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Companies & Best Practices

1. Performance Management Systems at Emirates airlines:-

Emirates is an airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The airline is a subsidiary o The
Emirates !roup, "hich is "holly o"ned by the #o$ernment o Dubai%s &n$estment Corporation
o Dubai. &t is the lar#est airline in the 'iddle East, operatin# nearly (,)** li#hts per "ee+ rom
its hub at Dubai &nternational Airport, to more than ,)- cities in ./ countries across si0
continents. Car#o acti$ities are underta+en by the Emirates !roup%s Emirates 1+yCar#o di$ision.
Emirates Airlines ma+es use o competency based perormance mana#ement systems or
mana#in# the "or+orce & #ettin# the desired outcome rom them. &t uses a 2 point #radin#
system or #radin# the competencies essential or perormin# a 3ob eiciently. The ollo"in#
ima#e sho"s the 2 point #radin# system.
The abo$e system is used to #rade the competencies. 4ocus is on beha$ioral competencies, rather
than unctional competencies. 5nly 67ery !ood8 & 6E0ceptional8 contributors are considered
or promotion. 6!ood8 & 6De$elopin#8 contributors are trained.
All the competencies do not ha$e the same "ei#hts. The competencies are "ei#hted accordin# to
their rele$ancy in the 3ob. The ima#e belo" sho"s the competencies & the #radin# system.
The abo$e i#ure sho"s the list o critical competencies & their "ei#hts. The inal score is
calculated and then it is determined "hether to train or to promote.
2. Performance Management Systems at SouthWest Airlines:-
1outh"est Airlines Co. is a ma3or U.1. airline and the "orld%s lar#est lo"-cost carrier,
head9uartered in Dallas, Te0as. The airline "as established in ,:;. and adopted their current
name in ,:.,. The airline has )),/(, employees as o December -*,( and operates more than
(,)** li#hts per day. As o <une 2, -*,,, it carries the most domestic passen#ers o any U.1.
1outh=est Airlines uses compentency based perormance mana#ement system. &t has three
principles or Perormance 'ana#ement. These are:-
Work Environment "hich emphasi>es shared #oals, shared +no"led#e and mutual respect.
4ocuses on 10 organizational relationships to perorm better.
1ound communication techniques "hich are re9uent, timely and ocused on sol$in#
They ma+e use o a ) point #rade scale or e$aluatin#
,. Unsatisactory
-. 1atisactory?can impro$e@
(. !ood
). 5utstandin#
They use the ollo"in# model or better perormance mana#ement:
The ma3or competencies "hich they ocus on are
Ad3usts to audience Comprehends
communication rom
Able to maintain #ood "or+
lie balance
Buildin# trust Continuous learnin# 'aintains ocus
!oal oriented &n$ol$es others Champions di$ersity
Creates a learnin#
De$elops others
These competencies are rated usin# the abo$e mentioned ) point #radin# scale. Alon# "ith
super$isors they also ta+e eedbac+ rom the colle#uesApeers.

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