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Chapter 2 : 1-D Kinematics: Velocity & Acceleration Hints & Answers.

Updated 9/6/11
1. a) Position is the distance from a predetermined origin; displacement is the distance from the initial to
the final position. The origin is arbitrary and chosen for convenience so position vectors can vary b!t
displacement vectors don"t depend on the partic!lar origin chosen in a problem.
b) #nstantaneo!s velocity is the rate of motion at one partic!lar instant of time $as calc!lated from the
limit of %/t &d%/dt). 'verage velocity is the overall displacement traveled over the total time interval that
it too(. )oth are the same *hen the velocity is constant.
c) instant velocity, change in velocity and acceleration +refer to the definitions in te%t and/or notes
d) constant velocity, constant , non-const acceleration +refer to the definitions in te%t and/or notes
e) .a is acceleration in the positive direction -a is acceleration in the negative direction. /eferring to
speeds $regardless of direction) 0acceleration1 means the speed is increasing *hile 0deceleration1
means the speed is decreasing. 2o! sho!ld !nderstand that a .a can accelerate or decelerate an ob3ect
and that a a can also accelerate or decelerate an ob3ect. The (ey point is that ob3ects 0speed !p1 *hen
the velocity and acceleration vectors are in the same direction $both . or both-) and that ob3ects 0slo*
do*n1 *hen the velocity and acceleration vectors are in opposite directions $./- or -/.)
2. In preparation for the Graphing Constant Acceleration lab, sketch ro!gh graphs of position, velocity,
and acceleration vs. time for the following cases of constant acceleration
a! a"#, v$#% and also a"#, v&#% b! a$#, vo$#% and also a$#, vo&#% c! a&#, vo$#% and also a&#, vo&#
Answer these '(estions abo(t the graphs yo( sketched
d! In which of the cases above was the speed $magnit!de of velocity) increasing)...speed decreasing)
e! In which of the cases above is it possible for the ob*ect t(rn aro(nd)
f! Is it possible for the speed to be 4ero and the acceleration to be non-4ero at any time) +,plain.
2o! *ill obtain these graphs d!ring the lab 05raphing 6onstant 'cceleration1. 7o come bac( to this
problem after the lab. 8ne of the points of the lab is to reali4e that speed increases $0acceleration1) *hen
velocity and acceleration are in the same direction $./.or -/-) *hereas speed decreases $0deceleration1)
*hen velocity and acceleration are in opposite directions $./-or -/.).
-. .ill in the missing graphs or verbal description for each case consistent with the information given.
#gnore any points of abr!pt change. Ass(me that any initial position or velocity not given is /ero.
a! b! c! d! e! f!
'n ob3ect is at
rest some
distance from the
origin then it
moves *ith
constant velocity
f!rther a*ay
from the origin
then it stops
A car is
moving with
velocity, then
it accelerates
to a higher
8b3ect speeds !p
then it slo*s do*n
at the same rate
then it t!rns
aro!nd and speeds
!p going
bac(*ards. 9inally
is slo*s do*n at it
ret!rns to the
A mass
from a
spring is
(p and
'n ob3ect starts
from rest it
speeds !p
!niformly then it
moves *ith
velocity finally
it slo*s do*n
!niformly to
A ball is
(pwards, it
rises in the
air and
ret(rns to
the gro(nd.
, vs. t
v vs. t
a vs. t
a&: e%cept at
the instants *hen
it starts to move
or stops
2. A motion diagram is an ill(stration showing the velocity and acceleration vectors of a moving ob*ect.
1raw motion diagrams for cases 3b!, 3c!, 4 3e! in the problem above.
a! 1raw eno(gh instantaneo!s velocity vectors at e'(al time intervals to clearly ill(strate each case.
b! 1raw change in velocity vectors for each time interval and then draw acceleration vectors for each
time interval. Ignore the points of abr(pt change.
;elocity $ ) and acceleration $ ) vectors $v vectors are directed the same as acceleration)<
6ase $b)<
6ase $c)<
6ase $e)<
5. An e=!ation of motion describes algebraically how the motion of an ob*ect depends on time. 6rite
e=!ations of motion describing cases 3d!, 3f!, 4 3g! above 7case 3e! re'(ires - sets of e'(ations8
6ase $d)< %$t) & ' sin$t); v$t) & ' cos$t) ; a$t) & -'
sin$t)$ *here &>?/T)
6ase $f)< %$t) & %o . vot gt
/> ; v$t) & vo -gt ; a$t) & -g $!p is . and do*n is -)
6ase $e) re=!ires a separate set of form!las for each different acceleration<
9rom :-@t1< %$t) & a1t
/>; v$t) & a1t ; a$t) & a1
9rom t1-@ t>< %$t) & %1 . vma% t; v$t) & vma% ; a$t) & :
9rom t>-@ tA< %$t) & %> . vma% t - a>t
/>; v$t) & vma% -a>t ; a$t) & -a>
9. 6hen an ob*ect changes its motion abr(ptly in a short amo(nt of time 3as we have seen in many
e,amples! we ignore the short time intervals for the sake of simplicity and also beca(se these are negligible
compared to the longer intervals of motion. :hese abr(pt changes often are drawn as a sharp angle or broken
line in the motion graphs. +,plain why s(ch abr(pt changes are impossible in the real world.
'n 0abr!pt change1 implies a finite change in an infinitesimal amo!nt of time *hich is not possible.
;. :here are two form(las that we can (se to determine average velocity vave",<t or vave"3vi = vf!<2.
a! 6hich one of these form(las is al*ays correct 3by definition! and which form(la is only correct
(nder certain conditions) 6hat are the limitations of the other form(la that is not always correct)
b! A car travels >2 miles (sing two different constant speeds. :he car travels half the distance with a
speed of ># mph and the other half distance with a speed of -# mph. 1etermine the average speed here.
c! :he car travels the same >2 miles back b(t this time the driver spends half the total time of the trip
traveling at ># mph and the other half time traveling at -# mph. 1etermine the average speed in the ret(rn
d! ?ketch position vs. time graphs for both trips. 6hich trip took longer 3b! or 3c!)
e! If yo( changed yo(r speed grad(ally from ># mph to -# mph d(ring the >2 miles trip, which of the
two cases above wo(ld have the same average velocity)
f! @rove 3or give a logical arg(ment! that the halfAtime average velocity 3c! will always be faster than
the halfAdistance average velocity 3b!.
a) The definition of average velocity $%/t) is al*ays correct beca!se it is the definition of average
velocity. The other form!la is only correct for constant acceleration or any other 0e=!al-time1 averages.
The important idea here is that there are different types of averages so yo! have to be caref!l *ith the
*ord average velocity.
b) 1B mph. 9ind the total time then divide into the total distance.
c) >: mph. 9irst *rite form!las for the distances traveled at each speed in terms of the total time.
d) Trip $b) too( longer $lo*er average speed). 5raph is dra*n in $f) belo*.
e) #t *o!ld resemble $c) above.
f) There are many *ays to prove this. # thin( the simplest one is to loo( at the graph of both cases.
'ss!me that the total distance is C and that it ta(es a time T for an e=!al-time average and a time T" for
an e=!al-distance average. #n the e=!al-distance average yo! are forced to spend more time traveling at
the lo*er speed and that red!ces the overall average speed. 7o TDT1.

B. A car 3A! is waiting for the red light to change at an intersection. 6hen the light changes the car
accelerates at a rate of > m<s
. At the moment that car A begins to move a second car 3C! passes it going at
a constant speed of B m<s.
a! If neither car changes its motion, how soon will it take for car A to match the speed of car C) 6hich
car is ahead at that time)
b! If neither car changes its motion, how soon will it take for car A to overta(e car C) 6hich car is
moving faster at that time) Dow far from the entrance of the intersection does this happen)
c! 1raw graphs of position and velocity vs. time for the two cars. Ese a single position graphs and a
single velocity graphs for both cars. Fake s(re yo(r graphs agree with yo(r answers to 3a! and 3b!.
d! If car A stops accelerating after >2 seconds, when will it overtake C) At what location will this
a) E sec. 6ar ) is ahead.
b) 16 sec and 1>E m from start. 6ar ' is faster.
c) % vs t v vs t
d) 1Esec and 1FF m.
G. A man is r(nning to catch a b(s at his top speed of 9 m<s. :he man is 25 m behind the b(s when the b(s
starts to p(ll away from the c(rve with an acceleration of > m<s
a! 6ill the man catch the b(s) If yes, find o(t when and where it happens. If no, determine how close he
got to the b(s and the minim(m constant speed he needed to catch it.
b! 1raw a position graph that incl(des both the motion of the man and the b(s in the same scale.
c! Hepeat the problem ass(ming that the b(s was accelerating at a rate of #.5 m<s
. a) Go. He comes I m short. He *o!ld need a minim!m speed of I.1 m/s to catch the b!s.
b) % vs t c) The man catches the b!s at B.AI s after r!nning A>.> m.
>#. :hink abo(t what happens when yo( toss a ball (p into the air and it rises high above yo(r head.
a! Ho(ghly estimate the average acceleration of the ball *hile in the hand and compare to its
Jower speed
Digher speed
>9 s
B s
9 s
acceleration when itIs rising in the air. 6hich acceleration is higher in magnit(de) 1o they have the same
directions) Hint Compare how far the ball travels in the hand to how far it travels in the air.
b! Ass(me the ball moves > meter (pward while in the hand, and that it is 2 m above the gro(nd when
it leaves yo(r hand. In addition ass(me that the ball is moving with an initial speed (pwards of >2 m<s
when it leaves yo(r hand. 1raw graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration vs. time for the motion of
the ball. Ass(me air resistance is negligible. Jet g" ># m<s
c! Dow long is the ball in contact with the hand) Dow long is the ball in freeAfall)
d! Dow fast is the ball moving when it hits the gro(nd)
e! Hepeat the problem reversing the direction of = and A in yo(r sol(tion. 0erify that this does not
change the val(e of the answers.
a) The acceleration in the hand is higher since the ball rises higher than the armlength !ses to accelerate
the ball. They have opposite directions.
% vs. t v vs t a vs t
c) :.1I s; >.6 s; d) 1A.6 m/s
>>. 6e often ignore air resistance for the sake of simplicity. :he air prod(ces an acceleration that always
opposes the motion and, that in addition, depends on the speed of the ob*ect itself 3the greater the speed the
greater the effect of air resistance!. Consider the motion of the ball in freeAfall in the problem above, b(t
now letIs consider the effect of air resistance in a =!alitative way.
a! Dow wo(ld the shape of the graphs of motion in the problem above change as a res(lt of air
resistance) 1o not worry abo(t n(merical val(es% concentrate on the overall shape of the graphs. +,plain
the changes yo( made.
b! Dow does the time going (p for a given distance compare to the time coming down for the same
distance in the case of nonAnegligible air resistance) K(stify yo(r answer.
The basic effect is that the acceleration is no longer constant. 'ir resistance adds to 0g1 on the *ay !p
ma(ing the do*n*ard $) acceleration greater and it s!btracts from 0g1 on the *ay do*n ma(ing the
do*n*ard $) acceleration lo*er. The graphs are no longer symmetric since it ta(es longer to come do*n
than it does to go !p. The ma%im!m height is lo*er.
>2. A balloon is rising with a constant speed of 5 m<s. It carries a basket with a person inside. 6hen the
balloon is a >2# m above the gro(nd the person holds an ob*ect o(tside the basket and lets it go.
a! 1escribe the motion of the ob*ect as seen by a person on the gro!nd and as seen by the person in the
balloon"s bas(et.
b! 6hat ma,im(m height does the ob*ect rise above the gro(nd)
c! Dow long does it take the ob*ect to reach its ma,im(m height) hit the gro(nd)
d! Dow fast is it going when it hits the gro(nd)
e! If the person had thrown the ob*ect downward with a speed of ># m<s relative to the balloon 3instead of
merely letting go!, how long wo(ld the ob*ect take to hit the gro(nd in that case)
a) The person on the gro!nd *o!ld see the ob3ect go !p first $beca!se it *o!ld have the initial velocity of
the balloon B m/s) before it comes do*n. The person in the bas(et *o!ld see the ob3ect drop from the start.
b) 1>1.>B J; c) :.B s; B.F s; d) F9 m/s
e) The initial speed of the ob3ect is -B m/s $it"s going do*n) relative to the gro!nd so it ta(es only F s to come
>-. A ball is thrown straight (pwards with a velocity vo. At the same time a ball is dropped from a height D
above the gro(nd. 1etermine answers in terms of D, g, and vo.
a! At what time do the balls cross paths)
b! ?(ppose vo" 5 m<s and D" 9 m. 6here wo(ld the balls cross paths)
c! In terms of vo and g, derive an e,pression for the ma,im(m val(e of D for which the balls will cross
paths above the gro!nd.
a) Krite position form!las for each ob3ect. 7ince yo! *ant them to cross set the positions e=!al to each
other and solve for the time. The sol!tion is t&H/vo.
b) Pl!g-in n!mbers to form!la above to find the time and then determine the position of the ob3ects at that
time !sing position form!las. #n this case yo! get negative position $-1.> m) *hich indicate that the ball
and roc( do not meet above the gro!nd.
c) 7et !p the condition that the positions be positive+
>2. A man is trying to lift a weight (sing vario(s rope and p(lley setA(ps as ill(strated below. Ass(me that
the man is p(lling his end of the rope with a speed vo. This problem is not so important in this chapter b!t
*ill become more important in f!t!re chapters.
a! .or each setA(p determine the speed at which the weight rises. +,plain yo(r reasoning clearly.
b! If the man is accelerating his end of the rope at a rate LaL, at what rate is the weight accelerating in
each case.
3i! 3ii! 3iii!
2o! *ant to revisit this problem *hen yo! begin to deal *ith masses and p!lleys in f!t!re chapters. #n fig!re
$a) the *eight rises *ith the same speed and acceleration of the hand.
#n fig!res $b) and $c) the *eight rises at half the speed and acceleration of the hand. This is beca!se any
length of string p!lled *raps aro!nd the p!lley and allo*s the p!lley to move only half as m!ch as the
amo!nt of string that slides aro!nd it.
>5. An elevator has a height of - m. 6hile the elevator is moving a bolt inside the elevator drops from the
ceiling to the floor. 1etermine the time it takes for the bolt to hit the elevator floor in the following cases.
a! :he elevator is moving (p with a constant speed of > m<s.
b! :he elevator is accelerating down at a rate of 2 m<s
and the speed of the elevator is (p > m<s at the
instant the bolt comes loose.
c! 1escribe the motion of the bolt in 3b! as seen by an observer on the gro(nd, and also as seen by an
observer inside the elevator.
d! ?olve problem 3b! (sing the frame of reference of the observer inside the elevator and show that the
answer is the same.
e! Hepeat the problem ass(ming that the elevator is accelerating (p at a rate of 2 m<s
and the speed of the
elevator is (p > m<s at the instant the bolt comes loose.
a) :.II ; b) :.EI s
c) To an observer on the gro!nd the bolt goes !p first then comes do*n all *ith the acceleration of 0g&1:
1. To the observer in the elevator the bolt drops from rest *ith an acceleration > m/s
less than g inside
the elevator the apparent acceleration of the bolt is E m/s
d) 9or the observer inside the elevator the initial speed of the bolt is 4ero and the acceleration do*n*ard is
E m/s
$not 1: m/s
). 7ame ans*er as $b).
e) :.I1 s
>9. :he breaks are applied to a car traveling with speed vo and it comes to a stop in a distance LdL. 6e
ass(me that the acceleration d!e to the brea(s is constant for this car regardless of speed.
a! If the initial speed had been 2vo, how m(ch longer wo(ld it take the car to stop)
b! In driving school they s!ggest that yo( allow one car length of stopping distance for every ># mph of
speed of yo(r car. Is this consistent with a constant deceleration from yo(r brakes) +,plain.
c! Fore realistically one has to allow for the Lreaction timeL that it takes before the foot hits the brakes.
1(ring this time the car moves thro(gh a Lreaction distanceL at the initial constant velocity and this adds to
the Lbraking distanceL to make (p the total Lstopping distanceL. :he following table gives typical val(es
Initial speed 3m<s! Heaction distance 3m! Craking distance 3m! ?topping distance 3m!
># ;.5 5.# >2.5
2# >5 2# -5
-# 22.5 25 9;.5
6hat is the Lreaction timeL implied by the data in the chart above) 6hat is the acceleration generated by
the brakes) Is the acceleration constant)
d! 1etermine the carIs stopping distance if the initial speed of the driver is 25 m<s)
a) #t ta(es F times more distance and > times more time to stop *ith t*ice the initial velocity and same 0a1.
b) Go. The act!al stopping distances increase in a s=!ared fashion.
c) /eaction time &:.IB s. )rea( acceleration & -1: m/s
and it is constant.
d) B: m
>;. A block slides over a ro(gh patch of s(rface 2# cm long. 6hen it enters the patch the speed of block is
>2 cm<s and when it emerges its speed is 9 cm<s.
a! 1etermine the time the block spends moving over the ro(gh patch.
b! 1etermine the acceleration of the block.
c! Dow m(ch larger wo(ld the patch have to be in order to stop the block altogether 3ass(me acceleration
is the same!.
d! A second block enters the patch > s later moving with velocity >5 cm<s, will it overtake the first block
within the patch) Ass(me both blocks have the same acceleration moving over the ro(gh patch.
a) F.F s; b) 1.AB cm/s
; c) BA.A cm
d) 2es the second bloc( can catch !p to the first *ithin the A.F s it has to do so.
>B. A train is traveling from station A to station C a distance 1 away. ?tarting at A the train first accelerates
(niformly to a ma,im(m speed vma, then it decelerates (niformly to come to a stop at C. :he train spends
twice as m(ch time decelerating as it spends accelerating.
a! 1raw graph of position, velocity and acceleration vs. time for the entire trip.
b! 1etermine the average speed d(ring acceleration interval, d(ring deceleration interval, and overall.
c! 1etermine the time for the complete trip in terms of vma, and 1.
d! 1etermine the accelerations.
e! 6o(ld it have changed the overall time for the trip if the train had accelerated more '(ickly initially to
the ma,im(m speed and then taken longer to come to a stop) K(stify yo(r answer.
a) vs. t v vs t a vs tv
b) v average& vma%/> both in the accelerating phase and in the decelerating phase. 7o the overall average
velocity is vma%/> for the entire trip. This is only tr!e in this problem beca!se the train never travels at a
constant speed of t!rn aro!nd.
c) >C/ vma%
d) a1 &A vma%
/>C; a> & -A vma%
e) Go. The average velocity *o!ld be the same in any case.
Problems belo* re=!ire calc!l!s to solve<
>G. Heview the proof of the kinematics form(la for position (nder a constant acceleration 7, " at
<2 = vot =
,o8 which was done in class. :hen proceed to proof the kinematics form(la witho(t time 72a, " v
Hint Hewrite the definition of acceleration with the help of the chain r(le as a"dv<dt" 3dv<d,!3d,<dt!8. ?et
(p the appropriate integral and solve.
7tarting *ith definition of acceleration< a & dv/dt. 'pply chain r!le a & $dv/d%)$d%/dt) & $dv/d%)$v). )rea(
!p the differentials to set !p an integral< a d% & v dv. #ntegrate both sides remembering that a is a constant
and yo! get $>a %) & v
2#. Air resistance always opposes the motion and depends on the velocity of the ob*ect. It also depends on
some of the physical properties of the air 3like its density! and of the ob*ect 3s(ch as its shape!. If all the
physical properties that affect air resistance are combined into a single constant LCL, the acceleration d(e to
air resistance can be written as a " ACv
3i! 3where i is the (nit vector in the direction of the velocity!.
a! +,plain the meaning of the negative sign in this form(la.
b! 1erive a f(nction of the velocity as a f(nction of time d(e to air resistance on an ob*ect with initial
speed vo. Graph this f(nction. Compare to the e,ample of fl(id resistance done in class 3where a " ACv!.
c! Dow long wo(ld it take the ob*ect to slow down to half its initial velocity)Mto come to rest)
d! :he acceleration d(e to gravity can make an ob*ect Lt(rn aro(ndL in freeAfall. Can air resistance alone
make an ob*ect Lt(rn aro(nd) K(stify yo(r answer.
a) The negative sign indicates that this acceleration is al*ays in the opposite direction as the velocity.
b) 7et !p an integral !sing the fact that a&dv/dt. The ans*er< v & $6t .1/vo)
c) t&1/$6vo). #t ta(es an infinite amo!nt of time to come to rest.
d) 'ir resistance al*ays opposes motion so it cannot ma(e an ob3ect t!rn aro!nd.
2>. Galileo, who gave (s o(r basic definition of acceleration, noticed that ob*ects moving (nder the effect
of gravity traveled Lodd m(ltiples of distance in s(ccessive time intervalsL. :his means that if an ob*ect falls
a distance L,L in a time LtL from rest , it wo(ld fall a distance L-,L d(ring the ne,t t interval and L5,L the
time interval after thatMetc.
a! ?how that this is consistent with o(r kinematics form(la ,"gt
<2 = vot.
b! ?how that this is consistent with the meaning of a constant acceleration.
c! Galileo had considered defining acceleration as a"dv<d, instead of dv<dt. 1erive a kinematics form(la
for position vs. time for the case in which a"dv<d, is a constant.
a)Use the position form!la to *rite and e=!ation for $%>-%1) $%A-%>) etc. The displacements *ill be
proportional the odd n!mbers.
b) 7tart *ith the position form!la and ta(e t*o derivatives.
c) 7tart by *riting an integral from the defninition of the accelertion and !sing the chain r!le< a&dv/d%&
$dv/dt)$dt/d%)adt & dv/v. 'fter integrating both sides yo! can derive the velocity vs. time f!nction $ v &
). 9inally since v&d%/dt yo! can set !p another integral and derive the ans*er< %& %o . $vo/a)$e

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