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ACHR against Bangladesh in UN peace-keeping

News Desk,

Published: 2014-07-24 17:02:39.0 BdST Updated: 2014-07-24 22:47:56.0 BdST
The Asian Centre of Human Rights,
who campaigned for release of right-
wing activist Adilur Rahman Khan and
missed no chance to run down
Bangladesh, has now started a vicious
campaign to reduce the nation's
contribution to ! peace-"eeping#
Its report titled 'Bangladesh: Sending
Death Squads To Keep THE UNs Peace'
!hich "#H$ clai%s is the &'irst e(er
co%prehensi(e stud)& on the issue !as
released Thursda) to coincide !ith the
ongoing (isit o' UN's Under Secretar)
*eneral 'or Depart%ent o' Peace+eeping
,perations Her(- .adsous to Bangladesh 'ro% /ul) 001
It said that Bangladesh is &sending its death squads to +eep peace& 'or the United Nations1
The report clai%ed that the troops 2eing sent 'or UN
peace+eeping %issions include the Bangladesh "r%)
personnel posted in the #hittagong Hill Tracts 3#HTs4
and the $apid "ction Battalion 3$"B4 !hich has
2een declared as ineligi2le to recei(e technical
assistance 'ro% the United States under the .eah)
.a! 2ecause o' its personnel 2eing in(ol(ed in gross
hu%an rights (iolations !ith i%punit)1
It sa)s that 2et!een 0556 and 0577 the Bangladesh
"r%) personnel !ere responsi2le 'or 78 cases o'
e9tra:udicial +illings 6;6 cases o' ar2itrar) arrest <=6
cases o' torture and 0>8 cases o' 'orci2le e(ictions in addition to 2urning do!n o' 75=5 houses o'
indigenous tri2al peoples o' the #HT1
But sa%ple this ?? the report 2la%es the Bangladesh "r%) 'or &%urdering at least =5 suspects& o' 055@
Bangladesh $i'les 3BD$4 %utin) at Pil+hana in their custod) !hile the $"B !hich had >< "r%) o''icers
out o' the 05> o''icers as o' "ugust 057< !ere responsi2le 'or e9tra:udicial e9ecutions o' ==; persons in
alleged cross 'ire 2et!een /anuar) 0556 and /une 057<1
It said a large nu%2er o' these hu%an rights (iolators ha(e 2een posted !ith the UN peace +eeping
AThe cross?'ire is a 2latant co(er up o' the e9tra:udicial e9ecutions 2) the $"B1 Since its inception in
0556 not a single death has 2een due to innu%era2le cross'ire incidents !hich supposedl) in(ol(e
cross?'iring !ith cri%inal gangs and terrorist groups1 "2out 7> $"B personnel !ere +illed in the Pil+hana
%assacre and the rest died in road accidentsB said Suhas #ha+%a Director o' "sian #entre 'or Hu%an
Ser(ing in a UN peace+eeping %ission is dee%ed
lucrati(e as an "r%) o''icer earn up!ards o' US
C0055 a %onth in addition to other allo!ances and
per+s the report said1
This it sa)s co%pares un'a(oura2l) against T+
78555 3a2out US C0554 'or an o''icer in the countr)
and US C7755 'or a soldier against T+ ==7= 3a2out
US C7554 that Bangladesh "r%) has s)ste%aticall)
%onopolised the UN postings1
But according to the %ilitar) pa) role the salaries o'
ar%ed 'orce personnel are %uch higher than the
"#H$ clai%s
Bangladesh "r%) constitutes @< percent o' the peace+eepers deplo)ed 'ro% the countr) !hile the
re%aining co%es 'ro% Police Na() and "ir Dorce1
In 'act clai%s the report the denial o' opportunities to ser(e !ith the UN %issions !as one o' the %ain
reasons 'or the re(olt 2) the BD$ personnel at Pil+hana Dha+a
on De2 08 055@ in !hich a total o' =6 persons including 8= "r%) ,''icers deputed to the BD$ 'ro% the
ar%) !ere %assacred1
The 75?%e%2er In(estigation #o%%ittee 'or%ed 2)
the *o(ern%ent o' Bangladesh instead o' resol(ing
the grudge o' the BD$ personnel purposel) %isled
the countr) 2) stating that the AUnited Nations has
o2:ected to the proposal o' BD$
%e%2ers 2eing ta+en to 'oreign %issions1
Bangladesh *o(ern%ent has no
:urisdiction in this %atterB it said1
AThis is another 2latant lie as Indias Border Securit)
Dorce personnel !ho are equi(alent o' the BD$ in
Bangladesh are regularl) deplo)ed 'or UN Eissions
and ha(e pre(iousl) ser(ed in Na%i2ia #a%2odia
EoFa%2ique "ngola Bosnia G HerFego(ina and Haiti1 That Bangladesh re'uses to include the BD$
personnel rechristened as Border *uards Bangladesh despite a national traged) li+e Pil+hana %assacre
sho!s the (ested interest o' the Bangladesh "r%) to %onopolise the UN postingsB #ha+%a said1
"2out = percent o' the Bangladesh "r%) constantl) re%ains deplo)ed in UN
Peace+eeping %issions at an) gi(en point o' ti%e the "#H$ report sa)s1
&The UN has 2een steadil) contri2uting to increasing %ilitarisation in the countr) and
e9tending the grip o' the "r%) on the countr)& it said1
The report pointed to Bangladesh increasing its
de'ence 2udget 2) o(er 7 percent 'or the Dinancial
Hear 0577?70 a%ong others to purchase 66 ne!
Eain Battle Tan+s three "r%oured $eco(er)
Iehicles and t!o 2rand ne! helicopters 'or the ar%)
'ro% #hina to pro(ide logistical support allegedl) 'or
UN peace+eeping %issions1
"s a nu%2er o' hu%an rights (iolators 'ro%
Bangladesh ha(e 2een posted !ith the UN
peace+eeping %issions "sian #entre 'or Hu%an
$ights called upon the United Nations to strictl)
i%ple%ent AHu%an $ights Screening o' United Nations Personnel Polic)B o' Dece%2er 0570 to 2ar
deplo)%ent o' such (iolators1
Bangladesh peace+eepers to lead Sudan rein'orce%ent
Eore than 705 Bangladeshi troops !ill lead rein'orce%ents sent to the stri'e?torn Sudanese
state o' South Kordo'an !here Khartou% go(ern%ent troops are 2attling 'orces lo)al to
southern Sudan UN o''icials said Thursda)1
The United Nations is sending the peace+eeper rein'orce%ents to the state's capital Kadugli
to turn its %ain 2ase there into a sa'e ha(en 'or re'ugees he added1
Hea() 'ighting in the state on the 2order 2et!een north and south Sudan has raged since
/une 81 Khartou% 'orces are 2attling %ilitia aligned to the south's Sudan People's .i2eration
"r%) 3SP."41
&It's i%portant that the co%pound o' UNEIS can 2eco%e a sort o' sa'e area !here ci(ilians
are e''ecti(el) protected& Drance's UN a%2assador "raud told reporters a'ter a Securit)
#ouncil %eeting1
" UN peace+eeping spo+es%an said the co%pan) o' Bangladesh troops had 2een sent to
Kadugli and that the area around the UN co%pound had 2eco%e a sa'e ha(en to protect
UN peace+eeping chie' "lain .e $o) told the Securit) #ouncil that up to ;555 people !ere
ca%ped out around the 2ase1 The United Nations esti%ates that ;5555 ha(e 2een
displaced 2) the 'ighting in South Kordo'an alone including a2out =5 percent o' the
population o' Kadugli1
The Securit) #ouncil is to get a 2rie'ing on Eonda) 'ro% 'or%er South "'rican president
Tha2o E2e+i and UN en(o) Haile Een+erios on atte%pts to seal a peace deal 2et!een the
north and south go(ern%ents1
"raud said that i' there !as no agree%ent 2) Eonda) the Securit) #ouncil !ould ha(e to
&e9press itsel' in (er) strong ter%s to call 'or an end to the (iolence1&
Recruit more peacekeepers in key posts
Dhaka has requested the United Nations to recruit Bangladeshi peacekeepers in 'policy and commanding-
level' posts in the coming days.
State Minister for oreign !ffairs Shahriar !lam made the request to visiting under-secretary-general and
head of the Department of "eacekeeping #perations $D"%#& of the UN 'erv( )adsous during a meeting
at the foreign ministry yesterday.
*+hey are considering a Bangladeshi peacekeeper at deputy-commander level and he ,)adsous- hoped
that a positive outcome .ould come soon in this regard/* Shahriar told reporters after the meeting.
0esponding to a question/ the state minister said they are considering increasing Bangladeshi
peacekeepers in !frican countries.
*1t's still at the .orking level/* he said adding that they .ere considering t.o destinations -- Mali and
2entral !frican 0epu3lic -- .here Bangladeshi peacekeepers .ill 3e deployed.
+he state minister said )adsous highly appreciated Bangladesh's role in the UN peacekeeping missions.
*'e especially applauded female peacekeepers' contri3utions/* added the state minister.
Shahriar said some 4/567 armed forces mem3ers and 8/496 police mem3ers/ including :86 female police/
are no. deployed in UN peacekeeping missions a3road. +he UN .ants to increase the num3er of female
peacekeepers in the missions.
+he state minister thanked the UN for increasing financial 3enefits for the peacekeepers that took place
after 86 years.

Bangladesh also .anted to kno. ho. effectively and efficiently the country can contri3ute to the UN
peacekeeping missions.
1n response/ )adsous laid emphasis on 'speed of deployment' in .hich Bangladesh is a unique e;ample.
'e also talked a3out language skill/ especially rench.
0eplying to another question on !meerah 'aq/ )adsous said she .orked very efficiently in her 76-year
long UN career and it .as usual to go on retirement.
<arlier/ 1nspector =eneral of "olice $1="& 'assan Mahmood %handker also requested 'erve )adsous to
incorporate Bangladeshi peacekeepers in policy-making level posts in peacekeeping missions .hen the
latter made a courtesy call on him at the police headquarters yesterday morning.
+he UN under-secretary-general gave assurance in this regard/ according to a press release of the police
)adsous praised the mem3ers of Bangladesh "olice serving in peacekeeping missions in different
countries for their efficiency/ professionalism/ sincerity and 3ravery.
'e said the UN .ill continue its cooperation .ith Bangladesh for modernising the police force.
'assan Mahmood %handker said mem3ers of Bangladesh "olice have a glorious role in esta3lishing peace
in different .ar-torn countries throughout the .orld.
)adsous arrived here on +uesday night on a three-day official visit. 'e is scheduled to meet "resident
!3dul 'amid/ "rime Minister Sheikh 'asina and the chiefs of the three services.

UN urged to recruit BD peacekeepers at commanding level
Bangladesh has requested the United Nations (UN) to recruit Bangladeshi peacekeepers
at policy and commanding-level posts in the coming days.
State inister !or "oreign #$airs Shahriar #lam conveyed the request to visiting
under-secretary-general and head o! the %epartment o! &eacekeeping 'perations
(%&(') o! the UN )erv* +adsous during a meeting at the "oreign inistry.
,-heyre considering a Bangladeshi peacekeeper at deputy-commander level and he
(+adsous) hoped that a positive outcome .ould come soon in that !ront/0 Shahriar told
reporters a!ter the meeting.
1esponding to a question/ Shahriar said they are in discussion !or increasing
Bangladeshi peacekeepers in #!rican countries.
,2ts still at .orking level/0 he said adding that t.o destinations -- ali and 3entral
#!rican 1epu4lic -- are in consideration .here Bangladeshi peacekeepers .ill 4e
-he State inister said +adsous highly appreciated Bangladeshs role in the UN
peacekeeping missions. ,)e specially applauded !emale peacekeepers contri4utions.0
Shahriar said some 5/678 armed !orces mem4ers and 9/5:7 police mem4ers/ including
;97 !emale police/ are no. deployed in UN peacekeeping missions a4road. -he UN
.ants to increase the num4er o! !emale peacekeepers in the missions.
-he State inister thanked the UN !or increasing <nancial 4ene<ts !or the peacekeepers
that took place a!ter 97 years.
Bangladesh also .anted to kno. ho. e$ectively and e=ciently the country can
contri4ute to the UN peacekeeping missions.
2n response/ +adsous laid emphasis on speed o! deployment in .hich Bangladesh is a
unique e>ample. )e also talked a4out language skill/ especially "rench.
1eplying to another question on #meerah )aq/ +adsous said she .orked very e=ciently
in her 87-year long UN career and it is usual to go on retirement.
+adsous arrived here on -uesday night on a three-day o=cial visit. )e is scheduled to
meet &resident #4dul )amid/ &rime inister Sheikh )asina and the chie!s o! the three
services - army/ navy and air !orce.
Bangladesh descri4ed his visit as very signi<cant as this .ill 4e the <rst visit o! US?
level !rom the United Nations to Bangladesh/ the top peacekeeping contri4uting country
in the .orld/ a!ter the present government assumed o=ce !or the second consecutive
term ! the @anuary-: elections.
+adsous .ill also address a seminar/ titled A&eacekeeping -rends and 3hallengesA/ to 4e
arranged 4y the "oreign inistry at a city hotel on Bednesday a!ternoon.
)e is likely to highlight the current glo4al situation and ho. Bangladesh could more
e$ectively contri4ute in peacekeeping.
UN ofcial praises police role in peacekeeping
UN o=cials on Bednesday praised Bangladeshi polices role in UN peacekeeping
missions/ saying that they have contri4uted greatly to re4uilding and reha4ilitating
many .ar a$ected countries.
UN under-secretary-general and head o! the department o! peacekeeping
operations )erv* +adsous e>pressed gratitude to Bangladeshi policemen .hile
visiting the police headquarters.
2nspector general o! police )assan ahmood (handaker greeted )erv* at the
headquarters on his arrival.
)erv* said as part o! the highest peacekeeper-contri4uting country in the UN/
mem4ers o! Bangladesh &olice .ere playing an
important role through their honesty/ perseverance/ 4ravery/ and pro!essionalism.
)erv* arrived in %haka -uesday night on a three-day o=cial visit.
&olice chie! ahmood urged him to recruit more peacekeepers !rom the police at
policy and command-level positions in the !uture.
)erv* responded the UN .ill esta4lish "ormed &olice Units C a team o! 9D6 police
o=cers deployed as a group to undertake cro.d control/ protect UN sta$ and
material and escort UN personnel to insecure regions C comprising o! Bangladeshi
policemen/ in 3entral #!rica and +i4eria.
)erv* also said !emale mem4ers o! Bangladesh police have contri4uted to rescue
operations o! .omen and children in 3ongo and )aiti.
-he head o! peacekeeping missions suggested to the policemen to learn the "rench
language and develop a strong understanding o! drug tra=cking/ organised crime
and other transnational crimes.
)erv* said he .as hope!ul o! e>panding the opportunity !or Bangladeshi troops to
contri4ute to peacemaking in the near !uture.
"oreign ministry o=cials said some 5/678 armed !orces mem4ers and 9/5:7 police
mem4ers/ including ;97 .omen/ are no. deployed in UN peacekeeping missions
-he UN .ants to increase the num4er o! !emale peacekeepers in the missions.
Put Bangladesh in peacekeeping ofces: PM
Senior Correspondent,
Published: 2014-07-24 22:05:15.0 BdST Updated: 2014-07-24 22:47:48.0 BdST

$rime %inister &hei"h Hasina has advocated the inclusion of Bangladesh in the decision-ma"ing
bod' of the ! $eace"eeping %ission to increase the coordination between those wor"ing on the
ground and those ma"ing decisions#
She %ade the request !hen UN Under?Secretar)?*eneral on Depart%ent o' Peace+eeping
,peration Her(e .adsous called on her at her o''icial residence *ana2ha2an on Thursda)1
Her Deput) Press Secretar) E NaFrul Isla% 2rie'ed reporters a'ter the %eeting1
Hasina told .adsous that Bangladesh !as no! the largest contri2uting countr) in the peace+eeping
%ission o' the UN1 It !ould 2e easier 'or the decision?%a+ing 2od) to understand require%ents o'
the 'ield le(el i' Bangladesh !as included in the process1
She also said the senior Bangladeshi o''icials !ho ha(e gone on peace+eeping %issions !ould gi(e
2etter suggestions 'or the require%ents o' the 'ield le(el1
Her(e .adsous said Bangladesh !as a strong partner in peace+eeping and UN recognised the role
o' Bangladeshi peace+eepers in the %ission1
He highl) praised Bangladeshi peace+eepers especiall) the !o%en peace+eepers 'or their
co%%itted disciplined and courageous roles in the %ission1
He said that the UN peace+eeping %ission needed %ore peace+eepers in South Sudan1
The senior UN o''icial e9pressed his organisation's interest to ta+e %ore helicopter ri(erine (essels
and other equip%ent 'ro% Bangladesh1
He praised the Bangladesh Institute o' Peace Support ,peration Training 3BIPS,T4 !hich is
dedicated to training o' peace+eepers 'or e%plo)%ent in all t)pes o' UNPS, 3UN Peace Support
Under?Secretar)?*eneral .adsous con(e)ed the greetings o' the UN Secretar)?*eneral Ban Ki?
%oon to the pri%e %inister 'or the econo%ic ad(ance%ent o' Bangladesh despite the glo2al
"%2assador?at?.arge E Jiauddin and United Nations $esident #oordinator in Bangladesh Neal
Kal+er !ere present a%ong others during the call on1

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