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Republic of the Philippines

Supreme Court



- versus -

G.R. No. 1800!



R!MON' M!N!&O an(
R"N!&'O M!N!&O,
+"&!S$O, ,R),
&"ON!R'O-'" $!S#RO, an(

October /, 0112
3- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3


P"NO, C.J.#
4hile victi-s of enforce( (isappearances are separate( fro- the rest of
the 5orl( behin( secret 5alls, the6 are not separate( fro- the constitutional
protection of their basic ri.hts) #he constitution is an overarchin. s76 that covers all
in its protection) #he case at bar involves the ri.hts to life, libert6 an( securit6 in the
first petition for a 5rit of amparo file( before this $ourt)
#his is an appeal via Petition for Revie5 un(er Rule 89 of the Rules of
$ourt in relation to Section :;
<:= of the Rule on the 4rit of Amparo, see7in. to
reverse an( set asi(e on both >uestions of fact an( la5, the 'ecision pro-ul.ate(
b6 the $ourt of !ppeals in $)!) G)R) !MP!RO No) 1111:, entitle( ?Ra6-on(
Manalo an( Re6nal(o Manalo, petitioners, versus #he Secretar6 of National
'efense, the $hief of Staff, !r-e( @orces of the Philippines, respon(ents)A
#his case 5as ori.inall6 a Petition for Prohibition, InBunction, an(
#e-porar6 Restrainin. Or(er C#ROD
<0= file( before this $ourt b6 herein
respon(ents Ctherein petitionersD on !u.ust 0E, 011/ to stop herein petitioners
Ctherein respon(entsD an(For their officers an( a.ents fro- (eprivin. the- of their to libert6 an( other basic ri.hts) #herein petitioners also ancillar6
re-e(ies, Protective $usto(6 Or(ers, !ppoint-ent of $o--issioner, Inspection an(
!ccess Or(ers, an( all other an( e>uitable reliefs un(er !rticle +III, Section
<E= of the :;2/ $onstitution an( Rule :E9, Section G of the Rules of $ourt) In
our Resolution (ate( !u.ust 08, 011/, 5e C:D or(ere( the Secretar6 of the
'epart-ent of National 'efense an( the $hief of Staff of the !@P, their a.ents,
representatives, or persons actin. in their stea(, inclu(in. but not li-ite( to the
$itiHens !r-e( @orces Geo.raphical Unit C$!@GUD to sub-it their $o--entI an(
C0D enBoine( the- fro- causin. the arrest of therein petitioners, or other5ise
restrictin., curtailin., abri(.in., or (eprivin. the- of their to life, libert6, an(
other basic ri.hts as .uarantee( un(er !rticle III, Section :
<8= of the :;2/
4hile the !u.ust 0E, 011/ Petition 5as pen(in., the Rule on the 4rit of
Amparo too7 effect on October 08, 011/) @orth5ith, therein petitioners file( a
Manifestation an( O-nibus Motion to #reat "3istin. Petition as Amparo Petition, to
!(-it Supportin. !ffi(avits, an( to Grant Interi- an( @inal Amparo Reliefs) #he6
pra6e( that: C:D the petition be consi(ere( a Petition for the 4rit of Amparo un(er
Sec) 0G
<G= of the Amparo RuleI C0D the $ourt issue the 5rit co--an(in. therein
respon(ents to -a7e a verifie( return 5ithin the perio( provi(e( b6 la5 an(
containin. the specific -atter re>uire( b6 la5I CED the6 be .rante( the interi- reliefs
allo5e( b6 the Amparo Rule an( all other reliefs pra6e( for in the petition but not
covere( b6 the Amparo RuleI C8D the $ourt, after hearin., ren(er Bu(.-ent as
re>uire( in Sec) :2
</= of the Amparo RuleI an( C9D all other Bust an( e>uitable
On October 09, 011/, the $ourt resolve( to treat the !u.ust 0E, 011/
Petition as a petition un(er the Amparo Rule an( further resolve(, viz:
4*"R"@OR", let a 4RI# O@ !MP!RO be issue( to
respon(ents re>uirin. the- to file 5ith the $! C$ourt of !ppealsD
a verifie( 5ritten return 5ithin five C9D 5or7in. (a6s fro- service
of the 5rit) 4e R"M!N' the petition to the $! an( (esi.nate
the 'ivision of !ssociate ,ustice &ucas P) Bersa-in to con(uct
the su--ar6 hearin. on the petition on Nove-ber 2, 011/ at
0:11 p)-) an( (eci(e the petition in accor(ance 5ith the Rule on
the 4rit of !-paro)
On 'ece-ber 0G, 011/, the $ourt of !ppeals ren(ere( a (ecision in favor
of therein petitioners Cherein respon(entsD, the (ispositive portion of 5hich rea(s,
:) #o furnish to the petitioners an( to this $ourt 5ithin five
(a6s fro- notice of this (ecision all official an( unofficial
reports of the investi.ation un(erta7en in connection 5ith
their case, e3cept those alrea(6 on file hereinI
0) #o confir- in 5ritin. the present places of official
assi.n-ent of MFS.t *ilario aka Rollie $astillo an( 'onal(
$ 5ithin five (a6s fro- notice of this (ecision)
E) #o cause to be pro(uce( to this $ourt all -e(ical reports,
recor(s an( charts, reports of an6 treat-ent .iven or
reco--en(e( an( -e(icines prescribe(, if an6, to the
petitioners, to inclu(e a list of -e(ical an( CsicD personnel
C-ilitar6 an( civilianD 5ho atten(e( to the- fro- @ebruar6
:8, 011G until !u.ust :0, 011/ 5ithin five (a6s fro- notice
of this (ecision)
#he co-pliance 5ith this (ecision shall be -a(e un(er
the si.nature an( oath of respon(ent !@P $hief of Staff or his
(ul6 authoriHe( (eput6, the latterJs authorit6 to be e3press an(
-a(e apparent on the face of the s5orn co-pliance 5ith this
SO OR'"R"')
*ence, this appeal) In resolvin. this appeal, 5e first unfurl the facts as
alle.e( b6 herein respon(ents:
Respon(ent Ra6-on( Manalo recounte( that about one or t5o 5ee7s
before @ebruar6 :8, 011G, several unifor-e( an( ar-e( sol(iers an( -e-bers of
the $!@GU su--one( to a -eetin. all the resi(ents of their barangay in San
I(elfonso, Bulacan) Respon(ents 5ere not able to atten( as the6 5ere not
infor-e( of the .atherin., but Ra6-on( sa5 so-e of the sol(iers 5hen he passe(
b6 the barangay hall)
On @ebruar6 :8, 011G, Ra6-on( 5as sleepin. in their house in Buhol na
Man..a, San Il(efonso, Bulacan) !t past noon, several ar-e( sol(iers 5earin.
5hite shirts, fati.ue pants an( ar-6 boots, entere( their house an( rouse( hi-)
#he6 as7e( hi- if he 5as Bestre, but his -other, "ster Manalo, replie( that he 5as
Ra6-on(, not Bestre) #he ar-e( sol(ier slappe( hi- on both chee7s an( nu(.e(
hi- in the sto-ach) *e 5as then han(cuffe(, to the rear of his house, an(
force( to the .roun( face (o5n) *e 5as 7ic7e( on the hip, or(ere( to stan( an(
face up to the, then forcibl6 near the roa() *e tol( his -other to follo5
hi-, but three sol(iers stoppe( her an( tol( her to sta6)
!-on. the -en 5ho ca-e to ta7e hi-, Ra6-on( reco.niHe( brothers
Michael (e la $ruH, Ma(nin. (e la $ruH, ?PutiA (e la $ruH, an( ?PulaA (e la $ruH,
5ho all acte( as loo7out) #he6 5ere all -e-bers of the $!@GU an( resi(in. in
ManuHon, San Il(efonso, Bulacan) *e also reco.niHe( brothers Ran(6 Men(oHa
an( Ru(6 Men(oHa, also -e-bers of the $!@GU) 4hile he 5as bein. forcibl6
ta7en, he also sa5 outsi(e of his house t5o barangay councilors, Pablo $unanan
an( Bernar(o &in.asa, 5ith so-e sol(iers an( ar-e( -en)
#he -en force( Ra6-on( into a 5hite &E11 van) Once insi(e, he 5as
blin(fol(e() Before bein. blin(fol(e(, he sa5 the faces of the sol(iers 5ho too7
hi-) &ater, in his :2 -onths of captivit6, he learne( their na-es) #he one 5ho
(rove the van 5as RiHal *ilario alias Rollie $astillo, 5ho- he esti-ate( 5as about
81 6ears of a.e or ol(er) #he lea(er of the tea- 5ho entere( his house an(
ab(ucte( hi- 5as ?Ganata)A *e 5as tall, thin, curl6-haire( an( a bit ol() !nother
one of his ab(uctors 5as ?Geor.eA 5ho 5as tall, thin, 5hite-s7inne( an( about E1
6ears ol()
#he van (rove off, then ca-e to a stop) ! person 5as insi(e the
van an( -a(e to sit besi(e Ra6-on() Both of the- 5ere beaten up) On the roa(,
he reco.niHe( the voice of the person besi(e hi- as his brother Re6nal(oJs) #he
van stoppe( several ti-es until the6 finall6 arrive( at a house) Ra6-on( an(
Re6nal(o 5ere each to a (ifferent roo-) 4ith the (oors of their roo-s left
open, Ra6-on( sa5 several sol(iers continuousl6 hittin. his brother Re6nal(o on
the hea( an( other parts of his bo(6 5ith the butt of their .uns for about :9 -inutes)
!fter 5hich, Re6nal(o 5as to his CRa6-on(JsD roo- an( it 5as his
CRa6-on(JsD turn to be beaten up in the other roo-) #he sol(iers as7e( hi- if he
5as a -e-ber of the Ne5 PeopleJs !r-6) "ach ti-e he sai( he 5as not, he 5as hit
5ith the butt of their .uns) *e 5as >uestione( 5here his co-ra(es 5ere, ho5 -an6
sol(iers he ha( 7ille(, an( ho5 -an6 NP! -e-bers he ha( helpe() "ach ti-e he
ans5ere( none, the6 hit hi-)
In the ne3t (a6s, Ra6-on(Js interro.ators appeare( to be hi.h officials as
the sol(iers 5ho beat hi- up 5oul( salute the-, call the- ?sir,A an( treat the- 5ith
respect) *e 5as in blin(fol(s 5hen interro.ate( b6 the hi.h officials, but he sa5
their faces 5hen the6 arrive( an( before the blin(fol( 5as put on) *e notice( that
the unifor- of the hi.h officials 5as (ifferent fro- those of the other sol(iers) One
of those officials 5as tall an( thin, 5ore 5hite pants, tie, an( leather shoes, instea(
of co-bat boots) *e spo7e in #a.alo. an( 7ne5 -uch about his parents an( fa-il6,
an( a habeas corpus case file( in connection 5ith the respon(entsJ ab(uction)
4hile these officials interro.ate( hi-, Ra6-on( 5as not -anhan(le() But once
the6 ha( left, the sol(ier .uar(s beat hi- up) 4hen the .uar(s .ot (run7, the6 also
-anhan(le( respon(ents) 'urin. this ti-e, Ra6-on( 5as fe( onl6 at, usuall6
5ith left-over an( rotten foo()
On the thir( 5ee7 of respon(entsJ (etention, t5o -en arrive( 5hile
Ra6-on( 5as sleepin. an( beat hi- up) #he6 (ouse( hi- 5ith urine an( hot
5ater, hit his sto-ach 5ith a piece of 5oo(, slappe( his forehea( t5ice 5ith a )89
pistol, punche( hi- on the -outh, an( burnt so-e parts of his bo(6 5ith a burnin.
5oo() 4hen he coul( no en(ure the torture an( coul( har(l6 breathe, the6
stoppe() #he6 then subBecte( Re6nal(o to the sa-e or(eal in another roo-)
Before their torturers left, the6 5arne( Ra6-on( that the6 5oul( co-e bac7 the ne3t
(a6 an( 7ill hi-)
#he follo5in., Ra6-on( atte-pte( to escape) *e 5aite( for the
.uar(s to .et (run7, then -a(e noise 5ith the chains put on hi- to see if the6 5ere
still a5a7e) 4hen none of the- ca-e to chec7 on hi-, he -ana.e( to free his
han( fro- the chains an( Bu-pe( throu.h the 5in(o5) *e passe( throu.h a
helipa( an( firin. ran.e an( stoppe( near a fishpon( 5here he use( stones to
brea7 his chains) !fter 5al7in. throu.h a foreste( area, he ca-e near a river an(
an I.lesia ni Kristo church) *e tal7e( to so-e 5o-en 5ho 5ere (oin. the laun(r6,
as7e( 5here he 5as an( the roa( to Gapan) *e 5as tol( that he 5as in @ort
<:;= *e reache( the hi.h5a6, but so-e sol(iers spotte( hi-, forcin.
hi- to run a5a6) #he sol(iers chase( hi- an( up 5ith hi-) #he6
hi- to another place near the entrance of 5hat he sa5 5as @ort Ma.sa6sa6) *e
5as bo3e( repeate(l6, 7ic7e(, an( hit 5ith chains until his bac7 ble() #he6 poure(
.asoline on hi-) #hen a so-calle( ?Ma-A or ?Ma(a-A su((enl6 calle(, sa6in. that
she 5ante( to see Ra6-on( before he 5as 7ille() #he sol(iers cease( the torture
an( he 5as returne( insi(e @ort Ma.sa6sa6 5here Re6nal(o 5as (etaine()
@or so-e 5ee7s, the respon(ents ha( a respite fro- all the torture) #heir
5oun(s 5ere treate() 4hen the 5oun(s 5ere al-ost heale(, the torture resu-e(,
particularl6 5hen respon(entsJ .uar(s .ot (run7)
Ra6-on( recalle( that so-eti-e in !pril until Ma6 011G, he 5as (etaine(
in a roo- enclose( b6 steel bars) *e sta6e( all the ti-e in that s-all roo-
-easurin. : 3 0 -eters, an( (i( ever6thin. there, inclu(in. urinatin., re-ovin. his
bo5els, bathin., eatin. an( sleepin.) *e counte( that ei.hteen people
<00= ha(
been (etaine( in that bartolina, inclu(in. his brother Re6nal(o an( hi-self)
@or about three an( a half -onths, the respon(ents 5ere (etaine( in @ort
Ma.sa6sa6) #he6 5ere 7ept in a s-all house 5ith t5o roo-s an( a 7itchen) One
roo- 5as -a(e into the bartolina) #he house 5as near the firin. ran.e, helipa(
an( -an.o trees) !t (a5n, sol(iers -arche( b6 their house) #he6 5ere also
so-eti-es (etaine( in 5hat he onl6 7ne5 as the ?'#U)A
!t the '#U, a -ale (octor ca-e to e3a-ine respon(ents) *e chec7e(
their bo(6 an( e6es, too7 their urine sa-ples an( -ar7e( the-) 4hen as7e( ho5
the6 5ere feelin., the6 replie( that the6 ha( a har( ti-e urinatin., their sto-achs
5ere achin., an( the6 felt other pains in their bo(6) #he ne3t (a6, t5o la(ies in
5hite arrive() #he6 also e3a-ine( respon(ents an( .ave the- -e(icines,
inclu(in. orasol, a-o3icillin an( -efena-ic aci() #he6 5ith the- the
results of respon(entsJ urine test an( a(vise( the- to (rin7 plent6 of 5ater an( ta7e
their -e(icine) #he t5o la(ies returne( a fe5 -ore ti-es) #hereafter, -e(icines
5ere sent throu.h the ?-asterA of the '#U, ?MasterA 'el Rosario alias $arin6oso at
Puti) Respon(ents 5ere 7ept in the '#U for about t5o 5ee7s) 4hile there, he -et
a sol(ier na-e( "fren 5ho sai( that Gen) Palparan or(ere( hi- to -onitor an( ta7e
care of the-)
One (a6, RiHal *ilario fetche( respon(ents in a Revo vehicle) #he6, alon.
5ith "fren an( several other ar-e( -en 5earin. fati.ue suits, 5ent to a (etach-ent
in Pinau(, San Il(efonso, Bulacan) Respon(ents 5ere (etaine( for one or t5o
5ee7s in a bi. t5o-store6 house) *ilario an( "fren sta6e( 5ith the-) 4hile there,
Ra6-on( 5as beaten up b6 *ilarioJs -en)
@ro- Pinau(, *ilario an( "fren respon(ents to Sapan., San
Mi.uel, Bulacan on boar( the Revo) #he6 5ere (etaine( in a bi. unfinishe( house
insi(e the co-poun( of ?KapitanA for about three -onths) 4hen the6 arrive( in
Sapan., Gen) Palparan tal7e( to the-) #he6 5ere out of the house to a
bas7etball court in the center of the co-poun( an( -a(e to sit) Gen) Palparan 5as
alrea(6 5aitin., seate() *e 5as about t5o ar-sJ a5a6 fro- respon(ents)
*e b6 as7in. if respon(ents felt 5ell alrea(6, to 5hich Ra6-on( replie( in the
affir-ative) *e as7e( Ra6-on( if he 7ne5 hi-) Ra6-on( lie( that he (i( not) *e
then as7e( Ra6-on( if he 5oul( be scare( if he 5ere -a(e to face Gen) Palparan)
Ra6-on( respon(e( that he 5oul( not be because he (i( not believe that Gen)
Palparan 5as an evil -an)
Ra6-on( narrate( his conversation 5ith Gen) Palparan in his affi(avit,
#inanon. a7o ni Gen) Palparan, ?N.a6on na 7aharap
-o na a7o, (i 7a ba natata7ot sa a7inLA
Su-a.ot a7on., ?Si6e-pre po, natata7ot (inMA
Sabi ni Gen) Palparan: ?Si.e, bibi.6an 7o 7a6o n.
isan. pa.7a7ataon na -abuha6, bastaJt sun(in nJ6o an. lahat
n. sasabihin 7oM sabihin -o sa -a.ulan. -o N hu5a.
pu-unta sa -.a rali, sa hearin., sa Karapatan at sa *u-an (ahil nilolo7o lan. 7a6o) Sabihin sa -a.ulan. at lahat
sa baha6 na hu5a. palo7o (oon) 7a-i na 7ausapin
si Bestre na su-u7o na sa .ob6erno)A
Respon(ents a.ree( to (o as Gen) Palparan tol( the- as the6 felt the6
coul( not (o other5ise) !t about E:11 in the -ornin., *ilario, "fren an( the for-erJs
-en - the sa-e .roup that ab(ucte( the- - the- to their parentsJ house)
Ra6-on( 5as sho5n to his parents 5hile Re6nal(o sta6e( in the Revo because he
still coul( not 5al7) In the presence of *ilario an( other sol(iers, Ra6-on( rela6e(
to his parents 5hat Gen) Palparan tol( hi-) !s the6 5ere afrai(, Ra6-on(Js
parents acce(e() *ilario threatene( Ra6-on(Js parents that if the6 continue( to
Boin hu-an ri.hts rallies, the6 5oul( never see their chil(ren a.ain) #he
respon(ents 5ere then bac7 to Sapan.)
4hen respon(ents arrive( bac7 in Sapan., Gen) Palparan 5as about to
leave) *e 5as tal7in. 5ith the four ?-astersA 5ho 5ere there: !r-an, Ganata,
*ilario an( $abalse)
<E1= 4hen Gen) Palparan sa5 Ra6-on(, he calle( for hi-)
*e 5as in a bi. 5hite vehicle) Ra6-on( stoo( outsi(e the vehicle as Gen) Palparan
tol( hi- to .ain bac7 his an( be health6 an( to ta7e the -e(icine he left for
hi- an( Re6nal(o) *e sai( the -e(icine 5as e3pensive at PhpE9)11 each, an(
5oul( -a7e the- stron.) *e also sai( that the6 shoul( prove that the6 are on the
si(e of the -ilitar6 an( 5arne( that the6 5oul( not be .iven another chance)
'urin. his testi-on6, Ra6-on( i(entifie( Gen) Palparan b6 his picture)
One of the sol(iers na-e( !r-an -a(e Ra6-on( ta7e the -e(icine left
b6 Gen) Palparan) #he -e(icine, na-e( ?!live,A 5as .reen an( 6ello5) Ra6-on(
an( Re6nal(o 5ere each .iven a bo3 of this -e(icine an( instructe( to ta7e one
capsule a (a6) !r-an chec7e( if the6 5ere .ettin. their (ose of the -e(icine) #he
?!liveA -a(e the- sleep each ti-e the6 too7 it, an( the6 felt heav6 upon 5a7in.
!fter a fe5 (a6s, *ilario arrive( a.ain) *e too7 Re6nal(o an( left
Ra6-on( at Sapan.) !r-an instructe( Ra6-on( that 5hile in Sapan., he shoul(
intro(uce hi-self as ?Oscar,A a -ilitar6 trainee fro- Saria6a, QueHon, in
Bulacan) 4hile there, he sa5 a.ain Ganata, one of the -en 5ho ab(ucte( hi-
fro- his house, an( .ot ac>uainte( 5ith other -ilitar6 -en an( civilians)
!fter about three -onths in Sapan., Ra6-on( 5as to $a-p
#ecson un(er the 08
Infantr6 Battalion) *e 5as fetche( b6 three uni(entifie( -en
in a bi. 5hite vehicle) "fren 5ent 5ith the-) Ra6-on( 5as then blin(fol(e() !fter
a E1--inute ri(e, his blin(fol( 5as re-ove() $hains 5ere put on hi- an( he 5as
7ept in the barrac7s)
#he ne3t (a6, Ra6-on(Js chains 5ere re-ove( an( he 5as or(ere( to
clean outsi(e the barrac7s) It 5as then he learne( that he 5as in a (etach-ent of
the Ran.ers) #here 5ere -an6 sol(iers, hun(re(s of the- 5ere trainin.) *e 5as
also or(ere( to clean insi(e the barrac7s) In one of the roo-s therein, he -et
Sherl6n $a(apan fro- &a.una) She tol( hi- that she 5as a stu(ent of the
Universit6 of the Philippines an( 5as ab(ucte( in *a.ono6, Bulacan) She confi(e(
that she ha( been subBecte( to severe torture an( rape() She 5as cr6in. an( to .o ho-e an( be 5ith her parents) 'urin. the (a6, her chains 5ere
re-ove( an( she 5as -a(e to (o the laun(r6)
!fter a 5ee7, Re6nal(o 5as also to $a-p #ecson) #5o (a6s
fro- his arrival, t5o other captives, Karen "-peOo an( Manuel Merino, arrive()
Karen an( Manuel 5ere put in the roo- 5ith ?!llanA 5hose na-e the6 later ca-e to
7no5 as 'onal( $, calle( ?-asterA or ?co--an(erA b6 his -en in the 08
Infantr6 Battalion) Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o 5ere put in the a(Boinin. roo-) !t
ti-es, Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o 5ere threatene(, an( Re6nal(o 5as beaten up) In
the (a6ti-e, their chains 5ere re-ove(, but 5ere put bac7 on at #he6 5ere
threatene( that if the6 escape(, their fa-ilies 5oul( all be 7ille()
On or about October G, 011G, *ilario arrive( in $a-p #ecson) *e tol( the
(etainees that the6 shoul( be than7ful the6 5ere still alive an( shoul( continue
alon. their ?rene5e( life)A Before the hearin. of Nove-ber G or 2, 011G,
respon(ents 5ere to their parents to instruct the- not to atten( the hearin.)
*o5ever, their parents ha( alrea(6 left for Manila) Respon(ents 5ere bac7
to $a-p #ecson) #he6 sta6e( in that ca-p fro- Septe-ber 011G to Nove-ber
011G, an( Ra6-on( 5as instructe( to continue usin. the na-e ?OscarA an( hol(in.
hi-self out as a -ilitar6 trainee) *e .ot ac>uainte( 5ith sol(iers of the 08
Battalion 5hose na-es an( (escriptions he state( in his affi(avit)
On Nove-ber 00, 011G, respon(ents, alon. 5ith Sherl6n, Karen, an(
Manuel, 5ere transferre( to a ca-p of the 08
Infantr6 Battalion in &i-a6, Bataan)
#here 5ere -an6 huts in the ca-p) #he6 sta6e( in that ca-p until Ma6 2, 011/)
So-e sol(iers of the battalion sta6e( 5ith the-) 4hile there, battalion sol(iers
5ho- Ra6-on( 7ne5 as ?MarA an( ?Bill6A beat hi- up an( hit hi- in the sto-ach
5ith their .uns) Sherl6n an( Karen also suffere( enor-ous torture in the ca-p)
#he6 5ere all -a(e to clean, coo7, an( help in raisin. livestoc7)
Ra6-on( recalle( that 5hen ?Operation &ubo.A 5as launche(, $
an( so-e other sol(iers hi- an( Manuel 5ith the- to ta7e an( 7ill all
s6-pathiHers of the NP!) #he6 5ere to Baran.a6 Ba6an-ba6anan, Bataan
5here he 5itnesse( the 7illin. of an ol( -an (oin. kaingin) #he sol(iers sai( he
5as 7ille( because he ha( a son 5ho 5as a -e-ber of the NP! an( he co((le(
NP! -e-bers in his house)
<81= !nother ti-e, in another ?Operation &ubo.,A
Ra6-on( 5as to Baran.a6 Orion in a house 5here NP! -en sta6e()
4hen the6 arrive(, onl6 the ol( -an of the house 5ho 5as sic7 5as there) #he6
spare( hi- an( 7ille( onl6 his son before Ra6-on(Js e6es)
@ro- &i-a6, Ra6-on(, Re6nal(o, Sherl6n, Karen, an( Manuel 5ere
transferre( to %a-bales, in a safehouse near the sea) $ an( so-e of his -en
sta6e( 5ith the-) ! retire( ar-6 sol(ier 5as in char.e of the house) &i7e in &i-a6,
the five (etainees 5ere -a(e to (o erran(s an( chores) #he6 sta6e( in %a-bales
fro- Ma6 2 or ;, 011/ until ,une 011/)
In ,une 011/, $ the five bac7 to the ca-p in &i-a6)
Ra6-on(, Re6nal(o, an( Manuel 5ere tas7e( to brin. foo( to (etainees to
the ca-p) Ra6-on( narrate( 5hat he 5itnesse( an( e3perience( in the ca-p, viz:
Isan. .abi, sinabihan 7a-i ni 'onal( C$ai.asD na -atulo.
na 7a-i) Na7ita 7o si 'onal( na inaa6os an. 7an6an. baril, at
nila.6an n. silenser) Sabi ni 'onal( na 7un. -a6roon -an
7a-in. -a7ita o -arini., 5alan. nan.6ari) Kinau-a.ahan,
na7ita na-in. an. ban.7a6 n. isa sa -.a biha. na (inala sa
7a-po) Ma6roon. binuhos sa 7an6an. 7ata5an at itoJ6 sinuno.)
Masansan. an. a-o6)
Ma7araan an. isan. lin.o, (ala5an. ban.7a6 an(
ibinaba n. -.a unipor-a(on. sun(alo -ula sa G 3 G na tra7 at
(inala sa loob n. 7a-po) Ma6 nai5an. -.a ba7as n. (u.o
haban. hinihila nila an. -.a ban.7a6) Naa-o6 7o i6on nan.
nililinis an. ba7as)
Ma7alipas an. isa o (ala5an. lin.o, -a6 (inu7ot sila
na (ala5an. Ita) Itinali sila sa labas n. 7ubo,,
i7ina(ena at labis na Na7ita 7on. na7ata7as an. isa
sa 7anila at binaril si6a n. sun(alo n.unit hin(i si6a tina-aan)
I6on. .abi na7ita 7on. pinata6 nila i6on. isan. Ita -alapit sa
Post EI sinilaban an. ban.7a6 at ibinaon ito)
Pa.7alipas n. halos : bu5an, 0 pan. ban.7a6 an.
(inala sa 7a-po) Ibinaba an. -.a ban.7a6 -ula sa pic7 up tra7,
(inala an. -.a ban.7a6 sa labas n. ba7o() Kinau-a.ahan
na7ita 7on. -a6roon. sinilaban, at napa7a-asan.san. an.
Ma6 na7ilala rin a7on. : retira(on. 7oronel at :
7asa-a ni6a) Pina7ain 7o sila) Sabi nila sa a7in na (inu7ot sila
sa Bataan) I6on. .abi, inilabas sila at hin(i 7o na sila na7ita)
333 333 333
I7ina(ena 7a-i n. E ara5) Sa i7atlon. ara5, nilabas ni
&at si Manuel (ahil 7a7ausapin (a5 si6a ni Gen) Palparan)
Na7apirin. si Manuel, 5ala si6an. suot pan.-itaas, pinosasan)
Nila7asan n. -.a sun(alo an. tuno. na .alin. sa istir6o n.
sasa76an) 'i, narini. 7o an. hi6a5 o un.ol ni Manuel)
Su-ilip a7o sa isan. hali.i n. 7a-ali. at na7ita 7on. sinisilaban
si Manuel)
Kinau-a.ahan, na7a-7a(ena pa 7a-i) an.
-.a 7a(ena -.a E o 8 na ara5 pa.7alipas) Sinabi sa a-in na
7a6a 7a-i na7a7a(ena a6 (ahil pina.(e(esis6unan pa n. -.a
sun(alo 7un. papata6in 7a-i o hin(i) an. a-in. 7a(ena) Kinausap 7a-i ni
'onal() #inanon. 7a-i 7un. ano an. sabi ni Manuel sa a-in)
Sabi ni 'onal( hu5a. na ra5 na-in. hanapin an. (ala5an.
babae at si Manuel, (ahil -a.7a7asa-a na 6un. tatlo) Sabi pa
ni 'onal( na 7a-i ni Re6nal(o a6 buha6 at itulo6
na-in ni Re6nal(o an. trabaho) Sa .abi, hin(i na 7a-i
On or about ,une :E, 011/, Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o 5ere to
Pan.asinan, ostensibl6 to raise poultr6 for 'onal( C$ai.asD) $ tol(
respon(ents to also far- his lan(, in e3chan.e for 5hich, he 5oul( ta7e care of the
foo( of their fa-il6) #he6 5ere also tol( that the6 coul( far- a s-all plot a(Boinin.
his lan( an( sell their pro(uce) #he6 5ere no put in chains an( 5ere
instructe( to use the na-es Ro--el Cfor Ra6-on(D an( Ro( Cfor Re6nal(oD an(
represent the-selves as cousins fro- RiHal, &a.una)
Respon(ents starte( to plan their escape) #he6 coul( see the hi.h5a6 fro-
5here the6 sta6e() #he6 helpe( far- a(Boinin. lan(s for 5hich the6 5ere pai(
Php011)11 or Php811)11 an( the6 save( their earnin.s) 4hen the6 ha( save(
Php:,111)11 each, Ra6-on( as7e( a nei.hbor ho5 he coul( .et a cellular phone
as he 5ante( to e3chan.e te3t 5ith a .irl 5ho live( nearb6) ! phone 5as
pa5ne( to hi-, but he 7ept it first an( (i( not use it) #he6 earne( so-e -ore until
the6 ha( save( Php:,811)11 bet5een the-)
#here 5ere four houses in the co-poun() Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o 5ere
house( in one of the- 5hile their .uar(s live( in the other three) $ entruste(
respon(ents to Nonon., the hea( of the .uar(s) Respon(entsJ house (i( not have
electricit6) #he6 use( a la-p) #here 5as no television, but the6 ha( a ra(io) In the
evenin. of !u.ust :E, 011/, Nonon. an( his cohorts ha( a (rin7in. session) !t
about ::11 a)-), Ra6-on( turne( up the volu-e of the ra(io) 4hen none of the
.uar(s a5o7e an( too7 notice, Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o procee(e( to5ar(s the
hi.h5a6, leavin. behin( their sleepin. .uar(s an( bar7in. (o.s) #he6 boar(e( a
bus boun( for Manila an( 5ere thus free( fro- captivit6)
Re6nal(o also e3ecute( an affi(avit affir-in. the contents of Ra6-on(Js
affi(avit insofar as the6 relate( to -atters the6 5itnesse( to.ether) Re6nal(o a((e(
that 5hen the6 5ere ta7en fro- their house on @ebruar6 :8, 011G, he sa5 the faces
of his ab(uctors before he 5as blin(fol(e( 5ith his shirt) *e also na-e( the
sol(iers he .ot ac>uainte( 5ith in the :2 -onths he 5as (etaine() 4hen Ra6-on(
atte-pte( to escape fro- @ort Ma.sa6sa6, Re6nal(o 5as severel6 beaten up an(
tol( that the6 5ere in(ee( -e-bers of the NP! because Ra6-on( escape() 4ith a
)89 caliber pistol, Re6nal(o 5as hit on the bac7 an( punche( in the face until he
coul( no bear the pain)
!t one point (urin. their (etention, 5hen Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o 5ere in
Sapan., Re6nal(o 5as separate( fro- Ra6-on( an( to Pinau( b6 RiHal
*ilario) *e 5as 7ept in the house of Kapitan, a frien( of *ilario, in a -ountainous
area) *e 5as instructe( to use the na-e ?Ro(elA an( to represent hi-self as a
-ilitar6 trainee fro- Me6caua6an, Bulacan) So-eti-es, *ilario alon.
Re6nal(o in his trips) One ti-e, he 5as to a -ar7et in San ,ose, (el Monte,
Bulacan an( -a(e to 5ait in the vehicle 5hile *ilario 5as bu6in.) *e 5as also to #on(o, Manila 5here *ilario (elivere( bo3es of ?!liveA in (ifferent
houses) In these trips, *ilario (rove a blac7 an( re( vehicle) Re6nal(o 5as
blin(fol(e( 5hile still in Bulacan, but allo5e( to re-ove the blin(fol( once outsi(e
the province) In one of their trips, the6 passe( b6 @ort Ma.sa6sa6 an( $a-p
#ecson 5here Re6nal(o sa5 the si.n boar(, ?4elco-e to $a-p #ecson)A
'r) Benito Molino, M)'), corroborate( the accounts of respon(ents
Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o Manalo) 'r) Molino specialiHe( in forensic -e(icine an(
5as connecte( 5ith the Me(ical !ction Group, an or.aniHation han(lin. cases of
hu-an ri.hts violations, particularl6 cases 5here torture 5as involve() *e 5as
re>ueste( b6 an NGO to con(uct -e(ical e3a-inations on the respon(ents after
their escape) *e first as7e( the- about their or(eal, then procee(e( 5ith the
ph6sical e3a-ination) *is fin(in.s sho5e( that the scars borne b6 respon(ents
5ere consistent 5ith their account of ph6sical inBuries inflicte( upon the-) #he
e3a-ination 5as con(ucte( on !u.ust :9, 011/, t5o (a6s after respon(entsJ
escape, an( the results thereof 5ere re(uce( into 5ritin.) 'r) Molino too7
photo.raphs of the scars) *e testifie( that he follo5e( the Istanbul Protocol in
con(uctin. the e3a-ination)
Petitioners (ispute respon(entsJ account of their alle.e( ab(uction an(
torture) In co-pliance 5ith the October 09, 011/ Resolution of the $ourt, the6 file(
a Return of the 4rit of Amparo a(-ittin. the ab(uction but (en6in. an6 involve-ent
therein, viz:
:E) Petitioners Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o Manalo 5ere
not at an6 ti-e arreste(, forcibl6 ab(ucte(, (etaine(, hel(
inco--unica(o, (isappeare( or un(er the custo(6 b6 the
-ilitar6) #his is a settle( issue lai( to rest in the habeas corpus
case file( in their behalf b6 petitionersJ parents before the $ourt
of !ppeals in $)!)-G)R) SP No) ;88E: a.ainst MFS.t) RiHal
*ilario a7a Rollie $astillo, as hea( of the 08
Infantr6 BattalionI
MaB) Gen) ,ovito Palparan, as $o--an(er of the /
'ivision in &uHonI &t) Gen) *er-o.enes "speron, in his
capacit6 as the $o--an(in. General of the Philippine !r-6,
an( -e-bers of the $itiHens !r-e( @orces Geo.raphical Unit
C$!@GUD, na-el6: Michael (ela $ruH, Puti (ela $ruH, Ma(nin.
(ela $ruH, Pula (ela $ruH, Ran(6 Men(oHa an( Ru(6 Men(oHa)
#he respon(ents therein sub-itte( a return of the 5ritM On ,ul6
8, 011G, the $ourt of !ppeals (roppe( as part6 respon(ents &t)
Gen) *er-o.enes $) "speron, ,r), then $o--an(in. General
of the Philippine !r-6, an( on Septe-ber :;, 011G, MaB) CsicD
,ovito S) Palparan, then $o--an(in. General, /
'ivision, Philippine !r-6, statione( at @ort Ma.sa6sa6, Pala6an
$it6, Nueva "ciBa, upon a fin(in. that no evi(ence 5as
intro(uce( to establish their personal involve-ent in the ta7in.
of the Manalo brothers) In a 'ecision (ate( ,une 0/, 011/M, it
e3onerate( MFS.t) RiHal *ilario a7a Rollie $astillo for lac7 of
evi(ence establishin. his involve-ent in an6 capacit6 in the
(isappearance of the Manalo brothers, althou.h it hel( that the
re-ainin. respon(ents 5ere ille.all6 (etainin. the Manalo
brothers an( or(ere( the- to release the latter)

!ttache( to the Return of the 4rit 5as the affi(avit of therein respon(ent
Cherein petitionerD Secretar6 of National 'efense, 5hich atteste( that he assu-e(
office onl6 on !u.ust 2, 011/ an( 5as thus una5are of the Manalo brothersJ alle.e(
ab(uction) *e also clai-e( that:
/) #he Secretar6 of National 'efense (oes not en.a.e in
actual -ilitar6 (irectional operations, neither (oes he
un(erta7e co--an( (irections of the !@P units in the fiel(,
nor in an6 5a6 -icro-ana.e the !@P operations) #he
principal responsibilit6 of the Secretar6 of National 'efense
is focuse( in provi(in. strate.ic polic6 (irection to the
'epart-ent Cbureaus an( a.enciesD inclu(in. the !r-e(
@orces of the PhilippinesI

2) In connection 5ith the 4rit of Amparo issue( b6 the
*onorable Supre-e $ourt in this case, I have (irecte( the
$hief of Staff, !@P to institute i--e(iate action in
co-pliance 5ith Section ;C(D of the Amparo Rule an( to
sub-it report of such co-plianceM &i7e5ise, in a
Me-oran(u- 'irective also (ate( October E:, 011/, I
have issue( a polic6 (irective a((resse( to the $hief of
Staff, !@P that the !@P shoul( a(opt the follo5in. rules of
action in the event the 4rit of Amparo is issue( b6 a
co-petent court a.ainst an6 -e-bers of the !@P:
C:D to verif6 the i(entit6 of the a..rieve( part6I
C0D to recover an( preserve evi(ence relate( to the (eath
or (isappearance of the person i(entifie( in the
petition 5hich -a6 ai( in the prosecution of the
person or persons responsibleI
CED to i(entif6 5itnesses an( obtain state-ents fro- the-
concernin. the (eath or (isappearanceI
C8D to (eter-ine the cause, -anner, location an( ti-e of
(eath or (isappearance as 5ell as an6 pattern or
practice that -a6 have about the (eath or
C9D to i(entif6 an( apprehen( the person or persons
involve( in the (eath or (isappearanceI an(
CGD to brin. the suspecte( offen(ers before a co-petent

#herein respon(ent !@P $hief of Staff also sub-itte( his o5n affi(avit,
attache( to the Return of the 4rit, attestin. that he receive( the above (irective of
therein respon(ent Secretar6 of National 'efense an( that actin. on this (irective,
he (i( the follo5in.:
E):) !s currentl6 (esi.nate( $hief of Staff, !r-e(
@orces of the Philippines C!@PD, I have cause( to be issue(
(irective to the units of the !@P for the purpose of establishin.
the circu-stances of the alle.e( (isappearance an( the recent
reappearance of the petitioners)
E)0) I have cause( the i--e(iate investi.ation an(
sub-ission of the result thereof to *i.her hea(>uarters an(For
(irect the i--e(iate con(uct of the investi.ation on the -atter
b6 the concerne( unitFs, (ispatchin. Ra(io Messa.e on
Nove-ber 19, 011/, a((resse( to the $o--an(in. General,
Philippine !r-6 CInfo: $OMNO&$OM, $G, /:' P! an( $O 08 IB
P!D) ! $op6 of the Ra(io Messa.e is attache( as !NN"P ?EA of
this !ffi(avit)
E)E) 4e un(erta7e to provi(e result of the
investi.ations con(ucte( or to be con(ucte( b6 the concerne(
unit relative to the circu-stances of the alle.e( (isappearance
of the persons in 5hose favor the 4rit of !-paro has been for as soon as the sa-e has been furnishe( *i.her
E)8) ! parallel investi.ation has been (irecte( to the
sa-e units relative to another Petition for the 4rit of !-paro
CG)R) No) :/;;;8D file( at the instance of relatives of a certain
$a(apan an( "-peOo pen(in. before the Supre-e $ourt)
E)9) On the part of the !r-e( @orces, this respon(ent
5ill e3ert earnest efforts to establish the surroun(in.
circu-stances of the (isappearances of the petitioners an( to
brin. those responsible, inclu(in. an6 -ilitar6 personnel if sho5n
to have participate( or ha( co-plicit6 in the co--ission of the
co-plaine( acts, to the bar of Bustice, 5hen 5arrante( b6 the
fin(in.s an( the co-petent evi(ence that -a6 be .athere( in the
!lso attache( to the Return of the 4rit 5as the affi(avit of &t) $ol) @elipe
!nonta(o, IN@ CGS$D P!, earlier file( in G)R) No) :/;;;8, another amparo case in
this $ourt, involvin. $a(apan, "-peOo an( Merino, 5hich averre( a-on. others,
:1D Upon rea(in. the alle.ations in the Petition
i-plicatin. the 08
Infantr6 Batallion (etach-ent as (etention
area, I i--e(iatel6 5ent to the 08
IB (etach-ent in &i-a6,
Bataan an( foun( no unto5ar( inci(ents in the area nor an6
(etainees b6 the na-e of Sherl6n $a(apan, Karen "-peOo an(
Manuel Merino bein. hel( captiveI
::D #here 5as neither an6 reports of an6 (eath of
Manuel Merino in the 08
IB in &i-a6, BataanI
:0D !fter .oin. to the 08
IB in &i-a6, Bataan, 5e
-a(e further in>uiries 5ith the Philippine National Police, &i-a6,
Bataan the alle.e( (etentions or (eaths an( 5ere
infor-e( that none 5as reporte( to their .oo( officeI
:ED I also (irecte( $o-pan6 $o--an(er :
Ro-eo Publico to in>uire into the alle.e( beachhouse in Iba,
%a-bales also alle.e( to be a (etention place 5here Sherl6n
$a(apan, Karen "-peOo an( Manuel Merino 5ere (etaine()
!s per the in>uir6, ho5ever, no such beachhouse 5as use( as a
(etention place foun( to have been use( b6 ar-e( -en to
(etain $a(apan, "-peOo an( Merino)

It 5as e3plaine( in the Return of the 4rit that for lac7 of sufficient ti-e,
the affi(avits of MaB) Gen ,ovito S) Palparan CRet)D, MFS.t) RiHal *ilario a7a Rollie
$astillo, an( other persons i-plicate( b6 therein petitioners coul( not be secure( in
ti-e for the sub-ission of the Return an( 5oul( be subse>uentl6 sub-itte()
*erein petitioners presente( a lone 5itness in the su--ar6 hearin.s, &t)
$ol) Ruben U) ,i-eneH, Provost Marshall, /
Infantr6 'ivision, Philippine !r-6,
base( in @ort Ma.sa6sa6, Pala6an $it6, Nueva "ciBa) #he territorial Buris(iction of
this 'ivision covers Nueva "ciBa, !urora, Bataan, Bulacan, Pa-pan.a, #arlac an( a
portion of Pan.asinan)
<9E= #he 08
Infantr6 Battalion is part of the /
On Ma6 0G, 011G, &t) $ol) ,i-eneH 5as (irecte( b6 the $o--an(in.
General of the /
Infantr6 'ivision, MaB) Gen) ,ovito Palaran,
<99= throu.h his
!ssistant $hief of Staff,
<9G= to investi.ate the alle.e( ab(uction of the respon(ents
b6 $!@GU au3iliaries un(er his unit, na-el6: $!! Michael (e la $ruHI $!! Ro-an
(e la $ruH, a7a PutiI $!! Ma3i-o (e la $ruH, a7a PulaI $!! Ran(6 Men(oHaI e3-
$!! Marcelo (e la $ruH a7a Ma(nin.I an( a civilian na-e( Ru(6 Men(oHa) *e
5as (irecte( to (eter-ine: C:D the veracit6 of the ab(uction of Ra6-on( an(
Re6nal(o Manalo b6 the alle.e( ele-ents of the $!@GU au3iliariesI an( C0D the
a(-inistrative liabilit6 of sai( au3iliaries, if an6)
<9/= ,i-eneH testifie( that this
particular investi.ation 5as initiate( not b6 a co-plaint as 5as the usual proce(ure,
but because the $o--an(in. General sa5 ne5s about the ab(uction of the Manalo
brothers on the television, an( he 5as concerne( about 5hat 5as happenin. 5ithin
his territorial Buris(iction)
,i-eneH su--one( all si3 i-plicate( persons for the purpose of havin.
the- e3ecute s5orn state-ents an( con(uctin. an investi.ation on Ma6 0;, 011G)
<9;= #he investi.ation starte( at 2:11 in the -ornin. an( finishe( at :1:11 in the
<G1= #he investi.atin. officer, #echnical S.t) "(uar(o &in.a(, too7 the
in(ivi(ual s5orn state-ents of all si3 persons on that (a6) #here 5ere no other
s5orn state-ents ta7en, not even of the Manalo fa-il6, nor 5ere there other
5itnesses su--one( an( investi.ate(
<G:= as accor(in. to ,i-eneH, the (irective
to hi- 5as onl6 to investi.ate the si3 persons)
,i-eneH 5as besi(e &in.a( 5hen the latter too7 the state-ents)
#he si3 persons 5ere not 7no5n to ,i-eneH as it 5as in fact his first ti-e to -eet
<G8= 'urin. the entire ti-e that he 5as besi(e &in.a(, a subor(inate of his in
the Office of the Provost Marshall, ,i-eneH (i( not propoun( a sin.le >uestion to
the si3 persons)
,i-eneH testifie( that all si3 state-ents 5ere ta7en on Ma6 0;, 011G, but
Marcelo Men(oHa an( Ru(6 Men(oHa ha( to co-e bac7 the ne3t (a6 to si.n their
state-ents as the printin. of their state-ents 5as interrupte( b6 a po5er failure)
,i-eneH testifie( that the t5o on Ma6 E1, 011G, but the Burats of their
state-ents in(icate( that the6 5ere on Ma6 0;, 011G)
<GG= 4hen the S5orn
State-ents 5ere turne( over to ,i-eneH, he personall6 5rote his investi.ation
report) *e 5ritin. it in the afternoon of Ma6 E1, 011G an( finishe( it on ,une
:, 011G)
<G/= *e then .ave his report to the Office of the $hief of Personnel)
!s petitioners lar.el6 rel6 on ,i-eneHJs Investi.ation Report (ate( ,une :,
011G for their evi(ence, the report is herein substantiall6 >uote(:
III) B!$KGROUN' O@ #*" $!S"
8) #his pertains to the ab(uction of R!MON'
M!N!&O an( R"N!&'O M!N!&O 5ho 5ere forcibl6 ta7en
fro- their respective ho-es in Br.6) Buhol na Man..a, San
Il(efonso, Bulacan on :8 @ebruar6 011G b6 uni(entifie( ar-e(
-en an( thereafter 5ere forcibl6 (isappeare() !fter the sai(
inci(ent, relatives of the victi-s file( a case for !b(uction in the
civil court a.ainst the herein suspects: Michael (ela $ruH,
Ma(nin. (ela $ruH, Puti 'ela $ruH, Pula 'ela $ruH, Ran(6
Men(oHa an( Ru(6 Men(oHa as alle.e( -e-bers of the $itiHen
!r-e( @orces Geo.raphical Unit C$!@GUD)
aD S5orn state-ent of $!! Ma3i-o @) (ela $ruH, a7a
Pula (ate( 0; Ma6 011G in C"3hibit ?BAD states that he 5as at
Sitio MoHon, Br.6) Bohol na Man..a, San Il(efonso, Bulacan
(oin. the concrete buil(in. of a church locate( nearb6 his
resi(ence, to.ether 5ith so-e nei.hbor thereat) *e clai-s that
on :9 @ebruar6 011G, he 5as bein. infor-e( b6 Br.6) Ka.a5a(
Pablo U-a6an about the ab(uction of the brothers Ra6-on(
an( Re6nal(o Manalo) !s to the alle.ation that he 5as one of
the suspects, he clai-s that the6 onl6 i-plicate( hi- because
he 5as a $!@GU an( that the6 clai-e( that those 5ho
ab(ucte( the Manalo brothers are -e-bers of the Militar6 an(
$!@GU) SubBect vehe-entl6 (enie( an6 participation or
involve-ent on the ab(uction of sai( victi-s)
bD S5orn state-ent of $!! Ro-an (ela $ruH 6
@austino !7a Puti (t( 0; Ma6 011G in C"3hibit ?$AD states that he
is a resi(ent of Sitio MuHon, Br.6) Buhol na Man..a, San
Il(efonso, Bulacan an( a $!! -e-ber base( at Bia7 na Bato
'etach-ent, San Mi.uel, Bulacan) *e clai-s that Ra6-on(
an( Re6nal(o Manalo bein. his nei.hbors are active
-e-bersFs6-pathiHers of the $PPFNP! an( he also 7no5s their
el(er Rolan(o Manalo Q K! B"S#R" of bein. an NP! &ea(er
operatin. in their province) #hat at the ti-e of the alle.e(
ab(uction of the t5o C0D brothers an( for accusin. hi- to be one
of the suspects, he clai-s that on @ebruar6 :8, 011G, he 5as
one of those 5or7in. at the concrete chapel bein. constructe(
nearb6 his resi(ence) *e clai-s further that he Bust ca-e onl6
to 7no5 about the inci(ent on other (a6 C:9 @eb 1GD 5hen he
5as bein. infor-e( b6 Ka.a5a( Pablo Kunanan) #hat subBect
$!! vehe-entl6 (enie( an6 participation about the inci(ent an(
clai-e( that the6 onl6 i-plicate( hi- because he is a -e-ber
of the $!@GU)
cD S5orn State-ent of $!! Ran(6 Men(oHa 6 &
(ate( 0; Ma6 011G in C"3hibit ?OAD states that he is a resi(ent of
Br.6) Buhol na Man..a, San Il(efonso, Bulacan an( a -e-ber
of $!@GU base( at Bia7 na Bato 'etach-ent) #hat bein. a
nei.hbor, he 5as ver6 -uch a5are about the bac7.roun( of the
t5o C0D brothers Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o as active supporters of
the $PP NP! in their Br.6) an( he also 7ne5 their el(er brother
?KUM!N'"R B"S#R"A #N: Rolan(o Manalo) Bein. one of the
accuse(, he clai-s that on :8 @ebruar6 011G, he 5as at Br.6)
Ma.-arate, San Mi.uel, Bulacan in the house of his aunt an(
he learne( onl6 about the inci(ent 5hen he arrive( ho-e in their
place) *e clai-s further that the onl6 reason 5h6 the6
i-plicate( hi- 5as (ue to the fact that his -other has file( a
cri-inal char.e a.ainst their brother Rolan(o Manalo Q K!
B"S#R" 5ho is an NP! $o--an(er 5ho 7ille( his father an(
for that reason the6 i-plicate( hi- in support of their brother)
SubBect $!! vehe-entl6 (enie( an6 involve-ent on the
ab(uction of sai( Manalo brothers)
(D S5orn State-ent of Ru(6 Men(oHa 6 &in.asa
(ate( Ma6 0;, 011G in C"3hibit ?"AD states that he is a resi(ent of
Br.6) Marun.7o, !, Bulacan) *e clai-s that Ra6-on( an(
Re6nal(o Manalo are fa-iliar to hi- bein. his barrio-ate 5hen
he 5as still un-arrie( an( he 7ne5 the- since chil(hoo()
Bein. one of the accuse(, he clai-s that on :8 @ebruar6 011G,
he 5as at his resi(ence in Br.6) Marun.7o, !, Bulacan) *e
clai-s that he 5as bein. infor-e( onl6 about the inci(ent latel6
an( he 5as not a5are of an6 reason 5h6 the t5o C0D brothers
5ere bein. ab(ucte( b6 alle.e( -e-bers of the -ilitar6 an(
$!@GU) #he onl6 reason he 7no5s 5h6 the6 i-plicate( hi-
5as because there are those people 5ho are an.r6 5ith their
fa-il6 particularl6 victi-s of su--ar6 e3ecution C7illin.D (one b6
their brother Q K! Bestre Rolan(o Manalo 5ho is an NP!
lea(er) *e clai-s further that it 5as their brother Q K!
B"S#R" 5ho 7ille( his father an( he 5as livin. 5itness to that
inci(ent) SubBect civilian vehe-entl6 (enie( an6 involve-ent on
the ab(uction of the Manalo brothers)
eD S5orn state-ent of "3-$!! Marcelo (ala $ruH
(ate( 0; Ma6 011G in C"3hibit ?@AD states that he is a resi(ent of
Sitio MuHon, Br.6) Buhol na Man..a, San Il(efonso, Bulacan, a
far-er an( a for-er $!! base( at Bia7 na Bato, San Mi.uel,
Bulacan) *e clai-s that Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o Manalo are
fa-iliar to hi- bein. their barrio -ate) *e clai-s further that
the6 are active supporters of $PPFNP! an( that their brother
Rolan(o Manalo Q K! B"S#R" is an NP! lea(er) Bein. one of
the accuse(, he clai-s that on :8 @ebruar6 011G, he 5as in his
resi(ence at Sitio MuHon, Br.6) Buhol na Man..a, San
Il(efonso, Bulacan) #hat he vehe-entl6 (enie( an6
participation of the alle.e( ab(uction of the t5o C0D brothers an(
learne( onl6 about the inci(ent 5hen ru-ors reache( hi- b6 his
barrio -ates) *e clai-s that his i-plication is -erel6 fabricate(
because of his relationship to Ro-an an( Ma3i-o 5ho are his
fD S5orn state-ent of Michael (ela $ruH 6 @austino
(ate( 0; Ma6 011G in C"3hibit ?GAD states that he is a resi(ent of
Sitio MuHon, Br.6) Buhol na Man..a, San Il(efonso, Bulacan,
the $hief of Br.6) #ano( an( a $!@GU -e-ber base( at Bia7
na Bato 'etach-ent, San Mi.uel, Bulacan) *e clai-s that he
7ne5 ver6 5ell the brothers Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o Manalo in
their baran.a6 for havin. been the #ano( $hief for t5ent6 C01D
6ears) *e alle.e( further that the6 are active supporters or
s6-pathiHers of the $PPFNP! an( 5hose el(er brother Rolan(o
Manalo Q K! B"S#R" is an NP! lea(er operatin. 5ithin the
area) Bein. one of the accuse(, he clai-s that on :8 @eb 011G
he 5as helpin. in the construction of their concrete chapel in
their place an( he learne( onl6 about the inci(ent 5hich is the
ab(uction of Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o Manalo 5hen one of the
Br.6) Ka.a5a( in the person of Pablo $unanan infor-e( hi-
about the -atter) *e clai-s further that he is trul6 innocent of
the alle.ation a.ainst hi- as bein. one of the ab(uctors an( he
consi(ers ever6thin. fabricate( in or(er to (estro6 his na-e that
re-ains lo6al to his service to the .overn-ent as a $!!
9) Base( on the fore.oin. state-ents of respon(ents
in this particular case, the proof of lin7in. the- to the alle.e(
ab(uction an( (isappearance of Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o
Manalo that transpire( on :8 @ebruar6 011G at Sitio MuHon,
Br.6) Buhol na Man..a, San Il(efonso, Bulacan, is
unsubstantiate() #heir alle.e( involve-ent theretofore to that
inci(ent is consi(ere( (oubtful, hence, no basis to in(ict the-
as char.e( in this investi.ation)
#hou.h there are previous .ru(.es bet5een each
fa-ilies CsicD in the past to >uote: the 7illin. of the father of
Ran(6 an( Ru(6 Men(oHa b6 Q K! B"S#R" #N: Rolan(o
Manalo, this 5ill not suffice to establish a fact that the6 5ere the
ones 5ho (i( the ab(uction as a for- of reven.e) !s it 5as also
state( in the testi-on6 of other accuse( clai-in. that the
Manalos are active s6-pathiHersFsupporters of the $PPFNP!,
this 5oul( not also -ean, ho5ever, that in the first place, the6
5ere in connivance 5ith the ab(uctors) Bein. their nei.hbors
an( as -e-bers of $!@GUJs, the6 to be vi.ilant in
protectin. their villa.e fro- an6 intervention b6 the leftist .roup,
hence insi(e their villa.e, the6 5ere full6 a5are of the activities
of Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o Manalo in so far as their connection
5ith the $PPFNP! is concerne()
G) Pre-ises consi(ere( surroun(in. this case sho5s
that the alle.e( of ab(uction co--itte( b6 the above
na-e( respon(ents has not been establishe( in this
investi.ation) *ence, it lac7s -erit to in(ict the- for an6
a(-inistrative punish-ent an(For cri-inal liabilit6) It is therefore
conclu(e( that the6 are innocent of the char.e)
/) #hat $!!s Michael @) (ela $ruH, Ma3i-o @) 'ela
$ruH, Ro-an (ela $ruH, Ran(6 Men(oHa, an( t5o C0D civilians
Ma3i-o @) 'ela $ruH an( Ru(6 &) Men(oHa be e3onerate( fro-
the case)
2) Upon approval, this case can be (roppe( an(
In this appeal un(er Rule 89, petitioners >uestion the appellate courtJs
assess-ent of the fore.oin. evi(ence an( assail the 'ece-ber 0G, 011/ 'ecision
on the follo5in. .roun(s, viz:

#*" $OUR# O@ !PP"!&S S"RIOUS& !N' GRI"+OUS&
"RR"' IN B"&I"+ING !N' GI+ING @U&& @!I#* !N'
$R"'I# #O #*" IN$R"'IB&", UN$ORROBOR!#"',
$ON#R!'I$#"', !N' OB+IOUS& S$RIP#"',
R"*"!RS"' !N' S"&@-S"R+ING !@@I'!+I#F#"S#IMON
O@ *"R"IN R"SPON'"N# R!MON' M!N!&O)


#*" $OUR# O@ !PP"!&S S"RIOUS& !N' GRI"+OUS&
P"#I#ION"RSD #O: C!D @URNIS* #O #*" M!N!&O
BRO#*"RCSD !N' #O #*" $OUR# O@ !PP"!&S !&&
O@@I$I!& !N' UNO@@I$I!& R"POR#S O@ #*"
#*"IR $!S", "P$"P# #*OS" !&R"!' IN @I&" 4I#* #*"
O@ O@@I$I!& !SSIGNM"N# O@ MFSG#) *I&!RIO a7a RO&&I"
$!S#I&&O !N' 'ON!&' $!IG!SI !N' C$D $!US" #O B"
PRO'U$"' #O #*" $OUR# O@ !PP"!&S !&& M"'I$!&
R"POR#S, R"$OR'S !N' $*!R#S, !N' R"POR#S O@
!N #R"!#M"N# GI+"N OR R"$OMM"N'"' !N'
M"'I$IN"S PR"S$RIB"', I@ !N, #O #*" M!N!&O
BRO#*"RS, #O IN$&U'" ! &IS# O@ M"'I$!& P"RSONN"&
CMI&I#!R !N' $I+I&I!ND 4*O !##"N'"' #O #*"M @ROM
@"BRU!R :8, 011G UN#I& !UGUS# :0, 011/)

#he case at bar is the first (ecision on the application of the Rule on the
4rit of Amparo CAmparo RuleD) &et us hear7en to its be.innin.)
#he a(option of the Amparo Rule surface( as a recurrin. proposition in
the reco--en(ations that resulte( fro- a t5o-(a6 National $onsultative Su--it on
"3traBu(icial Killin.s an( "nforce( 'isappearances sponsore( b6 the $ourt on ,ul6
:G-:/, 011/) #he Su--it 5as ?envisione( to provi(e a broa( an( fact-base(
perspective on the issue of e3traBu(icial 7illin.s an( enforce( (isappearances,A
hence ?representatives fro- all si(es of the political an( social spectru-, as 5ell as
all the sta7ehol(ers in the Bustice s6ste-A
</0= participate( in -appin. out 5a6s to
resolve the crisis)
On October 08, 011/, the $ourt pro-ul.ate( the Amparo Rule ?in of
the prevalence of 7illin. an( enforce( (isappearances)A
</E= It 5as an
e3ercise for the first ti-e of the $ourtJs e3pan(e( po5er to pro-ul.ate rules to
protect our peopleJs constitutional ri.hts, 5hich -a(e its -ai(en appearance in the
:;2/ $onstitution in response to the @ilipino e3perience of the -artial la5 re.i-e)
</8= !s the Amparo Rule 5as inten(e( to a((ress the intractable proble- of
? 7illin.sA an( ?enforce( (isappearances,A its covera.e, in its present for-,
is confine( to these t5o instances or to threats thereof) ?" 7illin.sA are
?7illin.s co--itte( 5ithout (ue process of la5, i.e., 5ithout safe.uar(s or
Bu(icial procee(in.s)A
</9= On the other han(, ?enforce( (isappearancesA are
?atten(e( b6 the follo5in. characteristics: an arrest, (etention or ab(uction of a
person b6 a .overn-ent official or or.aniHe( .roups or private in(ivi(uals actin.
5ith the (irect or in(irect ac>uiescence of the .overn-entI the refusal of the State to
(isclose the fate or 5hereabouts of the person concerne( or a refusal to
ac7no5le(.e the (eprivation of libert6 5hich places such persons outsi(e the
protection of la5)A
#he 5rit of amparo ori.inate( in Me3ico) ?AmparoA literall6 -eans
?protectionA in Spanish)
<//= In :2E/, (e #oc>uevilleJs Democracy in America
beca-e available in Me3ico an( stirre( .reat interest) Its (escription of the practice
of Bu(icial revie5 in the U)S) appeale( to -an6 Me3ican Burists)
</2= One of the-,
Manuel $rescencio ReBRn, (rafte( a constitutional provision for his native state,
</;= 5hich .rante( Bu(.es the po5er to protect all persons in the
enBo6-ent of their constitutional an( ri.hts) #his i(ea 5as incorporate( into
the national constitution in :28/, viz:
#he fe(eral courts shall protect an6 inhabitant of the
Republic in the e3ercise an( preservation of those ri.hts
.rante( to hi- b6 this $onstitution an( b6 la5s enacte(
pursuant hereto, a.ainst attac7s b6 the &e.islative an(
"3ecutive po5ers of the fe(eral or state .overn-ents, li-itin.
the-selves to .rantin. protection in the specific case in
liti.ation, -a7in. no .eneral (eclaration concernin. the statute
or re.ulation that -otivate( the violation)
Since then, the protection has been an i-portant part of Me3ican
<2:= If, after hearin., the Bu(.e (eter-ines that a constitutional of the petitioner is bein. violate(, he or(ers the official, or the officialJs
superiors, to cease the violation an( to ta7e the necessar6 -easures to restore the
petitioner to the full enBo6-ent of the in >uestion) Amparo thus co-bines the
principles of Bu(icial revie5 (erive( fro- the U)S) 5ith the li-itations on Bu(icial
po5er characteristic of the civil la5 tra(ition 5hich prevails in Me3ico) It enables
courts to enforce the constitution b6 protectin. in(ivi(ual ri.hts in particular cases,
but prevents the- fro- usin. this po5er to -a7e la5 for the entire nation)
#he 5rit of amparo then sprea( throu.hout the 4estern *e-isphere,
.ra(uall6 evolvin. into various for-s, in response to the particular nee(s of each
<2E= It beca-e, in the 5or(s of a Bustice of the Me3ican @e(eral Supre-e
$ourt, one piece of Me3icoJs self-attribute( ?tas7 of conve6in. to the 5orl(Js
herita.e that institution 5hich, as a shiel( of hu-an (i.nit6, her o5n painful histor6
<28= 4hat as a protection a.ainst acts or o-issions of public
authorities in violation of constitutional ri.hts later evolve( for several purposes: C:D
amparo libertad for the protection of personal free(o-, e>uivalent to the habeas
corpus 5ritI C0D amparo contra leyes for the Bu(icial revie5 of the constitutionalit6 of
statutesI CED amparo casacion for the Bu(icial revie5 of the constitutionalit6 an(
le.alit6 of a Bu(icial (ecisionI C8D amparo administrativo for the Bu(icial revie5 of
a(-inistrative actionsI an( C9D amparo agrario for the protection of peasantsJ ri.hts
(erive( fro- the a.rarian refor- process)
In &atin !-erican countries, e3cept $uba, the 5rit of amparo has been
constitutionall6 a(opte( to protect a.ainst hu-an ri.hts abuses especiall6
co--itte( in countries un(er -ilitar6 Buntas) In .eneral, these countries a(opte( an
all-enco-passin. 5rit to protect the 5hole .a-ut of constitutional ri.hts, inclu(in.
socio-econo-ic ri.hts)
<2G= Other countries li7e $olo-bia, $hile, Ger-an6 an(
Spain, ho5ever, have chosen to li-it the protection of the 5rit of amparo onl6 to
so-e constitutional .uarantees or fun(a-ental ri.hts)
In the Philippines, 5hile the :;2/ $onstitution (oes not e3plicitl6 provi(e
for the 5rit of amparo, several of the above amparo protections are .uarantee( b6
our charter) #he secon( para.raph of !rticle +III, Section : of the :;2/
$onstitution, the Grave !buse $lause, provi(es for the Bu(icial po5er ?to (eter-ine
5hether or not there has been a .rave abuse of (iscretion a-ountin. to lac7 or
e3cess of Buris(iction on the part of an6 branch or instru-entalit6 of the
Govern-ent)A #he $lause accor(s a si-ilar .eneral protection to hu-an ri.hts
e3ten(e( b6 the amparo contra leyes, amparo casacion, an( amparo administrativo)
Amparo libertad is co-parable to the re-e(6 of habeas corpus foun( in several
provisions of the :;2/ $onstitution)
<22= #he $lause is an offsprin. of the U)S)
co--on la5 tra(ition of Bu(icial revie5, 5hich fin(s its roots in the :21E case of
M(r)ur* +. M(,-.o/)
4hile constitutional ri.hts can be protecte( un(er the Grave !buse
$lause throu.h re-e(ies of inBunction or prohibition un(er Rule G9 of the Rules of
$ourt an( a petition for habeas corpus un(er Rule :10,
<;1= these re-e(ies -a6
not be a(e>uate to a((ress the pesterin. proble- of 7illin.s an( enforce(
(isappearances) *o5ever, 5ith the s5iftness re>uire( to resolve a petition for a 5rit
of amparo throu.h su--ar6 procee(in.s an( the availabilit6 of appropriate interi-
an( per-anent reliefs un(er the Amparo Rule, this h6bri( 5rit of the co--on la5
an( civil la5 tra(itions - borne out of the &atin !-erican an( Philippine e3perience
of hu-an ri.hts abuses - offers a better re-e(6 to 7illin.s an( enforce(
(isappearances an( threats thereof) #he re-e(6 provi(es rapi( Bu(icial relief as it
parta7es of a su--ar6 procee(in. that re>uires onl6 substantial evi(ence to -a7e
the appropriate reliefs available to the petitionerI it is not an action to (eter-ine
cri-inal .uilt re>uirin. proof be6on( reasonable (oubt, or liabilit6 for (
re>uirin. prepon(erance of evi(ence, or a(-inistrative responsibilit6 re>uirin.
substantial evi(ence that 5ill re>uire full an( e3haustive procee(in.s)
#he 5rit of amparo serves both preventive an( curative roles in
a((ressin. the proble- of 7illin.s an( enforce( (isappearances) It is
preventive in that it brea7s the e3pectation of i-punit6 in the co--ission of these
offensesI it is curative in that it facilitates the subse>uent punish-ent of perpetrators
as it 5ill inevitabl6 6iel( lea(s to subse>uent investi.ation an( action) In the lon.
run, the .oal of both the preventive an( curative roles is to (eter the further
co--ission of 7illin.s an( enforce( (isappearances)
In the case at bar, respon(ents initiall6 file( an action for ?Prohibition,
InBunction, an( #e-porar6 Restrainin. Or(erA
<;0= to stop petitioners an(For their
officers an( a.ents fro- (eprivin. the respon(ents of their to libert6 an( other
basic ri.hts on !u.ust 0E, 011/,
<;E= prior to the pro-ul.ation of the Amparo Rule)
#he6 also ancillar6 re-e(ies inclu(in. Protective $usto(6 Or(ers,
!ppoint-ent of $o--issioner, Inspection an( !ccess Or(ers an( other an(
e>uitable re-e(ies un(er !rticle +III, Section 9C9D of the :;2/ $onstitution an( Rule
:E9, Section G of the Rules of $ourt) 4hen the Amparo Rule ca-e into effect on
October 08, 011/, the6 -ove( to have their petition treate( as an amparo petition
as it 5oul( be -ore effective an( suitable to the circu-stances of the Manalo
brothersJ enforce( (isappearance) #he $ourt .rante( their -otion)
4ith this bac7(rop, 5e no5 co-e to the ar.u-ents of the petitioner)
PetitionersJ first ar.u-ent in (isputin. the 'ecision of the $ourt of !ppeals states,
#he $ourt of !ppeals seriousl6 an( .rievousl6 erre( in
believin. an( .ivin. full faith an( cre(it to the incre(ible
uncorroborate(, contra(icte(, an( obviousl6 scripte(, rehearse(
an( self-servin. affi(avitFtesti-on6 of herein respon(ent
Ra6-on( Manalo)

In (elvin. into the veracit6 of the evi(ence, 5e nee( to -ine an( refine
the ore of petitionersJ cause of action, to (eter-ine 5hether the evi(ence presente(
is -etal-stron. to satisf6 the (e.ree of proof re>uire()
Section : of the Rule on the 4rit of Amparo provi(es for the follo5in.
causes of action, viz:
Section :) Petition) N #he petition for a 5rit of amparo
is a re-e(6 available to an6 person 5hose r-01t to 2-3e, 2-)ert*
(/, .e4ur-t* -. +-o2(te, or t1re(te/e, 5-t1 +-o2(t-o/ b6 an
unla5ful act or o-ission of a public official or e-plo6ee, or of a
private in(ivi(ual or entit6)

#he 5rit shall cover 7illin.s an( e/3or4e,
,-.(ppe(r(/4e. or t1re(t. t1ereo3) Cemphasis suppliedD

Sections :/ an( :2, on the other han(, provi(e for the (e.ree of proof
re>uire(, viz:
Sec) :/) Burden of Proof and Standard of Diligence
e!uired) N #he parties shall establish their clai-s b6
.u).t(/t-(2 e+-,e/4e.

333 333
Sec) :2) Judgment) N M If the (22e0(t-o/. -/ t1e
pet-t-o/ (re pro+e/ )* .u).t(/t-(2 e+-,e/4e, the court shall
0r(/t the privile.e of the 5rit an( such reliefs as -a6 be proper
an( appropriateI ot1er5-.e, the privile.e shall be ,e/-e,)
Cemphases suppliedD

Substantial evi(ence has been (efine( as such relevant evi(ence as a reasonable
-in( accept as a(e>uate to support a conclusion)
!fter careful perusal of the evi(ence presente(, 5e affir- the fin(in.s of
the $ourt of !ppeals that respon(ents 5ere ab(ucte( fro- their houses in Sito
MuHon, Br.6) Buhol na Man..a, San Il(efonso, Bulacan on @ebruar6 :8, 011G an(
5ere continuousl6 (etaine( until the6 escape( on !u.ust :E, 011/) #he ab(uction,
(etention, torture, an( escape of the respon(ents 5ere narrate( b6 respon(ent
Ra6-on( Manalo in a clear an( convincin. -anner) *is account is (otte( 5ith
countless can(i( (etails of respon(entsJ harro5in. e3perience an( tenacious 5ill to
escape, capture( throu.h his (ifferent senses an( etche( in his -e-or6) ! fe5
e3a-ples are the follo5in.: ?Su-ilip a7o sa isan. hali.i n. 7a-ali. at na7ita 7on.
sinisilaban si Manuel)A
<;G= ?CNDila7asan n. -.a sun(alo an. tuno. na .alin. sa
istir6o n. sasa76an) 'i, narini. 7o an. hi6a5 o un.ol ni Manuel)A
?Ma6 nai5an. -.a ba7as n. (u.o haban. hinihila nila an. -.a ban.7a6) Naa-o6
7o i6on nan. nililinis an. ba7as)A
<;2= ? a7o sa -a6 palais(aan 7un. saan
.ina-it 7o an. bato para tan..alin an. -.a 7a(ena)A
<;;= ?#inanon. 7o sa isan.
7apit-baha6 7un. paano a7o -a7a7a7uha n. cell phoneI sabi 7o .usto 7on. i-te3t
an. isan. babae na na7atira sa -alapit na
4e affir- the factual fin(in.s of the appellate court, lar.el6 base( on
respon(ent Ra6-on( ManaloJs affi(avit an( testi-on6, viz:
Mthe ab(uction 5as perpetrate( b6 ar-e( -en 5ho 5ere
sufficientl6 i(entifie( b6 the petitioners Cherein respon(entsD to be
-ilitar6 personnel an( $!@GU au3iliaries) Ra6-on( recalle( that
the si3 ar-e( -en 5ho bar.e( into his house throu.h the rear
(oor 5ere -ilitar6 -en base( on their attire of fati.ue pants an(
ar-6 boots, an( the $!@GU au3iliaries, na-el6: Michael (e la
$ruH, Ma(nin. (e la $ruH, Puti (e la $ruH an( Pula (e la $ruH, all
-e-bers of the $!@GU an( resi(ents of MuHon, San Il(efonso,
Bulacan, an( the brothers Ran(6 Men(oHa an( Ru(6 Men(oHa,
also $!@GU -e-bers, serve( as loo7outs (urin. the ab(uction)
Ra6-on( 5as sure that three of the si3 -ilitar6 -en 5ere
Ganata, 5ho hea(e( the ab(uctin. tea-, *ilario, 5ho (rove the
van, an( Geor.e) Subse>uent inci(ents of their lon. captivit6, as
narrate( b6 the petitioners, vali(ate( their assertion of the
participation of the ele-ents of the /
Infantr6 'ivision, Philippine
!r-6, an( their $!@GU au3iliaries)
4e are convince(, too, that the reason for the
ab(uction 5as the suspicion that the petitioners 5ere either
-e-bers or s6-pathiHers of the NP!, consi(erin. that the
ab(uctors 5ere loo7in. for Ka Bestre, 5ho turne( out to be
Rolan(o, the brother of petitioners)
#he efforts e3erte( b6 the Militar6 $o--an( to loo7
into the ab(uction 5ere, at best, -erel6 superficial) #he
investi.ation of the Provost Marshall of the /
Infantr6 'ivision
focuse( on the one-si(e( version of the $!@GU au3iliaries
involve() #his one-si(e(ness be (ue to the fact that the
Provost Marshall coul( (elve onl6 into the participation of -ilitar6
personnel, but even then the Provost Marshall shoul( have
refraine( fro- outri.htl6 e3culpatin. the $!@GU au3iliaries he
perfunctoril6 investi.ate(M
Gen) PalparanJs participation in the ab(uction 5as also
establishe() !t the ver6 least, he 5as a5are of the petitionersJ
captivit6 at the han(s of -en in unifor- to his
co--an() In fact, he or an6 other officer ten(ere( no
controversion to the fir- clai- of Ra6-on( that he CGen)
PalparanD -et the- in person in a safehouse in Bulacan an( tol(
the- 5hat he 5ante( the- an( their parents to (o or not to be
(oin.) Gen) PalparanJs (irect an( personal role in the ab(uction not have been sho5n but his 7no5le(.e of the (ire
situation of the petitioners (urin. their lon. captivit6 at the han(s
of -ilitar6 personnel un(er his co--an( bespo7e of his
in(ubitable co--an( polic6 that unavoi(abl6 encoura.e( an( not
-erel6 tolerate( the ab(uction of civilians 5ithout (ue process of
la5 an( 5ithout probable cause)
In the habeas procee(in.s, the $ourt, throu.h the
@or-er Special Si3th 'ivision C,ustices BuHon, chair-anI
Santia.o-&a.-an, Sr), -e-berI an( Ro-illa-&onto7, ,r),
-e-berFponente)D foun( no clear an( convincin. evi(ence to
establish that MFS.t) RiHal *ilario ha( an6thin. to (o 5ith the
ab(uction or the (etention) *ilarioJs involve-ent coul( not,
in(ee(, be then establishe( after "van.eline @rancisco, 5ho
alle.e(l6 sa5 *ilario (rive the van in 5hich the petitioners 5ere
boar(e( an( ferrie( follo5in. the ab(uction, (i( not testif6) CSee
the (ecision of the habeas procee(in.s at rollo, p) 90D
*o5ever, in this case, Ra6-on( atteste( that *ilario
(rove the 5hite &-E11 van in 5hich the petitioners 5ere
a5a6 fro- their houses on @ebruar6 :8, 011G) Ra6-on( also
atteste( that *ilario participate( in subse>uent inci(ents (urin.
the captivit6 of the petitioners, one of 5hich 5as 5hen *ilario
fetche( the- fro- @ort Ma.sa6sa6 on boar( a Revo an(
conve6e( the- to a (etach-ent in Pinau(, San Il(efonso,
Bulacan 5here the6 5ere (etaine( for at least a 5ee7 in a house
of stron. -aterials C"3hibit ', rollo, p) 019D an( then *ilario
Calon. 5ith "frenD the- to Sapan., San Mi.uel, Bulacan
on boar( the Revo, to an unfinishe( house insi(e the co-poun(
of "apitan 5here the6 5ere 7ept for -ore or less three -onths)
C"3hibit ', rollo, p) 019D It 5as there 5here the petitioners ca-e
face to face 5ith Gen) Palparan) *ilario an( "fren also
the petitioners one earl6 -ornin. to the house of the petitionersJ
parents, 5here onl6 Ra6-on( 5as presente( to the parents to
rela6 the -essa.e fro- Gen) Palparan not to Boin an6-ore rallies)
On that occasion, *ilario 5arne( the parents that the6 5oul( not
a.ain see their sons shoul( the6 Boin an6 rallies to (enounce
hu-an ri.hts violations) C"3hibit ', rollo, pp) 019-01GD *ilario
5as also a-on. four Master Ser.eants Cthe others bein. !r-an,
Ganata an( $abalseD 5ith 5ho- Gen) Palparan converse( on
the occasion 5hen Gen) Palparan re>uire( Ra6-on( to ta7e the
-e(icines for his health) C"3hibit ', rollo, p) 01GD #here 5ere
other occasions 5hen the petitioners sa5 that *ilario ha( a (irect
han( in their torture)
It is clear, therefore, that the participation of *ilario in
the ab(uction an( force( (isappearance of the petitioners 5as
establishe() #he participation of other -ilitar6 personnel li7e
!r-an, Ganata, $abalse an( $, a-on. others, 5as
si-ilarl6 establishe()
333 333
!s to the $!@GU au3iliaries, the habeas $ourt foun(
the- personall6 involve( in the ab(uction) 4e also (o, for,
in(ee(, the evi(ence of their participation is over5hel-in.)
4e reBect the clai- of petitioners that respon(ent Ra6-on( ManaloJs
state-ents 5ere not corroborate( b6 other in(epen(ent an( cre(ible pieces of
<:10= Ra6-on(Js affi(avit an( testi-on6 5ere corroborate( b6 the
affi(avit of respon(ent Re6nal(o Manalo) #he testi-on6 an( -e(ical reports
prepare( b6 forensic specialist 'r) Molino, an( the pictures of the scars left b6 the
ph6sical inBuries inflicte( on respon(ents,
<:1E= also corroborate respon(entsJ
accounts of the torture the6 en(ure( 5hile in (etention) Respon(ent Ra6-on(
ManaloJs fa-iliarit6 5ith the facilities in @ort Ma.sa6sa6 such as the ?'#U,A as
sho5n in his testi-on6 an( confir-e( b6 &t) $ol) ,i-eneH to be the ?'ivision
#rainin. Unit,A
<:18= fir-s up respon(entsJ stor6 that the6 5ere (etaine( for so-e
ti-e in sai( -ilitar6 facilit6)
In Ort-6 +. Gu(tem(2(,
<:19= a case (eci(e( b6 the Inter-!-erican
$o--ission on *u-an Ri.hts, the $o--ission consi(ere( si-ilar evi(ence,
a-on. others, in fin(in. that co-plainant Sister 'iana OrtiH 5as ab(ucte( an(
torture( b6 a.ents of the Guate-alan .overn-ent) In this case, Sister OrtiH 5as
7i(nappe( an( torture( in earl6 Nove-ber :;2;) #he $o--issionJs fin(in.s of fact
5ere -ostl6 base( on the consistent an( cre(ible state-ents, 5ritten an( oral,
-a(e b6 Sister OrtiH her or(eal)
<:1G= #hese state-ents 5ere
supporte( b6 her reco.nition of portions of the route the6 too7 5hen she 5as bein.
(riven out of the -ilitar6 installation 5here she 5as (etaine()
<:1/= She 5as also
e3a-ine( b6 a -e(ical (octor 5hose fin(in.s sho5e( that the ::: circular secon(
(e.ree burns on her bac7 an( abrasions on her chee7 coinci(e( 5ith her account
of ci.arette burnin. an( torture she suffere( 5hile in (etention)
4ith the secret nature of an enforce( (isappearance an( the torture
perpetrate( on the victi- (urin. (etention, it lo.icall6 hol(s that -uch of the
infor-ation an( evi(ence of the or(eal 5ill co-e fro- the victi-s the-selves, an(
the veracit6 of their account 5ill (epen( on their cre(ibilit6 an( can(i(ness in their
5ritten an(For oral state-ents) #heir state-ents can be corroborate( b6 other
evi(ence such as ph6sical evi(ence left b6 the torture the6 suffere( or lan(-ar7s
the6 can i(entif6 in the places 5here the6 5ere (etaine() 4here po5erful -ilitar6
officers are i-plicate(, the hesitation of 5itnesses to surface an( testif6 a.ainst
the- co-es as no surprise)
4e no5 co-e to the of the respon(ents to the privile.e of the 5rit of
amparo) #here is no >uarrel that the enforce( (isappearance of both respon(ents
Ra6-on( an( Re6nal(o Manalo has no5 passe( as the6 have escape( fro-
captivit6 an( surface() But 5hile respon(ents a(-it that the6 are no in
(etention an( are ph6sicall6 free, the6 assert that the6 are not ?free in ever6 sense
of the 5or(A
<:1;= as their ?-ove-ents continue to be restricte( for fear that
people the6 have na-e( in their ,u(icial !ffi(avits an( testifie( a.ainst Cin the case
of Ra6-on(D are still at lar.e an( have not been hel( accountable in an6 5a6)
#hese people are (irectl6 connecte( to the !r-e( @orces of the Philippines an(
are, thus, in a position to t1re(te/ re.po/,e/t.7 r-01t. to 2-3e, 2-)ert* (/,
<::1= Cemphasis suppliedD Respon(ents clai- that the6 are un(er
t1re(t o3 )e-/0 o/4e (0(-/ (),u4te,, 8ept 4(pt-+e or e+e/ 8-22e,, 5hich
constitute a (irect violation of their r-01t to .e4ur-t* o3 per.o/)
"laboratin. on the ?r-01t to .e4ur-t*, -/ 0e/er(2,9 respon(ents point out
that this is ?often associate( 5ith libert6IA it is also seen as an ?e3pansion of
ri.hts base( on the prohibition a.ainst torture an( cruel an( unusual punish-ent)A
$once(in. that there is no to securit6 e3pressl6 -entione( in !rticle III of the
:;2/ $onstitution, the6 sub-it that their ri.hts ?to be 7ept free fro- torture an( fro-
incommunicado (etention an( solitar6 (etention places
<::0= fall un(er the .eneral
covera.e of the to securit6 of person un(er the 5rit of !-paro)A #he6 sub-it
that the $ourt to .ive an e3pansive reco.nition of the to securit6 of
person in vie5 of the State Polic6 un(er !rticle II of the :;2/ $onstitution 5hich
enunciates that, ?#he State values the (i.nit6 of ever6 hu-an person an(
.uarantees full respect for hu-an ri.hts)A @inall6, to Bustif6 a liberal interpretation of
the to securit6 of person, respon(ents cite the teachin. in Mo/4up( +.
&11:' that ?the to libert6 -a6 be -a(e -ore -eanin.ful onl6 if there is
no un(ue restraint b6 the State on the e3ercise of that libert6A
<::8= such as a
re>uire-ent to ?report un(er unreasonable restrictions that a-ounte( to a
(eprivation of libert6A
<::9= or bein. put un(er ?-onitorin. an(
In su-, respon(ents assert that their cause of action consists in the
t1re(t to t1e-r r-01t to 2-3e (/, 2-)ert*, an( a +-o2(t-o/ o3 t1e-r r-01t to .e4ur-t*.
Let u. put t1-. r-01t to .e4ur-t* u/,er t1e 2e/. to ,eterm-/e -3 -t 1(.
-/,ee, )ee/ +-o2(te, (. re.po/,e/t. (..ert. #he r-01t to .e4ur-t* or the r-01t
to .e4ur-t* o3 per.o/ fin(s a te3tual hoo7 in !rticle III, Section 0 of the :;2/
$onstitution 5hich provi(es, viz:
Sec) 0) #he r-01t o3 t1e peop2e to )e .e4ure -/ t1e-r
per.o/., houses, papers an( effects a.ainst unreasonable
searches an( seiHures of 5hatever nature an( for an6 purpose
shall be -/+-o2()2e, an( no search 5arrant or 5arrant of arrest
shall issue e3cept upon probable cause to be (eter-ine(
personall6 b6 the Bu(.eM
!t the core of this .uarantee is the i--unit6 of oneJs person, inclu(in.
the e3tensions of hisFher person N houses, papers, an( effects N a.ainst
.overn-ent intrusion) Section 0 not onl6 li-its the stateJs po5er over a personJs
ho-e an( possessions, but -ore i-portantl6, protects the privac6 an( sanctit6 of
the person hi-self)
<::/= #he purpose of this provision 5as enunciate( b6 the
$ourt in Peop2e +. CFI o3 R-6(2, Br(/41 I;, <ue6o/ C-t*, viz:
#he purpose of the constitutional .uarantee a.ainst unreasonable
searches an( seiHures is to pre+e/t +-o2(t-o/. o3 pr-+(te
.e4ur-t* -/ per.o/ an( propert6 an( unla5ful invasion of the
securit6 of the ho-e b6 officers of the la5 actin. un(er le.islative
or Bu(icial sanction an( to .ive re-e(6 a.ainst such usurpation
5hen atte-pte() C!(a-s v) Ne5 or7, :;0 U)S) 292I !lvero v)
'iHon, /G Phil) GE/ <:;8G=D) #he to privac6 is an e..e/t-(2
4o/,-t-o/ to t1e ,-0/-t* (/, 1(pp-/e.. (/, to t1e pe(4e (/,
.e4ur-t* o3 e+er* -/,-+-,u(2, 51et1er -t )e o3 1ome or o3
per.o/. (/, 4orre.po/,e/4e) C#aOa(a an( $arreon, Political
&a5 of the Philippines, +ol) 0, :E; <:;G0=D) #he constitutional
inviolabilit6 of this .reat fun(a-ental a.ainst unreasonable
searches an( seiHures -ust be (ee-e( absolute as /ot1-/0 -. to ( m(/7. .ou2 t1(/ t1e .ere/-t* o3 1-. pr-+(4* (/,
t1e (..ur(/4e o3 1-. per.o/(2 .e4ur-t*) !n6 interference
allo5able can onl6 be for the best causes an( reasons)
Cemphases suppliedD
4hile the to life un(er !rticle III, Section :
<:01= .uarantees
essentiall6 the to be alive
<:0:= - upon 5hich the enBo6-ent of all other ri.hts
is precon(itione( - the to securit6 of person is a .uarantee of the secure
>ualit6 of this life, viz: ?#he life to 5hich each person has a is not a life live( in
fear that his person an( propert6 -a6 be unreasonabl6 violate( b6 a po5erful ruler)
Rather, it is a life live( 5ith the assurance that the .overn-ent he establishe( an(
consente( to, 5ill protect the securit6 of his person an( propert6) #he i(eal of
securit6 in life an( propert6M perva(es the 5hole histor6 of -an) It touches ever6
aspect of -anJs e3istence)A
<:00= In a broa( sense, the to securit6 of person
?e-anates in a personJs an( uninterrupte( enBo6-ent of his life, his li-bs, his
bo(6, his health, an( his reputation) It inclu(es the to e3ist, an( the to
enBo6-ent of life 5hile e3istin., an( it is inva(e( not onl6 b6 a (eprivation of life but
also of those thin.s 5hich are necessar6 to the enBo6-ent of life accor(in. to the
nature, te-pera-ent, an( la5ful (esires of the in(ivi(ual)A
! closer loo7 at the to securit6 of person 5oul( 6iel( various
per-utations of the e3ercise of this
F-r.t, t1e r-01t to .e4ur-t* o3 per.o/ -. =3ree,om 3rom 3e(r.9 In its
?5hereasA clauses, the "/-+er.(2 De42(r(t-o/ o3 Hum(/ R-01t. CU'*RD
enunciates that ?a 5orl( in 5hich hu-an bein.s shall enBo6 free(o- of speech an(
belief an( 3ree,om 3rom 3e(r an( 5ant has been proclai-e( as the hi.hest
aspiration of the co--on people)A Cemphasis suppliedD So-e scholars postulate
that ?free(o- fro- fearA is not onl6 an aspirational principle, but essentiall6 an
in(ivi(ual international hu-an
<:08= It is the ? to securit6 of personA as
the 5or( ?securit6A itself -eans ?free(o- fro- fear)A
<:09= !rticle E of the U'*R
provi(es, viz:
"ver6one has the to life, libert6 an( .e4ur-t* o3 per.o/)
Cemphasis suppliedD
In furtherance of this (eclare( in the U'*R, !rticle ;C:D of the
I/ter/(t-o/(2 Co+e/(/t o/ C-+-2 (/, Po2-t-4(2 R-01t. CI$$PRD also provi(es for
the to securit6 of person, viz:
:) "ver6one has the to libert6 an( .e4ur-t* o3
per.o/) No one shall be subBecte( to arbitrar6 arrest or
(etention) No one shall be (eprive( of his libert6 e3cept on such
.roun(s an( in accor(ance 5ith such proce(ure as are
establishe( b6 la5) Cemphasis suppliedD
#he Philippines is a si.nator6 to both the U'*R an( the I$$PR)
In the conte3t of Section : of the Amparo Rule, ?free(o- fro- fearA is the an( an6 t1re(t to t1e r-01t. to 2-3e, 2-)ert* or .e4ur-t* is the (4t-o/()2e
5ro/0) @ear is a state of -in(, a reactionI t1re(t is a sti-ulus, a 4(u.e o3 (4t-o/)
@ear cause( b6 the sa-e sti-ulus can ran.e fro- bein. baseless to 5ell-foun(e( as
people react (ifferentl6) #he (e.ree of fear can var6 fro- one person to another 5ith
the variation of the prolificac6 of their i-a.ination, of character or past
e3perience 5ith the sti-ulus) #hus, in the amparo conte3t, it is -ore correct to sa6
that the ? to securit6A is actuall6 the =3ree,om 3rom t1re(t.9 +ie5e( in this,
the ?threatene( 5ith violationA $lause in the latter part of Section : of the Amparo
Rule is a for- of violation of the to securit6 -entione( in the earlier part of the
Se4o/,, t1e r-01t to .e4ur-t* o3 per.o/ -. ( 0u(r(/tee o3 )o,-2* (/,
p.*41o2o0-4(2 -/te0r-t* or .e4ur-t*. !rticle III, Section II of the :;2/ $onstitution
.uarantees that, as a .eneral rule, oneJs bo(6 cannot be searche( or inva(e( 5ithout
a search 5arrant)
<:02= Ph6sical inBuries inflicte( in the conte3t of 7illin.s
an( enforce( (isappearances constitute -ore than a search or invasion of the bo(6)
It -a6 constitute (is-e-ber-ent, ph6sical (isabilities, an( painful ph6sical intrusion)
!s the (e.ree of ph6sical inBur6 increases, the ( to life itself escalates) Notabl6,
in cri-inal la5, ph6sical inBuries constitute a cri-e a.ainst persons because the6 are
an affront to the bo(il6 inte.rit6 or securit6 of a person)
Ph6sical torture, force, an( violence are a severe invasion of bo(il6
inte.rit6) 4hen e-plo6e( to vitiate the free 5ill such as to force the victi- to a(-it,
reveal or fabricate incri-inatin. infor-ation, it constitutes an invasion of both bo(il6
an( ps6cholo.ical inte.rit6 as the (i.nit6 of the hu-an person inclu(es the e3ercise
of free 5ill) !rticle III, Section :0 of the :;2/ $onstitution -ore specificall6
proscribes bo(il6 an( ps6cholo.ical invasion, viz:
C0D No torture, force, violence, threat or inti-i(ation, or
an6 other -eans 5hich vitiate the free 5ill shall be use( a.ainst
hi- Can6 person un(er investi.ation for the co--ission of an
offenseD) Secret (etention places, solitar6, incommunicado or
other si-ilar for-s of (etention are prohibite()

Parentheticall6, un(er this provision, threat an( inti-i(ation that vitiate the free 5ill -
althou.h not involvin. invasion of bo(il6 inte.rit6 - nevertheless constitute a violation
of the to securit6 in the sense of ?free(o- fro- threatA as afore-(iscusse()
!rticle III, Section :0 .uarantees free(o- fro- (ehu-aniHin. abuses of
persons un(er investi.ation for the co--ission of an offense) +icti-s of enforce(
(isappearances 5ho are not even un(er such investi.ation shoul( all the -ore be
protecte( fro- these (e.ra(ations)
!n overture to an interpretation of the to securit6 of person as a
a.ainst torture 5as -a(e b6 the "uropean $ourt of *u-an Ri.hts C"$*RD in the
recent case of Popo+ +. Ru..-(.
&1:0' In this case, the clai-ant, 5ho 5as
la5full6 (etaine(, alle.e( that the state authorities ha( ph6sicall6 abuse( hi- in
prison, thereb6 violatin. his to securit6 of person) !rticle 9C:D of the "uropean
$onvention on *u-an Ri.hts provi(es, viz: ?"ver6one has the to libert6 an(
.e4ur-t* o3 per.o/) No one shall be (eprive( of his libert6 save in the follo5in.
cases an( in accor(ance 5ith a proce(ure prescribe( b6 la5 )))A Cemphases
suppliedD !rticle E, on the other han(, provi(es that ?CnDo one shall be subBecte( to
torture or to inhu-an or (e.ra(in. treat-ent or punish-ent)A !lthou.h the
application faile( on the facts as the alle.e( ill-treat-ent 5as foun( baseless, the
"$*R relie( heavil6 on the concept of securit6 in hol(in., viz:
)))the applicant (i( not brin. his alle.ations to the
attention of (o-estic authorities at the ti-e 5hen the6 coul(
reasonabl6 have been e3pecte( to ta7e -easures in or(er to
ensure his .e4ur-t* an( to investi.ate the circu-stances in

333 333

))) the authorities faile( to ensure his .e4ur-t* in custo(6 or
to co-pl6 5ith the proce(ural obli.ation un(er !rt)E to con(uct
an effective investi.ation into his alle.ations)
<:E:= Cemphasis

#he U)N) $o--ittee on the "li-ination of 'iscri-ination a.ainst 4o-en
has also -a(e a state-ent that the protection of the bo(il6 inte.rit6 of 5o-en -a6
also be relate( to the to securit6 an( libert6, viz:
M.en(er-base( violence 5hich i-pairs or nullifies the enBo6-ent
b6 5o-en of hu-an ri.hts an( fun(a-ental free(o-s un(er
.eneral international la5 or un(er specific hu-an ri.hts
conventions is (iscri-ination 5ithin the -eanin. of article : of the
$onvention Con the "li-ination of !ll @or-s of 'iscri-ination
!.ainst 4o-enD) #hese ri.hts an( free(o-s inclu(e ) ) ) the
to libert6 an( .e4ur-t* o3 per.o/)
T1-r,, t1e r-01t to .e4ur-t* o3 per.o/ -. ( 0u(r(/tee o3 prote4t-o/ o3
o/e7. r-01t. )* t1e 0o+er/me/t. In the conte3t of the 5rit of amparo, this is
)u-2t -/to t1e 0u(r(/tee. o3 t1e r-01t to 2-3e (/, 2-)ert* un(er !rticle III, Section :
of the :;2/ $onstitution (/, t1e r-01t to .e4ur-t* o3 per.o/ Cas free(o- fro-
threat an( .uarantee of bo(il6 an( ps6cholo.ical inte.rit6D un(er !rticle III, Section
0) #he to securit6 of person in this thir( sense is a corollar6 of the polic6 that
the State ?.uarantees full respect for hu-an ri.htsA un(er !rticle II, Section :: of
the :;2/ $onstitution)
<:EE= !s the .overn-ent is the chief .uarantor of or(er
an( securit6, the $onstitutional .uarantee of the ri.hts to life, libert6 an( securit6 of
person is ren(ere( ineffective if .overn-ent (oes not affor( protection to these
ri.hts especiall6 5hen the6 are un(er threat) Protection inclu(es con(uctin.
effective investi.ations, or.aniHation of the .overn-ent apparatus to e3ten(
protection to victi-s of 7illin.s or enforce( (isappearances Cor threats
thereofD an(For their fa-ilies, an( offen(ers to the bar of Bustice) #he Inter-
!-erican $ourt of *u-an Ri.hts stresse( the i-portance of investi.ation in the
$e2(.>ue6 Ro,r-0ue6 C(.e,
<:E8= viz:
C#he (ut6 to investi.ateD mu.t )e u/,ert(8e/ -/ (
.er-ou. m(//er (/, /ot (. ( mere 3orm(2-t* preor,(-/e, to
)e -/e33e4t-+e. !n investi.ation -ust have an obBective an( be
(..ume, )* t1e St(te (. -t. o5/ 2e0(2 ,ut*, /ot (. ( .tep
t(8e/ )* pr-+(te -/tere.t. t1(t ,epe/,. upo/ t1e -/-t-(t-+e
o3 t1e +-4t-m or 1-. 3(m-2* or upon their offer of proof, 5ithout
an effective search for the truth b6 the .overn-ent)

#his thir( sense of the to securit6 of person as a .uarantee of
.overn-ent protection has been interprete( b6 the Unite( NationsJ *u-an Ri.hts
<:EG= in not a fe5 cases involvin. !rticle ;
<:E/= of the I$$PR) 4hile
the to securit6 of person appears in conBunction 5ith the to libert6 un(er
!rticle ;, the $o--ittee has rule( that the r-01t to .e4ur-t* o3 per.o/ 4(/ e?-.t
-/,epe/,e/t2* o3 t1e r-01t to 2-)ert*. In other 5or(s, there nee( not necessaril6
be a (eprivation of libert6 for the to securit6 of person to be invo7e() In
De20(,o P(e6 +. Co2om)-(,
<:E2= a case involvin. (eath threats to a reli.ion
teacher at a secon(ar6 school in &eticia, $olo-bia, 5hose social vie5s (iffere( fro-
those of the !postolic Prefect of &eticia, the $o--ittee hel(, viz:
#he first sentence of article ; (oes not stan( as a
separate para.raph) Its location as a part of para.raph one
coul( lea( to the vie5 that the to securit6 arises onl6 in the
conte3t of arrest an( (etention) #he travau# pr$paratoires
in(icate that the (iscussions of the first sentence (i( in(ee(
focus on -atters (ealt 5ith in the other provisions of article ;)
T1e "/-+er.(2 De42(r(t-o/ o3 Hum(/ R-01t., -/ (rt-42e :,
re3er. to t1e r-01t to 2-3e, t1e r-01t to 2-)ert* (/, t1e r-01t to
.e4ur-t* o3 t1e per.o/. T1e.e e2eme/t. 1(+e )ee/ ,e(2t
5-t1 -/ .ep(r(te 42(u.e. -/ t1e Co+e/(/t. A2t1ou01 -/ t1e
Co+e/(/t t1e o/2* re3ere/4e to t1e r-01t o3 .e4ur-t* o3
per.o/ -. to )e 3ou/, -/ (rt-42e , t1ere -. /o e+-,e/4e t1(t
-t 5(. -/te/,e, to /(rro5 t1e 4o/4ept o3 t1e r-01t to
.e4ur-t* o/2* to .-tu(t-o/. o3 3orm(2 ,epr-+(t-o/ o3 2-)ert*.
At t1e .(me t-me, St(te. p(rt-e. 1(+e u/,ert(8e/ to
0u(r(/tee t1e r-01t. e/.1r-/e, -/ t1e Co+e/(/t. It 4(//ot
)e t1e 4(.e t1(t, (. ( m(tter o3 2(5, St(te. 4(/ -0/ore
8/o5/ t1re(t. to t1e 2-3e o3 per.o/. u/,er t1e-r @ur-.,-4t-o/,
@u.t )e4(u.e t1(t 1e or .1e -. /ot (rre.te, or ot1er5-.e
,et(-/e,. St(te. p(rt-e. (re u/,er (/ o)2-0(t-o/ to t(8e
re(.o/()2e (/, (ppropr-(te me(.ure. to prote4t t1em. A/
-/terpret(t-o/ o3 (rt-42e 51-41 5ou2, (22o5 ( St(te p(rt* to
-0/ore t1re(t. to t1e per.o/(2 .e4ur-t* o3 /o/A,et(-/e,
per.o/. 5-t1-/ -t. @ur-.,-4t-o/ 5ou2, re/,er tot(22*
-/e33e4t-+e t1e 0u(r(/tee. o3 t1e Co+e/(/t)
Cemphasis suppliedD
#he P(e6 rulin. 5as reiterate( in B5(2*( +. B(m)-(,
&1C0' 5hich
involve( a political activist an( prisoner of conscience 5ho continue( to be
inti-i(ate(, harasse(, an( restricte( in his -ove-ents follo5in. his release fro-
(etention) In a catena of cases, the rulin. of the $o--ittee 5as of a si-ilar i-port:
B(1(mo/,e +. E>u(tor-(2 Gu-/e(,
<:8:= involvin. (iscri-ination, inti-i(ation
an( persecution of opponents of the rulin. part6 in that stateI T.1-.1-m)- +.
&1CD' involvin. the ab(uction of the co-plainantJs husban( 5ho 5as a
supporter of (e-ocratic refor- in %aireI D-(. +. A/0o2(,
&1C:' involvin. the
-ur(er of the co-plainantJs partner an( the harass-ent he Cco-plainantD suffere(
because of his investi.ation of the -ur(erI an( C1o/05e +. B(m)-(,
involvin. an assassination atte-pt on the chair-an of an opposition alliance)
Si-ilarl6, the "uropean $ourt of *u-an Ri.hts C"$*RD has interprete(
the ? to securit6A not onl6 as prohibitin. the State fro- arbitraril6 (eprivin.
libert6, but i-posin. a positive (ut6 on the State to affor( protection of the to
<:89= #he "$*R interprete( the ? to securit6 of personA un(er !rticle
9C:D of the "uropean $onvention of *u-an Ri.hts in the lea(in. case on
(isappearance of persons, Eurt +. Tur8e*.
<:8G= In this case, the clai-antJs son
ha( been arreste( b6 state authorities an( ha( not been seen since) #he fa-il6Js
re>uests for infor-ation an( investi.ation his 5hereabouts prove( futile)
#he clai-ant su..este( that this 5as a violation of her sonJs to securit6 of
person) #he "$*R rule(, viz:
))) an6 (eprivation of libert6 -ust not onl6 have been
effecte( in confor-it6 5ith the substantive an( proce(ural rules
of national la5 but -ust e>uall6 be in 7eepin. 5ith the ver6
purpose of !rticle 9, na-el6 to protect the in(ivi(ual fro-
arbitrariness))) *avin. assu-e( control over that in(ivi(ual it is
incu-bent on the authorities to account for his or her
5hereabouts) @or this reason, Art-42e F mu.t )e .ee/ (.
re>u-r-/0 t1e (ut1or-t-e. to t(8e e33e4t-+e me(.ure. to
.(3e0u(r, (0(-/.t t1e r-.8 o3 ,-.(ppe(r(/4e (/, to 4o/,u4t
( prompt e33e4t-+e -/+e.t-0(t-o/ -/to (/ (r0u()2e 42(-m t1(t
( per.o/ 1(. )ee/ t(8e/ -/to,* (/, 1(. /ot )ee/
.ee/ .-/4e)
<:8/= Cemphasis suppliedD
!ppl6in. the fore.oin. concept of the to securit6 of person to the
case at bar, 5e no5 (eter-ine 5hether there is a continuin. violation of
respon(entsJ to securit6)
F-r.t, t1e +-o2(t-o/ o3 t1e r-01t to .e4ur-t* (. 3ree,om 3rom t1re(t to
re.po/,e/t.7 2-3e, 2-)ert* (/, .e4ur-t*.
4hile respon(ents 5ere (etaine(, the6 5ere threatene( that if the6
escape(, their fa-ilies, inclu(in. the-, 5oul( be 7ille() In Ra6-on(Js narration, he
5as torture( an( poure( 5ith .asoline after he 5as the first ti-e he
atte-pte( to escape fro- @ort Ma.sa6sa6) ! call fro- a certain ?Ma-,A 5ho
5ante( to see hi- before he 5as 7ille(, spare( hi-)
#his ti-e, respon(ents have finall6 escape() #he con(ition of the threat
to be 7ille( has co-e to pass) It shoul( be stresse( that the6 are no5 free fro-
captivit6 not because the6 5ere release( b6 virtue of a la5ful or(er or voluntaril6
free( b6 their ab(uctors) It to be recalle( that to5ar(s the en( of their or(eal,
so-eti-e in ,une 011/ 5hen respon(ents 5ere (etaine( in a ca-p in &i-a6,
Bataan, respon(entsJ captors even tol( the- that the6 5ere still (eci(in. 5hether
the6 shoul( be e3ecute() Respon(ent Ra6-on( Manalo atteste( in his affi(avit,
Kinau-a.ahan, na7a-7a(ena pa 7a-i) an. -.a
7a(ena -.a E o 8 na ara5 pa.7alipas) Sinabi sa a-in na 7a6a
7a-i na7a7a(ena a6 (ahil pina.(e(esis6unan pa n. -.a
sun(alo 7un. papata6in 7a-i o hin(i)

#he possibilit6 of respon(ents bein. e3ecute( stare( the- in the e6e
5hile the6 5ere in (etention) 4ith their escape, this continuin. threat to their life is
apparent, -oreso no5 that the6 have surface( an( i-plicate( specific officers in
the -ilitar6 not onl6 in their o5n ab(uction an( torture, but also in those of other
persons 7no5n to have (isappeare( such as Sherl6n $a(apan, Karen "-peOo,
an( Manuel Merino, a-on. others)
Un(erstan(abl6, since their escape, respon(ents have been un(er
conceal-ent an( protection b6 private citiHens because of the threat to their life,
libert6 an( securit6) #he threat vitiates their free 5ill as the6 are force( to li-it their
-ove-ents or activities)
<:8;= Precisel6 because respon(ents are bein. shiel(e(
fro- the perpetrators of their ab(uction, the6 cannot be e3pecte( to sho5 evi(ence
of overt acts of threat such as face-to-face inti-i(ation or 5ritten threats to their life,
libert6 an( securit6) Nonetheless, the circu-stances of respon(entsJ ab(uction,
(etention, torture an( escape reasonabl6 support a conclusion that there is an
apparent threat that the6 5ill a.ain be ab(ucte(, torture(, an( this ti-e, even
e3ecute() #hese constitute threats to their libert6, securit6, an( life, actionable
throu.h a petition for a 5rit of amparo)
Ne?t, t1e +-o2(t-o/ o3 t1e r-01t to .e4ur-t* (. prote4t-o/ )* t1e
0o+er/me/t. !part fro- the failure of -ilitar6 ele-ents to provi(e protection to
respon(ents b6 the-selves perpetratin. the ab(uction, (etention, an( torture, the6
also -iserabl6 faile( in con(uctin. an effective investi.ation of respon(entsJ
ab(uction as reveale( b6 the testi-on6 an( investi.ation report of petitionersJ o5n
5itness, &t) $ol) Ruben ,i-eneH, Provost Marshall of the /
Infantr6 'ivision)
#he one-(a6 investi.ation con(ucte( b6 ,i-eneH 5as ver6 li-ite(,
superficial, an( one-si(e() *e -erel6 relie( on the S5orn State-ents of the si3
i-plicate( -e-bers of the $!@GU an( civilians 5ho- he -et in the investi.ation
for the first ti-e) *e 5as present at the investi.ation 5hen his subor(inate &in.a(
5as ta7in. the s5orn state-ents, but he (i( not propoun( a sin.le >uestion to
ascertain the veracit6 of their state-ents or their cre(ibilit6) *e (i( not call for other
5itnesses to test the alibis .iven b6 the si3 i-plicate( persons nor for the fa-il6 or
nei.hbors of the respon(ents)
In his affi(avit, petitioner Secretar6 of National 'efense atteste( that in a
Me-oran(u- 'irective (ate( October E:, 011/, he issue( a polic6 (irective
a((resse( to the !@P $hief of Staff, that the !@P shoul( a(opt rules of action in the
event the 5rit of amparo is issue( b6 a co-petent court a.ainst an6 -e-bers of
the !@P, 5hich shoul( essentiall6 inclu(e verification of the i(entit6 of the a..rieve(
part6I recover6 an( preservation of relevant evi(enceI i(entification of 5itnesses
an( securin. state-ents fro- the-I (eter-ination of the cause, -anner, location
an( ti-e of (eath or (isappearanceI i(entification an( apprehension of the person
or persons involve( in the (eath or (isappearanceI an( of the suspecte(
offen(ers before a co-petent court)
<:91= Petitioner !@P $hief of Staff also
sub-itte( his o5n affi(avit attestin. that he receive( the above (irective of
respon(ent Secretar6 of National 'efense an( that actin. on this (irective, he
i--e(iatel6 cause( to be issue( a (irective to the units of the !@P for the purpose
of establishin. the circu-stances of the alle.e( (isappearance an( the recent
reappearance of the respon(ents, an( un(ertoo7 to provi(e results of the
investi.ations to respon(ents)
<:9:= #o this (a6, ho5ever, al-ost a 6ear after the
polic6 (irective 5as issue( b6 petitioner Secretar6 of National 'efense on October
E:, 011/, respon(ents have not been furnishe( the results of the investi.ation
5hich the6 no5 see7 throu.h the instant petition for a 5rit of amparo)
Un(er these circu-stances, there is substantial evi(ence to 5arrant the
conclusion that there is a violation of respon(entsJ to securit6 as a .uarantee
of protection b6 the .overn-ent)
In su-, 5e conclu(e that respon(entsJ to securit6 as ?free(o- fro-
threatA is violate( b6 the apparent threat to their life, libert6 an( securit6 of person)
#heir to securit6 as a .uarantee of protection b6 the .overn-ent is li7e5ise
violate( b6 the ineffective investi.ation an( protection on the part of the -ilitar6)
@inall6, 5e co-e to the reliefs .rante( b6 the $ourt of !ppeals, 5hich
petitioners >uestion)
@irst, that petitioners furnish respon(ents all official an( unofficial reports
of the investi.ation un(erta7en in connection 5ith their case, e3cept those alrea(6 in
file 5ith the court)
Secon(, that petitioners confir- in 5ritin. the present places of official
assi.n-ent of MFS.t) *ilario a7a Rollie $astillo an( 'onal( $
#hir(, that petitioners cause to be pro(uce( to the $ourt of !ppeals all
-e(ical reports, recor(s an( charts, an( reports of an6 treat-ent .iven or
reco--en(e( an( -e(icines prescribe(, if an6, to the Manalo brothers, to inclu(e a
list of -e(ical personnel C-ilitar6 an( civilianD 5ho atten(e( to the- fro- @ebruar6
:8, 011G until !u.ust :0, 011/)
4ith respect to the 3-r.t (/, .e4o/, re2-e3., petitioners ar.ue that the
pro(uction or(er b6 respon(ents parta7es of the characteristics of a search
5arrant) #hus, the6 clai- that the re>uisites for the issuance of a search 5arrant
-ust be co-plie( 5ith prior to the .rant of the pro(uction or(er, na-el6: C:D the
application -ust be un(er oath or affir-ationI C0D the search 5arrant -ust
particularl6 (escribe the place to be searche( an( the thin.s to be seiHe(I CED there
e3ists probable cause 5ith one specific offenseI an( C8D the probable cause -ust be
personall6 (eter-ine( b6 the Bu(.e after e3a-ination un(er oath or affir-ation of
the co-plainant an( the 5itnesses he -a6 pro(uce)
&1FD' In the case at bar,
ho5ever, petitioners point out that other than the bare, self-servin. an( va.ue
alle.ations -a(e b6 respon(ent Ra6-on( Manalo in his unverifie( (eclaration an(
affi(avit, the (ocu-ents respon(ents see7 to be pro(uce( are onl6 -entione(
.enerall6 b6 na-e, 5ith no other supportin. (etails) #he6 also ar.ue that the
relevanc6 of the (ocu-ents to be pro(uce( -ust be apparent, but this is not true in
the present case as the involve-ent of petitioners in the ab(uction has not been
PetitionersJ ar.u-ents (o not hol( 5ater) #he pro(uction or(er un(er the
Amparo Rule shoul( not be confuse( 5ith a search 5arrant for la5 enforce-ent
un(er !rticle III, Section 0 of the :;2/ $onstitution) #his $onstitutional provision is
a protection of the people fro- the unreasonable intrusion of the .overn-ent, not a
protection of the .overn-ent fro- the (e-an( of the people such as respon(ents)
Instea(, the amparo pro(uction or(er -a6 be li7ene( to the pro(uction of
(ocu-ents or thin.s un(er Section :, Rule 0/ of the Rules of $ivil Proce(ure 5hich
provi(es in relevant part, viz:
Section :) Motion for pro(uction or inspection or(er)
Upon -otion of an6 part6 sho5in. .oo( cause
therefor, the court in 5hich an action is pen(in. -a6 CaD or(er an6
part6 to pro(uce an( per-it the inspection an( cop6in. or
photo.raphin., b6 or on behalf of the -ovin. part6, of an6
(esi.nate( (ocu-ents, papers, boo7s of accounts, letters,
photo.raphs, obBects or tan.ible thin.s, not privile.e(, 5hich
constitute or contain evi(ence -aterial to an6 -atter involve( in
the action an( 5hich are in his possession, custo(6 or controlM

In M(ter-(2 GP1-2.H I/4. +. Iu,0e N(t-+-,(,,
&1F:' the
respon(ent Bu(.e, un(er authorit6 of Rule 0/, issue( a subpoena duces tecum for
the pro(uction an( inspection of a-on. others, the boo7s an( papers of Material
'istributors CPhil)D Inc) #he co-pan6 >uestione( the issuance of the subpoena on
the .roun( that it violate( the search an( seiHure clause) #he $ourt struc7 (o5n
the ar.u-ent an( hel( that the subpoena pertaine( to a civil proce(ure that ?cannot
be i(entifie( or confuse( 5ith unreasonable searches prohibite( b6 the
Moreover, in his affi(avit, petitioner !@P $hief of Staff hi-self un(ertoo7
?to provi(e results of the investi.ations con(ucte( or to be con(ucte( b6 the
concerne( unit relative to the circu-stances of the alle.e( (isappearance of the
persons in 5hose favor the 4rit of Amparo has been for as soon as the
sa-e has been furnishe( *i.her hea(>uarters)A
4ith respect to the secon( an( thir( reliefs, petitioners assert that the
(isclosure of the present places of assi.n-ent of MFS.t) *ilario a7a Rollie $astillo
an( 'onal( $, as 5ell as the sub-ission of a list of -e(ical personnel, is
irrelevant, i-proper, i--aterial, an( unnecessar6 in the resolution of the petition for
a 5rit of amparo) #he6 a(( that it 5ill unnecessaril6 co-pro-ise an( Beopar(iHe the
e3ercise of official functions an( (uties of -ilitar6 officers an( even un5ittin.l6 an(
unnecessaril6 e3pose the- to threat of personal inBur6 or even (eath)
On the contrar6, the (isclosure of the present places of assi.n-ent of
MFS.t) *ilario aka Rollie $astillo an( 'onal( $, 5ho- respon(ents both
(irectl6 i-plicate( as perpetrators behin( their ab(uction an( (etention, is relevant
in ensurin. the safet6 of respon(ents b6 avoi(in. their areas of territorial Buris(iction)
Such (isclosure 5oul( also help ensure that these -ilitar6 officers can be serve(
5ith notices an( court processes in relation to an6 investi.ation an( action for
violation of the respon(entsJ ri.hts) #he list of -e(ical personnel is also relevant in
securin. infor-ation to create the -e(ical histor6 of respon(ents an( -a7e
appropriate -e(ical interventions, 5hen applicable an( necessar6)
In blatant violation of our har(-5on .uarantees to life, libert6 an( securit6,
these ri.hts are snuffe( out fro- victi-s of 7illin.s an( enforce(
(isappearances) #he 5rit of amparo is a tool that .ives voice to pre6s of silent .uns
an( prisoners behin( secret 5alls)
4*"R"@OR", pre-ises consi(ere(, the petition is 'ISMISS"') #he
'ecision of the $ourt of !ppeals (ate( 'ece-ber 0G, 011/ is affir-e()
SO OR'"R"')

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