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Marija Gimbutas pages:
&ari'a-s Bio / Publications / .hat-s the +ebate/ / &e#orial / &ari'a )esources

Marija Gimbutas -- Curriculum Vitae
0anuary 231 2322
M.A. - 4ni!ersity o5 6ilnius1 7ithuania1 0une 2382
Ph.D. - 4ni!ersity o5 Tubingen1 (er#any1 &arch 2389
Postgrauate !tuies - :nstitutes o5 Archaeology; Tubingen1 "eidelberg and &unich1 2389-
"ar!ard 4ni!ersity1 23=0-23==
$%&'(&) - %ello> o5 the ,etherlands :nstitute 5or Ad!anced Study in "u#anities and Social
$%** - urator o5 $ld .orld Archaeology1 ultural "istory &useu#1 4..7.A.
$%*)(+% - Pro5essor o5 *uropean Archaeology1 4ni!ersity o5 ali5ornia1 7os Angeles
$%*,(*' - 7ecturer1 +epart#ent o5 Anthropology1 "ar!ard 4ni!ersity1 a#bridge1
$%*$(*, - %ello> o5 the enter 5or Ad!anced Study in the Beha!ioral Sciences1 Stan5ord
Stan5ord1 ali5ornia
$%--(*' - )esearch %ello> o5 the Peabody &useu#1 "ar!ard 4ni!ersity1 a#bridge1
$%-' - Bollingen %oundation ?grant-in-aid 5or the preparation o5 the Prehistory o5 *astern
$%-) - .enner-(ren %oundation ?in support o5 Prehistory in *astern *urope@
$%-+ - A#erican Philosophical Society ?grant-in-aid@
$%-*($%*/ - ,ational Science %oundation Senior Post-+octoral %ello>ship ?5or the
preparation o5 the
BronAe Age ultures o5 entral and *astern *urope@
2%*/ - :nter-4ni!ersity o##ittee1 Bloo#ington1 :ndiana ?eBchange scholar >ith the 4SS)
$%*/ - .orld )e5ugee o##ittee and Boston 0unior ha#ber o5 o##erce ?$utstanding ,e>
A#erican A>ard@
$%*' - A#erican ouncil o5 7earned Societies ?in support o5 The Sla!s@
$%*& - "u#anities *ndo>#ent A>ard ?5or the studies o5 the ,eolithic period o5 *urope@
$%*&($%*+ - S#ithsonian :nstitution1 %oreign urrency Progra# ?in support o5 eBca!ations o5
,eolithic sites at $bre1 Bosnia1 Cugosla!ia and AnAa1 &acedonia@
$%*+ - A#erican Acade#y o5 Sciences1 .ashington1 +.. ?eBchange pro5essor >ith the 4SS)@
$%*+ - The 7os Angeles Ti#es .o#an o5 the Cear A>ard
$%*+($%*% - ,ational Science %oundation ?grant in support o5 the eBca!ation at Sitagroi1
$%*+($%&, - The Sa#uel ". Dress %oundation ?studies o5 southeast *uropean ,eolithic
5igurines and
ritual pottery@
$%&/ - .enner-(ren ?grant-in-aid 5or the study o5 the chronology o5 $ld *urope on the basis
radiocarbon dates and tree ring calibration@
$%&' - ,ational Science %oundation ?grant in support o5 the 47A eBca!ation at Achilleton1
Thessaly1 and
in the Sporadhes :slands@
$%&%($%+/ - 4ni!ersity *Bpeditions Progra# ?in support o5 Scaloria eBca!ations and research
Southeastern :taly@
$%+$ - %ulbright %ello>ship ?eBchange lectureship >ith the 4SS)@
$%+, - The Ah#anson %oundation (rant ?in support o5 Sacred :#ages and Sy#bols o5 $ld
$%+' - The Sa#uel ". Dress %oundation (rant ?in support o5 Sacred :#ages and Sy#bols o5
$ld *urope
in 5inal title called The 7anguage o5 the (oddess@ and eBca!ations o5 ca!e sanctuary at Scaloria
Southeastern :taly
$%*&($%*+ - Pro'ect +irector1 S#ithsonian-sponsored eBca!ation 'ointly conduced by 47A-
Se#al'sEi &use' at $bre1 Bosnia1 Cugosla!ia. Strati5ied Starce!o and But#ir settle#ents. c.
$%*+($%*% - Pro'ect +irector1 ,ational Science %oundation-sponsored eBca!ation1 'ointly
by 47A-She55ield 4ni!ersity at Photoli!os ?Sitagroi@ near +ra#a1 (reeE &acedonia.
Stati5iedF//G Darano!o
and *arly BronAe Age tell. c. =000-2000 B..*.
$%*%($%&$ - Pro'ect +irector1 S#ithsonian-sponsored eBca!ation 'ointly carried out F/G by
47A-stip &uAe'
at AnAa1 near Stip1 Cugosla!ia &acedonia. Strati5ied Starce!o and 6inca settle#ent1 9300-=00
$%&'($%&- - Pro'ect +irector1 47A eBca!ation at Achilleion1 near %arsala1 Thessaly1 (reece1
sponsored by
the ,ational Science %oundation and the Sa#uel ". Dress %oundation. Strati5ied ,eolithic tell.
c. 9=00-=900 B..*. SesElo culture.
$%&&($%+/ - Pro'ect +irector1 'ointly conducted by 47A-(enoa 4ni!ersity
at Scaloria1 near &an5redonia1 Southeastern :taly. a!e sanctuary 5ro# =900-=300 B..*.
$%-*($%*/ - ,ational Science %oundation Senior Post-+octoral %ello>ship ?5or the
preparation o5 the BronAe
Age ultures o5 entral and *astern *urope@.
$%*/ - :nter-4ni!ersity o##ittee1 Bloo#ington1 :ndiana ?eBchange scholar >ith the 4SS)
and "ungary@.
$%*/ - .orld )e5ugee o##ittee and Boston 0unior ha#ber o5 o##erce ?$utstanding ,e>
$%*' - A#erican ouncil 5or 7earned Societies ?in support o5 The Sla!s@.
$%*& - "u#anities *ndo>#ent A>ard ?5or studies o5 the ,eolithic period o5 *urope@.
$%*&($%*+ - S#ithsonian :nstitution1 %oreign urrency Progra# ?in support o5 eBca!ations o5
,eolithic sites at $bre1 Bosnia1 Cugosla!ia and AnAa1 &acedonia@.
$%*+ - A#erican Acade#y o5 Sciences1 .ashington1 +.. ?eBchange pro5essor >ith the
$%*+ - The 7os Angeles Ti#es .o#an o5 the Cear A>ard.
$%*+($%*% - ,ational Science %oundation ?grant in support o5 the eBca!ation at Sitagroi1
$%*+($%&, - The Sa#uel ". Dress %oundation ?studies o5 southeast *uropean ,eolithic
5igurines and ritual
$%&/ - .enner-(ren ?grant-in-aid 5or the study o5 the chronology o5 $ld *urope on the basis
o5 radiocarbon
dates and tree ring calibration@.
$%&' - ,ational Science %oundation ?grant in support o5 the 47A eBca!ation at Achilleton1
Thessaly1 and
the Sporadhes islands@.
$%*) - &e#ber o5 the Board1 &et#enys1 hicago
$%&' - Archaeology *ditor1 The 0ournal o5 :ndo-*uropean Studies
$%&* - Associate *ditor1 &onu#enta Archaeologica1 :nstitute o5 Archaeology1 47A
$%&% - &e#ber o5 the Board1 Ponto-Baltica1 %lorence
$%+/ - &e#ber o5 the Board1 o#parati!e i!iliAations 0ournal1 arlisle1 Pennsyl!ania
$%+$ - ontributing &e#ber1 The Huarterly )e!ie> o5 Archaeology1 .illia#sto>n1
Boo3s a4 Arti56es:
$. Die Bestatttung in Litauen in der vorgeschichtlichen Zeit. Tubingen.2389. 0.c.g. &ohr
6erlag1 2=0 pp.1 29 pls.1
== teBt illus.
,. IPrehistory o5 *astern *urope1 Part :. &esolithic1 ,eolithic and opper Age cultures in
)ussia and the
Baltic areaI. American School of Prehistoric Research, Peabody Museum, arvard !niversity,
Bulletin "o# $%
a#bridge1 &assachussetts1 23=91 282 pp.1 =0 pls.1 229 teBt illus. ?Second printing in 23=J@
'. IAncient Sy#bolis# in 7ithuanian %olE Art I. A#erican %olElore Society1 &e#oir Series1 6ol.
831 Philadelphia1
23=J. 293 pp. >ith 2=7 illus.
). I)ytprusiu ir 6aEaru 7ietu!os priesisoriens Eluturos apA!alga. ?A sur!ey o5 prehistory o5
*ast Prussia and
>estern 7ithuania@I. Studia Lituanica, &# ?:n 7ithuanian >ith *nglish and (er#an su##aries@
,e> CorE1 222 pp.1
JJ 5ig. ?*nglish su##ary pp. 232-238@.
-. IThe BaltsI. Ancient Peo'les and Places, vol# ((. Tha#es and "udson; ,e> CorE; Praeger1
7ondon;2393. 2J9 pp.
73 pls.1 87 teBt 5igures1 22 #aps.
*. Bron)e Age *ultures of *entral and +astern +uro'e. The "ague; &outon1 239=. 9J2 pp.1
22= pls.1 892 teBt illus.1
&. I: BalticiI. !omo e mito, vol# ,(. &ilano; :l saggiatore1 2397. 29= pp.1 =2 teBt ills.1 73
+. IThe Sla!sI. Ancient Peo'les and Places, vol# -..1 7ondon; Tha#es and "udson< ,e> CorE
and .ashington1 +..;
Praeger.1 280 pp.1 7= pls.1 8J teBt illus.1 2= #aps.
%. The /ods and /oddesses of 0ld +uro'e, -%%%1(,%% B#*#2 Myths, Legends, *ult &mages#
7ondon; Tha#es and "udson<
BerEeley-7os Angeles; 4ni!ersity o5 ali5ornia Press1 2378. 303 pp.1 2=21 pls.1 272 line
dra>ings1 J #aps.
$/. 0bre, "eolithic Sites in Bosnia. ?editor@ .issenscha5tliche &ittetlungen des Bosrusch-
7andes#useu#s1 Band :61 "e5t. A. Archaeologic. Sara'e!o1 2378
$$. "eolithic Macedonia 3,%%1,%%% B#*# ?editor@ 23791 7os Angeles; :nstitute o5 Archaeology1
47A. &onu#enta
Archaeologica :. 870 pp.1 87 pls.1 90 color 5ra#es1 2=0 teBt illus.1 =2 tables.
$,. IThe Trans5or#ation o5 *uropean and Anatolian ultures 8=00-2=00 B.. and :ts 7egacyI.
Part :; The 4ournal
of &ndo1+uro'ean Studies, 5ol# 61 2-2; Part ::; The 4ournal of &ndo1+uro'ean Studies, 5ol# 61
3-8; Part :::; The 4ournal
of &ndo1+uro'ean Studies, 5ol# 7. 2-2. 23J0-23J0. ?*ditor@
$'. The /oddess and /ods of 0ld +uro'e, 3,%%1(,%% B#*#1 7ondon; Tha#es and "udson.
BerEeley-7os Angeles; . . .
$-. IBaltai priesistoriniais laiEaisI. +tnogene)e, med)iagine 8ultura irmitologya# 6ilnius;
&oEalas1 23J=. 232 pp.1 38 line
dra>ings1 23 plates.
$*. +9cavations at Sitagroi# A Prehistoric 5illage in "ortheast /reece# 5ol# &# 7os Angeles.
*ditor >ith olin )en5re> and
*rnestine *lster. =2= pp. o5 teBt >ith teBt illus. and 203 plates.
$&. Achilleton1 A ,eolithic Settle#ent in Thessaly1 (reece; 9800-=900 B.. ?*d. >ith S. .inn
and +. Shi#abuEu.@
&onu#enta Archaeologica 281 7os Angeles; :nstitute o5 Archaeology1 47A1 23J9. =2=pp.1
$+. i!iliAatie sie cultura; 6estigii prehistorice in Sud-*stul *uropean. Bucharesti; *ditura
&eridiane1 23J3. 23=pp.1J9
teBt illus.
$%. The (oddesses and (ods o5 $ld *urope; 9=00-3=00B. ?:n 0apanese@. ToEyo; 4,: :nc.1
,/. The Language of the /oddess2 Sacred &mages and Symbols of 0ld +uro'e# :ntroduction by
0oseph a#pbell.
San %rancisco; "arper and )o>1 23J3. c. =00 pp.1 =00 illustrations ?>ith c. 2000 ob'ects illus.@.
,$. The *ivili)ation of the /oddess 1 the :orld of 0ld +uro'e# *dited by 0oan &arler.
,,. +ie Balten; 4rgeschichte eines 6olEes i# $stseerau#.?(er#an trans. by (.AuerbacE.@
%ranE5urt a# &ain;
4llstein 6erlag12332.297pp.1 9Jillus.
,'. +ie *thnogenese der europaischen :ndoger#anen ?The *thnic $rigins o5 *uropean
:ndoger#ans@. :nnsbrucEer
Beitrage Aur Dultur>issenscha5t1 :nnsbrucE< Archaeolingua1 Budapest. :nnsbrucE; :nstitut 5ur
Sprach>issenscha5t der
4ni!ersitut :nnsbrucE1 2K332. 323 pp.1illus.
,). +ios y +ioses de la 6ei'a *uropa1 7000-3=00a1.; &itos1leyendas e i#agineria ?:n
Spanish.@ &adrid; olegio
4ni!ersitario de *diciones :st#o1 2332. 323 pp.1illus.
,-. $s Baltas; "istoria da orige# dos antigos Prussianos1 7ituanos e 7etonianos ?Portuguese
tran. by 0.*. Petraitis.@
)io de 0aneiro; ,io ,eris 7ida1 2332.
,*. Balti aiA!estuisEa'os laiEos; *tnogeneAe1 #ateriala Eultura un #itologi'. ?7at!ian trans.
by Ara#inus.@ )iga;
ILinatne1I 23381 229 pp.1 teBt illus.
,&. +as *nde Alteuropas; +er *in5all !on Steppenno#aden aus Sudru5sland und die
:ndoger#anisierung &itteleuropas
?The *nd o5 $ld *urope@. :nnsbrucEer Beitrage Aur DEultur>issenscha5t1 :nnsbrucE<
Archaeolingua1 Budapest. :nnsbrucE;
:nstitut 5ur Sprach>issenscha5t der 4ni!erstat :nnsbrucE1 2338. 23=pp.1 teBt illus.
,+. Seno!ine si#boliEa lietu!iy liaudies #ene ?Ancient sy#bolis# in 7ithuanian 5olE art@.
6ilnius; &intis1 2338. 288 pp.1
teBt illus.
,%. +ie Sprache der (ottin ?The 7anguage o5 the (oddess@. %ranE5urt a# &ain;
L>eitausendeins1 233=. 829 pp.1 teBt
illus1 #aps and tables. 233=
'/. Seno'i *uropa ?$ld *urope@. .6ilnius; &oEslo ir enciElopedi'u leidyEla. 3J8 pp.1 880 illus.1
3= #aps1 200 sche#es1
diagra#s and tables. 2339.
'$. +ie Li!ilisayion der (ottin ?The i!iliAation o5 the (oddess@ ?(er#an trans. by .. (otting
and "se Stras#ann.@
%ranE5urt a# &ain; A>eitausendeins1 2339. 820 illus.1 28 color plates1 30 #aps. 3= tables.
',. The ;urgan *ulture and the &ndo1+uro'eani)ation of +uro'e# *dited by &iria# )obbins
+eBter and Darlene 0ones-Bley.
0ournal o5 :ndo-*uropean Studies &onograph no. 2J. .ashington1 +..; :nstitute 5or the Study
o5 &an. 2337.
''.The Living /oddesses# *dited and supple#ented by &iria# )obbins +eBter. BerEeleyM7os
Angeles; 4ni!ersity o5
ali5ornia Press. 2333.
Proto1&ndo1+uro'ean2 The Archaeology of a Linguistic Problem# Studies in onor of Mari<a
/imbutas# *dited by Susan ,ace!
SEo#al and *dgar . Polo#e. .ashington1 +..; :nstitute 5or the Study o5 &an. 23J7.
=rom the Realm of the Ancestors2 An Anthology in onor of Mari<a /imbutas# *dited by 0oan
&arler. &anchester1 T.;
Dno>ledge1 :deas & Trends1 :nc. 2337.5aria on the &ndo1+uro'ean Past2 Pa'ers in Memory of
Mari<a /imbutas# *dited by
&iria# )obbins +eBter and *dgar . Polo#e. 0ournal o5 :ndo-*uropean Studies &onograph ,o.
23. .ashington1 +..;
:nstitute 5or the Study o5 &an. 2337.
Marija Gimbutas -- Bio
Marija7s birthp6a5e i4 1i64ius8 "ithua4ia
2J00-s late1 &ar'a-s parents born. &ari'a-s #other 6eroniEa >as the youngest o5 nine
children -- >hen 6eroniEa >as siB #onths old her 5ather died1 and the #other raised the 5a#ily
alone. 6eroniEa and her sister 0uli'a beca#e t>o o5 the 5irst 5e#ale physicians in ,ortheastern
*urope -- 6eroniEa >as an occulist and 0uli'a >as a dentist. &ari'a-s 5ather +anielius AlseiEa
>as a >riter1 5olElorist and a physician. &ari'a-s parents #et >hile they >ere both >orEing on
their doctorates.
23201 &ari'a-s parents #arried
23221 Brother 6ytautas
23281 Beginning o5 ..2
232=1 (er#ans taEe control
23271 Abdication o5 Aar ,icholas the second
23271 &ari'a-s parents return to 6ilnius
232J1 &ari'a-s parents establish the 5irst 7ithuanian hospital in 6ilinius
23231 Bolshe!iE 5orces occupied 6ilnius. Poles occupied 6ilnius. 7ithuanian go!ern#ent
#o!ed to Daunus. "ospital beco#es a center 5or 7ithuanian resistance
23221 0an 23rd. &ari'a-s birth in 6ilnius
23271 &ari'a-s parents establish a &ontessori School 5or her1 piano lessons begin. "er
&other has Sunday salons >here all the great intellectuals and artists o5 6ilnius gathered.
23321 %a#ily begins #o!e to Daunas because 6ilnius is occupied by Poland. %ather
re5uses to #o!e and continues to 5ight the Polish occupation.

F6eei4g8 $%''

23331 %a#ily in Daunus. &ari'a can only !isit her 5ather and 6ilnius by hiding in a horse
and >agon to cross the border.
23391 %ather dies.
2337M3J &ari'a participated in ethnographic eBpeditions to southeastern 7ithuania

Marija7s 9ami6: 96eei4g i4 ;ago4

233J1 hosen to per5or# Beetho!en-s 8th oncerto
233J1 (raduates 5ro# high school >ith honors
233J1 Began studying at (reat 4ni!ersity in Daunas -- 5irst studied linguistics.
23331 (er#any in!ades Poland
23331 So!iets in!ade Poland
23331 6ilnius is liberated and 5reed o5 Polish occupation a5ter the (er#an in!asion o5
2333 &ari'a returns to 6ilnius. ollecting 5olElore 5ro# 2000-s o5 re5ugees 5ro#
Byelorussia1 >hich had been been taEen by )ussia. She collects at least =000 5olEsongs.
*nrolls in the 4ni!ersity o5 6ilnius. ISo there >as a pioneer spirit throughout1 in the
go!ern#ent1 the uni!ersities1 school syste#s e!ery>here. And the young generation to >hich :
belonged li!ed >ith all that pioneering spirit doing #ore than >as possible to do.I ?That >as
only one year@
23801 So!iets in!ade 7ithuania1 re#o!ing priceless treasures. &ari'a is s>i##ing in a
laEe >hen So!iet planes arri!e1 7ithuania is declared a republic o5 the So!iet 4nion1 4ni!ersitity
is closed
23821 0oins the underground resistance #o!e#ent. taEing part in 7ithuanian uprising1
)ussia begins eBcecution1 arrests and deportations. &ari'a hides in the >oods1 near PaAaislis.
"er &other carries poison >ith her in order not to be taEen a>ay. &ari'a >riting her
dissertation about burial rites during this ti#e. 7ithuania is in!aded by (er#any -- 7ithuanian
uprising taEes place. 2= #e#bers o5 &ari'a-s 5a#ily disappear in 0une. &ari'a escapes to Danus
to hide. $n 0une 22nd (er#any attacEs )ussia. 4nderground #o!e#ent beco#es !ery acti!e1
(er#any occupies 7ithuania. &aria #arried 0urgis (i#butas
23821 0une; o#pletion o5 her #asters degree in archaeology1 in 6ilnius1 begining her
post graduate studies and publishing articles.
2383 Birth o5 5irst daughter1 +anute. She has breast5eeding issues1 they are told she
#ay be allergic to breast #ilE
23881 So!iet ar#y de5eats (er#any and occupies 7ithuania. 0uly J; 5led 7ithuania as a
re5ugee. +issertation under one ar# and baby under the other1 she lea!es her &other on the
shore sicE >ith the 5lu1 5leeing on the ,e#unas )i!er on a ra5t. They taEe a train to 6ienna
>here they #eet other re5ugees1 and then to :nnsbrucE Austria1 >here 0urgis gets so#e >orE
in a 5actory until it is bo#bed. They escape o!er the #ountains by bicycle and arri!e in the
5ar# country o5 (er#any.
238=1 $n a 5ar# in (er#any1 go to Tubingen1 (er#any.
23891 )ecei!es her +octor o5 Philosophy degree in archaeology at Tubingen 4ni!ersity1
"er thesis >as published the sa#e year.
23871 "er second daughter Le!ile is born &arch 22st1 the (i#butas 5a#ily e#igrates to
23=01 )ecogniAed at "ar!ard 4ni!ersity1 begins translating ancient teBt and >rote on
*uropean prehistory.
23=81 Birth to a third daughter )asa

The Gimbutas Fami6:8 $%-$

23==1 ,a#ed )esearch %ello> o5 "ar!ard-s Peabody &useu# ?a li5eti#e honor@.
"ar!ard years >ere !ery di55icult but she recei!ed strength 5ro# &other1 Aunt and
ousin....&eile and :nga1 still in 7ithuania. &other supported a dra5ts#an to >orE on the
BronAe Age !olu#e. &other did the thousands o5 dra>ings in 7ithuania1 sending the# to &ari'a
by #ail.
23=91 &ari'a-s Durgan "ypothesis is presented in Philidelphia 5or the 5irst ti#e
23=91 IPrehistory o5 *astern *uropeI
23=J1 IAncient sy#bolis# o5 7ithuanian %olE ArtI is published in Philidelphia
23901 A>arded the $utstanding ,e> A#erican by the .orld )e5ugee o##ittee and
Boston 0unior ha#ber o5 o##erce
23901 7ectures at an $rientalist congress in &osco>1 seeing her #other 5or the 5irst
ti#e since 2388. This is a great story about ho> she had to pretend not to Eno> her &other
etc. )eturns brie5ly to 6ilnius 5or 2 days. .hen she returned to 7A she >as accused o5 being a
)ussian spy.
23931 Began to >orE at 47A
239=1 IBronAe age cultures o5 entral and *astern *uropeI
2397M9J1 Beca#e pro'ect director 5or eBca!ations o5 ,eolithic sites in Cugosla!ia and
&acedonia1 recei!ing a "u#anities *ndo>#ent a>ard 5ro# the S#ithsonian institution1 and
the .o#an o5 The Cear A>ard 5ro# the 7A ti#es
239JM931 *Bca!ations at Sitagroi1 (reeE &acedonia

Marija 5o66e5ti4g i4 the 9ie6

23931 She >as an eBchange pro5essor >ith the 4SS) through the A#erican Acade#y o5
2393M721 *Bca!ations at AnAa1 &acedonia.
2373M7=1 *Bca!ations at Achilleion1 near %arsala.
23781 I(ods and (oddessesI
2377MJ01 *Bca!ations at the Scaloria ca!e sancuary near &acedonia1 Southeast :taly.
2373. $rganiAed the 5irst interdisciplinary conderence on IThe Trans5or#ation o5
*uropean and Anatolian ultureI.
23J21 )eturned to 4SS) >ith the A#erican Acade#y o5 Sciences on %ulbright
5ello>ship. 7ectured in 6ilnius 4ni!ersity. I: counted and : had in #y audience so#ething liEe
31000 people1 throughout 2 #onths o5 lecturing. And there is an organiAation no>1 sort o5 a
pagan organiAation >hich indirectly >as in5luenced by #y being there or #y >ritings. They are
called )o#u!a1 >hich is the na#e o5 a sacred hill and also described as a sanctuary in the 28th
century. So this is the na#e 5or this rea>aEening o5 pagan rituals.I

Marija Gimbutas i4 !6o<a3ia8 $%%$.
Photo b: =oa4 Mar6er
Marija Resour5es

From the Realm of the Ancestors
=rom the Realm of the Ancestors1 edited by 0oan &arler1 is an eBtensi!e anthology in honor o5
(i#butas. $!er siBty contributors range 5ro# archaeologists to linguists to geneticists to
artists1 poets1 and ritual #aEers. )eading it1 : >as strucE by both the depth and scope o5 her
Eno>ledge and the broad spectru# o5 people she in5luenced. 0oan &arler has done an
enor#ous 'ob collecting1 arranging1 editing and 5ra#ing this a#ount o5 #aterial. : ?Starha>E@
a# proud to ha!e an article in it #ysel5. The booE is published by;
Dno>ledge1 :deas and Trends1 :nc.
2232 Tolland TurnpiEe
&anchester $ 09080
2 J00 J29-0=23
The :SB, nu#ber ?5or ordering@ is :SB,2-J7323J-2=-J
:t appears to be no longer a!ailable ne>1 but there are still be copies 5ro# ti#e to ti#e at -- search 5or latest a!ailability.
The ,ational %il# Board o5 anada has in5or#ation online about +onna )ead-s 5il#s1 including
ho> to buy or borro> the# 5or !ie>ing.
+onna )ead-s :omen and S'irituality 5il#s >The Burning Times, /oddess Remembered, and
=ull *ircle? are a!ailable on !ideo 5ro# Serpentine &usic in ali5ornia.
The :orld of the /oddess1 a !ideo that 5eatures a lecture gi!en by &ari'a and
#any i#ages o5 the ancient 5igurines1 appears to be una!ailable ne>1 but you #ay
be able to still 5ind it occasionally. Search 5or it at A#aAon to checE a!ailability.
?6"S only@.
Se!eral other (i#butas lectures1 >orEshops1 and inter!ie>s are a!ailable on
audiocassette and !ideocassette 5ro# Sound Photosynthesis.
The 0oseph a#pbell and &ari'a (i#butas 7ibrary1 located on the ca#pus o5 Paci5ica (raduate
:nstitute1 is Ia non-pro5it educational organiAation dedicated to the preser!ation o5 a uniNue
collection o5 #anuscripts1 booEs1 and #e#orabilia 5ro# t>o o5 the t>entieth century-s #ost
in5luential cultural scholars; 0oseph a#pbell and &ari'a (i#butas. I
Both &ari'a-s and Starha>E-s >orEs ha!e 5reNuently been 5eatured as part o5 San %rancisco-s
::S Public 7ectures and .orEshops progra#. The ali5ornia :nstitute o5 :ntegral Studies is a
uniNue independent institution o5 higher learning based in San %rancisco dedicated to
integrating theoretical Eno>ledge1 personal eBperience1 and spiritual >isdo#. ::S o55ers
inno!ati!e accredited graduate progra#s in psychology1 philosophy1 religion1 and cultural
studies< including a .o#en-s Spirituality progra# leading to a Ph+ in "u#anities1
oncentration in Philosophy1 )eligion1 *#phasis in .o#en-s Spirituality< or an &A in
Philosophy )eligion1 oncentration in .o#en-s Spirituality. Also a!ailable are an on-line
progra# in learning and change< and a B.A. co#pletion progra#.
"abitations o5 the (reat (oddess1 a booE by ristina Biaggi on the on te#ples o5 &alta and the
islands north o5 Scotland. %or>ard by &ari'a (i#butas.
&a!ericEs o5 the &ind 5eatures a photo and inter!ie> o5 &ari'a on their >ebsite.
6isit the Igarden e danuI >ebsite1 a >orE in progress by researcher Tho#as ) "ol#e. :nspired
by the >orE o5 &ari'a (i#butas1 he has put together an a#aAing series o5 pages1 including
i#ages and eBtensi!e teBt.
A co#prehensi!e ?80 page1 9800 entries@ indeB to The .o#en-s *ncyclopedia o5 &yths and
Secrets1 by Barbara (. .alEer1 "arperollins1 23J31 is a!ailable by e-#ail1 or as a print copy1
5ro# Beedy ParEer at beedyparEerOg>i.net1 ?207@ 239-J7321 or 9J .ashington St.1 a#den1
&*1 08J83. This indeB1 co#piled in 2003 by heryl BrooEs1 a pro5essional indeBer1 pro!ides a
guide through the history o5 the lost goddess.I

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