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Assignment: Reflection on the movie MELT DOWN and END DAY

Submitted To: Engr. Jopeth Ramis

Chemical Engineering Department

Devastation On earth
By: Marvin R. Lora

Someday were all going to look back on things we did while facing the
deteriorating of our days. Sometimes, it is hard to believe why the good ones have to
end and left us with regrets.
The world has so much to offer that are very beneficial to us. I thought that this
home will always be like that. But as I have observed the catastrophic occurrences,
natural or man-made, it scares me.
As calamities or disasters attack, it is not only the properties and establishments
being ruined, but also the lives of many. Tsunami, hurricane, earthquake, fire, etc. had
tormented the men and the world. The worst case is that we can still experience all of
those. It is indeed a serious matter that needs great response for us to be able to
survive. We are not that strong to forcibly stop the disasters so we should have
prepared minds for this.
All humanity is accountable on helping each other in times of danger. Since, no
one can take the blame; all of us ought to offer support.
Here in the Philippines, flooding is always a dilemma during heavy rains. This
country has only two seasons facing yet we are struggling every now and then; its like
we are not learning from the same mistakes. It is time to take deep actions on this
problem to at least lessen the death rate.
The system plan that our government has is not effective. Filipinos are still
confused on how to prepare during calamities and local cities dont have enough
evacuation centres for all the victims. Hospitalization is a crucial case that to be solved.
There are events of spreading of diseases and lead to an outbreak and finally, death.
When it comes to manmade catastrophes some instances are accidents,
criminally-instigated, nuclear-related crisis and failed technology. It all goes down on
human error. We are gradually harming each and every one just to pursue our own
longing. We should know the risks and prepare ourselves to protect our family and the
whole community.
It is important to recognize all hazard before taking the necessary actions, in this
way, you will know what to do to guard you and your family prior to the calamity and of
course to have an ease in recovery.
Emergency is an unexpected crisis that can tear us apart especially when it
comes to some destruction. In the end of the day, we are not certain of all the things, so
the best thing to keep is our faith. Nobody can cease all the dangers in this world but
God has His ways.

Assignment: Reflection on the movie MELT DOWN and END DAY
Submitted To: Engr. Jopeth Ramis
Chemical Engineering Department

Climate Change
By: Marvin R. Lora

For the longest time, industrialization and globalization help us to grow a lot
easier. The modernization it brought has an immense effect on the earth. That trade-off
is a threat not only to mankind but also to the world where we live in.
Climate change is a big issue ever since. It increases the risk of many types of
record-breaking extreme weather events that threaten communities across the country.
According to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), there are dramatic changes in
climate for the past years across the globe.
We are addicted to fossil fuels that create vast quantities of carbon dioxide, and
that this addiction also extends to a wide variety of industrial and agricultural practices
that create a whole host of other global warming gases.
Extreme drought, extreme flooding, wildfires, etc. are some changes the world is
experiencing now. The sudden variation of temperature and high coastal water
according to some research is due to men activities. More carbon emissions mean
increasing in temperature. As a result, longer drought can be experienced. Weather
pattern will be affected as well. As global temperatures continue to rise, we'll see more
changes in our climate and our environment
This is out of proportion with the natural balance of the earth. Since more change
in weather, living organisms may be extinct due to the destruction of habitat, especially
in the Antarctic region. On the other hand, there are also problem on growing crops
because of the abnormal climate.
The melting down of iceberg in the glacial part of the world is a big evidence of
climate change. Its existence should be recognize and resolve. Be prepared because
we all vulnerable to damaging health effects brought by climate change. Lessening the
carbon emission on atmosphere can help a lot. According to Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), Clean Air Act should observe to avoid further health damages and to
prevent the more dangerous effect of climate change.
Most of us are educated enough to know the right and wrong, and we are not
that idiots to just ignore the destruction of earth along with many lives. So as we walk on
every street, we must be responsible on taking good care of our environment.
Use our knowledge and technology to help save the mother earth. Its about time
to conserve and nurture the place we live in.
As a student, I will personally promote green living and engineering in the future
to save the earth. Recycling and reuse of plastics, less transportation and conserving
energy and etc. are some measures in lessening the destruction of environment.

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