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By the Reverend
HE odds are against the
T criminal.
Nick Harris, the famous
Pacific Coas-t detective, address-
G. Bromley Oxnam pre-hending and convicting criminals,
do not remove the causes. The in-
stitutions to which the criminal is
sent fail to reform h i m
ed the Boys' Club of the All Na-
tions Foundation at Los Angeles. Bishop of the Methodist
He dealt with famous cases that DOES crime pay? I have met
he had solved. Suddenly he Episcopal Church of the many criminals. I ,have yet t o talk
to one who thinks crime pays. Of
turned to the boys and said: Omaha Area course, the persons one meets have
"Never forget this, fellows. I been caught. How those who avoid
can make a thousand mistakes the law think, I do not know. The
and still catch a criminal. He fundamental question, however, is
not, "Does crime pay?" but "Must
can make but one, and I have we continue to pay f o r crime rather
him." than pay to eliminate crime?"
In 1917, the juvenile delinquency
We pay for maps of Los Angeles showed that the
Crime does not pay. highest concentration of delinquency
crime. was in a uertain restricted area. Year
Nobody knows how much crime after year ]boys and girls had been
really costs. The National commis- arrested, placed upon probation, or
sion of Law Observance and En- com~mittedto institutions. The com-
forcement, better known as the Wick- munity continued to produce delin-
ersham Commission, said, "It is yency. Boys' clubs were organized
wholly impossible to make an accur- In that section, and, under the lead-
ate estimate of the total economic ership of Charles S. Thompson, the
cost of crime to the United States." clubs grew, until a t last a thousand
boys 'belonged to the various cluibs of
Sanford Bates, using the 'best avail- the A11 Nations Foundation. I t is
able figures, submits an estimate of interesting to note that delinquency
$1,070,000,000 as the annual cost of has been reduced to a negligible mini-
crime in the United States. mum in that section of the city.
Criminolog-ists differ a s to the 'I%e Gluecks say: "It i s poor state-
causes of c r i m and the proper treat- craft and worse economy for us to
ment of the criminal. The statistical spend most of crur enerrgies and in-
data a t hand do not justify the gen- come in tinkering with the machin-
eralizations drawn by many so-called ery that deals +th existing crimi-
students of crime. nals. The best thought, the most
zealous effort, the richest purses,
Marcus Kavanagh, in his volume should rather be expended in attack-
"The Criminal and His Allies," states, ing i%ose problems whose solution
referring to men who have been in will tend to reduce the number of new
prison, "Two-thirds of t h m a r e cured delinquents and crimimk."
by their confinement." He fails to Bishop Oxnam: "I have met many
present bhe evidence upon which ,this criminals. I have yet to talk Sanford Bates concludes his book,
generalization is based. "Prisons and Beyond," with this state-
to one who thinks crime pays". m m t : "The end and aim of the penal
Sheldon and Eleanor T. Glueck, in
the volume entitl,? "Five Hundred system is the protection of Society
Criminal Careers, one of the truly
scientific studies in this field, reach
. .Our c a m u n i t i e s a r e entitled to pro-
tection; they are not entitled to ven-
an entirely different conclusion. Doc- general. Here i t does not work. gence. If we are to achieve our por-
tor Richard C. Cabot, who wrote the No one knows that its works any tion of this abject, we shall do i t by
foreward to this study, states, "T'he better elsewhere." a w a t e r mderstanding and c w p -
most important fact established in this
book is that out of 510 men who left The sentimentalist is thought to eration among all crime-reduction
the MJassachusetts Reformatory dur- be the person who wishes no crimi- agencies, by a n intelligent and fre-
ing the years 1911-1922, 80 per cent nal coddled. Is it not possible that quent use of scientific discoveries,
were not reformed five to fifteen the sentimentalist is also a person through the enlistment in our work
years later, but went right on com- who relies upcrn an nndemonstrated of loyal and devoted pnblic servants
mitting crimes after their discharge. method of reducing crime? Appar- and by never for one moment losing
This is a damning piece of evidence- ently after-conviction treatment of our faith in the ultimate worth and
not againat that reformatory in par- the criminal is not too s u d l . possibilities of redemption of the
ticular, which probably stands high Fundamental causes continue to pro- human soul."
among institutions of its kind, but duce criminals. Law enforcement . .
against the reformatory s y s t m in agents, even though successful in ap- (Continued on baak aover)
I CLlp::g:l~
.' ~~nsworth
OTS FOR CAS~ . 126

Hollman -... . 18
Anna P ..
ASLEE I _ . 19
I By Gor 0 OF T HE GYPPERS ......._....... _ .._ _ .
WAS QU EEN Lawlon ... .... 23
By Agnes AP ..._...•......
MURDER F h Martin EEN .. 24
t Hallett - ......._ 29
I By Charlot e ..
. Grace S . 34
By Mane T HETravIs
GALLOW ._......._... _ _ ..
Sunny . 40
M By Mrs. Jo ON CANVAS _ _..
e Danton "'''-.' _ . 44

I WASBy SALt::.Sg~~n...
.. _.........., . 51

By Mar .
Sprague -.......... . 57

CRUSHINGd ~ul1ivan
By Deom • ICE WRD _ .
MERICA S V_ . _ _ _ .

-By E
---:-:-::-:;~;G~~~~ A~l~l..:n:g=-
This book IS
. Published Golden
1 Onfal'Io,
Street, Toronto ,by. Canada•.
of Amenc , d
. hts reserve.
. a 135 Yonge


She made society pay for

her humiliation-but the
Law demands payment, too.
Jake Conners and asked him to tip me off to some
places he knew where I could do a little gambling.
"Suppose you just go on a s you have "
I DEVELOPED wy craving for
precious stones right at the
sourc-the fabulous diamond
gangplank of the liner that brought
me from Ehgland, she gave me a hor-
rified glance and said:
"Cecilia, you're nothing but a.little
been for two or three more years.
Then we'll have a (home,together, just
you and me alone."
mines of Kimberley. barbarian from the veldt. Your With that prospect in front of me, I ,
As a baby, I followed my father's a very wealthy man, land he's stopped my complaints. And on my
father from one mining camp to probably going to be much wealthier eighteenth birthday, Father came
in a short time. You must learn to home to stay.
another in the South African take your rightful place in society He had aIways brought me gifts
veldt, to which I mveled in my when you grow up." of jewelry on his visits- home, and by
swaddling clothes, after my She q e a n t that I had to attend the time I was eighteen, when I was
mother's death a t my birth in a private school for girls d my studying fashion design, I had ac-
age, later a finishing school, and per- cumulated' a modest little fortune in
New York. haps, in time, t o a fashionable college. gems. They weren't all diamonds.
My father found a simple na- For eight years I suffered a t Miss Father had established trading of-
tive woman of Basuto to act a s Parker's Academy on Park Avenue, fices in Johannesburg, London, Am-
combined mother and nurse to and when I was fifteen I was sent sterdam and New York, where he also
to a finishing school on the Hudson, bought and sold white and blue sap-
me. She was the only gentle a few miles north of the city. phires, emeralds and pearls.
companionship I knew for seven Father came home twice on visits For my eighteenth birthday, he
years. Gun fights, stabbings, while I was struggling through a brought me a string of pearls. I n
violence in every form are a part course of studies whose only purpose an offhand way one night, when we
of my earliest memories. -it seemed to me-was to turn us were coming from the opera, he said
into hothouse flowers. to me, touching the pearls around
In 1923, shortly after my seventh On one of his visits, while he was my neck:
birthday, my father sent me to live spending a few days with u s at Aunt "Cecilia, be a little careful where
with his sister, Cora Wainmorth, in Cora's, I got him out of her hearing. you wear that gift. It's a little more
New York. She was a apinster lady I protested bitterly over $he way I valuable than the other stones I've
who cut something of a figure in the was being brought up. given you. But they really don't do
social world, living on fashionable "My business is getting solidly justice to your beauty."
Murray Hill. As I walked down the establidhed, Cecilia dear," he said. Several days later, when I was put-

Miami police had

arrested Romero
boarding a plane
for Rio, a n d
found h e . w a s in
possession of my

ting my jewels away in Aunt h r a ' s nothing until I put the pearls on his mittees of debs and sub-debs who set
wall safe, Father's words of warn- desk. out to raise funds for worthy causes
ing about my pearls returned to nly "Aren't you the daughter of Mr. -and usually ended up by spending
mind. I kept out the pearls, and put Philip Wainsworth?" altl the proceeds on a ball a t the Ritz-
them in my bag. I went to a famous "That is right. How did you Carlton.
firm of jewelers in midtown ,Man- guess?" "What can we db for you, Miss
hattan "Partly from your name," he an- Wainsworth?"
"I want to get some pearls ap- swered, smiling. "But chiefly be- "I want to get these pearls ap-
praised," I told one of the floorwalk- cause these pearls are-well, some- praised."
ers, who was dressed to resemble a thing out of the usual line. Then I "Did you want to dispose of this
European diplomat. I gave my name, must confess that once o r twice I necklace? Because ,if so, that might
and in a p ~ i v a t esitting-room was in- have seen your photograph in the be one price. If you want the re-
troduced to one of the firm's officials, society pages of the newspapers." placement value, that might be higher
attired even more formally than the I t was true. My picture had ap- or lower, depending on the market."
other man. His eyebrows arched a t peared on the society pages. Aunt "Yes," I said, "that's axactly what
the mention of my name, but he said Cora had forced me to serve on com- I want to know. I don't want to s d l


After a few moments, he reclasped
the pearls around my neck. He lean-
ed over, when we had returned to our
seats, and whispered:
"About thirty thousand dollars. But
.don't tell that to everybody."
I was so mortified I couldn't keep
my mind on tne play !
THE Here I had gone to all the trouble
and expense to get my pearls copied
JEWELER-- and then, on the first night I planned
to wear the replica, I had committed
told me that the blunder of wearing the genuine
to replace the
stones... What an idiot I was!
As soon a s I reached home, I rushed
t o Aunt Cora's wall safe and took out
pearl necklace my jewel box. When i t came to
would cost in judging stones, Mr. Pollock was cer-
tainly a n authority-but I wanted to
the neighbor- prove to myself what a fool I had
hood of $25,-' I took out the two cases, and open-
000. ..- ed the one where I kept the real
The real necklace was there! Mr.
Pollock might be fooled, but I could
not. My initials had been minutely
engraved on the clasp of the genuine
necklace. There were no initials on
the replica ...
I decided to tell Father the story.
Could he explain how his partner,
James Pollock, an expert with an in-
them, but what would i t cost to re- littlre presents, from time to time. and ternational reputation, could have
place them if I lost them somehow?" once when he came to New York on been misled so easily?
The jeweler adjusted a magnify- business he had taken me to the cir- "Well, there's a couple of things
ing glass to his eye, switched on a cus. But there was something in- t o take into consideration," my father
brilliant light, said nothing for a definable about him that I didn't like. explained. "First, that's a very fine
moment. Then returned the pearl I had never been able to bring my- replica you had made. The firm that
necklace to its case, and handed i t to self to "Uncle Jim," which he had made the copy knew you were my
me. suggested I do years ago. daughter, and they probably lost
"Were we asked to replace the "All right," I told Father. I didn't money on the commission in the hope
necklace," he said, "the cost toryou
would be in the neighborhood of $26,-
want to say no to anything he sug-
of getting some really important busi-
ness from me. - S
000." As i t turned out, I was glad after- "Also, remember that a s Jimmy told
"Did you say $25,000?" I asked, ward that I had gone to the theater you in the theater, the light was very
staring a t him. with Mr. Pollock, although not for the poor. Experts a t work usually ex-
"Thereabouts," he replied, and smil- usual reasons. That evening, for the amine pearls under a very strong
ed. "Does that surprise you?" first time, I wore the copy of my pearl white light that is even more pene-
"Well... I don't know what t o
say. I t makes me realize that per-
necklace. Like my father, Mr. Pol-
lock was a n expert on precious stones.
trating than bright daylight. And
fianlly, Cecilia, we're all human and
haps sometimes I've been rather care- During one intermission, when we a t times we all make mistakes."
less where I've worn the necklace--to were in the smoking-room, he nodded "But father," I pursued, "just sup-
the movies. even to racetracks with a t my throat and said: pose I had told Mr. Pollock that night
my father!;' "That's a lovely necklace, Cecilia." that I wanted to sell the necklace
The ieweler laughed. Then he I explained that i t was a gift from right away, and that he could make
said, "why don't $U have a copy Father. "Just for fun, Mr. Pollock," an easy $10,000 for himself by buy-
made? Then you'd have no worries. I said, taking the pearls off my neck ing the pearls from me for $15,OM)?
Of course, doubtless Mr. Wainsworth and handing them to him, "what Wouldn't he have jumped a t the
has these covered by insurance, but would you say they were worth?" chance? Wouldn't you?"
t h a t doesn't cover their sentimental "Now, young lady," he protested, "No. In the first place, our friend
value, if they were stolen or other- "maybe your father doesn't want you Jimmy doesn't carry $15,000 around
wise lost." t o know. And I'm not going to risk in his wallet. And in the second
* * * his displeasure." place, he would certainly have ex-
I N A WEEK'S time I was in pos- "Oh, no," I said, truthfully. "I amined the stones under a light be-
session of a copy of my necklace, a t know what they're worth. I've had fore handing over the cash. And the
a cost of $425. them appraised. I just wanted to light would have immediately exposed
The next day Father told me that see whether the appraiser knew his the truth-that the 'stones were false
one of his associates in the Wains- business." pearls, worth perhaps $500. And the
worth combine, James Pollock, had "Very well, then. But understand, next thing he might have done would
asked to take me to a play one even- the light here isn't very good. And be to call the.police. So stop day-
ing that week. "Would you care to also that I haven't a n examining mon- dreaming."
go?" Father asked. ocle with me. But sometimes people My father dismissed the subject.
I could remember Mr. Pollock in our business, after long experi- But in my mind the question persist-
vaguely from childhood days in the ence, can tell a s much by the tips of ed. What if I offered such a "bar-
diamond fields. He used to send me their fingers a s by their eyes." gain" to a man who wasn't a gem
,xpert? And then I began to laugh arms without a word, and we began In my happiness over bhe new
aloud; in the privacy of my bedroom, to rhumba. I had never danced with house, I failed to notice father's
thinking what my prim teachers a t anyone so graceful, so sure of him- growing preoccupation with his busi-
the finishing school would have said- self, and so good-looking. His eyes ness affairs. And I was myself be-
and especially Aunt Cora-had they were large and a deep brown, his coming more and more preoccupied
known the workings of my young sleek black hair was perfectly groom- with b m e r o . He symbolized all my
mind ! ed, and his complexion suggested a childhood dreams of the romantic
For the next six months I lived in life in the open, yet he wore his ways of a caballero.
a paradise. Father purchased a house evening clothes a s though he had I soon realized that I was desper-
in the East Sixties that was ideal for been born in a New York nightclub. ately in love with Romero. He had
the two of us. While he held me in his arms, to- the impetuousness of all Latins, but
Now that he had returned to the ward the end of the nuhber, I said: when he spoke of serious things his
United States for good, Father de- "I've met so many people tonight manner was quiet and earnest.
manded some relaxation and enter- I confess I've forgotten vour name." About a month after our meeting,
tainment. We went to nightclubs, to "I'm IlOmero Vargas," he saiil, Romero took me to a fashionable
, Broadway plays, to the races. Father bending his head over me deferent- benefit held in one of the ballrooms
deemed to have friends in all walks ially, "and-well, I too have some- of the Waldorf-Astoria. I wore a
of life, and he was a wonderful mix- thing to confess. I didn't have the good deal of jewelry. Two or three
er. He did everything to see t h a t I privilege of being presented to you times Romero had said to me, on other
was surrounded with lots of attractive tonight. But I have been looking a t evenings we went dancing together,
young men, although I wasn't so much you all evening and-I just had to t h a t the amount of jewelry I wore
of a simpleton not to recognize t h a t take a chance." sometimes made him apprehensive for
some of these ardent males, who tried "And besides," he continued, "if I my safety. I laughed away his fears,
to make love to me a few minutes hadn't grabbed you the way I did, and explained that most of the time
after their introduction, were more you can be sure I would have met I wore copies of my more valuable
enamoured of Father's money than you somehow. We must have mutual stones, and t h a t - i n addition all of
with me. But then-there was Ro- friends here tonight." the jewellry was insured.
mero. He was a s different from the We both began to laugh a t his own
others a s night from day. I asked him that night to come in-
* * * impudence. Then he pleaded for the side for a few minutes, and have
next dance. coffee. We went to my upstairs sit-
I HAD met Romero Vargas in 5n "All right," I said, "but I shouldn't. ting-room. I prepared the coffee my-
unconventional way, but to be quite I'll have t o introduce you to the self, and then began taking off my
truthful the fault wasn't really mine. Reynolds first. My father h a s just jewels. I had worn my diamond and
' Nor his either. Father and I were left, and I'm now with their party." sapphire necklace, two bracelets of
a t a nightclub, when a waiter brought Romero's manners were perfect, complementary stones on each wrist,
the phone extension to Father to an- and h e proved to be a charming and and a ten-carat square-cut diamond.
swer a call. After a few minutes' witty addition to our table. The Father had placed our wall safe in
conversation, he turned to me. He Reynoldses seemed impressed with this room. I oaened i t and drew out
looked worried. him. my jewel-case.
"I must leave immediately on some- He came from the Argentine where I asked Romero to serve the coffee,
thing important, but I don't want to his father was a well-to-do exporter and began putting my jewels away in
spoil your good time. I'll ask the and rancher. Romero acted a s head the case. Suddenly I thought of the
Reynolds .to bring you home when of the New York office of the Vargas increasing amount of time that he
they go, so will you join their table?" firm. He said he had spent most of and I were spending together, and
"All right, Father. Don't worry, his life in the saddle on his father's of what the future might hold. I
I'll be all right." cattle ranches, and t h a t he was eager asked him :
After he left, a young ,man came t o return to a healthy out-of-doors " h m e r o , how can you afford to
to my side, smilingly took me in his life. d spend so much time with me, away
from your business?"
He came across the room and sat
down on the couch beside me. For a
moment he was silent, then he took
one of my hands.
"Cecilia derest--you a r e the most
TEIE important business in my life! Surely
BRACE- you knew it?"
LET Then I was in his arms. For a long
moment he held me so closely t h a t I
S in view could not breathe. I could feel the
excited beating of his heart. Then
evcery time I he whispered :
re:rched o U t "We must marry, dearest, right
1 L _
away. Tomorrow. Don't spoil this
put my perfect moment by saying no. I will
ips on a call in a few hours, and ask your
mber - I
father. Goodnight, darling Cecilia.
. .Then

he was gone. Faint with joy

a S seeing
'at his words, I went to my bedroom,
,U to that. undressed, and went t o bed to hug
my happiness. I was to live forever
with Romero, his arms would always
be there to embrace and enclose me.
... At last I fell asleep, to dream
of my Latin lover.
[In the morning, one after the other, of my jewels. I told the .police that "In return, I will do everythmg I
I suffered two devastating blows. My a s long a s I had the jewels back, I can to bring you c1ient.e. When
world collapsed with a heartrender- would not prosecute. However, this friends and acquaintances compliment
ing crash about me! was not permitted. I was forced to me on my gems, I will tell them that
* * * appear in court to identify my gems. they come from your firm, and speak
FIRST THERE came a special de- The tabloids had a fieldday over of others i n your c o l l ~ t i o nAnd you
livery letter. I t was from my father. "Arrest of Scneietyk Belle's Gigolo will pay me a commission on any
"Dearest Cecilia: I could not come Lover," and they dragged in all the d e s that you make through me."
last night, and face you with my dis- sickening details of my father's sui- Two of the three dealers l inter-
grace. I am completely innocent, a s cide, Pollock's bail-jumping, and the v i e d were quick to consent
my lawyers will explain, but never- govmment's seizure of all the assets Once these stones were lent to me. ,
theless some of the shame and humil- of Wainsworbh, Ltd. City marshals I had the most expensive of them
iation must touch you. and creditors pursued me from one copied. I employed severd firms for
"I am too distraught now to say hotel to another. . . this purpose^, since I dared not arouse
anything more than to ask your for- I resolved to get even, to avenge suspicions.
giveness for what I am about to do. myself on the society that had dealt I made it a mint to be seen fre-
*'Your Father." me two staggering blows, that was quently in society. I gave ealmt little
That meant he was-dead! Yet it even now hounding me to death. parties myself. I t was most im-
couldn't be true. My father was not I was by no means broke. True, portant that, for a while at k s t ,
the weak sort of person wko there was only $10,0010 insurance, that I keep faith with the jewelers from
would take his own life. went to pay many small obligations whom I was "borrowing" bhe jewels,
In another fifteen minutes, two of which I cculd not ignore. But there because I needed quite a few "pairs"
my father's lawyers were in the was also the $25,000 cash given me -originals and their copies-before
house. by the lawyers, and I owned about befme I {began to strike back a t the
They told me they were going to $50,000 in stones. Anld most import- world.
deposit $25,000 in cash for me under ant, my name was cleared completely A t Saratogo, one August, father
an assumed name, in a place where of any complicity in the bankruptcy. had introduced me to one of his odd
i t could not be impounded by either Most of my society friends s>twckloy- acquaintances, a bigtime gambler
the government or creditors. They ally by me. whose name was Jake Connors. I
wanted to see that all the gems in A month later, I began my car- had no easy way of gwtting in tow%
th'e house were safely deposited some- eeT of revenge against society. I ibe- with Jake, since our worlds were far
place, under the same assumed name. came a m$ of female Dr. Jekyll and apart, but i t didn't take a detective
YO;~ father told us that he had Mr. Hy&. agency long to learn his whereabouts.
given you about $5Q,OQ0 in stones," I wrote him, recalling the circum-
the lawyer said. "Is that right?" stances of our meeting ami asked him
"Something like that," I replied. to telephone me. We made an ap-
"I keep them u p there in the safe." pointment to meet the next day in
The eyes of the lawyers and ~ l n e the cocktail bar of my apartment-
turned to the wall. hotel.
The safe was open! "I was sorry to hear about your
I began a frantic search around father," he began. "F'hil Wains-
the room. I remembered that I had 'worth and I were old friends. Back
taken out the jewel-case the night be-' in Rhodesia, years ago, we used to
fore and, in the glow of happiness- shoot dice togrerther. What can I do
after Romero's departure, had gone for you?"
straight to bed. I explained,. "I'd like to do a little
. A sickening fear began to clutch a t
my heart. I could not bring myself
gambling. You know-mulette, h-
carat and :so on. I h o ~ e dYOU d - h t
to telephone Romero a t his small hotel know where to direct me." -
downtown. The lawyers insisted, and Jake refused at first, but I soon
one of them phoned. wheedled his consent.
"Cecilia," he said, "this loaks very "I will give you a list of p h e s ,
bad. I don't know what to say-I herre in New York and e l s e h e m , and
don't want to give you another shock then 1'11 send out word that you're
after what you've just gone through. okay. But please understand, you are
But-well. Vargas left his hotel about doing 'this on your own responsibility.
2 zm., with all his luggage, and left I don't want anything on my con-
no forwardinp: address." science."
Romero! ,Only a few hours before I t was then early December, and I
he had spoken of marriage. .. . MY FIRST move was to get copies
"I've telephoned the police. Ce'cilia, made of all my most valuable pieces
packed two trunks and Mt immredi-
ately for Miami. Jake had arranged
. I don't know what this man meant of iewdrv. that I was to useanother name than
to you, but I had to do it." secknd step was to call upon my own.
* * * the three leading jewelers of the I was amazed at the ease with
IT STILL tortures me to recall the town. My story to each of them was whieh I flexed my first victim. The
next few days after the lawyers' the same. I said: s e c ~ n dnight in Miami I put on a
visit. The publicity was cruel. I "From time to time I want you to good deal of jewelry and took a
tried to protect mysdf from report- lend me somle of the finest jewels taxi to a place oalled t h LClu~bCall-
ers by hiding in a hobell. \but they in your collections. I will wear them ant.
cornered me a t my father's funeral. to the opera, a t Newport, Piping
* * *
Poor Aunt Cora, bewildered by events, Rock, Pdm' Beaeh, and a t dinners I BOTJGHT $500 worth of chips and
chose this time to remain in bed and parties to which I am invited. The had won Itbout $600 when some man
' and pass away. I was left al'one. stones, of course, will remain your began ,to play over my sthodder.
The Miami police arrested Romero property, and ithe insurance you al- T'here its a friendly atmosphere in
on a Pan-American plane bound for rwidy have will cover any risk of places of this sort-something like
Rio de Janeiro. He was in possession loss. that on shipboard-and i t is not dif-
ficdt to strike up a n acquaintance- CM them through to New Y o k
d i p . But I wanted to do i t i n a I made xwervations for the earliest
particular way. plane the following morning.
I was wearing a diamond bracelet That night at the club, Mr. Brown's
and my pearl necklace. The ;bracelet luck seemed to hold. I held his hand
was in view every time I reached under the taible and he whis-pered,
out to place my chips on a number. "You're bringing me luck." We left
finally the man behind m s a t down to go to tlhe bar for a few minutes
in the next chair when i t was vacated. and- I said:
He was staking as much as $500 on "W!hs can't I win like you do, Carl-
every spin of the wheel. ton? i f you keep this bp, you'll be
I los t a couple of times, and then as rich as Croesus i n another week!"
with a show of petulance took off my "You're doing all right, June. I
bracelet. saw you rake in $400 on one turn."
"Isn!t that exaswrating!" .I said to "Well, I'd like to play a s you do
my neighbour. "f think %his bracelet tonight. But I haven't $he cash wfwith
must be giving me bad luck. Have me." I loaked unhappily intn my
y o u a light, please?" bag. "Look dear, do you want to
My prospective victim was J 1 at- lend me some money tonight?"
tention. He drew out his lighter. "But of course! how much do you
"Surely nothing so beautiful a s want?" He pulled out his wallet.
that bracelet could bring anyone bad "I want to play for high stakes.
luck," he protested. "But maybe you &uld you give me $15,000? I could
should ,stop for a while. I don't wish give you a check tomorrow morning,
to intrude, but would you care for a or even the cash if I go to the bank,
glass of champagne at the 'bar? That but (supposeright now I put my pearl
might change your luck." necklace in pawn to you?"
We went to the bar. He introduced "It isn't $hat-" he began, as he
himself a s a Mr. Carlhn Brown of counted out fifteen thousand-dollar
Washington, D.C. My name, I said, bills.
was June Lambert. We talked about "But I insist!" I said, kissing him
nothing in particular for fifteen min- on the top of his head.
utes, and then he said: "All right, June, if you say so."
"I could not help noticing your I stuffed tJIe Mlls in my bag, and
beautiful necklace and bracelet when he put the fake necklace in his wal-
we were playing a t the table. I take let.
it you a r e very fond of jewelery?" We walked together to the tables
I explained that my father had and began to play.
been a dealer in 'gems. in London, and I t was ~bhenabout five in the morn-
that on his death I inherited a good ing. The first plane left a t six. I
- many &tones. sent a page-by to Mr. Brown with a
"But i t always astonishes me, Mr. note saying I was feeling ill from the
Brown, how appraisers vary in the cigarette smoke, and would he call
values they set on stones. For ex- me first trhing in the morning?
ample, this pearl necklace. I've just Before noon, I was back in Man-
had it made up for me, and I really hattan. I had my pearl necklace,
should get i t appraised, but down and after deducting expenses I was
here in Maimi I just don't know richer by almost exactly $15,000!
where to turn." My tone of voice somehow I felt that I had struck
suggested that I needed a strong pro- back a t Romlero and Pollock, a s I
tector. to lead poor little m e to an counted my cash and deposited i t a t him a year to trace the manufacturer
appraiser. my bank. of a fake necklace, but in the end
Mr. Brm,,jumped a t tlhe h i t . How Mr. Carlton Brown felt, I he found the copyist and had him
"Well now, he said, "I'm sure we
can arrange that. Why don't we
didn't care. . ..
My Maimi victim ms only the first
a m % & . The frightened copyist de-
have luncheon tomorrow? And mean- scribed lrte in such detail that the
of a succession of Carlton Browns New York police didn't have the
while I'll make inquiries. After lun- with different. names in Palm Beach,
eheon, we'll go to the best appraiser slightest difficulty i n identifying me.
Newport, New York, Pinehurst and When they also found the real
in town!" Bar H a h r . Some of them were necklacemry dead father's gift to
After luncheon we went to the more difficult to swindle than Mr. me on my reighteenth birthday-as
Miami branch of a well-known firm Brown-but nat many. After every
of New York jewelers. well a s four copies of it and replicas
such coup, I hurried back to New of other of my jewels, I decided it
"Miss Lambert," the appraiser said, York and lost myself in the social was futile to plead not guilty.
"at today's market you could sell the whirl of Park Avenue. For a long
bracelet for about $10,000. The piearl But because I was able to make
time no one thought of associating partial restitution, I received a sen-
necklace is worth considerably more. June bambert, the girl who appear-
\Ve would appraise i t a t about $30.- ed a t out-of-town e m b l i n g dens, with
ten= of only five years.
WO. That's a total of $40,000. If Miss Cecilia Wainsworth, the New But five years is a long, long time.
you care t o sell we are a t your York Socialite. I t is 1825 days, or 43,800 hours.
service.'' But the time came when, despite I often wonder here whether my
Mr. Brown of Wlashington, D!(;*., my careful plannine; one of my vic- revenge on society was worth the
was obviously impressed. tims caupht un with me. In this price. And whether the reward of
At luneheon the following day, we instance, I had foolishly neglected to thnlls is enough t o pay the costs of
arranqed to meet a ~ a i nin the even- discover in what 'business a Mr. Gold- living dangerously.
ing a t the Club Gallant. I returnled farb of Baltimore was engagd. It Romero's in jail, too. I wonder how
to my hotel, packed my trunks and developed he was a jeweler! It took he feels about it. . ..
approached, and I started to swoon and fall to the



HE girl lay on the ebony
T couch and her naked body
quivered with pulsating
shudders. The lights in the vast
room were soft, a twilight haze
of rose and gray.
She wasn't alone. Men in
evening dress and beautiful wo-
men in exquisite gowns stood
around the altar. They, too,
were motionless, save for that
same pulsating quiver t h a t ent m r d s in a throaty voice. There The robed figure s t a w d to chant:
showed on their sex-crazed faces was a rhythmic tempo to his garb- ...
"On, P a n , 10, P a n give me the
sign of the $pen eye and umrds of
and twitching fingers. led words, a tempo that seemed to
time the twitdhing and shuddering madmess. ..
Their eyes were on 8he girl, on the of Dhe men and women and the rise Every person in the m m took up
graceful outlines af her body; on the and fall of the nude girl's bosom. the weird chanjt and it rcse to a
breasts that were heaving with rhy-
thmic regularity and on the long,
And then ...
From the semi-darkness leaped a
frenzy of diabolical fury. And then
women started to scream. Cham-

slender legs that lay so easily and creature of white. I t was a goat. pagne bottles popped wen
with su& abandon Stopping in front of the couch, i t A man tore a dress from a m m m ,
Behind that couch stood a robed ~ h r e wits head back and pitiful bleats tore i t with the beastfulness of a
figure. He was mumbling incaher- came. from its throat. savage, and the woman screamed

louder and laarped far his a m . Other If these doubting Thomases could STRANGE COSTUMES-
men and women were stripping, have a look a t the police records of such a s that below, are worn by
tearing from fieir bodies suits and the different cities, from Miami to San members of the fantastic Devil
dresses that cost hundreds of Francisco, to Vancouver and Mont- Worshippers.
dollars.. . real, they would hear a story that is
one of the most amazing and shocking
A woman was rushing for the ter-
rified go&. She had a dagmr in her in the annals of crime.
hand. One swift stroke, sure and But these persons won't see the
deadly, slashed the goat's throat. I t police records. The story is so ghast-
lunged forward, went down on its ly and so hideous that the police don't
four legr;, blood gushing in spurting dare permit We real facts to be
strertms from its jugular. known.
The sight of blood raised the frenzy The girl that lay on the ebony
of the crowd to an insane fury. A altar, stark naked and with her white
wuman sprang like a tigress to the flesh covered with goat's blood, re-
nearest man, her teeth sinking deep ceived one hundred dollars for her
in his bare shoulder. He struck her part in that night's performance.
in the face, knocked her back, and she She wasn't a love eult member. She
laughed diabolically and fell. had nothing to do with the orgy of
Others were dipping hands in the sex that followed. She is what these
gushing blood. The goat was on its cultists call: "The excitement girl."
side, the last spasms of life passing The blood that gushes from the
through its body. Hands dripping goat, and which serves as a stimulant
with blood were raised high and the to the patrons, is spattered over her
blood splattered over the girl who
still lay motionless on the couch. .. . body as a part of the pagan ritual.
I have served a s the excitement girl
Weird and ghastly came the .words
. . . . ..
for many of these orgies. For seven
of the black-mbed figure. " I m p years I was in the power of the blood
. .
I rend . everlasting in the worshippers. I am free now, but my
might of Pan love, love, always brain is seared with hideaus memor-
. . .. . ."
b l o d and the world without ies, that haunt my waking and sleep-
ing hours.
The mad-lashed men and women
didn't hear him.. They were grovel- BUT before I tell my stcnry, it
ing on the floor, on couches, in un- might be well to classify love cults
bridled orgies. The screamis of, the and what is really behind t h e m
women had given way to moans and Love Cults first jumped into the
groans .. . .. men cursed and then
groaned ! wine and drugs . . ..
picture of American life thirty years
ago when Alister Crowley, who
bodies wribhing and twisting as one. called himself, "The Beast of the
And on the ebony altar lay the girl, Apocalypse," established his cult in
her soft white skin dripping crimson the old building that once stood a t
from the gwt? b l t ~ d .+
Number 1 University Place, in Green-
wich Village. A Canadian branch
THIS didn't happen in some for- was located in Toronto, Ont.
eign country where pagan rites are Crowley left this country years ago,
substituted for Christianity. I t h a p for obvious reasons, but the stories
pened right in this country, in a great of the ghastly orgies that went on in
city and on an avenue noted for his studio are still remembered. He
wealth and breeding and c u l t u r e a n preached a strange religion. Crow-
avenue where rents run into six fig- ley called himself, "Beast Number
ures. One," and the creed of his new re-
The men and women that groveled ligion was, "Do what thou wilt, shall
and writhed in animal lust were not be the whole of the law."
prostitutes or procurers from red Beautiful girls, many of them from
light districts. They were members the ranks of New York's elite society
of America's elite society, boasting of went there. Many of these girls were
family trees that went back hundreds branded with the mark of the beast
of years. on their breasts with a red hot iron.
This particular ceremony was the Branding was only one form of
f 23;nous Black Mass of the Devil Wor- Crowley's strange form of worship.
shippers, one of the largest and most The others consisted of sex orgies,
P Tverful Love Cults in the world, a too hideous to describe.
cult that originated in Germany be- After Crowley came Gurdjieff and
fore the World Wlar and which has his "Institute for the Harmonious
sprmead to every civilized country in Development of Man." His Cult orig-
the world. inated in Fontainebleu, France, and
'1"he Devil Worshippers, however, i t was there that Katherine Mans-
-- - only one of a hundred love cults
=W field, novelist and poet, died.
wh ich practice their strange and Gurdjieff arrived in this country Pierre Barnard, who dubbed him-
hea~thenishrites weekly in every large with a boat-load of dancing girls and self, "W,the Omnipotent" was one
citj7 of America. whirling dervishes. He didn't make of the most amazing of all the origin-
PL great many readers will shrug a great impression in New York, but ators of love cults.
ant1 say such a thing is impossible, today his eult still flourishes and his Barnard was born in Leon, Iowa
tha t in a civilized country like ours, strange ceremonies of love still a r e His parents were respectable, con-
such things simply couldn't happen. practised. servative, middle-west individuals. At
twenty-one, Bamard was a Lemon breakdown. I went to a doctor in a eyes. His voice was kindly and re-
picker on the west coast. %Later he large mid-west city, famous for his assuring and that is what I needed
became a barber and finally drifted to treatment of nervous disorders. The then.
"Yau are in trouble," he said quiet-
Leonia, New Jersey. He married a day I walked into his office, I knew
vaudeville dances who knew several absolutely nothing about love wlts. ly before I had a chance to speak
ariental dances. For personal reasons I cannot use I looked a t him in surprise. I had
* * * the name of this doctor. He is dead 'not expected this. I had $believed
AND from them original $an- now. H e died by his own hand, just there would be a physical examina- ,
came the love cult he established in s ~ sthe police were closing in on him. tion and questions.
Nyack, N.J., a cult financed by Mrs. His family is still prominent and be- "Yes," I answered, "I am in trouble,
W. K. Vanderbilt to the tune of two cause there was no conviction, i t Doctor. I am very unhappy."
hundred thousand dollars and a cult would be dangerous to mention his He did not keep me long that day.
that drew to its teachings such prom- name. He walked over to me and took my
inent persons a s Lady Paul Duke, There was little about his office to hand and said: "You must not worry.
formerly Mrs. Ogden Mills, and others indicate the strange orgies that went You must know that the best of us
equally prominent. on behind closed doors. His office are but mere ants in a strange world.
Amazing, utterly impossible, you looked like any other of the thou- We need guidance and we need love.
say, that a me-time lemon-picker sands of successful doctors in the Love cures all things-love, pure and
could organize a cult that caused the middle west. undefiled."
most prominent and famous society There was a seoretary a t the desk. If anybody--doctor or otherwise--
people of the country to shower money She was dark-haired and dark-eyed. would say that to me today, I would
on him and adhere to his religious She was beautiful, one of those wo- get up, t r y to be polite, and tell t h a
requirements, that before anyone join- men that you instinctively feel is individual I could tell him more about
ed his cult they had to confess to above the ordinary. The smoldering love than he is likely to ever know
him all seorets, all hidden desires, black eyes, the ivory-like pallor of and that such speeches always pre-
all inner thoughts, arid sign his Ton- ceded things hardly consistent to pure
trik Vow. living.
Impossible, I admit, but just the But I was too inexperienced to see
aame it is true. Why? There m e a that then. I was carried away with
number of answers to be given, all the doctor - wholly and helplessly.
of them making up a part of the sol@ For the first ltime in a long while I
tian to this puzzling mlystery. had heard somebody speak words of
Love cults and their practices a r e kindness to me. I thought he was an
hideous, inhuman and end in l u s t angel on eath.
orgies that place a human being lower He was smart enuugh to see that I '
than the lowest animal; but the fact felt that way, but on that first visit
must not be overlooked that in Gur- there was nothing crude, nothing im-
djieff, IZamrd, Garland, and even in proper about his manner or the way
Growley was the ability to show a he acted. He remained the physician
certain sincerity in their religious - professional, kindly, and ;under-
oonceptions, warped as they were. standing.
There is intolerance, sometimes He was that way for several weeks.
stark brutality in the religion we a r e . I went to see him a s often as I could.
taught as- children. When we a r e 2 i s words soothed me, paralyzed my
in trouble and w m t understanding, sense of reality. I looked on him a s
we get cursed and certainly no kindly my master, my savior. Foolish-ut-
understanding to help us. Gurdjieff erly idiotic for any intelligent wo-
and Crowley and Garland and count- man, but a t that period of my life
less others capitalized on bhis weak- I wlasn't exactly intelligent. I had
ness of our religions. suffered too much, had too many dis-
I t was this that enabled the cultists appointments.
to me in their power, and once And remember this : the. doctor a t
in the power of the Devil Worship that time was k n m a s one of the
- you
- a r e always there. great authorities on nervous disord-
* * * ers. He treated famous actresses,
SEVEN years ago I was Wenty- Anna Hollman, the girl who confesses. writers, and society women. His was
four years old. I was a typlcal a reputation demanding respect and
mother of the middle west. My child the face, caught your attention and confidence..
was two years old. My whole life, mid made. you wonder. How many of these famous women
my whole background, was consen7- "You wish," she said in a softly that went to him ever knew what lay
ative and impeccably moral. modulated voice, "to have an appoint- behind bhose many doors that led
My marriage, however, had nut ment with the doctor?" She spoke from his office to the rest of the great
been a success. My husband was a quietly, professionally. house, I do not know. But I do know
small town business man, cold and When I entered Dr. Latson's office, that some women, whose fame was
intolerant and almost a religious fan- i t was a typical conventional physi- international, went behind those doors
atic. In fairness I will admit that cian's office. Nothing exotic about it; -just as I was destined to do.
part of the trouble was my fault. I nothing to indicate the real purpose In those several weeks I had seen
simply could not stand the strict and behind it. Neither was there any- a number of things that told me that
unrelenting life of my husband. thing a b u t the doctor that would all of the doctor's interests were not
My soul -my body -everything cause m e to believe he was other than in the front office. I had seen strange
about me rebelled, but after the Te- a successful physician. and beautiful women coming out of
bellion and I left him, I was alone He W rather handsome, with a those doors; women the doctor hast-
and frightened and helpless. I didn't round face and large eyes. Ead I ened to tell me were his nurses. I
know what Do do or where to m. not been so naive, I might have seen had seen dances in the other office
I suffered a mental and nervous something sinister in those languid t b t wem savage and beautiful.
I was completely under his domi- The next day came the nude awak- d was paid my hun,dred dollars
nance. His words soothed me. I know ening and the ghastly horror of what promptly. I lived a t a luxurious
now that I .believed then I was in hung over me. The doctor was hotel. The bills were paid by the
l w e with him. I also know that he changed. There was no more love-- doctor. In that month I was doped
had watched my emotional reactions no words of kindness. every day. I t broke all resistance. I
to his words and planned every move "You need never worry about had no worries-nothing. I craved
with consummate skill. money," he said to me in a cold and the dope. I had to have it. I didn't
So when he asked me to disrobe, I matter-of-fact way. "You have pass- think a h t my child. I didn't think
felt no repulsion, no fear. Naturally ed the test of the Devil Worshippers. about anything and I lay on the couch
I was embarrassed. My rigid relig- From now on you will be their excite- naked and with no feeling of shame.
ious training caused me to blush red. ment girl. I will explain to you what Narcotics were a part of the orgy.
He smiled professionally and led that means." I suppose they accounted for a part
me from his office into a large room His explanation left me cold and of the doctor's profit, but I know now
that was bare af furniture. I stood in terrified. He didn't mince words. But that he was too smart ever to use
the center of this room, conscious that briefly and to the point, he said that them himself.
his eyes were on me, watching every from the first my body had attracted At tihe end of the month, however,
move. him. P a r t of his business was to find my body had lost its attraction for
I did not hesitate long. Slowly I women whose bodies attracted him. that particular cult. The doctor had
began to disrobe, taking one garmmt He didn't t r y to hide the story of made a fortune out of me, and he sent
off a t a time until I stood there com- the Devil Worshippers. It was a love me to a large western city, to another
pletely naked. I felt shame naturally, cult that boasted of a world wide cult.
because I had never done such a thing membership of over a hundred thou- There are many readers that will
before, but his voice soon caused all sand persons. He was the high priest ask why I went. Why I didn't flee?
shame to leave. in his city. In the luxurious rear rooms There were two reasons why I didn't.
He walked toward me, s l m l y and of his office the sex rites were held. The first should answer both ques-
his lazy eyes took in the lines of my I t was important, and he explained tions. If I had fled, if I had shown
body greedily. His hands wen6 on my this casually, to secure women whose any tendency to do so, I wouldn't
shoulders. The touch of his bare skin bodies excited men accustomed to have gotten a block from my hotel.
on mine sent strange thrills through naked bodies. When such a woman The Devil Worshippers are today
my body. My breath came in short was found, she was invaluable. one of the most vicious, one of the
'gasps. "For your information," he added, most deadly organizations in the
His hands went d m my arms, "T know every detail of your life country. The members, all rich, are
slowly and creeping-like. I thought story. I have investigated. You have in reality merely pawns-and very
I wmld swoon. Then his hands touCh-
ed my body. ...
I fainted. I had been married five
a child and you don't want to lose
that child. If it were known that you
lucrative ones for the men running
the orgies.
* * *
lay naked on that ebony couch, you
years, but never before had I redly would lose the child forever. In five BY THE end of the month drugs
felt that strange thrill. minutes I can have the whole story had deadened every sense of right I
The next thing I remembered, I was i n k o u r husband's hands by wire. Do
on a much. The lights over me were ever owned. And I wasn't permitted
you wish that? to be without them.
soft m d glowed redly. The doctor His face was wkite and twisted
was standlng over me, his lean face Added to these two reasons is a
strangely. Two nurses entered the third, powerful and overwhelming. It
silhouetted in the strange light. room. The dark-eyed secretary was
"Love" - he was muttering in a with them. No words were spoken.
was the sense of shame. There were
times when I rebelled against the
voice that seemed f a r away. 'Love
.. .. ..,, . . .
love always love . divine. . The secretary gralhed my shoulders
and pulled me back against the chair,
slavery my body had been thrown
into, but always there came the haunt-
holding me in such a way that I ing consciousness that if I talked,
I didn't understand what he meant. couldn't move a muscle in my body. every thing I valued in life-home,
I had mooned, but I knew he had not A nurse ripped the sleeve from my child, good name - would be gone
touched me and he was making no waist. There was a sharp pain in my
move to do so. forever.
"Exquisite - perfect," he gasped, arm a s a hypodermic needle pzmc- So when the month was up, I left
"You would move the gods . yes . . tured the skin.
... for the western city willingly and
. . . . ..
yes the gods ...
you move And then. without protest. I left with the grim
I cannot resist
the blood of
they can-
. *. ."
I didn't struggle any more. P e a c e
soft and delicious, spread over me. It
sceptre of death hanging over me and
my brains under the numbing effects
gushed through my Mood stream- of narcotics.
* * sending sensations to my brain that It was the same in the western city.
THAT night I lay again on that chased away every worry. Ebony cauch and goat blood over my
ebony couch. Again I was naked, Then I was picked up. I was being nude body. ,Orgies that even ex-
but this time I wasn't alone. The carried somewhere. I didn't care. I ceeded those of the doctor's cult. I
doctor stood behind me. He was didn't care when I was laid cm a n remained there five weeks and then
wearing a black robe. He was mum- operating table. I didn't feel any- another city and a repetition of the
bling words that didn't make sense. thing when a hot iron branded the same shameful experiences.
'I'he room was filled with men and mark of the Devil Worshippers on my It was while there that I heard of
women in evening clothes. Then the shoulder. the suicide of the doctor who had '
goat came. Its throat was slashed, I soon learned that little black devil lured me into the love cuIt. Police
and after that an ongy of lust that on my shoulder was more deadly and had suspected him. They raided his
brought the men and women in that more terrifying than the F1eu.r de !Lis offices. They found him a suicide in
room lower than beasts. on persons when they left prism in the love m l t room.
But it didn't sicken me, a s the mem- France.
~~ The Fleur de Lis branded They didn't get any of the members
ory does now. I was in love, madly the criminals to a world that didn't because they had fled through secret
d insanely, and the presence of the want to hurt them; I was marked to doors. The doctm knew he couldn't
ctor behind me, even though mv- a limited few, but i t narked me for a flee because the furnishings and the
:d with black robes, raised me to fate, swift and terrible, if I betrayed room wmld be w e d against h i m He
renth heaven. those few. blew his brains out.
All 'this changed when I went to Oga, but there was not the hysterical indistinct, but I gathered that the
the third city. There I learned the frenzy af other meetings. fiendish lbrutsrlity of the Blood Mass
law and bestial levels to which hu- That is, not at first. No goat came had been too muoh for him. (Later
man nature can fall when the emo- charging out of the darkness. Oga I was to learn that he was a m m b e r
tion of sex rules the mind. was chanting samething I had never of one of America's most socially
There I was to learn d the sadistic heard before. and financially prominent familks
cruelty of human beasts. I was to . . . . ."
"Pan . Pan his voice was and had frequently been in mental
see what the Devil Worshippers really mumbling. "Give us Iove and give institutions.)
were, stripped of the more n o m l . . ..
blood . . give us love everlasting These men took me to a side en-
. ...
love . . love
. . .
to the ead of all time ... Iove
to the greatest, 0,
trance to the house of worship. A
moment Lter and a large black sedan
Even during the World War, when
Ehgland and 'Germany were in the ...
Pan, will ,give us blood human had swiftly pdled np to the door. I
death struggle of life, the Devil WorL blood. ...
Blood! Human blood! My body
was wrapped in a blank& by the men,
shippers transcended all national who huddled on the floor as bhe
bounds. German and English mem- froze with a sudden terror! chauffeur wheeled the car away on
bers would meet in Holland to carry There was a scream, a pi%iful screaming tires Again I fainted.
on their horrifying practices, not car- scream of a young girl. I t came from * * *
ing that their own countrymen were ' the darkness. It rose b a crescendo HOW MANY hours .or how many
dying on the field of battle. that sent chilb of horror down my days p&, I shall never know.
The abnormal urges that are prac- back. When I finally regained my full
tised by these cults were greater Every person in that room Itxiped senses, I came to to discwer myself
bonds than patriotism. up. They were screaming with the in a hospital-like room, with a
The brand on my shoulder was my girl. Then two brutelike men, strip- starched nurse in attendance. She
recommendation wherever I went. All p d to the waist came out of the was a hard-faced woman with pec-
I had to do was to find the leader darkness. uliar yellow eyes, who never said a
of the cult, show him that brand and They were carrying a young girl word. There was something almost
I was given work. on a board. She was naked. And on ghoulish about the creature. Several
In a centain city the headquarters the b a r d were short spikes that times I tried to quesbion her, but she
of the cult were in a suburban home bored into the flesh of the girl. merely s h r e d at me and said noth-
that must have cost a hundred hous- Oga had jumped t o his feet and mg. On the other hand, once a day
sand dollare. There were spacious w a s striding toward me. I hadfor the nexk two weeks, a doctor
lawns and a great stone fenae to raised myself up a little. His eyes came in and dressed my wounds. I
hide the house from the streets. It were !blazing with a strange lwk. was well taken care of and given
was isolated. I t had to be for the In his right hand was a knife, a everything to read I wanted-with
screams of the members in their dope lung, thin~bladedknife! the exception of newspapers. I had ,
and sex-crazed orgies could be heard The screams af the girl were shat- no idea in what city o r state I was.
for blocks. tering wery nerve of my ;body. They I &a- there in that strange
The leader d this cult was not a rose over the din of the men and roam1 for a month. Never once did
doctor. He' w m a tall and thin- w m n in the roam. I see a soul. At last I regained
faced man, dark of complexion and Oga got to me. His knife came up. my health and I began to grow curi-
with the mannerism of a Hindu. He I fell back on We coudh. I closed oua as to whak was to be my ultimate
w&e long flowing mbes of white and my eyes. fate. And then I hmad a visitor.
a white turban. He called himself There flashed t h m & m.y con- It seems to me now that the man
"Oga, +he Great." sciousness the terrifving: m m o r v afwho came to my room must have
Hs received me wiith his beady lit- bhe famom evil -worshippeT's ben someone I had met ~hfore. At
tle eyes taking in my form quickly. Death Mass! the time, his +ace and his voice were
He m e from a couch and snapped: Had I walked into i t ? If I had' completely strange. He entered the
''Disrobe." there was no escape. A human body charniber ak dusk one night, and for
I did. He walked around me, t o those blood-crazed fiends wad several minutes stood looking down
sixdying every pafi of my figure. nothing more than a loaf of bread. a t me. A t last he spoke.
His fingers touched me, like a man There was a shalrp pain down my '"You feel all right now?" he
would touch a horse. l3k didn't like right side and then a sharp stinging ded.
my shoulders and told me to stand pain over my breast as something I nodded, and &served that he was
stra4&ter. hot struck! immaculately d r d ; a man of per-
Then he called two assistana in. Then consciousness left with a haps fifty years of age, with gray-
They were heavy-faced thugs. They whirl of screams and shooting pains. ing temples and a strong lean body
laughed coarsely when they saw my
* * * and eyes whioh had an odd fanatical
nakednew. Oga ordered them to I SHALL never know whether it glare to them. His voice reawsured
stand back. They did, but I knew was my agonized scream, o r the lat- me but his eyes frightened me.
fmt their eyes that I would have ent chivalry of two of the men in "I would like Q go,: I said, a t
more trouble with them. that terrilble chamber of agncatic sex the same time, m n d e n h g where I
That night there was a meeting worship which did it. But suddenly, was and where I could p.
of the cult. I t was different from the with foam a t his lips and his knife "You will be able to go soon," he
other meetings a t which I had served. again upraised, Oga tripped 'back- told me. "But in the meantime I
The room was large and incense ward and fell to the floor. At first am sending in some clothes We
burned and strange perfumes came I thought he Bad fainted from the shall have dinner and a talk."
floating through the air. pure tense e w h y of his sexmadden- It was a strange, u n ~ e a l dinner.
There was a great throne behind ed brain. We sat alone .in a Iona: room with
6he ebony couch. Oga, the Great, did But then I &mrvd two forms almost no furniture. The food was
not wear black robes. He sat on the sweep a c m %he m m . A second excellent and i t wais served by a
throne and mmbled the words of I&r I was freed from my couch and peculiar little man who never opened
Pan. I lay on the ebony much. in the terrible confusion of the m- his mouth. He moved silently and left
The men and womenimany of ent, I was half dragged and half us alone most of the time. The few
therm1 internationally k n m for their carried from the chamber. glasses of sparkling wine I d o 4
d a l fame and their wealth, squat- One of the men a t my si& was seemed heady and strong.
ted on the floar. They chanted with babbling and crying. His words were My ,host questioned me at h@
about Gy a d a t i o n with the Devil m e tremendous, awful and psycho- Just please let me out. I felt no
Worshippers. pathic gratification from the terrible desire for vengeance.
I guarded my words, but even then beating he was administering. This time he carried a long cata-
I told him a great deal. He seemed Finally even the wine failed to re- nine tails. The handle was loaded
sympathetic. At last, when I was vive me. I mast have been carried and there were nine cruel slender
'through answering his questions, I back to my room upstairs. The nurse whips of raw hide a t the end. There
asked him a few. was in attendance when I ultimately was a small diamond of steel tied to
"Tell me," I said, "where I am and found consciousness. each separate whip.
how I happen to be here. And who Strangely enough, what with the He handed i t to me and leaned
are you?" careful attention I was given and the omer.
He smiled and i t was a pleasant complete rest, my wounds quickly "Either strike me with that-hard!
mile. healed. The pain a t times was in- --or I shall whip you to death!"
"I cannot give you my name," he tense, but I realized later that i t was Kis voice was like nothing human.
said. "I can only tell you that a t only during the periods the morphine His eyes were misty this time and
one time I, too, was a member af I was constantly being forced to take, not glaring. And suddenly I realized
the cult. Since a certain night, wore off. Within ten days the last that this was no normal civilized be-
I no longer attend its meetings." of the welts had disappeared and ing I was dealing with. I realized
There was something about the again I was ready to leave and make t h a t unless I beat him a s he had
way in which he said i t that made me my way out into the world-if I beaten me, he actually would beat
alize that this man must have been could leave. me to death.
le of the pair who had rescued And again I had a visdt from my I took bhe whip from his hand.
e from that nightmare-ish episode atrange host. This time he sent the After t h a t first lash across his
hen I had been stabbed by the mad nurse from the room and locked the back, when I saw those large welts
:a. door after her. He was in a dress- af Mood-red flesh suddenly rise, I be-
'At present," he contihued, "I ing gown and slippers. came violently nauseated. But he
n leading a quiet life and one re- Frightened half to death, I looked would not let me stop.
~ e dfrom the world. And . ." he up a t him. I wondered if there was "Harder, harder, more!" he yelled
snt you to lead it with me."
sitated for a hrief moment ". . I nothing of human kindness in this a t me.
He had superhuman strength. I
&range creature that I would be
I t was a strange remark. I real- able to reaclh. I began to plead with soon knew that the only wav in which
XI that this man was certainly him in a soft, quivering voice barely I ever should be able to desist from
l t normal. There was something above a whisper. this savage rite was to strike so hard
cious, OT rather, not so much vic- A t once he put up his hand for me that he would lbecome unconscious.
ioius as sinster, about his approach. to stop. Again and again I lashed out. The
miis was no ordinary proposition. "I have come," he said, "to talk man was made of stone.
"Live with you?" I questioned. with you. You have my word I shall Did I feel a n y unusual excitement
* hot touch you." - d u r i n g this ghastly nightmare? No.
Lnd what does that entail?" I felt only a terrible and devastat-
Instead of answering, he stood And then he sat on the bed and
up and walked toward me. He tow- talked. For several seconds I was ing humiliation a t the knowledge that
ered over my chair. For some rea- afraid to a s much a s listen, but then I was not only witnlessin~,but con-
son I was suddenly paralyzed with I began to understand what he was tributing to the degradation of a
fri~ht. saying. In a soft. well cultured voice fellow creature-if you call such a
"Stand up." It was neither a re- he told me about himself. He told man a fellow creature.
quest nor quite a n order. me that I was to consider him! not I t seemed t l a t my arm would turn
I PUSHED back my chair and ruse a s a criminal, and myself not as a parailyzed before I could ston. But
captive. He said he would give me suddenlv his lbodv m e sharplv in a
t o my feet. My host, wham! I later great quiver of emotion, and ltihen he
was to learn to call Seigal, reached a great deal of money and that he
forward. His two lonq arms went would never really injure me. That screamed once and slumped to the
around my waist. He pulled me he was a stranpe man and had floor. The strangv, cold nurse must
close to him and his head leaned strange desires. He told me that he have been watching every second
was immenselv wealbhv and could durinq that awful scene, for the
over me. moment he dropped. she enterecl the
It was s o u n u m l for me to have buy anything he wanted.
He told me that he had no satis- xmm She must have had a key, as
a man again approach me in a well as the master of $he house.
normal way, that I tossed badk my faction out of a normal life. That in
head and slightly opened my mouth. order to live, .it was essential &at Without a word she picked him up
For a half instant his lips ;brushed he beat the woman he was with. bodily snd vlaced him on the 'bed.
mine. Suddenly I was tense with And then he smiled a t me and paus- She motioned me t o follow her, and
excitement. I pressed close to him. ed for a moment. I did, in a Mind daze of unmality.
I t was like a slap across the face. "But that is not all," h e continued. Thak night I was locked in a r m
It came so suddenly. "Undoubtedly a t this moment you in another part of the house.
bate mle and feel vengeful. And so There is no m i n t in talking. of trhe
And ftihen he struck.
I cannot, even now, tell you of the .. ." again he smiled
now you can beat me!"
". . . and so, next few months. Everv couple of
unutterable horror of that next hour. weeks wag a brutal repetition of
The man was worse than a b t and He must have noticed the look of those first experiences. First I would
had the etrength of six. Time and complete revulsion on my face, for undergo a horrible beatine: a t the
apain I &came unmmious, only to he added: hands of that monster; then, a s soon
recover when he held a glass of "Do not worry. I shall not b w t you a s I was suftdicientlv rpcovered, he
chamvame to my lips and caressed or strike :-ou back." would force me to beat him.
mv fore'head. I refused. T told him I forpave him One d g h t , after he had only &ruck
1ind every time I would come to, for everything. T h a t I didn't want me once, h e put his whip away. He
thai t lashing, snake-like ;belt would to ;beat him-I only wanited to p t leaned d a w n over the bed in which
a e%inzing through the a i r and lash out of his house. I promised him I lay at%r~bbin~q and shiverina with
amw s my white, throbbing body. He
_L _
that I would never s a y a word to fear. For a few minutes he merely
od over me and I could see, dur- anyone about what had happened i n stared a t m. And then he dropped
ing those few lucid m e n t e while
I TVBB conscious, fiat he was getting
that terrible and strange place. I across the bed and started to weep.
h l d him that i t was a closed book For the f i m t time since I had known
him, I had a peculiarly tender feel- I l e a d that two ~ t r a n g e mhad But ithere was nothing he could do.
ing for that unusual, maladjusted checked me into one of New York He informed me that police files -$l
person. !My arm fell across his scar- City's (better known hotels late that over the country 'were filled w t h
red tshoulders. night. They had explained to the data of the strange sex cults. That
I t was a f k r midnight when I was desk clerk that I was intoxicated. I Federal men as well as local police -
bundled into the back of a large, was never able to trace them. In a officers damped down every time
curtain-drawn limousine. My host had purse on the dresser I found ten one- they had a chance. But as f a r a s
disappeared and I was accompanied hundred dollar bills and nothing else. individuals such as Seigal were con-
only by the nurse and a chauffeur. It There was a suit case in fihe room cerned, nothing could be done unless
was so dark I had no way of knowing and i t was filled with a complete the victims themselves were able to
where I was. We drove for hours wardxibe. But every p s a b l e identi- sutpply definite information a s to who
and I !began to feel very drowsy. I fying mark had been torn from the they wwe and where (they were..
reoall only that just before daylight, clothing. I discovered a t the desk 'Since those bitter and unreal days
I felt a sudden stab in my right arm. that I was registered under the name I have been living a quiet and se-
The nurse was at my right. of Miss Mice Smith. cluded life in New York. Police still
I t was a&in night When I came to. There are two more things to tell. watch my movements, in fihe hopes
I knew I had been doped. I was I talked with an assistant distrid they will dbtain m m lead. I am
lying in a k d , t~bviouslyin a hotel attorney i n New York City. I told waiting for the day that I will a e i n
rOOm him of my experiences. I told him of contact one of the members of the
The rest of this story can 'be told the Devil Worshippers and later cults, and be able t o inform the
in a couple of \brief paragmphs. of Seigal. proper authorities.


From the luggage depalrtment he himself to a new pair of brogans

took four nice new suitcases, and without Coupon No. 17.
stuffed them with men's, boy's and As a guest of inquisitive police,.
women's clothing valued a t $600. Pastick turned coy. How he man-
However, when he tried to leave via a aged to hide in the store and escape
fire escape, he found the doors all surveillance of clerks and watchman,
locked. At the same time he was hav- he said, was strictly a trade secret
N ADDITION to his penchant ing difficulty in dadging the night which he would keep to, himself.
I for other folks' belongings- watchman.
A t last he came to the furniture
Peter P. Pastick has a predis- department, where decorators had
He appeared the following day in
Felony Court, where he faced Magi5
trate Joseph B. GBblocki for arraign-
position toward that form ' of labored to set u p a model bedroom. ment. The judge scanned Peter's
nocturnal esercise which makes It was an outfit which appealed to record of four six-month t e r n in
an alarm clock a household ne- Peter Pastick from the moment he the past and held him for the grand
cessity. And his fondness for laid eyes on it, and while he realized
a t once that he couldn't lug it out
jury without bail.
* * *
sleeping has got Peter into with him, he saw no reason why he
trouble up to his neck, which is shouldn't put i t to his own use TRAVELING in a barrel may be
, no unique expeztence for those of the
only about five feet off the floor. temporarily, a t least. card-playing gentry, but i t took a
So he flung the h g s untder the bed Tennessee prisone~ to demonstmte
According to New York police, and lay down to take a knap. With bhe worth of an oversized keg as an
Pastick boasts that he has robbed the coming of daylight, he figured, escape disguise.
every big department store in the he would surely be better able to find
metropolis, but his system bogged some way out of the store. An oil company truck delivered 12
dokn like Rummel's African push barrels of mineral spirits to the state
when he tried it out in a big Brook- However, when daylight came Peter penitentiary in Nadhville, and an
lyn store. It's gone back on him on was snonng lustily. Making his equal number of supposedty emp'ty
other occasions, too, his dossier a t rounds the watchman heard him and barrels were hauled away after the
headquarters listing convictions for investigated. Then he phoned police. delivery w a s made.
unl?wful entry on four previous oc- Detectives who answerd his alarm When he stopped the first time
casIons. relieved Peter of the four stolen bags on the rkturn trip from the p r i m ,
Peter walked into the Brooklyn and their contents. They were about the truck driver noted t h t the heads
store, and when employees shut the to lead him off to headquarters for had been batted out of two of the
place for the night they locked him a personal appearance in the morning barrels,. and he guessed the reason
inside too, although, of course, they lineup when they noted they had not why. He notified prison authorities.
were unaware of that. After the last shorn their lamb of all his booty. Sum enough, a check showed Cletus
charwoman had finished her chores, Peter had found that shoe rationing Stone, 33, a long-termer, absent. He
Peter got busy. was cramping his toes and had helped stowed away in one of the barrels.
A hand wked out from a narrov
opening i n the bathroom door. I t

was a left hand, Lefty Peltier's hand,
in fact; I could recognize it. And
it clutched an automatic. It was
pointing toward Vic and me. Then
vic moved back and i t was just point-
ing toward me, standing there with
my back to the door.

THE BATHROOM door m ecl
wider and Lefty walked out. He still
held the gun on me. There was a
wide grin on his face. "Hello, Ag,"
he said. "Hot ain't i t ? Now that
we're here, let's talk it over like
- ladies."
"Sure," I said.

OF THE Lefty got into his suit coat. "This

is the way it is," he said. "I've raised
the ante. Everybody else is out.
Stern's out. too. Just ns three. Be
reasonable,'~g. After all, we steered
you on to Moore."

GYPP My ears were straining to the

steady tramp of feet getting louder.
"But I haven't jpt it here," I stalled.
"Haven't h&?" Lef ty walked
around me and wked the pun in mv
side. "Take her change a%ay, ~ i c , "
he said.
"And what does Lefty says?" I didn't move. Vic grabbed my bag,
"We split. Four ways." slid out the wad of bills. "Ain't got
"Salit what?'' it here, huh?" he chuckled. "I guess
~ i E ' seyes were contemptuous. 6 t ~ 7 myou just forgot you brought it. You
AGNES LAWTON not talking riddles. Kid ~ o o mgave wouldn't lie, pal-we know that."
you a grand to bet on High Play. In
the fifth a t Tia Juana. - You didn't I pinioned his arm, struck out with
put i t on High Play. You got i t my other hand. We tangled, and roll-

M Y LITTLE apartment was down on Storm King. Storm King edLeftv's

on the second floor. I o p won a t twenty to one. /So you've got us.- ~e k&t
ened the door. Vie Terazzi twenty
grand that we're cutting
YOU, Lefty and Stern. After all,
sat fwing me, his legs cocked we introduced you to Moore."
together on the floor.
pun was wavering above
yelling, " ~ r e a E away,
Vic. "1'11 drill her!"
I clung t o Vic. We rolled together
up over my packed grip. That was true. J'd made ..
.. . *ntv-.
to the wall, then I tore myself l m e ,
leaped to the light-switch, clicked
He didn't say anything as 1 grand that afternoon betting som;
came in. I noticed the window one else's money. Kid Moore had i t Lefty'e off.
gun spoke in the dark.
given me a grand to bet High Plng Plaster splattered my hair. I crouch-
was Open, showing part Of a to win. But I followed mv hunch. ed in a corner. My fingers came upon
rusty fire-escape. picked a long shot and W&. F& something soft. It was my wad of
chance of me giving that all up, or money. I slid the money inside my
I feigned surprise. "Well, Vic, any part of it. &em, spoke evenly:
what brings you her?" "It's bhis way, Vic," I explained, "I'm going out of here. Going owt
Shut the door, Ag." "I can't let Moore down. This just on my feet. Alone I've got six
isn't my dough." slugs that are going with me. If you
I turned a quarter t~ on the "You said a mouthful. It ain't all want a souvenir, start rushing me!"
bolt. It clicked loud a s ~t locked. yours, and i t don't belong to that
Then I gave i t another quarter turn. That part about me having a gun
Softly. My door was unlocked again. punk pug moo re, either." was a lie, but I prayed they'd believe
I stood in front of it, hoping desper- I picked up my grip, backed to the it.
ately to cover my play. door. I bpened fhe dbor with my left
Vic's laugh was nasty. "What's Vic came toward me. His thick, hand, wriggled backwards a step and3
your hurry? Nervous?" He gave blue-black hair smelled of tonic. His was catapulted back into the room.
my grip a kick. voice got low and husky. "So you'd A bcdy hit me sideways. I Yell
run out?" against the light-switch. It clicked
I looked around the room. "Make I got free of him, c a ~ e f u lto keep on.
i t snappy," I said a s casually a s my back to the door. Kid Moore erOoocf in the center of
possible. I laughed. Did I mean chat laugh? the room, brandishing a rod. His
Vic stood up, smoothing the bulge Not any! "Run out?" I repeated black hair dangled over his wild eyes.
a t his lean hip, looked a t me with rather hollowly. Lefty and Vic crouching by the bed,
eyes that had changed to blaok ice. l'Yeah," Vic said coldly. "Run out." Lefty's gun was in his hand.
"You're dealing us in."
I laughed gaily. But inside I wasn't
He showed his teeth. They were deli-
cately pointed, neatly white. "But
l4Stav down!" Moore screamed
and fiFed.
gay. "If the terms suit me, Vic" you ain't doin' it, Ag." He raised A piece of ahoe-heal slithered over
"Fine." Vic smiled. His eyes stay- his voice slightly. "Okay, pal-show the floo~. That's how close the bullets
ed hard. "Then do a s 'Lefty says." her that she can't do that to us." missed me.
and get married. I laughed inwardly.
Maybe I could have done worse than
marry him, though. He'd been run-
ning in bad company, but was fund*
The wrong crowd swept her mentally an honest guy. I'd have
been in less jams in my life if I'd
into a life of biotous living, married him. But I wasn't the ro-
mantic kind. I used men just to

I perverse gambling and high.

outwit them We had a few drinks
together, and it was easy to slip away
from Kid Moore and later to slip out
of town.
stepping. The next step landed * *
I'VE STARTED with the above
her into the vicious rackets. experience because i t was the hottest,
riskiest one of my entire life. But
you can't ever be on the wrong side
"You rat, Lefty, throw your gun My left leg came back fast, tripped of fie law wibhout taking risks, and
&m," Moore shouted, waving the Stern's ankle. We clinched, and I big ones. A good many of my old
muzzle around. saw Vic rushing me. Then I fell to associates are underground-and
Lefty's gun skidded m the floor, the floor. they didn't die natural deaths.
near me. When I got up, the room was full Sure. I've done some pretty shady
Moore kept waving hia gun wildly. of cops. things. Things you people in good
q ' m going to kill somebody!'' he I thought bitterly: "The one time society wouldn't approve of. It's
yelled. I ever teamed up with anybody, and all how you look a t it, I'd say. But'
"Don't, Kid, don't!" I cried. now the law's got me." whatever I did I had an alibi for, to
"You dirty cheat!" he shouted. Well, luckily for everybody, no myself; whenever a sucker was ripen-
He kicked the crwohing Vic in one was severely hurt. Moore and ed, and trimmed and cut down. he
the shin, and Vic toppled over in Lefty had only superficial wounds. usually deserved it. The fruit of his
. agony. No one made any complaints own folly. Then there were other
Moore ran over to me a s I mouched against anyone else, but, of course, times when i t was just a matter of
on the floor. He'd been soft on me they locked us up on general prin- simple justice.

for a time. But now he was any- ciples. What did i t all net me? Well, you
thing but soft. He shouted, "Get My roll of dough had the cops tell me.
up!" puzzled a t first. They thought they How did I get to be a red queen
I raised up on an elbow, and he had a gang of counterfeiters. of the gypsies? I'll start from scratch.
kept shouting, "I'm going to kill you They kept us all in jail a couple My name is Agnes Lawton. I was
and the other rats-" of days until they made sure the born-the middle of three children-
A gun barked, Moore pitched for- money wasn't phony. on a farm in Medina County, Ohio,
ward on the rug. A gun slid along In the meantime Lefty had gotten of respectable people, who were fair-
the floor. It was Lefty's. I had it. in touch with a lawyer. ly well off.
I kneeled beside Moore. My gun The day after the cops reluctantly Both my parents died when I was
had Vic and Lefty covered. Now I'd admitted my right to the money, we seventeen. My brother, who was
take over-I thought. I'd make a were all of us up 'before Judge twenty, was competent to run bhe
clean getaway - with my dough. I Raleigh. farm with the two hired men. My
backed out fast Do the door. I kept Lefty's mouthpiece had maneuver- younger sister was still in school.
watching lefty and Vic. M m e was ed i t that I did most of the explaining The world of books had no fas-
still on the floor, blood trickling before the judge. My story went like cination for me, though I'd finished
down his arm. this :
I'd won a lot of money on a horse, high school. I determined to see
My back was against the door. A
hand came from somewhere and took and with my boy friends was celebrat- sometthing of the world.
my gun away. ing, when someone started an argu- A few days after my father join-
"Tie this one," said a voice. \ ment. ed mother for their long sleep, I l&
I saw Stearn'a face, a long lean That was the gist of it. Some of i t home.
face, in the g l m A long, lean bodq.. was true, a t least. The approach to P i t t s h r g by train
He kept rubbing something u p and In spite of the D. A's objections, at night was thrilling with its flar-
down my backbone. the judge ruled I didn't have to name ing blast furnaces set in the sides
A muted trumpet W & - d e d from the bookie I betted with, but flned of cavernous hills.
the night-club across the street. Lefty me twenty dollars for illegal ;bet- A t the cheap hotel, I ran smack in-
said, "Where have you been?" ting. He sentenced Vic, Lefty and tb the wwng crowd. They were shop-
Stern said, "I been places." He Stern to the calaboose for gun-toot- lif-a man and his wife and a.
kept massaging my spine with his ing. guy who wasn't more than eighteen,
gun-bamel. "How do you like it, Becanse of M m ' s previous good I'd judged. The older pair told me
sister?" record, the judge let him off with a how easy it all was. I helped them
"It's the luck of the Iri&," I s a i d suspended sentence. pull a few jabs, but I could sense
Outside the court I met Moore. I that danger was playing all around
I raised my wee. I saw my own since I'd faced all the guns, I me, like lightning, and when the mar-
face reflected in the glass. I said figuredwas entitIed to the most of the profit. ried couphe got caught and got s
"Good-by, pall," to my reflection with- I gave him back his original grand. stretch, I dhanged my hotel. I liked
eut making a emnd. The Kid was contrite, and grate- this racket, but I needed more ex-
Then in the glass I saw lefty's face ful that I hadn't bet his money on perience. I'd go honest for a while.
make a grimace, saw his M y sag- High Play. The dumb cluck thought Next morning I was out bright and
ging against the ohair. I was in love with him! He was ter- early, looking for honest work. Pitts-
I only heard the shot late^, saw the rible sorry to have caused all this burg was booming then. Without any
smoking gun in Moore's h a n d mess. He wanted us to get a license trouble I got a job as a salesgirl in

the basemat of Skelton's-a big de-

partment store. (The h e r e is e n e
now, and Skeltont was not its real
Ny jab was selling hmiery. I -was
happy for a couple af weeks, had
found a modest room with another
girl, Helm Edwards. Then one day,
the lgyear-old shoplifting kid came
into the store and insisted on bang-
ing around and talking with me. I
supposed the store executives knew
he had a reformatory record, and
when eight pairs of stockings turned
up missing from my counter, Miss
Gurney, my department head, told me
I was wanted in Mr. Sigman's office.
Sigman was the hosiery buyer, a
good-looking man, but all business.
He accused me of getting away %th
the stockings. I denied the charge
hotly. Anyhow, he told me I was
fired. He didn't make any more
trouble, for he just suspected me of
the theft, couldn't prove it. I was in
bad circumstances then, couldn't af-
ford to lose my job. But the thing
was funny to me, a s well as tragic.
Here I'd been getting m a y with
things and hadn't been caught. And
now, whn I was being discharged for
suspected theft, ,X was absolukly in-
nocent. I ewore to myself that I
would get even with Sigman s a n e
The next morning I said good-by to a fur. To ask for less was bad tactics. hot c a b for a buck and s kdf a
Helen. I left Pittsburg. People wanted to believe they were p!-. They eost m e a b u k thirky-
I t was my second day in Cincinnd. getting a genuine fur, a fiftydollar five cents each. Ncvt a 'bad profit. But
A crisp November morning., I was f u r for ten! after s while the business played
walking up Vine Street, when a car If the suckers found out later that out. Repea0 orders were sanething
like a small-store delivery truck, all they'd been hooked for a dog, else.
black with no letters on its side, eased that was their tough luck. %%eh I -4 to work for Red MC-
by, a young fellow in the driver's It was steady, but mmatanous. Kim. He had a gambling joint on
seat, leaning forward, beckoning me We'd average a b u t lfifty a week for Wabash Street. The loop was wide
with a finger. ourselves. But after a while the open them, and MeKiim's bad every-
I waited until the car came abmast Better Business Bureau got to mak- thing. Blaek-jack, the bird-cage, rou-
df me. The car angled to the curb. ing it tough for us, and HaaMey's lette, a eraptable, a poker game i n
The driver held down a f u r neck- wife made him quit. the rear, and of course a morning
piece to me. I went bmk to Chicagd, where and a i f t e m n line on all the race
"Here! Give me ten dollars for Helen was stoppinp a t a hotel on the tracks.
this fox. It's hot," he whispered. near North Side. She got me a job My job was bo steer t%e suckers for
It was flashy-looking. But I wasn't in the same Loop store, selling heck- &he play. It wasn't hard. I'd ask
interested. I walked on. ties. It lasted till Clhristmss. Then them to play the wheel for me, press-
A little while later I heard the Helen went back home to Pittsburq. ing my own money in their hands.
same voice. "Corny, here, miss. I (Of course, M c K h 'gave me extra
I stayed in Chi. I had, in rapid for t h a t )
want to talk t o you. H e stopped the succession, a variety of jobs. I was
car and got out. They'd go ap &re. Usually they'd
a window model, displaying dresses; lose my few dollars pronto.
That's how I went to work for a hat-check 'girl i n a chop suey joint, They
Babe Hackley. didn't want to look c h e a ~ .Thev lald
a receptionist for a Hindoo sage, who, out some of their own to &t i t
Hackley had a bunch of neck-pieces flew the coop, owing me two weeks' back. When they got stuck a little,
that cost about 75 cents to a dollar a salary. they usually went for their roll.
piece wholesale. All paid for; with re- However, I managed to salvage an McKim paid me ten dollars a day
ceipts in his pocket. He'd drive along address book with a list of his
with me in his delivery truck, stop flat for tihie.
likely-looking prospects, give them a
wealthy patrons, which sucker list I * * *
sold to a rival philosowher for thirty
msh talk, intimating, but never stat- dollars. AFTER a while the boys got wise
ing in so many words, that his stock With that I went into business for to m McKim gave me another job,
was stolen merchandiw, and could myself. He had connections with other book-
therefore be purchased a t a tremen- I bought a few donen neckties, makers in the nearby towns. I'd go
dous saving. paying about four dollars a dozen. I to Milwaukee, Racine, to Hammond,
We had imitation fitdh, kolinsky, had them made up with flashy silk- Gary, East .Chicago, to all the towns
fox, racoon, wolf. back linings. I picked out odd pat- around the Lake, carrying money
Hackley would tackle the men. I'd terns. They looked good by artificial back and forth that they wanted to
tackle the women. We'd average light. lay-off against each other. (When
four sales a day. We make a good I went from night spot to road- one bookie had accepted too many
profit, ae we'd usmlly get ten dollars house. For a while they isold like bets on a horse that he was afraid
might win, he'd turn over some of
the beta to other bookies. That's
called "laying i t off.")
After some weeks of this, McKim
put me on a s a "runner."
He gaw me a territory on the
South Side in Ohi. A dozen places.
Hotel cigar stands, a couple of road
houses, a taxi-driver's hang-out. A
stationery store. Restaurants run by
hard-working Greeks. PIaces where
bettors gathered to talk horws, figure
the odds, and lay the money down.
The owners of bhese various places
just took the bets. McKim paid them
ten percent of their daily take, no
matter how tlte play came out. I'd
take in seven to ten grand a week
collecting for McKim. I'd pay what
bets .there were to pay the next
mornlng. I was guaranteed one
per cent of the take.
And McKim? Well, a conservative
bookie figures to clear thirty per
cent on all business. So after Mc-
Kim paid off his agents and his
runner (all tokl, eleven per cent)
there W= nineteen percent profit
left. In round figures, McKim was
clearing in mv territorv alone everv
week a; least Hixteen hundred dollars.
Of course he had some unusual ex-
penses. All right, we'll cut McKim's Sigman pointed to the door. The whole thing was tragic-and
makings in half. Eight hundred a funny, too. For this time I was innocent.
week. Good enough? And remem-
ber. he had six more runners besides Right them I decided to triple my MlcKim came in. "Excuse me," he
, myself. Just multiply eight hun- play, and then clear out of Chi. How said. He bolted the door and didn't
dred by six and what have you got? was I going to triple it? All right, take off his snapbrim hat. He faced
You've got a mighty big *business. laugh. I was going to bet i t on a me siIently, a long minute. His
I'm not saying that an individual horse. eyes were black and gray.
bettor, if h's m a r t , can't make "In a sucker's game always a I said, "What's up Jack?" It W&S
money on the horses. What I'm try- sucker," they say. a n effort, but my eyes didn't waver
ing to bring i t out that the bookie HOWEVER, there's a horse like from his look.
has the edge. A b u t a thirty per cent Mike Hall only once in a life-time, He m t over to my dresser, ex-
edge. Mike Hall was a freak, no pedigree amined all bhe drawers. He took out
So after six months of learning the to speak of. Bought by chance, I some jewelry. I t wasn't phony
ropes thoroughly, I decided to cut in believe, for a trifle, by the Ha1 Price jewelry. I'd been socking a lot of
on the gravy. Headley stable. Mike Hall liked to my chiseled dough into good rings
I held from one hundred to a run. Never tired of it. A t the end and necklaces. "Nice stufif," McKim
hundred and a half daily from the of a race he wasn't even winded. said. "Real. Doing well for yourself,
bets I collected. I didn't give the (Later in his career Mike Hall "-..
PI, 7"
money to McKim I made a book on i t was taken to England and ran in He held out some of f i e jewelry in
myself. Of course I risked the chance mat& races at the longer distances, his hand. He didn't shout. That
of losing. But, luckily for me, I two miles and more.) wasn't McKim's way. "You've been
made money the first few days, es- A lazv starter. I t was funny at holding out on me," he said. "Tell
tablished a reserve, ahd was never first, when he began to race, thou& me-how long?"
hit so hard that I couldn't pay off. winning, m l e hadn't much faith in There was only one way ito face
Certainly, I had the advantage of h i m His indifferent start, his ortho- J m k McKim i n a spot like bhis. I
McKim on a percentage basis. I sel- dox style made the players a bit took it.
ected all my bets, I'd spread them so leery of him. "For three months. About a hnn-
+here'd be a n equal play on each But I'd gotten a tip from one I dred a day. I've been making the
horse in every race. The law of was wre knew what he was talk- book on that myself."
averages and takers' odds stood back ing about. He solid: "And picking the sure things. Okay.
of me. "They'll be trying with Mike the That's over with. Tomorrow, you're
McKim couldn't spread his bets next time out." leveling. Understand?"
that way. He had to accept every That's all I wanted to know. "I understand."
play. Sometimes a long shot would I THREW the scratch sheet away, He turned to fie door. His e&
:come through and cut a dent in the was just going to get ready for bed. narrowed a little a s he held it open
most affluent bookie's roll. I avoided I was all-set fur tomorrow, better get "There won't be a second time," be
the long shot, discarded (parlays.) I a good night's sleep. Plenty to do. said and went out.
took the cream and let the law of Somebody was knocking a t my I turned out Dhe light, lay down. I
averages work fur me. door. couldn't sleep. Not even a play for
In addition Do m y c'salarg" from "Who is it?" I called. me. I got up again, turned the light
McKimi, I was dlearing about fifty a "Open the door, Ajgnes." on. I looked at myself in the glass.
day for myself. It wasn't long be- My heart beat queerly. I recog- "Don't be a fool," I said.
fore I had five grand clear. nized +he voice. I unbolted the door. I n the momihg I wined d i n
bookies in Milwaukee, Hsrmnond, that phony, Sigman. Sigman was mid a word all the time. I kept
Gary-twenty in all-betting two now "buying" for the entire basement. mum now.
hundred and fifty with each on Mike Good. Pretty soon a plainclothesman
Hall to win in the Fifth a t Haw- I spent one morning looking over from Headquarters came in. They
thorne. My five G's were down. the layout in Skelton's. Finally I told him their story. "I want you to
By noon I'd made the rounds and figured i t out. arrest this woman," Sigman finidhed.
collected a t the regular spots for Mc- * * * I just let him go ahead. I knew I
Kim. Just a little over two grand. THEXE was a sale of women's held every ace in the deck, this time.
Something inside df me dared me purses, prominently displayed near He kept on ranting for a while.
to shoot the works, to take a chance the door. Flat, thin mdels. I "But I paid for the bag," I said
and play it all on Mike Hall's nose. bought ON, then went out and when he'd finished.
Maybe it was that cold face of Jack scoured hhe town, seeking its dupli- "W!here's your receipt?" Sigman
McKim challenging me secretly. Did cate. barked.
I dare? Finally a t "Smith's," a mall store He was dead sure that I couldn't
At 12:30 I was at the Western in the North Side, I found the same show one. of course.
Union office, wiring McKim's two purse on sale. I compared the two "Open the bag," I said.
grand to spots in Cincinnati and Cov- minutely. They were identical. Shape, He did. The "Smith" sales slip - lay-
ington, Kentucky. Then I paid off material, trimming, finish. neatly folded inside.
a t my hotel, bought a ticket to Cincy, I bought one from "Smith's," put In lieu of damages for false arrest
and was set to hop out fast if the the sales slip inside my purchase, Chey were eager to settle with me.
worst happened. I finally accepted half a grand.
But Mzke Hall won. I got the news threw away the original Skelton bag, I went West the next day. I took
and went back to Skelton's, first hav- Helen with me.
in Hammond, in a bookie's joint, ing slipped the "Smith" bag up the
cashed enoug% in Chat town to get We had good spells and bad ones
sleeve of my coat. The bad ones were tough; I won't go
back to Chi before evening and turn
, over two grand in bets to McKim's For an hour I hovered arouhd the into details here. Adding i t all up, I'll
off ice. tables suspiciously buying nothing. A t say that the bad times outbalance the
The next morning I travelled up last, out of the corner c8 my eye, I good ones.
and down the lake, cashing in. Wound saw the store dick trailing me. I When Pearl Harbor came. Helen
up in the evening a t Cincinnati, col- edged over to the purse display, ap- fell for a sailor in Frisco 'and married
lected there. I had made over twenty parently oblivious of being watched. him. He had a friend-not too good-
six thousand oh a tip. I fingered some purses, put them looking, but manly, patriotic-and
Sure. I've plunged plenty since, down. Something dipped out of my honest. He proposed the rhird week
but never oh s w h a sure thing s s coat sleeve. I t was my "Smith" bag. after we'd met. Ten days later he
Mike Hall. I picked i t up furtively, put i t quickly sailed for the South Pacific. He's
For a few months I took i t easy at inside my coat. I walked to the door. taking it.
h o w I put most of my winnings in Not too fast. Before he left, I told him all about
land, sent the kid sister to finishing Near the entrance I was collared myself, and he still wanted me. And
schooL Then I got itchy feet. I went by two men. One was Sigman, the I wanted him-more than I'd wanted
back to Pittsburg to visit Helen. other the store dick. They took me anybhing else in my life. I'm waiting
She had gone back to Skelton's but upstairs. They took the bag from for him to came back. We'll settle
recently lost her job. me, laid i t on the desk for evidence. down. I couldn't face him if I ever
Well, I had a score to even with Then they called the law. I hadn't went bavk to the old days.


BY Flames Hid a Baffling
JOHN MARTIN Double Murder in Life
CREAMS and the sound of Witnesses recalled seeing Harry ,H. tin had visited his former wife in

S hammering alarmed neigh-

bors of Mrs. Hazel Wegner,
Wegner drive up to the house and
enter i t a short time before the
shrieks were heard and the fire ob-
order to see an adopted daughter,
and they believed Wegner's attack
upon the couple was inspired by jeal-
35, who had only shortly before served.. They had also seen Austin ousy.
divorced her fifth husband in emerge from the house, run toward
the garage and fall. Wegner and the dead woman were
Muskegon, Mich. Then her home A search w a i instituted immedi-
married in September of 1942, and
burst into flames and was de- separated a t Thanksgiving.
ately for Wegner, but it was not until
stroyed. the next day, when the ashes orf the In concluding that he had slain
building were cooled, that his remains Austin and his ex-wife, officers said
Near the garage adjoining the house were found among them. Identifica- he apparently had hammered open
police discovered the body of Earl fuel oil lines in the house, saturating
Austin, 40, who had been Mrs. Weg- tion was made by means of a belt
ner's second husband. In the ruins buckle, the metal rims of his spec- i t with the inflammable liquid before
they came upon her corpse. Both had tacles and the snap of a man's pocket- applying a match and then tunring
been shot to death. book Authorities learned that Aus- the gun upon himself.
eggang Queen'
I 'D NEVER heard of movie was tall and g d ~ I o o k i n g with
bootlegging. Did you? Prob- of
, a sort ed through the lhoops for "Big shot"
a hairline mustache like the more Cartwright. Even if I saw the
sophisticated actors. Yes, I thought articles of my own, I wouldn't have
ably not. The average law- he was just about the tops-at first. recognized them. "Infringment of
abiding person has no occasion But don't rush me. I'll get to him Copyright charged." A lot a head-
to hear about it. And I was just -that four-star phony. line like that would mean to me!
one of the average movie fans- The only good thing I can say Maybe you were once like .me.
about him today is that he wised me Maybe you used to-and still do!-
1 spent most of my time in a up to life. He taught me the things swallow the apple sauce of revivals
booth outside a movie theatre, that, I realize today, I should keep being brought back "by popular de-
selling tickets, and the rest of away from-rackets, thieveries, alI mand." I'm not saying this is not
the wrong things. possible, but you'll excuse me please
the time seeing my favorites on If you had asked me what movie if I'm a little on the skeptical side.
the screen. Talk about a bus- bootlegging was, I'd have popped In most cases this hopped-up mull-
man's holiday! I've never met back and said that probably it meant arkey means that there's a little bic-
a picture-theatre employee who one company swiping stars from an- ycling afoot! Don't mind me. I
couldn't give t h e m lessons. other outfit, like Twentieth Century- don't want to get technical on you.
Fox hijacking Clark Gable from M- "Bicycling" is the first term I had
Movie-theatre attaches are big- G.M. That's how dumb I was. I ,tolearn in my racket. You see, that's
ger movie fans than anybody earned my living in a glass cage of what my racket was-bicycling.
else, a movie lobby, but all I read was the That's the trade name for movie boot-
daily tabloid, and the only kind of k g i n g - - o r , a s the Philadelphia law-
I was a fairly serious girl-r- bootlegging I ever read of in that yers would put it, infringement of
tainly a law-abiding one. Once I'd paper was liquor-which was pass&- copyright. I'ce got my own name
had my ambitions. I'd started out and tire bootlegging. A little sugar for it, and I ought to know. I call
trying to be an actress. I even got a bootlegging, with the war getting hot, i t downright thievery.
small part in a show at one t i m e An and other stuff, too. Oh, what cute- articles we were!
actress-that's what I thought I was. But who'd ever h e a r d of anyone We had everything mapped out. No
But what I found out later was that muscling in on the biliondollar movie one was going to yell ''cuf' on our
I was just a girl with a strong desire industry? Yeah, I'd known about gravy. The movie industry was too
to be an actress; I had no real talent. Willie Bioff, but he was only a not- busy courting good will from hard-to;
I was soon let out, of course, and then suplain and fancy shakedown artist. handle Congressmen. The F.B.I. was
I had to get a job at something else. After all, $14a-week cogs in the mot- too busy catching spies to nab us
All I wanted t o do was to get along, ion picture industry like myself were off base Nobody was supposed to
meet some guy fairly good-looking not likely ,to keep abreast of the pay any attention to us a s we went
and a fair provider, and get married phenaglings of our profession in such merrily along, sucking the blood out
to him. Then along came Tom Cart- trade papers a s Film Dailg and Mat- of the world's most fabulous business.
wright. ion Pictwre Herald. I wasn't to w t How did a little trick like me get
I thought he was wonderful. He eyes on them until later, when I jump mixed up in these high flying shen-
anigans? Well, as you may have
gathered, I'm dealing all my cards
face up. I gave you the tip before,
and I make no bones about it. I
An Actress is what I thought was a girl of 26, getting along in .
years, and one of the things I didn't
look forward to, but was beginning
I was, at the time. But I to get scared stiff of, was being an
old maid.
* * *
found out laber that I was NOT that my age was starting to
tell. I dressed attractively a ~ d
j u s t a girl with ;a desire wore my hair to advantage. -Maybe
I chewed a little too much gum, but
I knew how to behave among people
to be an actress-I had no who counted. I was no siouch a t
But, as I'm trying to get across, I
real talent! spent the best years of my life being
too choosy. Along came the draft,
and all my prospects started getting me the first few times he buys tiok- "I did not!" I snapped. "And you
fitted for uniforms. If you're a girl, ets to the show. "The Million Dol- know I didn't. What kind of a stall
or if you have a sister who lets her lar R ~ b yin the Five and Ten Cent is this, anyhow?"
hair down, you'll understand why I Store. Remember? .. . "I kept buy- He smiled again. "A fair question
was panicky.
The old gents were talkative when
ing china until the crowd got wise ." -calls for a fair answer," he said. "I
Well, he kept turning on the charm hope you won't get me wrong. I'm
they 'bought tickets from me at the full blast, and though I thought the not trying t o flirt with you. I have
Alton Theatre, but they cut no ice springs would burst in my heart, I a straight business proposition to
with me. I turned up my lip in a wasn't the kind to be picked up for a n suggest to you. Will you have one
brief sniker, and made them grab up easy date. I came from a n old fash- drink with me somewhere while I
their change as though they were ioned Brooklyn family. And the explain what i t is?"
afraid I was going to call out the things you're taught when you're very I don't know what et into me.
fire department. young nearly always stick with you. Surprising mywlf, I said I would, and
I always told myself that I'd know 6 He wasn't getting to first base in we went to a clean little place in the
the real article when he came along. making my acquaintance. But one nei~hbourhood and had a couple of
Then comes this tall, dark man with night when I was through work, he cocktails. And he was a s good a s his
the latighing hazel eyes, the wavy comes up to m2 and removes his hat word. He wasn't romantic a t all-
black hair, with the slightest speckle and smiles. He had what seemed like and was I disappointed! He got
of gray in it. And flashing white' a valuable ring in his hand. "Did right down to business.
teeth lik he was freshly cut out of a you drop this ring, Miss?" he a s l d "Listeq" he said. "You and I hit
movie magazine. He just smiles a t me very politely. it off pretty well. I admire you a

was erawling toward I
us ara we waited tense-
ly in that developing
room, And I feared
Tom-with that quick
gun hand of his-
more than anything.

+p. I guess you know it by this m k e d Tom across his face with then I 'started to fight back, and
time. You seem smart. You're the my open palm "I work for a living. I guess I got .at least a draw with
kind of a girl I'd hope ,to marry. I'm not the least bit interested in any her.
And there's no use in any false mod- kind of thievery !" Anyhow, Dolly was in the place
esty-I sort of sense that you would- But he was a smooth talker-the that night Harley, the manager,
n't turn me dawn." smoothest I've ever known. He be- was drinking a t the bar, and pretty
But -then he wouldn't tell me what gan to plead. Nothing really wrong well barreled up. And-it must have
the proposition Wa8. He was smart.
He knew i t was too.soon to come out
in it. AJ1 that ... "And I thought
you cared for me!" he said.
been a t some sort of signal-.Dolly
called over to Harley a t the bar, and
with i t cold. He didn't tell me until "You're crazy!" I panted. I was when he turned around to show his
we'd been out together two or t h e weak and weary, and I started to face, some stooge that worked for
times, dancing and dining, and roll- bawl. "But so a m I," I sobbed. Tom took a flashlight of him. I un-
ing back to my Brooklyn home in a
"About you, you lug . .. Wihy would destood Tom meant to use the picture
you want me to do saaething like
* * that?"
to blackmail Harley.
Later, when Harley had sobered
HE GOT TO I T before long, of "What's wrong wibh it?" he de- up, Tom propositioned him. Tom mid
course. He waited till he had my full ' m a n W . g'Nobody will be the wiser. that Harley could keep the riegative
confidence, and then he sprang it. You like going to hot spots, living for security, but if he didn't want
"I've ben looking high and wide high, don't you baby? The sugar's prints of him, drinking in a bar, to
for a girl I could trust," he told me got to come from somewthere. YOU get to the head of the theatre chain,
one evening. "I think at last I've and I would make a swell team, and he would arrange to turn a certain
found one. I had that feeling the well both 'be u p to our ears in the film can over to me, and I would get
minute I laid eyes on you" chips. We'll get the dough to get i t back to him next morning. He
married on."
Was I drinking i t in! * * * wouldn't be out anything, Ton1 said,
"If I didn't think WB understood and we would be in plenty.
each other," he continued to prepare YES YOU GUESSED IT. He Harley wouldn't play ball, though,
me, "I wouldn't even mention this roped me i n But not too easy. on a proposition like that. And then I
to you. But I don't think you're the I told him I couldn't swipe the film, found just how vicious, how dangerous,
kind to like secrets." because in bhe first place I didn't Tom Cartwright really was. He wait-
"You're darn tootin'!" I agreed, know where to go for it, and -in the ed till Harley was talking with me the
bursting with flattery. "What a r e second place I was not rmpposed to next afternoon, trying to tell me how
you drivin gat, Tom? You know be in the movie house when the show much trouble I'd get into by playing
vou can tell me anvthinrr." was over. I was through a n hour along with a rat like Tom Cartwright.
- "You're not gaini to ;et sore?"
"8ore?" I echoed. "Why?"
before the last picture was finished,
and the phonograph started grinfing
Then Tom sneaked up back of Harley
and blackjacked him over the head.
"Well, I want you to do &e a favor, out, "Remember Pearl Harbour. By the time Harley had recovered,
C h a r l o t b a big favor. It means a Excuses didn't impress Tom much, Tom had gotten into the storeroom
lot to me, and I think i t will help con- and he said I would haw to find a and taken the film he'd wanted. He
vince me that you really love me. way. This made me sore all over carried Harley into the office. Harley
That's something that I've just got again, but after a week without see- had been half drunk, a s usual, and
to know." ing him I knew I was licked. He Tom sort of half-convinced him that
"Well, for heaven's sake, Tom knew it, too. Then I found out what he'd staggered and fallen and struck
Cartwright, out with it," I imh was in the cards for me. Tom had his head against the floor. I guess
plored. "You know I care for you a been snooping around and noticed Harley was never quite thoroughly
lot." that the manager knew I was a good convinced, but he sort of half phyed
I didn't know what to expect. If he efficient employee. And he knew, ball-he haB a wife and children, and
wasn't so well heeled, I'd have figured too, that the manager-Harley, his he had a pretty good job, and he
he was softening me for a touch. name was-trusted m. didn't want to lose it.
When 'Harley, was was not quite
But I didn't earn enough dough to
pay for his gasoline for one week. an alcoholic, but suFe liked his liquor,
* * *
I don't mind saying I was completely sneaked out for a couple of fast ones, TOM met me with the tin ander
in a fog. I used *to see him from the box- his arm. "Come along, babe," he said,
Not for long, though. My first re- office when he crossed to a bar and "and I'll show vou how this racket is
action when he asked me to steal grill. But I never mentioned it t o worked."
the film of the feature picture from anybody; I knew that the theatre We drove to a brownstone build-
the projection room was to lose my chain that hired Harley knew he was ing in midtown, and walked up a
speech. I just couldn't speak. But a good man, but that he drank. They'd flight of stairs, into what I thought
when I looked a t his face, set hard, warned him about drinking, especially was an apartment. I t took only a
his eyes fixed and no- longer dancing, in business hours. minute to see that I was in a n elab-
I knew he wasn't ribbing me. "You let me know the place he orate, modern film laboratory.
'Tt's hot for keeps, honey," he goes," Tom said. "The place h? We walked past another door into
whispered impatiently. I could feel spends his evenings." an immense dark room. All the equip-
that he was holding back his temper. I was fool enough to tell him, and ment was Greek to me, but Tom did
He was spoiled, was Tom tcartwright, after the show that night, Tom took his best to explain it, as one of the
used to having his way. And I could me there for a drink. He knew a two laboratory men relieved him of
see he had planned this a long time, girl in the place-a little blond who the tin, and proceeded to put tihe film
though I didn't have anv notion of was called Dolly. I know now, but into a complicated-looking lighted box,
whatwas behind it. didn't know then, that Dolly was his geared and run by electricity, which
"We'll have it back bv morninc."L ,
real girl-that he wasn't interested in Tom described a s an automatic
he promised urgently. me, romantically. But Dolly, the jeal- printer.
I was a s sore a s a Iady who hob- m s cat, caught Tom and myself hav- "You see," he said with a vain
bles down from the balcony with a ing a drink and talldng pure business smile, "the film I snatched is a posi-
Screeno card, onlv to find out a t one evening, and started to work out tive. It's ten thousand feet. When
the stage that she punched the wrong on me. I had never been in a brawl we get through, we have a duplicate
square. before, and I was between rage and negative of the picture. We only
"You stinker!" I hissed, and I tears a t the indignity of it all. But need the positive about five hours. It
takes m less than half a n hour to Tom and I stood over the printer silent efficiency, thinking kindly of
print a thousand feet. Then we ship and watched the technician pick a roll him a s a man who was helping to set
the positive back to your theatre, and of raw, yellow film from a 1,000 foot me u p in a world of velvet.
the picture goes on a t the scheduled tin, then place the positive film on Tom motioned me to follow him a s
time tomorrow with nobody the worse top of the exposed film and run them he walked behind the technician into
for the wear and tear. In the mean- thus together through two rollers into another, larger dark room, full of
time, the dupe is in the works. And the automatic printer. The tech- equipment. The first process finished,
after we have our'negative out, we nicians's assistant, like his superior the copy of the positive film was be-
can turn out as many positives a s the paying no attention to Tom or nie, ing taken for further processing in
clucks who spent a million bucks pro- cut notches on the edge of the film. the dustless developing r m .
ducing the picture." "That's to hit the switch that regu- The technician walked over a rack,
I t was a little technical but I was lates the number of lights a s the posi- three by .four feet, consisting of two
beginning to get a n idea of the fan- tive print is conveyed to +,he nega- wooden vertical uprights, with four
tastic treachery that was abroad. tive," Tom explained importantly. slats, a f m t apart of each, in be-
Once in a while, through a dummy I looked on with rapt interest a s tween.
theatre, or by bribing a punk man- the exposed film wound u p 0x1 one As the technician, a gray-haired
ager, he got hold of positive iilms spcml, and the positive film, its func- man whom Tom respectf'ully address-
otherwise. He would have copies tion 'fulfilled, rolled up on another ed a s Mr. Kannen, pinned one end of
made while the films were supposedly spool a t the opposite end. "Gosh!" I the film to the edge of the rack, I
rented by the theatre that worked in gasped. whispered to Tom:
cohoots with him, or he would slip a '' You haven't seen anything yet," "Look handsome, you're the master-
co-operative manager or projection Tom assured me, pleased a t my wide- mind in this, and I'm jurrt a dumb girl
machine operator half a C for look- eyed appreciation of the baffling won- who's a fugitive from a box office,
ing the otherway, never noticing that ders of the dark room. "That's not now that you've maae me quit my job,
the film can was missing between a movie winding up there, honey, To- but watching all this has set me to
midnight and 8 a.m. the next morn- night it's celluloid, mere gelatin. But wondering."
ing. tomorrow it's mink and sable on your Mr. Kannen continued to revolve
I remained in the laboratory for back." the film between the two uprights a s
eight hours, watching how the whole I tingled all over a s the import of I spoke. After running off about 200
routine was done. I was amazed a t the words sank in. I watched the feet this way, he broke off the film,
the smoothness, and the various pro- chief technician place the rcl! of ex- and pinned i t up a t the other end. I
cesses. passed film in a can, and smiled a t his surmised, correctly, that the film was

called over to the
manager and when
he turned to face
her, Tom's stooge
snapped him.
developed this way in 240-foot sec- rights in front of a drying dnnm he shouted at k e , shaking his fist.
tions until the 10,000-foot feature about ten feet in diameter. "You're in this, in it to stay, and in
length was taken care of.
"You see," I continued, while Tom.
He protluced a rubber band, a 3
tached i t to one end of the film, and
i t to do a s I say Any time you get
balky I can arrange a lot of regrets
bent over indulgently, "what I don't then caught the band on a nail on for you. I can fix u p a nice little
understand is this. Supposing you do the side of the drum. With a motion rap. I can smear you until your
make good copies of these pictures. of his hand, Mr. Kannen's assistant reputation is redder thafj, a flag a t a
Why would any moviehouse buy them
from you? They can get any film
started the electrically driven drum
spinning. As i t rotated, the fi!m
bull fight, and I can ...
Yes, he went on and on, and he
they want from the major companies moved off the rack and onto the pol- made clear in back of all his verbal
themselves, can't they? ished wood surface of the drum. threats that he would beat me physi-
Tom cast me a hopeless glance and When the rack was empty, lie at- cally if I tried to crawl out.
sighed in exasperation. "Listen, brain- tached another rubber band t o the I was sick of the whole thing, fed
storm," he said with mock patience. loose end of the film, and tied that UP.
"What would you do in their place? around one of the bevel-edged slats Movie houses all over the country
Would you give some m p a n y a f a t on the drum. As the drum revolved, were being circularized, and greed for
percentage of your receipts, o r would Mr. Kannen's assistant handed him ill-gotten fortune put Tom in a fenzy.
you rather pay from $15 to $50 a a chamois cloth out of which he made He got so desperate on one occasion
night for the rental of a picture, and a flat pad by folding i t once over. that he hired a gang of thugs to way-
keep the rest for yourself?" He sandwiched the end of the film lay a delivery truck one night and
w i t h the pad, pressing on it gently, actually hijack five cans of film.
and ran the whole film through the He began to take such long chances,
AS 'ONE who hdtd spent many pad as the drum whirled around, tak- for more and more heavy dough, that
nights counting the silver shoved over ing off all excess moisture. After of course the racket blew up.
the till by movie fans, I began t o half an hour on the drum, the film
get a n inkling of what was going on was dry.
in Tom's mind. IHe must have seen At this point, Mr. Kannen attached THE AUTHORITIES m c k e d
the light of awakening on my face, one end of the film to a reel on a down on u s one day,, when we were
because he added, more tolerantly. portable dewinding machine, and a s in the developing room of the bootleg
"But that's only one trick. We the drum rotated, the spool gathered lab. I saw some of the men scram-
don't need to, worry a k t markets, all the film. Thus, I saw made a d u p ming, heard that the Federal agents
Charlotte. Our big headache is to licate negative, that when later pro- were after us. And then, more than
get the films. We'll have no trouble jected on the screen proved a flawless( any other time in the racket I was
unloading them." counterfeit of a motion picture star- afraid. Believe it o r not, I wasn't
I nodded mechanically, absorbed by ring two actors whose names a r e afraid for myself. I knew Tom pack-
the work of Mr. Kannen and his as- household swoon signals all over ed' a gun, and I was really more '
sistant. After pinning up the last America. afraid of that quick gun of his than
end of the exposed film on the rack, Perhaps I nurtured a foolish hope of anything else. If he shot and kill-
he picked up the rack cardnllv slid that Tom would swing me 'in some- ed one of the Feds, I'd be a n accessory
i t into a vast developing tank. He let how in the lab. I honestly got a g ~ e a t on a murder rap. I knocked the gun
the film stay there about ten minutes. rise out of watching that work. But out of his hand, just as the officials
Then he took i t out with a s much care that wasn't in the cards. What he entered. I knew I was in for some
a s he placed i t in, and hastily rinsed told me in the dark room proved pro- kind of sentence, but somehow I didn't
i t in a second tank. phetic. He had my work--cheap, care if I could only get out of this
"What's in there?" I asked Tom. dirty work-cut out for me. sinister racket. awav from those sin-
"Only water," he smiled proudly. Se he made me a saleswonlan. I ister pedple.
From the water tank, the rack of had to rent and sell bootleg films, I got a sfiorter sentence khan I'd
film went into the hypo tank for what some of them on biblical subjects cop- anticipated. I think the judge sensed
Tom called "fixing," a process in ied i n the still of night i n Tom's that I was more fool than criminal.
which the black-an$-white images secret laboratories, to various scho~ls. The expensive laboratory was con-
were brought out as the ree! soaked I always got a s much a s the t r a s c
for about 12 minutes in a sodium could bear, pointing out that we were
fiscated, of course Tom Cartwright
was forced to make restitution to the
h yposulphole bath. making the films available at a rea- companies h e had fleeced. He and
"Step closer,'' Tom directed. "If sonable rate in consideration of tine Kannen were tried on a n assortment
you watch closely; $oull see how i t type of institution. I stuck more than of charges of conspiracy to violate
takes off the unexposed silver nitrate one such school with the outright sale .Section 28, Title 17, of the United
deposit on the films. When i t come. of films, generally netting $175 on Btates Code, and Title 18, Section 88,
out of the hypo, the film isn't -mp such a deal. This also turned out to of the United States Code, repre-
posed t o have a single yellow spot." be a surefire outlet for "revivals," senting infringement of copyright,
,One thing I was certain of-the which authorities smiled upon a s ault- violation of regulations, etc.
men in the lab sweated a heck nf a able for children. They got the maximum sentence
lot more than the promoters who pet?-
dled bootleg movies. Kannen bent provided by the law for their crimes.
down and withdrew the rack f r o n WHEN I felt I was getting in too You'll pardon me, I hope, for glorrt-
the hypo, retraced his steps and rc- deep, and started to squawk, Tom ing, but i t sort of does my heart g&
turned i t to the water tank, where showed his real self. He was through to see 'Cartwright behind bars.
he permitted the film to wash f o r half doing any acting now. His features ~ I can just vision him there. Let
a n hour under running water. were taut, and there was no smile, him find out what hard work is, the
My guided tour-for that's what i t only meanness on his thin lips. He rat! I hope the prison is a tough
was continued in the drying room, got up and looked at me a s though he one. Maybe it'll make a man out of
where Mr. Kannen carried the rack would like to spit at me. I fell him. That'll be some job!
after the allotted time in the water against the back of my chair and I'm still looking for a n honest man
tank. Here, for the first time show- watched him in terror. Believe me, to marry. I don't care whether he's
- he was ur, to
ing signs of amusement at my i n h e s t he didn't act a s though handsome o r not. All he has to be
in his work, Mr. Kannen smiled a s he any good. is square. That's what I'm going to
set the rack between twe new up- "I don't want any lip from you," be-right from now on.
Editor's Note: ing h e h s , o r mysterious, bitter
liquids, or some lucky charms fash-
There are many who believe that voodooism has been crushed, that the ined from the bones of a dead ani-
drums have been silenced and the whole evil ritual forced back into the
jungle from which it sprang. Others believe its powers have been so curbed mal.
that its weird ceremonies can now be found only along the moss-grown bayous And every now and again, a t night,
of the Deep South. the muffled beat of the voodoo d r u m .
They are wrong. whispered through the pine woods-
Here is the story of a girl who never has been more than a hundred and later in the church the voodm
miles from the towers of Manhattan, yet exoept for the past few months ceremonies would take place.
her life has been spent beneath the black clouds of voodooism. It lurks There was a n old munuzloda high'
wherever ignorance and superstition can be found, i q the hills, in the low- 'priestess of the culb-with a black,
lands, and in the centers of our most enlightened cities. It has now reached wrinkled face and piercing snake-like
the point where it can no longer be ignored. Not until its vicious practices eyes, whom I feared more than I
and influences have been sought 6ut and crushed in every community can we have ever feared anybody, before or
call our country clean. since. The thought of her haunted
my childish dreams, turning them into

It's a word that suggests
the dark, m y s t e r i o u s
jungles of Haiti . ..cannibals
had been built near Malaga. Around
the sacred ground reserved for re-
ligious ceremonies a wall had been
b u i l t a wall fashioned out of barb-
ed wire and rusty bed springs and
nightmares. Once, when I was about
six years old, I hid in a dark corner
of the church on a night when the
drums had warned me that the voo-
doo ceremonies were to take place.

in the tropic moonlight

strange heathen worship of
whirling in a mad, insane dance
odds and ends of discarded timber.
Within this enclosure were the shant-
ies and tents where some of the voo-
I watched from my secret hiding
place while the worshippers gathered,
squatting in a semi-circle on the bare
doo worshippers lived, along with floor. There were both black people
strange, heathen gods. the goats and roosters used in grue- and white people presenb-some that
There's nothing civilized about some rites conducted by our leader. I knew and saw every day about our
Underground were the cabins and little colony, and others that were
the word. B u t catacombs, fixed up like tiny cells, strangers to me. There was a n open
Until recently, in the very each with a broken dawn c>t or mat- fire in the center of the room. and
shadows of Manhattan, there tress. Here others of the followers just behind i t a sort of altar on which
was a voodoo village-wijch doc- lived. was a large copper bowl.
tor and all-where the followers Chained to posts throughout the The only light in the place came
holy enclosures were dozens of half from the tiny, flickering fire. The
of the great god Damballa held starved, half-wild dogs, that used to rest of the room was lost in dark,
forth and the witch drums mur- howl dismally through the night. murky shadows.
mured in the night.
That was near Malaga, in South
This was the atmosphere I s a s
brought up in. I never knex my up their beating. Tom-ti-ti-tom ...
All the while the muted drums kept
tom-ti-ti-tom. The worshippers start-
real parents, fon I was raised by a n
Jersey. A little band of ignorant "aunt." Just how, actual this "aunt" ed t o sway back and forth, their
whites and black people had gathered was I don't know, but I have since bodies keeping time to the drumbeats
there, under the sway of a high priest had reason to doubt any actual re- And then Dr. Hyghcock started a
of witchcraft, Doctor Hyghcock. lationship. At any rate, tilere were ' chant, the words of which I couldn't

Hidden away in the pine woods, never any of the human ties between understand, and one by m e the others
living in caves and shacks, these peo- us that are supposed to exist in nor- took up the chant, until soon every-
ple reverted to jungle worship. . mal families. At one time she told one was singing and swaying to the
And that was where I was born. me my parents had died before I was rhythm of the drums.
Incredible as i t sounds, I, a white a year old; another time she said they * *
girl, raised within commuting dist- feared the voodoo and ran away, I FOUND MYSELF swaying, toq
ance of New York, the most modern abandoning me. and crooning under my breath, even
city in the world, was brought up What did happen to them I have no though I didn't know the words.
in a hotbed of voodoo worship. My way of knowing. Certainly there Suddenly the mamaloi, the one I
earliest recdlections are of the muted was nothing in my early childhood feared so much, sprang up and into
beat of voodoo drums sounding to give me any inkling. the center of the firelight, her body
through the pine woods a t night, and I can never remember being taken twisting and swaying. Without in-
the harsh chants of a papaloi leading to a physician when I was sick. In- terrupting her dance, she made some
the faithful in some macabre secret stead, my aunt always took me to sort of gesture over the copper
ceremony. "Doctor" Hyghcock, and he would com- bowl and the two or three dishes set
As a child I played about the cata- pound some sort of magic cure for about the base of the altar. Then
combs and the voodoo church that whatever ailed me. Rank. evil smell- she turned, and stood upright for a


(Suddenly she stopped, her entire wanted to know more about the lives
body a-tremble. From out of the of the sort of people I only saw
darkness somebody handed her a whizzing by in motor cars on my oc-
black rooster, and she stood there casional walks to the main highway.
holding the bird in her outstretched But i t was to be a long, long time
hands, for a long moment. before I was to find out anything
The mumbled chant of the worship about the normal, workaday world
pers gYew louder, the drums went on most people know from childhood. K e
with their haunting beat, and all a t went to live in a house on 110th
once the mamaloi started to whirl Street, in Harlem. A strange house.
about-faster-faster-and faster - Just hcw strange I didn't learn until
the frightened squawks of the rooster later.
sounding above all else. The ma?na- As I say, I was about fifteen a t the
loi spun the bird above her head, time. For the last year or so in Ma-
there was one last agonized squawk, laga I had been watched over care-
and then she stood holding the dead fully by my "aunt," and kept away
rooster over the copper bowl. from one or two boys my age in the
I saw the "Doctor" pick up a long colony. In Harlem i t was the same
knife. The blade glistened in the thing. I wasn't allowed to go out
firelight a s he drew i t across the and play with the other children on
rooster's neck. the streets. At first I thought that
I screamed then, and fainted. maybe i t was because I was white,
That was the first time I saw a real but when I asked my "aunt" she just
voodoo ceremony, but I was to see shook her head and mumbled some
many more of them in the next ten thing about the new papaloi.
years. I was to do more than watch I never did know what the new
them. papaloi's real name was. That was
I was to take part in them! all we ever called him. Pupaloi.
But that came later, after we left Father, the King. He had a dark
Malaga and moved to Harlem, in New brown skin the color of tobacco leaves,
York. and eyes that were a s black a s ebony.
As nearly a s I can remember, that When he looked a t me and spoke to
was some time in 1933. I must have me with his soft, croor~ing voice I
been about fifteen then, although I am seemed to lose control of all my
not certain, for I have never known senses. I was hypnotized, without
just when I was born. Sometimes knowing it.
my "aunt" would tell me one date, Since then I have learned that voo-
sometimes another. doo is largely made up of hynotism
* * * and sexual excitement. But I didn't
AT ANY RATE, there was a police know i t then. I don't know wllat
investigation of the voodoo colony good i t would have done me if I had,
near Malaga, and we left. Before for that matter.
"I WAS A VOODOO GIRL" that there had been frequent raids on We had been in Harlem about six
Marie Grace, author of this story, was the place. Every once in a while months when suddenly I became
an innocent victim of the horrible the State Troopers would come and aware of strange, mysterious happen-
voodoo cult. She saw both blacks and search the place, but they were never ings in the house where we lived. The
whites enmeshed in the toils of this able to-catch us a t any of the voodoo papaloi came often, and sat for hours
weird fanaticism. ceremonies, and I guess there was talking with my "aunt." And always
nothing much they could do about I was conscious of his eyes watching
moment, and a shiver seemed t o run US. me steadily, searchingly. Then he
the entire length of her body. Even But in 1933, there was a more rigid started asking me all sorts of inti-
from wherc I crouched in my hiding investigation than ever before, and as mate questions. Some of them 1 un-
place I could see the wide, vacant a result my "aunt" got frightened destood, and some of them I didn't,
stare in her eyes, and her drool- and decided to leave. I remember but they made me uncomfortable all
ing lips. Then she went on with her that I was all excited about the pros- the same. * * *
dance. pect of leaving that gruesome hovel
I was too young to understand the that was the only home I had ever ONE DAY he said to me, "Do you
ragly suggestiveness of it, but some- known. I was curious about what believe in Damballa, the Almighty?"
how, instinctively, I must have real- the outer world would be like. I Mutely, I nodded my head. All my
ieed that i t was crude and vicious,
and unclean. But I couldn't close my
eyes to it, any more than I could close
my ,ears to the monotonuous blood-
stirring .beat of the voodoo drums.
I was hypnotized ... just as I
Whif e disciples of voodooism
was hypnotized for the next twelve
years of my life!
took a strange, perverted
I know that when the mamaloi
started her dance she was dressed- delight in seeing a white girl
dressed in the shapeless, dirty white
garments she always wore. But sud-
denly that filthy dress was gone, and
lead the weird dancing.
the firelight gleamed on her naked
black body a s she wound her way be-
For that reason m i e was
tween the chanting mem and women
ewaying on the floor. forced to remain in the cult.
life I had heard about Damballa, For that matter, I know today of it, I probably thought they were all
whose soul dwelt within the Green a drug store on 72nd Street where sincere worshippers.
Snake. And I had heard about EzilBe, voodoo powders and charms a r e sold The voodoo ceremonies t h e s e
Damballa's mistress, who sits a t his openly. And in Harlem itself are wealthy white p e o p l e attended
right hand. They are the two all- dozens of places where nbthing but weren't quite the same a s the ones I
powerful gods of voodooism. Only magic potions a r e sold. One place had been brought up knowing. In
they can protect you from the demons. specializes in "Quangas," a sort of Malaga t h music and dancing and
So, with the papaloi's eyes holding love-fetish. Naturally, the man who everything only served to lead up to
mine in an hypnotic stare, I nodded makes them is a papaloi. He takes the blood sacrifice. That was the all-
my head in answer to his questions. two sewing needles, and places them important thing. The sacrifice.
"Would you like to become a manza- side by side, the point of one needle But with this new group in Harlem,
lei?" he went on. "Would you like to beside the eye of the other. Then he the group that catered to white con-
become one of the favored who a r e winds the two about with strands of verts, i t was somehow different. The
one with Damballa?" wool, and wraps medicine leaves papaloi used hynotism and voodoo
I kept on nodding my head. I think around them. Then the charm is magic, just a s he always had, but
if he had asked me if I wanted t o die, sewn in a leather pouch and worn the dances became more important
then and there, I would have nodded. around the neck. If i t is a girl who than ever.
Somehow i t seemed impossible to do wants the charm, she goes to a mawta- The papaloi's one idea seemed t o be
anything else, under the spell of his loi instead of a papaloi, but the to drive the new converts mad. Mad
eyes. charm i s the same. with desire!
Well, all that, he told me, mould I used to make those, and other That was where I came in. For al-
oome later. First I must prepare ways, a t these ceremonies for the
myself to enter the "inner circle." whites, I did the dance of the manza-
That ceremony took place the fol- loi. For weeks I was carefully and
lowing week, in one of the cecret painstakingly trained, until my body
voodoo meeting places. I Gas taken was a s lithe and subtle in its move-
there by my "aunt," and left alone in ments a s that of a cobra. I t was the
the holy room with the papabi. papaloi himself who taught me how
First of all my clothes were re- t o lose myself in the spell of the voo-
moved, and I was made to bathe my- doo drums, until the beating of my
self from head to foot with odd- blood and the beat of the rt~usicbe-
smelling oils. The floor a t the base of came one.
the altar had been strewn with a thin . Let me describe one 04 these voodoo
covering of palm leaves, and on this ceremonies for the whites.
bed I had to stretch out, flat on my Usually they took place in some
stomach. secret hide-away in Harmlem, but
The papaloi stood over me, and several times we met a t the home of a
sprinkled oil and wine and ashes wealthy, socially prominent woman
about me, all the while chex&ng a who had a large estate on Long
prayer to Damballa. Some of the IsIand.
words I could understand, and some Always there were the drums. The
I couldn't. drums that first summoned your body
"Damballa, thou a r t king of the and then your senses.
Damballa, I bring thee a
While the drums called the wor-
shippers together there was liquor
maiden.. ." to drink. A strange mixture of fiery
rum and .sweet cocoanut milk and
And then, for three days and three
nights, for seventy-two long, painful another mysterious ingredient that I
hours, I had to stay thore in that have since been told was probably
position! Naked a n d shivering, some form of hasheesh.
stretched out flat on my stomach, I In the center of the wall a t one
had to remain until I was properly end of the room the papaloi set up
"cleansed" for the great god Dam- charms, before I broke free from the his altar, with its copper bowl waiting
balla. voodoo spell that held me. for the sacrificial blood. Group.ed
The long hours passed in a daze. I t was a long time before I under- about the base of the altar were shal-
Sometimes I seemed to lose conscious- stood fully why I-a white girl-was low bowls containing cornmeal and
ness, and other times I would be taken so deeply into the voodoo cult. oil and wine.
aware of the papaloi chanting some- I don't think the old papaloi ever * * *
where near me. And sometimes I had really trusted me. I know that many FROM besnning t o end there was
queer visions, in which I saw green of the mysteries that were known to the beat of the voodoo drums. Tom-
snakes and heard strange voices. the others were kept secret from me. ti-ti-tom ... tom-ti-ti-tom. Monot-
I was weak and faint from hunger But I guess I served my purpose. onous, insistant, over and over again.
and thirst long before the three days And that purpose was to bring
more white converts into the cult.
Tom-ti-ti-tom... tom-ti-ti-tom.
The worshippers squatted on the
were over. What happened t o me
after that has always, seemed like a Not just any white person, you un- floor in a semi-circle, sipping their
weird nightmare. derstand, but wealthy ones: Neurotic drugged rum, swaying a s their bodies
A nightmare I t r y not to remember! wives with too much time on !heir took u p the tempo of the drums.
I know that there was another cere- hands. Sensation-seekers. Sadists. The papaloi traced a cabalistic de-
money, with a voodoo dance, and the Rich men and women whose appetite sign with cornmeal on the floor in
rich red blood of sacrificed animals. for normal things was long since dull- front of the altar, three circles rep-
Warm blood that I tasted for the ed. And white girls who can be resenting the earth and the sky and
first time. . .
And all this, mind you, was not in
trained for voodoo work are in ereat
demand, becabse they appeal to these
the sea. Forked marks connected the
circles, some pointing towards the
some African jungle. Rut in NW people. worshippers, others radiating towards
York! I n the most modern, up-to- Naturally, I didn't realize any of the altar. These were the symbols of
the-minute city in the world-! this a t first. If I thought at all about the invisible paths through which

Out of the black
depths of Africa
came the voodoo
rites which today
dominate the lives
of thousands in this
country. Above is a
modern cuIt in
South Africa

the gods and the mysteries would I remained in one spot, my f w t moaning sob of desire.
move. not moving, while from the hip up- But .my work had been done., I had
In the earth circle the p a p l o i ward my body writhed like an angry no place in the revels that followed.
sprinkled oil and meal and wine, while snake. Slowly a t first, and then And I had no strength for anything
we who were the true worshippers faster and faster, working up .to a but to steal out of the room and drop
chanted a prayer to Wangol, master climax of ecstasy. exhausted on my couoh;
of the Earth. Rum and ashes were The beat of the drums, the ehaht * +
then scattered in the sky circle, and of the worshippers, urged me on. I IT WAS sheer hypnotism, I know
we prayed to Damballa, the All no longer seemed to have any control now. True enough, i t was the
Mighty, master of the Sky. over my body. Instead i t became a n d m a that kept me dancing, but i t
Then last of all, he poured water artful slave, obeying the insistent wasn't the drums that taught me to
in the sea circle ,while we sent u p a demands of some strange mysterious dance the way I did. For, God knows,
chant to Papa Agoue, master of the master. Every individual muscle I didn't know anythina a t that time
Sea. seemed t o tremble and quiver in sup- of love or desire of primitive pas-
AI1 the while the tom-ti-ti-tom-- plication. sions. I knew of voodoo charms and
ti-ti-tom of the drums kept up, beat- My fingers fumbled a t m y scarlet black magic and the strange powere
ing, beating, !beating against your sash. My dress slipped from my of mysterious gods, but that was all.
wnses. And the chanting continued; shoulders to my waist ... cascaded
in an abandoned heap on the floor.
For years I had thought the
sensuous orgies I had seen from
one prayer following bhe other in a
monotonous cadence. The firelight flickered over my childfhood were only a part of the
The worshippers swayed back and body, but I had no thought of my voodoo wremony. I mean, I had
forth like hypnotized snakes. nudeness. I had no thought of any- never connected them up in my mind
Then it was that I began my dance, thing but of my body obeying the with love, or desire, o r any natural
a t a signal from the papaloi. Moving ancient call of love and desire and thing.
out of the dark shadows where I priimitive passion. The insistent beat- Well, for that matter, they are a
had hidden myself, I glided into the ing of the voodoo drums drove me on part of the voodoo ceremony. And
circle of firelight. and on, until my senses seemed to a s f a r .as the white folks go the most
A t the beginning of the dance I scream like some thin, unutterably important part, I guess.
wore a single sleeveless garment of high note on a violin. Strange, how even now I speak
white, something like a nightdress, And what that ecstatic, sense-mad- about "white folks," although I am
and a crimson sash about my waist. dening height of the dance had been white myself. Perhaps i t is because
Already the beat of the drums was reached, one of the black d r l s would I have always known, deep down
in my blood, and my body trembled thrust a white rooster into my hands. within me, that white people had no
and quivered in a n ecstasy of antic- It was the signal for the end, a sig- place in the voodoo ceremonies.
ipation. nal for the papuloi to take his long Perhaps i t is because, subconsciou$ly,
The first movements of my dance thin knife, that glistened in the fire- I felt that I had forfeited my right
were slow, langorous, provocative. light, and sever the head of the bird to my race by being what I was.
Then the chant of the worshippers with a single blow. T h a t sounds a s though I had s t o p
ohanged to an ancient song of love. A shuddering cry went u p from the ped to think about it, but I didn't, for
A song t h a t became a very part of worshippers. a long time. Not until after my
md A sigh that rose and fell like a "aunt" died. In the meantime, for

over three years, I took a n active SLOWLY I made up my mind' to

part in the voodoo ceremonies. escape. Maybe i t sounds as though
Then I discovered that I wasn't it should have been easy-$hat eecape.
the only white girl in Harlem doing a s though all I had to do was to walk
the same thing. out of the door and into the crowd-
I was never allowed to meet any ,
of these white girls, and all of my
questions concerning them were ans-
wered evasively. Once, though, when
I threatened to make a spell against
one of the negro attendants, he told
me that the white girls were hired
a s dancers just to entertain the white
folks who came to the voodoo cerem-
onies. Then he said that these
white girls soon joined the voodoo
cults because they were under the
spell of the witch-doctor. I knew
what the spdl was-half hmnotism
and half drug habit forced upon
these unsuspecting girls by the pap-
aloi. Oh, he was clever, fiendishly
so. And many a girl who came for
the "thrill" found herself caught in
the mesh before she knew what was
happening to her. It's still going on.
I once heard somebody say that
over a quarter of the people in Har-
lem are voodoo worshippers. I don't
know how true that is, but i t isn't
hard to believe. m a t is hard to
understand, though, is the number
of white people who bribe and beg There were plenty of people of my
and plead to attend those ceremonies. race that came to the voodoo ceremon-
At first some of them do i t for a &S, but the sort' of white people who
thrill, I guess. And afterwards they voluntarily throw themselves back
come back, again and again, because into primitive beasts a r e not the
they have found something to whip sort you ask for help.
up their jaded appetite. Or maybe I didn't know anything about
thev just want to forget themselves. work or how to go about getting it. I
If i t is the latter, then they are only knew about one thing. Voodoo.
successful, most of them. For after And i t was voodoo that gave me
a n hour or so of the drums and the a way out. With my "aunt" dead,
dances and the drugged rum, most of I had to have some way of making a hotel and ask for a room. The clerk
them go back ten thousand years few pennies, and the papaloi told me looked a t me in a funny way, a s
into the jungles. I have seen women I could make love "ouangas" for those though he couldn't make up his mind
whose names and pictures were on who wanted them. I was supposed. whether to let me in or not, but
the society pages every other Sun- to turn whatever money I got over finally gave me a room after making
day, rip their clothes from their M- to him, in return for the few clothes me pay in advance. I realized then
ies in a mad frenzy. an,d food he gave me. for the first time how funny the
From what I was able to discover, But instead I kept p a r t of the shapeless house dress I wore must
the scheme for recruiting white girls money, until I had nearly fifty dol- look.
i s simplicity itself. The girls are lars saved. I thought that was a It was when I started to buy cloth-
hired to dance, or even just invited to fortune, and more than enough for es the next day that I discovered
be present a t some voodoo ceremony. my needs. That was a mistake I how pitifully little the money I had
White men frequently make the ar- didn't discover until too late. amounted to. And after that came
rangements, so that often the girl Late one night I tied my few be- the long weary days of looking for
does not even know what she is get- longings up in a bundle and slipped work.
ting into. The papapaloi then induces out of the house I had lived in for And all the time I was frightened,
the victim to drink a "magic portion," the past six months in Harlem I fearing that a t any minute the pap-
mostly hasheesh, after which even had never ridden on a n elevated o r a aloi would appear a t my side and
bhe strongest-willed a m easy sub- subway in my life, and I didn't know take me back with h i m
jects for this hypnotism. Tcw, or anything about buses, so I walked, Well, 1 was lucky. After a week
three ceremonies such a s this and for what seemed miles. Two minutes I found a job a s a waitress in a
the girl no longer has a will of her after I left the house I was Iost but cheap restaurant. I lost it three
own. She becomes a slave, just as that didn't matter. .days later because I was clttmsy and
I was. I was away. nervous, but even so I learned SO-
J u s t b e f m I broke loose from the I had read about Broadway, and thing.
voodoo spell I saw an actress who knew vaguely that there were cheap My second job I kept for a week
' 3 famous both here and abroad slith- hotels in the neighbourhood of Times k f o r e I was fired.
r out of her evening dress and do Square. Only I was afraid to ask After that i t was easy.
, dance that made even me pause a policeman where Times Square I have been told I could get work
nd turn away. was. ina all^ "lsked a newsboy, and as a dancer in a night club or on
And after the dancing there were he told me. the stage, but I wouldn't like that.
other things. Things I can't d d b e It took a long time for me to gather I am afraid. Not of the men, but
here. u p enough courage t o go into a small of the music.
3 the
They hiet-They Married-He Went to the Galllows
A11 in a Few Swift Weeks
sweetest period in the
average girl's life-be-

came a tragedy of horror, death

and ,murder. Mp honeymoon
was spent with a husband who
moved with the steps of destiny
closer and closer to the gallows!
As I write this the gibbet still
seems to cast its dark shadow
over me, for the husband that
I loved my Johnnie was -
"hanged by the neck until he
was dead" on March 21. Only a
very short .time ago I was a
bride. And now-a widow.
I married the man I loved at the
doorstep of death. I became part of
him a s a n innocent minister lay dy-
ing i n the loneliness of an abandoned
coal mine, a helpless victim sent to
his death by three criminals--my
husband among them, they say.
I am still in my teens-nineteen
years of age, to be exact-yet in
the space of a few weeks I have
spent a lifetime of misery, heart-
break and shame. I am, in brief,
the wife--no the widow-of John
Travis, kidnapper and killer of the
Rewrend James I. Seder, who was
one of the most beloved citizens of
Huntington, West Virginia. I t was a
terrible crime when that aged man
was kidnapped and mistreated so that
he died a s a result. But three men
paid with their lives for that crime-
my husband among them. Johnny's
earthly troubles are over. But 1-1
must go on, must suffer all my life.
I can never escape from those terrible
thoughts ...
Unaware that her bridal happi- ' ,
ness was short-lived, Sunnv Travis,
danced gayly with Johnny Travis a t
this little roadside tavern while a n
aged minister lay near t o death . ..
To many persons all over the dates with older boys. I had out- "Yes," I said, "but I can't m m -
United States I am not Sunny Travis, grown the early teens gawkiness ber your name."
who loved her husband beyond all My parents began to reprove me for I saw him hesitate a moment.
reason, who still believes in him and going out nights. But I went out- McCaffery-Ed McCaffery. You'd
loves his memory for the things I and soon got fed up even with Hunt- better forget the last part because
know Be did in an effort to free ington. There were other places of from now on I'm just Ed-and I
Doctor Seder. I am, instead, the glamor and excitement. There was intend to see you a lot," he said,
blond wanton of Huntingdon, who the North. People, places, things with quiet assurance.
broke the hearts of her respectable like I had never seen before. There TVe stood still, side by side, and
parents to marry a murderer and a was New York-the magnifiwnt! I stared a t the soft glow that hung
kidnaper. I am the headstrong girl wanted to go, badly. I would. in the heavens, high over Manhattan.
who spent a honeymoon with a kid- * * * Suddenly he placed his arms around
naper, while his victim lay dying in I CORNERED Dad one evening. me and kissed me.
pain and agony. I caroused and "Daddy, I want to go to school away I began seeing a great deal of Ed.
danced while my kidnaper-husband from Huntington. I'm tired of this He became terribly attractive to me.
jeered a t the fate of an old and be- place. I want to go to school up Just what position he held, the work
loved man. I too, in the public mind, North. There are a lot of good ones he did, I did not know. Aas a mat-
have been convicted of this terrible in New York." ter of fact, he appeared to have a
crime. I knew of the kidnaping, Daddy tried to wave me off. "Don't great deal ef leisure time, but al-
they say, but did nothing about it. $be$foolish, Sunny. I can't afford to wavs had plenty of money and dress-
You who read this will decide the send you off to school."- ed like a model in a clothes advertise
guilt of Sunny Travis - who was "They're not all so expensive," I ment.
never tried but was convicted just insisbed, disregarding the fact thab After s e ~ e r a lweeks of 6ourtShig
the same. Daddy might need that money for Ed asked to marry me.
Here, too, in these pages you will better purposes than t o satisfy a I told him I would write to Mother.
read for the first time what actually whim. I did, that Tery night, but back came
took place between my husband and "There's no use talking. I can't a stronn letter of disawwroval from
& .

Doctor Seder in that abandoned coal
mine, what actually happened in
do it, Sunny," Daddy said.
And because i t began to appear " ... Yen a r e f a r too J O ~ R to
those tragic days between November that here was something Sunny marry a man of 38, Sunny, a man
1 and November 12, 1937, when couldn't have, I became all the m o x whom you admit you know nothing
the entire nation wondered about the determined to get it. about and who does not wish to ten
fate of Huntington's beloved first Two weeks later I was packing in you anythina about his past life o r
citizen. high excitement. Daddy had given his work," Mother wrote.
I was born in Accoville, a small in. I was to go to school in New As usual, s'he was right, but I
Jersey afid live with some relatives wo.nldn't admit it. I decided to marry
town in West Virginia's famed Logan Ed. Sunny could do as she pleased.
County, known everywhere for its of my mother. I knew the place * * *
extensive and rich deposits of coal. wasn't f a r from New York. And I THE night ef our enpagement Ed
There is little I can recall until I knew t h a t school there would only took me to a gorgeous house. It was
was around nine years old. I do re- be a necessary evil - from which one of the most beautifully furnished
member, however, that I had had there were a lot of ways to get out houses I had even been in.
very little trouble getting what I from under. Ed turned en the radio and brought
wanted. In other words, I was a I was right. I was a t school only me a drink. We s a t d o m on a sofa
spoiled child. a month before I went to my first in the spacious living-room. Ed kiss-
One day, a s I was approaching, night club in New York. How I ed me. Suddenly I heard the front
my tenth birthday, I suddenly de- loved it! door open and a woman's heels clink-
cided that I didn't like Accoville. The Within a few weeks I was trying inp in the hallway.
thought had come to me after listen- t o see a s many night clubs and visit Then a stylishly gowned woman
ina for davs to the boasting of an- a s many of the glamorous places a s stood hefore as. her l i r s smiling some-
other kid that her family was mov- possible. I began meeting men by what disdainfullv. She was beau-
ing to a big city, where i t would take the dozen-men of all sorts. Men tiful. with raven-black hair and deep-
weeks to see all the movies. Sunny who were very different from the set blue eyes. I turned a questinn-
wasn't going to ?Xleft out in the cold. niountain people of my own State. inq dance to Ed. He sat stone-still.
One n i ~ h tI asked Daddv why he Men who were glamorous and at- I saw the muscles in his jaw pulsate.
didn't move out of Accoville. tractive. Mzn who appeared to have "Sorry to interrupt, Ea." srnilcrl
"Snnnv, I can't verv well. My stepped straight from a movie the wompn in a cool fashion. "It
business is here," Daddy told me. screen. was ~ m f u l l vthoughtlew of me not
"I don't care. This place is so Strangely enough, I had had none .to b l l you I was coming home so
dirtv and frill of dust." I t may of the "crushes' that are part of
seem incredible, but i t is true that the sweet m e ~ o r i e sof a young girl. soon."
I began wondering what was wrong Mv heart dronped a t t'he imnlica-
five month.: later father had moved tin? of her words. "nTho are you?"
to Huntin~ton, West Virdnia., A with me. I finally m a n a d to ask.
spoiled &ild had had her wav. And then i t happened - one "T hanpen to be Mrs. McCaffery,
I t was l i k ~a transfer to Paradise. Autumn ni+t a t a party a t West- child," €he woman said, a 'bit more
The brivht lights, the rushinq street che~ter. He was tall. extremely
handsome, and with the graying gently.
cars, the straw seats that I slid on
with great ylce, the movies, the temnles t h a t appear so terribly ro- Hot tears beaan scaldins down m y
stores. pnd loads and loads of well- mantic to a young girl. cheeks. I ran to the door-out into
dressed ltids that I could play with. All durinq the party I noticed that the Mack void-to run and hide.
I was enchanted. The days slinped he kept staring a t me. Finally, I ran like a n insane person for
by ,fast, for ?hey were days of hapni- when the nartv was about to break hlwk after block, onlv v a ~ u e l vcon-
ness. of ~ucitement. It seemed no up, he danced wieh me. He was a scious ~f people who stared a t me.
time a t all until I was fourteen. I wonderful dsncer. Then we walked FinalIv, comaletelv worn and ex-
was f a r from a \ model child o r a out on a balcony. hausted, my heart like a stone weight.
morlel pupil. "Your name is Sunny, isn't it?" he I stumbled i n b We house.
And a t fourteen I 'began having began. F o r weeks aftexwar& I stayed
away from all parties and dances.
They seemed empty, holow. Then
Time, the great healer, pronounced
me cured.
I started back into the gay swing
of partiw and night dubs. One night
4 met a charming girl by the
name of Mary-Lou Brown. Through
her I met Jimmy--Jimmy Davis, 22,
with the build and good looks of a
Greek god, and who seemed to like
the good times I did.
We began dating a great deal, and
the inevitable hau~ened. I fell madly
in love with J i m m y d r so I thought.
There were wonderful days together.
Jimmy became more and more at-
tractive to me. I thought here a t
last was the man I loved.
And then i t happened--as if Life
was saying: "Sunny, you've had
enough of happiness, it's time for a
few heart-a&='' Jimmy was grow-
ing tired of me. I could see it in his
eyes. I knew what was coming. I
could hear those terrible words -
"We're through, Sunny !"
* * *
I DECIDED nat to wait and hem
those words. I packed a s quickly as
I could, declining to explain to my
worried relatives, and started for
Detroit. I had friends there who
I knew would welcome me.
My one burning desire was to get
away and forget Jimmy. I thought
$hat there was only one way-the
way that many a girl has tried with
disastrous results. Once in Detroit
I entered into a ceaseless whirl of
men, dates, dances and parties.
Three months later I became dread-
fully ill. I was taken to a Detrmt
hospital, where I lapsed into a eem-
When I recovered eonscioumess, I
saw mother sitting 'beside the bed,
weeping silently. A terrible, heart-
~ h a t t e r i n g fear came over me. 1
didn't want to die! Life, even with
its heart-aches. was sweet and dear!
"Mother, am I going to die?" I
asked. ,
Mother tried ;torepeak She couldn't.
A doctor came and led her away.
Through a window I saw a tree.
bare of -leaves, swaying k f o r e the The hot spots seemed cold to Sunny Travis when death
wind, I felt icy cold. My heart beat loomed for the man she loved, and she sought the
slowly, heavily-I wanted to scream wmpanionship of her parents, shown with her here.
o u t 1 wanted to shout out that I
wasn't ready to die.
I couldn't. My thraat, my face, my .thought aa the breath s e d to ing.
whole body was numb. There must leave my body was: "Sunny, ybu I was glad to get back to Hunting-
be someone to k e q me from dying. didn't deserve to live !" ton, to feel once again the cheerful
The despxate thought whirled Then, one morning, I awoke. Sun- friendliness of a Southern city. I
through my mind. light was streaming into bhe room. I never dreamed that within a few
The= was. The one Being I had saw Mother sitting beside me, smiling short weeks I would be scorned and
least thought of during the gay days through her tears. The doctor was reviled by the same friends whe
that had flowed down the spillway of grinning down a t me. greeted me so cordially.
my life. 'Hdlo, Sunny!'' he greeted me, The first of July-a momentous
C * * smilingly. "You ran a great race. date for m e w a s hot and sultry, and
I KNEW little of prayer. But I You'll .be going home soon." the night brought little relief. Mother
prayed witih all my heart and mul. How sweet those words sounded. asked me to accompany her to church.
All night, as the tears coursed Home! No longer distasteful or ab- I n past days I would have been quick
dawn my cheeks, I prayed. Then I horrent. I wanted to go home, this' to plead some excuse. But the past
became unconscious. My last fleeting time with an almost passionate long- was m. If worship d Him was one
way of expreesing my gratitude, then On &at day Dot Lockheart, John- kins so intimate with J o h n i e ?
I would gladly spend everv night a t nies sister, and I had decided to go A t first I decided not to go with
church. into town. I wanted Johnnie to go Johnnie if he called. Then I decided
During the sermon my glance with us, so we strolled over to his that if i t was humanly possible I
strayed about. Suddenly a n electric house. would be the buffer between Johnnie
thrill went through me! Sitting a I was surprised a t his somewhat and Orville Adkins. Somehow I sus-
few seats back was the most hand- short refusal. While we were talking pected that Adkins would be along
some bov I had even seen. A t least the telephone rang. Johnnie picked up with Johnnie.
he seemed so to me. He had blond, the receiver. I heard a muffled voice J6hnnie was still intoxicated when
wavy hair, blue eyes and finely on the other end. Then Johnnie said, he called for me. I got in the car
chiseled features. in a low tone: "Call me back a little and Orville was behind the wheel,
When services were over I watched later, Orville, I can't talk to you grumbling that his girl friend was
him leave, my heart beating fast, like now." Johnnie hung up the re- out somewhere "two-timing" him.
the time when Ed McCaffery stood ceiver. We went to the "pozy Rest," a
with me on a Westchester balcony. I A dread suspicion swept over me. hurdy-gurdy night club in Hunting-
saw that he walked with a slight limp "Johnnie, was fhat Orville Ad- ton. Try a s I might I couldn't per-
--and my heart did a double flip when kins?' I asked. suade Johnnie to stop drinking. He
I I noticed that he looked back several Johnnie looked a t me curiously, kept mumbling that the occasion cal-
times. then nodded his head. "Yes, i t was." led for a great deal of celebration.
The following Sunday I saw him "What a m you doing being friendly Weren't we going to get married?
again, sitting in the same seat. I with him, Johnnie? He's been to " ~ u tyou haven't a job yet, John-
looked back boldlv once or twice. I prison-he's an ex-convict!" nile, I protested.
could hardly breathe when he smiled Johnnie's face seemed to tighten. "Nevermind. I'm goin' to have
openly. "Say, we're not married yet. Start plenty money. J u s t you wait and
TVe met on the steps of the church dictating my friends when that hap- W!"
following services. Mother was en- pens, not &fore!" he reVurned an- That night, urged by Mrs. Travis,
gaged in conversation with some of grily. I stayed a t the Travis home.
her friends. I stood alone. But not The tears sprang to my eyes. This The next day, when Johnnie got
for long. wasn't the Johnnie that I knew. I up and came out into the living-room,
Someone spoke softly behind me. I turned to Dot, suggested we'd better I saw that he was restless and j i b
turned. leave. tery. I attributed it to the effects
". . . Listen, don't think me rude,
but I've tried to find someone to in-
Throughout the afternoon I won- of the heavy drinking. He apologized
t o me for his actions the previous
dened just why Orville Adkins had night.
troduce us, and I can't. So I'm go- called Johnnie-and Why Johnnie had
ing to introduce myself. I'm Johnnie wanted him to call back. "1'11 forgive you if you promise
Travis." He smiled, half-f earfully, When I returned home I telephoned not to go with Orville Adkins any
half-wnbarrassed. Johnnie, but he wasn't a t home. And more," I told him.
I wondered if he could hear my that night, for the first time, he fail- "Oh, honey, he's all right. Just
heart beating so loudly. "My name . ed to put in an appearance a t the because he was in prison-remember,
I was in some trouble, too, once upon
is Verla Belcher," I finally managed usual time. As the minutes dragged
t o my, "but only Mother knows that, on I began to envision all manner a time," he protested.
I g u e s S. Everyone calls me af things-another girl, a gambling "Yes. but that was entirelv dif-
'Sunny :' " party, an accident. Not for a sec- ferent.;'
From then on we began talking ond did I dream of the horrible, "Oh, don't be grumpy, darlina. Re-
with a bit more ease. I invited him shocking task which a t that very member we're getting married! In
on a weinie roast, w'hich was sup- moment the boy I loved was thought- f a d , we're: going to get the marriage
posed to take place the following lessly undertaking. license r i h t now!"
night. He accepted. All the next day I helped Mother I thrilled a t $is words. "Let's ge
The next night was a bit of heaven with her work, trying to get Jo%nnie downtown now, I said happil?.
that I had never found in the night off of my mind. I was worried-and The smile vanished from his face.
dubs of New York . .. m e swaying hurt. He hesitated a moment, then said:
"Hon, I don't feel so hot. Suppose
pines, the crackling fire beside the Around six oclock in the evening I
rippling stream, the mountains in the heard footsteps and loud laughter oh you go downtown and get it. Here's
distance leaning against the starlit the money."
the porch. I went to the door. I t * * *
sky. It was like a dream. was Johnnie-and Orville Adkins. It
And when we were driving home I was easy to see they had both been I WAS disappointeci, and yet I was
pitied the world and all those who drintlcing. glad to go. I would have gone to
oould not taste of the mpreme happi- "Hello, honey," mid Johnnie, "I just the farthermost p a r t of the earth for
ness that I f e l t J o h n n i e , just before dropped by to tell you we're going him, iif necessary.
leaving. the vrounds, had told me that out tonight to c e l e b r a t e a n d we're That evening I went home with
he loved me! going to get marriled and gm on a big Johnnie and told mother of our plans
FROM then on we saw &h other honeymoon !" t o get married. She didn't say a
day and night. Two months later The grin died away from Owille word, merely turned and walked inte
Johnnie asked to marry me. Adkins' unshaven face. He took John- another room, closing the door. I
"1 love you, Johnnie--any time, any nie by the a m "Come on, kid, knew what was wrong.. Mother didn't
place," I told him. you've told her, now let's go," he said want me to get married, believing I
"I'd like to, tomorrow, Sunny-but curtly. was entirely too young.
I haven't a job. I guess we've got Johnnie waved d kenly as he Johnnie remained with me untii
t o wait," he said slowly. w a l M away. ' '
G o T b y ,hon, see around three o'clock in the morning.
The days passed quickly. I was you tonight." I pressed him a s to just where he
with Johnnie almost everv moment I went back into the house, my was going to get the large sum d
WE could get to~ekher. Then came mind whirling. I was angry and monev for our honeymoon.
the day of November 1, 1937-a day hurt. It was the firat time I had "Oh, its a business deal, honey.
I &all never forget, a day when, seen Juhnnie drunk. What was he You trust m, don't you? he asked.
mknown to me, the fuse was lit going to celebrate? And what was "Of course I trust you, darlinl
h i c k w a s to shatter our world. taking plate? Why was Orville Ad- whirpmd back, blinded by my 412
Later i n the evening b e went to On the way back, Jolhnnie barely
visit my parents. Mother seemed to spoke to me. He seemed etxremely
relent a bit, but she remained chill
and somewhat aloof.
That night, back a t Johnnie's home,
mo y, worried.
"1 hat's wrong, Johnnie?" I asked.
"Nothing," he said shortly.
h e told me that we would have to When we arrived in Huntington
- - 4 p o n ~ our honeymoon. Johnnie learned that his sister, Dot,
Why, Johnnie?" I asked, puzzled. was alone with her sick child, so we
It'll just be temporary," he said. decidled to go over and stay with her.
"Th at business deal is still on, Sunny, From then on, events passed with
and I can't say yet when 1'11 get the stunning rapidity. T h a t night,
money." around eight o'clock, a s we talked
"Johnnie, what business deal is it? with Dot, we heard newsboys shout-
You sound so ~mvsteriousabout every- ing: "EXTRA! EXTRA!" Some-
thing." thing important must htve happen-
Johnnie m k e d me with a kiss. ed, I thought, for the Huntington
"Listen, ho;; everything is going to papers seldom issued an Extra."
be all right. I've got a prospect of Johnnie arose, went to the door
a job in Burnwell. We'll go over and whistled for a b y . A few
there tomorrow." seconds later he returned, bent over
He gave me a kiss, and everything the paper. There was an odd ex-
else was swept from my mind . . . pression in his face.
* * * "Why what's happened, Johnnie?"
I asked.
SATURDAY and Snnday were "The Seder relatives got a ransom
b s u t i f u l days, crisp and flooded with note from the kidnaper!" he replied
sunshine. Bill Lucas, Johnnie's cousin tonelessly.
in Burnwell, had welcomed us warm- "That poor man!" Dot said. ' 3 e n
ly; and even though nothing elabor- he was kidnaped after all! -I wonder
a t e marked his welcoming o r the who would be as mean as that!"
first days of my honeymoon, I was Johnnie picked up his hat. "I'm go-
immensely happy just being with ing out for a beer. Any of you want
Johnnie and meeting his friends. anvthing?" We shook our heads.
On Monday Johnnie went out and "Johnnie's been acting so strallge-
returned with a disappointed expres- ly," I remarked to Dot when he had
,sion. I asked Bim what was wrong. left. "Maybe you know your brother
He told me the job had failed to pan better than I do. What is wrong
out. Dot? H a s he discovemd he's not
"Don't worry, darling, we'll look in love with me?" Fearfully I
around. There may be another here awaited her answer.
samewhere, " I consoled him. Dot laughed. "Don't be foolish,
The next morning Johnnie went out honey. I guess he's worried about
and came back in 20 minutes' time not having a jab, and being married
with several newspapers. Wikhout and not being able to have a real
saying a word he sat down and be- honeymoon."
gan reading intently. The next morning Johnnie seemed
I thrilled a t his words, "Did you have any luck, darling?" to be in better spirits. At Dot's
"Let's go downtoum" I ventured. supgestion we decided to walk over
"I'm lookinc in the "Help Wanted" and insnect a cute little house near
nem. columns now," he retu&ed rather by, which was vacant.
On ThurSday morning all Hunting- shortly. without looking up. * * *
ton seemed agog over the news of A few minutes later he tossed one
the Reverend Doctor James I. Seder's of the papers on the floor. I picked I T WAS a darling house, and I en-
strange disappearance from his home. i t up. Suddenly I noted that the visionled the days of happiness we
The world now knows the initial .paper had never k e n opened up. were to spend there together. '
events of that terrible happening- Johnnie had been reading the front About an hour later we returned
of how ihe lights burned all day in pare-where there were a lot of pic- to Dot's house to find Mother Travis
Doctor Seder's home; attracting the tures of G-men walking to the court- standing in the living-room, her face
attentio~l of his neighbors, of how house, to Doctor Seder's home, and of sickeningly white. She seemed to
police arrived to find his apartment Lieutenant Swann talking with Reed have aged ten years. Tears were
deserted, the bedclothes strangely Vetterli, the well-known Federal streaming down her face, and her
missing, as were his three white agent from New York. The news- eyes were pools of misery. From
canes, and how a State-wide search paper reported that the G-men were the near-bv bedroom I heard Dot
was being undertaken. swarminq into Huntington because sobhing.
As for me, I merely glanced a t certain evidence had been discovered Daggers seemed to stab through
trhe headlines. Th~erewas t r a s d y in leading t>h~emto believe Doctor Seder my 'heart. "What on earth has hap-
the outside world; but tomorrow had bepn kidnaped! p e n ~ ? , Mother?" I manaped to ask.
meant the sumeme dav of happiness - "Darlinr, the newspaper here says "The police--the G-Men-this Vet-
for Sunny. Doctor Soder was kidnapned," 1 re- terli felfow-and the detectives came
The next evenina. a t six o'clock, a s marked by way of conversation. to the house last n i ~ h tand told me
B f l a m i n ~sun sank softly over the Johnnie brushed a hand throuzh to tell Johnnie to ~ i v ehirnqelf up!"
West Viginia hills, Johnnie and I his hair. "Oh, that's a lot o f stuff! I she said in a choking voice.
were married. When he took me in don't think he was-probably wan- I felt a s if I had suddenly turned
his arms and kissed me, I believed dered off somewhere, like some of to stone! For a minute my lips re-
that hereafter nothing could de- the newspapers a n d Lieutenant fuqed to move. "Why-What has-
stroy the happiness that was mine. Swann said before. . . . Anway, I've Johnnie done?"
I believed that! decided to go back to Huntington !" Wordlessly Mother 'Travis sank
into a chair, buried h e r * f a c e in her t o get some money from his land- the floor. Then he prayed an awful
lrms, held out a newspaper towards lord, Doctor Seder, by taking him nice prayer for me. He began ask-
me. I snatched a t it, saw the huge, away and holding him for ransom. ing me a s to who the other men were,
screaming headlines: We talked and drank a lot. but I and said he was almost positive that
remember that Booth didn't drink so the baldheaded one was a man by the
DOCTOR SEDER FOUND NEAR much. name of Booth, and one of his ten-
DEATH IN ABANDONED MINE "That night; Booth said h e was ants.
ARNETT BOOTH CONFESSES going to l h r r o w his fathers car, that "In a little while, that is, some-
KIDNAPING he had all the plans laid, and all we where around midnight, Booth and
NAMES JOHN TRAVIS AND O R had to do was to help. Booth came Adkins returned with some bedclothes
.... VILLE ADKINS AS A C back with the car, drove us down and some more whisky. We carried
COMPLICES t o Eighteenth Street and Tenth Ave- Doctor Seder out to this abondoned
The room reeled around me. There nue, and told us to wait for him. I coal mine. Booth told me to stay
was no feeling in my face, my kept telling Orville we'd better get on with the Doctor and h a m him write
hands. My heart seemed to give a home, but neither of us had any car- a ransom note. When they left I
great beat, then stop completely. . fare, so we decided to wait for Booth. fixed the bedclothes for Doctor Seder,
The tears suddenly flooding my face. In a little while he d r o w up in the put an overcoat around his legs, and
"It's not true!" I screamed. "It's roadster. Some one was sitting np told him t h a t he could write the note
not true! I was with Johnnie all in the roadster. He called out: "Let in the morning. Neither of us slept
the time. How could he have done Travis ride the rumble. H$ drunk t h a t night.
i t ?" and making too much noise. "Several times Doctor Seder knelt
Mother Travis raised her head, I got in hte rumble, qnd Orville in prayer, and two or three times I
looked a t Johnnie with swollen eyes. got up front. Then we drove off. I joined him. When morning came I
Jo'hnnie stool still, silent. heard them talking up front, then a told Doctor Seder he could write the
"Johnnie, is this true? Did you sudden commotion. The car stooped, note. Shortly afterwards, Booth and
help this Booth kidnap Doctor and I heard Booth say: "One of Adkins came back. I gave Booth
Seder?" Mother asked, the tears still you birds put your coat over his head. the note and he began cursing about
rolling down her cheeks. quick!' " a double-cross. Said that doctor
I saw Johnnie's lips tremble; then "I jumped out of the car. It was Seder had put in the note he was be-
he hung his head. parked on the highway leading to ing held in a cave twenty miles south
"Mother, it's true," he said husk- Wayne. I saw this old man with of Wayne, West Virginia. Booth
ily. "I didn't know what I was do- white hair and glasses. It was Doc- handed me a tablet with a pencil and
ing. I was drunk. Booth had made tor Seder." told me to have Doctor Seder write
Orville and me drink over a pint of I wanted to yell, but the sound this, a s well as I can remember:
whiskey apiece. Neither of us knew wouldn't come. I heard Johnnie say- " 'I have ;been kidnaped. Four men
what we were doing." ihg : forced me into a car. I was on an all-
The awful realization hammered a t "I *told Booth I wasn't going to night drive from Huntington. I don't
my brain. My 'hus,knd-the man I throw a coat over the old man, that know where I a m at. They want
lowd so dearly-a kidnaper! I he'd better give u p the whole job. $30,000. F o r my sake meet their
couldn't .believe it! It was all a Booth got mad and hollered: 'What demands for you know what it
nightmare. I would awake soon. the Hell i s the matter with you?- means.'
But the misery, the rising terror getting yellow?' Doctor Seder be- "All this time Booth stayed at the
in Johnnie's voice were too real to Ean pleading with him to release top of the mine and didn't come
be a dream. He turned to me. ''What him. Booth threatened to hit him with down I got the note and took i t
shall I do. Sunnv?" he. asked.
. -- his fist if he didn't shut UD. up t o him. Booth read i t and hand-
* * + "Finally Booth started &e car up ed me a n envelope with a special de-
1 LOOKED at him through m again and we drove off. Some time livery stamp on i t and told me to tell
almost blinding film of tears. later we pulled into a field and stop- Doctor Seder t o address it; then he
"Tell us what happened, Johnnie. ped beside a log cabin. All of us wrote out a note for me to recopy
Then we can better decide what you went in. Doctor Seder was so fright- and reword, giving the denominations
must do." I managed to tell him. ened he could hardly talk. He kept of the bills, demanded. I gave the
And so Johnnie, 'his eyes like a hunt- pleading with Booth to let him go envelope to Doctor Seder, and he
ed aniv'al. began to pour out to back, that he would ,be caug'ht and addressed i t to his son, a t St. Paul,
Mother and mle the details of that punished for what he was doing. Minnesota.
terrible event-details which, I feel But Booth only told him to shut up. "Booth told me to come on out, that
sure, are told in these pages for the Rooth got from Doctor Seder the in- he'd ride me back to Hnntington, and
first tirre in their entirety. formation that he had some money that Doctor Seder couldn't porsihly
"MotFer," Johnnie said, "you re- hidden in the pantry, so he and Ad- crawl out of the cave alone. When
mlembcr I not up around noon on kins decided to go back after it. we r o t back to Huntindon he took
that first day of November. After Before leaving Booth turned to Dr. f i e letter in the snecial-delivcrv en-
breakfact I met Orville Adkins and Sedcr and said: velone and said he'4 mail it, bnt for
we T T P ~ ~ : P over
~ to Arnett Booth's '"We don't w a n t you to croak on me to be sure and write the other
agartmmt. I had m e t Booth u s too soon, Doc, so we'll bring you note and mail it. T'his I never did.
t h r o ~ ~ ~Orville.
ht and he was alwavs some bedclothing back. It won't be That ransom note the P e d ~ r s p.nt
talkinr ahout his schemes to make any too comfortable where we'll put must have comle from Booth. He
somp eacv morlPv. He painted some you.' Thev went out, leavinc me to kept calling me and Adkins and tried
prpttv victures." guard Doctor Seder. I felt the to get me to go to some bridye with
He turned to me. "And, Sunny, I whisk-- bepin dying off, and Doctor him. His idea, Mother. I'm sure.
wanted sonle mnqey quick, so we Seder asked me who J was and who was to bum^ me 04. Tuesday Or-
uid PO+ married ! Anwav, ,we be- mv parents were and whv I was do- ville and I staved drunk. Tho next
n drinkinv a t Booth's place. We ina this. I told him I ma.: from De- dav we talked about rescuing Doctor
ank iln mhat he had, and then he troit. He told we all this was a Sleder. hut that afternoon Root"l met
nt ont for some more, urg-ing me t ~ r r i h l e t'hinq. and asked me if I us a t Fourtwrlth and Tenth and told
drink. thpt all the w h i s k was on would pray with him. I told him I us he had killed Doctor Seder after
him. I vaouelv remember he b e ~ a n would. I made him comfortable as I beating him! up! You know the
talk ing about how easy i t would be c'ould by placing some old clothes on (Continued on page 5 0 )
SAT in the tiny gallery at the
I rear of the a r t shop nervously
smoking a cigar and waiting
impatiently for the arrival of the
"Ah," I said. ''me Velasquez. I
negret greatly that I have not yet
taken possession of the masterpiece.
But if Mr. Wentwoirth will come
smiling blandly.
"You'll get your cut," I told her.
"I'm arranging this set-up. there'^
a pile of dough a t stake, and I'm p-
in again-say, in a week-I shall ing i t m there'll be no slips a t all.
Countess. Pictures covered the have i t for him." "What was the idea of telling
walls and were stacked to the Some of the yielding softness dis- Wentworth you didn't have that
ceiling in the rear of the shop. appeared from the eyes of the phony picture?" she demanded. "I
Some of them were worth mod- Countess, and she glared a t me. I know very we11 it's stacked over there
ignored her, transferring all my at- against the wall. I went to a lot of
erate sums. Some of them worth , tention t o Wentworth. \Ventworth trouble contacting that guy, and I'm
absolutely nothing. But that was stroked his chin thoughtfully. not going to have-"
a fact I kept well concealed from "Naturally," he said, "before in- I waved her to silence. "I M1
t h e art lovers whose names vesting a large sum of money in the you everything's O.K. Wait a week
picture, I must be sure of its authen- and col~lect. In the meantime, don't
adorned my sucker list. ticitv." ask questions."
I glanced down " ~ u tnaturally," I agreed. "If I She regard&,, me suspiciously.
my watch. The "Well, all right, was her final d s
Countess was late. If she failed in can show you that I purchased i t
her mission I was going t o be out a from Mr. Ralph Dusken, you would cision. "But don't t r y to pull any-"
hatful of money. Whereas, if every- be sure of the genuineness?" "Go back to your castle in Benson-
thing went according to my plans, I " D u s h n ?" said Wentworth. hurst, Countess," I told ,,her. "1'11
was going to turn the swiftest and "Why, of course." call you when I'm ready.
hugest profit of my shady career as Which, considwing t h a t Ralpk The Counkss' beautiful lips
an a r t dealer. Dusteen was one of the top a r t ex- framed an ugly word and she left
perts .qf the country, wasn't at all indigantly. I grinned after her and
My heart picked up a beat as I puffed luxuriously on my cigar. On
heard footfalls in the front of the surprising.
dhop. I jammed out the cigar in a "Very well," I said. "In a week, this particular sale I had worked out
hammered silver ashtray. I adjust- then. Of course, I must ask you to a brand new fool-proof angle. The
ed my conservative gray cravat. I be discreet, but I shall prove to you Countess would eat her ugly word
drew a deep breath, assumed my most t h a t Dusteen is selling me the paint- before i t was over.
professianal manner and left the ing." Two days later the Countess, still
gallery. The Countess was still glaring a t baffled by my lying to Wentworth
In the gloom of the shop stood the me'as Wentworth, taking her arm, about m y possession of the Velasquez,
Countess, her little gloved hand nest- walked her out of the shop. happened to be in the gallery when
ing on the arm of a distinguished- I went back t o the ga!lery, lit an- Ralph Dusteen entened He nodded to
appearing man of middl? age. The other cigar and felt as happy a s me curtly. He was an honest a r t
melandholv of the dimly lighted room any man who stands on the thresh- expert. He didn't approve of chis-
was dispelled m e w h a t by the old of a hundred thousand dollars. lers like myself.
presence of the counkss. HALF an hour later, the Countess "Danton," he said, "I hea: you've
returned. She strode into the g a l l a q , a ~ e n u i n eVelasqm for sale.
She was tall and slender. Her and shed her regal manner. "Right,' I said. "The price is me
hair was dark, her face pale. Her "Listen you dope!" she said. hundred thousand dollars."
lips were flashing red. "What's the idea? I never heard of The Countess stared a t me a s if I
She nodded to me coIdIy, in a anyone as screwy as you. What were insane. I knew what was going
manner of the nobility greeting a you t y i n g to pull. The old double- on in her head. To sell Dusteen a
tradesman, and said, "Monsieur cross. phony Velasquez was, on tfne face of
Danton, bhis is Mr. Wentworth;, He Her a m t s were Brooklyn rather it, utterly mad. A half hour's ex-
is interested in your VeIasquez. than a o s e of the Court .of St. James. amination in his laboratory would
I gave out witrh my maximum bow. She was good and mad. She kept demonstrate the picture was a fake.
I rubbed my hands and assunned my storming away a t me-and- all I did I dug out the picture, placed i t on
m& obsequious expression. was to look down a t her and keep an easel and turned on the bright
light. Dustsen squinted a t it. But

that didn't worry me. From the view-
point of the naked eye, the painting
Many more "Old Mastersware was dose enough t o the real thing
to fool even Dusteen. I t would be a
differeht matter in his laboratory.
sold for big money than ever Dusteen grunted. "Wdl," he said
at last, "1'11 ta,k" it oh trhe usual
terms, of course.
were painted ! The usual berms meant simply h t
Dusteen grave me his aheck while I


gave him a form contract which prc- out a check for one hundred thousand appeared-who could doubt the val-
vided that if the picture in anyway dollars. I marked i t on the back idity of the picture? Certainly not
dissatisfied him he could return i t FOT Velasquez Painting. a dilletnate like Wentworth.
for a full refund. This is usual with A few days later, I called the Yet Wentworth was still cautious.
most a r t dealers when transacting Countess. "All right," I, told her. He told me he'd forgotten an appoint-
business among fiemselves. ",Get in touch with Wentworth. Tell ment nearby, that he'd be back well
Dusteen wrote out the check and him I have the Velasquez for h i m within an hour. He had some busi-
departed with the picture. The Count- Bring him in tomorrow." ness to attend to that he couldn't at-
ess grabbed my a m and swone. tend to by telephone.
"You fool! Dusteen will know Mr. Wentworth arrived the follow-
that's a phony within the hour. You'll ing day, along with the Countess. He "Why, certainly," I told him. "I'll
have to give him back that check or took a long look a t the Velasquez. He still be here."
we'll all go to the can. You-" took a longer look a t the canceled I let him go out-and again the
"I fully intend giving him back check I had ,given Dusteen when Dus- Countess stormed a t me. But I told
&he check," I told her. "Just keep teen had returned the phony Old her not to worry-that Wentworth
calm." Master. would be back

She stared a t me, bewildered. ''Then I had retrieved the canceled And back he came-in a little more
why did you sell i t to him? Why voucher, of course, had it in my gal- than fifteen minutes. I sensed what
didn't you hold i t for Wentworth? lery. I t showed that one hundred he had done-contacted the bank to
He'd never know it was a fake." thousand dollars had been paid to see that the hundred-thousand-dol-
"Take it easy," I said;, "I'm going Ralph Dusteen, the eminent a r t ex- l a r check really had been deposited
to sell it to Wentworth. pert, and the back of the check bore by Dusteen, a s of course i t had been.
At that moment I refused to tell the line, For Velasquez painting, and Wentworth handed over his own
her more than that. Enraged, the also bore the signature of Ralp Dus- check for one hundred and five thou-
Countess went home to Brooklyn. teen. Wentworth himself had done sand dollars-the extra supposedly
Two days later Dusteen returned, business with Dusteen, and could see representing my profit on the deal-
as I had known he would. Passing that the signature was not a forg- and took the Velasquez home with
several derogatory remarks about my ery, that i t was absolutely authentic. him
business ethics, he gave me back the Dusteen was beyond reproach. If The Countess, now that she under-
phony Velasquez and demanded his he had sold me the Velasquez for a stood my complicated machinations,
money back. Without protest I wrote hundred grand-as i t most certainly stared a t me in sheer admiration.

of the Countess would
fool most of our male
matter of forged references and at-
testations to the genuineness of the
picture which supposedly had been
issued by reputable a r t critics.
The number of phonys which have
been foisted on wealthy a r t morons
is utterly incredible. For instance, a t
least 2,000 Van Dycks have been
bought in America in the past fifty
years. I t is a well known fact that
YOUNG Van Dyck painted only 70 pictures
in all his lifetime!
BLAKELY- * * *
IN the old days is was a simple
knew how to matter to doctor a freshly painted
canvas with resin and lime juice so
handle women that i t took on the appearance of an-
tiquity. With modern methods of
-and the detection, this is easily exposed.
The new ways are more compli-
Baroness seem- cated, but well worth the trouble if
it means unloading a n alleged Old
ed to like him. Master on a n unsuspecting a r t lover.
The safest method today is to first
procure a genuinely old, but worth-
less, painting. The forger will then
trace the pattern of the age cracks,
later washing off the paint. Next,
using pigments of the period-and
that is most important, as I found out
to my sorrow-he paints a picture
characteristic of a Master.
Before the new painting has dried,
a pinpoint is used to scratch the pat-
tern of cracks traced from the orig-
"Danton," she said, "you're wonder- Her tricks-and she had a bagful of inal. Then, like one of mother's pies,
ful! Let's celebrate." them-would fool most of our male the canvas is put in the oven to bake.
We did, and in fine style. a r t patrons. This baking process causes the pig-
* * * ments to crack where they have been
There are, in New York City, scratched.
I SPENT several years in the a r t many a r t dealers. Of course,, Mac- Mellowed tints to give the impres-
racket. Some of those years were beth, Rehn, Neumann, Kraushaar, sion of great age a r e achieved by skil-
lush, some were bad. But they were Maynard Walker, Ferargil, Alfred
Stieglitz, Bernard Bereson, and some
ful applications of wood ashes, smoke
never a s good as since the advent of others, and licorice juice. Phony fly specks
Hitler to power. are absolutely authentic. But a r e created by spattering a mixture
All over Europe, masterpieces dis- there are more numerous a r t dealers,
I'd say, who would not hesitate to
of gum and India ink on the picture.
appeared. In all probability they transact A mildewed appearance is easily
went to furnish the luxurious palaces a little shady business. brought about by simply leaving the
of the Nazi masters. Anway, they These shady a r t dealers exact ex- canvas in a damp cellar for a month ,
disappeared from the museums and orbitant commissions from painters- or more.
chateaux where they had hung for sometimes a s much as one-third of the I n my years in the business F had
so long. purchase price - for making sales. resorted to all these devices and sev-
Refugees poured into this country. They are guilty of polite misrepre- eral more. However during one pros-
Some of them had salvaged legitimate sentations, market rigging, promotion perous period, we didn't even have to
paintings as their stake in the new of incompetent artists and mainte- bother to doctor the pictures.
world. Some of them carried worth- nance of fantastic valuations on Late in 1941 the Countess met a
less paint on worthless canvas. But ,worthless canvases which guillible col- Baroness. The Baroness, though, was
either way i t was gravy for the ille- lectors have somehow been convinced legitimate Almanac de Gotha, a pretty
gitimate a r t dealer. a r e master-pieces. blonde woman from Belgium whose
For the suckers, those wonderful These tricks, of course, a r e among husband had died in an air raid.
little art-loving suckers on whom we the milder sort of swindles. The The Baroness arrived in this coun-
preyed, firmly believed any tale we major duplicity is practised by an- try broke, owning only a few clothes.
told them about the refugees' paint- other large group of which the Coun- However, the Countess discovered
ings. We'd been running pretty thin tess and myself were not the low- that their chateau had contained, a t
on stories to account for our sudden liest members. one time, several thousand dollars'
possession of European masterpieces, For instance, we had our clever worth of old masters.
but the arrival of the refugees gave young painters who could copy the Of course, they had all been stolen
us one, written, edited and all ready masters so well that the masters by the Germans, but a s the Countess
to go to press. themselves wouldn't know the differ- figured, who could ever prove that?
The Countess, nee Annie Whalen ence. Not all of that hundred grand Subtly, the Countess had broached
of Bensonhurst, who had been work- I collected for the Velasquez went into the matter of a deal to the Baroness
ing with me since I started, quite my own pocket. only to be indignantly turned down.
often impersohated a refugee herself. In addition to the Countess' cut, a Thereupon, the Countess arranged a
She would use tears to prevent the big slice went tq Walter Blakely, a little party to soften the Baroness up.
sucker from examining the supposed- brilliant young artist who had forged I decided to stage the party in the
ly smuggled masterpiece too carefully. the painting. Then there was the stndio of Blakely, the a r t forger. In
addition to being handy with a brush, She would have nothing t o do with Well, then, you ask, if this is true,
Blakely was tall and rather good- such a crooked scheme. I fillecl the what is the value of a painting? The
looking. And, believe me, he had a glasses again. a r t dealers have a n answer t o that.
brrific "line" and could make him- I t developed into quite a party. One A painting is worth whatever you can
self most appealing to women. He of the developments was that Blakely get for it.
was absolutely unscrupulous. made a sketch of the Baroness. Near- Possibly the greatest swindle was
Blakely had his studio looking its ly always he dressed like a conserva- perpetrated by Jean Charles Millet,
b s t . I stood the expense on the tive young businessman, but he was grandson of the famous artist. Jean
drinks and the eats. just phony enough to put on a vel- Charles inherited a number of can-
veteen jacket and a tam. He knew vases painted by pupils of his grand-
A t the outset the real noblewoman father-all, of course, done in the
was cold and distant. However, the how to excite the admiration and at-
tention of women. We left him alone Millet style.
ahampagne soon loosened her up. Millet, junior, went into partner-
with the Baroness, and they continued
I got her alone in a e r n e r of the to chat and drink, and talk over Con- ship with Cazot, a house painter of
stud10 and made my business propo- tinental life, and he won the Baron- uncanny proficiency, and set up a s a
sition. "Baroness," I said, "you have ess completely over. We'd never have dealer in masterpieces. First they
no money. And money's a very im- any trouble with her again. signed the elder Millet's name to the
portant. thing. You'll agree to that, I pupils' paintings and had little
think. Now, what I am about to sug- With her guarantee backing every troubl? in disposing of them.
gest will bring you relatively large forgery from Walter's brush, we had The racket went along so well that
sums and you will have nothing to no trouble disposing of our phonys they branched out and not only forged
do expect to announce that you sal- to those society a r t lovers who would Millet's name but that of Carot,
vaged a number of those paintings -never doubt the word of a fullblood- Manet, Sisley and the other members
from your chateau when the Nazis ed Baroness. of the Barbizon school.
came in." These pictures were sold t o dealers
"But 'why?" she asked. "How can for sums ranging from six to ten
that bring me money?" POSSIBLY the most baffling ang!e thousand dollars. The dealers, in
L'Be~au~e," I told her, "we'll have to a layman regarding the a r t racket turn, resold them a t staggering
Blakely here forge them. If you guar- is the fact that experts admittedly prices.
antee them as genuine, a s the pictures can not ell the true from the false on One was sold t o a "connoisseur" for
you brought with you from Belgium, many occasions. The scientist, deal- $60,000. A British Museum dug down
you'll,,have no trouble disposing of in such matters a s pigments, utilizing into its bank account and laid $97,000
them. infra-red ray, will be f a r more ac- on the line for a guaranteed Millet.
She shook her head vehemently. curate. Later, the grandson boasted i t was
a fake and proved i t before the red-
faced assembled experts who had
pronounced it genuine. Other ex-
perts, ridiculed and harassed in the
courtroom, conceded i t was impos-
sible t o tell the originals from the
forgeries, t h a t it was impossible to
estimate how many phonys had been
There is, in New York City, a man
that a r t dealers fear and respect. He
is Dr. Maximillian Toch, known a s
the Old Master detective. Dr. Toch
applies the scientific method to un-
cover fake paintings. A t this task he
has been eminently successful.
Paints, to estimate their age and
composition, are subjected t o various
tests by Dr. Toch. Photomicrography,
X-ray, ultra-violet ray and infra-red
a r e a few of the scientific devices
utilized to expose the fakers.
One of the most important clues
in the detection of a fake master-
piece is "brushwork."
The brushwork of all great painters
is absolutely distinctive. Each lays
on the pigment in his own way, which
is almost a s individual a s finger-
prints a n d can not be duplicated by
a forger. Rere, photomicrographs of
X-ray a r e used.
Perhaps the most famous of these
tests was proving that Virgin of the
Rocks was a genuine Da Vinci-a fact
which had been seriously questioned.
Examination of the brushwork dem-
onstrated conclusively that the pail
ing could only (bet h a t of the Itali

T HIS'LL teach you to talk Jackie," he said slowly, punctu-

t w much!" With a vicious ating his words with blows,
lunge the heavy-set man "you'll know enough to not go
T h e g0 a 1
slapped the pretty young girl around spilling your lip!" Tom had been standing'lookimg on
squarely across the face. She in enjoyment, his eyes thin slits of
"Ben, Ben!" the girl pleaded miser- sadistic exultation. He smiled evilly
screamed in pain 'as he shook her ably, and fell the g r d . and nodded. Without a word he
and threw her against the car Ben turned to the man with him. dragged the ,girl into the car and got
by which they were standing. "Get her away from 'the park her:; in.
"Maybe next t i m e, Miss You know What to do with her. Tom. Ben watched him drive off, then
! turned back to our car. S is eyes
swept over me as he spoke.
"And you, sister!" he sneered in
tones that made me cringe. "Now
maybe you'll know, too. You'll know
when you've got to be quiet.,"
He sat in our car and motioned
for Roy to drive aff. We sped down
the road of Mill Creek Park, in
Youngstown, Ohio, that evening and
ahead of us I could follow the berms
of light from the car Tom was dl-iv-
ing, the car in which the little red-
head, beaten up so brutally, had
been dumped. Suddenly those lights
turned off up one of the side r d a
I sat there in the front seat of our
MY car, numb and silent.
Hours later I was pacing my room.
EVENINGS What must I do? How could I go on
with this? How had i t all begun?
were spent wilbh But a s I thought i t over, it seem-
ed to we there was no certain day
Roy in a whiirl t when it had all begun. There was no
time I could say it all started. Every-
to day. . ..
thing had just happened from day
MAYBE it all started away back
in my home town. I was discon-
tented in that sleepy little village in
southern Ohio. I t was dull, ,I thought,
stodgy and depressing. Poverty
hung over the whole town and
blanketed it. There was never any
excitement.. Our town was just a
little blot on a worn-out agricul-
tural section. When, a t 16, I fin-
ished high school, I determined that
eome way or other I was going to
get away.
It wasn't h t I was particularly

was rich old maids, the game a racket

unpopular. I was, they all said, the I still had ideas of a better futzre. was Roy. I kept saying it -er to
'prettiest girl in our graduating class. For months we held on at the bake- myself. His voice rang in m y ears.
Rut I didn't have the things the other ry, stinting and scrimping. It was "Ny name's Roy, Beautiful. Don't
girls had. My clothes, for instance. during those months I met Roy. I forget it, because you're going* be
And I had no real "dates" while I can remember clearly the first time saying it over a lot from now on!"
was in high school. Everybody said I saw Aim. I was coming down the The third time b y came in he ask-
1 was too young, since most of my street carrying flour and sugar and ed for a date. Asked is hardly the
class was a year o r so older than I. eggs. I t had reached the point with word for it-he practically ordered
And then I hadn't the clothes or us where instead of being able to buy me to meet him on the corner in front
money to go around much. in quantity we had to pay cash a t of the bakery that evening a t nine.
My mother had died eight years the grooery store for five-pound That afternoon I pretended to fight
before; and I d d remember my sacks of flour and sugar. with myself a long time, but I knew
father only by what others said of When I reached the door af the I would meet him. My cousin aad his
him. I had been shifted regularly bakery, I shifted my packages to wife never heard me come in a t home,
between two of my uncles' homes one ann. But suddenly the door anyway, since their room was a t We
there in town. They felt they had opened before me. A man was stand- back of the apartment and I slept in
done their duty in getting me ing )beside me, smiling down at me. I a small room off the front hall. I
through high sdool; the extras they stared up wNit21 fascination into a h e w I could do it. And dates had
couldn't bother zbout. pair of the bluest eyes I had ever been too few in my life. I had always
This was why i t was such a won- seen. It was not until long later had to work too hard.
denful thing to me when I came to I realized the true description of them I was waiting on the corner that
one of my uncles one aftern'oon to was ice blue. night a t ten minutes to nine.
find that a cousin of my mother's "Well," drawled the man, grinning, I t was not long before all my even-
had sent fer me. He ran a bakery "are we going to stand out here all ings were spent with Fay. I spent
in 'Canton, Ohio, and dnce his wife day?" my days wondering about him. I
was going to have a baby, he thought "Thank you," I stamanered in con- knew so little of him. When I asked
I could come to stay with them and fusion. him about his work he said vaguely,
work in the bakery where his wife I stepped into the bakery. The shop "Contracting." I didn't think mu&
had been helping out. I lost no time was empty. I looked again a t the about it then. I wa's glad he was
in getting ready to go. man. I could feel myself blushing. free to m e by the bakery so much
[But when I reached Canton I found "No girl with a face like yours during the day. I even resented it
out the real reason Cousin Fred had s'ould ever have t o carry all these when customers came in and took up
written. The bakery was doing so packages," he laughed. my time while I muld be tdking to
.badly he couldn't afford a regular He reached out and took my Roy.
clerk a t the usual salary. I was a bundles. My arms tingled a t his Then one morning a t breakfast
last resort, for they figured I could touch. He put the things on the Cousin Fred told me the worst. He
live with them and they'd save by counter and then turned back to me. had decided there was nothing t o do
not having to pay me a salary. "I just want to get change for this but close the bake*. And, of course,
In the mornings I had to do the bill," he said. Silently, I got it f o ~ I would have to go back home, since
housework a t home, then I would go him from the cash register, and he thev could no longer keep me with
to the bakery to wait on customers amiled and said, "This was my lucky t h e m
in the afte~moon. And after the baby five, I think. 1'11 be back. I was suddenly panic-strioken. My
came i t grew to be tacitly understood All that afternoon after he'd gone one fear was leaving Roy. In despair
I would have the night shift most I was in a haze, Twice Cousin Fred I stood behind the counter a t the bak-
of the time, which meant I worked called me down for not waiting cm erv all dav waiting for Roy to come
a t the !bakery until eight or nine customers quickly enough. Once he b< He ;sually passed m time
in the evening. said I tried to short-change a c m - during the morning and sametimes in
But even though I was working tomer. I don't really know what hap- the afternoon. But this time I didn't
hard, and even though I had as lit- pened. get to see him until late in the even-
tle money as [before, I was happier. I I t was the se2cmd time the man ing. I didn't notice thzt he seemed
was a t leaet started on my way. And came by that he told me his name grave and upset. I was too worried
about my own problems.
I n a rush of words I told' him a11
with Roy .. ...
and new clothes.
. to have a n easy job to see that yau get what's coming to
about everything. Roy's mood cleared When Roy took me home late that He took my arm and put my hand
instantly, and he reacted magnifi- night, it was with the plan that he on the cash register. "Go on," he
cently, I thought. Before I knew would not see me until the next even- said. "Do it. Don't be scared."
what i t was all about he whisked me ing, Saturday, when I was to be all Slowly I unlocked the register. We
into his car, waiting around the packed to go. I was to put a few took out of i t the 11 dollars in bills
corner;, and took me to see two friends things into a small bag and hide them that had been there.
of his. in the bakery. I could leave from "We'll leave the small change for
* * * there wheri I locked up for the night. Dhat tightwad!" Roy laughed. "Now
I HAD never met any of Roy's The next day passed at a snail's just put a line in that note lthat you
friends, and I was a little em- pace. A thousand times I glanced took enongh for your fare home."
barrassed. a t the old clock on the bakery shelf. Silently I added the words to my
"Ben, this is Martha," said Rg. t o It was only a.few minutes before it note. What Roy had made me do had
one of the two men who were waiting was time for me to leave that I suf- upset me. I did have i t coming to
for him in a dingy rooming house. fered any qualms as to whether I me, it was true, but I could scarcely
The man called Ben looked up from should tell Cousin F'red and his wife. believe even then that I had done it.
his game of solitaire. He was f a t I knew that if I had told them of it If only I had had the courage to
and greasy. His eyes slid slowly and that morning they would haye object- stop then, to back out! If only I had
meaningfully along my figure. I ed and tried to stop me. But I knew, realized that I was getting mixed up
wished instinctively I had worn more too, that they would be genuinely wor- with one of ,the vilest groups of
than the light revealing dress I had ried a t my disappearance. 'So I wrote spongers!
But willfully I put all such thoughts
on. After ogling me for what seem- a short note to them and placed i t be-
ed ages, Ben turned to Roy with a side the cash register, where I knew out of my head. This was the chance -
wink. F'red would see it when he came in for I'd been asking for. I was going to
"iSome looker, Fy," he said. the half day Sunday. I said in the be with Roy. And I was going to
"Younger than Jack~e,but maybe we note that since things were going so have new clothes, an easy job. Be-
can use her anyhow." Then he turn- badly with them I would go on home sides, in a way, Roy was right about
ed to me, winked again and put a now and avoid the usual good-bye the money, I tried to reaaon to my-
heavy paw on my arm. '%aybe we'll scene. self... . * * *
get along all right, kid," he said. "We Then I waited for Roy. It was al-
got a soft job waiting for a girl like most nine o'clock, and I had been IT WAS late at night when we
you." ready to close up for an hour or pulled into Youngstown. For when
Tom, the other man in the room, more. I was impatient when any cus- Roy and I had met Ben and Tom,
remained silent. ZIis gaze was fast- tomel's even stopped to look in the who were driving in anobher car, they
ened on me, and his look .seemed to windows. Nine o'clock passed, then insisted on showing me the things
me to be bhin and dharp as a knife nine-fifteen. I was on pins and they had bought for me that day-a
blade. B was uncomfortable with needles. suitcase, some of the little things I'd
these two men, yet I didn't want to A shadow fell across the door. I always wanted aht never had, even a
leave. I couldn't leave Roy, now, and started up impatiently t o wait on couple of dresses which seemed to
h i d e s the promise of a soft job was whoever ik was. But it wm Roy! Si- be just about my size.
music to my ears. I had to have lently I threw myself into his arms, Finally we were on the road. I
work, and after what I'd been doing trembling with relief and joy. I hast- snuggled close to Roy, the lights of
an easy job sounded more than won- ened to the closet and pulled my bag the obher car gliding on ahead of m.
derful to me. from it. Roy stood a t the cash reg- We got into Youngstown, and went
i Roy began to do the talking, since ister, reading my note to Cousin Fred.
he noticed my hesitation. They had A s I turned back to him, he looked
a place for me, he said, and they felt at me. "You got any cash, baby?" he
into an all-night restaurant for coffeek.
As we sat in our booth, talking, both
Ben and Tom were making me nncom-
sure I was just the girl to fill the asked. fortable, the way they looked a t me.
bill. It was a n easy job, and bhere "Ca~h?" I echoed, nonplussed. "I've I was glad it was Roy sitting next ts
would be a lot of money in i t for me. about two dollars in my purse." me.
Besides, they m l d buy me new "Better take what you can from Then Ben began to explain my
! clothes to start out with. They want- this, then," Roy said, tapping the "job" to me. They had picked eut a
ed me to go to Youngstown with them, cash register. place in Youngstown where I was to
since they had to travel in their h s i - I stared a t him in amazement. "But, rent a room. The place was the home
mss. b y , " I protested slowly, "that's not of the Grant sisters, two old maids
"I guess we do have to travel," my money. That's Cousin Fred's, who had saved up a good-sized sum of
Tom said with a peculiar smile. and when he comes in tomorrow for money but still rented out rooms in
"After what that Jmkie done here, the Sundav half dav he'll*count it first their home. I was to tell the sisters
we can't do any good in this town, thing." I was enrolled in business college.
If I ever get my hands m that double- &P'S lips curled a s he looked a t me. According to Ben, I was just to be his
crossin' little--" I shrank-back and for an instant I "in" so that I could talk about him
Quickly Roy interrupted. Our plans wished I could back out of the whole a s my "uncle" and later introduce
here in Canton were upset by some- thing. Then Roy laughed a t me. him; then he'd get to work after my
thing that happened today? he said "Why, look, kid, I'm not trying to glowing reports of h i m He'd sell
to me. "But you can fill the bill okay. make you do anything wrong. You them an interest in his "Msnufac-
We'll all get out of this burg and go ought t o kntow that. But I've watched turers' Institute." Later I learned
to Youngstown." you work here long hours doing hard just what that non-existent organiza-
He turned to the others, and while work that you don't get paid anything tion. was. They were sup~osed to
I sat there they talked in low tones. for. I just want to see that once in own vending machines placed all over
There were insinuations and half your life you get what's coming to the state, and Ben's sales talk was
pauses in their conversation which I you." about the enormous profits accruing
m l d n ' t understand. But my mind "But, Roy-" each day, enough so that any investor
was whirling with its own th~u~ghts. "Icome on, baby))) he said. "You could winter in Florida and summer
Not to have to go home, but to go need me mound all the time, I ,guess, in ;Msine.


She was instinctively afraid of 11 dames !"

his friends
bothered her
. .... .
her conscience 11
but this did
Each time I
after that his
coming back to
five thousand
dames. ..."
talked to the Grants
mocking words kept

"grab four or
outta these Grant
not deter a sordid life of THEN it, happened. I had met
Roy downtown that Wednesday after:
criminal conspiracy until- noon and we had gone to a movie.
We came out that evening about
six-thirty and were starting down the
street to the car.
"I can just see that Paisley dame to sleep to forget the things I'd heard I was talking to Roy about the
waitin' in Buffalo now for her coming them say. movie when I almost bumped into a
wlnter in Floricia," Roy chuckled. The next afternoon I went around girl on the sidewalk. I looked up to
"She's going to have some wait!" to the h m e of the Grant sistew. say something, then noticed the girl
standing stock-still in front of me,
"It's a good thing we work only on Luckily a t the moment they had no staring a t Roy in terror.
old ladies," Tom commented. "Other- other roomers, so they welcomed me ".Jackie!" Roy muttered.
wise they'd have been on our trail with open arms. I liked them, too, the The pretty red-haired girl gasped,
long ago, the way you guys spill your moment I saw them. They were plain but said nothing. Abruptly Roy
mouth all the time!" and simple, the kind of 'persons I'd
grasped her am9roughly, in a vice-
Both Roy and Ben looked a little always wished my own relatives were. like group.
sheepish. Ben turned to me. And it was easy to talk to the sisters,
especially t o Miss Emily. "Don't say a word!" he commanded.
"That 'winter in Florida' line is In fact, I found i t difficult not to "Keep you trap shut!"
just a sales talk I pull on all the old tell them too much. That first day Stepping alongside the girl, he
girls," Ben explained to me. "It's I had to watch myself continually to turned her around and forced her
just one of the things I tell them." keep from making any slips. I told along with us toward the car. There
"Listen to what he's tellin' ya, kid," Miss Emily a great deal,.though. All were others on the street then, of
Tom said to me sharply. "It's the about how my uncle was putting me course, although no one was near us.
kind of line you'll have to be gettin' through businem college, how he al- but I don't believe anyone there n*
off to them sisters soon." ways helped everyone in our family. ticed anything unusual about our ac-
"Sure, that's it, Martha," Roy said Uncle Ben was making money hand tions. As Roy shoved Jackie into the
to me. 'See, you get on the good side over fist, I said. For all that morning car he looked quickly up and down
of these old ladies. You tell them Ben had talked to me again about the street. No one was watching us.
what big money your 'Uncle Ben' here the line 1 must get off to the Grant Quickly Roy drove by the diner
makes from his company bhat owps sisters and how it must scem casual. where Ben and Tom were uusally to
all these machines. And then you in- It was only long after ;that I real- be be found a t this time of day. He
troduce Ben to the dames. He'll do ized the horror of our s ~ t t i n gthere ~ honked for them to come out. Tom
the rest." that quiet $Sundaymorning and cooly stuck his head out the door. When
"Just leave that part of i t t o me, discussing plans to rob helpless ladies he saw the girl sitting between us in
kid," Ben leered. of their life savings. At the time I the front seat, he turned back. I n a
"Then we'll hit another town, just stilled my conscience by saying I was few seconds Ben and Tom had c o w
a s soon as we've done the job hers," only doing *at I had to do, that I out of the diner and were in their
said Roy. "You're in the big time could not back out then! Blindly I car, motioning us to follow in m s .
now, baby. Swell clothes, anything forced myself to go on with it. We were silent a s we sped a l o ~ g
you want, and almost no work for you The days went by. I left th? house after them. Roy was intent on follow-
to do." mornings to "go to school." What I ing the car racing ahead, and Jackie
"Smart peaple can live by their really did was to meet I b y downtown sat next to him in terrified silence.
brains," Ben went on. somewhere and we'd go to the movies We drove out to a deserted section of
They talked about my beauty and or for drives. But every day we Mill Creek Park. It was just dusk,
my "quality" and how well fitted I would eat supper a t the diner where beautiful and serene, a s we entered
was for the job. Ben and Tom hung out inost of the the park.
"Even better than Jackie," Tom time. Then, a s we sat in ~aurbooth, Suddenly Jackie's stiff silence broke
agreed. "She don't look so wised up I'd have to tell Ben just what prog- and she burst into tears. Hysterical
as that witch did." ress I was making with the sisiers. sobs welled from her throat.
My head was whirling as I listened "What are you going to do with
to them. I wished I were back in Can- Several times I talked to the sisters me?" she shrieked, grabbing Roy's
ton. I wished I were back in my own about the Manufacturers' Institute, arm in a sudden clawing motion.
little sleepy home town. But down but something within me kept me We swerved wildly to the edge of
underneath I knew I wanted to go from saying as much as Ben would the road, heading for a rock-strem
demand I say. Every night he kept
on with this. I wanted my chance a t .asking ditch. I reached over and fotcibly
some of the things I'd always yearned me just how much I had ac- pulled Jackie off RoY a s he jabkd
for, and I had to be near Roy. After icomplished. I'd keep trying to turn her sharply. Sobbing, she fell back
all, I could keep my hands clean. ... t off by saying i t was my first job
It was early that morning when we and I needed more time a t it.
onto the seat between us again.
"Sit still," 1 commanded her, al-
went to a hotel, and I went to my And Roy backed me up. "Sure the t h o u ~ hI didn't know yet what w m
roc)m immediately to retire. I was kid needs more time at it, Ben," ha going to happen.
stil1 confused, and my thoughts were said. "She ain't used to it,, the way Jackie turned to me. She laughed
all disordered. If only I had been Jackie was. Let her learn. hvstericallv.
"- -
"So now they're using
, h01nest enough to admit to myself "Yeah!" Tom sneered. "Let her you? ~ h &can always someone
an t k t their work was just a vile spend a couple of months learnin' and to string along with them in 1;heir
leme to swindle helpless old ladies! still we may not grab more than four damn no-good schemes! But wai t 'til
it resolutely I went to bed and tried or five thausand outta these Grant you get sick of it all and try to get
away! Just wait! And then you'll
remember what happened to me!
You'll get . . ."
She screamed as Roy struck her
full across the mouth. He stopped the
car beside the road. Roy got out, and
I did, too. The other car stopped
near us and Ben leaped from it.
He dragged Jackie out of the car.
She fell back against the door. Tom
started the radio in his car going
full blast. Again and again, then,
Ben struck the luckless Jackie. His
blows rained across her face, her
shoulders and her chest. She shrunk
away from him, whimpering, but with
oaths he reached out and continued to
beat her. Jackie sank down to the
running board and then to the ground.
She lay there moaning. Her light
summer clothes hung in tatters.
Ben stopped and turned around. He
was breathing hard. He straight-
ened his tie and without a backward
glance a t the half unconscious girl
lying on the ground he walked over to
our car. I drew away a s he stepped
by me. Rut he paid no attention tn
me. He sat down in the front seat d
the car. In a moment he spokk.
"You know what to do with her."
he said to Tom, who had been stand-
ing there with a cruel smile on hls
face enjoying the spectacle.
Then Ben motioned us to wt in the
car with him. Roy climbed in behind
the wheel, and slowly I opened the
door to the back seat. I heard the
other car start off. But Ben p t his
arm out and closed the door before I
could get in. "Come on u p here in
front and sit next t o me, baby," hr.
said. "I like your company."
Trembling, I got in beside h i m
That ride back to the Grant home
was an unending nightmare. Now I
did know. I knew that I could fool
myself no longer about what I was
doing or just what kind of men I
was mixed up with. I looked a t Roy
covertly and saw that he was smiling
to himself. For the first time I real-
ized how icy cold his eyes really were.
All my passion, all my longing for
him was gone. I saw G m now he PREPARING----
really was.
I realized what a fool I'd been. As for M that night, I determined t e fight.
I sat here, silent, hearing only MISS EMILY was sitting waiting here and sit with me. We'll listen to
snatches of the conversation of the in ,the parlor when I came in. the radio."
two men, I realized what a stupid Just then I knew Iwould go mad
child I had been. Starved for affec- "I was beginning to be worried
tion,.thinking only of my own selfish about you, child," she said. "You're if I had to sit quiet and listen.
wishes, I had brought this on myself! so mu& later than you've usually. "No!" I said rudely and loudly.
I was sick inside, sick with horror and been." '"No!" Then I saw t;hat Miss Emily
fear. "Yes," I stammered. "I was work- looked hurt. 'What I mean is," I
Begging off with a headache, I said ing late a t school this evening. I hastened to explain, "I have a little
I could not eat any supper. I asked didn't notice how late it was." headache, and I think I'll run up-
them to drive me to the corner near Miss Emily looked a t me over her staire to lie down."
the Grant home and let me out there. glasses. "Your face looks quite pale," I was already running up the stairs
Without any remonstrance, they did she said. "Have you had your sup- a s I finished speaking.
so. Ben looked a t me piercingly as I per?" For a long time I sat on the edge
got out of,the car. I heard him call "I ate a little," I lied, "on the way of my bed. suddenly I .rae and be-
to me a s I hurried down the side- here." gan hurriedly to pack my things. My
walk, ~ h It began to run toward the "You donn'twant to work too hard." mind was working none too weH, for
friendly lights of the Grants'. She smiled. "Why don't you come in I was nervous and kept forgetting
what I would take. My one thought He turned back to me and got down Again their car slowed down and
w w to get away. Then( a s I went to- to business. "What about the Grant we sped past them in the bus. As I
ward the window to pull down the dames? We been here a b u t long turned around to see what had hap-
blind, I stopped and stood still in enough now. You ought to have that pened to them, they spurted up again.
stunned terror. build-up pretty well started. Don't We were going up hill now, and they
A familiar car was parked across forget I got a list including Akron and soon overhauled us. They gazed
the street. Beside it a man loitered, Wheeling and ~Columbus. We gotta straight a t me, for foolishly I had
looking up a t my window. Tom! move on so we can get some real taken a seat on the left side of the
Even under that uncertain glow from dough together." bus. They kept alongside, not tak-
the street lamp his eyes seemed to me !'I think they're almost ready." I ing their eyes off me.
to be evil incarnate. I pulled down said, nauseated inside a s I talked. I t was this concentration on me
the blind with a snap and fe!l shud- Hurriedly I talked on and on, telling which prevented them from seeing the
dering onto my bed. Evidently he had Ben how much I had said to the car racing down the hill ,toward them.
already "disposed of" poor Jackie. Grants, how eager they were to know Too late, Roy glanced up and made a
The next hours were dreadful. I more about it. I t was all lies, but I frantic dive to turn the steering wheel
knew that dawn had cume, but I think he and Roy believed me. Only in Ben's grasp.
dared not raise the shade on my front Tom sat silent, watching me coldly. There was a terrific roar, a smash
window. Every time I glanced from "I wouldn't be surprised if they of steel against steel. The two cars
behind the drawn shade the car was drew their money out of the bank any careend crazily down the hill and
there. Much later, 1heard the ,Grant time now," I ended up. "They're get- lurched over an embankment.
sisters g e ~ t i n gup and going about ting so anxious." I was standing, louking 'back, when
their morning tasks. I stayed in my "We're not going to worry about we went over the crest of the hill and
room, tell~ngthem I was too sick to iron bars, now," said Ben. "The kid, continued on our way.
go to school. here, ain't afrald." "Will you please sit down, lady?"
The Grants must have come up to Then we left. the driver asked me irritably.
my room a dozen times that morning. If the hours of the night before had In Cleveland, the first thing I did
They brought me tea, they brought been torture, that night was worse. was to get a room a t $2.50 a week.
me hot milk, they brought--me m l k Still the car was parked across the And luckily, I got a job that first
mixed with honey, they brought me street, still Tom was there. I was afterhoon addressing envelopes by
some sort of special "drops." I began desperately afraid to tell the Grant hand. Late Saturday evening I work-
to feel I couldn't stand taking another sisters, as I had considered doing. ed, writing a s fast as I could, for we
thing. Finally in desperation I told How despicable they would think me! were paid by the piece.
them I was going out, to town. It was And prison would face me, too. All I read in the paper that night that
afternoon. I slipped out the back this, I knew, had come about through one man had been killed and another
door and across a yard onto the nest my own wilzul folly. injured in the wreck. That still left
street. Tom on the loose, I knew. I was d e s
SATURDAY dawned clear and perate, remembering that beating of
Hastily I glanced about. I thought beautiful. I went downstairs early,
about going back, then I decided my Jackie's, remembering his threats to
looking so haggard t h a t Miss Emily me. He must not locate me!
only cllance was to pretend to be commented on it. I felt listless, a s if
playing their game. I climbed into The other girls with whom I worked
my life were zlready ended. When considered me very crabby and unso-
the car next to Pay, tryixg to smile Miss Ernily mentioned. going to the
a t him. cial. For instead of going to the
bank downtown, I jumped a t the pros- drugstore for lunch I always worked
"Kid, I thought you weren't going pect of going with her. I t was my
to show up today," Roy said sus- strai&t through, nibbling at a eandy
one chance to get out of the house bar. Fear drove me on, made me
piciously. "Why'd you come out this without being picked up by the gang.
way ?" starve myself. In a few weeks I
I bought a ticket for *Cleveland. haci money for a bus ticket East. I
"They wanted me to empty the gar- Luckily Roy had given me back the
bage," I said weakly. "And this morn- couldn't go home. I cauldn't go back
money I had taken from Cousin to Canton, but I must put miles be-
ing one of them was sickly, so I
stayed in to see to her."
Fred's cash register the day I moved
in with the Grants. I had enough for
tween me and Tom .. .
I watched them i n the car mirror Not many months later I was a
a ticket to Cleveland, with a b u t six real business college student, going
and saw them indicating me and talk- dollars left over. Besides, I saw a
ing. What were they going to do with to school nights and worklng days as
bus for Cleveland waiting in the sta- a theatre cashier. After six months
me? tion.
Ben and Tom got out of their car. of hard work a t school I managed
I got in the bus and impatiently to get a jab as a stenographer. I had
In relief I saw them start into the waited for it to leave. I was sitting
diner. Roy came back to me and we long before sent back to my Cousin
there when the two cars came tear- Fred double the money Roy had forced
joined Ben and Tom in the diner. Evi- ing up. Ben had Roy in one car and
dently they believed my story. I hop- Tom was in the other. They passed
me to take from the cash register.
ed they did. But I asked them not to try to write
the bus station and the bank, then to me, not to try to get in touch with
"Don't l'et what you saw yesterday turned around. I pulled my hand
worry you," were the first words Ben me. I still felt unsafe. I t was not
down farther over my face. Just then until a few weeks ago that I read of
said to me as we sat down in a booth. Miss Emily c a n e out of the bank and
"Play the game with us and we'll see a roundup of a gang, and of the death
stood there on the sidewalk, alone. I of a certain man, "alias Tom Law-
you're well taken care of." prayed for the bus to leave, and bent son," that I felt safe once more.
"And if ya don't play i t our way,'' oyer a s if tying my shoe.
interjected Tom. "we'll see you're well The bus pulled out. The men had I can breathe easily once more.
taken care of, then, too." not yet located me, but they must have I can go about my work nteadily
There were snickers from the other guessed, for the next moment the and surely, doing my job to the best
two. I tried to smile. cars were following the bus. They of my ability. For one of the most
"I think she had i t conling to her," passed us twice, looking closely to be important things I have learned from
I said. sure I was on it. I didn't dare look all this is that a good job requires
"That's a smart girl." Ben nodded up, but since the bus wasn't a t all hard work. A soft job and easy money
pproval and looked a t Tom. "She crowded I knew they would recognize don't just drop into your lap. You .
:arns quick." me. pay for them. There's no other way.
(Continued from page 89)
When Johnnie had finished, Mother
Travis said softly: "Come, Johnnie,
let's go home now." I shall newer
forget that look in her eyes-like a
wounded animal who knows that life
afterwards will be a living death of Edifed by
hurt and torture. ARNOLD E. HIRSCH, M.D., F%.D.
We went home. Mother Travis
picked up the telephone and called A Historical Encyclopaedia on the Science of Abnormal
Police Headquarters. Brutality, Revealing All the Savage, Oriental, Ancient and il1odel-n
"This is Mrs. Travis. MP son is Methods of Sadistic Rites i n the Lust of Torture.
here now." This is a unique and unusual book on diabolical savagery and
* * * flagellant executional worship, and it is of special interest to mem-
OVER the wire came a muffled bers of the profession, police ofEcials, and cultured students of
shout: "Keep !him there, Mrs. anthropology. IT IS THE ONLY BOOK O F ITS KIND PUB-
"There's no question of keeping Contains ncarly 100 Rare, Amazing, Esoteric Illustrations.
him here," replied Mother, in trembl- Sold to adults only, and age must be specified when orde~-ing-
ing tones. "He's here, and he's not otherwise i t cannot be shipped.
running away from anyone."
Only a few minutes later there was ' SPECIAL $2.98 PREPAID
the scream of brakes in front of the
house. Then the tramp of feet on
the porch. A loud, preempotry knock. - GOLDEN BOOKS OF AMERICA
Johnnie got up stood trembling like 135 Yonge St, Dept. FM. Toronto 1, Canada
a leaf. Mother opened the door.
There were five o r six men. I recog-
nized only Detectives Hagley and bald-hleaded, ringleader and plotter of Once more I fought to stifle my
Farris. the kidnaping, went on trial in Cabell fear and d d , to fight for Johnnie's
"All right, Travis, let's go; a County Courthouse, in Huntington. life with every weapon I could
man with slick Mack hair said. The lfollowing Saturday the jury muster. Many persons tried to per-
I ran to Johnnie, threwmyself into brought in a verdict of ,guilty of suade me to renounce him, that I
his arms. "Don't let me down, murder i n the, first degree. Booth could go my way and soon h free
Sunny." he whispered. must die on the gallows! of any stifgma. They could not real-
"Never-never!" I cried. "I'll fight ize the extent of a woman's love. I
for you, Johnnie-fight like no other Two days later Johnnie and 'omille
woman has ever fought!" Adams went on trial. Johnnie's at- fought, I I pray&--ra~ed
torneys confidence that be- for my Johnnie. I, who thought I had
The next day came the tragic news cause of mitigating c.rcumstances he !oved the big-city hot spots and meet-
that Doctor Seder had died in the ,be the death penalty. ~ n gnew, interesting people, spent
hospital a s the result of Booth's most of the time in the companion-
beating and exposure. All efforts to But little did we realize the full ship of my parents.
save him had been in vain. extent of Winters' power But all our fighting proved useless.
Arnett Booth, O ~ i l l eAdkins and and Time after time Mr. every al~peal was denied. Slowly
Johnnie were to be tried on charges thundered that Johnnie and we watched every opportunity, every
of first-degree murder. "I'll hang Omille mercy* that they hope vanish Closer and closer came
every one of them!" said Prosecutor
Ernest Winters to the newspapers. had they
have saved Dr. Seder's life*that
repented they
the day of doom, the day of Death
On March 21 my husband, the man
. ..
Murder! Hanging! The words have d a h d and caroused at I llov&, d i d on the g.allows in
struck further unholy terror to my the "KozS' Rest." ' Moundsvilte, several miles from Hunt-
heart. You who live quiet, peaceful On Friday I watched the jurv file ington.
lives can hardly conceive of the limit- out, my heart in my throat Forty- Sometimes, when the pain i n my
less terror in those words--especially five !minutes later they returned. heart eases a little, I like to think
d e n the man you love stands on There was a death silence in the that the prayer Doctor 'Seder said for
the brink of the boiling cauldron that high-vaulted courtroom, packed with Johnnie will help just a bit. I know
seethes over those two words. wople. Then came the verdict: in v y heart that he had no conception
In the flaming days that passed, Guilty a s charged! Death on the of the terrible thing he was doina. I
I fought for Johnnie with all my scaffold! shall never ;believe other than Johnnie
heart and soul. I tried to raise Through scalding tears I saw John- thought he was enkring upon a lark,
money from all mg relatives, to get nie, his attorneys, the entire audience, the pleasure and profit of which were
the best lawyers available. I sought stare a t the jury in entire disbelief. heightened to him with the fumes of
to find witnesses, to prove that Then Johnnie fell to his chair, alcohol. This + b v that I loved and
Johnnie wasn't as black a s Mr. racking sobs shaking his ; M y . I ran who loved me c0111d not know that i t
Winters painted him. I conferred to him, tried to stifle my own tears was to ;be a lark with Death!-Death,
every day with my reporter friend, in order to comfort and console him. who does not know how to play!
'Joe Klaman, of the Huntington A few minutes later the blood-con- I know that the blood of Doctor
Advertiser, whose solace and advice gealing words had been pronounced M e r is on his hands, a s i t is on Ar-
I shall always r e m e t m k . Days of -"hanged by the neck until you are nett Booth's and Orville Adkins'. Yet
work, worry, scorn, contempt, rev- dead!"-, and they wem leadins somehow I like to feel that in the Be-
dsion, rebuffs-days that had been Johnnie away. I suddenly felt a s if yond he and the kindly minister
resemed for our honeymoon of h a p the chill hand of Death itself was have met again, that a bestowal of
piness (became a honeymoon of clutching at my shoulders, holding me forgiveness has been made by the man
horror ! from fleeing from a worse torment - who died so terribly, and so need-
On December 5, Arnett Booth. the to come. lessly.
AN VELGO hated women . ..
He began to f i r s t for Even*.

Now, he told friends, many girls
and he took his revenge by He knew that any power he mizht wanted to marry him Why? because
making love to them, tortur- thereafter enjoy lay strictly in money. he could give Wem position, future,
ing in his own way, cruelly, sadis- Money and power. If he couljd amass security. He knew, he said, that none
tically, with lecherous cackles at wealth, he could command power. So loved him for himself. He knew that,
the squirming nude victims he buried his bititerness within his for all their beauty and good heed-
whom he forced to parade before wa.rped being and set his face for his ing, they were playing a game and he
him and do his biding. goal. Knowledge he must gain first, was the ugly pawn. He knew that
A judge, an honored man, a then by this, power and wealth. they were hiding within th~eir own
great citizen .. .
in public. A
warp& fiend, a monster who
He was a brilliant student. Hav-
beautiful selves their repulsion for
him that they, or their families, might
ing no outside interests whatsoever,
took revenge for b o y h o o d he was able to concentrate on his
gain in worldly things.
slights, who lusted like a beast
. .. in private. Yet for half his
fifty-four years he was able to
studies. He finished his preparatory
education in his native city of Brno,
So he went on into his thirt.ies,
hating and saving. He climbed ehe
Czechoslovakia, in two years, half the political ladder rapidly and his for-
be two men at once, to laugh at time allotted to the d i n a r y student tune gmw and grew. He lived com-
the Justice he was supposed to wit21 the ordinary ambitions Such fortably, from exterior appearances,
uphold, to mock the Czeckoslo- was bhe quality of his determination. but actually he nursed his gains like
vakian ideals he was supposed
to present. * * * a miser. He ate sparingly, paid his
m servant meamrlv. - - , was careful
. .
Jan Velgo, the bad Czech . the
BEiFORE he was half way through
his m n t i e s , he had acquired con-
with his clothing, made only s ~ t c h
public appearances as were either
disgrace of his country, had grown
siderable property. He also had gain- free or of great direct benefit to
to be fifteen years old in the normal
manner. The son of a poor, but hon- ed a LW degree and he had learned him golitically or financially.
the gaudy artifices of politics. Before
orable family and the eightih child. his wealth and power grew, SO
he was thirty he was a magistate in
his life had been none too brilliant, dild his fascination for the opposite
but i t had been gay and contented. He and mdem bgah to look be-
yond the warped exterior of his body
was rather handsome as a lad and
quick witbd and popular. and to hurl their fair hughters a t
his misshapen head.
At fifteen, when he was on the
verge of putbing adolescence behind Now, with these daughters being
him and stepping across the boundary offered him in marriage, he ,became
into young marhood, where his more and more cynical. They had not
charms mi&t lay a foundation for been offered him a t the usual tim2
future success, he beoame ill. Out of of marriage for the young men of his
his i l l ~ l ~ came
ss a grotesque curvat- country. They had not been offered DENNIS SPRAGUE
me of the spine and a distortion of him then because he was ugly and
his face malformed and bitber and, most im-
This appaling calamity befalling a portant of all, he reasoned, he didn't
youth of so much prmise, embitter- have money and he didn't have pros-
ed him. Where once the girls had
fawned upon. him, i h women avoided
him, shunned him, distressed by the
ugliness of his twisted body and his
drawn, lop-sided face. No longer was 1) Europe's notorious case of
he popular, except among those men
10 had been 'his intimates as a
1 the Jekyll~HydeJudge
The ginl went, but r&e did return.
She returned often. Then, one night
when she could no longer bear her
shame which was becoming evident
on her slim figure, she went to a
river at &e edge of their town and
hurled herself in.. Her body, swollen
from the effects of the immersion
and b r condition, was found h o
days later and the story was out.
But J a ~ lVelgo was powerful. He
quashed criminal action with a word.
Then he circulated the story that he
had discovered the girl was mfaith-
ful. She had a young lover. He had
sent the young lover out of the town
because he feared, M e n the truth
became known, that $is life would be
"I am an old man, crippled and
helpless," the whined, or bellowed, &e-
pending upon the circumstanws.
"How could I seduce one so young
and so lovely?"
He was not so old, however. He
was in fact, just thirty-seven al-
though bemuse of his affliction and
the bitterness in his face and the l m g D

hours of tail and misery he had gone

through Q attain power and mcmey
he looked year8 older.
* *- *
THE incident af the s i m year
old suicide did not detract from the
man's political ,pawer. A s a matter
of fact, he lost nothing whatsoever,
but actually gained. Within a few
m o n t h he became a district judge in
T d e n , Cm&as1ovakia, a mu& big-
ger and more powerful position. This
was in 1920, shortly after khe re-
organization of the Caeeh republic
sex. He sat in his home and smirked publi'c places. He had b e c m a judge and, opportunislt that he was, he
ta himself, or cackled aloud a t the now wibh a seat in the town's inner was climbing with great rapidity in
imnipotence of money and position. councils and he wielded tremendouq the nation's important judiciary.
Women all but threw themselves a t judicial influence. In Tesahen he carried on his cam-
his feet and when the time cotme that After a courtship of two months, paign against all womankind. In-
he was aware of this, he decided that the young girl suddenly found her- stead of being warned by the deaf3
the iron was hot. He could strike, self enceinte. She dared not tell her of the girl, he seems to have been en-
now. He would exact his revenge on parents, she was afraid to see the cou~aged. Becauw he was not able
all womankind. He would humiliate family physician. She went, instead, to conbct prospects rapidly enough
and debauch them and then he would to tihe agency of her embarrassment any other way, he inserted an adver-
laugh a t their misery as they had and told him they would have to be tisement in the local newspapers. In
laughed a t his. married a t once. He laughed in great it he offered to advance, without in-
His first overt act to come to public glee. He was amused. He was, truth- terest or obher commitments, smal!
notice was the seduction of a sixteen- fully, downright tickled. loans to what the advertisement de-
year-old girl. She was the beautiFul "You who are so young aad beau- scribing as "deserving girls."
daughter of an excellent but im- tiful want me, old and bent and ugly, He was not reluctant to identify
poverished family and he had pre- to 'believe that you gave yourself only his judicial name with this enterprise.
tended to be interested in her as a to me," he scoffed a t her. "Ho, ho, As a matter of fact, it was such iden-
future wife. He called on hkr form- ho-and now get out and never come tification that drew suspicion away
ally and then was seen with her in back" from it. Such an offer, without some
good name behind it, unquestionably
would have flushed up a n instant and
highly indignant suspicion. But with
the impeccable Judge Velgo's name
behind it, i t was ackpted as the dhar-
itable gesture of a great and good
man whose heart bled for the misfor-
tunes af underprivileged girls.
And indeed thnC!.was a place in his
heart for them. I t was not, however,
a place where the milk of human
kindness flowed as fulsomely as his
duped fellow citizens suspected. Such
milk as there was, was well tainted
with the wormwood of bitterness
and hatred and abnormal revenge.
Since Czechoslovakia was a country
just rising from the ashes of the 1or.g
anld destructive last war, (and now a
' country without a name), poor and
overcrowded with love starved women
and short on men because of war's
toll, the good judge's offer of finen-
cial assistance to those in distress
met ~ 3 % a n imtaneous response.
Girls of all ages flocked to his cham-
bers and pleaded to be helped over
certain embarrasing mileposts, most
of theni not entirely unrelated to im-
pending motherhood.
Judge Velgo, with that directness
of purpose that lifted him to the
political peaks and prompted him
to seek out his fair victims by the
unwavering line of newspaper adver-
tising, a t once began to separate the
sheep from the goats and the black
sheep from the white. If one of MS
clients already was enceinte, he fur- ior circuit judge in charge of divorce ed his brokerage in young flesh. He
nished her with the price of .an oper- matters and returned to Brno. Not inserted the usual a d v e r t i s e m t and
ation. He dso supplied her with the only was Brno a larger city than opened his chambers for the =me sort
operator. Teschen and his home town, but i t of business as had proved so rich in
After the operation, and due time also was the seat of a provincial Teschen. Whether or not news tra-
for recovery, she was to return to government aad hie seat m the cir- vels slowly in Cmchoslovakia or it.
him. She would then be required to cuit court was a noble distinction, women care less allergic to the sort
yield to his desires, which were many, indeed. of abuse they get from the J a n Vel-
and also to repay his money. The Since tbe divorce d o n of the cir- gw of this world is problematical.
judge covered that in &er ways. uuit court also included those torts Whatever i t was, there was no lessen-
Those who were not expectant concerned with all manner of domes- ing of the ardor with which the ivo-
mothers, were endowed with small tic and morals problems, Judge Velgo men of Brno fell in with h k planned
loans to carry them over current was in .a position to indulge his ap- debauchery.
trmblea, all of whidh was to be re- petites. If m y of his victims felt In Brno Judge Velgo's singular
turned, the principal in currency, the impelled to take any morals action mania reached its ludhest flowering.
interest after the established fashion. against him, they wod'd be obliged, Not only did he collect the usual in-
by the nature of the judicial struct-
* * * ure, to take i t before him. If there
ter& rates, but he took to making
visual records of his vengeful con-
[S honor had managed to work remained any lingering doubts a s to .quests. He required his viatims not
r considerable trade in Teschen What the judge's verdict in any case only to satiate his sex appetites, ut
I he was unexpwtedly b l e d up- against himself might have been, let also to pose for his amateur photo-
the political fates once more. them be suppressed a t on*. graphy. in the nude. In f a d , he re
time he was promoted to super- In h he audQciously reestablish- quired them 60 pose first in full
attire and in the hude, a form b o a But he wasn't half as sur- &em as one admirer of art to another.
of depraved tittilation that later re- prised as he would have been if he He made no effontrr to press his
ceived considerable publicity. had known all there was to know faint advamtage. He behaved in the
In addirtion to these photographic about Marie IEavlick, or as he was manner coumtly. But he could not
recards of his exploits, the judge kept going to be when he found out just m i s t the temptation to impress his
a diary. It was a most fortrhiright a few of those things. guest with the eroticisms of hi6
and explicit diary. Not even the Marie was petite and wise. She private photography collection.
dumbest jury of Slavic' peasanb could had diwovmd at the tender age of He showed her some of his moat
have misunderstood it. He listed the fifteen how to make use of her bodily prized nudes.
names, ages, weight, height, contours, charms. Because of her beauty and Marie played her hand perfectly.
complexions, etc., in this record and piquancy, she had been able, thr011g11 She quit the apartment in hi& dud-
in the space neserved f w remarks he a succession of nine more c& less well geon.. She refused even to wait for
made a notation of the peculiar tal- placed - l o ~ sto , acquire her educat- him$ taking a taxicab at his door.
ents of each of his partners in ion and to secure for herself a pos- She went hame and refused to answer
amour. ibion with an important Brno banlr- his letters or his calls for three long
Thus Jan Velgo, secure in his om- ing house. So excellent was her job weeks.
nipotence a s the circuit court judge at her current age of twenty-one tbat Then she saw him again and
to whom the crimes he was so ar- she was in a position to give her again mid yet amin, but always she
dently commdtting were made respon- charms even more leeway ~ a 1 ever 1
demanded the utmost respect. Finally,
sible, went on and on until, a t the before and to hold out for the best four months later, she visited him
age of fifty-one, which! was in 1934, price and man, great or small, had to
ak his apartment and found there a
he came to a detour on his fleshly offer. girl nanned Heda ReichR1. Helda lrsd
trail. The judge didn't h o w these things. been1 one of the judge's brokerage am-
* * * If he had, he probably would hlve ours for some time. We was young'
taken to heel. Rut he was =CL and quite pretty. The judge, after
I T WAS spring and the judge was to v- young and very inexperienced
waking in the park. He had long and very poor girls who needed his seve~al h o u ~ sof gayety, suggested
since corrected much of the earlier money more than they needed honor that the two pose for nude phot*
spinal affliction. Money and his iron or self respect. graphs He was using W, already
As a result his familiar with the experience, as a
deteronination had done that for him.
experience, for all its m a s s qual'ty,
Now hb made a not wholly unaktract- W n ' t beem specially educational. b y .
ive figure of judicial stxength and Heda stripped with maidenly re-
debonair dignity as he strolled, jaunt- M&e graciously made dates wilh tluctrtnce and ultimately Mark, after
ly swinging his cane, his silk topper Velgo, then failed to keep them. S1 e much skilled blushing and many shy
becomingly aslant, his pincenez cord met him by designed accident innum- protestations, likewise stripped. They
dangling rakishly fmm his high fore- erable times, praaticed her wiles as- posed for the photos and then Marie
had. siduously at such times,'then broke quickly redmed her attire and be-
other engagemenb. Now she told
As he strolled, the judge, much in him never to bother her amin. Now came once mone the elusive minx
the manner of the tribune of the she always had b e e n - 4 t h the judge.
she liked him enormously, but di2n't
Maud Muller piece, suffered his eyes If the judge had been h w l e s d y
believe in going out with men, es-
to dart hither and yan in search of
pecially such worldly men, on such fascinated by the girl prior to the
appetizing feminine flesh. As he pas- photomaplh incident, he was now
tranced her, again he affronted her.
8ed a bench, he noticed that a rather no thin^ less than supinely mad abcut
p ~ t t ygirl with big brown eyes ~ n d her. TO him she L m k at once a
a challenging air was occupying one combination of Cleopatra, Ninon I'En-
end of it. The judge, never one to FOR three years is kept up. NOW clos, and Lola Montez. He offered
stand on ceremony where women were and then she lunched with % h .
Oc- her riches, position, everything but
involved, sat down and asked her if casionally he t w k her to the theatre, marriage.
she could lend him a pencil. She pro- a necessity which pained him deeply. Then the time came when his ap-
duced the pencil and they began to H was not used to suuh exwnses. But petites, never before denied their ut-
talk. still his love remained a brown eyed, most demands, overcame him and he
He discovered that the girl's name provoking, impregnable wil1-o-the- pleaded with her to marry him. Craft-
was Marie Havlick and that shr wisp a d he remained a defeated, de- ily Marie led him on until he twice
was a janitor's daughter. He also signing, lecherous sucker. put his plea in writing, mailing the
disoovered that she worked a s a SW- Finally, on an August afternoon, letters to her home with the headless
retary, sometimes, and that she he was rewarded, a t least in part. abandon of a sorely smitten mind.
spoke Slavic, German and somt En- The bewitching bezom consented to Immediately Marie became another
glish, not to mention a bit of French visit him in his apartment. m a n . This, osten~ibly,hiad been
end a smattering of Polish. He was Velgo, Ibo be sure, showed her his hr g d . For all his years (he was
greatly surprised to find such learn- etchings. But he showed them with- two years older than her father) hie
ing in c.m young and so modestly out the usual trimmings. He showed was wealthy and had positim He
m, indeed, er big nuin in Czechoslo- six o'dmk in the morning, an hour the dignity of bhe pLished bell pnll,
vakian jurisprudence and destined, selected by Judge Velgo because of and as they waited far a response,
apparently, to grow btgger. Also, the opportunity for privacy. they gwt a most unexpected one.
he was old and for iaill his grim de- It was at this juncture ehat the The sound of a mildly muffled
termination to live and 'tre strong, his calculations of both these scheming pistol shot broke through the door
h d t h was not of the be&. people began to backfire, although and smote upon the flabbergasted
the bride's errors began to be manifest ears.
fir&. Velgo, with an income of A t once they forced the door. They
TWO weeks aftr they became en- 4,000 crowns monitMy, gave his bride whu?d into the V d g a music salon
gaged, Mairie, with the coy grief of exactly 200 crowns monthly for her and there, with his body still riggling
a conquered maiden, yielded her support. This was to provide her nauseatingly, blood streaming from
charms to her slavering suitor. It with dothing, medical attention re- his temple to the rich, new rug, lay
all happened in his apartment amd it quired because of h condition, f d , We& Cerny, a pistol a few feet
happened amid Crapings of Roman quarters and all the little luxuries a m y.
splendor. The man 1hta.d outdone him- to w k i h one of her station was en-
Even a s the offiwrs rushed to
self in the matter of wine and edibles titled.
Cerny, there oame m d s of a fem-
and esoteric trappings. Obviously this dowry was not ccm- inine bleating from an adjacent
He had the finest of sandle wood sisknt with the bride's original ex- bathroom. A woman was crying
to bum in his incense bowls, the pectations. She was not, in fact, as that her dear man had been .attack-
house was filled with roses and all well stationed, financially, as she had ed, that burglars had entered the
manner of aromatic flora and an ' been a s a working'girl. Bwt #he was place.
African howboy in an exotic Eabit not one to be easily de.feattl She had The officers found the bathroom
noiselessly trod the carpeted corridors other irons in the fire and they were door Iwked on the outside. They
m bowed obsequiously to their com- m ng hatter by the hour. d o c k e d i t and discovered Marie Vel-
w d a I n her peregrinations h and about go inside, b a t i n g her breast and ap-
If the eabh W less d u r i n g to the Vdgo ho&old she had made the pa~entlyin great distress. She rush-
the judge than the chase, he did not, acquaintance of a strange, bald, ed out d s t m d at the prone 3nd
at mce, @many signs of it. His love- thickset gorilla named Wemzel Cerny. bloody figure of Cerny. Then she
making was fully a s avid and as chir- Cerny was the adored of the Velgo painbed dramatically to a n open win-
o g r a p h i d a s i t had been before and laundress and likewise a man of con- dow a t the rear of the house and
when, one night M;arie announced that siderable muscular endowments and smamed that the marauders had es-
her parents were objecting bitterly to compa~.cltivelyno brain pan whatso- caped-in that direction.
her marrying one so much older, he ever. Marrixi ztnd the father of a As two officers l w p t nimbly through
was utkrly distrait. seventeen-year-old son, Cerny none- the window and bayed the alleged
Jcin Velgo was incredulous. He, bheless persist&! in his amouxa with spaor of the fleeing brigands, Marie
one uf the powerful judicial figures the slatternly Velm w a s h e m a n directed the remaining two to another
of the republic of Gzechodovakia, un- and through this attachment he came bathroom.
suitable for the daughter of a humble under the influence of the judge's
"They put him in the-my poor,
janitor? A m m of wealth and pas- ~ e t t young
y bride.
dear man," she cried. "He's in there."
ition and power an undesirable hus- Marie, still pretty and as aroh s Again there was signs of a bath-
band for the working daughter of one wen& as ever set s man's heart to room dool- having been secured on the
who amounted, in the still feudal palpi'tating, went to work on Cerny. outside and once more the officers
Slavic socilal scale of a middle Eur- She told him, and he agreed unre- twisted the key and entered.
opean nation, to a servant? servedly that the judge was a maunte-
In the tub, the head submerged
He was both shacked md furious. ')haink, a miser and a cad because of
and his hands amd f& bound, lay
His sudden anger quite overwhelmed his stinginess with her. Gerny agre-
the twisted (body of Jan Vel,go.
Marie Havlick. For f i e first time ed that he ~ J W Sall of these things
she began to fear she had overplayed and l i h m in a few more of his own
her clever litble hand. Sfhe found invention, just to be sure that the
herself the supplicant. She found eminent tribune was properly cata- A MEDICAL examiner was called,
herself agreeing to a most ignoble logued. but he could do nothing for t'he proud
marriage contrmt. It a i d , in effect, Then one night a high government jurist. Another physician ordered
that she was to be his wife, Mat she official, liviflg next door to the judge, Cerny to a hospital. There it was
waa 60 bear him, the child with which held an altercation of such mnnifestly found that (hiswound would not prove
,.she .already was pregnant and that vident proportions that he notified fatal, but that he undoubtedly would
she ivas to turn the child over to him the gendarmerie. The police arrived 1- the sight of one eye, the pistol
after its binth wilihout m y questions
on the double quick and as they bullet having crashed through his
d e c1. confronted the Velgo door, heard a skull striking the right optic n k e .
To add to the mystery of the mar- piano playing raucously. They rap- With these findings came also the
riage, the ceremony was performed a t ped smartly on the door, ignoring word of the arrest of Cerny and
M a r k Velgo for the murder of Judge
The police, wi'th a deplorable lack
ef trust in their fellow man, and es-
pecially dheir fellow woman, had re-
fused to be taken in by the burglary
A t once Marie changed her stmy.
S h put the blame squarely upon
Cerny'a gorillaesque shoulders. She
did it on the hope $hat Ceniy, a notor-
iously bad shot, had been worse than
usual in attempting to inflict a minor
scalp wound on himself and had fatal-
ly wounded himself. 'Such was not
the case howewr. He lived.
Cerny, informed of Marie'e story,
prduced a promissory note made out
by her. It promised to pay him 5,000
~rcwpns down for certain unnamed,
but broadly 5$ntecI a t services.
A$ter the services were performed, it
promised yet other monies, totaling
another 5,000 krona, after the ser-
vices "known only to the payee and
myself" had been satisfacturily per-
The case went m trial. Shortly it '
wemt to the jury, a jury of honcrable,
but impressionable men. Within two
hours they returned to the courtroom.
n e y had reached a verdi& 'The
court asked to hear it.
"We find Wenzel Cerny guilty of
murder," the foreman said.
"And Mmie Velgo?"
"We find Marie Velgo not guilty,"
the foreman intoned, blandly, then %it time the c& made irt clear that the thg photos and diary) and pleaded
down, d 1 pleased with h i d f . ~~ of irresklibte force was not that &e had slain her husband when
Later he was called upon for an to be considered. There WBS no in- he abtenp+ed to add to her shame by
explanation He said #hiat the jury timation that she had ;been irresistibly forcing her to pose, in her o b v i d y
had concluded h t Madame Velgo farce3 to do anything. The evidence delicate condition, in the nude, then
waa under irresistable force when she either said she and Clerny %d put she could readily have proved irres-
committed the crime, which they ad- the judge in the bathtub or Cemy tible force. But she did not. She
mitted @he h d a definite part in, alone M dohe it and the 'had bkem p h n e d twro well. She first attempt-
and thus was not guilty under the no part in the ceremony. ed to convince the police and this
laws of the country. It was sort of The verdid aame back quickly. w u r t that there had been a burglary
equivalent to a self defense finding Marie was guilty. she wrus sentenced and hter she elected to throw the
in our own counts to serve twelve years in prison. guilt on her stupid dupe.
?rhe prosemtor was nort only kui, The court, well pleased, took oc- "Marie Velgo W= scheming and
he was terribly, terribly hurt. He casion to deliver a brief rebuke and clever, but rshe was not wise. Perhaps
amailed himself of a facet of the a bit of sound advice to women of she will learn the wisdom of sim-
Czechoslovakian law that migh twell Marie Vdgo's peculiar e n t h u s i m s . plicity ih the 12 years before her in
be q i e d here. It provided that in an The learned judge had admitted the whi& she will have time to reflect
event of a jury is fixed, or suddenly phatogra.phic collection of Velgo into and grow gradually old."
,goes emotirmally ga-ppr such as thii the evidence, also his diary. Upon Marie went to prison for 12 years
one ostensibly had under the influ- these exhibits he based his Iscture. and b r y was given a similar sen-
ence of Marie's coquetry &e defend- "Our fair defendanv5" he caid tence. And w%en m e was s k n ~ n c e d
ant may be placed on trial again gallantly, "was both Mndwme and to 12 years in prison in Czechoslov-
and the law's demand^ more adequ- clever. But she was, unfortunately, akia, m e nat only served 12 pars,
ately &fied. too cever. Had she come %to f i i s he served an e v d dozen. They were
MARIE went on t r h l again. This court with these exhibits (indicating very pmtimh on that point then.
Her burning eyes stared at t!he
wall. Suddenly she stiffened: a dry
gasp rattled in her throat.
"He's coming after me! Fernand's
after me!" she cried. "Don't let him
get me! He'll kill me!"
The nurses held her d m as she
shuddered at a horrid vision they
could not see.
Thus did Franc- King, the dark-
haired butterfly girl who thought she
could outsmart life, in a hospital cot
in Chicago seven years ago.
* * *
little dark man's face, dripped from
his slashed stomach as he staggered
d m the alley, his hands spread out
before him like a sleepwalker.
He st~m~bled for half a block, hold- and he died at the emergency hospital,

T HE girl's eyes were pits of

agony. Her face, glisten-
ing with sweat, was as
ing onto the house-fronts. Finally he refusing to name !his killer.
fell in a blwody heap, in the flaring
circle of a street-lamp.
* * *
white as the pillow on which she "I must go on," he muttered through THE YOUNG CHINESE blinked
- tossed. The doctors shook their the bubbling blood-froth on his lips. with embarrassment, behind his thick
%ads. There was no hope for "They mustn't find a m near Fer- spectacles, as the little white girl,
nand's place!" hardly more than a child, pulled- the
er. The poison she had taken
"I'hose were almost the last words scarlet evening gown over her head
as searing her vitals like a Louis Nimois, the French-Canadian and stood brazenly before h i m
hite flame. All they could do . gambler, ever spoke. Hours later "You seem so young-you don't
as ease her pain with mor- they found him lying in that San ' m m to belong here," he said. "Sure-
hine. Francisco alley in a welter of blood, ly you're not working here from

The police were powerless to cope with the political

. powerful crime magnate, until the Federals -
choice. And why-" He gestured a t
the tell-tale Ilsedfe punctures on her
white arm.
A shadow passed over her pititrd
painted mask of a face. "I can't leave
here," she said. Fernand wouldn't
let me. He'd kill me. I took up the
junk so I can get svme sleep, without
Then, a s a footstep sounded in the
corridor outside, the m a k was on
again. She stretc(hed enticingly, smil-
ed invitingly at the yellow man.
This, seven years ago, was little
Bunny Anderson, the girl from Port-
land who was the favorite of San
Fran.cisoo's Oriental brothels. A few
months ago she was let out of the
county jail after serving her latest
term for using d w a n old, olld
woman a t twenty-three
* * *
FERNAND. Fernand le Corss.
Through these and a hundred other
sordid tragedies of the shadow-world,
runs tthst name of fear.
The name of Juseph F a m m d On-
della, alias Fernand le Corse-Fern-
and the Corsican-for years in San
Francisco was a syabol of vice, de-
gradation, crime and sudden death.
The squat, enormous-jowled, slug-
like Corsican ruled an empire of
fear, shame, and pain. He fancied
h i m d f a worthy counterpart of his
countryman, Napoleon Bonaparte.
He was a Luciano of the West
Coast. His tentacles reached to New
York, to Montreal, to the sewers of
America truly proved itself the gxaft-ridden city like San Francisco. he dM ~ 5 t hAl C a p o n e n o t for his
land of opportunity for this alier.. Like A1 &pone, -he was immune flagrant crimes but for a minor viol-
He amassed a fortune, built on the from interference by the police. Even ation of federal law on which an iron-
broken bodies of wme.n and the ruin- when iMue s e n s a t i o d Atherton graft clad case could be built.
ed lives of men. investigation ripped the lid partially For months, investigators worked
He widded power such as few men off Sah Francisco's sordid mess of in mcret, and i t is only now that the
wield. In presenklay San Francisco. corruption several years ago, no evid- complete revolting truth about San
he held hundreds of men and women ence could be secured against him to Francisco's f a t vice lord can be told.
in the grip of terror unpwelled since warrant s criminal inclicement. Fear F e r n d w w never as notorious as
the heyday of the Mafia in Sicily. sealed the lips of witnesses. AI ,Capone. In fact, his name wldom
He was a unique phenomenon, able But Uncle Sam at last caugnt up \ golt into the newspapers. Few re-
to exid only in a cosmopolitan and ~ 5 t hF d the C o r s i h , just as spectacle citiaem ever heard d him.

But in the devious b ~ y ofs the

Barbary Coast and the Tenderloin, of
Chinatmm and North Beach, h:s
name was a fearsome watchword.
His victims were not people whose
misfortunes would cause any public
oultcry. They were poor prostitutes
living under the thumb of grafting
police, white-faced pimps eking out, a
miserable existence in the trade of
ultimate shame, illiterate aliens cow-
ering in fear of deportation. People
whom Fernand could kick around with
little fear of a comeback. Men and
women who are a n integral part of
society, but to whom society a1fords
- little protection. Nevertheless, th'y
were human beings, their flesh was
human fledh, and the beating they
.took from Fernand hurt them jnst ss
much as i t would hurt you or me.
In the room of one of the investi-
gators who was largely responsible
for h smashing of Fernand, hangs
a framed quotation from W& Xhit- to him, and he built up a profitable entrenched with Tamtmany. In fact,
man's poem, "To a Common, Pros- string of girls. he had overlooked the little detail of
titute" : greasing tlhe police and the adminis-
The wanderlust hit him, and per-
"Not till the sun excludes you do I tration. Consequently, when the
haps he had a little more vision, in
exclude p u ; newspapers clamored for a cleanup,
his twisted way, than his cronies of
"Nat till the waters refuse to glis- the gutter. About 1901, he came to the police sent Fernand and his cot-
ten and M l e for you, will my words New York with his favorite girl, a erie of Apachw high-tailing out of
refuse to glisten and rustle for you." blowzy, big creature, whose name will New York, bag and baggage.
' This has been the keynote in this prdbably remain forever unknown to Fernand had heard lurid tales of
mfan's work of investigating graft history. San F r a n c i s c w f its wide-open Bar-
and corruption, and results have He had libtle trouble finding MS bary Coast, its lax law enforceme~lt,
proven that his sentimentalism, if i t own element in New York. He pilt its large foreign colonies. So to Sah
be such, is iron-fisted. the @rl in a cheap brothel, and with Francisco he went, with the f a t bank-
,So, here is the story of Fernan3 the her earnin'gs opened a cafe cm Ylst roll he had accumulated, and opened
Corsioan, the sleepy-eyed slug who Street between Sixbh and Seventh a little cafe and hotel for French
grew fat and gross on the proceeds Avenues. n i s place ,became a hang- people on Broadway, between Powell
of shame and disease: out for the Frendh underworld-for and Stockton streets.
prostitutes, p i m p S, pickpockets This was in 1907, wheh the earth-
strongarm men. The word went o ~ tquake-devastated city was in the
JOSEPH FERNAND ONDELLA that Fmmand was a "right guy," and throes of the great graft prosecution
was barn in 1879 in the liktle sea- it was not long before he was oner- in which fie late William J. Bums
part of Ajaccio in Corsica-imically, ating a haven for criminals whc fled bared the entire Board of Supervis-
the self-same town in which Napol- from Paris. Murderers, gangsters, ors .as 'bribe-takers, dominated by
eon was born. big-time robbers paid himrnfancy snms Abe Ruef, a Pttle weasel-faced man
Atscrape with the authorities in for taking care of them in New York who held every racket and graft in
early youth sent him fleeing to Paris, until France cooled off for th.m. the palm of his hand.
where h lost himeelf in the under- He got together a little gang c l Ruef and his machine were in the
world among thousands of his kind. his own, to take care of any outsiders pmcew of being broken, so neither
&dowed with a villanioua imagin- who might step on the toes of his the police nor t!he politicians bother-
ation and absolutely no txruples, he friends. A few unsolved murders ed the young Corsican who was going
soon became a full-fledged Apache of and disappeammes went down on the about things in his o w n quiet way.
the Paris gutters. Among the AWJG books. He operated the same sort of place
m, pimping is an honorable way of Then the law cleahedl him out. The for the worst element of the French
. making: a living. The heavy-eyed French gan,g&s were getting a lit- for the wast element o fthe French
Corsican youth had no difficulty in tle meribold, and Fernand the Fixer underworld, a hideout for cut-throats
attrading the Cocottes of the cafes w m not yet big enough bo be well who came all the way from Paris to

tle circle. No one could complain

to the authorities, and the police on A t first, Fernand's ring was of brothels and Fernand sent them to
the other hand paid little attention modest size. To expand his business Butte and to San Francisco. They
to what went on among the foreign- and to insure a steady flow of white dealt only with French girls-Fern-
ers. flesh for the lust-driven frequenters and in his youth was smarter than he
Thus the FrendhrItalian Syndicate of the Coast brothels, Fernand left turned out to be later, and he had
came into being-the close-knit or- San Francisco for a few years and sense enough to keep in his own cir-
ganization,that has been an integral did organizing work in other cities. de and not tempt fate. The French
and sinster part of San Francisco's I n Butte, Montana, he found a girls were less likely to squeal t.a the
underworld for a quarter of a cen- large French colony; he stayed there American a u t h a r i t i a
tury. Fernand and a few others were for a while an,d made his influence in. * * *
the organizers; their watohwords San Francisco known He estab- FERNAND WAS ROLLING in
were silence and fear. With the aid lished a regular route for the ship- money a t this time; he oast off
of their strong-arm men, they per- ping of girls from the hrothels of Marie and took several young girls
suaded the less bold of the vice and Butte to the Barbary Coast. into his menage a t the same time, to
gambling operators that the way to Then he went to Montreal, where replace her. He liked them young-
prosperity and security lay in stick- he followed his usual procedure and his favorite mistresses were always
ing together, with Fernand as the set up a headquarters f y French under twenty years old.
"fixer" for them all, and his place criminals. His pimps sought out He splurged at the night-allrbs ahd
the clearing-house choice morsels from the Montreal the race-tracks. He remerted to a

quaint litble habit he had learned in from their homes in the Canadian As he once told a friend: "The
Paris, and added to his bankroll by city, brought them t o Butte and Chinks a r e better. They don't stay
picking pockets at the race-tracks. trained them to h prostitutes. About long, they come back oftener, and
Instead of stealing money, he stole 1919, when they were thoroughly they don't get drunk and raise a riot
tickets from men who were known to broken in and their spirits cowed, he like w'hite men."
be smart wagerers, and often cash- brought them t o San Francisco. The rooming-house operated in
ed in scores of stolen tickets on a He set them up in a little rooming high-gear unttil Fernand had a quar-
winner. Race-track detectives caught -house a t Broadway and Stockton, rel with one of the sisters. Shortly
up with him, and he was thrown out catering exclusively to Orientals- after that, the girl disappeared, and
of several eastern tracks. to Chinese from teeming Chinatown, her sister, sworn to silence by Fern-
His white-slave route well-estab- Which adjoins the French-Italian col- and wen3 back to Montreal.
lished and running smoothly, he re- ony, to Filipinos and to Japs. More Fernand was getting a little older
turned to San Francisco about 1913, and more, Fernand was realizing the now, fatter and grosser, and his
went back to active operation gf the profit that lay in selling white flesh taste for young girls seemed to grow
Syndicate. to yellow mlen. in inverse proportion. He was a
Then came the Red Light Abate-
ment Act and the end of the Barbary
Coast and the segregated district.
San Francisco was undergoing a
' ' bat!hi Most of the vice operat-
ot's 1-an for cover, thinking their
world had come to a n end; but not so
W ,,,.and
ornc le Corse.
Ondella s a y in the righteous up-
heaval a New DeaJ for his Syndicate.
The brothels could no longer oper-
ate legally; they we= outside the
law now, and in order to run they
would have to be protected. They
were no longer confined to a few
blocks now-the whole city was his
The madamee, prostitutes, and
pimps who had operated flagrantly
on the Barbary Cosst wodd now be
forced into furtive byways, domin-
ated by 'Fear. It was the psycho-
logical moment for a man like Fern-
and to step in as their guardian
The broken "system" of the A&
Ruef had been succeeded by a new
graft ring. Saloon-keepers and bail-
bond brokers, close to the police, were
the go-betweens. There were several
saloon men in particular, a s un-
scrupulous a s Fernand, who encour-
aged c m k s to frequent their places,
then sold them out to the police-
then "fixed" the cases, "chilled the
beefs"-collecting a f a t fee from both
the crooks and the police.
Fernand made friends with these
men, througlh them arranged for pro-
tection of the French-Italian vice
houses. The protection money clear-
ed through him, and a goodly part
of it clung to his pudgy finger's.
He made more trips to Montreal.
Once he lured two young sisters
veritable satyr; s p W by the absin-
the which h e drank in Gargantuan
quantities, he kicked and beak them in
sadistic orgies that were the talk of
North Beach.
* * *
I N 1922 H E PICKED UP a beauti-
fd little blande in Montreal- a star-
eyed girl m m e d Odede. He brought
her to San Francisco m the pretext
that &he w d d be his Number One
mistraw. Then, instead of keeping
her in his c m luxurious apartment,
he put her in the Del Cleo Hotel
on Broadway, where the woman keep-
e r held her a virtual (prisoner and
taught her how to please the Filipino
The gifl became pregnant in a few
weeks, and refused to submit to an
abortion. She threatened to go to the
federd auKhorities. Fernand, who
had had big p h s for her, shipped
her back in disgust to her parents
in Monitred.
In another case, the father of a
Montreal girl complained to the im-
migration aubhorities. F e n a n d heard
of it through hi~~~grarpevine, and be-
fore tiha inspectors could act he gave
the girl, a little blonde named Simone,
a roll of money and sent her home,
under threat of death if she talked.
She never talked1
With Prohibition, Fernand opened
a new establishment-a little boot-
-- - -place on Stevenson street near
Twelf th-a hole-in-ehe-wall, off a
dark d k y . Here, f a r from the Bar- and the other patrons had swabbed bail-bond men, who split it with graft-
hry Coast, he transacted most of fie blood from the floor and obliter- ing police. In return, Ondella's
h i s impantant business. It. was here, ated the trail of blood outside the houses wem rarely troubled.
about eight years ago, that Louis door. Fernand Ondella was not a Napol-
Nimois, a bigdshot French gambler, To all appearances, Nimois had eon for nothing. H e could promise
got into an a r g w n e d with another been killed in the street. The case protection, and give it. His word was
Frenchman and was hornibly slashed was e t t e n on pddw records as un- law among the aliens. When a pimp
afid shot three times. solved. The killer, whose name is wanted to move his girl from one
Blind with blood, Nimois staggered h m n t o several persons, fled to house to another, h e did so with
out into the b e e t , [bent only on get- Chicago and was never troubled . Fernand's sanction-and paid Fern-
ting away f ram Fernand's place-- and.
he did not know he was dying, and The code cd~ the French-Itdian
he was afraid of Fernand's vengean- FERNAND AND T H E SYNDI- underworld was absolute silence and
a w e if he should be the cause of the CATE were now running full blast. loyalty--ithat is, among the lesser -
N i c e vissiting the place. operators.
Most of the police g r a f t payoffs were The doubBe-crosser, the
The bartender slammed the door handled by the office of a bail-bmd potential squealer, was swiftly and
M i n d him. Nimois staggered h d f broker, a former Barbary Coast s d - deftl'y bandled by Fernand's strong-
a block, fell in the gutter. Hours oon-keeper, in the shadow of +Se arm men.
later, a truck-driver found him and Hall of Justiae. But Ferhand himself was above
h o k him t o the emergency hospital, Fernand handed the collections even the code. H e double-crossed his
where he died. from the French-Italian houses, own people right and left, and got
Meanwhile, Fernand's bartender turned p a r t of the money over to the away with it. He exitorted huge

ly to Wentals. He took in as silent I

partner a naturalized French-Italian He took her on several eastern away, but Fernand treated her like
who had e d e a fortune in the sale trips-once bought expensive furs for a princess, wining and dining her till
of white flesh. The Italian would put her in Montreal-and once brought her head reeled. Then he put her
up the money, Ondella would do the her younger sister from Chicago and through ,the mill-tau&$ her how to
fixing, and the take would be split put her to work in a n Orienial minister to the lust of the Orientals.
three ways-between On&lla, the how. She stayed in the hotel, a prisoner of
French-Italian, and the "resident Finally a quarrel flamed and Fran- fear and shame.
manager" of tlhe place. ces fled, Fernand shaking his fist
Fernard en,gaged in profitable after her and swearing dire venge-
deals with Manie "Ma" ,Pappens, op- ance. She went back to her mother H E SHIFTED HE,R from house
e r d o r of a number of h,ouses in in Chicago, gasped out the whole re- to house. To stifle the shame that
North Beach and the Tenderloin. volting story to her, then swallowed cried out i n her dreams, 'She took
When Mrs. Pqppens was sent to Tel.- a corrosive p ~ s w nand died in agony to narootics, a s have many of the
achapi Prison a few years ago for a few days later, screaming for fear Corsican's girls.
conkributing to the delinquency of of Fernand Le Gorse. Today, at henty-three, Bunny
mtimrs, in a particularly disgusting ?Jhrowing caution to the winds, A ~ d ~ e r s o is n a n aged wreck of a
case, Fernand managed many of Fernand now made fewer trips to woman.
her affairs for her unitil her trium- Mon(trea1, and instead put young Then Fernand took up with a wo-
phant ereburn to the brothel business. American girls in the Syndicate's man nearer his own age--one Nini
Abopt 19130, Fernand met a fas- houses. Perallaud, former wife of one of
cinating girl named Frances King, One flagrant case was that of 16- the bartenders. I t was probbly more
and made her his Nu,xntber One Girl. year old Bunny Anderson, who hitch- of a business partnership than a love
He kqxt her for himself, and lived hiked dwwn from Portland to find a affair, h t i t lasted longer %an had
with her in a hotd on Pine Street. job in San Francisco and made any of the Corsican's previous con-
What the slender, reed-like girl friends with a cab d r i v e , wlho prom- nections.
eveF sans in the grass, sloppy Cur- ised to find her a place tn live. He Fernand set u p his headquarters
-'--R, will never be known. a t any took her to the Bronx Holtel, one of i n a bar and cafe on Clay Street, a
, she was soon disillusioned and the lowest Oriental dives on North stone's thraw from the Hall of Justice
ened by his bestial lust. But her Beach. F e ~ n a n d , pleased with the and the office of his bail-bmd broker
it was broken, and she stayed
luscious new arrival, gave the cab- fixer. He placed Nini in charge of
with him, for fear of what might man five dollars for his senices. the Orierutal brothel upstairs.
hapipen if she crossed Km. Bunny Andferson wanted to ,run The Corsican was riding higih now;
thousands of dollars poured i n from
, hisc graft collections, from the piti-
ful earnings of his women, from +.he
sale of false citizenship papers, false
passports, etc.
Then came the graft explosion-
toudhed off by the revelation by
Jcvhn V. Lewis, International Revenue
Collector, that he had collected huge
income tax arrears from crooked San
F~ancisoopolice officers.
The District Attorney hired Edwin
N. Atherton, former G-man, a s spec-
ial investigator to make an impartial
probe of graft and report to the grand
Atherton laid bare f i e huge bank
accounts of a number of officers,
and, when they refused to testify be-
fore the grand jury, thirteen of them
were dismisskd f m the force.
One of Atherton's undercover up-
eratives, Ben Belasco, was convinced
that the alien vice operators, stand-
ing in fear of deportation, constit-
uted the city's biggest g r a f t prob-
lem-the police and men like Fern-
alid could extort a s much a s they
wanted from them without fear of

- plaint. Belasco heard Fernand's

name whispered again and again a s
the Napoleon of the Syndicate.
Belasco recruited the services of a n
underworld woman whom we shall
call Betty, and with her went to Fern-
and on the pretex that they wanted to
open a brothel.
Big, sloppy Fernand welcomed them sican brothel-keeper named "Herbert" Convinced that criminal convictions
royally a t his Clay street clearing- had been deported, and how he had could nmot be obtained in the state
house, treated them to important abh arranged for his return. me man courts, Atherton turned over his
dnthe. was now running a Kearney street evidence to the Federal immigration
"Fernand a n fix anything!" he place unmolested, he said. authorities, who immediately launch-
boasted, and offered to set Betty up Belasco left Fernand, promising to ed a n investigation of their own
in a ihotel on Market street, for $500. come back and close the deal; swiftly When Fernand heard Belasa, was
He detailed how he would arrange he made the rounds of North Beach, working for Atheton, he was fur-
police protection for then, take care found that the man known a s Her- ious. He called him up, threatened to
of any trouble. bert was one Abel Ducayla. kill hi,% offered to meet him anywhere
Belasoo egged him on, pmtending With operatives Howard Pbilbrick, and fight i t out. Belasco arranged
to disbelieve in his power a s a fixer. Lw Niuhols, and Ed. Hall, Belasco a street-corner meeting.
Fernand bragged of how he had arrested Abel Ducayla for questioning. Fernand drove up to the appointed
squared a shooting affray in a The harrassed little man broke dovn spot, approached the operative with
Kearney street brothel, a block from and talked. He explained that he his hand under his coat.
police Headquarters. had re-entered the country illegally "1'11 kill you," he hissed.
through his m ingenuilty and not "I dton't think you'd want to do
"Well, anyway," Belasco told him,
through any help from Fernand. He that out in public, here." Belasco
"there's one fellow you can't fix-
told details of police payoffs. On the soothed him. "Come around the
and that's the Old Man with the
strength of this story, two afficers corner, to the hotel-"
were arrested on bribery charges, but He grabbed Fernand's arm. The
"Bah!" Fernand exploded. "I can later acquitted when Ducayla, in mor- big Corsican, yellow a t heart, trern-
fix him too!" tal terror, refused to take 6he stand bled and shook loose. Muttering
He went on to detail how a Cor- against them curses, he ran back to his car.

A F E W DAYS 'I~ATER,in mid-

October, 1936, a posse headed by Phil-
brick and Belasco arrested Fernai~d,
questioning him for hours. He talk-
ed rather freely, boasted of his con-
nections, refused absolutely to take
the stand against anyone.
Then the i,migration authcrities
moved in, asked Fernan'd for a de-
tailed statement of his stay in t h e
United States. He said he had first
come here from Calgary, Canada, in
1922, and had not been out of the
Unitred States since then.
He knew the immigration law-
that any alien who entered the coun-
try, legally or illegally, before July
1,1924, canot be deported.
llhe immigration inspectors che.:k-
ed up, found ample evidence that
Fernand had left and reentered + I I ~
United States many times since 1924,
on his trips to Montreal. He had
brazenly used his own name, never
dreaming he would be tripped up.
He was charged with making a
false statement, and was released on
The Federal Bureau of Invetig-
looked into Ondella's history, wit11 a
view to White Slave prosecution for
the Canadian and Montana trips, but
no direct evidence could be secured;
witnesses would not talk. The G- P

Men were finally satisfied to let tne a shrewd counsellor when his girl- obtained citizenship papers in 1933.
case rest with the immigration au- fniend, Nini, died suddenly. She was also ordered deported.
thorities, who had iron-clad evidetlce She was a close friend of Fernand;
His loss was balmed,' however,, by she had found to her cost that he
of violation of the immigration lams. the fact that she died without a will,
could not square the federal cost for
The f a t Corsican had falslen a t leaving a sizeable fortune--estimate? her.
last. Immune from the police, he by some at $20,00&which he took The grip of the Syndicate is 'broken,
couldn't fix the Old Man with the over.
F e r n a ~ d le Corse wriggled and and the hand of Fear is lifted from
squirmed, tried every legal dodge, to San Francisco's underworld with the
The immigration men were also lifting of the f a t shadow of the Cor-
no avail. His pal, Big Jim Coleman,
working on Abel DucayEa. They sican
was no longer on hand to help him-
found that he and his consort, Auna
he had retired from the force and He is still getting revenue f n m
Roberts, had registered under false
fled the city a t the s t a r t of bhe in- three Oriental houses-for such places
names a t the last national election.
vestigation. have J w a y s existed, and probably
Ducayla and . the girls pleaded Finally, after months, during which always will-but the empire of vici
guilty. ~ u c a ~ was
l a sentenced to a h e arranged the affairs of his shat- is smashed.
year and a day in McNeil Island, and tered Syndicate as best he could,
was deported to France on his reledse Fernand was ordered deported. . Fernand was comparibively lucky.
few months ago. Anna Roberts was Instead of sitting in an Alcatraz
it on probation on condition thzt Federal men are still a t work cell like AI Capone, he can end his
e leave the country' immediatcly, smashing the alien Syndicate. TEpy days in his native Corsican, trying
iich she did. have arrested Olga Manzi, propriet- to figure out why he couldn't chill t i e
' ress of a notorious brothel in the beef with bhe Old Man with the

ernand, Praiting for trial o r Je- shadow of the City Hall. She w a s " W#hiskers. Provided, of course, that
ation ac.tion, was deprived of charged with having fraudulently he's still alive over there.
When Convicts Become Too Smart
For Their O w n Good, Fireworks Are
Bound to Result.
with "Wild Bill" Murbha. He thought which was bringing him huadreds'of
Y OU'D think that the strict
supervision over convicts
would make i t impossible
Murbha, who had been sent up from
his city, might give him some infor-
mation he needed. The detective was
dollars in good U.S. min. Ris pro-
cedure was simple enough.
First he would miake a contact with
for them to carry on rackets in-
side the walls. But there are informed by the deputy warpen that a prisoner, and ask him how much it
many crooked things a crooked Wild Bil(1 had been released follow- would be worth if he got a year 'cut
mind can originate, whether its ing the expiration of his sentence six from his sentam. For a price agreed
possessor is behind bars or free. months or so before. upon and deposited with a friend of
Any prison-wise guard would at- "That's funny," the detective said. Easterday's on the outside, the forger .
test the truth of this. "I figured he had still another six would alter the records and cut a year
The moment an experienced pris- months t o serve." off the man's sentence.
oner gets "on location" in the job to The deputy sent for Murtha's com- I t wasn't a t all difficult. All Easter-
which he i s assigned, he looks around mitment and other papers. "Here i t day did was to change the commit-
to see how he can use it to his own a
is," he explained. "He got sentence ment and whatever additional papers
advantage. of four years which expired six there were in the case, to mice them
A forger whom I knew, Easterday months ago.'' appear that 8he sentence was one year
by name, was no differen* from the "Four years!" exclaimed the officer. less than i t actually was.
rest. When placed in the office of the "Why, he got five years. I ought to When the list of prisoners going out
record clerk, he quickly saw some- know. I worked on the case and was for each day was made u p and handed
thing his predecessors in that office in court when he was sentenced." o v a to the officers who "dmssed out"
had overlooked. The deputy warden sensed some- such men, the name of the one who
Easterday began to circulate among thing was wrong. He put in a long had bought a year's freedom would
prisoners known to ,be members of distance call to the clerk of the court be on the list just that much ahead of
"swdll mobs" still operating, who in which Murthurtha had M convicted. the real date. The usual routine check
might be willing t o pay well for any What he heard caused him to make of the papers would show IAe date to
benefit to t'heir unfortunate brother an immediate investigation, and t o be apparently correct.
in stir. In a short time he had some suspend the release of all prisoners A half dozen other prisonem besides
good connections, and promptly went until it was completed. Murtha had received simi~lar "corn-
to work on ,his new racket. The investigation revealed that mutations" of sentence through the
About six m m t s s later a detective Easterday was conducting a nice little ingenious efforts of this chronic
oame to the institution for a talk racket in the record clerk's office racketeer.

And so began th,e plannin'g of and climbed into the carriage, think-
the perfect crime. ing that the mistake would be easily
The two men went back to cleared up when they reached the
Ornaha and in May, 1900, began police station.
their preparations. They rented
. house
. - ------in -a.suburb. Da+n,r
, A " six But the second she entered the car-
months' rent in advance. ~ e x t , riage a coat was flung over his head
Clrowe bought two h m s and a and a -a n thrust in his side.
covered carriage, stabling them
in a shed by the side of the "Keep, do a s you're told aud
house. you won't be f~urt," Cmwe warned
Each day for two months they him. "But make a sound and 1'11 !,ut
drove t h i s carriage past the a bullet through
Cudahay home, but When they reached the ho~lsethe
catching sight of young Edward
a d a h a v . men on ~~~~b~~ frightened lad was bundled inside.
18. the& chance 'came. Before they lit a lamp a bandage was
YOUNG man stood in a On this afternoon as they drove tied r o d young C'udahy's eyes. He
past, the door opened and Edward was warned not t o remove it if he
small street in Omaha,
Nebraska, fiercely shaking came out and began t o walk down the valued his life.
his fist at a shop on the other street. As he turned the corner, out Then Crowe s a t down to write a
side of the road. He was talking of sight of the house, e o w e drove ransom note t o his father.
out loud in his anger, swearing the carriage u p to him. Calahan It was a brutal note. It demanded
vengeance against its owner - jumped down and grabbed young $25,000 in gold. If the money was
Edward Cudahy, *soonto became Edward by the shoulder. not handed over, Edward was t o be
known throughout America as "WE WANT you, Eddie McGee," blinded with acid before being sent
the meat-packing,king. shouted Crowe. "We're police officers. back home.
We know you're on the run from a Mr. Cudahy was ordered to take
at young man was Pat Crowe, reform school.'' his carriage and drive out of town
and he believed that Cuclahy hac Edward protested that his namle the next night a t seven o'clock until
for& him out of business. On that was Cudahy. It was useless. Crowe he came to the bridge over the Papio
day, many years ago, he decided that said he would have t o go with them River. A lantern would be burning
Chdahy should pay the price. to the station for identification. there. With him he was to take a
Thirteen years ... Ther. So the boy shrugged his shoulder?
sack, containing the money in gold
one day Crowe picked up a paper and
read that Gudahy's son was sixteen.
A plan of revenge began to take
shape in his mind. To#daya seventy#year.oldman sits
* * * in a hotel, at peace with the world,
'WILL YOU help me to get $25,-
000?" he asked Calahan, a pal of his. Yet he committed one of the most
"I'd go through fire and water for
a tgnrth d that," declared Calahan. amaziag crimes in the world!
coin, which he A s to drop by the
lantern, and then drive straight back
t o town. If he made this journey
accompanied by police, o r if there was
any attempt to capture the kidnap-
pers--well, Edward woultl lose his

TYING THE NOTE to a stick,

Crowe walked past the Cudahy man-
sion and flung i t on to the lawn.
When darkness fell, he went ol;t
to the bridge and lit his lantern. Then
h e hid himself in a little copse over-
looking the bridge, holding his gun
cocked. S

Soon a carriage approicl-ed, 2nd

stopped by the bridge. The driver
and Cudahy got out and carried a I'LL TEACH YOU THE SECRETS OF
heavy sack to the lanterfi, stepped
back in@ their carriage and drove off.
R10 you aware that hypnotic m a r
. in all of W..
&M dormmt in YOU?..
Crowe came out of the copbe and
advanced, to the sack. He 'opened it,
A You have COMPLETE control over ANY situation if you know the fund*
mental8 of Hypnotism l l
The ancient. astaund~ngart of hynotism is no longer a mystery conquered
ran his hands through dully gleaming hold them upellbound by your magnetign ...
ONLY by a few. It is now in YOUP. powm to drrnv people to you
to make them obey your EVERY
to ...
gold pieces-the ransom hati been wish l
paid. He was revenged on Cudahy! HYPNOTIZE AT A GLANCE
He carried the money home, where
.... ..
Hypnotism is surprisingly simple M deecrlbed in this scientific, illnstmtd
comae by Dr. Adolph F. Lonk. You learn how to hold an audienee enthralled
Chlahan excitedly helped him to count how ta influence difficult m p l e ...
how to put acmrn an import~ntdeal
it. I t was all there, so they took how to bemme a leader among mm and a social mccesa among women.
Hypnotism hru a multitude of uses in our everyday livea. It may be uaed
Edward, put him in the carriage and for the magnetic relief of headache, --he, neuralgia and to break bad
drove him to within three streets of habits. Self-hypnotism overcomes insomnia when you KNOW HOW.
his home. They let him crut and drove PARTIAL CONTENTS
off. Six .tapsrr of inheace-me hypnotic gaze--Draalng slibjeat b a c h s d and
After dividing t h e gold the kid- forward-Methods that induce hypnotic dates-Hypnogenie .ones-Medioal h y p
notilrm for doctors only. with "instsntmeous" m e t h o d 4 e e p fonnih-lbenty
nappers separated. Calahan went to methob for Indudon of h m d m - A m r a t - for Inducing the hypnotic dab-
shelter a t a friend's house, and Crowe Hmoti.lng Instantly -The $1,000 Seer& Instantaneous Hylmotlc Method-
P g c b T h e m r m a t i c t H m to awaken s subjectHypnotlrlng in n a b 4 &-
rode out of town to a farm, where he a..

planned to stay until the hunt had "HOW TO HYPNOTIZE"

The police and Pinkerton's dreaded NOW POPULARLY PRICED AT
detective agency were determined to $1.98
capture the criminals, and things be- Shipped Prepaid
gan to grow too warm for Crowe.
He made his way to the coast and
135 Yonge St. Toronto 1, Ont.
shipped for South Africa. Then be-
gan one of the comedies of American
justice. Calahan began spending gold The case lasted two weeks. Among He kidnapped a boy, got the ran-
twenty do!lar pieces. He was arrest- the evidence was a letter written by som money, confessed his crime, yet
ed. Edward Cudahy recognized his C r m e t o a friend confessing the was set free without a stain on his
voice. Gradually a damning case was crime. character-and allowed to keep his
built up against him. And no defence evidence was put share of the ransom money!
But when the case came to' trial, forward. A conviction seemed a cer- Whether he got off scot-free be-
strangely enough the jury acquitted tainty. cause he was popular in Omaha, or
him. The jury were out of the court for because the jury considered he had
Crowe went on a trip and returned four hours. When they came back not harmed the boy, no one will ever
a year later--only to learn t h a t he they gave the verdict of "Not guilty!" know.
was still suspected. For several years * * * To-day, Crowe, aged seventy, sits in ,
he dodged the police. Then he grew ' I T WAS THE most amazing de- a New York Hotel a t ,peace with the
weary and decided to give himself cision of any American court. It world. And in Omaha, now a prosper-
up. He was sent back to Omaha t o turned P a t Crowe into the man who ous business man, is Edward Cudahy
be tried. commited the perfect crime. - - o n e the victim of the perfect crime.
en Conversion Is oamat'ion
By the Reverend Roy W. Merrificld
Pastor of the Congregational Christian Church,
Urbana, Illinois

A MAN who lacks moral

standards and who never
has found it in his heart
Not only in reformatories, but in all
walks of life from the highest to
the lowest, misguided people have
slipped into the habit of jeering a t
to cultivate the spiritual values religion a s a solace for the soft, a s
of life is likely to fall below the something sissy. On the contrary, Ie-
ligion is reason grown heroic. Gen-
standards of the law at almost uine religion is the hero in a man.
any time. I t girds him to hold his highest stand-
ards against all odds. The man of
Many fall, but not all are caught. real strength is the man who pos-
Here lies the danger of thinking that sesses the true spirit of Jesus which
crime is an easy life which can be carries him through ail temptations
carried on indefinitely with impunity. with the highest possible courage.
From this beginning grows the habit-
ual criminal, whose chances for com-
plete reforination are none too good. Presenting religion a s a challenge
to strength and service annoys maxy
As a former chaplain of' the In- people. They insist 011 being coddled
diana State Reformatory a t Jefferson- in their spiritual laziness. Religion
ville, where the inmates were from should ,be accepted as a vital factor
16 to 30 years of age, I encountered in everyday life; not a s a mere be-
many of this type. But I found that lief of a protector on high, standing
in the younger ,boys, convicted for ready to fulfil1 every wish of a spoiled
their first misdemeanors, was more child. True reIigion place God's will
hope for salvation. in the forefront.
A reformatory needs cultivation of Every correctional institution has
the religious spirit in order to send The Reverend Merrifield : "Crea- its share of inmates bordering oli
thesc boys back into Society as useful
citizens of our country and of the
tive religion... is the world's most feeble-mindedness. They present a
problem with very little chance of so-
Kingdom of God. powerful preventive of all crime".
lution. More enlightcned knowledge
and widespread practise af eugenics
How can this great and important eventually would solve the problem
task be translated into practical ac- ,Clande proved that he deserved the of these mental misfits for whom the
tion? Ey long hours of personal con- responsibility I placed in him, behaved future is so hopeless. They ought not
tact with the inmates, by religious well and received his parole. Letters to be allowed to propagate their kind.
services and education a t these in- I received from him for many years In addition, many inmates come from
stitutions of correction. afterward assured me that he was homes where the parents a r e divorced.
keeping straight. They never have experienced decent
Boys can be helped to feel a sense home life, never have been exposed to
of responsibility for others and for the character-building influences of
duties entrusted t o them. the Church.
Sometimes a sadly deflated ego can BOYS may not admit it, but they
be bolstered up in a boy who feels want sympathy. If only we could The greatest menace of a reforma-
that he has gone so f a r down-hill touch the tender spot in their per- tory or prison Iies in the mingling of
that nothing could matter. This can sonalities! Many of the first offenders first offenders vrith the older, hard-
happen when he knows that someone haven't done anything terribly wrong. boiled criminals incarcerated there.
is interested in him. And in a few cases they have been That is why it is important for boys
railroaded into the institution, hard to be apprehended the first time they
This method warked with one a s i t may be t o believe. I learnec! break the law and to have a chance
youngster named Claude who was sen- more froM the boys than did the to be traightened out before $hey be-
tenced to the reformatory from one prison officials because I respected come crime addicts. The plan of put-
to thirteen years. Claude didn't have their confidences and nothing they ting first offenders on probation is ex-
the background of a criminal. Want- ever told me was used against them. cellent, providing they seem worthy
ing to keep him segregated a s much of such t~ust.
a s possible from more hardened in- These boys who have not strayed
mates, I made him my messenger and f a r from the path of decent living .Can anything be done about these
he had the run of the institution. can be raabilitated. If they can re- men who have become steeped in
Shortly I discovered Be had violated alize that there is a force ready 40 crime? Their chances look poor be-
this trust by smoking. Instead of cen- work for them and to help them !f cause the usual way of these felons
suring him, I talked over the situa- they truly give their hearts to God, is to continue in criine until they die
tion with him and made him a promise. Who yearns to be their daily comrade, in prison, are murdered by one of
If he would cease smoking and carry- then they find the true reformation. their own kind or die of disease. Jt
ing tobacco around while working for Only in this way can they be led into
me, I would not report him. the victorious way of life. (Continued on back of cover)
is true, however, that some of t l ~ e good. He himself m h t want to be e3iich a r e so very important; the
lowest and most depraved have saved; !his heart and mind must be ~ i l ysaying of grace, a time set
changed their lives, have been gen- touched somehow. aaide for prayer. Their dhildren
uinely. conve$ed. But sometimes the work brings Suc- &&uld have the beneficial experience
cess and the iron of religion enters ttending church school and the
The chaplain i n one of these in- the soul of these hu,man zeros and h service.
stitutions m m t not visualize these transforms them into the integers of
men In their present condition but decent individuals. en, ~ h ~ i lthey
e are yaung and
must love them for what they may ,,,&ive to character-building influ-
be in their hearts and bodies and But prevention is a hundred times ences, they would absonb creative re-
souls. I t requires much imagina- better than a (belated cure. Mothers ligion, which is the world's most
tion and perseverance to work this and fathers would be wiser these days powerful preventative of all crime,
vision into a reality. It means spend- if they encauraged the manifestation sorrow and futility. Then there
ing hours with them day after day of the religious spirit in the home would be fewer in~matesof prisons
and week atfter week. Even these where it would 'become a p a r t of and ref~r~matories.
efTorts may lbe futile when a man everyday life. They should estab-
has implacably closed his mind to all lish family devotions in the home T H E E'ND


Continued from inside front cover

I s there some way whereby we can gerous to Society." J. Edgar Hoover of quest for a workable balance h-
give the criminal offender care that was called upon to face this element. tween the general security and the
is a t once brotherley and intelligent, He has been misrepresented and individual life ... As to system-
and a t the same time protect Society made to appear out of sympathy atized individualizalation, the very
from the acts af the criminal? I s with constructive efforts for the re- conception of law, of a government
i t possible to go further and remove formation of the criminal. As a of laws and not of men, calls for a
the fundamenbal causes of crime? matter of fact, Mr. Hoover has said: system, while the whole trend of
There is no easy solution to this p r ~ b - "I do not know of a n y other experi- psychology and penology indicates
lem. We must recognize the menac- enced law enforcement officer who individualization, making the penal
ing fact revealed in the following has, and certainly I have never my- treatment fit the offender, dealing
from the Gluecks: self, questioned the wisdom and de- with a dangerous man rather than
sirabihty of parole a s a p a r t of the the dangerous act a s the line of pro-
"It might (be argued that eve? program, for the reformation and re- gress. Here again i s a prablem in
case, no matter how 'hardened, habilitation of criminals. On every which there *must ;be co-operation of
slhould ,be regarded a s promising of occasion when I have referred to the social scientist. psychologist, physi-
reformation. So f a r a s experience problems of parole, I have stated clan and lawyer. Indeed, the phil-
goes, however, this contention will not specifically and emphatically that I osopher may well contribute, for this
hold water. A deplorable propor- believe in the principal of parole, but problem runs back to one w h i d is
tion of criminals never reform. The I have c o n d a n e d in strong language, fundamental in social, in legal, in
reason for this may ;be our vwy im- and I shall continue to condemn in penal philosophy. It comes to the
perfect technique. But a t any rate, just a s strong language the malad- problem of the division of labor and
with thle methods thus f a r tried by ministration*?f the parole system. allocation af activities in a complex
civilized Society, there has always Y society, reconciled with that spon-
been a considerable residue af persons taneous initiative and free quest for
who do not respond to any known There is no s i ; h p p r o a c h to the
problem of crime. Just a s we unite individual ends which is a main
form of correctional or punitive source of progress."
treatment. the research students of the labora-
tory, t%e physicians and surgeons in
Social facilities are limited, and applied medicine, the public health Religion #maymake a fundamental
emphasis must therefore be placed officials, and numerous other agen- contri'bution to this solution. I t in-
on the most promising humtan ma- cies to combat disease, so too we sists upon building a just social order.
terial. The great social need is to must unite all those forces that a r e I t calls upon us to surround the ris-
evolve through exprimmbtion, more e ~ e n t i a to
l the removal-& bhe causes ing generation with all known influ-
efficient methods of analyzing and re- of'.-e and the rehab'litation of ences that make for good citizenship
making the human personality. But the criminal himself. and rich personalitiw. ICnowing that
that is a task of colossal proportions; the truth makes us free, it calls upon
and until such time a s definite prog- D- crime p d ? Of course not. us to face scientific facts as revealed
ress in this direction has been re- I doubt t h a t it is satisfying even by sincere students and ,bewilling to
flected in a fundamental reconstruc- to the successful criminal. He lives recognize the power of environment
tioh of our correctional instruments, in fear. If he has intelligence, he and heredity in causing crime.
the existence of a portion of the knows h e i s a parasite. There can
criminal population, not only unam- be no basic satisfaction here. I Hysteria has no place in this field.
enable to modern rehabilitative have sought to show the necessity It calls for the integrated person-
methods, but permanently dangerous of uniting; all the forces necewary ality religion produces seeking to
to Society, must be reckoned with." to eliminate the terrific burden of serve a brother whose personality is a t
the cost of crime. war with itself. I t would likewi,se
remove the causes that produce such ,
THE pmblem of crime must be seen Roscoe Pound in hBs ",Criminal a personality.
whole. There is a section d our Justicre i n America" says: "In crimi-
population that is "permanently dsn- nal law this problem takei the %m

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