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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour


K.C. College of Management Studies
Effots made !" # A$%ITA DAS
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Pa"e no# $
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour

Pa"e no# %
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
1. I()*+,-.)/+(
About Gitanjali Group:
Gitanjali Gems Ltd (GGL), Established in 1966, is one of the earliest
diamond houses in India. GGL is the only company, hich retails some of
the reputed brands li!e Gili, "a!shatra, #smi and $%$amas thru its arms
and associates Gili as the first branded jeellery introduced in India.
Gitanjali Group, inte&rated diamond and jeellery manufacturer and
retailer. Gitanjali Gems Ltd today said the company has ac'uired the
(umbai)based Gili India Ltd (GIL), strate&ically positionin& itself as the
leadin& diamond studded jeellery)manufacturin& company* today has
one of the lar&est fully inte&rated diamond and jeellery manufacturin&
plants in the country. Gitanjali Group is en&a&ed in the business of
sourcin& rou&h diamonds, its manufacture, import and e+port of
diamonds, manufacture of plain and diamond studded &old and platinum
jeellery and its mar!etin& and domestic retailin&.
,he -ery basis of their e+istence is to successfully de-elop, produce and
sell hi&h)'uality jeellery brands orldide . helps the customers in
&ettin& the ma+imum /alue 0 1or 0 (oney in the process.
It has to modern diamond manufacturin& facilities located at 2ori-ali in
(umbai and at the 3pecial Economic 4one at 3urat in Gujarat. It also has
a lar&e sophisticated jeellery desi&nin& and manufacturin& facility at
the 3EE54 and to jeellery manufacturin& facilities at (I$6 all in
#ndheri, (umbai.
1or branded jeellery, GGL has established a lar&e retail setup, hich
includes 76 e+clusi-e distributors across India ith around 678 outlets
includin& those in host stores, fi-e standalone stores and 19 franchisee
stores in :8 cities and tons in India.
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
1or its future &roth, the company is e+pandin& its production capacity
by settin& up additional diamond and jeellery manufacturin& facilities in
(umbai and in the proposed Gems and ;eellery 3pecial.
About Tanishq:
,anish' is India%s lar&est, most desirable and fastest &roin& jeelry
brand in India. 3tarted in 199<, ,anish' is the jeelry business &roup of
,itan Industries Ltd ) promoted by the ,#,# &roup, India%s most respected
and idely di-ersified business con&lomerate. ,his year mar!s a decade
of successful innin&s for ,anish'. =ith retail sales of 1788 crore last year
and &unnin& for 7888 crores this year, ,anish' has arri-ed in the Indian
jeelry mar!et. It is a story of a successful Indian enterprise, hich has
deli-ered -alue to its customers and shareholders in a comple+ cate&ory,
mar!ed by its completely locali>ed front end as ell as bac! end.
,anish' has set up production and sourcin& bases ith throu&h research of
the jeelry crafts of India. ;eelry at ,anish' is crafted in one of the
orld%s most modern factories. ,he factory complies ith all labour and
en-ironmental standards. Located at ?osur, ,amil "adu, the 1, :<,888 s'.
ft. factory is e'uipped ith the latest and most modern machinery and
e'uipment. E-ery product at ,anish' is pain sta!in&ly crafted to
perfection. $ili&ent care and 'uality processes ensure that the ,anish'
finish is unmatched by any other jeeller in the country.
,anish' challen&ed the a&e)old jeeller%s ord ith ,#,#%s &uaranteed
purity. It e+ploded the mar!et ith facts about rampant impurity across
India. It introduced technolo&y)bac!ed challen&e in a cate&ory
completely &o-erned by indi-idual trust. ,anish' introduced inno-ations
li!e @arat meter, the only non destructi-e means to chec! the purity of
&old. ,anish' also introduced professional retailin& in the dis)or&anised
Indian jeelry ba>aar, here omen can shop ith comfort and peace,
ithout orryin& about the purity of the jeelry they are buyin&, as ell
as, select from the best jeelry collections a-ailable in the Indian
,anish' today is India%s most aspirational fine jeelry brand ith 91 stores
in 6A cities, ith an e+'uisite ran&e of &old jeelry studded ith
diamonds or coloured &ems and a ide ran&e of e'ually spectacular
jeelry in 77@t pure &old. E+'uisite platinum jeelry is also part of the
product ran&e.
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
USP: Pure Jewellery, Pure Joy
2. H/0)+*1
In 199A the Gitanjali &roup introduced IndiaBs first e-er branded jeellery
Gili. Cated as a super brand, the brand still ran!s as one of the top ten
jeellery brands in the country. D-er the years the &roup has launched many
other superior brands and today it successfully mana&es o-er fi-e of the ten
best)!non jeellery brands in India.

Gilis primary brand -alue is EGenuine diamond and &old jeellery at
affordable pricesF. ,he first jeellery brand that brou&ht diamond
jeellery ithin the reach of masses.
Tanishq as born in 199< after the ,ata Group decided to spread its in&s
and embrace the branded jeellery se&ment. It as set up as a di-ision of
,itan, the &roup company that had transformed the Indian atch)ma!in&
industry. Internationally, atches and jeellery ha-e a sturdy syner&y and
are often retailed out of the same store, ith desi&n bein& a !ey dri-er in
both cate&ories. It made sense for a atch company ith a stron& retail
presence to loo! at its ne+t a-e of &roth from the jeellery se&ment,
hich had a hu&e potential.
,anish' had a hi&h)profile launch, but its initial production as restricted to
the 'studded' jeellery se&ment. Its strate&y chan&ed soon after to
accommodate the Indian preference for buyin& &old jeellery. ,anish' then
tac!ed to a mi+ of studded and &old jeellery and ent in for a fusion)desi&n
approach. Its initial methodolo&y of usin& estern desi&ns chan&ed as it
sou&ht a ider mar!et. ,his re-ised strate&y as initiated in the year 7888,
hen a ne mana&ement team too! o-er and turned around ,anish'%s
3. M2*34) S.4(2*/+
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour

Gili Jewellery, an 18 karat diamond studded brand, as launched in 199A.

,his ushered in the birth of branded jeellery in India.

# radically ne concept, it is a ran&e of branded diamond jeellery for the
Gili offers pendants, earrin&s, rin&s in 1G)carat &old studded ith small,
ell)cut, &ood 'uality diamonds, as matchin& sets or by themsel-es* in a
-ariety of desi&ns that bo&&le the ima&ination.
It is simply high quality, diamond-studded, designer jewellery at pries
,he Gili ran&e as launched as more Hearable%jeellery, as opposed to the
!ind you stored in your Hloc!er%. I=e anted the colle&e &oin& &eneration
and office)&oers to be able to ear our jeellery ithout constantly
orryin& about its safety,I says 3an&ani.
,oday, Gili o!!ers 18-karat plain and diamond stud jewellery, whih is
suitable !or daily wear"
Indians, especially omen, ha-e a fascination for jeellery that &oes bac!
centuries. Dne manifestation of this continuous lo-e affair ith body
ornamentation is the fact that Indians are the orld%s bi&&est buyers of &old.
,he mar!et for jeellery in the country is second only to that for foods and
the trade is built around so)called family jeellers ) the relati-ely small,
stand)alone establishments that are ubi'uitous across the land. Tanishq
belon&s to the ?ouse of ,ata and, true to the &roup%s policy* it aims at
brin&in& in credibility and professionalism to the jeellery industry.
IndiaBs jeellery mar!et is estimated to be orth Cs. A88 billion a year and
the share of the or&ani>ed sector ) jeellery stores and brands mana&ed by
corporate houses ) stands at about Cs. 18 billion. ,his small but si&nificant
niche is lar&ely the creation of Tanishq, a path)brea!in& effort that has
earned a ell)deser-ed reputation for reliability and e+cellence, and for
introducin& pioneerin& concepts in an industry here tradition once ruled.
,he brand has a A8J share of the or&ani>ed jeellery mar!et and a 1J bite
of the o-erall jeellery pie (3ourceK =orld Gold 6ouncil and (c!insey study
,here are more than :88,888 independent, non)branded jeellery retailers
in India. ,he -ast majority of these are sin&ular entities that function out of
indi-idual cities, thou&h a fe ha-e e+panded to ac'uire a state)ide
presence. 2y and lar&e, they offer con-entional Indian desi&ns and are
difficult to pin don on 'uality, since standards ithin this se&ment -ary
Pa"e no# )
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
4. D/25+(, S64./7/.2)/+(0
C-)& C+8+*& C2*2) " C82*/)1
,he #$s are used throu&hout the orld to classify the rarity of diamonds.
$iamonds ith the combination of the hi&hest A6s ratin&s are rarer, and
conse'uently more e+pensi-e. Li&ht is the element that i&nites a diamond%s
brilliance and fire. Its interplay ith each of the A6s ill help e+plain hy
one diamond can appear more beautiful than another. ,he &ood nes is that
you don%t need to buy the rarest diamond to find one hose beauty spea!s to
6ut is the only one of the A6s of diamonds that is influenced by the human
hand. ,he rest (color, clarity and carat) are created naturally as diamonds
form in the earth. #t ,anish' e ensure that the most ideal cut diamonds are
used, so that the facets hen arran&ed in precise proportions ma+imi>e
brilliance and spar!le.
$ut ) refers to an&les and proportions of a diamond.
Pa"e no# *
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
$olor ) refers to the de&ree to hich a diamond is colorless.
$arat ) refers to the ei&ht of a diamond.
$larity ) refers to the presence of inclusions in a diamond.
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
5. C+884.)/+(0
%roduts& $iamond, Cin&s, 5endants, 2racelets, Earrin&s, 2an&les, ,o)
,ones, 6olor 3tones, 3ets.
$olletions& /alentine 6ommitment, 6hinese 4odiac, 3i&n 4odiac, Gili ,eens,
6orporate Gifts, 5endants, #&ni, $iamond ?eart, 5rincess and 1ore-er
Gili has a uni'ue and timeless olletion o! preious jewellery. =hat%s
more, these fabulous pieces are a-ailable at really affordable prices, ith
the Gili certificate of authenticity
In 1''( Gili introdued )i*aa+, a collection of ethnic Indian jeellery. ,he
brand has also come out ith a ran&e of ,#-arat jewellery ith a
&uaranteed .99< fineness under the launch name Gili Gold. Gili has also
launched a ran&e of diamond lusters under the name -gni set in yello
and hite &old. It has to its credit added Gili plus, a premium ran&e of
diamond)studded jewellery pried abo*e )s ,., ..."
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour

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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
%roduts& 6olors of Coyalty, (oham, $iamonds 6ollection, =eddin&
6ollection, #ria, ,anish' $esi&n #ccolades, ;odhaa #!bar 6ollection
/esription& 6olors of Coyalty a ran&e of e+'uisite studded jeelry,
reminiscent of the ma&ical /ictorian era. ,he collection is inspired by the
classic desi&n essence.

,he collection (oham comprises desi&ns, motifs inspired by nature that
ha-e been beautifully crafted to ma!e them the most desirable possession
this season.
"o &emstone e+presses human emotions more poerfully than a diamond.
#fter all, a diamond is timeless and findin& your perfect piece of diamond
jeelry is an e+hilaratin& and uni'ue e+perience.
,he bride blushes e-eryone around smiles. ,he shehnai announces festi-ity.
,he priests chant auspicious promises.

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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour

6. B*2(, A592002,+*
Bipasha Basu gives brand glier o !ili" Bipasha Basu 5ose for Gili ;eels
0 ?u&e 3can &oin& by the promos of #Ba$hna Ae Haseeno%
Pa"e no# $%
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
2ipasha 2asu, a leadin& Indian film actress has been si&ned on by Gitanjali
Group as the ne brand ambassador for its diamond jeellery retail brand
Gili. ,he actress ill be the ne face for an undisclosed time frame.
,he Gili brand has been one of the -ery first diamond jeellery brands in
India. It has &ron o-er the years into <88 outlets across :8 cities in the
country, besides bein& retailed throu&h shop)in)shop formats.
Gili has been noted for its uni'ue retailin& formats, by settin& up its stores at
sites li!e airports in elite areas. Its e+clusi-e shorooms are called %Gili
(ehul 6ho!si, 6hairman, Gitanjali Group and "a!shatra, said, EIn our effort
to find the ri&ht brand ambassador for Gili, a brand of mass appeal, e ha-e
stumbled upon 2ipasha 2asu to endorse her allurin& personality on its
products, hich is a rhapsody of the traditional and modern. "ot only ere
e enthusiastic about the brand fit, but e also feel that 2ipasha lends a
refreshin& loo! to the brand. =e are e+cited about ha-in& her on board as
the ne face for Gili.F
$urrent -d*ertising -geny doin& promotions for Gili isK E'uus Ced 6ell
1ort, (umbai
Pa"e no# $&
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
Asin gives brand glier o Tanish&"
$urrent -d*ertising -geny doin& promotions for ,anish' isK Loe
7. O-)84)0
Gili has itBs manu!aturing outlet at -ndheri 0ast. It has 7<6 outlets of
hich : are e+clusi-e stores Gili is also present in stores li!e -12-)-3345,
-5I-TI$, $ITI %3-6-, GI3I 78)3/ 9-I)%8)T:, J;5T I< =8G;0, 3I>05T430,
%-<T-388<5, 5?8%%0)5' 5T8%, 705T5I/0, Gili is spread throu&hout the
cities of India. Gili stores are run ell ith stren&th of 9)18 e+ecuti-es . a
head of the outlet. "o. of employees -ary from one shop to another
dependin& on ho bi& the 3horoom or the outlet is. Is pee' Hours are
beween ( o ) p*
#part from the con-entional jeellery stores, Gili is also a-ailable at up)
mar!et stores li!e 3hopper%s 3top, Lifestyle, Globus and ?i)style. Gili is
!non for its $iamond ?eart collection, popularised throu&h the /alentine
$ay concept. ,his collection can also be bou&ht throu&h a mail)order
Pa"e no# $'
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
<orth& - 1: $elhi, 1la&ship 3tore at 6onnau&ht 5lace
Tanishq, "o. E)A, Inner 6ircle 6onnau&ht 5lace "e $elhi)118 881
5hK 811)6A61:<A<L A:<GG:6G 1a+K 811)7:9:8919
,: $elhi, 1la&ship 3tore at 3outh E+tension
,anish', "o. G)16, 5art 0 I, 3outh E+tension, (ain (ar!et, "e $elhi ) 118
5hK 811)6<6<6<99 1a+K 811)6A6G8<G(Co)"orth)
@: $elhi, Greater @ailash
,anish', "o. ()6G, ( 2loc! (ar!et, Greater @ailash, 5art I, "e $elhi ) 118
5hK 811)<<69A999 L <19:16:<
0ast& - 1: @ol!ata, 1la&ship 3tore at 6amac 3treet,
,anish' 1ort @no+, "o. 6, 6amac 3treet, @ol!ata ) 988 819
5hK 8::)77G79918 L 77G7996G L 6<< 81<:9 L 6A<1<::8
Pa"e no# $(
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
,: @ol!ata, Ghariahat,
,anish', "o.9L:, Leela Coy 3arani, Ghariahat Coad, @ol!ata ) 988 819
5hK 8::)7A68:86< L 7A68:869, 1a+K 7A687A69
@: @ol!ata, @an!u&achi,
,anish', "o.5):8G, 6.I.,. Coad, 3cheme /I (, @an!u&achi, @ol!ata ) 988 8<A
5hK 8::)7:<A9<79 L 7:<A9<:8 L 7:<A9<:1 1a+K 8::):<A9<:7 L 8::)7:GG197
7est& - 1: (umbai, 1la&ship 3tore at @har,
,anish', :6<L6, Lin!in& Coad, @har, (umbai)A88 8<7
,: (umbai, Ghat!opar,
,anish', 19)71, @ailash 5la>a, /allabh 2au& Coad, Dpp. Ddeon 6inema,
Ghat!opar East, (umbai ) A88 899
5hK 877)7<17G878 L 7<1796GA
@: (umbai, In orbit (all,
,anish', G)11, In orbit (all, (ind 3pace, (alad Lin! Coad,
(alad, (umbai 0 A8886G
5hK 877)<6A869A<L <6A869:G
5outh& - 1: 6hennai,
,anish', 3)1, 3hastri "a&ar, 7"d #-enue, (.G. Coad, #dayar
6hennai ) 688 878
5hK 8AA)<71<1919 L <<<197<1
,: 6hennai, #nna "a&ar,
,anish', #1, 7"d #-enue #nna "a&ar East,
6hennai ) 688 187
5hK 8AA)7619AG18 L 761979<9
@: 6hennai, 1la&ship 3tore at 6athedral Coad,
,anish', 6ron 6ourt, :A 6athedral Coad
6hennai ) 688 8G6
5hK 8AA)7G118:6G L 7G118A8< 1a+K 8AA)7A:A<899(#rea Dff)
8. S4*:/.40
-!ter 5ales ser*ies to retain the ustomers&
Gili ants its 6ustomers to be deli&hted e-ery time they shop. Dccasionally
thou&h, there are situations here customer ould li!e to return the product
Pa"e no# $)
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
or e+chan&e it ith a ne one. Mnderstandin& this need of consumer Gili
introduced 0Ahange %oliyB 2uy 2ak %oliy at any point of time .
anyhere in India. It helps Gili to retain their customers . forms a &ood
relation* also customers become 2rand Loyal because of such ser-ices.
Gili as the first one to come up ith 2randed $iamond ;eellery in India,
Gili is not the "o.1 2rand* but Gili is one of the ,op < $iamond ;eellery
6urrent e-entsK ) Gili Launches the %?eart of Gold% and Gili ,urns 18
#t Tanishq its not just the products, itBs the e+perience that matters. =e
ma!e sure that e &i-e you the premium 'uality of not only product but
ser-ice as ell. ,anish' not only has an e+'uisite ran&e of desi&ns to meet all
your re'uirements e also offer the benefit of any modification or
customi>ation on products.
,here are host of -alue added ser-ices that you can a-ail of at ,anish' li!e
the Golden ?ar-est 3a-in&s 3cheme, Gift /oucher purchase, E+chan&e of &old
and diamonds etc. Golden ?ar-est 3a-in& 3cheme ,anish'Bs EGolden
har-est 3a-in&s 3chemeF is one of the most lucrati-e sa-in&s schemes that
enables to sa-e each month ith ,anish' and plan for eddin& jeelry
purchases. Nour monthly installments are safe ith us, hereas sa-in&s at
home could easily &et spent. ,his scheme pro-ides you ith much better
returns than other sa-in& options li!e ban! deposits or post office sa-in&s
schemes. In addition, ,anish'Bs special bonus at the end of the scheme
period helps you stretch your jeelry bud&et.
,anish' re-i-es India%s &lorious past in ;odhaa #!barK Launches prOt line
,anish' ;odhaa #!bar collection
9. P+/()0 +7 ,/774*4(.40 94);44( !/8/
2(, T2(/0<=
1) It is dependent on other retail outlets and malls
7) 3peciali>ed in $iamonds products
:) It has ide ran&e of products under diamond and &old

$. It has self outlets of its on
%. 3peacli>ed in 2ridal ;eellery
Pa"e no# $*
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
&. $eals mostly in 3tones and Gems -ery less collection for $iamonds
1$. E>62(0/+(
Gili on e+pansion spree )) ,o &o international* launches premium jeellery
,?E (umbai)based ?ouse of Gili is ma!in& its foray into the international
mar!et by teamin& up ith retailers li!e $amas (for the M#E mar!et) and
(arina 2 (for the 3iss mar!et) to ha-e retail outlets in malls and hotels all
o-er the orld. =ith an in-estment of Cs. 7.< crores, the brand is e+pectin&
a sale of about P: millions in the first year. ,he brand ill also be made
a-ailable in 3ri Lan!a and (alaysia. (r. 3hailesh 3an&ani, (ana&in& $irector,
Gili, said, HHe ill sell our jeellery under our on brand name, unli!e
others ho e+port their products.%% ,his ould include all the arranties and
ethnic desi&ns hich Gili offers to its consumers in India.
2esides, Gili is e+tendin& its brand to launch Gili 5lus Q a premium ran&e of
diamond studded jeellery priced upards of Cs. 78,888. Gili as launched
in 199A, tar&etin& mainly the youth ho anted to celebrate /alentine%s $ay.
3ince then, the brand has cloc!ed a turno-er of Cs. 98 crores. ,he ne hi&h)
end sub)brand from Gili ill no tar&et the sli&htly older oman ith a
penchant for diamonds. ?oe-er, the si>e of the products ill be lar&er and
ill include bangles, braelets and neklaes C most o! whih are missing
!rom the eAisting Gili range" ,anish', the jeellery business &roup of ,itan
Industries, is the bloc!buster action thriller from the ,ata &roup.
Tanishq has 18A stores in 91 Indian cities* Gold 5lus has a presence in 71
tons. ,anish' to e+pand retail outlets aims Cs :,888 cr sales# ,he jeellery)
ma!in& facilities of the 6ompany at ?osur ere commissioned in 199A. =e
intend to spend appro+imately Cs. 99< la!hs on e'uipment for line balancin&
and producti-ity impro-ement.
,anish' is the primary brand under hich e mar!et our jeellery. =e
opened the first ,anish' jeellery store in 6hennai in 1996. 6urrently, e
sell ,anish' jeellery throu&h o-er G1 stores spread across o-er 61 tons in
India, hich are either 6ompany mana&ed, mana&ement a&ent oned, or
franchised. ,he 6ompany mana&ed shorooms ser-e as fla&ship retailin&
stores desi&ned to pro-ide the best that the ,anish' stores ha-e to offer to
customers. ,hey also influence the operations of other franchisees and brin&
about uniformity across the retail chain. ,anish' jeellery is also e+ported to
Europe, the M3, the (iddle East and #ustralia. ,anish' has recorded a sales
turno-er of Cs. <:,A88 la!hs for the financial year 788A)788<. ,anish' has
stepped foot into the M3 retail mar!et. ,he ne+t store launch is e+pected to
be in "e ;ersey
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
11. M2*34) S<2*40
In 1ebruary this year, GGL raised around Cs.::8 cr. throu&h an I5D of Cs.1.98
cr. shares at Cs.19< per share to in-est in its subsidiariesL associate
companies e+pand its manufacturin& capacities and penetrate the retail
mar!et besides the de-elopment of the 3E4 near ?yderabad. 1or 1N86, it
recorded 78J rise in top)line to Cs.1671 cr. but its net profit >oomed by A<8J
to Cs.AG cr. on the bac! of better operatin& mar&ins. ,his led to an E53 of
Cs.G on e'uity of Cs.<9 cr. considerin& its focus on jeellery business and
retail e+pansion* it is estimated to report a turno-er of Cs.7888 cr. and net
profit of Cs.98 cr. for 1N89. ,his ill translate to an E53 of Cs.17 and at a
reasonable discountin& of 1G ) 77 times* it should trade in the ran&e of
Cs.778)768. In-estors are stron&ly recommended to buy and hold for at least
1<)1G months
12. M2*34)/(? S)*2)4?/40& S2840 "
In 1999 Gili introduced Ci-aa> , a collection of ethnic Indian jeellery
Gili to attract its costumers and satisfy its consumers comes up ith
strate&ies li!e
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
a. Gili promise
i.e. Guarantee of #uthenticity of its products.
b) pro-ides ith certificate of #uthenticity
c) I3D)9881K7888 . 2est 2usiness 5ractice 6ertificate
,he 225 6ertification encompasses areas includin&
Employee 3afety, 3atisfaction Inde+, (edical #-ailab)
ility, En-ironmental 5rotection 3tandards, etc.
/. 3easonal #d-ertisementsK ?oardin&s, 2rochures to /al)
ued 6ustomers . Dccasional #ds li!e /alentine 3pe)
cials, Ca!sha 2andhan, 5ersonal ?earts, 2ridal ;e)
ellery, etc.
e. 6orporate &ifts 6ollectionK ,he 2rand is -ery much
popular in the mar!et for its 6orporate ;eellery 6ol)
0. 6ostumer 6areK GiliBs attempt to build a rapport ith
its end consumer is set up of 6ustomer care ser-ice
18.88am to 9.88pm 6 days a ee!.
&) Gili also comes up ith special offers on top sellin&
h) Dnline shoppin& concept is also adopted by Gili
Tanishq jeellery is sold e+clusi-ely throu&h three types of stores namely
(a) 6ompany operated stores
(b) (ana&ement #&ent stores and
Pa"e no# %-
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
(c) 1ranchised stores
=e ha-e 6ompany operated stores in 2an&alore, ?osur, 6hennai, 6alcutta,
(umbai and "e $elhi. ,anish' has not only de-eloped a national retail
chain ith uniform and transparent practices and policies but also
maintained consistency of retailin& standards across all these stores on an
on&oin& basis.
,anish' has underta!en certain mar!etin& initiati-es, includin& launchin& a
herita&e special collection and conductin& sales promotion schemes to
acti-ate the mar!et and attract customers. ,hese mar!etin& acti-ities are
usually on the basis of collections, seasons and certain customer schemes.
+edding,Heriage Jewellery
# eddin& is usually the bi&&est occasion for jeellery purchase in India.
,anish' has a ide collection of jeellery includin& ban&les, ear rin&s,
nec!laces, sets specific to culture and ethnic re'uirements for eddin& and
eddin& related occasions.
,anish' has launched certain jeellery collections hich ta!e inspiration
from Indian culture and is desi&ned !eepin& in mind the modern Indian
=e celebrate important festi-als li!e $hanteras, #!shaya ,ritiya, Ca!hi and
$ur&a 5ooja by offerin& special ad-ertisin&, store decoration,
promotionsLschemes, and sometimes ne collections too.
.uso*er S$he*es
=e institute certain schemes on a re&ular basis to build our e+istin&
customer base and to attract ne customers. In addition there are certain
other initiati-es that e ha-e done in our stores li!e (i) 6ate&ory melas,
here -arious products li!e nec!ear, ban&les, and others in -arious desi&ns
are put to&ether in a store for a limited period and promoted throu&h
ad-ertisin&, store facades and local acti-ities* and (ii) @arat meter
testin&Ljeellery ser-icin& campsLjeellery ma!eo-er ee!.
!old Plus
=ith a -ie to capture the semi urban and rural mar!et, hich caters to the
informed, educated and middle class and upper middle class across the
tons in India, e ha-e recently launched Gold 5lus, our brand name for
pure &old jeellery products. Gold 5lus as launched in 3eptember 788<,
throu&h a ne retail format and business model.
=e are still in the pilot sta&e and ha-e opened to Gold plus stores at Erode,
,amil "adu and Catlam, (adhya 5radesh.
Qualiy Assuran$e
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
=e &uarantee the purity of our &old jeellery and certify the 'uality of our
diamonds and coloured &ems. =e ha-e established oursel-es as a hi&hly
ethical player in a mar!et that as rated as ha-in& the hi&hest incidence of
13. C+564)/)/+(
$hallenges B %roblems >aed by the brand& %2randed% jeellery as
unheard of in India until Gili came alon&. ,raditionally in India, omen did
not ear diamond jeellery often, apart from special occasions such as
marria&es and festi-als. Indians ere only aare of 77!arat jeellery in the
mar!et. ,he notion of 1G!arat jeellery as completely unheard of. 2y
conductin& an e+tensi-e research and study on hether the country as
prepared for branded jeellery* Gili came to the fore ith its &roundin& to
ma!e a-ailable jeellery that as earable, ithin means and beautiful. #
time hen diamond as the possession of the rich and there ere fe
diamonds retailers, Gili as una-erin& in its endea-or to present affordable
and ele&ant ornaments to all.
,he Gili formula had or!ed in chan&in& the people%s perception re&ardin&
earin& $iamond jeellery only on special occasions, and it as no an
e-eryday affair as omen embraced and accepted the Gili ay of adornin&
#ccordin& to a recent sur-ey, consumers ha-e a stron& brand recall for
Gitanjali%s brand names.
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour

,he Gili brand is currently -alued at Cs G< crore and enjoys a A< J mar!et
share amon& branded jeellery.
,he mar!et for diamond jeellery has recently itnessed the entry of
se-eral players ho ere en&a&ed in the cuttin& and polishin& of diamonds
for supply to jeellery manufacturers. ,he shrin!in& mar&ins in the cuttin&
and polishin& business has forced them toards forard inte&ration and they
ha-e launched -arious brands of diamond jeellery such as @iah, Drra,
"a!shatra, #smi, #risia and 6ollection R&B hich are a-ailable throu&h a
national netor! of other jeellers. Industry bodies li!e the 7orld Gold
$ounil 97G$:, /iamond Trading $ompany 9/T$: and %latinum Guild
International 9%GI: are also in-estin& substantial monies in mar!etin& &old,
diamonds and platinum respecti-ely and are acti-ely promotin& their site
holders throu&h -arious ad-ertisin& campai&ns both in the press and
D-er :, 88,888 independent jeellers in the unor&ani>ed sector ser-ice the
lar&e jeellery mar!et, most of these bein& sin&lestore and city specific
retailers thou&h some also ha-e a re&ional presence. ,anish'Bs primary
competitors are the top three to fi-e jeellers at the premium end of the
jeellery mar!et, in each city here e are present and ho attract our
tar&et customers. (ost of these jeellers ha-e usually been in e+istence for
se-eral decades, are family run, benefit from ha-in& local !noled&e and a
loyal base of customers. 3ome of the re&ional players include (ehrasons
;eellers ($elhi), ,ribhu-andas 2himji 4a-eri ((umbai), 2.6.3en and
5.6.6handra (@ol!ata), G.C.,han&a (ali&ai (6hennai) and 6. @rishnaiah
6hetty (2an&alore). =e ha-e also be&un facin& competition from
international jeellery brands such as $amas.
/her .o*peiors : 2lue Cisin&, $%$amas, 3urat $iamonds, #smi, 3ri
;a&bamba, $iya, "a!shatra, 3an&ini
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KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
14. A.</4:454()0 " A;2*,0
!/)2(@28/ !*+-6 /0 B-0/(400 S-64* 9*2(, 2$$8
Was presented the award by Brand Council of ndia
Gitanjali Group has been honoured by 2rand 6ouncil of India ith the
E2usiness 3uper brand 788GF aard in the &em and jeellery se&ment. #
3uper brand is profiled by its mana&ement, as one, hich has established the
finest reputation in its field and offers customers si&nificant emotional
andLor tan&ible ad-anta&es o-er its competitors, hich (consciously or sub)
consciously) customers ant and reco&ni>e. ,he concept e-ol-ed in the M@ in
199:, and came into India as 3uper brand India in $ecember 7887.
6ommentin& on the aard, (r. (ehul 6ho!si, 6hairman, Gitanjali Gems,
says, EGitanjali has alays stood for unparalleled 'uality, trust and
reliability. It is indeed a &reat honour to recei-e a presti&ious aard li!e the
3uper brand #ard. I belie-e that the mar!etin& and the promotional
acti-ities of any company plays a major role in the &roth of any company
and this aard just pro-es thatF. ,he Gitanjali Group has nurtured brand
-alues of leadership, performance, trust, care, inno-ation and sensiti-ity,
and has been pro-idin& this pac!a&e to its consumer communication focuses
at elicitin& se&ment, at e-ery sta&e of mar!etin&, promotions and
ad-ertisin&. Gitanjali brand has and continues to tap e-ery human emotion,
in effect becomin& an e+pression of emotions, for customers.
Tanishq as a trailbla>in& endea-or to create a national retail chain that
ould pro-ide consumers ith jeellery of reliable orth and hi&h desi&n
-alue. Its entry chan&ed, in more ays than one, the ay the Indian
jeellery mar!et operates. =ith 66 e+clusi-e outlets spread across some <8
cities and a fully inte&rated jeellery manufacturin& facility at ?osur, in
,amil "adu, ,anish' has emer&ed as one of India%s bi&&est retailers.
,anish' has established itself as an ethical player in a mar!et here
unscrupulous retailers ha-e often betrayed consumer trust. ,he introduction
of %@arat meters% ) instruments that can be easily used by consumers to
measure the purity of &old in a non)destructi-e manner ) at its outlets is a
!ey inno-ation that has de-eloped tremendous e'uity for the brand. #nother
,anish' no-elty, one on hich the brand%s &roth strate&y is premised, is in
the matter of differentiated desi&ns, be they contemporary or traditional,
Indian or international. (odern retail -alues and principles in the sellin& of
branded jeellery in India are almost completely the handior! of ,anish'.
,he brand has bro!en fresh &round in retailin& by creatin& e+clusi-e outlets
ith hitherto un!non in)store ambience and hospitality touchstones. It has
Pa"e no# %'
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
launched ne collections at a 'uic!er rate than its competitors, and
conducted mar!etin& promotions and fashion shos to enhance the shoppin&
e+perience of consumers.
#lthou&h the purchase of branded jeellery is still a ne e+perience for a
hole lot of Indians, the ,anish' brand enjoys increasin& le-els of consumer
loyalty. D-er the past three years, it has been one of the best performers in
the branded jeellery sector. In 7887, about one million people shopped at
,anish' stores all o-er the country. # hi&hli&ht of the brand%s success is that,
hile the jeellery mar!et &roth has declined durin& the past to years,
,anish' has recorded an annual &roth of appro+imately A8J.
2esides caterin& to Indian consumers, ,anish' has successfully entered !ey
e+port mar!ets such as the M3, the M@, the (iddle East, 3in&apore and
#ustralia. ,his is testimony to the brand%s ability to craft products that meet
the re'uirements of -aried cultures and sensibilities. ,he brand ,anish', li!e
the ,ata name, has established itself as an ethical brand, earnin& the respect
and affection of its consumers
T2(/0<= ;/(0 4 2;2*,0 2) R4)2/8 A4;4884* I(,/2
A;2*, 2$$8
s considered the stron!est in "ar#etin! and pro"otions
,he Cetail ;eeller India #ard 788G has honoured ,anish', ith aards in
four cate&ories 0 RCetail 6hain of the NearB, R:68 de&rees (ar!etin& 6ampai&n
of the NearB, R,/ 6ampai&n of the NearB and RGold /i-aha ;eelleryB.
,anish' on the :68 de&rees (ar!etin& 6ampai&n of the year aard for its
;odhaa #!bar 6ollection. #lso, ha-in& a retail presence across 117 standalone
bouti'ues across 9< cities in India, deli-ered it the aard for Cetail 6hain of
the Near. Its product portfolio promotin& desi&n, &old jeellery bac!ed by
the -alue of ,CM3,, on it the RGold /i-aha ;eelleryB aard and its
tele-ision commercial for diamonds on it the R,/ 6ampai&n of the NearB.
,he Cetail ;eeller India #ard is considered the helm of jud&in& the best in
the Indian &em and jeellery industry, in terms of brandin&, mar!etin&,
products, desi&n etc. ,his year, the competin& companies included ,24, 6@6)
2an&alore, 5rince ;eellery, ;oy #lu!!as, GC,)6hennai, "otandas, #nmol,
(ahesh "otandass, (inaala, Drra, "ir-ana, Gili, $amas, 5 " Gad&il
?a>oorilal, 5unjab ;eellers and 5unjabi 3araf, alon& ith jeellers from
2hopal, Guahati, 6alcutta, 3urat, #mristar, 5une etc. 5articipation at the
aards included more than :88,888 retailers, 18,888 jeellery
manufacturersLbrand oners and leadin& 18 desi&n schools of India.
Pa"e no# %(
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
15. </.< B*2(, 2..+*,/(? )+ 54 /0
94))4* " ;<1'
Gili, it offers a ide ran&e of 1G)carat &old and diamond jeellery that
has been desi&ned to appeal to the contemporary Indian omen. It
reflects the Indian oman
16. I7 I ;20 /( 6+0/)/+( )+ 2,:/.4 )<4
.+562(1 )+ /(.*4204 )<4 02840& <+;
;+-8, I ,+ /)'
Gili should ad-ertise its products in a ri&orous ay so as to brin& it to end
userBs notice.
Gili is speciali>ed only in $iamond 5endants* hence it should come up ith a
ne specialty ran&e to attract more and more costumers.
Gili also need to e+pand in other cities of India here it does not e+ist no,
this ill lead to an openin& of ne mar!et for the brand
GiliBs 6ollection price ran&e is more e+pensi-e than its competitors, hich
needs proper cost analysis to compete ell.
17. S+-*.4 +7 I(7+*52)/+(B
Gili representati-es ((s. Camil, (r. Cajesh . (s. 5aramjeet)
,anish' representati-es ((r. #nirban 3en, (r. /i!as ?ed&e . (s. ,anuja)
Gili )e!erenes& Gili stores, outlets, Gili =ebsite, Internet.
Tanishq )e!erenes& ,anish' stores, outlets, ,anish' =ebsite, Internet.
Pa"e no# %)
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
18. C+(0-54* P+88
1. =hich brand ould you preferS
,anish' Gili Dther
7. =hich 2rand do you find most e+pansi-eS
,anish' Gili
:. ?o fre'uently do you buy ;eelleryS
(onthly once in : months once in si+ months
A. ?o is the collection ran&e of GiliS
E+cellent Good 5oor
<. ?o is the collection ran&e of ,anish'S
E+cellent Good 5oor
6. ?o do you find the price of the productsS
/ery ?i&h ?i&h "ormal
9. ?o is the $iamond ;eellery 6ollection of GiliS
E+cellent Good 5oor
G. ?o is the $iamond ;eellery 6ollection of ,anish'S
E+cellent Good 5oor
9. #re you satisfied ith the ser-ices pro-ided to you by GiliS
Nes "o
18.#re you satisfied ith the ser-ices pro-ided to you by ,anish'S
Nes "o
$$# $o you thin! there should be more desi&ns introduce fre'uentlyS
Pa"e no# %*
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
Nes "o $epends
17.$o you thin! Gili is upto the marl ith their promisesS
Nes "o
1:.$o you thin! ,anish' is upto the marl ith their promisesS
Nes "o
1A.=ill you recommend Gili 5roducts to other, as you are satisfiedS
Nes "o
1<.=ill you recommend ,anish' 5roducts to other, as you are satisfiedS
Nes "o
16.#re you 2rand LoyalS
Nes "o
Pa"e no# %+
KCCMS Project Report: - Consumer Behaviour
A( +-)0)2(,/(? T+,21 " 2( I(.*4,/984
T<2(3 1+-&
Pa"e no# %,

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