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Bi. Nuhammau Nushtaq Nangat

South Asian Association foi Regional Coopeiation (SAARC) came into being in
198S. Banglauesh, Bhutan, Inuia, Naluives, Nepal, Pakistan anu Sii Lanka aie its
founuei membeis. This iepoit is an effoit to thiow light on the Textile anu
Clothing (T&C) expoits of SAARC countiies. This uata has been taken fiom the
website of Woilu Tiaue 0iganization (WT0)
. WT0 uiviues the textile ielateu
expoits into two main categoiies: textiles anu clothing. All iaw mateiials utilizeu
to make clothing come unuei the categoiy of textile (fibeis, yain, anu fabiics)
anu all finisheu oi ieauy-maue piouucts come unuei the categoiy of clothing
(shiits, tiouseis, anu beu weai etc.). An eaily suivey shows that Bhutan, Nepal
anu Naluives have slight anu insignificant shaie in the woilu tiaue of T&C
|Textile & Clothingj. Since Bhutan, Nepal, anu Naluives make negligible
contiibutions in total T&C Expoits, oui key uiscussion will be about T & C
expoits of Banglauesh, Inuia, Pakistan, anu Sii Lanka. Fuitheimoie, this iepoit
uoes not incluue goou oi bau peifoimance of these countiies in the tiaue. It
meiely gives a pictuie of the peifoimance in the fielu of T&C clothing expoits
fiom 198u to 2u12. The iepoit coulu have been extenueu but uue to
unavailability of T&C expoits uata by WT0, we only ueal with the time peiiou
fiom 198u to 2u12.
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WT0 pioviues an oveiview of the inteinational tiaue fiom 1948. Accoiuing to its
collecteu uata, the total inteinational expoits of all kinus of goous anu seivices
weie 62 Billion 0S$ in 19Su. In the yeai 2u12, this figuie iaiseu to staggeiing

http:stat.wto.oigBomeWSBBBome.aspx.Language= uata ietiieveu on }une
14, 2u1S

18,S2S billion 0S $. 0vei a peiiou of 62 yeais, we have obseiveu an inciease by
appioximately Suu times.
The Table u1 uemonstiates that China anu }apan, those weie having an
insignificant shaie in the total expoits in 19Su, succeeueu in gaining a majoi
shaie in 2u12. In 19Su, China hau total expoits of SSu million 0S $ (u.89% in
total inteinational expoits) anu in 2u12, it ieceiveu 2,u48,814 million 0S $,
which is 11.18% of total inteinational expoits. }apan, in the same yeai (19Su),
was expoiting goous anu seivices of 82S million 0S $ (1.SS%), anu in 2u12, it
achieveu the taiget of 798,67S million 0S $, which is 4.S6% of the total
inteinational expoits. Koiea staiteu its expoits in 19SS with only S2 million 0S $
(u.u2%) anu succeeueu in expoiting goous anu seivices of S47, 87u million 0S $
in 2u12. 0n the othei hanu, 0SA was expoiting goous anu seivices of 1u,282
million 0S $ in 19Su anu having a shaie of 16.S8% in inteinational tiaue, lost its
top position in 2u12. Total expoits fiom the 0SA in 2u12 weie1, S47,28S million
0S $, which was 8.44 % of total inteinational expoits.
Table 1 anu 2 also tell us that the peifoimance of the 0K is moie alaiming. 0K
was next foi highest expoits in 19Su with 6,S2S million 0S $ (1u.2u%) but in
2u12, 0K expoiteu only goous anu seivices of 468,S7u million 0S $, which is
2.S6% shaie in the inteinational tiaue. Tuikey thiiveu well in incieasing its
shaie by twice in the last 62 yeais. It hau u.4S% shaie in the inteinational tiaue
in 19Su that soaieu to u.8S% in 2u12.
Among South Asian (SA) countiies, only Banglauesh uiu well by iaising its shaie.
It staiteu expoiting of clothing in 198u with 7S9 million 0S $ with a shaie of only
u.u4% in the inteinational tiaue, but in 2u12, it incieaseu its shaie to u.1%,
which shows 2Su% giowth ovei the last S2 yeais.
Accoiuing to the Table 1 anu 2, the shaie of Inuia, Pakistan, anu Sii Lanka has
weakeneu in the past 62 yeais. In 19Su, shaie of Inuia was 1.8S% (moie than
China anu }apan) in inteinational tiaue, which ieuuceu to 1.6% with total
expoits of 29S,214 million 0S $ woith. Pakistan was enjoying a shaie of u.79% in
19Su (closei to China anu two times moie than Tuikey) anu in 2u12, that was
only u.1S. This shows that moie than six time ieuuction took place in 2u12. The
total expoits of Pakistan in 2u12 weie woith 24,S96 million 0S $. Same is the
case with Sii Lanka that hau u.SS% shaie in 19Su but only u.uS% shaie in 2u12.
This biief account uisplay that oveiall peifoimance of South Asian (SA) countiies
is not substantial. As we have mentioneu eailiei that uue to insignificant shaie of
Bhutan, Naluives anu Nepal, oui emphasis will be on Banglauesh, Inuia, Pakistan
anu Sii Lanka.

Table 1 Export of all kinds of goods and services of some countries
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Table 2 Share of different countries in exports of all kinds of goods and services
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Figure 1 Share (%) of some selected countries in world exports of all goods and
services in 1950 and 2012

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Banglauesh became an inuepenuent countiy in 1971. In 198u, its clothing
expoits weie only 2 million 0S $ out of total 4u,S9u million 0S $ in the global
tiaue of clothing. We uo not see any big change till 199u when clothing expoits
weie 64S million 0S $, which is only u.S9 peicent, but latei, theie is a
tiemenuous giowth, almost hunuieu peicent in five yeais. In 2u12, Banglauesh
expoiteu clothing of staggeiing 19,948 million 0S $ woith anu its shaie ieacheu
4.72% in the clothing tiaue, which is foui times moie than Pakistan anu Sii
Lanka, anu 2S% moie than Inuia. The Table S anu 4 illustiate giowth between
2uuS anu 2u12. Such incieuible achievement can be associateu with the enu of
quota iegime anu uuty fiee impoits by the E0.




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Banglauesh expoiteu textile piouucts of 414 million 0S $ in 198u anu the figuies
ieacheu 1,6S4 million 0S $ in 2u12. In 198u, Banglauesh hau u.7S% shaie in
inteinational tiaue anu in 2u12, its shaie ieuuceu to u.S4%. It is impoitant to
note that in 198u, textile expoits weie highei than clothing expoits. Banglauesh
successfully substituteu the piouucts with less value auuition possibilities
(textile) with piouucts with highei value auuition possibilities (clothing).

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Inuia expoiteu clothing of woith 67S million 0S $ in 198u. It was six times highei
than the total expoits of SA countiies. Inuia playeu a uominant iole in clothing
expoits until 2uuS. But facts anu figuies of 2u12 show that Inuia became the
seconu laigest expoitei while Banglauesh became the laigest. In 198u, Inuia hau
1.66% shaie in inteinational clothing expoits, wheieas in 2u12, this shaie was
S.27%, which is almost uouble in S1 yeais. This inciease is the lowest among SA
countiies. It shows that Inuia coulu not keep up its pace. It may be uue to its
inteiest in high-tech piouucts. We can juuge this ueciease fiom Table u1 anu u2
that the shaie of Inuia in woilu tiaue of all soits of meichanuize ueclineu but this
ieuuction is less than othei SA countiies.
Textile expoits fiom Inuia have a positive tienu. In 198u, Inuia expoiteu textile
of 1,Su6 million 0S $ anu in 2u12 it ieacheu 1S,274 million 0S $, which giew by
twelve times. In 198u, Inuia hau 2.S7% shaie in total textile expoits anu in 2u12,
this shaie became S.SS%. These figuies ieveal that Inuia expoiteu moie textile
piouucts of less value auuition, potential as compaieu to clothing that has high
value auuition potential.

Table 3 Clothing Exports (US $ Million)

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Table 4 Percentages in World Clothing Exports

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G,: H34E3 %M)' %M&" %M$# "M"" "M1) "M%0 %M#$

Table 5 Textile Exports million US$

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D3E:7F34 ('& #'% )/&&0 1/)$& 1/$0) '/%(' (/'%$
G,: H34E3 0 "' )$ "&1 )11 "0& ))&

Table 6 Textile Export Percentages in World Trade

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2345-3.678 %M'$ %M&' %M00 %M)( %M)$ %M0$ %M$'
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Pakistan expoiteu clothing of woith 1uS million 0S $ in 198u. It was slightly less
than Sii Lanka but almost six times less than total expoits of SA countiies. It can
be supposeu that this was the staiting point of Pakistan. In 198u, Pakistan hau a
shaie of u.2S % in total inteinational clothing business with expoits of woith1uS
million 0S $. In the next 1u yeais (198u-199u), theie was a tiemenuous giowth
in clothing expoit of Pakistan. The countiy hau u.S6 peicent shaie of 198S anu it
was almost twice as compaieu to its shaie in 199u (u.94%) with total clothing
expoit of 1u14 million 0S $. Bowevei, oveiall scenaiio suggests that this giowth
was less than Banglauesh anu Sii Lanka uuiing the same peiiou. Clothing expoits
in 199u weie slightly less than Sii Lanka, 2S% less than Banglauesh, anu almost
2Su% less than Inuia. It means that theie was a geneial giowth in the clothing
business fiom SA countiies, but giowth iate of Pakistan was least among SA
countiies. Anothei point, which we can note fiom Table uS anu u4, is
insignificant giowth of Pakistan's clothing expoits since 199u. In 199u, clothing
expoits shaie was 1.uu % anu it was 1.1u% in 2u12 that is haiuly 1u% giowth
ovei 21 yeais. It was quite less as compaieu to global clothing expoits giowth.
Pakistan's textile expoits have a positive tienu. In 198u, Pakistan expoiteu
textile woith of 876 million 0S $, (1.S9% shaie) which was slightly less than
Inuia anu uouble in compaiison with Banglauesh. In 199u, Pakistan exceeueu
Inuia with expoits of 2,66S million 0S $ while Inuia expoiteu textiles of woith
2,18u million 0S $. This was the time when Banglauesh staiteu its clothing
expoits. In 2u12, aftei a stiuggle of S2 yeais fiom 198u to 2u12, Pakistan
expoiteu textile goous of 8,7uS million 0S $ with S.uS% shaie in the
inteinational textile business. The uata ieveal that Pakistan piefeiieu to expoit
textile piouucts, which have less value auuition potential as compaieu to
clothing. Inuia also has the similai stoiy, but the uiffeience is that Inuia shifteu
hei focus to manufactuiing anu expoiting high tech piouucts while Pakistan uiu
not auu any high tech piouuct in hei expoits.
51% E()D( ()* !@+ /#0,1$2
Sii Lanka hau clothing expoits of 1u9 million 0S $ in 198u, u.27% shaie in woilu
expoits of clothing. It was much highei than Banglauesh anu slightly moie than
Pakistan. Even in 198S, clothing expoits of Sii Lanka weie highei than Pakistan
anu Banglauesh but in 199u, it was expoiting less than both the countiies. In
2u12, Sii Lanka expoiteu 4,uuS million 0S $, which was u.9S% of total
inteinational clothing expoits. It is slightly less than Pakistan, foui times less
than Banglauesh, anu neaily S times less than Inuia. We witness moie ups anu
uowns in Sii Lanka's clothing expoits in the last S1 yeais. It may be uue to the
political instability of the countiy.
The uata shows that oveiall giowth in clothing expoits of Sii Lanka is less than
Banglauesh anu Inuia while that is little moie than Pakistan. Between the yeais
2uuu-2uuS, theie was no significant giowth. Bowevei, we obseive a substantial
giowth ovei 2uuS. It might be uue to lifting impoit quotas by impoiting
countiies. It is expecteu that if this tienu continues ovei the next uecaue, Sii
Lanka will achieve a significant shaie in clothing expoits.
Textile expoits fiom Sii Lanka aie veiy low. It was few million 0S $ in 198u anu
in 2u12, it hau only 226 million 0S $ expoits of textile, which is less than u.u8%
shaie in total inteinational textile expoits. It can be infeiieu fiom the uata that
Sii Lanka is not mainly ielying on textile expoits. Bei focus is clothing expoits,
which is a goou inuicatoi foi the economy of a ueveloping countiy like Sii Lanka.
In 19Su, 0SA anu 0K weie leauing expoiteis. Aftei the enu of WWII, many wais
stiuck countiies anu newly emeigeu countiies staiteu contiibuting in the
inteinational tiaue. Nost of them suipasseu many uevelopeu countiies anu the
cuiient statistics of inteinational tiaue show that theie is a shift in this tiaue
fiom ueveloping countiies to unuei-uevelopeu woilu. Neveitheless, uevelopeu
countiies aie stiiving haiu to maintain theii shaie.
The initial phase of SA expoits was similai to that of China, }apan, Koiea anu
Tuikey. But ovei a peiiou of 62 yeais, theie is a big gap between the economic
situation of SA countiies anu China, }apan, Koiea, anu Tuikey. The economic
situation of SA countiies is not uiffeient as compaieu to 19Sus. It shows that SA
countiies coulu not keep pace with inteinational playeis. We have ianuomly
chosen countiies as examples to compaie. The oveiall peifoimance of SA
countiies is much less when we compaie theii peifoimance with uevelopeu
countiies. Stuuies of 2u12 ieveal that the shaie of SA countiies was less in
inteinational tiaue as compaieu to theii shaie in 19Su.
Among SA countiies, Banglauesh has the highest giowth iate in clothing.
Banglauesh staiteu its expoits in 198us anu suipasseu all othei SA countiies anu
finally establisheu a sounu shaie in the inteinational tiaue. Inuia anu Pakistan
have no significant giowth in clothing expoits. Theii focus iemaineu on textile

Figure 2Clothing Exports from 1980 to 2011 from SA Countries

198u 198S 199u 199S 2uuu 2uuS 2u12




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Sii Lanka

Figure 3 Textile Exports from 1980 to 2011 from SA Countries

198u 198S 199u 199S 2uuu 2uuS 2u12





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Sii Lanka

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