 'etitioner
an t"(! ret(rne to t"e !ener after t"ree !(cce!!ive notice! wa!
i!!(e b1 t"e 'o!t)a!ter? :ence, !ervice of !ai Me#C eci!ion
beca)e effective five 455 a1! after ;ove)ber 25, 1--2, or on
;ove)ber .0, 1--2, confor)ab$1 wit" R($e 1., Section 10 of t"e 1--9
R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re, w"ic" rea!@
SEC? 10? Co)'$etene!! of Service? G Per!ona$ !ervice i! co)'$ete
('on act(a$ e$iver1? Service b1 orinar1 )ai$ i! co)'$ete ('on t"e
e6'iration of ten 4105 a1! after )ai$in&, (n$e!! t"e co(rt ot"erwi!e
'rovie!? Service b1 re&i!tere )ai$ i! co)'$ete ('on act(a$ recei't b1
t"e are!!ee, or after five 455 a1! fro) t"e ate "e receive t"e fir!t
notice of t"e 'o!t)a!ter, w"ic"ever ate i! ear$ier? 4E)'"a!i!
#"ere i! no o(bt t"at (ner t"e R($e!, !ervice b1 re&i!tere )ai$ i!
co)'$ete ('on act(a$ recei't b1 t"e are!!ee? :owever, if t"e
are!!ee fai$! to c$ai) "i! )ai$ fro) t"e 'o!t office wit"in five 455 a1!
fro) t"e ate of t"e fir!t notice, !ervice beco)e! effective ('on t"e
e6'iration of five 455 a1! t"erefro)? In !(c" a ca!e, t"ere ari!e! a
're!()'tion t"at t"e !ervice wa! co)'$ete at t"e en of t"e !ai five-
a1 'erio? #"i! )ean! t"at t"e 'erio to a''ea$ or to fi$e t"e
nece!!ar1 '$eain& be&in! to r(n after five a1! fro) t"e fir!t notice
&iven b1 t"e 'o!t)a!ter? #"i! i! beca(!e a 'art1 i! ee)e to "ave
receive an to "ave been notifie of t"e 2(&)ent at t"at 'oint?
=it" t"e rea$it1 t"at 'etitioner wa! fir!t notifie b1 t"e 'o!t)a!ter on
;ove)ber 25, 1--2, it fo$$ow! t"at !ervice of a co'1 of t"e Me#C
eci!ion wa! ee)e co)'$ete an effective five 455 a1! t"erefro) or
on N!'eD6e" 1B, =>>8. ;ece!!ari$1, t"e 80-a1 'erio for fi$in& a
'etition for re$ief )(!t be recAone fro) !(c" ate 4;ove)ber .0,
1--25 a! t"i! wa! t"e a1 w"en act(a$ recei't b1 'etitioner i!
're!()e? In #-!", peii!ne" K%# )eeDe) ! -%'e 7n!K*e)+e !&
-e MeTC )eci#i!n !n N!'eD6e" 1B, =>>8. T-e 5B-)%( pe"i!) &!"
&i*in+ % peii!n &!" "e*ie& -,# eCpi"e) !n J%n,%"( 8>, =>>1.
Un&!",n%e*(, i K%# !n*( !n M%( 89, =>>1, !" =24 )%(# %&e"
peii!ne" K%# )eeDe) ! -%'e *e%"ne) !& -e .,)+Den -% -e
&i*e) -i# peii!n &!" "e*ie& Ki- -e RTC. In(bitab$1, t"e 'etition wa!
fi$e wa1 be1on t"e 80-a1 'erio 'rovie b1 $aw?
Di#p!#ii!n PE#I#IO; 3E;IE3? CA A++IRME3
C!nen#, K-en i##,e), 6( K-!D i##,e)
M!)e# !& Se"'ice
=. V!*,n%"( Appe%"%nce
8. V!*,n%"( S,6Di##i!n
1. Se"'ice in Pe"#!n
9. S,6#i,e) Se"'ice
4. EC"%-e""i!"i%* Se"'ice
<? R? ;o? 190-28
C;ARES-SA;#IA<O; Se'te)ber 15, 2008
Petition for review on certiorari (ner R($e 45 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt of
t"e eci!ion an re!o$(tion of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$!
-Re!'onent! Aia #orre!, ;oni$o #orre!, an S"er1$ Ann #orre!-
:o$&ao, are )e)ber! of <(i&(into Creit Coo'erative, Inc? 4<ICCI5?
#"e1 avai$e of $oan! fro) t"e coo'erative b(t were (nab$e to 'a1 on
t"e (e ate! e!'ite e)an!?
-On Marc" 24, 200., 'etitioner fi$e a co)'$aint before t"e R#C of
7($acan for co$$ection of !() of )one1 an a)a&e!
-S,DD!n# %+%in# "e#p!n)en# Ke"e #e"'e) -"!,+- -ei"
Sec"e%"(, % ce"%in Beni% S. P%+%*,n%n, K-! "ecei'e) -e #%De
!n Ap"i* 88, 8BB1? #"e Ret(rn of S())on! wa! fi$e on A'ri$ 24, 200.
b1 Proce!! Server %a$eriano P? 7aato
-On ;ove)ber 1>, 200., 'etitioner fi$e a )otion to ec$are
re!'onent! in efa($t
-#C &rante !ai 'etition, t"ereb1 a$$owin& 'etitioner to 're!ent it!
evience e6-'arte
-After 're!entin& 'etitioner0! evience e%.parte, t"e tria$ co(rt renere
2(&)ent on Se'te)ber 15, 2004, orerin& re!'onent! to 'a1
'etitioner t"e ff@ 1? +or Aia #orre!, t"e a)o(nt of P18.,518?>0 fro)
A'ri$, 2004 '$(! $e&a$ intere!t (nti$ t"e !ai a)o(nt i! f($$1 'ai; 2? +or
;oni$o #orre! t"e a)o(nt of P29>,151?5> fro) A'ri$, 2004 '$(! $e&a$
intere!t (nti$ t"e !ai a)o(nt i! f($$1 'ai; .? +or S"er1$ Ann #orre! t"e
a)o(nt of P15,-0.?-. fro) A'ri$, 2004 '$(! $e&a$ intere!t (nti$ t"e !ai
a)o(nt i! f($$1 'ai; 4? #o 'a1 P10,000?00, 2oint$1 an !evera$$1, a!
attorne10! fee! 5? Co!t! of !(it?
-Petitioner t"ereafter )ove for t"e i!!(ance of a writ of e6ec(tion,
w"ic" wa! &rante an accorin&$1, t"e writ of e6ec(tion wa! i!!(e
on even ate?
-On Ma1 4, 2005, S"eriff +e$i6berto L? Sa)onte $evie re!'onent!0
"o(!e an $ot an t"e !a)e wa! !c"e($e to be !o$ at '(b$ic a(ction
on ,(ne 9, 2005 w"en t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! i!!(e a te)'orar1
re!trainin& orer?
-On A(&(!t 24, 2005, t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! ann($$e t"e 2(&)ent of
t"e tria$ co(rt on t"e &ro(n t"at it i not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over t"e
'er!on! of re!'onent! !ince t"e1 were not va$i$1 !erve wit"
!())on! an neit"er i t"e1 vo$(ntari$1 a''ear in co(rt?
-Accorin& to t"e a''e$$ate co(rt, t"e !ervice of !())on! to
Pa&ta$(nan wa! in vio$ation of Section 8, R($e 14 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt
beca(!e t"ere wa! no e6'$anation w"1 re!ort to !(b!tit(te !ervice of
!())on! wa! )ae? #"(!, t"e a''e$$ate co(rt "e$ t"at re!'onent!
were e'rive of t"eir ri&"t to (e 'roce!!?
-#"e Co(rt of A''ea$! enie 'etitioner0! )otion for recon!ieration,
"ence, t"i! 'etition
=O; !())on! wa! not va$i$1 !erve on t"e re!'onent!, an
t"erefore t"e CA correct$1 ann($$e t"e 2(&)ent of t"e R#C
-S())on! i! a writ b1 w"ic" t"e efenant i! notifie of t"e action
bro(&"t a&ain!t "i)? Service of !(c" writ i! t"e )ean! b1 w"ic" t"e
co(rt ac/(ire! 2(ri!iction over "i! 'er!on? ,(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on
of t"e efenant i! ac/(ire t"ro(&" coercive 'roce!!, &enera$$1 b1 t"e
!ervice of !())on! i!!(e b1 t"e co(rt, or t"ro(&" t"e efenant0!
vo$(ntar1 a''earance or !(b)i!!ion to t"e co(rt?
-="ere t"e efenant i! a nat(ra$ 'er!on, !ervice )a1 be 'er!ona$,
!(b!tit(te, b1 '(b$ication an !(c" ot"er )oe of !ervice a! t"e co(rt
)a1 ee) !(fficient?
-In an action in personam, 2(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on of t"e efenant
i! nece!!ar1 for t"e co(rt to va$i$1 tr1 an ecie t"e ca!e?
,(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on of a re!ient efenant w"o oe! not
vo$(ntari$1 a''ear in co(rt can be ac/(ire b1 'er!ona$ !ervice of
!())on! a! 'rovie (ner Section 9, R($e 14 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt?
-I& -e c%nn! 6e pe"#!n%**( #e"'e) Ki- #,DD!n# Ki-in %
"e%#!n%6*e iDe, #,6#i,e) #e"'ice D%( 6e D%)e in %cc!")%nce
Ki- Seci!n : !& -e #%i) R,*e. I& -e i# eDp!"%"i*( !, !& -e
c!,n"(, %n( !& -e &!**!Kin+ D!)e# !& #e"'ice D%( 6e "e#!"e)
!? @=A #,6#i,e) #e"'ice #e &!"- in Seci!n :< @8A pe"#!n%*
#e"'ice !,#i)e -e c!,n"(, Ki- *e%'e !& c!,"< @1A #e"'ice 6(
p,6*ic%i!n, %*#! Ki- *e%'e !& c!,"< !" @9A %n( !-e" D%nne" -e
c!," D%( )eeD #,&&icien.
-In t"e!e t1'e! of civi$ action! 4in 'er!ona)5, !())on! on t"e
efenant )(!t be !erve b1 "anin& a co'1 t"ereof to t"e efenant
in 'er!on, or in ca!e of ref(!a$, b1 tenerin& it to "i)? If effort! to fin
efenant 'er!ona$$1 )aAe! 'ro)'t !ervice i)'o!!ib$e, !ervice )a1
be effecte b1 $eavin& co'ie! of t"e !())on! at t"e efenant0!
we$$in& "o(!e or re!ience wit" !o)e 'er!on of !(itab$e a&e an
i!cretion re!iin& t"erein, or b1 $eavin& t"e co'ie! at t"e efenant0!
office or re&($ar '$ace of b(!ine!! wit" !o)e co)'etent 'er!on in
c"ar&e t"ereof?
-#"e 'ro'er !ervice of !())on! i! a critica$ !te' in $iti&ation beca(!e
('on !(c" !ervice re!t! t"e co(rt0! ac/(i!ition of 2(ri!iction over t"e
'er!on of t"e efenant?
-In t"e ab!ence of a va$i waiver, tria$ an 2(&)ent wit"o(t !(c"
!ervice are n($$ an voi?
-In t"e in!tant ca!e, t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! correct$1 r($e t"at !ince
!(b!tit(te !ervice wa! avai$e of in $ie( of 'er!ona$ !ervice, t"ere
!"o($ be a re'ort !tatin& t"at Pa&ta$(nan wa! one wit" w"o)
re!'onent! "a a re$ation!"i' of tr(!t an confience t"at wo($
en!(re t"at t"e $atter wi$$ receive or be notifie of t"e !())on! i!!(e
in t"eir na)e!?
-#"i! i! beca(!e !(b!tit(te !ervice )a1 on$1 be avai$e of w"en t"e
re!'onent! co($ not be !erve 'er!ona$$1 wit"in a rea!onab$e 'erio
of ti)e, an !(c" i)'o!!ibi$it1 of 'ro)'t !ervice )(!t be !"own b1
!tatin& t"at earne!t effort! "ave been )ae to fin t"e re!'onent!
'er!ona$$1 an t"at !(c" effort! "ave fai$e?
-S(c" re/(ire)ent! (ner Section! 8 an 9 of R($e 14 )(!t be
fo$$owe !trict$1, fait"f($$1 an f($$1 in orer not to e'rive an1 'er!on of
"i! 'ro'ert1 b1 vio$atin& "i! con!tit(tiona$ ri&"t to (e 'roce!!? #"e
!tat(tor1 re/(ire)ent! of !(b!tit(te !ervice )(!t be !trict$1 con!tr(e
!ince it i! an e6traorinar1 )et"o of !ervice in ero&ation of 'er!ona$
!ervice of !())on!, avai$e of on$1 (ner certain conition! i)'o!e
b1 t"e R($e! of Co(rt? An1 !(b!tit(te !ervice ot"er t"an t"at
a(t"oriBe (ner Section 9 i! ee)e ineffective an contrar1 to $aw?
-<rantin& t"at Pa&ta$(nan i! t"e 'er!ona$ !ecretar1 of Aia #orre!, a!
a''earin& in t"e Affiavit of Merit of S"er1$ Ann #orre! an attac"e to
t"e Petition of Ann($)ent fi$e before t"e Co(rt of A''ea$!, t"ere i! no
!"owin& t"at t"e for)er "a inee a re$ation!"i' of tr(!t an
confience wit" t"e t"ree re!'onent!? I %ppe%"# -% -e p"!ce##
#e"'e" -%#i*( %n) c%p"ici!,#*( "e#!"e) ! #,6#i,e) #e"'ice !&
#,DD!n# Ki-!, %#ce"%inin+ -e K-e"e%6!,# !& -e
"e#p!n)en#. S,c- #e"'ice !& #,DD!n# i# n! 6in)in+ ,p!n
"e#p!n)en# N!ni*! %n) S-e"(* Ann T!""e# K-!#e "e*%i!n#-ip
Ki- P%+%*,n%n K%# nei-e" "e%)i*( %#ce"%ine) n!" %)eH,%e*(
eCp*%ine) in -e Re,"n !& S,DD!n#. A*#!, n! e%"ne# e&&!"#
Ke"e D%)e ! *!c%e "e#p!n)en Ai)% T!""e# K-! K%# %**e+e)*(
K!"7in+ %6"!%) % -e iDe #,DD!n# K%# #e"'e) !n -e" pe"#!n.
N! eCp*%n%i!n K%# #%e) in -e Re,"n K-( #,6#i,e) #e"'ice
K%# "e#!"e) ! -"!,+- P%+%*,n%n.
-=it"o(t !'ecif1in& t"e etai$! of t"e attenant circ()!tance! or of t"e
effort! e6erte to !erve t"e !())on!, a &enera$ !tate)ent t"at !(c"
effort! were )ae wi$$ not !(ffice for '(r'o!e! of co)'$1in& wit" t"e
r($e! of !(b!tit(te !ervice of !())on!?
-In t"e in!tant ca!e, t"ere wa! an (n(e, if not inecent, "a!te to !erve
t"e !())on! at t"e fir!t atte)'t wit"o(t )aAin& !(re t"at 'er!ona$
!ervice wa! an i)'o!!ibi$it1 beca(!e eit"er t"e re!'onent! "a $eft
for a forei&n co(ntr1 or an (nAnown e!tination wit" no efinite ate of
ret(rnin& wit"in a rea!onab$e 'erio, or "a &one into "iin& to avoi
!ervice of an1 'roce!! fro) t"e co(rt!? Since t"e !(b!tit(te !ervice
wa! not va$i$1 effecte, t"e tria$ co(rt i not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over
t"e 'er!on! of t"e re!'onent!? #"e orer of efa($t, t"e 2(&)ent b1
efa($t, t"e writ of e6ec(tion i!!(e b1 it, a! we$$ a! t"e a(ction !a$e of
t"e re!'onent!0 'ro'ertie! $evie on e6ec(tion are, t"erefore, n($$ an
Disposition. Petition i! enie?
BONNEVIE V CA @P-i* B%n7 !& C!DDe"ceA
/.R. NO. L-9>=B=
/UERRERO< Oc!6e" 89, =>:1
Petition for review on certiorari !eeAin& t"e rever!a$ of t"e CA eci!ion
- :one!to 7onnevie fi$e wit" t"e C+I RiBa$ a co)'$aint a&ain!t
P"i$i''ine 7anA of Co))erce !eeAin& -e %nn,*Den !& -e Dee) !&
M!"+%+e ate 3ec 8, 1-88 e6ec(te in favor of t"e P7C b1 !'o(!e!
LoBano, a! we$$ a! t"e eC"%.,)ici%* &!"ec*!#,"e D%)e on Se't 4,
#"e1 a!!ai$ va$iit1 an $e&a$it1 of t"e e6tra2(icia$ forec$o!(re on t"e
fo$$owin& &ro(n!@ a5 'etitioner! were never notifie of t"e forec$o!(re
!a$e? b5 #"e notice of a(ction !a$e wa! not 'o!te for t"e 'erio
re/(ire b1 $aw? c5 '(b$ication of t"e notice of a(ction !a$e in t"e L(Bon
=eeA$1 Co(rier wa! not in accorance wit" $aw?
. Gistor!( -o&ano spouses $ere the o$ners of the propert! $hich the!
mortgaged to secure the pa!ment of the loan in the principal amount of
P)H+ the! $ere aout to otain from P@C.
. +he! then e%ecuted in favor of @onnevie the 3eed of Sale $ith
2ortgage for P1II+# P2H+ of $hich amount eing pa!ale to the
-o&ano spouses upon the e%ecution of the document# and the P)H+ to
. 6hen the mortgage $as e%ecuted ! the -o&ano spouses in favor of
P@C# the loan of P)H+ $as not !et received them.
. 5rom April 2J# 1KL) to *ul! 12# 1KLJ# @onnevie made pa!ments to
P@C on the mortgage in the total amount of P1J#KEE.22. @onnevie
then assigned all his rights under the 3eed of Sale $ith Assumption of
2ortgage to his rother# intervenor Aaoul.
. P@C then applied for the foreclosure of the mortgage# and notice of
sale $as pulished in the -u&on 6ee'l! Courier on *une DI# *ul! )#
and *ul! 1E# 1KLJ; auction sale $as conducted a month after# and the
propert! $as sold to P@C for PJE#DJ).II.
- P7C !'ecifica$$1 enie )o!t of t"e a$$e&ation!@ 4a5 t"at t"e efenant
"a! not &iven it! con!ent to t"e !a$e of t"e )ort&a&e 'ro'ert1; 4b5 t"at
t"e e)an $etter! an notice of forec$o!(re were !ent to ,o!e LoBano
at "i! are!!; 4c5 t"at it wa! notifie for t"e fir!t ti)e abo(t t"e a$$e&e
!a$e after it "a forec$o!e t"e LoBano )ort&a&e; t"at t"e 'ro'ert1 in
/(e!tion re)aine re&i!tere in t"e na)e of LoBano in t"e $an
recor! of RiBa$ an t"ere wa! no entr1, notation or inication of t"e
a$$e&e !a$e?
- After 'etitioner :one!to 7onnevie "a re!te "i! ca!e, 'etitioner
Rao($ S% 7onnevie fi$e a )otion for intervention, w"ic" wa! &rante?
- C+I i!)i!!e t"e co)'$aint? M+R wa! a$!o enie? CA affir)e?
1? =O; t"e )ort&a&e e6ec(te b1 t"e LoBano! in favor of P7C i! va$i
2? =O; e6tra2(icia$ forec$o!(re i! va$i
1? CES
Reasoning A )ort&a&e fo$$ow! t"e 'ro'ert1 w"oever t"e 'o!!e!!or
)a1 be an !(b2ect! t"e f($fi$$)ent of t"e ob$i&ation for w"o!e !ec(rit1
it wa! con!tit(te? Petitioner! vo$(ntari$1 a!!()e it an are, t"erefore,
e!to''e fro) i)'(&nin& it! va$iit1? #"e1 i not !ec(re t"e con!ent
of re!'onent 7anA to t"e !a$e wit" a!!()'tion of )ort&a&e?
2? CES
Reasoning Ac N!. 1=14 )!e# n! "eH,i"e pe"#!n%* n!ice !n -e
:one!to 7onnevie wa! not entit$e to an1 notice
beca(!e a! of Ma1 14, 1-8>, "e "a tran!ferre an a!!i&ne a$$ "i!
ri&"t! an intere!t! in favor of intervenor Rao($ wit"o(t infor)in& t"e
- A$!o, 'etitioner! were '$ace on con!tr(ctive notice? #"e notice of
!a$e wa! '(b$i!"e in t"e L(Bon Co(rier on ,(ne .0, ,($1 9 an ,($1
14, 1-8> an notice! of t"e !a$e were 'o!te for not $e!! t"an twent1
a1! in at $ea!t t"ree 4.5 '(b$ic '$ace! in t"e M(nici'a$it1 w"ere t"e
'ro'ert1 i! $ocate? Act ;o? .1.5 )ere$1 re/(ire! t"at !(c" notice !"a$$
be '(b$i!"e once a weeA for at $ea!t t"ree con!ec(tive weeA!? S(c"
'"ra!e, a! inter'rete b1 t"i! Co(rt in 7a!a v!? Mercao oe! not
)ean t"at notice !"o($ be '(b$i!"e for t"ree f($$ weeA!?
- #o be a new!'a'er of &enera$ circ($ation, it i! eno(&" t"at *it i!
'(b$i!"e for t"e i!!e)ination of $oca$ new! an &enera$ infor)ation;
t"at it "a! a bona fie !(b!cri'tion $i!t of 'a1in& !(b!criber!; t"at it i!
'(b$i!"e at re&($ar interva$!?* #"e new!'a'er nee not "ave t"e
$ar&e!t circ($ation !o $on& a! it i! of &enera$ circ($ation?
- W-e-e" !" n! -e n!ice !& %,ci!n #%*e K%# p!#e) &!" -e
pe"i!) "eH,i"e) 6( *%K i# % H,e#i!n !& &%c. It can no $on&er be
entertaine b1 t"i! Co(rt? ;evert"e$e!!, t"e recor! !"ow t"at co'ie!
of !ai notice were 'o!te in t"ree con!'ic(o(! '$ace! in t"e
)(nici'a$it1 of Pa!i&, RiBa$ na)e$1@ t"e :a$$ of ,(!tice, t"e Pa!i&
M(nici'a$ MarAet an Pa!i& M(nici'a$ :a$$?
- A !in&$e act of 'o!tin& 4w"ic" )a1 even e6ten be1on t"e 'erio
re/(ire b1 $aw5 !ati!fie! t"e re/(ire)ent of $aw? #"e b(ren of
'rovin& t"at t"e 'o!tin& re/(ire)ent wa! not co)'$ie wit" i! now
!"ifte to t"e one w"o a$$e&e! non-co)'$iance?
Disposition #"e a''ea$ bein& evoi of )erit, t"e eci!ion of t"e
Co(rt of A''ea$! i! "ereb1 A++IRME3? Co!t! a&ain!t 'etitioner!?
/RINO-AEUINO< M%( 1=, =>::
Petition for certiorari wit" a 'ra1er for t"e i!!(ance of a te)'orar1
re!trainin& orer
- #"e 'etitioner! 4 3ia$ Cor'?, C N # Refiner1 Inc?, ;a$in !n? b"b?
7eri!for Co))oitie!, Lt?, an Pacific Mo$a!!e! Co?5 are forei&n
cor'oration! 4IS, IU an Ma$a1!ia5? #"e1 are not o)ici$e in t"e
P"i$i''ine!, nor o t"e1 "ave officer! or a&ent!, '$ace of b(!ine!!, or
'ro'ert1 in t"e P"i$i''ine!; t"e1 are not $icen!e to en&a&e, an are
not en&a&e, in b(!ine!! "ere? #"e re!'onent I)'eria$ %e&etab$e Oi$
Co?, Inc? 4I%O5 i! a P"i$i''ine cor'oration w"ic" t"ro(&" it! 're!ient,
3o)inaor Montevere, "a entere into !evera$ contract! for t"e
e$iver1 of cocon(t oi$ to t"e 'etitioner!? #"o!e contract! !ti'($ate t"at
an1 i!'(te between t"e 'artie! wi$$ be !ett$e t"ro(&" arbitration
(ner t"e r($e! of eit"er t"e +eeration of Oi$! See! an +at!
A!!ociation 4+OS+A5 or t"e ;ationa$ In!tit(te of Oi$ See Pro(ct!
4;IOP5? 7eca(!e I%O efa($te (ner t"e contract!, t"e 'etitioner!
an 15 ot"er!, initiate arbitration 'roceein&! abroa, an !o)e "ave
a$rea1 obtaine arbitration awar! a&ain!t I%O?
- On A'ri$ >, 1->9, I%O fi$e a co)'$aint for in2(nction an a)a&e!
4R#C Mani$a5 a&ain!t 1- forei&n cocon(t oi$ b(1er! inc$(in& t"e
'etitioner!, wit" w"o) 3o)inaor "a entere into contract! for t"e
e$iver1 of cocon(t oi$? I%O re'(iate 3o)inaorD! contract! on t"e
Section .? ;otice !"a$$ be &iven b1 'o!tin& notice! of t"e !a$e for not $e!! t"an
twent1 a1! in at $ea!t t"ree '(b$ic '$ace! of t"e )(nici'a$it1 or cit1 w"ere t"e
'ro'ert1 i! !it(ate, an if !(c" 'ro'ert1 i! wort" )ore t"an fo(r "(nre 'e!o!,
!(c" notice !"a$$ a$!o be '(b$i!"e once a weeA for at $ea!t t"ree con!ec(tive
weeA! in a new!'a'er of &enera$ circ($ation in t"e )(nici'a$it1 or cit1?
&ro(n! t"at t"e1 were )ere *'a'er train& in f(t(re!* a! no act(a$
e$iver1 of t"e cocon(t oi$ wa! a$$e&e$1 intene b1 t"e 'artie!; t"at
t"e 7oar of 3irector! of I%O re)ove Montevere fro) "i! 'o!ition
a! 're!ient of t"e cor'oration, na)e in "i! '$ace, Rori&o
Montevere, an i!owne 3o)inaorD! a$$e&e$1 i$$e&a$ an
(na(t"oriBe act!; t"at t"e efenant! "ave a$$e&e$1 *"ara!!e* I%O
to co)'$1 wit" 3o)inaorD! contract! an to co)e to a !ett$e)ent wit"
t"e)? 470 pra!ed for the issuance of a temporar! restraining order or
$rit of preliminar! injunction to !to' t"e efenant! fro) "ara!!in& I%O
wit" t"eir in!i!tent e)an! to reco&niBe t"e contract! entere into b1
3o)inaor an fro) 'ortra1in& t"e I%O a! one t"at efa($t! on it!
contract! an ob$i&ation! an "a! fa$$en into ba ti)e! an fro)
interferin& wit" I%OD! nor)a$ con(ct of b(!ine!!? I%O a$!o 'ra1e t"at
t"e efenant! 'a1 it a)a&e! wort" )ore t"an P21M?
- Re!'onent ,(&e Soriano a(t"oriBe I%O to effect e6traterritoria$
!ervice of !())on! to a$$ t"e efenant! t"ro(&" 3:L P"i$i''ine!
Cor'? P(r!(ant to t"at orer, t"e 'etitioner! were !erve wit"
!())on! an co'1 of t"e co)'$aint b1 3:L co(rier !ervice?
- On A'ri$ 25, 1->9, wit"o(t !(b)ittin& to t"e co(rtD! 2(ri!iction an
on$1 for t"e '(r'o!e of ob2ectin& to !ai 2(ri!iction over t"eir 'er!on!,
t"e 'etitioner! fi$e )otion! to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint a&ain!t t"e) on
t"e &ro(n t"at t"e e6traterritoria$ !ervice of !())on! to t"e) wa!
i)'ro'er an t"at "ence t"e co(rt i not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over
t"e)? #"e co(rt enie t"eir )otion! to i!)i!! an ('"e$ t"e va$iit1
of t"e e6traterritoria$ !ervice of !())on! to t"e) on t"e &ro(n t"at
*t"e 're!ent action re$ate! to 'ro'ert1 ri&"t! w"ic" $ie in contract!
wit"in t"e P"i$i''ine!, or w"ic" efenant! c$ai) $ien! or intere!t!,
act(a$ or inc"oate, $e&a$ or e/(itab$e? An one of t"e re$ief! e)ane
con!i!t!, w"o$$1 or in 'art, in e6c$(in& t"e efenant! fro) an1
intere!t in !(c" 'ro'ert1 for t"e rea!on t"at t"eir tran!action! wit"
'$aintiffD! for)er 're!ient are ultra vires?* +(rt"er)ore, *a! forei&n
cor'oration! oin& b(!ine!! in t"e P"i$i''ine! wit"o(t a $icen!e, t"e1
o'ene t"e)!e$ve! to !(it before P"i$i''ine co(rt!, '(r!(ant to Sec?
1.. of t"e Cor'oration Coe of t"e P"i$i''ine!?* #"e 'etitioner!D
)otion! for recon!ieration of t"at orer were a$!o enie b1 t"e co(rt?
:ence t"i! 'etition for certiorari wit" a 'ra1er for t"e i!!(ance of a
te)'orar1 re!trainin& orer?
=O; t"e e6tra territoria$ !ervice of !())on! wa! 'ro'er
Section 19, R($e 14 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt 'rovie! on$1 4 in!tance! in
w"ic" e6traterritoria$ !ervice of !())on! i! 'ro'er, na)e$1@ I@=A K-en
-e %ci!n %&&ec# -e pe"#!n%* #%,# !& -e p*%ini&&#< @8A K-en
-e %ci!n "e*%e# !, !" -e #, !& K-ic- i#, p"!pe"( Ki-in
-e P-i*ippine#, in K-ic- -e )e&en)%n -%# !" c*%iD# % *ien !"
ine"e#, %c,%* !" c!nin+en< @1A K-en -e "e*ie& )eD%n)e) in
#,c- %ci!n c!n#i##, K-!**( !" in p%", in eCc*,)in+ -e )e&en)%n
&"!D %n( ine"e# in p"!pe"( *!c%e) in -e P-i*ippine#< %n) @9A
K-en -e )e&en)%n n!n-"e#i)enJ# p"!pe"( -%# 6een %%c-e)
Ki-in -e P-i*ippine#I
#"e co)'$aint in t"i! ca!e oe! not invo$ve t"e 'er!ona$ !tat(! of t"e
'$aintiff, nor an1 'ro'ert1 in t"e P"i$i''ine! in w"ic" t"e efenant!
"ave or c$ai) an intere!t, or w"ic" t"e '$aintiff "a! attac"e? #"e
action i! '(re$1 an action for in2(nction to re!train t"e efenant! fro)
enforcin& a&ain!t I%O 4*ab(!in& an "ara!!in&*5 it! contract! for t"e
e$iver1 of cocon(t oi$ to t"e efenant!, an to recover fro) t"e
efenant! P21 )i$$ion in a)a&e! for !(c" *"ara!!)ent?* I i# c*e%"*(
% pe"#!n%* %ci!n %# Ke** %# %n %ci!n in persona$, n! %n %ci!n
in "eD !" *uasi in re$. "An action in personam is an action against a
person on the asis of his personal liailit!# $hile an action in
remedies is an action against the thing itself# instead of against the
person." A personal action is one rought for the recover! of personal
propert!# for the enforcement of some contract or recover! of damages
for its reach# or for the recover! of damages for the commission of an
injur! to the person or propert!.
!s the civil case filed is a personal action( personal or su&stituted
service of su$$ons on the defendants( not etraterritorial
service( is necessar% to confer jurisdiction on the court.
MoranD! Co))ent! on t"e R($e! of Co(rt@
A! a &enera$ r($e, w"en t"e efenant i! not re!iin& an i! not fo(n
in t"e P"i$i''ine!, t"e P"i$i''ine co(rt! cannot tr1 an1 ca!e a&ain!t "i)
beca(!e of t"e i)'o!!ibi$it1 of ac/(irin& 2(ri!iction over "i! 'er!on
(n$e!! "e vo$(ntari$1 a''ear! in co(rt? 7(t, w"en t"e action affect! t"e
'er!ona$ !tat(! of t"e '$aintiff re!iin& in t"e P"i$i''ine!, or i! intene
to !eiBe or i!'o!e of an1 'ro'ert1, rea$ or 'er!ona$, of t"e efenant
$ocate in t"e P"i$i''ine!, it )a1 be va$i$1 trie b1 t"e P"i$i''ine
co(rt!, for t"en, t"e1 "ave 2(ri!iction over t"e re!, i?e?, t"e 'er!ona$
!tat(! of t"e '$aintiff or t"e 'ro'ert1 of t"e efenant an t"eir
2(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on of t"e non-re!ient efenant i! not
e!!entia$? %en(e in !(c" ca!e! )a1 be $ai in t"e 'rovince w"ere t"e
'ro'ert1 of t"e efenant or a 'art t"ereof invo$ve in t"e $iti&ation i!
4n an action for injunction# e%traterritorial service of summons and
complaint upon the non.resident defendants cannot suject them to
the processes of the regional trial courts $hich are po$erless to reach
them outside the region over $hich the! e%ercise their authorit! =Sec.
D.a# 4nterim Aules of Court; Sec. 21# supar. 1# @.P. @lg. 12K>.
E%traterritorial service of summons $ill not confer on the court
jurisdiction or po$er to compel them to oe! its orders.
?either ma! the court ! e%traterritorial service of summons ac,uire
jurisdiction to render and enforce a mone! judgment against a non.
resident defendant $ho has no propert! in the Philippines for "the
fundamental rule is that jurisdiction in personam over non.residents# so
as to sustain a mone! judgment# must e ased upon personal service
$ithin the state $hich renders the judgment ."
Re!'onent!D contention t"at *t"e action be$ow i! re$ate to 'ro'ert1
wit"in t"e P"i$i''ine!, !'ecifica$$1 contract(a$ ri&"t! t"at 'etitioner! are
enforcin& a&ain!t I%O* i! !'ecio(! for the "contractual rights" of the
petitioners are not propert! found in the Philippines for the petitioners
have not filed an action in the local courts to enforce said rights. +he!
have not sumitted to the jurisdiction of our courts.
#"e $ower co(rt invoAe Section .. of t"e Cor'oration Coe w"ic"
'rovie! t"at a *forei&n cor'oration tran!actin& b(!ine!! in t"e
P"i$i''ine! wit"o(t a $icen!e )a1 be !(e or 'roceee a&ain!t before
P"i$i''ine co(rt! or a)ini!trative trib(na$ on an1 va$i ca(!e of action
reco&niBe (ner P"i$i''ine $aw!?* It a!!()e t"at t"e 'etitioner! are
oin& b(!ine!! in t"e P"i$i''ine!, w"ic" a$$e&ation t"e $atter enie?
Even if t"e1 can be con!iere a! !(c", t"e Cor'oration Coe i not
re'ea$ t"e r($e! re/(irin& 'ro'er !ervice of !())on! to !(c"
cor'oration! a! 'rovie in R($e 14 of t"e ROC an Section 12> of t"e
Cor'oration Coe?
#"e re!'onent co(rtD! finin& t"at, b1 fi$in& )otion! to i!)i!!, t"e
'etitioner! "1'ot"etica$$1 a)itte t"e a$$e&ation! of t"e co)'$aint t"at
t"e1 are oin& b(!ine!! in t"e P"i$i''ine! wit"o(t an1 $icen!e, an t"at
t"e1 )a1 be !erve wit" !())on! an ot"er co(rt 'roce!!e! t"ro(&"
t"eir a&ent! or re're!entative! en()erate in 'ara&ra'" 2 of t"e
co)'$aint, i! contraicte b1 it! orer a(t"oriBin& I%O to !())on t"e)
b1 e6traterritoria$ !ervice, a )oe of !ervice w"ic" i! re!orte to w"en
t"e efenant i! not fo(n in t"e P"i$i''ine!, oe! not tran!act
b(!ine!! "ere, an "a! no re!ient a&ent on w"o) t"e !())on! )a1
be !erve?
Disposition. #"e e6traterritoria$ !ervice of !())on! on t"e 'etitioner!
i! "e$ to be i)'ro'er, "ence n($$ an voi? #"e 'etition for certiorari i!
&rante? #"e orer! of ,(&e Soriano are !et a!ie? #"e co)'$aint i!
i!)i!!e a! a&ain!t t"e 'etitioner! for fai$(re of t"e co(rt to ac/(ire
2(ri!iction over t"e)?
88 SCRA =B2B
SANCHEZ, M%"c- =4, =>5:
A''ea$ fro) t"e orer! of C+I Mani$a
-+r? <eraro Ma6i)o wa! invo$ve in a )otor ve"ic$e accient w"ere
t"e !on of t"e 'etitioner! !(ffere in2(rie!? Petitioner! fi$e !(it a&ain!t
+r? Ma6i)o for a)a&e!? S())on! were !erve at t"e Ma$abon
Pari!" w"ere +r? Ma6i)o wa! a$$e&e$1 re!iin&? :owever, +r? Ma6i)o
wa! in E(ro'e w"en t"e !())on! were !erve, +r? 7a(ti!ta wa! t"e
one w"o receive t"e !())on!? +r? 7a(ti!ta wrote to t"e C$erA of
Co(rt of C+I Mani$a infor)in& "i) t"at +r? Ma6i)o wa! in E(ro'e?
-On P$aintiff0! )otion, $ower co(rt ec$are +r? Ma6i)o in efa($t,
!entence +r? Ma6i)o to 'a1 for a)a&e!? #"e Monta$ban! even
wrote to +r? Ma6i)o at t"e Ma$abon Cat"o$ic C"(rc" infor)in& "i) of
t"e $ower co(rt0! eci!ion an re/(e!tin& "i to co)'$1 wit" t"e
eci!ion? +r? Ma6i)o re'$ie t"at "e wa! not aware of t"e civi$ ca!e
a&ain!t "i) an t"at "e wa! ac/(itte in t"e cri)ina$ ca!e?
-3e'(t1 S"eriff of RiBa$ notifie +r? Ma6i)o of t"e i!!(ance of writ of
e6ec(tion an e)ane 'a1)ent? Ret(rn to writ e6're!!e t"at +r?
Ma6i)o i! Ffinancia$$1 "ar ('L an "a no 'ro'ert1? A$ia! writ of
e6ec(tion i!!(e? Co'1 receive b1 +r? Ma6i)o? 3e'(t1 S"eriff
attac"e an $evie on a re!ientia$ "o(!e in Ca$oocan a$$e&e$1
be$on&in& to +r? Ma6i)o?
-After 2 1ear!, 2 )ont"!, +r? Ma6i)o a)itte$1 $earne of $ower
co(rt0! eci!ion an fi$e for A;;ILME;# O+ E;#IRE
PROCEE3I;<S on verifie )otion on t"e &ro(n! t"at t"e !())on!
were not ($1 !erve 4ba!e on t"en Sec?9, R($e 9 an Sec1>, R($e
14 of ROC5 t"erefore, t"e co(rt i not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over "i!
'er!on !o t"e tria$ an t"e eci!ion were n($$ an voi? :i! verifie
)otion wa! enie, M+R wa! re2ecte?
=O; t"e !())on! in a !(it in 'er!ona) a&ain!t a re!ient of t"e
P"i$i''ine! te)'orari$1 ab!ent )a1 be va$i$1 effecte b1 !(b!tit(te
!ervice (ner Sec? > R($e 14 4on re!ient! te)'orari$1 o(t of t"e
3ON %"+,Den -% Sec=: @in "e*%i!n ! #ec=2A i# -e #!*e
p"!'i#i!n -% +!'e"n# #,DD!n# ,p!n % )e&en)%n eDp!"%"i*(
%6#en in %n %ci!n in pe"#!n%D? !(b!tit(te !ervice M o(t of t"e
P"i$i''ine! - i! b(t one of t"e )oe! of effective !ervice to brin& a
efenant in co(rt? #"e nor)a$ )et"o of !ervice of !())on! on one
te)'orari$1 ab!ent i! b1 !(b!tit(te !ervice? Per!ona$ !ervice o(t!ie
t"e co(ntr1 an !ervice b1 '(b$ication are not orinar1 )ean! of
!())onin& efenant!?
-in !(it! in 'er!ona), t"e )ore circ(ito(! 'roce(re e$ineate in
Section! 19 an 1> i! re!orte to b1 a '$aintiff if efenant0! we$$in&
"o(!e or re!ience or '$ace of b(!ine!! in t"i! co(ntr1 i! not Anown;
or, if Anown, !ervice ('on "i) cannot be "a t"ereat ('on t"e ter)! of
Sec>? Since 'er!ona$ !ervice i! i)'o!!ib$e, re!ort to !(b!tit(te
!ervice beco)e! a nece!!it1?
RO; fact t"at 2(&)ent "a! been $on& fina$@ t"e 2(&)ent en2o1! t"e
're!()'tion of re&($arit1? It i!, (n$e!! !triAen own, entit$e to re!'ect?
?on ,uieta movere. 7eca(!e F'(b$ic 'o$ic1 an !o(n 'ractice
e)an t"at, at t"e ri!A of occa!iona$ error!, 2(&)ent! of co(rt!
!"o($ beco)e fina$ at !o)e efinite ate fi6e b1 $aw?L
Disposition. Orer! affir)e?
59 SCRA 81
AEUINO, M%( =1, =>24
Ori&ina$ Action!? Certiorari an conte)'t?
- H(e)aa, a$$e&e$1 t"e i$$e&iti)ate !on of A$varo Pa!tor, Sr?, wa!
a''ointe a! !'ecia$ a)ini!trator of t"e $atter0! e!tate b1 t"e C+I of
Ceb(? A! !(c", "e fi$e a co)'$aint a&ain!t "i! "a$f !ib$in&!, t"e
!'o(!e! A$varo Pa!tor, ,r? an Maria E$ena Ac"ava$, an Sofia
Mi&e$1, w"o were a$$ at t"at ti)e citiBen! of S'ain an re!iin& in t"at
co(ntr1? #"e !(it a$!o na)e At$a! Minin& a! co-re!'onent? #"e !(it
wa! to !ett$e t"e /(e!tion of owner!"i' over certain 'ro'ertie! an
ri&"t! in !o)e )inin& c$ai)! a! H(e)aa be$ieve t"at t"o!e
'ro'ertie! be$on& to t"e e!tate of A$varo Pa!tor, Sr?
- H(e)aa, on "i! own, ca(!e e6traterritoria$ !ervice of !())on! to
be )ae t"ro(&" t"e 3e'art)ent of +orei&n Affair! an t"e P"i$i''ine
E)ba!!1 in Mari, S'ain, w"ic" effecte t"e !ervice of t"e !())on!
t"ro(&" re&i!tere )ai$ ('on 3e Mi&e$1 an Pa!tor, ,r? at t"eir
re!'ective are!!e! in A$icante an 7arce$ona?
- 7ot" 3e Mi&e$1 an Pa!tor entere a !'ecia$ a''earance an fi$e a
)otion to i!)i!! on t"e &ro(n of $acA of 2(ri!iction a! t"e1 are non-
re!ient!? #"e1 f(rt"er a$$e&e t"at earne!t effort! towar a
co)'ro)i!e "ave not been )ae a! re/(ire in t"e Civi$ Coe in !(it!
between )e)ber! of t"e !a)e fa)i$1, #"e )otion wa! enie b1
,(&e +erano! an "e r($e t"at t"e re!'onent! were 'ro'er$1
- #"e !(b!e/(ent )otion for recon!ieration wa! enie b1 +erano!
inicatin& in t"e orer t"at t"e action of H(e)aa wa! for t"e recover1
of rea$ 'ro'ert1 an rea$ ri&"t!? #"e re!'onent! were in!tr(cte to fi$e
t"eir an!wer?
- 3e Mi&e$1 fi$e t"i! action wit" t"e S('re)e Co(rt?
=O; ,(&e +erano! &rave$1 ab(!e "i! i!cretion in en1in& 3e
Mi&e$10! )otion to i!)i!!e ba!e on t"e $acA of 2(ri!iction over "er
;o? #"e fact t"at !"e a$$e&e a! a &ro(n for i!)i!!a$ t"e $acA of
earne!t effort to co)'ro)i!e i! ee)e a! abanon)ent of "er
!'ecia$ a''earance an a! vo$(ntar1 !(b)i!!ion to t"e co(rt!
2(ri!iction? F="en t"e a''earance i! b1 )otion for t"e '(r'o!e of
ob2ectin& to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over t"e 'er!on, it )(!t be for
t"e !o$e an !e'arate '(r'o!e of ob2ectin& to t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e
co(rt? If t"e )otion i! for an1 ot"er '(r'o!e t"an to ob2ect to t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over "i! 'er!on, "e t"ereb1 !(b)it! "i)!e$f to
t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt,
- Even if t"e $ower co(rt i not ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over 3e Mi&e$1,
"er )otion to i!)i!! wa! 'ro'er$1 enie beca(!e H(e)aa0! action
a&ain!t "er )a1be re&are a! a /(a!i in re) w"ere 2(ri!iction over
t"e 'er!on of a non-re!ient efenant i! not nece!!ar1 an w"ere t"e
!ervice of !())on! i! re/(ire on$1 for t"e '(r'o!e of co)'$1in& wit"
t"e re/(ire)ent of (e 'roce!!? H(a!i in re) i! an action between
'artie! w"ere t"e irect ob2ect i! to reac" an i!'o!e of 'ro'ert1
owe b1 t"e 'artie! or of !o)e intere!t t"erein?
- #"e SC cite t"e PerAin! ca!e a! a 'receent? In t"at ca!e, it r($e
t"at in a /(a!i in re) action 2(ri!iction over a non re!ient efenant
i! not e!!entia$? #"e !ervice of !())on! b1 '(b$ication i! re/(ire
)ere$1 to !ati!f1 t"e con!tit(tiona$ re/(ire)ent of (e 'roce!!? #"e
2(&)ent of t"e co(rt wo($ !ett$e t"e tit$e to t"e 'ro'ertie! an to t"at
e6tent it 'artaAe! of t"e nat(re of 2(&)ent in re)? #"e 2(&)ent i!
confine to t"e re! 4'ro'ertie!5 an no 'er!ona$ 2(&)ent co($ be
renere a&ain!t t"e non re!ient? It !"o($ be note t"at t"e civi$ ca!e
fi$e b1 H(e)aa i! re$ate to a te!ta)entar1 'roceein& a! it wa!
fi$e for t"e '(r'o!e of recoverin& t"e 'ro'ertie! w"ic" in t"e
(ner!tanin& of H(e)aa, be$on&e to t"e e!tate of t"e Late Pa!tor,
Sr? an w"ic" were "e$ b1 3e Mi&e$1 an "er brot"er?
Petition i! i!)i!!e
/.R. NO. 2:18:
RE/ALADO< J,ne 1 =>>=
Petition for certiorari
- It wa! a$$e&e t"at 'etitionerD! !'o(!e, Abe$ Sa"a&(n 4A$ia!
Abe$aro5, )ana&er of Ra$$1e Motor Co?, Inc? 4Ra$$1e5, )ae it
a''ear t"at "i! co)'an1 "a !o$ a )otor ve"ic$e to Sa$aBar
w"o i!!(e a 'ro)i!!or1 note for t"e 'rice an e6ec(te a!
!ec(rit1 a c"atte$ )ort&a&e on !ai ve"ic$e in favor of Ra$$1e?
Ra$$1e, t"ro(&" Abe$, a!!i&ne t"e note an c"atte$ to +i$inve!t
for va$(ab$e con!ieration? ="en t"e note )at(re, Sa$aBar
fai$e to 'a1, co)'e$$in& +i$inve!t to !(e? :owever, +i$inve!t
fo(n t"at t"e )ort&a&e car "a not been e$ivere to Sa$aBar
b1 Abe$? A writ of attac")ent wa! i!!(e an $evie on a "o(!e
an $ot in La! Pina!, re&i!tere in Abe$D! na)e? Petitioner "a
been contin(o(!$1 re!iin& in !ai "o(!e an c$ai)! owner!"i',
"avin& a$$e&e$1 'ai for it wit" "er own earnin&!?
-#"e #C enie t"e re!'onentD! )otion to ec$are Abe$ in
efa($t b(t irecte it to *taAe !te'! to effect !ervice of !())on!
an co)'$aint ('on efenant, w"o!e w"ereabo(t! in t"e IS
wa! (nAnown? #"e #C $ater i!)i!!e t"e co)'$aint of +i$inve!t
for fai$(re to !erve !())on! e6tra-territoria$$1 ('on Abe$ e!'ite
!ai orer? +i$inve!t fi$e an M+R 'ra1in& t"at !ai orer be
recon!iere an !et a!ie an t"at Abe$ be ec$are in efa($t
an to en1 'etitionerD! )otion for $eave? #C &rante 'etitioner
ti)e to fi$e intervention an enie t"e )otion to ec$are Abe$ in
efa($t? Petitioner intervene, /(e!tionin& t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e
#C? Petitioner wa! ec$are in efa($t for fai$(re to a''ear, a!
wa! Abe$ for fai$in& to an!wer t"e co)'$aint? #"e co(rt renere
2(&)ent a&ain!t Abe$, orerin& "i) to 'a1 P-9,088?5-
4e/(iva$ent to 25J of t"e 'rinci'a$ ob$i&ation (e a! $i/(iate
a)a&e! K 25J a! attorne1D! fee!5?
-'etitioner e$evate t"e ca!e to t"e IAC 4+eb? 29, 1->55 w"ic"
&rante "er 'etition for certiorari wit" 'ro"ibition an !et a!ie
t"e #CD! afore!ai eci!ion, r($in& t"at 'etitioner wa! e'rive of
o''ort(nit1 to 're!ent evience 4inc$(in& evience !"e an
Abe$ "a been $ivin& !e'arate$1 !ince 1-905? +i$inve!t fi$e a
'etition for review wit" t"e SC w"ic" wa! enie? +i$inve!t fi$e a
)otion for $eave to !erve !())on! b1 '(b$icatio on Abe$, w"ic"
t"e co(rt &rante, !tatin& t"at '(r!(ant to Sec? 19, R($e 14, *t"e
!())on! be effecte o(t of t"e P"i$!? b1 '(b$ication in a
new!'a'er of &enera$ circ($ation in t"e P"i$!?, to w"ic" t"i!
)atter )a1 be a!!i&ne after (e raff$e, for . !(cce!!ive a1!?
Sai efenant wa! orere to fi$e "i! an!wer in Co(rt wit"in a
rea!onab$e ti)e 4not $e!! t"an 80 a1! after notice5; t"at t"e
CoC !en co'ie! of t"e !())on! an ti$$! Orer b1 re&i!tere
)ai$ to $a!t Anown are!! of !ai efenant in La! Pina!?
P$aintiff i! orere to i)'$ea Ra$$1e a! co-efenant wit"in 1
)ont" fro) notice?*
-+i$inve!t fi$e an a)ene co)'$aint, t"i! ti)e i)'$eain&
'etitioner an Ra$$1e a! aitiona$ efenant!? Re!'onent co(rt
a)itte t"e a)ene co)'$aint an irecte !ervice of
!())on! an t"e co)'$aint ('on Abe$ at a ifferent $a!t Anown
are!! in Anti'o$o? S())on! wa! !(''o!e$1 !erve on Abe$
t"ro(&" '(b$ication in t"e Mani$a Evenin& Po!t accorin& to t"e
affiavit of '(b$ication of it! 're!ient, wit" a conf(!in& entr1 in
t"e notice of orer w"ic" !tate t"e La! Pina! are!!,
contraictin& t"e Anti'o$o are!! !tate b1 t"e #C? Petitioner
fi$e "er an!wer to t"e a)ene co)'$aint? Abe$ an Ra$$1e fi$e
no an!wer, !o +i$inve!t fi$e a )otion to ec$are t"e) in efa($t
w"ic" re!'onent ,(&e Maa1a& of t"e R#C of MaAati &rante,
b(t not a! to Ra$$1e !ince !())on! "a not been !erve ('on
it? Petitoner went on certiorari to t"e CA 4+eb? 8, 1->95, a!!ai$in&
a! &rave ab(!e of i!cretion t"e ec$aration of efa($t of Abe$;
CA i!)i!!e t"e 'etition an a !(b!e/(ent M+R, "ence t"i!
1? =O; re!'onent co(rt ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over Abe$ b1 t"e
'(b$ication of !())on! in t"e Mani$a Evenin& Po!t
1? CES
Ratio A! a nonre!ient efenant, an !ince t"e !(it invo$ve! rea$
'ro'ert1 w"erein t"e efenant o!ten!ib$1 "a! an intere!t an w"ic"
t"e 'ro'ert1 "a! in fact been attac"e at t"e in!tance of 'rivate
re!'onent, t"e co(rt correct$1 orere t"e !ervice of !())on! b1
'(b$ication in a new!'a'er of &enera$ circ($ation in !(c" '$ace! an for
!(c" ti)e a! t"e co(rt )a1 orer? A$t"o(&" it wo($ a''ear t"at
'(b$ication !"o($ "ave been )ae in a new!'a'er in t"e IS a! it
wo($ )o!t $iAe$1 &ive notice to Abe$, !(c" a !wee'in& octrine wo($
virt(a$$1 (n!ett$e a $on& !tanin& inter'retation of t"e afore!ai r($e on
e6traterritoria$ !ervice of !())on! b1 '(b$ication, a! we$$ a! it!
i)'$e)entation !anctione b1 t"e 'ractice fo$$owe in t"i! 2(ri!iction?
Reasoning #"e in!tant ca!e i! ba!e on t"e attac")ent of
efenantD! 'ro'ert1, an a! !(c" i! an action /(a!i in re), w"erein
!())on! b1 '(b$ication i! a$$owe? S(c" i! ca$$e con!tr(ctive or
!(b!tit(te !ervice, w"ic" oe! not con!tit(te a !ervice of 'roce!! in
an1 tr(e !en!e b(t !erve! a! a )ean! w"ereb1 t"e owner )a1 be
a)oni!"e t"at "i! 'ro'ert1 i! !(b2ect to 2(icia$ 'roceein&! an t"at
"e !"o($ taAe !te'! a! "e !ee! fit to 'rotect it? S(c" i! re/(ire to
'"1!ica$$1 ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on of t"e efenant an for
'(r'o!e! of fair '$a1 b1 infor)in& "i) of t"e 'enenc1 of t"e action
a&ain!t "i)? Even t"en, t"ere i! no &(arantee t"at t"e ab!ent owner
!"a$$ receive t"e act(a$ notice; a! !(c", (ner $aw, act(a$ notice i! not
con!iere to be ab!o$(te$1 nece!!ar1 4a! "e$ in 7anco E!'ano$5?
Con!ierin& t"i!, '(b$ication in t"e IS wo($ be a$$ t"e )ore iffic($t a!
Abe$D! e6act $ocation i! (nAnown; to "ave at "an t"e avai$ab$e
new!'a'er!, re!earc" t"e $aw! &overnin& 2(icia$ 'roce!!e! in eac"
!tate wo($ be too ta6in& for t"e #C? Sti$$, it wa! "e$ in 3e 2idgel!
t"at in action! /(a!i in re), 2(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on of t"e
nonre!ient a$ien i! not e!!entia$ an !ervice of !())on! i! on$1
re/(ire to !ati!f1 (e 'roce!!? Re$ief in an action a&ain!t a
nonre!ient efenant w"o c"oo!e! not to !(b)it "i)!e$f to P"i$?
co(rt! i! $i)ite to t"e re!?
-#"ere i! no !'ecific 'ro!cri'tion a&ain!t re!ortin& to forei&n
'(b$ication in t"e '$ace w"ere t"e efenant re!ie!, b(t '(b$ication in
a $oca$ new!'a'er !"o($ not a$to&et"er be intericte !ince t"e r($e
!'ecifica$$1 a(t"oriBe! !ervice of !())on! *in !(c" '$ace! an for
!(c" ti)e a! t"e co(rt concerne )a1 orer*? #"e )atter !"o($ be $eft
to t"e !o(n i!cretion of t"e #C in eac" 'artic($ar ca!e !ince it "a!
t"e fact! before it? Sti$$, t"e '(b$ication in t"e Mani$a Evenin& Po!t wa!
efective a! t"ere wa! no !"owin& t"at co'ie! of t"e !())on! an t"e
a)ene co)'$aint were ($1 !erve at t"e efenantD! $a!t Anow
correct are!!?
-#"e Co(rt i! not inc$ine to i!)i!! t"e ca!e for non-co)'$iance of
'rivate re!'onent to !erve t"e a)ene co)'$aint to Abe$ at "i!
Anti'o$o are!! a! t"ere i! 'ri)a facie 2(!tification for e6traterritoria$
!ervice of !())on!, an tran!)i!!ion of co'ie! of t"e !())on! to t"e
wron& are!! i! a )atter w"ic" t"e #C can )ore reai$1 re)e1?
Even if Abe$ i! ec$are in efa($t, "i! intere!t can be ($1 re're!ente
b1 t"e non-efa($tin& efenant !ince a co))on ca(!e of action i!
Disposition Petition i! &rante
S%"Dien!, J. Vconc(rrin& an i!!entin&W
-!ervice of !())on! to t"e wron& $a!t Anown are!! i! a efect
w"ic" cannot 2(!tif1 an orer of efa($t? A!!()in& efa($t were 'ro'er,
it wi$$ not 'rec$(e 'etitioner fro) 're!entin& "er own evience?
-:owever, a! to e6tra2(icia$ !ervice of !())on! to a nonre!ient
a$ien, it i! on$1 va$i w"en effecte in t"e territor1 in w"ic" t"e ab!ent
efenant )a1 be fo(n? Sec? 19 wa! in 'art, taAen fro) Section! .->
an .-- of Act? 1-0, w"ic" in t(rn were an ao'tion of t"e Coe of
Civi$ Proce(re of Ca$ifornia w"ic" !tate! t"at 'er!ona$ !ervice o(t!ie
t"e !tate )(!t be na)e an e!i&nate in t"e '(b$ication a! )o!t
$iAe$1 to &ive notice to t"e 'er!on to be !erve? P(b$ication in t"e P"i$!?
i! not $iAe$1 to 'rovie notice to a IS re!ient?
-A! to 7anco E!'ano$ an 3e Mi&e$1@ a$t"o(&" t"e co(rt ac/(ire
2(ri!iction over t"e re!, t"e re! be$on&! to t"e efenant, an a! !(c"
"e re!erve! t"e ri&"t to be "ear w"en "i! 'o!!e!!ion! are in 'eri$?
A$t"o(&" t"e co(rt cannot awar )one1 b1 wa1 of re$ief, 2(&)ent
cone)nin& t"e re! wo($ 1ie$ t"e !a)e re!($t, t"at i!, $iabi$it1 a&ain!t
t"e efenant? #"i! wo($ $ea to t"e f(na)enta$ in2(!tice of tria$ in
ab!entia, e!'ecia$$1 con!ierin& t"e increa!e in i))i&rant +i$i'ino!?
5. B( P,6*ic%i!n
=. Up!n )!De#ic p"i'%e .,"i)ic%* eni(
=28 SCRA =1=
/ANCAYCO< Ap"i* =8, =>:>
Petition for certiorari
- Petitioner !(e Mercanti$e +inancin& Cor'oration 4M+C5 an 'rivate
re!'onent!, a! irector! an officer! of M+C, for t"e recover1 of
)one1 )arAet '$ace)ent! t"ro(&" certain 'ro)i!!or1 note!? #"e1
were c"ar&e 2oint$1 an !o$iari$1 in accorance wit" Section .1 of t"e
Cor'oration Coe 5?
- S())on! an co'ie! of t"e co)'$aint! were !erve ('on M+C an
'rivate re!'onent! at t"e 4t" +$oor, L#A 7(i$in&, ;o? 11> Perea
Street, MaAati, Metro Mani$a, w"ic" i! t"e !tate office are!! of M+C
in t"e co)'$aint, t"ro(&" it! A!!i!tant Mana&er Mr? ;a!ario S?
;a2o)ot, ,r? w"o acAnow$e&e recei't t"ereof for an in be"a$f of
M+C an t"e 'rivate re!'onent!? #"i! i! !o recite in t"e certification
of e'(t1 !"eriff 7ernaro San ,(an ate Ma1 11, 1->.?
- #"e 'artie!, a!!i!te b1 t"eir co(n!e$, !(b)itte a Co)'ro)i!e
A&ree)ent for t"e a''rova$ of t"e co(rt w"ic" wa! a''rove?
- Co(n!e$ for efenant! fi$e a *Motion #o Correct Co)'ro)i!e
A&ree)ent* on t"e &ro(n t"at "e erroneo(!$1 fi$e t"e Co)'ro)i!e
A&ree)ent in be"a$f of a$$ t"e efenant! w"en in fact "e wa! t"e
co(n!e$ for M+C on$1? 4enie5
- S1/(ia Law Office!, in be"a$f of 'rivate re!'onent! An&e$o Uin&,
Uen& S(1 =at, H(intin Ca$eron an ,o!e ,? +errer, ,r?, fi$e a )otion
to !et a!ie eci!ion on t"e fo$$owin& &ro(n!@
a? t"ere wa! no !ervice of !())on! ('on eac" of t"e) a! t"e
cor'orate are!! of t"e cor'oration wa! not t"eir are!! t"e1 were
no $on&er connecte t"erewit";
b? t"at Att1? Ara&one! "a no a(t"orit1 to re're!ent t"e) in t"e action
an co)'ro)i!e a&ree)ent;
c? t"at t"e1 were not !erve co'ie! of t"e eci!ion of t"e co(rt;
? t"at t"e1 $earne abo(t t"e !a)e on$1 w"en it wa! bein& e6ec(te;
e? t"at t"e1 i not 'artici'ate a! irector! or officer! of M+C in t"e
!(b2ect tran!action? 4enie5
- CA rever!e
- Motion for recon!ieration 4enie5

=O; 'rivate re!'onent! were 'ro'er$1 !erve wit" !())on!
Ratio A$t"o(&" 'rivate re!'onent! were !(e in t"eir ca'acit1 a!
irector! an officer! of M+C, t"e1 are, nevert"e$e!!, bein& "e$
'er!ona$$1 $iab$e for t"e ob$i&ation !(b2ect of t"e $iti&ation (ner t"e
co)'$aint fi$e b1 'etitioner? :ence, t"e r($e on 'er!ona$ !ervice of
!())on! )(!t be ob!erve in t"at !())on! )(!t be !erve
'er!ona$$1 on 'rivate re!'onent! or, if t"e1 ref(!e to receive t"e
!a)e, b1 tenerin& it to t"e)?
It i! on$1 w"en t"e efenant cannot be !erve 'er!ona$$1 wit"in a
rea!onab$e ti)e t"at !(b!tit(te !ervice )a1 be re!orte to? #"e
i)'o!!ibi$it1 of 'ro)'t !ervice !"o($ be !"own b1 !tatin& t"e effort!
)ae to fin t"e efenant 'er!ona$$1 an t"e fact t"at !(c" effort!
fai$e? #"i! !tate)ent !"o($ be )ae in t"e 'roof of !ervice? #"i! i!
nece!!ar1 beca(!e !(b!tit(te !ervice i! in ero&ation of t"e (!(a$
)et"o of !ervice? It "a! been "e$ t"at t"i! )et"o of !ervice i! in
ero&ation of t"e co))on $aw; it i! a )et"o e6traorinar1 in
c"aracter, an "ence )a1 be (!e on$1 a! 're!cribe an in t"e
circ()!tance! a(t"oriBe b1 !tat(te?* #"(!, (ner t"e contro$$in&
eci!ion!, t"e !tat(tor1 re/(ire)ent! of !(b!tit(te !ervice )(!t be
fo$$owe !trict$1, fait"f($$1 an f($$1, an an1 !(b!tit(te !ervice ot"er
t"an t"at a(t"oriBe b1 t"e !tat(te i! con!iere ineffective?
Reasoning #"e 'roof of !ervice 're'are b1 t"e !"eriff oe! not
!"ow t"at !(c" 'er!ona$ !ervice of !())on! wa! effecte? #"e office
are!! of t"e cor'oration a! inicate in t"e co)'$aint oe! not
a''ear to be t"e office are!! of 'rivate re!'onent! a! t"e1 were no
$on&er connecte wit" t"e cor'oration t"en? Per!ona$ !ervice of
!())on! !"o($ "ave been )ae on t"e) at t"eir re!ience! a!
!"own in t"e recor! of t"e Sec(ritie! an E6c"an&e Co))i!!ion an
t"e Centra$ 7anA? In!tea, t"e !"eriff effecte !(b!tit(te !ervice b1
$eavin& co'ie! of t"e !())on! wit" t"e A!!i!tant Mana&er of M+C at
t"e '$ace of b(!ine!! of !ai cor'oration wit" w"ic" a! above !tate
'rivate re!'onent! were no $on&er connecte? S(c" !(b!tit(te
!ervice i! not va$i? #"ere wa! no co)'$iance wit" t"e re/(ire)ent! of
t"e r($e t"at t"ere )(!t be a 'revio(! 'er!ona$ !ervice an a fai$(re to
effect t"e !a)e before !(b!tit(te !ervice co($ be re!orte to? A! t"e
'rivate re!'onent! "ave not been ($1 !erve wit" !())on!, t"e tria$
co(rt never ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over t"eir 'er!on!?
Disposition. Petition i! 3E;IE3
8. Up!n F!"ei+n P"i'%e J,"i)ic%* Eni(
>- SCRA 1.1
MAUASIAR; Marc" 28, 1-9-
Petition for review on certiorari of t"e eci!ion of t"e CIR
-On ,($1 1, 1-89, Leonaro e$a O!a !o(&"t "i! rein!tate)ent? wit" f($$
bacAwa&e!, a! we$$ a! t"e recover1 of "i! overti)e co)'en!ation,
!win& !"ift an &rave1ar !"ift ifferentia$!? Petitioner a$$e&e t"at "e
wa! e)'$o1e b1 re!'onent! a! 415 'ainter wit" an "o(r$1 rate of
Z1?25 fro) Marc", 1-84 to ;ove)ber, 1-84, inc$(!ive; 425 "o(!ebo1
wit" an "o(r$1 rate of Z1?28 fro) 3ece)ber, 1-84 to ;ove)ber, 1-85,
inc$(!ive; 4.5 "o(!ebo1 wit" an "o(r$1 rate of Z1?.. fro) 3ece)ber,
1-85 to A(&(!t, 1-88, inc$(!ive; an 445 ca!"ier wit" an "o(r$1 rate of
Z1?40 fro) A(&(!t, 1-88 to Marc" 29, 1-89, inc$(!ive?
- Re!'onent! fi$e on A(&(!t 9, 1-89 t"eir $etter- an!wer wit"o(t
!(b!tantia$$1 en1in& t"e )ateria$ a$$e&ation! of t"e ba!ic 'etition b(t
inter'o!e t"e fo$$owin& !'ecia$ efen!e! t"at re!'onent! +aci$itie!
Mana&e)ent Cor'oration an ,? S? 3re1er are o)ici$e in =aAe
I!$an w"ic" i! be1on t"e territoria$ 2(ri!iction of t"e P"i$i''ine
<overn)ent; t"at re!'onent ,? %? Cat(ira, t"o(&" an e)'$o1ee of
re!'onent cor'oration 're!ent$1 !tatione in Mani$a, i! wit"o(t 'ower
an a(t"orit1 of $e&a$ re're!entation; an t"at t"e e)'$o1)ent contract
between 'etitioner an re!'onent cor'oration carrie! -t"e a''rova$ of
t"e 3OL?
- On Ma1 ., 1-8>? re!'onent! fi$e M#3 t"e !(b2ect 'etition on t"e
&ro(n t"at t"i! Co(rt "a! no ,(ri!iction over t"e in!tant ca!e, an on
Ma1 24, 1-8>, 'etitioner inter'o!e an o''o!ition t"ereto? Sai )otion
wa! enie?
1? =O; Co(rt can ac/(ire 2(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on! of t"e acc(!e
'rovie t"at t"e1 are o)ici$e be1on t"e territoria$ 2(ri!iction of t"e
P"i$i''ine <overn)ent
2? =O; 'etitioner "a! been Doin& b(!ine!! in t"e P"i$i''ine!D !o t"at
t"e !ervice of !())on! ('on it! a&ent in t"e P"i$i''ine! ve!te t"e
C+I of Mani$a wit" 2(ri!iction?
1? Ce!? ="i$e it i! tr(e t"e !ite of worA i! Ientifie a! =aAe I!$an, it i!
e/(a$$1 tr(e t"e '$ace of "ire i! e!tab$i!"e in Mani$a? Moreover, w"at
i! i)'ortant i! t"e fact t"at t"e contract of e)'$o1)ent between t"e
'artie! $iti&ant wa! !"own to "ave been ori&ina$$1 e6ec(te an
!(b!e/(ent$1 renewe in Mani$a, a! a!!erte b1 'etitioner an not
enie b1 re!'onent!? :ence, an1 i!'(te ari!in& t"erefro) !"o($
nece!!ari$1 be eter)ine in t"e '$ace or ven(e w"ere it wa!
t"e 'etitioner )a1 be con!iere a! oin& b(!(ne!! (n t"e P"i$i''ine!
wit"in t"e t"e !co'e of Section 14, R($e 14 of t"e ROC
in co)'$iance wit" $aw, t"e 'etitioner "a to a''oint ,ai)e %? Cat(ira,
a! a&ent for +MC wit" a(t"orit1 to e6ec(te E)'$o1)ent Contract! an
receive, in be"a$f of t"at cor'oration, $e&a$ !ervice! fro) an be bo(n
b1 'roce!!e! of t"e P"i$i''ine Co(rt! of ,(!tice, for a! $on& a! "e
re)ain! an e)'$o1ee of +MC? It i! a fact t"at w"en t"e !())on! for
t"e 'etitioner wa! !erve on ,ai)e %? Cat(ira "e wa! !ti$$ in t"e
e)'$o1 of t"e +MC? Mr? Cat(ira wa! a on officer re're!entin& 'etitioner
in t"e P"i$i''ine!?
Aetna Casualt! F Curet! Compan! v Pacific Star -ine M =O; t"e
'$aintiff a''e$$ant "a! been oin& b(!ine!! in t"e P"i$i''ine!,
con!ierin& t"e fact t"at it "a! no $icen!e to tran!act b(!ine!! in t"e
P"i$i''ine! a! a forei&n cor'oration? #"e ob2ect of Section! 8> an 8-
of t"e Cor'oration Law wa! not to 'revent t"e forei&n cor'oration fro)
'erfor)in& !in&$e act!, b(t to 'revent it fro) ac/(irin& a o)ici$e for
t"e '(r'o!e of b(!ine!! wit"o(t taAin& t"e !te'! nece!!ar1 to rener it
a)enab$e to !(it in t"e $oca$ co(rt!? It wa! never t"e '(r'o!e of t"e
Le&i!$at(re to e6c$(e a forei&n cor'oration w"ic" "a''en! to obtain
an i!o$ate orer for b(!ine!! fro) t"e P"i$i''ine!, fro) !ec(rin&
rere!! in t"e P"i$i''ine co(rt! 4Mar!"a$$ Co? v!? E$!er N Co?, 48 P"i$
if a forei&n cor'oration, not en&a&e in b(!ine!! in t"e P"i$i''ine!, i!
not banne fro) !eeAin& rere!! fro) co(rt! in t"e P"i$i''ine!, a
fortiori, t"at !a)e cor'oration cannot c$ai) e6e)'tion fro) bein& !(e
in P"i$i''ine co(rt! for act! one a&ain!t a 'er!on or 'er!on! in t"e
Disposition =:ERE+ORE, #:E PE#I#IO; IS :ERE7C 3E;IE3
1. Up!n Re#i)en TeDp!"%"i*( A6"!%)
-+r? Ma6i)o wa! !(e b1 t"e 'arent! of t"e c"i$ "e in2(re (rin& a
)otor ve"ic$e accient? :e wa! in E(ro'e w"en t"e !())on! were
!erve ('on +r? 7a(ti!ta in t"e Ma$abon C"(rc" w"ere +r? Ma6i)o
wa! Anown to re!ie? Since wa! awa1 w"en tria$ wa! bein& "e$, "e
wa! ec$are in efa($t an a eci!ion wa! )ae in favor of t"e S'!?
After 21, 2) +r? Ma6i)o /(e!tione t"e va$iit1 of t"e 2(&)ent
a&ain!t "i), /(e!tionin& t"e !ervice of !())on! )ae
=O; t"e !())on! in a !(it in 'er!ona) a&ain!t a re!ient of t"e
P"i$i''ine! te)'orari$1 ab!ent )a1 be va$i$1 effecte b1 !(b!tit(te
!ervice (ner Sec? > R($e 14 4on re!ient! te)'orari$1 o(t of t"e
YES. In #,i# in pe"#!n%D, c!,"# -%'e .,"i#)ici!n !'e" "e#i)en#
eDp!"%"i*( !, !& -e c!,n"(.
Reasoning. HISTORY. C!DD!n L%K @P!Ke" C!ncep !&
J,"i#)ici!nA? ,(ri!iction of Co(rt! to rener 2(&)ent! in 'er!ona)
wa! &rante on t"eir e facto 'ower over efenant0! 'er!on?
,(ri!iction wa! ba!e on t"e 'ower to !eiBe an i)'ri!on efenant?
-C!ninen%* L%K? P"incip*e# !& R!D%n O"i+in? 415 S(it! in
'er!ona) an t"o!e re$atin& to MO%A7LES M co(rt! of t"e o)ici$e of
t"e efenant "ave &enera$ 2(ri!iction VActor Aei 5orum Se,uiturW; 425
action! concernin& IMMO%A7LES@ Co(rt! of t"e situs "ave e6c$(!ive
-FOR/ED DOCTRINE@ 3o)ici$iarie! of a !tate, t"o(&" te)'orari$1 o(t
of it! territoria$ 2(ri!iction, are AL=ACS a)enab$e to !(it! in
'er!ona) so !(b!tit(te !ervice i! binin& on ab!ent re!ient!?
-MILLIFEN V MEYER@ F#"e attenant (tie!, $iAe t"e ri&"t! an
'rivi$e&e! incient to o)ici$e, are n! e'enent on contin(o(!
're!ence in t"e !tate? One !(c" incient of o)ici$e i! a)enabi$it1 to
!(it wit"in t"e !tate even (rin& !o2o(rn! wit"o(t t"e !tate, w"ere t"e
!tate wa! 'rovie an e)'$o1e a REASO;A7LE ME#:O3 for
a''ri!in& !(c" an ab!ent 'art1 of t"e 'roceein& a&ain!t "i)?
re/(ire)ent of (e 'roce!! e6act! t"at t"e !ervice be !(c" a! )a1 be
rea!onab$1 e6'ecte to &ive rea!onab$1 ca$c($ate to &ive t"e notice
-MILLIFEN V MEYER, supra@ it! ae/(ac1 !o far a! (e 'roce!! i!
concerne i! e'enent on =O; t"e for) of !(b!tit(te !ervice
'rovie for !(c" ca!e! an e)'$o1e i! REASO;A7LC
CALCILA#E3 #O <I%E :IM AC#IAL ;O#ICE of t"e 'roceein&!
an an o''ort(nit1 to be "ear?
3ine"p"e%i!n !& -en Sec: !n #,6#i,e) #e"'ice? Sa)e )eanin&
!"a'e o(t b1 t"e 2(ri!'r(ence of t"e 2(ri!iction w"ere it wa!
'atterne 4A)erican Le&a$ S1!te)5; t"e FefenantL )ean! an1
re!ient of t"e co(ntr1 wit"o(t i!tinction a! to w"et"er "e i! '"1!ica$$1
're!ent or not?
-on Sec1>, R($e 14, accorin& to C, MORA;@ Since re!ient of RP,
2(ri!iction )a1 be ac/(ire over "i! 'er!on (ner Sec>;
E6traterritoria$ Service also allo$ed? P$aintiff i! not (t1 bo(n to !ee to
it t"at t"e 'er!on ('on w"en !ervice wa! act(a$$1 )ae e$iver! t"e
!())on! to efenant or infor)! "i) abo(t it? #"e $aw 're!()e! t"at
for "i)? It i! i))ateria$ t"at efenant oe! not in fact receive act(a$
notice? #"i! wi$$ not affect t"e va$iit1 of t"e !ervice?
-A )an te)'orari$1 ab!ent fro) t"i! co(ntr1 $eave! a efinite '$ace of
re!ience, a we$$in& w"ere "e $ive!, a $oca$ ba!e to w"ic" an1 in/(ir1
abo(t "i) )a1 be irecte an w"ere "e i! bo(n to ret(rn?
Disposition. Orer! affir)e?
9. Up!n De&en)%n K-!#e i)eni(0K-e"e%6!,#
/.R. N!. 2:28:
FELICIANO< DeceD6e" :, =>::
Petition for review on certiorari to ann($ CA eci!ion
- #wo 'arce$! of $an $ocate in 7arrio San I!iro, Parana/(e were
a2(icate to LorenBo Mo$era '(r!(ant to t"e ecree in a $an
re&i!tration ca!e b1 t"e C+I of RiBa$ actin& a! a caa!tra$ co(rt?
#"e1 were tit$e in t"e na)e of LorenBo Mo$era, (ner Ori&ina$
Certificate of #it$e 4OC#5 ;o? 1>88? On 15 A(&(!t 1-85, t"e 'arce$!
of $an were ac/(ire b1 <oo Eart" fro) !(cce!!or!-in-intere!t of
LorenBo Mo$era? A tran!fer of Certificate tit$e wa! i!!(e in t"e
na)e of <oo Eart"?
- On 22 Marc" 1-99, Arte)io 7a$taBar in!tit(te Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5552-
P a&ain!t <oo Eart" &!" )ec*%"%i!n !& !Kne"#-ip %n)
"ec!n'e(%nce of t"e 'arce$! of $an before t"e C+I, RiBa$?
7a$taBar trace "i! c$ai)e ri&"t! fro) an a$$e&e va!t S'ani!" $an
&rant to one 3on :er)o&ene! Rori&(eB, <overnor <enera$ of
Intra)(ro!, own to a ee of !a$e over t"e !(b2ect $ot! a$$e&e$1
e6ec(te b1 one Pero A!ei$$o 4for w"o!e )ot"er, 7a$taBar "a
been a tenant !"arin& in t"e rice "arve!t fro) t"e $ot!5
- #"e 3e'(t1 S"eriff of t"e tria$ co(rt, Mr? Erne!to Pre, receive a
co'1 of t"e !())on! an co)'$aint for !ervice on <oo Eart" at it!
are!! !et fort" in t"e co)'$aint 888 M(e$$e e 7inono, Mani$a?
- On 1 A'ri$ 1-99, t"e 3e'(t1 S"eriff 're-certifie in "i! S"eriff!
Ret(rn t"at@ notwit"!tanin& t"ree atte)'t! )ae b1 t"e
(ner!i&ne 3e'(t1 S"eriff, 'artic($ar$1 on Marc" 25, 29 an .0,
1-99, to !erve t"e !())on! an co'1 of t"e co)'$aint ('on t"e
efenant <oo Eart" Enter'ri!e!, Inc? at t"e &iven are!!, t"e
!a)e "a! fai$e a! accorin& to infor)ation efenant Cor'oration
"a! never "e$ office t"ereat an it! 're!ent office are!! i!
- On t"e !a)e ate, 7a$taBar fi$e a )otion for $eave to !erve t"e
!())on! an a co'1 of t"e co)'$aint ('on t"erein efenant <oo
Eart" b1 '(b$ication? #"e tria$ co(rt &rante 7a$taBarD! )otion?
P(b$ication of t"e !())on! an t"e co)'$aint in t"e *#i)e!
,o(rna$,* a new!'a'er of &enera$ circ($ation, for . con!ec(tive
weeA! wa! effecte on 8, 1. an 20 A(&(!t 1-99?
- S(b!e/(ent$1 t"e tria$ co(rt, on )otion of 7a$taBar an ('on finin&
t"at <oo Eart" "a fai$e to fi$e it! an!wer wit"in t"e !i6t1 4805 a1
'erio co(nte fro) t"e a1 fo$$owin& t"e $a!t a1 of t"e '(b$ication,
ec$are <oo Eart" *a! if in efa($t* an a$$owe 7a$taBar to
're!ent "i! evience e6 'arte 10 a1! $ater
- t"e tria$ co(rt t"en i!!(e t"e /(e!tione 2(&)ent b1 efa($t
a&ain!t <oo Eart" w"ic"@ 15 ec$are 7a$taBar tr(e an owner of
t"e 'ro'ert1 covere b1 #C# ;o? 1-104>, 25 orere <oo Eart" to
reconve1 t"at 'ro'ert1 to 7a$taBar an, !"o($ <oo Eart" fai$ !o to
reconve1, .5 ecree t"e cance$$ation of #C# ;o? 1-104>; an 45
re/(ire t"e Re&i!ter of 3ee! of RiBa$ to i!!(e a new #C# in t"e
na)e of 7a$taBar? #"e!e were one accorin&$1 a$$ wit"o(t t"e
Anow$e&e of <oo Eart"?
- 7a$taBar $o!t no ti)e at a$$ in !e$$in& t"e $an !o tit$e in "i! na)e to
A(rora <a$veB, RiBa$iana <ar)ent!, Inc? an to 7<7 3eve$o')ent
Cor'orationOn - A(&(!t 1-9-, <oo Eart" in!tit(te a co)'$aint for
ann($)ent of t"e 2(&)ent in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5552-P an for
reconve1ance, a&ain!t Arte)io 7a$taBar an "i! venee! A(rora
<a$veB an 7<7 3eve$o')ent Cor'oration, w"ic" co)'$aint wa!
ocAete a! Civi$ Ca!e ;o? PH-9410-P, in t"e Co(rt of +ir!t
In!tance of RiBa$, 7ranc" 2>, t"e !a)e co(rt w"ic" "a i!!(e t"e
2(&)ent b1 efa($t a&ain!t <oo Eart"? <oo Eart" $ater
i)'$eae 7a$taBarD! t"ir venee, RiBa$iana <ar)ent!, Inc? a! an
aitiona$ efenant?
- /ood Earth assailed the judgment as null and void# upon the ground
that the trial court had not ac,uired jurisdiction over the person of
/ood Earth. 4t $as urged ! /ood Earth that the suit commenced
! @alta&ar $as an action in personam $hich re,uired personal
service of summons; hence# service of summons ! pulication $as
improper and un$arranted in this case. 4t $as also urged ! /ood
Earth that -and Aegistration 3ecree ?o. ?.)IEH)# ! virtue of $hich
0C+ ?o. 1JLL $as issued to -oren&o 2olera#
interest of /ood Earth# ecame incontrovertile one !ear after its
registration on H 5eruar! 1KHK.
- #"e tria$ co(rt renere 2(&)ent a&ain!t <oo Eart"? It "e$ t"at
t"e tria$ co(rt w"ic" i!!(e t"e 2(&)ent b1 efa($t "a ac/(ire
2(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on of efenant <oo Eart" t"ro(&" !ervice
of !())on! b1 '(b$ication; t"at t"e !(it bro(&"t b1 7a$taBar a&ain!t
<oo Eart" wa! an action ,uasi in rem !(c" t"at !ervice of
!())on! b1 '(b$ication wa! a''ro'riate; t"at LorenBo Mo$era, t"e
ori&ina$ re&i!tere owner of t"e !(b2ect $an!, wa! not an
ini!'en!ab$e 'art1 to t"e !(it bro(&"t a&ain!t <oo Eart"; t"at t"e
action in!tit(te b1 <oo Eart" wa! barre b1 re! 2(icata; an t"at
efenant! <a$veB, 7<7 3eve$o')ent Cor'oration an RiBa$iana
<ar)ent!, Inc? were '(rc"a!er! in &oo fait" an for va$(e?
- CA rever!e #C0! eci!ion an irecte t"e efenant! to reconve1
t"e 'arce$! of $an in /(e!tion to <oo Eart" free fro) a$$ $ien! an
enc()brance!? :ence t"i! Petition for Review in!tit(te b1 7a$taBar
an <a$veB?
=O; t"e !ervice of !())on! b1 '(b$ication ('on re!'onent <oo
Eart" wa! 'ro'er?
#"e re&($ar )oe of !ervin& !())on! ('on a 'rivate o)e!tic
cor'oration 4i?e?, a 'rivate cor'oration or&aniBe (ner P"i$i''ine
$aw an "ence re&i!tere wit" t"e Sec(ritie! an E6c"an&e
Co))i!!ion5 i! &overne b1 Section 1. of R($e 14 of t"e Revi!e
R($e! of Co(rt? #"e re&($ar )oe, in ot"er wor!, of !ervin&
!())on! ('on a 'rivate P"i$i''ine cor'oration i! b1 personal
service upon one of the officers of such corporation identified in
Section 1D?
5or the purpose of receiving service of summons and eing ound
! it# a corporation is 4dentified $ith its agent or officer $ho under
the rule is designated to accept service of process. "#"e cor'orate
'ower to receive an act on !(c" !ervice, !o far a! to )aAe it Anown
to t"e cor'oration, i! t"(! ve!te in !(c" officer or a&ent?* A strict
compliance $ith the mode of service is necessar! to confer
jurisdiction of the court over a corporation. +he purpose is to render
it reasonal! certain that the corporation $ill receive prompt and
proper notice in an action against it or to insure that the summons
e served on a representative so integrated $ith the corporation that
such person $ill 'no$ $hat to do $ith the legal papers served on
It i! not i!'(te t"at 3e'(t1 S"eriff Pre i not co)'$1 an i not
atte)'t to co)'$1 wit" t"e re/(ire)ent of Section 1. of R($e 14?
Since 'er!ona$ !ervice of !())on! wa! c$ear$1 not effecte ('on
<oo Eart", we co)e to t"e /(e!tion of w"et"er t"e !(b!tit(te
!ervice b1 '(b$ication '(r'orte to "ave been effecte b1 t"e tria$
co(rt in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5552-P wa! 'ro'er an effective to ve!t
2(ri!iction ('on !(c" co(rt over t"e 'er!on of <oo Eart"? T-e
&i"# p!in -% D,# 6e D%)e in -i# c!nneci!n i# -% -e
p"!p"ie( !& #e"'ice !& #,DD!n# 6( p,6*ic%i!n i# n!
)epen)en ,p!n -e ec-nic%* c-%"%ce"i;%i!n !& -e %ci!n
6ein+ inii%e) %# %n %ci!n in re$ or *uasi in re$. T-e
p"!p"ie( !& #e"'ice 6( p,6*ic%i!n i# )epen)en, "%-e", ,p!n
c!Dp*i%nce Ki- -e "eH,i"eDen# !& -e %pp*ic%6*e p"!'i#i!n#
!& -e R,*e# !& C!,". =e note !econ$1, t"at !ervice of !())on!
of '(b$ication )a1 be a$$owe (ner R($e 14 of t"e Revi!e R($e! of
Co(rt in t"ree . ifferent !it(ation!? #"e fir!t i! t"e !it(ation of an
*(nAnown efenant* are!!e b1 Section 18 of R($e 14? #"e
!econ refer! to !it(ation! w"ere *e6tra-territoria$ !ervice* i! 'ro'er,
&overne b1 Section 19 of R($e 14? #"e t"ir !it(ation i! t"at of a
re!ient of t"e P"i$i''ine! w"o i! te)'orari$1 o(t of t"e P"i$i''ine!
an w"o )a1 be !erve wit" !())on! b1 '(b$ication (ner Section
Even a c(r!or1 e6a)ination of Section! 18,19 an 1> of R($e 14
above wi$$ at once revea$ t"at, if at a$$, !ervice of !())on! b1
'(b$ication ('on <oo Eart" co($ on$1 be one (ner Section 18?
Section 19 can fin a''$ication on$1 w"ere t"e efenant i! bot" a
non-re!ient an not act(a$$1 fo(n in t"e P"i$i''ine!? Since <oo
Eart" i! a cor'oration or&aniBe (ner t"e P"i$i''ine $aw, it cannot
be re&are a! a non-re!ient cor'oration? Section 1>, ('on t"e
ot"er "an, a''ear! to conte)'$ate a efenant w"o i! a nat(ra$
'er!on? In an1 ca!e, 'etitioner i not 'reten t"at <oo Eart" wa!
at an1 ti)e te)'orari$1 o(t of t"e P"i$i''ine!, a!!()in& !(c" a
conition were 'o!!ib$e? Section 18 it!e$f cover! two 425
i!tin&(i!"ab$e !it(ation!@ w"ere t"e identit! of t"e efenant i!
(nAnown; an w"ere t"e are!! of t"e efenant i! (nAnown?
Iner Section 18, t"erefore, 'etitioner )(!t !"ow t"at t"e address
of <oo Eart" wa! *(nAnown* an t"at !(c" are!! *co($ not be
a!certaine b1 i$i&ent in/(ir1?*
In t"e ca!e at bar, 'etitioner acte as if t"e are!! of <oo Eart"
wa! *(nAnown?* Petitioner c$ai)e t"at <oo Eart" co($ not be
fo(n at t"e are!! a''earin& in t"e #C# i!!(e in t"e na)e of
<oo Eart"? #"e !() tota$ of w"at t"e S"eriff act(a$$1 i, wa! to
a!A a !ec(rit1 &(ar "e fo(n at 888 M(e$$e e 7inono an t"i!
!ec(rit1 &(ar a''arent$1 'ointe to t"e b(i$in& irector1 w"ere t"e
na)e of <oo Eart" i not a''ear? It i! ar&(e b1 <oo Eart" t"at
"a t"e S"eriff in/(ire at an1 of t"e office! act(a$$1 fo(n in t"e
b(i$in& at 888 M(e$$e e 7inono, "e wo($ "ave fo(n <oo Eart"
w"ic" i! a cor'oration owne or contro$$e b1 t"e C"in& fa)i$1,
con!ierin& t"at a$$ t"e cor'oration! /(artere at 888 M(e$$e e
7inono are C"in& fa)i$1 cor'oration!? <oo Eart", in ot"er wor!,
i not i!'(te t"at 888 M(e$$e e 7inono, Mani$a wa! it! correct
cor'orate are!!? #"e co(rt oe! not be$ieve, t"erefore, t"at t"e
are!! of <oo Eart" co($ be re&are a! *(nAnown* wit"in t"e
)eanin& of Section 18 of R($e 14? More i)'ortant$1, it oe! not
be$ieve t"at t"e act! of 3e'(t1 S"eriff Pre !ati!fie t"e !tanar of
i$i&ent in/(ir1D e!tab$i!"e b1 Section 18 of R($e 14? 3e'(t1 S"eriff
Pre !"o($ "ave Anown w"at ever1 $aw !c"oo$ !t(ent Anow!, t"at
<oo Eart" bein& a o)e!tic cor'oration )(!t "ave been re&i!tere
wit" t"e Sec(ritie! an E6c"an&e Co))i!!ion an t"at t"e SEC
recor! wo($, t"erefore, revea$ not 2(!t t"e correct are!! of t"e
cor'orate "ea/(arter! of <oo Eart" b(t a$!o t"e are!!e! of it!
irector! an ot"er officer!? =e be$ieve an !o "o$ t"at a $iti&ant or
'roce!! !erver w"o "a! not &one t"ro(&" t"e recor! of t"e SEC
cannot c$ai) to "ave carrie o(t t"e *i$i&ent in/(ir1* re/(ire (ner
Section 18 of R($e 14 of t"e Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt for va$i !ervice
of !())on! b1 '(b$ication ('on a o)e!tic cor'oration?
It )a1 be note, fina$$1, t"at t"e recor oe! not !"ow t"at 7a$taBar
!ent a co'1 of t"e !())on! an t"e orer for '(b$ication to <oo
Eart" b1 re&i!tere )ai$ to it! $a!t Anown are!! w"ic" wa! 888
M(e$$e e 7inono, Mani$a, a! re/(ire b1 Section 21 of R($e 14,
Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt? =e "o$ t"at t"e '(r'orte !ervice of
!())on! b1 '(b$ication ('on <oo Eart" in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5552-P
wa! $e&a$$1 an con!tit(tiona$$1 vitiate an "ence inva$i an
ineffective to ve!t 2(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on of <oo Eart" ('on
t"e tria$ co(rt, an t"at t"e 2(&)ent t"ere renere b1 t"at co(rt
wa! n($$ an voi? It ve!te no ri&"t! ('on 7a$taBar an i)'o!e no
$iabi$itie! or b(ren! ('on <oo Eart"? =e a&ree wit" t"e
re!'onent Co(rt of A''ea$! t"at t"e tria$ co(rt in Civi$ Ca!e ;o?
PH-9410-P fe$$ into 'rofo(n error in not !ettin& a!ie an ann($$in&
t"e 2(&)ent of t"e tria$ co(rt in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5552-P?
Disposition. =:ERE+ORE, t"e Petition for Review i! 3E;IE3 an
t"e 3eci!ion ate 14 ,an(ar1 1->9 of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! in C?A?
<?R? C% ;o? 00104 i! A++IRME3? Co!t! a&ain!t 'etitioner!?
4. Up!n !-e"#
=15 SCRA 9:2
ABAD SANTOS< M%( 88, =>:4
Petition to review to !et a!ie certain orer! an re!train t"e
re!'onent 2(&e fro) tr1in& Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 99--M of t"e ef(nct C+I
of RiBa$?
- IS "a a nava$ ba!e in S(bic, Sa)ba$e!? #"e ba!e wa! one of t"o!e
'rovie in t"e Mi$itar1 7a!e! A&ree)ent between t"e P"i$i''ine! an
t"e IS?
- IS invite t"e !(b)i!!ion of bi! for t"e fo$$owin& 'ro2ect!@
1? Re'air fener !1!te), A$ava ="arf at t"e I?S? ;ava$ Station
S(bic 7a1, P"i$i''ine!?
2? Re'air t1'"oon a)a&e to ;AS C(bi !"ore$ine; re'air t1'"oon
a)a&e to !"ore$ine revet)ent, ;A%7ASE S(bic; an re'air to Le1te
="arf a''roac", ;A%7ASE S(bic 7a1, P"i$i''ine!?
- E$i&io e <(B)an N Co?, Inc? re!'one to t"e invitation an
!(b)itte bi!? IS re/(e!te it to confir) it! 'rice 'ro'o!a$! an for
t"e na)e of it! bonin& co)'an1? #"e co)'an1 co)'$ie wit" t"e
- #"e co)'an1 receive a $etter w"ic" wa! !i&ne b1 3ir? Co$$in!,
Contract! 3ivi!ion, ;ava$ +aci$itie! En&ineerin& Co))an, So(t"we!t
Pacific, 3e'art)ent of t"e ;av1 of t"e Inite State!, w"o i! one of t"e
'etitioner! "erein? #"e $etter !ai t"at t"e co)'an1 i not /(a$if1 to
receive an awar for t"e 'ro2ect! beca(!e of it! 'revio(! (n!ati!factor1
'erfor)ance ratin& on a re'air contract for t"e !ea wa$$ at t"e boat
$anin&! of t"e I?S? ;ava$ Station in S(bic 7a1? #"e $etter f(rt"er !ai
t"at t"e 'ro2ect! "a been aware to t"ir 'artie!?
- #"e co)'an1 !(e t"e IS an Me!!r!? ,a)e! E? <a$$owa1, =i$$ia)
I? Co$$in! an Robert <o"ier a$$ )e)ber! of t"e En&ineerin& Co))an
of t"e I?S? ;av1? #"e co)'$aint i! to orer t"e efenant! to a$$ow t"e
'$aintiff to 'erfor) t"e worA on t"e 'ro2ect! an, in t"e event t"at
!'ecific 'erfor)ance wa! no $on&er 'o!!ib$e, to orer t"e efenant!
to 'a1 a)a&e!? #"e co)'an1 a$!o a!Ae for t"e i!!(ance of a writ of
're$i)inar1 in2(nction to re!train t"e efenant! fro) enterin& into
contract! wit" t"ir 'artie! for worA on t"e 'ro2ect!?
- #"e efenant! entere t"eir !'ecia$ a''earance *for t"e '(r'o!e
on$1 of /(e!tionin& t"e 2(ri!iction of t"i! co(rt over t"e !(b2ect )atter
of t"e co)'$aint an t"e 'er!on! of efenant!, t"e !(b2ect )atter of
t"e co)'$aint bein& act! an o)i!!ion! of t"e inivi(a$ efenant! a!
a&ent! of efenant Inite State! of A)erica, a forei&n !overei&n
w"ic" "a! not &iven "er con!ent to t"i! !(it or an1 ot"er !(it for t"e
ca(!e! of action a!!erte in t"e co)'$aint?*
- 3efenant! fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint w"ic" inc$(e an
o''o!ition to t"e i!!(ance of t"e writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction? #"e
co)'an1 o''o!e t"e )otion? #"e tria$ co(rt enie t"e )otion an
i!!(e t"e writ? #"e efenant! )ove twice to recon!ier b(t to no
avai$? :ence t"e in!tant 'etition w"ic" !eeA! to re!train 'er'et(a$$1 t"e
'roceein&! in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 99--M for $acA of 2(ri!iction on t"e 'art
of t"e tria$ co(rt?
=O; tria$ co(rt "a! 2(ri!iction
;O? #"e traitiona$ r($e of State i))(nit1 e6e)'t! a State fro) bein&
!(e in t"e co(rt! of anot"er State wit"o(t it! con!ent or waiver? #"i!
r($e i! a nece!!ar1 con!e/(ence of t"e 'rinci'$e! of ine'enence an
e/(a$it1 of State!? 7(t State i))(nit1 now e6ten! on$1 to act! 2(re
- #"e re!'onent 2(&e reco&niBe t"e re!trictive octrine of State
i))(nit1 w"en "e !ai in "i! Orer en1in& t"e efenant!D 4now
'etitioner!5 )otion@ *A i!tinction !"o($ be )ae between a !trict$1
&overn)enta$ f(nction of t"e !overei&n !tate fro) it! 'rivate,
'ro'rietar1 or non-&overn)enta$ act!?* :owever, t"e re!'onent 2(&e
a$!o !ai@ *It i! t"e Co(rtD! con!iere o'inion t"at enterin& into a
contract for t"e re'air of w"arve! or !"ore$ine i! certain$1 not a
&overn)enta$ f(nction a$t"o it )a1 'artaAe of a '(b$ic nat(re or
- #"e re!trictive a''$ication of State i))(nit1 i! 'ro'er on$1 w"en t"e
'roceein&! ari!e o(t of co))ercia$ tran!action! of t"e forei&n
!overei&n, it! co))ercia$ activitie! or econo)ic affair!? State
ifferent$1, a State )a1 be !ai to "ave e!cene to t"e $eve$ of an
inivi(a$ an can t"(! be ee)e to "ave tacit$1 &iven it! con!ent to
be !(e on$1 w"en it enter! into b(!ine!! contract!? It oe! not a''$1
w"ere t"e contract re$ate! to t"e e6erci!e of it! !overei&n f(nction!? In
t"i! ca!e t"e 'ro2ect! are an inte&ra$ 'art of t"e nava$ ba!e w"ic" i!
evote to t"e efen!e of bot" t"e Inite State! an t"e P"i$i''ine!,
ini!'(tab$1 a f(nction of t"e &overn)ent of t"e "i&"e!t orer; t"e1 are
not (ti$iBe for nor eicate to co))ercia$ or b(!ine!! '(r'o!e!?
- #"at t"e correct te!t for t"e a''$ication of State i))(nit1 i! not t"e
conc$(!ion of a contract b1 a State b(t t"e $e&a$ nat(re of t"e act i!
!"own in S1/(ia v!? Lo'eB, >4 P"i$? .12 41-4-5? In t"at ca!e t"e
'$aintiff! $ea!e t"ree a'art)ent b(i$in&! to t"e Inite State! of
A)erica for t"e (!e of it! )i$itar1 officia$!? #"e '$aintiff! !(e to
recover 'o!!e!!ion of t"e 're)i!e! on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e ter) of t"e
$ea!e! "a e6'ire, #"e1 a$!o a!Ae for increa!e renta$! (nti$ t"e
a'art)ent! !"a$$ "ave been vacate? It "e$@
*On t"e ba!i! of t"e fore&oin& con!ieration! we are of t"e be$ief an
we "o$ t"at t"e rea$ 'art1 efenant in intere!t i! t"e <overn)ent of
t"e Inite State! of A)erica; t"at an1 2(&)ent for bacA or increa!e
renta$! or a)a&e! wi$$ "ave to be 'ai not b1 efenant! Moore an
#i$$)an an t"eir 84 co-efenant! b(t b1 t"e !ai I?S? <overn)ent?
On t"e ba!i! of t"e r($in& in t"e ca!e of Lan v!? 3o$$ar a$rea1 cite,
an on w"at we "ave a$rea1 !tate, t"e 're!ent action )(!t be
con!iere a! one a&ain!t t"e I?S? <overn)ent? It i! c$ear t"at t"e
co(rt! of t"e P"i$i''ine! inc$(in& t"e M(nici'a$ Co(rt of Mani$a "ave
no 2(ri!iction over t"e 're!ent ca!e for (n$awf($ etainer? #"e
/(e!tion of $acA of 2(ri!iction wa! rai!e an inter'o!e at t"e ver1
be&innin& of t"e action? #"e I?S? <overn)ent "a! not &iven it!
con!ent to t"e fi$in& of t"i! !(it w"ic" i! e!!entia$$1 a&ain!t "er, t"o(&"
not in na)e? Moreover, t"i! i! not on$1 a ca!e of a citiBen fi$in& a !(it
a&ain!t "i! own <overn)ent wit"o(t t"e $atterD! con!ent b(t it i! of a
citiBen fi$in& an action a&ain!t a forei&n &overn)ent wit"o(t !ai
&overn)entD! con!ent, w"ic" rener! )ore obvio(! t"e $acA of
2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt! of "i! co(ntr1? #"e 'rinci'$e! of $aw be"in
t"i! r($e are !o e$e)entar1 an of !(c" &enera$ acce'tance t"at we
ee) it (nnece!!ar1 to cite a(t"oritie! in !(''ort t"ereof?* 4At '? .2.?5
- In S1/(ia, t"e Inite State! conc$(e contract! wit" 'rivate
inivi(a$! b(t t"e contract! notwit"!tanin& t"e Inite State! wa! not
ee)e to "ave &iven or waive it! con!ent to be !(e for t"e rea!on
t"at t"e contract! were for 2(re i)'erii an not for 2(re &e!tioni!?
Disposition =:ERE+ORE, t"e 'etition i! &rante; t"e /(e!tione
orer! of t"e re!'onent 2(&e are !et a!ie an Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 99--M
i! i!)i!!e? Co!t! a&ain!t t"e 'rivate re!'onent?
MAFASIAR, )i##en#?
- #"e 'etition !"o($ be i!)i!!e an t"e 'roceein&! in Civi$ Ca!e
;o? 99--M in t"e ef(nct C+I 4now R#C5 of RiBa$ be a$$owe to
contin(e t"erein?
- ="en t"e I?S? <overn)ent, t"ro(&" it! a&enc1 at S(bic 7a1,
confir)e t"e acce'tance of a bi of a 'rivate co)'an1 for t"e re'air
of w"arve! or !"ore$ine in t"e S(bic 7a1 area, it i! ee)e to "ave
entere into a contract an t"(! waive t"e )ant$e of !overei&n
i))(nit1 fro) !(it an e!cene to t"e $eve$ of t"e orinar1 citiBen?
It! con!ent to be !(e, t"erefore, i! i)'$ie fro) it! act of enterin& into
a contract?
- ,(!tice an fairne!! ictate t"at a forei&n &overn)ent t"at co))it! a
breac" of it! contract(a$ ob$i&ation - in t"e ca!e at bar b1 t"e (ni$atera$
cance$$ation of t"e awar for t"e 'ro2ect b1 t"e Inite State!
&overn)ent, t"ro(&" it! a&enc1 at S(bic 7a1 - !"o($ not be a$$owe
to taAe (n(e avanta&e of a 'art1 w"o )a1 "ave $e&iti)ate c$ai)!
a&ain!t it b1 !eeAin& ref(&e be"in t"e !"ie$ of non-!(abi$it1? A
contrar1 view wo($ rener a +i$i'ino citiBen, a! in t"e in!tant ca!e,
"e$'$e!! an wit"o(t rere!! in "i! own co(ntr1 for vio$ation of "i!
ri&"t! co))itte b1 t"e a&ent! of t"e forei&n &overn)ent 'rofe!!in& to
act in it! na)e?
- Con!tant re!ort b1 a forei&n !tate or it! a&ent! to t"e octrine of State
i))(nit1 in t"i! 2(ri!iction i)'in&e! (n($1 ('on o(r !overei&nt1 an
i&nit1 a! a nation? It! a''$ication wi$$ 'artic($ar$1 i!co(ra&e +i$i'ino or
o)e!tic contractor! fro) tran!actin& b(!ine!! an enterin& into
contract! wit" Inite State! a(t"oritie! or faci$itie! in t"e P"i$i''ine! -
w"et"er nava$, air or &ro(n force! - beca(!e t"e iffic($t1, if not
i)'o!!ibi$it1, of enforcin& a va$i$1 e6ec(te contract an of !eeAin&
2(icia$ re)e1 in o(r own co(rt! for breac"e! of contract(a$ ob$i&ation
co))itte b1 a&ent! of t"e Inite State! &overn)ent, a$wa1! $oo)!
$ar&e, t"ereb1 "a)'erin& t"e &rowt" of +i$i'ino enter'ri!e! an
creatin& a virt(a$ )ono'o$1 in o(r own co(ntr1 b1 Inite State!
contractor! of contract! for !ervice! or !(''$ie! wit" t"e vario(! I?S?
office! an a&encie! o'eratin& in t"e P"i$i''ine!?
- In t"e ca!e at bar, t"e efficac1 of t"e contract between t"e I?S? ;ava$
a(t"oritie! at S(bic 7a1 on one "an, an "erein 'rivate re!'onent
on t"e ot"er, wa! "onore )ore in t"e breac" t"an in t"e co)'$iance?
#"e o'inion of t"e )a2orit1 wi$$ certain$1 o'en t"e f$oo&ate! of )ore
vio$ation! of contract(a$ ob$i&ation!? A)erican a(t"oritie! or an1
forei&n &overn)ent in t"e P"i$i''ine! for t"at )atter, ea$in& wit" t"e
citiBen! of t"i! co(ntr1, can convenient$1 !eeA 'rotective cover (ner
t"e )a2orit1 o'inion? #"e re!($t i! i!a!tro(! to t"e P"i$i''ine!?
Petition for certiorari to review t"e eci!ion of t"e ;LRC
-SEA+3EC-AH3 i! a e'art)ent of an internationa$ or&aniBation, t"e
So(t"ea!t A!ian +i!"erie! 3eve$o')ent Center? Private Re!'onent
LaBa&a wa! "ire a! a Re!earc" A!!ociate an event(a$$1 beca)e t"e
:ea of E6terna$ Affair! Office of SEA+3EC-AH3? :owever, "e wa!
ter)inate a$$e&e$1 (e to financia$ con!traint! bein& e6'erience b1
SEA+EC-AH3? :e wa! !(''o!e to receive !e'aration benefit! b(t
SEA+3EC-AH3 fai$e to 'a1 'rivate re!'onent "i! !e'aration 'a1 !o
LaBa&a fi$e a co)'$aint for non-'a1)ent of !e'aration benefit!, '$(!
)ora$ a)a&e! an attorne10! fee! wit" t"e ;LRC?
DISMISSA, SEA+3EC a$$e&e t"at ;LRC "a! n! .,"i#)ici!n !'e" -e
c%#e 6ec%,#e? 415 It i! an internationa$ or&aniBation; 425 LaBa&a )(!t
fir!t !ec(re c$earance! fro) t"e 'ro'er e'art)ent! for 'ro'ert1 or
)one1 acco(ntabi$it1 before an1 c$ai) for !e'aration 'a1 wi$$ be 'ai
4an c$earance! "a! not been 'ai5
COI;#ERCLAIM@ LaBa&a "a 'ro'ert1 acco(ntabi$it1 an o(t!tanin&
ob$i&ation to SEA+3EC-AH3 a)o(ntin& to P29, 5.2?11 an t"at
LaBa&a wa! not entit$e to t"e accr(e !icA $eave benefit! (e to "i!
fai$(re to avai$ of t"e !a)e (rin& "i! e)'$o1)ent
-LA@ for LaBa&a
-;LRC@ affir)e LA, e$ete attorne10! fee! an act(a$ a)a&e!
-SEA+3EC-AH3 fi$e M+R, enie
=O; SEA+3EC-AH3 i! e!to''e fro) c$ai)in& t"at t"e co(rt "a no
Ratio. E!to''e$ oe! not a''$1 to confer 2(ri!iction to a trib(na$ t"at
"a! none over a ca(!e of action? ,(ri!iction i! conferre b1 $aw?
="ere t"ere i! none, no a&ree)ent of t"e 'artie! can 'rovie one?
Sett$e i! t"e r($e t"at t"e eci!ion of a trib(na$ not ve!te wit"
a''ro'riate 2(ri!iction i! n($$ an voi?
-#"e $acA of 2(ri!iction of a co(rt )a1 be rai!e at an1 !ta&e of t"e
'roceein&!, even on a''ea$?
-#"e i!!(e of 2(ri!iction i! not $o!t b1 waiver or b1 e!to''e$
=:9 SCRA 5:8
MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.< Ap"i* 85, =>>B
Petition to review? Certiorari
- Inite Cocon(t C"e)ica$! !"i''e on boar M# Sto$t Sce'tre, a
tanAer owne b1 Sto$t-;ie$!en P"i$i''ine! 404 ton! of i!ti$$e C8-C1>
fatt1 aci fro) 7atan&a! to Rottera) ;et"er$an!?#"e car&o wa!
in!(re wit" ;ationa$ Inion +ire In!(rance, an A)erican in!(rance
co)'an1, t"r( it! P"i$i''ine A&ent, A)erican Internationa$
- I'on arriva$ an after in!'ection, t"e !"i')ent wa! fo(n to be
tota$$1 conta)inate an i!co$ore? #"e Carrier enie t"e c$ai) b(t
t"e In!(rer ine)nifie !ai !"i''er? A! !(bro&ee, t"e in!(rer fi$e !(it
a&ain!t Carrier before t"e R#C to recover1 t"e !() of P1,81-,48-?21,
t"e a)o(nt 'ai to t"e S"i''er?
- Carrier fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! on t"e &ro(n t"at t"e R#C "a no
2(ri!iction over t"e c$ai) t"e !a)e bein& arbitrab$e a! 'rovie b1
t"e ter)! of t"e C"arter Part1 ate 21 3ece)ber 1->4 between
S"i''er an Parce$ #anAer!?
- In!(rer o''o!e t"e )otion on t"e &ro(n t"at it wa! not
$e&a$$1 bo(n to !(b)it t"e c$ai) for arbitration a! t"e arbitration
c$a(!e in t"e C"arter Part1 wa! not incor'orate into t"e 7i$$ of
Lain&? R#C enie t"e )otion to i!)i!! b(t i!!(e a
re!o$(tion on t"e Motion to 3i!)i!! (nti$ tria$ on t"e )erit! !ince
t"e &ro(n a$$e&e in !ai )otion oe! not a''ear in(bitab$e?
- Carrier fi$e )otion for Certiorari an Pro"ibition wit" t"e CA
!eeAin& to n($$if1 t"e R#C orer w"ic" it !et a!ie?
- :ence t"e a''ea$ to t"e SC
1? =O; t"e CA orer !ettin& a!ie t"e R#C orer, w"ic" wa!
inter$oc(tor1, i! va$i
2? =O; t"e ter)! of t"e C"arter Part1, 'artic($ar$1 t"e 'rovi!ion on
arbitration, binin& on t"e In!(rer?
1? Ce!? <enera$$1, an inter$oc(tor1 orer cannot be t"e !(b2ect of a
!'ecia$ civi$ action on certiorari an 'ro"ibition? ? :owever, t"e ca!e
before (! fa$$! (ner t"e e6ce'tion? ="i$e a Co(rt Orer eferrin&
action on a )otion to i!)i!! (nti$ t"e tria$ i! inter$oc(tor1 an cannot
be c"a$$en&e (nti$ fina$ 2(&)ent, !ti$$, w"ere it c$ear$1 a''ear! t"at
t"e tria$ ,(&e or Co(rt i! 'roceein& in e6ce!! or o(t!ie of it!
2(ri!iction, t"e re)e1 of 'ro"ibition wo($ $ie !ince it wo($ be
(!e$e!! an a wa!te of ti)e to &o a"ea wit" t"e 'roceein&!?
2? Ce!? A reain& of t"e c"arter Part1 an t"e 7i$$ of Lain& !"ow! t"at
t"e In!(rer i! in fact bo(n to arbitration? C$ear$1, t"e 7i$$ of Lain&
incor'orate! b1 reference t"e ter)! of t"e C"arter Part1? It i! !ett$e
$aw t"at t"e c"arter )a1 be )ae 'art of t"e contract (ner w"ic" t"e
&oo! are carrie b1 an a''ro'riate reference in t"e 7i$$ of Lain&
4="arton Poor, C"arter Partie! an Ocean 7i$$! of Lain& 45t" e?, '?
915? #"i! !"o($ inc$(e t"e 'rovi!ion on arbitration even wit"o(t a
!'ecific !ti'($ation to t"at effect? #"e entire contract )(!t be rea
to&et"er an it! c$a(!e! inter'rete in re$ation to one anot"er an not
b1 'art!? Moreover, in ca!e! w"ere a 7i$$ of Lain& "a! been i!!(e b1
a carrier coverin& &oo! !"i''e aboar a ve!!e$ (ner a c"arter
'art1, an t"e c"arterer i! a$!o t"e "o$er of t"e bi$$ of $ain&, *t"e bi$$ of
$ain& o'erate! a! t"e recei't for t"e &oo!, an a! oc()ent of tit$e
'a!!in&-t"e 'ro'ert1 of t"e &oo!, b(t not a! var1in& t"e contract
between t"e c"arterer an t"e !"i'owner* 4In re Marine S($'"(r
H(een, 480 + 2 >-, 10. V2 Cir? 1-92W; Mini!tr1 of Co))erce v!?
Marine #anAer! Cor'? 1-4 +, S('' 181, 18. VS?3?;?C? 1-80W;
<reen!tone S"i''in& Co?, S?A? v!? #ran!wor$ Oi$, Lt?, 5>> + S(''
V3?E$? 1->4W5? #"e 7i$$ of Lain& beco)e!, t"erefore, on$1 a recei't an
not t"e contract of carria&e in a c"arter of t"e entire ve!!e$, for t"e
contract i! t"e C"arter Part1 4S"e$$ Oi$ Co? v!? MI# <i$!, 9-0 + 2
120-, 1212 V5t" Cir? 1->8W; :o)e In!(rance Co? v!? A)erican
Stea)!"i' A&encie!, Inc?, <?R? ;o? L-255--, 4 A'ri$ 1-8>, 2. SCRA
245, an i! t"e $aw between t"e 'artie! w"o are bo(n b1 it! ter)! an
conition 'rovie t"at t"e!e are not contrar1 to $aw, )ora$!, &oo
c(!to)!, '(b$ic orer an '(b$ic 'o$ic1 4Artic$e 1.08, Civi$ Coe5?

Petition for certiorari i! enie an t"e 2(&)ent of t"e CA i! affir)e?
/R N!. =8>2B9
Petition for review of CA Re!o$(tion (ner R($e 45 of t"e R($e! of
- co)'$aint for ,(icia$ Partition of Rea$ Pro'ertie! an Acco(ntin& wit"
3a)a&e! wa! fi$e b1 ,o!efina <arrio a&ain!t I$'iano 7a$o, L1ia
7a$o-L()'a!, E(&enio 7a$o, I$'iano 7a$o, ,r?, ;ia 7a$o-Mora$eta,
;ora 7a$o-Catano, Saia 7a$o, ,(it" 7a$o-ManreBa, 3ani$o 7a$o an
Roni$o 7a$o, before R#C Ab(1o&, Le1te a$$e&in& t"at <arrio an
7a$o0! are t"e co-owner! of (nivie 'arce$! of $an $ocate at
Ma1or&a, Le1te? Accorin& to "er, t"e!e $an! were ori&ina$$1 owne
b1 t"e !'o(!e! E(&enio 7a$o, Sr? an Ma? Pa!a&(i-7a$o, w"o, at t"e
ti)e of t"e fi$in& of t"e co)'$aint, were a$rea1 ecea!e? #"e 7a$o
!'o(!e! were !(rvive b1 t"eir two 425 c"i$ren, I$'iano, Sr? an
Ma6i)ino, t"e $atter $iAewi!e ecea!e? <arrio i! t"e a(&"ter of
Ma6i)ino 7a$o an Sa$vacion Sab($ao? I$'iano 7a$o i! t"e !on of
E(&enio 7a$o, Sr? an t"e ot"er 'etitioner!, t"e c"i$ren of I$'iano, are
E(&enio0! &ranc"i$ren?
- <arrio a$$e&e in "er co)'$aint t"at i))eiate$1 ('on t"e eat" of
"er &ranfat"er, E(&enio Sr?, t"e 7a$o0! tooA 'o!!e!!ion of t"e !ai
rea$ 'ro'ertie! wit"o(t "er Anow$e&e an con!ent? :er (nc$e an
co(!in! were earne!t$1 re/(e!te b1 <arrio t"at t"e1 co)e (' wit" a
fair an e/(a$ 'artition of t"e 'ro'ertie! $eft b1 "er &ran'arent!? #"e
7a$o0! o(tri&"t$1 ref(!e "er 'ro'o!a$?
- <arrio fi$e a co)'$aint? In $ie( of an An!wer, 7a$o0! fi$e a Motion
to 3i!)i!! on t"e fo$$owin& &ro(n!@
415 +ai$(re to !tate a ca(!e of action - '$aintiff, t"o(&" a(&"ter of
Ma6i)ino, fai$e to a$$e&e =O; !"e i! a $e&iti)ate c"i$ t"(! fata$
con!ierin& A--2 CC an to a$$ow <arrio to in"erit fro) t"e e!tate of
t"e !'o(!e! E(&enio an Maria 7a$o in re're!entation of "er fat"er
Ma6i)ino 7a$o wo($ be to 'er)it inte!tate !(cce!!ion b1 an
i$$e&iti)ate c"i$ fro) t"e $e&iti)ate 'arent of "i! fat"er, a!!()in& t"at
!"e i! t"e c"i$ of Ma6i)ino 7a$o
425 co)'$aint oe! not !"ow t"at e!tate "ave been !ett$e an it!
ob$i&ation! "ave been 'ai?
4.5 'ro'ertie! en()erate in t"e co)'$aint were 'roceee a&ain!t b1
wa1 of e6ec(tion to !ati!f1 a 2(&)ent a&ain!t E(&enio an Maria
7a$o? S(b!e/(ent$1, I$'iano re'(rc"a!e t"e 'ro'ertie! an "a! been
o'en$1, e6c$(!ive$1 an aver!e$1 in 'o!!e!!ion of t"e 'ro'ertie!
- R#C enie t"e )otion to i!)i!! for $acA of )erit an !ai t"at t"e
co)'$aint c$ear$1 !tate! t"at t"e $ate E(&enio 7a$o, Sr?, an Maria
Pa!a&(i 7a$o "a two 425 c"i$ren, na)e$1@ I$'iano, Sr? an
Ma6i)ino? #"e '$aintiff i! t"e a(&"ter of t"e $ate Ma6i)ino 7a$o an
Sa$vacion Sab($ao; w"i$e t"e efenant! are c"i$ren of t"e $ate
I$'iano 7a$o, Sr? an +e$icia S('erio? #"e co)'$aint
en()erate!Eanne6e! 1. ta6 ec$aration! in t"e na)e of E(&enio 7a$o,
Sr? #"e '$aintiff a! an "eir 'ra1! t"at t"e!e 'arce$! of $an be
'artitione in accorance wit" Artic$e ->2 of t"e Civi$ Coe w"ic"
!tate!@ F#"e &ranc"i$ren an ot"er e!cenant! !"a$$ in"erit b1 ri&"t
of re're!entation, an if an1 one of t"e) !"o($ "ave ie, $eavin&
!evera$ "eir!, t"e 'ortion 'ertainin& to "i) !"a$$ be ivie a)on& t"e
$atter in e/(a$ 'ortion!?L ;o evience )a1 be a$$e&e or con!iere to
te!t t"e !(fficienc1 of t"e co)'$aint e6ce't t"e ver1 fact! '$eae
t"erein? It wo($ be i)'ro'er to in2ect into t"e a$$e&ation, fact! not
a$$e&e an (!e t"e) a! ba!i! for t"e eci!ion on t"e )otion? #"e
Co(rt i! not 'er)itte to &o be1on an o(t!ie of t"e a$$e&ation! in
t"e co)'$aint for ata or fact!? #"erefore, t"e a$$e&ation of i$$e&iti)ac1
an c$ai) of ab!o$(te owner!"i' are )oification! an (nrea!onab$e
inference!? If t"ere i! o(bt to t"e tr(t" of t"e fact! averre in t"e
co)'$aint, t"e Co(rt oe! not i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint b(t re/(ire! an
an!wer an 'rocee! to "ear t"e ca!e on t"e )erit?
- 7a$o0! fi$e an M+R w"ic" t"e R#C enie
- 7a$o0! fi$e a Petition for Certiorari before t"e CA? After t"e fi$in& of
Co))ent an ot"er '$eain&!, t"e ca!e wa! ee)e !(b)itte for
eci!ion? In a re!o$(tion, t"e CA enie (e co(r!e to t"e 'etition an
accorin&$1 i!)i!!e t"e !a)e an 2(!tifie t"e i!)i!!a$ in t"e
fo$$owin& )anner@ It i! an e!tab$i!"e r($e t"at an orer en1in& a
)otion to i!)i!! i! ba!ica$$1 inter$oc(tor1 in c"aracter an cannot be
t"e 'ro'er !(b2ect of a 'etition for certiorari? ="en a )otion to i!)i!!
i! enie, t"e 'ro'er 'roce(re i! to 'rocee wit" t"e tria$ an if t"e
eci!ion be aver!e to t"e )ovant, t"e re)e1 i! to taAe an a''ea$
fro) !ai eci!ion, a!!i&nin& a! one of t"e error! t"erefore t"e enia$
of t"e )otion to i!)i!!?
- 7a$o0! fi$e an M+R w"ic" t"e CA enie
1? =O; CA0! i!)i!!a$ of t"e 'etition for certiorari fi$e b1 t"e 7a$o0!
i! va$i
2? =O; t"e fai$(re to a$$e&e t"e nat(re an e6tent of '$aintiff0! tit$e in a
'etition for 'artition i! fata$ to it! ca(!e of action
.? =O; t"e action for 2(icia$ 'artition an acco(ntin& "a! 're!cribe,
wa! waive, or wa! ot"erwi!e abanone
1? ;O, CA !"o($ not "ave i!)i!!e t"e 'etition o(tri&"t a! t"e !a)e
a$$e&e! &rave ab(!e of i!cretion? In!tea, it !"o($ "ave 'roceee
to eter)ine =O; t"e tria$ co(rt i co))it &rave ab(!e of i!cretion
a! a$$e&e b1 t"e 7a$o0!? CA "avin& fai$e in t"i! re&ar, it be"oove!
('on t"i! Co(rt to i!c(!! t"e )erit! of t"e 'etition to '(t to re!t t"e
i!!(e! rai!e b1 t"e 'etitioner!?
- #"e &enera$ r($e re&arin& enia$ of a )otion to i!)i!! a! a ba!i! of
a re!ort to t"e e6traorinar1 writ of certiorari i! t"at an orer en1in& a
)otion to i!)i!! i! an inter$oc(tor1 orer w"ic" neit"er ter)inate! nor
fina$$1 i!'o!e! of a ca!e a! it $eave! !o)et"in& to be one b1 t"e
co(rt before t"e ca!e i! fina$$1 ecie on t"e )erit!? A! !(c", t"e
&enera$ r($e i! t"at t"e enia$ of a )otion to i!)i!! cannot be
/(e!tione in a !'ecia$ civi$ action for certiorari w"ic" i! a re)e1
e!i&ne to correct error! of 2(ri!iction an not error! of 2(&)ent?
#o 2(!tif1 t"e &rant of t"e e6traorinar1 re)e1 of certiorari, t"erefore,
t"e enia$ of t"e )otion to i!)i!! )(!t "ave been tainte wit" &rave
ab(!e of i!cretion? 71 F&rave ab(!e of i!cretionL i! )eant, !(c"
ca'ricio(! an w"i)!ica$ e6erci!e of 2(&)ent a! i! e/(iva$ent to $acA
of 2(ri!iction? #"e ab(!e of i!cretion )(!t be &rave a! w"ere t"e
'ower i! e6erci!e in an arbitrar1 or e!'otic )anner b1 rea!on of
'a!!ion or 'er!ona$ "o!ti$it1 an )(!t be !o 'atent an &ro!! a! to
a)o(nt to an eva!ion of 'o!itive (t1 or to a virt(a$ ref(!a$ to 'erfor)
t"e (t1 en2oine b1 or to act a$$ in conte)'$ation of $aw?
- S'ecific in!tance! w"ereb1 t"e r($e a)it! certain e6ce'tion! are
'rovie a! fo$$ow!@ Iner certain !it(ation!, reco(r!e to certiorari or
)ana)(! i! con!iere a''ro'riate, i?e?, 4a5 w"en t"e tria$ co(rt
i!!(e t"e orer wit"o(t or in e6ce!! of 2(ri!iction; 4b5 w"ere t"ere i!
'atent &rave ab(!e of i!cretion b1 t"e tria$ co(rt; or 4c5 a''ea$ wo($
not 'rove to be a !'ee1 an ae/(ate re)e1 a! w"en an a''ea$
wo($ not 'ro)'t$1 re$ieve a efenant fro) t"e in2(rio(! effect! of t"e
'atent$1 )i!taAen orer )aintainin& t"e '$aintiff0! ba!e$e!! action an
co)'e$$in& t"e efenant nee$e!!$1 to &o t"ro(&" a 'rotracte tria$
an c$o&&in& t"e co(rt ocAet! b1 anot"er f(ti$e ca!e
- Contrar1 to 'etitioner!0 contention, a$$e&ation! !(fficient to !(''ort a
ca(!e of action for 'artition )a1 be fo(n in 'rivate re!'onent0!
co)'$aint? ;ot"in& i! )ore !ett$e t"an t"e r($e t"at in a )otion to
i!)i!! for fai$(re to !tate a ca(!e of action, t"e in/(ir1 i! into t"e
!(fficienc1, not t"e veracit1, of t"e )ateria$ a$$e&ation!? Moreover, t"e
in/(ir1 i! confine to t"e fo(r corner! of t"e co)'$aint, an no ot"er?
- Section 1, R($e > of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re 'rovie! t"at
t"e co)'$aint nee! on$1 to a$$e&e t"e ($ti)ate fact! ('on w"ic"
'rivate re!'onent ba!e! "er c$ai)? #"e r($e! of 'roce(re re/(ire
t"at t"e co)'$aint )(!t )aAe a conci!e !tate)ent of t"e ($ti)ate fact!
or t"e e!!entia$ fact! con!tit(tin& t"e '$aintiff0! ca(!e of action? A fact
i! e!!entia$ if it cannot be !tricAen o(t wit"o(t $eavin& t"e !tate)ent of
t"e ca(!e of action inae/(ate?
- In "er Co)'$aint, t"e 'rivate re!'onent )ae t"e fo$$owin&
a!!ertion!@ #"at t"e afore-e!cribe 'arce$! of $an! were ori&ina$$1
owne b1 E(&enio 7a$o, Sr? an Ma? Pa!a&(i-7a$o, w"o are now bot"
ecea!e an after t"eir eat", were in"erite into two 425 e/(a$
!"are! b1 t"eir two 425 c"i$ren, na)e$1@ I$'iano, Sr? an Ma6i)ino,
bot" !(rna)e 7a$o, t"e $ater 4!ic5 bein& a$rea1 ea; #"at '$aintiff i!
t"e a(&"ter of t"e $ate Ma6i)ino 7a$o an Sa$vacion Sab($ao, w"o
after "er fat"er0! eat", "a in"erite "er fat"er0! !"are of t"e
in"eritance; #"at efenant I$'iano 7a$o, Sr? a!ie fro) bein& t"e !on
of E(&enio 7a$o, Sr?, i! )arrie to +e$icia S('erio, an i! t"e fat"er
of a$$ t"e ot"er efenant! in t"i! ca!e; #"e efenant! tooA
'o!!e!!ion of t"e above-e!cribe rea$ 'ro'ertie! i))eiate$1 after
t"e eat" of '$aintiff0! &ranfat"er E(&enio 7a$o, Sr? wit"o(t "er
Anow$e&e an con!ent; #"at '$aintiff i! e!iro(! t"at t"e above-
e!cribe rea$ 'ro'ertie! be 'artitione between "er an efenant!;
#"at '$aintiff "a! 'ro'o!e to t"e efenant! t"at t"e above-e!cribe
rea$ 'ro'ertie! be a)icab$1 'artitione between t"e) b1 )(t(a$
a&ree)ent in a ver1 fair an 'ractica$ ivi!ion of t"e !a)e, b(t !ai
efenant! ref(!e an contin(e to o !o wit"o(t an1 2(!tifiab$e ca(!e
or rea!on to accee to t"e 'artition of t"e !ai 'ro'ertie!? #"e
fore&oin& a$$e&ation! !"ow !(b!tantia$ co)'$iance wit" t"e for)a$ an
!(b!tantia$ re/(ire)ent! of a Co)'$aint for Partition a! re/(ire (ner
Section 1, R($e 8- of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re?
2? ;O
- 7riB v? 7riB@ 'roof of $e&a$ acAnow$e&)ent i! not a 'rere/(i!ite
before an action for 'artition )a1 be fi$e? #"ere i! no ab!o$(te
nece!!it1 re/(irin& t"at t"e action to co)'e$ acAnow$e&)ent !"o($
"ave been in!tit(te an 'ro!ec(te to a !(cce!!f($ conc$(!ion 'rior to
t"e action in w"ic" t"at !a)e '$aintiff !eeA! aitiona$ re$ief in t"e
c"aracter of "eir?
- In a co)'$aint for 'artition, t"e '$aintiff !eeA!, fir!t, a ec$aration t"at
"e i! a co-owner of t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ertie!; an !econ, t"e
conve1ance of "i! $awf($ !"are!? A! t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! correct$1
"e$, an action for 'artition i! at once an action for ec$aration of co-
owner!"i' an for !e&re&ation an conve1ance of a eter)ine 'ortion
of t"e 'ro'ertie! invo$ve? If t"e efenant a!!ert! e6c$(!ive tit$e over
t"e 'ro'ert1, t"e action for 'artition !"o($ not be i!)i!!e? Rat"er,
t"e co(rt !"o($ re!o$ve t"e ca!e an if t"e '$aintiff i! (nab$e to !(!tain
"i! c$ai)e !tat(! a! a co-owner, t"e co(rt !"o($ i!)i!! t"e action,
not beca(!e t"e wron& re)e1 wa! avai$e of, b(t beca(!e no ba!i!
e6i!t! for re/(irin& t"e efenant to !(b)it to 'artition? If, on t"e ot"er
"an, t"e co(rt after tria$ !"o($ fin t"e e6i!tence of co-owner!"i'
a)on& t"e 'artie!, t"e co(rt )a1 an !"o($ orer t"e 'artition of t"e
'ro'ertie! in t"e !a)e action?
.? ;O
- On t"e )atter of 're!cri'tion cite b1 t"e 'etitioner! a! a &ro(n for
t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint, it i! notewort"1 t"at t"e )otion to
i!)i!! fi$e b1 t"e 7a$o0! i not i'!o facto e!tab$i!" 're!cri'tion? An
a$$e&ation of 're!cri'tion can effective$1 be (!e in a )otion to i!)i!!
on$1 w"en t"e co)'$aint on it! face !"ow! t"at inee t"e action "a!
a$rea1 're!cribe; ot"erwi!e, t"e i!!(e of 're!cri'tion i! one invo$vin&
evientiar1 )atter! re/(irin& a f($$-b$own tria$ on t"e )erit! an cannot
be eter)ine in a )ere )otion to i!)i!!?
Disposition in!tant Petition i! 3E;IE3 an t"e eci!ion of CA
affir)in& t"e Orer of t"e R#C i! affir)e

00 SCRA 00
C;ARES-SA;#IA<O; Marc" 2, 2000
Petition for review on certiorari eci!ion of CA
- Sea-$an Service Inc an AP Mo$$erEMaer!A Line 4AMML5 are bot"
carrier! of car&o an co))on carrier!? #"e1 entere into a contract
entit$e FCoo'eration in t"e Pacific,L w"ic" i! e!!entia$$1 a ve!!e$
!"arin& a&ree)ent w"ereb1 t"e1 )(t(a$$1 a&ree to '(rc"a!e, !"are,
an e6c"an&e neee !'ace for car&o in t"eir re!'ective
container!"i'!? Iner t"e A&ree)ent, t"e1 co($ be, e'enin& on t"e
occa!ion, eit"er a 'rinci'a$ carrier 4wit" a ne&otiab$e bi$$ of $ain& or
ot"er contract of carria&e wit" re!'ect to car&o5 or a container!"i'
o'erator 4owner, o'erator or c"arterer of container!"i' on w"ic" t"e
car&o i! carrie5?
- 3(rin& t"e $ifeti)e of t"e contract, +$ore6 e$ivere to AMML car&o of
vario(! foo!t(ff!? A corre!'onin& 7i$$ of Lain& wa! i!!(e b1 AMML
to +$ore6? P(r!(ant to t"e a&ree)ent, AMML $oae t"e car&o to a
ve!!e$ of Sea-$an? #"(!, (ner t"i! arran&e)ent, AMML wa! t"e
'rinci'a$ carrier w"i$e Sea-$an wa! t"e container!"i' o'erator?
- :owever, t"e con!i&nee 4not na)e in t"e ca!e5 ref(!e 'a1 for t"e
car&o, a$$e&in& t"at e$iver1 wa! e$a1e? +$ore6 t"en fi$e a co)'$aint
a&ain!t AMML for rei)b(r!e)ent of t"e va$(e of t"e car&o
- AMML0! an!wer@ even on t"e a!!()'tion t"at +$ore6 wa! entit$e to
rei)b(r!e)ent, it wa! Sea-$an w"o !"o($ be $iab$e? #"(!, AMML
fi$e a .
Part1 Co)'$aint a&ain!t Sea-Lan, averrin& t"at w"atever
a)a&e! !(!taine b1 +$ore6 were ca(!e b1 Sea-Lan, w"ic"
act(a$$1 receive an tran!'orte +$ore6D! car&o on it! ve!!e$! an
(n$oae t"e)?
- Sea-$an fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! t"e .
'art1 co)'$aint on t"e
&ro(n of fai$(re to !tate a ca(!e of action an $acA of 2(ri!iction, t"e
a)o(nt of a)a&e! not "avin& been !'ecifie t"erein? A$!o, Sea-Lan
'ra1e for eit"er i!)i!!a$ or !(!'en!ion of t"e .
'art1 co)'$aint on
t"e &ro(n t"at t"ere e6i!t! an arbitration a&ree)ent between it an
- R#C enie )otion to i!)i!!? Sea-Lan fi$e 'etition for certiorari
wit" CA@ i!)i!!e? :ence, t"i! a''ea$?
=O; t"e .
'art1 co)'$aint !"o($ "ave been i!)i!!e
Ratio AMML i! barre fro) taAin& 2(icia$ action a&ain!t Sea-Lan b1
t"e c$ear ter)! of t"eir A&ree)ent?
Reasoning #o a$$ow AMMLD! .
Part1 C$ai) a&ain!t Sea-Lan to
'rocee wo($ be in vio$ation of C$a(!e 18?2 of t"e A&ree)ent? A!
!())ariBe, t"e c$a(!e 'rovie! t"at w"atever i!'(te t"ere )a1 be
between t"e Princi'a$ Carrier an t"e Container!"i' O'erator ari!in&
fro) contract! of carria&e !"a$$ be &overne b1 t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"e
bi$$! of $ain& ee)e i!!(e to t"e Princi'a$ Carrier b1 t"e
Container!"i' O'erator? On t"e ot"er "an, to !(!tain t"e .
Co)'$aint wo($ be to a$$ow AMML to "o$ Sea-Lan $iab$e (ner t"e
'rovi!ion! of t"e bi$$ of $ain& i!!(e b1 t"e Princi'a$ Carrier to +$ore6,
(ner w"ic" t"e $atter i! !(in& in it! Co)'$aint, not (ner t"e bi$$ of
$ain& 'etitioner, a! container!"i' o'erator, i!!(e to AMML, a!
Princi'a$ Carrier, contrar1 to w"at i! conte)'$ate in C$a(!e 18?2?
- A! t"e Princi'a$ Carrier wit" w"ic" +$ore6 irect$1 ea$t wit", AMML
can an !"o($ be "e$ acco(ntab$e b1 +$ore6 in t"e event t"at it "a! a
va$i c$ai) a&ain!t t"e for)er? P(r!(ant to C$a(!e 18?. of t"e
A&ree)ent, AMML, w"en face wit" !(c" a !(it F!"a$$ (!e a$$
rea!onab$e eneavo(r! to efenL it!e$f or F!ett$e !(c" !(it! for a! $ow
a fi&(re a! rea!onab$1 'o!!ib$eL? In t(rn, AMML can !eeA a)a&e!
anEor ine)nit1 fro) Sea-Lan a! Container!"i' O'erator for
w"atever fina$ 2(&)ent )a1 be a2(&e a&ain!t it (ner t"e
Co)'$aint of +$ore6? #"e cr(cia$ 'oint i! t"at co$$ection of !ai
a)a&e! anEor ine)nit1 fro) Sea-Lan !"o($ be b1 arbitration? In
t"e $i&"t of t"e A&ree)ent, it i! c$ear t"at arbitration i! t"e )oe
'rovie b1 w"ic" AMML a! Princi'a$ Carrier can !eeA a)a&e!
anEor ine)nit1 fro) Sea-Lan, a! Container!"i' O'erator?
- Arbitration bein& t"e )oe of !ett$e)ent between t"e 'artie!
e6're!!$1 'rovie for b1 t"e A&ree)ent, t"e .
Part1 Co)'$aint
!"o($ "ave been i!)i!!e? F#"i! Co(rt "a! 'revio(!$1 "e$ t"at
arbitration i! one of t"e a$ternative )et"o! of i!'(te re!o$(tion t"at i!
now ri&"tf($$1 va(nte a! Yt"e wave of t"e f(t(re0 in internationa$
re$ation!, an i! reco&niBe wor$wie? #o br(!" a!ie a contract(a$
a&ree)ent ca$$in& for arbitration in ca!e of i!a&ree)ent between t"e
'artie! wo($ t"erefore be a !te' bacAwar?L
4botto)$ine, t"e co(rt con!iere t"e e6i!tence of t"e arbitration c$a(!e
a! binin& between t"e 'artie!, t"(! a &ro(n for i!)i!!a$ of t"e .
'art1 co)'$aint5
O&iter@ FCA i not err in reain& t"e Co)'$aint of +$ore6 an AMMLD!
An!wer to&et"er wit" t"e .
Part1 Co)'$aint to eter)ine w"et"er a
ca(!e of action i! 'ro'er$1 a$$e&e? In +i$-E!tate <o$f an
3eve$o')ent, Inc? v!? CA, t"i! Co(rt r($e t"at in t"e eter)ination of
w"et"er or not t"e co)'$aint !tate! a ca(!e of action, t"e anne6e!
attac"e to t"e co)'$aint )a1 be con!iere, t"e1 bein& 'art! of t"e
Disposition Petition i! &rante?
<?R? 1811.5
3avie, ,r?, C?,?@ A'ri$ >, 2005
- So)eti)e in 1--8 an 1--9, 'etitioner Swa&)an :ote$! an #rave$,
Inc?, t"ro(&" Att1? Leonor L? Infante an Rone1 3avi :e&ert1, it!
're!ient an vice-'re!ient, re!'ective$1, obtaine fro) 'rivate
re!'onent ;ea$ 7? C"ri!tian $oan! evience b1 t"ree 'ro)i!!or1
note! ate 9 A(&(!t 1--8, 14 Marc" 1--9, an 14 ,($1 1--9? Eac"
of t"e 'ro)i!!or1 note! i! in t"e a)o(nt of ISZ50,000 'a1ab$e after
t"ree 1ear! fro) it! ate wit" an intere!t of 15J 'er ann() 'a1ab$e
ever1 t"ree )ont"!? In a $etter ate 18 3ece)ber 1-->, C"ri!tian
infor)e t"e 'etitioner cor'oration t"at "e wa! ter)inatin& t"e $oan!
an e)ane fro) t"e $atter 'a1)ent in t"e tota$ a)o(nt of
ISZ150,000 '$(! (n'ai intere!t! in t"e tota$ a)o(nt of ISZ1.,500?
- On 2 +ebr(ar1 1---, 'rivate re!'onent C"ri!tian fi$e wit" t"e
Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt of 7a&(io Cit1, 7ranc" 5-, a co)'$aint for a !()
of )one1 an a)a&e! a&ain!t t"e 'etitioner cor'oration, :e&ert1,
an Att1? Infante?
- #"e 'etitioner cor'oration, to&et"er wit" it! 're!ient an vice-
're!ient, fi$e an An!wer rai!in& a! efen!e! $acA of ca(!e of action
an novation of t"e 'rinci'a$ ob$i&ation!? Accorin& to t"e), C"ri!tian
"a no ca(!e of action beca(!e t"e t"ree 'ro)i!!or1 note! were not
1et (e an e)anab$e?
- In (e co(r!e an after "earin&, t"e tria$ co(rt renere a eci!ion on
5 Ma1 2000 ec$arin& t"e fir!t two 'ro)i!!or1 note! ate 9 A(&(!t
1--8 an 14 Marc" 1--9 a! a$rea1 (e an e)anab$e an t"at t"e
intere!t on t"e $oan! "a been re(ce b1 t"e 'artie! fro) 15J to 8J
'er ann()? #"e #C rea!one@ ="en t"e in!tant ca!e wa! fi$e on
+ebr(ar1 2, 1---, none of t"e 'ro)i!!or1 note! wa! (e an
e)anab$e? A! of t"i! ate "owever, t"e fir!t an t"e !econ
'ro)i!!or1 note! "ave a$rea1 )at(re? :ence, 'a1)ent i! a$rea1
(e? Iner Section 5 of R($e 10 of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re,
a co)'$aint w"ic" !tate! no ca(!e of action )a1 be c(re b1 evience
're!ente wit"o(t ob2ection? #"(!, even if t"e '$aintiff "a no ca(!e of
action at t"e ti)e "e fi$e t"e in!tant co)'$aint, a! efenant!0
ob$i&ation are not 1et (e an e)anab$e t"en, "e )a1 nevert"e$e!!
recover on t"e fir!t two 'ro)i!!or1 note! in view of t"e intro(ction of
evience !"owin& t"at t"e ob$i&ation! covere b1 t"e two 'ro)i!!or1
note! are now (e an e)anab$e?
- In it! eci!ion of 5 Se'te)ber 200., t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! enie
'etitioner0! a''ea$ an affir)e in toto t"e eci!ion of t"e tria$ co(rt?
- #"e 'etitioner ca)e to t"i! Co(rt "ar'in& on t"e ab!ence of a ca(!e
of action at t"e ti)e t"e 'rivate re!'onent0! co)'$aint wa! fi$e wit"
t"e tria$ co(rt?
ISSUE@ Ma1 a co)'$aint t"at $acA! a ca(!e of action at t"e ti)e it wa!
fi$e be c(re b1 t"e accr(a$ of a ca(!e of action (rin& t"e 'enenc1
of t"e ca!eQ
HELD@ ;o, it cannot be c(re? T-e c,"in+ e&&ec ,n)e" Seci!n 4 i#
%pp*ic%6*e onl% if a cause of action in fact eists at the ti$e the
co$plaint is filed( &ut the co$plaint is defective for failure to
allege the essential facts. #"e inter'retation of Section 5, R($e 10 of
t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re b1 t"e #C an CA i! erroneo(!?
- It i! (ni!'(te t"at t"e t"ree 'ro)i!!or1 note! were for t"e a)o(nt
of P50,000 eac" an (nifor)$1 'rovie for 415 a ter) of t"ree 1ear!;
425 an intere!t of 15 J 'er ann(), 'a1ab$e /(arter$1; an 4.5 t"e
re'a1)ent of t"e 'rinci'a$ $oan! after t"ree 1ear! fro) t"eir re!'ective
ate!? :owever, bot" t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! an t"e tria$ co(rt fo(n
t"at a rene&otiation of t"e t"ree 'ro)i!!or1 note! inee "a''ene in
3ece)ber 1--9 between t"e 'rivate re!'onent an t"e 'etitioner
re!($tin& in t"e re(ction M not waiver M of t"e intere!t fro) 15J to 8J
'er ann(), w"ic" fro) t"en on wa! 'a1ab$e )ont"$1, in!tea of
/(arter$1? #"e ter) of t"e 'rinci'a$ $oan! re)aine (nc"an&e in t"at
t"e1 were !ti$$ (e t"ree 1ear! fro) t"e re!'ective ate! of t"e
'ro)i!!or1 note!? #"(!, at t"e ti)e t"e co)'$aint wa! fi$e wit" t"e
tria$ co(rt on 2 +ebr(ar1 1---, none of t"e t"ree 'ro)i!!or1 note! wa!
(e 1et; a$t"o(&", two of t"e 'ro)i!!or1 note! wit" t"e (e ate! of 9
A(&(!t 1--- an 14 Marc" 2000 )at(re (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of t"e
ca!e wit" t"e tria$ co(rt? 7ot" co(rt! a$!o fo(n t"at t"e 'etitioner "a
been re$i&io(!$1 'a1in& t"e 'rivate re!'onent ISZ950 'er )ont" fro)
,an(ar1 1--> an even (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of t"e ca!e before t"e
tria$ co(rt an t"at t"e 'rivate re!'onent "a acce'te a$$ t"e!e
)ont"$1 'a1)ent!?
- =it" t"e!e finin&! of fact!, it "a! beco)e &$arin&$1 obvio(! t"at
w"en t"e co)'$aint for a !() of )one1 an a)a&e! wa! fi$e wit"
t"e tria$ co(rt on 2 +ebr(ar1 1---, no ca(!e of action "a! a! 1et
e6i!te beca(!e t"e 'etitioner "a not co))itte an1 act in vio$ation of
t"e ter)! of t"e t"ree 'ro)i!!or1 note! a! )oifie b1 t"e
rene&otiation in 3ece)ber 1--9? =it"o(t a ca(!e of action, t"e
'rivate re!'onent "a no ri&"t to )aintain an action in co(rt, an t"e
tria$ co(rt !"o($ "ave t"erefore i!)i!!e "i! co)'$aint?
- 3e!'ite it! finin& t"at t"e 'etitioner cor'oration i not vio$ate t"e
)oifie ter)! of t"e t"ree 'ro)i!!or1 note! an t"at t"e 'a1)ent of
t"e 'rinci'a$ $oan! were not 1et (e w"en t"e co)'$aint wa! fi$e, t"e
tria$ co(rt i not i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint, citin& Section 5, R($e 10 of t"e
1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re, w"ic" rea!@
Section 5? Amendment to conform to or authori&e presentation of
evidence? G ="en i!!(e! not rai!e b1 t"e '$eain&! are trie wit" t"e
e6're!! or i)'$ie con!ent of t"e 'artie!, t"e1 !"a$$ be treate in a$$
re!'ect! a! if t"e1 "a been rai!e in t"e '$eain&!? S(c" a)en)ent
of t"e '$eain&! a! )a1 be nece!!ar1 to ca(!e t"e) to confor) to t"e
evience an to rai!e t"e!e i!!(e! )a1 be )ae ('on )otion of an1
'art1 at an1 ti)e, even after 2(&)ent; b(t fai$(re to a)en oe! not
affect t"e re!($t of t"e tria$ of t"e!e i!!(e!? If evience i! ob2ecte to at
t"e tria$ on t"e &ro(n t"at it i! not wit"in t"e i!!(e! )ae b1 t"e
'$eain&!, t"e co(rt )a1 a$$ow t"e '$eain&! to be a)ene an !"a$$
o !o wit" $ibera$it1 if t"e 're!entation of t"e )erit! of t"e action an
t"e en! of !(b!tantia$ 2(!tice wi$$ be !(b!erve t"ereb1? #"e co(rt
)a1 &rant a contin(ance to enab$e t"e a)en)ent to be )ae?
Accorin& to t"e tria$ co(rt, an !(!taine b1 t"e Co(rt of A''ea$!, t"i!
Section a$$ow! a co)'$aint t"at oe! not !tate a ca(!e of action to be
c(re b1 evience 're!ente wit"o(t ob2ection (rin& t"e tria$? #"(!, it
r($e t"at even if t"e 'rivate re!'onent "a no ca(!e of action w"en
"e fi$e t"e co)'$aint for a !() of )one1 an a)a&e! beca(!e none
of t"e t"ree 'ro)i!!or1 note! wa! (e 1et, "e co($ nevert"e$e!!
recover on t"e fir!t two 'ro)i!!or1 note! ate 9 A(&(!t 1--8 an 14
Marc" 1--9, w"ic" beca)e (e (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of t"e ca!e in
view of t"e intro(ction of evience of t"eir )at(rit1 (rin& t"e tria$?
- S(c" inter'retation of Section 5, R($e 10 of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$
Proce(re i! erroneo(!?
- A)en)ent! of '$eain&! are a$$owe (ner R($e 10 of t"e 1--9
R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re in orer t"at t"e act(a$ )erit! of a ca!e )a1
be eter)ine in t"e )o!t e6'eitio(! an ine6'en!ive )anner
wit"o(t re&ar to tec"nica$itie!, an t"at a$$ ot"er )atter! inc$(e in
t"e ca!e )a1 be eter)ine in a !in&$e 'roceein&, t"ereb1 avoiin&
)($ti'$icit1 of !(it!? Section 5 t"ereof a''$ie! to !it(ation! w"erein
evience not wit"in t"e i!!(e! rai!e in t"e '$eain&! i! 're!ente b1
t"e 'artie! (rin& t"e tria$, an to confor) to !(c" evience t"e
'$eain&! are !(b!e/(ent$1 a)ene on )otion of a 'art1? #"(!, a
co)'$aint w"ic" fai$! to !tate a ca(!e of action )a1 be c(re b1
evience 're!ente (rin& t"e tria$?
- :owever, t"e c(rin& effect (ner Section 5 i! a''$icab$e onl! if a
cause of action in fact e%ists at the time the complaint is filed# ut the
complaint is defective for failure to allege the essential facts?
- A co)'$aint w"o!e ca(!e of action "a! not 1et accr(e cannot be
c(re or re)eie b1 an a)ene or !(''$e)enta$ '$eain& a$$e&in&
t"e e6i!tence or accr(a$ of a ca(!e of action w"i$e t"e ca!e i! 'enin&?
S(c" an action i! 're)at(re$1 bro(&"t an i!, t"erefore, a &ro(n$e!!
!(it, w"ic" !"o($ be i!)i!!e b1 t"e co(rt ('on 'ro'er )otion
!ea!onab$1 fi$e b1 t"e efenant? #"e (ner$1in& rea!on for t"i! r($e
i! t"at a 'er!on !"o($ not be !())one before t"e '(b$ic trib(na$! to
an!wer for co)'$aint! w"ic" are i))at(re?
DISPOSITION@ #"e 'etition i! "ereb1 <RA;#E3
/.R. =49449
Petition for Review (ner R($e 45
In 1->. <oo1ear P"i$i''ine! '(rc"a!e fro) In(!tria$ an #ran!'ort
E/(i')ent, Inc? an I!(Bo ,CR 8-="ee$er? t"e tr(cA wa! "i2acAe on
A'ri$ .0, 1->8? #"i! "i2acAin& wa! re'orte to t"e P"i$i''ine ;ationa$
Po$ice 4P;P5 w"ic" i!!(e o(t an a$ert a$ar) on t"e !ai ve"ic$e a! a
!to$en one?It wa! $ater on recovere a$!o in 1->8? <oo1ear !o$ it to
Ant"on1 S1 on Se'te)ber 12, 1--8?S1, in t(rn, !o$ it to ,o!e L? Lee
on ,an(ar1 2-, 1--9?
Lee fi$e an action for re!ci!!ion of contract wit" a)a&e! a&ain!t S1
on 3ece)ber 4, 1--9 beca(!e "e co($ not re&i!ter t"e ve"ic$e in "i!
na)e (e to t"e certification fro) t"e P;P Re&iona$ #raffic
Mana&e)ent Office in Le&aB'i Cit1 t"at it wa! a !to$en ve"ic$e an t"e
a$ar) coverin& t"e !a)e wa! not $ifte? In!tea, t"e P;P in Le&aB'i
Cit1 i)'o(ne t"e ve"ic$e an c"ar&e Lee cri)ina$$1?S1 infor)e
<oo1ear?<oo1ear re/(e!te on ,($1 10, 1--9 t"e P;P to $ift t"e
!to$en ve"ic$e a$ar) !tat(!? #"i! notwit"!tanin&, <oo1ear wa!
i)'$eae a! t"ir-'art1 efenant in t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint fi$e b1
S1 on ,an(ar1 -, 1-->?<oo1ear fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! on Marc"
24, 1--> on t"e twin &ro(n! t"at t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint fai$e to
!tate a ca(!e of action an even if it i, !(c" ca(!e of action wa!
a$rea1 e6tin&(i!"e? #"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt V4R#C5W re!o$ve to
i!)i!! t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint beca(!e it oe! not e6're!!$1 !"ow
an1 act or o)i!!ion co))itte b1 t"e t"ir 'art1 efenant w"ic"
vio$ate! a ri&"t of t"e t"ir 'art1 co)'$ainant? CA &rante t"e a''ea$,
"o$in& t"at t"at t"e #"ir-Part1 Co)'$aint "a !tate a ca(!e of
action? 5irst, 'etitioner i not )aAe &oo it! warrant1 in t"e 3ee of
Sa$e@ to conve1 t"e ve"ic$e to Re!'onent Ant"on1 S1 free fro) a$$
$ien!, enc()brance! an $e&a$ i)'ei)ent!? #"e re'orte "i2acAin& of
t"e ve"ic$e wa! a $e&a$ i)'ei)ent t"at 'revente it! !(b!e/(ent
!a$e? Second, Re!'onent S1 "a a ri&"t to 'rotect an a warrant1 to
enforce, w"i$e 'etitioner "a t"e corre!'onin& ob$i&ation to "onor t"at
warrant1? <oo1ear )ove for recon!ieration, w"ic" CA enie?
=O; t"e t"ir-'art1 co)'$aint !tate! a ca(!e of action a&ain!t

;o? #"e #"ir-Part1 Co)'$aint fi$e b1 S1 i! inae/(ate, beca(!e it i
not a$$e&e an1 act or o)i!!ion t"at 'etitioner "a co))itte in vio$ation
of "i! ri&"t to t"e !(b2ect ve"ic$e?
A ca(!e of action i! a for)a$ !tate)ent of t"e o'erative fact! t"at &ive
ri!e to a re)eia$ ri&"t? #"e /(e!tion of w"et"er t"e co)'$aint !tate! a
ca(!e of action i! eter)ine b1 it! aver)ent! re&arin& t"e act!
co))itte b1 t"e efenant? #"(!, it F)(!t contain a conci!e
!tate)ent of t"e ($ti)ate or e!!entia$ fact! con!tit(tin& t"e '$aintiff0!
ca(!e of action?L +ai$(re to )aAe a !(fficient a$$e&ation of a ca(!e of
action in t"e co)'$aint Fwarrant! it! i!)i!!a$?L
E*eDen# !& % C%,#e !& Aci!n
A ca(!e of action, w"ic" i! an act or o)i!!ion b1 w"ic" a 'art1 vio$ate!
t"e ri&"t of anot"er, "a! t"e!e e$e)ent!@
15 t"e $e&a$ ri&"t of t"e '$aintiff;
25 t"e corre$ative ob$i&ation of t"e efenant to re!'ect t"at $e&a$ ri&"t;
.5 an act or o)i!!ion of t"e efenant t"at vio$ate! !(c" ri&"t?L

TEST In eter)inin& w"et"er an initiator1 '$eain& !tate! a ca(!e of
action a)ittin& t"e tr(t" of t"e fact! a$$e&e, can t"e co(rt rener a
va$i 2(&)ent in accorance wit" t"e 'ra1erQL #o be taAen into
acco(nt are on$1 t"e )ateria$ a$$e&ation! in t"e co)'$aint; e6traneo(!
fact! an circ()!tance! or ot"er )atter! aliunde are not con!iere?
#"e co(rt )a1 con!ier -- in aition to t"e co)'$aint -- t"e a''ene
anne6e! or oc()ent!, ot"er '$eain&! of t"e '$aintiff, or a)i!!ion!
in t"e recor!?
In t"e 're!ent ca!e, t"e t"ir e$e)ent i! )i!!in&? #"e #"ir-Part1
Co)'$aint fi$e b1 S1 i! inae/(ate, beca(!e it i not a$$e&e an1 act or
o)i!!ion t"at 'etitioner "a co))itte in vio$ation of "i! ri&"t to t"e
!(b2ect ve"ic$e? #"e Co)'$aint ca'ita$iBe )ere$1 on t"e fact t"at t"e
ve"ic$e -- accorin& to t"e recor! of t"e P;P, w"ic" wa! a !tran&er to
t"e ca!e -- wa! Fa !to$en ve"ic$e?L #"e '$eain& i not contain
F!(fficient notice of t"e ca(!e of actionL a&ain!t 'etitioner?
wit"o(t even &oin& into t"e veracit1 of it! )ateria$ a$$e&ation!, t"e
Co)'$aint i! in!(fficient on it! face? ;o connection wa! $ai o(t
between t"e owner0! !a$e of t"e ve"ic$e an it! i)'o(nin& b1 t"e
P;P? #"at t"e 'o$ice i not $ift t"e a$ert !tat(! i not )aAe 'etitioner
$e!! of an owner?
#"e 3ee of Sa$e between 'etitioner an Re!'onent S1 wa! attac"e
a! Anne6 A to t"e #"ir-Part1 Co)'$aint fi$e b1 t"e $atter a&ain!t t"e
for)er? #"e 3ee !tate t"at 'etitioner wa! t"e ab!o$(te owner of t"e
!(b2ect ve"ic$e? ;o contrar1 a!!ertion wa! )ae in t"e Co)'$aint?
:ence, t"e tria$ co(rt correct$1 ob!erve t"at t"e Co)'$aint "a fai$e
to !"ow t"at, at t"e ti)e of it! !a$e to Re!'onent S1, t"e ve"ic$e
be$on&e to a 'er!on ot"er t"an 'etitioner?

925 SCRA 4B: @8BB4A
+or review on certiorari are t"e 3eci!ion an Re!o$(tion of t"e Co(rt
of A''ea$! in CA-<?R? C% ;o? 95402, w"ic" affir)e t"e 3eci!ion of
t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt of Ma(ban, H(eBon, 7ranc" 84? #"e tria$ co(rt
3eci!ion !(!taine t"e Orer! i!!(e b1 Re&iona$ Office ;o? I% of t"e
3e'art)ent of Environ)ent an ;at(ra$ Re!o(rce! in 3E;R I% Ca!e
;o? 5441 CE;RO Ca!e ;o? -1-02?
-#"e ca!e invo$ve! a 'arce$ of (nre&i!tere $an wit" an area of 4,>40
!/(are )eter!, !it(ate at 7aran&a1 Ca&!ia1, Ma(ban H(eBon,
ientifie on$1 a! Lot ;o? 2058-Ca-245?
-Petitioner An&e$ita Morca$, wit" "er !i!ter I$efon!a Morca$ an ot"er
)e)ber! of t"eir fa)i$1 occ('ie, c$eare an '$ante !ea!ona$ cro'!
on t"e $an (' to t"e ti)e it wa! ec$are a! '(b$ic $an on Ma1 14,
1-41? #"ereafter, t"eir fa)i$1 ec$are t"e $an for ta6ation '(r'o!e!
an be&an '$antin& cocon(t an ot"er fr(it bearin& tree!? :avin& been
in 'o!!e!!ion of t"e !ai $an for a$)o!t fort1 4405 1ear!, 'etitioner
fi$e +ree Patent A''$ication ;o? 4I%-.5 14881 in 1-98? :owever, on
Se'te)ber 11, 1--0, 'rivate re!'onent! Antonio LaviPa 4now
ecea!e5 an #ere!ita LaviPa 'rote!te t"e free 'atent a''$ication?
-On A(&(!t 10, 1--., Re&iona$ Office ;o? I% of t"e 3E;R ecree t"e
re(ction of t"e area covere b1 t"e +PA? #"e S'o(!e! Antonio an
#ere!ita LaviPa were irecte to fi$e t"e a''ro'riate '(b$ic $an
a''$ication coverin& t"e ot"er "a$f of t"e $ot in /(e!tion 'artic($ar$1 t"e
nort"ern 'ortion t"ereof? Morca$0! )otion for recon!ieration wa!
enie? Petitioner t"en fi$e wit" t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt a civi$ action
to n($$if1 t"e two Orer! of t"e 3E;R Re&iona$ Office? #"e tria$ co(rt,
"owever, i!)i!!e 'etitioner0! civi$ action an !(!taine 3E;R?
Petitioner a''ea$e to t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! b(t t"e $atter event(a$$1
affir)e t"e #C?
-Petitioner conten! t"e tria$ co(rt i! ve!te wit" t"e 'ower to r($e on
t"e !(b!tantia$ ri&"t! of t"e 'artie! in t"i! ca!e? S"e in!i!t! t"e i!!(e of
2(ri!iction "a! been !ett$e w"en t"e tria$ co(rt i!!(e an Orer
en1in& t"e Motion to 3i!)i!! fi$e b1 re!'onent!? Petitioner a$$e&e!
t"e 'rinci'$e of e6"a(!tion of a)ini!trative re)eie! oe! not a''$1
beca(!e t"ere i! (r&ent nee for 2(icia$ intervention an beca(!e
w"at i! invo$ve i! a !)a$$ 'iece of a&ric($t(ra$ $an, a$$ of 2,420 !/(are
)eter!? S"e a! !"e "a! $o!t tr(!t in t"e 3E;R a! a bo1, w"ic" !"e
be$ieve! wo($ not rever!e it!e$f?
-:owever, 'rivate re!'onent #ere!ita LaviPa co(nter! t"at 'etitioner0!
fai$(re to '(r!(e an e6"a(!t t"e 'ro'er a)ini!trative re)eie! wa!
fata$ to "er ca(!e? S"e )aintain! t"at t"e Re&iona$ E6ec(tive 3irector
of t"e 3E;R i not co))it an1 'a$'ab$e error or &rave ab(!e of
i!cretion? LiAewi!e, 'rivate re!'onent conte!t! 'etitioner0! c$ai) t"at
t"e i!'(te $an i! ver1 !)a$$; !"e a$$e&e! t"at t"e !a)e i! va$(e at
a con!ierab$e a)o(nt, over a )i$$ion 'e!o!?
=O; t"e 'etition !"o($ be &iven (e co(r!e
;O, for fai$(re to co)'$1 wit" t"e octrine of e6"a(!tion of
a)ini!trative re)eie!
Ratio. #"e octrine of e6"a(!tion of a)ini!trative re)eie! re/(ire!
t"at re!ort be fir!t )ae to t"e a)ini!trative a(t"oritie! in ca!e!
fa$$in& (ner t"eir 2(ri!iction to a$$ow t"e) to carr1 o(t t"eir f(nction!
an i!c"ar&e t"eir re!'on!ibi$itie! wit"in t"e !'ecia$iBe area! of t"eir
co)'etence? #"i! i! beca(!e t"e a)ini!trative a&enc1 concerne i!
in t"e be!t 'o!ition to correct an1 'revio(! error co))itte in it! for()?
-#"ere are e6ce'tion!, "owever, to t"e a''$icabi$it1 of t"e octrine?
A)on& t"e e!tab$i!"e e6ce'tion! are@
15 w"en t"e /(e!tion rai!e i! '(re$1 $e&a$;
25 w"en t"e a)ini!trative bo1 i! in e!to''e$;
.5 w"en t"e act co)'$aine of i! 'atent$1 i$$e&a$;
45 w"en t"ere i! (r&ent nee for 2(icia$ intervention;
55 w"en t"e c$ai) invo$ve i! !)a$$;
85 w"en irre'arab$e a)a&e wi$$ be !(ffere;
95 w"en t"ere i! no ot"er '$ain, !'ee1 an ae/(ate re)e1;
>5 w"en !tron& '(b$ic intere!t i! invo$ve;
-5 w"en t"e !(b2ect of t"e controver!1 i! 'rivate $an; an
105 in /(o warranto 'roceein&!?
-In t"i! ca!e, "owever, none of t"e fore&oin& e6ce'tion! )a1 be
avai$e of? Contrar1 to 'etitioner0! a!!ertion, we !ee no (r&ent nee for
2(icia$ intervention? ;ote t"at t"e ca!e aro!e fro) t"e 'rote!t fi$e b1
re!'onent! a&ain!t 'etitioner0! free 'atent a''$ication for t"e !(b2ect
(nre&i!tere a&ric($t(ra$ $an? C$ear$1, t"e )atter co)e! wit"in t"e
e6c$(!ive 'ri)ar1 2(ri!iction of t"e 3E;R in t"e e6erci!e of it! /(a!i-
2(icia$ 'ower!? #"e i)'(&ne Orer! of t"e 3E;R Re&iona$ Office
are !(b2ect to review b1 t"e 3E;R :ea Office? Petitioner cannot
circ()vent t"i! 'roce(re b1 !i)'$1 invoAin& a !(''o!e $o!! of fait"
in t"e !ai a&enc1?
-;eit"er are we 're'are to !(!tain 'etitioner0! c$ai) t"at e6"a(!tion
of a)ini!trative re)eie! nee not be co)'$ie wit" on t"e &ro(n
t"at t"e va$(e of t"e i!'(te 'arce$ of $an i! a$$e&e$1 in!i&nificant?
Recor! !"ow t"at t"e $an in /(e!tion con!i!t! of 2,420 !/(are
)eter!, no o(bt a !iBab$e 'arce$ of $an, re&ar$e!! of it! a&ric($t(ra$
nat(re an t"e fact t"at it i! $ocate in a re)ote area; an it! va$(e of
over a )i$$ion 'e!o! i! certain$1 !(b!tantia$ an not in!i&nificant?
Dispositive. In !(), we are convince t"at no rever!ib$e error wa!
co))itte b1 t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! w"en it !(!taine t"e tria$ co(rt0!
i!)i!!a$ of 'etitioner0! co)'$aint !eeAin& to n($$if1 t"e /(e!tione
3E;R Orer! for 'etitioner0! fai$(re to e6"a(!t t"e 'ro'er
a)ini!trative re)eie!?
<?R? ;o 159>.0
CARPIO-MORALES; ;ove)ber 19, 2005
Petition for Review on Certiorari c"a$$en&in& t"e +ebr(ar1 10, 200.
Orer of t"e Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt 4R#C5 of I!abe$a on )otion of "erein
re!'onent Mari$o( M? Pa!c(a$, t"e co)'$aint fi$e a&ain!t "er b1 "er
brot"er-"erein 'etitioner 3ante M? Pa!c(a$ for non-co)'$iance wit" t"e
conci$iation 'rovi!ion-'re conition to fi$in& of co)'$aint in co(rt (ner
R?A? 9180 4t"e Loca$ <overn)ent Coe5
- Petitioner, a 'er)anent re!ient of t"e Inite State! of A)erica,
a''ointe Sa&ario a! "i! attorne1-in-fact b1 a S'ecia$ Power of
Attorne1 4SPA5 ate A'ri$ 10, 2002@ 41?5 #o fi$e a ca!e for t"e
cance$$ation of #ran!fer Certificate of #it$e ;o? #-291858 i!!(e in t"e
na)e of Mari$o( M? Pa!c(a$ a! we$$ a! t"e 3ee of Sa$e of Re&i!tere
Lan anEor Reconve1ance at t"e a''ro'riate co(rt; 4 2?5 #o co$$ect
t"e )ont"$1 renta$! fro) t"e tenant; 4.5? #o enter into a)icab$e
!ett$e)ent wit" Mari$o( M? Pa!c(a$ or an1 ot"er )oe of
'a1)entEanEor i!'(te re!o$(tion; 445? #o e6ec(te an !i&n an1 an
a$$ 'a'er!, contract!Eoc()ent! w"ic" )a1 be nece!!ar1 re$ative to
t"e above act!?
- Sa&ario fi$e on October 14, 2002 4'(r!(ant to t"e SPA5 before t"e
I!abe$a R#C at Ro6a! a co)'$aint for Ann($)ent of #ran!fer
Certificate of #it$e ;o? #-291859 of I!abe$a an 3ee of Ab!o$(te Sa$e
of Re&i!tere Lan anEor Reconve1ance wit" 3a)a&e!
- 3efenant-"erein re!'onent Mari$o( M? Pa!c(a$ fi$e a Motion to
3i!)i!! on two &ro(n! one of w"ic" wa! non-co)'$iance wit" t"e
re/(ire)ent (ner Section 412 of t"e Loca$ <overn)ent Coe? S"e
conten! t"at t"ere i! no !"owin& t"at t"e i!'(te wa! referre to t"e
baran&a1 co(rt before t"e ca!e wa! fi$e in co(rt? 71 t"e a!!ai$e
Orer of +ebr(ar1 10, 200., 7ranc" 2. of t"e I!abe$a R#C at Ro6a!
&rante re!'onent0! Motion to 3i!)i!!? It !tate t"at @
-RA 9180 re'ea$in& P?3? 150> ot"erwi!e Anown a! t"e Revi!e
Uatar(n&an& Pa)baran&a1 'rovie! (ner Section 40- FA$$ i!'(te!
invo$vin& rea$ 'ro'ert1 or an1 intere!t t"erein !"a$$ be bro(&"t in t"e
baran&a1 w"ere t"e rea$ 'ro'ert1 or t"e $ar&er 'ortion t"ereof i!
!it(ate?L :ence, t"e re$iance of t"e '$aintiff on Section 40> of R?A?
9180 i! incorrect? ="en rea$ 'ro'ert1 or an1 intere!t t"erein i!
invo$ve, t"e i!'(te !"a$$ be fi$e before t"e baran&a1 w"ere t"e
'ro'ert1 i! $ocate, "e+%")*e## !& -e "e#i)ence !& -e p%"ie# ?
7e!ie!, it i! incorrect to !a1 t"at t"e 'artie! are not re!ient! of t"e
!a)e '$ace, %ira, Ro6a!, I!abe$a? T-e A!"ne(-in-&%c !& -e
p*%ini&& in -e pe"#!n !& Re(De* R. S%+%"i! i# % "e#i)en !& Vi"%,
R!C%#, I#%6e*%, %n) -e #,6#i,e 4!ic5 D%ne P%#c,%* 6( 'i",e !&
#%i) Speci%* P!Ke" !& A!"ne(? :ence, !ai Attorne1-in-fact !"o($
"ave bro(&"t t"e i!'(te before baran&a1 %ira, Ro6a!, I!abe$a, w"ere
t"e 'ro'ert1 i! $ocate? In t"e ca!e of Ro1a$e! v!? Inter)eiate
A''e$$ate Co(rt, FOrinari$1, non-co)'$iance wit" t"e conition
'receent 're!cribe b1 P?3? 150> co($ affect t"e !(fficienc1 of t"e
'$aintiff0! ca(!e of action an )aAe "i! co)'$aint v($nerab$e to
i!)i!!a$ on &ro(n of $acA of ca(!e of action or 're)at(rit1?L
-Petitioner0! Motion for Recon!ieration of t"e above-!ai orer wa!
enie? #"i! orer !tate t"at FCon!e/(ent$1, t"e Co(rt i! VofW t"e
o'inion t"at t"e !ai A!"ne(-in-&%c #-%** 6e )eeDe) ! 6e -e "e%*
p%"( in ine"e#, reain& fro) t"e tenor of t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"e
S'ecia$ Power of Attorne1? 7ein& a rea$ 'art1 in intere!t, t"e Attorne1-
in-fact i! t"erefore ob$i&e to brin& t"i! ca!e fir!t before t"e 7aran&a1
Co(rt? Sec? ., R($e . of t"e R($e! of Co(rt 'rovie! t"at F="ere t"e
action i! a$$owe to be 'ro!ec(te or efene b1 a re're!entative or
!o)eone actin& in a fi(ciar1 ca'acit1, t"e beneficiar1 !"a$$ be
inc$(e in t"e tit$e of t"e ca!e an !"a$$ be ee)e to be t"e rea$
'art1 in intere!t?
=O; t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e b1 t"e R#C i! va$i
Ratio. Petitioner ar&(e! t"at !ince "e, not "i! attorne1-in-fact Sa&ario,
i! t"e rea$ 'art1 in intere!t, an !ince "e act(a$$1 re!ie! abroa, t"e
lupon wo($ "ave no 2(ri!iction to 'a!! ('on t"e i!'(te invo$vin& rea$
'ro'ert1, "e citin& Aga!ani v. @elen
#"e 'ertinent 'rovi!ion! of t"e Loca$ <overn)ent Coe rea@ SEC?
40>? Suject 2atter for Amicale Settlement; E%ception +hereto. M
#"e $('on of eac" baran&a1 !"a$$ "ave a(t"orit1 to brin& to&et"er t"e
'artie! %c,%**( "e#i)in+ in t"e !a)e cit1 or )(nici'a$it1 for a)icab$e
!ett$e)ent of a$$ i!'(te! e6ce't@ 66666
-In t"e 1->2 ca!e of +avora v. 7eloso t"e Co(rt "e$ t"at w"ere t"e
'artie! are not %c,%* "e#i)en# in t"e !a)e cit1 or )(nici'a$it1 or
a2oinin& baran&a1!, t"ere i! no re/(ire)ent for t"e) to !(b)it t"eir
i!'(te to t"e lupon a! 'rovie for in Section 8 vis a vis Section! 2
an . of P?3? 150> 4Natarungang Pamaranga! Law5?
-V7W1 e6're!! !tat(tor1 inc$(!ion an e6c$(!ion, t"e L('on !"a$$ "ave
no 2(ri!iction over i!'(te! w"ere t"e 'artie! are not act(a$ re!ient!
of t"e !a)e cit1 or )(nici'a$it1, e6ce't w"ere t"e baran&a1! in w"ic"
t"e1 act(a$$1 re!ie a2oin eac" ot"er?
Reasoning. #o con!tr(e t"e e6're!! !tat(tor1 re/(ire)ent of act(a$
re!ienc1 a! a''$icab$e to t"e attorne1-in-fact of t"e 'art1-'$aintiff, a!
contene b1 re!'onent, wo($ abro&ate t"e )eanin& of a Frea$ 'art1
in intere!tL a! efine in Section 2 of R($e . of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Co(rt
vis a vis Section . of t"e !a)e R($e w"ic" wa! ear$ier /(ote b(t
)i!rea an )i!(ner!too b1 re!'onent?
-In fine, !ince t"e '$aintiff-"erein 'etitioner, -e "e%* p%"( in ine"e# ,
i! not an act(a$ re!ient of t"e baran&a1 w"ere t"e efenant-"erein
re!'onent re!ie!, t"e $oca$ lupon "a! no 2(ri!iction over t"eir
i!'(te, "ence, 'rior referra$ to it for conci$iation i! not a 're-conition
to it! fi$in& in co(rt?
Dispositive. #"e 'etition i! &rante?
In!tant 'etition for review on certiorari
- #"i! ca!e trace! it! anteceent! to a verifie co)'$aint fi$e b1
Mercee! ,avier, "erein re!'onent wit" t"e R#C for a)a&e! an
in2(nction? I)'$eae a! efenant wa! P:IL%ILLE 3eve$o')ent an
:o(!in& Cor'oration 4P:IL%ILLE5?
- #"e co)'$aint a$$e&e! t"at !'o(!e! Cri!anto 4now ecea!e5 an
,avier "ave been tenant-c($tivator! of a 5?5 "ectare 'arce$ of rice $an
owne b1 +e$i)on E)'erao, a "o$er of a free 'atent?
- So)eti)e in 1-99, P:IL%ILLE 'ro'o!e to b(1 t"e $an for
conver!ion into a "o(!in& !(bivi!ion? S'o(!e! ,avier, P:IL%ILLE
an E)'erao t"en entere into a Ua!($atan n& Pa&!a!a$in at U(!an&
Loob na Pa&!(!(Ao? A)on& t"e ter)! a&ree ('on b1 t"e 'artie! wa!
t"at t"e ,avier! wo($ be &iven a 2,000 !/(are )eter $ot a! a
i!t(rbance co)'en!ation? :owever, in!tea of &ivin& t"e) a !in&$e
$ot )ea!(rin& 2,000 !/(are )eter!, w"at t"e1 receive were 2
!e'arate $ot! of 1,000 !/(are )eter! eac" $ocate far a'art? #"i!
'ro)'te Mercee! to !(e P:IL%ILLE for a)a&e!?
- In it! an!wer, P:IL%ILLE !'ecifica$$1 enie t"e a$$e&ation! in t"e
co)'$aint an rai!e t"e fo$$owin& affir)ative an !'ecia$ efen!e!@ 415
t"e co)'$aint fai$! to !tate a ca(!e of action; 425 it oe! not a$$e&e t"at
t"e 'artie! re!orte to conci$iation 'roceein&! before t"e baran&a1;
an 4.5 '$aintiff i! e!to''e fro) fi$in& t"e co)'$aint?
- Mercee! fi$e a )otion for $eave of co(rt to a)en "er co)'$aint?
In "er attac"e a)ene co)'$aint, !"e a$$e&e t"at t"e Ua!($atan i
not e6're!! t"e tr(e a&ree)ent of t"e 'artie! an t"at t"e !a$e i! voi
a! it wa! e6ec(te wit"in t"e 5-1ear 'ro"ibitive 'erio fro) t"e
i!!(ance of t"e free 'atent?
- #"e tria$ co(rt enie t"e )otion, "o$in& t"at t"e 'ro'o!e
a)en)ent i! incon!i!tent wit" t"e ca(!e of action in t"e ori&ina$
co)'$aint; an t"at t"e 'ro'o!e a)en)ent i! t"e !(b2ect of anot"er
civi$ ca!e between t"e !a)e 'artie! 'enin& before anot"er branc" of
t"e tria$ co(rt?
- P:IL%ILLE )ove to i!)i!! t"e ori&ina$ co)'$aint a$$e&in& t"at t"e
'$aintiff "a fi$e a 'rote!t wit" t"e Lan Mana&e)ent 7(rea( !eeAin&
t"e revocation of t"e free 'atent i!!(e to E)'erao an t"e rever!ion
of t"e $an to t"e '(b$ic o)ain?
- t"e tria$ co(rt &rante P:IL%ILLE0! )otion to i!)i!!
- Mercee! fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration of t"e !ai Orer b(t it
wa! enie? #"i! 'ro)'te "er to inter'o!e an a''ea$ to t"e CA w"ic"
rever!e t"e orer an re)ane t"e ca!t to t"e tria$ co(rt?
- P:IL%ILLE fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration b(t it wa! enie b1 t"e
A''e$$ate Co(rt? :ence, t"e in!tant 'etition for review on certiorari?
=O; t"e CA erre in rever!in& t"e c"a$$en&e Orer! of t"e tria$ co(rt
i!)i!!in& t"e co)'$aint of Mercee!?
Ratio Section 1, R($e 18 of t"e Revi!e R($e! of Co(rt t"en
a''$icab$e 'rovie!@
FSEC? 1? <ro(n!? M =it"in t"e ti)e for '$eain& a )otion to
i!)i!! t"e action )a1 be )ae on an1 of t"e fo$$owin& &ro(n!@
4a5 #"at t"e co(rt "a! no 2(ri!iction over t"e 'er!on of t"e efenant
or over t"e !(b2ect of t"e action or !(it; 4b5 #"at t"e co(rt "a! no
2(ri!iction over t"e nat(re of t"e action or !(it; 4c5 #"at ven(e i!
i)'ro'er$1 $ai; 45 #"at t"e '$aintiff "a! no $e&a$ ca'acit1 to !(e;
4e5 #"at t"ere i! anot"er action 'enin& between t"e !a)e 'artie! for
t"e !a)e ca(!e; 4f5 #"at t"e ca(!e of action i! barre b1 a 'rior
2(&)ent or b1 !tat(te of $i)itation!; 4&5 #"at t"e co)'$aint !tate! no
ca(!e of action; 4"5 #"at t"e c$ai) or e)an !et fort" in t"e '$aintiff0!
'$eain& "a! been 'ai, waive, abanone, or ot"erwi!e
e6tin&(i!"e; 4i5 #"at t"e c$ai) on w"ic" t"e action or !(it i! fo(ne i!
(nenforceab$e (ner t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"e !tat(te of fra(!; 425 #"e !(it
i! between )e)ber! of t"e !a)e fa)i$1 an no earne!t effort! towar!
a co)'ro)i!e "ave been )ae?L
In ,?M? #(a!on N Co?, Inc? v? Rafor, -i# C!," ine"p"ee) RKi-in
-e iDe &!" p*e%)in+S ! De%n Ki-in -e iDe ! %n#Ke"?
Reasoning Iner Section 1, R($e 11, t"e ti)e to an!wer i! 15 a1!
after !ervice of !())on! ('on t"e efenant? In t"e in!tant ca!e, we
note t"at P:IL%ILLE0! )otion to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint wa! fi$e after it
"a fi$e it! an!wer?
- #"e on$1 e6ce'tion! to t"e r($e, a! correct$1 'ointe o(t b1 t"e CA,
are@ 415 w"ere t"e &ro(n rai!e i! $acA of 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over
t"e !(b2ect )atter; 425 w"ere t"e co)'$aint oe! not !tate a ca(!e of
action; 4.5 're!cri'tion; an 445 w"ere t"e evience t"at wo($
con!tit(te a &ro(n for t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint wa! i!covere
on$1 (rin& t"e tria$? ;one of t"e fore&oin& &ro(n! i! 're!ent in
P:IL%ILLE0! )otion to i!)i!!?
Dispostition =:ERE+ORE, t"e 'etition i! 3E;IE3?
<?R? ;O? 11521.
RE<ALA3O; 3EC?1-, 1--5
A''ea$ b1 certiorari fro) 2(&)ent of CA w"ic" !et a!ie t"e R#C0!
- Private re!'onent Pa&ba '(rc"a!e on creit vario(! )erc"ani!e
fro) 'etitioner!0 4=i$!on an 3orcita 3i(5 !tore in ;ava$, 7i$iran a$$
va$(e at P9, >82?55?
- Re!'onent! fai$e to 'a1 e!'ite re'eate e)an!? Petitioner!
t"en bro(&"t t"e )atter to t"e 7aran&a1 C"air)an of ;ava$ an !o t"e
ca!e wa! !et for "earin& b(t 'rivate re!'onent! fai$e to a''ear?
="en t"e ca!e wa! a&ain !et for "earin&, t"e 'artie! a''eare b(t
t"e1 fai$e to reac" an a)icab$e !ett$e)ent? Accorin&$1, t"e baran&a1
c"air)an i!!(e a Certification to +i$e Action?
- Petitioner! t"en fi$e t"eir co)'$aint for a !() of )one1 before t"e
M#C of ;ava$ to w"ic" 'rivate re!'onent! inter'o!e t"e
co(nterc$ai) t"at 'etitioner! a$!o "a e6i!tin& ob$i&ation! to t"e)@ one
for a$$e&e )aintenance an re'air of 'etitioner!0 boat an anot"er for
t"e co!t of 2 tire! t"at 'etitioner! a$$e&e$1 )i!a''ro'riate? Private
re!'onent! $iAewi!e a$$e&e t"at e!'ite t"e confrontation! before t"e
baran&a1 c"air)an, 'etitioner! ref(!e to 'a1 t"eir 2(!t an va$i
ob$i&ation! to 'rivate re!'onent an "er "(!ban
- #"e M#C i!)i!!e t"e co)'$aint for non-co)'$iance wit" t"e
'rovi!ion! of P?3? 150> on conci$iation? Petitioner! a''ea$e to t"e
R#C, w"ic" i not 'a!! ('on t"e i!!(e of t"e a$$e&e non-co)'$iance
wit" P?3? 150> b(t in!tea, ecie t"e a''ea$ on t"e )erit! an
renere 2(&)ent in favor of 'etitioner!?
- Private re!'onent! t"en went to t"e CA an !ai a''e$$ate co(rt !et
a!ie t"e 2(&)ent of t"e R#C on t"e &ro(n t"at t"ere "a been no
co)'$iance wit" P?3? 150>? #"e CA !ai t"(!@
FIt i!, t"erefore, c$ear t"at if effort! of t"e baran&a1 ca'tain to
!ett$e t"e i!'(te fai$!, t"e Pan&Aat n& #a&a'a&Aa!(no !"a$$ be
con!tit(te wit" t"e en in view of e6'$orin& a$$ 'o!!ibi$itie! of
a)icab$e !ett$e)ent? If no conci$iation or !ett$e)ent "a! been
reac"e '(r!(ant to t"e afore!ai r($e!, t"e )atter )a1 t"en be
bro(&"t to t"e re&($ar co(rt!?L
FIn t"e ca!e at bar, it "a! been e!tab$i!"e t"at t"ere wa! no va$i
conci$iation 'roceein& between t"e 'artie!? #"e effort! of t"e
baran&a1 ca'tain of ;ava$, 7i$iran to )eiate t"e i!'(te between
t"e 'artie! "avin& fai$e, t"e Pan&Aat n& #a&a'a)a1a'a !"o($
"ave been con!tit(te for '(r'o!e! of !ett$in& t"e )atter? :owever,
t"e Pan&Aat wa! not con!tit(te, an in!tea, a Certification to +i$e
Action wa! i!!(e b1 t"e baran&a1 ca'tain in favor of re!'onent
!'o(!e! 3i(? In 7e2er v!? Co(rt of A''ea$!, 18- SCRA 5 88, it wa!
"e$ t"at Ffai$(re to avai$ of conci$iation 'roce!! (ner P?3? 150>, 6 6
6 rener! t"e co)'$aint v($nerab$e to a ti)e$1 )otion to i!)i!!?L
=O; t"e confrontation! before t"e 7aran&a1 C"air)an of ;ava$
!ati!fie t"e re/(ire)ent in P?3? 150>, t"ere wa! !(b!tantia$
co)'$iance wit" t"e 're-conition 4for fi$in& t"e c$ai)5
Ratio Iner Sec?412 of t"e Loca$ <overn)ent Coe, confrontation
before t"e L('on C"air)an OR t"e Pan&Aat i! !(fficient co)'$iance
wit" t"e 're-conition for fi$in& t"e ca!e in co(rt?
Reasoning P?3? 150> "a! been re'ea$e b1 coification in t"e Loca$
<overn)ent Coe, w"ic" tooA effect on ,an?1, 1--2?
Sec?410 475
of t"e Loca$ <ovt? Coe w"ic" )anate! t"at t"e
baran&a1 c"air)an !"a$$ con!tit(te a 'an&Aat if "e fai$! in "i!
)eiation effort!, !"o($ be con!tr(e to&et"er wit" Sec?412
, a! we$$
a! t"e circ()!tance! obtainin& an 'ec($iar to t"e ca!e? On t"i! !core,
t"e baran&a1 c"air)an or '(non& baran&a1! i! "i)!e$f t"e c"air)an
of t"e $('on (ner t"e Loca$ <ovt? Coe?
- ="i$e no 'an&Aat wa! con!tit(te, it i! not enie t"at t"e 'artie! )et
at t"e office of t"e baran&a1 c"air)an for 'o!!ib$e !ett$e)ent?
A$t"o(&" no 'an&Aat wa! for)e, t"ere wa! !(b!tantia$ co)'$iance
wit" t"e $aw?
- +ro) t"e fact!, it i! (neniab$e t"at t"ere wa! !(b!tantia$ co)'$iance
wit" P?3?150> w"ic" oe! not re/(ire !trict tec"nica$ co)'$iance wit"
it! 'roce(ra$ re/(ire)ent!? Iner t"e fact(a$ anteceent!, it cannot
be !ai t"at t"e fai$(re of t"e 'artie! to a''ear before t"e 'an&Aat
ca(!e an1 're2(ice to t"e ca!e for 'rivate re!'onent! con!ierin&
t"at t"e1 a$rea1 ref(!e conci$iation before t"e baran&a1 c"air)an
an, t"eir !"a) in!i!tence for a )eetin& before t"e 'an&Aat i! )ere$1 a
'$o1 for f(rt"er e$a1? #ec"nica$itie! !"o($ not be )ae to e!ert t"eir
tr(e ro$e in o(r 2(!tice !1!te), an !"o($ not be (!e a! ob!tr(ction!
- #"e Co(rt note t"at a$t"o(&" t"e ba!ic co)'$aint wa! fi$e b1
'etitioner! on ,($1 10, 1--1, before t"e effectivit1 of t"e Loca$ <ovt?
SEC? 410? PROCE3IRE +OR AMICA7LE SE##LEME;#? 4b5 6 6 6? If "e
4$('on c"air)an5 fai$! in "i! )eiation effort wit"in fifteen 4155 a1! fro) t"e fir!t
)eetin& of t"e 'artie! before "i), "e !"a$$ fort"wit" !et a ate for t"e con!tit(tion
of t"e 'an&Aat in accorance wit" t"e 'rovi!ion! of t"i! c"a'ter?
SEC? 412? CO;CILIA#IO;? - 4a5 Preconition to fi$in& of Co)'$aint in Co(rt? -
;o co)'$aint 6 6 6 !"a$$ be fi$e or in!tit(te in co(rt 6 6 6 (n$e!! t"ere "a! been
a confrontation of t"e 'artie! before t"e $('on c"air)an OR t"e 'an&Aat, an
t"at no conci$iation or !ett$e)ent "a! been reac"e a! certifie b1 t"e $('on
!ecretar1 or 'an&Aat !ecretar1 a! atte!te to b1 t"e $('on or 'an&Aat c"air)an 6
6 6?
Coe, or w"en P?3? 150> wa! !ti$$ in force, t"e 'roce(ra$ 'rovi!ion! of
t"e Loca$ <ovt? Coe are a$!o a''$icab$e to t"i! ca!e? Statutes
regulating procedure in courts are applicale to actions pending and
undetermined at the time of their passage. Procedural la$s are
retrospective in that sense.
. #"e Co(rt f(rt"er rea!one t"at t"e fai$(re of Pa&ba to !'ecifica$$1
a$$e&e in t"eir An!wer t"at t"ere wa! no co)'$iance wit" t"e baran&a1
conci$iation 'roce(re con!tit(te a waiver of t"at efen!e? Since
'rivate re!'onent! fai$e to ($1 rai!e t"at i!!(e, t"eir efen!e
fo(ne t"ereon i! ee)e waive, e!'ecia$$1 !ince t"e1 i not
'(r!(e t"e i!!(e before t"e ca!e wa! !et for "earin&? A$!o, t"e
conci$iation 'roce(re (ner P?3? 150> i! not a 2(ri!ictiona$
re/(ire)ent an nonco)'$iance t"erewit" cannot affect t"e 2(ri!iction
w"ic" t"e $ower co(rt! "a a$rea1 ac/(ire over t"e !(b2ect )atter
an 'rivate re!'onent! a! efenant! t"erein?
Disposition 'etition <RA;#E3? #"e CA 2(&)ent i! SE# ASI3E?
R#C 2(&)ent i! REI;S#A#E3?
929 SCRA 5:5
CALLEJO, N!'eD6e" ==, 8BB4
Petition for review on certiorari
- E!te$a 7erba wa! t"e owner of a 'arce$ of $an $ocate at M? Ro6a!
St, Sta? Ana, Mani$a? A "o(!e wa! con!tr(cte on t"e $ot, w"ic" !"e
$ea!e to ,o!e'"ine Pab$o an t"e :eir! of Car$o! Pa$anca !o)eti)e
in 1-98, covere b1 a $ea!e contract? I'on it! e6'iration, t"e $e!!ee!
contin(e $ea!in& t"e "o(!e on a )ont"-to-)ont" ba!i!?
- #"e $e!!ee! fai$e to 'a1 t"e renta$! (e, an b1 Ma1 1---, t"eir
arrear! a)o(nte to P>1,>1>? 7erba fi$e a co)'$aint for eviction an
co$$ection of (n'ai renta$! on$1 a&ain!t Pab$o in t"e Office of t"e
Punong @aranga!?
- On ,(ne 5, 1---, 7erba an Pab$o e6ec(te an A&ree)ent
a''rove b1 t"e pang'at, w"erein@ 15 Pab$o (nertooA to 'a1 7erba
P.000 ever1 tent" of t"e )ont" (nti$ f($$1 'ai; 25 Pab$o wi$$ vo$(ntari$1
$eave t"e $ea!e 're)i!e! ('on fai$(re to 'a1; an .5 Pab$o wi$$ 'a1
P.450 a! )ont"$1 renta$, on to' of t"e P.000?
- 71 Ma1 2000, t"e $e!!ee! !ti$$ "a a ba$ance of P91,918? A! of Ma1
2001, t"e tota$ arreara&e! of t"e $e!!ee! a)o(nte to P1.5,115?8.?
- On Ma1 2, 2001, 7erba t"ro(&" co(n!e$ wrote to $e!!ee!,
e)anin& 'a1)ent of t"e arreara&e! an to vacate t"e "o(!e wit"in
.0 a1! fro) notice, ot"erwi!e !"e wi$$ !(e t"e)? #"e $e!!ee! i&nore
t"e e)an?
- On ,(ne 21, 2001, 7erba fi$e a co)'$aint a&ain!t Pab$o an t"e
:eir! of Car$o! Pa$anca in t"e M#C of Mani$a for (n$awf($ etainer?
7erba, "owever, fai$e to a''en to "er co)'$aint a certification fro)
t"e -upon ng +agapama!apa t"at no conci$iation or !ett$e)ent "a!
been reac"e?
- In t"eir an!wer, efenant! a)itte t"e1 !to''e 'a1in& renta$!
beca(!e of financia$ i!tre!!? 71 wa1 of !'ecia$ an affir)ative
efen!e!, t"e1 averre t"at t"e '$aintiff "a no ca(!e of action a&ain!t
t"e) a! !"e fai$e to !ec(re a Certificate to +i$e Action fro) t"e
- 3(rin& t"e 're-tria$ conference, t"e 'artie! )anife!te t"at e!'ite
earne!t effort!, no a)icab$e !ett$e)ent wa! reac"e? #"e1 efine t"e
)ain i!!(e a! =O; t"e '$aintiff "a a va$i ca(!e of action for (n$awf($
etainer a&ain!t efenant!?
- In "er 'o!ition 'a'er, 7erba a''ene an A&ree)ent ate ,(ne 5,
1--- between "er an Pab$o, w"ic" a''eare to "ave been a''rove
b1 t"e Punong @aranga! an t"e )e)ber! of t"e -upon. S"e a$!o
a''ene a State)ent of Acco(nt?
- In t"eir 'o!ition 'a'er, efenant! in!i!te t"at t"e i!'(te i not
&o t"ro(&" t"e -upon ng +agapama!apa 'rior to t"e fi$in& of t"e
co)'$aint; "ence 7erba0! co)'$aint wa! 're)at(re?
- In "er re'$1, t"e '$aintiff a$$e&e t"at t"ere wa! no )ore nee for "er
to !ec(re a Certificate to +i$e Action beca(!e !"e wa! a re!ient of
Ma$i&a1a St?, Ma$ate, Mani$a, w"i$e t"e efenant! were re!iin& in
7aran&a1 >9., Sone 8 in Sta? Ana Mani$a?
- M#C r($e in favor of 7erba? 3efenant! a''ea$e to t"e R#C? On
)otion of 7erba, R#C i!!(e an orer for t"e e6ec(tion of t"e eci!ion
'enin& a''ea$? #"e efenant! fi$e a )otion for t"e reca$$ of t"e
Orer, b(t before t"e co(rt co($ re!o$ve t"e )otion, t"e S"eriff t(rne
over t"e '"1!ica$ 'o!!e!!ion of t"e 'ro'ert1 to 7erba on Ma1 20,
- In t"eir A''ea$ Me)oran(), efenant! in!i!te t"at 7erba0!
action in t"e M#C wa! 're)at(re beca(!e of t"e ab!ence of
Certificate to +i$e Action i!!(e b1 t"e -upon? 7erba averre t"ere wa!
no nee of a 'rior referra$ to t"e -upon, an cite Sec 40>4f5 of t"e
Loca$ <overn)ent Coe, 'ointin& o(t t"at !"e re!ie in a baran&a1 in
Ma$ate, > Ai$o)eter! awa1 fro) t"e baran&a1 in Sta? Ana w"ere t"e
efenant! $ive?
- R#C &rante t"e a''ea$, rever!in& t"e eci!ion of t"e M#C an
orerin& t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint for (n$awf($ etainer wit"o(t
're2(ice? #"e R#C r($e t"at (ner Sec 40> of t"e Loca$ <overn)ent
Coe, 'artie! w"o re!ie in t"e !a)e cit1 or )(nici'a$it1 a$t"o(&" in
ifferent baran&a1! are )anate to &o t"ro(&" conci$iation
'roceein&! in t"e -upon?
- R#C enie 7erba0! M+R? S"e t"en fi$e 'etition for review wit" CA,
c$ai)in& t"at Sec 40> of Loca$ <overn)ent Coe !"o($ be con!tr(e
$ibera$$1 to&et"er wit" Sec 412? S"e f(rt"er averre t"at !"e "a
co)'$ie !(b!tantia$$1 wit" t"e re/(i!ite! of t"e $aw, an reca$$! t"at
conci$iation 'roceein&! before t"e -upon re!($te in t"e e6ec(tion of
an A&ree)ent on ,(ne 5, 1---? I'on fai$(re to co)'$1 wit" t"e
a&ree)ent, a$$ c"ance! of a)icab$e !ett$e)ent were effective$1
- CA i!)i!!e t"e 'etition an affir)e t"e R#C eci!ion?
=O; t"e CA erre in i!)i!!in& t"e 'etition an ec$arin& t"at t"ere
wa! no !(b!tantia$ co)'$iance wit" t"e )anate of t"e $aw wit"
re!'ect to 'rior referra$ to t"e @aranga! Co(rt?
- 7erba an Pab$o e6ec(te t"e A&ree)ent w"ic" wa! a''rove b1
t"e -upon? #"i! a&ree)ent "a t"e force an effect of a fina$ 2(&)ent?
="en Pab$o fai$e to co)'$1 wit" "er ob$i&ation of re'a1in& t"e bacA
renta$!, 7erba "a t"e ri&"t to enforce t"e A&ree)ent a&ain!t "er an
)ove for "er eviction fro) t"e 're)i!e!? :owever, in!tea of fi$in& a
)otion before t"e -upon for t"e enforce)ent of t"e a&ree)ent, or an
action in t"e M#C for t"e enforce)ent of t"e !ett$e)ent, t"e 'etitioner
fi$e an action a&ain!t Pab$o for (n$awf($ etainer an t"e co$$ection of
(n'ai renta$!? #"e action of 7erba a&ain!t Pab$o wa! barre b1 t"e
A&ree)ent of ,(ne 5, 1---?
- 7erba0! co)'$aint a&ain!t t"e :eir! of Car$o! Pa$anca wa!
're)at(re? #"e1 were not i)'$eae b1 7erba a! 'artie!-re!'onent!
before t"e -upon? Moreover, t"e1 were not 'riv1 to t"e a&ree)ent, an
a! !(c", were not bo(n b1 it?
- Iner Sec 40> of t"e Loca$ <overn)ent Coe, 'artie! act(a$$1
re!iin& in t"e !a)e cit1 or )(nici'a$it1 are bo(n to !(b)it t"eir
i!'(te! to t"e -upon for conci$iationEa)icab$e !ett$e)ent, (n$e!!
ot"erwi!e 'rovie t"erein?
- If t"e co)'$ainantE'$aintiff fai$! to co)'$1 wit" t"e re/(ire)ent! of
t"e Loca$ <overn)ent Coe, !(c" co)'$aint fi$e wit" t"e co(rt )a1
be i!)i!!e for fai$(re to e6"a(!t a$$ a)ini!trative re)eie!?
Disposition Petition enie?
<?R? ;o? 2-.41
+ER;A;; AI< 21 1->-
A''ea$ to orer b1 C+I
-S(!ti&(er an A'o!a&a bot" c$ai)e t"at t"e1 were /(a$ifie an
entit$e to '(rc"a!e a !(bivi!ion $ot in 7aco$o for t"e rea!on t"at
t"e1 'o!!e!! t"e 'referentia$ ri&"t to b(1 it fro) t"e <ovt of 7aco$o,
bein& t"e act(a$ occ('ant! of t"e $ot?
- t"e1 a&ree t"at t"e awar of t"e $ot be &iven to A'o!a&a an t"at a
own 'a1)ent of 20J of t"e tota$ co!t of t"e $ot !"a$$ be )ae 4or e$!e
t"e $ot wi$$ be aware to ot"er a''$icant!5
-A'o!a&a fai$e to 'a1 t"e 'rice? #"e !a)e $ot wa! !o$ to ,o!e
-S(!ti&(er an A'o!a&a fi$e for ann($)ent of t"e !a$e on in!ta$$)ent
an awar of !ai $ot a&ain!t t"e <ovt of 7aco$o an #a)a1o,
c$ai)in& t"at #a)a1o wa! not /(a$ifie to a''$1 for t"e awar nor to
'(rc"a!e t"e $ot (ner Orinance ;o? 14-? It wa! a$!o c$ai)e t"at
#a)a1o )a$icio(!$1 fi$e for (n$awf($ etainer a&ain!t A'o!a&a an
- 5 1ear! an 5 )ont"! after t"e co)'$aint wa! fi$e, A'o!a&a fi$e a
*Motion to =it"raw in Ca!e 852> 4ann($)ent of !a$e5L an FConfe!!
,(&)ent in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 9512 4(n$awf($ etainer ca!e5* ec$arin&
!"e i! no $on&er intere!te in it! 'ro!ec(tion? #"e co(rt a$$owe "er
wit"rawa$ a! '$aintiff?
- S(!ti&(er fi$e a )anife!tation t"at t"e wit"rawa$ of A'o!a&a a!
'art1-'$aintiff in Civi$ Ca!e 852> an a! 'art1 efenant in Civi$ Ca!e
9512 oe! not c"an&e t"e !tat(! an c"aracter of t"e !ai ca!e!
con!ierin& t"at !"e wa! )ere$1 acco))oate b1 "er coefenant in
occ('1in& t"e $ot in /(e!tion?
- #a)a1o )ove for a 're$i)inar1 "earin& on "i! affir)ative an
!'ecia$ efen!e! an to i!)i!! bot" t"e co)'$aint an co)'$aint in
intervention 4of %i$$a)arBo5 invoAin& Sec 5 of R($e 18? :e 'ra1e t"at
"e be a$$owe to !(b)it a written )e)oran() in !(''ort of "i!
affir)ative an !'ecia$ efen!e!?
-#a)a1o fi$e "i! )e)oran() on t"e i!!(e =O; S(!ti&(er "a! an1
ca(!e of action a&ain!t t"e efenant!? S(!ti&(er fi$e an o''o!ition to
t"e )otion to i!)i!! an )ove for 2(&)ent on t"e '$eain&!
'(r!(ant to Sec 1 of R($e 1-?
-$ower co(rt i!)i!!e t"e co)'$aint of S(!ti&(er for $acA of ca(!e of
-S(!ti&(er fi$e M+R an new tria$ c$ai)in& t"at t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e
co)'$aint i! contrar1 to $aw a! t"ere wa! no 're$i)inar1 "earin& an
t"at !"e !ti$$ "a! a va$i ca(!e of action even after t"e wit"rawa$ of
A'o!a&a fro) t"e ca!e a! !"e wa! !(in& in "er own ri&"t a! an
awaree entit$e to t"e awar in /(e!tion? C+I enie?
=O; i!)i!!a$ of co)'$aint wa! 'ro'er
- R($e .?2 FEver1 action )(!t be 'ro!ec(te an efene in t"e na)e
of t"e rea$ 'art1-in-intere!t? A$$ 'er!on! "avin& an intere!t in t"e
!(b2ect of t"e action an in obtainin& t"e re$ief e)ane !"a$$ be
2oine a! '$aintiff!? ? ? ?*
-#"e rea$ 'art1-in-intere!t i! t"e 'art1 w"o !tan! to be benefite or
in2(re b1 t"e 2(&)ent or t"e 'art1 entit$e to t"e avai$! of t"e !(it?
*Intere!t* wit"in t"e )eanin& of t"e r($e )ean! )ateria$ intere!t, an
intere!t in i!!(e an to be affecte b1 t"e ecree, a! i!tin&(i!"e
fro) )ere intere!t in t"e /(e!tion invo$ve, or a )ere incienta$
intere!t? A! a &enera$ r($e, one "avin& no ri&"t or intere!t to 'rotect
cannot invoAe t"e 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt a! a 'art1-'$aintiff in an
- S(!ti&(er i! not entit$e to t"e re$ief 'ra1e for, !"e not bein& t"e rea$
'art1-in-intere!t? #"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint for $acA of ca(!e of
action i! 'ro'er (ner t"e circ()!tance!? It i! we$$-!ett$e t"at w"ere
t"e '$aintiff i! not t"e rea$ 'art1-in-intere!t, t"e &ro(n for t"e )otion to
i!)i!! i! $acA of ca(!e of action?

-S(!ti&(er0! intere!t cannot be cate&oriBe a! )ateria$ intere!t wit"in
t"e )eanin& of R($e .?2 con!ierin& t"at it i! contin&ent ('on t"e fina$
e6ec(tion of t"e contract of !a$e on in!ta$$)ent in favor of A'o!a&a?
-A$t"o(&" t"e &ro(n of $acA of ca(!e of action wa! '$eae b1
#a)a1o a! one of "i! !'ecia$ an affir)ative efen!e! in "i! an!wer,
t"e !ai &ro(n for i!)i!!a$ of t"e co)'$aint )a1 be "ear
're$i)inari$1 a! if a )otion to i!)i!! "a been fi$e '(r!(ant to
Section 5 of R($e 18 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt? #a)a1o tooA t"i!
'roce(ra$ !te' b1 fi$in& a )otion for 're$i)inar1 "earin& an t"ereafter
to i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint an t"e co)'$aint in intervention? Recor!
!"ow t"at in!tea of a 're$i)inar1 "earin&, t"e 'artie! fi$e t"eir
re!'ective )e)orana on t"e i!!(e =O; S(!ti&(er "a! a ca(!e of
-="en t"e &ro(n for i!)i!!a$ i! t"at t"e co)'$aint !tate! no ca(!e of
action, t"e r($e 'rovie! t"at it! !(fficienc1 can on$1 be eter)ine b1
con!ierin& t"e fact! a$$e&e in t"e co)'$aint an no ot"er, t"e te!t
bein& w"et"er t"e co(rt can rener a va$i 2(&)ent fro) t"e fact! !et
fort"?#"e r($e i! t"at w"en t"e )otion to i!)i!! i! ba!e on t"e
&ro(n t"at t"e co)'$aint !tate! no ca(!e of action, no evience )a1
be a$$owe an t"e i!!(e !"o($ on$1 be eter)ine in t"e $i&"t of t"e
a$$e&ation! of t"e co)'$aint? #"(! it wa! erroneo(! for S(!ti&(er to
c$ai) t"at t"e $ower co(rt !"o($ "ave con(cte a tria$ on t"e )erit!
in!tea of i!)i!!in& t"e co)'$aint ('on a )ere )otion?
Disposition i!)i!!a$ of co)'$aint for $acA of ca(!e of action a! we$$
a! t"e orer en1in& M+R affir)e
440 SCRA 4>.
PA;<A;I7A;; October 1>, 2004
- <re&orio S? Licaro!, 'etitioner!0 'reece!!or-in-intere!t, !erve a!
&overnor of t"e Centra$ 7anA of t"e P"i$i''ine! fro) 1-90 to 1->0
(rin& t"e 're!ienc1 of Marco!? :e ie on A(&(!t ., 1->.?
- ,($1 19, 1->9 M PC<<, a!!i!te b1 Office of So$<en, fi$e a
co)'$aint for rever!ion, reconve1ance, re!tit(tion, acco(ntin& an
a)a&e! a&ain!t Marco! an a$$e&e cron1 L(cio #an? #"e co)'$aint
wa! to recover i$$-&otten wea$t" w"ic" wa! a$$e&e$1 ac/(ire an
acc()($ate in f$a&rant breac" of tr(!t an of t"eir fi(ciar1 ob$i&ation!
a! '(b$ic officer!?
- A!ie fro) t"e )ain efenant! 4Marco!, wife I)e$a an #an5, 2.
ot"er 'er!on! w"o "a '(r'orte$1 acte a! t"eir ())ie!, no)inee!
or a&ent!?
- It a$$e&e, a)on& ot"er!, t"at #an 4wit" t"e connivance of !o)e
&overn)ent officia$!, inc$(in& C7 <overnor Licaro!5 "a fra(($ent$1
ac/(ire t"e a!!et! of t"e <enera$ 7anA an #r(!t Co)'an1, now
Anown a! t"e A$$ie 7anA?
- 3e!'ite t"e a$$e&ation, Licaro! wa! not i)'$eae in t"i! Co)'$aint or
in t"e !(b!e/(ent E6'ane Co)'$aint?
- Se'te)ber 1., 1--1 - 4 1ear! after t"e ori&ina$ action wa! fi$e, RP
fi$e a Motion for Leave to A)en Co)'$aint an for A)i!!ion of a
Secon A)ene Co)'$aint, w"ic" i)'$eae t"e E!tateE:eir! of
Licaro! for t"e fir!t ti)e?
- #"e A)ene Co)'$aint, reiteratin& ear$ier a$$e&ation! in t"e
E6'ane Co)'$aint, etai$e Licaro!0 'artici'ation in t"e a$$e&e
(n"o$1 con!'irac1?
- Licaro! "a a$$e&e$1 faci$itate t"e fra(($ent ac/(i!ition of t"e
a!!et! of <7#C wort" over P8>> )i$$ion at t"at ti)e, to favor t"e
Marco!e! an t"e L(cio #an <ro(' w"o ac/(ire !ai <7#C a!!et!
for on$1 P500,000?00? :ence, "i! e!tate re're!ente b1 "i! "eir!
wa! i)'$eae a! a 'art1 efenant for t"e '(r'o!e of obtainin&
co)'$ete re$ief?
- In 1-98, <7#C &ot into financia$ iffic($tie! an a $oan wa!
e6tene to it b1 C7 a)o(ntin& to P.10 )i$$ion?
- In e6tenin& t"i! $oan, t"e C7 tooA contro$ of <7#C w"en t"e $atter
e6ec(te an irrevocab$e 'ro61 of 2E. of t"e banA0! o(t!tanin&
!"are! in favor of t"e C7? 9 of t"e 11-)e)ber 7oar of 3irector!
were C7 no)inee!?
- Marc" 25, 1-99 M <7#C wa! ec$are in!o$vent an '$ace (ner
- A '(b$ic biin& wa! "e$ for t"e !"are! of <7#C? A)on& t"e
conition! wa! t"e attac")ent b1 t"e bier of a $etter of creit?
#"i! wa! not f($fi$$e b1 #an, et? a$? w"o on$1 'ai P500,000 an
attac"e a $etter fro) P;7 're!ient 3o)in&o? Marco!, 3o)in&o
an Licaro! a$$e&e$1 con!'ire wit" eac" ot"er an &ave #an, et?
a$? favor!?
- Se'te)ber ., 2001 - #"e "eir! of Licaro! fi$e a Motion to 3i!)i!!
t"e Co)'$aint, rai!in& a! &ro(n! 415 $acA of ca(!e of action an 425
- #"e Sani&anba1an "e$ t"at t"e aver)ent! in t"e Secon A)ene
Co)'$aint "a !(fficient$1 e!tab$i!"e a ca(!e of action a&ain!t
- #"e Sani&anba1an r($e t"at t"e ar&()ent of 'etitioner! t"at
Licaro! co($ not be "e$ 'er!ona$$1 $iab$e wa! (ntenab$e beca(!e
t"e <7#C a!!et! "a been ac/(ire b1 #an t"ro(&" a '(b$ic
biin& ($1 a''rove b1 t"e Monetar1 7oar? Accorin& to t"e anti-
&raft co(rt, t"i! ar&()ent wa! a )atter of efen!e t"at co($ not be
re!orte to in a )otion to i!)i!!, an t"at i not con!tit(te a va$i
&ro(n for i!)i!!a$?
- It wa! i))ateria$ t"at Licaro! wa! not a b(!ine!! a!!ociate of t"e
)ain efenant! an not an officer, a irector, or a !tocA"o$er of
an1 of t"e efenant cor'oration!? #"e 'ara)o(nt i!!(e "in&e on
"i! act! a! Centra$ 7anA &overnor, 'artic($ar$1 "i! 'artici'ation in an
a$$e&e$1 i$$e&a$ con!'irac1 wit" Marco! an 3o)in&o to &ive (n(e
avanta&e to #an0! bi for t"e <7#C a!!et!?
=O; t"e )otion to i!)i!! !"o($ "ave been &rante on t"e
&ro(n! of@
15 LacA of ca(!e of action
25 Pre!cri'tion
1? ;O
Ratio It i! a we$$-!ett$e r($e t"at in a )otion to i!)i!! ba!e on t"e
&ro(n t"at t"e co)'$aint fai$! to !tate a ca(!e of action, t"e /(e!tion
!(b)itte to t"e co(rt for eter)ination i! t"e !(fficienc1 of t"e
a$$e&ation! in t"e co)'$aint it!e$f? ="et"er t"e!e a$$e&ation! are tr(e or
not i! be!ie t"e 'oint, for t"eir tr(t" i! "1'ot"etica$$1 a)itte? #"e
i!!(e rat"er i!@ a)ittin& t"e) to be tr(e, )a1 t"e co(rt rener a va$i
2(&)ent in accorance wit" t"e 'ra1er in t"e co)'$aintQ So ri&i i!
t"e nor) 're!cribe t"at if t"e co(rt !"o($ o(bt t"e tr(t" of t"e fact!
averre, it )(!t not i!)i!! t"e co)'$aint b(t re/(ire an an!wer an
'rocee to "ear t"e ca!e on t"e )erit!?
- Petitioner! are !eeAin& t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e 're!ent ca!e, beca(!e 415
t"e action! i)'(te to Licaro! a! Centra$ 7anA &overnor were
a$$e&e$1 officia$ act! of t"e )e)ber! of t"e Monetar1 7oar actin& a!
a co$$e&ia$ bo1; an 425 t"e ac/(i!ition wa! one t"ro(&" a '(b$ic
biin& an in &oo fait"? #"e!e contention! are evient$1 )atter! of
efen!e, t"e veracit1 of w"ic" )(!t be eter)ine in a f($$-b$own tria$
4or in a 'retria$ !ti'($ation5, an not in a )ere )otion to i!)i!!?
- A ca(!e of action e6i!t! if t"e fo$$owin& e$e)ent! are 're!ent@ 415 a
ri&"t in favor of t"e '$aintiff b1 w"atever )ean! an (ner w"atever
$aw it ari!e! or i! create; 425 an ob$i&ation on t"e 'art of t"e na)e
efenant to re!'ect an not to vio$ate t"at ri&"t; an 4.5 an act or
o)i!!ion con!tit(tin& a breac" of ob$i&ation of t"e efenant to t"e
'$aintiff or vio$atin& t"e ri&"t of t"e '$aintiff, for w"ic" t"e $atter )a1
)aintain an action for recover1 of a)a&e!?
- #"e a$$e&ation! in t"e Secon A)ene Co)'$aint c$ear$1 an
(ne/(ivoca$$1 o(t$ine! it! ca(!e of action a&ain!t Licaro!?
- #"e Secon A)ene Co)'$aint wa! (na)bi&(o(! w"en it c"ar&e
t"at Licaro!, (rin& "i! $ifeti)e, "a con!'ire wit" t"e )ain
efenant! in faci$itatin& t"e a$$e&e$1 /(e!tionab$e tran!fer of t"e
<7#C a!!et! to #an?
- #"i! c"ar&e of *con!'irac1* ca!t! a wie net, !(fficient$1 e6ten!ive to
inc$(e a$$ act! an a$$ incient! incienta$, re$ate to or ari!in& fro)
t"e c"ar&e of !1!te)atic '$(ner an 'i$$a&e a&ain!t t"e )ain
Ratio An action to recover i$$-&otten wea$t" i! o(t!ie t"e '(rview of
t"e orinar1 r($e! on 're!cri'tion, a! containe in Artic$e 1148 of t"e
Civi$ Coe?
- #"e in!tant action for reconve1ance, re!tit(tion, an acco(ntin&
i)'$ea! t"e E!tateE:eir! of <re&orio Licaro! for 'revio(! act!
co))itte b1 t"e eceent (rin& "i! $ifeti)e, )ore 'artic($ar$1 for
con!'irin& wit" t"e )ain efenant! to 're2(ice t"e Re'(b$ic?
- Section 15 of Artic$e [I of t"e 1->9 Con!tit(tion !tate! t"at Ft"e ri&"t
of t"e State to recover 'ro'ertie! (n$awf($$1 ac/(ire b1 '(b$ic officia$!
or e)'$o1ee!, fro) t"e) or fro) t"eir no)inee! or tran!feree!, !"a$$
not be barre b1 're!cri'tion, $ac"e! or e!to''e$?L
- #"e intent of t"e con!tit(tiona$ 'rovi!ion 're!()ab$1 $ie! in t"e
!'ecia$ attenant circ()!tance! an t"e 'ri)oria$ !tate intere!t!
invo$ve in ca!e! of !(c" nat(re?
Disposition Petition i!)i!!e
CORONA< Oc!6e" =:, 8BB9
Petition for review (ner R($e 45 for t"e rever!a$ of t"e eci!ion an
re!o$(tion of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! w"ic" affir)e t"e orer of t"e
Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt i!)i!!in& an action for cance$$ation of tit$e an
a)a&e! for a$$e&e $acA of $e&a$ 'er!ona$it1 of 'etitioner!?
- P$aintiff!, +a(!to #anc(ntian, Macario #anc(ntian an Cri!tina
Ca1an& are beneficia$ owner! of t"at 'arce$ of $an
- So)eti)e in Ma1 1--4, t"e '$aintiff! i!covere t"at efenant!
a''$ie for a free 'atent an fra(($ent$1 an ano)a$o(!$1 !ec(re
tit$e! on t"e 'ortion! of t"e !a)e 'arce$! of $an fro) t"e 7(rea( of
- Petitioner! 'ra1e for t"e i!!(ance of a te)'orar1 re!trainin& orer
anEor writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction en2oinin& re!'onent! fro) !e$$in&,
a$ienatin& an i!'o!in& t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ertie! or an1 'ortion t"ereof
(rin& t"e 'enenc1 of t"e ca!e? #"e1 a$!o !o(&"t t"e cance$$ation
an n($$ification of a$$ t"e tit$e! of t"e !(b2ect 'ro'ertie! in t"e na)e! of
re!'onent! a! we$$ a! t"e reconve1ance t"ereof to 'etitioner!, '$(!
a)a&e! an attorne10! fee!?
- Private re!'onent! fi$e an o''o!ition to t"e )otion for t"e i!!(ance
of a writ of 're$i)inar1 in2(nction on t"e &ro(n t"at 'etitioner! "a
neit"er t"e $e&a$ 'er!ona$it1 nor t"e a(t"orit1 to in!tit(te t"e
'roceein&! for cance$$ation of tit$e?
- Petitioner! c$arifie t"at t"e1 were not a!Ain& for t"e rever!ion of
!(b2ect 'rivate $an to t"e '(b$ic o)ain, w"ic" wo($ "ave re/(ire
t"e 'artici'ation of t"e 3irector of Lan! or t"e Secretar1 of t"e
3e'art)ent of Environ)ent an ;at(ra$ Re!o(rce! 43E;R5 t"ro(&"
t"e So$icitor <enera$? In e!!ence, 'etitioner! were !eeAin& t"e /(ietin&
of t"eir ori&ina$ tit$e! t"at wo($ ($ti)ate$1 $ea to t"e cance$$ation of
'rivate re!'onent!0 (n$awf($$1 i!!(e an voi free 'atent tit$e! on t"e
!a)e 'rivate $an?
- R#C )ot( 'ro'io i!)i!!e t"e co)'$aint beca(!e on$1 t"e Re'(b$ic
of t"e P"i$i''ine! t"ro(&" t"e So$icitor <enera$ can fi$e a ca!e for
cance$$ation of tit$e on t"e &ro(n of fra( in t"e 'roce!!in& an
i!!(ance of t"e !ai tit$e
- Petitioner! fi$e )otion! for recon!ieration of t"e !ai orer an
in"ibition of t"e 're!iin& 2(&e?
- ,(&e Sa$vaor Ibarreta, ,r? of 7ranc" > of t"e 3avao Cit1 R#C, to
w"o) t"e ca!e wa! re-raff$e after ,(&e H(itain0! in"ibition, &rante
t"e )otion for recon!ieration an !et a!ie t"e orer of i!)i!!a$? In
rein!tatin& t"e co)'$aint ,(&e Ibarreta rea!one t"at Fit wa! error for
t"e co(rt to "ave i!)i!!e t"e ca!e wit"o(t a 'rior )otion to i!)i!!
"avin& been fi$e b1 'rivate re!'onent!?L
- Re!'onent! %icente <e)'e!aw, et a$? fi$e t"eir an!wer to t"e
co)'$aint, w"i$e ,ofre Sanie$, anot"er re!'onent, fi$e a )otion to
i!)i!!? #"e1 'rinci'a$$1 invoAe 'etitioner0! $acA of $e&a$ 'er!ona$it1
an a(t"orit1 to in!tit(te t"e action for cance$$ation of t"eir tit$e!?
- Re!'onent Sanie$ a!!erte t"at !ince t"e action wa! for t"e
cance$$ation of t"e ori&ina$ certificate! of tit$e i!!(e to t"e) t"ro(&"
free 'atent, it wa! on$1 t"e <overn)ent t"ro(&" t"e So$icitor <enera$
or "i! ($1 a(t"oriBe re're!entative w"o co($ in!tit(te t"e rever!ion
- Event(a$$1, ,(&e Ibarreta i!!(e an orer i!)i!!in& t"e co)'$aint?
- Petitioner! a''ea$e to t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! w"ic" affir)e t"e tria$
co(rt an "e$@ #"ere i! no i!'(te t"at t"e tit$e! re&i!tere in t"e
na)e! of t"e efenant!-a''e$$ee! are free 'atent tit$e! i!!(e b1 t"e
State t"ro(&" t"e 7(rea( of Lan!? #"(!, not bein& owner!, )(c" $e!!
&rantor!, '$aintiff!-a''e$$ant! cannot a! for cance$$ation or
- Petitioner! fi$e t"i! 'etition?
- Petitioner! conten t"at t"e !(it t"e1 initia$$1 fi$e in t"e R#C of
3avao Cit1 wa! not an action for rever!ion 4w"erein t"e rea$ 'art1 in
intere!t wo($ "ave inee been t"e Re'(b$ic of t"e P"i$i''ine!5 b(t
rat"er an action for cance$$ation of tit$e! wit" a)a&e!, !ince t"e
'rob$e) wa! Fo(b$e tit$in&?L
- Petitioner! t"(! 'ra1 for t"e cance$$ation of tit$e! an free 'atent!
fra(($ent$1 !ec(re b1 re!'onent! over t"e !a)e 'arce$! of $an
w"ic" were a$rea1 re&i!tere to t"e) t"ro(&" OC#! w"ic" were !ti$$
intact an in t"eir na)e! at t"e ti)e of t"e i!!(ance of re!'onent!0
a$$e&e$1 voi tit$e!?
- Petitioner! in!i!t t"at !ince t"e $an in /(e!tion wa! a$rea1 'rivate
$an at t"e ti)e it wa! i!!(e a free 'atent b1 t"e 7(rea( of Lan!, t"e
inc$(!ion of t"e Re'(b$ic of t"e P"i$i''ine! a! t"e rea$ 'art1 in intere!t
wa! (nnece!!ar1?
=O; t"e 'etitioner! "ave $e&a$ 'er!ona$it1 to in!tit(te t"e 'roceein&!?
- #"i! $e&a$ i!'(te oe! not invo$ve an action for t"e rever!ion of $an
to t"e '(b$ic o)ain b(t one for t"e cance$$ation of n($$ an voi free
'atent! over 'rivate $an?
- Geirs of Amrocio Nionisala vs. Geirs of Gonorio 3acut@ An orinar1
civi$ action for ec$aration of n($$it1 of free 'atent! an certificate! of
tit$e i! not t"e !a)e a! an action for rever!ion? #"e ifference between
t"e) $ie! in t"e a$$e&ation! a! to t"e c"aracter of owner!"i' of t"e
rea$t1 w"o!e tit$e i! !o(&"t to be n($$ifie?
- In an action for reversion, t"e 'ertinent a$$e&ation! in t"e co)'$aint
wo($ a)it State owner!"i' of t"e i!'(te $an? On t"e ot"er "an,
a cause of action for declaration of nullit! of free patent and certificate
of title wo($ re/(ire a$$e&ation! of t"e '$aintiff0! owner!"i' of t"e
conte!te $ot 'rior to t"e i!!(ance of !(c" free 'atent an certificate of
tit$e a! we$$ a! t"e efenant0! fra( or )i!taAe; a! t"e ca!e )a1 be, in
!(cce!!f($$1 obtainin& t"e!e oc()ent! of tit$e over t"e 'arce$ of $an
c$ai)e b1 '$aintiff? In !(c" a ca!e, t"e n($$it1 ari!e! !trict$1 not fro)
t"e fra( or eceit b(t fro) t"e fact t"at t"e $an i! be1on t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e 7(rea( of Lan! to be!tow an w"atever 'atent or
certificate of tit$e obtaine t"erefor i! con!e/(ent$1 voi ab initio? #"e
rea$ 'art1 in intere!t i! not t"e State b(t t"e '$aintiff w"o a$$e&e! a 're-
e6i!tin& ri&"t of owner!"i' over t"e 'arce$ of $an in /(e!tion even
before t"e &rant of tit$e to t"e efenant?
- Petitioner! c$ai) contin(in& owner!"i' over t"e !(b2ect 'arce$! of
$an !ince 1-98, a! evience b1 OC# ;o? 0-.2> an 0-.2- in t"eir
na)e!? #"i! can on$1 )ean, accorin& to 'etitioner!, t"at t"e free
'atent! an OC#! i!!(e to re!'onent! in 1--0 an 1--1 were n($$
an voi beca(!e t"e $an wa! t"eir 'rivate 'ro'ert1, an a! !(c",
co($ not "ave been va$i$1 i!'o!e of b1 t"e <overn)ent?
Confor)ab$1 wit" o(r r($in& in :eir! of A)brocio Uioni!a$a, 'etitioner!
are t"erefore t"e rea$ 'art1 in intere!t in t"i! ca!e?
- +(rt"er)ore, R($e ., Section 2 of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re
Section 2? Partie! in intere!t - A rea$ 'art1 in intere!t i! t"e 'art1
w"o !tan! to be benefite or in2(re b1 t"e 2(&)ent in t"e !(it,
or t"e 'art1 entit$e to t"e avai$! of t"e !(it? In$e!! ot"erwi!e
a(t"oriBe b1 $aw or t"e!e R($e!, ever1 action )(!t be 're!ente
or efene in t"e na)e of t"e rea$ 'art1 in intere!t?
- Since, 'etitioner! are t"e rea$ 'artie! in intere!t (ner t"e r($e!, t"en
t"e1 "ave t"e $e&a$ 'er!ona$it1 to !(e re!'onent!? #"e $an !(b2ect of
t"e controver!1 i! tit$e eit"er in t"eir na)e! or t"at of t"eir
'reece!!or!-in-intere!t? #"e1 !tan to be benefite or in2(re b1
w"atever eci!ion t"e co(rt )a1 ecree? :ence, t"e1 are entit$e to
t"e o''ort(nit1 to efen t"eir tit$e! an 're!ent t"eir !ie of t"e
controver!1 !ince t"eir tit$e! ate even ear$ier t"an t"o!e of t"e 'atent
Disposition Petition <RA;#E3?
/.R. N!. =9=48:
AZCUNA< Oc!6e" 1=, 8BB5
Petition for review on certiorari (ner R($e 45, ROC
-Oct24,1--5@ O!car P? Ma$$ion fi$e a 'etition wit" R#C San Pab$o Cit1
!eeAin& a ec$aration of n($$it1 of "i! )arria&e to Eit"a A$cantara
(ner Artic$e .8 of t"e +a)i$1 Coe, citin& A$cantara0! a$$e&e
'!1c"o$o&ica$ inca'acit1? After tria$ on t"e )erit!, R#C enie t"e
'etition ('on t"e finin& t"at Ma$$ion fai$e to a(ce 're'onerant
evience to warrant t"e &rant of t"e re$ief "e i! !eeAin&? CA i!)i!!e
t"e a''ea$ for fai$(re of Ma$$ion to 'a1 t"e ocAet an ot"er $awf($ fee!
wit"in t"e re&$e)entar1 'erio?
-After !ai eci!ion attaine fina$it1, Ma$$ion fi$e on ,($1 12, 1---
anot"er 'etition for ec$aration of n($$it1 of )arria&e wit" R#C San
Pab$o Cit1, t"i! ti)e a$$e&in& t"at "i! )arria&e wit" A$cantara wa! n($$
an voi (e to t"e fact t"at it wa! ce$ebrate wit"o(t a va$i )arria&e
$icen!e? +or "er 'art, A$cantara fi$e an an!wer wit" a M#3 'ra1in& for
t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e 'etition on t"e &ro(n of res judicata an for()
-R#C &rante M#3 an i!)i!!e t"e ca!e forfor() !"o''in& an
)($ti'$icit1 of !(it!? Ma$$ion0! M+R wa! a$!o enie? :ence, t"i!
-Ma$$ion ar&(e! t"at w"i$e t"e re$ief 'ra1e for in t"e two ca!e! wa! t"e
!a)e, t"at i!, t"e ec$aration of n($$it1 of "i! )arria&e to re!'onent,
t"e ca(!e of action in t"e ear$ier ca!e wa! i!tinct an !e'arate fro)
t"e ca(!e of action in t"e 're!ent ca!e beca(!e t"e o'erative fact!
('on w"ic" t"e1 were ba!e a! we$$ a! t"e evience re/(ire to
!(!tain eit"er were ifferent? 7eca(!e t"ere i! no ientit1 a! to t"e
ca(!e of action, 'etitioner c$ai)! t"at res judicata oe! not $ie to bar
t"e !econ 'etition. In t"i! connection, 'etitioner )aintain! t"at t"ere
wa! no vio$ation of t"e r($e on for() !"o''in& or of t"e r($e w"ic"
'ro!cribe! t"e !'$ittin& of a ca(!e of action?
-A$cantara, in "er co))ent, co(nter! t"at w"i$e t"e 're!ent !(it i!
anc"ore on a ifferent &ro(n, it !ti$$ invo$ve! t"e !a)e i!!(e rai!e in
t"e ear$ier civi$ ca!e 4va$iit1 of t"eir )arria&e5 an 'ra1! for t"e !a)e
re)e1 4ec$aration of n($$it15? Re!'onent t"(! conten! t"at
'etitioner vio$ate t"e r($e on for() !"o''in&? Moreover, re!'onent
a!!ert! t"at 'etitioner vio$ate t"e r($e on )($ti'$icit1 of !(it! a! t"e
&ro(n "e cite! in t"i! 'etition co($ "ave been rai!e (rin& t"e tria$
in t"e fir!t ca!e?
=O; a 'revio(! fina$ 2(&)ent en1in& a 'etition for ec$aration of
n($$it1 on t"e &ro(n of '!1c"o$o&ica$ inca'acit1 i! bar to a !(b!e/(ent
'etition for ec$aration of n($$it1 on t"e &ro(n of $acA of )arria&e
.Res judicata, defined@ a )atter a2(&e; a t"in& 2(icia$$1 acte
('on or ecie; a t"in& or )atter !ett$e b1 2(&)ent? It a$!o refer! to
t"e r($e t"at a fina$ 2(&)ent or ecree on t"e )erit! b1 a co(rt of
co)'etent 2(ri!iction i! conc$(!ive of t"e ri&"t! of t"e 'artie! or t"eir
'rivie! in a$$ $ater !(it! on 'oint! an )atter! eter)ine in t"e for)er
-#"i! octrine i! a r($e w"ic" 'ervae! ever1 we$$-re&($ate !1!te) of
2(ri!'r(ence an i! fo(ne ('on t"e fo$$owin& 'rece't! of co))on
$aw, na)e$1@ 415 '(b$ic 'o$ic1 an nece!!it1, w"ic" )aAe! it to t"e
intere!t of t"e State t"at t"ere !"o($ be an en to $iti&ation, N425 t"e
"ar!"i' on t"e inivi(a$ t"at "e !"o($ be ve6e twice for t"e !a)e
ca(!e? A contrar1 octrine wo($ !(b2ect t"e '(b$ic 'eace an /(iet to
t"e wi$$ an ne&$ect of inivi(a$! an 'refer t"e &ratification of t"e
$iti&io(! i!'o!ition on t"e 'art of !(itor! to t"e 're!ervation of t"e
'(b$ic tran/(i$it1 an "a''ine!!?
-In t"i! 2(ri!iction, t"e conce't of res judicata i! e)boie in Sec494b5
an 4c5 of R($e .- of ROC? Res judicata in t"i! !en!e re/(ire! t"e
conc(rrence of t"e fo$$owin& re*uisites@
415 t"e for)er 2(&)ent i! final;
425 it i! renere b1 a co(rt "avin& jurisdiction over t"e !(b2ect )atter
an t"e 'artie!;
4.5 it i! a 2(&)ent or an orer on the merits; an
445 t"ere i! -- between t"e fir!t an t"e !econ action! -- identit! of
'artie!, of !(b2ect )atter, an of ca(!e! of action?
-e# ! )ee"Dine K-e-e" -e c%,#e# !& %ci!n %"e i)enic%*@
a!certain w"et"er t"e !a)e evience wi$$ !(!tain bot" action!, or
w"et"er t"ere i! an ientit1 in t"e fact! e!!entia$ to t"e )aintenance of
t"e two action!? If t"e !a)e fact! or evience wo($ !(!tain bot", t"e
two action! are con!iere t"e !a)e, an a 2(&)ent in t"e fir!t ca!e
i! a bar to t"e !(b!e/(ent action?
-7a!e on t"i! te!t, it i! a''arent t"at 'etitioner i! !i)'$1 invoAin&
ifferent &ro(n! for t"e !a)e ca(!e of action? 71 efinition, a ca(!e
of action i! t"e act or o)i!!ion b1 w"ic" a 'art1 vio$ate! t"e ri&"t of
anot"er? In bot" 'etition!, 'etitioner "a! t"e !a)e ca(!e - t"e
ec$aration of n($$it1 of "i! )arria&e to re!'onent? ="at iffer! i! t"e
&ro(n ('on w"ic" t"e ca(!e of action i! 'reicate? #"e!e &ro(n!
cite b1 'etitioner e!!entia$$1 !'$it t"e vario(! a!'ect! of t"e 'ivota$
i!!(e t"at "o$! t"e Ae1 to t"e re!o$(tion of t"i! controver!1, t"at i!, t"e
act(a$ !tat(! of 'etitioner an re!'onent0! )arria&e?
-+(rt"er)ore, t"e in!tant ca!e i! 're)i!e on t"e c$ai) t"at t"e
)arria&e i! n($$ an voi beca(!e no va$i ce$ebration of t"e !a)e tooA
'$ace (e to t"e a$$e&e $acA of a )arria&e $icen!e? 7(t in t"e ear$ier
ca!e, 'etitioner i)'$ie$1 concee t"at t"e )arria&e "a been
!o$e)niBe an ce$ebrate in accorance wit" $aw? Petitioner i! now
bo(n b1 t"i! a)i!!ion? #"e a$$e&e ab!ence of a )arria&e $icen!e
w"ic" 'etitioner rai!e! now co($ "ave been 're!ente an "ear in
t"e ear$ier ca!e?
-Partie! are bo(n not on$1 a! re&ar! ever1 )atter offere an
receive to !(!tain or efeat t"eir c$ai)! or e)an b(t a! to an1
ot"er a)i!!ib$e )atter w"ic" )i&"t "ave been offere for t"at
'(r'o!e an of a$$ ot"er )atter! t"at co($ "ave been a2(&e in t"at
-A 'art1 cannot evae or avoi t"e a''$ication of res judicata b1 !i)'$1
var1in& t"e for) of "i! action or ao'tin& a ifferent )et"o of
're!entin& "i! ca!e? Pere& v. CA( t"e !tate)ent of a ifferent for) of
$iabi$it1 i! not a ifferent ca(!e of action, 'rovie it &row! o(t of t"e
!a)e tran!action or act an !eeA! rere!! for t"e wron&? #wo action!
are not nece!!ari$1 for ifferent ca(!e! of action !i)'$1 beca(!e t"e
t"eor1 of t"e !econ wo($ not "ave been o'en (ner t"e '$eain&! in
t"e fir!t? A 'art1 cannot 're!erve t"e ri&"t to brin& a !econ action
after t"e $o!! of t"e fir!t )ere$1 b1 "avin& circ()!cribe an $i)ite
t"eorie! of recover1 o'ene b1 t"e '$eain&! in t"e fir!t?
-Liti&ant! are 'rovie wit" t"e o'tion! on t"e co(r!e of action to taAe
in orer to obtain 2(icia$ re$ief? Once an o'tion "a! been taAen an a
ca!e i! fi$e in co(rt, t"e 'artie! )(!t venti$ate a$$ )atter! an re$evant
i!!(e! t"erein? #"e $o!in& 'art1 w"o fi$e! anot"er action re&arin& t"e
!a)e controver!1 wi$$ be nee$e!!$1 !/(anerin& ti)e, effort an
financia$ re!o(rce! beca(!e "e i! barre b1 $aw fro) $iti&atin& t"e
!a)e controver!1 a$$ over a&ain?
-:avin& e6're!!$1 an i)'$ie$1 concee t"e va$iit1 of t"eir )arria&e
ce$ebration, 'etitioner i! now ee)e to "ave waive an1 efect!
t"erein? +or t"i! rea!on, t"e Co(rt fin! t"at t"e 're!ent action for
ec$aration of n($$it1 of )arria&e on t"e &ro(n of $acA of )arria&e
$icen!e i! barre b1 t"e ear$ier eci!ion i!)i!!in& t"e 'etition for
ec$aration of n($$it1 on t"e &ro(n of '!1c"o$o&ica$ inca'acit1?
Disposition Petition enie for $acA of )erit? Co!t! a&ain!t 'etitioner?
98 SCRA 418
A;#O;IO; A'ri$ 22, 1-99
Ori&ina$ 'etition in t"e SC? Certiorari wit" 're$i)inar1 in2(nction?
- #"e ca!e invo$ve! a /(e!tion of res judicata? #"e fir!t ca!e wa!
3inglasan v -ee @un +ing? #"e 're!ent ca!e !eeA! for t"e rever!a$ of
t"e eci!ion in afore)entione ca!e?
- Petitioner! !o$ to Lee Lion&, a C"ine!e citiBen 4'reece!!or of Lee
7(n #in&5, a 'arce$ of $an !it(ate in Ca'iB, for P8,000? After t"e !a$e
Lee Lion& con!tr(cte a concrete b(i$in& w"ic" "e (!e for "i!
$()ber b(!ine!! an "i! re!ience?
- Petitioner! !o(&"t for t"e ec$aration of n($$it1 of t"e !a$e? Petitioner!
conten t"at t"e !a$e wa! a conitiona$ !a$e wit" t"e ri&"t to
re'(rc"a!e, b(t t"e R#C an CA fo(n t"at t"e !a$e wa! ab!o$(te?
Anot"er contention wa! t"at t"e !a$e i! n($$ an voi a! it vio$ate t"e
1-9. Con!tit(tion, Art [III, Sec? 5 4t"at forei&ner! cannot own $an in
t"e P"i$i''ine!5? On J,ne 82, =>45, -e C!," ,p-e*) -e #%*e.
- #"e S('re)e Co(rt "e$ t"at even if Lee Lion& vio$ate t"e
Con!tit(tion, t"e !a$e cannot be ee)e n($$ an voi beca(!e at t"e
ti)e of t"e !a$e, one of t"e '$aintiff!, ,(&e Rafae$ 3in&$a!an 4an
a!!i!tant attorne1 at t"e 3O,5 Anew of t"e !ai Con!tit(tiona$
'rovi!ion? #"e venor wa! e/(a$$1 &(i$t1, an t"e octrine of pari
delicto a''$ie? #"e octrine of in pari delicto barre 'etitioner-
a''e$$ant! fro) recoverin& t"e tit$e to t"e 'ro'ert1 in /(e!tion an
rener! (nnece!!ar1 t"e con!ieration of t"e ot"er ar&()ent!
- #"e Co(rt 'ointe o(t t"e ab!ence of 'o$ic1 &overnin& $an! !o$ to
a$ien! in vio$ation of t"e Con!tit(tiona$ 'ro"ibition?
- TKe*'e @=8A (e%"# *%e", 'rivate re!'onent! 3in&$a!an et a$? fi$e a
co)'$aint on JULY =, =>5: for t"e recover1 of t"e !a)e 'arce$ of $an
4!(b2ect-)atter of t"e 'revio(! ca!e5, on t"e ba!i! of t"e eci!ion of
t"e SC in Philippine @an'ing Corporation v -ui She. #"e re!'onent!
a&ain a!!erte t"at t"e !a$e vio$ate t"e Con!tit(tion? #"e1 'ra1e t"at
t"e1 be ec$are t"e $e&a$ owner!, t"e $an be !(rrenere, t"at Lee
7(n #in& receive P8U a! re!tit(tion for t"e $an, an t"at t"e1 be 'ai
P2U )ont"$1 (nti$ t"e ret(rn of t"e 'ro'ert1?
- A D!i!n ! )i#Di## wa! fi$e b1 Lee 7(n #in& on t"e &ro(n of res
judicata# a$$e&in& t"at t"e i!!(e! "ave efinite$1 been !ett$e in t"e
3in&$a!an ca!e?
- On Oct? 10, 1-8> A$i&aen of Ca'iB C+I enie t"e )otion to i!)i!!?
A )otion for recon!ieration wa! fi$e b1 efenant!? #"e c$ai)e t"at
in t"e ca!e of P"i$i''ine 7anAin& Cor'oration, t"ere i! no !tate)ent
w"ic" wo($ "ave t"e effect of reo'enin& an c"an&in& 'revio(!$1
a2(icate ri&"t! of 'artie! an fina$$1 !ett$e ca!e! 4)eanin& t"ere i!
no e6're!! 'ro"ibition a&ain!t c"an&in& 'revio(! ca!e!5?
- Lee 7(n #in& reiterate t"eir efen!e of res judicata on t"e ba!i! of
t"e eci!ion of t"e SC on ,(ne 29, 1-58? T-e( p"%(e) -% -e
c!Dp*%in 6e )i#Di##e).

=O; t"e ca!e Aafael 3inglasan# et al. v -ee @un +ing, et a$? co($ be
re$iti&ate in view of t"e !(b!e/(ent eci!ion of t"e SC in P"i$i''ine
7anAin& Cor'? v L(i S"e
Ratio It i! c$ear t"at 'o!terior c"an&e! in t"e octrine of t"e SC cannot
retroactive$1 be a''$ie to n($$if1 a 'rior fina$ r($in& in t"e !a)e
'roceein& w"ere t"e 'rior a2(ication wa! "a, w"et"er civi$ or
- Rea!on! of '(b$ic 'o$ic1, 2(icia$ orer$ine!!, econo)1 an 2(icia$
ti)e an t"e intere!t! of $iti&ant!, a! we$$ a! t"e 'eace an orer of
!ociet1, a$$ re/(ire t"at !tabi$it1 be accore t"e !o$e)n an fina$
2(&)ent! of t"e co(rt! or trib(na$! of co)'etent 2(ri!iction?
R,+ J5DIC!T!
- #"e octrine of re! 2(icata a''$ie! w"ere, between a 'enin& action
an one w"ic" "a! been fina$$1 an efinite$1 !ett$e, t"ere i! ientit1 of
'artie!, !(b2ect )atter an ca(!e of action? Partie! !"o($ not be
a$$owe to $iti&ate t"e !a)e i!!(e )ore t"an once?
R($e .-, Sec? 4-4b5
4b5 In ot"er ca!e! t"e 2(&)ent or orer i!, wit" re!'ect to t"e )atter
irect$1 a2(&e or a! to an1 ot"er )atter t"at co($ "ave been rai!e
in re$ation t"ereto, conc$(!ive between t"e 'artie! an t"eir !(cce!!or!
in intere!t b1 t"e tit$e !(b!e/(ent to t"e co))ence)ent of t"e action
or !'ecia$ 'roceein&, $iti&atin& for t"e !a)e tit$e an in t"e !a)e
4c5 In an1 ot"er $iti&ation between t"e !a)e 'artie! or t"eir !(cce!!or!-
in-intere!t, t"at on$1 i! ee)e to "ave been a2(&e in a for)er
2(&)ent w"ic" a''ear! ('on it face to "ave been !o a2(&e, or
wa! act(a$$1 an nece!!ari$1 inc$(e t"erein or nece!!ar1 t"ereto?
- 4-4b5 refer! to bar b1 'rior 2(&)ent, w"i$e 4-4c5 refer! to
conc$(!ivene!! of 2(&)ent? #"e 2(&)ent in t"e fir!t ca!e con!tit(te!
an ab!o$(te bar to t"e !(b!e/(ent action? 4:owever, even if t"ere i!
ientit1 of 'artie! b(t no ientit1 or ca(!e of action, t"e fir!t 2(&)ent i!
conc$(!ive in t"e !econ ca!e?
- In t"e 're!ent ca!e, t"e na)e! of t"e 'artie! invo$ve were t"e !a)e,
an t"e action an re$ief 'ra1e for are ientica$Gann($)ent of !a$e
an recover1 of t"e 'arce$ of $an?
- a !(b!e/(ent reinter'retation of t"e $aw )a1 be a''$ie to new ca!e!
b(t not to an o$ one fina$$1 an conc$(!ive$1 eter)ine b1 t"e 'eo'$e?
Once t"e 2(&)ent of t"e SC beco)e! fina$, it i! binin& on a$$ inferior
co(rt!, an "ence be1on t"eir 'ower an a(t"orit1 to a$ter or )oif1?
Certiorari i! &rante, wit" co!t! a&ain!t 'rivate re!'onent!?
/.R. N!. =1==>=
TIN/A, J.< SepeD6e" 85, 8BB5
Petition for review on certiorari a!!ai$in& t"e eci!ion of t"e CA
affir)in& t"e orer of i!)i!!a$ of t"e R#C
- Petitioner! !'o(!e! %i$$arino fi$e an action for Ann($)ent of #it$e,
Reconve1ance, 3a)a&e! an In2(nction a&ain!t re!'onent! t"e
Avi$a! an t"e Provincia$ S"eriff? Petitioner! o''o!e t"e a''$ication of
t"e Avi$a! for t"e re&i!tration of Lot ;o? -89 on t"e &ro(n t"at a
'ortion of Lot ;o? -89 encroac"e ('on Lot ;o? -8> to t"e e6tent of
2,148 !/(are )eter!? Lot ;o? -8> i! t"e a2acent 'ro'ert1 be$on&in& to
'etitioner!? In t"eir co)'$aint, 'etitioner! averre t"at t"e re&i!tration
of Lot ;o? -89 wa! ba!e on an erroneo(! !(rve1 an tec"nica$
e!cri'tion? #"e1 !o(&"t t"e reconve1ance of t"e i!'(te area an
t"e cance$$ation of t"e OC# to ref$ect t"e con!e/(ent re(ction in area?
#"e Avi$a! )ove for t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e on t"e &ro(n of res
judicata? After a 're$i)inar1 "earin&, t"e R#C i!!(e t"e orer
i!)i!!in& t"e ca!e?
- Petitioner! e$evate t"e )atter to t"e CA, contenin& t"at t"e R#C
erre in i!)i!!in& t"e ca!e ba!e on res judicata. #"e CA ('"e$ t"e
incontrovertibi$it1 of t"e ecree of re&i!tration one 1ear after it!
i!!(ance? It a$!o eb(nAe t"e erroneo(! !(rve1 an tec"nica$
e!cri'tion foi!te b1 'etitioner! a! not t"e fra( conte)'$ate (ner
Sec? 5. of P3 152-, w"ic" a$$ow! t"e reconve1ance of fra(($ent$1
re&i!tere $an?
- Petitioner! fi$e t"e in!tant 'etition? #"e1 ar&(e t"at t"e 2(&)ent in
t"e $an re&i!tration ca!e i! not 1et fina$ beca(!e t"e a&&rieve 'art1
can !ti$$ avai$ of t"e re)e1 of reconve1ance an recover1 of
a)a&e!, an t"at t"e tria$ co(rt t"erein "a no 2(ri!iction over t"e
i!'(te area !ince it "a a$rea1 been covere b1 an OC# i!!(e in
t"e na)e of 'etitioner!?
=O; 'etitioner0! co)'$aint i! barre b1 res judicata
Ratio +or res judicata to !erve a! an ab!o$(te bar to a !(b!e/(ent
action, t"e fo$$owin& re/(i!ite! )(!t conc(r@
415 t"e for)er 2(&)ent or orer )(!t be fina$; 425 t"e 2(&)ent or
orer )(!t be on t"e )erit!; 4.5 it )(!t "ave been renere b1 a co(rt
"avin& 2(ri!iction over t"e !(b2ect )atter an 'artie!; an 445 t"ere
)(!t be between t"e fir!t an !econ action!, ientit1 of 'artie!, of
!(b2ect )atter, an of ca(!e! of action? ="en t"ere i! no ientit1 of
ca(!e! of action, b(t on$1 an ientit1 of i!!(e!, t"ere e6i!t! res
judicata in t"e conce't of conc$(!ivene!! of 2(&)ent? #"e r($e on
conc$(!ivene!! of 2(&)ent bar! t"e re$iti&ation of 'artic($ar fact! or
i!!(e! in anot"er $iti&ation between t"e !a)e 'artie! on a ifferent
c$ai) or ca(!e of action?
Reasoning A$$ t"e e$e)ent! of res judicata in t"e )oe of bar b1 'rior
2(&)ent are 're!ent? #"ere i! no /(e!tion t"at !ai eci!ion wa! an
a2(ication on t"e )erit!? Petitioner! an re!'onent! were t"e !a)e
'art1 $iti&ant!? #"e !(b2ect )atter of t"e civi$ ca!e wa! t"e !a)e
'ro'ert1 t"at wa! t"e !(b2ect )atter in t"e LRC ca!e? Petitioner!0
ca(!e of action in t"e civi$ ca!e wo($ ca$$ for t"e eter)ination an
a2(ication of owner!"i' over t"e i!'(te 'ortion, an i!!(e a$rea1
'a!!e b1 t"e $an re&i!tration co(rt w"en it confir)e t"e Avi$a!0 tit$e
over Lot ;o? -89? Petitioner! 'oint o(t t"at t"e $an re&i!tration co(rt
"a no 2(ri!iction over t"e i!'(te 'ortion a! t"i! "a a$rea1 been
ecree in an ear$ier $an re&i!tration ca!e an a !econ ecree for
t"e !a)e $an i! n($$ an voi? Petitioner! c$ai) t"at t"e i!'(te
'ortion i! covere b1 t"eir tit$e, b(t t"at it wa! erroneo(!$1 inc$(e in
t"e !(rve1 an tec"nica$ e!cri'tion !(b2ect of t"e Avi$a!0 $an
re&i!tration a''$ication? #"at wa! 'reci!e$1 t"e content an t"r(!t of
'etitioner!0 o''o!ition to t"e Avi$a!0 $an re&i!tration a''$ication? 7(t
t"e $an re&i!tration co(rt eb(nAe t"e o''o!ition an ('"e$ t"e
a''$ication? Petitioner! co($ "ave a''ea$e t"e eci!ion of t"e $an
re&i!tration co(rt? #"eir fai$(re to o !o renere !ai eci!ion fina$
an e6ec(tor1?
Disposition Petition 3E;IE3?
Review on certiorari of eci!ion of Co(rt of A''ea$!
- <onBa$e! fi$e co)'$aint 4action for !'ecific 'erfor)ance5 a&ain!t
Manio !'!, !eeAin& e6ec(tion of ee of !a$e of 'ro'ert1 !"e bo(&"t fr
Pri!ci$$a Manio? <onBa$e! !ai !"e ' own'a1)ent to Pri!ci$$a
beca(!e !"e "a an SPA fro) "er !on Ari!tot$e, t"e owner of t"e $an?
- #C r($e in favor of <onBa$e!? <onBa$e! e'o!ite ba$ance wE t"e
co(rt an fi$e )otion for e6ec(tion, wEc wa! wErawn bec eci!ion
wa!n0t !erve on efenant!? S"eriff fina$$1 !erve a co'1 at an
(n&o$1 "o(r of 12 )n?
- #C0! eci!ion beca)e fina$ an e6ec(tor1?
- #"e 3abon!, c$ai)in& to "ave bo(&"t t"e $an fr Ari!tot$e, fi$e before
t"e CA a 'etition for ann($)ent of 2(&)ent an orer! of t"e #C?
#"e1 a$$e&e t"at t"e eci!ion wa! voi for $acA of 2(ri!iction over
t"eir 'er!on! a! t"e rea$ 'artie! in intere!t? CA i!!(e re!o$(tion
re!trainin& #C fro) i)'$e)entin& it! eci!ion? :ence, t"i! 'etition b1
1? =O; t"ere wa! ba!i! to ann($ t"e eci!ion of t"e #C?
2? =O; t"e 3abon! can !eeA ann($)ent of t"e #C 2(&)ent
1? CES?
An action !"o($ be bro(&"t a&ain!t t"e rea$ 'art1 in intere!t? #"e rea$
'art1 in intere!t i! t"e one w"o wo($ be benefite or in2(re b1 t"e
2(&)ent or i! t"e one entit$e to t"e avai$! of t"e !(it?
- ;a)e 'etitioner! "erein are Cari$$o 4Pre!iin& ,(&e5, <(1ot 4C$erA
of Co(rt5, Seno1 43e'(t1 S"eriff5, Ri!onar 4Re&i!trar of 3ee!5, an
<onBa$e!? Cari$$o, <(1ot, Seno1 an Ri!onar are not intere!te
'artie! beca(!e t"e1 wo($ not benefit fro) t"e affir)ative re$ief!
!o(&"t? On$1 <onBa$e! re)ain! a! &en(ine 'art1-'etitioner in t"i!
- <onBa$e! in!i!t! t"at t"e 3abon! "ave no ri&"t to !eeA ann($)ent of
t"e #C0! 2(&)ent bec t"e10re not 'artie! to t"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance
ca!e? 7(t t"e 3abon! in!i!t t"at t"e1 are 'artie! in intere!t bec t"e1
are b(1er!, owner! an 'o!!e!!or! of t"e conte!te $an?
- #"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance ca!e bro(&"t b1 <onBa$e! to t"e #C
na)e Pri!ci$$a Manio an "(!ban a! efenant!? :owever, t"e $ot i!
owne b1 Ari!tot$e, t"eir !on? Pri!ci$$a "a no intere!t on t"e $ot an
can "ave no intere!t in t"e 2(&)ent of t"e #C? +ai$(re to i)'$ea
Ari!tot$e Manio rener! t"e 'roceein&! in t"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance
ca!e n($$ an voi?
2? CES?
A 'er!on nee not be a 'art1 to t"e 2(&)ent !o(&"t to be ann($$e?
="at i! e!!entia$ i! t"at "e can 'rove t"at t"e 2(&)ent wa! obtaine
b1 fra( an "e wo($ be aver!e$1 affecte t"ereb1?
A$t"o(&" t"e 3abon! are not 'artie! to t"e !'ecific 'erfor)ance ca!e,
an1 finin& of e6trin!ic fra( wo($ aver!e$1 affect t"eir owner!"i'
an co($ be ba!i! of ann($)ent of 2(&)ent? In t"i! ca!e, <onBa$e!
Anew of t"e !a$e of $ot b1 Ari!tot$e Manio to t"e 3abon! 1et <onBa$e!
i not inc$(e t"e 3abon! in "er 'etition? #"i! i! e6trin!ic fra(?
Disposition Petition i! enie?
/.R. N!. =B41:
FAPUNAN< SepeD6e" 8B, =>>5
S'ecia$ civi$ action for certiorari
- #"i! i! an off!"oot of t"e co)'$aint before t"e Sani&anba1an
t"ro(&" t"e PC<< a&ain!t E(aro Co2(an&co ,r? for recover1 of
a$$e&e i$$-&otten wea$t" inc$(in& !"are! of !tocA! in certain
- ACCRA Law +ir) 'erfor)! $e&a$ !vc! inc$? or&aniBation an
ac/(i!ition of b(!ine!! a!!ociation!Eor&!? So)eti)e!, )e)ber! of t"e
fir) act a! incor'orator! or !tocA"o$er!? #"e1 ac/(ire info re$ative to
a!!et! of c$ient! an t"eir 'er!ona$EbiB circ()!tance!? In t"i! ca!e,
ACCRA $aw1er! acte a! no)inee!-!tocA"o$er! of !ai cor'!
invo$ve in !e/(e!tration 'roceein&!?
- PC<< fi$e #"ir A)ene Co)'$aint wEc e6c$(e re!'onent
Ra($ Roco beca(!e "e 'ro)i!e to revea$ ientit1 of 'rinci'a$E! for
w"o) "e acte a! no)inee-!tocA"o$er
- ACCRA $aw1er! !ai it wa! in f(rt"erance of $e&it $aw1erin& an t"e1
beca)e "o$er! of !"are! of !tocA on$1 a! incor'oratin& or ac/(irin&
!tocA"o$er!, an a! !(c", t"e1 o not c$ai) an1 'ro'rietar1 intere!t in
!ai !"are!?
- Petitioner Para2a :a1(ini, w"o !e'arate fr ACCRA, fi$e a
!e'arate an!wer?
- ACCRA $aw1er! fi$e a co(nter-)otion t"at PC<< a$!o e6c$(e t"e)
a! 'artie!-efenant a! it i to Roco? PC<< !et conition! for
e6c$(!ion of t"e 'etitioner!@
- i!c$o!(re of ientit1 of c$ient!
- !(b)i!!ion of oc! !(b!tantiatin& $aw1er-c$ient re$ation!"i'
- !(b)i!!ion of ee! of a!!i&n)ent! 'etitioner! e6ec(te in
favor of it! c$ient! coverin& t"eir re!'ective !"are"o$in&!?
- PC<< 're!ente !(''o!e 'roof to !(b!tantiate co)'$iance b1
Roco of t"e !ai conition!?
- Sani&anba1an enie e6c$(!ion of 'etitioner! fr t"e PC<< ca!e?
#"at enia$ i! now bein& /(e!tione?
1? =O; t"ere i! a ca(!e of action a&ain!t t"e efenant!
2? =O; $aw1er-c$ient confientia$it1 a''$ie! in t"i! ca!e
.? =O; Roco an t"e ACCRA $aw1er! are !i)i$ar$1 !it(ate, t"(!,
)aAin& t"e enia$ of t"e ACCRA $aw1er!0 e6c$(!ion fro) t"e PC<<
ca!e a vio$ation of e/(a$ 'rotection c$a(!e?
1? ;O?
- It i! /(ite a''arent t"at 'etitioner! were i)'$eae b1 t"e PC<< a!
co-efenant! to force t"e) to i!c$o!e t"e ientit1 of t"eir c$ient!?
C$ear$1, re!'onent PC<< i! not after 'etitioner! b(t t"e Fbi&&er fi!"L
a! t"e1 !a1 in !treet 'ar$ance? #"i! '$o1 i! /(ite c$ear fro) t"e
PC<<0! wi$$in&ne!! to c(t a ea$ wit" 'etitioner! -- t"e na)e! of t"eir
c$ient! in e6c"an&e for e6c$(!ion fro) t"e co)'$aint
- It wo($ !ee) t"at 'etitioner! are )ere$1 !tanin& in for t"eir c$ient!
a! efenant! in t"e co)'$aint? Petitioner! are bein& 'ro!ec(te
!o$e$1 on t"e ba!i! of activitie! an !ervice! 'erfor)e in t"e co(r!e of
t"eir (tie! a! $aw1er!? H(ite obvio(!$1, 'etitioner!0 inc$(!ion a! co-
efenant! in t"e co)'$aint i! )ere$1 bein& (!e a! $evera&e to
co)'e$ t"e) to na)e t"eir c$ient! an con!e/(ent$1 to enab$e t"e
PC<< to nai$ t"e!e c$ient!? S(c" bein& t"e ca!e, re!'onent PC<<
"a! no va$i ca(!e of action a! a&ain!t 'etitioner! an !"o($ e6c$(e
t"e) fro) t"e #"ir A)ene Co)'$aint
2? Ce!
- #"e ri&"t to co(n!e$ of an acc(!e i! a$!o invo$ve in t"i! i!!(e? If
c$ient were )ae to c"oo!e bet $e&a$ re're!entation wEo effective
co))(nication an i!c$o!(re an $e&a$ re're!entation wE a$$ "i!
!ecret! revea$e t"en "e )i&"t be co)'e$$e to !ta1 awa1 fro) t"e
2(icia$ !1!te) or $o!e ri&"t to co(n!e$?
- Co(rt "a! ri&"t to Anow t"at c$ient w"o!e 'rivi$e&e info i!
!o(&"t to be 'rotecte i! f$e!" an b$oo?
- Privi$e&e e6i!t! on$1 after att1-c$ient re$ation!"i' "a! been
e!tab$i!"e? It oe! not attac" (nti$ t"ere i! a c$ient?
- Privi$e&e &enera$$1 'ertain! to !(b2ect )atter of t"e re$ation!"i'?
- 3(e 'roce!! re/(ire! t"at t"e o''o!in& 'art1 !"o($, a! a
&enera$ r($e, Anow "i! aver!ar1?
- C$ient ientit1 i! 'rivi$e&e w"ere a !tron& 'robabi$it1 e6i!t! t"at
revea$in& c$ient0! na)e wo($ i)'$icate t"at c$ient in t"e ver1
activit1 for wEc "e !o(&"t t"e $aw1er0! avice?
- It i! a$!o 'rivi$e&e w"ere i!c$o!(re wo($ o'en t"e c$ient to
civi$ $iabi$it1?
- It i! a$!o 'rivi$e&e w"en &ovt0! $aw1er! "ave no ca!e a&ain!t
an att10! c$ient (n$e!!, b1 revea$in& t"e c$ient0! na)e, t"e !ai
na)e wo($ f(rni!" t"e on$1 $inA t"at wo($ be nece!!ar1 to
convict an inivi(a$ of a cri)e?
- A'art fr t"e e6ce'tion! above, ot"er !it(ation! co($ /(a$if1 a!
e6ce'tion!? Info re$atin& to t"e ientit1 of c$ient )a1 fa$$ wEin 'rivi$e&e
w"en c$ient0! na)e it!e$f "a! ine'enent !i&nificance !(c" t"at
i!c$o!(re wo($ revea$ c$ient confience?
- #"e in!tant ca!e +ALLS I;3ER A# LEAS# 2 E[CEP#IO;S? +ir!t,
i!c$o!(re wo($ $ea to e!tab$i!" t"e c$ient0! connection wE t"e ver1
fact in i!!(e? A$!o, t"e $inA bet t"e offen!e an t"e $e&a$ aviceE!vc
wa! ($1 e!tab$i!"e b1 no $e!! t"an t"e PC<< it!e$f? Petitioner! "ave
a $e&iti)ate fear t"at ientif1in& t"eir c$ient! wo($ i)'$icate t"e)?
Reve$ation of t"e na)e wo($ 'rovie t"e $inA for 'ro!ec(tion to b(i$
it! ca!e, w"ere none ot"erwi!e e6i!t!?
- It i! iff w"en t"e c$ient con!($t! att1 for i$$icit '(r'o!e!, !eeAin&
avice on "ow to aro(n t"e $aw? In t"i! ca!e, a c$ient t"inA! "e )i&"t
"ave 'revio(!$1 co))itte !o)et"in& i$$e&a$ an con!($t! att1 abt it?
- Co(rt i! tr1in& to avoi fi!"in& e6'eition b1 t"e 'ro!ec(tion? After
a$$, t"ere are a$ternative !o(rce! of info avai$ab$e to 'ro!ec(tor wEc
oe! not e'en on (ti$iBin& a efenant0! co(n!e$ a! convenient an
reai$1 avai$ab$e !o(rce of info?
- Law1er-c$ient confientia$it1 an $o1a$t1 e6i!t! not on$1 (rin&
re$ation!"i' b(t even after ter)ination of t"e re$ation!"i'?
.? Ce!
- Re!'onent! fai$e to !"ow t"at Roco act(a$$1 revea$e t"e ientit1 of
"i! c$ient!? PC<< !"$ !"ow t"at Roco wa! treate a! a !'ecie! a'art
fr t"e ACCRA $aw1er! on ba!i! of c$a!!ification wEc )ae !(b!tantia$
i!tinction! ba!e on rea$ ifference!? ;o !(c" !(b!tantia$ i!tinction!
Disposition 3eci!ion of t"e Sani&anba1an ann($$e an !et a!ie

A''ea$ fro) a eci!ion of t"e C+I of Sor!o&on
-A''e$$ee Se&(no <o1a$a, wit" "i! now ecea!e wife Antonina !o$
to <o2o a 2?5 "ectare 'arce$ of a&ric($t(ra$ $an for P950 b1 a F3ee of
Pacto e Retro Sa$eL, t"e re'(rc"a!e to be )ae wit"in one 1ear, a!
!tate in t"e ee? #"e ee a$!o inicate! t"at t"e venee 'ai
anot"er P100 in aition to t"e '(rc"a!e 'rice? 10 1ear! after t"e
e6ec(tion of !ai oc()ent, <o2o fi$e a ca!e wit" t"e C+I a&ain!t
<o1a$a b1 wa1 of a 'etition for con!o$iation of owner!"i' of !ai $an?
<o2o a$$e&e t"at t"e 'erio for re'(rc"a!in& "a e6'ire an
owner!"i' "a beco)e con!o$iate in "i) an t"at for '(r'o!e! of
recorin& t"e con!o$iation in t"e Re&i!tr1 of Pro'ert1, it wa!
nece!!ar1 t"at a 2(icia$ orer be i!!(e to t"at effect?
-<o1a$a fi$e an an!wer to t"e 'etition, a$$e&in& t"at t"e1 "a obtaine
a ca!" $oan of P>10 fro) <o2o 'a1ab$e wEin one 1ear wEo intere!t an
t"at to &(arantee 'a1)ent, <o1a$a e6ec(te a )ort&a&e in favor of t"e
'etitioner on t"e 'arce$ of $an in /(e!tion? :ence, a$t"o(&" t"e ee
wa! e6ec(te in t"e for) of a 'acto e retro !a$e, t"e tr(e intention of
t"e 'artie! wa! for it to be a )ere )ort&a&e to !ec(re 'a1)ent?
<o1a$a f(rt"er c$ai)e t"at "e an "i! wife atte)'te to 'a1 t"e ebt
b(t 'etitioner ref(!e to receive t"e !() an cance$ t"e )ort&a&e? 71
wa1 of co(nterc$ai), <o1a$a 'ra1e t"at 'etitioner receive t"e P>10
an t"at t"e oc()ent of )ort&a&e be ec$are !o, an not a 'acto e
retro !a$e? :e f(rt"er 'ra1e for P1>00 'er ann() (nti$ t"e fina$
ter)ination of t"e ca!e for t"e fr(it! of !ai 'ro'ert1 an in t"e ca!e
t"at t"e in!tr()ent be ee)e a tr(e 'acto e retro !a$e, t"at
'etitioner be orere to e6ec(te a ee of re!a$e in favor of
re!'onent! in accorance wit" A1808CC?
-Co(n!e$ for <o1a$a fi$e a )anife!tation infor)in& t"e #C t"at t"e
na)e efenant, Antonina, "a ie, 'ro)'tin& t"e #C to i!!(e an
orer re/(irin& co(n!e$ for t"e '$aintiff to !(b)it an a)ene
Co)'$aint !(b!tit(tin& Antonina wit" one of "er !(cce!!or! in intere!t
a! 'art1 efenant!? <o1a$a fi$e a )otion to i!)i!! t"e 'etition on
t"e &ro(n t"at notwit"!tanin& t"e $a'!e of 4. a1! after a''e$$ant0!
recei't of a co'1 of t"e !ai #C orer, !ai a''e$$ant fai$e an
ne&$ecte to !(b)it t"e a)ene co)'$aint re/(ire of "i)? A''e$$ant
o''o!e t"e )otion b(t t"e #C i!)i!!e t"e co)'$aint?
-A''e$$ee fi$e a )otion to ec$are a''e$$ant in efa($t in re!'ect of
!ai a''e$$ee0! co(nterc$ai), w"ic" wa! &rante b1 t"e #C, w"ic"
f(rt"er re/(ire <o1a$a to !(b)it "i! evience before t"e C$erA of
Co(rt? #C renere favorab$e 2(&)ent on a''e$$ee0! co(nterc$ai),
ec$arin& t"e 3ee of Pacto e Retro Sa$e an e/(itab$e )ort&a&e an
orerin& <o2o to receive t"e P>10 an to re!tore 'o!!e!!ion to t"e
efenant! an a$$owin& t"e) to reee) t"e !a)e?
-A''e$$ant a''ea$e to t"e CA, w"ic" ('on finin& t"at t"e !ai a''ea$
invo$ve! '(re$1 /(e!tion! of $aw, certifie t"e !a)e to t"e SC?
=O; #C erre in ec$arin& '$aintiff in efa($t wit" re!'ect to
efenant0! co(nterc$ai)
CES? #"e a''e$$ant conten! t"at t"ere i! no occa!ion for t"e #C to
ec$are "i) in efa($t in re!'ect of a''e$$ee0! co(nterc$ai) a! !ai
co(nterc$ai) fa$$! wit"in t"e cate&or1 of co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai)
w"ic" oe! not ca$$ for an ine'enent an!wer a! t"e co)'$aint
a$rea1 enie! it! )ateria$ a$$e&ation!? It i! now !ett$e t"at a '$aintiff
w"o fai$! or c"oo!e! not to an!wer a co)'($!or1 co(nterc$ai) )a1
not be ec$are in efa($t, 'rinci'a$$1 beca(!e t"e i!!(e! rai!e in t"e
co(nterc$ai) are ee)e a(to)atica$$1 2oine b1 t"e a$$e&ation! of t"e
-="i$e it i! tr(e t"at (ner Sec? . of R($e 19, a co)'$aint )a1 be
i!)i!!e for fai$(re to 'ro!ec(te if t"e '$aintiff fai$! to co)'$1 wit" an
orer of t"e co(rt, !ai 'rovi!ion cannot a''$1 w"en t"e orer i&nore
i! a voi one, a! in t"i! ca!e? 4A! in Sec 20 of R($e ., t"e eat" of t"e
efenant in a contract(a$ )one1 c$ai) oe! i!)i!! !(c" action for
recover1, b(t wi$$ be a$$owe to contin(e (nti$ fina$ 2(&)ent i! entere?
+avorab$e 2(&)ent obtaine b1 t"e '$aintiff !"a$$ be enforce in t"e
)anner 'rovie in t"e!e R($e! for 'ro!ec(tin& c$ai)! a&ain!t t"e
e!tate of a ecea!e 'er!on? In 7arra)ea v! 7arbara, t"e SC "e$
t"at an orer to a)en t"e co)'$aint, before t"e 'ro'er !(b!tit(tion of
'artie! a! irecte b1 Sec? 19, R($e . 4Sec? 18, new $aw5, i! voi an
i)'o!e! ('on t"e '$aintiff no (t1 to co)'$1 t"erewit" to t"e en t"at
an orer i!)i!!in& t"e !ai co)'$aint, for !(c" non-co)'$iance,
wo($ !i)i$ar$1 be voi? It wa! f(rt"er "e$ in +erriera v! <onBa$e! t"at
t"e contin(ance of a 'roceein& (rin& t"e 'enenc1 of w"ic" a 'art1
t"ereto ie!, wit"o(t !(c" 'art1 "avin& been va$i$1 !(b!tit(te in
accorance wit" t"e r($e!, a)o(nt! to $acA of 2(ri!iction?
=9,R,FOR,( the decision appealed fro$ is set aside
PAN/ANIBAN, A,+,# =5, 8BB9
Petition for Review (ner R($e 45
-S'o(!e! S("arto an Miria) San&Ai Man&(aat( 4Re!'onent5 fi$e
wit" t"e R#C of #ac(ron& Cit1, S($tan U(arat, a Co)'$aint for
a)a&e! a&ain!t ,onat"an Lanoi$ Internationa$ Co?, Inc? 4*,LI*
-Petitioner5? Partie! !(b)itte t"eir re!'ective Pretria$ 7rief!?
-#ria$ 'roceee wit"o(t t"e 'artici'ation of 'etitioner, w"o!e ab!ence
(rin& t"e 'retria$ "a $e t"e tria$ co(rt to ec$are it in efa($t?
Petitioner receive a co'1 of t"e R#C0! 3eci!ion? It fi$e an O)nib(!
Motion for ;ew #ria$ an C"an&e of %en(e? #"i! Motion wa! ee)e
!(b)itte for re!o$(tion b(t wa! event(a$$1 enie b1 t"e tria$ co(rt in
an Orer? Petitioner receive a co'1 of a =rit of E6ec(tion? A$$e&in&
t"at it "a 1et to receive a co'1 of an Orer re!o$vin& t"e O)nib(!
Motion for ;ew #ria$, 'etitioner fi$e a Motion to H(a!"EReca$$ =rit of
E6ec(tion? It! co(n!e$! -- Att1!? ,ai)e L? Mario ,r? an 3io!coro <?
Pe$i&ro -- !(b)itte !e'arate wit"rawa$! of a''earance? On t"e !a)e
ate, t"e $aw fir) On& Aba Santo! N Mene!e! fi$e an Entr1 of
A''earance wit" S(''$e)ent to Motion to H(a!"EReca$$ =rit of
E6ec(tion? #o it! S(''$e)ent, 'etitioner attac"e t"e Affiavit! of
Att1!? Mario an Pe$i&ro atte!tin& t"at t"e1 "a not 1et receive a co'1
of t"e Orer re!o$vin& t"e O)nib(! Motion for ;ew #ria$? On t"e !a)e
a1, ,an(ar1 9, 2002, 'etitioner receive a S"eriff0! ;otice re&arin&
t"e '(b$ic a(ction !a$e of it! 'ro'ertie!? 71 rea!on of t"e i))eiate
t"reat to i)'$e)ent t"e =rit of E6ec(tion, it fi$e wit" t"e CA a Petition
for Pro"ibition !eeAin& to en2oin t"e enforce)ent of t"e =rit (nti$ t"e
re!o$(tion of t"e Motion to H(a!"? R#C i!!(e an Orer irectin&
re!'onent! to fi$e t"eir written co))ent on t"e Motion to H(a!" an
!c"e($e t"e "earin& t"ereon for +ebr(ar1 1, 2002? Petitioner
receive a co'1 of re!'onent!0 %i&oro(! O''o!ition 4Re@ Motion to
H(a!"EReca$$ =rit of E6ec(tion, an it! S(''$e)ent5 ate ,an(ar1
18, 2001? Attac"e to t"i! '$eain& were two !e'arate Certification!
!(''o!e$1 i!!(e b1 t"e 'o!t)a!ter of #ac(ron& Cit1, affir)in& t"at
t"e Orer en1in& t"e Motion for ;ew #ria$ "a been receive b1
'etitioner0! two 'revio(! co(n!e$! of recor? #"e Certification
'ertainin& to Att1? Pe$i&ro a$$e&e t"at a certain Mic"e$$e %i/(ira "a
receive a co'1 of t"e Orer intene for "i)? #"e Certification a!
re&ar! Att1? Mario !tate t"at "e "a 'er!ona$$1 receive "i! co'1 on
3ece)ber 21, 2001?
-Petitioner 'er!ona$$1 !erve co(n!e$ for re!'onent! a ;otice to #aAe
3e'o!ition I'on Ora$ E6a)ination of Att1!? Mario an Pe$i&ro? #"e
3e'o!ition wa! intene to 'rove t"at 'etitioner "a not receive a
co'1 of t"e Orer en1in& t"e O)nib(! Motion for ;ew #ria$? At -@.0
a?)? on ,an(ar1 2>, 2002, t"e e'o!ition-taAin& 'roceee a!
!c"e($e -- at t"e 7(!ine!! Center Conference Roo) of t"e
Manarin Orienta$ :ote$ in MaAati Cit1 -- before Att1? Ana Pera$ta-
;aBareno, a notar1 '(b$ic actin& a! e'o!ition officer? At 12@00 noon of
t"e !a)e a1, re!'onent! !ent 'etitioner a fa6 )e!!a&e via ,RS
E6're!!, avi!in& it t"at t"e1 "a fi$e a Motion to StriAe Off fro) t"e
recor! t"e ;otice to #aAe 3e'o!ition; an a!Ain& it not to 'rocee
(nti$ t"e R#C wo($ "ave re!o$ve t"e Motion, a co'1 of w"ic" it
event(a$$1 receive $ater in t"e a1, at .@10 '?)? On ,an(ar1 2-, 2002,
!e'arate ;otice! were !ent b1 Att1? ;aBareno to Att1!? Mario an
Pe$i&ro, a! witne!!e!, for t"e) to e6a)ine t"e tran!cri't of t"eir
te!ti)onie!? On t"e !a)e ate, Att1? ;aBareno fi$e via re&i!tere )ai$
a S(b)i!!ion to t"e R#C attac"in& 415 a Certification t"at t"e
witne!!e! "a been 're!ent an ($1 !worn to b1 "er; 425 a tran!cri't
bearin& t"eir !i&nat(re!, atte!tin& t"at it wa! a tr(e recor of t"eir
te!ti)onie!; 4.5 a co'1 of t"e ;otice to #aAe 3e'o!ition e$ivere to
"er; an 445 a co'1 of t"e ;otice !i&ne b1 re!'onent!0 co(n!e$?
:earin& on t"e Motion to H(a!", 'etitioner !(b)itte it! 415 +or)a$
Offer of E6"ibit!, to&et"er wit" t"e oc()entar1 e6"ibit! )arAe (rin&
t"e e'o!ition-taAin&; 425 Re'$1 to re!'onent!0 %i&oro(! O''o!ition
to t"e Motion to H(a!"; an 4.5 O''o!ition a Ca(te$a) to
re!'onent!0 Motion to StriAe Off t"e ;otice to #aAe 3e'o!ition?
Meanw"i$e CA i!!(e a Re!o$(tion en1in& t"e Petition for Pro"ibition?
Petitioner receive a co'1 of t"e R#C0! Re!o$(tion ate +ebr(ar1 21,
2002, en1in& t"e Motion to H(a!", it receive a co'1 of re!'onent!0
Motion to Set A(ction Sa$e of 3efenant0! Levie Pro'ertie!? Petitioner
fi$e wit" t"e CA a Petition for Certiorari an Pro"ibition, !eeAin& to
"o$ in abe1ance t"e +ebr(ar1 21, 2002 R#C Re!o$(tion an t"e
3ece)ber 4, 2001 =rit of E6ec(tion? Petitioner a$$e&e t"at !ince it
"a not receive t"e Orer en1in& it! Motion for ;ew #ria$, t"e 'erio
to a''ea$ "a not 1et $a'!e?V..W It t"(! conc$(e t"at t"e 2(&)ent,
not bein& fina$, co($ not be t"e !(b2ect of a writ of e6ec(tion?
R($in& of t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! ^ It r($e t"at 'etitioner co($ no $on&er
avai$ it!e$f of a e'o!ition (ner R($e 2. of R($e! of Co(rt, !ince tria$
"a a$rea1 been ter)inate? #"e a''e$$ate co(rt a$!o o'ine t"at t"e
a$$e&e error co))itte b1 t"e tria$ co(rt -- w"en t"e $atter i!re&are
two witne!!e!0 ora$ e'o!ition! -- wa! an error of 2(&)ent not
reviewab$e b1 certiorari or 'ro"ibition? +ina$$1, it r($e t"at between t"e
enia$ of a $aw1er an t"e certification of a 'o!t)a!ter, t"e $atter wo($
415 w"et"er 'etitioner receive t"e Orer en1in& it! ti)e$1 fi$e Motion
for ;ew #ria$;
425 w"et"er t"e taAin& of ora$ e'o!ition! wa! 'ro'er (ner t"e
=. N!? It i! reai$1 a''arent t"at 'etitioner i! rai!in& fact(a$ i!!(e! t"at
t"i! Co(rt oe! not review? A )otion for new tria$ )a1 be fi$e on t"e
&ro(n! of 415 fra(, accient, )i!taAe or e6c(!ab$e ne&$i&ence t"at
co($ not "ave been &(are a&ain!t b1 orinar1 'r(ence, an b1
rea!on of w"ic" t"e a&&rieve 'art10! ri&"t! "ave 'robab$1 been
i)'aire; or 425 new$1 i!covere evience t"at, wit" rea!onab$e
i$i&ence, t"e a&&rieve 'art1 co($ not "ave i!covere an 'ro(ce
at t"e tria$; an t"at, if 're!ente, wo($ 'robab$1 a$ter t"e re!($t? In it!
O)nib(! Motion for ;ew #ria$, 'etitioner ar&(e t"at it! co(n!e$ Att1?
Mario wa! !icA, a fact t"at a$$e&e$1 con!tit(te e6c(!ab$e ne&$i&ence
for "i! fai$(re to a''ear at t"e A(&(!t >, 2000 'retria$? =it" re&ar to
Att1? Ro&e$io +ernaneB, t"e co$$aboratin& co(n!e$, it a$$e&e t"at t"e
7oar of 3irector! "a ter)inate "i! $e&a$ !ervice! on A(&(!t 4,
-#"e!e &ro(n! re$ie ('on b1 'etitioner cannot 'ro'er$1 !ec(re a new
tria$? Co(n!e$! are not t"e on$1 one! re/(ire to atten t"e 'retria$?
#"e a''earance of t"e '$aintiff an t"e efenant i! a$!o )anator1?
#"e 'ertinent r($e !tate!@
Section 4? A''earance of 'artie!? -- It !"a$$ be t"e (t1 of t"e 'artie!
an t"eir co(n!e$ to a''ear at t"e 're-tria$? #"e non-a''earance of a
'art1 )a1 be e6c(!e on$1 if a va$i ca(!e i! !"own t"erefore or if a
re're!entative !"a$$ a''ear in "i! be"a$f f($$1 a(t"oriBe in writin& to
enter into an a)icab$e !ett$e)ent, to !(b)it to a$ternative )oe! of
i!'(te re!o$(tion, an to enter into !ti'($ation! or a)i!!ion! of fact!
an of oc()ent!?
-#"e rationa$e for t"i! re/(ire)ent of co)'e$$in& t"e 'artie! to a''ear
'er!ona$$1 before t"e co(rt i! to e6"a(!t t"e 'o!!ibi$it1 of reac"in& a
co)'ro)i!e? ="i$e notice of t"e 'retria$ i! !erve on co(n!e$!, it i!
t"eir (t1 to notif1 t"e 'art1 t"e1 re're!ent?
#"e e6'$anation offere b1 'etitioner a! re&ar! t"e ab!ence of it!
co(n!e$ fro) t"e 'retria$ i! t"erefore (nacce'tab$e? It !"o($ "ave a$!o
2(!tifie it! own ab!ence t"erefro)? :avin& fai$e to o !o, it "a no
va$i &ro(n to re/(e!t a new tria$?
Petitioner a$!o fai$e to 2(!tif1 t"e ab!ence of bot" it! co(n!e$!?
Inti$ t"eir for)a$ wit"rawa$ i! &rante, $aw1er! are ee)e to be t"e
re're!entative! of t"eir c$ient!?
Att1? +ernaneB )a1 "ave been notifie of t"e ter)ination of "i!
!ervice! on A(&(!t 9, 2004? 7(t a! far a! t"e tria$ co(rt wa!
concerne, "e contin(e to be 'etitioner0! co(n!e$ of recor, !ince no
wit"rawa$ of a''earance "a 1et been &rante? :ence, "i! ab!ence
fro) t"e 'retria$ wa! !ti$$ not e6c(!ab$e? ="i$e "e co($ no $on&er
re're!ent 'etitioner, "i! 're!ence wo($ "ave affore "i) an
o''ort(nit1 to )aAe a for)a$ wit"rawa$ of a''earance? An
i)'rovient ter)ination of $e&a$ !ervice! i! not an e6c(!e to 2(!tif1
non-a''earance at a 'retria$? Ot"erwi!e, t"e r($e! of 'roce(re wo($
be renere )eanin&$e!!, a! t"e1 wo($ be !(b2ect to t"e co(n!e$0!
-#"e Pro'er Re)e1 (ner t"e new R($e!, t"e con!e/(ence of non-
a''earance wit"o(t ca(!e at t"e 'retria$ i! not for t"e 'etitioner to be
con!iere *a! in efa($t,* b(t *to a$$ow t"e '$aintiff to 're!ent evience
e6 'arte an VforW t"e co(rt to rener 2(&)ent on t"e ba!i! t"ereof?*
#"i! 'roce(re wa! fo$$owe in t"e in!tant ca!e?
#o t"e tria$ co(rt0! orer a$$owin& t"e e6 'arte 're!entation of
evience b1 t"e '$aintiff, t"e efenant0! re)e1 i! a )otion for
recon!ieration? An affiavit of )erit i! not re/(ire to be attac"e to
!(c" )otion, beca(!e t"e efen!e "a! a$rea1 been $ai own in t"e
Libera$it1 i! t"e r($e in con!ierin& a )otion for recon!ieration?
It i! be!t for t"e tria$ co(rt to &ive bot" t"e '$aintiff an t"e efenant a
c"ance to $iti&ate t"eir ca(!e! fair$1 an o'en$1, wit"o(t re!ort to
tec"nica$it1? In$e!! t"e reo'enin& of t"e ca!e i! c$ear$1 intene for
e$a1, co(rt! !"o($ be $ibera$ in !ettin& a!ie orer! barrin&
efenant! fro) 're!entin& evience? ,(&)ent! ba!e on an e6
'arte 're!entation of evience are &enera$$1 frowne ('on?
In t"e 're!ent ca!e, 'etitioner i not fi$e a )otion for
recon!ieration after t"e tria$ co(rt "a a$$owe re!'onent!0 e6 'arte
're!entation of evience? #"e R($e! of Co(rt oe! not 'ro"ibit t"e
fi$in& of a )otion for a new tria$ e!'ite t"e avai$abi$it1 of a )otion for
recon!ieration? 7(t t"e fai$(re to fi$e t"e $atter )otion -- wit"o(t (e
ca(!e -- i! a factor in eter)inin& w"et"er to a''$1 t"e $ibera$it1 r($e in
$iftin& an orer t"at a$$owe t"e e6 'arte 're!entation of evience? In
it! )otion! an 'etition! fi$e wit" t"i! Co(rt an t"e $ower co(rt!,
'etitioner i not e6'$ain w"1 it "a fai$e to fi$e a )otion for
#"e $a'!e of ti)e -- fro) t"e A(&(!t >, 2000 'retria$ to t"e Se'te)ber
5, 2000 e6 'arte 're!entation of evience, an (nti$ t"e ,(ne 1-, 2001
'ro)($&ation of t"e 3eci!ion-- !"ow! t"e ne&$i&ence of 'etitioner an
it! co(n!e$!? Prior to t"e tria$ co(rt0! re!o$(tion of t"e ca!e, it "a
a)'$e o''ort(nit1 to c"a$$en&e t"e Orer a$$owin& t"e e6 'arte
're!entation of evience? #oo $ate wa! t"e c"a$$en&e t"at it )ae after
t"e 3eci!ion "a a$rea1 been renere?
-In aition to t"e fore&oin& fact!, 'etitioner fai$! to convince (! t"at it
"a! not receive t"e tria$ co(rt0! Orer en1in& it! Motion for ;ew
#ria$? #"ere i! a i!'(tab$e 're!()'tion t"at officia$ (tie! "ave been
re&($ar$1 'erfor)e? On t"i! ba!i!, we "ave r($e t"at t"e
'o!t)a!ter0! certification 'revai$! over t"e )ere enia$ of a $aw1er?
#"i! r($e i! a''$icab$e "ere? Petitioner "a! fai$e to e!tab$i!" it! non-
recei't of t"e tria$ co(rt0! Orer en1in& it! Motion for ;ew #ria$? #"i!
Co(rt note! t"e tria$ co(rt0! finin& t"at 'etitioner receive a co'1 of
re!'onent!0 Se'te)ber 24, 2001 Motion for E6ec(tion an ;ove)ber
21, 2001 Motion for Ear$1 Re!o$(tion, a! we$$ a! t"e tria$ co(rt0!
Se'te)ber 2>, 2001 Orer !(b)ittin& t"e Motion for E6ec(tion for
re!o$(tion? <iven t"e!e (nreb(tte fact!, it i! (nbe$ievab$e t"at
'etitioner i not Anow t"at a r($in& on t"e Motion for ;ew #ria$ "a
a$rea1 been i!!(e? At t"e ver1 $ea!t, t"e Motion! fi$e b1
re!'onent! !"o($ "ave a$erte it of !(c" i!!(ance? Ot"erwi!e, it
co($ "ave o''o!e t"eir Motion for E6ec(tion b1 re/(e!tin& t"e R#C
to re!o$ve t"e Motion for ;ew #ria$; or t"e tria$ co(rt co($ "ave been
infor)e b1 'etitioner of t"e $atter0! non-recei't of t"e Orer re!o$vin&
re!'onent!0 Motion?
8. N!. A e'o!ition )a1 be taAen wit" $eave of co(rt after 2(ri!iction
"a! been obtaine over an1 efenant or over 'ro'ert1 t"at i! t"e
!(b2ect of t"e action; or, wit"o(t !(c" $eave, after an an!wer "a! been
!erve? 3e'o!ition i! c"ief$1 a )oe of i!cover1, t"e 'ri)ar1 f(nction
of w"ic" i! to !(''$e)ent t"e '$eain&! for t"e '(r'o!e of i!c$o!in&
t"e rea$ 'oint! of i!'(te between t"e 'artie! an afforin& an
ae/(ate fact(a$ ba!i! (rin& t"e 're'aration for tria$? #"e $ibert1 of a
'art1 to avai$ it!e$f of t"i! 'roce(re, a! an attrib(te of i!cover1, i!
*we$$-ni&" (nre!tricte if t"e )atter! in/(ire into are ot"erwi!e
re$evant an not 'rivi$e&e, an t"e in/(ir1 i! )ae in &oo fait" an
wit"in t"e bo(n! of t"e $aw?*
Li)itation! wo($ ari!e, t"o(&", if t"e e6a)ination i! con(cte in ba
fait"; or in !(c" a )anner a! to anno1, e)barra!!, or o''re!! t"e
'er!on w"o i! t"e !(b2ect of t"e in/(ir1; or w"en t"e in/(ir1 to(c"e!
('on t"e irre$evant or encroac"e! ('on t"e reco&niBe o)ain! of
A! a )oe of i!cover1 re!orte to before tria$, e'o!ition "a!
avanta&e!, a! fo$$ow!@
-1? It i! of &reat a!!i!tance in a!certainin& t"e tr(t" an in c"ecAin&
an 'reventin& 'er2(r1? 6 6 6 2? It i! an effective )ean! of etectin&
an e6'o!in& fa$!e, fra(($ent, an !"a) c$ai)! an efen!e!? .? It
)aAe! avai$ab$e in a !i)'$e, convenient, an often ine6'en!ive wa1
fact! w"ic" ot"erwi!e co($ not "ave been 'rove, e6ce't wit" &reat
iffic($t1 an !o)eti)e! not at a$$?
4? It e(cate! t"e 'artie! in avance of tria$ a! to t"e rea$ va$(e of t"eir
c$ai)! an efen!e!, t"ereb1 enco(ra&in& !ett$e)ent! o(t of co(rt? 5?
It e6'eite! t"e i!'o!a$ of $iti&ation, !ave! t"e ti)e of t"e co(rt!, an
c$ear! t"e ocAet of )an1 ca!e! b1 !ett$e)ent! an i!)i!!a$! w"ic"
ot"erwi!e wo($ "ave to be trie? 8? It !afe&(ar! a&ain!t !(r'ri!e at
t"e tria$, 'revent! e$a1!, an narrow! an !i)'$ifie! t"e i!!(e! to be
trie, t"ereb1 e6'eitin& t"e tria$? 9? It faci$itate! bot" t"e 're'aration
an t"e tria$ of ca!e!?
-#"e R($e! of Co(rt an 2(ri!'r(ence, "owever, o not re!trict a
e'o!ition to t"e !o$e f(nction of bein& a )oe of i!cover1 before
tria$? Iner certain conition! an for certain $i)ite '(r'o!e!, it )a1
be taAen even after tria$ "a! co))ence an )a1 be (!e wit"o(t t"e
e'onent bein& act(a$$1 ca$$e to t"e witne!! !tan? In 3a!)ariPa!
<ar)ent! v? Re1e!, we a$$owe t"e taAin& of t"e witne!!e!0
te!ti)onie! t"ro(&" e'o!ition, in $ie( of t"eir act(a$ 're!ence at t"e
tria$? #"(!, *VWe'o!ition! )a1 be taAen at an1 ti)e after t"e in!tit(tion
of an1 action, w"enever nece!!ar1 or convenient? #"ere i! no r($e t"at
$i)it! e'o!ition-taAin& on$1 to t"e 'erio of 're-tria$ or before it; no
'ro"ibition a&ain!t t"e taAin& of e'o!ition! after 're-tria$?* #"ere can
be no va$i ob2ection to a$$owin& t"e) (rin& t"e 'roce!! of e6ec(tin&
fina$ an e6ec(tor1 2(&)ent!, w"en t"e )ateria$ i!!(e! of fact "ave
beco)e n()ero(! or co)'$icate?
In Aee'in& wit" t"e 'rinci'$e of 'ro)otin& t"e 2(!t, !'ee1 an
ine6'en!ive i!'o!ition of ever1 action an 'roceein&, e'o!ition!
are a$$owe a! a *e'art(re fro) t"e acce'te an (!(a$ 2(icia$
'roceein&! of e6a)inin& witne!!e! in o'en co(rt w"ere t"eir
e)eanor co($ be ob!erve b1 t"e tria$ 2(&e?* 3e'o!ition! are
a$$owe, 'rovie t"e1 are taAen in accorance wit" t"e 'rovi!ion! of
t"e R($e! of Co(rt 4t"at i!, wit" $eave of co(rt if t"e !())on! "ave
been !erve, wit"o(t $eave of co(rt if an an!wer "a! been !(b)itte5;
an 'rovie, f(rt"er, t"at a circ()!tance for t"eir a)i!!ibi$it1 e6i!t!
4Section 4, R($e 2., R($e! of Co(rt5?
#"e R($e! of Co(rt ve!t! in t"e tria$ co(rt t"e i!cretion to orer
w"et"er a e'o!ition )a1 be taAen or not (ner !'ecifie
circ()!tance! t"at )a1 even iffer fro) t"o!e t"e 'ro'onent! "ave
intene? :owever, it i! we$$-!ett$e t"at t"i! i!cretion i! not (n$i)ite?
It )(!t be e6erci!e -- not arbitrari$1, ca'ricio(!$1 or o''re!!ive$1 -- b(t
in a rea!onab$e )anner an in con!onance wit" t"e !'irit of t"e $aw, to
t"e en t"at it! '(r'o!e )a1 be attaine?
="en a e'o!ition oe! not confor) to t"e e!!entia$ re/(ire)ent! of
$aw an )a1 rea!onab$1 ca(!e )ateria$ in2(r1 to t"e aver!e 'art1, it!
taAin& !"o($ not be a$$owe?
-#"e R($e! of Co(rt 'rovie! ae/(ate !afe&(ar! to en!(re t"e
re$iabi$it1 of e'o!ition!? #"e ri&"t to ob2ect to t"eir a)i!!ibi$it1 i!
retaine b1 t"e 'artie!, for t"e !a)e rea!on! a! t"o!e for e6c$(in&
evience if t"e witne!! were 're!ent an "a te!tifie in co(rt; an for
error! an irre&($aritie! in t"e e'o!ition? A! a r($e, e'o!ition! !"o($
be a$$owe, ab!ent an1 !"owin& t"at taAin& t"e) wo($ 're2(ice an1
-3e'o!ition! )a1 be (!e for t"e tria$ or for t"e "earin& of a )otion or
an inter$oc(tor1 'roceein&, (ner t"e circ()!tance! !'ecifie
Section 4? I!e of 3e'o!ition!? -- At t"e tria$ or ('on t"e "earin& of a
)otion or an inter$oc(tor1 'roceein&, an1 'art or a$$ of a e'o!ition,
!o far a! a)i!!ib$e (ner t"e r($e! of evience, )a1 be (!e a&ain!t
an1 'art1 w"o wa! 're!ent or re're!ente at t"e taAin& of t"e
e'o!ition or w"o "a (e notice t"ereof, in accorance wit" an1 one
of t"e fo$$owin& 'rovi!ion!@
4a5An1 e'o!ition )a1 be (!e b1 an1 'art1 for t"e '(r'o!e of
contraictin& or i)'eac"in& t"e te!ti)on1 of e'onent a! a witne!!;
4b5#"e e'o!ition of a 'art1 or of an1one w"o at t"e ti)e of taAin& t"e
e'o!ition wa! an officer, irector, or )ana&in& a&ent of a '(b$ic or
'rivate cor'oration, 'artner!"i', or a!!ociation w"ic" i! a 'art1 )a1 be
(!e b1 an aver!e 'art1 for an1 '(r'o!e; 4c5 #"e e'o!ition of a
witne!!, w"et"er or not a 'art1, )a1 be (!e b1 an1 'art1 for an1
'(r'o!e if t"e co(rt fin!@ 415 t"at t"e witne!! i! ea; or 425 t"at t"e
witne!! re!ie! at a i!tance )ore t"an one "(nre 41005 Ai$o)eter!
fro) t"e '$ace of tria$ or "earin&, or i! o(t of t"e P"i$i''ine!, (n$e!! it
a''ear! t"at "i! ab!ence wa! 'roc(re b1 t"e 'art1 offerin& t"e
e'o!ition; or 4.5 t"at t"e witne!! i! (nab$e to atten or te!tif1 beca(!e
of a&e, !icAne!!, infir)it1, or i)'ri!on)ent; or 445 t"at t"e 'art1
offerin& t"e e'o!ition "a! been (nab$e to 'roc(re t"e attenance of
t"e witne!! b1 !(b'oena; or 455 ('on a''$ication an notice, t"at !(c"
e6ce'tiona$ circ()!tance! e6i!t a! to )aAe it e!irab$e, in t"e intere!t
of 2(!tice an wit" (e re&ar to t"e i)'ortance of 're!entin& t"e
te!ti)on1 of witne!!e! ora$$1 in o'en co(rt, to a$$ow t"e e'o!ition to
be (!e; an 45 If on$1 'art of a e'o!ition i! offere in evience b1 a
'art1, t"e aver!e 'art1 )a1 re/(ire "i) to intro(ce a$$ of it w"ic" i!
re$evant to t"e 'art intro(ce, an an1 'art1 )a1 intro(ce an1 ot"er
#"e 're!ent ca!e invo$ve a circ()!tance t"at fe$$ (ner t"e above-
cite Section 44c5425 of R($e 2. -- t"e witne!!e! of 'etitioner in Metro
Mani$a re!ie be1on 100 Ai$o)eter! fro) S($tan U(arat, t"e '$ace
of "earin&? Petitioner offere t"e e'o!ition! in !(''ort of it! Motion to
H(a!" 4t"e =rit of E6ec(tion5 an for t"e '(r'o!e of 'rovin& t"at t"e
tria$ co(rt0! 3eci!ion wa! not 1et fina$? A! 'revio(!$1 e6'$aine,
e!'ite t"e fact t"at tria$ "a! a$rea1 been ter)inate, a e'o!ition can
!ti$$ be 'ro'er$1 taAen?
=e note, "owever, t"at t"e R#C i not tota$$1 i!re&ar 'etitioner0!
e'o!ition!? In it! +ebr(ar1 21, 2001 Re!o$(tion, t"e tria$ co(rt
con!iere an wei&"e -- a&ain!t a$$ ot"er evience -- t"at it! Orer
en1in& t"e Motion for ;ew #ria$ fi$e b1 'etitioner "a not been
receive b1 t"e $atter0! co(n!e$!? 3e!'ite t"eir e'o!ition!, 'etitioner
fai$e to 'rove convincin&$1 it! enia$ of recei't?
Disposition. =:ERE+ORE, t"e Petition i! 3E;IE3, an t"e a!!ai$e
3eci!ion an Re!o$(tion A++IRME3? Co!t! a&ain!t 'etitioner? SO
<?R? ;o?184.95
#I;<A; October 12, 2008
Petition for review
- A co)'$aint for t"e e!tab$i!")ent of a ri&"t of wa1 wa! fi$e at R#C
Maa!in b1 Paree!, A$a&o an 7a1ba1 4'$aintiff!-'etitioner!5 a&ain!t
%erano an :in(nan&an 4efenant!-re!'onent!5? It c($)inate in a
2(&)ent b1 co)'ro)i!e? In t"e Co)'ro)i!e A&ree)ent, :in(nan&an
&rante a 2- )eter-wie ri&"t of wa1 in favor of Paree! for a
con!ieration of P8U?
- A$$e&in& t"at 'etitioner! "a b$ocAe t"e 'a!!a&e wa1 in vio$ation of
t"e Co)'ro)i!e A&ree)ent, re!'onent! fi$e a co)'$aint for !'ecific
'erfor)ance wit" a)a&e! a&ain!t 'etitioner!? Petitioner! an!were,
enie "avin& vio$ate t"e Co)'ro)i!e A&ree)ent? #"e1 a$$e&e t"at
$iAe t"e), re!'onent! were not act(a$ re!ient! of 7r&1 #a&ni'a
w"ere t"e *roa ri&"t of wa1* wa! e!tab$i!"e an t"at re!'onent
:in(nan&an "a a$rea1 !o$ "i! on$1 re)ainin& $ot in t"e vicinit1 to
'etitioner Paree!
- Petitioner! ne6t fi$e M#3 for $acA of ca(!e of action, w"ic" wa!
enie b1 R#C? Petitioner! e$evate ca!e to CA an SC b(t to no
avai$? Petitioner! a!Ae ,(&e Ua'i$i to in"ibit "i)!e$f fro) t"e ca!e?
#"e 2(&e enie t"e )otion
- Pre-tria$ wa! initia$$1 !et an re!et an re!et a&ain? In t"e 're-tria$,
7a1ba1D! co(n!e$ )ove to re!et it to anot"er ate on acco(nt of a
conf$ictin& "earin&? :owever, 'etitioner 7a1ba1, w"o i! t"e fat"er of
t"e co(n!e$ for 'etitioner!, wa! 're!ent in co(rt a$on& wit" t"e ot"er
efenant!? R#C wa! infor)e of a 'ro'o!e !ett$e)ent between t"e
'artie!, a$t"o(&" re!'onent 7a1ba1 /(a$ifie "i! reaction b1 te$$in&
t"e co(rt t"at "e wo($ fir!t "ave to infor) "i! $aw1er an t"e co-
efenant! of t"e !ai 'ro'o!a$? #"e R#C t"en co))ente
(nfavorab$1 on t"e ab!ence of 'etitioner!D co(n!e$, e6're!!in&
i!a''oint)ent towar! "i! attit(e, even )aAin& note of t"e fact t"at
not once "a t"e co(n!e$ a''eare before t"e R#C, even t"o(&" t"e
ca!e "a a$rea1 reac"e SC over t"e enia$ of M#3? R#C a&ain re!et
t"e 're-tria$ ate?
- 7efore t"e new 're-tria$ ate, co(n!e$ for 'etitioner! fi$e a
2anifestation of 6illingness to Settle 6ith Ae,uest for Cancellation?
A'art fro) )anife!tin& "i! wi$$in&ne!! to !ett$e t"e co)'$aint,
'etitioner!D co(n!e$ !(&&e!te to t"e o''o!in& co(n!e$ t"at "e be
infor)e of t"e ter)! of t"e 'ro'o!e !ett$e)ent? So, 'etitioner!D
co(n!e$ re/(e!te t"e cance$$ation of t"e 2. ,an 2004 "earin&?
- 7(t t"e "earin& '(!"e t"ro(&" on 2. ,an 2004? Private re!'onent!
an t"eir co(n!e$ were 're!ent? So were 7a1ba1 an Paree!, an co-
efenant A$a&o, b(t not t"eir co(n!e$? #"e R#C a$$owe re!'onent!
to 're!ent t"eir evience e% parte , *for fai$(re of t"e efenant!0
co(n!e$ to a''ear before R#C? Petitioner! fi$e M+R, b(t wa! enie
- So, 'etitioner! fi$e a 'etition for certiorari wit" CA? CA i!)i!!e it
for fai$(re to attac" ('$icate ori&ina$ co'ie! of t"e anne6e! to t"e
'etition ot"er t"an t"e R#C Orer! an for fai$(re to !(b)it !(c" ot"er
'$eain&! re$evant an 'ertinent to t"e 'etition? Petitioner! fi$e M+R
wit" Motion to A)it Aitiona$ E6"ibit!, avertin& to t"e oc()ent!
'revio(!$1 )i!!in& fro) t"e 'etition b(t attac"e to t"e )otion?
- M+R i!)i!!e? CA re!o$ve on t"e )erit!, r($in& t"at (ner Sec 5,
R($e 1> ROC, it i! t"e fai$(re of t"e efenant, an not efenantD!
co(n!e$, to a''ear at t"e 're-tria$ t"at wo($ !erve ca(!e to a$$ow
'$aintiff to 're!ent evience e% parte? CA note t"at 7a1ba1 "a )ae
it c$ear t"at "e wo($ never enter into an1 a)icab$e !ett$e)ent wit"o(t
t"e avice of "i! co(n!e$?
- CA cite Sps. Ampelo,uio# Sr. v. CA w"ere t"e Co(rt "e$ t"at if
ever1 error co))itte b1 R#C were to be a 'ro'er ob2ect of review b1
certiorari, t"en tria$ wo($ never co)e to an en an t"e a''e$$ate
co(rt ocAet! wo($ be c$o&&e wit" 'etition! c"a$$en&in& ever1
inter$oc(tor1 orer of t"e #C? It conc$(e t"at t"e act! of ,(&e Ua'i$i
i not con!tit(te &rave ab(!e of i!cretion e/(iva$ent to $acA of
=O; t"e ab!ence of t"e co(n!e$ for efenant! at t"e 're-tria$, wit" a$$
efenant! t"e)!e$ve! 're!ent, i! a &ro(n to ec$are efenant! in
efa($t an to a(t"oriBe '$aintiff! to 're!ent evience e% parte?
Ratio #"e ab!ence of co(n!e$ for efenant! at 're-tria$ oe! not ipso
facto a(t"oriBe t"e 2(&e to ec$are t"e efenant a! in efa($t an
orer t"e 're!entation of evience e% parte? It bear! !tre!!in& t"at
not"in& in t"e R($e! of Co(rt !anction! t"e 're!entation of evience e%
parte ('on in!tance! w"en co(n!e$ for efenant i! ab!ent (rin& 're-
tria$? #"e R($e! o not co(ntenance !trin&ent con!tr(ction at t"e
e6'en!e of 2(!tice an e/(it1
- #"e orer of R#C a$$owin& re!'onent! to 're!ent evience e% parte
wa! (no(bte$1 to t"e etri)ent of 'etitioner!? Since t"e R#C wo($
on$1 con!ier t"e evience 're!ente b1 re!'onent!, an not t"at of
'etitioner!, t"e orer !triAe! at t"e "eart of t"e ca!e, i!a$$owin& a! it
oe! an1 )eanin&f($ efen!e 'etitioner! co($ "ave 'o!e? A
2(&)ent of efa($t a&ain!t a efenant w"o fai$e to atten 're-tria$,
or even an1 efenant w"o fai$e to fi$e an an!wer, i)'$ie! a waiver
on$1 of t"eir ri&"t to be "ear an to 're!ent evience to !(''ort t"eir
a$$e&ation! b(t not a$$ t"eir ot"er ri&"t!?
- ;ot"in& in t"e ROC a(t"oriBe! a tria$ 2(&e to a$$ow t"e '$aintiff to
're!ent evience e% parte on acco(nt of t"e ab!ence (rin& 're-tria$ of
t"e co(n!e$ for efenant? In R($e 1>, Sect? 4 i)'o!e! t"e (t1 on
$iti&atin& 'artie! an t"eir re!'ective co(n!e$ (rin& 're-tria$? #"e
'rovi!ion a$!o 'rovie! for t"e in!tance! w"ere t"e non-a''earance of
a 'art1 )a1 be e6c(!e? ;ot"in&, "owever, in Sec? 4 'rovie! for a
!anction !"o($ t"e 'artie! or t"eir re!'ective co(n!e$ be ab!ent
(rin& 're-tria$? In!tea, t"e 'ena$t1 i! 'rovie for in Sec? 5? ;otab$1,
w"at Section 5 'ena$iBe! i! t"e fai$(re to a''ear of eit"er t"e '$aintiff or
t"e efenant, an not t"eir re!'ective co(n!e$?
-#"e Co(rt a$!o cite ca!e! an i!c(!!e w"1 a$t"o(&" t"e1 "ave
!i)i$ar fact! are ina''$icab$e or o not con!tit(te a 'receent to t"e
in!tant ca!e? #"e!e ca!e! are@ BCP@ v. 2agpa!# *onathan -andoil
4nternational Co. v. 2angudadat# SSS v. Chaves# Africa v. 4AC. =See
- 3(e 'roce!! ictate! t"at 'etitioner! be e'rive of t"eir ri&"t to be
"ear an to 're!ent evience to !(''ort t"eir a$$e&ation! if, an on$1
if, t"ere e6i!t! !(fficient ba!i! in fact an in $aw to o !o? #"ere bein& a
)anife!t $acA of !(c" ba!i! in t"i! ca!e, 'etitioner! wo($ be (n2(!t$1
enie of t"e o''ort(nit1 to f($$1 efen t"e)!e$ve! !"o($ t"e Co(rt
affir) t"e /(e!tione orer! w"ic" were evient$1 i!!(e b1 t"e R#C
wit" &rave ab(!e of i!cretion? #"e better an certain$1 )ore 'r(ent
co(r!e of action in ever1 2(icia$ 'roceein& i! to "ear bot" !ie! an
ecie on t"e )erit! rat"er t"an i!'o!e of a ca!e on tec"nica$itie!
- ="i$e co(n!e$ i! !o)ew"at to b$a)e for "i! non-attenance at 're-
tria$, incienta$$1 t"e o'erative act w"ic" &ave birt" to t"e controver!1
at bar, it wo($ be )o!t (nfair to 'ena$iBe 'etitioner! for w"at )a1 be
t"e eficienc1 of t"eir $aw1er w"en t"e con!e/(ent 'ena$t1 "a! no
ba!i! in $aw?
Disposition Petition i! &rante? R#C an CA r($in&! rever!e?
=. "i%* p"!pe"
8. 7in)# !& "i%*
%. c!n#!*i)%e)0 #ep%"%e "i%*
/.R. N!. =1:2B=-B8
/ARCIA< Oc!6e" =2, 8BB5
Petition for review on certiorari
- #"e !'o(!e! Ro/(e C(, Sr? an A!(ncion C( are t"e contro$$in&
!tocA"o$er! of Le1te L()ber? 3(rin& "i! $ifeti)e, En&r? 7a!i$io <?
Ma&no entere into a verba$ a&ree)ent wit" Le1te L()ber t"ro(&"
Ro/(e C(, Sr?, w"ereb1 t"e $atter a&ree to !(''$1 Ma&no wit"
b(i$in& )ateria$! "e )a1 nee in "i! con!tr(ction b(!ine!!? #"e
!(cce!! of Ma&noD! b(!ine!! &ave birt" to t"e 7a!i$io <? Ma&no
Con!tr(ction an 3eve$o')ent Enter'ri!e!, Inc?
- Owin& to t"i! fr(itf($ re$ation!"i', t"e two 4Ro/(e C(, Sr? an Ma&no5
entere into a 2oint vent(re, t"e <reat Pacific Con!tr(ction Co)'an1
4<REPAC5, wit" C( a! Pre!ient an Ma&no a! %ice Pre!ient? #"e
re$ation!"i' between C( an Ma&no be&an in 1-95 an contin(e (nti$
Ma&noD! eat" on A(&(!t 21, 1-9>?
- On ,an(ar1 .0, 1-9-, in t"e R#C of #ac$oban Cit1, t"e 'etitioner!
in!tit(te two !e'arate co)'$aint! for !()! of )one1 wit" a)a&e!
an 're$i)inar1 attac")ent a&ain!t t"e re!'onent!? One wa! Civi$
Ca!e ;o? 5>22, raff$e to 7ranc" > of t"e co(rt, in!tit(te b1 Le1te
L()ber a&ain!t 7< Ma&no an t"e E!tate of 7a!i$io Ma&no, to co$$ect
on t"e 'rinci'a$ a)o(nt of P1,290,1.4?>9 for con!tr(ction )ateria$!
c$ai)e to "ave been obtaine on creit b1 7< Ma&no, an t"e ot"er
wa! Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5>2., raff$e to 7ranc" 8, fi$e b1 t"e C( !'o(!e!
a&ain!t 7< Ma&no an t"e E!tate of 7a!i$io Ma&no, to co$$ect ('on
$oan! an avance! 4P.,595,000?005 a$$e&e$1 )ae b1 t"e !'o(!e!
to 7< Ma&no?
- On ,(ne 19, 1--. t"e co(rt renere it! eci!ion i favor of t"e
efenant on bot" ca!e!? #"e two !e'arate eci!ion! of even ate
were 'enne b1 ,(&e <et($io M? +ranci!co, t"e 're!iin& 2(&e of
7ranc" 8 to w"ic" on$1 Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5>2. wa! raff$e? #"e 'artie! i
not )ove for a recon!ieration of t"e two eci!ion! nor i t"e1 ca$$
t"e attention of ,(&e +ranci!co on t"e ab!ence of an orer for
con!o$iation of t"e two ca!e!? In!tea, t"e1 irect$1 inter'o!e t"eir
re!'ective a''ea$! to t"e CA?
- In t"e CA, t"e two ca!e! on a''ea$ were con!o$iate? In Civi$ Ca!e
;o? 5>22, t"e a''ea$e eci!ion i! MO3I+IE3 b1 ec$arin& t"at
efenant 7?<? Ma&no Con!tr(ction an 3eve$o')ent Enter'ri!e!,
Inc?, )ae an over'a1)ent in t"e a)o(nt of P8.1,2.5?81, in!tea of
P820,2.-?81 an orerin& '$aintiff to ret(rn !ai a)o(nt to efenant,
wit" intere!t of 12J 'er ann() fro) 'ro)($&ation "ereof (nti$ f($$1
'ai, an b1 3ELE#I;< t"e awar of e6e)'$ar1 a)a&e! in t"e !()
of P200,000?00 in favor of efenan? In Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5>2., t"e
a''ea$e eci!ion i! RE%ERSE3 an SE# ASI3E? Accorin&$1,
efenant 7?<? Ma&no Con!tr(ction an 3eve$o')ent Enter'ri!e!,
Inc? i! orere to 'a1 '$aintiff! t"e !() of P825,000?00, wit" 12J
intere!t 'er ann() fro) 'ro)($&ation "ereof (nti$ f($$1 'ai, an t"e
f(rt"er !() of P50,000?00 b1 wa1 of attorne1D! fee!, '$(! co!t! of !(it?
=O; 7ranc" 8 "a 2(ri!iction to ecie Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5>22
'enin& in 7ranc" > in t"e ab!ence of a )otion or orer of
con!o$iation of t"e two ca!e!
- #"ere wa! not"in& irre&($ar in t"e 'roce(re taAen? #"e recor!
!"ow t"at t"ere a''ear! to "ave been a 'revio(! a&ree)ent to eit"er
tran!fer or con!o$iate t"e two ca!e! for eci!ion b1 t"e 're!iin&
2(&e of 7ranc" 8?
- Inee, w"en t"e re!'onent! fi$e a Motion to Lift, 3i!!o$ve an
H(a!" t"e =rit! of Attac")ent wit" 7ranc" 8 on ,an(ar1 20, 1--., t"e
ca'tion t"ereof inicate t"e ocAet n()ber! of bot" ca!e!? LiAewi!e,
on October 2-, 1--., w"en t"e 'etitioner!D new co(n!e$ entere "i!
+or)a$ A''earance, in t"e ca'tion t"ereof wa! a$!o written t"e ocAet
n()ber! of bot" ca!e!? Petitioner!D 'revio(! co(n!e$ of $on&!tanin&
4w"o!e re're!entation ate! bacA to t"e fi$in& of t"e two co)'$aint! in
1-9-5 fi$e "i! Motion to =it"raw a! Co(n!e$ on October .0, 1--.,
an t"e ca'tion t"ereof !i)i$ar$1 inicate t"e ocAet n()ber! of bot"
ca!e!? S(b!e/(ent orer! of t"e co(rt w"ic" e)anate fro) 7ranc" 8
a$!o bear, in t"e ca'tion t"ereof, t"e tit$e! an ocAet n()ber! of bot"
ca!e!? In ot"er wor!, a! ear$1 a! !i6 )ont"! 'rior to t"e 'ro)($&ation
of ,(&e +ranci!co0! eci!ion! in t"e two ca!e!, t"ere a''ear! to "ave
been a tran!fer or con!o$iation of !ai ca!e! in 7ranc" 8 an t"e
'artie! Anew of it, a$beit t"e act(a$ ate w"en t"e two ca!e! were
con!o$iate or tran!ferre oe! not a''ear on recor? ;onet"e$e!!,
t"e fact re)ain! t"at no o''o!ition or ob2ection in an1 )anner wa!
re&i!tere b1 eit"er of t"e 'artie! to t"e !a)e, t"ereb1 evincin& t"eir
con!ent t"ereto? It i!, t"erefore, a$rea1 too $ate in t"e a1 for t"e
'etitioner! to /(e!tion t"e co)'etence of ,(&e +ranci!co to rener
t"e !e'arate eci!ion! in t"e two ca!e!? Petitioner! )a1 not now
/(e!tion t"e tran!fer or con!o$iation of t"e two ca!e! on a''ea$, for
t"e1 Anew of it an i not /(e!tion t"e !a)e in t"e co(rt be$ow? #"e1
)a1 not now )aAe a tota$ t(rn-aro(n an ao't a contrar1 !tance;
)ore !o w"en t"e 2(&)ent i!!(e i! aver!e to t"eir ca(!e?
- #"e ne6t $o&ica$ /(e!tion! are@ I! t"e con!o$iation of t"e two ca!e!
4Civi$ Ca!e ;o!? 5>22 an 5>2.5 a 'roce(ra$ !te' w"ic" t"e co(rt a
/(o co($ "ave 'ro'er$1 taAenQ I! it a re)e1 avai$ab$e wit"in t"e
conte6t of t"e !(rro(nin& circ()!tance!Q =e an!wer bot" /(e!tion!
in t"e affir)ative? #"e two ca!e! were fi$e 2(!t a few )ont"! a'art;
t"e1 invo$ve !i)'$e ca!e! of co$$ection of !()! of )one1 between
ientica$ 'artie! an no ot"er; t"e re!'onent! 4a! efenant! t"erein5
c$ai), in bot" ca!e!, e!!entia$$1 t"e !a)e efen!e, w"ic" i!
over'a1)ent; t"e1 cover t"e !a)e 'erio of tran!actin& contin(o(!
b(!ine!! t"at !'an! fo(r 1ear!; t"e1 re$ate to !i)'$e i!!(e! of fact t"at
are inti)ate$1 re$ate to eac" ot"er; t"e1 entai$e t"e 're!entation of
'ractica$$1 ientica$ evience an witne!!e!; in fact, a broa 'art of t"e
evience an te!ti)onie! in one ca!e wa! tota$$1 ao'te or
re'ro(ce in t"e ot"er b1 eit"er or bot" 'artie!? An t"e tria$ co(rt,
bein& )($ti-!a$a co(rt!, it! 7ranc"e! 8 an > 'o!!e!!e 2(ri!iction to
tr1 eit"er or bot" ca!e! on t"eir own?
- A co(rt )a1 orer !evera$ action! 'enin& before it to be trie
to&et"er w"ere t"e1 ari!e fro) t"e !a)e act, event or tran!action,
invo$ve t"e !a)e or $iAe i!!(e!, an e'en $ar&e$1 or !(b!tantia$$1 on
t"e !a)e evience, 'rovie t"at t"e co(rt "a! 2(ri!iction over t"e
ca!e to be con!o$iate an t"at a 2oint tria$ wi$$ not &ive one 'art1 an
(n(e avanta&e or 're2(ice t"e !(b!tantia$ ri&"t! of an1 of t"e
'artie! 4citin& 1 C,S, 1.495? Con!o$iation of action! i! e6're!!$1
a(t"oriBe (ner Section 1, R($e .1 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt@

FSection 1? Con!o$iation? G ="en action! invo$vin& a co))on
/(e!tion of $aw or fact are 'enin& before t"e co(rt, it )a1 orer a 2oint
"earin& or tria$ of an1 or a$$ t"e )atter! in i!!(e in t"e action!; it )a1
orer a$$ t"e action! con!o$iate; an it )a1 )aAe !(c" orer!
concernin& 'roceein&! t"erein a! )a1 ten to avoi (nnece!!ar1
co!t! or e$a1?L
- #"e obvio(! '(r'o!e of t"e above r($e i! to avoi )($ti'$icit1 of !(it!,
to &(ar a&ain!t o''re!!ion an ab(!e, to 'revent e$a1!, to c$ear
con&e!te ocAet!, to !i)'$if1 t"e worA of t"e tria$ co(rt; in !"ort t"e
attain)ent of 2(!tice wit" t"e $ea!t e6'en!e an ve6ation to t"e 'artie!
$iti&ant! 4citin& 1 C,S 1.42-1.4.5?
- Con!o$iation of action! i! are!!e to t"e !o(n i!cretion of t"e
co(rt, an it! action in con!o$iatin& wi$$ not be i!t(rbe in t"e
ab!ence of )anife!t ab(!e of i!cretion? In t"e in!tant ca!e,
re!'onent 2(&e i not ab(!e "i! i!cretion in orerin& t"e 2oint tria$
of t"e two ca!e!? #"ere i! no !"owin& t"at !(c" 2oint tria$ wo($
're2(ice an1 !(b!tantia$ ri&"t of 'etitioner? ;eit"er oe! t"e $atter
/(e!tion t"e co(rtD! 2(ri!iction to tr1 an ecie t"e two ca!e!?
- #"e orere con!o$iation of ca!e!, to o(r )in, cr1!ta$$iBe! into
rea$it1 t"e t"inAin& of o(r 'reece!!or! t"at@
*? ? ? #"e w"o$e '(r'o!e an ob2ect of 'roce(re i! to )aAe t"e 'ower!
of t"e co(rt f($$1 an co)'$ete$1 avai$ab$e for 2(!tice? #"e )o!t 'erfect
'roce(re t"at can be evi!e i! t"at w"ic" &ive! o''ort(nit1 for t"e
)o!t co)'$ete an 'erfect e6erci!e of t"e 'ower! of t"e co(rt wit"in
t"e $i)itation! !et b1 nat(ra$ 2(!tice? It i! t"at one w"ic", in ot"er wor!,
&ive! t"e )o!t 'erfect o''ort(nit1 for t"e 'ower! of t"e co(rt to
tran!)(te t"e)!e$ve! into concrete act! of 2(!tice between t"e 'artie!
before it? #"e '(r'o!e of !(c" a 'roce(re i! not to re!trict t"e
2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt over t"e !(b2ect )atter, b(t to &ive it effective
faci$it1 in ri&"teo(! action? It )a1 be !ai in 'a!!in& t"at t"e )o!t
!a$ient ob2ection w"ic" can be (r&e a&ain!t 'roce(re toa1 i! t"at it
!o re!trict! t"e e6erci!e of t"e co(rtD! 'ower! b1 tec"nica$itie! t"at 'art
of it! a(t"orit1 effective for 2(!tice between t"e 'artie! i! )an1 ti)e!
an incon!ierab$e 'ortion of t"e w"o$e? #"e '(r'o!e of 'roce(re i!
not to t"wart 2(!tice? It! 'ro'er ai) i! to faci$itate t"e a''$ication of
2(!tice to t"e riva$ c$ai)! of contenin& 'artie!? It wa! create not to
"iner an e$a1 b(t to faci$itate an 'ro)ote t"e a)ini!tration of
2(!tice? It oe! not con!tit(te t"e t"in& it!e$f w"ic" co(rt! are a$wa1!
!trivin& to !ec(re to $iti&ant!? It i! e!i&ne a! t"e )ean! be!t aa'te
to obtain t"at t"in&? In ot"er wor!, it i! a )ean! to an en? It i! t"e
)ean! b1 w"ic" t"e 'ower! of t"e co(rt are )ae effective in 2(!t
2(&)ent!? ="en it $o!e! t"e c"aracter of t"e one an taAe! on t"at of
t"e ot"er t"e a)ini!tration of 2(!tice beco)e! inco)'$ete an
(n!ati!factor1 an $a1! it!e$f o'en to &rave critici!)?*

Disposition ,(&)ent i! "ereb1 renere MO3I+CI;< t"e a!!ai$e
CA eci!ion b1 !ettin& a!ie an e$etin& t"e awar of t"e
re!'onent!0 co(nterc$ai) in t"e a)o(nt of P142,>19?29 in Civi$ Ca!e
;o? 5>22; reiteratin& t"e P50,000?00 awar of attorne1!0 fee! an
$iti&ation e6'en!e! in favor of t"e re!'onent! in Civi$ Ca!e ;o? 5>22;
an e$etin& t"e awar of attorne1!0 fee! to t"e 'etitioner! in Civi$
Ca!e ;o? 5>2.? In a$$ ot"er re!'ect!, t"e a!!ai$e eci!ion i!
6. "i%* 6( c!DDi##i!ne"#
/.R. NO. =45:88
;A#IRE@ Motion for Recon!ieration
- On +ebr(ar1 >, 1--8, re!'onent fi$e a co)'$aint for Accion
Reinvinicatoria anEor H(ietin& of #it$e a&ain!t 'etitioner before t"e
Re&iona$ #ria$ Co(rt, ;a!(&b(, 7atan&a! , c$ai)in& to be t"e ri&"tf($
owner! of t"e $an c(rrent$1 occ('ie b1 'etitioner? #"e1 even
con(cte a re$ocation !(rve1?
-'etitoner on t"e ot"er "an c$ai)e t"at "e i! t"e $awf($ owner; t"e
!ai 'arce$! of $an o not encroac" on re!'onentD! 'ro'ert1; an
a!!()in& t"at t"ere i! !(c" an encroac")ent, "e nevert"e$e!! "a
ac/(ire tit$e t"ereto b1 virt(e of ac/(i!itive 're!cri'tion
-R#C orere t"e con!tit(tion of co))ittee of t"ree !(rve1or!
co)'o!e of &eoetic en&ineer! re're!entin& t"e 'etitioner,
re!'onent an t"e 3E;R
-On ,(ne 22, 2000, t"e R#C i!!(e !(b'oena a te!tifican() to t"e
t"ree <eoetic En&ineer! w"o co)'o!e t"e 7oar of Co))i!!ioner!
to te!tif1 in connection wit" t"eir inivi(a$ re'ort!? #"e R#C a$!o
re)ine re!'onent t"at t"e ca!e wa! fi$e a! ear$1 a! +ebr(ar1 >,
1--8, t"e 're-tria$ wa! con(cte on ,an(ar1 20, 1--- an !ince t"en
re!'onent "a! not even co))ence 're!entin& it! evience on t"e
-On Se'te)ber 29, 2000, t"e R#C orere t"e i!)i!!a$ of t"e ca!e
(e to t"e fai$(re of t"e re!'onent to 'ro!ec(te it! ca!e for an
(nrea!onab$e $en&t" of ti)e? :owever, ('on re!'onentD! )otion for
recon!ieration, t"e R#C recon!iere t"e orer of i!)i!!a$?
-'etitioner fi$e an O)nib(! Motion 'ra1in& t"at 2(&)ent be renere
on t"e ba!i! of t"e co))i!!ioner!D re'ort an, a$ternative$1, a$$ ot"er
'er!on! w"o wi$$ be aver!e$1 affecte b1 t"e re$ocation !(rve1 be
i)'$eae a! 'artie!
-R#C enie t"e !ai O)nib(! Motion? #"e R#C "e$ t"at accorin& to
re!'onent t"ere wa! no 2oint !(rve1 con(cte b1 t"e co))i!!ioner!
a! orere b1 it an a! a&ree ('on b1 t"e 'artie!, "ence t"e re'ort of
t"e co))i!!ioner! cannot be t"e ba!i! of t"e 2(&)ent, 'etitioner fi$e
a )otion for recon!ieration w"ic" wa! re2ecte b1 t"e R#C? Petitioner
t"en fi$e a 'etition for certiorari wit" t"e CA? t"i! too wa! re2ecte?
Petitoner fi$e a 'etition for certiorari wit" t"e SC? Co(rt enie t"e
'etition for review on certiorari for fai$(re to !(fficient$1 !"ow t"at t"e
CA co))itte an1 rever!ib$e error? :ence, t"e 're!ent Motion for
ISSIE@ =O; CA erre in re2ectin& t"e a''ea$
:EL3@ no?
-Accorin& to 'etitioner, t"i! i! a *!i)'$e ca!e of an a$$e&e
Dencroac")entD or Dover$a''in&D of 'ro'ert1 bo(narie!?* Con!ierin&
t"at t"e i!!(e invo$ve! 'rinci'a$$1 a fact(a$ an tec"nica$ )atter for
w"ic" t"e R#C, at t"e in!tance of t"e 'artie!, create a Pane$ of
Co))i!!ioner! "a! one it! 2ob an t"e c"air)an !(b)itte "i! re'ort
on t"e ba!i! of "i! eva$(ation of t"e !e'arate !(rve1! con(cte b1 t"e
)e)ber!? #"e R#C, "owever, !i)'$1 i&nore t"e re'ort on t"e
tec"nica$ an $a)e e6c(!e t"at t"e Pane$ of Co))i!!ioner! i not
con(ct a *2oint !(rve1?*
-'etitioner !(b)it! t"at t"e R#C cannot !i)'$1 i&nore t"e
co))i!!ioner!D re'ort wit"o(t con!ierin& it! )erit! !i)'$1 beca(!e
t"e 'artie! a&ree t"at t"e !a)e i! not fina$ an binin&? Petitioner
ar&(e! t"at t"e R#C !"o($ "ave con!iere t"e )erit! of t"e re'ort
an acte on it! reco))enation in!tea of re2ectin& it o(tri&"t wit"o(t
an1 ca(!e or rea!on? A! to t"e in!i!tence of re!'onent t"at t"e R#C
orere a *2oint !(rve1*, 'etitioner !(b)it! t"at t"ere i! not"in& in t"e
orer of t"e R#C efinin& or !'ecif1in& w"at a *2oint* !(rve1 i!?
-Petitioner reiterate! "i! ar&()ent! in t"e 'etition t"at a 2oint !(rve1,
a! (ner!too b1 re!'onent, w"erein t"e co))i!!ioner! $itera$$1 &o
o(t to&et"er, con(ct a !(rve1 in t"e 're!ence of one anot"er, an
're'are one re'ort, co($ not "ave been conte)'$ate b1 t"e R#C
!ince t"e co))i!!ioner! no)inate b1 t"e 'artie! in!i!te on two
ifferent )et"o! or a''roac"e! for t"e !(rve1?
-A batt$e of !e)antic! i! 'rinci'a$$1 bein& wa&e before t"i! Co(rt?
Petitioner ar&(e! t"at (n(e e)'"a!i! wa! '$ace on t"e wor! *2oint
re$ocation !(rve1, w"ic" $itera$$1 )ean! one t"at i! con(cte
'"1!ica$$1 to&et"er or in t"e 're!ence of one anot"er?* #"e orer
con!tit(tin& t"e 'ane$ of co))i!!ioner!, "owever, oe! not efine
w"at a 2oint re$ocation !(rve1 entai$! nor oe! it $a1 o(t t"e !te'! or
'roce(re! in con(ctin& t"e !a)e? Petitioner !(b)it! t"at t"e ter)
*2oint !(rve1* oe! not r($e o(t a !(rve1 t"at i! coorinate an $inAe
to&et"er re!($tin& in a 2oint finin& an reco))enation? On t"e ot"er
"an, re!'onent !(b!cribe! to t"e 'rono(nce)ent of t"e R#C t"at
t"e recor i! re'$ete wit" e6'$icit )otion an orer! of t"e co(rt ca$$in&
for 2oint !(rve1?
Ri!!(e of certiorari 4i)'ortant to note5
- It )(!t be e)'"a!iBe t"at t"e 'etition before t"e CA i! a !'ecia$ civi$
action for certiorari (ner R($e 85 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt? Certiorari
(ner R($e 85 i! a re)e1 narrow in !co'e an inf$e6ib$e in c"aracter?
It can be invoAe on$1 for an error of 2(ri!iction, t"at i!, one w"ere t"e
act co)'$aine of wa! i!!(e b1 t"e co(rt, wit"o(t or in e6ce!! of
2(ri!iction, or wit" &rave ab(!e of i!cretion w"ic" i! tanta)o(nt to
$acA or in e6ce!! of 2(ri!iction?
-In t"i! ca!e, t"e a!!ai$e orer! of t"e R#C are b(t re!o$(tion! on
incienta$ )atter! w"ic" o not to(c" on t"e )erit! of t"e ca!e or '(t
an en to t"e 'roceein&!? #"e1 are inter$oc(tor1 orer! !ince t"ere
$eave! !o)et"in& e$!e to be one b1 t"e R#C wit" re!'ect to t"e
)erit! of t"e ca!e? Con!e/(ent$1, t"e Co(rt i! 'er'$e6e t"at, in
re!o$vin& t"e 'etition before it, t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! c"o!e to e$ve into
t"e wi!o) an !o(nne!! of t"e orer! of t"e R#C, over$ooAin& t"e
nat(re of t"e 'etition before it? #"e !('ervi!or1 2(ri!iction of t"e co(rt
to i!!(e a certiorari writ cannot be e6erci!e in orer to review t"e
2(&)ent of t"e $ower co(rt a! to it! intrin!ic correctne!!, eit"er ('on
t"e $aw or t"e fact! of t"e ca!e
.Petitioner failed to demonstrate his claim that the A+C acted $ith
grave ause of discretion amounting to lac' or in e%cess of its
jurisdiction in den!ing petitionerCs pra!er for rendition of judgment
ased on the commissionersC report. +he Aules of Court clearl!
provides that the trial court is not ound ! the findings of the
commissioners or precluded from disregarding the same. 4t ma! adopt#
modif!# reject the report or recommit it $ith instructions# or re,uire the
parties to present further evidence
1. inci)en#0 p"!ce##e#
%. c%*en)%" !& c%#e#
6. ine"'eni!n
=:5 SCRA 992
MEDIALDEA? J,ne :, =>>B
Petition for review on certiorari 4treate a! a !'ecia$ civi$ action for
- On ,an(ar1 1, 1-98, :o$ia1 Inn, Inc? 4:II5 entere into a
)ana&e)ent contract wit" ;ew Riviera :ote$ an 3eve$o')ent Co?,
Inc? 4;R:3C5 for a 'erio of ten 4105 1ear!? Artic$e 1> of !ai
a&ree)ent !ti'($ate!@
AA+4C-E 1J A4/G+ 05 54AS+ AE5BSA-
4f 0$ner# at an! time or times during the term hereof# shall receive a
ona fide offer from a third part! acceptale to 0$ner# or $hich
0$ner does not promptl! reject# to purchase the Premises or an!
part thereof# or the usiness conducted in connection there$ith# or in
the uildings# e,uipment# or furnishings used in connection there$ith#
or an! interest in 0$ner =$hether a partnership# or corporation or
other$ise># 0$ner shall deliver to 2anager an e%ecuted original cop!
of such offer and agrees concurrentl! there$ith to deliver to 2anager
an financial information =including ut not limited to# certified alance
sheets and operating statements> involved and such# other
information as ma! e reasonal! re,uested ! 2anager. 2anager
ma!# $ithin t$ent! one =21> da!s of its receipt of such offer and said
financial data# at its portion# purchase said interest of said 0$ner on
the terms of said offer.
- On ,an(ar1 1, 1-98, ;R:3C an :II a!!i&ne a$$ t"eir ri&"t! (ner
t"e above )entione a&ree)ent to 'etitioner :o$ia1 Inn 4P"i$!?5, Inc?
- On A'ri$ 22, 1->8, ;R:3C wa! !e/(e!tere b1 t"e PC<< w"ic"
!(b!e/(ent$1 a''ointe fi!ca$ a&ent! anEor '$ace an o'eratin& tea)
to )onitor t"e activitie! of !ai cor'oration?
- 7eca(!e of n()ero(! controver!ie! an conf$ict! re!($tin& in
o'erationa$ 'rob$e)! re&arin& ;R:3C, PC<< an Roberto S?
7eneicto, w"o i! 'erceive to be t"e contro$$in& !tocA"o$er of t"e
co)'an1, entere into an a&ree)ent w"ereb1 2E. of t"e )e)ber! of
t"e 7oar of 3irector! of ;R:3C !"a$$ be no)inee! of t"e PC<< an
1E. t"ereof !"a$$ be no)inee! of Mr? 7eneicto?
- On ,($1 14, 1->8, :IP an ;R:3C, a! !e/(e!tere b1 PC<<
entere into an a&ree)ent 4aen()5 e6tenin& t"e ter)! of t"eir
,an(ar1 1, 1-98 a&ree)ent t"ereof to an inefinite 'erio *on it!
e6i!tin& ter)! an conition!* wit" eit"er 'art1 "avin& t"e ri&"t to
ter)inate t"e a&ree)ent ('on !i6 485 )ont"! 'rior written notice to t"e
ot"er 'art1
- On Ma1 10, 1->>, ;R:3C !erve ('on :IP a $etter avi!in& t"at
t"e )ana&e)ent a&ree)ent !"a$$ be ter)inate !i6 485 )ont"! fro)
!ai ate? It wa! $atter $earne t"at t"e $etter of ter)ination wa!
bro(&"t abo(t b1 ;R:3C! eci!ion to "ave ;ew =or$ :ote$
P"i$i''ine! 4;=:P5 )ana&e t"e 'ro'ert1 in $ie( of :IP?
- Contenin& t"at t"ere wa! breac" of Artic$e 1> of it! ori&ina$
)ana&e)ent a&ree)ent wit" ;R:3C, :IP initiate on ;ove)ber 2,
1->> an action for intervention in Sani&anba1an, a !e/(e!tration
ca!e, an w"erein ;R:3C wa! inc$(e a! a)on& t"e fir)!
!e/(e!tere, a$$e&e to be 'art of t"e i$$-&otten wea$t" a)a!!e b1
Roberto S? 7eneicto in con!'irac1 wit" for)er Pre!ient +erinan
- #"e 'ro'o!e co)'$aint-in-intervention attac"e to t"e )otion-in-
intervention /(e!tion! t"e ter)ination of t"e )ana&e)ent a&ree)ent
wit"o(t t"e corre!'onin& 'rior notice anEor ri&"t of fir!t ref(!a$ (ner
Artic$e 1> of t"e A&ree)ent? Petitioner $iAewi!e 'ra1e for recover1 of
(n'ai )ana&e)ent fee! (ner t"e a&ree)ent?
- On ;ove)ber 11, 1->>, t"e Sani&anba1an i!!(e t"e /(e!tione
Re!o$(tion en1in& :IP! )otion for intervention for $acA of 2(ri!iction
- :IP "a! f$ie t"e 're!ent 'etition contenin& t"at, the
Sandigana!an has e%clusive and original jurisdiction over all cases
civil or criminal# and all incidents arising from incidental to# or related
to# such cases necessaril! fall li'e$ise under the Sandigana!anCs
e%clusive# and original jurisdiction suject to revie$ on certiorari
e%clusivel! ! the Supreme Court
- #"e co(rt a /(o i!!(e a te)'orar1 re!trainin& orer on ;ove)ber
18, 1->>?
=. WON peii!ne" -%# % *e+%* ine"e# #,&&icien ! .,#i&( i#
8. WON -e S%n)i+%n6%(%n -%# .,"i#)ici!n !'e" -e #,
D%e" !& peii!ne"$# p"!p!#e) c!Dp*%in-in-ine"'eni!n
=. NO
Sec? 2 of R($e 12 te$$! (! t"at a 'er!on )a1 intervene in 'roceein&!
in 'ro&re!! if t"at 'er!on "a! a $e&a$ intere!t in t"e !(cce!! of eit"er of
t"e 'artie!, or a&ain!t bot" or w"en a i!'o!ition of t"e 'ro'ert1
invo$ve wo($ affect t"e 'ro!'ective intervenor? :o$ia1 Inn, Inc?, "a!
not !"own "ow t"e ter)ination or contin(ation of it! )ana&e)ent
contract wo($ be $e&a$$1 affecte b1 a finin& of w"et"er or not
Roberto S? 7eneicto $awf($$1 ac/(ire RI%IERA?
#"e !(b2ect-)atter of 'etitionerD! 'ro'o!e co)'$aint-in-intervention
invo$ve! ba!ica$$1, an inter'retation of contract, i?e?, w"et"er or not t"e
ri&"t of fir!t ref(!a$ co($ anEor !"o($ "ave been ob!erve, ba!e on
t"e Aen()EA&ree)ent of ,($1 14, 1->>, w"ic" e6tene t"e ter)!
an conition! of t"e ori&ina$ a&ree)ent of ,an(ar1 1, 1-98? #"e
/(e!tion of w"et"er or not t"e !e/(e!tere 'ro'ert1 wa! $awf($$1
ac/(ire b1 Roberto S? 7eneicto "a! no bearin& on t"e $e&a$it1 of t"e
ter)ination of t"e )ana&e)ent contract b1 ;R:3CD! 7oar of
3irector!? #"e two are ine'enent an (nre$ate i!!(e! an
re!o$(tion of eit"er )a1 'rocee ine'enent$1 of eac" ot"er?
I'"o$in& t"e $e&a$it1 of 7eneictoD! ac/(i!ition of t"e !e/(e!tere
'ro'ert1 i! not a &(arantee t"at :IPD! )ana&e)ent contract wo($ be
('"e$, for on$1 t"e 7oar of 3irector! of ;R:3C i! /(a$ifie to )aAe
!(c" a eter)ination?
8. NO
#"e ori&ina$ an e6c$(!ive 2(ri!iction &iven to t"e Sani&anba1an over
PC<< ca!e! 'ertain! to 4a5 ca!e! fi$e b1 t"e PC<<, '(r!(ant to t"e
e6erci!e of it! 'ower! (ner E6ec(tive Orer ;o!? 1, 2 an 14? a!
a)ene b1 t"e Office of t"e Pre!ient, an Artic$e [%III, Section 28 of
t"e Con!tit(tion, i?e?, w"ere t"e 'rinci'a$ ca(!e of action i! t"e
recover1 of i$$-&otten wea$t", a! we$$ a! a$$ incient! ari!in& fro),
incienta$ to, or re$ate to !(c" ca!e! an 4b5 ca!e! fi$e b1 t"o!e w"o
wi!" to /(e!tion or c"a$$en&e t"e co))i!!ionD! act! or orer! in !(c"
Evient$1, 'etitionerD! 'ro'o!e co)'$aint-in-intervention i! an orinar1
civi$ ca!e t"at oe! not 'ertain to t"e Sani&anba1an? A! t"e So$icitor
<enera$ !tate, t"e co)'$aint i! not irecte a&ain!t PC<< a! an
entit1, b(t a&ain!t a 'rivate cor'oration, in w"ic" ca!e it i! not 'er !e, a
PC<< ca!e?
Dispositive. 3i!)i!!e?
1-2 SCRA 48-
PARAS; 3ece)ber 20, 1--0
Petition for certiorari to review eci!ion an orer of R#C Cavite, 7r?
18, Cavite Cit1, <(!ti$o, ,?
- Re!'onent E!'irit( fi$e co)'$aint for !'ecific 'erfor)ance an
a)a&e! a&ain!t re!'onent! M(nici'a$it1 of Ro!ario, Cavite an
Ma1or Enri/(eB to enforce t"eir a&ree)ent containe in a Rec$a)ation
Contract? P$aintiff 'ra1! t"at a 'ortion of t"e fore!"ore $an of t"e town
be conve1e to "i) a! a!!i&nee of Sa$ina! 3ev0t? Cor'? 4SA3ECO5,
t"e entit1 w"ic" rec$ai)e t"e $an in /(e!tion? 3efenant! re!i!te
t"e c$ai) !tatin& it wa! barre b1 t"e !tat(te of $i)itation!?
- :erein 'etitioner, t"e baran&a1 ca'tain of #e2ero! Convention,
Ro!ario, Cavite, to&et"er wit" 9 ot"er! intervene an a$$e&e in t"eir
An!wer-in-Intervention t"at t"e area bein& c$ai)e b1 E!'irit( ca)e
abo(t b1 nat(ra$ accretion an t"at t"e Rec$a)ation Contract i! n($$
an voi?
- At t"e 're-tria$ conference, w"ere t"e ori&ina$ 'artie! an intervenor!
were 're!ent, E!'irit( an efenant )(nici'a$it1 )anife!te t"at t"e1
wo($ !(b)it to a co)'ro)i!e a&ree)ent at a $atter ate?
- On t"e ot"er "an, intervenor! a!Ae t"at t"e1 be a$$owe to 're!ent
evience to 'rove t"eir efen!e?
- #"e 'rinci'a$ $iti&ant! !(b)itte to t"e co(rt t"eir co)'ro)i!e
a&ree)ent? #C a''rove an renere a eci!ion in accorance
t"erewit"? Cet, intervenor! contin(e to 're!ent evience, re&arin&
t"eir a$$e&ation!?
- 2 1ear! $ater, intervenor! fi$e a )otion to !et a!ie t"e co)'ro)i!e
a&ree)ent? Re!'onent 2(&e enie? ,(&e <(!ti$o a$!o ter)inate
t"e 'roceein&! an orere t"e ca!e to be c$o!e?
=O; tria$ co(rt erre in !to''in&E'reventin& t"e intervenor! fro)
f(rt"er 're!entin& evience in !(''ort of t"eir An!wer-in-Interevention?
1? ;O? Intervention i! efine a! a F'roceein& in a !(it or action b1
w"ic" a t"ir 'art1 i! 'er)itte b1 t"e co(rt to )aAe "i)!e$f a 'art1,
eit"er 2oinin& '$aintiff in c$ai)in& w"at i! !o(&"t b1 t"e co)'$aint, or
(nitin& wit" efenant in re!i!tin& t"e c$ai)! of '$aintiff, or e)anin&
!o)et"in& aver!e$1 to bot" of t"e); t"e act or 'roceein& b1 w"ic" a
t"ir 'er!on beco)e! a 'art1 in a !(it 'enin& between t"e ot"er!; t"e
a)i!!ion, b1 $eave of co(rt, of a 'er!on not an ori&ina$ 'art1 to
'enin& $e&a$ 'roceein&!, b1 w"ic" !(c" 'er!on beco)e! a 'art1
t"ereto for t"e 'rotection of !o)e ri&"t or intere!t a$$e&e b1 "i) to be
affecte b1 !(c" 'roceein&!?L
Ratio Intervention i! !n*( c!**%e"%* !" %nci**%"( ! -e D%in %ci!n?
:ence, it wa! 'revio(!$1 r($e t"at t"e &in%* )i#Di##%* !& -e
p"incip%* %ci!n "e#,*# in -e )i#Di##%* !& #%i) %nci**%"(
Reasoning A 2(&)ent a''rovin& a co)'ro)i!e a&ree)ent i! fina$
an i))eiate$1 e6ec(tor1? A$$ 'enin& i!!(e! wi$$ beco)e )oot
an acae)ic once a co)'ro)i!e !(b)itte b1 t"e 'artie! i!
a''rove b1 t"e tria$ co(rt?
#"e contin(ation of rece'tion of intervenor0! evience wo($ !erve no
'(r'o!e at a$$? S"o($ intervenor! fai$ to 'rove t"at t"e Rec$a)ation
Contract i! n($$ an voi an t"at no act(a$ rec$a)ation wa! )ae, t"e
correctne!! an 'ro'riet1 of t"e eci!ion ba!e ('on t"e co)'ro)i!e
a&ree)ent wo($ be !tren&t"ene? On t"e ot"er "an, !"o($ t"e1
!(ccee in 'rovin& t"at t"e contract i! n($$ an voi, an t"at t"e area
in /(e!tion ca)e into bein& t"ro(&" t"e nat(ra$ action of t"e !ea, !ti$$
t"e eci!ion of t"e $ower co(rt co($ no $on&er be !et a!ie, ina!)(c"
a! it "a! a$rea1 beco)e fina$ an e6ec(te?
Disposition =:ERE+ORE, for $acA of )erit, t"e 'etition i!
3ISMISSE3? Co!t! a&ain!t 'etitioner?
/.R. N!.=94825
CORONA<N!'eD6e" 8>, 8BB4
-On A(&(!t 25, 1--9, t"e re!'onent =i$$ia) S? #ec!on fi$e an action
for a)a&e! a&ain!t 'etitioner! Ro$ano A&($to, Ma6i)a A&($to,
Ceci$$e #enoria an a certain Maribe$ Ma$$ari in t"e R#C of H(eBon
Cit1? A&($to fi$ean an!wer c$ai)in& t"at #ec!on "a no ca(!e of
action an a$$e&e )a$icio(! 'ro!ec(tion? R#C i!)i!!e #ec!on0!
co)'$aint 4fai$(re to 'ro!ec(te for an (nrea!onab$e $en&t" of ti)e5?
#ec!on fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration, w"ic" wa! &racte? Co(rt
re/(ire t"e 'artie! to a''ear (rin& t"e 're-tria$ conference
!c"e($e on ,an(ar1 21, 1---? #"e 're-tria$ wa!, "owever, re!et to
A'ri$ 2-, 1---?
-3(rin& t"e !c"e($e 're-tria$ on A'ri$ 2-, 1---, 'etitioner Ro$ano
A&($to an "i! co(n!e$ were infor)e b1 an e)'$o1ee of t"e R#C t"at
t"e 're!iin& 2(&e wa! on $eave? Co(n!e$ for A&($to !(&&e!te t"at it
be re-!c"e($e on ,(ne 19? E)'$o1ee avi!e 'etitioner0! co(n!e$
t"at t"e !(&&e!te !ettin& wa! not 1et officia$ a! it wo($ e'en on
t"e ca$enar of t"e co(rt an t"e co(n!e$ of re!'onent?
-#"e 're-tria$ 'roceee on ,(ne 19, 1---? +or fai$(re of 'etitioner! to
a''ear at t"e 're-tria$ an to !(b)it t"eir 're-tria$ brief, t"e R#C i!!(e
an orer a$$owin& t"e re!'onent to 're!ent "i! evience e% parte
-Petitioner! fi$e a )otion for recon!ieration of t"e ,(ne 19, 1---
orer of t"e R#C? #"e1 c$ai)e t"at t"e1 were not notifie of t"e 're-
tria$ "e$ on ,(ne 19, 1---? 7efore t"e )otion co($ be "ear,
"owever, t"e co(rt renere it! ,($1 12, 1--- eci!ion in favor of
re!'onent? Petitioner! were orere to 'a1 re!'onent )ora$
a)a&e!, e6e)'$ar1 a)a&e! an attorne10! fee! in t"e a&&re&ate
a)o(nt of P190,000?
-Petitioner! fi$e a 'etition for certiorari (ner R($e 85 of t"e 1--9
R($e! of Civi$ Proce(re wit" t"e CA on ;ove)ber 24, 1---? #"e1
c$ai)e t"at t"e R#C &rave$1 ab(!e it! i!cretion w"en it i!!(e t"e
Se'te)ber 24, 1--- orer
-CA i!)i!!e t"e 'etition? It r($e t"at t"e 'ro'er re)e1 wa! a''ea$
b1 writ of error, i.e?, orinar1 a''ea$, (ner R($e 41 of t"e 1--9 R($e!
of Civi$ Proce(re, not a 'etition for certiorari (ner R($e 85? #"e CA
a$!o "e$ t"at t"e 'etitioner! fai$e to !"ow t"at t"eir ab!ence (rin&
t"e !c"e($e 're-tria$ wa! for a va$i ca(!e
-:ence, t"i! 'etition for review on certiorari (ner R($e 45 of t"e R($e!
of Co(rt
ISSIE@ =O; R#C acte wit" &rave ab(!e of i!cretion in not
con!ierin& A&($to0! )otion! for recon!ieration re&arin& t"e 're-tria$?
-Iner t"e 're!ent Section ., R($e 1> of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$
Proce(re, t"e notice of 're-tria$ !"o($ be !erve on co(n!e$? #"e
co(n!e$ !erve wit" notice i! c"ar&e wit" t"e (t1 of notif1in& t"e
'art1 "e re're!ent!? It i! on$1 w"en a 'art1 "a! no co(n!e$ t"at t"e
notice of 're-tria$ i! re/(ire to be !erve 'er!ona$$1 on "i)?
-#"(!, t"e 're!ent r($e !i)'$ifie! t"e 'roce(re in t"e !en!e t"at notice
of 're-tria$ i! !erve on co(n!e$, an !ervice i! )ae on a 'art1 on$1 if
"e "a! no co(n!e$?

4t does not# ho$ever# dispense $ith notice of pre.
-#"(!, !enin& a notice of 're-tria$ !tatin& t"e ate, ti)e an '$ace of
're-tria$ i! )anator1? It! ab!ence wi$$ rener t"e 're-tria$ an
!(b!e/(ent 'roceein&! voi? #"(!, t"e tria$ co(rt0! orer a$$owin& t"e
'$aintiff to 're!ent "i! evience e% parte wit"o(t (e notice of 're-tria$
to t"e efenant con!tit(te! &rave ab(!e of i!cretion
-A$t"o(&" t"e fai$(re of t"e efenant to fi$e a 're-tria$ brief "a! t"e
!a)e effect a! "i! fai$(re to a''ear at t"e 're-tria$ 4t"i! i!, t"e '$aintiff
)a1 be a$$owe to 're!ent "i! evience e% parte an t"e co(rt !"a$$
rener 2(&)ent on t"e ba!i! t"ereof5, a conition 'receent i! t"e
!ervice of notice of 're-tria$? Ot"erwi!e, t"e efenant wi$$ be &ro'in& in
t"e arA a! to w"en e6act$1 "e i! !(''o!e to fi$e "i! 're-tria$ brief?
-More !'ecifica$$1, (ner Section 8, R($e 1> of t"e 1--9 R($e! of Civi$
Proce(re, t"e 'artie! are re/(ire to fi$e wit" t"e co(rt an !erve on
t"e aver!e 'art1, in !(c" )anner a! !"a$$ en!(re t"eir recei't t"ereof
at $ea!t t"ree a1! before t"e ate of t"e 're-tria$, t"eir re!'ective 're-
tria$ brief!? C$ear$1, t"e ate of t"e 're-tria$ i! t"e recAonin& 'oint for t"e
fi$in& of t"e 're-tria$ brief? 7(t wit"o(t 'rior notice of 're-tria$, t"e 'artie!
cannot rea!onab$1 be e6'ecte to Anow t"e ate of t"e 're-tria$?
c. #,6p!en%
). R,*e 88
<?R? ;o? 189245
C;ARES-SA;#IA<O; Se'te)ber 29, 2008
NATURE@ Petition for Review
FACTS@ Private re!'onent +ir!t Metro Inte&rate Stee$ Cor'oration
4+MISC5 fi$e a co)'$aint for !() of )one1 wit" 'ra1er for writ of
're$i)inar1 attac")ent a&ain!t Robert ,(an I1 4Robert5, Mi$an
Inte&rate Con!tr(ction Co)'an1 4MICC5 an 'etitioner E$'iio I1?
#"e co)'$aint aro!e fro) 'etitioner0! i!!(ance of a c"ecA in t"e
a)o(nt of P8-5,>11?00 in favor of +MISC to cover 'a1)ent for
efor)e !tee$ bar! e$ivere b1 t"e $atter to 'etitioner an 'rivate
re!'onent! MICC an Robert? :owever, t"e c"ecA wa! i!"onore
('on 're!ent)ent an e!'ite e)an!, MICC, Robert an 'etitioner
ref(!e to 'a1?
After t"e fi$in& of t"e re!'ective An!wer! of +MISC, Robert
an MICC, "earin&! were t"ereafter con(cte for t"e rece'tion of
t"eir re!'ective evience? #"e initia$ rece'tion of 'etitionerD! evience
wa! !et on +ebr(ar1 2>, 2001 b(t it wa! cance$$e beca(!e 'etitioner
"a inf$(enBa? #"e "earin& wa! re!et !i6 )ore ti)e!, b(t in eac"
in!tance, 'etitioner, t"ro(&" "i! $aw1er!, )ove for t"e cance$$ation
an re!ettin& of t"e 're!entation of "i! evience? 3(rin& t"e !i6t"
!c"e($e "earin& on +ebr(ar1 2>, 2002, Att1? 7aPare!, co(n!e$ for
'etitioner arrive $ate? I'on )otion of +MISC, t"e tria$ co(rt orere
t"at 'etitionerD! ri&"t to 're!ent evience i! ee)e waive an t"e
'artie! were irecte to fi$e t"eir re!'ective )e)oran()? Att1?
7aPare! wit"rew "i! a''earance on ,an(ar1 >, 200. wit" 'etitionerD!
On Marc" 9, 200., t"e tria$ co(rt renere 2(&)ent a&ain!t
'etitioner an in favor of +MISC? On A'ri$ 4, 200., 'etitioner receive a
co'1 of t"e 3eci!ion? On A'ri$ 21, 200., 'etitioner t"ro(&" Att1? L(ca!
C? Car'io, ,r? fi$e a Motion for ;ew #ria$ on t"e &ro(n of &ro!!
ne&$i&ence of 'etitionerD! co(n!e$ in fai$in& to atten t"e "earin& for t"e
rece'tion of evience, t"(! i)'airin& "i! ri&"t! to (e 'roce!!? #"e
tria$ co(rt enie t"e )otion for new tria$? 3i!!ati!fie, 'etitioner fi$e
wit" t"e Co(rt of A''ea$! a 'etition for certiorari? #"e CA i!)i!!e t"e
'etition an enie 'etitionerD! )otion for recon!ieration? :ence, t"i!
ISSUES@ 415 =O; 'etitioner0! )otion for new tria$ wa! fi$e o(t of ti)e;
425 =O; a 'etition for certiorari i! t"e 'ro'er re)e1 to overt(rn t"e
enia$ of a )otion for new tria$; 4.5 =O; t"e )otion for new tria$ !"o($
be &rante?
415 ;O? A !cr(tin1 of t"e recor! i!c$o!e! t"at w"i$e t"e Motion for
;ew #ria$ wa! receive b1 t"e tria$ co(rt on A'ri$ 2>, 200., t"e ate on
t"e Re&i!tr1 Recei't attac"e to t"e Affiavit of Service a! we$$ a! t"at
!ta)'e on t"e enve$o'e w"ic" containe t"e co'1 of t"e )otion,
revea$! t"at it wa! fi$e an !erve b1 re&i!tere )ai$ on A'ri$ 21,
200., a Mona1, beca(!e A'ri$ 1-, 200., t"e $a!t a1 for fi$in& t"e
!a)e wa! a Sat(ra1? Section 1, R($e 22 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt !tate!
t"at if t"e $a!t a1 of t"e 'erio t"(! co)'(te fa$$! on a Sat(ra1, a
S(na1, or a $e&a$ "o$ia1 in t"e '$ace w"ere t"e co(rt !it!, t"e ti)e
!"a$$ not r(n (nti$ t"e ne6t worAin& a1? #"(!, t"e )otion wa! act(a$$1
fi$e on ti)e it "avin& been fi$e on A'ri$ 21, 200., t"e ne6t worAin&
a1, fo$$owin& t"e $a!t a1 for fi$in& w"ic" fe$$ on a Sat(ra1?
425 CES? Section -, R($e .9 of t"e R($e! of Co(rt w"ic" 'rovie! t"at
t"e re)e1 to an orer en1in& a )otion for new tria$ i! to a''ea$ t"e
2(&)ent or fina$ orer, )(!t be rea in con2(nction wit" Section 1,
R($e 41 w"ic" 'rovie! t"at Fno a''ea$ )a1 be taAen fro) an orer
en1in& a new tria$ or recon!ieration?L R($e 41, Section 1 f(rt"er
'rovie! t"at@ Fw"ere t"e 2(&)ent or fina$ orer i! not a''ea$ab$e, t"e
a&&rieve 'art1 )a1 fi$e an a''ro'riate !'ecia$ civi$ action (ner R($e
85?L #"(!, t"e fi$in& b1 t"e 'etitioner of a 'etition for certiorari wit" t"e
Co(rt of A''ea$! fro) t"e enia$ of t"e )otion for new tria$ b1 t"e tria$
co(rt i! 'ro'er?
4.5 ;O? Section 1, R($e .9 'rovie! t"at a )otion for new tria$ )a1 be
fi$e wit"in t"e 'erio for taAin& an a''ea$ ba!e, a)on& ot"er!, on
e6c(!ab$e ne&$i&ence? ;e&$i&ence to be e6c(!ab$e )(!t be one w"ic"
orinar1 i$i&ence an 'r(ence co($ not "ave &(are a&ain!t? In
t"e in!tant ca!e, t"e ne&$i&ence of 'etitionerD! co(n!e$ in fai$in& to
atten t"e "earin&! for t"e rece'tion of evience i! ine6c(!ab$e? #"e
tria$ co(rt !c"e($e t"e "earin& for t"e rece'tion of 'etitionerD!
evience !even ti)e!? #"e initia$ "earin& !et on +ebr(ar1 2>, 2001
wa! cance$$e beca(!e 'etitioner a$$e&e$1 "a inf$(enBa? #"e
"earin&! !c"e($e on A'ri$ 28, 2001 an Ma1 10, 2001 were
cance$$e an )ove to October 25, 2001 an 3ece)ber 1., 2001?
Petitioner wa! re're!ente b1 Att1? Car'io, ,r? a! co$$aboratin& co(n!e$
(rin& t"e "earin& on October 25, 2001 b(t no evience wa!
're!ente? In!tea, t"e "earin& wa! cance$$e? On 3ece)ber 1.,
2001, Att1? 7aPare!, 'etitionerD! new co(n!e$, a''eare b(t "e
re/(e!te for a re!ettin&? On +ebr(ar1 14, 2002, Att1? 7aPare! )ove
to 'o!t'one t"e "earin& to +ebr(ar1 2>, 2002 a! 'revio(!$1 !c"e($e?
On +ebr(ar1 2>, 2002, Att1? 7aPare! arrive $ate? #"e recor! i!c$o!e
t"at t"e "earin&! were 'o!t'one or cance$$e wit"o(t an1 2(!tification?
:owever, t"e tria$ co(rt acco))oate t"e re/(e!t! for 'o!t'one)ent
or re!ettin& in orer to accor 'etitioner (e 'roce!!? Iner t"e
circ()!tance!, 'etitionerD! co(n!e$D! fai$(re to atten t"e !even
!c"e($e "earin&! i! wit"o(t 2(!tifiab$e rea!on tanta)o(nt to
ine6c(!ab$e ne&$ect? A! !(c", it cannot be a &ro(n for new tria$?
In aition, t"e R($e re/(ire! t"at )otion! for new tria$ fo(ne on
fra(, accient, )i!taAe or e6c(!ab$e ne&$i&ence )(!t be
acco)'anie b1 affiavit! of )erit!, i?e?, affiavit! !"owin& t"e fact!
4not )ere conc$(!ion! or o'inion!5 con!tit(tin& t"e va$i ca(!e of
action or efen!e w"ic" t"e )ovant )a1 'rove in ca!e a new tria$ i!
&rante, beca(!e a new tria$ wo($ !erve no '(r'o!e an wo($ 2(!t
wa!te t"e ti)e of t"e co(rt a! we$$ a! t"e 'artie! if t"e co)'$aint i!
after a$$ &ro(n$e!! or t"e efen!e i! ni$ or ineffective?
Iner t"e R($e!, t"e )ovin& 'art1 )(!t !"ow t"at "e "a! a
)eritorio(! efen!e? #"e fact! con!tit(tin& t"e )ovantD! &oo an
!(b!tantia$ efen!e, w"ic" "e )a1 'rove if t"e 'etition were &rante,
)(!t be !"own in t"e affiavit w"ic" !"o($ acco)'an1 t"e )otion for
a new tria$? PetitionerD! Affiavit of Merit i not contain c$ear
!tate)ent! of t"e fact! con!tit(tin& a &oo an va$i efen!e w"ic" "e
)i&"t 'rove if &iven t"e c"ance to intro(ce evience? #"e a$$e&ation!
t"at "e "a! a *)eritorio(! efen!e* an a *&oo ca(!e* are )ere
conc$(!ion! w"ic" i not 'rovie t"e co(rt wit" an1 ba!i! for
eter)inin& t"e nat(re an )erit of t"e ca!e? An affiavit of )erit
!"o($ !tate fact!, an not )ere o'inion or conc$(!ion! of $aw?
PetitionerD! )otion for new tria$ an affiavit of )erit i not )ention
t"e evience w"ic" "e wa! 'revente fro) intro(cin&, nor i it a$$e&e
t"at !(c" evience wo($ c"an&e t"e o(tco)e of t"e ca!e?
PetitionerD! ar&()ent t"at "i! co(n!e$D! ne&$i&ence wa! !o &ro!! t"at
"e wa! e'rive of (e 'roce!! fai$! to i)'re!!? <ro!! ne&$i&ence i!
not one of t"e &ro(n! for a )otion for a new tria$? =e cannot ec$are
"i! co(n!e$D! ne&$i&ence a! &ro!! a! to $iberate "i) fro) t"e effect! of
"i! fai$(re to 're!ent co(ntervai$in& evience? 7e!ie!, we fin t"at
'etitionerD! an "i! co(n!e$D! ne&$i&ence are conc(rrent? 3(rin& t"e
initia$ "earin& for t"e rece'tion of "i! evience, 'etitioner wa! ab!ent
a$$e&e$1 (e to inf$(enBa? 3(rin& t"e !(cceein& !c"e($e "earin&!,
'etitioner wa! ab!ent b(t "i! $aw1er, Att1? Mo$ina, wa! 're!ent b(t i
not 're!ent an1 evience? In!tea, )otion! for 'o!t'one)ent or
re!ettin& were )ae? In one occa!ion, Att1? Mo$ina wa! ab!ent b(t
Att1? Car'io, ,r? a''eare a! co$$aboratin& co(n!e$? Sti$$, no evience
wa! 're!ente b(t a re!ettin& wa! a&ain re/(e!te?
+ina$$1, 'etitionerD! co(n!e$D! ine6c(!ab$e ne&$ect i not a)o(nt to
'etitionerD! e'rivation of (e 'roce!! of $aw? #"e ri&"t to (e 'roce!!
!afe&(ar! t"e o''ort(nit1 to be "ear an to !(b)it an1 evience
one )a1 "ave in !(''ort of "i! c$ai) or efen!e? In t"e in!tant ca!e,
'etitioner wa! &iven !evera$ o''ort(nitie! to be "ear an to !(b)it
evience b(t "e !/(anere t"e)? 7$(ner! an )i!taAe! in t"e
con(ct of t"e 'roceein&! in t"e tria$ co(rt a! a re!($t of t"e
i&norance, ine6'erience or inco)'etence of co(n!e$ o not /(a$if1 a!
a &ro(n for new tria$?
DISPOSITIVE@ #"e Petition i! 3E;IE3 for $acA of )erit?

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