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Xantrex XW Power System

Xa n tre x XW4 0 2 4 1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
Xa n tre x XW4 5 4 8 1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
Xa n tre x XW6 0 4 8 1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0

I n sta lla tio n G u id e
Xantrex XW Power System
I n sta lla tio n G u id e
C opyrightand C ontact
Tra d e m a rk s
Schneider Electric, the Schneider Electric logo, Xantrex, and Xanbus are tradem arks or registered tradem arks
of the Schneider Electric group of com panies. O ther tradem arks, registered tradem arks, and product nam es are
the property of their respective ow ners and are used herein for identification purposes only.
N o tic e o f C o p y rig h t
C opyright 2007, 2008, 2010 Xantrex Technology Inc. A ll rights reserved. N o part of this docum ent m ay be
reproduced in any form or disclosed to third parties w ithout the express w ritten consent of:
Xantrex Technology Inc.
161-G South Vasco R oad
Liverm ore, C alifornia U SA 94551
Xantrex Technology Inc. reserves the right to revise this docum ent and to periodically m ake changes to the
content hereof w ithout obligation or organization of such revisions or changes unless required to do so by prior
arrangem ent.
E x c lu sio n fo r D o c u m e n ta tio n
D a te a n d R e v isio n
N ovem ber 2010 R evision E
D o c u m e n t P a rt N u m b e r
P ro d u c t P a rt N u m b e rs
C o n ta c t I n fo rm a tio n
w w w
Product Part N um bers R elated Product Part N um bers
865-1000-01 Xantrex XW 6048 120/240 60 865-1015 Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
865-1005-01 Xantrex XW 4548 120/240 60 865-1025 Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
865-1010-01 Xantrex XW 4024 120/240 60 865-1020 Xantrex XW C onnection K it for IN V2
865-1030-1 Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller

N orth A m erica 1 650 351 8237
1 866 519 1470
1 925 245 1022 re.techsupport@
France 0 825 012 999 fr-re-techsupport@
D eutschland + 49 (0) 180 575 3 575 + 49 (0) 2102 404 7101 pv-service@
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For other country details please contact your local Schneider Electric Sales R epresentative or visit our w ebsite at:
http://w w w /sites/corporate/en/support/operations/local-operations/
975-0239-01-01 iii
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
About This Guide
P u rp o se
The purpose of this Installation G uide is to provide explanations and procedures
for installing the Schneider Electric Xantrex XW Pow er System .
S c o p e
The G uide provides safety guidelines, detailed planning, and procedures for
installing the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger and related system com ponents
(the Xantrex XW Pow er System ). It does not provide details about configuration,
operation, m aintenance, or troubleshooting. See the O peration G uide or O w ners
M anual of each device for this inform ation. This G uide does not provide details
about particular brands of batteries. You m ust consult individual battery
m anufacturers for this inform ation.
A u d ie n c e
The G uide is intended for use by anyone w ho plans to construct or install a
system involving the Xantrex XW Pow er System . The inform ation in this m anual is
intended for qualified personnel. Q ualified personnel have training, know ledge,
and experience in:
installing electrical equipm ent and PV pow er system s (up to 1000 V),
applying all applicable installation codes,
analyzing and reducing the hazards involved in perform ing electrical w ork,
selecting and using Personal Protective Equipm ent (PPE).
O rg a n iza tio n
This guide is organized into five chapters and four appendices.
C hapter 1, Introductionlists and describes the com ponents and basic features
of the Xantrex XW Pow er System .
C hapter 2, Inverter/C harger Installationdescribes how to m ount and install the
Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger, and the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox.
C hapter 3, Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork Installationprovides detailed inform ation
for planning and installing the com ponents necessary for netw ork
com m unication on a Xantrex Xanbus system .
C hapter 4, Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installationdescribes how to
m ount and connect the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller as part of the Xantrex
XW System .
A bout This G uide
iv 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C hapter 5, Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installationdescribes how to
m ount and install the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel and the Xantrex XW
A utom atic G enerator Start.
A ppendix A , Specificationsprovides the electrical and environm ental
specifications for the Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger.
A ppendix B , W iring D iagram sillustrate the m ost basic configurations and are
for reference only. Specific installations m ay require additional equipm ent to m eet
national or local electric codes. Ensure all safety requirem ents are strictly
follow ed.
A ppendix C , A lternate System C onfigurationsprovides w iring diagram s for
inverter/charger installations that do not require use of the Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel and the Xantrex XW C onduit B ox.
A ppendix D , Split-Phase to Single-Phase C onversion Instructionsprovides
instructions for converting a Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger 120 V/240 V, split-
phase m odel to a 120 V, single-phase m odel.
C o n ve n tio n s U se d
The follow ing conventions are used in this guide.
W arnings identify conditions or practices that could result in personal
injury or loss of life.
C autions identify conditions or practices that could result in dam age to
the Xantrex XW Pow er System com ponents or other equipm ent.
A bout This G uide
975-0239-01-01 v
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A b b re via tio n s a n d A c ro n ym s
R e la te d I n fo rm a tio n
For additional inform ation about operating the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger, see
the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger O peration G uide (975-0240-01-01).
For m ore inform ation about related com ponents, see:
Xantrex XW Pow er System Intallation O verview (975-0238-01-01)
Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel O w ners G uide (975-0298-01-01)
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller O w ners G uide (975-0283-01-01)
Xantrex XW Autom atic G enerator Start O w ners G uide (975-0307-01-01)
These guides are available at w w w. s c h n e id e r-e le c tric . c o m . Printed copies are
included w ith the com ponents.
For m ore inform ation about Schneider Electric as w ell as its products and
services visit ww w. s c h n e id e r-e le c tric . c o m .
C EC C alifornia Energy C om m ission
C SA C anadian Standards A ssociation
G T G rid Tie
LC D Liquid C rystal D isplay
LED Light Em itting D iode
M PPT M axim um Pow er Point Tracking
N EC U S N ational Electrical C ode N FPA -70
PV Photovoltaic
PVG FP PV G round Fault Protection
U L U nderw riters Laboratories
VA C Volts A C
VD C Volts D C
VM PP Voltage at M axim um Pow er Point
VO C O pen C ircuit Voltage
975-0239-01-01 vii
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Important Safety Instructions
1 . B e fo re u s in g th e in v e rte r, re a d a ll in s tru c tio n s a n d c a u tio n a ry m a rk in g s o n
th e u n it, th e b a tte rie s, a n d a ll a p p ro p ria te se c tio n s o f th is m a n u a l.
2. U se of accessories not recom m ended or sold by the m anufacturer m ay result
in a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons.
3. The inverter is designed to be perm anently connected to your A C and D C
electrical system s. The m anufacturer recom m ends that all w iring be done by
a certified technician or electrician to ensure adherence to the local and
national electrical codes applicable in your jurisdiction.
4. To avoid a risk of fire and electric shock, m ake sure that existing w iring is in
good condition and that w ire is not undersized. D o not operate the inverter
w ith dam aged or substandard w iring.
5. D o not operate the inverter if it has been dam aged in any w ay. If the unit is
dam aged, see the W arranty and Product Inform ation section at the end of
this m anual.
6. This unit does not have any user-serviceable parts. D o not disassem ble the
inverter except w here noted for connecting w iring and cabling. See the
W arranty Section in the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger O peration G uide and
other com ponent m anuals for instructions on obtaining service. A ttem pting to
service the unit yourself m ay result in a risk of electrical shock or fire. Internal
capacitors rem ain charged after all pow er is disconnected.
7. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, disconnect both A C and D C pow er
from the inverter before attem pting any m aintenance or cleaning or w orking
on any com ponents connected to the inverter. Putting the unit in Standby
m ode w ill not reduce this risk.
8. The inverter m ust be provided w ith an equipm ent-grounding conductor
connected to the A C input ground.
9. D o not expose this unit to rain, snow , or liquids of any type. This product is
designed for indoor use only. D am p environm ents w ill significantly shorten
the life of this product and corrosion caused by dam pness w ill not be
covered by the product w arranty.
10. To reduce the chance of short-circuits, alw ays use insulated tools w hen
installing or w orking w ith this equipm ent.
11. R em ove personal m etal item s such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, and
w atches w hen w orking w ith batteries.
This chapter contains im portant safety and operating instructions as required by
U L and C SA standards for inverters used in residential applications. R e a d a n d
k e e p th is I n sta lla tio n G u id e fo r fu tu re re fe re n c e .
Im portant Safety Instructions
viii 975-0239-01-01
Limitations on Use
Single-Phase Operation Only
Explosive Gas Precautions
1. W orking in the vicinity of lead acid batteries is dangerous. B atteries generate
explosive gases during norm al operation. Therefore, you m ust read this guide and
follow the instructions exactly before installing or using your inverter/charger.
2. To reduce the risk of battery explosion, follow these instructions and those published
by the battery m anufacturer and the m anufacturer of the equipm ent in w hich the
battery is installed.
FCC Information to the User
This equipm ent has been tested and found to com ply w ith the lim its for a C lass B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FC C R ules. These lim its are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harm ful interference in a residential installation.
This equipm ent generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance w ith the instructions, m ay cause harm ful interference
to radio com m unications. H ow ever, there is no guarantee that interference w ill not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipm ent does cause harm ful interference to radio or
television reception, w hich can be determ ined by turning the equipm ent off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or m ore of the
follow ing m easures:
R eorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation betw een the equipm ent and the receiver.
C onnect the equipm ent to a circuit different from that to w hich the receiver is
C onsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
WA R N I N G : L im ita tio n s o n U se
The Xantrex XW Pow er System is not intended for use in connection w ith life
support system s or other m edical equipm ent or devices.
The Xantrex XW 4024 120/240 60, Xantrex XW 4548 120/240 60, and Xantrex
XW 6048 120/240 60 series of inverter/chargers are designed and tested for
operation w ith single phase, three w ire (120V/240V) A C sources and should not
be connected to a three-phase A C source. C onnecting the device to a
three-phase source m ay result in dam age to the unit and any loads connected to
the inverter/charger.
975-0239-01-01 ix
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
I m p o rta n t S a fe ty I n stru c tio n s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - viii
1 I n tro d u c tio n
System O verview - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
System D iagram - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
System C om ponents and A ccessories - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and Xantrex XW C onduit B ox - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14
Xantrex XW C onnection K it for IN V2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
Xantrex XW Jum pers (For Single-Phase C onversion) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19
2 I n ve rte r/C h a rg e r I n sta lla tio n
Pre-Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
K nockout Preparation and A ir Filter Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
R em oving Internal Faceplates in the Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
C learance R equirem ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24
M ounting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24
Step 1: Installing the M ounting Plate- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25
Step 2: M ounting the Inverter- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
Step 3: M ounting the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and Xantrex XW C onduit B ox - - - - - - 28
Step 4: W iring the Inverter- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29
B atteries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 210
B attery B ank R equirem ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 211
B attery C able R equirem ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 211
Torque Values for the Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212
Torque Values for the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 213
Inverter G rounding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 214
Feed-in Protection R equirem ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 214
W iring the Inverter to the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 214
G rounding the D C System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 214
Installing the B attery Tem perature Sensor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 215
M aking D C C onnections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 217
M aking A C C onnections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 219
A C C onnections and C om m unication Ports - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 220
A ccessing the A C Term inal B lock and A C G round B ar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 221
C ontents
x 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A C Equipm ent G rounding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 222
A C W iring to the Inverter Load Sub-Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 223
A C System B onding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 224
A C W iring to the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 225
W iring the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger to a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - 227
G enerator W iring to the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger U sing a Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 228
A U X Port - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 230
A U X+ 12V Voltage Supply - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 231
A U X-R PO : U ser R em ote Pow er O FF (R PO ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 231
U ser Line W iring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 231
A U X Port Term inal A ssignm ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 231
B asic Functional Test Single Inverter- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 232
C onfirm A ll C onnections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 232
A pplying D C Pow er to the Inverter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 232
Enable the Inverter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 233
A C Voltage C heck - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 235
C onfirm ing B attery C harger O peration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 236
Step 5: Installing A dditional Inverters- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 238
Installation Steps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 238
Parts List for a D ual-Inverter C onfiguration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 238
C onverting a Single-Inverter Pow er D istribution Panel to a D ual-Inverter Pow er D istribution
Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 239
D C W iring for a D ual-Inverter System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 239
A C W iring for a D ual-Inverter System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 241
Parts List for a Triple-Inverter C onfiguration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 244
C onverting a Single-Inverter Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel to a Triple-Inverter
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 245
D C W iring for a Triple-Inverter System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 245
A C W iring for a Triple-Inverter System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 246
Parts List for a Four-Inverter System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250
Installing a Four-Inverter System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 251
Xantrex Xanbus and A C Sync C able - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 252
B asic Functional Test - M ultiple Inverters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 253
3 Xa n tre x Xa n b u s N e two rk I n sta lla tio n
Xantrex Xanbus-Enabled D evices - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32
The Xantrex Xanbus System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32
N etw ork C om ponents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33
O rdering N etw ork C om ponents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34
N etw ork Layout - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34
Installing the N etw ork - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
B efore You B egin the Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
Installation Tools and M aterials - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
C ontents
975-0239-01-01 xi
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
G uidelines for R outing the Xantrex Xanbus C ables - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
Installing Xantrex Xanbus-Enabled D evices - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
4 Xa n tre x XW S o la r C h a rg e C o n tro lle r I n sta lla tio n
Installing the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42
PV A rray R equirem ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42
M PPT Voltage R ange - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42
M ounting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
C hoosing a Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
R em oving the W iring C om partm ent C over - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45
R em oving K nockouts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45
M ounting the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47
G rounding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49
Internal G round Fault Protection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49
D isabling G round Fault Protection for N egative G rounded and U ngrounded A rrays - - - - - - 411
W iring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 412
D C Term inal C onnector Locations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 412
W ire Size and O vercurrent Protection R equirem ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 412
C urrentR ating - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 413
M inim um W ire G auge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 413
O vercurrentProtection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 413
Long-D istance W ire R uns - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 414
M axim um O ne-w ay D istance and W ire Size - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 415
C onnecting the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller to the D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - 417
C om m issioning- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 419
C onfiguration Screens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 419
C om m issioning U nits U sing a Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 420
5 Xa n tre x XW S yste m A c c e sso rie s I n sta lla tio n
The Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52
M aterials and Tools R equired - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53
C hoosing a Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53
M ounting the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
Verifying the Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57
Preparing an Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58
M aterials and Tools R equired - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58
C hoosing a Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59
R outing the C onnections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59
Installing the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 510
M ounting the U nit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 511
W iring to the 20-contact C onnector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 511
C onnecting the G enerator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 514
C onnecting the Therm ostats (O ptional) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 515
C ontents
xii 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C onnecting an External Shutdow n (O ptional) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 515
C onnecting an External M anual O N /O FF Sw itch (O ptional) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 516
C onnecting an External O N /O FF LED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 517
C onnecting the W iring H arness to the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start - - - - - - - 518
C onnecting the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start to the Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork 519
Verifying Pow er Is A vailable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 520
A S p e c ific a tio n s
Electrical Specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 2
G rid-tie Specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 3
Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger O verload C apability - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 4
O utput Pow er Versus A m bient Tem perature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 6
Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger Efficiency - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 6
Inverting Efficiency (Typical) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 6
C harging Efficiency (Typical) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 7
C harging Pow er Factor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 7
G rid-tie Sell M ode Efficiency (Typical) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 8
M echanical Specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 9
A ccessories- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 10
B Wirin g D ia g ra m s
Single-Inverter System (B ackup O nly) W ithout a Pow er D istribution Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B 3
Single-Inverter System (B ackup O nly) W ith a Pow er D istribution Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B 4
Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B 5
Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (W ind or H ydro)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B 6
D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B 7
D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (W ind or H ydro)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B 8
A C W iring for a Four-Inverter System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B 9
C A lte rn a te S yste m C o n fig u ra tio n s
D C G rounding for Single-Inverter System s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C 2
B attery C onnections for Single Inverter System s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C 3
A C G rounding for Single-Inverter System s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C 4
A C O utput W iring to the Inverter Load Sub-Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C 5
G enerator W iring to the Inverter- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C 6
U tility W iring to the Inverter Input- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C 7
D S p lit-P h a se to S in g le -P h a se C o n ve rsio n I n stru c tio n s
C onverting 120 V/240 V Split-Phase to 120 V Single-Phase - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D 3
Parts and Tools R equired - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D 3
D isconnecting Pow er Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D 4
R em oving the W iring C om partm ent C over - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D 4
R econfiguring the Secondary Transform er W ires on X1 and X2 C onnectors - - - - - - - - - - - - D 5
R econfiguring the A C Ports on the Load, A C 1, and A C 2 C onnectors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D 7
U pgrading the Firm w are - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D 8
C ontents
975-0239-01-01 xiii
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
U pdating the Label - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 9
Xantrex XW 120 V B alanced Three-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar)
C ustom er-Supplied A C B reakers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 11
Xantrex XW 120 V B alanced Three-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar)
M anufacturer-Supplied A C B reakers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 12
Xantrex XW 120 V Single-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar) M anufacturer-
Supplied A C B reakers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 13
975-0239-01-01 xv
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Figure 1-1 Xantrex XW Pow er System Installation D iagram Exam ple - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
Figure 1-2 Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Figure 1-3 Xantrex XW C onduit B ox - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14
Figure 1-4 Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and Xantrex XW C onduit B ox - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15
Figure 1-5 Xantrex XW C onnection K it for IN V2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16
Figure 1-6 Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
Figure 1-7 Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
Figure 1-8 Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19
Figure 2-1 A ir Filter and A U X C onnector Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
Figure 2-2 R em oving the Internal Faceplates on the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel- - - - - - - 23
Figure 2-3 C learance R equirem ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24
Figure 2-4 M ounting Plate D im ensions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25
Figure 2-5 M ounting the B racket for the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger or Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26
Figure 2-6 M ounting the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
Figure 2-7 Installing the Xantrex XW C onduit B ox- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28
Figure 2-8 R outing C om m unications C ables - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 210
Figure 2-9 D C G rounding U sing a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 215
Figure 2-10 B attery Tem perature Sensor (R J11) Port Location and Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 216
Figure 2-11 Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger D C C onnections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 217
Figure 2-12 B attery C able C onnection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 218
Figure 2-13 D C C onnections to a Single Inverter U sing a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel- - - 219
Figure 2-14 Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger A C C onnections and C om m unications Ports - - - - - - - - - 220
Figure 2-15 A C Term inal B lock - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 221
Figure 2-16 A C Equipm ent G rounding U sing the D istribution Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 222
Figure 2-17 W iring the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel to the Inverter Load Sub-Panel or
U tility G rid - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 226
Figure 2-18 W iring the Inverter to the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 227
Figure 2-19 G enerator W iring U sing a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel (O n G rid) - - - - - - - - - 228
Figure 2-20 G enerator W iring U sing a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel (O ff G rid) - - - - - - - - - 229
Figure 2-21 A U X Port Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 230
Figure 2-22 Pow er-up D isplay - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 233
Figure 2-23 Enable the Inverter- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 234
Figure 2-24 C hecking A C Voltage- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 235
Figure 2-25 C hecking C harging O peration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 236
Figure 2-26 Functional Test for Single Inverter System s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 237
Figure 2-27 D C C onnections to D ual Inverters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 240
Figure 2-28 D ual Inverter A C B reaker A rrangem ent and W iring Enlargem ent w ith M ultiple A C
Input Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 241
xvi 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Figure 2-29 A C W iring for D ual-Inverter System s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 242
Figure 2-30 Installing the Front Internal Panels and the A C B ypass Plate- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 243
Figure 2-31 D C C onnections for a Triple-Inverter System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 246
Figure 2-32 Triple-Inverter A C B reaker A rrangem ent and W iring Enlargem ent w ith Tw o A C Input
Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 248
Figure 2-33 Triple-Inverter A C B reaker A rrangem ent and W iring Enlargem ent w ith a Single A C
Input Source - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 249
Figure 2-34 W iring an External B ypass Sw itch for a Triple-Inverter C onfiguration - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250
Figure 2-35 Installing the A C Sync C able - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 252
Figure 2-36 Functional Test for M ultiple Inverters - Page 1 of 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 255
Figure 2-37 Functional Test for M ultiple Inverters - Page 2 of 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 256
Figure 3-1 N etw ork-M anaged Pow er System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32
Figure 3-2 Xantrex Xanbus C able, R J45 C onnector Pin N um bers and N etw ork Term inators - - - - - 33
Figure 3-3 N etw ork Layout- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
Figure 4-1 M inim um C learance R equirem ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44
Figure 4-2 R em oving the W iring C om partm ent C over- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45
Figure 4-3 D im ensions and K nockout Locations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46
Figure 4-4 K nockout D im ensions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46
Figure 4-5 M ounting the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48
Figure 4-6 Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Safety G round C onnector- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 410
Figure 4-7 PV N egative G round Jum per Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 411
Figure 4-8 D C C onnection Term inals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 412
Figure 4-9 C onnecting Solar D C Sources in the Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 418
Figure 5-1 Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel Xantrex Xanbus Port Locations- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52
Figure 5-2 Inserting the M ounting Plate- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
Figure 5-3 Securing the M ounting Plate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
Figure 5-4 C onnecting the N etw ork C ables - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
Figure 5-5 Securing the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
Figure 5-6 Surface M ounting the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57
Figure 5-7 C onnecting the Xantrex XW A G S C om m unications C able to the Xantrex XW Series
Inverter/C harger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58
Figure 5-8 Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start External C onnections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 510
Figure 5-9 Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start W iring H arness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 513
Figure 5-10 External O N /O FF Sw itch and LED W iring D iagram - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 517
Figure 5-11 Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start External C onnections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 518
Figure 5-12 C onnecting the Xantrex XW SC P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 519
Figure 5-13 Verifying Pow er is A vailable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 520
Figure A -1 Xantrex XW 6048 120/240 60 A C O verload C apability- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 4
Figure A -2 Xantrex XW 4548 120/240 60 A C O verload C apability- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 5
Figure A -3 Xantrex XW 4024 120/240 60 A C O verload C apability- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 5
Figure A -4 O utput Pow er Versus A m bient Tem perature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 6
Figure A -5 Inverting Efficiency (Typical) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 6
Figure A -6 C harging Efficiency (Typical)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 7
Figure A -7 C harging Pow er Factor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 7
975-0239-01-01 xvii
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Figure A -8 G rid-tie Sell M ode Efficiency (Typical)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A 8
Figure B -1 Single-Inverter System (B ackup O nly) W ithout a Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - -B 3
Figure B -2 Single-Inverter System (B ackup O nly) W ith a Pow er D istribution Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - -B 4
Figure B -3 Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -B 5
Figure B -4 Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (W ind or H ydro) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -B 6
Figure B -5 D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -B 7
Figure B -6 D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (W ind or H ydro)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -B 8
Figure B -7 A C W iring for a Four-Inverter System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -B 9
Figure C -1 D C G rounding for an Inverter O nly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C 2
Figure C -2 D C C onnections to a Single Inverter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C 3
Figure C -3 G rounding the A C System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C 4
Figure C -4 A C O utput W iring to the Inverter Load Sub-Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C 5
Figure C -5 G enerator W iring directly to the Inverter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C 6
Figure C -6 U tility W iring to the Inverter Input - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C 7
Figure D -1 Jum pers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 3
Figure D -2 Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger Front View - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 4
Figure D -3 C onnector Locations.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 5
Figure D -4 Slot Locations on X1 and X2 C onnectors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 6
Figure D -5 X1 and X2 C onnectors B efore and A fter R econfiguration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 6
Figure D -6 Jum per Locations and A C C able C onfiguration on A C Ports - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 7
Figure D -7 Xantrex XW C onfig - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 8
Figure D -8 U pdated Label - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 9
Figure D -1 Xantrex XW 120 V B alanced Three-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar)
C ustom er-Supplied B reakers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 11
Figure D -2 Xantrex XW 120 V B alanced Three-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar)
M anufacturer-Supplied B reakers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 12
Figure D -3 Xantrex XW 120 V Single-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar) M anufacturer-
Supplied A C B reakers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D 13
975-0239-01-01 xix
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Table 2-1 M ounting Plate Fastener R ecom m endations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25
Table 2-2 R ecom m ended B attery C able Size Versus Length - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212
Table 2-3 B attery C able (in C onduit) to M axim um B reaker/Fuse Size - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212
Table 2-4 Torque Values for A C W iring (A C Term inals and G round B ar)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212
Table 2-5 Torque Values for the C hassis G round Lug - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212
Table 2-6 Torque Values for the Inverter B attery Term inals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 213
Table 2-7 Torque Values for A C D isconnects and A C B reakers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 213
Table 2-8 Torque Values for the G round B us, A C N eutral B us, D C N egative B us, and D C
Positive B us in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 213
Table 2-9 Torque Values for the Pow er D istribution B ars in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution
Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 213
Table 2-10 Torque Values for the B attery C ables to the D C N egative B us, and D C Positive B us
in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 213
Table 2-11 U ser C onnector Term inals and Functions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 231
Table 2-12 W iring C om ponents and Part N um bers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 248
Table 3-1 Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork C om ponents and Part N um bers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34
Table 4-1 M PPT O perational W indow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42
Table 4-2 M inim um C learance R equirem ents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44
Table 4-3 R ecom m ended C ircuit B reakers for the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller - - - - - - - 414
Table 4-4 O ne-W ay W ire D istance and W ire Size for a 24 VD C System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 415
Table 4-5 O ne-W ay W ire D istance and W ire Size for a 48 VD C System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 416
Table 5-1 C ircuit Lim itations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 512
Table 5-2 R equired W iring Size B ased on Length of C able - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 512
Table 5-3 C ontact N um bers and Functions- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 513
Table 5-4 W iring for C onnecting Therm ostats - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 515
Table 5-5 W iring for C onnecting an External Shutdow n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 515
Table 5-6 W iring for C onnecting an External M anual O N /O FF Sw itch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 516
Table A -1 Xantrex XW Pow er System Electrical Specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A 2
Table A -2 Xantrex XW Pow er System M echanical Specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A 9
Table A -3 Xantrex XW Pow er System R egulatory A pprovals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 10
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
1 Introduction
C hapter 1, Introductionlists and describes
the com ponents and basic features of the
Xantrex XW Pow er System .
F o r th is To p ic S e e . . . .
System O verview page 12
System C om ponents and A ccessories page 13
12 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
System Overview
The Xantrex XW Pow er System consists of several devices, com ponents, and
optional accessories that, w hen installed together, create a renew able energy
pow er system that can be custom ized to suit nearly any applicationoff-grid,
grid-tie, or backup. U p to four inverters can be installed in parallel to create
larger 120/240 volt, 3-w ire, single-phase system s allow ing for increased
S yste m D ia g ra m
The Xantrex XW 4024 120/240 60, Xantrex XW 4548 120/240 60, and Xantrex
XW 6048 120/240 60 series of inverter/chargers are designed and tested for
operation w ith single phase, three w ire (120 V/240 V) A C sources and should not
be connected to a three-phase A C source. C onnecting the device to a
three-phase source m ay result in dam age to the unit and any loads connected to
the inverter/charger.
F ig u re 1 -1 Xantrex XW Pow er System Installation D iagram Exam ple
System C om ponents and A ccessories
975-0239-01-01 13
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
System Components and Accessories
Xa n tre x XW I n ve rte r/C h a rg e r
The Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger is a m odular building block sine-w ave
inverter/charger that can be used for both residential and com m ercial
stand-alone, grid-backup, and grid-tie applications w ith battery energy storage.
The Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger is a self-contained D C to A C inverter,
battery charger, and A C transfer sw itch. U p to four inverters can be installed in
parallel to create larger 120-240 volt, 3-w ire, single-phase system s allow ing for
increased capacity.
A B attery Tem perature Sensor (part num ber 808-0232-02) is also included w ith
the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger. The B attery Tem perature Sensor m onitors the
tem perature of the battery bank and adjusts the charging accordingly.
See page 215 for installation instructions for this accessory.
F ig u re 1 -2 Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger
M ounting Panel
D C term inal C overs
N etw ork Term inator
B attery Tem perature Sensor
A ir Filter
M ounting H ardw are
A U X Port C onnector
14 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xa n tre x XW C o n d u it B o x
A conduit box (part num ber 865-1025) is available to enclose the bottom of the
Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger and protect the cabling. U se of the conduit box m ay
be required depending on the local electrical code. B e sure to consult w ith the
local electrical authority to ensure the installation is code-com pliant.
The Xantrex XW C onduit B ox com es in tw o pieces and m ounts directly to the
bottom of the inverter/charger w ith keyhole slots and screw s. It is secured to the
inverter by tw o #10-32 screw s and is secured to the w all by tw o screw s
Internal w ire barriers (or racew ays) are included to keep com m unications w ires
separate from A C and D C pow er w ires. The Xantrex XW C onduit B ox also
includes m ultiple cable strap points.
Xa n tre x XW P o we r D istrib u tio n P a n e l a n d Xa n tre x XW C o n d u it B o x
The Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel (part num ber 865-1015) includes a
m ounting plate and Xantrex XW C onduit B ox. It is factory w ired and labelled w ith
everything to support a code-com pliant single-inverter installation. It is designed
to m ount on the right side of the inverter/charger, but it can also be configured to
m ount on the left side. Internal w iring and breakers can be added to expand the
Xantrex XW Pow er System w ith up to three inverters, four charge controllers, or
other equipm ent to support 120/240 volt, 3-w ire, single-phase system s.
The Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
interface w ith:
Xantrex XW 4024 120/240 60, Xantrex XW 4548 120/240 60, and Xantrex
XW 6048 120/240 60 inverter/chargers
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontrollers (requires custom er supplied breakers
and w iring)
C -Series C harge C ontrollers (requires custom er supplied breakers
and w iring).
Internal w ire barriers (or racew ays) are included to keep com m unications w ires
separate from A C and D C pow er w ires.
F ig u re 1 -3 Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
System C om ponents and A ccessories
975-0239-01-01 15
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 1 -4 Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
X a n tre x XW P o we r D is trib u tio n P a n e l includes:
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel enclosure w ith a
field-reversible panel door
M ounting Plate
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
M ounting Plate Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
The panel door can be m ounted on the right or left side of the Xantrex XW
Pow er D istribution Panel.
A C K nockout slots = 9 (for dual 60 A Square D , type Q O U breakers)*
D C K nockout slots = 8 sm all (for 60 A D C breakers) and 3 large
(forG J breakers)
*A C B reakers cannot exceed 60 A .
The enclosure com es pre-w ired w ith:
3x 60A , 120/240 VA C , 2-pole, Square-D , Type Q O U ,
D IN -rail m ounted A C breakers (pre-w ired to connect to
one Xantrex XW inverter)
1x G J250A 160 VD C , 3/8" stud D C breaker
2x G round term inal bus bars
1x N eutral term inal bus bar
1x N egative bus bar
1 pair #4/0 AW G B attery C ables
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel D im ensions:
30" (761m m ) H x 16" (406m m ) W x 8 " (210m m ) D
D epth from the w all = 8 " (223 m m )
16 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xa n tre x XW C o n n e c tio n K it fo r I N V2
The Xantrex XW C onnection K it for IN V2 (part num ber 865-1020) is the extension
kit required for connecting a second or third Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger in the
sam e system .
F ig u re 1 -5 Xantrex XW C onnection K it for IN V2
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
Pow er D istribution B ars
60A , 120V/240VA C A C B reakers
15/16" bushing for A C sync and
Xantrex Xanbus knockouts (x1)
1-3/8" bushings for A C
W iring knockouts (x3)
D C Positive B us B ar
G J250A D C breaker
#6 AW G A C W iring
#4/0 A W G battery cables
#2 AW G G round W ire
Xa n tre x XW C o n n e c tio n K it fo r I N V2 includes:
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox w ith racew ay barriers and cable
strap connections points,
3x 60 A , 120/240 VA C , 2-pole, Square-D , Type Q O U ,
D in-R ail m ountable, A C breakers (includes bypass plate)
#6 AW G A C w iring to connect the inverter to the A C
breakers (includes 4 conduit bushings)
#2 AW G ground w ire
4x Pow er D istribution B ars (replaces factory-installed bars)
1x G J250A 160 VD C , 3/8" stud D C breaker
1x B us B ar for D C positive
1 pair #4/0 AW G battery cables
A C Sync and Xantrex Xanbus cables (not show n)
A C B ypass Plate
System C om ponents and A ccessories
975-0239-01-01 17
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xa n tre x XW S o la r C h a rg e C o n tro lle r
The Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller (part num ber 865-1030) is a 60 am p
charge controller w ith integrated Xantrex PV G FP and separate B attery
Tem perature Sensor. The Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller can be used w ith
12-, 24-, 36-, 48-, and 60-volt D C battery system s. H ow ever, the Xantrex XW
Inverter/C harger can only w ork at 24 or 48 volts depending on the m odel.
W hen the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller is used w ith the Xantrex XW
Inverter/C harger, it is lim ited to 24 or 48 volt battery banks. The Xantrex XW Solar
C harge C ontroller w ill autom atically detect the 24 or 48 volt settings.
F ig u re 1 -6 Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller
18 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xa n tre x XW S yste m C o n tro l P a n e l
The Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel features a graphical, backlit liquid crystal
display that displays system configuration and diagnostic inform ation for all
devices connected to the netw ork. W hen installed as a Xantrex XW Pow er
System accessory, the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel elim inates the need for
separate control panels for each device and gives a single point of control to set
up and m onitor an entire Xantrex XW Pow er System .
Xa n tre x XW A u to m a tic G e n e ra to r S ta rt
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start can autom atically activate a
generator to provide a Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger w ith pow er to recharge
depleted batteries or assist w ith heavy loads. The Xantrex XW A utom atic
G enerator Start adds intelligence to pow er m anagem ent and elim inates tim e
spent m onitoring batteries and inverter loads.
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start is com patible w ith popular
generators, and it can be configured to start the generator in response to low
battery voltage, therm ostat operation, or load size on the inverter battery. A quiet
tim e setting prevents the generator from starting at inconvenient tim es. LED s
display the status of the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start, w hile all
user-defined settings are program m ed through the Xantrex XW System C ontrol
F ig u re 1 -7 Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel
System C om ponents and A ccessories
975-0239-01-01 19
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
G e n e ra to r The generator should be a 120V/240V, 2-w ire or 3-w ire generator w ith A uto Start
The generator should also supply a G enerator R un signal. This signal is used by
the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start to detect w hether the generator is
running. Som e generator m anufacturers refer to this signal as the H our M eter
Signal or Sw itched B + .
G e n e ra to r
C o m p a tib ility
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start supports m ost tw o and three-w ire
generator starters. M anufacturers include O nan (Q uiet D iesel, gasoline, and LP),
Pow er Tech, G enerac, N orthern Lights, Fisher Panda, W esterbeke, K ohler,
H onda, and Yam aha. C heck w ith the m anufacturer to m ake sure the generator
includes autom atic starting capabilities.
Xa n tre x XW
S y s te m C o n tro l
P a n e l
A Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel is required to configure the Xantrex XW
A utom atic G enerator Start and m onitor generator starting and stopping activity.
The Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel also provides real-tim e clock inform ation
for the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start Q uiet Tim e and Exercise Tim e
Xa n tre x XW J u m p e rs F o r S in g le -P h a se C o n ve rsio n )
The jum pers are used to reconfigure a standard Xantrex XW 120 V/240 V, 3-w ire,
split-phase m odel to accept a 120 V, 2-w ire, single-phase connection. U se the
jum pers to reconfigure the transform er w ires. For instructions, see A ppendix D ,
Split-Phase to Single-Phase C onversion Instructions.
F ig u re 1 -8 Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
I m p o rta n t: The inverter/charger w ill not accept pow er from a 120 volt generator,
unless it has been converted to a 120 volt, 2-w ire, single-phase unit.
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
2 Inverter/Charger
C hapter 2, Inverter/C harger Installation
describes how to m ount and install the Xantrex
XW Inverter/C harger, and the Xantrex XW
Pow er D istribution Panel and Xantrex XW
C onduit B ox.
F o r th is To p ic S e e . . . .
Pre-Installation page 22
Step 1: Installing the M ounting Plate page 25
Step 2: M ounting the Inverter page 27
Step 3: M ounting the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
and Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
page 28
Step 4: W iring the Inverter page 29
Step 5: Installing A dditional Inverters page 238
Inverter/C harger Installation
22 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
B efore installing the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger, read all instructions and
cautionary m arkings located in this G uide.
L o c a tio n
The Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger is certified for indoor (heated or unheated)
installations only.
C lo se to b a tte ry
b a n k
Locate the inverter as close to the batteries as possible in order to keep the
battery cable length short. The m axim um recom m ended battery cable length is
10 feet (3 m ).
Locate any electronic equipm ent susceptible to radio frequency and
electrom agnetic interference as far aw ay from the inverter as possible.
F ire s a fe ty D o not locate the inverter near readily flam m able m aterials such as cloth, paper,
straw , or plastic sheeting. Flam m able m aterials should be kept a m inim um
distance of 24 inches (60 cm ) from the top surface and 12 inches (30 cm ) from
either side surface and the front of the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger.
I m p o rta n t: B e sure to obtain the appropriate perm its, if necessary, prior to
starting this installation. I n sta lla tio n s m u s t m e e t a ll lo c a l c o d e s a n d s ta n d a rd s .
Installations of this equipm ent should only be perform ed by skilled personnel
such as qualified electricians and C ertified R enew able Energy (R E) System
WA R N I N G : P e rso n a l I n ju ry
The Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger w eighs approxim ately 120 pounds (54 kg).
To prevent personal injury, alw ays use proper lifting techniques and have
som eone assist w ith lifting during installation.
WA R N I N G : E x p lo sio n a n d C o rro sio n H a za rd
D o not locate the inverter directly above the batteries or in the sam e
com partm ent as vented batteries.
975-0239-01-01 23
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
K n o c k o u t P re p a ra tio n a n d A ir F ilte r I n sta lla tio n
R em ove your choice of knockouts from the chassis to facilitate conduit
installation for w ire runs. M ake sure no debris from this procedure rem ains inside
the inverter enclosure.
R e m o vin g I n te rn a l F a c e p la te s in th e P o we r D istrib u tio n P a n e l
I m p o rta n t: D o not drill, cut, or punch holes into the Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel. U se only the knockouts provided for conduit entry.
F ig u re 2 -1 A ir Filter and A U X C onnector Installation
F ig u re 2 -2 R em oving the Internal Faceplates on the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
A ir Filter
Tuck the air filter
into the grooves
on the sides of
the air vent
If planning to use the
A ux Port features, insert
the A U X C onnector into
the A ux Port.
See A U X Porton
page 230 for w iring
A U X C onnector
To rem ove the upper faceplate,
rem ove the four screw s holding
the plate in place.
To rem ove the low er faceplate,
rem ove the four screw s holding
the plate in place.
Inverter/C harger Installation
24 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C le a ra n c e R e q u ire m e n ts
Provide a m inim um clearance of 6 inches (15 cm )12 inches is preferred
around the top and 6 inches (15 cm ) at the bottom of the inverter for ventilation.
There m ust be at least three feet of clearance in front of the inverter. M ake sure
the vents are not obstructed w ith foreign objects and the m inim um clearances
are m et.
M o u n tin g
The Xantrex XW Pow er System is designed to be m ounted on a vertical surface.
The supporting surface m ust be strong enough to support a m inim um of
500 pounds (227 kg). To facilitate installation, a w all m ounting plate (part num ber
210-0462-01-01) is provided for each Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger and Xantrex
XW Pow er D istribution Panel. The m ounting plate and hardw are on the Xantrex
XW Inverter/C harger and Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel are designed to
m eet standards for structural and seism ic stability. W hen properly installed, the
system also m eets Section 59 of U L 1741 for Static Loads.
F ig u re 2 -3 C learance R equirem ents
Step 1: Installing the M ounting Plate
975-0239-01-01 25
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Step 1: Installing the Mounting Plate
Each Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger and Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
requires a separate m ounting plate. This bracket is first attached to the w all, and
then the inverter/charger or distribution panel is attached to the w all bracket.
The w all bracket is attached to the w all w ith lag bolts or other fasteners, provided
by the installer. A m inim um of four -inch diam eter fasteners are required.
The fasteners m ust be strong enough to support 500 pounds.
The w all bracket has m ounting holes spaced 16 inches (40 cm ) apart and is
designed to span tw o w all studs spaced 16 inches on-center. A dditional
m ounting holes are also provided for flexibility in m ounting options. If the w all
does not have 16-inch on-center studs, the installer w ill need to provide
adequate supports for the brackets. For exam ple, a sheet of plyw ood can be
attached to the w all, and the w all brackets can then be attached to plyw ood.
B oth the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger and Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
use the sam e w all bracket. The brackets are designed to interlock (as show n in
Figure 2-5), so that additional m ounting plates are easily installed w ithout
additional m easuring or levelling.
The type of fastener required to secure the m ounting plate varies according to
the vertical surface and w all structure of your installation location.
Ta b le 2 -1 M ounting Plate Fastener R ecom m endations
S tru c tu re R e q u ire d F a ste n e r
N u m b e r o f S c re w s P e r
B ra c k e t
W ood studs at 16" (on center - O .C .) 1/4" 3 1/2" long lag
W ood studs not at 16" O .C . (3/4" m inim um
plyw ood panel required)
1/4" 1" long w ood screw Six
Steel studs at 16" O .C . (m inim um 18 gauge) 1/4" self-drilling screw Four
F ig u re 2 -4 M ounting Plate D im ensions
17 (432)
9 3/16
6 7/8
1 3/4 (45)
6 (153)
2 1/4
4 1/2 (115)
16 (406)
all m easurem ents in inches
(m illim eters) 3/4 (19)
2 (49)
Inverter/C harger Installation
26 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 2 -5 M ounting the B racket for the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger or Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel
W all studs 16" on center behind w allboard
A dd " plyw ood if additional
support is needed.
Side View
2 4 w all stud
W allboard
Plyw ood
m ounting
60" (152.4 cm ) from floor
puts the inverter inform ation
panel at approx. 65" high.
M ultiple m ounting plates should fit
together as show n.
Locate the w all studs.
If necessary, enhance the support surface w ith a "plyw ood panel
secured to the w all studs. Plyw ood m ust span at least three w all studs.
U se hardw are sized to support a m inim um of 500 lbs (not supplied) to
secure the plyw ood to the w all.
U sing a level, secure the first m ounting bracket to the w all. U se
recom m ended anchoring hardw are to secure the plate
(see Table 2-1).
M ount the next bracket adjacent to the first one. The brackets are
designed to interlock, so additional m ounting brackets are easily
installed w ithout additional m easuring or levelling.
Step 2: M ounting the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 27
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Step 2: Mounting the Inverter
F ig u re 2 -6 M ounting the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger
A lign the flange on the back of the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger w ith the bottom edge
of the m ounting plate.
Low er the flange on the inverter onto the m ounting plate.
C A U T I O N : B efore releasing the full w eight of the unit, m ake sure the inverter is seated
properly on the m ounting plate.
Secure the top of inverter w ith tw o #10 self-tapping screw s (supplied).
Inverter/C harger Installation
28 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Step 3: Mounting the Xantrex XW Power Distribution Panel
and Xantrex XW Conduit Box
M ount the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel on the m ounting bracket
follow ing the sam e procedure in Step 2. W hen m ounting the Xantrex XW C onduit
B ox as show n in Figure 2-7, it is not necessary to attach the front panel until all
w iring is com plete.
F ig u re 2 -7 Installing the Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
A ttach the back panel of the
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox to the
bottom of the inverter w ith tw o
screw s through the keyhole slots
under the back panel top and the
corresponding holes in the bottom
of the inverter (A ).
Secure the bottom edge of the
back panel to the w all using tw o
screw s (B ).
A ttach the front panel of the
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox by
sliding the bottom lip of the front
panel over the low er edge of the
back panel. A lign the tw o holes in
the front panel w ith the tw o holes
in the back panel. U se the tw o
#10-32 screw s supplied to secure
the front panel to the back panel.
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 29
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Step 4: Wiring the Inverter
This section provides procedures for m aking A C and D C connections betw een
the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger and the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
using the cables that are pre-installed in the distribution panel. This section
also assum es that the Xantrex XW C onduit B ox w as installed in the previous
section. For diagram s and inform ation about installing the inverter/charger
w ithout the Xantrex XW C onduit B ox and Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel,
see A ppendix C , A lternate System C onfigurations.
I n sta lla tio n T ip B efore m aking the A C or D C cable connections, route the com m unications
cables through the racew ay, but do not connect them to their com ponents until
after all the inverter connections are m ade. O nce the A C and D C connections are
m ade the run becom es difficult to access. U se different colors for the
com m unications cables (or cable tags) to help m ake them easier to identify.
I m p o rta n t: C om m unication and signal cables m ust be segregated from all D C
and A C w iring. Therefore, a sm all racew ay has been included in the design of
both the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and the Xantrex XW C onduit B ox to
separate the com m unications cables from the pow er cables. This is a sm all
racew ay run built into the bottom of both the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
and the Xantrex XW C onduit B ox and is held in place by a single screw at the top
of the racew ay.
Inverter/C harger Installation
210 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
B a tte rie s
See the FA Q section of the Schneider Electric w eb site for inform ation on
determ ining battery bank requirem ents. C onsider the follow ing recom m endations
for battery use.
U se only the deep discharge types for inverter applications.
U se the sam e battery type for all batteries in the bank.
U se only batteries from the sam e lot and date in your battery bank.
This inform ation is usually printed on a label located on the battery.
F ig u re 2 -8 R outing C om m unications C ables
R oute the com m unications cables for any
accessories being installed B EFO R E m aking
A C or D C C onnections.
I M P O R T A N T : W hen routing com m unications cables through the
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel, the racew ay conduit m ust be used
to keep the com m unications cables separate from the pow er cables.
R acew ay for C om m unications C ables*
R acew ay for C om m unications
C ables*
D o not connect to the B TS
to the batteries until the
battery bank has been
prepared and is ready to
connect to the inverter.
Xantrex XW
A utom atic
G enerator Start
Xantrex XW System
C ontrol Panel
See Figure 2-14 on page 220 for an
illustration show ing the C om m unications
Ports and w here the accessories connect.
R acew ay for Shunt Sense
cable*. R acew ay exits the
panel through the back.
*To rem ove, rem ove the screw s at the top
(O r side) of the racew ay.
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 211
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
B a tte ry B a n k R e q u ire m e n ts
The D C voltage of the inverter m ust m atch the nom inal voltage of the system and
all battery-connected devices. If the inverter is a 24 volt inverter, then the battery
bank and all battery-connected devices in the system need to be configured for
24 volts.
B a tte ry C a b le R e q u ire m e n ts
B a tte ry c a b le
le n g th
R uns should be kept as short as practical. Length should not exceed 10 feet
(3 m ). For best perform ance, the positive and negative cables should run
alongside each other. A void cable loops.
B a tte ry c a b le lu g s B attery cables m ust have crim ped copper com pression lugs or crim ped and
soldered copper com pression lugs. Soldered connections alone are not
acceptable. Lugs m ust be rated for use w ith fine-stranded cable.
O v e rc u rre n t
p ro te c tio n
For safety and com pliance w ith regulations, battery overcurrent protection is
required. Fuses and disconnects m ust be sized to protect the w iring in the
system and are required to open before the w ire reaches its m axim um current
carrying capability.
C A U T I O N : D a m a g e to E q u ip m e n t
The Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger is intended to operate w ith batteries as its
source of D C pow er. D o not connect D C pow er sources, such as PV arrays, w ind
turbines, or m icro-hydro turbines, directly to the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger
w ithout a battery. C onnect D C pow er sources to a charge controller such as the
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller instead. If D C pow er sources are connected
directly to the inverter, the D C rating of the inverter can be exceeded and the
inverter can be dam aged.
I m p o rta n t: The m inim um recom m ended battery bank is 100 A h. The inverter is
designed to operate w ith batteries and should not be operated w ithout them .
A lso, do not allow the battery bank to becom e com pletely discharged. If the
voltage of the battery bank falls below 10 volts, the Xantrex XW Pow er System
w ill not operate.
WA R N I N G : F ire H a za rd
U ndersized cables overheat. A lw ays install cables w ith the correct am pacity in
accordance w ith national electrical code requirem ents.
I m p o rta n t: U se only fine-stranded copper cables for battery and inverter D C
connections. D o not use coarse-stranded w ire, as the lack of flexibility m ay
dam age battery and inverter term inals.
Inverter/C harger Installation
212 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Te rm in a l c o ve rs C olor-coded snap-on D C term inal covers are provided to prevent accidental
contact w ith the term inals. Term inal covers are required for all installations, even
if a Xantrex XW C onduit B ox is used. It is also recom m ended that the shank of the
ring term inals (cable lugs) be covered w ith heat shrink or som e other form of
To rq u e Va lu e s fo r th e Xa n tre x XW S e rie s I n ve rte r/C h a rg e r
Ta b le 2 -2 R ecom m ended B attery C able Size Versus Length
I n v e rte r M o d e l U p to 5 F e e t 1 . 5 m ) 9 0 C wire )
U p to 1 0 F e e t 3 m )
9 0 C w ire )
Xantrex XW 4024
120/240 60
#4/0 AW G (120 m m
) #4/0 AW G (120 m m
Xantrex XW 4548
120/240 60
#2/0 AW G (70 m m
) #4/0 AW G (120 m m
Xantrex XW 6048
120/240 60
#4/0 AW G (120 m m
) #4/0 AW G (120 m m
I m p o rta n t: The N EC /C EC requires both overcurrent protection and a disconnect
sw itch for residential and com m ercial electrical system s. These item s are not
supplied as part of the inverter, but are included in the Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel.
Ta b le 2 -3 B attery C able (in C onduit) to M axim um B reaker/Fuse Size
C a b le S ize R e q u ire d
M a x im u m B re a k e r/F u s e
S ize
#2/0 (00) AW G 175 am ps
#4/0 (0000) AW G 250 am ps
Ta b le 2 -4 Torque Values for A C W iring (A C Term inals and G round B ar)
Wire S ize To rq u e Va lu e
AWG I n -lb N -m
1410 35 4.0
8 40 4.5
64 45 5.1
Ta b le 2 -5 Torque Values for the C hassis G round Lug
Wire S ize To rq u e Va lu e
AWG I n -lb s N -m
6-4 45 5.1
3-2 50 5.6
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 213
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
To rq u e Va lu e s fo r th e Xa n tre x XW P o we r D istrib u tio n P a n e l
Ta b le 2 -6 Torque Values for the Inverter B attery Term inals
To rq u e Va lu e
F t-lb s N -m
15 20.4
Ta b le 2 -7 Torque Values for A C D isconnects and A C B reakers
Wire S ize To rq u e Va lu e
AWG I n -lb N -m
1610 45 5.1
8 45 5.1
64 45 5.1
Ta b le 2 -8 Torque Values for the G round B us, A C N eutral B us, D C N egative B us,
and D C Positive B us in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
Wire S ize To rq u e Va lu e
AWG I n -lb s N -m
14 - 10 35 4.0
8 40 4.5
6 - 4 45 5.1
3 - 2/0 50 5.6
Ta b le 2 -9 Torque Values for the Pow er D istribution B ars in the Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel
Wire S ize To rq u e Va lu e
AWG I n -lb s N -m
14 - 10 35 4.0
8 40 4.5
6 - 4 45 5.1
3 - 2/0 50 5.6
Ta b le 2 -1 0 Torque Values for the B attery C ables to the D C N egative B us, and D C
Positive B us in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
To rq u e Va lu e
F t-lb s N -m
15 20.4
Inverter/C harger Installation
214 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
I n ve rte r G ro u n d in g
The Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger and Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller are
provided w ith ground term inals that m ust be reliably connected to ground
(protective earth) by appropriately sized equipm ent grounding conductors.
System grounding for the A C and D C system s m ust be done according to code.
R efer to the respective grounding inform ation in this m anual, and all applicable
installation codes.
F e e d -in P ro te c tio n R e q u ire m e n ts
Wirin g th e I n ve rte r to th e Xa n tre x XW P o we r D istrib u tio n P a n e l
G ro u n d in g th e D C S yste m
The inverters external chassis ground lug (see Figure 2-9) is used to connect the
chassis of the inverter to the D C grounding system . The term inal accepts w ires
from #14 AW G to #2 AW G .
System grounding for the D C system , w hich typically involves bonding
(connecting) the battery negative circuit to ground, is dependent on the system
configuration. In som e cases, the battery negative w ill be bonded to ground in
other equipm ent such as a charge controller. If a grounded D C system is desired
or required by code, m ake sure that the system bonding is done in one location
only, and that all conductors and connections com ply w ith applicable codes.
I m p o rta n t: The grounding requirem ents vary by country and by application.
A llinstallations m ust com ply w ith national and local codes. C onsult local and
national codes for specific grounding and bonding requirem ents for the desired
I m p o rta n t: Installers m ust m ake allow ance for the am ount of pow er that can be
fed into a distribution panel and the m eans and location for feed-in, in
accordance w ith N EC 2008 article 690.64 or sim ilar requirem ents of the local
electrical code.
I m p o rta n t: If a Xantrex XW C onduit B ox is installed, com m unication and B attery
Tem perature Sensor cables m ust run through the racew ay at the rear of the
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox. B efore m aking A C and D C connections, route all
com m unication and B attery Tem perature Sensor cables through the racew ays.
The racew ays becom es m ore difficult to access after all A C and D C w iring is
com pleted.
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 215
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
I n sta llin g th e B a tte ry Te m p e ra tu re S e n so r
The B attery Tem perature Sensor (B TS) port is for connecting to the B attery
Tem perature Sensor, w hich regulates battery charging based on battery
tem perature. Installing a sensor extends battery life by preventing overcharging
in w arm tem peratures and undercharging in cold tem peratures. This port is also
considered part of the D C interface (see Figure 2-11).
F ig u re 2 -9 D C G rounding U sing a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
A ctual grounding requirem ents m ay vary.
See Table 2-5 on page 212
for torque values for the
C hassis G round Lug.
See Table 2-6 on page 213
for torque values for the
G round bars in the Xantrex
XW Pow er D istribution
Inverter/C harger Installation
216 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
To in s ta ll th e B a tte ry Te m p e ra tu re S e n s o r:
1. Pass the end of the B TS cable through a conduit hole and insert the B TS plug
into the B TS port.
2. R oute the cable to the battery enclosure and connect the ring term inal on the
B TS directly to a battery term inal (recom m ended), or use the adhesive
backing on the sensor back to attach the sensor to any side of the battery to
be m onitored.
If using the adhesive backing, install the B TS on the side of the battery below
the electrolyte level. It is best to place the sensor betw een batteries and
place the batteries in an insulated box to reduce the influence of the am bient
tem perature outside the battery enclosure.
F ig u re 2 -1 0 B attery Tem perature Sensor (R J11) Port Location and Installation
B attery
Tem perature
B attery Tem perature
Sensor Port (R J11)
R J11 jack
If using the adhesive backing,
install the B attery Tem perature
Sensor on the side of the battery
below the electrolyte level.
N o te : If other Xantrex Xanbus connected com ponents supply a B TS or are
B TS enabled, it is not necessary to install all of them at once. O nly one B TS
needs to be installed.
H ow ever, if m ultiple battery-strings are being used to form a battery bank,
m ultiple sensors can be installed. In this case, the system w ill use the highest
tem perature from all the inputs as its operational param eter.
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 217
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
M a k in g D C C o n n e c tio n s
This section describes how to m ake D C connections betw een the inverter/
charger and the pow er distribution panel (using the pre-installed D C cables in
the distribution panel) and betw een the distribution panel and the batteries
(using battery cables provided by the installersee Table 2-2 on page 212).
This section also provides procedures for installing the B TS. See A ppendix C ,
A lternate System C onfigurationsif the installation w ill not be including a Xantrex
XW Pow er D istribution Panel.
WARNING: Shock Hazard
M ake sure all A C and D C breakers are sw itched O FF before connecting or
disconnecting the battery cables and that all sources of pow er (both A C and D C )
are disconnected from the inverter.
F ig u re 2 -1 1 Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger D C C onnections
B ottom View
N egative (, black)
battery term inal
Positive (+ , red)
battery term inal
B TS port (R J11)
C hassis G round Lug
B attery Tem perature
Sensor (included)
(FG A #808-0232-02)
Inverter/C harger Installation
218 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
To c o n n e c t th e X a n tre x X W P o w e r D istrib u tio n P a n e l to th e in ve rte r:
1. C onnect the pre-installed D C cables from the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution
Panel to the inverter D C term inals. Figure 2-12 show s the proper stacking
order of hardw are. B e careful to observe proper polarity.
2. A ttach the D C term inal covers.
3. R oute the D C cables from the batteryw ith the cables not connected to the
batteryand connect them to the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel:
negative to negative bus, positive to the input end of the D C breaker.
To properly attach and torque the positive cable to the D C breaker, you m ay
need to tem porarily rem ove the breaker from the rail.
4. Perform the procedures in M aking A C C onnectionsbefore connecting the
D C cables from the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel to the battery.
F ig u re 2 -1 2 B attery C able C onnection
C A U T I O N : D a m a g e to E q u ip m e n t
D o not put anything betw een the battery cable lug and the term inal surface.
O verheating of the term inal m ay occur. D o not apply any type of antioxidant
paste until after the battery cable w iring is tightened. The sam e applies for all D C
connections. D o not over-tighten; observe all recom m ended torque values.
C A U T I O N : R e ve rse P o la rity D a m a g e
B efore m aking the final D C connection or closing the D C breaker or disconnect,
check cable polarity at both the battery and the inverter/charger. Positive (+ )
m ust be connected to positive (+ ). N egative () m ust be connected to
negative ().
R everse polarity dam age is not covered by w arranty.
Term inal surface
C opper com pression lug
M ake sure nothing is betw een the term inal
surface and the battery cable lug
B attery cable lug
Flat w asher
3/8-15 x 5/8bolt (supplied)
Shrink-w rap to color-code
the cable
Split-ring w asher
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 219
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
M a k in g A C C o n n e c tio n s
This section describes how to m ake A C connections betw een the Xantrex XW
Inverter/C harger and the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel (using the
pre-installed A C w iring in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel) and betw een
the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and the inverter load sub-panel
(using w iring provided by the installer). See A ppendix C , A lternate System
C onfigurationsif the installation w ill not be including a Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel.
F ig u re 2 -1 3 D C C onnections to a Single Inverter U sing a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
A ctual cable requirem ents m ay vary.
Torque connections to the battery term inals according to
the battery m anufacturers recom m endations.
See Table 2-6 on page 213 for
torque values for the inverter
battery connections.
See Table 2-8 on page 213 for
torque values for the Positive
and N egative B us in the Xantrex
XW Pow er D istribution Panel.
See Table 2-10 on page 213 for
torque values for the B attery
C onnections to the Positive and
N egative B us in the Xantrex XW
Pow er D istribution Panel.
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
(show n w ith door and front panel rem oved.)
Inverter/C harger Installation
220 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
D o not use a G FC I equipped A C source to pow er either the grid or generator
inputs. The A C input filters on the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger m ay cause
nuisance tripping of ground fault protected outputs.
A C C o n n e c tio n s a n d C o m m u n ic a tio n P o rts
A C C o n n e c tio n s The A C term inal block includes three term inals each (L1, L2, and N eutral) for A C
G rid input, A C G enerator input, and A C Load connections. The neutrals are
connected to each other, requiring only one neutral connection w hen installed
w ith a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel. W ithout the Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel, additional neutral connections m ay be required at the input
C o m m u n ic a tio n
P o rts
Four com m unications ports and one A U X Port are located on the bottom of the
inverter and support the follow ing features.
The tw o A C sync ports are used for connecting m ultiple inverters in parallel.
The tw o Xantrex Xanbus ports are used for netw ork connections betw een
inverters, charge controllers, and accessories.
The A U X port provides 12 VD C /250 m A output to control a relay, fan,
indicator light, or other device. The auxiliary output can be configured
(using a Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel) to trigger in response to low or
high battery voltage or high or low battery tem perature. The auxiliary output
can also be triggered m anually using a Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel.
F ig u re 2 -1 4 Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger A C C onnections and C om m unications Ports
C A U T I O N : D a m a g e to th e I n ve rte r
The inverters A C output m ust never be w ired to the utility or generator output.
This w ill cause severe dam age to the inverter w hich is not covered under
w arranty.
A C access
D ual-knockouts
( "1") A C sync ports
(R J45) ( 2)
B ottom View
Xantrex Xanbus ports
(R J45) ( 2)
C om m unications Ports
A C term inal
A U X port
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 221
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A c c e ssin g th e A C Te rm in a l B lo c k a n d A C G ro u n d B a r
A ll A C w iring connects to the A C term inal block located on the left side of the
inverter beneath the A C access cover.
F ig u re 2 -1 5 A C Term inal B lock
W hen replacing the A C access
cover, m ake sure its recessed edge
slips inside the edge of the front
R ecessed edge
R em ove the tw o screw s on the A C
access cover and slide it to the left
of the inverter to rem ove it.
L1 N L2 L1 N L2 L1 N L2
A C Term inals
A C G round B ar
Inverter/C harger Installation
222 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A C E q u ip m e n t G ro u n d in g
See Table 2-4 on page 12 for torque values for the A C term inal and A C G round
bar. See Figure 2-8 on page 213 for torque requirem ents for the ground bar in
the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel.
F ig u re 2 -1 6 A C Equipm ent G rounding U sing the D istribution Panel
A ctual ground requirem ents m ay vary.
* D epending on the location of the generator and
local code requirem ents, the generator
disconnect m ay be located in the pow er
distribution panel.
In an off-grid installation (i.e., w here no utility grid is available),
the generator can be connected to the breakers supplied in
the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel. N o additional
breaker is required.
*This G rounding C onductor m ay not be required if the D C ground is used
instead. O nly one ground bond from the Xantrex XW PD P to the m ain panel
needs to be in place.
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 223
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A C Wirin g to th e I n ve rte r L o a d S u b -P a n e l
A n inverter load sub-panel (also know n as an inverter A C D istribution Panel) and
A C conduit m ust be installed before A C w iring is connected to the inverter.
I n sta ll th e in ve rte r lo a d s u b -p a n e l a n d c o n d u it a s fo llo w s:
1. D eterm ine the location for the inverter load sub-panel and install it according
to the m anufacturers directions.
2. Install an A C conduit betw een the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and
the inverter load sub-panel.
3. D eterm ine w hich circuits the inverter w ill pow er and install the appropriate
circuit breakers into the inverter panel.
4. For on-grid system s:
a) D isconnect all pow er to the m ain utility panel.
b) D eterm ine w hich circuits w ill be backed by the inverter(s), and rem ove
their w ires from the m ain panel.
c) R eroute these w ires to the new inverter sub-panel.
5. R em ove unused breakers from utility panel. It is now safe to re-energize the
m ain utility panel.
6. Install a 60 am p m axim um (disconnect) m ain circuit breaker in the inverter
panel. This w ill later be w ired to the inverters output.
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd
B efore m aking any electrical connections, m ake sure all A C and D C disconnect
devices are in the O PEN (disconnect) position.
C A U T I O N : D a m a g e to th e I n ve rte r
The inverters A C output m ust never be w ired to the utility or generator output.
This w ill cause severe dam age to the inverter w hich is not covered under
w arranty.
Inverter/C harger Installation
224 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A C S yste m B o n d in g
S y s te m b o n d in g R efers to connection (bonding) of one of the current-carrying
conductors of an electrical system to ground. This creates a "grounded
conductor" or "neutral" that is at ground potential, but is separate from the
equipm ent ground conductor. System bonding m ust be done in one place only to
avoid ground loops, and m ust be done differently in on-grid and off-grid system s.
S ys te m b o n d in g fo r
o n -g rid sy ste m s
The Xantrex XW does not connect the neutral to ground. The A C input neutral is
already bonded to ground by the incom ing utility grid system . The installer m ust
not connect the neutral to ground in any additional location.
The Xantrex XW does not sw itch or disconnect the A C neutral in any m ode of
operation, so even in invert (back-up) m ode, the inverter load sub-panel neutral
is bonded to ground by the utility grid system . It m ust not be grounded again in
the inverter load sub-panel.
S ys te m b o n d in g fo r
o ff-g rid s y s te m s
In a system w ithout a generator, or w ith a generator that does not provide a
grounded neutral, the connection from neutral to ground m ust be m ade by the
installer in the inverter load sub-panel.
In a system w ith a generator that provides a grounded neutral, no additional
connection from neutral to ground is needed. The installer m ust not connect
neutral to ground in the inverter load sub-panel.
WA R N I N G : F ire a n d S h o c k H a za rd a n d R isk o f
E q u ip m e n t D a m a g e
Verify that only one neutral-to-ground bond exists in the system . H aving m ore
than one neutral-to-ground bond in a system violates local electrical codes, m ay
create a shock or fire hazard, and m ay cause som e sensitive equipm ent to
m alfunction.
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 225
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A C Wirin g to th e Xa n tre x XW P o we r D istrib u tio n P a n e l
To c o n n e c t th e Xa n tre x XW P o w e r D istrib u tio n P a n e l to th e in ve rte r:
1. C onnect the neutral w ire first to the N -LO A D term inal. C onnect the w ires
labelled IN V1 N -LO A D (SPLIT PH A SE), IN V1 L1-LO A D , and IN V1 L2-LO A D
(from the L1 and L2 term inals on the input (top) side of the output breaker
and the neutral bus) to the A C Load (L1-LO A D , N -LO A D , L2-LO A D )
term inals on the inverter.
2. C onnect the w ires labelled IN V1 L1-G R ID and IN V1 L2-G R ID to the inverter.
Ifthe A C source w ill be the utility grid, connect to the G R ID (A C 1) term inals
(L1-G R ID , L2-G R ID ). If the system w ill be off-grid and the only A C source w ill
be a generator, these w ires can be connected to the G EN (A C 2) term inals
(L1-G EN , L2-G EN ). N o additional neutral connection is needed w hen using
the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel. (A dditional neutral term inals
(N -G R ID , N -G EN ) are provided on the inverter for installations that do not use
the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel.)
3. C onnect L1 (from the L1 output Pow er D istribution B ar) and L2 (from the L2
output Pow er D istribution B ar), N eutral, and G round to the sub-panel that
supplies pow er to inverter loads.
4. C onnect the ground w ire betw een the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
and the utility grid A C panel. C onnect N eutral from the Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel to the utility grid A C panel. C onnect L1 and L2 from the
input side of the A C 1 B reaker (L1 and L2 Pow er D istribution bars) to the utility
grid A C Panel.
I m p o rta n t: The Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger is provided w ith fixed disconnect
lim its for voltage and frequency. These lim its are fixed w hen the unit is exporting
pow er to the grid. The unit m ust not be aggregated such that it can export m ore
than 30 kW on a single point of com m on connection.
I m p o rta n t: B oth lines of input pow er m ust be connected in order for the Xantrex
XW Inverter/C harger to operate. For exam ple, L1 and L2 of G rid Input and/or L1
and L2 of G en Input need to be connected.
Inverter/C harger Installation
226 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 2 -1 7 W iring the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel to the Inverter Load Sub-Panel or U tility G rid
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
Pow er D istribution bars in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution
Panel accept up to a #2/0 A W G cable (m axim um ).
See Figure 2-9 on page 213 for torque requirem ents.
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 227
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Wirin g th e Xa n tre x XW I n ve rte r/C h a rg e r to a Xa n tre x XW P o we r D is trib u tio n P a n e l
F ig u re 2 -1 8 W iring the Inverter to the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
Pow er D istribution bars in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
accept up to a #2/0 A W G cable (m axim um ).
See Figure 2-9 on page 213 for torque requirem ents.
Inverter/C harger Installation
228 975-0239-01-01
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G e n e ra to r Wirin g to th e X a n tre x X W I n v e rte r/C h a rg e r U s in g a X a n tre x X W P o w e r
D is trib u tio n P a n e l
In an on-grid installation, the generator w ill require an additional A C breaker to be
installed in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel.
F ig u re 2 -1 9 G enerator W iring U sing a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel (O n G rid)
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
C A U T I O N : G enerators m ust be
hard-w ired to the Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel.
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 229
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
In an off-grid installation, the generator can be connected to the breakers
provided in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel. N o additional breaker is
F ig u re 2 -2 0 G enerator W iring U sing a Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel (O ff G rid)
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
C A U T I O N : G enerators m ust be hard-w ired
to the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel.
Inverter/C harger Installation
230 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A U X P o rt
The Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger has a 12 VD C auxiliary output that can
be configured to trigger in response to one of the follow ing battery conditions:
low battery voltage
high battery voltage
low battery tem perature
high battery tem perature
any device fault
The auxiliary output can also be triggered m anually.
The 12 VD C output can be used to trigger a relay to disconnect batteries from
the inverter/charger w hen battery voltage or tem perature are out of the
The auxiliary output is designed to provide the follow ing functions:
A uxiliary 12 VD C pow er supply
R em ote Pow er O ff
F ig u re 2 -2 1 A U X Port Location
A U X Port
Step 4: W iring the Inverter
975-0239-01-01 231
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A U X+1 2 V Vo lta g e S u p p ly
D C voltage is available betw een JU -1 (A U X + 12 V) and JU -3 (A U X-C O M , signal
return). The pow er available at these term inals is 12 VD C and m axim um current
is 250 m A (3 w atts).
A U X+ 12 V and A U X-C O M term inals can be used to pow er a relay
(3 w atts m axim um ).
A dditional fuses are not required, but m ay be necessary for som e installations.
A U X + 12 V voltage supply can be program m ed for different tasks O N and O FF
using the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel.
D efault status of A U X+ 12 V is O FF.
A U X-R P O : U se r R e m o te P o we r O F F R P O )
C onnecting JU -2 (A U X-R PO ) and JU -3 (A U X-C O M ) term inals together through
an external sw itch (norm al open contact) w ill provide the system shut off function
if the sw itch is closed. The external sw itch, if pressed, overrides the control
provided from the front panel.
To enable the A U X port rem ote pow er off function, the R PO setting m ust be
enabled from the System C ontrol Panel. For m ore inform ation, see the Xantrex
XW Inverter/C harger O peration G uide. If the external sw itch is cleared
(notpressed), the system can be enabled back from the front panel.
Select an external sw itch w ith norm al open contact; consult your local system
designer or qualified technician for specific installation instructions.
U se r L in e Wirin g
U se tw isted pairs of #24 AW G to #12 AW G for connections. C arefully route the
w ires aw ay from high pow er load cables to m inim ize noise effects on signal
A U X P o rt Te rm in a l A ssig n m e n ts
Ta b le 2 -1 1 U ser C onnector Term inals and Functions
P in R e fe re n c e N a m e F u n c tio n
JU -1 A U X+ 12V + 12 V U ser
Voltage Supply
+ 12 VD C Voltage source: 250 m A
m axim um
JU -2 A U X-R PO R em ote Pow er
O ff
R em ote Pow er O ff Logic Level:
A ctive Low . A ctivating this signal
shuts dow n system operation.
JU -3 A U X-C O M C om m on
G round
R eference
R eturn C om m on G round
R eference for 12 V, R em ote Pow er
O ff signals.
JU -4 N ot O perational N ot O perational N ot O perational
JU -5 N ot O perational N ot O perational N ot O perational
Inverter/C harger Installation
232 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Basic Functional Test Single Inverter
The follow ing steps w ill com plete a basic functional test of the Xantrex XW
Inverter/C harger. If any test fails, refer to the Troubleshooting section in the
Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger O peration G uide for assistance.
C o n firm A ll C o n n e c tio n s
A fter the A C and D C w iring have been installed and connected, check that all
connections are correct and secure.
A p p lyin g D C P o we r to th e I n ve rte r
To a p p ly D C p o we r to th e in v e rte r:
1. B efore applying D C pow er to the inverter, m easure the voltage and polarity of
the cables (m easure at the battery side of the disconnect or breaker).
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd a n d F ire H a za rd
R eplace the A C access cover and all screw s after the com m issioning tests are
com plete.
C A U T I O N : R e ve rse P o la rity D a m a g e
B efore m aking the final D C connection or closing the D C breaker or disconnect,
check cable polarity at both the battery and the inverter/charger. Positive (+ )
m ust be connected to positive (+ ). N egative () m ust be connected to
negative ().
R everse polarity dam age is not covered by w arranty.
I m p o rta n t: Voltage should be betw een 40 to 64 volts for a 48-volt system , and 20
to 32 volts for a 24-volt system . If the D C voltage is low , the battery bank m ust be
charged externally. C harge the battery bank, and then restart the functional test.
If the D C voltage is low er than the Low B attery C ut O ut (LB C O ) setting (46 volts
for a 48-volt system and 23 volts for a 24-volt system ) a D C U nder Voltage Fault
(F48) w ill be triggered. If the D C voltage is low er than the default LB C O voltage,
low er the LB C O setting accordingly to avoid triggering the fault.
If the D C voltage is low er than 40 volts for a 48-volt system or 20 volts for a
24-volt system , the battery should be charged externally.
B asic Functional Test Single Inverter
975-0239-01-01 233
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
2. A pply battery (D C ) pow er to the inverter by closing the battery bank
D C disconnect.
The inverter w ill pow er up and the display w ill turn on, but the inverter w ill
rem ain in standby m ode (as show n in Figure 2-22).
E n a b le th e I n ve rte r
B y default, invert m ode is enabled and the unit should start inverting upon
transitioning from standby m ode. If invert m ode is disabled, the display w ill show
"" once out of standby m ode. If the unit pow ers up in standby m ode, press the
O N /O FF button m om entarily to change the m ode from standby to operating.
To e n a b le th e in ve rte r:
Press the inverter O N /O FF button and the Equalize button at the sam e tim e.
co is briefly displayed on the inverter inform ation panel to indicate the
inverter is enabled.
F ig u re 2 -2 2 Pow er-up D isplay
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t D a m a g e
Prior to activating the inverter, m ake sure all A C loads are disconnected from the
output of the inverter.
O N /O FF B utton
A ll LED s tem porarily turn on.
N o te : If the inverter w as previously
pow ered up then it w ill pow er-up in
the last operating state (operating or
Inverter/C harger Installation
234 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
To d is a b le th e in ve rte r:
Press the inverter O N /O FF button and the Equalize button at the sam e tim e.
o5 is briefly displayed on the inverter inform ation panel to indicate the
inverter is disabled.
3. M onitor the invert (green kW ) LED to confirm w hich m ode the inverter is in:
LED off Invert m ode is disabled. The inverter/charger is not pow ering
the A C loads. H ow ever, if good A C is present, it is passed through to the
5co on the displayThe inverter/charger is in search m ode and is looking
for an A C load greater than the Sear ch Wat t s setting
(default= 25 w atts). The display show s 5co (Search) w hen this m ode
has been enabled.
LED on The inverter/charger is on. The inverter is operating and is able
to provide pow er to the A C loads. This is the default m ode on initial
pow erup once the unit is taken out of standby m ode.
If the inverter is not operating or the inverter LED (kW ) does not turn on, check all
connections. C heck the inverters D C voltage on the positive (+ ) and negative ()
term inals. C heck the Fault LED . If the fault LED is on, check for a fault code on the
inform ation panel. C orrect the reported fault if possible and clear the fault. If the
D C voltage is low , then the battery bank needs to be charged externally. C harge
the battery bank and restart the functional test.
F ig u re 2 -2 3 Enable the Inverter
B riefly press the Equalize B utton and the O N /O FF B utton at the
sam e tim e to enable or disable the Invert M ode.
This display indicates the inverter is
B utton
B utton
B asic Functional Test Single Inverter
975-0239-01-01 235
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A C Vo lta g e C h e c k
To p e rfo rm a n A C vo lta g e c h e c k :
1. W ith the inverter on (green kW LED is on and steady), verify the A C voltage at
A C Loads block term inal L1-Load to N -Load.
2. Verify that neutral is bonded to ground in the system by m easuring the hot
and neutral voltages relative to ground. N eutral-to-ground should equal zero
(0) volts.
3. A fter confirm ing the correct A C voltage, turn on your A C output breaker and
place a load on the inverter (plug in a light or other load to an outlet the
inverter is pow ering).
4. C onfirm that the A C load that w as just applied w orks properly.
I m p o rta n t: This test requires the use of a voltm eter.
F ig u re 2 -2 4 C hecking A C Voltage
L1 N L2 L1 N L2 L1 N L2
Inverter/C harger Installation
236 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n firm in g B a tte ry C h a rg e r O p e ra tio n
To c o n firm b a tte ry c h a rg e r o p e ra tio n :
1. A pply A C from grid or generator, and confirm voltage.
2. C heck LED s (A C 1 or A C 2) on the front panel. O ne of them m ust be on for the
unit to charge. C heck the A LED . If the A LED is on, the unit is charging and
the battery current is displayed on the inform ation panel.
This com pletes the functional test. If all tests pass, the inverter is ready for use.
Ifany of the inverters internal set points need to be adjusted, consult the
configuration chapter of the operation guide.
F ig u re 2 -2 5 C hecking C harging O peration
I m p o rta n t: U nless the inverter/charger settings have been changed, the inverter
w ill charge as if it has a large (> 440 A h) flooded battery bank (factory default
setting). Therefore, A LL system s m ay need to have the battery charging set
points fine tuned to avoid dam age to the batteries.
A m p LED
B asic Functional Test Single Inverter
975-0239-01-01 237
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 2 -2 6 Functional Test for Single Inverter System s
Inverter/C harger Installation
238 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Step 5: Installing Additional Inverters
I n s ta lla tio n S te p s
To in s ta ll m u ltip le in v e rte rs :
1. D isconnect all pow er from the system .
2. M ount additional inverter(s). See Step 1: Installing the M ounting Plateon
page 25 and Step 2: M ounting the Inverteron page 27.
3. Install the Xantrex XW C onduit B ox. See Step 3: M ounting the Xantrex XW
Pow er D istribution Panel and Xantrex XW C onduit B oxon page 28.
4. Install A C sync cable(s) as required. See Xantrex Xanbus and A C Sync
C ableon page 252.
5. Install a Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel to configure program m able
settings and to nam e specific netw ork com ponents (e.g., XW 1, XW 2 etc.).
See The Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panelon page 52.
6. C onvert the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel to accom m odate the extra
inverter by installing the additional breakers and com ponents. See page 239
for instructions on converting the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel to a
dual-inverter configuration. See page 245 for converting the Xantrex XW
Pow er D istribution Panel to a triple-inverter configuration.
7. A ttach B ypass interlock plate to distribution panel cover.
8. C onnect D C w iring. See Figure 2-27 on page 240 for dual-inverter
configurations and Figure 2-31 on page 246 for triple-inverter
9. C onnect A C w iring. See Figure 2-29 on page 242 for dual-inverter
configurations. For triple-inverter C onfigurations, see Figure 2-32,
Triple-Inverter A C B reaker A rrangem ent and W iring Enlargem ent w ith Tw o
A C Input Sourceson page 248 or Figure 2-33, Triple-Inverter A C B reaker
A rrangem ent and W iring Enlargem ent w ith a Single A C Input Sourceon
page 249.
P a rts L ist fo r a D u a l-I n ve rte r C o n fig u ra tio n
Installing an additional inverter using the pow er distribution panel requires a
Xantrex XW C onnection K it for IN V2 (part num ber 865-1020), w hich contains the
follow ing com ponents:
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox
Three 60 am p, 120/240 VA C , 2-pole, Square-D Type Q O U , D IN -rail m ount,
A C breakers for Inverter Input, O utput, and B ypass
Four Pow er D istribution bars
C ustom B ypass Interlock
#6 AW G A C w iring to connect the inverter to A C breakers
Step 5: Installing A dditional Inverters
975-0239-01-01 239
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
G J250A , 160 VD C , 3/8" Stud, D C B reaker w ith copper bus bar for
D C positive
O ne pair #4/0 battery cables to connect the inverter to D C breakers
Xantrex Xanbus and A C Sync C able (C AT 5 cable w ith R J45 connectors
w ired to T568A standard).
M iscellaneous bushings
C o n ve rtin g a S in g le -I n ve rte r P o we r D istrib u tio n P a n e l to a D u a l-I n ve rte r
P o we r D istrib u tio n P a n e l
R em ove upper w ire cover and low er w ire cover on the Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel.
D C Wirin g fo r a D u a l-I n ve rte r S yste m
1. R em ove positive distribution plate attached to bottom term inal on existing
D C disconnect/breaker.
2. Install second D C disconnect/breaker (supplied in 865-1020) next to existing
D C disconnect/breaker.
3. R eplace the factory-installed D C positive bus bar w ith the larger positive bus
bar supplied in 865-1020. This larger D C positive bus bar supports up to
three G J250 A D C disconnect/breakers.
4. C onnect positive battery cable for second inverter (supplied in 865-1020) to
top term inal on second D C disconnect/breaker.
5. C onnect negative battery cable for second inverter (supplied in 865-1020) to
D C negative distribution plate.
6. C onnect positive and negative battery cables to second inverter.
7. R em ove knockout on the low er cover for additional disconnect/breaker to fit
8. R e-install low er w ire cover.
I m p o rta n t: W hen installing m ore than one inverter at a location, a Xantrex XW
System C ontrol Panel is required to give each inverter (as w ell as other Xantrex
Xanbus-enabled devices) a unique nam e and to m odify the factory-installed
default settings to m atch and support the installed configuration.
Inverter/C harger Installation
240 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 2 -2 7 D C C onnections to D ual Inverters
Torque connections to the
inverter D C term inals to
10-15 ft/lbs.
A ctual cable requirem ents m ay vary.
A C B reakers show n in this illustration
represent the breaker arrangem ent for a
single A C source.
Torque connections to the battery
term inals according to the battery
m anufacturers recom m endations.
Step 5: Installing A dditional Inverters
975-0239-01-01 241
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A C Wirin g fo r a D u a l-I n ve rte r S yste m
1. D isconnect the A C w ires (from the utility grid or generator and to the
sub-panel) and rem ove the factory-installed distribution bars connected to
top and bottom term inals on the A C breakers.
2. R em ove bypass interlock bracket.
3. D isconnect IN V1 A C LO A D (IN V1 L1-LO A D , IN V1 L2-LO A D ) w ires from top
term inals on right-hand side breaker.
4. A dd three additional dual-pole A C breakers (supplied in 865-1020) next to
the existing three dual-pole A C breakers.
5. A ttach the four, four-tab distribution bars (supplied in 865-1020) to top and
bottom of A C breakers as show n in dual-inverter system w iring diagram s.
6. If a backup generator or other secondary A C source is installed in the
system , reuse tw o of the dual-tab pow er distribution bars previously installed
on IN V1 G rid/B ypass breakers for generator breakers as show n Figure 2-28.
7. C onnect grid w iring and loads/sub-panel w iring to the new distribution bars
as show n in Figure 2-29.
8. C onnect IN V1 LO A D (IN V1 L1-LO A D , IN V1 L2-LO A D ), IN V2 LO A D (IN V2
L1-LO A D , IN V2 L2-LO A D ), and IN V2 G R ID (IN V2 L1-G R ID , IN V2 L2-G R ID )
w ires to A C breakers as show n in Figure 2-29.
9. C onnect neutral (IN V2 N -LO A D (SPLIT-PH A SE)) and ground
(IN V2 G R O U N D ) w iring as show n in dual-inverter system w iring diagram s.
10. C onnect w iring at the inverter/chargers as show n in Figure 2-29.
11. R em ove the knockouts on upper w ire cover for additional breakers to fit
12. R e-install upper w ire cover. R e-label the A C breakers w ith the appropriate
labels supplied w ith the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel.
13. Install the bypass interlock plate w ith screw s and nylon shoulder w ashers
(supplied in 865-1020).
F ig u re 2 -2 8 D ual Inverter A C B reaker A rrangem ent and W iring Enlargem ent w ith M ultiple A C Input Sources
Pow er D istribution bars in the
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution
Panel accept up to a #2/0 A W G
cable (m axim um ).
See Figure 2-9 on page 213 for
torque requirem ents.
Inverter/C harger Installation
242 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 2 -2 9 A C W iring for D ual-Inverter System s
Pow er D istribution bars in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
accept up to a #2/0 A W G cable (m axim um ).
See Figure 2-9 on page 213 for torque requirem ents.
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
Step 5: Installing A dditional Inverters
975-0239-01-01 243
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 2 -3 0 Installing the Front Internal Panels and the A C B ypass Plate
R eplace the Internal Front Panels using
the hardw are rem oved prior to w iring.
Place the A C B ypass plate over the
B ypass breakers as show n and secure
w ith the hardw are supplied.
R eplace the Internal Front Panels using
the hardw are rem oved prior to w iring.
R eplace the Internal Front Panels using
the hardw are rem oved prior to w iring.
To put the B ypass Plate in the N orm al
position, slide the plate to the right.
Inverter/C harger Installation
244 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
P a rts L ist fo r a Trip le -I n ve rte r C o n fig u ra tio n
1 x Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and A ccessory kit (m ounts to first
1 x 865-1020 Xantrex XW C onnection K it for IN V2.
The follow ing item s are required for the third inverter (furthest from Xantrex XW
PD P) and should be sourced and prepared prior to the installation. (N ote that all
w iring w ill have to be custom cut to fit the third unit. W iring supplied w ith the
connection kit is intended for a second inverter in a tw o inverter system ).
F o r a n in sta lla tio n w ith a sin g le A C in p u t s o u rc e A C 1 o r A C 2 ) :
1 x 865-1025 Xantrex XW C onduit B ox for inverter
1x 250 A D C breaker (M aster packs available from m anufacturer:
partnum ber 865-1065)
1.0 m (39") x C AT5 netw ork cable for inverter A C Sync
1.0 m (39") x C AT5 netw ork cable for Xantrex Xanbus com m unication
0.5m (20") x #4 AW G , 600 V, 105C stranded green w ire for ground
O r fo r a n in sta lla tio n with tw o A C in p u t so u rc e s A C 1 a n d A C 2 ) :
1 x 865-1020 Xantrex XW C onnection K it for IN V2 (contains A C and D C
breakers required for third inverter).
2.3m (91") x #6 AW G , 600 V, 105C B lack stranded w ire for L1 G en (A C 2).
2.3 m (91") x #6 AW G , 600 V, 105C R ed stranded w ire for L2 G en (A C 2).
R e q u ire d in b o th ty p e s o f in s ta lla tio n s:
2.2 m (87") x #6 AW G , 600 V, 105C stranded w hite w ire for neutral
2.2 m (87") x #6 AW G , 600 V, 105C B lack stranded w ire for L1 G rid (A C 1).
2.2 m (87") x #6 AW G , 600 V, 105C R ed stranded w ire for L2 G rid (A C 1).
2.3m (91") x #6 AW G , 600 V, 105C B lack stranded w ire for L1 (A C 2 Load).
2.3 m (91") x #6 AW G , 600 V, 105C R ed stranded w ire for L2 (A C 2 Load).
2.4 m (95") x #6 AW G , 600 V, 105C R ed stranded w ire for A C Load.
1.6m (62") #4/0 A G W , 105C , R ed stranded w ith #4/0 x 3/8 lugs crim ped at
each end for the positive battery cable.
1.6m (62") #4/0 A G W , 105C , B lack stranded w ith #4/0 x 3/8 lugs crim ped at
each end for the negative battery cable.
External B ypass Sw itch The Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel does not
have enough breaker locations to accom m odate bypass breakers in a
triple-inverter system . Therefore, an external bypass sw itch m ay be needed.
See Figure 2-34 on page 250 for an illustration of how to w ire an External
B ypass Sw itch.
Step 5: Installing A dditional Inverters
975-0239-01-01 245
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n ve rtin g a S in g le -I n ve rte r Xa n tre x XW P o we r D istrib u tio n P a n e l to a
Trip le -I n ve rte r Xa n tre x XW P o we r D istrib u tio n P a n e l
R em ove upper w ire cover and low er w ire cover on the Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel.
D C Wirin g fo r a Trip le -I n ve rte r S yste m
1. Install the tw o D C disconnect/breakers (tw o supplied in 865-1020).
2. Install larger, three-position positive distribution plate (supplied in 865-1020)
if not already done.
3. C onnect negative battery cable for third inverter (supplied in 865-1020) to
D C negative distribution plate.
4. C onnect negative battery cable for second inverter (custom , see m aterial list)
to D C negative distribution plate.
5. C onnect positive battery cable for second inverter (supplied in 865-1020) to
top term inal on second D C disconnect/breaker.
6. C onnect positive battery cable for third inverter (custom , see m aterial list) to
top term inal on third D C disconnect/breaker.
7. C onnect positive and negative battery cables to first inverter.
8. C onnect positive and negative battery cables to second inverter.
9. C onnect positive and negative battery cables to third inverter.
Inverter/C harger Installation
246 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 2 -3 1 D C C onnections for a Triple-Inverter System
A C Wirin g fo r a Trip le -I n ve rte r S yste m
1. Prepare pow er distribution bars by cutting aw ay one of the four tabs. O nly
three tabs per pow er distribution bar are required in a three inverter system .
The pow er distribution bars are supplied in 865-1020.
You should have a total of:
four distribution bars for an installation w ith a single A C input source
(A C IorA C 2)
six distribution bars for an installation w ith tw o A C input sources
(A C 1 and A C 2)
A ctual cable requirem ents m ay vary.
Torque connections to
the battery term inals
according to the battery
m anufacturers
recom m endations.
Torque connections to the inverter D C
term inals to 10-15 ft/lbs.
A C B reakers show n in this illustration
represent the breaker arrangem ent for
m ultiple A C sources.
Pow er D istribution bars in the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel
accept up to a #2/0 A W G cable (m axim um ).
See Figure 2-9 on page 213 for torque requirem ents.
Step 5: Installing A dditional Inverters
975-0239-01-01 247
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
2. M ount the nine breakers on the din rail and install pow er distribution bars as
follow s (refer to figures 2-28 & 2-29):
a) Tw o distribution bars, L1, and L2 at the input (top) term inals of the IN V1,
IN V2, and IN V3 G rid breakers.
b) If the installation includes a second A C source, install tw o distribution
bars, L1, and L2 at the input (top) term inals of the IN V1, IN V2, and IN V3
G en breakers.
c) Tw o distribution bars, L1, and L2 at the output (bottom ) term inals of the
IN V1, IN V2, and IN V3 A C Load breakers.
3. C onnect L1 and L2 A C w iring from each IN V G rid breaker to the
corresponding A C Input (A C 1) term inal on each of the three inverters.
Forinform ation on w here you can get the L1 and L2 w iring for each inverter,
see Table 2-12 on page 248.
4. If the installation includes a second A C source, connect L1 and L2 A C w iring
from each IN V G en breaker to the corresponding A C Input (A C 2) term inal on
each of the three inverters. For inform ation on w here you can get the L1 and
L2 w iring for each inverter, see Table 2-12 on page 248.
5. C onnect L1 and L2 A C w iring from each IN V A C Load term inal from each of
the three inverters to the corresponding A C IN V O ut breaker term inal in the
Xantrex XW PD P.
6. C onnect L1 and L2 A C Load w iring to the IN V O ut (A C Load) pow er
distribution bar.
7. If the installation includes a second A C source, connect L1 and L2 A C w iring
from the G enerator (or other source) disconnect to the G en breaker pow er
distribution bars.
8. C onnect L1 and L2 A C w iring from the U tility G rid distribution panel to the
G rid breaker pow er distribution bars.
9. C onnect the neutral w iring from IN V1, IN V2, and IN V3 to the neutral
distribution bar in the PD P. For inform ation on w here you can get the neutral
w iring for each inverter, see Table 2-12 on page 248.
10. C onnect the ground w iring from IN V1, IN V2, and IN V3 to the ground
distribution bar in the PD P. For inform ation on w here you can get the ground
w iring for each inverter, see Table 2-12 on page 248.
Inverter/C harger Installation
248 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Ta b le 2 -1 2 W iring C om ponents and Part N um bers
Wirin g K it P a rt N u m b e r
A C w iring for A C 1 and A C 2
neutral w iring
ground w iring
Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel
A C w iring for A C 1 and A C 2
neutral w iring
ground w iring
Xantrex XW C onnection K it
for IN V2
A C w iring for A C 1 and A C 2
neutral w iring
ground w iring
C ustom , see Parts List for a Triple-Inverter
C onfigurationon page 244.
F ig u re 2 -3 2 Triple-Inverter A C B reaker A rrangem ent and W iring Enlargem ent w ith Tw o A C Input Sources
Pow er D istribution bars in the Xantrex XW
Pow er D istribution Panel accept up to a
#2/0 A W G cable (m axim um ).
See Figure 2-9 on page 213 for torque
requirem ents.
Step 5: Installing A dditional Inverters
975-0239-01-01 249
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 2 -3 3 Triple-Inverter A C B reaker A rrangem ent and W iring Enlargem ent w ith a Single A C Input
Pow er D istribution bars in the Xantrex
XW Pow er D istribution Panel accept up
to a #2/0 A W G cable (m axim um ).
See Figure 2-9 on page 213 for torque
requirem ents.
Inverter/C harger Installation
250 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
P a rts L ist fo r a F o u r-I n ve rte r S yste m
Installing four inverters using tw o pow er distribution panels requires the
follow ing:
2 x Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel K it (part num ber 865-1015)
For a list of com ponents included in this kit, see Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel and Xantrex XW C onduit B oxon page 14.
2 x Xantrex XW C onnection K it (part num ber 865-1020).
For a list of com ponents included in this kit, see Xantrex XW C onnection K it
for IN V2on page 16
F ig u re 2 -3 4 W iring an External B ypass Sw itch for a Triple-Inverter C onfiguration
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
I m p o rta n t: W hen installing m ore than one inverter at a location, a Xantrex XW
System C ontrol Panel is required to give each inverter (as w ell as other Xantrex
Xanbus-enabled devices) a unique nam e and to m odify the factory-installed
default settings to m atch and support the installed configuration.
Step 5: Installing A dditional Inverters
975-0239-01-01 251
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
I n sta llin g a F o u r-I n ve rte r S yste m
Installing a four-inverter system involves converting each Xantrex XW Pow er
D istribution Panel to a dual-inverter pow er distribution panel. For the purpose of
this procedure, the tw o pow er distribution panels w ill be called Xantrex XW PD P1
and Xantrex XW PD P2 respectively.
A t the end of this procedure, you w ill have tw o sets of dual-inverter system s,
having the follow ing connections:
IN V1 and IN V2 connected to Xantrex XW PD P1
IN V3 and IN V4 connected to Xantrex XW PD P2.
The inverter load sub-panel of Xantrex XW PD P1 connected to the inverter
load sub-panel of Xantrex XW PD P2
For a visual aid, see A C W iring for a Four-Inverter System on page B 9.
To in sta ll a fo u r-in ve rte r sy ste m :
1. R em ove the upper w ire cover and low er w ire cover from Xantrex XW PD P1.
2. C onnect D C w iring from IN V1 and IN V2 to Xantrex XW PD P1. See D C W iring
for a D ual-Inverter System on page 239.
3. C onnect A C w iring from IN V1 and IN V2 to Xantrex XW PD P1. See A C W iring
for a D ual-Inverter System on page 241.
4. R epeat the steps above to connect A C and D C w iring from IN V3 and IN V4 to
Xantrex XW PD P2.
5. C onnect LI from Xantrex XW PD P1s inverter load sub-panel to Xantrex XW
PD P2s inverter load sub-panel.
6. C onnect L2 from Xantrex XW PD P1s inverter load sub-panel to Xantrex XW
PD P2s inverter load sub-panel.
Inverter/C harger Installation
252 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xa n tre x Xa n b u s a n d A C S yn c C a b le
A Xantrex Xanbus and A C sync cable is required for m ulti-unit installation.
The A C sync cable connects each inverter and provides the necessary
com m unication and control betw een m ultiple units. Install these cables, routing
them through the Xantrex XW C onduit B ox racew ay, prior to m aking the A C and
D C w iring connections. See Figure 2-35.
F ig u re 2 -3 5 Installing the A C Sync C able
To in s ta ll th e A C S y n c a n d Xa n tre x Xa n b u s c a b le s b e tw e e n in ve rte rs:
R em ove the tw o
factory-installed racew ays
for the com m unication
cabling by rem oving the
screw holding each
racew ay in place.
Insert the R J45 jack
on the cable into
one of the tw o A C
Sync ports.
R oute the cable as show n. R oute any additional
com m unication cables through the racew ays.
R eplace the w iring racew ays, ensuring not to pinch
the cables. Secure the racew ays to the Xantrex XW
C onduit B ox w ith the screw that w as rem oved
I M P O R T A N T :
In a 2-inverter system , install an A C Sync C able from
IN V1 to IN V2.
In a 3- or 4-inverter system , daisy-chain an A C Sync
C able from IN V1 to IN V2 and from IN V2 to IN V3.
D o N O T install term inators in an A C Sync Port.
B asic Functional Test - M ultiple Inverters
975-0239-01-01 253
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Basic Functional Test - Multiple Inverters
The follow ing steps w ill com plete a basic functional test of m ultiple Xantrex XW
Inverter/C hargers. If any test fails, please refer to the Troubleshooting section in
the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger O peration G uide for assistance.
To p e rfo rm a fu n c tio n a l te st o n m u ltip le in ve rte rs :
1. C heck/verify all w iring and cable connections.
2. M easure D C voltage at the D C term inals on the inverter and confirm its w ithin
range and has correct polarity. The default acceptable range is 23 to 32 VD C
for 24 V system s or 46 to 64 VD C for 48 V system s.
3. Sw itch IN V1 D ISC O N N EC T to the O N position.
4. C heck inverter display for startup self-test during w hich all LED s w ill flash
m om entarily. O nce self-test is com plete, the inverter w ill display 5cb.
(The Fault/W arning LED m ay flash for a few seconds but eventually w ill turn
off. IfFault/W arning LED persists, check to m ake sure a battery tem perature
sensor is connected. A lso, if the inverter has been pre-configured, it m ay go
straight into norm al operating m ode.)
5. U sing the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel, set the First (M aster) Inverter
D evice N um ber:
a) G o to the inverters Advanced Set t i ngs m enu by pressing D ow n
arrow + Enter from the Syst emSt at us screen and then sim ultaneously
pressing Enter + U p arrow + D ow n arrow .
b) Select Mul t i Uni t Conf i g m enu.
c) C hange Dev Number from 00 to 01. The inverter w ill now appear as
XW 6048-01 in the device list.
d) Press Exit to go back to the Syst emSt at us screen.
6. Sw itch IN V2 D ISC O N N EC T to the O N position.
7. C heck inverter display for startup self-test during w hich all LED s w ill flash
m om entarily. O nce self-test is com plete, the inverter w ill display 5cb. (If the
inverter has been pre-configured, it m ay go straight into norm al operating
m ode or display F66 w arning.)
8. U sing the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel, set the Second (Slave) Inverter
D evice N um ber and Inverter M ode:
a) Select the new inverter, XW 6048-00, in the device list.
b) G o to the inverters Advanced Set t i ngs > Mul t i - Uni t Conf i g
m enu.
c) C hange Dev Number from 00 to 02 (or the next num ber that has not
been used). The inverter w ill now appear as XW 6048-02 in the device
d) C hange I nvt r Mode from Spl i t PhMast er to Spl i t PhSl ave.
e) Press Exit until you see the Syst emSt at us screen.
9. C heck for faults. If fault condition(s) exist, correct and restart Functional Test.
10. If a third inverter is installed, repeat steps to configure it as a Slave.
Inverter/C harger Installation
254 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
11. U sing the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel, enable the system :
a) G o to the Syst emSet t i ngs m enu.
b) C hange Syst emMode to Oper at i ng.
c) Press Exit until you see the Syst emSt at us screen.
12. C onfirm the M aster inverter displays O.OO and the Slaves displays on
their front panels.
13. C heck for faults. If fault condition(s) exist, correct, and then restart Functional
14. C heck voltage at A C LO A D term inals of the M aster inverter.
15. Sw itch the A C Load breakers O N .
16. C onfirm operation of connected A C loads.
17. D isconnect A C LO A D breakers.
18. U sing the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel, reduce m axim um charge rate.
a) From the Syst emSt at us screen, go to Syst emSet t i ngs and
enable Cascadi ng (if not enabled). W ith Cascadi ng enabled, a
change to a setting in one inverter w ill autom atically ripple through to the
other inverter(s) in the system .
b) G o to Advanced Set t i ngs > Char ger Set t i ngs in one of the
c) Set Max Chg Rat e to 10% .
d) Press Exit until you see the Syst emSt at us screen.
19. Sw itch A C input breakers O N .
N o te : A ll inverters in the system m ust be connected to the sam e A C input
source before they w ill qualify the source.
20. C onfirm both inverters start charging.
N o te : W ith Max Chg Rat e set to 10% the m axim um charge rate is lim ited to
10 A on each inverter. D epending on the battery banks state-of-charge, the
output from one or m ore inverters m ay quickly drop to zero. This is
considered norm al operation.
21. C heck for faults. If fault condition(s) exist, correct, and then restart
If the Inverters pass the Functional Test, proceed to the C om m issioning
procedure as defined in Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger O peration G uide.
B asic Functional Test - M ultiple Inverters
975-0239-01-01 255
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F ig u re 2 -3 6 Functional Test for M ultiple Inverters - Page 1 of 2
Inverter/C harger Installation
256 975-0239-01-01
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F ig u re 2 -3 7 Functional Test for M ultiple Inverters - Page 2 of 2
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
3 Xantrex Xanbus
Network Installation
C hapter 3, Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork
Installationprovides detailed inform ation for
planning and installing the com ponents
necessary for netw ork com m unication on a
Xantrex Xanbus system .
F o r th is To p ic S e e . . . .
Xantrex Xanbus-Enabled D evices page 32
The Xantrex Xanbus System page 32
Installing the N etw ork page 35
Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork Installation
32 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xantrex Xanbus-Enabled Devices
The Xantrex Xanbus-enabled designation m eans that the product w orks on a
Xantrex Xanbus netw ork. Xantrex Xanbus-enabled products are:
Easy to use. The Xantrex Xanbus netw ork sim plifies operation and autom ates
routine tasks.
R eliable. Softw are control elim inates errors due to analog signalling.
A ccurate. D igital inform ation is less susceptible to interference and line loss.
The Xantrex Xanbus System
Wh a t is a n e two rk ? A netw ork is a collection of devices that perform individual functions, but also
com m unicate and interact w ith the other devices. The netw ork capability of the
Xantrex XW Pow er System provides a robust, integrated product solution that
sim plifies and autom ates the installation, configuration, control, m onitoring, and
integration of devices that deliver and distribute A C or D C pow er.
N e tw o rk
c o m p o n e n ts
Each device is integrated into the netw ork using cables, netw ork connectors,
and term inators. A n exam ple of a netw ork-m anaged pow er system is show n in
Figure 3-1.
F ig u re 3 -1 N etw ork-M anaged Pow er System
The Xantrex Xanbus System
975-0239-01-01 33
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
N e two rk C o m p o n e n ts
A Xantrex Xanbus netw ork consists of the follow ing com ponents:
Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devicesthese include the Xantrex XW System
C ontrol Panel, Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger, Xantrex XW A utom atic
G enerator Start, and Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller. The m axim um
num ber of Xantrex Xanbus devices connected to a single Xantrex Xanbus
netw ork should not exceed tw elve.
Xantrex Xanbus pow er supplythe netw ork m ust have at least one device
w ith a pow er supply to run the netw ork. The total netw ork current supplied by
all the pow er-sourcing devices m ust be greater than or equal to the total
current draw n by the pow er consum ing devices. The pow er supply m ust be
capable of providing 15 VD C /200 m A to each device. The Xantrex XW
Inverter/C harger can provide sufficient netw ork pow er.
For exam ple, in a system w ith an inverter/charger, Xantrex XW System
C ontrol Panel, and Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start, the inverter/
charger is a pow er-sourcing device capable of providing 800 m A at 15 VD C
w hile the tw o other devices each consum e a m axim um of 200 m A for a total
m axim um consum ption of 400 m A . In this exam ple, the netw ork is properly
configured from a pow er perspective because the pow er source is capable
of providing m ore current than is needed: 800 m A 400 m A .
Xantrex Xanbus cableseach Xantrex Xanbus-enabled device is connected
by a C ategory 5 (C AT 5 or C AT 5e) cable, a standard cable available from
the m anufacturer or any com puter supply store. The cable consists of eight
conductors in four tw isted pairs w ith an R J45 m odular connector w ired to the
T568A standard.
I m p o rta n t: See the specifications for each Xantrex Xanbus device to determ ine
how m uch pow er each device consum es or supplies.
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t D a m a g e
D o not use crossover cable.
F ig u re 3 -2 Xantrex Xanbus C able, R J45 C onnector Pin N um bers and N etw ork
Term inators
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
N etw ork term inator
Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork Installation
34 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
N etw ork term inators the Xantrex Xanbus netw ork m ust be properly
term inated at each end to ensure the com m unication signal quality on the
netw ork. If the netw ork is not properly term inated, signal quality is degraded
and perform ance on the netw ork is reduced. Perm anent configuration
w ithout term inators is not supported. The Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger
and other Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices ship w ith one term inator already
installed. D epending on your netw ork layout, this term inator m ay need to be
rem oved and inserted into another device elsew here in the netw ork.
O rd e rin g N e two rk C o m p o n e n ts
Table 3-1 provides a partial list of netw ork com ponents and part num bers.
R eady-m ade cables are available in standard lengths from 3 feet to 75 feet.
For the m ost up-to-date list, call an authorized dealer or visit the O utlet Store at
ww w. sc h n e id e r-e le c tric . c o m .
N e two rk L a yo u t
Each device on the netw ork is linked w ith separate lengths of Xantrex Xanbus
cable, as show n in Figure 3-3. This layout does not require netw ork connectors.
Tw o term inators are required to ensure the com m unication signal quality on the
netw ork. The Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices at each end of the chain m ust
have a m ale term inator inserted into their open netw ork ports.
A d v a n ta g e The advantage of this layout is that it is less expensive to install
because netw ork connectors are not required.
D is a d v a n ta g e The disadvantage of the daisy chain layout is that Xantrex
Xanbus-enabled devices cannot be rem oved from the netw ork w ithout
interrupting the netw ork. To m ake the netw ork function after rem oving a device,
you m ust connect the Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices on either side of the
m issing device to each other or replace the device.
Ta b le 3 -1 Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork C om ponents and Part N um bers
N e tw o rk C o m p o n e n t P a rt N u m b e r
N etw ork term inator 100-0224-01-01
N etw ork cable 3 ft. (0.9 m ) 809-0935
N etw ork cable 25 feet (7.6 m ) 809-0940
N etw ork cable 75 feet (22.9 m ) 809-0942
Installing the N etw ork
975-0239-01-01 35
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Installing the Network
B e fo re Yo u B e g in th e I n sta lla tio n
R ead the entire section before installing the netw ork. It is im portant to plan
the installation from beginning to end.
A ssem ble all the tools and m aterials required for the installation.
I n sta lla tio n To o ls a n d M a te ria ls
To o ls The follow ing tools m ay be required to install the Xantrex Xanbus cables.
Phillips screw driver, appropriately sized
D rill and 1/8" bit
M a te ria ls The follow ing m aterials m ay be required to com plete the installation.
C AT 5 or C AT 5e cables (available from the m anufacturer or com puter supply
N etw ork connectors, if installing m ulti-drop backbone layout
# 6 screw s, 2 per each netw ork connector installed
Term inators
F ig u re 3 -3 N etw ork Layout
I m p o rta n t: Installing and replacing Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices in an
existing system m ust be perform ed w ith the Xantrex XW Pow er System in
standby m ode. For m ore inform ation about standby m ode, see the Xantrex XW
System C ontrol Panel O w ners G uide.
Term inate the netw ork at each end.
N etw ork
Term inator
N etw ork
Term inator
Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork Installation
36 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
G u id e lin e s fo r R o u tin g th e Xa n tre x Xa n b u s C a b le s
To ensure m axim um perform ance of your netw ork, follow these guidelines w hen
routing the Xantrex Xanbus cables.
R oute the cables aw ay from sharp edges that m ight dam age the insulation.
A void sharp bends in the cableno less than a 4-inch (100 m m ) radius.
A llow at least 2 inches (57 m m ) of space behind the w all to accom m odate
the depth of the unit and allow room for the cables to bend.
A llow for som e slack in the cable tension.
K eep the alignm ent of w ire pairs inside the sheath as straight as possible.
A llow separation betw een data and pow er cables (data cables should only
cross a pow er cable at right angles).
D o not staple the cable w ith m etal cable staples. U se appropriate hardw are
fasteners to avoid dam age to the cable.
Support horizontal cables using J hooks or cable trays.
The total length of the netw ork, including all connected Xantrex Xanbus-enabled
devices and the Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger, cannot exceed 130 feet
(40 m ).
I n s ta llin g X a n tre x X a n b u s-E n a b le d D e vic e s
If you are installing a Xantrex Xanbus-enabled device on an existing Xantrex
Xanbus system , put the system in standby m ode using the Syst emSet t i ngs
m enu on the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel.
WA R N I N G : S h o c k h a za rd
D o not route the Xantrex Xanbus cables in the sam e conduit or panel as the A C
and D C pow er cabling.
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t D a m a g e
O nly connect to other Xantrex Xanbus com patible devices. A lthough the cabling
and connectors used in this netw ork system are the sam e as ethernet
connectors, th is n e two rk is n o t a n e th e rn e t sy ste m . Equipm ent dam age m ay
result from attem pting to connect Xantrex Xanbus to different system s.
I m p o rta n t: M ount cables and netw ork connectors in a dry location.
Installing the N etw ork
975-0239-01-01 37
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
To in sta ll th e X a n tre x X a n b u s -e n a b le d d e vic e s :
1. D eterm ine and prepare the location for each device. R efer to the installation
procedure for each device elsew here in this m anual.
2. D eterm ine and m easure the required cable length, taking into consideration
your netw ork layout, the routing, and strain relief requirem ents. D o not
exceed the total recom m ended cable length of 130 feet (40 m eters).
3. M ount the devices according to the installation procedure elsew here in
this guide.
4. U se an appropriate length of Xantrex Xanbus cable to connect each device
and (if used) 3-w ay netw ork connector.
5. Insert a term inator into the open netw ork port of the Xantrex Xanbus-enabled
device at each end of the netw ork. See Figure 3-3.
C A U T I O N : U n p re d ic ta b le d e vic e b e h a vio r
A fter connecting the Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices and term inating the
netw ork, do not plug term inators or other cables into any rem aining open netw ork
ports on any Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices.
D o not connect one end of the netw ork to the other to m ake a ring.
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
4 Xantrex XW Solar
Charge Controller
C hapter 4, Xantrex XW Solar C harge
C ontroller Installationdescribes how to m ount
and connect the Xantrex XW Solar C harge
C ontroller as part of the Xantrex XW System .
F o r th is To p ic S e e . . . .
PV A rray R equirem ents page 42
M ounting page 43
G rounding page 49
W iring page 412
C om m issioning page 419
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
42 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Installing the Xantrex XW Solar Charge Controller
This chapter describes installing the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller
(Xantrex XW SC C ) w ith the Xantrex XW Pow er System , including the pow er
distribution panel. For stand-alone installation, see the Xantrex XW Solar C harge
C ontroller O w ners G uide.
PV Array Requirements
Each Xantrex XW SC C m ust be connected to its ow n PV array. A lthough the
Xantrex XW SC C can harvest a m axim um of 3500 W , the PV array size can be as
high as 6720 W (based on 48 A 140 VO C = 6720 W ).
Panels rated up to 48 A at 77 F (25 C ) are recom m ended to allow for increases
in I
caused by irradiance enhancem ent under certain conditions (reflection
from snow , for exam ple).
M P P T Vo lta g e R a n g e
The Xantrex XW SC C m axim um pow er point tracking algorithm m axim izes the
output energy of PV arrays as long as the operating voltage is w ithin the M PPT
operational w indow . Ensure that the PV array used in the system operates w ithin
the M PPT operational w indow . Effects of array voltages outside of the M PPT
operational w indow are show n in Table 4-1.
N o te : The follow ing inform ation provides general guidelines only.
The installation and rated perform ance of your PV array is subject to inspection
and approval by the authority having jurisdiction.
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t d a m a g e
The PV array voltage m ust never exceed 150 VO C (open circuit voltage) under
any conditions. The array I
(short circuit current) m ust not exceed the 60 A
input current rating of the Xantrex XW SC C at any tim e.
Ta b le 4 -1 M PPT O perational W indow
Vo lta g e E ffe c t o f A rra y Vo lta g e
X a n tre x X W S e rie s
I n v e rte r/C h a rg e r M o d e
(system battery voltage)
Xantrex XW SC C not
Low Light
VM PP < VB ATT H arvest of solar energy
less than optim al.
C harging
VM PP = VB ATT to 120 VD C M axim um harvest of
solar energy.
C harging
(M PPT w indow )
M ounting
975-0239-01-01 43
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
The instructions in this section apply to an installation including the pow er
distribution panel. Installation procedures w ill vary according to your specific
application. For special applications, consult a qualified electrician or your
Schneider Electric C ertified D ealer.
C h o o sin g a L o c a tio n
The Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller is designed to be m ounted vertically to
the side or the top of the pow er distribution panel. The Xantrex XW SC C m ust be
installed indoors in a dry, protected location aw ay from flam m able m aterials,
sources of high tem perature, m oisture, vibration, and direct sunlight. The location
m ust also be sheltered from direct sunlight, rain, snow , and w ind-blow n debris.
120 VD C < VM PP

< 140 VD C Xantrex XW SC C
reduces the output
current lim it to protect
the unit from voltage
Input voltage derating

> 140 VD C
(or VO C > 140 VD C )
Xantrex XW SC C shuts
dow n. U nit m ay be
dam aged if
VO C > 150 V.
O ver-voltage fault
Ta b le 4 -1 M PPT O perational W indow
Vo lta g e E ffe c t o f A rra y Vo lta g e
Xa n tre x X W S e rie s
I n v e rte r/C h a rg e r M o d e
I m p o rta n t: I n sta lla tio n s m u st b e c o m p lia n t w ith a ll lo c a l e le c tric a l c o d e s.
Installation of this equipm ent should only be perform ed by a qualified electrician
or by a C ertified R enew able Energy (R E) System installer.
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t D a m a g e
N ever install the Xantrex XW SC C w here it is exposed to salt w ater spray.
Exposure to salt w ater w ill void the w arranty and m ay cause a m alfunction or a
shock hazard.
WA R N I N G : E x p lo sio n /C o rro sio n H a za rd
To reduce the risk of fire or explosion, do not install the Xantrex XW SC C in sealed
com partm ents containing batteries or in locations that require ignition-protected
equipm ent.
To reduce the risk of corrosion from hydrogen-sulfide gas vented by batteries, do
not install the Xantrex XW SC C in sealed com partm ents containing batteries.
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
44 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
If using sealed batteries, the controller can be m ounted in the sam e enclosure as
long as it is adequately ventilated.
For optim al and safe operation, ensure there is adequate clearance around the
Xantrex XW SC C . See Table 4-2. If clearances are reduced below these
m inim um s, rated perform ance m ay not be achieved.
Ta b le 4 -2 M inim um C learance R equirem ents
L o c a tio n M in im u m C le a ra n c e
A bove 6 inches (150 m m ). W hen units are m ounted to the side of the
pow er distribution panel in a vertical stack, the top unit m ust
m aintain the m inim um clearance to the nearest surface.
In front Sufficient room to allow for easy access to read the display, to
prevent accidental contact w ith the heat sink, and to perform
m aintenance.
O n sides 6 inches (150 m m ) on at least one side of the overall assem bly.
A m axim um of tw o units can be m ounted side by side or side
m ounted against the pow er distribution panel. In both
configurations, the m inim um clearance around the outer unit m ust
be m aintained.
F ig u re 4 -1 M inim um C learance R equirem ents
6 inches (150 m m ) on top and side(s)
M ounting
975-0239-01-01 45
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
R e m o vin g th e Wirin g C o m p a rtm e n t C o ve r
B efore m ounting, you m ust rem ove the w iring com partm ent cover to access the
m ounting holes and the w iring term inals. The w iring com partm ent cover is
secured w ith tw o Phillips #8-32 2 -inch (63.5 m m ) screw s on the front cover
of the unit. See Figure 4-2.
R e m o vin g K n o c k o u ts
Six dual and tw o single knockouts are provided for routing battery, PV array, B TS,
and netw ork cables into the Xantrex XW SC C . B ushings or conduits m ust be
used to protect the w iring from dam age from rough edges around the knockout
holes. W hen rem oving knockouts, m ake sure no m etal shavings or fragm ents fall
into the w iring com partm ent.
F ig u re 4 -2 R em oving the W iring C om partm ent C over
R em ove screw s to access
the field-w iring term inals.
I m p o rta n t: D o not drill, cut, or punch holes in the Xantrex XW SC C . U se only the
knockouts provided for conduit entry.
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
46 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 4 -3 D im ensions and K nockout Locations
F ig u re 4 -4 K nockout D im ensions
(25.4 mm)
2 7/8"
(73 mm)
14 "
(368 mm)
12 "
(323 mm)
(14 mm)
(6.35 mm)
4 5/8"
(118 mm)
5 "
(146 mm)
2 1/16"
(53 mm)
2 3/8"
(60 mm)
(280 mm)
5 7/16"
(138 mm)
K eyhole slot for w all m ounting
A dditional
m ounting holes
Side screw s for pow er
distribution panel m ounting
34.52 (1 3/16) & 27.78 (1 1/16)
31.50 (1)
50.00 (2) 50.80 (2)
25.9 (1)
27.78 (1 1/16)
25.0 (1) 50.80 (2)
26.47 (1)
50.00 (2)
27.78 (1 1/16)
34.52 (1 3/16) & 27.78 (1 1/16)
2 PL
34.52 (1 3/16) & 27.78 (1 1/16)
2 PL
Single knockouts intended
for B TS and netw ork cables
M ounting
975-0239-01-01 47
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
M o u n tin g th e Xa n tre x XW S o la r C h a rg e C o n tro lle r
The Xantrex XW SC C can be m ounted to either the side or the top of the pow er
distribution panel. The pow er distribution panel has keyhole slots and screw
holes for side m ounting and tw o pairs of conduit holes for top m ounting the
Xantrex XW SC C .
To m o u n t th e X a n tre x X W S C C to th e s id e o f th e p o w e r d is trib u tio n p a n e l:
1. B ack out the top side screw on the Xantrex XW SC C by -inch (6 m m ).
2. R em ove the low er side screw on the Xantrex XW SC C .
3. H olding the unit against the side of the pow er distribution panel, insert the
top side screw into one of the tw o keyhole slots on the side of the pow er
distribution panel, and pull the unit dow n into the slot.
4. Insert the low er side screw through the hole on the inside of the pow er
distribution panel and into the side of the Xantrex XW SC C .
5. Tighten the low er side screw to secure the Xantrex XW SC C .
To m o u n t th e Xa n tre x XW S C C to th e to p o f th e p o w e r d is trib u tio n p a n e l:
1. R em ove a pair of knockouts from the top of the pow er distribution panel.
2. R em ove the bottom knockouts from the Xantrex XW SC C .
3. A lign the knockouts on the pow er distribution panel and Xantrex XW SC C ,
and secure the unit w ith tw o locking strain reliefs or threaded connectors.
In a stand-alone installation, the Xantrex XW SC C is m ounted using three
#10 -inch or #12 -inch (12.5 m m ) pan-head screw s.
To m o u n t th e Xa n tre x XW S C C a wa y fro m th e p o w e r d is trib u tio n p a n e l:
1. R em ove the w iring term inals cover.
2. M ark the location of the keyhole slot on the w all.
3. Secure the top m ounting screw in the location m arked. Leave the screw head
backed out approxim ately inch (6 m m ).
4. Place the Xantrex XW SC C onto the screw and pull it dow n into the keyhole
5. Insert tw o screw s in the tw o m ounting holes provided to secure the unit to
the w all.
6. Provide strain-relief clam ps or conduit to prevent dam age to the circuit board
and to prevent the term inal block from pulling on the w ires.
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
48 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 4 -5 M ounting the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller
Secure w ith tw o m ore screw s.
Place keyhole slot
over the m ounting
screw .
" 6 m m
G rounding
975-0239-01-01 49
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
The Xantrex XW SC C can be configured to be com patible w ith either
negative-grounded or ungrounded PV system s. The m axim um size of the ground
conductor is #6 AW G (16 m m
). This w ire gauge is determ ined by electrical code
requirem ents regarding conduit knockout sizes, w ire bending radius, and space
available w ithin the Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger w iring com partm ent.
Forground conductor requirem ents for your specific installation, consult your
local electrical code.
I n te rn a l G ro u n d F a u lt P ro te c tio n
The Xantrex XW SC C has a PV ground fault protection (Xantrex PV G FP) fuse
(600 V, 1 A ) and a PV negative-ground jum per located inside the w iring
com partm ent. These provide a negative ground bond and ground-fault
protection for negative grounded PV array system s com m on in N orth A m erican
installations. R eplace the fuse w ith Littelfuse K LK D 1 or equivalent.
WA R N I N G : F ire h a za rd
Fuses m ust only be replaced by qualified service personnel, such as a
certified electrician or technician. For continued protection against risk of fire,
replace only w ith the sam e type and rating of fuse.
If Xantrex PV G FP is enabled, do not ground either PV negative or battery
negative circuits. G rounding these circuits w ill defeat the internal Xantrex PV
G FP protective function.
WA R N I N G : S h o c k h a za rd
D isconnect PV and battery circuits before rem oving the grounding connections
or before rem oving or installing the Xantrex PV G FP fuse. W ait at least four
m inutes for the internal circuitry to discharge before servicing the unit.
I m p o rta n t: O nly one Xantrex XW SC C is to have the Xantrex PV G FP fuse
installed in installations w ith m ultiple parallel units. B efore m ounting and
connecting the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontrollers, rem ove the Xantrex PV G FP
fuse from each unit except one.
The factory default configuration of the Xantrex XW SC C w ill ground the PV array
negative to the chassis ground through the internal Xantrex PV G FP fuse.
The Xantrex PV G FP circuit m ust be disabled for ungrounded PV arrays.
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
410 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 4 -6 Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Safety G round C onnector
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd
D isconnect PV and battery circuits before rem oving the grounding connection or
before rem oving or installing the Xantrex PV G FP fuse.
C hassis ground term inals.
The Xantrex PV G FP fuse is located under the
pow er connector circuit board
This sym bol identifies the
protective conductor
(grounding) connection.
WA R N I N G : F ire H a za rd
M ake sure there is no other ground connection
in the D C w iring or the Xantrex PV G FP w ill be
defeated and w ill not protect the array from
ground fault conditions.
G rounding
975-0239-01-01 411
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
D isa b lin g G ro u n d F a u lt P ro te c tio n fo r N e g a tiv e G ro u n d e d a n d
U n g ro u n d e d A rra ys
To install the Xantrex XW SC C in a system w here an external negative-ground
bond is required or w here the PV array m ust not be grounded, the Xantrex XW
SC C internal Xantrex PV G FP circuit and ground bond m ust be disabled.
To disable the units Xantrex PV G FP circuit and ground bond, m ove the jum per
connector located on the circuit board w ithin the w iring com partm ent.
See Figure 4-7.
D isabling the Xantrex PV G FP circuit in this w ay opens the negative-to-ground
bond w ithin the unit. This provides the option of using an external PV G FP circuit,
operating the Xantrex XW SC C w ith an ungrounded PV array, or grounding the
negative circuit of the battery elsew here in the system .
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd
D isconnect PV and battery circuits before accessing the Xantrex XW SC C w iring
com partm ent.
F ig u re 4 -7 PV N egative G round Jum per Location
Enabled D isabled
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
412 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
D C Te rm in a l C o n n e c to r L o c a tio n s
Term inal connectors for D C w iring are located inside the w iring com partm ent.
The labels above the D C w iring term inals and inside the w iring com partm ent
identify all the connection points. See Figure 4-8.
Wire S ize a n d O ve rc u rre n t P ro te c tio n R e q u ire m e n ts
The w iring, overcurrent protection devices (fuses and circuit breakers), and
installation m ethods used m ust conform to all national and local electrical code
requirem ents. W iring m ust be protected from physical dam age w ith conduit or a
strain relief clam p.
To preserve signal integrity on com m unication cables, the B TS, auxiliary output,
and netw ork cables m ust pass through a different conduit than the conduits used
for PV and battery cables. You should pull the B TS cable through the conduit first
as the connector m ay not fit if other w ires have been pulled first.
I m p o rta n t: I n sta lla tio n s m u s t m e e t a ll lo c a l e le c tric a l c o d e s . Installations of this
equipm ent should only be perform ed by a qualified electrician or a C ertified
R enew able Energy (R E) System Installer.
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd
D isconnect battery and PV sources before w iring.
F ig u re 4 -8 D C C onnection Term inals
- +
- - +
W iring
975-0239-01-01 413
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C u rre n t R a tin g
The Xantrex XW SC C PV input is rated for 60 A m axim um I
. Since PV outputs
can vary due to the array size or sunlight angle, the safe m inim um w ire size m ust
be chosen for m axim um array short-circuit current. C onsult PV array
m anufacturer specifications.
M in im u m Wire G a u g e
For installations w here the PV array output is the m axim um allow able 60 A I
, the
m inim um allow able w ire gauge is #6 AW G (16 m m
) copper w ire w ith a 90 C
(194 F) insulation rating. This w ire gauge is determ ined by electrical code
requirem ents regarding conduit knockout sizes, w ire bending radius, and space
available w ithin the Xantrex XW SC C w iring com partm ent. N o crim p-on term inals
or lugs are required.
O ve rc u rre n t P ro te c tio n
O vercurrent protection m ust be installed to protect the Xantrex XW SC C from
short circuits and to provide a m eans of disconnecting the Xantrex XW SC C .
C onsult local electrical codes to establish the correct fuse or circuit breaker
B a tte ry C irc u it The N EC requires the battery circuit to be protected w ith a
device rated for 125% of the rating of the circuit. The D C -rated fuse or circuit
breaker betw een the battery and the Xantrex XW SC C m ust be rated for
1.25 60 A (the m axim um current rating of the Xantrex XW SC C ).
P V C irc u it A PV disconnect device betw een the PV array and the Xantrex XW
SC C m ust be rated for 60 A .
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
414 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
L o n g -D ista n c e Wire R u n s
If there is a significant distance betw een the PV array and the Xantrex XW SC C or
betw een the Xantrex XW SC C and the battery, larger w ires can be used to
reduce the voltage drop and im prove perform ance. R efer to Table 4-4 or
Table 4-5.
WA R N I N G : E q u ip m e n t d a m a g e
D o not connect an array capable of delivering over 60 A I
to the Xantrex XW
SC C . W ire sizes larger than #6 AW G (16 m m
) m ay be used to reduce resistive
losses but should not be installed directly into the Xantrex XW SC C . U se a splicer
block or sim ilar to connect w ires of different gauges together. Follow
m anufacturers recom m endations for torque and m ounting.
Ta b le 4 -3 R ecom m ended C ircuit B reakers for the Xantrex XW Solar C harge
C ontroller
P a rt N u m b e r D e s c rip tio n
865-1065 Q ty 6, B reaker 250A , 160 VD C , Stud Term inal, Panel M ount,
865-1070 Q ty 12, B reaker 80A , 125 VD C , Panel M ount, U L/C SA
865-1075 Q ty 48, B reaker 60A , 160 VD C , Panel M ount, U L/C SA
I m p o rta n t: Local and national electrical codes m ust be follow ed for determ ining
additional installation requirem ents.
Larger w ire sizes m ay be used to im prove perform ance, but m ay not be installed
directly into this C harge C ontroller. U se a splicer block as previously described.
W iring
975-0239-01-01 415
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
M a x im u m O n e -wa y D ista n c e a n d Wire S ize
R efer to Table 4-4 or Table 4-5 and find the m axim um current in the left colum n
and the one-w ay distance from the PV array to the Xantrex XW SC C (or the
distance from the Xantrex XW SC C to the battery) on the sam e line, then read the
w ire size required at the top of the colum n. For equivalent m etric w ire sizes,
consult a local electrician or certified installer.
Ta b le 4 -4 O ne-W ay W ire D istance and W ire Size for a 24 VD C System
M a x im u m o n e -w a y w ire d ista n c e fo r a < 3 % v o lta g e d ro p a s su m in g 6 0 A D C c h a rg in g c u rre n t
F o r 2 4 VD C s y s te m s
D ista n c e in fe e t m e te rs) D is ta n c e in fe e t m e te rs )
a.These w ire sizes are not approved by U L to be installed in the controller, but m ay be used external to the controller
(using a splicer block) to reduce voltage drop and im prove perform ance.
A m p s 1 2 AWG 1 0 AWG 8 AWG 6 AWG 4 AWG 3 AWG 2 AWG 1 AWG 1 /0 AWG
10 17.6
12 14.6
14 12.6
16 11.0
18 9.8
20 8.8
25 11.2
30 9.4
35 12.8
40 11.2
45 15.6
50 14.2
60 12.6
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
416 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Ta b le 4 -5 O ne-W ay W ire D istance and W ire Size for a 48 VD C System
M a x im u m o n e -w a y w ire d ista n c e fo r a < 3 % v o lta g e d ro p a s su m in g 6 0 A D C c h a rg in g c u rre n t
F o r 4 8 VD C s y s te m s
D ista n c e in fe e t m e te rs) D ista n c e in fe e t m e te rs )
a.These w ire sizes are not approved by U L to be installed in the controller, but m ay be used external to the controller
(using a splicer block) to reduce voltage drop and im prove perform ance.
A m p s 1 2 AWG 1 0 AWG 8 AWG 6 AWG 4 AWG 3 AWG 2 AWG 1 AWG 1 /0 AWG
10 70.4
12 58.4
14 50.4
16 44.0
18 39.2
20 35.2
25 44.8
30 37.6
35 51.2
40 44.8
45 62.4
50 56.8
60 50.4
W iring
975-0239-01-01 417
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n n e c tin g th e X a n tre x X W S o la r C h a rg e C o n tro lle r to th e
D istrib u tio n P a n e l
To c o n n e c t th e X a n tre x X W S o la r C h a rg e C o n tro lle r:
1. M ake sure the PV array disconnect and battery disconnect are turned off.
2. G round the Xantrex XW SC C . C onnect a grounding conductor betw een a
Xantrex XW SC C ground lug and the pow er distribution panel ground bus.
See Figure 4-9.
3. C onnect the PV array negative () output to the Xantrex XW SC C term inal
m arked PV .
4. C onnect the PV arrays positive (+ ) output to the PV array disconnect.
5. R oute another positive (+ ) cable from the other end of the PV disconnect to
the Xantrex XW SC C term inal m arked PV + .
6. C onnect the negative () battery cable to the Xantrex XW SC C term inal
m arked B A T .
7. C onnect a positive (+ ) cable from the Xantrex XW SC C term inal m arked
B A T + to the battery disconnect.
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd
W henever a PV array is exposed to light, a shock hazard exists at the output
w ires or exposed term inals. To reduce the risk of shock during installation, cover
the array w ith an opaque (dark) m aterial before m aking the connections.
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd
D o not connect the battery negative to ground. B onding the battery negative to
ground disables PV ground-fault protection. For m ore inform ation,
see G roundingon page 49. See Figure 4-9 on page 418 for correct routing of
the battery negative.
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t d a m a g e
D o not connect the PV negative and battery negative term inals together
anyw here in the system , including the Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel or
other D C disconnect. The PV negative and battery negative m ust be connected
to separate term inals as m arked on the unit.
C A U T I O N : R e v e rse p o la rity d a m a g e
B efore m aking the final D C connection or closing the D C breaker or disconnect,
check cable polarity at both the battery and the Xantrex XW SC C . Positive (+ )
m ust be connected to positive (+ ). N egative () m ust be connected to
negative ().
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
418 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
8. C onnect a second positive (+ ) cable to the other side of the battery
disconnect and connect to the positive (+ ) battery term inal.
9. Torque the Xantrex XW SC C term inals according to the follow ing table:
B e careful not to overtighten. A llow som e slack on the cables w ithin the
controller and secure the w iring w ith strain reliefs or cable clam ps.
Wire S ize To rq u e Va lu e
AWG m m
in -lb N m
1410 2.56 15 1.7
8 10 18 2.0
6 16 20 2.25
F ig u re 4 -9 C onnecting Solar D C Sources in the Pow er D istribution Panel
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary
C om m issioning
975-0239-01-01 419
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
D uring com m issioning, the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller prom pts the
installer to enter im portant system inform ation such as the nom inal battery
voltage, battery type, and battery bank capacity. M ake sure the system
inform ation is available prior to com m issioning.
If a Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel (Xantrex XW SC P) is present, it is intended
to be the configuration interface, so the prom pt screens are suppressed. If you
prefer to configure using the prom pt screens, disconnect the Xantrex Xanbus
cable connecting the Xantrex XW SC P from the Xantrex XW SC C before
pow ering up for the first tim e.
C o n fig u ra tio n S c re e n s
W hen pow er is first applied to the Xantrex XW SC C , several configuration
screens prom pt you to enter the follow ing inform ation:
A DC out (battery) connection, w hich enables the Xantrex XW SC C to read
and share the sam e battery inform ation w ith other Xantrex Xanbus-enabled
devices that charge or invert from the sam e battery bank.
Bat t er y t ype: Fl ooded (default), Gel , AGM, or Cust om.
If you select Cust om, the settings for battery type m atch the default settings
for flooded batteries until you reconfigure the settings on the
Cust omBat t er y m enu.
N om inal battery voltage of the battery bank connected to the Xantrex XW
SC C .
The Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller autom atically detects battery
voltages of 12 V, 24 V and 48 V.
B attery bank capacity, in am p hours.
M ake sure the battery type and battery voltage are selected correctly on the
Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel. Failure to select the correct battery type and
voltage m ay overheat and dam age the battery.
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller Installation
420 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o m m is sio n in g U n its U s in g a Xa n tre x XW S yste m C o n tro l P a n e l
In system s w here a Xantrex XW SC P is present, it is intended to be the
configuration interface. For inform ation about Xantrex XW SC P navigation and
m enus, see A ppendix B , Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel M enusin the
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller O w ners G uide.
C om m issioning units using a Xantrex XW SC P involves three separate
1. Setting the device num bers for all Xantrex XW SC C s.
2. C onfiguring connections and charger settings for the first Xantrex XW SC C .
3. C opying settings from the first unit to the other Xantrex XW SC C .
To s e t th e d e v ic e n u m b e rs fo r a ll X a n tre x X W S o la r C h a rg e C o n tro lle rs :
1. M ake sure pow er is applied to the Xantrex XW SC P.
2. C lose the D C disconnect or use a selector sw itch to apply battery pow er to
all of the Xantrex XW SC C s at the sam e tim e. W hen the Xantrex XW SC C s are
pow ered up, they w ill detect that a Xantrex XW SC P is already operating on
the netw ork and be ready for configuration through the Xantrex XW SC P.
D o not apply PV pow er at this point.
3. From the Sel ect Devi ce m enu on the Xantrex XW SC P, select a Xantrex
XW Solar C harge C ontroller (each unit should appear as MPPT60 00 w here
the 60 stands for 60 A , and the 00 is its device num ber).
4. O n the MPPT Set up m enu, m ake sure the Advanced Set t i ngs item is
displayed. If Advanced Set t i ngs is not displayed (and Basi c Set t i ngs
appears as the last item on the m enu), press the up arrow , dow n arrow and
Exit keys together. (For m ore inform ation about advanced settings, see
A ppendix B in the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller O w ners G uide.)
5. Select Advanced Set t i ngs, then select the Mul t i Uni t Conf i g m enu.
A fter entering the Mul t i Uni t Conf i g m enu, the LC D backlight on the
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller to be configured w ill flash.
6. O n the Mul t i Uni t Conf i g m enu, select Dev Number and set it to a
num ber other than 00. Press Enter to confirm the new device num ber.
The device num ber can be set to any num ber betw een 01 and 31. For the
first Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller, 01 is recom m ended. If you have
tw o charge controllers, set them to 01 and 02.
7. Press Exit until the Sel ect Devi ce m enu is displayed.
The Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller now appears as MPPT60 01 on the
m enu.
8. R epeat steps 3 through 7 for the next Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller.
W hen you have set the device num ber for all Xantrex XW Solar C harge
C ontrollers, you can configure connection and charger settings for the first
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller.
C om m issioning
975-0239-01-01 421
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
To c o n fig u re c o n n e c tio n a n d c h a rg e r s e ttin g s fo r th e firs t Xa n tre x XW S o la r
C h a rg e C o n tro lle r:
1. O n the Sel ect Devi ce M enu, select MPPT60 01.
2. N avigate to the Mul t i Uni t Conf i g m enu and select Connect i ons.
O n the Connect i ons m enu, you can configure PV I n (PV input) and
DC Conn (D C output, or the battery bank). If the system has only one battery
bank, leave DC Conn at the default setting. The PV I n setting allow s you to
differentiate w hich array is going to w hich Xantrex XW Solar C harge
C ontroller. This setting is used for status reporting only, not for any internal
controls. Setting PV I n to a non-default value is optional.
3. Press Exit tw ice to leave the Connect i ons m enu and Mul t i Uni t Conf i g
m enu.
4. From the Advanced Set t i ngs m enu, select Char ger Set t i ngs.
5. Set the Bat t er y Type, Bat t er y Capaci t y, and any other charger
settings required for your system .
W hile in the Char ger m enu, m ake sure that the nom inal battery voltage is
set correctly (it is show n as Bat t Vol t age and appears as the last item on
the m enu). If you select Cust om for your battery type, you can further
configure the bulk, absorption, float and other settings for the charge cycle.
The first Xantrex XW SC C should now be configured properly for your
system .
If m ultiple Xantrex XW SC C s are installed, you can now copy the first units
configuration over to other units.
To c o p y th e X a n tre x X W S o la r C h a rg e C o n tro lle r s e tu p to a n o th e r u n it:
1. O n the SC P, press Exit to leave the Advanced Set t i ngs m enu and view
the Sel ect Devi ce m enu.
2. O n the Sel ect Devi ce m enu, select the next Xantrex XW SC C for
3. O n the Advanced Set t i ngs m enu, select Copy f r om?, and then select
the Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller you w ant to copy from . You should
select the unit w ith the device num ber that m atches the first unit you
4. Press Enter.
The settings are autom atically copied from the selected unit.
5. U ncover the PV array and/or apply pow er w ith the disconnect or selector
sw itch.
The Xantrex XW SC C starts up in sleep m ode and w aits for a short period to
determ ine that the input voltage is greater than the output voltage. A fter the input
voltage exceeds the output voltage by the required m argin for 10 seconds, the
unit begins operating.
N o te : The copy from com m and w ill not give you any indication that it has
com pleted its task. H ow ever, you can quickly check for yourself that the
charger settings you have chosen have been copied properly by view ing som e
of the settings you originally configured.
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
5 Xantrex XW System
C hapter 5, Xantrex XW System A ccessories
Installationdescribes how to m ount and install
the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel and the
Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start.
F o r th is To p ic S e e . . . .
The Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel page 52
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start page 57
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
52 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
The Xantrex XW System Control Panel
The Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger can be controlled rem otely by
connecting a Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel (SC P). The Xantrex XW SC P is
optional for single inverter system s. The Xantrex XW SC P is required for
configuring system s w ith m ultiple inverters. The Xantrex XW SC P allow s access
to program m ing features of the inverter and allow s the system to be m odified to
specific installation requirem ents.
The Xantrex XW SC P is connected to the inverter through one of tw o Xantrex
Xanbus ports.
F ig u re 5 -1 Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel Xantrex Xanbus Port Locations
The Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel
975-0239-01-01 53
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
The Xantrex XW SC P is designed to be w all m ounted (see M ounting the Xantrex
XW System C ontrol Panelon page 54) and requires no connections other than
the netw ork cables or term inators that plug into the back of the unit.
B ecause you cannot access the Xantrex XW SC P netw ork inputs after the unit is
m ounted, the netw ork cables need to be routed through the w all and connected
before securing the Xantrex XW SC P.
See C hapter 3, Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork Installation, for m ore inform ation about
installing a Xantrex Xanbus-enabled device as part of a netw ork-m anaged pow er
system .
M a te ria ls a n d To o ls R e q u ire d
You w ill need these m aterials and tools to com plete the installation:
M ounting tem plate sticker (supplied)
M ounting plate (supplied)
m ounting plate (supplied)
Four #6 screw s (supplied)
Tw o #8 screw s (supplied)
C able clam ps or hardw are fasteners
Schneider Electric netw ork cables or equivalent (C AT 5 or C AT 5E cable w ith
R J45 connectors w ired to T568A standard) A 7-foot cable is provided.
Schneider Electric m ale netw ork term inator (supplied).
Phillips head screw driver
Jigsaw or sm all keyhole saw
Pow er drill w ith 1/8" bit (optional)
C h o o sin g a L o c a tio n
C hoose a location that is easily accessible. The Xantrex XW SC P should be
m ounted w here you can have unobstructed access to the screen and buttons.
The location should be indoors, dry, and free from corrosive or explosive fum es.
WA R N I N G : E x p lo sio n h a za rd
The Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel is not Ignition Protected. D o not install in
areas requiring Ignition-Protected equipm ent, such as areas containing gasoline
engines, tanks, or fuel-line fittings.
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
54 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
M o u n tin g th e Xa n tre x XW S yste m C o n tro l P a n e l
The Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel can be m ounted three w ays:
Flush m ounted through an opening in a w all using the m ounting plate
Surface m ounted using the m ounting plate
Flush m ounted through an opening in a w all and secured w ith four #6
screw s.
To flu s h m o u n t th e X a n tre x X W S ys te m C o n tro l P a n e l w ith m o u n tin g p la te :
1. U sing a jigsaw and the supplied tem plate sticker as a guide, cut out the hole
for the m ounting plate. The m ounting plate fastens to w alls up to 3/4 inch
(19 m m ) thick.
2. R oute the netw ork cable from the inverter inside the w all and through the
3. Insert the m ounting plate w ith the tw o tabs in a vertical position into the hole
(see Figure 5-2).
4. Secure the m ounting plate by tightening the tw o screw s to rotate the tabs to
the horizontal position (see Figure 5-3), and pull the tabs tight against the
inner surface of the w all. B e careful not to overtighten the screw s and
dam age the w all.
WA R N I N G : S h o c k h a za rd
B efore m aking an opening in a w all or panel, m ake sure there is no w iring or other
obstruction w ithin the w all.
F ig u re 5 -2 Inserting the M ounting Plate
Tabs in vertical position
The Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel
975-0239-01-01 55
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
5. C onnect the netw ork cable(s) (and term inator if necessary) to either input on
the back of the Xantrex XW SC P. See Figure 5-4. C onnect a netw ork
term inator to the Xantrex XW SC P if it is the last device at the end of a
series-type netw ork layout.
6. Place the unit into the m ounting plate and secure it w ith four #6 screw s.
F ig u re 5 -3 Securing the M ounting Plate
R otate tabs to
horizontal position
I m p o rta n t: To ensure com m unication signal quality, the netw ork m ust be
term inated at each end w ith a term inator.
F ig u re 5 -4 C onnecting the N etw ork C ables
F ig u re 5 -5 Securing the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
56 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
7. Peel off the protective plastic coating covering the screen and indicator light.
To flu s h m o u n t th e X a n tre x X W S ys te m C o n tro l P a n e l w ith n o m o u n tin g p la te :
1. Peel the backing from the supplied m ounting tem plate sticker and place it in
your chosen installation location. U se the tem plate to m ark the location for
the area to be cut out.
2. Pilot-drill the m ounting holes (if necessary, depending on your m ounting
surface) and, using a jigsaw , cut out the hole in w hich the Xantrex XW SC P
w ill be inserted.
3. R oute the netw ork cable(s) from other Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices
inside the w all and through the opening.
4. C onnect the netw ork cable(s) (and term inator if necessary) to either input on
the back of the SC P. See Figure 5-4. C onnect a netw ork term inator to the
Xantrex XW SC P if it is the last device at the end of a series-type netw ork
5. Place the unit in the opening and secure it w ith four #6 screw s.
6. Peel off the protective plastic coating covering the screen and indicator light.
To s u rfa c e m o u n t th e X a n tre x X W S y ste m C o n tro l P a n e l:
1. U sing the supplied tem plate sticker as a guide, m ark the locations for tw o
m ounting screw s and the access hole for the netw ork cables.
2. U sing a hole saw , cut out the access hole for the netw ork cable(s).
3. R oute the netw ork cable(s) from other Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices
inside the w all and through the access hole.
4. A ttach the m ounting plate w ith tw o #6 screw s.
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t d a m a g e
C onnect the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel only to other Xantrex
Xanbus-enabled devices.
A lthough the cabling and connectors used in this netw ork system are the sam e
as Ethernet connectors, th is n e tw o rk is n o t a n E th e rn e t s ys te m . Equipm ent
dam age m ay result from attem pting to connect these tw o different system s.
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t d a m a g e
Provide adequate space w ithin the w all for the Xantrex Xanbus cables to bend.
D o not bend the cable to one side after it leaves the Xantrex Xanbus port. The
m ounting bracket itself does not provide enough space for the cables to bend.
A ttem pting to route the cables through the side of the m ounting bracket w ithout
providing space for the cables w ithin the w all can result in dam age to the Xantrex
XW SC P Xantrex Xanbus ports and cause netw ork com m unication problem s.
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
975-0239-01-01 57
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
5. C onnect the netw ork cable(s) (and term inator if necessary) to either input on
the back of the Xantrex XW SC P. C onnect a netw ork term inator to the SC P if it
is the last device at the end of a series-type netw ork layout.
6. Place the unit into the m ounting plate and secure it w ith four #6 screw s.
See Figure 5-6.
7. Peel off the protective plastic coating covering the screen and indicator light.
Ve rifyin g th e I n sta lla tio n
If netw ork pow er (from an inverter/charger) is present, the backlight w ill com e on
and the SC P w ill show the startup screen (see the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger
O peration G uide), then show the system H om e screen.
The Xantrex XW Automatic Generator Start
Som e generators allow autom atic starting. C onnecting a Xantrex XW A utom atic
G enerator Start (Xantrex XW A G S) to the generator and to the Xantrex Xanbus
netw ork is required for the Xantrex XW Pow er System to benefit from autom atic
generator start/stop capability.
F ig u re 5 -6 Surface M ounting the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd
A uto-start generators can start autom atically at any tim e.
A ffix the w arning labels (supplied w ith the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start)
regarding auto-start generators on or near the m ain utility panel and near
the generator.
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
58 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
P re p a rin g a n I n sta lla tio n
B efore installing the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start M odule, consider
how and w here the unit w ill be m ounted. Pre-plan the connection routes betw een
the Xantrex XW A G S, the generator, and the therm ostats. R efer to the Xantrex XW
AG S O w ners G uide for additional inform ation.
See C hapter 3, Xantrex Xanbus N etw ork Installation, for m ore inform ation about
installing a Xantrex Xanbus-enabled device as part of a netw ork-m anaged pow er
system .
M a te ria ls a n d To o ls R e q u ire d
The follow ing tools and m aterials m ay be needed to install the Xantrex XW A G S:
M ounting tem plate (supplied)
W iring harness
Four #6 screw s, 1 inch (supplied)
#16 or #18 AW G w ire (see W ire Size and Lengthon page 512)
M anufacturer netw ork cables or equivalent (C ategory 5)
N etw ork term inators (if required)
Phillips screw driver
W ire cutters and w ire strippers
F ig u re 5 -7 C onnecting the Xantrex XW A G S C om m unications C able to the Xantrex XW Series Inverter/
C harger
The Xantrex XW A G S connects to:
Inverter/C hargers Xantrex Xanbus port
G enerator
Xantrex XW A utom atic
G enerator Start
Term inator
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
975-0239-01-01 59
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C h o o sin g a L o c a tio n
The Xantrex XW A G S should be installed in a location that m eets the follow ing
requirem ents:
R o u tin g th e C o n n e c tio n s
D ry
The unit is intended for use in a dry location. The Xantrex XW
A G S com plies w ith U L458 M arine Supplem ent drip-test
requirem ents, but the location should be as dry as possible.
C o o l
The Xantrex XW A G S operates betw een -4 and 122 F (-20 and
50 C ).
S a fe
The Xantrex XW A G S is not ignition protected. D o not install it in
areas requiring ignition-protected equipm ent, such as
com partm ents housing gasoline engines.
C lo s e to
g e n e ra to r
A void excessive w ire lengths and use the recom m ended w ire
lengths and sizes (see W ire Size and Lengthon page 512).
Itis m ore im portant for the Xantrex XW A G S to be close to the
generator than to the inverter, although for safety reasons, the
Xantrex XW A G S m ust not be installed in the sam e com partm ent
as a gasoline-pow ered generator.
WA R N I N G : E x p lo sio n H a za rd
This equipm ent is not ignition protected. To prevent fire or explosion, do not
install the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start in locations that require
ignition-protected equipm ent. This includes any space containing
gasoline-pow ered m achinery, fuel tanks, as w ell as joints, fittings, or other
connections betw een com ponents of a fuel system .
Follow all relevant instructions exactly before installing or using your Xantrex XW
A utom atic G enerator Start.
WA R N I N G : S h o c k a n d E n e rg y H a za rd s
B efore m aking any connections to the generator, ensure that the generators
starter is disabled and the generators start battery is disconnected.
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
510 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n n e c tio n Typ e s B ecause the Xantrex XW A G S w ill be part of a Xantrex Xanbus system , it is
necessary to consider how to route tw o types of connections:
connections to the generator, therm ostats, and other external devices and
sw itches, using the 20-contact connector and w iring harness.
connections to other Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices, using netw ork
For inform ation on designing and installing the netw ork, see the Xantrex XW
Inverter/C harger O peration G uide.
I n s ta llin g th e X a n tre x X W A u to m a tic G e n e ra to r S ta rt
I n sta lla tio n
O v e rv ie w
Installing the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start involves the follow ing steps:
1. M ounting the unit.
2. C onnecting the w iring harness to:
the generator (page 514)
therm ostats (optional) (page 515)
external shutdow n sw itch (optional) (page 515)
external O N /O FF sw itch and LED (optional) (page 516)
3. C onnecting the w iring harness to the 20-contact connector on the Xantrex
4. C onnecting the Xantrex XW A G S to the Xantrex XW SC P and other
netw ork-enabled devices (page 518).
F ig u re 5 -8 Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start External C onnections
W iring harness (connection
to generator, therm ostats,
and external sw itches)
N etw ork cables to other
Xantrex Xanbus-enabled
N etw ork ports
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
975-0239-01-01 511
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
M o u n tin g th e U n it
The Xantrex XW A G S m ust be m ounted vertically on a w all w ith the connectors
facing dow nw ards.
To m o u n t th e Xa n tre x XW A u to m a tic G e n e ra to r S ta rt:
1. H old the unit flush and square against the w all, panel, or horizontal surface.
If the m ounting surface requires pre-drill holes for the screw s, use the
supplied m ounting tem plate to m ark, then drill, four holes.
2. W ith a Phillips screw driver and the supplied #6 screw s, secure each corner
of the Xantrex XW A G S to the m ounting surface.
Wirin g to th e 2 0 -c o n ta c t C o n n e c to r
E LV C irc u its ELV (Extra-Low Voltage) circuits have an open-circuit voltage of not m ore than
30 V
rm s
or 42.2 VD C or peak, and are therefore not a shock hazard.
C la ss 2 C irc u its A s per the U S N ational Electrical C ode (N EC ) and the C anadian Electrical C ode
(C EC ), available pow er in C lass 2 circuits is lim ited to 100 VA , usually by current
lim iting by m eans of overcurrent protection or series resistance. The current is
lim ited to 5 A for circuits w ith open-circuit voltage of 20 V, and to I= 100/VO C for
circuits w ith open circuit voltage betw een 20 V and 30 V.
I m p o rta n t: B ecause each installation varies according to the location, the type
of generator, and the overall com plexity of the Xantrex Xanbus system , these
instructions can offer only general guidelines for the m any installation options
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd
B efore installing the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start as part of a
pre-existing Xantrex Xanbus system , put the system in standby in order to
disable the electrical operation of netw orked devices. See the Xantrex XW
Autom atic G enerator Start O w ners G uide for instructions on putting the system in
WA R N I N G : F ire , S h o c k , a n d E n e rg y H a za rd s
The 20-contact connector is intended for connection to C lass 2 ELV (Extra Low
Voltage) circuits only. D o not exceed the circuit lim itations specified in the follow ing
C A U T I O N : S h o c k H a za rd
A ll installation w iring should be perform ed by a qualified installer or electrician.
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
512 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C irc u it L im ita tio n s The relay contacts in the Xantrex XW A G S are rated at 5 A m axim um and all
circuits on the 20-contact connector are rated at 30 V m axim um . M ake sure that
all circuits connected to the 20-contact connector obey the follow ing lim its:
Wirin g H a rn e s s C onnections to the generator, therm ostats, and external O N /O FF sw itches are
m ade using a w iring harness that plugs into the 20-contact connector
(see Figure 5-8). The w ires on the w iring harness can be extended to m eet
installation requirem ents. W hen extending the w ire harness, m ake sure that the
extension w ires are the sam e color as the w ires on the harness.
To in sta ll th e Xa n tre x XW A u to m a tic G e n e ra to r S ta rt u s in g th e wirin g h a rn e ss :
1. C onnect each w ire on the harness to its intended w ire or contact on the
generator, therm ostats, or external sw itches.
2. Plug the harness into the connector on the bottom panel of the
Xantrex XW A G S.
Wire I d e n tific a tio n Each w ire on the harness is identified by a num ber and a color. The w ire num bers
are show n in Figure 5-9 and their colors and functions are described in Table 5-3.
Wire S ize a n d
L e n g th
R equired w ire sizes for the external connections to the w iring harness are:
W hen planning the routing for external connections, m ake sure w ire lengths are
sufficient to plug the w iring harness into the Xantrex XW A G S once all the
external connections are com plete.
Ta b le 5 -1 C ircuit Lim itations
C irc u it P a ra m e te r C irc u it M a x im u m
O pen circuit voltage (VO C ) 30 V m axim um
O vercurrent protection
(fuse size for open circuit voltage up to 20 V)
5 A m axim um
O vercurrent protection
(fuse size for open circuit voltage from 20 V to 30 V)
5 A to 3.33 A
(100/VO C am ps
m axim um )
Ta b le 5 -2 R equired W iring Size B ased on Length of C able
0 3 0 ft. 9 m ) O ve r 3 0 ft. 9 m )
18 AW G 16 AW G
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
975-0239-01-01 513
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re 5 -9 Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start W iring H arness
Ta b le 5 -3 C ontact N um bers and Functions
N u m b e r F u n c tio n
Wirin g H a rn e s s
Wire C o lo r
1 Therm ostat 1 input Yellow
2 Therm ostat 1 return G ray
3 Therm ostat 2 input O range
4 Therm ostat 2 return G ray
5 External shutdow n input W hite/B lack
6 External shutdow n return G ray
7 External m anual on input W hite/G reen
8 External m anual off input W hite/R ed
9 External O N /O FF LED Indicator output W hite/B lue
10 C onstant 12/24 V B + (battery positive) for
External O N /O FF/LED Indicator
R ed
11 External O N /O FF/LED Indicator return
(connected internally to w ire num ber 13)
B lack
12 G enerator run signal (sw itched B + ) sense input Violet
13 G enerator run signal (sw itched B + ) sense return
(generator battery negative)
B lack
14 R elay 1 (G enerator run/stop) N orm ally open
B lue
15 R elay 1 (G enerator run/stop) N orm ally closed
W hite/Violet
16 R elay 1 (G enerator run/stop) C om m on contact G ray
17 R elay 2 (G enerator start) N orm ally open contact W hite
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
514 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n n e c tin g th e G e n e ra to r
To connect the Xantrex XW A G S to a generator, you m ust identify the start w iring
configuration of the generator you w ant to use. G enerators m ust be auto-start
capable, and generators equipped w ith rem ote operation connections are ideal.
If the generator is equipped for rem ote operation, you m ust exam ine the w iring of
the rem ote cable and connector (or read your generators docum entation,
ifavailable) and identify the follow ing w ires:
G round
G enerator run signal, also know n as the H our M eter or Sw itched B +
(battery positive)
Wirin g
re q u ire m e n ts
To w ire the Xantrex XW A G S to the generator, you need #16 or #18 AW G w ire
connected betw een contacts 12 to 20 on the w iring harness. H ow m any of these
w ires you connect and in w hich com bination depends on your generator type.
G e n e ra to r typ e s The Xantrex XW A G S has 13 preset generator configurations, or G enType
(see the Xantrex XW Autom atic G enerator Start O w ners G uide for details on
generator types). To m ake sure that the Xantrex XW A G S is com patible w ith your
generators starting circuitry, you m ust select your type of generator from the
Xantrex XW A G S m enu on the Xantrex XW SC P after com pleting the installation.
This section describes the generator configurations and provides diagram s for
connecting the w iring harness to the generators start w iring.
18 R elay 2 (G enerator start) C om m on contact G ray
19 R elay 3 (Preheat/cooldow n) N orm ally open
B row n
20 R elay 3 (Preheat/cooldow n) C om m on contact G ray
Ta b le 5 -3 C ontact N um bers and Functions
N u m b e r F u n c tio n
Wirin g H a rn e s s
Wire C o lo r
I m p o rta n t: You can only change G enType after you have put the system or the
Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start into standby m ode. See the Xantrex XW
Inverter/C harger O peration G uide for instructions on putting the system in
standby m ode.
I m p o rta n t: For an explanation of the term inology used in the follow ing section,
refer to A ppendix B of the Xantrex XW Autom atic G enerator Start O w ners
G uide. For m ore inform ation about Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
internal relay activity and tim ing, see the Xantrex XW Autom atic G enerator Start
O w ners G uide.
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
975-0239-01-01 515
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n n e c tin g th e T h e rm o sta ts O p tio n a l
W ires 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the w iring harness can be connected to tw o therm ostats.
W ires 1 (yellow ) and 2 (gray) are intended for therm ostat 1 and w ires 3 (orange)
and 4 (gray) are intended for therm ostat 2.
These w ires connect to 12 volt/24 volt output signals from the therm ostats.
The Xantrex XW A G S w ill start the generator in response to these signals.
Therm ostats cannot be program m ed using the Xantrex XW A G S. For specific
inform ation about therm ostat w iring and w here Xantrex XW A G S connections
should be m ade, please consult your therm ostat docum entation or contact the
therm ostat m anufacturer.
C o n n e c tin g a n E x te rn a l S h u td o wn O p tio n a l
The external shutdow n input is a 12 volt/24 volt input used to m ake sure the
Xantrex XW A G S keeps the generator off under conditions that m ay be potentially
hazardous. W ire 5 (w hite/black) and 6 (gray) on the w iring harness are intended
for an external sw itch or sensor (such as a m oisture detector, carbon m onoxide
detector or coach running signal) that produces an active high 12 volt or 24 volt
Ta b le 5 -4 W iring for C onnecting Therm ostats
N u m b e r F u n c tio n
Wirin g H a rn e ss
Wire C o lo r
1 Therm ostat 1 input (12/24 V) Yellow
2 Therm ostat 1 return (ground) G ray
3 Therm ostat 2 input (12/24 V) O range
4 Therm ostat 2 return (ground) G ray
Ta b le 5 -5 W iring for C onnecting an External Shutdow n
Wire n u m b e r F u n c tio n Wirin g H a rn e ss Wire C o lo r
5 External shutdow n input (12/24 V) W hite/B lack
6 External shutdow n return (ground) G ray
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
516 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n n e c tin g a n E x te rn a l M a n u a l O N /O F F S witc h O p tio n a l
The external m anual O N /O FF inputs (w ires 7 and 8 on the w iring harness) are
intended for w iring to one or m ore rem ote O N /O FF sw itches for starting and
stopping the generator m anually. The other contact of the sw itch should be
connected to ground. In order for the Xantrex XW A G S to be able to detect these
sw itches, w ire the positive of the generator battery to the constant 12 volt/24 volt
generator battery positive (w ire 10 on the Xantrex XW A G S w iring harness).
See Figure 5-7.
If the generator battery does not have the required voltage, any 12 volt or 24 volt
pow er source w ill suit this purpose. If an alternate pow er source is used, the
negative of the pow er source m ust be connected to the other contact of
the sw itch.
M ultiple control panels or sim ple contact closures can be w ired to the external
m anual O N /O FF inputs. The Xantrex XW A G S detects if any of the contacts close
and w ill change its operating m ode to External M anual O n or External M anual O ff
(for m ore inform ation, see the Xantrex XW Autom atic G enerator Start O w ners
G uide). The Xantrex XW A G S turns the generator on or off according to these
inputs and the resulting operating m ode change. The External M anual O n and
External M anual O ff states are not affected by m axim um generator run tim e.
See the Xantrex XW Autom atic G enerator Start O w ners G uide for additional
inform ation.
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t D a m a g e
D o not connect the Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start to a 48 volt battery
bank. The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start is lim ited to a 30V open-circuit
m axim um by its regulatory approval and cannot be connected to a 48 volt pow er
source. Furtherm ore, tapping 12-volts or 24-volts from a 48 volt battery bank w ill
unevenly w ear out the batteries and shortens the battery bank life.
Ta b le 5 -6 W iring for C onnecting an External M anual O N /O FF Sw itch
N u m b e r F u n c tio n
Wirin g H a rn e s s Wire
C o lo r
7 External m anual on input W hite/G reen
8 External m anual off input W hite/R ed
9 External O N /O FF LED Indicator output W hite/B lue
10 C onstant 12/24 V B + for External O N /
O FF/LED Indicator
R ed
11 External O N /O FF/LED Indicator return B lack
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
975-0239-01-01 517
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n n e c tin g a n E x te rn a l O N /O F F L E D
W ires 9 (W hite/B lue) and 11 (B lack) on the w iring harness can be connected to
an LED or other light to accom pany a rem ote external O N /O FF sw itch. This light
turns on w hen the generator run signal is active to visually indicate that the
generator is running.
I m p o rta n t: W ith som e generators, the generator run signal becom es active
during the preheat stage, before the generator is actually running. In this case,
the external O N /O FF LED (and the G enerator O n light on the Xantrex XW
A utom atic G enerator Start) w ill turn on during the preheat stage and rem ain on
w hen the generator is running.
For som e generators, these lights w ill also rem ain on for a period of tim e after the
generator has stopped.
F ig u re 5 -1 0 External O N /O FF Sw itch and LED W iring D iagram
12V OR 24V
Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
518 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n n e c tin g th e Wirin g H a rn e ss to th e Xa n tre x XW A u to m a tic G e n e ra to r S ta rt
A fter all the external connections have been w ired to the w iring harness, the
connector on the w iring harness m ust be plugged into the 20-contact connector
on the Xantrex XW A G S.
To c o n n e c t th e w irin g h a rn e s s to th e Xa n tre x XW A u to m a tic G e n e ra to r S ta rt:
W ith the click-tab on the w iring harness connector on top (aw ay from the
m ounting surface), insert the w iring harness connector into the 20-contact
connector on the Xantrex XW A G S until the tab clicks into place.
F ig u re 5 -1 1 Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start External C onnections
W iring harness
(connection to generator,
therm ostats, and external
sw itches)
20-contact connector
C lick Tab
The Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start
975-0239-01-01 519
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C o n n e c tin g th e Xa n tre x XW A u to m a tic G e n e ra to r S ta rt to th e Xa n tre x Xa n b u s
N e two rk
To connect the Xantrex XW A G S to the Xantrex Xanbus netw ork, plug a C ategory
5 netw ork cable into one of the netw ork ports on the bottom panel of the Xantrex
XW A G S. C onnect the other end of that sam e cable to any Xantrex
Xanbus-enabled com ponent that has an available netw ork port. See Figure 5-8
on page 510 for the location of the ports on the Xantrex XW A G S.
If the Xantrex XW A G S is being installed on an existing Xantrex Xanbus system ,
the system m ust first be put into standby. See the Xantrex XW Autom atic
G enerator Start Start O w ners G uide for instructions.
D epending on the layout of the Xantrex Xanbus system , the follow ing options are
available for the other netw ork connector on the Xantrex XW A G S:
A second netw ork cable (in a daisy-chain netw ork layout)
A netw ork term inator (in a daisy chain netw ork layout w here the Xantrex XW
A G S is the last device at one end of the netw ork)
N othing (in a m ulti-drop backbone layout)
C A U T I O N : E q u ip m e n t D a m a g e
C onnect only to other Xantrex Xanbus-enabled devices. A lthough the cabling
and connectors used in this netw ork system are the sam e as Ethernet
connectors, th is n e two rk is n o t a n E th e rn e t s ys te m . Equipm ent dam age m ay
result from attem pting to connect a Xantrex Xanbus-enabled device to an
Ethernet system .
F ig u re 5 -1 2 C onnecting the Xantrex XW SC P
C onnect 1 or 2 C ategory 5
netw ork cables as required by
the installation configuration.
Xantrex XW System A ccessories Installation
520 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Ve rifyin g P o we r I s Ava ila b le
W hen the Xantrex XW A G S has been installed properly, the Pow er and N etw ork
indicator lights turn on. If one or both lights are out, check the netw ork
connections and ensure the netw ork pow er supply is on.
F ig u re 5 -1 3 Verifying Pow er is A vailable
Verify Pow er and N etw ork indicator
lights are on.
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
A Specifications
A ppendix A , Specificationsprovides the
electrical and environm ental specifications for
the Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger.
A 2 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Electrical Specifications
Ta b le A -1 Xantrex XW Pow er System Electrical Specifications
M o d e l
Xa n tre x X W6 0 4 8
1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
X a n tre x X W4 5 4 8
1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
Xa n tre x XW4 0 2 4
1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
C ontinuous O utput Pow er 6,000 W 4,500 W 4,000 W
Surge R ating (10 seconds)
(stand-alone invert m ode)
12,000 W (15 s) 9,000 W (20 s) 8,000 W (20 s)
Surge C urrent
(stand-alone invert m ode)
L-N : 105 A
rm s
(15 s)
L-L: 52.5 A
rm s
(15 s)
L-N : 75 A
rm s
(20 s)
L-L: 40 A
rm s
(20 s)
L-N : 70 A
rm s
(20 s)
L-L: 35 A
rm s
(20 s)
W aveform True Sine W ave
Idle C onsum ptioninvert m ode, no load 28 W 26 W 24 W
Idle C onsum ptionsearch m ode < 8 W
A C O utput Voltage L-N : 120 VA C 3%
L-L: 240 VA C 3%
A C Input voltage range
(B ypass/C harge M ode)
L-N : 80150 VA C (120 V nom inal)
L-L: 160270 VA C (240 V nom inal)
A C Input C urrent (m axim um 75%
im balance betw een L1-N , L2-N )
L-N : 41.2 A
L-L: 27.5 A
L-N : 30.9 A
L-L: 20.6 A
L-N : 27.5 A
L-L: 18.3 A
A C Input B reaker 60 A double-pole
A C Input Frequency R ange
(B ypass/C harge M ode)
5565 H z (default)
4470 H z (allow able)
A C 1 voltage rangeG rid-tie Sell M ode
(autom atically adjusts w hen entering
G rid-tie Sell M ode)
L-N : 108130 1.5 VA C
L-L: 214260 3.0 VA C
A C 1 Frequency rangeG rid-tie Sell
M ode
(autom atically adjusts w hen entering
G rid-tie Sell M ode)
59.460.4 0.05 H z
A C O utput C urrent (m axim um 75%
im balance betw een L1-N , L2-N ) in
Inverter M ode
L-N : 37.5 A
L-L: 25.0 A
L-N : 28.1 A
L-L: 18.8 A
L-N : 25.0 A
L-L: 16.7 A
M axim um O utput Fault C urrent and
D uration - C harger M ode
5,150 A peak
~ 1 m s
5,150 A peak
~ 1 m s
6500 A peak
~ 1 m s
M axim um O utput Fault C urrent and
D uration - Inverter M ode
925 A peak
~ 0.5 m s
925 A peak
~ 0.5 m s
25 A peak
~ 330 m s
Electrical Specifications
975-0239-01-01 A 3
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
G rid -tie S p e c ific a tio n s
M axim um O utput Fault C urrent and
D uration - G rid-Interactive M ode
425 A peak
~ 0.4 m s
425 A peak
~ 0.4 m s
80 A peak
~ 25 m s
A C O utput B reaker 60 A double-pole
A C O utput Frequency 60.0 0.1 H z
Total H arm onic D istortion < 5%
A utom atic Transfer R elay 60 A
A uxiliary R elay O utput 012 VD C , m axim um 250 m A D C
C EC W eighted Efficiency 92.5% 93.0% 91%
C EC Pow er R ating 5,752 W 4,453 W 4,039 W
D C Input Voltage (N om inal) 50.4 VD C 50.4 VD C 25.2 VD C
D C Input Voltage R ange 4064 VD C 4064 VD C 2032 VD C
D C Input C urrent (M axim um ) 160 A 120 A 220 A
C ontinuous C harge R ate at L-L voltage 100 A 85 A 150 A
Pow er Factor C orrected C harging PF (0.98)
a.This unit or system is provided w ith fixed trip lim its and shall not be aggregated above 30 kW on a single Point of
C om m on C onnection
1 2 0 /2 4 0 V 1 2 0 V R e sp o n s e T im e
A nti-islanding reconnect 254.4 V ( 3 V) 127.2 V ( 3 V) 300 s (+ 1/0 s)
O ver frequency disconnect 60.5 H z ( 0.05 H z) 60.5 H z ( 0.05 H z) 60 m s ( 20 m s)
U nder frequency disconnect 59.3 H z ( 0.05 H z) 59.3 V ( 0.05 H z) 60 m s ( 20 m s)
O ver voltage LN fast disconnect 135 V ( 1.5 V) 135 V ( 1.5 V) 60 m s ( 25 m s)
O ver voltage LN slow disconnect 132 V ( 1.5 V) 132 V ( 1.5 V) 500 m s ( 25 m s)
O ver voltage L1/L2 fast disconnect 270 V ( 3 V) 60 m s ( 25 m s)
O ver voltage L1/L2 slow disconnect 264 V ( 3 V) 500 m s ( 25 m s)
U nder voltage LN fast disconnect 75 V ( 5 V) 75 V ( 5 V) 100 m s ( 25 m s)
U nder voltage LN slow disconnect 105.6 V ( 1.5 V) 105.6 V ( 1.5 V) 1000 m s ( 25 m s)
U nder voltage L1/L2 slow disconnect 211.2 V ( 3 V) 100 m s ( 25 m s)
U nder voltage L1/L2 fast disconnect 150 V ( 10 V) 60 m s ( 25 m s)
Ta b le A -1 Xantrex XW Pow er System Electrical Specifications
M o d e l
Xa n tre x X W6 0 4 8
1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
X a n tre x X W4 5 4 8
1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
Xa n tre x XW4 0 2 4
1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
A 4 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xa n tre x XW S e rie s I n ve rte r/C h a rg e r O ve rlo a d C a p a b ility
Loads presented to the inverter are seldom constant. Typically, large loads are
operated for only short periods of tim e. In order to provide the m axim um utility,
the inverters are allow ed to operate at pow er levels that exceed their continuous
pow er ratings. This graph show s how loads that are larger than the inverter can
sustain continuously can be operated for useful periods of tim e.
The length of tim e that the inverter can operate at high pow er is lim ited by
tem perature. W hen large loads are run, the inverters tem perature increases.
A tthe point w here m ore heat is created in the inverter than can be dissipated,
its ability to operate becom es tim e lim ited.
F ig u re A -1 Xantrex XW 6048 120/240 60 A C O verload C apability
Electrical Specifications
975-0239-01-01 A 5
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re A -2 Xantrex XW 4548 120/240 60 A C O verload C apability
F ig u re A -3 Xantrex XW 4024 120/240 60 A C O verload C apability
A 6 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
O u tp u t P o we r Ve rsu s A m b ie n t Te m p e ra tu re
W hen the internal tem perature of the Xantrex XW Series Inverter/C harger
exceeds its rated range, the unit reduces its energy output to m ake sure
m axim um com ponent ratings are not exceeded.
Xa n tre x XW S e rie s I n ve rte r/C h a rg e r E ffic ie n c y
I n ve rtin g E ffic ie n c y Typ ic a l
F ig u re A -4 O utput Pow er Versus A m bient Tem perature
F ig u re A -5 Inverting Efficiency (Typical)
Xantrex XW Series Power Derating
Xantrex XW6048-Pwr_der
-25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
Xantrex XW4548-Pwr_der
Xantrex XW4024-Pwr_der
A m bient Tem perature (C )
O utput Pow er (W atts)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
O utput Pow er (W atts)
Efficiency (% )
XW 6048
XW 4024
XW 4548
Electrical Specifications
975-0239-01-01 A 7
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C h a rg in g E ffic ie n c y Typ ic a l
C h a rg in g P o we r F a c to r
F ig u re A -6 C harging Efficiency (Typical)
F ig u re A -7 C harging Pow er Factor
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
C harge C urrent (A m ps)
Efficiency (% )
XW 6048
XW 4024
XW 4548
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
C harge C urrent (A m ps)
Pow er Factor (% )
XW 6048
XW 4024
XW 4548
A 8 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
G rid -tie S e ll M o d e E ffic ie n c y Typ ic a l
F ig u re A -8 G rid-tie Sell M ode Efficiency (Typical)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Efficiency (% )
O utput Pow er (W atts)
XW 6048
XW 4024
XW 4548
M echanical Specifications
975-0239-01-01 A 9
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Mechanical Specifications
Ta b le A -2 Xantrex XW Pow er System M echanical Specifications
M o d e l
Xa n tre x XW
6 0 4 8 1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
Xa n tre x XW
4 5 4 8 1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
Xa n tre x XW
4 0 2 4 1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
Supported B attery Types Flooded (default), G el, A G M , C ustom
B attery bank size 1002000 A h
N on Volatile M em ory Yes
Inverter Inform ation Panel Status LED s indicate A C In status, faults/w arnings, equalize m ode,
battery level.
Three-character display indicates output pow er or charge current,
fault/w arning codes.
O N /O FF and equalize button
M ultiple U nit C onfigurations U p to 3 parallel units in 120/240 split-phase configuration
System N etw ork Xantrex Xanbus (publish-subscribe netw ork, no need for hubs or
special cards)
Em issions FC C C lass B
R egulatory approvals U L 1741 1st Edition: 2005 Version, C SA 107.1-01
Enclosure Type N EM A Type 1 - Indoor (sensitive electronic com ponents sealed
inside enclosure)
R ated Tem perature R ange
(m eets all specifications)
32104 F (040 C )
O perational Tem perature R ange -13158 F (-2570 C )
Storage Tem perature R ange -40185 F (-4085 C )
Inverter D im ensions (H W D ) 23 16 9" (580 410 230 m m )
Shipping D im ensions 28 x 22.5 x 15.5" (711 x 572 x 394 m m )
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution
Panel D im ensions (H W D )
30 16 8 " (761 406 210 m m )
D epth from the w all = 8 " (223 m m )
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution
Panel Shipping D im ensions
48 x 21 x 13.5" (1219 x 533 x 343 m m )
Inverter W eight 121.7 lb (55.2 kg) 118 lb (53.5 kg) 116 lb (52.5 kg)
Shipping W eight 169 lb (76.7 kg) 165 lb (75 kg) 163 lb (74 kg)
A 10 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Ta b le A -3 Xantrex XW Pow er System R egulatory A pprovals
M o d e l
X a n tre x XW
6 0 4 8 1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
Xa n tre x XW
4 5 4 8 1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
X a n tre x X W
4 0 2 4 1 2 0 /2 4 0 6 0
Em issions FC C C lass B
R egulatory approvals U L 1741 1st Edition: 2005 Version, C SA 107.1-01
Surge R ating IEEE 62.41.2 IEEE R ecom m ended Practice on the C haracterization of
Surges in low -voltage A C pow er circuits (Location C ategory B )
A c c e s s o ry P a rt N u m b e r
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel 865-1015
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox 865-1025
Xantrex XW C onnection K it for IN V2 865-1020
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller 865-1030
Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel 865-1050
Xantrex XW A utom atic G enerator Start 865-1060
N etw ork cables 3 ft (0.9 m ): 809-0935
25 ft (7.6 m ): 809-0940
75 ft (22.9 m ): 809-0942
N etw ork term inator 100-0224-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
B Wiring Diagrams
A ppendix B , W iring D iagram sillustrate the
m ost basic configurations and are for
reference only. Specific installations m ay
require additional equipm ent to m eet national
or local electric codes. Ensure all safety
requirem ents are strictly follow ed.
F o r. . . . . . S e e . . . .
Single-Inverter System (B ackup O nly) W ithout a Pow er
D istribution Panel
page B 3
Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar) page B 5
Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (W ind or
H ydro)
page B 6
D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar) page B 7
D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (W ind or H ydro)page B 8
B 2
Single-Inverter System (B ackup O nly) W ithout a Pow er D istribution Panel
975-0239-01-01 B 3
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Single-Inverter System (Backup Only) Without a Power Distribution Panel
F ig u re B -1 Single-Inverter System (B ackup O nly) W ithout a Pow er D istribution Panel
W iring D iagram s
B 4 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Single-Inverter System (Backup Only) With a Power Distribution Panel
F ig u re B -2 Single-Inverter System (B ackup O nly) W ith a Pow er D istribution Panel
Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar)
975-0239-01-01 B 5
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Single-Inverter System Renewable Energy (Solar)
F ig u re B -3 Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar)
W iring D iagram s
B 6 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Single-Inverter System Renewable Energy (Wind or Hydro)
F ig u re B -4 Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (W ind or H ydro)
D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar)
975-0239-01-01 B 7
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Dual-Inverter System Renewable Energy (Solar)
F ig u re B -5 D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar)
W iring D iagram s
B 8 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Dual-Inverter System Renewable Energy (Wind or Hydro)
F ig u re B -6 D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (W ind or H ydro)
A C W iring for a Four-Inverter System
975-0239-01-01 B 9
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
AC Wiring for a Four-Inverter System
F ig u re B -7 A C W iring for a Four-Inverter System
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
B 10
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C Alternate System
A ppendix C , A lternate System C onfigurations
provides w iring diagram s for inverter/charger
installations that do not require use of the
Xantrex XW Pow er D istribution Panel and the
Xantrex XW C onduit B ox.
A lternate System C onfigurations
C 2 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
DC Grounding for Single-Inverter Systems
See Table 2-4, Torque Values for A C W iring (A C Term inals and G round B ar),on
page 12.
See Table 2-5, Torque Values for the C hassis G round Lug,on page 12.
See Table 2-6, Torque Values for the Inverter B attery Term inals,on page 13.
F ig u re C -1 D C G rounding for an Inverter O nly
This illustrates an exam ple only.
A ctual ground requirem ents m ay vary.
B attery C onnections for Single Inverter System s
975-0239-01-01 C 3
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Battery Connections for Single Inverter Systems
F ig u re C -2 D C C onnections to a Single Inverter
Torque connections to the inverter
D C term inals to 10-15 ft./lbs.
This illustrates an exam ple only.
A ctual cable requirem ents m ay vary.
Torque connections to the battery
term inals per battery m anufacturers
recom m endations.
A lternate System C onfigurations
C 4 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
AC Grounding for Single-Inverter Systems
F ig u re C -3 G rounding the A C System
This illustrates an exam ple only.
A ctual ground requirem ents m ay vary.
A C O utput W iring to the Inverter Load Sub-Panel
975-0239-01-01 C 5
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
AC Output Wiring to the Inverter Load Sub-Panel
F ig u re C -4 A C O utput W iring to the Inverter Load Sub-Panel
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
A lternate System C onfigurations
C 6 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Generator Wiring to the Inverter
WA R N I N G : S h o c k H a za rd
B efore m aking any electrical connections, m ake sure all A C and D C disconnect
devices are in the O PEN (disconnect) position.
I m p o rta n t: If the load is too big for the inverter to operate from battery pow er,
do not install the load in the inverter pow ered electrical panel.
F ig u re C -5 G enerator W iring directly to the Inverter
Torque all inverter term inal block
connections to 25 inch-pounds.
This illustrates an exam ple only.
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
U tility W iring to the Inverter Input
975-0239-01-01 C 7
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Utility Wiring to the Inverter Input
C A U T I O N : D a m a g e to E q u ip m e n t
The inverters A C LO A D term inals m ust never be w ired to any A C source such as
a generator output or utility panel. This w ill cause severe dam age to the inverter
w hich is not covered under w arranty.
F ig u re C -6 U tility W iring to the Inverter Input
A ctual w iring requirem ents m ay vary.
C 8
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
D Split-Phase to
A ppendix D , Split-Phase to Single-Phase
C onversion Instructionsprovides instructions
for converting a Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger
120 V/240 V, split-phase m odel to a 120 V,
single-phase m odel.
Split-Phase to Single-Phase C onversion Instructions
D 2 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
C onverting from 120 V/240 V split-phase to 120 V single-phase is required in
system s w ith single-phase (2-w ire 120 V) or three-phase (208/120 V) sources
(such as generators or grid). For a three-phase system , the loads m ay consist of
single-phase loads or three-phase loads. Please refer to the w iring diagram s
starting on page D 11. If you have questions, contact custom er service at
1-800-670-0707 or R E.TechSupport@ .
I m p o rta n t: To com plete the conversion, you m ust refer to instructions in the
Xantrex XW C onfig U sers G uide (D ocum ent Part N um ber 975-0365-01-01).
Ifyou w ant to set up a single-phase system , you m ust refer to instructions in the
Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger O peration G uide (D ocum ent Part N um ber
975-0240-01-01). If you do not have these guides, dow nload them from
w w w. sc h n e id e r-e le c tric . c o m .
F o r th is To p ic S e e . . . .
C onverting 120 V/240 V Split-Phase to 120 V Single-Phase page D 3
Parts and Tools R equired page D 3
D isconnecting Pow er Sources page D 4
R em oving the W iring C om partm ent C over page D 4
R econfiguring the Secondary Transform er W ires on X1
and X2 C onnectors
page D 5
R econfiguring the A C Ports on the Load, A C 1, and A C 2
C onnectors
page D 7
U pgrading the Firm w are page D 8
U pdating the Label page D 9
Xantrex XW 120 V B alanced Three-Phase System w ith
R enew able Energy (Solar) C ustom er-Supplied A C B reakers
page D 11
Xantrex XW 120 V B alanced Three-Phase System w ith
R enew able Energy (Solar) M anufacturer-Supplied A C
B reakers
page D 12
Xantrex XW 120 V Single-Phase System w ith R enew able
Energy (Solar) M anufacturer-Supplied A C B reakers
page D 13
C onverting 120 V/240 V Split-Phase to 120 V Single-Phase
975-0239-01-01 D 3
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Converting 120 V/240 V Split-Phase to 120 V Single-Phase
The follow ing sections provide instructions on how to reconfigure a standard
Xantrex XW 120 V/240 V, 3-w ire, split-phase m odel to accept a 120 V, 2-w ire,
single-phase connection. To set up a three-phase system using three
120 V-configured Xantrex XW units, perform these steps for all three inverter/
P a rts a n d To o ls R e q u ire d
To com plete the conversion, you w ill need one sm all jum per and three large
jum pers as show n in Figure D -1. These jum pers are included in the packaging
bag shipped w ith each Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger.
You w ill need a Phillips #2 screw driver and m ay require other tools, as necessary.
WA R N I N G : S h o c k a n d F ire H a za rd
D isconnect all A C and D C sources from the inverter/charger before rem oving the
covers. Failure to do so m ay result in dam age to the inverter/charger or
F ig u re D -1 Jum pers
Split-Phase to Single-Phase C onversion Instructions
D 4 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
D isc o n n e c tin g P o we r S o u rc e s
To d is c o n n e c t p o we r so u rc e s:
1. Put the Xantrex XW system in Standby m ode using the System Settings m enu
on the Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel, disconnect A C sources (such as
the utility grid and generators) by turning off the A C input breakers, and
disconnect D C sources (for exam ple, batteries) by turning off the
D C breaker.
2. Turn off and disconnect all A C loads by turning off the A C output breaker.
R e m o vin g th e Wirin g C o m p a rtm e n t C o ve r
To re m o v e th e wirin g c o m p a rtm e n t c o v e r:
1. R em ove Screw A and B show n in Figure D -2.
2. R em ove the w iring com partm ent cover (see Figure D -3 on page D 5).
I m p o rta n t: It is not necessary to rem ove the unit from its m ounting position to
perform the follow ing tasks.
F ig u re D -2 Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger Front View
Screw A
W iring
C om partm ent
C over
Screw B
C onverting 120 V/240 V Split-Phase to 120 V Single-Phase
975-0239-01-01 D 5
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
R e c o n fig u rin g th e S e c o n d a ry Tra n sfo rm e r Wire s o n X1 a n d X2
C o n n e c to rs
To re c o n fig u re th e s e c o n d a ry tra n s fo rm e r w ire s o n th e X 1 a n d X 2 c o n n e c to rs:
1. Locate the X1 and X2 connectors (see Figure D -3).
2. R em ove the secondary transform er w ire X2 (black) from slot X2-A , and then
insert it into slot X2-B (see Figure D -4 and Figure D -5).
3. R em ove the secondary transform er w ire X3 (w hite) from slot X3-A , and then
insert it into slot X3-B (see Figure D -4 and Figure D -5).
4. Insert one sm all jum per betw een slot X2-A and X2-B (see Figure D -4 and
Figure D -5). The jum per m ust be on top of the w ire.
5. Tighten all term inals to 35 in-lb per the torque inform ation printed on the
A C board. See Figure D -3 for the torque inform ation location.
6. M ake sure the new connections are correct by com paring them to the a fte r
photograph displayed on the right in Figure D -5.
F ig u re D -3 C onnector Locations.
X1 and X2 C onnectors
Torque Inform ation
Load, A C 1 (G rid), and
A C 2 (G en) C onnectors
Split-Phase to Single-Phase C onversion Instructions
D 6 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
F ig u re D -4 Slot Locations on X1 and X2 C onnectors
F ig u re D -5 X1 and X2 C onnectors B efore and A fter R econfiguration
Slot X2-A
Slot X2-B
Slot X3-B
Slot X3-A
Secondary transform er w ire X1, X2, X3, and
X4 locations B EFO R E reconfiguration
Secondary transform er w ire X1, X2, X3, and X4
locations A FTER reconfiguration
Jum per
C onverting 120 V/240 V Split-Phase to 120 V Single-Phase
975-0239-01-01 D 7
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
R e c o n fig u rin g th e A C P o rts o n th e L o a d , A C 1 , a n d A C 2 C o n n e c to rs
To re c o n fig u re th e A C p o rts o n th e L o a d , A C 1 G rid ) , a n d A C 2 G e n )
c o n n e c to rs:
1. Locate the Load, A C 1 (G rid), and A C 2 (G en) connectors (see Figure D -3 on
page D 5).
2. Insert one large jum per in each connector to short out N and L2, as show n in
Figure D -6.
3. C onnect the A C cables as show n in Figure D -6. The jum per m ust be on top
of the w ire.
4. Tighten all term inals per the torque inform ation printed on the A C board.
See Figure D -3 on page D 5 for the torque inform ation location.
5. R econnect the D C sources (for exam ple, batteries) by turning on the
D C breaker.
F ig u re D -6 Jum per Locations and A C C able C onfiguration on A C Ports
Load A C 1 (G rid) A C 2 (G en)
Split-Phase to Single-Phase C onversion Instructions
D 8 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
U p g ra d in g th e F irm wa re
To upgrade the firm w are, you m ust refer to instructions in the Xantrex XW C onfig
U sers G uide (D ocum ent Part N um ber 975-0365-01-01). If you do not have this
guide, dow nload it from w ww. sc h n e id e r-e le c tric . c o m .
To u p g ra d e th e firm wa re :
1. A cquire the U SB -to-Xantrex Xanbus adapter to connect the Xantrex XW
System to a PC (Product Part N um ber 865-1155).
2. D ow nload the U SB -to-Xantrex Xanbus adapter driver (available on
ww w. sc h n e id e r-e le c tric . c o m ).
3. C onnect the U SB -to-Xantrex Xanbus adapter to a U SB port on your
com puter, and then install the dow nloaded driver. See the Xantrex XW C onfig
U sers G uide for detailed instructions.
4. D ow nload and save the latest Xantrex XW 6048-120 V firm w are onto your
com puter (available on the Xantrex XW product page at
ww w. sc h n e id e r-e le c tric . c o m ).
5. M ake sure nom inal D C voltage is present at the units D C term inals.
6. D ow nload and install the latest Xantrex XW C onfig to your com puter
(available on the Xantrex XW product page at w ww. s c h n e id e r-e le c tric . c o m ).
7. R un Xantrex XW C onfig.
8. Select C o n v e rt from the Xantrex XW C onfig m enu (see Figure D -7), and then
follow the on-screen instruction to com plete the conversion.
9. For future reference, record the new firm w are version.
F ig u re D -7 Xantrex XW C onfig
C onverting 120 V/240 V Split-Phase to 120 V Single-Phase
975-0239-01-01 D 9
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
U p d a tin g th e L a b e l
O n the inverter/charger, m ark the box on the bottom of the label beside
O PTIO N A L C O N FIG U R A TIO N , 120 V, 2 W IREto indicate the inverter has been
converted. See Figure D -8.
The conversion of one Xantrex XW 120 V/240 V, split-phase m odel to a 120 V,
single-phase m odel is now com plete.
To set up a single-phase system , repeat the steps in C onverting 120 V/
240 V Split-Phase to 120 V Single-Phasestarting on page D 3 for up to
three m ore inverter/chargers, and then refer to the Xantrex XW Inverter/
C harger O peration G uide (D ocum ent Part N um ber 975-0240-01-01) and
follow the instructions under Setting U p a Single-Phase System .
To set up a three-phase system using three Xantrex XW 120 V,
single-phase m odels, repeat the steps in C onverting 120 V/240 V
Split-Phase to 120 V Single-Phasestarting on page D 3 for tw o m ore
inverter/chargers, and then refer to the Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger
O peration G uide (D ocum ent Part N um ber 975-0240-01-01) and follow
the instructions under Setting U p a Three-Phase System .
F ig u re D -8 U pdated Label
D 10
Xantrex XW 120 V B alanced Three-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar) C ustom er-Supplied A C B reakers
975-0239-01-01 D 11
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xantrex XW 120 V Balanced Three-Phase System with Renewable Energy (Solar) Customer-Supplied AC Breakers
F ig u re D -1 Xantrex XW 120 V B alanced Three-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar) C ustom er-Supplied B reakers
Split-Phase to Single-Phase C onversion Instructions
D 12 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xantrex XW 120 V Balanced Three-Phase System with Renewable Energy (Solar) Manufacturer-Supplied AC Breakers
F ig u re D -2 Xantrex XW 120 V B alanced Three-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar) M anufacturer-Supplied B reakers
Xantrex XW 120 V Single-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar) M anufacturer-Supplied A C B reakers
975-0239-01-01 D 13
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
Xantrex XW 120 V Single-Phase System with Renewable Energy (Solar) Manufacturer-Supplied AC Breakers
F ig u re D -3 Xantrex XW 120 V Single-Phase System w ith R enew able Energy (Solar) M anufacturer-Supplied A C B reakers
D 14
975-0239-01-01 IX1
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
abbreviations and acronym s v
A C C onnections 219
A C sync cable 252
A C Term inal B lock 221
A dditional Inverters 238
A utom atic G enerator Start 18, 57
A U X Port 230
A U X Port Term inal A ssignm ents 231
A U X+ 12V Voltage Supply 231
U ser R em ote Pow er O ff 231
B + w ires 513
battery bank requirem ents 210
battery cable lugs 211
B attery C able R equirem ents 211
B attery C able Size 212
B attery Tem perature Sensor 215
B reaker/Fuse Size 212
charge controller 17
C learance 24
com m issioning 419
C om m unication Ports 220
C onduit B ox 14, 28
current rating 413
D C C onnections 217
D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar) B
D ual-Inverter System R enew able Energy (W ind or
H ydro) B 8
external LED w ire 513, 516
external on/off LED 517
external shutdow n sw itch
connecting to w iring harness 515
input and return 513, 515
FC C inform ation to the user 1viii
Fire safety 22
functional test 232, 253
generator run signal513
G enerator W iring 228
G round B ar 221
G rounding 214, 49
G rounding the D C System 214
m ounting 54, 56
planning 53
Inverter Panel M ounting 223
K nockout 23
K nockouts 45
LED Status Indicators
Inverting 234
Location 22
lugs, battery cable 211
M echanical Specifications A 9, A 10
M ounting 24
M ounting B racket 25
m ounting tem plate 56
M ounting the D istribution Panel28
M ounting the Inverter 27
overcurrent protection, requirem ents 211
safety instructions 1vii??
Schneider Electric
w eb site v
Single-Inverter System B 3, B 4, D 11
Single-Inverter System R enew able Em ergy (W ind
or H ydro) B 6
Single-Inverter System R enew able Energy (Solar)
B 5
sw itched B + w ires 513
therm ostat
connecting 515
inputs and returns 513, 515
IX2 975-0239-01-01
This m anual is for use by qualified personnel only
U ser Line W iring 231
verifying netw ork pow er 57, 520
w eb site 1v
w ire size 412
W ire Size and O vercurrent Protection
R equirem ents 412
W iring 412
W iring the Inverter 29
Xantrex XW Inverter/C harger 13
Xantrex XW Solar C harge C ontroller 42
Xantrex XW System C ontrol Panel18, 52
Schneider Electric
w w w

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For other country details please contact your local Schneider Electric Sales R epresentative or visit our w ebsite at:
http://w w w /sites/corporate/en/support/operations/local-operations/
Printed in China.

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