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In a human resources context, turnover or labor turnover is the rate at which an employer
gains and losses employees. Simple ways to describe it are "how long employees tend to stay" or
"the rate of traffic through the revolving door." Turnover is measured for individual companies
and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to have a high turnover relative to its
competitors, it means that employees of that company have a shorter average tenure than those of
other companies in the same industry. High turnover can be harmful to a company's productivity
if silled worers are often leaving and the worer population contains a high percentage of
novice worers.
!uture "roup believes in developing strong insights on Indian consumers and building
businesses based on Indian ideas, as espoused in the group#s core value of $Indianans.# The
group#s corporate credo is, $%ewrite rules, %etain values.#
!uture group shall deliver everything, everywhere, every time for every Indian consumer in the
most profitable manner.
&e share the vision and belief that our customers and staeholders shall be served only by
creating and executing future scenarios in the consumption space leading to economic
&e will be trendsetters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail realty, maing consumption
affordable for all customer segments for classes and for masses.
'ig 'a(aar is Indian personification of retail. It#s lie an Indian bazaar or mandi or mela,
the environment created by traders to give shoppers a sense of moment. Its personality is of
being an entity away from fancy or pretty and being authentically "no)frills". *ishore 'iyani
never hired any foreign consultant for 'ig 'a(aar which is evident from Indian)specific
personality of the brand. The brand#s personality is self)explanatory by its tag)line only. This
statement places 'ig 'a(aar at the top of customer#s mind. It reflects that entrepreneurship and
simplicity are the essence of character of 'ig 'a(aar. To use predatory pricing is not in the
personality of 'ig 'a(aar, they never sell goods below the price they have purchased it. 'ig
'a(aar, the "Indian &al)+art", is the modern Indian family's favorite store. 'ig 'a(aar
symboli(es modern retail, the business which isn#t looed up to in our country, is now in the eyes
of many multi)national biggies. 'ig 'a(aar has shown a robust growth in recent years. There are
six department s in 'ig 'a(aar dealing with the following products in the respective
1. Food B!":
,s this department is the soul of the store, 'ig 'a(aar has several categories within this
department itself. This department has a surface area of -.// s0uare feet. This department is
further divided into1
!ruits and vegetables
#. G$n$"% M$"&'ndi!$:
This department is further divided into Home and !ashions. The Home section has two ma3or
sections 4lastics and 5rocery6457 amount to one section and 8tensils687 and 2ew 'usiness
9evelopment62'97 form the other ma3or part. The 2ew 'usiness 9evelopment section have
items that are more affluent in nature and are part of *ishore 'iyani#s :India ;ne< customer
segment. This section sells luxury products lie watches, sunglasses, auto accessories etcetera.
The $!ashions#6!7 sections sell luggage, footwear, handbags, Toys and sports
3. A(("$%s:
The apparels department is divided into three segments1
+en#s wear) 5asual and !ormal wear
*ids wear)infants,boys,girls
=adies wear)>thnic wear 6Sarees, *urthas, 9ress materials7and &estern wear
). Ho*$ So%+,ions:
This department is not headed by the 9epartment +anager, as the capacity of this department is
much smaller in comparison with the others and can be handled by the Team leader. This
department comprises of ? electronics and furniture.
-. .$%%n$ss d$(",*$n,:
This department comprises of cosmetics and a pharmacy)!it and Healthy
/. Addi,ion% B+sin$ss:
a. Star @ Sitara
b. !ood 5ourt
c. !ABC
1.#.1 0 Mn(o1$" Mn2$*$n,:
,s the people are the heart of the organi(ation, it is of paramount importance that manpower is
ade0uate at all times. Therefore calculation of manpower re0uired is most important. +anpower
re0uired to man the entire operation of the store is dependant on the s0uare feet of the store
Say for example !ood 'a(aar
6+athura, 'ig 'a(aar7 has an area of -.// s0uare feet.
%atio of manpower to floor area1 AD.// s0uare feet
Mn(o1$" "$3+i"$*$n,4 To,% "$ 5s3+"$ 6$$,07 A"$ &o8$"$d 9: on$ $*(%o:$$ 5s3+"$
Therefore, for -.// s0uare feet you re0uire E -.//D.//
E A. personnel re0uired to man
Food B!"
In the case of !ood 'a(aar, by means of this calculation the H% department has employed AF
personnel to man its floor space. 9ue to problems with absenteeism, the H% department has
foreseen this and has a policy of maintaining a buffer of A.G .Therefore they ideally should
have a manpower capacity of about H/ to H.G per day. 'ut, they have been able to manage with
-/ to H/G attendance. The employees are allowed to have their days off only during the
;ne of the ma3or problems of the retail industry as well as for this company is the growing
attrition. This research pro3ect has arisen as a conse0uence of growing concern within the
company regarding manpower retention and turnover. This research was mainly focused on the
three ma3or centers of +athura were attrition was of a greater concern with respect to the
employee management process. The topic is not new in the retail area as well as in the other
industries today. However, there is a real need to conduct this research in the organi(ation
because attrition among the floor staffs is acute in the plant. ;ur research focuses on identifying
the various factors contributing to attrition so that attention can be given them. Since the industry
re0uires the need of staffs vi(. salesmen, cashiers, mareters, maintenance personnel, etc. and
since the organi(ation is undergoing expansion, the need for stabili(ing the manpower is 0uite
high and conse0uently the need for a research in this area is even higher.
The research design used in this pro3ect is the descriptive research design.
The data collected is divided into two namely primary data and secondary data. The method and
mode used for collecting these data are explained below.
The primary data collection is the gathering of responses from the staffs which was done by
direct survey with the help of 0uestionnaire.
The secondary data is the information collected from the company#s official web sites, boos and
H% portals for the pro3ect wor.
The research instrument used for collecting the data is 0uestionnaire.
The Iuestionnaire is prepared in an organi(ed and thorough manner and reframed accordingly
after considering all the re0uired aspects of the attrition analysis, using last year#s data. The scale
ranges from a score of A for $Strongly ,gree# to a score of . for $Strongly 9isagree#.
P"*$,$"s Us$d Fo" T'$ S+"8$:
The factors which were taen into consideration for the attrition analysis survey are as followsJ
>mployee morale
5areer growth
&or >nvironment
5ompany 4olicies
;verall satisfaction of the company
). 3.1 Po(+%,ion:
4opulation taen for the study is the ,ssistant 9epartment +anagers 6,9+7s and team leaders
of 'ig 'a(aar.
).3.# S*(%$ Si!$:
Since the company re0uired responses from all the ,9+s and team leaders, the sample si(e for
individual branches were as followsJ
'ig 'a(aar 6mathura7 ) C/
,fter data collection, statistical tools are used for analy(ing the data and results are obtained.
!rom the obtained results, findings and suggestions can be done. The statistical tools used in this
pro3ect for analysis are1
S4SS 6Simple 4ercentage ,nalysis7.
All the employees were extremely helpful. But then also there were certain limitations in the
study. They are as follows: -
Although the HR officers were willing to help the trainees as much as possible but in spite of
that they could not devote much of their office time to us regularly because of their own
duties and responsibilities for the company.
!onfidentiality regarding cooperation policies was also a hindrance in the study.
"ome of the welfare measures were applicable only inside the area . UNCOVERING:-
To ma#e $uestionnaire of manageable si%e some of the inputs related to welfare measures
could not be dealt upon.
1. Do :o+ 6$$% ,', :o+" s+9=o"din,$s "$ 8%+$d (", o6 ,'$ o66i&$>
B. Strongly ,gree
C. ,gree
K. 2eutral
.. 9isagree
3. Do :o+ 6$$% ,', :o+" s+9=o"din,$s "$ "$s($&,$d nd 6i"%: ,"$,$d in ,'$
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
). Do Mo"%$ in ,'$ o66i&$ is 'i2'
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
-. Do ,'$: '8$ &"$$" 2o%s nd 6+,+"$ ("os($&,s>
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
-. ,'$: ?no1 'o1 ,'$i" @o9 6i,s in,o %"2$" (i&,+"$ o6 ,'$ o"2ni!,ion>
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
/. Do ,'$: '8$ &%$" +nd$"s,ndin2 o6 'o1 ,'$i" @o9 ($"6o"*n&$ is *$s+"$d>
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
A. Do ,'$: ?no1 'o1 $B&,%: o6 1', is 9$in2 $B($&,$d o+, o6 ,'$*>
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
C. T'$ o"2ni!,ion &&o**od,$s ,'$i" ($"son% n$$ds.
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
D. T'$ 1o"? $n8i"on*$n, in ,'$ s,o"$ is 6"i$nd%:
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
1E. Do ,'$: '8$ (osi,i8$ "$%,ions'i( 1i,' ,'$i" s+($"8iso"
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
11. T'$"$ is s(i"i, o6 &o=o($",ion *on2 s,66s
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
1#. T'$ 1o"?%od nd 1o"? ,"2$,s "$ "$son9%$
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
13. T'$ 1o"?%od is dis,"i9+,$d 6i"%:
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
1). T'$ s+9=o"din,$s 6$$% ,', ,'$ 1o"? ,i*in2s "$ 6%$Bi9%$
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
1-. Do :o+ ,'in? ,,"i,ion is in6%+$n&$d 9: ,'$i" di66i&+%,: in d(,in2 ,o ,'$
A. Strongly ,gree
B. ,gree
C. 2eutral
K. 9isagree
8ma Searan, %esearch methods for business, 6K
editionJ 2ew 9elhiJ &iley publications7
%.2andagopal, %esearch methods in business, 6 A
editionJ 2ew 9elhiJ excel boos7
5harles %. "reer, Strategic Human %esource +anagement, 6 B
editionJ 2ew 9elhiJ 4earson
L S 4 %ao, Human %esource +anagement, 6B
editionJ 2ew 9elhiJ >xcel boos7
The study is undertaen with the following ob3ectives.
To find the attrition rate for the current year at 'I" ',M,,%, +athura.
To ascertain the various reasons responsible for the attrition of staffs.
To bring out the strategies to retain manpower in the store.
To attract more number of new employees and find ways to sustain them in the company.

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