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Libyan J Med, December 2006, Volume 1, Number 2


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Cite this article as: Libyan J Med, AOP: 060902 (published 8 September 2006)

The Burden of Congenital Heart Disease

in Libya
By Elhadi H Aburawi

Received 22 August 2006. Accepted in revised form 02 September 2006

Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) have a higher mortality than not

is defined as a gross structural performing surgery.
abnormality of the heart or in-
trathoracic great vessels that is Hoffman et al reported that, giv-
actually or potentially of func- en the causes of variation, there
tional significance. It is the most is no evidence for differences
common congenital problem that in incidence between different
page accounts for up to 25% of all con- countries or times. The general
120 genital malformations presenting worldwide incidence of CHD is
in the neonatal period [1]. The 12-15/1000 live births [3]. Due to
cause of CHD is multifactorial. lack of reported national epidemi-
ological studies in Libya, it is wise
Early diagnosis and proper and to make some statistical calcula-
early medical or surgical inter- tions for the incidence and preva-
vention for most of the CHD lence of CHD.
could provide anatomical correc-
tion and a normal life expectancy. The birth rate in Libya is 27.6 live
Patients born with severe forms births/1000 populations [4]. The
of CHD are at approximately 12 total estimated number of live
times higher risk of mortality in births with CHD is about 2000 per
the first year of life, particularly if year, which is added every year
they are missed in the neonatal to the already existing pool. For
period. Mortality in the first year of the details of the different types,
life was 18% for all CHD that are incidence and the mathematically
diagnosed in infancy [2]. Cardiac calculated actual number of CHD
surgery with poor setup could in Libyan population, see table 1.
The incidence of moderate to se-

Libyan Journal of Medicine, Volume 1, 2006

vere forms of CHD, which require of patent ductus arteriosus, atrial
urgent cardiac management, is septal defect and ventricular sep-
about 4-5/1,000 live births [3]. In tal defect and balloon dilatation of
Libya there is a total number of pulmonary and aortic valve sten-
at least 400 - 600 live births/year osis. Centralization of the paedi-
with moderate to severe forms of atric cardiac service improves the
CHD, who need surgical or medi- results of the treatment of CHD.
cal intervention in the first year of Sweden and the United Kingdom
life. have turned towards centraliza-


* This table is based on rough math- tion of paediatric cardiac surgery

ematical calculation of the number of to achieve the best results. In
newborn babies per year with different Sweden, the overall 30-days mor-
types of congenital heart disease in tality for open-heart surgery was
Libya. reduced from 9.5% before cen-
tralization (1988-1991) to 1.9%
Surgery is the treatment of choice (1995-1997) after centralization
for most of CHD, but cardiac [5]. In 2002 the total mortality for
catheterization and intervention both closed and open heart sur-
are becoming a routine treatment gery was 0.0 % (personal com-
for many of CHD such as closure munication).

Libyan Journal of Medicine, Volume 1, 2006


1. Paediatric cardiology should paediatric cardiac center for early

be given prime importance in the diagnosis and treatment should
basic, specialty and subspecialty improve the outcome.
training programs in paediatrics;
Elhadi Hussein Aburawi
especially for neonatologists. Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist,
Department of Paediatrics, Division of
2. Paediatricians/neonatologists Pediatric Cardiology,
should be made aware to have a University Hospital Lund,
high index of suspicion for diag- SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden
nosis of CHD.

3. Centralization of paediatric REFERENCE

cardiac services in Libya in fully
1. Mitchell SC, Korones SB, Berendes
equipped 2-3 tertiary pediatric car-
HW. Cogenital heart disease in 56,109
diac centers. Each center needs live births. Incidence and natural his-
page 6-8 paediatric cardiologists, 4-5 tory. Circulation. 1971;43:323-32.
paediatric cardiac anesthetists 2. Wren C, Sullivan JJ. Survival with
122 and 3-4 paediatric cardiac sur- congenital heart disease and need
geons. These centers should be for follow-up in adult life. Heart. 2001;
also equipped with optimal infra-
3. Hoffman JIE, Kaplan S. The Inci-
structural and technological tools dence of Congenital Heart Disease. J
to achieve the needed optimal re- Am Coll Cardiol 2002;39:1890-1900.
sults 4. Spaziante E. Birth rate, infant mor-
tality rate, abortion in recent years in
4. Creation of a national registry various nations. Medicina e Morle.
program and stratification to be
5. Lundström NR, Berggren H, Bjorkhem
able to develop a good paediatric G, Jögi P, Sunnegardh J. Centralization
service in our country. of paediatric heart surgery in Sweden.
5. Early referral with a good trans- Pediatr Cardiol. 2000;21:353-7.
portation system to the nearest

Libyan Journal of Medicine, Volume 1, 2006

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