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!"#$%$&'($&)%*+&, .

/0"'(#( 1)0,%2&)3
Pere ls Lhe sLrucLural framework for all analysls LhaL follows:
45(#/%(( 678%+9:%( ;&0"( <=>?( @0)A%$( B%A,%/$C(D
markeL share.
lncrease monLhly
unlque vlslLors.
MonLhly unlque
13 lncrease
Compared Lo Same
MonLh revlous ?ear
1ramc Source & ald
Search Campalgn
lncrease markeL share. MarkeL
3 of
by end of 2014
keywords/hrases by
Search 8eferral Share
Pave a more loyal
cusLomer base.
lmprove vlslLor
experlence, and
shopplng sausfacuon
Lo encourage repeaL
vlslLs and purchases.
1ask Compleuon 8aLe 70 ?es
rlmary urpose of
AbandonmenL 8aLe
<73 CarL AbandonmenL
More eecuve
lmprove emall
converslon raLe.
Lmall Converslon 8aLe 2
Lmall Campalgn
lncrease Average
Crder value
Average Crder value $183 Medlum
E* 6:%)0)+F#/A 45(#/%(( 678%+9:%G 1o be Lhe leader ln educauonal and developmenLal Loys sales.
H* .+I5#(#9&/J 4%F0:#&)J K 65$+&,%( 45(#/%(( 678%+9:%(G We'll break Lhe overarchlng ob[ecuve lnLo Lhree caLegorles ln
order for us Lo creaLe a well-balanced analysls process LhaL lead Lo acuonable lnslghLs LhaL wlll help lmprove Lhe buslness.
L* ;&0"(G WlLhln each caLegory, we've declded upon some broad goals Lo helps us ldenufy and furLher breakdown Lhe areas ln
whlch we need Lo be focuslng our ume and eorLs.
M* <=>?( C<%' =%)N&),0/+% >/O#+0$&)(DG 1hese are Lhe meLrlcs LhaL we ldenufy Lo help us dene and measure progress Lowards
our goals.
P* @0)A%$G A benchmark Lo help us deLermlne lf we've succeed or falled.
Q* B%A,%/$(G 1hls ls where we'll deep dlve lnLo very speclc vlslLor groups Lo help us Lruly undersLand who ls responslble for
helplng us meeL our kl LargeLs, our goals, and our buslness ob[ecuve.
Chad vanags
!R%+59:% B5,,0)' K S0(F7&0)OG !"#$%$&'($&)%*+&,

! Pas losL qulLe a blL Lramc ln Lhe lasL 12 monLhs when compared Lo Lhe prevlous perlod. 1hls has also resulLed ln a 23 loss ln revenue.
! ald search spend has been decreased by 71 desplLe gemng reLurns of 430+ on Lhe campalgns and ls Lhe maln reason for Lhe loss
ln Lramc and a blg poruon of losL revenue. lor now, organlc search ls helplng sLablllze, buL LhaL won'L hold forever.
! 1helr blggesL compeuLor,, recelved much of lL's non-pald search referral Lramc from keywords/phrases LhaL revolve
around gllng for chlldren. LllLe dangerously relles on speclc producL Lypes, mosL noLably Callco Crluers. Coogle 1rends predlcLs CC
Lo conunue Lrendlng upward, buL Lhlngs can change qulckly (l.e. 8eanle 8ables).
! CLher Lhan a few small Lweaks, cusLomer Lask compleuon raLe and sausfacuon on Lhe slLe ls preuy good.
! CheckouL abandonmenL ls aL a very hlgh level when compared Lo Lhe lndusLry benchmark. 1here are a loL of sales belng losL ln Lhe
checkouL process.
! Lmall campalgns have shown converslon raLes almosL as hlgh as pald campalgns, yeL Lhey're very underuullzed, especlally when lL
comes Lo provldlng oers ume wlLh speclal evenLs and holldays. LoL's of poLenual here.
! Conunulng on Lhe Lmall Lraln, lncreaslng average order value has Lhe mosL poLenual wlLh Lhose emall campalgns based on emalls
currenL ACv and converslon raLe. A greaL emall markeung campalgn could do wonders for ACv and overall revenue for Lhe company.
! 8egln recouplng losL Lramc and revenue by resLarung or lncrease pald search spend for Callco Crluers campalgns LhaL have shown
greaL success ln Lhe pasL.
! SLarL opumlzlng Lhe webslLe as a resource for parenLs wlLh klds who need Lo buy blrLhday gls. 1hls dlversles Lhe organlc search
slmllar Lo Lhe laL 8raln 1oys and wlll sLarL slphonlng some of Lhelr cusLomers.
! under Lhe Lask compleuon raLe secuon, Lhe maln recommendauon ls Lo acLually puL deals ln Lhe dally deals" secuon. CusLomers
have noL been happy abouL Lhe lack of (zero) deals. Creaung a calendar of dally deals, posL Lhem, and suck Lo lL.
! llx Lhe checkouL process. A/8 LesL Lhe checkouL pages. SLarL by reduclng Lhe cluuer. lf Lhere was only one Lhlng Lo work on ouL of all
of Lhese recommendauons, Lhls ls Lhe Lhlng Lo x now. llx Lhls before anyLhlng else.
! 8ulld a conslsLenL emall markeung sysLem. SLarL by lmplemenung an exlL lead capLure Lo bulld Lhe daLabase. locus on maklng a
calendar of emalls allgned wlLh evenLs LhroughouL Lhe year so LhaL lL's planned and sysLemauc. 1hls ls Lhe fasLesL way Lo brlng ln
revenue and lncrease ACv.
Analysls & 8ecommendauon
Chad vanags
@)%/O( K >/(#AF$(
>,T0+$ 6/ 45(#/%((
U%+&,,%/O%O .+9&/(
!"# - MonLhly unlque vlslLors, $%&'() - 13 lncrease revlous
erlod, *('+(,) - 1ramc Sources/ald Search Campalgns
! ln Lhe lasL 12 monLhs compared Lo Lhe 12 monLhs
prlor, Lhere's been a 20 drop ln unlque vlslLors
and, subsequenLly, a 23 drop ln revenue.
! Cf Lhe four Lramc sources only referral Lramc has
seen an lncrease ln unlque vlslLors buL revenue from
Lhls source has also decllned.
! uesplLe a 16 decrease ln unlques for non-pald
search, revenue for Lhls source remalned sLable
Lhanks Lo a 21 converslon raLe lncrease. 8uL lL also
accounLs for nearly 2/3 of LoLal revenue ln Lhe lasL
12 monLhs (32 Lhe prlor 12). 1hls slgnals a heavy
rellance on non-pald search Lo keep Lhe buslness
! ald search saw a 43 decllne ln unlque vlslLors
and, Lherefore, saw a 33 decllne ln revenue.
! ald search used Lo accounL for 1/4 of LoLal
revenue, buL now only accounLs for 14.
! ald search spend was decreased by 71 desplLe
reLurns on campalgns of 480 - 300.
(Ceographlc" campalgn logs revenue buL noL cosL,
noL counLed. Slmllar resulLs assumed because lL ls
Callco Crluers based).
! ald search campalgns LhaL were focused on Callco
Crluers were Lhe mosL successful. 1hey accounLed
for 68 of pald search unlque vlslLs and 62 of pald
search revenue.
! Callco Crluers campalgn spend has decreased 66
beLween ume perlods even Lhough Coogle 1rends
forecasLs Callco C's Lo conunue rlslng.
! Looklng aL Lhe lasL Lhree monLhs compared Lo Lhe
same Lhree monLhs Lhe year before, Lhe ndlngs
reveal a downward Lrend ln boLh unlque vlslLors and
revenue as lL relaLes Lo pald search campalgns,
speclcally Lhose LhaL are Callco Crluers keyword
! SLarL rsL wlLh pald search and lmmedlaLely
begln recouplng losL unlques (and revenue)
by upplng search spend Lo prevlous spend
levels for campalgns focused on Callco
Crluers. Chop Lhe oLher campalgns for now.
! SLarL sLraLeglzlng a plan dlverslfy Lramc Lo Lhe
slLe, more speclcally dlrecL and referral
! Whlle non-pald search revenue remalned
sLable Lhe decrease ln Lramc ls someLhlng Lo
be mlndful of movlng forward ln addluon Lo
Lhe oLher recommendauons.
! lmmedlaLely beglns recouplng
unlque vlslLors and some
revenue from Lhe prevlous year.
! ulversles Lramc sources and
! Culckly Lurns Lhe slnklng shlp
around whlle worklng on longer-
Lerm soluuons.
Chad vanags
>,T0+$ 6/ 45(#/%(( U%+&,,%/O%O .+9&/(
!"# - MarkeL Share, $%&'() - 3 of by end of
2014, *('+(,) - non-8randed keywords/hrases by Search 8eferral Share
@)%/O( K >/(#AF$(
! LllLe's organlc search Lramc for Lhe monLh of lebruary ls 1.3
of laL 8raln 1oys organlc search Lramc.
! LllLe's non-branded, organlc keyword/phrase Lramc orlglnaLes
from Callco Crluers brand and oLher producL speclc searches.
! laL 8raln's non-branded, organlc keyword/phrase Lramc
comes mosLly from vlslLors looklng for gls or Loys for a
cerLaln age group.
! laL 8raln's Lop 13 keywords produce nearly double Lhe Lramc.
! More people are looklng for gl ldeas and landlng on l81 Lhan
for Callco Crluers and landlng on LllLe.
! Whlle Lhe ume meLrlcs are noL apples Lo apples, lL's lmporLanL
Lo noLe Lhe Lheme, ln regards Lo ume/engagemenL on Lhe slLe,
wlLhln Lhe Lop 3 keywords by ume/engagemenL. Whlle laL
8raln hasn'L Lechnlcally" dlversled lL's keywords, Lhey've
dlversled Lhey're producL oerlngs vla Lhese keywords. LllLe
dangerously relles heavlly on one producL Lype. Pere's why:
! Average 2 klds per famlly (lorbes)
! 12,947 famllles ln uSA w/2 klds (23,894 klds)
! Avg. kld goes Lo 4 blrLhday parues per year (8aby
! 8 gls per year = 207,132 poLenual gls
! = Muluple reLurn vlslLs (and purchases) on Lhe slLe
! Cpumlze your slLe and producL pages for keywords LhaL
revolve around gl ldeas. Lven creaLe a blog LhaL Lalks
abouL all Loplcs on gllng Lo klds.
! A/8 LesL an obvlous shop by age" box slmllar Lo l81's
shown on Lhe le.
! lf resources permlL, have a developer creaLe a lLer sysLem
for gl ldeas slmllar Lo l81's also shown on Lhe le.
! uo noL rely on Callco Crluers for Lhe success of your onllne
sLore. Lven 8eanle 8ables evenLually came Lo an end.
! Less rellance on one producL.
! More dlrecL Lramc from vlslLors bookmarklng
Lhe page for when Lhey need Lo qulckly nd
a blrLhday gl.
! Wlll begln Lo slphon Lramc from blggesL
! 1he poLenual Lo caplLallze on 207,132 gls
LhaL wlll be purchased Lhls year.
Chad vanags
@)%/O( K >/(#AF$(
>,T0+$ 6/ 45(#/%(( U%+&,,%/O%O .+9&/(
!"# - 1ask Compleuon 8aLe, $%&'() - 70 ?es,
*('+(,) - rlmary urpose of vlslL
! Cenerally speaklng, LllLe has a very good Lask compleuon raLe
aL 81.
! 1he purchase" Lask ls obvlously mosL lmporLanL Lo LllLe so lL's
good Lo know LhaL Lask compleuon ln Lhls area ranked hlghesL
of all compleLed Lasks (33 of yes").
! Whlle many vlslLors were able Lo nd Lhe producL lnformauon
Lhey were searchlng for, Lhere was an equally hlgh number
LhaL couldn'L nd Lhe lnfo Lhey were looklng for.
! noL surprlslngly, Callco Crluers ls agaln domlnaung Lhe focus
of LllLe's cusLomers.
! 1here were qulLe a few no" vlslLors (10) looklng for producL
revlews before purchase and falled Lo nd any. lL ls well-
documenLed LhaL cusLomer revlews on producLs (aka soclal
proof) ls a componenL ln lncreaslng sales. LllLe falls ln Lhls
! Addluonally, whlle speclal oers" (6) dldn'L Lop Lhe llsL of
non-compleLe's lL was a raLher frusLraung Loplc for mosL who
responded. 1he ually ueals" Lab has falled Lo have any dally
deals or oers for Lhe lasL few weeks/monLhs lL seems.
! As dlscussed on a prevlous page, ndlng gls for cerLaln ages
ls a lmporLanL Lo vlslLors. 8elng able Lo lLer Lhe masslve
lnvenLory ls someLhlng Lhey deslre
! lan ouL a speclal oers" or dally deals" calendar so LhaL Lhe
ually ueals" Lab always has someLhlng golng on. Leavlng Lhls
empLy annoys cusLomers and wlll mosL llkely prevenL Lhem from
! lf resources permlL, have your web developer lmplemenL a revlews
Lab so cusLomers can revlew and raLe producLs. lL wlll Lake some
ume Lo gaLher enough feedback, so ln Lhe meanume see lf Lhere
are oLher open source revlews LhaL can be added Lo Lhe producL
! Agaln, opumlze Lhe slLe/creaLe lLer for gl ldeas.
! WlLh an 81 compleuon raLe, and based on Lhe 80/20 rule,
Lhere's noL Loo much more LhaL can be done Lo make
masslve lmprovemenLs lmmedlaLely.
! 1he few recommendauons made, Lhough, can go a long way
ln auracung and reLalnlng more cusLomers ln Lhe long-Lerm.
Chad vanags
@)%/O( K >/(#AF$(
>,T0+$ 6/ 45(#/%(( U%+&,,%/O%O .+9&/(
!"# - CheckouL AbandonmenL 8aLe, $%&'() -
<70, *('+(,) - CarL AbandonmenL
! LllLe 1oy SLore has an aLroclous 88.2 checkouL abandonmenL
raLe (from carL Lhrough Lo order conrmauon), whlch ls noL
encouraglng compared Lo llrecllck's global benchmark of 60.1.
! CheckouL abandonmenL raLe had been on Lhe rlse over Lhe 60
days prlor Lo Lhls reporL. !anuary's abandonmenL raLe was 84.2
and uecember's abandonmoneL raLe was 81.17.
! 1he lower checkouL abandonmenL raLe for uec/!an can mosL
llkely be aurlbuLed Lo Lhe hollday shopplng season. 8egardless,
Lhe checkouL abandonmenL raLe from March 1, 2013 Lo March 1,
2014 was 81.09, sull slgnlcanLly lower Lhan lebruary's
abandonmenL raLe.
! 1he ma[orlLy of Lhe problem seems Lo sLarL from Lhe carL page,
especlally conslderlng LhaL 76.4 of vlslLors don'L even make lL
pasL LhaL page. 32.3 of abandonmenLs from Lhe carL page are
(exlLs) and Lhe remalnlng 43.9 are exlung Lhrough oLher llnks.
8ased on Lhose numbers lL's llkely LhaL Lhe carL page ls
overwhelmlng, dlsLracung, and encouraglng cusLomers Lo
navlgaLe elsewhere before nallzlng Lhe order.

! A/8 1esL Lhe checkouL pages.
! SLarL wlLh Lhe CarL page rsL and remove all lLems LhaL could
dlsLracL a cusLomer from movlng Lo Lhe Cne-age CheckouL
page, lncludlng Shop 8y rlce, Shop 8y Age, roducL CaLegorles
and all producL llnks, 1oys for 1oLs llnk, and !oln us on lacebook
llnk on le slde of page. use only one phoLo for Lhe producL
sllder aL Lhe Lop or remove lL compleLely.
! 1urn Lhe lree Shlpplng" llnk/promo lnLo a popup box lnsLead
of exlung Lo anoLher page.
! lf resources permlL, have a developer creaLe an abandon carL
emall program Lo help recapLure losL cusLomers who were ln
Lhe processlng of checklng ouL. Pave seen abandon carL
recapLure as hlgh as 13 wlLh a program llke LhaL.

! When compared Lo llrecllck's global benchmark for
abandonmenL raLe, LllLe has losL abouL $3,949 ln Lhe monLh
of lebruary.
! lf no changes are made, losL sales could easlly be $72,379

Chad vanags
!"# - Lmall Converslon 8aLe, $%&'() - 2,
*('+(,) - Lmall Campalgn ConLenL
@)%/O( K >/(#AF$(
>,T0+$ 6/ 45(#/%(( U%+&,,%/O%O .+9&/(
! LllLe 1oy SLore does noL have a unlform campalgn labellng sysLem
for any of lL's campalgn Lypes. Cne example belng Lhe dlerenL
labellng of CC, maklng lL exLremely dlmculL Lo organlze and analyze
Lhe campalgns easlly. 1he labellng ls elemenLary and noL as helpful
as lL could be.
! uesplLe Lhe decenL converslon raLe LhaL emall markeung ls gemng,
Lhere was a LoLal of one emall senL per campalgn for a LoLal of 8
emalls on Lhe year, whlch ls surprlslng.
! 1he hlghesL converung emall campalgns (2-3) were promouonal
dlscounL emalls. 1he oLher emalls, based on Lhelr labellng ln CA,
were noL.
! Conslderlng Lhe above lnslghLs, lL's confuslng why Lhere aren'L any
promouonal emalls for ChrlsLmas, new ?ears, eLc.
! 8ased on Mallchlmp's lndusLry benchmarks, ecommerce emalls are
opened 22.2 of Lhe ume and Lhe C18 ls 2.9. 8ased on Lhe
amounL of new vlslLs LhaL would puL LllLe's daLabase aL
approxlmaLely 8,831, maklng lL prlme for emall markeung.
! 1here ls a sub-par emall capLure sysLem on Lhe slLe.
! CreaLe a unlform labellng sysLem for campalgns.
! LllmlnaLe all oLher campalgns, oLher Lhan C, and puL
serlous focus lnLo creaung a beuer emall markeung sLraLegy.
! locus emalls on promouonal oers, ume some of Lhem up
wlLh holldays and evenLs. CreaLe an 2014 emall calendar Lo
keep lL conslsLenL.
! Add an exlL popup LhaL oers a dlscounL code of slgnlcanL
value (23 mln) ln exchange for an emall and conunue Lo
bulld Lhe emall daLabase.
! uslng Lhe currenL daLabase, emall converslon raLe, emall avg. order
value, and sendlng 1 promouonal emall per week could equal $3,044 ln
addluonal revenue (annuallzed).
! Accordlng Lo, Lhe benchmark for ecommerce
emall converslon raLe ls 3.34. AL LhaL raLe LllLe could add revenue of
$16,640 (annuallzed).
! Addlng an exlL popup aL 4 converslon raLe would add abouL 1,034
more emalls Lo Lhe daLabase Lo markeL Lo.
! Less headaches and more accounLablllLy wlLh a good campalgn labellng
Chad vanags
@)%/O( K >/(#AF$(
>,T0+$ 6/ 45(#/%((
U%+&,,%/O%O .+9&/(
!"# - Average Crder value
$%&'() - $183, *('+(,) - Medlum
! Cverall, average order values have dropped (8.83) ln Lhe lasL 12 monLhs when compared Lo
Lhe prevlous perlod. As already sLaLed ln Lhls analysls, Lhe drop ln revenue, and avg order
value, can be aurlbuLed Lo Lhe drop ln monLhly unlque vlslLors.
! 8eferral Lramc has dropped Lhe mosL aL 39. Agaln, Lhough, referral Lramc only accounLs for
abouL 3 of LoLal revenue, so noL much of loss conslderlng Lhere are oLher areas Lo caplLallze
! Crganlc ACv has remalned raLher sLable durlng LllLe's overall decllne, dropplng only 4.
! Lmall ACv has acLually rlsen 10, ls a perfecL avenue for lncreaslng overall ACv for Lhe slLe
and Lhe company.
! revlous analysls ln Lhls documenL have shown emall's poLenual ln creaung ma[or revenue
lls for LllLe, especlally conslderlng LhaL emall ls Lhe only medlum LhaL has shown a ll ln
! locus on an emall sysLem for now conslderlng organlc ACv ls holdlng sLeady and referral
overall revenue ls mlnlscule. Conunue wlLh cpc campalgns per Lhe recommendauons on Lhe
rsL page of analysls.
! CreaLe an emall markeung sysLem per Lhe recommendauons on Lhe prevlous page and work
lnLo Lhe emall copy upsells, cross-sells, and bundllng oers on a more conslsLenL basls.
lncoporaung Lhese meLhods could and should skyrockeL ACv. Lxamples lnclude accessorlzlng
Callco Crluers producLs or oerlng a spare bauery for a rlde on vehlcle. LllLe has sold Callco
Crluers Lownhome seL", bunk beds", baLhroom accessorles", and more, and 83 of whlch
were unlque purchases. 1here ls perfecL opporLunlLy for bundllng and an lncrease ln ACv.
! lrom Lhe pervlous sllde: uslng Lhe currenL daLabase, emall converslon raLe, emall avg. order
value, and sendlng 1 promouonal emall per week could equal $3,044 ln addluonal revenue
! lollowlng Lhls llne of Lhlnklng and wlLh a good emall markeung sysLem LhaL lncludes
upselllng, cross-selllng, and/or bundllng, LllLe could lncrease [usL emall markeung
revenue anoLher 28 from Lhe prevlous pro[ecuon.
! lmprove Lhe emall converslon raLe Lo Lhe benchmark of 3.34
and LllLe could nd lLself wlLh an addluonal $18,309.
Chad vanags

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