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Amber : New Sorcerous Spells[4/22/2013 12:53:58 PM]

For Sorcery in the Amber System
This page contains descriptions of a number of new Sorcerous spells and effects which have been created over time.
They are:
New Spells
Combat Teleport
Disassembly / Re-Assembly
Dispel Magic
The Gentleman's (Or Ladies) Toilette
Mass Healing
Prepare Materials
The Rack
Run Molten Lead Into The Bone Marrow
Soul Ripper
Speed Drain
Stamina Drain
Swarm of Bees
Swarm of Butterflies
Technology Drain
True Light
New Lynchpins
Chain Reaction
Click on the spell or lynchpin names to return to the top of the page.
Created by Alastair Beadle, who plays J ihx in the "Now These Her Princes Are Come Home Again" game.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 30 Minutes
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Lynchpins (an additional 5 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Orientation (optional)
A variation on the standard Teleport spell, this is meant for use in combat. Rather than the variable
destination of the normal Teleport spell, this version has a fixed target (usually a fixed distance
away in the direction the caster is looking), and carries the caster and all of their equipment to that
point. Because the destination is fixed, the spell only has a single lynchpin, Magic of Shadow, and
thus is very quick to cast. The optional Orientation lynchpin allows the caster to specify which
direction they will be facing in when they appear, but in general this too is hard-coded into the spell,
for speed of casting.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 6 Hours, 40 Minutes
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Target Area
Dispel Word (optional)
This spell takes a mass of prepared materials (bricks, timbers, stone blocks and so on, perhaps made
using the 'Prepare Materials' spell) and assembles them into a predetermined structure. A different
spell is required for each structure, a mansion different to a sailing ship. Once the assembly of the
thing is complete then all the magic fades away, leaving a normal, mundane structure (which could
then be Empowered, if necessary). If there are insufficient raw materials for the structure, then the
spell will go as far as it can with the materials at hand and then stop.
The time taken for this spell is based on its being a racked Empowerment with the following
Doubl e Speed [ 20 mi nut es] - to move the materials
Sel f - Char gi ng [ 40 mi nut es] - for power
Abl e t o Speak and Si ng [ 20 mi nut es] - to know the thing to be built
5 x Quant i t y Mul t i pl i er [ x5] - to handle as many component parts as required
For a total casting time of:
( 20 + 40 + 20) x 5 = 400 mi nut es = 6 Hour s, 40 mi nut es .
This spell could also be done as simply a normal spell.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Duration (optional)
Dispel Command (optional)
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With a Psyche advantage, curses the target with bad luck. In game terms, it gives the target the
maximum possible Bad Stuff for as long as the spell lasts (essentially permanent in one shadow, but
it'll be dispelled by too much movement through shadow or on a given command by the caster). It
will probably make the target break out in boils or some such blemishes, too.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Type of Delusion
Duration (optional)
Dispel Command (optional)
With a Psyche advantage, projects an illusion of some defined kind directly into the mind of the
target. This is not visible to anyone else, and so is more subtle than a visible illusion. The illusion
(delusion) can cover any and all of the targets senses, and can be quite good for making people think
that the target has just gone mad. The delusion is also simpler than a real illusion in that most of the
details are created in the mind of the target - all the spell does is give the basic idea which the
target's mind then fleshes out (e.g. 'you're covered in biting insects'; 'a man is attacking you'; 'there's
someone lurking in the bushes over there'; 'there's the bridge over the crevasse').
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Reverse Word (optional)
Dispel Word (optional)
Duration (optional)
This spell takes an item and disassembles it into its component parts; for the purposes of the spell a
'component part' is thesmallest piece into which the thing can be disassembled without damage (that
is, a car would be disassembled to the level of its individual nuts and bolts; a living thing would be
unaffected, as disassembling it beyond the level of itself, such as to the level of individual cells,
would cause damage). The disassembled parts hang suspended in the air for as long as the spell
lasts. If the spell is reversed (to reassemble the item) then all the parts fly back together leaving the
thing as good as new. If the spell is dispelled then the parts fall to the ground and must be
reassembled manually.
Note that simple items (such as a sword or a club) are unlikely to be much affected by this spell.
In the case of items with their own Psyche then the caster must overcome that Psyche before the
spell can take effect.
Spell Type : Defensive
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Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Magical Effect To Be Dispelled (includes both what and where)
Undoes a single specific magical effect specified by the caster. This can be the spell of an attacker
being used against the caster, the magic in an item, or a spell the target has cast on them, such as
invisibility. This replaces the 'Magic Drain' spell listed in the ADRP Rulebook, which is far too
powerful and undiscriminating for my liking.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Spell Type of Substance
Amount of Substance
Point of Appearance
Creates a specified substance in a specified amount at a specified point within line of sight. Some
kind of slight of hand skill (and perhaps a Warfare advantage) is necessary to subtly place the
substance into someone's food or drink without them noticing. Obviously the effects of the poison
depend on the Endurance of the target as well as the type of substance.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Dispel Word (optional)
Duration (optional)
Stop Condition (optional)
This spell causes its target to begin to bleed through the skin at a rate proportional to the Psyche
difference between the caster and the target. As the target bleeds they will become weaker and
weaker, eventually lapsing into unconsciousness and death. This bleeding will not stop until the
spell's duration expires, it is dispelled, or the Stop Condition (which can be, for example, the target
falling unconscious) is fulfilled.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 2 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 20 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
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This is a rather nasty punishment spell. It causes the victim's skin to flow and cover their whole face
and ears in a seamless sheet. Of course, when this happens they can no longer breathe, and so
suffocate. A 'Dispel Magic' spell, or moving the victim through shadow, will undo the effect of this
spell. It can also be partially undone, to the extent that the victim will at least live, by mundane
medical means - the victim's eyes, mouth and so on are still present under their new faceless visage,
and surgery can reveal them.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 3 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 20 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Shape of Blast
Size of Blast
Hold/Restart Word (optional)
Cancel Word (optional)
The caster generates a jet of fire from (for example) their hand, which acts as a flame-thrower does.
The caster specifies how far the flame reaches out from them and in what shape (usually a line or a
cone) when the spell is cast. The fire is aimed by Warfare (though a large cone of fire is obviously
harder to dodge than a fine line!). The spell lasts until dispelled, until the caster moves through
shadow or until the caster cancels it, but the Hold/Restart Word lynchpin allows the caster to stop
and restart the spell if necessary. While on hold the spell's flame is reduced to a lick of fire on the
casters palm (if the spell is being cast from their hand) until they choose to restart it again.
A variant of this spell which generated (for example) a water cannon or air jet effect would also be
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 2 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Allows the Target to fly at Engine Speed, under their own control, and taking only as much
concentration as normal running.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 15 minutes
Lynchpins (an additional 5 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Scent/Perfume (optional)
Hair Style (optional)
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A personal hygiene and grooming spell. It cleans and spruces up the target. They become as clean as
if freshly bathed, with the scent or perfume of their choice, and their hair arranged in the style of
their choice. Their clothes become as clean and pressed as if freshly washed and ironed or whatever,
with any minor damage and imperfections removed.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Keep Control or Fixed Command
Duration (optional)
Dispel Command (optional)
Allows the caster to bend the local winds and air currents to their command, creating breezes,
winds, hurricanes, tornadoes and any other wind effect they can think of, both indoors and out. They
can cast this spell in two ways, depending on the 'Keep Control or Fixed Command' lynchpin. If
they do not keep control then the spell simply keeps the winds doing what the Fixed Command tells
it to (for example, create a hurricane) until it is dispelled, the duration runs out, or the Dispel
Command is used. If they do keep control then the caster has conscious control of the air about them
and so can vary the effect of the spell until it is dispelled or cancelled.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Supercharges the natural healing process so that wounds heal in a tiny fraction of the normal time
(whatever that may be for target), as an extension of the 'Life Force' Power Word. It also puts any
broken bones etc. into the correct positions before starting them healing, so they do not set
crookedly. It can be used on targets of greater than the casters Psyche if the target is willing.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 2 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Target Area
Description of Illusion
Actions it will Perform
Dispel Command (optional)
Duration (optional)
Creates any kind of animated illusion to sight and hearing (and perhaps other senses) over an area
defined by the caster, which can move about. These are actual physical illusions and will be
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detectable by everyone in the vicinity, and also things like cameras. Although the illusions may look
threatening, they can do no physical harm, and are seen through by those with a Psyche or Warfare
of greater than that of the caster. The actions which the illusions are to perform are defined when the
spell is cast, and cannot be changed once it has been set off. The illusions can be dispelled at a
command from the caster, or after a specified time. This spell allows an effective invisibility in an
area by casting an illusion of 'nothing there'.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 30 minutes
Lynchpins (an additional 5 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Attached or Mobile
Duration (optional)
Dispel Command (optional)
Creates a point of light to illuminate an area. The Attached/Mobile lynchpin means that if Attached
it is attached relative to some being or thing and moves with it if it is mobile; if Mobile it appears
floating in the air and the caster can then control where it goes.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 4 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 20 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Used for tasks such as getting a whole ships crew back on their feet after battle, it supercharges the
natural healing process of everyone in a defined radius (the larger this is, the more tiring the spell is
to cast) so that wounds heal in a fraction of the normal time (whatever that may be for target). It also
puts any broken bones etc. into the correct positions before starting them healing, so they do not set
crookedly. It will only affect targets within the area of effect of greater than the casters Psyche if the
target is willing. It is limited in the same way as the individual healing spell, and takes considerably
more effort and concentration than it.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 2 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 20 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Target Area
Dispel Word (optional)
Duration (optional)
A spell which is complementary to the 'Construction' spell. It takes the raw materials of trees, rock
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and so on and reshapes them into stone blocks, shaped timbers and so on ready for use by the
'Construction' spell.
Perhaps a different type of spell is required for each building material, or indeed for each form and
shape of prepared material (so that, for example, different spells could be needed to shape trees into
floorboards and timbers for shipbuilding).
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Duration (optional)
Dispel Command (optional)
A spell designed mainly as an interrogation device. It holds the target in place hovering a foot or so
off the ground; they remain conscious and able to speak, but cannot move or use any powers
beyond that. Once they are caught, the caster can, by means of hand gestures, induce varying levels
of pain in parts of the target's body without physically damaging them.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 2 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
What its name suggests. With a Psyche advantage, it causes molten lead to fill the marrow of the
target's long bones. This will immediately incapacitate them with agonising pain and may kill those
of weak constitution. Even if they survive the initial attack (anyone of at least Amber Endurance
will), if nothing is done the target will die slowly of lead poisoning and anaemia, plus the effects of
deep burns; how slowly depends on their Endurance. Because the lead is actual matter, which is
only put in place by the spell, moving a victim through shadow will not get rid of the effect.
This really very nasty spell is less effective on shapeshifters in the long term, as they can heal the
wounds it causes, remove the lead and grow new bones (though it is still as incapacitatingly painful
when it is used). Those who are not shapeshifters will require major surgery to remove the lead and
rebuild their bone and bone marrow. It is possible some kind of special spell could also undo the
effects of this spell. Normal healing will not work; it will only get rid of the burns the molten lead
initially causes but not remove the metal.
Based on a spell used in one of the 'Earthsea' books by Ursula le Guin.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 30 minutes
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
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Produces a point from which the caster (and possibly others, if spell is cast via a bowl of water or
crystal ball) can see, hear and sense magic as if they were there. This is produced at a defined
position (either somewhere the caster knows, or at the caster's present location), but once cast can be
moved from there as if flying at high speed. The scrying point may be visible to others with magical
awareness whose Psyche exceeds that of the caster. Also known as Farsense.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 30 minutes
Lynchpins (an additional 5 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Creates a wave of force which looks like a ripple in the air, which shatters any hard object it hits
into shards. This includes weapons, armour, walls and bones (how much effect this has on a living
thing is dependant on its Strength). In a small (up to man-sized) object the whole thing is reduced to
fragments; in a larger object it will only shatter a roughly man-sized volume, though it may weaken
the rest and perhaps make cracks through it.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Animate Body (optional)
Person Body Obeys (optional)
With a Psyche advantage it changes the 'spiritual environment' of the body of the target such that it
violently rejects and expels its soul, which is normally left to dissipate and die in the air. The
changes made to the body prevent the soul from returning to its body. The expelled soul can be
stored in some pre-prepared manner if necessary. Without a soul the body normally falls into a
brain-dead coma, but as an option this spell can, in addition to expelling its soul, animate the body
into a kind of mindless zombie under the control of the caster or someone they specify. Even people
whose minds are strong enough to resist the spell will fell a highly unpleasant internal wrenching
sensation which may be enough to stun them.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 2 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 20 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Dispel Command (optional)
Duration (optional)
As the Strength Drain spell in the ADRP rulebook, but affects the target's Warfare, reducing it to
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Human ranked for the duration of the spell.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 2 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 20 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Dispel Command (optional)
Duration (optional)
As the Strength Drain spell in the ADRP rulebook, but affects the target's Endurance, reducing it to
Human ranked for the duration of the spell. Among its effects on Stamina, this means that the target
will not be able to use the Pattern without falling over from exhaustion immediately. This spell is
also known as Steal Breath.
STARFALL (based on 'Fantasia for Six Acetylene Torches' from 'Shadow Knight')
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Duration (optional)
Dispel Word (optional)
The caster points at a person or object, and six small ball of intense, blue-white flame dart from the
casters finger and take up close orbits around the target. The balls of flame do a mad dance over the
surface of the target, doing damage on touch. A target in armour will be roasted like a lobster in its
shell. If there is no armour, the effect is even worse, since the full force of the flames will be felt.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 30 minutes
Lynchpins (an additional 5 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Target or Excluded Individuals
Dispel Word (optional)
Duration (optional)
Summons or creates a swarm of angry bees which is directed at a target, swarms about them, and
stings. It won't do much harm to an Amberite, but will certainly be distracting, especially to those
trying to cast spells. The bees will continue to swarm until destroyed or the dispel word is used,
when they will simply disperse back to doing normal bee things. Depending on the environment of
the shadow the bees may not last very long anyway (e.g. if it is very cold).
The 'Target or Excluded Individuals' lynchpin allows the spell to work in one of two ways (chosen
when the spell is cast and racked). With the 'Target' lynchpin, the bees attack only the specified
beings and ignore everyone else. With the 'Excluded Individuals' lynchpin, the bees attack everyone
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other than the specified individuals.
Of course, different versions of this spell could be used to summon swarms of other kinds of insects
(wasps, butterflies, mosquitoes and so on; in the latter case the insects could also drain the blood of
the target and be an actual danger rather than simply an irritant).
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 30 minutes
Lynchpins (an additional 5 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Target or Excluded Individuals
Duration (optional)
Dispel Command (optional)
Summons or creates a swarm of metallic butterflies with razor-edged mirrored wings which is
directed at a target, swarms about them, and slashes them to pieces. Their mirrored wings are also
highly distracting. The butterflies will continue to swarm until destroyed or the dispel word is used,
or the duration runs out, when they will simply disperse away. The butterflies are largely immune to
the environment of shadow. The 'Target or Excluded Individuals' lynchpin allows the spell to work
in one of two ways (chosen when the spell is cast and racked). With the 'Target' lynchpin, the
butterflies attack only the specified beings and ignore everyone else. With the 'Excluded Individuals'
lynchpin, the butterflies attack everyone other than the specified individuals.
Spell Type : Defensive
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Area of Effect (optional)
Duration (optional)
Dispel Command (optional)
Like the Magic Drain spell, but it affects technology (whatever that is in the current shadow),
nullifying it within the area of effect for the duration of the spell so that nothing above the level of
simple muscle-powered items will function.
Spell Type : Summoning
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Duration (optional)
Dispel Command (optional)
Allows the caster to move physical objects they can see without touching them, out to the limit of
visual range (and beyond if they just want them to move in a straight line). Fine manipulation is
possible at close range, as long as the caster can see what they are doing, but the less they can see
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the coarser their control inevitable becomes. The amount which this spell can left depends on the
Psyche of the caster.
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 2 Hours
Lynchpins (an additional 20 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
New Form
Dispel Word (optional)
Duration (optional)
With a Psyche advantage, turns the target into something else, defined by the spell caster. Mass (not
volume) is conserved, but elemental composition can change at the will of the caster. Useful for
everything from turning a person into a (large) frog to turning lead into gold. The effect of the spell
lasts indefinitely in one shadow, or until the defined Duration has passed, or the Dispel Word is
used. Moving a victim through shadow will remove the effects of the spell before very long has
Spell Type : Invasive
Base Casting Time : 1 Hour
Lynchpins (an additional 10 minutes casting time each)
Magic of Shadow
Included Allies
Area Of Effect
Duration (optional)
Dispel Command (optional)
Causes pure white light to fill the area of effect. For the caster and any included allies this light
merely illuminates. For anyone else it is bright enough to temporarily blind them while they remain
in the light, and it is too bright to allow accurate ranged weapons fire into the illuminated area while
the spell lasts. The area of effect can be fixed or cast on a mobile thing (such as a person); in this
latter case it moves with them.
Invented by Jane Winter.
This optional lynchpin is added to spells in the same way as any other lynchpin. However, if it is activated
when the spell is cast, it is used to specify another spell which the caster has stored in their spell rack.
The lynchpin then activates that second spell. If the second spell has a Chain Reaction lynchpin too, then it
can activate a third, and so on. This means that the caster only has to cast one spell, and anything up to all
of their racked spells can be cast. As a default, all of the spells cast by the Chain Reaction have the same
target and so on, as their lynchpins are copied from the previous spell. However, if the caster keeps an eye
on the spells as they are cast, then new lynchpins can be substituted as the spells are cast in sequence.
Go to the Grand Sorcery or Specialised Sorcery sections of the Amber Magic Page.
Or go to a page of Rebman Mirror Magic Spells.
Amber : New Sorcerous Spells[4/22/2013 12:53:58 PM]
Or go back to My Amber Page.

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