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SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.


User Manual

Version 6.5

Jul 2014
Flexense Ltd.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
1 SyncBreeze Overview..........................................................................................3
2 SyncBreeze Prouc! Versions..............................................................................5
3 Prouc! "ns!alla!ion Proceure ...........................................................................6
4 Usin# $es%!o& Prouc! Version...........................................................................'
4.1 Synchronizing is!s or irectories........................................................................"
4.2 SyncBreeze File Synchronization #odes ................................................................$
4.% Synchronizing S&ecific 'y&es of Files ....................................................................(
4.4 Synchronizing Files )itho*t +re,iew.....................................................................(
4.- Bac!gro*nd File Synchronization........................................................................ 1.
4./ Sched*ling +eriodic File Synchronization 0&erations ............................................. 11
4." 1eal2'ime File Synchronization .......................................................................... 12
4.$ Bit2Le,el File Synchronization ............................................................................ 1%
4.( Synchronizing 3etwor! Shares 4sing 435 +ath 3ames ......................................... 14
4.1. File Synchronization +erformance '*ning 0&tions................................................. 1-
4.11 Synchronizing )ith 'ertiary estination irectories.............................................. 1/
4.12 Synchronizing #*lti&le irectory +airs................................................................. 1/
4.1% 4sing the System 'ray 6con............................................................................... 1"
4.14 7xec*ting Sync 5ommands 4sing es!to& Shortc*ts ............................................ 1"
4.1- 7xec*ting Sync 5ommands 4sing 8eyboard Shortc*ts .......................................... 1$
4.1/ 7xcl*ding irectories From File Synchronization ................................................... 1(
4.1" 7xcl*ding S&ecific Files or File 'y&es................................................................... 2.
4.1$ 1eco,erable File Synchronization 0&erations ....................................................... 21
4.1( 9d,anced File Synchronization 0&tions ............................................................... 22
4.2. #a&&ing 3etwor! ri,es.................................................................................... 22
4.21 #anaging File Synchronization 5ommands........................................................... 2%
4.22 So*nd 3otifications........................................................................................... 24
4.2% SyncBreeze 5onfig*ration 0&tions ...................................................................... 2-
4.24 SyncBreeze :46 Layo*ts ................................................................................... 2/
4.2- 4sing SyncBreeze 5ommand Line 4tility.............................................................. 2"
4.2/ SyncBreeze +rod*ct 4&date +roced*re................................................................ 2(
4.2" SyncBreeze +rod*ct 1egistration +roced*re ......................................................... %.
4.2$ S*&&orted 0&erating Systems............................................................................ %1
4.2( SyncBreeze System 1e;*irements...................................................................... %1
5 Usin# SyncBreeze Server ..................................................................................32
-.1 SyncBreeze Ser,er 0,er,iew............................................................................. %2
-.2 6nstalling SyncBreeze Ser,er ............................................................................. %%
-.% SyncBreeze 5lient 9&&lication ............................................................................ %4
-.4 )eb2Based #anagement 6nterface ..................................................................... %-
-.- #anaging File Synchronization 5ommands........................................................... %/
-./ Selecting File Synchronization #odes.................................................................. %"
-." 9d,anced File Synchronization 0&tions ............................................................... %$
-.$ Synchronizing S&ecific File 'y&es or File 5ategories .............................................. %(
-.( 7xcl*ding irectories or Files From the Synchronization +rocess............................. 4.
-.1. File Synchronization Logs .................................................................................. 41
-.11 File Synchronization 5ommands +riorities............................................................ 4%
-.12 File Synchronization 5ommands <istory .............................................................. 44
-.1% 4sing SyncBreeze Ser,er to Sync 3etwor! Shares................................................ 4-
-.14 Synchronizing 1*nning atabases ...................................................................... 4/
-.1- Sending 7rror 72#ail 3otifications....................................................................... 4"
-.1/ Sending Sync 5ommands Stat*s 3otifications...................................................... 4$
-.1" =iewing File Synchronization Statistics ................................................................ 4(
-.1$ Sending Stat*s 1e&orts to an 72#ail 9ddress....................................................... -.
-.1( 5onfig*ring SyncBreeze Ser,er .......................................................................... -1
-.2. 5onfig*ring 5*stom 4ser 3ame and +assword ..................................................... -1
-.21 5onfig*ring 5*stom Ser,er +orts........................................................................ -2
-.22 5onfig*ring 9d,anced Ser,er 0&tions ................................................................. -2
-.2% SyncBreeze Ser,er 5ommand Line 4tility ............................................................ -%
-.24 4&dating SyncBreeze Ser,er.............................................................................. -/
-.2- 1egistering SyncBreeze Ser,er .......................................................................... -"
-.2/ SyncBreeze Ser,er 07# =ersion......................................................................... -$
-.2" SyncBreeze Ser,er S*&&orted 0&erating Systems ................................................ -(
-.2$ SyncBreeze Ser,er System 1e;*irements ........................................................... -(
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
1 SyncBreeze Overview

SyncBreeze is a &owerf*l> easy2to2*se and fast file synchronization sol*tion allowing one to
synchronize files between dis!s> directories> networ! shares and 39S storage de,ices. 4sers
are &ro,ided the ability to config*re a n*mber of file synchronization commands> set*&
bac!gro*nd &eriodic and?or real2time file sync o&erations> sa,e file synchronization logs and
send 72#ail notifications when a file synchronization o&eration fails.

SyncBreeze &ro,ides m*lti&le one2way and two2way file synchronization modes> &eriodic file
synchronization> com&ressed file synchronization> bac!gro*nd file synchronization> real2time
file synchronization> an o&tion to synchronize s&ecific ty&es of files> an o&tion to excl*de
directories from the file synchronization &rocess and allows one to define m*lti&le
c*stomizable file synchronization commands ma!ing it ,ery sim&le to synchronize n*mero*s
dis!s> directories> networ! shares and 39S storage de,ices.

4sers are &ro,ided with the ability to synchronize files with &re,iew allowing one to
select?*nselect s&ecific file synchronization actions. 6n addition> SyncBreeze &ro,ides a stream
file synchronization mode> which synchronizes files on2the2fly witho*t showing the sync
&re,iew dialog allowing one to sync h*ge file systems containing tens of millions of files.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
6n addition to the des!to& :46 a&&lication> &ower com&*ter *sers and 6' &rofessions are
&ro,ided with the SyncBreeze command line *tility> which can be *sed to sync directories
and?or exec*te &re2config*red file synchronization commands from shell scri&ts and batch
files. 'he command line *tility is a,ailable in SyncBreeze 4ltimate and SyncBreeze Ser,er and
it can be *sed to &erform file synchronization o&erations locally or control one or more
SyncBreeze Ser,ers thro*gh the networ!.

Finally> 6' and storage administrators are &ro,ided with two ser,er2based &rod*ct ,ersions>
SyncBreeze Ser,er and SyncBreeze 7nter&rise> which r*n in the bac!gro*nd as a ser,ice and
may be controlled locally or ,ia the networ! *sing a f*ll2scale client :46 a&&lication> the
command line *tility or a reg*lar web browser *sing the web2based management interface.

SyncBreeze Ser,er allows one to exec*te m*lti&le> sim*ltaneo*s file synchronization
o&erations> monitor dis!s and directories and trigger file synchronization o&erations after a
*ser2s&ecified n*mber of changes> exec*te &re2sync and &ost2sync actions> sa,e file
synchronization logs and send 72#ail notifications for failed file synchronization o&erations.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
2 SyncBreeze Prouc! Versions

(ea!ures Pro Ul!i)a!e Server *n!er&rise
#axim*m 3*mber of Files 1. # -. # 1.. # 4nlimited
#axim*m 9mo*nt of is! S&ace 1. 'B -. 'B 1.. 'B 4nlimited
#axim*m 3*mber of Sync 5ommands 1. -. 1.. 4nlimited
#axim*m 3*mber of 3etwor! Shares 1. -. 1.. 4nlimited
#*lti&le File Synchronization #odes @es @es @es @es
File Synchronization with +re,iew @es @es @es @es
S*&&ort for 4nicode File 3ames @es @es @es @es
S*&&ort for Long File 3ames @es @es @es @es
S*&&ort for 435 3etwor! +ath 3ames @es @es @es @es
S*&&ort for 95Ls and Sec*rity 9ttrib*tes @es @es @es @es
0&tion to Sync S&ecific 'y&es of Files @es @es @es @es
#*lti2Stream File Synchronization @es @es @es @es
+eriodic File Synchronization @es @es @es @es
Bac!gro*nd File Synchronization @es @es @es @es
+erformance '*ning 0&tions 3o @es @es @es
'ertiary estination irectories 3o @es @es @es
Fa*lt2'olerant File Synchronization 3o @es @es @es
5om&ressed File Synchronization 3o @es @es @es
#*lti2)ay File Synchronization 3o @es @es @es
1eal2'ime File Synchronization 3o @es @es @es
Bit2Le,el File Synchronization 3o @es @es @es
+re2Sync and +ost2Sync 9ctions 3o @es @es @es
5ommand Line 4tility 3o @es @es @es
1*ns in the Bac!gro*nd as a Ser,ice 3o 3o @es @es
72#ail 3otifications for Failed 0&erations 3o 3o @es @es
07# +rod*ct =ersion 3o 3o @es @es
File Synchronization 5ommands +riorities 3o 3o 3o @es
File Synchronization <istory Statistics 3o 3o 3o @es
:ra&hical +F Statistics 1e&orts 3o 3o 3o @es
)eb2Based #anagement 6nterface 3o 3o 3o @es
Price +25 +50 +125 +3'5

A +rod*ct feat*res> &rices and license terms are s*bBect to change witho*t notice.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
3 Prouc! "ns!alla!ion Proceure

SyncBreeze is a,ailable as a free download on the downloads &age and from a large n*mber of
software directories from aro*nd the world. 'o be s*re yo* are installing the latest &rod*ct
,ersion chec! the &rod*ct downloads &ageC htt&C??

SyncBreeze is es&ecially designed to be as sim&le as &ossible. 'he installation &roced*re is
,ery sim&le> re;*ires no s&ecial !nowledge and may be com&leted in less than %. seconds.
'here is no need for any additional software. D*st download the SyncBreeze installation
&ac!age> r*n the set*& &rogram and yo* are done.

0n the E)elcomeE screen &ress the E3extE b*tton. 1ead the end2*ser license agreement and
&ress the E6 9greeE b*tton if yo* agree with the license terms or the E5ancelE b*tton to sto& the
installation &rocess.

Select the destination directory> &ress the E6nstallE b*tton and wait for the installation &rocess
to com&lete. 'hatEs all yo* need to do to install the SyncBreeze file synchronization *tility on
yo*r com&*ter.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4 Usin# $es%!o& Prouc! Version
4.1 Sync,ronizin# $is%s or $irec!ories

6n the sim&lest case> in order to synchronize two dis!s or directories> &ress the ESyncE b*tton
located in the to&2left corner of the main toolbar> enter the so*rce and destination directories
and &ress the ESyncE b*tton. SyncBreeze will scan the s&ecified so*rce and destination
directories and show a &re,iew dialog with a list of files that sho*ld be synchronized.

'he synchronization &re,iew dialog shows all files that sho*ld be synchronized and allows one
to man*ally select?*nselect s&ecific file synchronization actions. 6n order to see more
information abo*t a file synchronization action> select the action item> &ress the right mo*se
b*tton and select the E9ction +ro&ertiesE men* item. 0nce finished selecting all the actions that
sho*ld be exec*ted> &ress the ESyncE b*tton located in the bottom2right corner of the &re,iew

*ring the file synchronization &rocess> SyncBreeze will dis&lay a synchronization &rocess
dialog showing the total n*mber of synchronized files> the amo*nt of synchronized storage
s&ace> the &erformance of the file synchronization &rocess and the &rocess time. +ress the
E+a*seE b*tton to tem&orarily s*s&end the file synchronization o&eration. +ress the E5ontin*eE
b*tton to res*me a &re,io*sly &a*sed file synchronization o&eration. 6n order to cancel the
c*rrently r*nning file synchronization o&eration> &ress the ESto&E b*tton.

0nce the file synchronization o&eration is finished> SyncBreeze will show a confirmation
message informing abo*t the stat*s of the com&leted file synchronization o&eration. By
defa*lt> SyncBreeze will try to &erform as many file synchronization actions as &ossible
witho*t interr*&ting the o&eration on non2fatal errors. 6n the case that any errors will occ*r
d*ring the file synchronization o&eration> SyncBreeze will show an a&&ro&riate error message
and enable the E7rrorsE b*tton allowing the *ser to access the error log.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.2 SyncBreeze (ile Sync,roniza!ion Moes

e&ending on s&ecific needs> it may be re;*ired to &erform different ty&es of file
synchronization o&erations. For exam&le> sometimes *sers may be interested in !ee&ing all
files in the destination directory e,en when some of them were deleted from the so*rce
directory. 9nother o&tion is to &erform two2way acc*m*lation and *&date !ee&ing both
directories com&letely identical. SyncBreeze &ro,ides fi,e different one2way and two2way file
synchronization modes allowing one to &erform different ty&es of file synchronization
o&erations according to *ser2s&ecific needs and re;*irements.

6n order to change the file synchronization mode for a file synchronization command> o&en the
file synchronization command dialog> select the E:eneralE tab and select one of the following
file synchronization modesC

Sync,ronize $es!ina!ion $irec!ory Fone2wayG 2 9ll changes made in the so*rce
directory will be &ro&agated to the destination directory. Files deleted from the so*rce
directory will be deleted from the destination directory. 9ll files changed or deleted in
the destination directory will be restored *sing files from the so*rce directory. 3o
changes will be made in the so*rce directory. 9fter the file synchronization &rocess is
com&lete both locations will be identical.
U&a!e $es!ina!ion $irec!ory Fone2wayG 2 3ewly created and modified so*rce files
will be co&ied to the destination directory. Files deleted from the so*rce directory will
be deleted from the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directory
will be restored *sing files from the so*rce directory. 3ewly created and modified
destination files will be !e&t in &lace. 3o changes will be made in the so*rce directory.
-ccu)ula!e an U&a!e (iles in $es!ina!ion Fone2wayG 2 3ewly created and
modified so*rce files will be co&ied to the destination directory. Files deleted from the
destination directory will be restored *sing files from the so*rce directory. 3ewly
created and modified destination files will be !e&t in &lace. 3o files will be deleted
from the destination directory. 3o changes will be made in the so*rce directory.
.wo/0ay (ile Sync,roniza!ion 2 3ewly created and modified files will be
synchronized in both directions. Files deleted from the so*rce directory will be deleted
from the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directory will be
restored from the so*rce directory. 5hanges may be made in both locations. 9fter the
file synchronization &rocess is com&lete both locations will be identical.
.wo/0ay S!a!e1ul (ile Sync,roniza!ion 2 3ewly created and modified files will be
synchronized in both directions. Files deleted from the so*rce directory will be deleted
from the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directory will be
deleted from the so*rce directory. 5hanges may be made in both locations. 9fter the
file synchronization &rocess is com&lete both locations will be identical.
.wo/0ay -ccu)ula!ion an U&a!e 2 3ewly created and modified files will be
*&dated in both directions. Files deleted from one location will be restored from the
second location. 5hanges may be made in both locations. 9fter the file synchronization
&rocess is com&lete both locations will be identical.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.3 Sync,ronizin# S&eci1ic .y&es o1 (iles

SyncBreeze &ro,ides &ower com&*ter *sers with the ability to synchronize s&ecific ty&es of
files or file gro*&s *sing one or more flexible file matching r*les. For exam&le> the *ser may
s&ecify to synchronize all ty&es of doc*ments> images and archi,e files.

6n order to add one or more file matching r*les> o&en the file synchronization command
dialog> select the E1*lesE tab and &ress the E9ddE b*tton. 0n the E1*lesE dialog select an
a&&ro&riate r*le ty&e and s&ecify all the re;*ired &arameters.

*ring the file synchronization &rocess> SyncBreeze will scan the so*rce and destination
directories and a&&ly the s&ecified file matching r*les to all &rocessed files. Files not matching
the s&ecified r*les will be s!i&&ed from the file synchronization &rocess effecti,ely limiting the
file synchronization o&eration to *ser2s&ecified files only.
4.4 Sync,ronizin# (iles 0i!,ou! Preview

File synchronization with &re,iew is ,ery *sef*l &ro,iding the *ser with a list of files that
sho*ld be synchronized. 0n the other hand> file synchronization with &re,iew may be
ineffecti,e or com&letely ina&&ro&riate when there is a need to synchronize large file systems
containing many tho*sands of files> es&ecially d*e to the fact that none will ha,e the ability to
man*ally re,iew lists of file synchronization actions containing tho*sands of items.

SyncBreeze &ro,ides a stream file synchronization mode> which &erforms file sync actions on2
the2fly witho*t showing the &re,iew dialog. 'he stream file synchronization more is es&ecially
designed for file systems containing h*ge amo*nts of files and is ca&able of synchronizing
large directories> dis!s and 39S storage de,ices ,ery fast and effecti,ely. Finally> the stream
file synchronization mode is ideal for a*tomated> &eriodic and real2time file synchronization
o&erations &erformed in the bac!gro*nd witho*t any *ser inter,ention.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.5 Bac%#roun (ile Sync,roniza!ion

By defa*lt> when the *ser clic!s on a sync command item> SyncBreeze starts the selected file
synchronization command and exec*tes it in the foregro*nd. 9nother o&tion &ro,ided by
SyncBreeze +ro is to exec*te one or more file synchronization commands in the bac!gro*nd.
'he main reason to exec*te sync commands in the bac!gro*nd is to synchronize m*lti&le
dis!s or directories sim*ltaneo*sly th*s red*cing the total time re;*ired to synchronize
m*lti&le directories.

6n order to synchronize m*lti&le directories in the bac!gro*nd> select all the re;*ired sync
commands in the command list> &ress the right mo*se b*tton and select the EStart
Bac!gro*nd SyncE men* item. SyncBreeze will start all the selected sync commands in the
bac!gro*nd and mar! them as E9cti,eE in the stat*s field. 6n order to o&en a synchronization
&rocess dialog for an acti,e command> clic! on the command item in the commands ,iew.

'he &rocess dialog allows one to &a*se> res*me or sto& any bac!gro*nd file synchronization
o&eration. 6n addition> the *ser is &ro,ided with the ability to dynamically control the s&eed of
any file synchronization o&eration. 6n order to change the s&eed of a r*nning file
synchronization command> B*st set an a&&ro&riate &erformance mode in the ES&eedE combo
box located on the file synchronization &rocess dialog.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.6 Sc,eulin# Perioic (ile Sync,roniza!ion O&era!ions

9nother ad,anced o&tion &ro,ided by SyncBreeze is the ability to exec*te file synchronization
commands &eriodically at *ser2s&ecified time inter,als. 6n addition> SyncBreeze allows one to
sched*le daily or wee!ly sync o&erations to be &erformed at a s&ecific time of the day. 'he
maBor reason to exec*te a file synchronization command &eriodically is to contin*o*sly !ee& a
fre;*ently changing directory synchronized with a bac!*& directory located on an external 4SB
dis! or a 39S storage de,ice.

6n order to enable &eriodic file synchronization for a sync command> o&en the command
dialog> select the E9d,ancedE tab> s&ecify the time &eriod to exec*te the file synchronization
command and &ress the ESa,eE b*tton.

For all &eriodic file synchronization commands> SyncBreeze dis&lays the time remaining to the
next sync o&eration. 9fter each ela&se of the s&ecified time &eriod> SyncBreeze will start the
file synchronization command in the bac!gro*nd and mar! it as E9cti,eE in the stat*s field. 6n
order to o&en a synchronization &rocess dialog for an acti,e sync command> clic! on the
command item in the sync commands ,iew. 9fter finishing a &eriodic file synchronization
command> SyncBreeze will *&date the command stat*s reset &eriodic sync timer.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.' 2eal/.i)e (ile Sync,roniza!ion

6n addition to the &eriodic and sched*led file synchronization ca&abilities> SyncBreeze 4ltimate
and SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ide the *ser with ad,anced real2time file synchronization allowing
one to monitor the so*rce and?or destination directory and trigger the file synchronization
command after a *ser2s&ecified n*mber of file system changes.

'he real2time file synchronization ca&abilities are es&ecially *sef*l when the amo*nt of file
system changes is not e,en o,er time with s*dden s&i!es of file system changes followed by
&eriods of low acti,ity. 6n s*ch a sit*ation> it will be wastef*l to fre;*ently &erform &eriodic file
synchronization if nothing has changed> b*t on the other hand> if someone s*ddenly changes a
large n*mber of files> these changes sho*ld be synchronized as soon as &ossible.

'he most balanced a&&roach for s*ch sit*ations is a combination of &eriodic file
synchronization with real2time dis! change monitoring config*red to trigger the file
synchronization command after a *ser2s&ecified n*mber of changes. 6n this way> if the
amo*nt of file system changes is below the threshold defined in the real2time dis! change
monitor> the timer will exec*te the file synchronization command according to the sched*led
time inter,al. 0n the other hand> if there are too many changes> the dis! change monitor will
trigger the file synchronization command before the sched*led time.

6n order to enable real2time file synchronization for a file sync command> o&en the command
dialog> select the E9d,ancedE tab and select the E#onitor 5hangesE chec!box. SyncBreeze
allows one to monitor the so*rce directory> the destination directory or both directories
sim*ltaneo*sly. 7nter an a&&ro&riate n*mber of changes that sho*ld trigger the file
synchronization command and &ress the ESa,eE b*tton.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.3 Bi!/4evel (ile Sync,roniza!ion

SyncBreeze 4ltimate and SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ide bit2le,el file synchronization ca&abilities
allowing one to synchronize only changed file system cl*sters in each file th*s minimizing the
amo*nt of dis! write o&erations and extending the life of SS dis!s.

6n order to enable bit2le,el file synchronization for a file synchronization command> o&en the
sync command dialog> select the E0&tionsE tab and enable the EBit2Le,el File SynchronizationE
o&tion. )hen this o&tion is enabled> for each changed file> SyncBreeze will *&date changed
data bloc!s only.

For exam&le> letEs ass*me we ha,e a large -$#B #icrosoft )ord doc*ment file. )hen bit2le,el
file synchronization is disabled> SyncBreeze will co&y the whole file each time the file is
modified. 0n the other hand> with the bit2le,el file synchronization o&tion enabled> SyncBreeze
will *&date changed data bloc!s only th*s significantly red*cing the amo*nt of data written to
the dis! and extending the life s&an of SS dis!s.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.5 Sync,ronizin# 6e!wor% S,ares Usin# U67 Pa!, 6a)es

For *sers fre;*ently wor!ing with m*lti&le networ!ed com&*ters or 39S storage de,ices>
SyncBreeze &ro,ides the ability to synchronize networ! shares *sing 435 &ath names. 6n
order to s&ecify the so*rce and?or destination directory *sing 435 &ath names> o&en the
command dialog> select the E:eneralE tab and enter the so*rce and?or destination directories
*sing the following formatC HHser,er2nameHshare2nameHdirectory.

)hile wor!ing with 435 &ath names> &lease ta!e into acco*nt that in order to be able to
synchronize files on networ! shares and?or 39S storage de,ices> the *ser sho*ld ha,e
directory access and file write &ermissions for each s&ecific networ! share and?or 39S storage
de,ice. 6f the *ser will not ha,e directory access or file write &ermissions> the file
synchronization o&eration will fail with one or more error messages re&orting abo*t access
denied errors.

For sync o&erations config*red to synchronize networ! shares> the file synchronization &re,iew
dialog will show file sync actions *sing the 435 networ! location allowing one to easily
*nderstand which files will be *&dated in each sync o&eration.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.10 (ile Sync,roniza!ion Per1or)ance .unin# O&!ions

6n order to increase the &erformance of file synchronization o&erations> SyncBreeze &ro,ides
ad,anced com&*ter *sers and 6' &rofessionals with the ability to synchronize files *sing
m*lti&le file synchronization streams. #*lti2Stream file synchronization significantly im&ro,es
file synchronization &erformance when synchronizing large amo*nts of files between m*lti&le
dis!s> 39S storage de,ices or enter&rise storage systems.

6n order to enable m*lti2stream file synchronization for a sync command> o&en the file sync
command dialog> select the E9d,ancedE tab and set an a&&ro&riate n*mber of file
synchronization streams. 'a!e into acco*nt that m*lti2stream file synchronization is o&timized
for m*lti2dis!> 196 and networ!ed config*rations and it is not recommended to *se when
synchronizing files located on the same &hysical dis!.

6n addition> *sers re;*ired to synchronize files on r*nning> &rod*ction systems are &ro,ided
with the ability to slow down file synchronization o&erations th*s minimizing the &erformance
im&act on r*nning a&&lications. 6n order to change the s&eed of a file synchronization
command> o&en the command dialog> select the E9d,ancedE tab and select an a&&ro&riate
&erformance mode in the ES&eedE combo box.

Finally> SyncBreeze &ro,ides a large n*mber of file co&y &erformance t*ning o&tions allowing
one to control the file co&y mode> the memory b*ffer size> memory alignment> the file co&y
retry co*nt and the file co&y retry delay.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.11 Sync,ronizin# 0i!, .er!iary $es!ina!ion $irec!ories

Sometimes> when bac!ing *& ,ery im&ortant information> it may be re;*ired to synchronize a
single so*rce directory with two destination directories> &otentially located on different
&hysical dis!s> ser,ers or 39S storage de,ices. #a!ing a third co&y of im&ortant files
significantly red*ces the ris! of losing the im&ortant information in the case that one of the
bac!*& co&ies will be destroyed by a catastro&hic hardware fail*re.

SyncBreeze 4ltimate and SyncBreeze Ser,er allow one to define a tertiary destination
directory for any file synchronization command. 6n order to config*re a tertiary destination
directory> o&en the file sync command dialog> select the E:eneralE tab> select the E7xtendedE
config*ration mode and s&ecify a tertiary destination directory. *ring r*ntime> SyncBreeze
will first synchronize the so*rce directory with the first destination directory and after that with
the tertiary destination directory.
4.12 Sync,ronizin# Mul!i&le $irec!ory Pairs

0ne of the most &owerf*l feat*res &ro,ided by SyncBreeze 4ltimate and SyncBreeze Ser,er is
the ability to synchronize m*lti&le directory &airs in a single file synchronization command. 6n
order to s&ecify m*lti&le directories for a file synchronization command> o&en the command
dialog> select the E:eneralE tab> select the E7x&ertE config*ration mode and add all the re;*ired
directory &airs.

For each directory &air> the *ser is &ro,ided with the ability to s&ecify a so*rce directory> a
destination directory> an o&tional tertiary destination directory and the file synchronization
mode that sho*ld be *sed for this s&ecific directory &air. *ring r*ntime> SyncBreeze will
synchronize all directory &air se;*entially> one after one> in the same order as the directory
&airs are s&ecified in the sync command dialog. 6n order to change the order of the s&ecified
directory &airs> select a directory &air item> &ress the right mo*se b*tton and select the E#o,e
4&E or E#o,e ownE men* item.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.13 Usin# !,e Sys!e) .ray "con

Bac!gro*nd file synchronization o&erations are es&ecially *sef*l when config*red to
a*tomatically synchronize one or more directories at s&ecific time inter,als. 9nother feat*re
that greatly com&lements the bac!gro*nd file synchronization ca&abilities is the ability to
minimize the main :46 a&&lication to the system tray while allowing one to exec*te
bac!gro*nd file synchronization commands *sing the system tray iconEs context men*.

6n order to enable the system tray icon> o&en the ad,anced o&tions dialog and select the
E#inimize to System 'rayE o&tion. )ith this o&tion enabled> the SyncBreeze main :46
a&&lication will minimize itself into the system tray and allow one to exec*te bac!gro*nd file
synchronization commands *sing the system tray iconEs context men*. 9 minimized
a&&lication may be shown at any time by clic!ing on the system tray icon. 9nother o&tion is to
clic! the right mo*se b*tton o,er the system tray icon and to select the EShow Sync BreezeE
men* item. 6n order to exec*te a file synchronization command in the bac!gro*nd> clic! the
right mo*se b*tton o,er the system tray icon and select a command item in the E5ommandsE
context men*. 6n order to close the SyncBreeze a&&lication> select the EI*itE men* item.
4.14 *8ecu!in# Sync 7o))ans Usin# $es%!o& S,or!cu!s

0ne of the most *sef*l feat*res &ro,ided by SyncBreeze is the ability to exec*te file
synchronization commands in a single mo*se clic! *sing direct des!to& shortc*ts. 6n order to
create a des!to& shortc*t for a file synchronization command> select the command item> &ress
the right mo*se b*tton> select the E5reate es!to& Shortc*tE men* item and a new des!to&
shortc*t with the command name will a&&ear on the des!to&.

3ow> B*st clic! on the commandEs des!to& shortc*t to exec*te the associated file
synchronization command. SyncBreeze will o&en the file synchronization command> scan the
s&ecified so*rce and destination directories and show the file synchronization &re,iew dialog.
#oreo,er> by *sing m*lti&le des!to& shortc*ts the *ser is &ro,ided with the ability to easily
exec*te m*lti&le> &arallel file synchronization o&erations.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.15 *8ecu!in# Sync 7o))ans Usin# 9ey:oar S,or!cu!s

For those who &refer to *se !eyboard shortc*ts instead of the mo*se> SyncBreeze &ro,ides
the ability to associate c*stom !eyboard shortc*ts with *ser2defined file synchronization
commands. 6n order to set a c*stom !eyboard shortc*t for a file synchronization command>
select the command item> &ress the right mo*se b*tton and select the ESet 8eyboard Shortc*tE
men* item.

0n the shortc*t dialog> enter a c*stom !ey se;*ence and &ress the E0!E b*tton. 3ow> B*st ty&e
the selected !ey se;*ence and SyncBreeze will start the associated file synchronization

6n addition to the !eyboard shortc*ts for file synchronization commands> SyncBreeze &ro,ides
the *ser with the ability to c*stomize all &re2defined f*nctional !eyboard shortc*ts. 6n order to
c*stomize &re2defined !eyboard shortc*ts> select the E'ools 2 9d,anced 0&tionsE men* item to
o&en the o&tions dialog and select the EShortc*tsE tab.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.16 *8cluin# $irec!ories (ro) (ile Sync,roniza!ion

Sometimes> it may be re;*ired to excl*de one or more s*bdirectories from the file
synchronization &rocess. For exam&le> if yo* need to synchronize two directories excl*ding
one or two s&ecial s*bdirectories> yo* may s&ecify the to& le,el directories as the so*rce and
destination directories and add the s*bdirectories that sho*ld be s!i&&ed to the excl*de list.

6n order to add one or more directories to the excl*de list> o&en the file synchronization
command dialog> select the E7xcl*deE tab and &ress the E9ddE b*tton. 9ll files and
s*bdirectories located in the s&ecified excl*de directories will be excl*ded from the file
synchronization &rocess. 6n addition> ad,anced *sers are &ro,ided with a n*mber of excl*de
directories macro commands allowing one to excl*de m*lti&le directories *sing a single macro

SyncBreeze &ro,ides the following excl*de directories macro commandsC

+B*;"6S <.e8! S!rin#= 2 this macro command excl*des all directories beginning
with the s&ecified text string.
+7O6.-"6S <.e8! S!rin#= 2 this macro command excl*des all directories
containing the s&ecified text string.
+*6$S <.e8! S!rin#= 2 this macro command excl*des all directories ending with the
s&ecified text string.
+2*;*> <2e#ular *8&ression= 2 this macro command excl*des directories
matching the s&ecified reg*lar ex&ression.

For exam&le> the excl*de macro command EJ503'963S 'em&orary FilesE will excl*de all
directories with E'em&orary FilesE at any &lace in the f*ll directory &ath and the excl*de macro
command EJ17:7K H.F'#+L'7#+GJE will excl*de directories ending with E.'#+E or E.'7#+E.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.1' *8cluin# S&eci1ic (iles or (ile .y&es

9d,anced *sers are &ro,ided with the ability to excl*de s&ecific files or file categories from the
file synchronization &rocess. 6n general> SyncBreeze &ro,ides a large set of files matching
r*les with &ositi,e o&erators> intended to &ositi,ely match files> and negati,e o&erators>
allowing one to excl*de s&ecific ty&es of files or file categories from the file synchronization

For exam&le> in order to excl*de all ty&es of ,ideo files from the file synchronization &rocess>
o&en the file synchronization command dialog> select the E1*lesE tab and add a file matching
r*le E3ot 5ategorized 9sC #o,ies> 5li&s and =ideo FilesE. #*lti&le ty&es of file matching r*les
excl*ding files by the category> file name> file size> extension> etc. may be added to any file
synchronization o&eration allowing one to effecti,ely excl*de s&ecific files or file categories.

For exam&le> in order to excl*de all #+: files by the file extension> o&en the file sync
command dialog> select the E1*lesE tab and add a file matching r*le EFile 7xtension 3ot 7;*alC
#+:E. *ring the file synchronization o&eration> SyncBreeze will &rocess files that sho*ld be
synchronized and excl*de files according to the s&ecified file matching r*les.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.13 2ecovera:le (ile Sync,roniza!ion O&era!ions

SyncBreeze &ro,ides reco,erable file synchronization ca&abilities allowing one to retry failed
file co&y o&erations. 6n order to enable reco,erable file synchronization o&erations> o&en the
sync command dialog> select the E0&tionsE tab and enable the E=erify Files 9fter
SynchronizationE o&tion.

)ith this o&tion enabled> SyncBreeze will calc*late the S<92-/ file signat*re for each so*rce
file> reread each destination file after co&y and com&are the so*rce and destination files
signat*res. 3ow> select the E9d,ancedE tab> &ress the &erformance E0&tionsE b*tton and enter
an a&&ro&riate n*mber of file co&y retries and a retry delay Fin millisecondsG.

)hen a file co&y o&eration will fail d*e to a dis! 6?0 error> networ! error or the so*rce and
destination S<92-/ file signat*res will not match> SyncBreeze will retry the file co&y o&eration
the s&ecified n*mber of times while adding the s&ecified delay before each retry.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.15 -vance (ile Sync,roniza!ion O&!ions

'he file synchronization o&tions tab &ro,ides the *ser with the ability to control the following
ad,anced file synchronization o&tionsC

Sync (ile -!!ri:u!es 2 this o&tion enables synchronization of file attrib*tes.
Sync User?;rou& Securi!y $escri&!or 2 this o&tion enables synchronization of filesE
ownershi& information.
Sync $iscre!ionary -ccess 7on!rol 4is! F95LG 2 this o&tion enables
synchronization of filesE 95L access control lists.
Sync Sys!e) -ccess 7on!rol 4is! FS95LG 2 this o&tion enables synchronization of
filesE S95L access control lists.
Sync $irec!ories .i)es!a)&s 2 this o&tion enables synchronization of directories
Bi!/4evel (ile Sync,roniza!ion 2 this o&tion enables bit2le,el file synchronization for
the file sync command> which *&dates only changed data bloc!s for each co&ied file.
Veri1y (iles -1!er Sync,roniza!ion 2 this o&tion enables ,erification of each
synchronized file.

4.20 Ma&&in# 6e!wor% $rives

SyncBreeze &ro,ides the ability to ma& networ! dri,es directory from the SyncBreeze main
:46 a&&lication. 6n order to ma& a networ! dri,e> select the E'ools 2 5onnect 3etwor! ri,eE
men* item> select a local dri,e letter> enter the name of the ser,er and networ! share and
&ress the E5onnectE b*tton.

By defa*lt> SyncBreeze will try to ma& networ! shares *sing the c*rrent *ser acco*nt. 6n order
to ma& a networ! dri,e *sing another *ser acco*nt> s&ecify a c*stom *ser name and &assword
to connect the networ! dri,e with.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.21 Mana#in# (ile Sync,roniza!ion 7o))ans

For *sers fre;*ently synchronizing n*mero*s directories> networ! shares and?or 39S storage
de,ices> SyncBreeze &ro,ides the ability to &re2define m*lti&le> c*stomized file synchronization
commands and easily exec*te them is a single mo*se clic!.

6n order to add a new> &re2defined file synchronization command &ress the E9ddE b*tton on the
main toolbar and s&ecify a *ni;*e command name. 0n the file synchronization command
dialog enter the so*rce and destination directories> select an a&&ro&riate file synchronization
mode and &ress the ESa,eE b*tton.

3ow> the newly created file synchronization command may be easily exec*ted at any time B*st
by clic!ing on the command item in the commands ,iew. For each file synchronization
command> SyncBreeze shows the command name> the last synchronization time> the total
n*mber of files and the amo*nt of data in the so*rce and destination directories and the
stat*s trend showing how the amo*nt of data is changing o,er time.

6n order to edit a file synchronization command> select the command item in the commands
,iew> &ress the right mo*se b*tton and select the E7dit 5ommandE men* item. Select one or
more file synchronization commands> &ress the right mo*se b*tton and select the Eelete
5ommandsE men* item to delete all the selected file synchronization commands.

9ll the *ser2defined file synchronization commands are stored in the *ser2s&ecific &rod*ct
config*ration file> which may be ex&orted for bac!*& &*r&oses and later *sed to restore the
&rod*ct config*ration on the same or another com&*ter. 6n order to ex&ort the *ser2s&ecific
&rod*ct config*ration to a file> select the men* EFile 2 7x&ort 5onfig*rationE and s&ecify a file
name to ex&ort the &rod*ct config*ration to. Select the men* EFile 2 6m&ort 5onfig*rationE to
im&ort a &re,io*sly ex&orted &rod*ct config*ration file.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.22 Soun 6o!i1ica!ions

SyncBreeze &ro,ides the ability to &lay notification so*nds when a sync o&eration is started>
com&leted or failed. 6n addition> the *ser is &ro,ided with the ability to enable> disable or
c*stomize all ty&es of so*nd notifications.

6n order to o&en the E3otification So*ndsE dialog> select the E'ools 2 3otification So*ndsE men*
item. 'he E3otifications So*ndsE dialog shows all the a,ailable so*nd notifications and allows
one to enable or disable s&ecific so*nd notifications.

6n order to select a c*stom notification so*nd file> clic! on a notification so*nd item in the
so*nds list and select a c*stom )9= file. 6n order to &lay a notification so*nd> select the
re;*ired notification so*nd in the so*nds list and &ress the E+layE b*tton.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.23 SyncBreeze 7on1i#ura!ion O&!ions

Select the E'ools 2 9d,anced 0&tionsE men* item to o&en the o&tions dialog.

'he E:eneralE tab allows one to control the following o&tionsC

S,ow Main .ool:ar 2 7nables?isables the main toolbar
-u!o)a!ically 7,ec% (or Prouc! U&a!es 2 select this o&tion to instr*ct
SyncBreeze to a*tomatically chec! for a,ailable &rod*ct *&dates.
S,ow Scannin# -ccess $enie *rrors 2 select this o&tion to see error messages
when SyncBreeze is &re,ented to scan files in a directory
Process Sys!e) (iles 2 select this o&tion to synchronize system files.
-:or! O&era!ion On 7ri!ical *rrors 2 by defa*lt SyncBreeze is trying to &rocess as
many files as &ossible logging non2fatal errors in a &rocess log. Select this o&tion to
instr*ct SyncBreeze to abort o&eration when enco*ntering a critical error.

'he EShortc*tsE tab &ro,ides the *ser with the ability to c*stomize !eyboard shortc*ts. 5lic! on
a shortc*t item to edit the c*rrently assigned !ey se;*ence. +ress the Eefa*lt Shortc*tsE
b*tton to reset all !eyboard shortc*ts to defa*lt ,al*es.

'he E+roxyE tab &ro,ides the *ser with the ability to config*re the <''+ &roxy settings.
SyncBreeze *ses the <''+ &rotocol in order to in;*ire whether there is a new &rod*ct ,ersion
a,ailable on the web site. By defa*lt> SyncBreeze detects &roxy settings and connects to the
6nternet directly or thro*gh an <''+ &roxy de&ending on the config*ration of the host
com&*ter. e&ending on a s&ecific host and networ! config*ration> the *ser is &ro,ided with
the ability to connect to the 6nternet directly> tro*gh a*tomatic <''+ &roxy disco,ery or
man*ally by entering the <''+ &roxy ser,er name and &ort
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.24 SyncBreeze ;U" 4ayou!s

6n order to im&ro,e :46 *sability> the SyncBreeze main :46 a&&lication &ro,ides three *ser2
selectable :46 layo*ts. +ress the ELayo*tsE b*tton to switch the :46 a&&lication to the next
:46 layo*t.

'he first Fdefa*ltG :46 layo*t dis&lays large toolbar b*ttons with descri&ti,e text labels *nder
each b*tton and *ses large icons to show *ser2defined file synchronization commands in the
commands ,iew.

'he second :46 layo*t dis&lays small toolbar b*ttons with descri&ti,e text labels beside each
b*tton and *ses small icons to show *ser2defined file synchronization commands in the
commands ,iew.

'he third :46 layo*t dis&lays small toolbar b*ttons witho*t descri&ti,e text labels> *ses small
icons to show *ser2defined file synchronization commands and shows the command name only
for each command in the commands ,iew.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.25 Usin# SyncBreeze 7o))an 4ine U!ili!y

6n addition to the :46 a&&lication> SyncBreeze 4ltimate incl*des a command line tool allowing
one to exec*te file synchronization commands from an 0S shell window. 'he SyncBreeze
command line tool &ro,ides &ower *sers and system administrators with the ability to
integrate file synchronization ca&abilities into batch files and shell scri&ts. 'he SyncBreeze
command line tool is located in M+rod*ctirN?bin directory.
5ommand Line SyntaxC

sync:reeze /e8ecu!e <Sync 7o))an 6a)e=

'his command exec*tes the s&ecified file synchronization o&eration.

sync:reeze /sync /source <Source$irec!ory= /es! <$es!$irec!ory=

'his command synchronizes files between directories> local dis!s or networ! shares.


/source <Source $irec!ory=

'his &arameter s&ecifies the so*rce directory for file synchronization. 6n order to ens*re
&ro&er &arsing of command line arg*ments> directories containing s&ace characters sho*ld be
do*ble ;*oted.

/es! <$es!ina!ion $irec!ory=

'his &arameter s&ecifies the destination directory for file synchronization. 6n order to ens*re
&ro&er &arsing of command line arg*ments> directories containing s&ace characters sho*ld be
do*ble ;*oted.

/)oe <S$ A SU$ A S-$ A S.0 A S.-=

S 2 Sets the sync2destination file synchronization mode Fefa*ltG

9ll changes made in the so*rce directory will be &ro&agated to destination. Files deleted from
the so*rce directory will be deleted from destination. 9ll files changed or deleted in destination
will be restored from so*rce.

S4 2 Sets the *&date2destination file synchronization mode

3ewly created and modified so*rce files will be co&ied to destination. Files deleted from the
so*rce directory will be deleted from destination. Files deleted from the destination directory
will be restored from so*rce.

S9 2 Sets the acc*m*late2destination file synchronization mode

3ewly created and modified so*rce files will be co&ied to destination. Files deleted from the
destination directory will be restored from so*rce. 3ewly created and modified destination files
will be !e&t in &lace.

S') 2 Sets the two2way file synchronization mode

3ewly created and modified files will be synchronized in both directions. Files deleted from the
so*rce directory will be deleted from destination. Files deleted from the destination directory
will be restored from so*rce.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
S'9 2 Sets the two2way acc*m*late file synchronization mode

3ewly created and modified files will be *&dated in both directions. Files deleted in one
location will be restored from the second location. 9fter finishing the synchronization &rocess
both locations will be identical.

/&er1 <(U44 A M*$"UM A 4O0=

F4LL 2 F*ll2s&eed file synchronization
#764# 2 #edi*m2s&eed file synchronization
L0) 2 Low2s&eed file synchronization

/s!rea)s <1 ... 16=

S&ecifies the n*mber of &arallel file synchronization streams.


6nstr*cts to co&y filesE access control lists F95LG.


6nstr*cts to co&y filesE sec*rity control lists FS95LG.


6nstr*cts to co&y filesE *ser?gro*& information.


Shows the &rod*ct maBor ,ersion> minor ,ersion> re,ision and b*ild date.


'his command shows the command line *sage information.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.26 SyncBreeze Prouc! U&a!e Proceure

9lmost e,ery month> Flexense releases b*g2fixes and &rod*ct *&dates for the SyncBreeze file
synchronization *tility. 'hese &rod*ct *&dates are *&loaded to the &rod*ct web site and may
be a&&lied to any installed &rod*ct ,ersion. 7ach time SyncBreeze is started> the *&date
manager chec!s if there is a new &rod*ct ,ersion a,ailable. 6f there is a new &rod*ct *&date
a,ailable> the *ser will see an E4&dateE lin! in the right2most corner of the stat*s bar.

6n order to man*ally chec! that the c*rrently installed &rod*ct ,ersion is *&2to2date> select
men* E<el& 2 5hec! For 4&datesE on the main men* bar. 'he *&date manager will connect to
the *&date ser,er and chec! if there is a newer ,ersion of the &rod*ct a,ailable for download.

6f there is a new &rod*ct ,ersion a,ailable> the *&date dialog will show the ,ersion of the new
&rod*ct *&date and two lin!sC the E1elease 3otesE lin! and the E6nstallE lin!. 5lic! on the
E1elease 3otesE lin! to see more information abo*t new feat*res and b*g2fixes &ro,ided by the
new &rod*ct ,ersion. 5lic! on the E6nstallE lin! to download and install the new &rod*ct ,ersion.

9fter clic!ing on the E6nstallE lin!> &lease wait while the *&date manager will download the new
&rod*ct ,ersion to the local dis!. 'he *&date &ac!age will be downloaded to a tem&orary
directory on the system dri,e and a*tomatically deleted after the *&date manager will finish
*&dating the &rod*ct. 9fter download is com&leted> close all o&en SyncBreeze a&&lications and
&ress the E0!E b*tton when ready. 6f one or more SyncBreeze a&&lications will be o&en d*ring
the *&date> the o&eration will fail and the whole *&date &rocess will need to be restarted from
the beginning. 9fter finishing the *&date &rocess> SyncBreeze will show a message box
confirming the s*ccessf*lly com&leted o&eration.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.2' SyncBreeze Prouc! 2e#is!ra!ion Proceure

SyncBreeze licenses and disco*nted license &ac!s may be &*rchased on the following &ageC
htt&C??*rchase.html 9fter finishing the &*rchase &rocess> wait for the
following two e2mail messagesC the first one with a recei&t for yo*r &ayment and the second
one with an *nloc! !ey. 6f yo* will not recei,e yo*r *nloc! !ey within 24 ho*rs> &lease chec!
yo*r s&am box for e2mail messages originating from su&&or! and if it is nor
here contact o*r s*&&ort team.

6f the com&*ter is connected to the 6nternet> start the SyncBreeze :46 a&&lication and &ress
the E1egisterE b*tton located in the to&2right corner of the window. 0n the register dialog>
enter yo*r name and the recei,ed *nloc! !ey and &ress the E1egisterE b*tton to finish the
registration &roced*re.

6f the com&*ter is not connected to the 6nternet> &ress the E#an*al 1egistrationE b*tton> enter
yo*r name and the &ro,ided *nloc! !ey> ex&ort a &rod*ct 6 file and send the &rod*ct 6 file
to re#is! as an attachment.

)ithin a co*&le of ho*rs yo* will recei,e an *nloc! file> which sho*ld be im&orted in order to
finish the man*al &rod*ct registration &roced*re.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
4.23 Su&&or!e O&era!in# Sys!e)s

32/Bi! O&era!in# Sys!e)s

)indows K+
)indows =ista
)indows "
)indows $
)indows $.1
)indows Ser,er 2..%
)indows Ser,er 2..$
)indows Ser,er 2.12

64/Bi! O&era!in# Sys!e)s

)indows K+ /42Bit
)indows =ista /42Bit
)indows " /42Bit
)indows $ /42Bit
)indows $.1 /42Bit
)indows Ser,er 2..% /42Bit
)indows Ser,er 2..$ /42Bit
)indows Ser,er 2.12 /42Bit

4.25 SyncBreeze Sys!e) 2eCuire)en!s

Mini)al Sys!e) 7on1i#ura!ion

S*&&orted 0&erating System
1 :<z or better 5+4
2-/ #B of system memory
2- #B of free dis! s&ace

2eco))ene Sys!e) 7on1i#ura!ion

S*&&orted 0&erating System
*al25ore 2 :<z or better 5+4
-12 #B of system memory
2- #B of free dis! s&ace

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5 Usin# SyncBreeze Server
5.1 SyncBreeze Server Overview

SyncBreeze Ser,er is a dedicated file synchronization ser,er> which r*ns in the bac!gro*nd as
a ser,ice and is ca&able of synchronizing dis!s> directories> networ! shares and 39S storage
de,ices in a f*lly a*tomatic and *nattended mode. SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides the ability to
define m*lti&le file synchronization commands> sched*le &eriodic file synchronization
o&erations> monitor dis!s and directories and a*tomatically trigger file synchronization
o&erations when a *ser2s&ecified n*mber of file system changes detected.

SyncBreeze Ser,er may be controlled *sing a f*ll2scale client :46 a&&lication and a command
line *tility locally or ,ia the networ!. 'he client :46 a&&lication &ro,ides all feat*res a,ailable
in the des!to& &rod*ct ,ersion and additional ser,er2only file synchronization ca&abilities. 6n
order to connect to SyncBreeze Ser,er> start the SyncBreeze client :46 a&&lication> &ress the
E5onnectE b*tton located on the main toolbar and s&ecify the host name or an 6+ address of
the ser,er to connect to and enter a SyncBreeze *ser name and &assword Fthe defa*lt *ser
name and &assword is a)in?a)inG.

9nother way to control SyncBreeze Ser,er is to *se the SyncBreeze command line *tility>
which is located in the E+rod*ct irHbinE directory. 'he SyncBreeze command line *tility allows
one to start> &a*se> res*me and sto& file synchronization commands> ,iew the stat*s of
r*nning file synchronization o&erations and config*re the SyncBreeze ser,er.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.2 "ns!allin# SyncBreeze Server

SyncBreeze Ser,er is es&ecially designed to be as sim&le as &ossible. 'he &rod*ct does not
re;*ire any third2&arty software a&&lications and may be installed and config*red within a
co*&le of min*tes. 9 f*lly f*nctional %.2days trial ,ersion of SyncBreeze Ser,er may be
downloaded from the following &ageC htt&C??

'he installation &ac!age is ,ery small> -#B 2 /#B de&ending on the target o&erating system>
and the &rod*ct re;*ires B*st 2.#B of the free dis! s&ace on the target ser,er. 6n order to
install SyncBreeze Ser,er> start the set*& &rogram> select a destination directory and &ress
the E3extE b*tton.

0&tionally> enter c*stom ser,er control and?or web access &orts. 'he ser,er control &ort is
*sed by the SyncBreeze client :46 a&&lication and the command line *tility to connect to
SyncBreeze Ser,er. 'he web access &ort is the &ort for the web2based management interface
allowing one to control SyncBreeze Ser,er *sing a standard web browser from any com&*ter
on the networ!. 6f SyncBreeze Ser,er sho*ld be controlled remotely thro*gh the networ!>
ma!e s*re one or both of these &orts are o&en in the ser,erEs firewall.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.3 SyncBreeze 7lien! -&&lica!ion

SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides a client :46 a&&lication> which is ca&able of controlling one or
more SyncBreeze Ser,ers locally or thro*gh the networ!. 'he client :46 a&&lication allows one
to config*re file synchronization commands> set*& &eriodic file synchronization o&erations>
control exec*tion of file synchronization commands> set*& error logs and 72#ail notifications>
config*re ad,anced ser,er o&tions> etc.

6n order to connect to a remote SyncBreeze ser,er thro*gh the networ!> &ress the E5onnectE
b*tton located on the main toolbar> enter the host name For an 6+ addressG of the ser,er to
connect to> enter the SyncBreeze *ser name and &assword Fdefa*lt is a)in?a)inG and
&ress the E5onnectE b*tton.

)hen connected to a SyncBreeze ser,er> the client a&&lication dis&lays file synchronization
commands config*red on the ser,er and allows one to start file synchronization o&erations>
add> edit> delete file synchronization commands and manage ad,anced ser,er o&tions. 6n
order to add a new file synchronization command> &ress the E9ddE b*tton located on the main
toolbar> s&ecify a *ni;*e command name> enter the so*rce and destination directories to
synchronize and &ress the ESa,eE b*tton.

3ow> in order to start the file synchronization command> select the command item> &ress the
right mo*se b*tton and select the EStart 5ommandE men* item. 'he file synchronization
command will be exec*ted on the SyncBreeze ser,er while the file synchronization stat*s
dialog will be dis&layed in the client :46 a&&lication> which can be connected to the ser,er
remotely thro*gh the networ!.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.4 0e:/Base Mana#e)en! "n!er1ace

SyncBreeze 7nter&rise &ro,ides a com&lete web2based management interface allowing one to
control> config*re and manage one or more SyncBreeze Ser,ers *sing a reg*lar web browser
from any com&*ter on the networ!.

6n order to enable the web2based management interface on a SyncBreeze Ser,er> connect to
the ser,er *sing the SyncBreeze client :46 a&&lication> o&en the E0&tionsE dialog> select the
ESer,erE tab> enable the E)eb Ser,erE o&tion and &ress the ESa,eE b*tton.

By defa*lt> the SyncBreeze web ser,er *ses the '5+?6+ &ort $.> which is a standard &ort *sed
by web browsers to connect to web ser,ers. Sometimes> the standard web access &ort may be
in *se by other a&&lications or ser,ices installed on the ser,er &re,enting the SyncBreeze web
interface to o&erate &ro&erly. 6n this case> the *ser needs to change the web access &ort
n*mber and then> in order to connect to the c*stom &ort> ty&e in the web browser address
barC htt&C??ser,er2nameC&ort2n*mber.

'he SyncBreeze 7nter&rise web2based interface is a dynamic web a&&lication> which
a*tomatically *&dates the stat*s and &rogress of acti,e file synchronization o&erations> and in
order to o&erate &ro&erly> the web based interface re;*ires Da,aScri&t to be enabled in the
web browser.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.5 Mana#in# (ile Sync,roniza!ion 7o))ans

SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides the ability to set*& a n*mber of file synchronization commands
with each one config*red to synchronize files between a &air of so*rce and destination dis!s>
directories or networ! shares. 'he SyncBreeze Ser,er home &age shows the config*red file
synchronization commands and allows one to add> start> sto& and delete file sync commands
and config*re ad,anced file synchronization o&tions.

6n order to add a new file synchronization command> &ress the E9dd 5ommandE b*tton located
on the SyncBreeze Ser,er home &age> enter a *ni;*e command name> s&ecify a so*rce and
destination directories to synchronize> select an a&&ro&riate file synchronization mode and
&ress the ESa,eE b*tton.

'he newly created file synchronization command will be dis&layed on the SyncBreeze Ser,er
home &age and in order to start the file sync command man*ally> clic! on the commandEs
EStartE b*tton located in the E'oolsE col*mn. SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides a large set of
ad,anced file synchronization o&tions allowing one to c*stomize any file synchronization
command for *ser2s&ecific needs and re;*irements. 6n order to c*stomize ad,anced file
synchronization o&tions> clic! the E7dit 5ommandE b*tton located in the E'oolsE col*mn.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.6 Selec!in# (ile Sync,roniza!ion Moes

SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides a n*mber of different one2way and two2way file synchronization
modes allowing one to &erform different ty&es of file synchronization o&erations de&ending on
*ser2s&ecific needs and re;*irements.

6n order to change the file synchronization mode for a file synchronization command> o&en the
file synchronization command config*ration &age and select one of the following file
synchronization modesC

Sync,ronize $es!ina!ion $irec!ory Fone2wayG 2 9ll changes made in the so*rce
directory will be &ro&agated to the destination directory. Files deleted from the so*rce
directory will be deleted from the destination directory. 9ll files changed or deleted in
the destination directory will be restored *sing files from the so*rce directory. 3o
changes will be made in the so*rce directory. 9fter the file synchronization &rocess is
com&lete both locations will be identical.
U&a!e $es!ina!ion $irec!ory Fone2wayG 2 3ewly created and modified so*rce files
will be co&ied to the destination directory. Files deleted from the so*rce directory will
be deleted from the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directory
will be restored *sing files from the so*rce directory. 3ewly created and modified
destination files will be !e&t in &lace. 3o changes will be made in the so*rce directory.
-ccu)ula!e an U&a!e (iles in $es!ina!ion Fone2wayG 2 3ewly created and
modified so*rce files will be co&ied to the destination directory. Files deleted from the
destination directory will be restored *sing files from the so*rce directory. 3ewly
created and modified destination files will be !e&t in &lace. 3o files will be deleted
from the destination directory. 3o changes will be made in the so*rce directory.
.wo/0ay (ile Sync,roniza!ion 2 3ewly created and modified files will be
synchronized in both directions. Files deleted from the so*rce directory will be deleted
from the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directory will be
restored from the so*rce directory. 5hanges may be made in both locations. 9fter the
file synchronization &rocess is com&lete both locations will be identical.
.wo/0ay S!a!e1ul (ile Sync,roniza!ion 2 3ewly created and modified files will be
synchronized in both directions. Files deleted from the so*rce directory will be deleted
from the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directory will be
deleted from the so*rce directory. 5hanges may be made in both locations. 9fter the
file synchronization &rocess is com&lete both locations will be identical.
.wo/0ay -ccu)ula!ion an U&a!e 2 3ewly created and modified files will be
*&dated in both directions. Files deleted from one location will be restored from the
second location. 5hanges may be made in both locations. 9fter the file synchronization
&rocess is com&lete both locations will be identical.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.' -vance (ile Sync,roniza!ion O&!ions

SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides the ability to sched*le &eriodic file synchronization o&erations. 6n
order to config*re a file synchronization command to be exec*ted &eriodically> o&en the
command config*ration &age> &ress the E9d,ancedE b*tton> enable the E+eriodic SyncE o&tion
and s&ecify an a&&ro&riate time inter,al. 9nother o&tion is config*re a file synchronization
command to be exec*ted an a s&ecific time of the day.

6n addition to &eriodic file synchronization o&erations> SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides the ability
to monitor the so*rce and?or destination directories and a*tomatically trigger a file
synchronization o&eration when a *ser2s&ecified n*mber of changes detected. 6n order to
enable the real2time dis! change monitor for a file synchronization command> o&en the
command config*ration &age> &ress the E9d,ancedE b*tton> enable the E#onitor 5hangesE
o&tion and s&ecify the n*mber of changes that sho*ld trigger the file sync command.

SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides a rich set of ad,anced file synchronization o&tions s*ch as file
sec*rity attrib*tes synchronization> bit2le,el file synchronization> file co&y ,erification> etc. 6n
order to config*re the ad,anced file synchronization o&tions> o&en the file synchronization
command config*ration &age and &ress the E0&tionsE b*tton.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.3 Sync,ronizin# S&eci1ic (ile .y&es or (ile 7a!e#ories

Sometimes> it may be re;*ired to synchronize s&ecific file ty&es or file categories according to
*ser2s&ecific needs and re;*irements. SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides an extensi,e set of file
matching r*les allowing one to sync files by the file ty&e> category> size> name> extension> file
attrib*tes> location> *ser name> etc.

6n order to add one or more file matching r*les to a file synchronization command> o&en the
command config*ration &age> &ress the E1*lesE b*tton and &ress the E9dd 1*leE b*tton. 0n the
E9dd 1*leE &age> select an a&&ro&riate r*le ty&e> enter all the re;*ired &arameters and &ress
the E9ddE b*tton.

SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides the ability to add an *nlimited n*mber of file matching r*les for
each file synchronization command. *ring r*ntime> SyncBreeze Ser,er will a&&ly the
s&ecified r*les to the &rocessed files and synchronize files matching the r*les. Files not
matching the s&ecified r*les> will be B*st s!i&&ed from the file synchronization &rocess.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.5 *8cluin# $irec!ories or (iles (ro) !,e Sync,roniza!ion Process

SyncBreeze Ser,er allows one to excl*de directories or files from the file synchronization
&rocess. 6n the sim&lest case> in order to excl*de a s*bdirectory from a file synchronization
command> o&en the file synchronization command config*ration &age> &ress the E7xcl*deE
b*tton and add one or more s*bdirectories to the excl*de list.

*ring the file synchronization &rocess> SyncBreeze will s!i& all directories s&ecified in the
excl*de list incl*ding all s*bdirectories and files located in these directories. 9nother o&tion is
to excl*de files *sing negati,e file matching r*les. For exam&le> in order to excl*de all
tem&orary files with the E'#+E or E'7#+E file extensions> add a file matching r*le config*red to
match files with extensions different from E'#+E and E'7#+E.

6n order to add one or more excl*de file matching r*les> o&en the file synchronization
command config*ration &age> &ress the E1*lesE b*tton> select an a&&ro&riate r*le ty&e> select
a negati,e file matching o&erator and s&ecify all the re;*ired &arameters.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.10 (ile Sync,roniza!ion 4o#s

SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides a n*mber of different ty&es of file synchronization logs allowing
one to sa,e log files listing file synchronization tas!s> file synchronization errors and f*ll logs
incl*ding all file synchronization actions. Log files can be enabled for each file synchronization
command indi,id*ally and for all config*red file synchronization commands globally. 9n
indi,id*al file synchronization log config*red for a file synchronization command ta!es
&recedence o,er global file synchronization logs config*red for all sync commands.

6n order to enable a file synchronization log for a file sync command> o&en the sync command
o&tions dialog> select the E#iscE tab> enable an a&&ro&riate file sync log and s&ecify a directory
to sa,e log files in. 6n addition> for each ty&e of file synchronization logs> the *ser is &ro,ided
with the ability to control the log file mode> the log file format and the n*mber of history log
files to !ee& in the s&ecified logs directory.

9nother o&tion is to enable global file synchronization log files to be sa,ed for all config*red
file synchronization commands. 6n order to enable> global file synchronization log files> o&en
the SyncBreeze Ser,er o&tions dialog> select the E9d,ancedE tab> enable file sync logs and
s&ecify a directory to sa,e log files in. For each file synchronization command> SyncBreeze
Ser,er will create a s*b2directory in the s&ecified logs directory and then sa,e all log files
according to the selected log files mode and format while !ee&ing the s&ecified n*mber of
history log files for each config*red file synchronization command.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides a n*mber of file synchronization logs o&tions allowing one to
c*stomize log files for *ser2s&ecific needs and re;*irements. 6n order to o&en the log files
o&tions dialog> &ress the ELog 0&tionsE b*tton located beside a log files directory entry.

'he *ser is &ro,ided with three different log files modes allowing one to sa,e an indi,id*al log
file for each file synchronization o&eration> consolidated ho*rly log files> consolidated daily log
files and consolidated monthly log files.

6n addition> the *ser is &ro,ided with the ability to sa,e log files to the following formatsC
9S566 text files or 7xcel 5S= files. 7xcel 5S= log files can be *sed to o&en file synchronization
log files in #icrosoft 7xcel or im&ort log files to an SIL database.

Finally> SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides the ability to !ee& a *ser2s&ecific n*mber of history log
files in the logs directory. By defa*lt> SyncBreeze Ser,er !ee&s the last 1. file synchronization
log files and in order to change the n*mber of history log files> o&en the ELog 0&tionsE dialog
and change the ELog Files <istoryE o&tion.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.11 (ile Sync,roniza!ion 7o))ans Priori!ies

SyncBreeze 7nter&rise &ro,ides the ability to set a &riority for each file synchronization
command allowing one to dynamically slow down or &a*se low &riority file synchronization
o&erations when a high &riority sync command sho*ld be &erformed. 6n order to assign a
&riority to a file synchronization command> o&en the command o&tions dialog> select the
E9d,ancedE tab> select an a&&ro&riate file sync &riority and &ress the ESa,eE b*tton.

7ach file synchronization command may be assigned one of the following file sync &rioritiesC

4ow Sync Priori!y 2 low &riority file synchronization commands are dynamically
&a*sed when one or more higher &riority file sync commands are r*nning and
a*tomatically res*med after higher &riority sync commands com&leted.
6or)al Sync Priori!y 2 normal &riority file synchronization commands are
dynamically slowed down when one or more high2&riority commands are r*nning and
a*tomatically restored to the defa*lt s&eed after high &riority sync commands
com&leted. 6n addition> a normal &riority sync command will dynamically &a*se all low
&riority file sync commands.
Di#, Sync Priori!y 2 a high &riority file sync command will dynamically &a*se all low
&riority file sync commands. 6n addition> a high &riority sync command will
dynamically slow down all normal &riority sync commands.
7ri!ical Sync Priori!y 2 a critical &riority file sync command will dynamically &a*se all
other sync commands and a*tomatically res*me all &a*sed sync commands after the
critical &riority file sync command com&leted.

By defa*lt> dynamic sync &riorities are disabled and in order to enable these ca&abilities> the
*ser needs to o&en the main E0&tionsE dialog> select the E:eneralE tab and select the E7nable
File Synchronization +rioritiesE o&tion.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.12 (ile Sync,roniza!ion 7o))ans Dis!ory

SyncBreeze 7nter&rise !ee&s history statistics for last K file synchronization o&erations for
each file synchronization command according to the *ser2s&ecified n*mber of command
history tas!s> which may be config*red on the E9d,anced Ser,er 0&tionsE &age. 6n order to
o&en the sync history &age for a file synchronization command> clic! on the command name
dis&layed on the main SyncBreeze Ser,er stat*s &age and &ress the E<istoryE b*tton.

'he file synchronization history &age shows the total n*mber of file synchronization o&erations
for the sync command> the total n*mber of synchronized files> the total amo*nt of
synchronized dis! s&ace and the total n*mber of file synchronization errors. 6n addition> a
sync history &age shows a history of last K file sync o&erations according to the n*mber of
history sync tas!s config*red on the E9d,anced Ser,er 0&tionsE &age.

6n order to change the n*mber of history file synchronization tas!s !e&t for each file sync
command> o&en the E9d,anced Ser,er 0&tionsE &age and set the E5ommand <istory 'as!sE
o&tion to an a&&ro&riate ,al*e.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.13 Usin# SyncBreeze Server !o Sync 6e!wor% S,ares

By defa*lt> the SyncBreeze file synchronization ser,er is config*red to r*n *nder the local
system acco*nt> which is good to synchronize files and directories located on local dis!s. 0n
the other hand> the local system acco*nt does not ha,e &ermissions to synchronize files and
directories located on networ! shares and 39S storage de,ices.

6n order to enable the SyncBreeze ser,er to synchronize networ! shares and 39S storage
de,ices> the file synchronization ser,er sho*ld be config*red to r*n *nder a *ser acco*nt>
which has &ermissions to access and write files and directories located on the re;*ired
networ! shares.

'he config*ration is ,ery sim&le and may be &erformed within a co*&le of seconds *sing the
following ste&2by2ste& g*ideC

1. 0&en the )indows control &anel and clic! on the E9dministrati,e 'oolsE *tility.
2. 0&en the Ser,ices control center and find here the ESync Breeze Ser,erE ser,ice.
%. 0&en the ESync Breeze Ser,erE ser,ice> select the E:eneralE tab and sto& the ser,ice.
4. Select the ELog 0nE tab and s&ecify a *ser acco*nt to *se for the ser,ice.
-. Select the E:eneralE tab and start the ESync Breeze Ser,erE ser,ice.

3ow> the SyncBreeze file synchronization ser,er will r*n *nder the s&ecified *ser acco*nt and
will ha,e exactly the same &ermissions as the s&ecified acco*nt when accessing networ!
shares and 39S storage de,ices.
"MPO2.-6.@ SyncBreeze Ser,er is a reg*lar )indows ser,ice and therefore it has a
se&arate s&ace of ma&&ed networ! dri,e letters. #a&&ed networ! dri,e letters ,isible in a
des!to& login session are not accessible to the SyncBreeze ser,ice and in order to
synchronize networ! shares> the *ser needs to *se 435 &ath names FHHser,erHshareG or
mo*nt networ! dri,e letters *sing the SyncBreeze client :46 a&&lication.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.14 Sync,ronizin# 2unnin# $a!a:ases

atabases and other contin*o*sly r*nning a&&lications *s*ally loc! data files &re,enting
SyncBreeze from synchronizing these files. #oreo,er> e,en when some database files are not
loc!ed and may be synchronized> the consistency of the database is not g*aranteed and the
only way to &ro&erly bac!*& a database or synchronize two databases is to s*s&end the
database before starting the file synchronization o&eration and restart the database when the
file synchronization o&eration is com&leted.

SyncBreeze Ser,er and SyncBreeze 7nter&rise &ro,ide the ability to config*re &re2sync and
&ost2sync actions for any file synchronization o&eration allowing one to sto& a database before
the file synchronization o&eration is started and restart the database again when the file sync
o&eration is com&leted.

For exam&le> in order to safely bac!*& #icrosoft SIL ser,er data files> set the &re2sync action
and the &ost2sync action as followsC

+re2Sync 9ctionC Ene! s!o& MSSF4S*2V*2E

+ost2Sync 9ctionC Ene! s!ar! MSSF4S*2V*2E

'he &er2sync action will sto& the #icrosoft SIL Ser,er database ser,ice before the file sync
o&eration and the &ost2sync action will start the #icrosoft SIL Ser,er database ser,ice again
after the sync o&eration is com&leted.

Sometimes> a database may *se m*lti&le directories for different ty&es of files. 6n this case> in
order to synchronize s*ch a database *sing a single file synchronization command> o&en the
file synchronization command dialog> select the E:eneralE tab> select the E7x&ertE config*ration
mode and add all directory &airs that sho*ld be synchronized. 'his way the database will be
sto&&ed only once when the file synchronization command is started and all the re;*ired
directories will be synchronized in a single o&eration.

6n order to minimize the im&act of the database downtime on *sers and other a&&lications> the
file synchronization o&eration may be sched*led to be exec*ted a*tomatically when no *sers
are wor!ing with the database.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.15 Senin# *rror */Mail 6o!i1ica!ions

'he SyncBreeze file synchronization ser,er r*ns in the bac!gro*nd as a ser,ice and &erforms
all the re;*ired file synchronization o&erations in a f*lly a*tomatic and *nattended mode. 6n
general> once config*red> the file synchronization ser,er does not re;*ire any man*al
inter,ention> b*t if there is no s&ace left on the destination de,ice or there are some other file
synchronization errors> the *ser will need to !now abo*t s*ch iss*es as soon as &ossible.

'he SyncBreeze file synchronization ser,er &ro,ides the *ser with the ability to send 72#ail
notifications abo*t failed file synchronization commands with a detailed descri&tion ex&laining
the exact reason for the fail*re and a list of files that ca*sed the fail*re.

6n order to enable error 72#ail notifications> o&en the E72#ail Ser,er SettingsE &age and s&ecify
an S#'+ ser,er host name For 6+ addressG> 72#ail acco*nt and &assword to *se to send 72#ail
notifications. 6n addition> o&en the E9d,anced Ser,er 0&tionsE &age> enable the 72#ail
notifications o&tion and s&ecify a destination 72#ail address to send notifications to.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.16 Senin# Sync 7o))ans S!a!us 6o!i1ica!ions

6n addition to error 72#ail notifications> SyncBreeze 7nter&rise allows one to send sync stat*s
notifications showing file synchronization history statistics for a file synchronization command.
By defa*lt> stat*s notifications are disabled> b*t the *ser is &ro,ided with the ability to enable
stat*s notifications for any file synchronization command.

)hen enabled> stat*s notifications are sent for all s*ccessf*lly com&leted and failed file
synchronization o&erations. 9 file synchronization stat*s notification shows the total n*mber of
file synchronization o&erations for the sync command> the total n*mber of synchronized files>
the total amo*nt of synchronized dis! s&ace and the total n*mber of file synchronization
errors. 6n addition> a sync stat*s notification shows a history of last K file sync o&erations
according to the n*mber of history sync tas!s config*red on the E9d,anced Ser,er 0&tionsE

6n order to enable stat*s 72#ail notifications> o&en the E72#ail Ser,er SettingsE &age and
s&ecify an S#'+ ser,er host name For 6+ addressG> 72#ail acco*nt and &assword to *se to
send 72#ail notifications. 6n addition> o&en the sync command config*ration &age> &ress the
E#iscE b*tton> enable the stat*s 72#ail notifications o&tion and s&ecify a destination 72#ail
address to send notifications to.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.1' Viewin# (ile Sync,roniza!ion S!a!is!ics

SyncBreeze 7nter&rise !ee&s file synchronization statistics for K last sync o&erations for each
file synchronization command. 6n order to access the file synchronization history statistics>
&ress the E=iew StatisticsE b*tton located on the SyncBreeze Ser,er home &age.

'he file synchronization statistics &age allows one to dis&lay &ie charts showing the total
n*mber of sync o&erations &er file synchronization command> the total amo*nt of dis! s&ace>
the total n*mber of files> the amo*nt of synchronized dis! s&ace> the n*mber of synchronized
files and the n*mber of sync errors &er file synchronization command.

6n addition> the *ser is &ro,ided with the ability to ex&ort file synchronization statistics re&orts
into a n*mber of standard formats incl*ding +F> K#L> <'#L> 7xcel 5S= and &lain text. 6n
order to ex&ort a detailed re&ort> which incl*des history statistics for all commands> select the
EetailedE re&ort ty&e and &ress the ESa,eE b*tton.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.13 Senin# S!a!us 2e&or!s !o an */Mail -ress

SyncBreeze 7nter&rise &ro,ides the ability to &eriodically send +F stat*s re&orts to an 72#ail
address. +F stat*s re&orts incl*de the c*rrent stat*s of all file synchronization commands>
file synchronization statistics and a n*mber of history line charts for K last file synchronization

7ach stat*s 72#ail notification incl*des an <'#L s*mmary table showing the c*rrent stat*s of
all file synchronization commands and an attached +F re&ort with detailed information abo*t
all file synchronization commands> history statistics> &ie charts and history line charts for K
last file synchronization o&erations according to the config*ration selected on the E9d,anced
Ser,er 0&tionsE &age.

6n order to config*re &eriodic stat*s re&orts> o&en the E9d,anced Ser,er 0&tionsE &age> enable
&eriodic stat*s re&orts> select the time inter,al> enable 72#ail notifications and s&ecify an 72
#ail address to send stat*s re&orts to. 6n addition> o&en the 72#ail ser,er config*ration &age
and s&ecify an S#'+ ser,er to *se to send 72#ail notifications.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.15 7on1i#urin# SyncBreeze Server

SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides a ,ariety of config*ration o&tions allowing one to easily integrate
the &rod*ct into a *ser2s&ecific networ! en,ironment. 6n order to o&en the main settings
&age> clic! on the ESettingsE lin! located on the to& men* bar.

5.20 7on1i#urin# 7us!o) User 6a)e an Passwor

'he SyncBreeze 7nter&rise web2based management console> re;*ires *sers to login with a
SyncBreeze *ser name and &assword. 'he defa*lt *ser name and &assword is set to
a)in?a)in. 6n addition> SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides the ability to set a c*stom *ser name
and?or &assword for the SyncBreeze web2based management interface and the command line
*tility> which may be *sed to a*tomate config*ration and management tas!s.

6n order to set a c*stom *ser name and &assword> clic! on the E5onfig*re Ser,er LoginE lin!
located on the main settings &age> enter a new *ser name and &assword and &ress the ESa,eE
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.21 7on1i#urin# 7us!o) Server Por!s

SyncBreeze Ser,er *ses the '5+?6+ &ort (121 as the defa*lt ser,er control &ort and the
'5+?6+ &ort $. as the defa*lt web access &ort. Sometimes> these &orts may be in *se by some
other software &rod*cts or system ser,ices. 6f one or both of these &orts are in *se>
SyncBreeze Ser,er will be *nable to o&erate &ro&erly and the *ser needs to change the
SyncBreeze ser,er control &ort and?or web access &ort.

6n order to set a c*stom ser,er control &ort and?or web access &ort> clic! on the ESet*& Ser,er
+ortsE lin! located on the main settings &age and enter a c*stom ser,er control &ort or web2
access &ort to *se. 6f the SyncBreeze ser,er sho*ld be controlled thro*gh the networ!> ma!e
s*re the ser,er control &ort and the web access &ort are o&en in the ser,erEs firewall.
5.22 7on1i#urin# -vance Server O&!ions

SyncBreeze Ser,er &ro,ides a large n*mber of ad,anced ser,er config*ration o&tions allowing
one to control the maxim*m total n*mber of errors &er sync command> the maxim*m n*mber
of consec*ti,e errors &er sync command> the n*mber of history tas!s &er sync command> the
file co&y ,erification mode> the sync tas!s logs directory> the error logs directory> etc.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.23 SyncBreeze Server 7o))an 4ine U!ili!y

'he SyncBreeze command line *tility a,ailable in SyncBreeze 4ltimate and SyncBreeze Ser,er
installations may be *sed to control the SyncBreeze ser,er locally or remotely thro*gh the
networ!. 'he command line *tility allows one to a*tomate config*ration> control and
management of one or more SyncBreeze Ser,ers.

SyncBreeze co))an line u!ili!y server co))ans@

sync:reeze /serverGs!a!us

Shows the Sync Breeze ser,er stat*s.

sync:reeze /serverGs,owGco))ans

Shows file synchronization commands defined in the Sync Breeze Ser,er config*ration.

sync:reeze /serverGaGco))an <7o))an 6a)e= /source <$ir= /es! <$ir=

9dds a new file synchronization command.

sync:reeze /serverGele!eGco))an <7o))an 6a)e=

eletes the s&ecified file synchronization command.

sync:reeze /serverGe8ecu!eGco))an <Sync 7o))an=

Synchrono*sly exec*tes the s&ecified file synchronization command on the SyncBreeze ser,er.

sync:reeze /serverGs!ar!Gco))an <Sync 7o))an=

9synchrono*sly starts the s&ecified file synchronization command on the SyncBreeze ser,er.

sync:reeze /serverG&auseGco))an <Sync 7o))an=

+a*ses the s&ecified file synchronization command.

sync:reeze /serverGs!o&Gco))an <Sync 7o))an=

Sto&s the s&ecified file synchronization command

sync:reeze /serverGs!ar!GallGco))ans

Starts all config*red file synchronization commands.

sync:reeze /serverGs!o&GallGco))ans

Sto&s all r*nning file synchronization commands.
SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
sync:reeze /serverGena:leGco))anG)oni!or <Sync 7o))an=

7nables the real2time dis! change monitor for the s&ecified file synchronization command.
0&tional +arametersC O 2monitor MS04157 L 7S' L 9LLN P O 2changes 5<93:725043' P

sync:reeze /serverGisa:leGco))anG)oni!or <Sync 7o))an=

isables the real2time dis! change monitor for the s&ecified file synchronization command.

sync:reeze /serverGena:leGco))anG!i)er <Sync 7o))an=

7nables &eriodic file synchronization for the s&ecified file synchronization command.
0&tional +arametersC O 2time '6#72=9L47 P O 2*nits M#63 L <041N P

sync:reeze /serverGisa:leGco))anG!i)er <Sync 7o))an=

isables &eriodic file synchronization for the s&ecified file synchronization command.

sync:reeze /serverGse!Gco))anGo&!ion <7o))an= <O&!ion= <Value=

Sets one or more of the following sync command o&tionsC

/syncG)oe <Sync Moe=

S@3527S' 2 Synchronize estination irectory
S@3524+9'727S' 2 4&date estination irectory
S@35295527S' 2 9cc*m*late and 4&date Files in estination
S@352')02)9@ 2 'wo2)ay File Synchronization
S@352')02)9@2955 2 'wo2)ay 9cc*m*lation and 4&date
S@3527S'2:Q6+ 2 5om&ress R Sync Files in estination
S@3524+9'727S'2:Q6+ 2 5om&ress R 4&date Files in estination
S@35295527S'2:Q6+ 2 5om&ress R 9cc*m*late Files in estination
S@352')02)9@2S'9'7 2 'wo2)ay Statef*l File Synchronization

/syncGo&!ions <Sync O&!ions=

9''1 2 Sync File 9ttrib*tes
0)371 2 Sync 4ser?:ro*& Sec*rity escri&tor
95L 2 Sync iscretionary 9ccess 5ontrol List F95LG
S95L 2 Sync System 9ccess 5ontrol List FS95LG
BLS@35 2 7nable Bit2Le,el File Synchronization
=716F@ 2 =erify Files 9fter Synchronization

/co&yG)oe <7o&y Moe=

94'0 2 9*tomatic File 5o&y #ode
39'6=7 2 0S 3ati,e File 5o&y #ode
6175' 2 irect File 5o&y #ode
F94L'2'0L7193' 2 Fa*lt2'olerant File 5o&y #ode

/&er1G)oe <Per1or)ance Moe=

F4LL 2 F*ll2s&eed file synchronization
#764# 2 #edi*m2s&eed file synchronization
L0) 2 Low2s&eed file synchronization

/s!rea)s <6u):er o1 Sync S!rea)s=

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
sync:reeze /serverGco))anGs!a!us <Sync 7o))an=

Shows the stat*s of the s&ecified file synchronization command.

sync:reeze /serverGco))anG,is!ory <Sync 7o))an=

Shows the sync history for the s&ecified file synchronization command.

sync:reeze /serverGclearGco))anG,is!ory <Sync 7o))an=

5lears the sync history for the s&ecified file synchronization command.

sync:reeze /serverGe8&or!Gco))an <Sync 7o))an= /1ile <>M4 (ile 6a)e=
7x&orts the s&ecified file synchronization command to an K#L file.

sync:reeze /serverGe8&or!GallGco))ans /ir <$irec!ory 6a)e=
7x&orts all config*red file synchronization commands to a directory as K#L files.

sync:reeze /serverGi)&or!Gco))an /1ile <>M4 (ile 6a)e=
6m&orts a file synchronization command from the s&ecified K#L file.

sync:reeze /serverGi)&or!Gco))ans /ir <$irec!ory 6a)e=
6m&orts all K#L command files located in the s&ecified directory.

sync:reeze /serverGs,owGe:u#Glo#

Shows the Sync Breeze Ser,er deb*g message log.

sync:reeze /serverGclearGe:u#Glo#

5lears the SyncBreeze ser,er deb*g message log.

sync:reeze /serverGse!Guser <User 6a)e=

Sets the ser,er *ser name. 7xec*te this command locally to reset the *ser name.

sync:reeze /serverGse!G&asswor <Passwor=

Sets the ser,er &assword. 7xec*te this command locally to reset the &assword.

sync:reeze /serverGse!G&or! <Por! 6u):er=

Sets the ser,er control &ort Fdefa*lt is (121G.
9fter changing the &ort n*mber restart the ser,er to a&&ly changes.

sync:reeze /serverGse!Ge1aul!s /,os! <Dos! 6a)e= /&or! <Por! 6u):er=
/user <User 6a)e= /&asswor <Passwor=

Sets the defa*lt ser,er host name> &ort> *ser name and &assword to connect to.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.24 U&a!in# SyncBreeze Server

Flexense de,elo&s SyncBreeze Ser,er *sing a fast release cycle with minor &rod*ct ,ersions>
*&dates and b*g fixes released e,ery month and maBor &rod*ct ,ersions released e,ery year.
3ew &rod*ct ,ersions and &rod*ct *&dates are &*blished on the &rod*ct web site and may be
downloaded from the following &ageC htt&C??

*e to the fact that the &rod*ct is es&ecially designed for ser,ers r*nning in &rod*ction
en,ironments where stability is a maBor decision factor> SyncBreeze Ser,er *&dates sho*ld be
man*ally installed by the *ser. 6n order to *&date an existing &rod*ct installation> download
the latest &rod*ct ,ersion and B*st start the set*& &rogram.

'he SyncBreeze Ser,er set*& &rogram will &ro&erly sh*tdown the r*nning SyncBreeze ser,ice>
*&date the &rod*ct and restart the SyncBreeze ser,ice after finishing the *&date &roced*re.
9ll &rod*ct config*ration files> sa,ed file synchronization commands and &rod*ct registration
will remain ,alid and there is nothing to reconfig*re or manage after the *&date.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.25 2e#is!erin# SyncBreeze Server

)ithin a co*&le of ho*rs after &*rchasing a &rod*ct license> the c*stomer will recei,e two e2
mail messagesC the first one confirming the &ayment and the second one containing an *nloc!
!ey> which sho*ld be *sed to register the &rod*ct. 6f yo* will not recei,e yo*r *nloc! !ey
within 24 ho*rs> &lease chec! yo*r s&am box and if the *nloc! !ey is not in the s&am box
contact o*r s*&&ort teamC su&&or!

6f the com&*ter where SyncBreeze Ser,er is installed on is connected to the 6nternet> login to
the SyncBreeze ser,er Fdefa*lt *ser name and &asswordC a)in?a)inG *sing a standard
web browser> clic! on the E9bo*tE lin! located on the to& men* bar> &ress the E1egisterE b*tton>
enter yo*r name or yo*r com&any name> enter the recei,ed *nloc! !ey and &ress the
E1egisterE b*tton.

6f the com&*ter is not connected to the 6nternet> &ress the E#an*al 1egistrationE b*tton>
ex&ort the &rod*ct 6 file and send the &rod*ct 6 file to re#is! as an
attachment. )ithin a co*&le of ho*rs> yo* will recei,e an *nloc! file> which sho*ld be im&orted
in order to finish the registration &roced*re.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.26 SyncBreeze Server O*M Version

Flexense &ro,ides system integrators> ,al*e2added distrib*tors and 6' ser,ice &ro,iders with
the ability to resell SyncBreeze Ser,er and?or &ro,ide ser,ices based on the &rod*ct *nder
third2&arty brand names. 1esellers and integrators are &ro,ided with the ability to change the
&rod*ct name> the &rod*ct web site address> the &rod*ct ,endor name and the &rod*ct ,endor
web site address.

6n order to be able to set c*stom 07# &rod*ct and ,endor information> the *ser needs to
register the &rod*ct *sing a s&ecial 07#27nabled *nloc! !ey> which may be &*rchased on the
&rod*ct &*rchase &age. 0nce the &rod*ct is registered *sing an 07# *nloc! !ey> o&en the
E9bo*tE &age> &ress the ESet 07# 6nfoE b*tton> s&ecify yo*r c*stom 07# &rod*ct and ,endor
information and &ress the ESa,eE b*tton.

5*stom 07# &rod*ct and ,endor information will be dis&layed on all &ages of the SyncBreeze
web2based management interface> in all ty&es of re&orts generated by the &rod*ct and all
notification 72#ail messages sent by SyncBreeze Ser,er.

SyncBreeze File Synchronization Flexense Ltd.
5.2' SyncBreeze Server Su&&or!e O&era!in# Sys!e)s

32/Bi! O&era!in# Sys!e)s

)indows K+
)indows =ista
)indows "
)indows $
)indows $.1
)indows Ser,er 2..%
)indows Ser,er 2..$
)indows Ser,er 2.12

64/Bi! O&era!in# Sys!e)s

)indows K+ /42Bit
)indows =ista /42Bit
)indows " /42Bit
)indows $ /42Bit
)indows $.1 /42Bit
)indows Ser,er 2..% /42Bit
)indows Ser,er 2..$ /42Bit
)indows Ser,er 2.12 /42Bit

5.23 SyncBreeze Server Sys!e) 2eCuire)en!s

Mini)al Sys!e) 7on1i#ura!ion

S*&&orted 0&erating System
1 :<z or better 5+4
2-/ #B of system memory
2- #B of free dis! s&ace
6nternet 7x&lorer (> FireFox 12> 5hrome 1" or newer is re;*ired for &ro&er o&eration
of the web2based management interface

2eco))ene Sys!e) 7on1i#ura!ion

S*&&orted 0&erating System
*al25ore 2 :<z or better 5+4
-12 #B of system memory
2- #B of free dis! s&ace
6nternet 7x&lorer (> FireFox 12> 5hrome 1" or newer is re;*ired for &ro&er o&eration
of the web2based management interface

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