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Early Settlers: 1778-1901. This includes first fleet and gold rush. They came to build u a colony
!"other-land# immigrants: 1901-19$%. &eole 'ho came once (ustralia already had a colony and 'as built.
The first refugees: 19$)- 19%0. &eole fled from Euroe to escae the *a+is and came to (ustralia.
,or-ing Immigrants: 19%0-19)0. Immigrants to 'or- on secific .obs or rograms
such as the sno'y ri/er ro.ect. 0"ostly 1ree- and Italian2.
!3ree# immigrants: 1970- 1990
*e' Immigrants: 1990- no'.
,,4- 19$9-199%
(dolf 6itler 0*a+i-1ermany2
"oussilini 0Italy2
5efugee- ( &erson escaing racial or religious ersecution.
In 1974 the go/ernment in (ustralia 'ent from 7iberal to 7abour. In the free
immigrants eriod8 that meant that the go/ernment decided that any immigrant could
come into (ustralia 0'hite or blac-2. It had not been li-e this re/iously.
*e' immigrants- in 4001 the Setember 11 attac-s occurred- eole started to get
scared8 so the immigration rules in (ustralia changed again. *ot many eole 'ere
allo'ed to come into (ustralia8 mainly .ust refugees.
,hy immigration
To learn about other cultures.
Economy- ne' 'or-ers8 more 'or-ers8 different s-ills
9usiness 5elationshis
Increased oulation
International image
1. 7ist and e:lain the reasons eole ha/e immigrated to (ustralia
4. ,hat are the costs and benefits of immigration;
$. <o you thin- (ustralia should lace limits on immigration; E:lain your
=osts of immigration
3e'er .obs for !(ustralians#
En/ironmental conse?uences
>/er-reliance to immigration.
1. @ust some of the reasons eole might ha/e immigrated to (ustralia are that
they had to flee their country and become refugees 0eg. ,,428 because they
ha/e become bored of their o'n country8 because all or some of their relati/es
or friends li/e in (ustralia and they 'ant to be 'ith them8 because they li-e
the loo- of (ustralia8 because they are one of those eole 'ho mo/es country
e/ery coule of years8 because they thin- that (ustralia is better their o'n
country8 because they arenAt treated /ery nicely in their o'n country8 because
their annoying sister is in their o'n country and they 'ant to get a'ay from
4. 1etting a'ay from 'hate/er they mo/ed a'ay from in the first lace 0if they
did mo/e a'ay from something28 more money for 'hat they do 0maybe28
getting a better .ob8 ha/ing a better life.
$. If 'e ha/e any limit at all it should be a /ery large limit so that 'e donAt sto
too many eole from coming here.

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