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820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah

OUMH1203/English for Writtn

Question 1
The following graph shows the statistics of motor vehicle theft in Malaysia from 1980
2010. Describe the main trends identified in the graph and suggest preventive measures
that can be taen on the part of the owners!
The graph shows the statistics of motor vehicle theft in Malaysia from 1980 until
2010! Motor vehicle theft in Malaysia has risen in this coming "0 years due to the several
factors such as careless# no responsibility and high aimed on lu$ury private cars! %ased
on the graph given# the motor theft increase up to 1&0 000 cases from 1980 to 2010! This
statistics had shown a drastic increase of motor vehicles theft in Malaysia mostly in year
200'! (ccording to the data given# from 1980 to 2010# the motor vehicle theft aimed
most on motorcycle! )ne main reason is the demand of the spare parts needed for illegal
motorcycle racing! There is a big gap between motorcycles stolen compare to private cars
in year 200' to year 2010! *t is around 9' 000 cases! +rivate car is less being stolen if
compare to the motorcycles! This is because the cars have more advantages such as
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
security system compare to the motorcycles! ,o# in year 1990 to year 199'# there is
decrease in private cars theft!
*n year 200- according to the %erita .arian )nline# one of the case shown that
motor vehicles was stolen for e$port to the other country lie Dubai! Most of the car are
Toyota .ilu$# Toyota /ortuner# Toyota 0(1 2 and included Daihatsu Delta! These motor
vehicles cost around 0M 1!2& million! (ll types all cars listed here are private car! ,o#
Malaysia police department urges the owner to par the car at the safety places with well3
lighted and high security area! The important thing is not to leave your car unattended!
There are a few preventive suggestion that owner can do! (nother is to get a
security system for the new buy cars! This type of prevention can help you to get alert
when your car being stolen by triggered your alarm and the picture of the thief will be
sent to you immediately! ,o this can help you not to lose the car easily to the thief!
%esides# purchasing a car immobili4er is also one of the ways to protect the vehicle from
being stolen! This is because the immobili4er that attached to the vehicle can help you to
stop the robbers from driving away the vehicles as you on the panic button! The engines
of the car will stop in "0 seconds!
(nother preventing measurement the owner can tae part is not to left the
valuable things inside the cars and left it unloc when pared it in public or at home! (lso
to mae sure that all windows rolled up and the doors loced properly before left the car
behind! %esides# loced the steering and wheels are also a good suggestion to prevent
motor vehicles from being stolen! This careless mistae can also lead to the car theft!
*n conclusion# please do lodge a report if your motor vehicle is stolen! (lways
remind yourself not to show off with the lu$ury car accessories! %e more responsible!
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
%rett5apewell! 6n!d!7! WIKI HOW. 0etrieved 89:; 20# 2012# from .ow to +revent <our
5ar /rom =etting ,tolen> http>??www!wiihow!com?+revent3<our35ar3/rom3
Malaysia# 9! 62011# 8(:9(0< 207! Cuai Punca Jenayah Curi kenderaan Berleluasa.
0etrieved 89:; 22# 2012# from http>??ww1!utusan!com!my?utusan?info!asp@
):D*:;# %! .! 6n!d!7! 0etrieved 89:; 20# 2012# from Eereta curi diesport e Dubai>
+rof Dr (lias Mohd <atim# +! .! 620117! OUMH1203 E!"I#H $O% W%I&&E
COMMUIC'&IO. ,;D(:=)0 D(09D ;.,(:> Meteor Doc! ,dn! %hd!
Fiipedia# t! f! 6n!d!7! 0etrieved 89:; 20# 2012# from Motor vehicle theft>
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
Question 2
(n international company is planning to set up a factory near your housing area! The
proposed factory however# is believed to be environmentally ha4ardous! *t will pollute
the environment through thermal pollution# chemical pollution# air pollution# and noise
pollution! Frite a persuasive essay urging people in your neighbourhood to protest
against the set up of the factory!
0ecently the increasement of factory by the international company near our
neighborhood are in progression! (ccording to the researchers# the factory believed
brought harm to the surrounding residents! Fith the establishment of the plant# it caused
the enviroment pollution and to list a few# chemical pollution# air pollution and noise
pollution! This will indirectly lead to the health of population would be threatened human
health! Therefore is not suitable plant construction in the settlements we built this.
Fith the establishment of the factory will be a cause of air around the housing we
will be contaminated! ( good Huality of fresh air is one of the necessary elements for our
health and comfortable life! *n other words# air pollution is affecting our human health!
The factory built will affect air pollution as a result of emission smoe e$4os and heavy
vehicles factory! ,olid particles and gas escapes into the air from factory will be a part of
the air contamination! 5ontaminated air is inhaled by the people resulting many diseases#
especially respiratory conseHuences of inhaling! 0espiratory system will absorb various
pollutants inhaled into the lungs! (ccording 0aIuna# 199& 6in /aridah bt Mohamad 200"7
states that scientists believe that the relationship of air pollution and disease are focused
on human organ systems of the two eyes and respiratory system! Thus# the plant should
not be built this housing area!

820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
/urthermore# the contaminated air pollution brings heat or global warming! Therefore#
increase of the heat caused the damaging the o4one layer! ,moe and fumes from the
plant result from vehicles are one of the easiest enhance the heat and the heat and mae
the environment hot! 0esidents feel uncomfortable# hot and breathless! *n that case# we
are not able to enIoy the refresh air anymore!
,ound produced by construction machinery factory during operation will also be
the problem of population! Doud sounds produced by the factory will cause further noise
pollution detrimental to the health! (s a result of a lot of noise# people e$posed to the ris
of hearing loss# sleep disturbances# airless and aggressive the ne$t occurrence of
hypertension! (ccording to 0osen 6in Mulholland# 19817 states that noise can interfere
with the growth of children such as the sin becomes pale# dry mucous membranes#
intestinal cramps and idney damage!
The result of effluents from the plant also will result in chemical contamination
occurs! 5ontamination will occur when the plant residues or waste materials from
factories such as garbage# to$ic or poisonous substance in the surrounding area without
prior treatment! The ha4ardous waste will indirectly result in pollution of the surrounding
area! The garbage disposal will invite dangerous animals such as flies# cocroaches and
others! The animals will bring diseases to the people around! 0elease of chemical wastes
will result in contamination of ground water and the surrounding area!
*n conclusion# as if with the establishment of the factory has invited a variety of
pollutants# and then it should be canceled! *t is to avoid the threatened residents in terms
of health# comfort! Therefore# to avoid things that go wrong is better if the establishment
of the factory is not implemented! Malay proverb says that J*t is better to prevent than
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
Eeci# ,! M! 6n!d!7! 0etrieved May 09# 2012# from +encemaran (ir# %unyi dan 9dara>
M).M(D# /! %! 6200"# M(05.7! 0etrieved 89:; '# 2012# from +;:5;M(0(:
9D(0( D* E(F(,(: +;0*:D9,T0*(: D(: +;09M(.(: D* ,;:(*#
+rof Dr (lias Mohd <atim# +! .! 620117! OUMH1203 E!"I#H $O% W%I&&E
COMMUIC'&IO. ,;D(:=)0 D(09D ;.,(:> Meteor Doc! ,dn! %hd!
,(T(0# M! ,! 62010# (9=9,T 107! 0etrieved 89:; 0&# 2012# from +;:5;M(0(:
(D(M ,;E*T(0!> http>??perlueesah!blogspot!com?2010?08?pencemaran3
Fiipedia! 6n!d!7! 0etrieved M(< 28# 2012# from +encemaran bunyi>
Ford+ress! 62010# (9=9,T 1-7! 0etrieved 89:; 8# 2012# from E;,(:
+;M%9(:=(: T)E,*E M;:<;%(%E(: +;:5;M(0(: (D(M
,;E*T(0!> http>??alamseitarterini!wordpress!com?2010?08?1-?pencemaran3
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
Question 3
+lagiarism has become an issue of growing concern universities in Malaysia and
internationally! Discuss!
+lagiarism is an issue that is discussed at all among the undergraduates at any
institution whether public or private institutions! (ccording to the third edition of the
print means to seventh in 2002 to the purpose of copying or collecting part or all of the
wor of others# but acnowledged the wor as his owned wor! The issue of plagiarism is
an issue that increasingly difficult to contain because in many situations the students are
said not to have an intimate nowledge! (ccording to Director of 5orporate and
*nternational 0elations 9niversity of Malaya 69M7 (ssociate +rofessor Ehoo Teong 6in
the article <outh 20107 e$plained that the 9niversity has ,esyen '&# 5onstitution of the
9niversity of Malaya# which is any case of plagiarism# copying and cheating is a source
that can result in dismissal of students in universities!
(ccording to Director =eneral of .igher ;ducation# Datu Dr! 0adin 9mar 0adin
,ohadi 620097 in the <outh 2011 article states that the use of computers and the internet
to get information acHuired has led culture Kcut and pasteK! Thus# the development and
advancement of the internet is one of the weapons that facilitate these activities! That any
articles or articles appear as electronic te$t has facilitated activitiesJ cut and paste Kamong
students! The time allotted to complete a tas also resulted in limited criminal plagiarism!
( short time become a burden to the students in the responsibility for completing
assignments# and ultimately# the students will tae the easy way to do plagiarism to
complete the tas!
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
Therefore# the activity of plagiarism has brought many negative effects on all
parties! *t caused people to become la4y to thin! %y taing the easy way doing cut and
paste# an individual does not need to thin more widely and deeply on the tass given!
This limits the contributing of new ideas in the topic given!
(ny plagiarism activities will also lead to an idea of the original owner will be
victimi4ed! This is because# the rights of the original creation was manipulated by
individuals who have committed plagiarism! ,omeone rights to an idea that has been
taen over by others! This activity is also plagiarism will result in the loss of honesty and
diligence of the individual person involved! +lagarism is considered as interupt the
integrity of the peopleLs original wors and may carry over to not caring about other
things that belong to people as well!
+oor Huality of graduates is also the adverse effect will occur! =raduates who are
unable to competed in the arena of employment due to not have thought that at the level
of critical thining and creativity! 5onducted plagiarism will result in an e$cellent loo
only at the results have been obtained# but in actual fact they cannot thin at the reHuired
level! This is caused by a graduate does not now how to use their own common sense to
solve a problem and contribute new ideas are used to imitate due to other peopleJs wor!
Thus will be born graduates who only have e$cellence in 5=+( but it is not able
to mae something wor! Thus# the volume plagiarism is need attention by all parties in
order to avoid that it does not spread from day to day! Do not let it be capable of termite
damage to the country Iust because of youth become the mainstay of the country cannot
afford to stand on its own to compete in the international arena!
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
%;D*( 2010! 62010# /;%09(0< 117! &EKO"O!I (' BE"I'. 0etrieved 89:; 2#
2012# from %9D(<( +D(=*(0*,M D* E(D(:=(: %;D*(>
.(/*MM9DD*:# M! 62009# M(< 2'7! #)k)n* Plan &rans+)r,asi e*ara. 0etrieved
M(< 09# 2012# from Definisi berbe4a punca pelaIar meniru siapan tugasan
pensyarah> http>??mhafi44uddin!blogspot!com?2009?0'?definisi3berbe4a3punca3
.(DD# ,! 6n!d!7! 0etrieved 89:; 10# 2012# from ;ffect of +lagiarism on ;ducation>
+rof Dr (lias Mohd <atim# +! .! 620117! OUMH1203 E!"I#H $O% W%I&&E
COMMUIC'&IO. ,;D(:=)0 D(09D ;.,(:> Meteor Doc! ,dn! %hd!
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
Question 5
<our sister has Iust opened a nursery school and day3care facility for pre3school aged
children and now she plans to promote the nursery on the internet! ,he has ased you to
write a promotion piece to be placed on a website to promote her nurcery! Frite this
promotion ,arawa!
,alam ,atu MalaysiaN!!
:ursery B Eindergarten Mama welcome and welcome your visit to the :ursery
B Eindergarten Febsite Mama! .ere you are invited to find out informations that is
useful in :ursery B Eindergarten Mama! (s an institute of child development# :ursery
B Eindergarten Mom is committed to providing e$cellent service to your ids!
i. +rovide basic pre3school education with nurturing the intellectual potential and
creativity in combination with modern and *slamic!
ii. .elp parents to provide education manners# discipline# and character of early
childhood# taing into account the psychology of children!
iii! ,hare information and e$perience of children in an effort to produce generation
,mart and providing children with a challenging future scenario!
:ursery B Eindergarten Mama provide the care of children aged from & months to "0
months in which the children will be nurtured and monitored with great love and
affection! *n addition# the :ursery B Eindergarten Mama also provides services for
children aged 2 to & years! *ntroduced children to education in a formal and semi3formal
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
Table Nurturing Children Nurser!"
Monday to ,aturday
,tarts -!00 a!m 3 ;nds '!"0 p!m
#indergarten Schedule
Monday to /riday
,tarts 8>"0 a!m 3 ;nds 11>"0 a!m
The age li$it for entr! to the Nurser! % #indergarten &a$a as follo'ing(
:ursery aged & months up to two and a half years or "0 months!
8unior indergarten aged 2 years to ' years!
,enior indergarten aged ' years to & years!
5lothes during :ursery and Eindergarten program in :ursery B Eindergarten Mama is
free but subIect to the following dress code>
/or the Eindergarten program# students will be given uniforms during registration! The
students are reHuired to wear these clothes every Monday and /riday! )n Tuesday#
Fednesday# and Thursday the students are given the freedom to choose the clothing in
accordance with the prescribed dress code!
/or the :ursery program# parents must provide adeHuate food Huality and food
such as mil or semi3staple! The :ursery B Eindergarten Mama will alway
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
discuss the development of children with parents to ensure childrenJs
/or Eindergarten program# the :ursery B Eindergarten Mama given only drins
and snacs to students during lunch breas at 10 a!m!*ealth % Safet!
The :ursery B Eindergarten Mama places great emphasises on safety and security!
+arents are reHuired to>
;nsure that children are healthy# please inform the management if there are health
problems for further action!
*f the children affected by infectious diseases# parents are prohibited to send
children to day care or preschool!
Tuition )ees
/ees or service charges for the programs of :ursery B Eindergarten Mama resonable!
+lease contact us for more information on fees or service charges!
:ursery B Eindergarten Mom
82 Taman +elangi
,ibu 9"022
Tel> 011 1"'-8&29
;mail> tasatadiaCmamaOgmail!com
/or your information# :ursery B Eindergarten Mama has teaching staffs and careers that
have e$perience and Hualified in the field!
<ou (re Felcome to the :ursery B Eindergarten Mama!!!
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
/(DM*D(.! 6200&7! 0etrieved M(< 21# 2012# from (D3.(::(.> http>??www!al3
+rof Dr (lias Mohd <atim# +! .! 620117! OUMH1203 E!"I#H $O% W%I&&E
COMMUIC'&IO. ,;D(:=)0 D(09D ;.,(:> Meteor Doc! ,dn! %hd!
T0*+)D! 6n!d!7! 0etrieved M(< 20# 2012# from Tasa B Tadia 9MM*>
9MM*! 62011# 8(:9(0< '7! 0etrieved M(< 21# 2012# from (,9.(: F*T. 9MM*>
U('!-U('! (I M'"'.#I'. 6200&7! 0etrieved 89:; 18# 2012# from (ET(
T(M(: (,9.(: E(:(E3E(:(E 1982> www!agc!gov!my?(ta?1ol!!!?(ta
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
Question +
Frite a brief e$planation essay on how to get driving licence in Malaysia
0apid development in a country# brings many impact to the people from various
aspects! )ne significant aspect is the increase in land transport# particularly the use of
motor vehicles such as cars# trucs# motorcycles and the lie! The uses of these vehicles
reHuired the user have a valid driving license law! To obtain these licenses# the user must
undergo the procedure or test! Fith the use of the license# this means that only users who
have a license can operate the vehicle on the road! .owever# the step to be taen to
obtained the license!
(ccording to the driving institute ,urfine .i Tech 2010 a person who wants a
license# he must ensure that reached the Hualifying age limit for taing a license! /or
motorcycle license age limit is 1& years while for car license 1- is the year! %oth must be
completed by date of birth or birthday!
*f the eligible age is limited# he must register with a valid driving school to obtain
a license! During the registration process reHuired several documents such as a copy of
identity card# two photographs and a deposit! (fter the registration process is completed#
some courses should be followed to obtain a license! The courses are>
i! 5ourse ' hours E++ 6Driver ;ducation course7
ii! 5omputeri4ed legal test 6must be passed before the ne$t course7
iii! +0;3D tests 6theory " hours# laboratory " hours
iv! +re3Qualification Test or Q!T!*
v! +ractical test of the 0oad Transport Department
*n the course of ' hours 6E++7# a person should dress appropriately by wearing
collared shirts# long pants for men# for women must dress appropriately and must be shod
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
every time attending courses ? driving class! 9pon completion# the certificate courses will
be delivered and that the certificate is valid only within one year!
(fter 2 days e$pired attend +(5# one is allowed to sit for computeri4ed legal test
in driving school center! *n this test# the passing mar is 22?'0! ( person must pass to
Hualify to sit for +0( class D! *f a person failed# he should sit again until he pass the test!
:ormally# to re3sit# the fee of 0M'0!00 will be charged! *f a person passed the certificate
will be given and is valid for one year!
(fter passed the test data# one must attend D +0; course of theoretical and
practical wors for " hours! (fter completing this course# a person will be able to get
license D for about a wee after attend this course! (fter getting the license D# a person is
entitled to learn in practical driving the car or motorcycle! /or D motorcycle license# a
person can drive on the road alone by attaching an KDK on the motorcycle! /or car D
license# one can learn to drive from instructors with teaching certificates only! Driving
training is usually 8 or 10 hours of use! To learn to drive a motorcycle# one must learn to
round 8# bridge# barrier cones# emergency brae# and roads! ;verything is done in a
circuit provided by the *nstitute of motorcycle driving! Fhile for a car license# the person
must learn to climb the hill# Kside paringK# " sides# and roads! ;verything is taught in the
circuit e$cept the road taught in the actual road!
/urthermore# +0( or QT* test will be conducted to test a person really can drive
well or badly! *f we fail in this test# the instructor or e$aminer will recommend a person
to learn it again before testing again! *f they pass this test# practical test date to the 0oad
Transport Department can be booed!
*n the practical test 0TD# one will be tested by the 0TD! There are two parts of
the circuit and the actual road! ( person must pass both to get a + license ! *f you failed
one needs to pay the fee! (fter passing the test 0TD# some details of documents are
submitted to the driving school to obtain a driving license K+K! .ere are the details of the
reHuired documents!
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
i! ( photograph of the license owner!
ii! ( photocopy of MyEad!
iii! ( license copies of D
iv! Dicense fee!
)nce you get + license# one can lawfully drive vehicles on the road with the class
of license %2 for motorcycles# while D for car! %y getting this license# one must follow
the rules when drinving on the road!
820919135706001/Sharifah Norazizah
OUMH1203/English for Writtn
8(%(T(: +;:;0(:=(: M(D(<,*(! 6n!d!7! 0etrieved 89:; 20# 2012# from Desen
Memandu di Malaysia > http>??pmr!penerangan!gov!my?inde$!php?isu3
+rof Dr (lias Mohd <atim# +! .! 620117! OUMH1203 E!"I#H $O% W%I&&E
COMMUIC'&IO. ,;D(:=)0 D(09D ;.,(:> Meteor Doc! ,dn! %hd!
,urfine .i Tech! 62010# D;5;M%;0 "07! #U%$IE HI &ECH WE"COME &O
(%I/I! I#&I&U& WEB#I&E. 0etrieved M(< 1'# 2012# from 5ara3cara untu
mendapatan lesen memandu> http>??surfinehitech!blogspot!com?2010?12?cara3
Fiipedia! 6n!d!7! 0etrieved M(< 28# 2012# from RDriving licence in Malayisa> http>??
<(+# 5! 62009# (+0*D 227! (ri0in* #ch))l Malaysia Bl)*. 0etrieved M(< 28# 2012#
from 5ara3cara %agaimana Mencapai Desen Memandu Malaysia> http>??driving3

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