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Jane Addams: Middle class woman dedicated to uplifting the urban masses; college educated;

established the HULL HOUSE in Chicago (A HOUSE FOR IMMIGRANTS); she condemned
war and poverty.
Booker T Washington: Former slave; encouraged black independence; need to be economic
rather than have race riots; ATLANTA COMPROMISE that blacks had to accept segregation
in the short-term to focus on economic gain.
WEB DuBois: 1 of Washingtons harshest critics; said Booker was a pacifist; need ceaseless
agitation; Niagra movement (NHACP); criticized Washington but failed.
talented tenth: Du Bois to describe the small percentage of educated and upper middle class
Negroes who were high achievers in the face of racial prejudice. The Harlem Renaissance, 1917-
1936, is considered to have been a manifestation of the power of this small group to impact the
entire community.
Populism: United discontented farmers; improve economic conditions, inc in silver coinage;
interstate commerce act to regulate railroads against small customers; more state-linked
Coxey Army: Protest march by unemployed workers from US who marched on Washington in
1894 against an economic depression; 1
significant protest march on Washington and their idea
food to feed Coxey army
Eugene v Debs: Leader of the American Railway Union; voted to aid workers in Pullman strike;
disobeyed court law. He was imprisoned along with his associates for ignoring a federal court
injunction to stop striking. While in prison, he read Socialist literature and emerged as a Socialist
leader in America.
Pullman Strike: 1894 strike against a rail car company after wages were depleted by 1/3 but
company town rent was not lowered; led by Debs, halted rail traffic and federal troops brought
in. Pullman Strike This was a nonviolent strike which brought about a shut down of western
railroads, which took place against the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago in 1894,
because of the poor wages of the Pullman workers. It was ended by the president due to the
interference with the mail system, and brought a bad image upon unions.
William Jennings Bryan: Boy orator of the Platte; Congressman who spoke for the cause of
silver, advocating repeal of Sherman Act; cross of gold speech lands him a failed candidacy.
William McKinley: Ran for Rep party in 1896, he supported silver even though Rep wanted gold
standard; responsible for the Spanish American war, annexation of Hawaii, imperialism,
philippine-american war, and was assassinated. This Republican candidate defeated William
Jennings Bryan in the 1896 presidential election. As a supporter of big business, he pushed for
high protective tariffs. Under his leadership, the U.S. became an imperial world power.
Mark Hanna: an industrialist and republican politican; compaign manager of McKinley; one of
the most powerful members of the senate and forerunner of the political campaign. ohio
industrialist and organizer of McKinley's victory over Bryan in the election of 1896

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