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Cameron Durrant

Professor: Jonathan.Barnes
Physics 1040
The Spectrograph
The spectrograph is a device that takes a light wave and separates it
into a spectrum of frequencies in the form of colored lines. Each set of lines
belongs to a specific element. With the information received from this
instrument, we can determine quite a few things in the field of astronomy.
Have you ever wondered how we know what makes up the atmosphere of our
neighboring planets? Thanks to the light from our sun and our spectrograph
we learn what elements make up the atmosphere of the planets. The
spectrograph led us to discover that our sun is made up of nearly 75 percent
hydrogen and 24 percent helium. The remaining percent of the Suns
atmosphere is carbon and a few heavier elements.
The spectrograph is a wonderful tool, which allows us to study distant
planets by breaking down the light waves that we receivethe different
molecules absorb and reflect different colors, and these colors find their way
to Earth. With the information received from breaking down the colors on the
electromagnetic spectrum, scientists can determine which elements make up
the atmosphere of said planet. With this knowledge we have great hope to
discover other Earth-like planets, along with the hope of finding

Extraterrestrial Life. We can tell the distance of stars, what direction they
are headed, and the list goes on with the things we can do. This is possible
thanks to Gustav Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen, who invented the spectroscope
in 1860.
The discovery of the spectroscopy was the dawn of a new age for
science. This discovery opened up an entirely new field in science called
Astrophysics, which produced many jobs along with new degrees in college for
students to receive. With this field growing, we are learning more about not
only our world, but also more about the entire universe. This machine is giving
us a better perspective on how everything was formed including the matter
that is being formed at this exact moment. The universe, and all within its
boundaries, is continuing to evolve.
With all the new knowledge we receive every minute, maybe we can
learn more about what the purpose of life is through science. We might be
able to put a fact to religion and the direction we should travel to ascend
into a better utopia, if you will, of the human race. We have so much
potential with all the minds in this mid-sized world. We may be able to travel
through space, visit planets in distant solar systems, view distant galaxies,
and from there the discoveries could be endless. We could discover the truth
about other dimensions, find other realities, and maybe discover that even

time travel is possible. With the human race united, we could achieve

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