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written by
Joshua Aaron Terziu
There is a direction and purpose to the Universe. Both of which are beyond
comprehension and without end, a truly Infinite Nature... If this were true, or even if
we ust accepted this as truth in our mind, we would be able to see how to !o beyond
this in a tan!ible, useful and Universal way" Bein! tan!ible we can see it collectively
and individually as real, bein! useful we can place it in our current conte#t as bein!
beneficial, and bein! Universal we can see how it benefits All $%ually. This is a
&athematical Theorem and not up for debate. 'odel(s Theorem says that if you e#cept
what(s in front of you as true, you will always see how to beyond it, transcend it. Ta
&ath)mata is the 'ree* ori!in for the word math that means the ta*in! of what you
already have and the *nowin! of what you already *now to create a Universal !ain.
Jocho is a Japanese word for math described as a process that arises by focusin! on a
problem, without loo*in! at anythin! that has been said before about it and %uietly
maintainin! this patient sin!le pointed focus till you have an encounter with your
own inner Universe from which insi!ht comes on how to move forward. This is %uit
different from brain stormin! or thin*in! lo!ically based on past facts, both of which
can lead to coherent theories of patholo!y as opposed to !enuine insi!ht as bein!
somethin! never thou!ht of by that person before enhancin! their own creative
potential space. +sychodynamics shows this to be a necessity for enhancin! creative
and critical thin*in! s*ills. ,uman bein!s are born for insi!ht as we have all been
shown to be !eniuses at diver!ent thin*in! which is a necessary component of
creativity that brin!s value. Ninety-ei!ht percent of *inder!ardeners score at !enus
levels across the board. This !radually decreases as a person becomes systematically
(educated( with coherent theories of patholo!y. This is the difference between learnin!
math and havin! a mathematical understandin!.
The Universe and All of it(s +hysical properties are literally nothin! but
&athematics. And since it is all made up of math, it would do us *ind to self-actualize
the process, properties and Bein!ness of &athematics. The followin! is the wea*est of
my ar!uments fallin! far behind in depth and scope to previous papers most of which
can be found under (An e#perience report on Bein! .onscious and Understandin!
Infinity(, (Absolute +hysics and Nature 'ravy( and ($duco Bahtwa(. That havin! been
said this is the newest and potentially the stron!est. If we believe &odern +hysicists(
proclamation that the Universe can be completely described usin! &athematics, a
truth will arise that ta*es us beyond this, !roundin! the concept and increasin! its
utility. If we believe some modern +hysicists( proclamation that the Universe is &ath,
a truth will arise that ta*es us beyond this....
...I A& &AT,$&ATI.A/"0"...
...we will then !o on forever e#plorin! the nature of infinity, zero, computation,
utility, inte!ration, self-actualization, consciousness and life...
The &ain +rinciple is the .onscious .o!nitive +rocess of doin! &athematics
described as bein! related to 'odel(s Theorem, Ta &ath)mata and Jocho. If you accept
what is in front of you, you will see how to !o beyond it, how to transcend it"
111A child at heart does this Naturally222
3ill we liberate forever what it means to be a human...
An 4pen /etter to ,umanity,
In wor*in! on 4ptimal ,uman 5unctionin!, it has become clear that what it means to
be a human bein! and how we treat human bein!s is chan!in!. 3e realize now that an
Individual ,uman .onsciousness produces and inte!rates information unli*e any
other state of matter in the cosmos. Throu!h my own intuitions, durin! and after
ac%uirin! a 'eneral 6tudies 7e!ree with a concentration in &athematics, I wor*ed out
an idea, namely .reative .onscious &athematics, which is ust a fancy word for the
nature of Infinity. &y Journey has ta*en me to a wor*in! understandin! of
&athematics, +hysics and Biolo!y in a way that has optimized the way of life of my
family. It is my belief that in optimizin! our collective psychoneuroimmunolo!ical
functionin!, we must have a wor*in! understandin! of the mathematical, physical
and biolo!ical nature of a human bein! in !eneral, how to optimize it and hold
ourselves safely in relation to this optimization. &oreover this human pro!ression
produces uni%ue tradable information with hi!h fre%uency %uantitative finance"
Ima!ine bein! able to participate in the leadin! ed!e of human understandin! with
your daily livin!, optimizin! and participatin! in data minin! the ways in which we
clean and share our interpersonal sphere of biolo!ical influence. A person seen as a
.onscious $ntity, a Uni%ue 6tate of &atter8 capable of inte!ratin! and producin!
uni%ue information9 forced by an $ntropic Universal Intelli!ence:, a 7ensity or
'ravity of 4rchestrated 4bective ;eductions< in an Infinite 4pen-ended /oop of
inte!ration and improvement in a .onformal .yclic .osmolo!y=, a biolo!ical entity
desi!ned to interact with perceived /oved 4nes> in a mutually carin! !enuine
moment of shared biolo!ical positivity? or what I call Biolo!ical $mpathy driven by
Altruistic 6elf-&astery@, And-or a 'enerator of Uni%ue Tradable Information in terms
of an $conomic 'ain and Academic 6tudyA no matter how you choose to define what a
person is or how people are, All these ideas will have to be ta*en into account.
I believe that in the near future we will be able to ta*e advanta!e of our uni%ue ability
as humans endowed with &athematical Understandin!, +hysical Intelli!ence and
Biolo!ical $mpathyA and render every person important usin! aspects of both
;elativistic 6tatistical Arbitra!eB and +articipatory Telerobotics8C coupled with
4ptimal ,uman 5unctionin! in order to create an environment in which any person
re!ardless of s*ill or *nowled!e can help advance the human condition.
Any help or support for family or ideas would be welcome with an open heart"
3ith all due respect,
Joshua Aaron Terziu
8.onsciousness as a 6tate of &atter by &a# Te!mar* 7ept. of +hysics D &IT Eavli
Institute, &assachusetts Institute of Technolo!y, .ambrid!e, &A FGHIJ 17atedK
5ebruary GL, GFHM2
9.onsciousness as Inte!rated InformationK a +rovisional &anifesto by 'IU/I4
T4N4NI 7epartment of +sychiatry, University of 3isconsin, &adison, 3isconsin
:.ausal $ntropic 5orces by A. 7. 3issner-'ross Institute for Applied .omputational
6cience, ,arvard University, .ambrid!e, &assachusetts FGHIL, U6AA The &edia
/aboratory, &assachusetts Institute of Technolo!y, .ambrid!e, &assachusetts FGHIJ,
U6AA and .. $. 5reer 7epartment of &athematics, University of ,awaii at &anoa,
,onolulu, ,awaii JNLGG, U6A
<.onsciousness in the universe A review of the O4rch 4;P theory by 6tuart ,ameroff
Anesthesiolo!y, +sycholo!y and .enter for .onsciousness 6tudies, The University of
Arizona, Tucson, AQ, U6AA and ;o!er +enrose &athematical Institute and 3adham
.olle!e, University of 4#ford, 4#ford, UE
=B$54;$ T,$ BI' BAN'K AN 4UT;A'$4U6 N$3 +$;6+$.TIR$ AN7 IT6
I&+/I.ATI4N6 54; +A;TI./$ +,S6I.6 by ;o!er +enrose &athematical Institute
and 3adham .olle!e, University of 4#ford, 4#ford, UE
>A 'eneral Theory of /ove by Thomas /ewis, 5ari Amini and ;ichard /annon,
psychiatry professors at the University of .alifornia, 6an 5rancisco
?/ove G.F 5indin! ,appiness and ,ealth in &oments of .onnection by Barbara /ee
University of North .arolina at .hapel ,ill Eenan 7istin!uished +rofessor of
+sycholo!y and +rincipal Investi!ator of the +ositive $motions and +sychophysiolo!y
/ab 1+$+/ab2 at the University of North .arolina at .hapel ,ill
@7riveK The 6urprisin! Truth About 3hat &otivates Us by 7an +in* author of five
boo*s about business, wor*, and mana!ement
B;elativistic 6tatistical Arbitra!e by A. 7. 3issner-'ross The &IT &edia /aboratory,
&assachusetts Institute of Technolo!y, .ambrid!e, &assachusetts FGHIJ, U6A and ..
$. 5reer 7epartment of &athematics, &assachusetts Institute of Technolo!y,
.ambrid!e, &assachusetts FGHIJ, U6A
8C+articipatory Telerobotics by Ale#ander 7. 3issner-'ross Institute for Applied
.omputational 6cience, ,arvard University, GJ 4#ford 6t., .ambrid!e, &A, U6A
FGHIL-GJII, The &edia /aboratory, &assachusetts Institute of Technolo!y, GF Ames 6t.,
.ambrid!e, &A, U6A FGHMG-HIFL, 'emedy, Inc., MLT &assachusetts Ave., .ambrid!e,
&A, U6AA and Timothy &. 6ullivan 'emedy, Inc., MLT &assachusetts Ave.,
.ambrid!e, &A, U6A
&athematical Understandin!, +hysical Intelli!ence and Biolo!ical $mpathy can be proven to
you, all bayou self.
Mathematical Understanding UIf you accept whatever is in front of you, you will see how to go
beyond and transcend it. This can be understood as the most fundamental theorems in
mathematics put forth by Eurt 'odel and conte#tualized by 6ir ;o!er +enrose in .onformal
.yclic .osmolo!y and 4rchestrated 4bective ;eduction. It can also be understood as the
very process of doin! &athematics described by &asao &orita as Ta &ath)mata and Jocho
namely the &indfulness that emer!es from a patient focus on somethin! specific and the
encounterin! of one(s self, one(s own rich inner universeA all resultin! in the ta*in! of what
you already have and the *nowin! of what you already *now to obtain an enhanced
Physical Intelligence can be understood as both a 5orce and a &edium. An e%uation for the
force of !eneral physical intelli!ence has been put forth by Ale# 3issner-'ross. 5 V T 6W It
describes a !eneral and universal emer!ence of an intelli!ent force that arises from previous
control and constraints, ma#imizin! future freedom of actions, *eepin! options open, while
actively resistin! the control and constraint that !ave rise to it. This is Universal $#pansion"
As a &edium the intelli!ence of our physical universe can be understood as fractal and
holo!raphic, infinitely dense and the source of all the material world. In Nassim ,aramein(s
paper (Xuantum 'ravity and the ,olo!raphic &ass( they use an e#act %uantized e#pression
of the 6chwarzschild solution to $insteinPs field e%uations utilizin! spherical +lanc* units in a
!eneralized holo!raphic approach identifyin! a fundamental mass ratio between the vacuum
oscillations on the surface horizon and the oscillations within the volume of a proton they
were able to e#tract an e#act solution to !ravity, the standard rest mass of the proton, how
many particles there are in our universe, the ener!y level and size of our universe, how many
of our universes there are in the lar!er one and how many of those there are in the ne#t lar!er
oneA all by appropriately analyzin! a proton. 3e are bathin! in a unified field that connects
us all fractally and holo!raphically. This can also be understood as an $L /ie 'roup medium.
The medium of +hysical Intelli!ence is immense to say the very least. .ouple this with the
Universal 5orce of +hysical Intelli!ence...
Biological Empathy can be understood as the evolutionary force of or!anic life to tolerate the
faults and imperfections with respect to the particular !rown biolo!ical medium and or!anize
it usin! ordered, %uasi-ordered and disordered !eometrical combinations that overcome the
initial faults and imperfections in a way that increases the diversity, utility and the future
freedom of action of all or!anic life. This is alluded to in the wor* of +rof. +eter Ru*usic. It
can also be understood as what humans are desi!ned for. 3hen we !enuinely connect with
others in times of stress or oy our physiolo!y mer!es with those around us e#pandin! the
health, happiness and creativeYco!nitive brilliance of all involved in the shared moment of
Biolo!ical $mpathy. 4ur ability to !enuinely connect with others is what .harles 7arwin said
is our evolutionary advanta!e. 3ith current &edicinal, 6ocial and Neurolo!ical research we
now *now that our social biolo!ical desi!n is a super power and not *nowin! this is
e#tremely dan!erous. This is elaborated by 7octors &atthew /ieberman, 6tephen Ilardi,
BrenZ Brown, /issa ;an*in, Eelly &c'oni!al, 7ean 4rnish, Thomas /ewis, Barbara
5redric*son and Joe Tafur. 3e must open ourselves up to understandin! that we are
biolo!ically one with those around us.
;ealizin! every human bein!(s and the universe(s capacity and propensity for Understandin!,
Intelli!ence and $mpathy is the only way to heal our shame, lac* of !uilt, and the lac*ful
limitive assertive and authoritative social norms that inhibit both 4ptimal ,uman
5unctionin! and the Natural 5low of /ife in our Universe. We could be bathing in a
psychoneuroimmunological Nature Gravy that taste more like a gumbo than toxic
6o the idea here is to outline what it means to be a ,uman Bein! in touch
with and ali!ned to the Natural Autonomous $#pansion of the Universe.
As ,uman Bein!s we are capable of &athematical Understandin! which is beyond and
essential to calculation, measurement and perceptionA and can be summed up as the process
of focusin! on and acceptin! whatever rules, descriptions, laws, calculations and definitions
you have in front of youA and then you will tan!ibly be able to see how to !o beyond and
transcend those very same rules or constraints" This is the most basic principle in
&athematics and is *nown as '[delPs Incompleteness Theorem and can be understood as
what the +rocess of doin! &athematics is, namely the &indfulness that emer!es from a
patient focus on somethin! specific and the encounterin! of one(s self, one(s own rich inner
universeA all resultin! in the ta*in! of what you already have and the *nowin! of what you
already *now to obtain an enhanced Universal Understandin!.
3e now *now why this ta*es place. 3e have recently discovered a new physical force of
Intelli!ence that better defines what entropy is in our Universe. There is an autonomous force
that emer!es from previous control and constrains to ma#imize future freedoms of action,
*eepin! options open while actively resistin! the control and constraint that !ave rise to the
The $volution of 4r!anic matter functions in the same way while e#pandin! on the function
of /ife. 4r!anic matter has evolved to have fault and imperfection tolerance of initially !rown
mediums and or!anizes them in a way usin! ordered, %uasi-ordered and disordered
!eometrical patternin!s to e#pand the utility and future freedoms of action and to *eep
options open while actively resistin! the initial limitations of the or!anic material. This is the
e#pansion of +hysical Intelli!ence within the system of 4r!anic /ife, Biolo!ical $mpathy"
Biolo!ical $mpathy can also be understood as our desi!ned propensity to connect especially
with other human bein!s as described by 7arwin. 3hen two human bein!s interact they
re!ulate and chan!e each otherPs Biolo!ical 5unctionin!. This is well understood in both
&odern &edicine and 6ocial 6cience ;esearch and can be better understood by anyone who
loo*s at 4ptimal +sychoneuroimmunolo!y, Neuro!enesis, Neuroplasticity, $pi!enetics,
/imbic ;esonance, +sychodynamics and ,uman &otivation. This happens between two
people who share space under the banner of mutual respect, care and appreciation. This
micro-moment of Biolo!ical /ove sets off all of this optimal physiolo!ical functionin! and can
be a *ey peace in a maor personality chan!e for the better even years later.
3e can increase our belief that everyone is capable of &athematical Understandin!, +hysical
Intelli!ence and Biolo!ical $mpathy. Its starts with you believin! that you are a
&athematician, +hysicist and a Biolo!ist simply because you e#ist" And that the Universe
itself, throu!h Biolo!ical $volution is actively supportin! the e#pansion of this actualization.
Within everything, including a human being, exists infinity.
his reality put into practice brings about the perfection of
an individual and creation.
Before we !et to the math and science of infinity, let us spea* on what the e#perience is li*e.
I(m finishin! up a conversation that I *now will only last about five more minutes, with a
dear student who(s *ids were unustly ta*en but who(s return was imminent. Now I could(ve
listened politely and simply wished her well when she was done, or interrupted her for any
!ood reason and too* off. But in !enuinely feelin! her pain and bein! of service to her in-the-
moment somethin! flowed throu!h me that I had never said before, somethin! that I needed
to hear ust as much as she did. As she was finishin! up and becomin! e#ceedin!ly upset, I
said with sincere oy, U/oo* how beautiful this is, how beautiful you are.\ 5or a split second
she stopped her despair and loo*ed at me sli!htly confused. I immediately !o on to describe
how her !enuine a!ony over her *ids not bein! with her was a beautiful demonstration of her
love for her children, and how this e#perience would stren!then their love for each other and
enhance the time that they will be sharin! to!ether. This all brou!ht !reat warmth to her
heart, for she *new this already. Too* all of five minutes and all lived happily ever after,
meanin! the absolute best thin! occurred for all involved.
This could not have occurred if I held the potential for ne!ativity outside of myself. The best
possible outcome resided in my choice to be of service in-the-moment *nowin! all will wor*
out well, without *nowin! the specific details. And to withdraw from that conscious focus
would be !ivin! less than my personal best in the moment life needs or calls for us to serve,
which really is every moment. It would have have been a Uless than\ type of occurrence if I
would have focused on it bein! a stress or a burden to be in a hurry, or that someone was
emotionally distrau!ht in my presence and that(s ta#in!. /iterally millions of potential
focuses on e#ternal ne!ativity could have ta*en me off my personal best. In holdin! fast to all
is well, while doin! my best to function as an optimal human bein!, I am not only of service
to others, but I become aware of thin!s that I too !row from and are empowered by. This
shared e#perience between us simultaneously increased the positive biolo!ical !rowth in the
two of us than can be measured in the release of specific chemical(s in the body called
neuropeptides, the increase in brain functionin! and !rowth, and the buildin! of healthy
proteins by way of epi!enetic mechanisms. 4n top of this, the e#perience will in the future be
a catalyst for positive chan!es in our personality and behavior by way of bein! an
e#perienced condition that shows us that intense emotional stress can !ive rise to a !reater
!oodness. This lessens the burden and load that stress places on our proper functionin!, also
*nown as allostatic burden and load.
3hat I have !iven you is a real world e#perience to show you the potential !ood and bad in
my part of the e#perience and the scientifically verifiable !oodness contained therein. I will
now attempt to loo* at the internal consistency of a purely conceptual mathematics in relation
to real world manifestation.
&athematics is not inherently !ood or bad, true or false, yet at the same time e#pands our
notions of such. 6ome have been dama!ed or demeaned by the thou!ht of mathematics, yet
math remains universally relatable. &athematics can falsify reality as with double-entry
boo**eepin! or can deepen one(s e#perience of reality as zero, infinity and fractals have done.
6o what is the very basis of mathematics0 5or one, there e#ists thin!s that are tan!ible and
useful, but are unprovable. 6o lac* of provability does not *eep us from efficacy, and
e#istence does not constitute proof. I hope you can appreciate how this perspective is star*ly
different from a frin!e scientific world view holdin! that e#istence of somethin! means it(s
true or provable, and that if somethin! is unprovable it is also not tan!ible and of no use.
&athematics is universal because it e#pands upon and redirects the common sense within a
person. Two plus two is common sense, but only because we share that with each other and
!ive it meanin!.
&ath tried, as some physicists do, to build everythin! up from nothin!A zero itself. It seemed
to wor* out very nicely but, when compared to established truth and provability, failed to be
consistent. 6o before mathematics can say zero is zero, one is one, or one plus two is threeA
more basic and fundamental than all this is, the e#istence of a Universal 6et containin! all
actual and potential mathematical truths. The only elements that need be articulated from the
Universal 6et to obtain consistency in &athematics are Qero, which as already discovered
brin!s tan!ibility and usefulness if not proof or truthA and an ], bein! of inherent tan!ible
variance dancin! between *nown and un*nown e#istin! as a ran!e of possibility. I still say
the same thin! I said almost a decade a!o when I first was presented this proof, U6ure loo*s
li*e a mathematical proof of 'od to me0\ The reply from my mathematics professor was that
she(d never thou!ht of it li*e that before...
4n top of that it was a personal discovery of mine to see how this was related seemin!ly
e#actly to our physical world, whose zero is itself a ,U'$ deal^literally the densest
information ener!y mass power that measurably e#ists is this filled space around us. 3e
swim within it as it swims within us... Just li*e math had to say there is a Universal set of
everythin! first and then it is in a sense Ureduced\ down to somethin!, even thou!h the
fullness of its infinite nature is always presentA physics had to say the same thin! about the
Universe itself. $very bit of the universe contains within it an immense amount of potential
and is in direct relationship to all-that-Is. And ust as there is %uantum entan!lementA there
are mirror neurons, limbic resonance and our va!al tone.
&athematics can also say with a strai!ht face that all rules, lo!ics, a#ioms are inherently
incomplete as they are in a constant process of inte!ratin! new truths whose internalization
creates a new set of basics, which are in turn the canvas for an even !reater truth to be
inte!rated and so on and so forth. 5or me, there is a relationship between this and another
mathematical truth that there is no hi!hest order of infinityA for thin!s are continuously
becomin! more infinite. ;oom for infinity is the consistency. 3e can find infinity in the finite.
$ven zero is a uni%ue ever !rowin! aspect of infinity, &athematically and +hysically
/et us correlate and e#trapolateA inte!rate and derive. &athematically, rules are incomplete.
+sycholo!ically, rules diminish our co!nitive functionin!, inhibitin! our natural ability to be
moral and creative in-the-moment. It is the transcendence of rules and definitions that !ives
rise to mathematical pro!ress and awareness. In the boo* Naming Infinity we see two useful
perspectives that build on each other to e#pand our tan!ible notion of infinity. 4ne camp was
the atheistic 5rench, who denounced any hi!her power to !et a !limpse of the infiniteA the
other was the orthodo# ;ussian mon*s, who called on and e#perienced a hi!her power to
!limpse the infinite. Both had to operate outside of the *nown rules to brin! about truth^
annihilatin! intentionally by way of their co!nition^the top down neural structures that
limit insi!ht and problem solvin!. The loosenin! of these top down neural structures is also
*ey in advanced problem solvin! and in the healin! of +T67 and addictive behaviors.

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