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Essay 1 Exploration (10 Points)

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Be sure your name, the course, and the task
description appear on your document
Please give your Word document the following fle name:
Studentlastname essay one exploration
ou can answer the !uestions below as fully or as succinctly
as you li"e# The more you allow yourself to explore and probe
your memory$ the more material you%ll have for writing your
To help you generate ideas and possibilities for &ssay 'ne$ please
answer the following !uestions# (omplete your responses in Word#
)ollow the instructions corresponding to this module to submit your
assignment# *ssues of grammar and spelling are not important here#
ou don+t even have to write in complete sentences if you prefer not
to# The goal is to generate lots of ideas--to discover things you might
have to say$ stories you might want to tell$ examples you might want
to use# Thin" of this as an extended brainstorming session# There is no
length guideline or re!uirement# ,s long as you complete this tas" on
time and follow all instructions$ you%ll earn all the points for the tas"#
Do be sure to carefully follow directions$ though$ so you don%t lose
,s you "now from the &ssay 'ne 'verview$ you will be writing a
personal narrative essay in which you tell about something you%re
good at#
ou might "now immediately what s"ill you want to write about#
-ut$ if you%re unsure$ frst brainstorm a list of everything you%re
good at# Try not to censor yourself# our s"ills and abilities might
be hidden in what$ at frst$ seems li"e a mundane thing# )or
instance$ maybe you%re great at writing letters or at
things# /aybe you%re really good at painting houses or at scrap
boo"ing# 0ive yourself credit for all the things you can do# ,fter
you%ve brainstormed a list$ read through it and notice what
captures your attention# What would you fnd interesting to write
-egin by describing what it is you can do# Describe it as if
you%re tal"ing to someone who doesn%t "now you and who has no
idea what it means to be good at it# ou might start with the
phrase$ 2*%m really good at34 or 2Something *%m really good at
What are your earliest memories of learning to do this s"ill1
Were there other people involved as you started to learn
5someone you learned from or someone who was learning at the
same time as you16
7ow was8is this s"ill viewed by your family and friends1 Did
you8do you receive a lot of support$ or has there been some
9udgment from people you care about1
7ow did you start to learn and then improve at this s"ill1
(an you tell a story or two about specifc moments you recall
when you either had an early success or an early failure1 'r
maybe even a recent success or failure#
*f you%ve had a particular coach or teacher or parent who has
helped you learn$ write about that person:describe what she8he
loo"s li"e and sounds li"e# *s the person gentle and encouraging
or tough and intense1 'r something else1
*f you were to describe the history of your development of this
s"ill$ what stages or periods in your development would you
identify1 Write a sentence or two brie;y each stage
or period#
7ow do you "now you%re good at it1
Describe the place where you typically perform this s"ill# What
colors$ smells$ sights$ sounds do you associate with doing this
Describe some of your best achievements with this s"ill# What$
specifcally$ has made you especially proud1
7ave you ever taught anyone else this s"ill1 *f so$ tell about
what that was li"e#
Were you ever tempted to give up1 Why or why not1
7as it cost you a lot of money to develop this s"ill1
What do you en9oy most about your s"ill1 *s there anything you
don%t especially li"e about it1
Do you have goals for the future with this s"ill1
When you have completed the &xploration tas"$ submit the
assignment as a Word document#

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