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Internship Report on MCB Bank

Submitted by: Muhammad Yasir

Registration # FA05BBA!0"
Super#ised by: Sir A$ais Rashid
%his internship report is submitted in partia& 'u&'i&&ment o' the
re(uirements 'or the degree o' Ba)he&or o' Business Administration
a$arded by the C*MSA%S Institute o' In'ormation %e)hno&ogy+
-epartment o' Management S)ien)es
C*MSA%S Institute o' In'ormation %e)hno&ogy
.anuary /0!0

-epartment o' Management S)ien)es
C*MSA%S Institute o' In'ormation %e)hno&ogy
Appro#a& Sheet
Appro#a& Committee
!, 01terna& 01aminer
Mr. __________________________________ Signature_____________________
/, Super#isor
Mr. __________________________________ Signature_____________________
2, 3ead o' -epartment
Mr. __________________________________ Signature ____________________

My 4o#e&y 5arents6
7ho a&$ays pray 'or my su))ess'u& 'uture
To every country and the people living there, a need of such and institution is
always needed that can circulate and deal in money. Such institutions are also
required to fulfill other financial needs such as provision of place to deposit money,
serving for the utilities and also advancing money in order to facilitate the needs of
people and the businesses. These organiations in any form can collectively be
called as !"an#s$.
"an#ing services are e%tremely important for both economies developed and
developing economy such as &a#istan. "an#ing services serve two primary
'irst, by supplying customers with the basic mediums(of(e%change )cash, current
accounts, and credit cards*, ban#s play a #ey role in the way goods and services are
purchased. +ithout these familiar methods of payment, goods could only be
e%changed by barter )trading one good for another*, which is e%tremely time(
consuming and inefficient.
Second, by accepting money deposits from savers and then lending the money to
borrowers, ban#s encourage the flow of money to productive use and investments.
This in turn allows the economy to grow. +ithout this flow, savings would sit idle
in someone,s safe or poc#et, money would not be available to borrow, people would
not be able to purchase cars or houses, and businesses would not be able to build the
new factories the economy needs to produce more goods and grow. -nabling the
flow of money from savers to investors is called financial intermediation, and it is
e%tremely important for the growth of economy
This report covers all the areas of the M." ban# that clearly show that how the
ban# is being e%celling in many areas. The report also covers the analysis portion
with the help of which we come to #now that where it is strong and where it needs
to be strong.
%AB40 *F C*8%08%S

A)kno$&edgements 9
Abbre#iation 9I
01e)uti#e Summary 9II
C3A5%0R 0!
I8%R*-:C%I*8 !
!,! *B.0C%I;0 *F %30 S%:-Y !
!,/ 4IMI%A%I*8S *F %30 S%:-Y !
!,2 M0RI%S *F %30 S%:-Y !
!,< M0%3*-*4*=Y *F %30 S%:-Y /
/.0./ &1IM213 42T2 5
/.0.5 S-.674213 42T2 5
!,5 SC30M0 *F %30 R05*R% /
C3A5%0R 0/
/,! 0;*4:%I*8 *F BA8>I8= 2
/,/ 3IS%*RY *F BA8>I8= I8 5A>IS%A8 <
5.5./ "1I-' 8IST613 6' M." 9
5.5.5 .1-4IT 12TI7: ;
5.5.< 2=4IT61S ; Committee ;
/,2 *R=A8I?A%I*8A4 S%R:C%:R0 @
5.<./ 2:1I.=>T=1- 4IVISI67 ?
5.<.5 2=4IT 4IVISI67 ?
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5.<.0 .-7T12> 2..6=7TS 4IVISI67 ?
5.<.9 .61&612T- 2''2I1 4IVISI67 ?
5.<.; .1-4IT M272:-M-7T 4IVISI67 B
5.<.? 'I727.- 274 T1-2S=13 4IVISI67 B
5.<.B '61-I:7 T124- 274 -C.827:- 6&-12TI67 4IVISI67 B
5.<.D :-7-12> S-1VI.- S-.TI67 B
5.<./E 8=M27 1-S6=1.-S 4-V->6&M-7T 4IVISI67 B
5.<.// I7'61M2TI67 M272:-M-7T 4IVISI67 D
5.<./5 I74=ST1I2> .1-4IT 4IVISI67 D
5.<./< I7T-172TI672> 4IVISI67 D
5.<./0 I7V-STM-7T "27AI7: :16=& D
5.<./9 IS>2MIF2TI67 4IVISI67 D
5.<./; >-:2> 2''2I1 4IVISI67 D
5.<./? 61:27IF2TI67 274 M-T864 4IVISI67 /E
5.<./B 1=&--S T12V->-1 .8-G=- 274 .1-4IT .214 4IVISI67 /E
5.<./D S&-.I2> 2SS-TS M272:-M-7T 4IVISI67 /E
5.<.5E T12I7I7: 4IVISI67 /E
/,< ;ISSI*8 A8- MISSI*8 !/
5.0./ VISI67 ST2T-M-7T /5
5.0.5 MISSI67 ST2T-M-7T /5
/,5 *B.0C%I;0S !/
/," C*R0 ;A4:0S !2
5.;./ I7T-:1IT3 /<
5.;.5 1-S&-.T /<
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5.;.9 I776V2TI67 /<
/,@ C*R5*RA%0 5R*FI40 !<
5.?./ -C-.=TIV- .6MMITT-- /0
/,A S%R:C%:R0 *F MCB BA8> BRA8C3 MA44 R*A-
MAR-A8 *8 %30 BASIS *F F:8C%I*8 !@
5.B./ >6.2TI67 /B
5.B.5 7=M"-1 6' -M&>63--S /B
5.B.< .1-4IT .6MMITT-- /B
C3A5%0R 02
2,! BAC>=R*:8- *F MCB MAR-A8 !B
2,/ B:SI80SS *;0R;I07 !B
<.5./ .61&612T- 274 I7V-STM-7T "27AI7: /D
<.5.5 .6MM-1.I2> "27AI7: /D
<.5.< .61&612T- "27AI7: 5E
<.5.0 .67S=M-1 'I727.- 5E
2,2 *;0RA44 FI8A8CIA4 5*SI%I*8 /0
<.<./ "2>27.- S8--T 6' T8- "27A 5E
2,< -05AR%M08%S *F BRA8C3 /!
<.0./ 2..6=7TS 4-&21TM-7TS 5/ The Deposit Section 5/ Functions of the section 5/ Types of Accounts 55 Account opening 50
<.0./.0./ &rocedure for opening 50
<.0./.0.5 .learing department 59
<.0./.0.< 2utomated system of cheque clearing 5;
<.0./.0.0 Types of cheques collected 5?
<.0./.0.9 'unctions of clearing department 5?
<.0./.0.; .ommon procedure for all cheques 5?
<.0.5 1-MITT27.- 4-&21TM-7T 5B Inland Remittance 5B
<.0.5././ 4emand draft )44* 5B
<.0.5./.5 Telegraph Transfer )TT* 5B
<.0.5./.< Mail Transfer 5B
<.0.5./.0 &ay 6rder 5D Foeign Remittances 5D
<.0.< '61-I:7 -C.827:- 4-&21TM-7TS <E Ad!ance payments <E "pen account <E Document collection <E Documentay cedit </
<.0.<.0./ >icensing Section </
<.0.<.0.5././ 1evocable >etter of .redit <5
<.0.<.0.5./.5 .onfirmed >H. <5
<.0.<.0.5./.< =nconfirmed >H. <5
<.0.<.0.5./.0 .lean >H. <5
<.0.<.0.< 1emittances in 'oreign -%change <<
<.0.<.0.0 'oreign .urrency 2ccount <<
<.0.0 24V27.-S 4-&21TM-7T <0 Running Finance <0 Demand Finance <0 Staff Finance <0
<.0.0.<./ 8ouse "uilding <0
<.0.0.<.5 Motor .ycle .ar, and &ersonal Vehicle <9
<.0.0.<.< 6ver 4rafting )64* <9
<.0.9 .2S8 4-&21TM-7T <;
3.4.#.1 Cash eceipt <;
3.4.#.2 Cash payments <;
3.4.#.3 AT$ <;
<.0.9.<./ :reen .ards <?
<.0.9.<.5 :old .ards <?
C3A5%0R 0<
0././ V-1TI.2> 274 861IF67T2> 272>3SIS 6' M." "27A >IMIT-4 <D
0./.5 12TI6 272>3SIS 0< %aning assets to total assets 00 Retun on eaning assets 00 Inteest magin to a!eage eaning assets 09 %&uity capital to total assets 09
4.1.2.# Deposit time capital 0;
4.1.2.' (oan to deposit 0;
4.1.2.) "peating cost to income atio 0?
4.1.2.* %fficiency atios 0?
0./.5.B./ "usiness per branch 0?
<,/ S7*% A8A4YSIS *F MCB BA8> <A
ST1-7:T8S 0B
+-2A7-SS-S 0B
6&&61T=7ITI-S 0D
T81-2TS 0D
C3A5%0R 05
C*8C4:SI*8S A8- R0C*MM08-A%I*8S 50
9./ M." 2S 2 +86>- 9E
R0F0RA8C0S 52
A8809:R0 A 5<
A8809:R0 B 55
A8809:R0 C 5"
:od 2lmighty is worthy of all ac#nowledgments for giving me the ability and
strength to carry out my wor# successfully.
I have no words to e%press my heartiest sense of gratitude to my supervisor, Mr.
2wais 1ashid, .6MS2TS Institute of Information Technology, 2bbottabad, for his
supervision, contribution, valuable time, patience and wise comments which ma#e
this research possible.
I would li#e to than# my lovely parents who pray for my success and bright future.
Muhammad 3asir
S"& I State "an# of &a#istan
S+6T I Strength, +ea#ness, 6pportunity, Threats
&>S I &rofit and >oss Sharing
64 I 6ver 4raft
SS I Specimen Signature
M.T I Mail Transfer
T.T I Telegraphic Transfer
4.4 I 4emand draft
S-V& I Senior -%ecutive Vice &resident
-V& I -%ecutive Vice &resident
V& I Vice &resident
2V& I 2ssistant Vice &resident
-&S I -arning per Share
01e)uti#e Summary
"an#ing sector plays very important role in the economic sector of a country.
4espite the underdevelopment financial mar#ets in &a#istan, ban#ing sector has
gained some growth in terms of branch networ#s, lending and deposits. .redit plays
the role of blood in an economy. 'or stable economy there must be stable economy
and capital mar#et wor#ing in a fle%ible way. "ecause ban#ing sector can control
economic diseases such li#e inflationJ unemployment. :overnment,s intervention in
ban#ing sector through out its history was basically aimed at introducing some
controls in ban#ing practices, but at the same time the government,s failure to bring
institutional and structural reforms caused relatively unsatisfactory record of saving,
mobiliation, allocation, and investor,s participation in the financial mar#ets.
The purpose of this report is to analye the procedure of M." ban#. This report is
an attempt to provide the readers generally an insight into the ban#ing practices
performed at M." ban# branch the Mall Mardan, and particularly an overview of
the performance of the whole organiation.
The first chapter is about the introduction, obKective, limitations, merit and
methodology of the study.
The second chapter is about the overview over the evolution of M." ban#, brief
history of M.", obKectives, mission and vission of M.", nationaliation,
privatiation, corporate profile and the organiational structure of the M." ban#
The third chapter is about the products and services offered by M." ban# branch
Mall road Mardan to their customers.
The fourth chapter is about the critical analysis of the ban# by using financial ratios
and its strengths, wea#nesses, opportunities and threats are also highlighted.
The fifth chapter is about the conclusion of the report and recommendations are
made for the efficient performance of the ban#.
C3A5%0R !
2n internship program of si% wee#s at a well reputed organiation is essential for
the academic requirement at .omsats Institute of Information Technology ).IIT*
2bbottabad. The internship is then followed by a long report over the study. This
report consists of the history and evolution of the organiation, products and
services, financial analysis and at the end recommendations are made.
This internship report is on M." ban# which is one of the leading ban#s in
&a#istan, wor#ing efficiently in the economy of the country.
!,! *bCe)ti#e o' the study
The main obKective of this study is to fulfill the degree requirement of ""2 hons at
.IIT 2bbottabad. 'urther it is to #now about the practical wor# in the corporate
sector by applying the class room #nowledge to practical wor# place. 2nd
especially to #now about the operations of ban#s and learn its practices.
!,/ 4imitations o' the study
There is nothing so perfect in earth. "est efforts have been done to conclude
maKority of the areas related to this study but there were certain constraints to it. The
most important limitation that I faced was the non availability of certain information
related to the study due to the secrecy of ban#.
!,2 Merits o' the study
The study will give benefit to the student of finance especially when they want to
opt the ban#ing sector in near future. It will also help M." ban# main branch
Mardan by the recommendations made at the end of the report.
!,< Methodo&ogy o' the Study
'ollowing primary and secondary data were used in completion of the report
!,<,! 5rimary -ata
o &ersonal observation
o 4iscussion with the ban# personals
!,<,/ Se)ondary -ata
o M." annual reports
o M." brochures
o M." manuals
o Internet
!,5 S)heme o' the Report
C3A5%0R !
This chapter is about the introduction, obKective, limitations, merit and methodology
of the study.
C3A5%0R /
This chapter is about the overview over the evolution of M." ban#, brief history of
M.", obKectives, mission and vission of M.", nationaliation, privatiation,
corporate profile and the organiational structure of the M." ban#
C3A5%0R 2
This chapter is about the products and services offered by M." ban# branch Mall
road Mardan to their customers.
C3A5%0R <
This chapter is about the critical analysis of the ban# by using financial ratios and
its strengths, wea#nesses, opportunities and threats are also highlighted.
C3A5%0R 5
This chapter is about the conclusion of the report and recommendations are made
for the efficient performance of the branch.
C3A5%0R /
/,! 0#o&ution o' Banking
The name ban# derives from the Italian word banco Ldes#HbenchL, used during the
1enaissance by Mewish 'lorentine ban#ers, who used to ma#e their transactions
above a des# covered by a green tablecloth. 8owever, there are traces of ban#ing
activity even in ancient times. &erhaps, it was the "abylonians who developed
ban#ing system as early as 5EEE "...
"an#ing in its modern form and structure started in "ritain when money of the
>ombardy merchants came to -ngland in the fourteenth century and settled in the
parts of the city of >ondon, now called >ombard Street. They were so resourceful
that even the Aings had to depend on them for loans despite the fact that the .hurch
was firmly against usury. They not only #ept the money in safe(custody but also
provided money for the travelers or merchants engaged in foreign trade. >ater on,
these merchants began to hold part of their riches in cash. Subsequently this
business was ta#en over by the goldsmiths, who up to that time were dealing only in
gold and silver. Since then goldsmiths required strong safes for the purpose of their
own business, they introduced necessary facilities of safe(#eeping of the valuable
and cash of their customers. These goldsmiths issued receipts or notes to their
depositors in respect of the cash or articles left with them. Then, these goldsmiths
discovered that large sums of money were left in their custody for long(periods,
therefore, they started the use of this cash to advance loans to other persons for a
fi%ed period of time and at a considerably high rate of interest. Moreover, they
further encouraged cash deposits by their customers by offering a part of the profit
earned on the money. Thus began !issue$ and !deposit$ ban#ing of modern times.
2vailableI httpIHHen.wi#ipedia.orgHwi#iH"an# N2ccessed 4ecember 5B, 5EEDO
/,/ 3istory o' Banking in 5akistan
.ommercial ban#s in &a#istan are the most important sector of the financial systems
in the country, both as channels for mobiliing savings and as sources of credit.
+hen &a#istan came into being on 2ugust /0, /D0?, it had only two domestic
commercial ban#sJ 8abib "an# >imited, which had been established in "ombay in
/D0/ and had moved its headquarters to Aarachi on ?
2ugust /D0?, and the
2ustralasia "an#, a very small "an# in >ahore which had been in e%istence for only
a few years. There were 0< foreign ban#s operating in the country.
&a#istan had not a .entral "an# at the time of independence. =nder arrangement
made before independence, the 1eserve "an# of India was to provide central
ban#ing services to &a#istan until September <E, /D0B. Though foreign e%perts had
advised that it might not be practicable to setup a central ban# immediately and had
recommended an interim measure an establishment of a currency board, the
government decided to go ahead and established a .entral "an# on /
Muly, /D0B
with 9/P shares held by it )government* and the remaining 0DP by private interests
so that the State "an# of &a#istan )S"&* could associate the e%perience and
e%pertise of private enterprise with direct state participation.
Then came the era of /D?E which brought a drastic change in the "an#ing Sector.
The basic obKective of this reform was to ta#e financial intermediation out of the
hands of private monopoly groups and place it in the public sector where it could be
easily influenced in line with national socio(economic priorities. 2ll private ban#s
were nationalied in Manuary /D?0. The regulatory powers of the S"& were
increased and strengthened.
4espite the great achievements of the nationalied ban#s, there had been
widespread criticism about poor quality service, imprudent ban#ing practices,
dominance of political considerations in recruitment, transfers and promotions and
unsatisfactory industrial relations. These criticisms and complaints had provided
strong arguments for privatiation which was completed up to <E
Mune, /DD/ and
2vailableI httpIHHen.wi#ipedia.orgHwi#iH"an# N2ccessed 4ecember 5B, 5EEDO
had brought a great improvement in the efficiency of the .redit System by
providing a stimulus for managerial e%cellence
/,/,! Brie' history o' MCB
M." >td formerly #nown as Muslim .ommercial "an# >imited was incorporated
by the 2damKee :roup on Muly D, /D0?, under the Indian .ompanies 2ct, VII of
/D/< as a limited company. The ban# was established with a view to provide
ban#ing facilities to the business community of the South 2sia. The ban# was
nationalied in /D?0 during the government of Fulfi#ar 2li "hutto. This was the
first ban# to privatied in /DD/ and the ban# was purchased by a consortium of
distinguished &a#istani corporate groups led by 7ishat :roup. 2s of Mune 5EEB, the
7ishat :roup owns a maKority sta#e in the ban#. The president of the ban# is Mr.
2tif "aKwa )previously with .itiban#*. 'ounded in /D0B, 7ishat :roup is one of the
leading and most diversified business groups in &a#istan. The group has strong
presence in the most important business sectors of the country such as ban#ing,
te%tile, cement and insurance. Mian Mohammad Mansha is the .hairman of the
group )and also M."* and has played instrumental role in its success
4uring the last fifteen years, the "an# has concentrated on growth through
improving service quality, investment in technology and people, utiliing its
e%tensive branch networ#, developing a large and stable deposit base and managing
its non(performing loans via improved ris# management processes.
In 5EE9, the management of the ban# changed its name from Muslim .ommercial
"an# >imited to M." "an# >imited )M."*. The reason was to e%plore
international mar#ets as they were facing resistance especially from +estern
.ountries to avail license. In 5EEB the head office of M." was shifted to >ahore in
a newly constructed building, namely M." 8ouse, located at Sharea :hous(ul(
2am )formerly #nown as Mail 1oad* from Aarachi
2vailableI httpIHHen.wi#ipedia.orgHwi#iHMuslim_.ommercial_"an# N2ccessed 4ecember 5B, 5EEDO
/,/,/ Credit Rating
7ame of "an# 1ating 2gency Short Term >ong Term 4ate of 1ating
M." "an#
&2.12 2/Q 22Q Mune, 5EED
/,/,2 Auditors
2udit 4ivision is responsible for the inspection of financial affairs. It also #eeps a
chec# over the irregularities in different branches. They are delegated enough
authority from the "oard of 4irectors so that it wor#s without pressure. It appoints
the audit teams and all the irregularities pointed out are reported to this division
/,/,2,!Audit Committee
Mr. Tariq 1afi .hairman
4r. Muhammad 3aqub Member
4atoR Mohammed 8ussein Member
Mr. 2ftab 2hmad Ahan Member
Mr. Muhammad 2li Feb Member
Mr. Mali# 2bdul +aheed Member
2vailableI N2ccessed
4ecember 5B, 5EEDO
2vailableI N2ccessed 4ecember 5B, 5EEDO
/,2 *rganiDationa& Stru)ture
In M." there is departmentaliation by function. There are twenty divisions
wor#ing under 8ead 6ffice, each of which is having his own field of wor#, these
divisions areI
/,2,! Agri)u&ture di#ision
This division wor# for the development of agriculture in the country. It advances
loans for agricultural purpose and recovers all loans already given for the said
purpose. This division also assists +orld "an# and other donors in their agriculture
development proKect.
/,2,/ Audit di#ision
&reviously it was called inspection and audit division. It conducts audit in ban#,s
branches and it delegated enough authority from the board of directors so that it can
wor# without any fear. It appoints audit teams and all the irregularities are reported
to this division.
/,2,2 Business de#e&opment E marketing di#ision
This is the most important division wor#ing under 8.6J the main function of this
division is business development. This division on the basis of mar#et survey
introduces new schemes and all the mar#eting activities for the promotion of the
new products are carried out by this division. .hanges in the e%isting connection
with ban# @ customer scheme is also the responsibility of this division.
/,2,< Centra& a))ounts di#ision
The main responsibility of this division is to #eep accounts of branches and record
of all inter branch transitions and of branches with ho. calculation of profit on the
accounts of branches maintained with ho is also the responsibility of this division.
/,2,5 Corporate a''air di#ision
It deals with the affairs of public and private limited companies. It includes
financing of large and specialied corporations, proKects. In short it manages the
corporate financing. It also directly controls those branches which are designated as
corporate branches.
/,2," Credit management di#ision
Main function of this division is to form credit rules and regulation in accordance
with the prudential rules and regulation framed by S"&. It deals with all credit
proposals submitted by advances departments of different branches and defines their
limits of loans. Mar#eting activities about the loan is also carried out by this
division. This division #eeps contacts with all valuable clients and considers their
view about he loansHadvances procedure and tries to ma#e the procedures as simple
as possible. 2ction necessary for the recovery of loan is also ta#en by this division.
/,2,@ Finan)e and treasury di#ision
This division manages all the assets of M." management of income ta% and central
e%cise duty is the function of this division. The most important function it performs
is the announcement of profit rate on different schemes from time to time.
/,2,A Foreign trade and e1)hange operation di#ision
The main function of this division is to arrange foreign currency reserves, for day to
day requirements of ban#. It frames all rules and regulations regarding foreign
e%change and lHc opening in the light of prudential rules and regulations of S"&, and
instructions of -%port &romotion "ureau )-&"* and ministry of commerce and
/,2,B =enera& ser#i)e se)tion
This division deals with construction and maintenance of branches, purchase and
maintenance of vehicles and lasing of ban#,s property. The supply of stationery and
equipment,s is also the responsibility of this division.
/,2,!0 3uman resour)es de#e&opment di#ision
It is the most important division of ho. dealing with the most important asset of the
ban# i.e human resource. It deals with all the personnel functions of recruitment,
transfer, promotion, resignation, and separation. It settles all salary matters and
matters relating to increments, bonuses and fringe benefits. It maintains records of
employees and conducts performance appraisal and disciplinary actions.
/,2,!! In'ormation management di#ision
It is fully computeried division, which provides all sorts of information to top
management. This division monitors the information system of all branches and is
playing s a very important role in computeriation of M.".
/,2,!/ Industria& )redit di#ision
&reviously it was part of credit management division, but now it wor#s under the
said division. It deals only with the advances to industrial units.
/,2,!2 Internationa& di#ision
It loo#s after all the matters relating to foreign ban#s including the branches of
M." abroad. It loo#s after all deals which Muslim commercial ban# carries out
with ban#s and financial institution of foreign countries. Management of umra and
haKK operations is also the responsibility of this division. The management and
conditions of seminars and training programs outside the country and to send its
officials for the training abroad is the responsibility of this division.
/,2,!< In#estment banking group
It is the unit which under ta#es investment with respect to the product of the ban#s.
It deals with capital mar#et at national and international level and also managers
syndicates in case of issuing of shares etc.
/,2,!5 Is&amiDation di#ision
This division was established in ia regime, after the introduction of Islamic
ban#ing in &a#istan. This division administers a#at deductions, iqra surcharge and
qare hasna mode of financing. This division also gives suggestions on the adoption
of interest free ban#ing in &a#istan.
/,2,!" 4ega& a''air di#ision
This division deals with the legal affairs if the bac#, it handles all the cases filed
against someone and to defend all the cases filed against M.". It also gives
suggestions in framing of new rules and regulations to other divisions.
/,2,!@ *rganiDation and method di#ision
This division firms methods and procedures to be adopted by different branches.
This division is also responsible for construction and review of organiational
structure of M." as a whole and the braches. The division collects data and
suggestions or M." as a whole and the branches. This division collects data and
suggestions for the improvement of the organiational structure and procedures.
/,2,!A Rupees tra#e&er )he(ue and )redit )ard di#ision
This division is responsible fir maintaining all records to rupees travelers, cheque
and master card.
/,2,!B Spe)ia& assets management di#ision
This division is created to give suggestions and fins new ways and means to recover
the stuc# up loans of ban#.
/,2,/0 %raining di#ision
The division is responsible for arranging training fir all level of employees. It
administers the staff colleges of M.". This division #eeps aware itself from the
introduction of new ban#ing techniques, and provides a full opportunity to its
employees to learn what ever new.
2vailableI httpIHHbicovering.comHbusinessHdivisions(of(mcb(ban#H N2ccessed Manuary 5, 5E/EO
*rganiDationa& Chart o' MCB bank
Figure /,!
/,< ;ission and Mission
2vailableI N2ccessed Manuary 5, 5E/EO
/,<,! ;ision Statement
To be the leading financial services provider, partnering with our customers for a
more prosperous and secure future.
/,<,/ Mission Statement
+e are a team of committed professionals, providing innovative and efficient
financial solutions to create and nurture long(term relationships with our customers.
In doing so, we ensure that our shareholders can invest with confidence in us.
/,5 *bCe)ti#es
The main obKectives of M." areI
o Improved .ustomer Services
o -ffective =se of -lectronic Media
o -nlightened &ersonnel &olicies
o .ompatible &ac#age
o -%cellent +or# -nvironment
o Moderniation of "ranches
o >aunching of 7ew &roducts
o 4ecentraliation of 2uthority
o -ffective staff Motivation &olicies
/," Core ;a&ues
2vailableI N2ccessed Manuary 5, 5E/EO
/,",! Integrity
+e are the trustees of public funds and serve our community with integrity. +e
believe in being the best at always doing the right thing. +e deliver on our
responsibilities and commitments to our customers as well as our colleagues.

/,",/ Respe)t
+e respect our customer,s values, beliefs, culture and history. +e value the equality
of gender and diversity of e%perience and education that our employees bring with
them. +e create an environment where each individual is enabled to succeed.

/,",2 01)e&&en)e
+e ta#e personal responsibility for our role as leaders in the pursuit of e%cellence.
+e are a performance driven, result oriented organiation where merit is the only
criterion for reward.
/,",< Customer Centri)ity
6ur customers are at the heart of everything we do. +e thrive on the challenge of
understanding their needs and aspirations, both realied and unrealied. +e ma#e
every effort to e%ceed customer e%pectations through superior services and

/,",5 Inno#ation
+e encourage and reward people who challenge the status quo and thin# beyond the
boundaries of the conventional. 6ur teams wor# together for the smooth and
efficient implementation of ideas and initiatives.
/,@ Corporate 5ro'i&e
/,@,! 01e)uti#e )ommittee
Board o' -ire)tors
Mian Mohammad Mansha .hairman
Mr. S. M. Muneer Vice .hairman

Mr. Tariq 1afi Member

Mr. Shahad Saleem Member

Mr. Sarmad 2min Member

4r. Muhammad 3aqub Member

Mian 1aa Mansha Member

4atoR Mohammed 8ussein Member

Mr. 2ftab 2hmad Ahan Member

Mr. 2bdul 'arid "in 2lias Member

Mian =mer Mansha Member

Mr. Muhammad 2li Feb Member

Mr. 2tif "aKwa &resident H .-6

Audit Committee
Mr. Tariq 1afi .hairman

4r. Muhammad 3aqub Member

4atoR Mohammed 8ussein Member
Mr. 2ftab 2hmad Ahan Member

Mr. Muhammad 2li Feb Member

Mr. Mali# 2bdul +aheed Member

3uman Resour)es Committee
Mian Mohammad Mansha .hairman

4r. Muhammad 3aqub Member

Mian 1aa Mansha Member

Mr. Shahad Saleemn Member
Mr. 2tif "aKwa Member

Risk Management E 5ort'o&io Re#ie$ Committee
Mr. Shahad Saleem .hairman

Mr. Tariq 1afi Member

Mr. Sarmad 2min Member

Mian 1aa Mansha Member

Mian =mer Mansha Member

Committee on 5hysi)a& 5&anning+ I% System E Contingen)y Arrangements
Mr. Sarmad 2min .hairman

Mr. S. M. Muneer Member

Mr. Tariq 1afi Member

Mian 1aa Mansha Member

Mr. 2bdul 'arid "in 2lias Member

Mr. 2tif "aKwa Member
Business Strategy E -e#e&opment Committee
Mian Mohammad Mansha .hairman

Mr. S. M. Muneer Member

Mr. Shahad Saleem Member
Mian 1aa Mansha Member

4r. Muhammad 3aqub Member

4atoR Mohammad 8ussein Member

Mian =mer Mansha Member

Mr. 2tif "aKwa Member

Chie' Finan)ia& *''i)er
Mr.Salman Fafar Siddiqi
5rin)ipa& *''i)e
M." /9 Main :ulberg, >ahore

RegistrarFs and Share Registration *''i)e
M." /9 Main :ulberg, >ahore
MHs. T8A 2ssociates )&vt.* >imited
State >ife "uilding 7o.<,
4r. Fiauddin 2hmed 1oad,
/,A Stru)ture o' MCB Bank bran)h ma&& road Mardan on the basis
o' 'un)tion
2vailableI N2ccessed Manuary 5, 5E/EO
Figure /,/
Manager Bran)h *peration G*,=,!H
/,A,! 4o)ation
The internship program was attended in the M." ban# main branch in Mardan city,
which is situated on the Mall 1oad near &1. .antt.
"ills 4eptt 'ore% .redit 1emittance 2Hc,s
1H' 4H' .H'
Inward 6utward
.ash 4eptt
.learing 6utward
&ayments .ollection 2T. 2TM
/,A,/ 8umber o' emp&oyees
There are twenty three employees wor#ing in M." main branch Mardan, along
with the 2V&, operation manager, credit manager, and accounts manager, clerical
staff, billing section, cashier, peons and security guards.
8ames -esignation
Mr. Shameem 2nwar 2ssistant Vice &resident )M." main branch*
Mr. IKa 2hmad .redit Manager
Mr. Shamsher 2li #han 6peration Manager
Mr. "ashir 2hmad 'ore% Manager
Mr. 8amayun Ahan 2ccounts Manager
/,A,2 Credit )ommittee
The members of credit committee are as follows
8ames -esignation
Mr. IKa 2hmad .redit Manager
Mr. Irfan Ahan 2ssistants .redit Manager
C3A5%0R 2
2,! Ba)kground o' MCB Bank Mardan
The M." ban# main branch the mall Mardan is considered as most active and
productive branch of the city. The ban# is currently operating with an e%cellent
deposit base and the efficient staff category which are the bac# bone in improving
the branch performance in the region while the branch is headed by a .hief
Manager guiding to different functions operating within the branch and a sub
manager ta#ing the responsibility of staff,s efficiency wor#ing in different
department. +here as the branch is completely equipped and decorated with
modern furniture and a pleasant internal atmosphere, which really attracts the
customers, that to get feel easy during their dealing with ban# specially in rush
2,/ Business o#er#ie$
2,/,! Corporate and In#estment Banking
.orporate "an#ing :roup of M." is focusing on top tier local corporate groups
and multinationals in a structured and focused manner building relationships leading
to increased mar#et share.
"ranches having 2dvances of 1s./EE, EEE,EEE per party relationship and
monitoring such advances are called as .orporate "ranches. These branches include
corporate clients and their requirements are loo#ed after. There are about 5E
corporate branches of M." in &a#istan.
2,/,/ Commer)ia& Banking
The .ommercial "an#ing :roup of M." continues to service the trading
community and middle mar#et, with sustained focus on developing new customer
relationships and increasing the asset portfolio.
2,/,2 Corporate Banking
M." .orporate "an#ing is providing its customers with professional financial
advisor that give personal attention to customers, ban#ing needs. They are
specialists in connection with the services li#e under(ta#ing, corporate advisory,
proKect finance, equity placements etc.
2,/,< Consumer Finan)e
The .onsumer "an#ing :roup focuses on the lower end of the mar#et and micro
credit. Individual customer needs are being serviced through the introduction of
diverse lifestyle consumer loans and introduction of new products and partnerships
with service providers. .ustomers will continue to use the e%tensive branch
networ#, which in turn will generate deposits to feed the asset development and
liquidity requirements of the "an# through its diversified and stable deposit base.
2,2 *#era&& 'inan)ia& position
2,2,! Ba&an)e sheet o' the bank
The overall financial position of the M." ban# is given below
Figure 2,!
Assets /00A GRupees in F000H /00@ GRupees in F000H
6perating 2ssets !@+2/0+<A5 /;,EB5,?B/
Investments B@+@B0+2B! //9,<9B,9DE
6ther 2ssets !B+A/A+//A /?,BD;,B<B
4eposits 220+/<5+0A0 5D5,EBB,<0?
6ther >iabilities /!+/5/+B</ //,?/;,0;9
0(uity "0+!2/+!22 9?,90?,<55
2,< -epartments o' bran)h
The departments functioning at, M." main branch Mardan briefed by its concerned
officers during the internship areI
2vailableI"P5E2(1eport5EE?.pdf N2ccessed Manuary 5, 5E/EO
2vailableI N2ccessed Manuary 5, 5E/EO
o 2ccounts department.
o 1emittance department.
o 'oreign e%change department.
o 2dvance and .redit department.
o .ash department
2,<,! A))ounts departments
The function of 2ccounts department is to post daily activities of each and every
section. -very department is sending the detailed report of daily progress to the
2ccount 4epartment for posting the same in the cash boo#, also allowed the clean
cash register. The transaction then will be shifted to their appropriate heads.
2ccounts department deals in two types of registers.
In the income ledger the transactions relating to the income of the ban# are to be
posted, li#e commission from parties, maintenance etc. all the development
e%penses of the ban# including salaries e%penses of the staff, rent e%penses etc are
to be posted in the e%pense ledger. 2ccounts department also maintains the deposits,
and also prepares the wee#ly and daily statements of the affairs of the branch. It is
Kust li#e a balance sheet.
2,<,!,! %he deposit se)tion
The deposits are one of the most fundamental sections of any ban#. This section had
been set up with a view to accept deposits from general public and which was also a
central idea to create a ban#. It will not wrong to say that the ban#ing starts from
this section.
2,<,!,/ Fun)tions o' the se)tion
The deposits section carries out many significant functions, besides providing other
required facilities and information to its customers. Some of #ey functions are given
2,<,!,2 %ypes o' A))ounts
2,<,!,2,! Current A))ounts
These are running accounts and are opened by the individualsHbusinessmen, public
institutions and groups, that ma#e deposits and withdrawals frequently. The deposits
and withdrawals can be made through cheques, demands drafts, pay orders, etc,
drawn on the branch. 2s these accounts are payable whenever the depositors
demand and the "an# by accepting these deposits incurs the obligation of paying all
types of orders to the e%tent of the credit balance in the depositor,s accounts. These
deposits represent current liabilities of the ban#. So, the ban# has to #eep sufficient
funds in its hand to meet the requirements of the depositors of these deposits.
The account holder is e%pected to maintain a minimum balance of 1s.9EEH( in his
account or whatever the minimum amount is prescribed for the purpose. These
accounts are completely e%empted from withholding ta% and Fa#at deduction.
2,<,!,2,/ 54S Sa#ing A))ounts
These are also one #ind of demand deposits and are #ept to develop the saving sense
in the citiens of the country. These accounts are opened mainly by those customers
whose ban#ing transactions are not frequent and numerous. "ut the withdrawals are
restricted to twice a wee#.
'rom the ban#,s point of view a considerably percentage of such deposits can safely
be invested and the "an# need not #eep larger reserves to satisfy the daily demand
upon such deposits. 2t the same time the ban# pays the profit at competitive rates
on such deposits in long period investments. The ban# can, on the request of its
depositors, pay their utility and other bills out of their accounts. The profit is not
paid on these deposits. 2s a result the ban# earns ma%imum profit from these #inds
of accounts.
Salient 'eature
o To maintain requirement for opening account is rs.9EEH(
o There is no limit for ma%imum deposit.
o 7o limit of deposits and withdrawals is defined.
o The deposits can be lodged in both local as well as foreign currencies.
o The ban# collects cheques, demand drafts, etc and pays all the bills, cheques,
pay orders, etc, on the behalf of its depositors.
o The current accounts can be made byI
o Individuals )single or Kointly*
o &roprietorship and companies in their names.
o Such other groups and organiation.
o 2ll cheques and other instruments should be crossed, before they are
deposited for credit into account.
o The ban# would not require any prior permission from the account holder
for debiting hisHher account for charging deposits, which varies from time to
time usually after every si% months.
2,<,!,2,2 G54SH %erms -eposits
The deposit which is acceptable by the ban# under the condition that it will not be
payable on demand, but will be payable on a fi%ed or predetermined future time or
date, is called fi%ed deposit. "ut after the islamiation of ban#ing system in /DB9,
its name has been changed from fi%ed to &>S Terms 4eposit.
The deposits are accepted for the range from < months to above. 6f course, the
longer the period, the higher is the rate of profit offered. "ut for the premature
withdrawal of amount a prior notice to the ban# is necessary. The ban# accepts these
deposits with the purposes, to ma#e minimum profit by using the proceeds of such
deposits, to appeal customers by offering them a high rate of return, to meet their
entire ban#ing needs, and to help economy to grow.
Salient 'eature
o The minimum deposits is accepted by the ban# with the sum of 1s./EEEH(
o The ma%imum deposit has got no limit.
o The deposits are accepted for the period form three months ma%imum to
o The &>S term depositors would be eligible for sharing profitHloses with the
ban# at true rate determined by the ban#.
o +here profits and losses would be distributed on half yearly basis.
o 6n the maturity, the depositors shall have an option either to draw the
deposit and the amount of his profit share if any or renew the deposit.
o Incase of premature withdrawal a prior notice must be given by the depositor
to the ban# on which ban# is eligible to ma%imie the profit ratio of
depositor or to deduct some charges of its services.
2,<,!,< A))ount opening
2ccount opening is an agreement in which customer offers his funds and ban#
accepts these funds, therefore the nature of relation between a ban#er and customer
is of a contractual one and all the conditions applicable to this contract act are also
2,<,!,<,! 5ro)edure 'or opening
o &rocedure for opening of account is as followsI
o 2 person, who wants to open any #ind of account, has to fill in a printed
form which is provided by the ban#, free of cost. Separate account opening
forms are used for different types of accounts.
o "an# usually requires that new depositor must be introduced by some one.
2n introducer can be any person #nown to the ban# but preferably it should
be a customer of the ban#. 8owever, the manager can open the account by
his own introduction.
o If the manager is satisfied, it will obtain the full signature of the customer(
on the form and specimen signature card, ma#es the first deposit, and issues
the cheque boo#.
o The following are given to the customersI
o &ay(in(slip is the proof of deposit. 'or every payment which is to be
deposited in the ban#, the pay(in(slip is to be filled up. The obKect of this
boo# is to provide the customer with the ban#Rs ac#nowledgment for receipt
of money to be credited this account.
o .heque "oo# contains a number of cheques. It enables a customer to ma#e
withdrawal from this account or ma#e payment of various parties by issue of
o &ass "oo# is a copy of the customers account as appears in the boo#s of the
ban#. "alance is recorded in this boo# by the cler#.
o In case of partnership account partnership deed should be attached.
o In case of companies memorandum and article of association, certificate of
incorporation, certificates for commencement of business, list of directors
and board resolution for opening of account is also obtained from the
o 2ccounts of Trusts, -%ecutors @ 2dministrators can also be opened but with
the prior approval of the 8ead 6ffice.
2,<,!,<,/ C&earing department
-very ban#er acts both as a paying as well as a collecting ban#er, It is however an
important function of crossed cheques. 2 large part of this wor# is carried out
through the ban#ers clearing house.
2 clearing house is a place where representative of all ban#s of the city get together
and settle the receipts and payment of cheques drawn on each other. 2s the
collecting ban#er runs certain ris#s in receipt of their ownership the law has
provided certain protections to the ban#s.
The 7egotiable Instrument 2ct, /BB/, lays down hat drawer or holder of a cheque or
draft may cross the instrument generally or specially. It further lies down that a
crossed cheque can only be paid to a ban#er, who collects it for a customer in good
faith and without negligence.
2,<,!,<,2 Automated system o' )he(ue )&earing
The automated cheque processing service is operated by 7ational Intuitional
'acilitation Technologies &vt >td. 7I'T a private company. The clearing
mechanism in the 7I'T system is shown in the diagram. 8ere 2 and " represents
two commercial ban#s and 2/, 25, "/ and "5 are their respective branches.
Figure 2,/
In this system different ban#s and their branches will directly approach the 7I'T
and send their outward clearing instruments to it. 2t 7I'T these instruments will be
processed automatically. 7I'T will prepare sets of inward clearing instruments to be
sent directly to the payee branches and report of net clearing positions of all ban#s
to be sending directly to the State "an# of &a#istan for settlement. So the 7I'T will
replace both clearing department of commercial ban#s and clearing houses of the
State "an# of &a#istan. Thus the 7I'T system is more efficient and quic# in terms
of time and accuracy as compared to the manual system of cheque clearing.
S"& >ocal 6ffice
6utward .learing
Inward .learing
7I'T 7et Settlement &osition
2,<,!,<,< %ypes o' )he(ues )o&&e)ted
o Transfer chequesI are those cheques, which are collected and paid by the
same branch of ban#.
o Transfer delivery chequesI are those cheques, which are collected and paid
by two different branches of the same ban# situated in the same city.
o .learing chequesI are those cheques, which are drawn on the branches of
some other ban# of the same city or of the same area, which is covered by a
particular clearing house.
o .ollection chequesI are those cheques, which are drawn on the branches of
either the same ban# or of another ban#, but those branches, are not in the
same city or they are not the members of clearing house.
2,<,!,<,5 Fun)tions o' )&earing department
o To accept Transfer, Transfer delivery, clearing and collection cheques from
the customers of the branch and to arrange for their collection.
o To arrange the payment of cheques drawn on the branch and given for
collection to any other branch on M." or any other members or sub
member of the local clearing house.
o To collect amount of cheques drawn on members, sub(member of local
clearing house, sent for collection by M." "ranches, not represented at the
local clearing house.
2,<,!,<," Common pro)edure 'or a&& )he(ues
o 1eceiving and scrutiniing the cheques and other deposit instruments, and
the pay(in(slip at the counter.
o 'i%ing the stamps.
o Scrutiny and receipt by the authoried officer.
o 1eturning the counter file to the depositor.
o .ertificate and confirmation by the officer in charge of the department. ,
o Separating the cheque into transfer, transfer delivery, and clearing cheques.
2,<,/ Remittan)e -epartment
2ccording to concerned officer of this department, the ban# promoted the facility of
remitting the funds within certain limits. 1emittance department here consists of
two maKor sections which are inland remittance and foreign remittance.
2,<,/,! In&and Remittan)e
The term inland remittance means transfer of funds from one branch too another
within the country through following ban#ing instruments.
o 4emand draft.
o Telegraph transfer.
o Mail transfer.
o &ay order.
2,<,/,!,! -emand dra't G--H
It is written drawn by one branch of a ban# upon another branch of the same ban#
or upon branch of any other ban# wor#ing with in the country under special
arrangement to pay certain sum of money to or to the order of specified person.
M." deals with two types of dd.
2,<,/,!,/ %e&egraph %rans'er G%%H
Transfer of funds form one branch to another of the same ban# or upon other ban#s
under special arrangements for the payment to beneficiary, through telegram, tele%,
and fa% is allied telegraph transfer.
2,<,/,!,2 Mai& %rans'er
Transfer of funds from one branch of the same ban# inside or outside the country
through mailHcourier service is called. Mail transfer are same as for telegraph
transfer, but if a person,s account is not e%isted in the said branch, in this case the
sending branch will shift the amount to the concerned branch and advice will be
sent to the other ban# in which his account e%ists. In suspense account the party will
have to prove identity.
2,<,/,!,< 5ay *rder
2 pay order is a written authoriation for payment made in a receipt from issued and
payable by the ban# to the person named and addressed there, on this giving a
proper discharge there on. &ay order can be made for the branch of same ban# with
in the same city. There is option to change ban# )name* but that ban#,s branch
should be in the same city. The "an#,s commission is fi%ed as 9P for any amount.
2,<,/,/ Foreign Remittan)es
The ban# provides the facilities of foreign remittance to the domestic residential and
foreigners to send money from one country to another. The ban# also provides
foreign e%change in the shape of traveler,s cheques to intending visitors. Travelers
.heque is an order drawn by the ban# in favor of travelers upon specific ban# to
pay him specific amount on demand after proper identification abroad. The travelers
first pay the amount of money to the issuing ban#, which is responsible to pay the
amount to the foreign ban# upon which it is drawn.
2,<,2 Foreign 01)hange -epartments
'oreign e%change department plays a vital role in the international trade of any
country. "y realiing so, M." has also concentrated and improved, well its foreign
e%change operation as for the efficiency of its employees and customers satisfaction
is concerned.
=nder foreign trade operations normal transaction starts with the sales contract
where by the buyer tenders value and the seller goods. There is a degree of ris#
involved in the e%change of goods against payment, if geographic distance
increases. The problem is furthered by the fact that buyer and seller belong to two
different countries. Thus in the first place they don,t #now each other and in second
place they cannot ascertain the ris# involved and finally the problems are worsened
by the fact that laws of the land differ in each country. Thus in the ordinary course
of business, following four forms of transactions can ta#e place in international
o 2dvance payment.
o 6pen account.
o 4ocument collection.
o 4ocumentary credit.
2,<,2,! Ad#an)e payments
The importer ma#es the payments in advance payment, first and goods are received
later on.
2,<,2,/ *pen a))ount
In the open account e%porter sends the goods first and payment is made later on.
2,<,2,2 -o)ument )o&&e)tion
In the documentary collection, the remitting bac# sends the documents and the
importer ban# delivers documents against payment. It may be dawn under sight or
acceptance basis.
2,<,2,< -o)umentary )redit
4ocumentary .redit reduces the ris# attached to either importer or e%porter hence
an >H. )>etter of credit* is established by the issuing bac# on the request of
importer and the >H. is sent to the advising ban# in the e%porter country which then
collects the documents and sends them to the issuing ban# provided they confirm to
the terms and conditions of the credit which are then tendered by issuing ban# of
payment acceptance as per terms of the >H.. The Muslim .ommercial "an# 1oad
Mardan foreign e%change 4epartment is divided into the following sectionsI
o >icensing section.
o Import section.
o 'oreign e%change remittance section.
o 'oreign currency account section.
2,<,2,<,! 4i)ensing Se)tion
>icensing section it wor#ing under chief controller of imports. The main function of
this section is to grant the registration to importers.
2,<,2,<,/ Imports
Imports can be defined as bringing any commodity good into a country from out
side the country through any way or channel. In &a#istan imports are regulated by
Ministry of .ommerce, under the e%port and import act /D9E and the notification
issue there underI
2ll the imports are done through letter of .redit >H. which is an understanding or a
letter of guarantee issued to the e%porter by the ban# on behalf of importer says
defaulter the ban# will pay and in case the e%porter do not follow the terms and
conditions of the >H. the ban# will be liable to the importer.
2,<,2,<,/,! %ypes o' 4etter *' Credit
2n !irrevocable letter of .redit$ cannot be altered or canceled without the consent
of all the parties, i.e. the opener, the opening ban#, the confirming ban# and the
beneficiary. This credit becomes confirmed as soon as the advising ban# at the
request of opening ban# confirms the credit to the beneficiary. In this way the
e%ports gets the double satisfaction of receiving the payment for goods from the
confirming ban#, provided he submits the shipping documents strictly in terms of
2,<,2,<,/,!,! Re#o)ab&e 4etter o' Credit
This letter can be modified or canceled by the issuing ban# at any time without any
obligation or its part. This letter is usually not acceptable to the businessmen.
2,<,2,<,/,!,/ Con'irmed 4IC
The e%porter,s ban#, which confirms the letter of credit, ta#es the liability of paying
e%porters in case the issuing ban# fails to ma#e payment to the e%porter.
2,<,2,<,/,!,2 :n)on'irmed 4IC
=nconfirmed letter of credit, the ban# through which the credit is negotiated does
not give any guarantee to the e%porter that the issuing ban# will honor the bills
drawn. 'rom e%porter,s point of view the confirmed irrevocable >H. is the best
form of receiving payment.
2,<,2,<,/,!,< C&ean 4IC
There these are no conditions attached to bill and the issuing ban#s ma#es payment
up to the limit credit, the letter is called a .lean >H..
2,<,2,<,/,/ *pening o' &etter o' )redit
The mechanism of financing international through >. is quite simple. The importer
needing some foreign goods, will first of all contact the e%porter outside the country
or their agents wor#ing here in &a#istan. They both will sign a contact, which will
contain all the necessary information about the goods to be imported. The importer
then will apply for the issuance of letter of credit through a form, this form contains
all the necessary information li#e the description of merchandise, port of shipment,
port of unloading and quality and quantity of the commodity.
2,<,2,<,2 Remittan)es in Foreign 01)hange
M." provides the opportunity to his customers to transfer his money from one
country to anotherJ the customer must have an account in foreign currency in the
ban#. M." provides all modes of foreign remittance similar to local remittances i.e.
'44, 'TT, 'MT.
2,<,2,<,< Foreign Curren)y A))ount
The section deals in foreign currency accounts. 'oreign currency account scheme
was started from 2pril /DD/ in Muslim .ommercial "an# under the name of !&rime
.urrency 2ccount$. The account can be opened in personal name or Koint names by
&a#istan residents or non(residents or non(residents foreign 7ationals. 'oreign
currency account can be opened in four global currencies i.e. =S 4ollar, &ound
Sterling, Mapanese 3en, and 4eutsche Mar#. Traveler,s cheques and foreign
currency notes can also be issued to the holders of the personal and Koint account.
1emittances from abroad.
Travelers, cheques foreign currency notes and foreign e%change generated by
enchasing )'.-."..s*. 'oreign "earer .ertificate may be deposited in these
accounts. 1upee loan facility is also available against this account. The foreign
currency account holder can draw any amount of foreign e%change from foreign
currency account and transfer or remit the amount freely to any part of the +orld
without any restrictions.
The restrictions imposed by State "an# of &a#istan for the opening of 'oreign
.urrency 2ccount in absence of passports, wor# permit and resident visa have been
withdrawn. The account will be restriction free. The prime currency scheme is
e%empted from all form of ta%es including income ta%, wealth ta% and Fa#at
dedications. The return on the scheme is up to /EP per annum, payable in foreign
currency only.
2,<,< Ad#an)es department
2s told by the concerned officers of this department. 2dvances department is
lending loans to individuals, .ompanies, .orporations etc for different purposes. It
provides loans for agricultural and industrial development. It provides the following
2,<,<,! Running Finan)e
It is provided only to the current account holder, onal office can sanction the loan
up to < la#es. :eneral Manager of the circle has the power to sanction the loan up to
/ millionJ beyond this limit the head office will be sanctioning authority. The loan
can be granted on personal guarantee or any thing tangible that is acceptable to the
ban# li#e stoc# property must be ensured by the party. The mar# up will be charged
as 9/ paisa per thousand on daily product basis. The yearly interest rate is /B.5P the
repayment of the loan will be made from time to time. In running finance the loan
up to < la#es is called commercial loan beyond this, the loan is called general loan.
2,<,<,/ -emand Finan)e
The rules in demand finance are same as for running finance. &>S 2ccount holder
can also ta#e the loan after meeting with all the requirements and standard set by the
ban# for financing. The repayment of the loan will be made in monthly equal
The mar# up will be charged on the e%piry of the scheduled date of loan.
2,<,<,2 Sta'' Finan)e
+here M." also permits to its staff members for getting loans when needed for the
following purpose.
2,<,<,2,! 3ouse Bui&ding
The employee having served for 9 years in the ban#, either cler# or an officer will
be granted BE basic pays as a loan for building house. If the granted loan e%ceeds
1s. /;E,EEE the /EP interest rate will be charged.
2,<,<,2,/ Motor Cy)&e Car+ and 5ersona& ;ehi)&e
The car loan may be granted to those employees whose minimum basic pay is at
least 1s. /E,EEE and have served for at least < years. The employee will be granted
/B basic pays as loan. If the amount is e%ceeding 1s. /;E,EEE the /EP interest rate
will be charged. The ma%imum Motor .ycle >oan is 9;,EEE. In this case the officers
of above :rade will pay 9P interest.
2,<,<,2,2 *#er -ra'ting G*-H
M." gives the facility of drawing more than the balance to the reliable and
established customerJ by over drafting we mean that drawing more than the balance
held with M.". 2fter over drafting the ban# will show debit balance of the
customer, and will charge interest on the amount over drawn. This type of facility is
provided occasionally and for short term. There are three types of over drafts.
2,<,<,2,2,! %emporary o#erdra'ts
This type of facility is totally under direction of the branch and requires no security,
but the State "an# of &a#istan fi%es the limit, M." can arrange over draft up to
59,EEE rupees.
2,<,<,2,2,/ Se)ured o#er dra't
It is a continue facility and the branch can not provide it under his own discretion.
.redit Management 4ivision of 8ead 6ffice sanction is the sanctioning authority.
2,<,<,2,2,2 C&ean o#er dra't
It is a continuous facility and its limit is fi%ed by the State "an# of &a#istan. 7o
security is required in this case.
2,<,<,2,2,< Finan)e against Imported Mer)handise GFIMH
It is a short(term facility provided to such importers who are not in a position of
paying and clearing documents due to =7 availability to funds for the time being or
lac# of finance against >... In such cases the importer ma#es arrangements with
M.", +hen the importer pays the amount to the ban# he will get goods
2,<,5 Cash department
2 well #nown economist says that ban#er is dealer in capital or more precisely
dealer in money. 2s the ban# deals in money its mean that the most important
department of the ban# is cash department. There are two basic functions of the cash
departments that areJ
2,<,5,! Cash re)eipt
There are different types of accounts in M." ban# and cash department receives
money from different customers and crediting to their respective accounts .for
depositing the money in accounts it is necessary for every customers to fill the slip
named pay(in(slip which contains different information which has to fill e.g.
account number, name of the account holder Sdate, amount deposited, etc. etc.
2,<,5,/ Cash payments
2ccording to the ban#ing company ordinance it is the function of the ban# that ban#
pays the money to the depositors on demand and the money can be
withdrawn through cheques drafts or otherwise. "an# want to satisfy himself
before paying the cash but what type of satisfaction, ban# satisfy himself that the
instrument is valid and there is sufficient balance In the account holder to
support the payment. There is formal procedure to receive the payment this
formal procedure is, to present the cheque to to#en cler# then it is given to
computer department to cheque the balance then signature verification
department then cashier and cashier made the payment to the customers.
2,<,5,2 A%M
2TM stands for 2utomated Teller Machine. This machine is used to transact in oneRs
account without intervention of humans. These machines are basically used for
ta#ing cash, confirming balances and requesting statements. M." has the largest
2TM networ# in the country at the moment with almost one 2TM at each online
branch and also 2TM terminals at International 2irports. This networ# covers more
than the 5? cities of &a#istan including the provincial capitals and large commercial
cities of the country. The cashier chec#s the amount in the 2TM machine on daily
basis and maintains a record for it.
2,<,5,2,! =reen Cards
:reen .ards are ordinary cards with a ma%imum withdrawal facility of 1s. /E,EEEH(
in a day. The annual fee for this card is 1s. <EEH( only.
2,<,5,2,/ =o&d Cards
:old .ards are special cars with ma%imum withdrawal limit of 1s. 59EEEH( in a day.
These cards are issued to the persons having more than 1s. 9EEEEEH( as their
average balance.
2srar 8. Siddiqi. B
-dition. &ractice and >aw of "an#ing in &a#istan
2vailableI N2ccessed Manuary D, 5E/EO
2vailableI N2ccessed Manuary D, 5E/EO
2vailableI N2ccessed Manuary D, 5E/EO
2vailableI httpIHHen.wi#ipedia.orgHwi#iH.heque N2ccessed Manuary D, 5E/EO
Irfan #han. personal communication. M." "an# Mardan
C3A5%0R <
Ana&ysis o' MCB Bank
<,! Finan)ia& Ana&ysis
'inancial analysis tells about the financial position of the firm. 'inancial statements tell
trends in the business and help the organiation to better forecast that how the
organiation is performing presently. In this case we analye different aspects of the
business. There might be a way that we Kust loo# at the financial statements and ma#e an
analysis on the basis of observation. The other methods include considering the items
in the statements and obtain some results. In the analysis of the financial data, we
consider certain fundamental things. The relationship among different items of the
statements should be analyed in order to reach to a certain conclusion. These analyses
give us an idea that is these relationships healthy or sound or not. There should be a
proportion or balance among all these items. This does not stand same for all the type
of businesses, but the methods followed are usually the same. .ertain disproportions
are dangerous and indicate definitely that trouble is in store for the business.
2nother thing sought in the financial statements is the trend or direction of the business.
Investors are usually interested in the present balance or proportion of the items in the
statements, but they are even more interested in #nowing what the items are going to be
in the future. There are four broad categories of the statement analysisI
o Simple evaluation method
o &ercentage comparison method
o Statement of changes in the financial position
o 1atio analysis
'or the analysis of M." ban#, 'ollowing methods have been adoptedI
o Vertical 2nalysis
o 8oriontal 2nalysis
o 1atio 2nalysis
<,!,! ;erti)a& and 3oriDonta& ana&ysis o' MCB bank &imited
MCB Bank 4imited
Conso&idated Ba&an)e Sheet
As at -e)ember 2!+ /00A
;erti)a& and 3oriDonta& Ana&ysis
Assets /00A /00@
G/00@ /00AH
.ash and balances with treasury
B.DP D.;/P (E.?/P
"alances with other ban#s E.D55P E.D<;P (E.E/0P
>ending,s to financial
E.D5EP E.590P E.;;;P
Investments T net 5/.D;P 5?.D<P (9.D?P
2dvances T net 9B.D9P 9<.E5DP 9.D5/P
6perating fi%ed assets <.BBDP <.BDP (E.EE/P
4eferred ta% assets T net ( ( (
6ther assets T net 0.095P 0.<<0P E.//BP
"ills payable 5.<;DP 5.9<P (E./;/P
"orrowings 9.EBDP D.9D<P (0.9E0P
4eposits and other accounts ?0./;P ?E.?0P <.05P
Sub(ordinate loan ( E.//;P (
>iabilities against assets subKect
to finance lease ( ( (
4eferred ta% liabilities T net E.EDBBP E.5B?P (E./BB5P
6ther liabilities 0.??P 5.B<?P /.D<<P
B;.0DP B;.E;P E.0<P
8et assets !2,50<J !2,B2@J 0,<22J
Represented by:
Share capital /.0/P /.95/P (E.///P
1eserves B.59BP B.5<0P E.E50P
=nappropriated profit 5.0B9P /.?EBP E.???P
Minority interest E.EEEE/90P E.EEEE/959P E.EEEEEE/9P
Surplus on revaluation of assets
( net of ta% /.<9P 5.0?P (/./5P
!2,50J !2,B2@J 0,<2@J
Vertical analysis of M." balance sheet is done by ta#ing the total assets as base and
all the other items are compared with the base item. The analysis shows the percentage
of different assets in total assets and different liabilities in total liabilities. 2ccording to
my analysis the percentage of advances is more than other assets in total assets .2ll the
percentages are calculated in the table. The main point is to compare the two year
calculations which are done through the horiontal analysis. +hich as a whole shows
that the firms performance is not up to the mar#. The financial position of M." is not
outstanding when I compared only assets portion but when I compared the liabilities then
I recognied that the liabilities had a very minor change. 2s we #now that when
liabilities are less then assets the performance of the firm is good so financial M." is
loo#ing strong and is in the running condition.
MCB Bank 4imited
Conso&idated 5ro'it and 4oss A))ount
For the year ended -e)ember 2!+ /00A
;erti)a& Ana&ysis
/00A /00@
Mar#(up H return H interest earned /EEP /EEP
Mar#(up H return H interest e%pensed E.5BDP <5.B<P
8et markup I interest in)ome @!,05J @5,/AJ
&rovision for diminution in the value of investments T
;.?P E.<<P
&rovision against loans and advances T net <.<P D.<EP
"ad debts written off directly E.EEP E.EEP
8et markup I interest in)ome a'ter pro#isions "!,0!J "5,"2J
7on(mar#(up H interest income
'ee, commission and bro#erage income ?./BP B.?5/P
Income earned as trustee to various funds E.E9P E.E/B0P
4ividend income /./5P /.;B9P
Income from dealing in foreign currencies /.B/P 5./BP
:ain on sale of securities T net /.B;P 0.?05P
=nrealied loss on revaluation of investments classified
as held
E.50P E.E/E0?P
6ther income T net E.5DP <./95P
%ota& nonmarkup I interest in)ome
?9.B5P B;./5DP
8onmarkup I interest e1penses
2dministrative e%penses /B.D5?P /?.//P
6ther provision H )reversal* T net E.E595P E.E//?P
6ther charges 5.5DDP 5.E5/P
%ota& nonmarkup I interest e1penses
Share of profit of associated underta#ing E.E??P <.B0BP
-%tra ordinary H unusual item ( (
5ro'it be'ore ta1ation 5<,"<BJ @0,A5J
Ta%ation ( .urrent year /B.009 5E.<<P
&rior years 5./;P 0.E?P
4eferred E.E0EBP 5.B<P
Share of ta% of associated underta#ing E.E;5BP E.E0P
5ro'it a'ter ta1ation 2A,/"!J 5!,@!J
&rofit attribuatble to minority interest
&rofit attribuatble to ordinary share holders <B.5;EP 9/.?/P
=nappropriated profit brought forward /?.;/P /D.?0P
Transfer from surplus on revaluation of fi%ed assets ( net
E.E9<<P E.E<?P
5ro'it a#ai&ab&e 'or appropriation 55,B/J @!,50J
8ere interest income of the year 5EE? and 5EEB is ta#en as a base item to chec# the
performance of M." ban#. This analysis shows that the performance of the overall
M." ban# is not well wishing during the last year. 2s in 5EEB operating e%penses has
increased and earning per share is decreased it means that the performance of the ban# is
not so much satisfactory.
<,!,/ Ratio Ana&ysis
It is possibly the most e%posed method of statement interpretation that includes certain
fundamental relationships of items in the statement showing liquidity of the firm, its
solvency, efficiency and the profitability. 1atio 2nalysis is the most commonly used
analysis to Kudge the financial strength of a company. 2 lot of entities li#e research
housesJ investment ban#ers, financial institutions and investors ma#e use of this analysis
to Kudge the financial strength of any company. +ith the help of these we can also Kudge
the management and its capabilities, the decisions and many other things that are
important for the firmRs growth.
This analysis ma#es use of certain ratios to achieve the above(mentioned purpose. There
are certain benchmar#s fi%ed for each ratio and the actual ones are compared with these
benchmar#s to Kudge as to how sound the company is. If we go through the boo#s and the
whole financial management, we find a lot of ratios that cover each and every aspect
of the company. The ratios li#e liquidity, profitability and leverage ratios are
traditionally use to measure the performance of any institution, but here I did internship
in a ban#, so I use special financial ratios for ban#s some of which are as follows,
o -arning assets to total assets
o 1eturn on earning assets
o Interest margin to average earning assets
o -quity capital to total assets
o 4eposit time capital
o >oan to deposit
o 6perating cost to income ratio
o -fficiency ratios
<,!,/,! 0arning assets to tota& assets
-arning assets include loans, leases, investment securities and money mar#et assets. It
e%cludes cash and non(earning deposits plus fi%ed assets. This ratio shows how well ban#
management put ban#s assets to wor# simply. 8igh performance ban# have a high ratio.
-arning 2ssets to Total 2ssets U -arning 2ssets H Total 2ssets
/00A /00@
The earning assets to total assets show that the ratio is same in 5EEB and 5EE?.
8ence the ban# is using their assets in proper way in the mar#et.
<,!,/,/ Return on earning assets
1eturn on total assets, computed by dividing net income by average earning assets, is a
profitability measure to be viewed in conKunction with return on assets and return on
equity, in this ratio the result is same as earnings to total asset, high performance ban#s
have high ratio.
1eturn on -arning 2ssets U 7et income H 2verage -arning 2ssets
/00A /00@
E.E00 E.E99
This ratio shows the profitability of the organiation is decreased from 5EE? in 5EEB.
It means that the earning of M." ban# decreases in 5EEB which is due to increase in
operating e%penses in 5EEB.
<,!,/,2 Interest margin to a#erage earning assets
Interest margin to average earning assets are the #ey determinant of ban# profitability, it
provide an indication of management ability to control the spread between interest income
and interest e%pense.
Interest Margin to 2verage -arning 2ssetsUInterest MarginH2verage -arning 2ssets
/00A /00@
2s this ratio shows that how the earning assets are earning. +e can conclude from
above that the ratio is slightly the same during the year 5EEB and 5EE?.
<,!,/,< 0(uity )apita& to tota& assets
-quity capital to total assets also called fund to total assets, measure the e%tent of equity
ownership in the ban# this ownership provides the cushion against the ris# of using debt
and leverage.
-quity .apital to Total 2ssetsU -quityHTotal 2ssets
/00A /00@
E./<9 E./<D
'or a well reputed and healthy ban# it should have this ratio less then /E percent. 'rom
above we can conclude that in 5EEB the figure has slightly changed towards a positive
<,!,/,5 -eposit time )apita&
The ratio of deposits times, capital concerns both depositors and stoc#holders. To some
e%tent, it is a type of debtHequity ratio, indicating a ban#,s debt position. More capital
implies a greater margin of safety, while a larger deposit base gives a prospect of higher
return to shareholders, since more money is available for investment purpose.
4eposit Time .apital U 4eposit H Stoc#holder -quity.
/00A /00@
9.0D/ 9.E?9
The ratio which is calculated shows the deposit of the M." ban# has slightly
increased in 5EEB comparatively from 5EE?. This shows that the ban# is performing
well in their deposits. This will help in money available for more advances.
<,!,/," 4oan to deposit
2verage total loans to average deposits are a type of assets to liabilities ratio. >oans
ma#e up a large portion of ban#s assets, and its principal obligations are the
deposits that can be withdrawn on request within time limitations. This is a type of
debt coverage ratio, and it measures the position of the ban# with regard to ta#ing
>oan to deposit KTotal >oan H 4eposits
/00A /00@
E.?D0 E.?0D
In 5EEB there is positive attitude toward the loan comparatively from 5EE? it means
that the credit department is performing well.
<,!,/,@ *perating )ost to in)ome ratio
7on Interest -%pense )cost* H 7et Income
/00A /00@
E.999 E.<;D
This ratio shows that the operating cost is increased in 5EEB which indicates that
more e%penses has been made in 5EEB due to which the return on earning assets had
decreased which we had calculated before.
<,!,/,A 0''i)ien)y ratios
The following is the efficiency ratio of the M." ban# of &a#istan
<,!,/,A,! Business per bran)h
Total 2dvances H7umber of "ranchesJ
/00A /00@
50?,;0D.B<D 5E?,900.B5E
It shows that the total advances of the M." ban# per branch in 5EEB are greater
than of 5EE?. This means that the ban# is progressing in terms of advances.
Total deposits Hnumber of branches
/00A /00@
<//,99/.D5< 5?;,B;E.DD
It shows the total number of deposits per branch of M.". The value of 5EEB is
greater than the value of 5EE?. It means the ban# is getting much more deposits as
compared to the previous year. This will help ban# to do more investments and
<,/ S7*% Ana&ysis o' MCB bank
o The largest private sector ban# in &a#istan with a networ# of /E90 domestic,
si% foreign branches.
o -%perience of operations, as the ban# was incorporatedHestablished in /D0?.
o 'ist ban# to privatied which has now become the leader in mar#et with
largest on line 2TM networ# in the country.
o "an#,s emphasis on consumer ban#ing by providing them with innovative
saving schemes, products and services suiting best to their life style.
o "est and optional policies and attractive compensation pac#ages for
employees, which has really improved their commitment dedication and
hard wor# towards the accomplishment of ban#,s obKectives.
o &ioneer in introduction of M." master card with photograph and rupee
travelers cheque )1T.* which minimie the degree of ris#.
o 2ttention and sensitivity to competition prevailing in the country.
o -asy access to the customers at their residential localities through a high
number of branches.
o -%tension and improvement in services to domestic as well as foreign
o .ustomers having accounts with small amounts are not given same services
and dealing given to those with high accounts.
o Slow down in advances growth in the short term as M." focuses on quality
customers in the mar#et.
o Management group is also having huge investments in other interest li#eI
Te%tile and cement industries, which may divided their attention and
resources also.
o 7o transparent system of recruitment and selection.
o 4ue to largest 2TM networ#, M." can e%pand its 50 hours cash facilities to
other cities of the country in order to meet the growing mar#et demand.
o Increasing focus on different types of customers, M." can open women
branches especially in those areas where women class want to get involved
but couldn,t due to environmental restrictions.
o .ustomers feed bac# on different products and accounts has really improved
the ban# performance and encouraged the atmosphere for other future
o M." also has an opportunity to e%pand its new technological advancement
li#eI Tele ban# and Internet ban#ing facilities in order to serve the customers
more efficiently.
o 4ue to efficient and e%perienced management group, M." can also improve
well and e%pand its foreign operation successfully.
o Increasing number of foreign ban#s in the country.
o &rivatiation of other domestic ban#s.
o 8ighly specialied and attractive services provided by foreign ban#s to their
o Inconsistency in government,s policies regarding to business and economic
o :rowing global technological advancement.
o Strict regulations by the government over credit facilities to the customers as
well as to meet the prudential regulations.
C3A5%0R 5
Con)&usions and re)ommendations
.onclusions and recommendations are considered as integral part of internship
report. These findings and suggestions base on observations and documentary
proofs of various aspects of ban#ing during the internships program. Suggestions
for M." are as follows which covers M." as a whole of an organiation. This will
help the reader to comprehend all aspects of the M." ban# >td.
5,! MCB as a $ho&e
/. M." ban# should ta#e care of there operating e%penses, as in 5EEB there
e%penses increased which resulted in less earnings.
5. .ustomer is the most important part of any transaction. :ood dealing with
the customers must be given priority over all other aspects.

<. There should be a permanent revision of the policies because globally the
ban#ing system techniques are changing rapidly now a day, so the policies
and procedures should be reviewed time to time with the changes of the
consumer tastes.
0. M." should ta#e aggressive strategy because of increasing of new
competitor day by day,.
9. M." should ta#e care while conducting the mar#eting research and
adopting the new policies and procedures for getting its mar#et share
regarding advances.
;. The delegation of authority should be clear, because it help the employee or
the officer to use the authority at best times for effective results or
performance. 2nd all the department head should be given full authority
regarding decision(ma#ing.
?. The communication system between departments, branches, should be
improved to ma#e correct decision at correct time.
B. The loan and advances departments should be made free from the political
influence. M." should have the policy to investigate those customers who
get loans for a productive purpose or for any purpose, and after the complete
verification the loan should sanction then the stuc# up loan or bad debt
rations can be decreased.
D. M." should have the policy to transfer their employees time to time from
one department to another department then they can have #nowledge of
more departments. 2nd the Kob rotation factor can be solved. Then the
employees feel not bored and can wor# efficiently and effectively.
/E. "efore transferring a person to a place, his qualification and e%perience
should be matched with responsibilities of the post
//. 7ew prie schemes should be introduced. It helps the ban# to collect a large
amount of deposit in small time period.
/5. M." should wor# upon the unavoidable principles of Total Guality
Management )TGM* to achieve its optimal goals in ban#ing industry.
"an#ing is supposed to be the profession of entrepreneurship, manipulation,
dedication and sincerityJ therefore M." should equip its managers with all
these qualities, which can be beneficial to them as well as to the "an#.

/<. The management has done very well in providing best financial services to
its customers according to their needs and wants, but still there is room to be
filled to become the preferred provider of the financial services.
/0. Training programs and wor#shops should be managed to let the staff #now
the importance of the customers.
/9. The management should be provided with the stationary etc. at the right time
so that the customers may not suffer. 'or e%ample .heque "oo#s etc. for the
issuance of which customers visit the ban# again and again.
/;. The maintenance of the 2TM machine should be given high attention
because when on one side it builds a good image for the ban#J on the other
side it may violate it.
/?. The managers should be directed to #eep the discipline of the ban# tight so
that it could not create a bad impact in the mind of the customers
/B. The Managers of the branch should direct their staff members for their
ma%imum cooperation, so that the wor# could be ended well in time.
/D. Transparency should be preserved at any cost because it is very essential for
the development of domestic ban#ing.
5E. >oan procedure should not be cumbersome and should be made easy, so as
to ease the customers.
5/. &rolonged documentation should be avoided.
55. &roper sector wise loan should be disbursed in order, so that every sector
should get appropriate portion and all these sectors should simultaneously
5<. 1ecruitment in the ban# should be made purely on merit basis.
50. There should be proper training for newly selected employees.
59. The rules, regulations and the procedures should be followed as required to
avoid any mishap.
:ibson, .harles 8. )5EE<*J 'inancial 1eporting and 2nalysis. The =niversity of
Toledo )D
Siddiqui, 2.8 )5EEB*J &ractice and >aw of "an#ing in &a#istan. )B
Van 8orne, M.., and M.M. +achowic )/DDB*. 'undamentals of 'inancial
Management. )//
7eb &inks:
Anne1ure A
Anne1ure B
Anne1ure C

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