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miRebuli codna da

samxreT kavkasiaSi usafrTxo
adgilobrivi Temebis
ganviTarebis regionuli programa
(II faza)
samxreT kavkasiaSi usafrTxo adgilo-
brivi Temebis ganviTarebis regionuli
programis meore faza Tanadafinansebu-
lia evrokomisiis, daniis wiTeli jvris,
avstriis wiTeli jvrisa da islandiis
wiTeli jvris sazogadoebebis mier.
es aris Temze dafuZnebuli katastro-
febis riskis Semcirebis programa, ro-
melic moicavs samxreT kavkasiis or
qveyanas _ saqarTvelosa da somxeTs.
Sesabamisad, programas axorcieleben
saqarTvelosa da somxeTis wiTeli jvris
programis moqmedebis vadaa 17 Tve,
2012 wlis 1 ivnisidan 2013 wlis 31 oqtom-
saqarTveloSi programa xorcield-
eba raWa-leCxumis, qvemo svaneTisa da
imereTis regionebSi, konkretulad ki
ambrolauris, onis, cageris, lentexis,
saCxerisa da tyibulis municipaliteteb-
Si, romlebic mdebareoben mTian zonebSi
da midrekilni arian sxvadasxva bunebrivi
katastrofebisadmi . aq xSiria iseTi sti-
qiuri movlenebi, rogoricaa miwisZvra,
wyaldidoba da mewyeri.
programis farglebSi gaTvaliswineb-
ulia saganmanaTleblo da sainforma-
cio masalebis SemuSaveba da gavrceleba
katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis Tema-
tikaze. saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sa-
zogadoebis filialebis farTo qselisa
da saganmanaTleblo dawesebulebebis
meSveobiT xdeba informaciis gaziareba
adgilobriv mosaxleobasTan, rac miznad
isaxavs Temebis mosaxleobis codnis gaR-
rmavebas da katastrofebis negatiuri
efeqtebis minimalizebas.
programis farglebSi onSi, ambro-
laurSi, lentexSi, tyibulSi, saCxe resa
da cagerSi mobilizebulia katastro-
febisaTvis mzadyofnisa da rea girebis
Temis moxaliseTa 20 kaciani jgufebi.
maT utardebaT sxvadasxva treninge-
bi katastrofebis riskis SemcirebaSi,
fsiqosocialur daxmarebaSi, pirvel
daxmarebaSi, samaSvelo da saxanZro
saqmianobebSi (rogorc Teoriuli, aseve
praqtikuli). moxda aRniSnuli jgufebis
aRWurva personaluri damcavi saSuale-
bebiT da samaSvelo aRWurvilobiT. es
imas niSnavs, rom saWiroebis SemTxvevaSi
maT SeeZlebaT katastrofebze pirveladi
reagirebis moxdena da Sesabamisi samsax-
urebisTvis damxmaris rolis Sesruleba.
kidev ufro mniSvnelovania, rom maT,
Temis sxva wevrebTan, adgilobrivi
Te second phase of Regional Programme
for Building Safer Local Communities in South
Caucasus is co-fnanced by European commis-
sion, Danish Red Cross, Austrian Red Cross
and Icelandic Red Cross.
Tis is a community-based disaster risk re-
duction programme that includes two countries
of South Caucasus Georgia and Armenia. Ac-
cordingly, the programme is implemented by
Georgia Red Cross Society and Armenian Red
Cross Society.
Te duration of the programme is 17 months,
starting from the 1st of June, 2012 to the 31st of
October, 2013.
Te programme in Georgia is implemented
in Racha-Lechkhumi and Qvemo Svaneti and
Imereti regions, in particular, Ambrolauri,
Oni, Tsageri, Lentekhi, Sachkhere and Tkibuli
Municipalities that are situated in mountain-
ous zones and are prone to natural disasters.
Natural disasters that frequently occur here are
earthquake, food and landslide, etc..
Development and dissemination of Educa-
tional and Informational materials on disaster
risk reduction is considered within the pro-
gramme. By means of broad network of Georgia
Red Cross Society and educational institutions
information is shared with local communities,
the aim of which is raising awareness in local
communities and minimalizing negative efects
of disasters.
Community Volunteer Disaster Prepared-
ness and Response (CVDPR) teams, consisted
of 20 volunteers are mobilized within the pro-
gramme in Ambrolauri, Lentekhi, Tkibuli,
Sachkhere and Tsageri. Diferent trainings are
conducted for them on disaster risk reduction
(DRR), psychosocial support, frst aid, fre and
rescue activities (both theoretical and practi-
cal). Te mentioned teams were provided with
personal safety and rescue equipment. Tis
means that, if necessary, they are able to re-
spond to disasters at the frst stage and play an
auxiliary role for relative services.
It is far more important that together with
other community members, local authorities,
representatives of Fire-Rescue and Emergency
services, they prepared community disaster re-
sponse plans that will enable the local popula-
tion to make their living environment safer.
Simulation exercises were conducted in six
xelisuflebis, saxanZro-samaSvelo da sas-
wrafo-samedicino daxmarebis samsaxure-
bis warmomadgenlebTan erTad, moamzades
Temis katastrofebze reagirebis gegmebi,
rac saSualebas miscems adgilobriv mosax-
leobas ufro usafrTxo gaxadon TavianTi
sacxovrebeli garemo.
praqtikuli unarCvevebis gasaumjobese-
blad da municipalitetebSi reagirebis
gegmis amoqmedebis dros sxvadasxva adg-
ilobrivi samsaxurebis koordinirebul
qmedebebSi SesaZlo arsebuli xarvezebis
aRmosafxvrelad eqvsive miznobriv mu-
nicipalitetSi Catarda simulaciuri sa-
varjiSoebi. sagangebo Stabis muSaobis
process akvirdeboda Sss sagangebo sit-
uaciebis marTvis departamentis warmo-
madgeneli, romelic Sesabamis rekomenda-
ciebs aZlevda adgilobrivi xelisuflebis
warmomadgenlebs rogorc sagangebo Sta-
bis muSaobis, aseve velze praqtikuli
simulaciis procesSi. aRsaniSnavia, rom
sagangebo situaciebis marTvis depar-
tamentis warmomadgenlebis meTvalyu-
reobiT aseve Catarda saevakuacio savar-
jiSoebi ambrolauris, onis, lentexis,
cageris, tyibulisa da saCxeris skolebSi.
programis farglebSi eqvsive munici-
palitetis skolebis maswavleblebs Cau-
tardaT treningi katastrofebis riskis
Semcirebis Tematikaze. maswavleblebma,
Tavis mxriv, moiwvies skolis moswavleebi
skolis Semdgom saqmianobebSi monawileo-
bis misaRebad, sadac maT iswavles, Tu ra
unda gaakeTon saxlsa Tu skolaSi meti us-
programis farglebSi Sedga samuSao
Sexvedrebi regionul da erovnul don-
eze: moxdasaqmianobebis gacnoba da
gamocdilebis gaziareba onis, ambrolau-
ris, cageris, lentexis, saCxeresa da ty-
ibulis moxaliseebTan, adgilobrivi da
centraluri xelisuflebis warmomadgen-
ganxorcielda mowyvladobisa da Sesa-
Zleblobebis Sefaseba, Catarda mosaxle-
obis gamokiTxva kiTxvarebis meSveobiT,
meoradi informaciis moZieba, xifaTebis,
riskebisa da SesaZleblobebis rukaze da-
tana da, aqedan gamomdinare, moxda mTavari
prioritetebis gamokveTa: dadginda, Tu ra
riskebi, xifaTebi da SesaZleblobebia re-
gionSi da ra unda movimoqmeoT katastro-
febis riskis Sesamcireblad.
gamokveTili prioritetebis safuZv-
elze gadawyda mcire proeqtebis ganxor-
cieleba, romlebic mimarTulia katastro-
febis riskis Semcirebaze.
programiT gaTvaliswinebuli yvela
qmedeba koordinirebulia im saministro-
ebTan da uwyebebTan, romlebic CarTulni
arian katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis
saqmianobebSi adgilobriv da regionul
doneze, raTa moxdes gamocdilebis,
sasargeblo informaciisa da masalebis
gaziareba samxreT kavkasiaSi bunebriv
katastrofebze ukeTesi reagirebisa da
Temis moxaliseTa
katastrofebisTvis mzadyofnisa
da reagirebis 20 kaciani gundi
adgilobrivi xelisuflebis daxmareba
katastrofebisTvis mzadyofnasa da rea-
adgilobrivi Temis mosaxleobis dax-
mareba, raTa isini mzad iyvnen katastro-
febisaTvis da icodnen, Tu ra unda moimo-
qmedon stiqiis SemTxvevaSi.

Sedegis miRwevis gzebi
raWa-leCxumisa da qvemo svaneTisa
da imereTis regionebSi katastrofebis
riskis Semcirebis proeqtis dawyebisTa-
nave sakmaod bevrma adamianma moisurva
gamxdariyo Temis moxalise da aqtiuri
monawileoba mieRo katastrofebis riskis
Semcirebis saqmianobebSi.onis, ambrolau-
ris, cageris, lentexis, tyibulisa da
saCxeris adgilobrivi filialebis Tavm-
jdomareebis mier moxda moxaliseobis
msurvelTa mobilizeba da SemdgomSi, maT-
Tan gasaubrebis safuZvelze,garkveuli
kriteriumebis gaTvaliswinebiT moxda
TiTo samizne municipalitetSi 20 Temis
moxalisis arCeva. garda amisa, bevri msur-
velis gamo, Seiqmna Temis moxaliseTa sa-
Tadarigo siebi da im SemTxvevaSi Tu Ziri-
Tad siaSi Seyvanili romelime moxalise
raime mizezis gamo ver Seasrulebda Tavis
ufleba-movaleobebs, misi Canacvleba
moxdeboda saTadarigo siaSi myofi moxal-
isiT. proeqtis farglebSi wiTeli jvris
TanamSromlebma,Sinagan saqmeTa samin-
istros sagangebo situaciebis marTvis
departamentis specialistebma da sxva
profesionalebma maT Cautares rogorc
Teoriuli, aseve praqtikuli treningebi
katastrofebis riskis SemcirebaSi, kli-
matur cvlilebebSi, fsiqosocialur dax-
marebaSi, pirvel daxmarebaSi, samaSvelo
target communities for improvement of practical
skills and for flling the gaps existent in coordi-
nation activities of diferent local services dur-
ing activating response plan in municipalities.
Te working process of emergency taskforce was
monitored by the representative of Emergency
Management Department under the Ministry of
Internal Afairs who gave relevant recommenda-
tions to local government representatives both
during working of emergency taskforce and in
the process of practical simulation in the feld.
It is noteworthy that by the supervision of the
representatives of Emergency Management De-
partment (EMD) under the Ministry of Internal
Afairs of Georgia, evacuation exercises were
conducted in the schools of Ambrolauri, Oni,
Lentekhi, Tsageri, Tkibuli and Sachkhere.
Within the framework of the programme
school teachers of six municipalities were trained
in disaster risk reduction issues. Teachers, in
their turn, invited schoolchildren to participate
in activities afer school where they learned what
to do in their houses and schools for more safety.
Workshops were conducted within the pro-
gramme on regional and national level: activi-
ties were introduced and experience shared with
volunteers, local and central government repre-
sentatives of Oni, Ambrolauri, Tsageri, Lentekhi,
Sachkhere and Tkibuli.
Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment
(VCA) was conducted; population was inter-
viewed through questionnaires, secondary data
was reviewed, hazards, risks and capacities of
the community were mapped, and consequently,
main priorities were defned: what kind of risks,
hazards and capacities are in the region and what
to do in order to reduce disaster risk.
On the basis of defned priorities it was decid-
ed to implement small scale mitigation projects
which are addressed to disaster risk reduction.
All the activities within the programme are
coordinated with those ministries and bodies
which are involved in disaster risk reduction ac-
tivities on local and regional level as experience,
useful information and materials are to be shared
for natural disaster response and preparedness in
South Caucasus.
Supporting local authorities in disaster pre-
paredness and response.
da saxanZro saqmianobebSi, topografiaSi,
proeqtis dagegmvasa da weraSi. regionu-
li samaSvelo samsaxuris specialistebma
aswavles Temis moxaliseebs, Tu rogor
gamoiyenon specialuri xelsawyoebi, ra
gaakeTon xanZris dros, rogor daexmaron
mexanZreebsa da maSvelebs, rogor moax-
dinon xalxis evakuacia, rogor moiqcnen
dazaralebul mosaxleobasTan maSvelebi-
sa da mexanZreebis mosvlamde.
Camoyalibda Temis moxaliseTa kata-
strofebisTvis mzadyofnisa da reagire-
bis 20 kaciani gundi eqvsive samizne TemSi,
romlebic personaluri damcavi saSuale-
bebiT aRiWurven. es imas niSnavs, rom maT
SeeZlebaT katastrofebze pirveladi rea-
girebis moxdena, sanam Semdgomi daxmareba
gaeweva areals.
daviT yifiani, raWa-leCxumisa da
qvemo svaneTis regionuli samaSvelo
samsaxuris warmomadgeneli: me da Cems
kolegebs samaSvelo samsaxuridan Zalian
gvixaria, rom Cvens regionSi Temis mox-
aliseTa gundi Camoyalibda. Cven am gun-
dis wevrebs gamocdilebas vuziarebT
da instruqtorebi maT Teoriul da
praqtikul swavlebebs utareben. axla
moxaliseebi adgilobriv mosaxleobas
katastrofebis SemTxvevaSi did dax-
marebas uweven. magaliTad, raWis tyeSi
xanZris dros maSvelebma gundis biWebs
cecxlis CaqrobaSi daxmareba vTxoveT,
radgan gamocdili xalxi gvWirdeboda.
moxaliseebi didi siamovnebiT dagvex-
maren da Cven erTad gavumklavdiT
cecxls. Cven madloblebi varT maTi,
radgan isini pirvel daxmarebasa da
fsiqosocialur daxmarebas uweven
dazaralebul mosaxleobas.
simulaciuri varjiSebi munic-
ipalitetis reagirebis gegmis
regionuli da adgilobrivi xelisu-
flebis SesaZleblobebis gaZliereba
ka tastrofebze efeqturi reagirebisa
da dazaralebuli mosaxleobisaTvis
drouli daxmarebisaTvis.
katastrofebis dros municipal-
itetis reagirebis gegmaSi Setanili
ZiriTadi aqtorebis koordinaciisa da
TanamSromlobis gaZliereba da sisus-
teebis gamovlena.
Sedegis miRwevis gzebi
samizne TemebSi municipalitetis rea-
girebis gegmis mixedviT simulaciuri var-
jiSebis CatarebisaTvis pirvel rigSi saWi-
roa Sinagan saqmeTa saministros sagangebo
situaciebis marTvis departamentTan
TanamSromloba, raTa specialistebma Sei-
muSavon Sesabamisi scenari da Caataron
simulaciuri varjiSi TemebSi. agreTve
umniSvnelovanesia Temis moxaliseebTan,
adgilobriv xelisuflebasTan da sxva Se-
sabamis struqturebTan TanamSromloba
da koordinacia, raTa isini mzad iyvnen
simulaciuri varjiSisTvis.
lentexSi, cagerSi, ambrolaurSi,
on Si, tyibulsa da saCxereSi simula-
ciuri varjiSebi Catarda, romelic
municipalitetebis katastrofebze rea-
girebis gegmebis amoqmedebas iTval-
iswinebda. aRniSnuli saqmianoebebi ganx-
orcielda saqarTvelos Sss sagangebo
situaciebis marTvis departamentis war-
momadgenlisa da saqarTvelos wiTeli
jvris sazogadoebis (swjs) katastrofebis
Supporting local community in order for
them to be prepared for disasters and to know
what to do in case of disasters.
Ways of achieving results
From the beginning of the DRR programme
in Racha-Lechkhumi and Qvemo Svaneti and
Imereti Regions, a lot of people showed their
interest to become a CVDPR team member and
to actively participate in DRR activities. People
interested in volunteerism were mobilised by
the heads of Oni, Ambrolauri, Tsageri, Lentekhi,
Tkibuli and Sachkhere local branches, and then,
based on interviews, considering certain criteria
20 volunteers were selected in each target mu-
nicipality. Besides, because of a lot of people who
wanted to join the volunteer team, additional
lists of community volunteers were made and in
case any volunteer from the main list for some
reason is not able to fulfl his/her obligations,
he/she will be replaced by the volunteer from
the additional list. In the framework of the pro-
gramme they received theoretical as well as prac-
tical trainings in disaster risk reduction, climate
change, psychosocial support, frst aid, rescue
and fre activities, topography, project planning
and proposal writing by Red Cross staf, special-
ists from Emergency Management Department
and other professionals. Regional Rescue Service
specialists taught community volunteers how to
use special tools, what to do during fre, how to
help fremen and rescuers, how to evacuate peo-
ple, how to treat afected population before res-
cuers and fremen come.
Community Volunteer Disaster Preparedness
and Response Teams consisted of 20 volunteers,
in each of the six target communities who re-
ceived personal protection equipment. It means
that they are able to provide the initial response
in a disaster until further assistance can reach the
DAVID KIPIANI, representative of res-
cue service of Racha-Lechkhumi and Qvemo
Svaneti region: I with my colleagues from the
rescue service am very glad that community
volunteer team was established. We share our
experience with the team members and instruc-
tors give them theoretical and practical trainings.
Now volunteers are able to help local population
in disasters greatly. For example, during fre in
Racha forest the rescuers asked the boys of the
team to assist in putting the fre out as we needed
experienced people. Volunteers helped us with
great pleasure and we put the fre out together.
We are very grateful to them as they give to the
afected population psychosocial support and
frst aid.
To enhance capacities of regional and local
authorities for efective response to disasters and
timely assistance for afected population.
To strengthen coordination and cooperation
of main actors involved in municipality response
plan during disasters and to defne weaknesses.
Ways of achieving results
First of all, cooperation with Emergency Man-
agement Department is necessary in order to
conduct simulation exercises according to mu-
nicipality response plan in target communities,
as specialists need to develop a scenario and
conduct simulation exercise in the communities.
Coordination and cooperation with community
volunteer, local authorities and other relevant
structures is also very important in order for
them to be prepared for simulation exercises.
Simulation exercises were conducted in
Lentekhi, Tsageri, Ambrolauri, Oni, Tkibuli and
Sachkhere which considered activating disaster
response plans of the municipalities. Te men-
tioned activities were implemented with the sup-
port of the Emergency Management Department
and Georgia Red Cross Society (GRCS) Disaster
Management (DM) Department staf.
At the initial stage of simulations emergency
taskforces were created in municipalities con-
sisted of representatives of local authorities who
were presented diferent scenarios (earthquake,
food, fre) by the representative of Emergency
Management Department. Te main task was
evacuation of afected population from danger-
ous to safe areas and to take proper measures for
disaster response. GRCS local representatives
were included in emergency taskforces.
During simulations relevant services were
marTvis departamenetis TanamSromlebis
simulaciebis sawyis etapze Sesabamis
municipalitetebSi Seiqmna adgilo-
brivi xelisuflebebis warmomadgenle-
biT dakompeqtebuli sagangebo Stabebi,
romelTac sagangebo situaciebis marTvis
departamentis warmomadgenelma warud-
gina sxvadasxva scenarebi (miwisZvra,
wyaldidoba, xanZari). ZiriTad davalebas
warmoadgenda saSiSi zonebidan dazarale-
buli mosaxleobis evakuacia usafrTxo
adgilebSi da saTanado zomebis miReba
katastrofaze reagirebis mizniT. swjs-is
adgilobrivi warmomadgenlebSi Sediod-
nen sagangebo Stabis SemadgeblobaSi.
simulaciebis ganmavlobaSi Sesabamiss
samsaxurebs miecaT specialuri davale-
bebi. davalebebis ganawilebis Semdeg
Stabis wevrebi gavidnen velze, sadac Se-
qmnili iyo savele saoperacio centri da
imitirebuli xanZrisa da wyaldidobis
fonze Catarda praqtikuli simulaci-
uri savarjiSoebi. Stabis wevrebma gamoi-
Zaxes sagangebo da saswrafo daxmarebis
samsaxurebi, iseve, rogorc swjs Temis
moxaliseTa katastrofebze mzadebis da
reagirebis jgufebi (Tmkmrj). usafrxo
adgilebSi gaSlili iyo swjs-is karvebi,
sadac Tmkmrj-is wevrebma aRmouCines
pirveladi samedicio da fsiqosocialuri
daxmareba dazaralebul pirebs.
TiToeul municipalitetSi yvela adg-
ilobrivma samsaxurma moaxdina Sesabamisi
reagireba Tavisi kompetenciis farglebSi:
gamgebelma Seqmna sagangebo Stabi,
misca davalebebi Sesabamis samsaxurebs da
koordinacia gauwia reagirebis RonisZie-
saxanZro-samaSvelo samsaxurma moax-
dina cecxlis Caqroba;
maSvelebma moaxdines dazaralebuli
pirebis gamoyvana dangreuli Senobebidan
da datborili zonebidan;
Tmkmrj-is wevrebma moaxdines daza-
ralebuli mosaxleobis evakuacia safrTx-
is zonidan, ganaTavses karvebSi da gauwies
pirveladi samedicio da fsiqosocialuri
saswrafo-samedicino samsaxuris Tan-
amSrolmebma gauwies samedicino daxmare-
ba dazaralebul pirebs da moaxdines maTi
transportireba saavadmyofoebSi.
mowyvladobisa da
SesaZleblobebis Sefaseba
mosaxleobis aRqmis gageba, Tu ra
riskebi da SesaZleblobebi arsebobs maT
TemSi katastrofebis prevenciisa da
Serbilebis zomebis gamovlena/identi-
Sedegis miRwevis gzebi
mowyvladobisa da SesaZleblobebis Se-
fasebis Casatareblad upirveles yovlisa
saWiroa moxaliseebis gawvrTna, Tu rogor
unda Catardes amgvari Sefaseba, ra me-
Todologiuri instrumentebi unda iqnes
gamoyenebuli, mosaxleobisgan Sesabamisi
informaciis miRebisaTvis. unda Seiqmnas
gegma, Tu rodis da rogor unda Catardes
Sefaseba, vin raze iqneba pasuxismgebeli,
rogor unda gadanawildes ufleba-mov-
aleobebi da a.S. procesSi CarTul moxali-
seebTan erTad unda SemuSavdes special-
uri kiTxvarebi, romelTa meSveobiTac
Temis mosaxleoba gamoikiTxeba, agreTve
unda dadgindes, Tu ramdeni adamiani unda
gamoikiTxos da ra principiT unda SeirC-
nen isini TemSi arsebuli mTavari riske-
bisa da SesaZleblobebis Sesaxeb sruli
informaciis miRebisaTvis.
saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris sazogadoeb-
is (swjs) TanamSromlebisa da moxaliseebis
meSveobiT onSi, ambrolaurSi, cagerSi,
lentexSi, tyibulsa da saCxereSi mowyv-
ladobisa da SesaZleblobebis Sefaseba Ca-
tarda. winaswar SemuSavebuli kiTxvarebis
meSveobiT gamoikiTxa mosaxleoba, moxda
meoradi informaciis moZieba (interneti,
arqivi..), TemSi arsebuli xifaTebis, riske-
bisa da SesaZleblobebis rukaze datana,
problemebis xis, sezonuri kalendris
SemuSaveba da sxv.. zemoT CamoTvlili me-
Todoloiuri instrumentebis saSuale-
biT gamoikveTa, Tu ra riskebi, xifaTebi
da SesaZleblobebia TemebSi da ra unda
gakeTdes adgilze katastrofebis riskis
Sesamcireblad. miRebuli informacia da-
muSavda da gaziarda adgilobrivi mosax-
leobis, adgilobrivi xelisuflebis,
swjs-s TanamSromlebisa da moxaliseebi-
sgan, aseve sxva dainteresebuli pirebisgan
Camoyalibebul samuSao jgufTan. mowyv-
ladobisa da SesaZleblobebis Sefasebis
saboloo angariSebi daibeWda da samizne
TemebSi gaziarda.
given special tasks. Afer division of these tasks
the members of taskforce moved to the feld in
the feld operational where fre and food were
imitated and practical simulation exercises were
conducted. Te taskforce members called emer-
gency services, as well as CVDPR teams. GRCS
tents were set up in the safe areas where CVDPR
team members provided frst aid and psychoso-
cial support to the afected people.
All relevant local services provided services
within their responsibilities in each municipal-
Te governor created taskforce, gave tasks to
relevant services and coordinated response ac-
Fire-rescue service put out fre;
Rescuers evacuated afected people from de-
stroyed buildings and fooded areas;
CVDPRT members evacuated afected pop-
ulation from hazardous areas, took them to the
tents and provided frst aid and psychosocial
support for them;
Emergency service staf provided medical
aid to the afected people and transported them
to hospitals.
To understand the perceptions of the popu-
lation about what kind of risks and capacities are
in their communities.
Identifcation of disaster prevention and mit-
igation actions in the community
Ways of achieving results
In order to conduct Vulnerability and Capac-
ity Assessment, above all, it is necessary to train
volunteers how to conduct such assessment, what
methodological instruments should be used to
get relevant information from the population. A
plan shall be developed as to when and how the
assessment is conducted, who is responsible for
what, how the responsibilities are divided, etc.
Together with volunteers involved in the pro-
cess special questionnaires shall be developed
through which the population is surveyed, also
it shall be defned how many people are surveyed
and how they are selected to collect thorough in-
formation about main risks and capacities of the
Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment was
conducted by GRCS staf and volunteers in
Oni, Ambrolauri, Tsageri, Lentekhi, Tkibuli and
Te population was interviewed through pre-
developed questionnaires, secondary data was
reviewed (internet, archive), hazards, risks and
capacities of the community were mapped, prob-
lem tree, and seasonal calendar was done, etc.
By means of above-mentioned methodological
instruments the main priorities were selected
what kind of risks, hazards and capacities are
in the communities and what to do in order to
katastrofebis prevenciisa da
Semsubuqebis zomebi
TemSi katastrofebis negatiuri efeq-
tis Semcireba an prevencia
Sedegis miRwevis gzebi
TemebSi katastrofebis riskis Semcire-
bisken mimarTuli mcire proeqtebis Se-
muSavebisaTvis da mTavari prioritetebis
gamovlenisaTvis mniSvnelovania mowyv-
ladobisa da SesaZleblobebis Sefasebi-
sgan miRebuli informaciis gaanalizeba da
am informaciis adgilobrivi xelisufleb-
isgan da sxva dainteresebuli mxareebisgan
Semdgar samuSao jgufTan gaziareba. amis
Semdgom samuSao jgufTan erTad unda
moxdes katastrofebis riskis Semcire-
bisken mimarTuli mcire proeqtebis gam-
ovlena. swored zemoT aRniSnul mowyv-
ladobisa da SesaZleblobebis angariSis
safuZvelze SesaZlebelia ganxorcieldes
amgvari mcire proeqtebi da sxva Sesabamisi
saqmianobebi katastrobebisken midrekil
ambrolaurSi, onSi, cagerSi, lentexSi,
tyibulsa da saCxereSi swjs-s mier Catare-
buli mowyvladobisa da SesaZleblobebis
Sedegad gamoikveTa Tu ra zomebi unda
gatardes aRniSnul TemebSi katastro-
febis riskis Sesamcireblad. adgilobriv
xelisuflebasTan da sxva dainteresebul
pirebTan erTad moxda mTavari prior-
itetebis gamovlena da mcire zomis pro-
eqtebis SemuSaveba.
oni: gabionebis SekeTeba da napirsama-
gri samuSaoebi
ambrolauri: gabionebis SekeTeba da na-
pirsamagri samuSaoebi
cageri: gabionebis SekeTeba da napirsa-
magri samuSaoebi
lentexi: gabionebis SekeTeba da napir-
samagri samuSaoebi
tyibuli: gabionebis SekeTeba da napir-
samagri samuSaoebi
saCxere: gabionebis SekeTeba da napirsa-
magri samuSaoebi
sagangebo situaciebis saojaxo
gegma; klasgareSe araformaluri
cnobierebis amaRleba
mosaxleobis codnisa da cnobierebis
amaRleba, katastrofebis riskis Semcire-
bis Tu ra zomebi SeiZleba iqnes miRebuli
ojaxis doneze katastrofis SemTxvevaSi
negatiuri Sedegis minimumamde dasayvanad.
Sedegis miRwevis gzebi
sagangebo situaciebis saojaxo gegmis
skolis moswavleebisaTvis gacnobisaTvis,
upirveles yovlisa saWiroa mowveul iqnan
samizne municipalitetebis maswavle-
blebi katastrofebis riskis Semcirebisa
da sagangebo situaciebis saojaxo gegmis
Sesaxeb treningze dasaswrebad. maswavle-
blebma, Tavis mxriv, unda moiwvion sko-
lis moswavleebi, raTa maT gakveTilebis
reduce disaster risk. Received information was
analysed and shared with the working group
consisting of local authorities, Red Cross staf &
volunteers, CVDPRTs, community members,
and other stakeholders. Te fnal reports of vul-
nerability and capacity assessment were printed
and shared in target communities.
Reduction or prevention negative afect of
disaster in the community
Ways of achieving results
In order to develop small scale projects of dis-
aster risk reduction in the communities and to
defne main priorities, it is very important to an-
alyze the information received from VCA and to
share this information to the working group con-
sisted of local authorities and other stakeholders.
Aferwards small scale mitigation projects are
defned together with the working group. On the
basis of the above-mentioned Vulnerability and
Capacity Assessment such small scale projects
and other relevant activities can be implemented
in disaster prone communities.
As a result of Vulnerability and Capacity As-
sessment conducted by GRCS in Ambrolauri,
Oni, Tsageri, Lentekhi, Tkibuli and Sachkhere
it was defned what measures are to be taken in
the mentioned communities for disaster risk re-
duction. Main priorities were defned and small
scale mitigation projects were developed with lo-
cal authorities and other stakeholders.
Oni: repairing gabions and riverbank protec-
Ambrolauri: repairing gabions and riverbank
Tsageri: repairing gabions and riverbank pro-
Lentekhi: repairing gabions and riverbank
Tkibuli: repairing gabions and riverbank pro-
Sachkhere: repairing gabions and riverbank
Raising awareness of the population about
what disaster risk reduction actions can be done
on the family level in case disasters to minimize
negative afect.
Ways of achieving results
In order to introduce Family Emergency Plan
to school pupils, frst of all, it is necessary to in-
vite the teachers of target municipalities to attend
trainings on disaster risk reduction and family
emergency plan. Teachers, in turn, should invite
school pupils to take part in afer school activi-
Semdeg auxsnan, Tu ras warmoadgens sa-
gangebo situaciebis saojaxo gegma, ro-
gor unda SemuSavdes igi ojaxis doneze
da ra unda gakeTdes katastrofis SemTx-
vevaSi ojaxis usafrTxoebisaTvis. mas-
wavleblebma TavianT moswavleebs unda
daavalon TavianT ojaxTan, mezoblebTan
da naTesavebTan erTad SeimuSavon Tavi-
anTi ojaxis sagangebo gegma. garda amisa,
skolis moswavleebis metad dainteresebi-
saTvis, mniSvnelovania moswavleebs Soris
Sejibrebis organizeba. unda Seiqmnas spe-
cialuri komisia, romelSic skolis di-
reqcia da swjs-s warmomadgenlebi Sevlen
da gamoavlenen saukeTeso da yvelaze ino-
vaciur saojaxo gegmebs.
ambrolauris, onis, cageris, lentex-
is, tyibulisa da saCxeres maswavleblebi
mowveul iqnen swjs-s mier katastrofebis
riskis Semcirebisa da sagangebo situa-
ciebis saojaxo gegmis Sesaxeb treningze
dasaswrebad. maT, Tavis mxriv, moiwvies
skolis moswavleebi skolis Semdgom saqmi-
anobebSi monawileobis misaRebad, sadac
maT iswavles, Tu ra unda gaakeTon saxlsa
Tu skolaSi meti usafrTxoebisaTvis. sko-
lis moswavleebma ojaxTan da mezoblebT-
an erTad monawileoba miiRes sagangebo
situaciebis saojaxo gegmis SemuSaveba-
wardgenaSi. organizebul iqna Sejibrebebi
skolisa da municipalitetebis doneze. ga-
marjvebuli bavSvebisaTvis swjs-m organi-
zeba gaukeTa sazafxulo axalgazrdul
banaks, sadac bavSvebisaTvis sxvadasxva
gasarTobi da SemecnebiTi saqmianobebi da
swavlebebi daigegma.
luka sadiliani, axalgazrduli banakis
monawile: bednieri var, rom Cems skolaSi
katastrofebisTvis mzadyofnis sauke-
Teso saojaxo gegma SevimuSave da wiTeli
jvris sazogadoebam bakurianSi axalgaz-
rdul banakSi wamiyvana. banakSi viswav-
le Tu rogor unda moviqce sxvadasxva
katastrofis dros, rogor ganvaxorcie-
lo pirveli daxmareba, gvqonda Sexvedre-
bi fsiqologebTan. garda amisa, Catarda
bevri gasarTobi da sportuli RonisZieba,
raSic yvelani, banakis monawileebi, aqti-
urad viRebdiT monawileobas. banakSi
bevri megobari SeviZine, romlebsac aras-
dros daviviwyeb. yvela monawilesaTvis ax-
algazrduli banaki waruSlel mogonebad
simulaciuri varjiSebi skolebSi
direqtorebis, maswavleblebis da
moswavleebis codnis amaRleba skolis
saevakuacio gegmis wakiTxvasa da gamoyen-
ebasTan dakavSirebiT, raTa katastrofis
SemTxvevaSi maT sworad da panikis gareSe
datovon skolis Senoba.
Sedegis miRwevis gzebi
skolebSi saevakuacio gegmebTan dakav-
Sirebuli simulaciuri varjiSebis Casa-
tareblad, upirveles yovlisa saWiroa
sagangebo situaciebis marTvis departa-
mentTan da resurs centrebTan SeTanxme-
ba varjiSis Catarebis Sesaxeb. sagangebo
situaciebis marTvis departamentis war-
momadgenlebma unda SeimuSavon scenari
da am scenaris mixedviT, direqtorebTan,
maswavleblebTan da moswavleebTan erTad
simulaciuri varjiSi unda Caataron, sam-
izne skolis saevakuacio gegmebis mixed-
viT. aucilebelia simulaciur varjiSSi
monawileebs winaswar instruqciis Catare-
ba, Tu rogor Catardeba varjiSi, rogor
unda moiqcnen monawileebi, ra unda da ra
ar unda moimoqmedon maT swavlebis dros.
ambrolaurSi, onSi, cagerSi, lentexSi,
tyibulsa da saCxereSi swjs-sa da sagange-
bo situaciebis marTvis departamentis
mier, adgilobriv resurs centrebTan Se-
TanxmebiT Catarda skolis saevakuacio
gegmebTan dakavSirebuli simulaciuri
varjiSebi (yvela samizne municipalite-
tis erT skolaSi). aRniSnul varjiSebSi
aqtiuri monawileoba miiRes skolis di-
reqtorebma, maswavleblebma, moswavleeb-
ma, moswavleebis mSoblebma, samaSvelo da
saxanZro razmebma, Temis moxaliseebma da
adgilobrivi xelisuflebis warmomadgen-
lebma. varjiSis Semdeg maT ician, Tu ra
unda moimoqmedon da rogor unda datov-
on TavianTi skolis Senoba katastrofis
Temis katastrofebisTvis
mzadyofnisa da reagirebis gegma
adgilobrivi Temis wevrebisaTvis geg-
mis SemuSaveba, raTa maT hqondeT saxelmZ-
Rvanelo, Tu rogor unda moiqcnen, sad
wavidnen da vis mimarTon TavianT TemSi
katastrofamde, katastrofis dros da
katastrofis Semdgom periodSi.
ties and explain to them what a family emer-
gency plan is, how it is developed at the family
level and what can be done during disasters for
family safety. Te teachers give a task to their
pupils to develop their family emergency plans
together with their families, neighbours and
relatives. Additionally, to stimulate school pupils
more, it is important to organize a contest among
them. Special commission is made consisted of
school administration and GRCS representatives
and they defne the best and the most innovative
family emergency plans. .
Te teachers of Ambrolauri, Oni, Tsageri,
Lentekhi, Tkibuli and Sachkhere were invited
by GRCS to attend the trainings on disaster risk
reduction and family emergency plan. Tey, in
turn, invited school pupils to take part in afer
school activities to learn what to do for more
safety at home or at school. School pupils, to-
gether with their families and neighbours, par-
ticipated in developing and presenting of Fam-
ily Emergency Plan. Contests were organized on
school and municipality level. GRCS organized
summer youth camp for winner pupils where
diferent entertainment and cognitive activities
were planned for children.
Luka Sadiliani, youth camp participant: I am
happy that I designed the best Family Emergency
Plan in my school and Georgia Red Cross Soci-
ety took me to youth camp in Bakuriani resort.
In the camp I learned what to do during diferent
disasters, how to provide frst aid. We had meet-
ings with psychologists as well. Besides, a lot of
entertaining and sport events were conducted in
which all of us participated actively. Now I have
a lot of friends from the camp and I will never
forget them. Te youth camp will be an unforget-
table memory for all of the participants of it.
To raise awareness of principals, teachers
and school pupils on reading and using school
evacuation plan in order for them to leave the
school building during disasters in a correct way
and without panic.
Ways of achieving results
In order to conduct simulation exercises on
evacuation plans of schools, frst of all, it is nec-
essary to agree with emergency management de-
partment and resource centers about conducting
the exercises. Emergency management depart-
ment representatives should develop a scenario
and according to this scenario they conduct
simulation exercise with principals, teachers and
pupils according to school evacuation plans. It is
essential to give instruction to the participants of
simulation exercise in advance of how the exer-
cise is conducted, how the participants must act,
what to do and what not to do during exercise.
Simulation exercises were conducted accord-
Sedegis miRwevis gzebi
samizne TemebSi katastrofebisTvis
mzadyofnisa da reagirebis gegmebis Sesa-
muSaveblad, upirveles yovlisa, saWiroa
Temis moxaliseebTan, adgilobriv xelisu-
flebasTan, samaSvelo/saxanZro samsax-
urebTan, Temis wevrebTan da sxva dainter-
esebul mxareebTan samuSao Sexvedrebis
organizeba, zemoT aRniSnuli gegmebis Se-
muSavebisaTvis saWiro informaciis miRe-
bisaTvis da am informaciaze dayrdnobiT
SemuSavebuli gegmebis gaziarebisaTvis.
aucilebelia agreTve meoradi infor-
maciis (interneti, arqivi da sxv..) moZieba.
Semdgom, ukve dabeWdili Temis katastro-
febisaTvis mzadyofnisa da reagirebis
gegmebi unda gaziardes mTel TemTan, raTa
maT icodnen rogor moemzadon da ra gaake-
Ton katastrofis SemTxvevaSi.
ambrolaurSi, onSi, cagerSi, lentexSi,
tyibulsa da saCxereSi swjs-s mier adg-
ilobrivi xelisuflebis, Temis moxali-
seebis, samaSvelo/saxanZro razmebisa da
sxva dainteresebul mxareebTan erTad Se-
muSavda Temis katastrofebisaTvis mzady-
ofnisa da reagirebis gegmebi, romlebic
Temis mosaxleobasTan gaziarda. mosax-
leobis TqmiT, es gegmebi daexmarebaT maT
rogorc katastrofebisaTvis mzadyofna-
Si, aseve katastrofis dros reagirebaSi.
unda aRiniSnos, rom am dromde adgilo-
briv mosaxleobaze gamiznuli gegmebi ar
arsebobda arc erT zemoT CamoTvlil mu-
komunikacia da koordiancia
Sexvedrebi arasamTavrobo
swjs-is mier arasamTavrobo seqtor-
Tan Sexvedrebis organizeba aucilebelia
katastrofebis marTvis sferoSi momuSave
arasamTavrobo organizaciebs Soris
momavali gegmebisa da mimdinare saqmi-
anobebis gaziarebisaTvis. es Sexvedrebi
mniSvnelovania agreTve, raTa ar moxdes
saqmianobebis dublireba da erTianad
daigegmos katastrofebis riskis Semcire-
basTan dakavSirebuli RonisZiebebi. amg-
vari Sexvedrebis organizeba swjs-is auci-
leblobas warmoadgens, radgan erovnuli
reagirebis gegmis mixedviT swjs-s, sxva
funqciebTan erTad, qveyanaSi arsebuli
arasamTavrobo seqtoris makoordinire-
beli funqcia aqvs. swjs arasamTavrobo
seqtorTan amgvar Sexvedrebs kvartalSi
erTxel atarebs.
regionuli Sexvedrebi
regionuli Sexvedrebis organizeba
mniSvnelovania, raTa moxdes saqmianobeb-
is da momavali gegmebis gaziareba swjs-
s, regionul xelisuflebas, adgilobriv
xelisuflebas da sxva dainteresebul
mxareebs Soris. amgvari Sexvedrebi mniS-
vnelovania adgilobriv doneze katastro-
febis riskis Semcirebisken mimarTuli
erTiani saqmianobebisa da RonisZiebebis
organizebisaTvis. swjs kvartalurad
atarebs amgvar Sexvedrebs samizne re-
gionebSi, sadac monawileebs Soris infor-
macia ziardeba da adgilobri doneze er-
Tiani saqmianobebi igegmeba.
komunikaciis strategia
organizaciis komunikaciis strate-
giis SemuSaveba aucilebelia Sida da gare
TanamSromlobisa da koordinaciis swori
sistemis SeqmnisaTvis katastrofis SemTx-
vevaSi efeqturi reagirebisaTvis. swjs-s
TanamSromlebma am sakiTxTan dakavSire-
biT specialuri treningi gaiares da swjs-
s saboloo komunikaciis strategia Sei-
muSaves, romelic generalurma asambleam
oficialurad daamtkica.
sainformacio da saganmanaTleblo
katastrofebis riskis SemcirebasTan
dakavSirebiT mosaxleobis codnis amaR-
lebis erT-erTi umniSvnelovanesi saSu-
alebaa sainformacio da saganmanaTleblo
masalebis SemuSaveba-gavrceleba. swjs-m
katastrofebis riskis Semcirebis pro-
eqtis farglebSi SeimuSava, dabeWda da
Temis mosaxleobas gauziara katastro-
febis marTvasTan dakavSirebuli sain-
formacio-saganmanaTleblo masalebi. mu-
nicipalitetebis Senobebisa da skolebis
kedlebze daikida sxvadasxva katastro-
febTan (miwisZvra, wyaldidoba, mewyeri da
sxv..) dakavSirebuli posterebi, darigda
bukletebi, tripletebi, sadac mosax-
leobisaTvis specialistebis rCevebia ga-
ziarebuli, Tu rogor unda moiqcnen re-
gionisaTvis daamxasiaTebeli stiqiebis
ing to school evacuation plans by GRCS and
Emergency Management Department, in coordi-
nation with resource center, in Ambrolauri, Oni,
Tsageri, Lentekhi, Tkibuli and Sachkhere (in one
school of each target municipality). School prin-
cipals, teachers, and pupils, parents of pupils, fre
and rescue brigades, community volunteers and
local authority representatives actively partici-
pated in the mentioned exercises. Afer the exer-
cise they know what to do and how to leave their
school building during disasters.
To develop a plan for local community mem-
bers in order for them to have guidelines on how
to act, where to go and who to address in their
communities before, during and afer a disaster.
Ways of achieving results
In order to develop Disaster Preparedness
and Response Plans in target communities, frst
of all, it is necessary to organize meetings with
community volunteers, local authorities, fre/
rescue services, community members and other
stakeholders to receive information required for
developing the above-mentioned plan and on the
basis of this information to share the developed
plan. It is also necessary to collect secondary in-
formation (internet, archive, etc.). Ten, already
printed Community Disaster Preparedness and
Response Plans are shared with the communities
and they know how to prepare and what to do
during disasters.
Disaster Preparedness and Response Plans
of communities were developed in Ambrolauri,
Oni, Tsageri, Lentekhi, Tkibuli and Sachkhere by
GRCS together with local authorities, commu-
nity volunteers, fre/rescue brigades and other
stakeholders, which were shared with the popu-
lation. According to the population these plans
will help them both for disaster preparedness
and disaster response. It is signifcant that plans
addressed to local population did not exist until
now in any of the above-listed municipality.
Meetings with non-governmental sector
It is necessary for GRCS to organize meet-
ings with non-governmental sector to share
future plans and current activities among non-
government organizations working in disaster
management feld. Tese meetings are also im-
portant in order not to duplicate activities and
to jointly plan disaster risk reduction measures.
Organizing such kind of meetings is a necessity
for GRCS as according to national response plan,
among other functions, GRCS has the function
of coordinating current non-governmental sec-
tor of the country. GRCS holds these meetings
with non-governmental sector once a quarter.
Regional meetings
It is important to organize regional meetings
to share activities and future plans among GRCS,
regional and local authorities and other stake-
holders. Tese meetings are essential to organize
common activities and events regarding disaster
risk reduction. GRCS holds quarterly meetings
of this kind in target communities where infor-
mation is shared among the participants and
mutual activities are planned on local level.
Communication strategy
It is necessary to develop a strategy of organ-
ization communication for internal and external
coordination and developing the right coordina-
tion system to respond efectively to disasters.
GRCS staf was given special training regarding
this issue and they developed the fnal communi-
cation strategy which was ofcially confrmed by
General Assembly.
Informational and Educational materials
One of the most important ways for raising
population awareness regarding Disaster Risk
Reduction is to develop and disseminate infor-
mational and educational materials. Within the
framework of Disaster Risk Reduction project
GRCS developed, printed and shared with the
population informational and educational materi-
als on Disaster Management. Diferent posters of
disasters (earthquake, food, landslide, etc.) were
hung up on Municipality building and school
walls, booklets, triplets were distributed in which
advice of specialist are shared about how to act
during those disasters that the region is prone to.
samxreT kavkasiaSi usafrTxo adgilobrivi Temebis
ganviTarebis regionuli programa (II faza) -----------2
Temis moxaliseTa katastrofebisTvis mzad-
yofnisa da reagirebis 20 kaciani gundi-------------4
simulaciuri varjiSebi municipalitetis rea-
girebis gegmis mixedviT------------------------------6
mowyvladobisa da SesaZleblobebis Sefaseba ------8
katastrofebis prevenciisa da Semsubuqebis
zomebi ------------------------------------------------10
sagangebo situaciebis saojaxo gegma; klasgareSe
araformaluri cnobierebis amaRleba-----------10
simulaciuri varjiSebi skolebSi ---------------12
Temis katastrofebisTvis mzadyofnisa da rea-
girebis gegma------------------------------------------12
komunikacia da koordiancia ----------------------14
Regional Programme for Building Safer Local
Communities in South Caucasus (Phase II)-------------3
Community Volunteer Disaster Preparedness and Response
teams consisted of 20 volunteers --------------------------5
Simulation exercises according to Municipality
Response Plan-------------------------------------------7
Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment ---------------9
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Actions ---------11
Family Emergency Plan, a non-formal awareness raising
afer-school activity ------------------------------------11
Simulation exercises in schools -----------------------13
Community Disaster Preparedness and
Response Plan------------------------------------------15
Communication and coordination -------------------15
miRebuli codna da gamocdileba SemuSavebulia saqarTvelos wiTeli jvris
sazogadoebis `samxreT kavkasiaSi usafrTxo adgilobrivi Temebis ganvi-
Tarebis regionuli programis farglebSi
redaqtorebi: kaxa mamulaZe, katastrofebis marTvis
Tamar kamkamiZe, katastrofebis marTvis
ufrosi oficeri
Good Practices and Lessons Learned is elaborated within the framework of the
Regional Programme for Building Safer Local Communities in South Caucasus
EDITORS: kakha Mamuladze, Disaster Management Coordinator
Tamar Kamkamidze, Disaster Management Senior Ofcer

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