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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad

Department of Management Sciences

(Instructions for Students)
eport !ormat
Consistency in eport !ormat
The report should be in standard format i.e. A-4 size paper, with total number of
words 7,000 10,000 ( From hapter 01 to end of report before !notes" #
Two $opies and a % (soft $op&# to be presented to ''T before the deadline and
the student must brin( his $op& ()
one# for *i*a.
A uniform writin( strate(& should be adopted throu(hout the report.
+t&le of tables and data presentation should be uniform
,a$h $hapter will start from introdu$tion and in the end there will be $on$lusion.
"uidelines to be follo#ed by students #hile finali$ing their reports
-eport should be presented in a fairl& formal manner
A*oid bri(htl& $olored illustration and de$orati*e formattin( and all pa(es in plain
white (no pa(es with $olored ba$.(round e/$ept where it is re0uired#
1resent report in su$h a wa& that it meets the e/pe$tations of people in terms of
All para(raphs must be !%ustified", but not left2ri(ht2$enter ali(ned.
-eport should be numbered throu(h usin( Arabi$ numerals startin( on the first
pa(e of the first $hapter ( 1,3,) 444 #
The preliminar& pa(es su$h as $ontents, a$.nowled(ement et$ should be
numbered usin( -oman numerals (', '', ''' 44#
1a(e number must be added to the $ontents pa(es
1a(e mar(in should be 1.5 in$hes for left (be$ause of bindin(# 1.0 in$hes for
ri(ht. For top and bottom it must be 1.0 in$hes.
6aheer +wati Abbottabad 1
1a(e numbers must be in the !center" and at the bottom of pa(e.
!ont Si$e, Style and &ine Space
Font +ize should be 13
Font st&le should be Times 7ew -oman
8ine spa$e should be one and half.
'eadings, Subheadings and Titles
Title (age) -eport title should be in lar(e font size (19# but the name of the student
should be smaller size than title (14# 4. (1lease see the sample pro*ided#
'eading to pages such as the abstract or contents and chapter heading)
These titles should be in 14 and should be in bold.
Subheading through chapters)
+ubheadin( throu(hout report should be 13 and should be in bold.
*umeral System to the subheading) :se proper numeri$al s&stem for headin( and
subheadin(. For e/ample, the first subheadin( of $hapter 1 would be numbered 1.1, and
the first se$ond subheadin( would be numbered 1.1.1. 'n the se$ond $hapter, the
numberin( would be 3.1 and 3.1.1 respe$ti*el&.

All the te/t should be t&ped on one side of the paper.
,a$h $hapter should be(in on a new pa(e.
,a$h $hapter should be numbered in Arabi$ numerals, as !hapter 1", followed
b& the title of the $hapter in ne/t line. (1lease see the sample pro*ided#
%o not underline headin( or subheadin(; differentiate them b& itali$ or bold st&le.
6aheer +wati Abbottabad 3
+se of bullet points) <ullet points should be used in report where*er needed. For
e/ample, bullet points or enumeration in a $on$lusion, in the presentin( of the aim of the
report, rather than dis$ussin( the aim in (eneral wa&. The bullet size and distan$e should
be similar throu(hout report.
Tables and !igures numbering)
Tables and fi(ures are numbered separatel& throu(h the report. The& are
numbered a$$ordin( to the number of the $hapter and their se0uen$e in the
parti$ular $hapter. For e/ample, the third table in $hapter 7 would be desi(nated
Table 7.)= --------------------- with proper headin(# +imilarl&, fifth fi(ure in
$hapter 1 would be titled Fi(ure 1.5= ------------------- with proper headin(#.
<elow ea$h table or fi(ure sour$e should be mentioned.
Table format should be *er& simple and formal. +ame table format should be
followed throu(hout the report.
&ayout of ,uotations)
To support ar(uments, e/tra$ts or 0uotations from boo.s, >ournal, arti$les or
resear$h paper are usuall& in$orporated in report.
The normal strate(& for lon(er 0uotations (more than three lines# is to t&pe the
0uotation in itali$, to use a narrow line spa$e (usuall& 1# and to indent the
0uotation from left.
?uotation up to three lines or less should be in$luded within in*erted $oma.
@ar*ard s&stem has been re$ommended for referen$es a$$ordin( to whi$h=
All the referen$es, whi$h are $ited in the main te/t of the report, should be listed
at the end of the report, immediatel& prior to the appendi$es (Anne/es#
The wor.s are listed b& alphabeti$al order of the surname of the author (e/amples
on pa(es ahead#
6aheer +wati Abbottabad )
The list should be $aptioned !-eferen$es", and normall& su$h list is not
subdi*ided into se$tions of an& .ind
Aebsites referen$es should be inserted at the end of the referen$es list separatel&.

'o# to #rite references in different situations) (SAM(&-S)
./ One 0riter
(In (aragraph)
't has been in*esti(ated the impa$t of tea$hin( $ontemporar& ,uropean philosoph&
alon(side the tea$hin( of a ,uropean lan(ua(e (+mith, 1BB0#
(In reference list)
+mith, C (1BB0#; The theor& of ,uropean ulture. <irmin(ham= 8an(ua(e 1ress.
1/ More than One 0riters)
(In (aragraph)
A number of writers ha*e in*esti(ated the impa$t of tea$hin( $ontemporar& ,uropean
philosoph& alon(side the tea$hin( of a ,uropean lan(ua(e (+mith, 1BB0 and %i/es, 3001#
(In eference list)
+mith, C (1BB0# D %i/es, A (3001#; The theor& of ,uropean ulture. <irmin(ham=
8an(ua(e 1ress.
./ One author #ith more than one publication in a single year
(In (aragraph)
The desire to possess more and more has been $aused the downfall of man& a nations
('0bal, 1B)5a#
Eouth is the $apital of 1a.istan ('0bal, 1B)5b#
Fuslims need a separate homeland ('0bal, 1B)5a#
(In eference &ist)
'0bal, A.F (1B)5 a#; A messa(e for &outh of 1a.istan, 1hilosoph& of Freedom, 11 55-5G.
'0bal, A.F (1B)5 b#; 44444444444444444444444444..
6aheer +wati Abbottabad 4
2/ In eferences 0ithout dates
Ali, H (undated#;4444444444444..
3/ A boo4 is referenced in the follo#ing #ay)
+mith, C (1BB0#; The theory of European Culture. <irmin(ham= 8an(ua(e 1ress.
5/ A chapter in an edited 6olume is referenced as
Cones, + (3000#; Iontemporar& e/istentialist thou(htJ , in F. <radle& (ed#, A History of
Modern Philosophy. 8ondon= Thames 1ubli$ation. 11. )B-57G
7/ Academic 8ournal
Cones, 1 (3003#; I1henomenolo(& in so$iolo(i$al theor&J, Cournal of 'nterpretati*e
+tudies, 39()#= 11 303-)0
9/ eport
ollin, C (3001#; IThe ori(ins of the Kerman uni*ersit& s&stemJ 1h% report, uni*ersit& of
7orthtown, ,n(land.
:/ eferencing #ebsites
Cennin(s, 1. (300)#; An annotated biblio(raph& of $ontemporar& ps&$holo(&. LMnlineN
A*ailable= http=22www.bup.a$.u.2humlit2 La$$essed Canuar& 3, 300)N
*otes and !ootnotes
't is sometimes ne$essar& to in$lude additional material in a report, whi$h $annot be
pla$ed in the main te/t. +u$h material ma& be in$luded
1. 'n footnotes at the bottom of the rele*ant pa(e, or
3. 'n notes at the end of ea$h $hapter or
). At the end of the report (before !reference list" under the $aption of !*otes"#
6aheer +wati Abbottabad 5
't has been re$ommended to follow option# 03, i.e. the !notes; should be pla$ed at the
end of the report before !reference list" instead of footnotes or $hapter end.
Appendices < Anne=es
+ome material is important for a sound understandin( of the report, $an be
properl& in$luded in the appendi/.
A blan. 0uestionnaire or inter*iew s$hedule used for data $olle$tion ma& be put
as an Anne/.
An offi$ial do$uments or letter $an be used as an Anne/. 'n$lusion of lon( offi$ial
do$uments should be a*oided.
6aheer +wati Abbottabad G

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