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This is summary about TIMKO D.O.O. form Brcko District Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Briefly In the follo!ing I !ill try to "resent the com"any and our relationshi" !ith some industry com"anies.
TIMKO d.o.o. from Brcko District BiH is the com"any that is trying to satisfy the customers to "rovide them
!ith #uality and fast res"onse in our services. $e have %& em"loyees of !hich ' of them !ith faculties education (
!ith college education & !ith high schools and others are mechanical technicians.
)s a com"any !e are the bigest im"orter of *K+ in Bosnia and Herzegovina and have the largest industry
clients here as our "artners. In the field of industrial "rogram of SKF !e have many ears of e,"erience and long term
"lans to further more im"rove our services and to e,"and them in the follo!ing "eriod on the monitoring and
measuring of e#ui"ment state. )s *K+ distributors !e are !orking for -. years and !e have very good e,"ertize in
this field.
)s !ell I !ish to em"hasize that !e are Gardner Denver CompAir distributor for com"ressors in Bosnia and
Herzegovina starting form (% /anuary of (001. This include all com"ressor range regarding "ressure range and
conce"t of com"ression and !e are very interested to e,"and our influence and to give our clients "ossibility to
coo"erate !ith us on other industry a""lications.
)lso !e have "artnershi" !ith GREEN POWER SYSTEMS s.r.l. from Italy trying to make stronger
relationshi" !ith them and to "romote their brand here and build u" "eo"le a!areness of them here.
On Bosnian market !e have many im"ortant industry manufacturers and sub2ects in different industry areas.
*ome of them are3

IMA! dd 4 Oil factory in Br5ko
ST"DEN AGRANA 4 )ustrian *ugar 6efinery in Brcko
IRAC 7 8itvanian )luminuma factory in 9vornik
Mine and T#ermal po$er plan% in "&l'evi(
Coal mine *tanary in *tanari
Oil re)iner* in Modrica
Pe%rol re)iner* in Bosanski Brod
Mine and %#ermal po$er plan% in Ga+(o
,*droP$erPlan%s on Drina :isegrad 4 :isegrad
META! Gradis(a7 metal "rocessing
ENSA i, 4 "ellet and bri#uette factory big investment of *):) tires
and many others
)lso !e are ,ENKE! distributors for many very !ell kno!n brands in the field of industry maintenance. These
include brands like !OCTITE- TEROSON- TEC,NOME!T- DOR"S- AD,ESIN- ,YSO!- P..
$e are doing also business in "neumatics and hydraulics.
$e are also ;eugeot dealer in BiH and have t!o ob2ects !ith mechanical !orksho" !ith 1 automotive jacks
each and act as O6I<I=)8 BI6TH distributor in BiH. )s !ell !e have "artner relationshi" !ith other brends in
automobile s"are "arts industry like MO=6O> B6>MBO BO*?H /@6ID etc and do have many number of
contracted customers in this business.
?om"any "rofile3
Odgovorne osobe(Responsible Persons):

Gdin ili ga(Mr or Ms) Gospodin (Mr)
Ime Prezime(Firs and Last Name) Dragoslav Doli!" #a$a %odorovi!
Funkcija u &irmi(Position in compan') Menader prodaje(#ales manager)
e(mail )mail* timko+teol,net
%ele&on(P-one) ./0 1.2 223" ./0 1.2 224
Podaci o kompaniji(Company data):
Puni naziv kompanije(5ompan' Name) %IM67 D77
8dresa kompanije(5ompan'8ddress) Plazulje 99
(:egion ; 6anton ili entitet(5ompan' region()ntit') <r=ko Distrikt
Naziv po$te(Mail 5it') <r=ko Distrikt
%ele&on kompanije(5ompan'P-one) ..143/01.2224
%ele&a>(Fa>) ..143/01.2220
?e9 stranica(?e9site 8ddress) @@@,timko9rcko,com
Arsta djelatnosti(Line7&<usiness)
%rgovina na veliko i malo rezervnim dijelovima
za Industriju i automo9ile(?-olesale and retail
o& spare parts &or industr' and automo9iles)
<roj zaposleni-(%otal)mplo')
Mjesec po=etka rada &irme(#tartMt-) M8C
Godina po=etka rada &irme(#tartDr) 2003
I ho"e IAve sho!ed you TIMKO as interesting com"any for you to coo"erate cause !e have great interest in
your "roduct range and think that this is com"atible !ith our business "rofile. ?onsidering all this I !ould like to
kindly ask you to take into account our "ro"osal for direct coo"eration seriously and inform us about it.
Wi%# &rea% respe+% and #ope #earin& soon )rom *o/-
Dra&oslav D0oli1 di"
Sales Manager
TIMKO doo, Plazulje bb
76100 Brcko distrikt, Bi
T! "#$7 %& #01 117
'! "#$7 %& #01 11&
M23.45 67 844 994

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