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Tabular Summary of selected relevant points from ISO/IEC 170252005

!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
Accreditation bodies that recognize the competence of testing and calibration laboratories should use this
International Standard as the basis for their accreditation. Laboratories should have a quality management
that conforms to the principles of ISO 9001:2000 (which has superseded IS !""#$#!!% and IS
!""2$#!!%&. ISO 17025:2005 incorporates all of those requirements of IS !""#$2""" that are relevant to
the scope of testing and calibration services. If a laboratory wishes accreditation to IS #'"2($2""( it should
select an accreditation body that operates in accordance with ISO 17011.
Selected staffs should possess and wor)
through a personal copy of
IS*I+, #'"2($2""(
IS*I+, #'"""
IS*I+, #'"##
-I./ International vocabulary of basic and
general terms in metrology
1 Scope
IS #'"2($2""( specifies the general requirements a laboratory has to meet if it is to be recognized as
competent to carry out tests and/or calibrations, including sampling. It covers testing and calibration
performed using standardized metods, metods not co!ered b" standardized metods, and laborator"#
de!eloped metods. It is applicable to all organizations performing tests and*or calibrations regardless of the
number of personnel or the e0tent of the scope of testing and*or calibration activities. ,ompliance with
regulatory and safety requirements on the operation of laboratories is not covered by IS #'"2($2""(.
2 !ormative references
ISO 17000/ ,onformity assessment 1 -ocabulary and general principles.
$I%, International !ocabular" o& basic and general terms in metrolog"/ issued by 2I3./ I+,/ I4,,/ IS/
I53A,/ I53A3 and I.L
* Terms and definitions 6he relevant terms and definitions given in ISO 17000 and $I% apply.
+ ,ana(ement re-uirements Clause + specifies t#e re-uirements for sound mana(ement"
+"1 Or(ani.ation
6he laborator" or te organization o& 'ic it is part shall be an entity that can be held legall" responsible.
6he organization and management structure of the laboratory/ its place in any parent organization/ and the
relationships between quality management/ technical operations and support services shall be de&ined7
(e managerial and tecnical personnel o& te laborator" 'ic as te o!erall responsibilit" &or te
tecnical operations sall a!e te authority and resources needed to carr" out teir duties / including
the implementation/ maintenance and improvement of the management system/ to identify departures from
the management system or from the procedures for performing tests and*or calibrations/ and to initiate
actions to prevent or minimize such departures. (e responsibilit", autorit" and interrelationsips o& all
personnel who manage/ perform or verify wor) a&&ecting te )ualit" o& te tests and/or calibrations sall be
speci&ied7 6op management shall appoint a member of staff as )ualit" manager who shall have de&ined
responsibilit" and autorit" for ensuring that the management system related to quality is implemented and
followed at all times7 the quality manager shall have direct access to the highest level of management at
which decisions are made on laboratory policy or resources7 deputies for )ey managerial personnel shall be
appointed7 .anagement shall pro!ide ade)uate super!ision o& testing and calibration sta&&/ by persons
familiar with methods and procedures/ purpose of each test and*or calibration/ and with the assessment of
the test or calibration results7 .anagement shall ensure appropriate communication processes within the
laboratory. 3ersonnel shall be aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they
contribute to the achievement of the ob8ectives of the management system and communication regarding
the effectiveness of the management system shall ta)e place.
6he management and personnel of the laboratory shall be &ree &rom an" undue internal and e*ternal
pressures and influences that may adversely affect the quality of their wor)7 6here shall be policies and
procedures to a!oid in!ol!ement in an" acti!ities tat 'ould diminis con&idence in its competence/
impartiality/ 8udgement or operational integrity7 it shall have policies and procedures to ensure the
protection o& its customers+ con&idential in&ormation and proprietary rights/ including procedures for
protecting the electronic storage and transmission of results7
!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
6he structure of the first two columns follows the structure of the International Standard IS*I+, #'"2($2""( standard. 9owever/ te0t at lower structural levels is arranged into logical bloc)s in the third column
and does not always reflect the structural order of the International Standard. 4or the full wording of the :orm it is strongly recommended to use this table together with the original document.
The term 'management system' in ISO 17025:2005 means the quality, administrative and technical systems that govern the oerations o! a la"oratory#
+"2 ,ana(ement system
6he laboratory shall establish/ implement and maintain a management s"stem appropriate to te scope o&
its acti!ities7 the laboratory shall document its policies, s"stems, programmes, procedures and instructions
to te e*tent necessar" to assure the quality of the test and*or calibration results. 6he system;s
documentation sall be communicated to/ understood by/ a!ailable to/ and implemented by the appropriate
6he laboratory<s management s"stem policies related to )ualit" shall be defined in a )ualit" manual. It
should contain$
= A statement of the o!erall ob,ecti!es which shall be re!ie'ed during management re!ie'7
= A )ualit" polic" statement issued under te autorit" o& top management which includes in a concise
document at least$
>the management+s commitment to good professional practice/ to the quality of its testing and
calibration/ and to compliance with the International Standard7
>a management statement o& te laborator"+s standard o& ser!ice7
>the purpose o& te management s"stem related to quality7 a management commitment to continually
improve the effectiveness of the management system7 e!idence o& commitment to the development
and implementation of the management system and to continually improving its effectiveness7
assurance that the integrit" o& te management system is maintained when changes to the
management system are planned and implemented7
>the roles and responsibilities o& tecnical management and the quality manager/ including their
responsibility for ensuring compliance with IS #'"2($2""(7
>a re)uirement tat all personnel concerned with testing and calibration activities within the laboratory
&amiliarize temsel!es 'it te )ualit" documentation and implement the policies and procedures in
their wor)7 communication to the organization the importance of meeting customer requirements as
well as statutory and regulatory requirements7
>documentation or reference to the supporting procedures including technical procedures
and an outline of the structure of the documentation used in the management system.
/ocument control
$#%#1 ?eneral
6he laboratory shall establish and maintain procedures to control all documents that form part of its
management system (internally generated or from e0ternal sources&/ such as regulations/ standards/ other
normative documents/ test and*or calibration methods/ as well as drawings/ software/ specifications/
instructions and manuals.
:6+$ In this conte0t @documentA could be policy statements/ procedures/ specifications/ calibration tables/ charts/ te0t boo)s/
posters/ notices/ memoranda/ software/ drawings/ plans/ etc. 6hese may be on various media/ whether hard copy or electronic/ and
they may be digital/ analog/ photographic or written. 6he control of data related to testing and calibration is covered in (.%.'. 6he
control of records is covered in %.#B.
$#%#2 Cocument approval and issue
All documents issued to personnel in the laboratory as part of the management system shall be re!ie'ed
and appro!ed for use by authorized personnel prior to issue and shall be periodically reviewed and/ where
necessary/ revised7 autorized editions of appropriate documents sall be a!ailable at all locations where
operations essential to the effective functioning of the laboratory are performed7 invalid or obsolete
documents sall be promptl" remo!ed from all points of issue or use7
.anagement system documents generated by the laboratory shall be uni)uel" identi&ied. Such identification
shall include the date of issue and*or revision identification/ page numbering/ the total number of pages or
a mar) to signify the end of the document/ and the issuing authority(ies&.
A master list or an equivalent document control procedure identifying the current revision status and
distribution of documents in the management system shall be established and shall be readily available to
preclude the use of invalid and*or obsolete documents.
$#%#% Cocument changes
-anges to documents sall be re!ie'ed and appro!ed b" te same &unction tat per&ormed te original
re!ie' unless specifically designated otherwise. 3rocedures shall be established to describe how changes in
documents are made and controlled. . re!ised document sall be &ormall" re#issued as soon as practicable.
!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
0evie& of re-uests1 tenders and
6he laboratory shall a!e policies and establis and maintain procedures for the review of requests/ tenders
and ensuring that the requirements/ including the methods to be used/ are adequately defined/ documented
and understood/ the laboratory has the capability and resources to meet the requirements/ the appropriate
test and*or calibration method is selected and is capable of meeting the customers< requirements. (e
re!ie' sall also co!er an" 'or/ tat is subcontracted by the laboratory. If a contract needs to be amended
after wor) has commenced/ the same contract review process shall be repeated and any amendments shall
be communicated to all affected personnel. (e customer sall be in&ormed o& an" de!iation from the
contract. 0ecords o& re!ie's/ including any significant changes/ sall be maintained.
2efore going into more details here/ it should be
decided whether this clause is relevant for the
D, laboratories and who could be @customersA
in such cases.
Subcontractin( of tests and
Ehen a laboratory subcontracts wor) this wor) shall be placed with a competent subcontractor (e.g./ who
complies with IS #'"2($2""(&. (e laborator" shall advise the customer of the arrangement in writing and
is responsible to te customer &or te subcontractor1s wor). 6he laboratory shall maintain a register of all
subcontractors that it uses for tests and*or calibrations and a record of the evidence of compliance with IS
#'"2($2""( for the wor) in question.
4.6 2urc#asin( services and supplies
6he laboratory shall have a polic" and procedure2s3 for the selection and purcasing o& ser!ices and
supplies and te storage o& reagents and laborator" consumable materials relevant for the quality of tests
and calibrations. Such supplies/ reagents and consumable materials sall not be used until te" a!e been
!eri&ied as complying with standard specifications and requirements defined in the methods for the tests
and*or calibrations concerned. 0ecords o& compliance cec/s shall be maintained. Suppliers of critical
consumables/ supplies and services sall be e!aluated and records o& tese e!aluations and a list of those
approved sall be maintained.
4.7 Service to t#e customer
6he laboratory shall cooperate 'it customers in clarifying the customer<s request and in monitoring the
laboratory;s performance in relation to the wor) performed/ e.g./ by providing the customer reasonable
access to relevant areas of the laboratory for the witnessing of tests and*or calibrations performed for the
customer and by providing test and*or calibration items needed by the customer for verification purposes.
6he laboratory should inform the customer of any delays or ma8or deviations in the performance of the
tests and*or calibrations.
6he laboratory sall see/ &eedbac/ &rom its customers (e.g./ satisfaction surveys& and analyse the feedbac)
to improve the management system/ testing and calibration activities and customer service.
4.8 Complaints
6he laboratory shall have a policy and procedure for the resolution of complaints received from customers
or other parties. Fecords shall be maintained of all complaints and of the investigations and corrective
actions ta)en by the laboratory.
Control of nonconformin( testin(
and/or calibration &or%
6he laboratory shall have a polic" and procedures that shall be implemented when any aspect of its testing
and*or calibration wor)/ or the results of this wor)/ do not con&orm to its own procedures or the agreed
requirements of the customer. 6hey shall ensure that responsibilities and autorities &or te management o&
noncon&orming 'or/ (evaluation of the significance/ corrective actions (see %.##&/ notification of customer
and recall of wor) G where necessary G and resumption of wor)& are designated.
:6+$ Identification of nonconforming wor) or problems with the management system or with testing and*or calibration activities can
occur at various places within the management system and technical operations. +0amples are customer complaints/ quality control/
instrument calibration/ chec)ing of consumable materials/ staff observations or supervision/ test report and calibration certificate
chec)ing/ management reviews and internal or e0ternal audits.
4.10 Improvement
6he laboratory shall continually impro!e te e&&ecti!eness o& its management s"stem through the use of the
quality policy/ quality ob8ectives/ audit results/ analysis of data/ corrective and preventive actions and
management review.
Corrective action
6he laboratory shall establish a polic" and a procedure and sall designate appropriate autorities for
implementing corrective action when nonconforming wor) or departures from the policies and procedures in
the management system or technical operations have been identified.
,ause analysis
6he procedure for corrective action shall start 'it an in!estigation to determine te root cause(s& of the
Selection and implementation of
corrective actions
6he laboratory shall identi&" potential correcti!e actions appropriate to te magnitude and te ris/ of the
problem and select and implement the action(s& most li)ely to eliminate the problem and to prevent
!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
.onitoring of corrective actions
6he laboratory shall monitor te results to ensure that the corrective actions ta)en have been effective.
Additional audits
Ehere the identification of nonconformities or departures casts (serious& doubts on the laboratory<s
compliance with its own policies and procedures/ or on its compliance with IS #'"2($2""(/ the laboratory
shall audit te appropriate areas of activity in accordance with %.#% as soon as possible.
Preventive action
:eeded impro!ements and potential sources o& tecnical or management s"stem noncon&ormities shall be
identified and action plans shall be developed/ implemented and their effectiveness monitored to ta)e
advantage of the opportunities for improvement and to reduce the li)elihood of the occurrence of
Control of records
6he laboratory shall establis and maintain procedures &or identi&ication, collection, inde*ing, access, &iling,
storage, maintenance and disposal o& )ualit" and tecnical records. Duality records shall include reports
from internal audits and management reviews as well as records of corrective and preventive actions.
All records sall be eld secure and in con&idence7 the laboratory shall have procedures to protect and bac)=
up records stored electronically and to prevent unauthorized access to or amendment of these records7
Fecords shall be legible and shall be stored and retained in such a way that they are readily retrievable in
facilities that provide a suitable environment to prevent damage or deterioration and to prevent loss.
Fetention times of records shall be established.
6echnical records
6he laboratory sall retain G as far as possible = records of original observations/ derived data and sufficient
information to establish an audit trail/ calibration records/ staff records and a copy of each test report or
calibration certificate issued/ &or a de&ined period. 6he records for each test or calibration shall contain
sufficient information to facilitate/ if possible/ identification of factors affecting the uncertainty and to enable
the test or calibration to be repeated under conditions as close as possible to the original.
bservations/ data and calculations shall be recorded at te time te" are made and shall be identifiable to
the specific tas). 6he records sall include te identit" o& personnel responsible for the sampling/
performance of each test and*or calibration and chec)ing of results.
Ehen mista)es occur in records/ each mista)e shall be crossed out/ not erased/ made illegible or deleted/
and the correct value entered alongside. All such alterations to records sall be signed or initialled by the
person ma)ing the correction. In the case of records stored electronically/ equivalent measures shall be
ta)en to avoid loss or change of original data.
:6+ $ 6echnical records are accumulations of data (see (.%.'& and information which result from carrying out tests and*or
calibrations and which indicate whether specified quality or process parameters are achieved. 6hey may include forms/ contracts/ wor)
sheets/ wor) boo)s/ chec) sheets/ wor) notes/ control graphs/ e0ternal and internal test reports and calibration certificates/ customers<
notes/ papers and feedbac).
Internal audits
6he laboratory sall periodicall" (normally a cycle of one year&/ and in accordance 'it a predetermined
scedule and procedure, conduct internal audits o& its acti!ities to verify that its operations continue to
comply with the requirements of the management system and IS #'"2(. 6he internal audit programme
shall address all elements of the management system/ including the testing and*or calibration activities. It
is the responsibility of the quality manager to plan and organize audits as required by the schedule and
requested by management. Such audits shall be carried out by trained and qualified personnel who are/
wherever resources permit/ independent of the activity to be audited.
Ehen audit findings cast doubt on the effectiveness of the operations or on the correctness or validity of the
laboratory<s test or calibration results/ the laboratory shall ta)e timely corrective action/ and shall notify
customers in writing if investigations show that the laboratory results may have been affected. 6he area of
activity audited/ the audit findings and corrective actions that arise from them shall be recorded.
4ollow=up audit activities shall verify and record the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective
action ta)en.
!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
,ana(ement revie&s
In accordance with a predetermined scedule (typically once every #2 months& and procedure/ the
laboratory;s top management shall periodically conduct a re!ie' o& te laborator"+s management s"stem
and testing and/or calibration acti!ities to ensure their continuing suitability and effectiveness/ and to
introduce necessary changes or improvements. 4indings from management reviews and the actions that
arise from them shall be recorded. 6he management shall ensure that those actions are carried out within
an appropriate and agreed timescale.
(e re!ie' sall ta/e account o& $
= the suitability of policies and procedures7
= reports from managerial and supervisory personnel7
= the outcome of recent internal audits7
= corrective and preventive actions7
= assessments by e0ternal bodies7
= the results of interlaboratory comparisons or proficiency tests7
= changes in the volume and type of the wor)7
= customer feedbac)7
= complaints7
= recommendations for improvement7
= other relevant factors/ such as quality control activities/ resources and staff training.
:6+$ Fesults should be considered at regular management meetings and should feed into the laboratory planning system.
5 Tec#nical re-uirements
Clause 5 specifies t#e re-uirements for tec#nical competence for t#e type of tests and/or
calibrations t#e laboratory underta%es"
5.1 3eneral
%an" &actors determine te correctness and reliabilit" o& te tests and/or calibrations performed by a
laboratory (see (.2 to (.H&. 6he e0tent to which the factors contribute to the total uncertainty of
measurement differs considerably between (types of& tests and between (types of& calibrations. (e
laborator" sall ta/e account o& tese &actors in developing test and calibration methods and procedures/ in
the training and qualification of personnel/ and in the selection and calibration of the equipment it uses.
5.2 2ersonnel
(e laborator" management sall ensure te competence o& all 'o operate specific equipment/ perform
tests and*or calibrations/ evaluate results/ and sign test reports and calibration certificates. Personnel
performing specific tas)s sall be )uali&ied on te basis o& appropriate education, training, e*perience
and/or demonstrated s/ills/ as required. 4ersonnel 'o are emplo"ed b", or under contract to/ the
laboratory sall be used. 6he laboratory shall maintain current ,ob descriptions for managerial/ technical
and )ey support personnel involved in tests and*or calibrations. 6he laboratory shall ensure that personnel
are super!ised.
(e management sall autorize speci&ic personnel to perform particular types of sampling/ test and*or
calibration/ to issue test reports and calibration certificates/ to give opinions and interpretations and to
operate particular types of equipment. 6he laboratory shall maintain records of the relevant
authorization(s&/ competence/ educational and professional qualifications/ training/ s)ills and e0perience of
all technical personnel/ including contracted personnel. 6his information shall be readily available and shall
include the date on which authorization and*or competence is confirmed.
6he management o& te laborator" sall &ormulate te goals 'it respect to te education, training and
s/ills of the laboratory personnel. 6he laboratory shall have a polic" and procedures &or identi&"ing training
needs and pro!iding training o& personnel. (e training programme sall be rele!ant to the present and
anticipated tas)s of the laboratory. (e e&&ecti!eness o& te training actions ta/en sall be e!aluated.
:6+$ In some technical areas (e.g. non=destructive testing& it may be required that the personnel performing certain tas)s hold
personnel certification.
:6+$Iob descriptions should be define (as a minimum& the responsibilities with respect to planning/ performing/ and evaluation of
results of tests and*or calibrations7 responsibilities with respect to method modification and development and validation of new
methods7 responsibilities for reporting opinions and interpretations.
5.3 4ccommodation and
environmental conditions
Laboratory &acilities &or testing and/or calibration sall be suc as to facilitate correct performance of the
tests and*or calibrations and environmental conditions sall not ad!ersel" a&&ect te re)uired )ualit" o& an"
measurement. (e laborator" sall monitor, control and record en!ironmental conditions as required by
the relevant specifications/ methods and procedures or where they influence the quality of the results. Cue
attention shall be paid/ for e0ample/ to biological sterility/ dust/ electromagnetic disturbances/ radiation/
humidity/ electrical supply/ temperature/ and sound and vibration levels/ as appropriate. (ests and
calibrations sall be stopped 'en te en!ironmental conditions ,eopardize te results. There shall be
effective separation between neighbouring areas in which there are incompatible activities.
Access to and use of areas affecting the quality of the tests and*or calibrations shall be controlled.
!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
Test and calibration met#ods
and met#od validation
5#$#1 ?eneral
6he laboratory shall use appropriate methods and procedures for all tests and*or calibrations within its
scope. 6hese include sampling/ handling/ transport/ storage and preparation of items to be tested and*or
calibrated/ and/ where appropriate/ an estimation of the measurement uncertainty as well as statistical
techniques for analysis of test and*or calibration data.
6he laboratory shall have instructions on the use and operation of all relevant equipment/ and on the
handling and preparation of items for testing and*or calibration/ or both/ where the absence of such
instructions could 8eopardize the results of tests and*or calibrations. All instructions/ standards/ manuals
and reference data relevant to the wor) of the laboratory shall be )ept up to date and shall be made readily
available to personnel (see %.B&. Ceviation from test and calibration methods shall occur only if the
deviation has been documented/ technically 8ustified/ authorized/ and accepted by the customer.
:6+ International/ regional or national standards or other recognized specifications that contain sufficient and concise information on
how to perform the tests and*or calibrations do not need to be supplemented or rewritten as internal procedures if these standards are
written in a way that they can be used as published by the operating staff in a laboratory. It may be necessary to provide additional
documentation for optional steps in the method or additional details.
5#$#2 Selection of methods
(e laborator" sall use test and/or calibration metods, including metods &or sampling, 'ic meet te
needs o& te customer and which are appropriate for the tests and*or calibrations it underta)es. .ethods
published in international, regional or national standards (latest valid edition = unless it is not appropriate or
possible/ and supplemented with necessary additional details to ensure consistent use& sall pre&erabl" be
used. .ppropriate metods published by reputable technical organizations/ or in relevant scientific te0ts or
8ournals/ or as specified by the manufacturer of the equipment or methods developed or adopted by the
laboratory ma" also be used if they are validated . (e laborator" sall con&irm tat it can properl"
operate standard metods be&ore introducing te tests or calibrations. If the standard method changes/ the
confirmation shall be repeated.
6he laboratory shall inform the customer when the method proposed by the customer is considered to be
inappropriate or out of date. 6he customer shall be informed as to the method chosen.
5#$#% Laboratory=developed methods
(e introduction o& test and calibration metods de!eloped b" te laborator" &or its o'n use sall be a
planned acti!it" and sall be assigned to )uali&ied personnel e)uipped 'it ade)uate resources.
5#$#$ :on=standard methods
Ehen it is necessary to use methods not covered by standard methods/ these shall have been validated
appropriately before use.
:6+$ Cescription of procedures should contain at least the following information$
appropriate identification7 scope7 description of the type of item to be tested or calibrated7 parameters or quantities and ranges to be
determined7 apparatus and equipment/ including technical performance requirements7 reference standards and reference materials
required7 environmental conditions required and any stabilization period needed7 affi0ing of identification mar)s/ handling/
transporting/ storing and preparation of items7 chec)s to be made before the wor) is started7 chec)s that the equipment is wor)ing
properly and/ where required/ calibration and ad8ustment of the equipment before each use7 the method of recording the observations
and results7 any safety measures to be observed7 criteria and*or requirements for approval*re8ection7 data to be recorded and method
of data analysis and presentation7 the uncertainty or the procedure for estimating uncertainty.
5#$#5 -alidation of methods
$alidation is the confirmation by e0amination and the provision of ob8ective evidence that the particular
requirements for a specific intended use are fulfilled.
(e laborator" sall validate non-standard methods, laboratory-designed/developed methods,
standard methods used outside their intended scope, and amplifications and modifications of
standard methods to con&irm tat te metods are &it &or te intended use. (e !alidation sall be as
e*tensi!e as is necessar" to meet te needs o& te gi!en application or &ield o& application. (e laborator"
sall record te results obtained, te procedure used &or te !alidation, and a statement as to 'eter te
metod is &it &or te intended use. 6he range and accuracy of the values obtainable from validated methods
(e.g. the uncertainty of the results/ detection limit/ selectivity of the method/ linearity/ limit of repeatability
and*or reproducibility/ robustness against e0ternal influences and*or cross=sensitivity against interference
from the matri0 of the sample*test ob8ect&/ as assessed for the intended use/ shall be relevant to the
customers< needs.
:6+$ -alidation is always a balance between costs/ ris)s and technical possibilities. -alidation includes specification of the
requirements/ determination of the characteristics of the methods/ a chec) that the requirements can be fulfilled by using the method
and a statement on the validity. 6he techniques used for the determination of the performance of a method should be one of/ or a
combination of/ the following$ calibration using reference standards or reference materials7 comparison of results achieved with other
methods7 inter=laboratory comparisons7 systematic assessment of the factors influencing the result7 assessment of the uncertainty of
the results based on scientific understanding of the theoretical principles of the method and practical e0perience.
!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
+stimation of uncertainty of
. calibration laborator", or a testing laborator" per&orming its o'n calibrations / shall have and shall apply a
procedure to estimate te uncertaint" o& measurement for all calibrations and types of calibrations. All
uncertainty components which are of importance in the given situation shall be ta)en into account using
appropriate methods of analysis.If the nature of the test method precludes rigorous/ metrologically and
statistically valid/ calculation of uncertainty of measurement the laboratory shall at least attempt to identify
the components of uncertainty and ma)e a reasonable estimation/ and shall ensure that the form of
reporting of the result does not give a wrong impression of the uncertainty.
:6+$ In those cases where a well=recognized test method specifies limits to the values of the ma8or sources of uncertainty of
measurement and specifies the form of presentation of calculated results/ the laboratory is considered to have satisfied this clause by
following the test method and reporting instructions (see (.#"&.
5#$#7 ,ontrol of data
,alculations and data transfers shall be sub8ect to appropriate chec)s in a systematic manner. Ehen
computers or automated equipment are used for the acquisition/ processing/ recording/ reporting/ storage
or retrieval of test or calibration data/ the laboratory shall ensure that$
= computer software developed by the user is documented in sufficient detail and is suitably validated as
being adequate for use7
= procedures are established and implemented for protecting the data7 such procedures shall include/ but
not be limited to/ integrity and confidentiality of data entry or collection/ data storage/ data
transmission and data processing7
= computers and automated equipment are maintained to ensure proper functioning and are provided
with the environmental and operating conditions necessary to maintain the integrity of test and
calibration data.
:6+$ ,ommercial off=the=shelf software (e.g. wordprocessing/ database and statistical programmes& in general use within their
designed application range may be considered to be sufficiently validated. 9owever/ laboratory software configuration*modifications
should be validated.
(e laborator" sall be &urnised 'it all items o& sampling, measurement and test e)uipment re) uired for
the correct performance of the tests and*or calibrations and for achieving the accuracy required. +quipment
shall compl" 'it speci&ications relevant to the tests and*or calibrations concerned. +quipment shall be
operated b" autorized personnel having readily available up=to=date instructions on te use and
maintenance of equipment (including any relevant manuals&. 6he laboratory shall have procedures for safe
handling/ transport/ storage/ use and planned maintenance o& measuring e)uipment to ensure proper
functioning and in order to prevent contamination or deterioration. 5)uipment tat as been sub,ected to
o!erloading or misandling/ gives suspect results/ or has been shown to be defective or outside specified
limits/ sall be ta/en out o& ser!ice. It shall be isolated to prevent its use or clearly labelled or mar)ed as
being out of service until it has been repaired and shown by calibration or test to perform correctly. 6he
laboratory shall e0amine the effect of the defect or departure from specified limits on previous tests and*or
calibrations and shall institute the @,ontrol of nonconforming wor)A procedure (see %.!&.
+ach item o& e)uipment and its so&t'are used for testing and calibration and significant to the result shall/
when practicable/ be uni)uel" identi&ied. 0ecords sall be maintained o& eac item o& e)uipment and its
so&t'are significant to the tests and*or calibrations performed. 6he records shall include at least the
= the identity of the item of equipment and its software7
= the manufacturer<s name/ type identification/ and serial number or other unique identification7
= chec)s that equipment complies with the specification (see (.(.2&7
= the current location/ where appropriate7
= the manufacturer<s instructions/ if available/ or reference to their location7
= dates/ results and copies of reports and certificates of all calibrations/ ad8ustments/ acceptance criteria/
and the due date of ne0t calibration7
= the maintenance plan/ where appropriate/ and maintenance carried out to date7
= any damage/ malfunction/ modification or repair to the equipment.
-alibration programmes sall be establised &or /e" )uantities or !alues o& te instruments . 2efore being
placed into service or when intermediate chec)s are needed/ e)uipment sall be calibrated or cec/ed
according to a de&ined procedure to establish that it meets the relevant specifications. Ehenever
practicable/ all equipment requiring calibration shall be labelled/ or otherwise identified to indicate the
status of calibration/ the date when last calibrated and the date or criteria when recalibration is due. 6est
and calibration equipment/ including both hardware and software/ shall be safeguarded from ad8ustments
which would invalidate the test and*or calibration results.
!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
,easurement traceability
(e laborator" sall a!e an establised programme and procedure &or te calibration o& its e)uipment.
Specific requirements
4or calibration laboratories, the rogramme !or cali"ration o! equiment shall "e designed and oerated so as to ensure that
cali"rations and measurements made "y the la"oratory are traceable to the International System of Units (SI) 'Syst(me international
d'unit)s* by means of an unbroken chain of calibrations or comparisons linking them to relevant primary standards of the SI units of
measurement# The lin+ to SI units may "e achieved "y re!erence to national measurement standards 'rimary or agreed reresentations
o! SI units or secondary ,hich are standards cali"rated "y another national metrology institute*# When using external calibration services,
tracea"ility o! measurement shall "e assured "y the use o! cali"ration services !rom la"oratories that can demonstrate cometence,
measurement caa"ility and tracea"ility# The cali"ration certi!icates issued "y these la"oratories shall contain the measurement results,
including the measurement uncertainty and-or a statement o! comliance ,ith an identi!ied metrological seci!ication 'see also 5#10#$#2*#
(ere are certain calibrations tat currentl" cannot be strictl" made in SI units # In these cases cali"ration shall
rovide con!idence in measurements "y esta"lishing tracea"ility to aroriate measurement standards such as:
= the use of certified reference materials rovided "y a cometent sulier to give a relia"le hysical or chemical characteri.ation o!
a material/
= the use of specified methods and/or consensus standards that are clearly descri"ed and agreed "y all arties concerned#
3articipation in a suitable programme of interlaboratory comparisons is required where possible.
4or testing laboratories/ the requirements given in (.J.2.# appl" &or measuring and test e)uipment 'it
measuring &unctions used/ unless it has been established that the associated contribution from the
calibration contributes little to the total uncertainty of the test result. Ehen this situation arises/ the
laboratory shall ensure that the equipment used can provide the uncertainty of measurement needed.
Ehere traceability of measurements to SI units is not possible and*or not relevant/ the same requirements
for traceability to/ for e0ample/ certified reference materials/ agreed methods and*or consensus standards/
are required as for calibration laboratories.
Feference standards and reference
Feference standards
6he laboratory shall have a programme and procedure &or te calibration o& its re&erence standards.
0e&erence standards sall be calibrated b" a bod" tat can pro!ide traceabilit" as described in (.J.2.#. Such
reference standards of measurement held by the laboratory shall be used for calibration only and for no
other purpose/ unless it can be shown that their performance as reference standards would not be
invalidated. Feference standards shall be calibrated before and after any ad8ustment.
Feference materials
0e&erence materials sall, 'ere possible, be traceable to SI units o& measurement, or to certi&ied re&erence
materials. Internal reference materials shall be chec)ed as far as is technically and economically
Intermediate chec)s
-ec/s needed to maintain con&idence in te calibration status o& re&erence, primar", trans&er or 'or/ing
standards and re&erence materials sall be carried out according to de&ined procedures and scedules.
6ransport and storage
6he laboratory sall a!e procedures for safe handling/ transport/ storage and use of reference standards
and reference materials in order to prevent contamination or deterioration and in order to protect their
(e laborator" sall a!e a sampling plan and procedures for sampling and &or recording rele!ant data
and operations relating to sampling 'en it carries out sampling o& substances, materials or products &or
subse)uent testing or calibration. (e sampling plan as 'ell as te sampling procedure sall be a!ailable at
te location 'ere sampling is underta/en. Sampling plans sall, 'ene!er reasonable, be based on
appropriate statistical metods. 6he records shall include the sampling procedure/ the identification of the
sampler/ environmental conditions (if relevant& and diagrams or other equivalent means to identify the
sampling location as necessary and/ if appropriate/ the statistics the sampling procedures are based upon.
:6+$ Sampling is a defined procedure whereby a part of a substance/ material or product is ta)en to provide for testing or calibration
of a representative sample of the whole.
!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
6andlin( of test and calibration
6he laboratory shall have procedures for the transportation/ receipt/ handling/ protection/ storage/ retention
and*or disposal of test and*or calibration items/ including all provisions necessary to protect the integrity of
the test or calibration item/ and to protect the interests of the laboratory and the customer A sampling
procedure and information on storage and transport of samples/ including information on sampling factors
influencing the test or calibration result/ should be provided to those responsible for ta)ing and transporting
the samples. It sall also a!e a s"stem &or identi&"ing test and/or calibration items. 6he identification shall
be retained throughout the life of the item in the laboratory. 6he system shall be designed and operated so
as to ensure that items cannot be confused physically or when referred to in records or other documents.
6pon receipt o& te test or calibration item, abnormalities or departures &rom normal or speci&ied conditions /
as described in the test or calibration method/ shall be recorded. Ehen there is doubt as to the suitability of
an item for test or calibration/ or when an item does not conform to the description provided/ or the test or
calibration required is not specified in sufficient detail/ the laboratory shall consult the customer for further
instructions before proceeding and shall record the discussion. (e laborator" sall a!e procedures and
appropriate &acilities &or a!oiding deterioration/ loss or damage to the test or calibration item during
storage/ handling and preparation. Ehen items have to be stored or conditioned under specified
environmental conditions/ or i& a portion o& an item is to be eld secure (e.g./ to enable complementary
tests and*or calibrations to be performed later&/ these conditions shall be maintained/ monitored and
4ssurin( t#e -uality of test and
calibration results
6he laboratory shall have )ualit" control procedures &or monitoring te !alidit" o& tests and calibrations
underta/en. (e resulting data sall be recorded in such a way that trends are detectable and/ where
practicable/ statistical tecni)ues sall be applied to the reviewing of the results. Duality control data shall
be analysed and/ 'ere te" are &ound to be outside pre#de&ined criteria/ planned action shall be ta)en to
correct the problem and to prevent incorrect results from being reported. 6his monitoring shall be planned
and reviewed and should be appropriate for the type and volume of the wor) underta)en. It may include/
but not be limited to$
= regular use o& certi&ied re&erence materials and*or internal quality control using secondary reference
= participation in interlaborator" comparison or pro&icienc"#testing programmes 7
= replicate tests or calibrations using the same or different methods7
= retesting or recalibration of retained items7
= correlation of results for different characteristics of an item.
0eportin( t#e results
(e results of each test/ calibration/ or series of tests or calibrations carried out by the laboratory sall be
reported accurately/ clearly/ unambiguously and ob8ectively/ and in accordance with any specific
instructions in the test or calibration methods. 6he results shall be reported/ usuall" in a test report or a
calibration certi&icate (issued as hard copy or by electronic data transfer provided that the requirements of
IS #'"2($2""(are met& and sall include all te in&ormation requested by the customer and necessary for
the interpretation of the test or calibration results and all information required by the method used. 6his
information is normally that re)uired b" 5.10.2, and 5.10.7 or 5.10.8. .n" in&ormation listed in 5.10.2 to
5.10.8 'ic is not reported to te customer sall be readil" a!ailable in te laborator" 'ic carried out
te tests and/or calibrations.
6est reports and calibration
5ac test report or calibration certi&icate sall include at least te &ollo'ing in&ormation $
= a title (e.g. @6est FeportA or @,alibration ,ertificateA&7
= the name and address o& te laborator"/ and the location where the tests and*or calibrations were
carried out/ if different from the address of the laboratory7
= uni)ue identi&ication of the test report or calibration certificate (such as the serial number&/ and on
eac page an identification/ and a clear identification of the end7
= the name and address o& te customer7
= re&erence to te sampling plan and procedures used by the laboratory or other bodies7
= identification of the metod used7
= a description of/ the condition of/ and unambiguous identi&ication o& te item2s3 tested or calibrated7
= the dates o& receipt and o& per&ormance o& te test or calibration of the test or calibration item(s&7
= te test or calibration results with/ where appropriate/ the units of measurement7
= te name2s3, &unction2s3 and signature2s3 or e)ui!alent identi&ication o& person2s3 autorizing te test
report or calibration certi&icate7
= where relevant/ a statement to the effect that the results relate only to the items tested or calibrated.
!o" Title of t#e clause E$tracts from te$t of 170252005 and %ey &ords 'arran(ed in bloc%s) Comment
5#10#% 6est reports
In addition to the requirements listed in (.#".2/ test reports shall/ where necessary for the interpretation of
the test results/ include the following$
= deviations from/ additions to/ or e0clusions from the test method/ and information on specific test
conditions/ such as environmental conditions7
= where relevant/ a statement of compliance*non=compliance with requirements and*or specifications7
= where applicable/ a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement7
= where appropriate and needed/ opinions and interpretations (see (.#".(&7
= additional information which may be required by specific methods/ customers or groups of customers.
6est reports containing the results of sampling shall include the following$
= the date of sampling7
= unambiguous identification of the substance/ material or product sampled7
= the location of sampling/ including any diagrams/ s)etches or photographs7
= a reference to the sampling plan and procedures used7
= details of any conditions during sampling that may affect the interpretation of the test results7
= any standard or other specification for the sampling method or procedure/ and deviations/ additions to
or e0clusions from the specification concerned.
5#10#$ ,alibration certificates
In addition to the requirements listed in (.#".2/ calibration certi&icates shall/ where necessary for the
interpretation of calibration results/ include the following$
= the conditions under which the calibrations were made that have an influence on the measurement
= the uncertainty of measurement and*or a statement of compliance with an identified metrological
specification or clauses thereof7
= evidence that the measurements are traceable.
6he calibration certificate shall relate only to quantities and the results of functional tests. If a statement of
compliance with a specification is made/ this shall identify which clauses of the specification are met or not
met ta)ing into account the uncertainty of measurement. Ehen a statement of compliance with a
specification is made omitting the measurement results and associated uncertainties/ the laboratory shall
record those results and maintain them for possible future reference. Ehen an instrument for calibration
has been ad8usted or repaired/ the calibration results before and after ad8ustment or repair/ if available/
shall be reported.
5#10#5 pinions and interpretations
Ehen opinions and interpretations are included/ the laboratory shall document the basis upon which the
opinions and interpretations have been made. Opinions and interpretations sall be clearl" mar/ed as suc
in a test report.
6esting and calibration results
obtained from subcontractors
9en te test report contains results o& tests per&ormed b" subcontractors, tese results sall be clearl"
identi&ied. (e subcontractor sall report te results in 'riting or electronicall". 9en a calibration as been
subcontracted, te laborator" per&orming te 'or/ sall issue te calibration certi&icate to te contracting
5#10#7 +lectronic transmission of results
In the case of transmission of test or calibration results by telephone/ tele0/ facsimile or other electronic or
electromagnetic means/ the requirements of IS #'"2($2""( shall be met. (see also (.%.'&.
5#10#0 4ormat of reports and certificates
6he format shall be designed to accommodate each type of test or calibration carried out and to minimize
the possibility of misunderstanding or misuse.
Amendments to test reports and
calibration certificates
%aterial amendments to a test report or calibration certi&icate a&ter issue sall be made onl" in te &orm o& a
&urter document/ or data transfer/ which includes the statement$
@Supplement to 6est Feport Kor ,alibration ,ertificateL/ serial number... Kor as otherwise identifiedLA/ or an
equivalent form of wording. Such amendments shall meet all the requirements of IS #'"2($2""(. Ehen it is
necessary to issue a complete new test report or calibration certificate/ this shall be uniquely identified and
shall contain a reference to the original that it replaces.
Anne0 A :ominal cross=references to IS !""#$2"""
Anne0 2
?uidelines for establishing applications for
specific fields

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