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Adam Crady hysloLheraplsL | adam.grady[
Wlmborne lnLegraLed CommunlLy 8ehablllLaLlon 1eam
Sandra llrLh 1eam Lead | sandra.flrLh[
urbeck lnLegraLed CommunlLy 8ehablllLaLlon 1eam
1o evaluate the recent implementation of the Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) throughout Dorset HealthCares Integrated Community RehablllLaLlon 1eams.
aLlenL 8eporLed CuLcome Measures (8CMs) are
a naLlonally drlven pollcy and ls parL of
1ransformlng CommunlLy Servlces (1).

Why CAS?

CAS ls Lhe LaslesL and mosL sulLable 8CM Lo
use ln all Leams (2).

CAS ls a way of seLLlng goals wlLh paLlenLs and
ob[ecLlvely measurlng Lhe ouLcome (3).

lL ls a good MeasuremenL of LffecLlveness of our

No decision
abouL me,
wlLhouL me (4)
CAS Champlons
uslng CAS Champlons wlLhln each Leam (from 1eam
Leaders Lo senlor cllnlclans) Lhe CAS has been used Lo
change pracLlce and lnvolve Lhe paLlenL ln Lhe
plannlng of Lhelr LreaLmenL.

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;,< ,) 01,3/
?#01 & !1&$>/
6%,7/ 01&0
61,?/+ &$
AB) 01,3/
?#01 !1&$>/
8landford 342 13 13 100
urbeck 392 77 72 94
ShafLesbury 276 38 38 100
Sherbourne 293 0 0 0
ChrlsLchurch 233 16 16 100
SL Leonards 217 28 27 96
Wlmborne 398 63 63 100
8rldporL 398 23 23 92
uorchesLer 392 43 41 93
WeymouLh and
orLland 611 13 11 73
100 94 100
100 96 100
92 93
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Cf Lhose wlLh Change showlng lmprovemenL (Lfflcacy)

Coals should already be
lngralned ln Lherapy pracLlce
aLlenL cenLred care
Cb[ecLlve lnformaLlon
LffecLlve servlce plannlng


l1 sysLem changes
LlmlLed sLaLlsLlcs and feedback
SLaff compllance
1lme consumlng paperwork

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A?#01 !1&$>/
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8landford 342 13 4
urbeck 392 77 20
ShafLesbury 276 38 14
Sherbourne 293 0 0
ChrlsLchurch 233 16 6
SL Leonards 217 28 13
Wlmborne 398 63 16
8rldporL 398 23 6
uorchesLer 392 43 11
WeymouLh and
orLland 611 13 2
1he luLure
Pow can we overcome Lhese dlfflculLles?
SysLmCne beLLer daLa feedback and reporLlng
Llnks wlLh cllnlcal effecLlveness and commlssloners
u8s and ln-house audlLs
CAS needs Lo be more cenLral Lo our
lnlLlal assessmenLs
1. ueparLmenL of PealLh (2008) 1ransformlng CommunlLy Servlces: uemonsLraLlng and Measurlng AchlevemenL:
CommunlLy lndlcaLors for CuallLy lmprovemenL
2. 8ockwood k, SLolee , lox 8A. use of goal aLLalnmenL scallng ln measurlng cllnlcally lmporLanL change ln Lhe
frall elderly.[commenL]. !ournal of Cllnlcal Lpldemlology. 1993,46(10):1113-8.
3. Purn !, kneebone l, Cropley M. Coal seLLlng as an ouLcome measure: A sysLemaLlc revlew. Cllnlcal
8ehablllLaLlon 2006,20(9):736-72.
4. ueparLmenL of PealLh (!uly 2010) LlberaLlng Lhe nPS whlLe paper
3. rof Lynne 1urner SLokes Coal ALLalnmenL Scallng (CAS) ln 8ehablllLaLlon - A pracLlcal gulde.
CAS 1ralnlng (3)
(Aug 2012)
8ole ouL Lo 10 lC81s
(CcLober 2012)
8eporLlng sLarLs
vla Sadle
(nov 2012)
SwlLch Lo
(CcL 2013)
feedback from
(Aprll 2014)

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