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Apple Inc.

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This article is about the technology company. For other companies named "Apple", see
Apple (disambiguation).
Not to be confused ith Apple !orps.
!oordinates" #$.##%&'(N %''.)#%%&(W
Apple *nc.
Apple !ampus (% *nfinite +oop, !upertino,
Type ,ublic
Traded as
NA-.A/" AA,+
NA-.A/0%)) component
-1, 2)) component
!omputer hardare
!omputer softare
!onsumer electronics
.igital distribution
Founded !upertino, !alifornia
(April %, %3$4)
-te5e 6obs
-te5e Wo7niak
8onald Wayne
Apple !ampus, % *nfinite +oop,
!upertino, !alifornia, 9.-.
Number of
:'2 retail stores (6une ')%:)
Area served Worldide
Key people
Arthur .. +e5inson
Tim !ook (!=>)
i,ad ?ini
Apple T@
>- A
Apple -tore
Apple -tore online
?ac App -tore
i>- App -tore
iTunes -tore
!evenue 9-C %$).3% billion (')%#)
9-C %24.2)& billion
9-C :&.333 billion (')%#)
9-C 22.':% billion (')%')
Net income
9-C #$.)#$ billion (')%#)
9-C :%.$## billion (')%')
Total assets
9-C ')$.) billion (')%#)
9-C %$4.)4: billion
Total equity
9-C %'#.2:3 billion
9-C %%&.'% billion (')%')
$mployees &),))) (')%#)
File?aker *nc.
Braeburn !apital
Beats =lectronics
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation headDuartered in !upertino,
!alifornia, that designs, de5elops, and sells consumer electronics, computer softare,
online ser5ices, and personal computers. *ts best0knon hardare products are the ?ac
line of computers, the i,od media player, the i,hone smartphone, and the i,ad tablet
computer. *ts online ser5ices include i!loud, iTunes -tore, and App -tore. *ts consumer
softare includes the >- A and i>- operating systems, the iTunes media broser, the
-afari eb broser, and the i+ife and iWork creati5ity and producti5ity suites.
Apple as founded by -te5e 6obs, -te5e Wo7niak, and 8onald Wayne on April %, %3$4,
to de5elop and sell personal computers. *t as incorporated as Apple &omputer' Inc. on
6anuary #, %3$$, and as renamed as Apple *nc. on 6anuary 3, '))$, to reflect its shifted
focus toards consumer electronics.
Apple is the orldEs second0largest information technology company by re5enue after
-amsung =lectronics, and the orldEs third0largest mobile phone maker after -amsung
and Nokia.
Fortune maga7ine named Apple the most admired company in the 9nited
-tates in '))&, and in the orld from '))& to ')%'.
>n -eptember #), ')%#,
Apple surpassed !oca0!ola to become the orldEs most 5aluable brand in the >mnicom
FroupEs "Best Flobal Brands" report.
Goe5er, the company has recei5ed criticism for
its contractorsE labor practices, as ell as for its on en5ironmental and business
As of 6une ')%:, Apple maintains :'2 retail stores in fourteen countries,
as ell as
the online Apple -tore and iTunes -tore,
the latter of hich is the orldEs largest music
Apple is the largest publicly traded corporation in the orld by market
capitali7ation, ith an estimated market capitali7ation of C::4 billion by 6anuary, ')%:.
As of -eptember '3, ')%', the company had $',&)) permanent full0time employees
and #,#)) temporary full0time employees orldide. *ts orldide annual re5enue in
')%# totalled C%$) billion.
As of /% ')%:, AppleEs fi5e0year groth a5erage is #3H for
top line groth and :2H for bottom line groth. *n ?ay ')%#, Apple entered the top ten
of the Fortune 2)) list of companies for the first time, rising %% places abo5e its ')%'
ranking to take the siIth position.
% Gistory
o %.% %3$4J&)" Founding and incorporation
o %.' %3&%J&3" -uccess ith ?acintosh
o %.# %33)J33" .ecline and restructuring
o %.: ')))J)4" 8eturn to profitability
o %.2 '))$J%)" -uccess ith mobile de5ices
o %.4 ')%%J%'" -te5e 6obsEs death
o %.$ ')%#Jpresent" AcDuisitions and eIpansion
' ,roducts
o '.% ?ac
o '.' i,ad
o '.# i,od
o '.: i,hone
o '.2 Apple T@
o '.4 -oftare
# !orporate identity
o #.% +ogo
o #.' Ad5ertising
o #.# Brand loyalty
: !orporate affairs
o :.% GeadDuarters
o :.' !orporate culture
o :.# +itigation
o :.: Finance
o :.2 =n5ironmental record
:.2.% !limate change and clean energy
:.2.' ToIics
o :.4 +abor practices
:.4.% ?anufacturing
o :.$ TaI practices
o :.& !haritable causes
2 -ee also
4 8eferences
$ Further reading
& =Iternal links
?ain article" Gistory of Apple *nc.
()*+,-./ Foundin# and incorporation
The Apple *, AppleEs first product, as sold as an assembled circuit board and lacked
basic features such as a keyboard, monitor, and case. The oner of this unit added a
keyboard and a ooden case.
Apple as established on April %, %3$4, by -te5e 6obs, -te5e Wo7niak and 8onald
to sell the Apple * personal computer kit, a computer single handedly
designed by Wo7niak. The kits ere hand0built by Wo7niak
and first shon to the
public at the Gomebre !omputer !lub.
The Apple * as sold as a motherboard (ith
!,9, 8A?, and basic teItual05ideo chips), hich is less than hat is today considered a
complete personal computer.
The Apple * ent on sale in 6uly %3$4 and as market0
priced at C444.44 (C',$4# in ')%: dollars, adKusted for inflation).
Apple as incorporated 6anuary #, %3$$,
ithout Wayne, ho sold his share of the
company back to 6obs and Wo7niak for C&)).
?ulti0millionaire ?ike ?arkkula
pro5ided essential business eIpertise and funding of C'2),))) during the incorporation of
.uring the first fi5e years of operations, re5enues doubled e5ery four months, an a5erage
groth rate of $))H.
The Apple **, also in5ented by Wo7niak, as introduced on April %4, %3$$, at the first
West !oast !omputer Faire. *t differed from its maKor ri5als, the T8-0&) and
!ommodore ,=T, due to its character cell0based color graphics and an open architecture.
While early models used ordinary cassette tapes as storage de5ices, they ere superseded
by the introduction of a 2 %L: inch floppy disk dri5e and interface, the .isk **.
The Apple ** as chosen to be the desktop platform for the first "killer app" of the
business orld, @isi!alc, a spreadsheet program.
@isi!alc created a business market
for the Apple ** and ga5e home users compatibility ith the office, an additional reason
to buy an Apple **.
Apple as a distant third place to !ommodore and Tandy until
@isi!alc came along.
By the end of the %3$)s, Apple had a staff of computer designers and a production line.
The company introduced the Apple *** in ?ay %3&) in an attempt to compete ith *B?
and ?icrosoft in the business and corporate computing market.
6obs and se5eral Apple employees, including 6ef 8askin, 5isited AeroI ,A8! in
.ecember %3$3 to see the AeroI Alto. AeroI granted Apple engineers three days of
access to the ,A8! facilities in return for the option to buy %)),))) shares (&)),)))
split0adKusted shares) of Apple at the pre0*,> price of C%) a share.
6obs as
immediately con5inced that all future computers ould use a graphical user interface
(F9*), and de5elopment of a F9* began for the Apple +isa.
>n .ecember %', %3&), Apple ent public at C'' per share,
generating more capital
than any *,> since Ford ?otor !ompany in %324 and instantly creating more
millionaires (about #))) than any company in history.
()-(,-)/ uccess 0it1 2acintos1
-ee also" Timeline of ?acintosh models
AppleEs "%3&:" tele5ision ad, set in a dystopian future modeled after the Feorge >rell
no5el Nineteen Eighty-Four, set the tone for the introduction of the ?acintosh.
Apple began orking on the Apple +isa in %3$&. *n %3&', 6obs as pushed from the +isa
team due to infighting. 6obs took o5er 6ef 8askinEs lo0cost0computer proKect, the
?acintosh. A race broke out beteen the +isa team and the ?acintosh team o5er hich
product ould ship first. +isa on the race in %3&# and became the first personal
computer sold to the public ith a F9*, but as a commercial failure due to its high price
tag and limited softare titles.
The first ?acintosh, released in %3&:
*n %3&:, Apple neIt launched the ?acintosh. *ts debut as announced by the no famous
C%.2 million tele5ision commercial "%3&:". *t as directed by 8idley -cott and as aired
during the third Duarter of -uper Bol A@*** on 6anuary '', %3&:.
*t is no hailed as a
atershed e5ent for AppleEs success
and a "masterpiece".
The ?acintosh initially sold ell, but follo0up sales ere not strong
due to its high
price and limited range of softare titles. The ?acintosh as the first personal computer
to be sold ithout a programming language at all.
The machineEs fortunes changed ith the introduction of the +aserWriter, the first
,ost-cript laser printer to be sold at a reasonable price, and ,age?aker, an early desktop
publishing package. *t has been suggested that the combination of these three products
as responsible for the creation of the desktop publishing market.
The ?ac as
particularly poerful in the desktop publishing market due to its ad5anced graphics
capabilities, hich had necessarily been built in to create the intuiti5e ?acintosh F9*.
*n %3&2 a poer struggle de5eloped beteen 6obs and !=> 6ohn -culley, ho had been
hired to years earlier.
The Apple board of directors instructed -culley to "contain"
6obs and limit his ability to launch eIpensi5e forays into untested products. 8ather than
submit to -culleyEs direction, 6obs attempted to oust him from his leadership role at
Apple. -culley found out that 6obs had been attempting to organi7e a coup and called a
board meeting at hich AppleEs board of directors sided ith -culley and remo5ed 6obs
from his managerial duties.
6obs resigned from Apple and founded NeAT *nc. the same
The ?acintosh ,ortable as AppleEs first "portable" ?acintosh computer, released in
The ?acintosh ,ortable as introduced in %3&3 and as designed to be Kust as poerful
as a desktop ?acintosh, but eighed a bulky $.2 kilograms (%$ lb) ith a %'0hour battery
life. After the ?acintosh ,ortable, Apple introduced the ,oerBook in %33%. The same
year, Apple introduced -ystem $, a maKor upgrade to the operating system hich added
color to the interface and introduced ne netorking capabilities. *t remained the
architectural basis for ?ac >- until '))%.
The success of the ,oerBook and other products brought increasing re5enue.
some time, Apple as doing incredibly ell, introducing fresh ne products and
generating increasing profits in the process. The maga7ine MacAddict named the period
beteen %3&3 and %33% as the "first golden age" of the ?acintosh.
Folloing the success of the ?acintosh +!, Apple introduced the !entris line, a lo0end
/uadra, and the ill0fated ,erforma line that as sold ith an o5erhelming number of
configurations and softare bundles to a5oid competing ith the 5arious consumer
outlets such as -ears, ,rice !lub, and Wal0?art (the primary dealers for these models).
!onsumers ended up confused and did not understand the difference beteen models.
()).,))/ 3ecline and restructurin#
-ee also" Timeline of Apple ** family
.uring this time Apple eIperimented ith a number of other failed consumer targeted
products including digital cameras, portable !. audio players, speakers, 5ideo consoles,
and T@ appliances. =normous resources ere also in5ested in the problem0plagued
Neton di5ision based on 6ohn -culleyEs unrealistic market forecasts.
;citation needed<

9ltimately, none of these products helped, as AppleEs market share and stock prices
continued to slide.
;citation needed<
Apple sa the Apple ** series as too eIpensi5e to produce, hile taking aay sales from
the lo0end ?acintosh.
*n %33), Apple released the ?acintosh +! ith a single
eIpansion slot for the Apple **e !ard to migrate Apple ** users to the ?acintosh platform.
Apple stopped selling the Apple **e in %33#.
?icrosoft continued to gain market share ith Windos focusing on deli5ering softare
to cheap commodity personal computers hile Apple as deli5ering a richly engineered,
but eIpensi5e, eIperience.
Apple relied on high profit margins and ne5er de5eloped a
clear response. *nstead, they sued ?icrosoft for using a graphical user interface similar to
the Apple +isa in Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation.
The lasuit dragged
on for years before it as finally dismissed. At the same time, a series of maKor product
flops and missed deadlines sullied AppleEs reputation, and -culley as replaced as !=>
by ?ichael -pindler.
The Neton as AppleEs first foray into the ,.A markets, as ell as one of the first in
the industry. .espite being a financial flop at the time of its release, it helped pa5e the
ay for the ,alm ,ilot and AppleEs on i,hone and i,ad in the future.
By the early %33)s, Apple as de5eloping alternati5e platforms to the ?acintosh, such as
the AL9A. Apple had also begun to eIperiment in pro5iding a ?ac0only online portal
hich they called eWorld, de5eloped in collaboration ith America >nline and designed
as a ?ac0friendly alternati5e to other online ser5ices such as !ompu-er5e. The
?acintosh platform as itself becoming outdated because it as not built for
multitasking, and se5eral important softare routines ere programmed directly into the
hardare. *n addition, Apple as facing competition from >-L' and 9N*A 5endors such
as -un ?icrosystems. The ?acintosh ould need to be replaced by a ne platform, or
reorked to run on more poerful hardare.
*n %33:, Apple allied ith *B? and ?otorola in the A*? alliance. The goal as to create
a ne computing platform (the ,oer,! 8eference ,latform), hich ould use *B? and
?otorola hardare coupled ith AppleEs softare. The A*? alliance hoped that ,8e,Es
performance and AppleEs softare ould lea5e the ,! far behind, thus countering
?icrosoft. The same year, Apple introduced the ,oer ?acintosh, the first of many
Apple computers to use ?otorolaEs ,oer,! processor.
*n %334, ?ichael -pindler as replaced by Fil Amelio as !=>. Fil Amelio made many
changes at Apple, including eItensi5e layoffs.
After numerous failed attempts to
impro5e ?ac >-, first ith the Taligent proKect, then later ith !opland and Fershin,
Amelio chose to purchase NeAT and its NeAT-T=, operating system, bringing -te5e
6obs back to Apple as an ad5isor.
>n 6uly 3, %33$, Amelio as ousted by the board of
directors after o5erseeing a three0year record0lo stock price and crippling financial
losses. 6obs acted as the interim !=> and began restructuring the companyEs product lineM
it as during this period that 6obs identified 6onathan *5eEs design talent and the pair
orked collaborati5ely to rebuild AppleEs status.
At the %33$ ?acorld =Ipo, 6obs announced that Apple ould Koin ?icrosoft to release
ne 5ersions of ?icrosoft >ffice for the ?acintosh, and that ?icrosoft had made a C%2)
million in5estment in non05oting Apple stock.
>n No5ember %), %33$, Apple
introduced the Apple >nline -tore, tied to a ne build0to0order manufacturing strategy.
>n August %2, %33&, Apple introduced a ne all0in0one computer reminiscent of the
?acintosh %'&N" the i?ac. The i?ac design team as led by *5e, ho ould later
design the i,od and the i,hone.
The i?ac featured modern technology and a uniDue
design, and sold almost &)),))) units in its first fi5e months.
Through this period, Apple purchased se5eral companies to create a portfolio of
professional and consumer0oriented digital production softare. *n %33&, Apple
announced the purchase of ?acromediaEs Final !ut softare, signaling its eIpansion into
the digital 5ideo editing market.
The folloing year, Apple released to 5ideo editing
products" i?o5ie for consumers and, for professionals, Final !ut ,ro, hich has gone on
to be a significant 5ideo0editing program, ith &)),))) registered users in early '))$.

*n '))', Apple purchased Nothing 8eal for their ad5anced digital compositing
application -hake,
as ell as =magic for their music producti5ity application +ogic,
hich led to the de5elopment of their consumer0le5el FarageBand application.

i,hotoEs release the same year completed the i+ife suite.
4...,.+/ !eturn to profitability
?ain article" AppleEs transition to *ntel processors
Apple retail stores allo potential customers to use floor models ithout making a
(Apple -tore, North ?ichigan A5enue, !hicago, *llinois in '))2)
?ac >- A, based on NeATEs >,=N-T=, and B-. 9niI, as released on ?arch ':,
'))% after se5eral years of de5elopment. Aimed at consumers and professionals alike,
?ac >- A aimed to combine the stability, reliability and security of 9niI ith the ease of
use afforded by an o5erhauled user interface. To aid users in migrating from ?ac >- 3,
the ne operating system alloed the use of >- 3 applications ithin ?ac >- A as the
!lassic en5ironment, hich meant that users ere able to continue running their old
>n ?ay %3, '))%, Apple opened the first official Apple 8etail -tores in @irginia and
>n 6uly 3, they bought -pruce Technologies, a .@. authoring company.
>n >ctober '# of the same year, Apple announced the i,od portable digital audio player,
and started selling it on No5ember %). The product as phenomenally successful O o5er
%)) million units ere sold ithin siI years.
*n '))#, AppleEs iTunes -tore as
introduced, offering online music donloads for C).33 a song and integration ith the
i,od. The ser5ice Duickly became the market leader in online music ser5ices, ith o5er 2
billion donloads by 6une %3, '))&.
-ince '))%, AppleEs design team has progressi5ely abandoned the use of translucent
colored plastics first used in the i?ac F#. This began ith the ,oerBook, made ith
titanium, and as folloed by the iBookEs hite polycarbonate structure and the flat0
panel i?ac.
The ?acBook ,ro, AppleEs first laptop ith an *ntel microprocessor, announced in
6anuary '))4.
At the Worldide .e5elopers !onference keynote address on 6une 4, '))2, 6obs
announced that Apple ould begin producing *ntel0based ?ac computers in '))4.
6anuary %), '))4, the ne ?acBook ,ro and i?ac became the first Apple computers to
use *ntelEs !ore .uo !,9. By August $, '))4, Apple made the transition to *ntel chips
for the entire ?ac product lineOo5er one year sooner than announced.
The ,oer
?ac, iBook and ,oerBook brands ere retired during the transitionM the ?ac ,ro,
?acBook, and ?acBook ,ro became their respecti5e successors.
>n April '3, '))3,
The all !treet "ournal reported that Apple as building its on team of engineers to
design microchips.
Apple also introduced Boot !amp in '))4 to help users install
Windos A, or Windos @ista on their *ntel ?acs alongside ?ac >- A.
AppleEs success during this period as e5ident in its stock price. Beteen early '))# and
'))4, the price of AppleEs stock increased more than tenfold, from around C4 per share
(split0adKusted) to o5er C&). *n 6anuary '))4, AppleEs market cap surpassed that of .ell.
Nine years prior, .ellEs !=> ?ichael .ell said that if he ran Apple he ould "shut it
don and gi5e the money back to the shareholders."
Although AppleEs market share in
computers had gron, it remained far behind competitors using ?icrosoft Windos,
accounting for about &H of desktops and laptops in the 9-.
;citation needed<
4..*,(./ uccess 0it1 mobile devices
Apple achie5ed idespread success ith its i,hone, i,od Touch and i,ad products, hich
introduced inno5ations in mobile phones, portable music players and personal computers
respecti5ely. *n addition, the implementation of a store for the purchase of softare
applications represented a ne business model. Touch screens had been in5ented and
seen in mobile de5ices before, but Apple as the first to achie5e mass market adoption of
such a user interface that included particular pre0programmed touch gestures.
.eli5ering his keynote speech at the ?acorld =Ipo on 6anuary 3, '))$, 6obs announced
that Apple !omputer, *nc. ould from that point on be knon as Apple *nc., because
computers ere no longer the main focus of the company, hich had shifted its emphasis
to mobile electronic de5ices. The e5ent also sa the announcement of the i,hone and the
Apple T@.
The folloing day, Apple shares hit C3$.&), an all0time high at that
point. *n ?ay, AppleEs share price passed the C%)) mark.
*n an article posted on AppleEs ebsite on February 4, '))$, 6obs rote that Apple ould
be illing to sell music on the iTunes -tore ithout digital rights management (.8?),
thereby alloing tracks to be played on third0party players, if record labels ould agree
to drop the technology.
>n April ', '))$, Apple and =?* Kointly announced the
remo5al of .8? technology from =?*Es catalog in the iTunes -tore, effecti5e in ?ay
>ther record labels e5entually folloed suit and Apple published a press release
in 6anuary '))3 to announce the corresponding changes to the iTunes -tore.
*n 6uly '))&, Apple launched the App -tore to sell third0party applications for the i,hone
and i,od Touch.
Within a month, the store sold 4) million applications and registered
an a5erage daily re5enue of C% million, ith 6obs speculating in August '))& that the
App -tore could become a billion0dollar business for Apple.
An >ctober '))&
announcement by 6obs identified Apple as the third0largest mobile handset supplier in the
orld due to the popularity of the i,hone.
>n .ecember %4, '))&, Apple announced that '))3 ould be the last year the
corporation ould be attending the ?acorld =Ipo, after more than ') years of
attendance. The announcement also eIplained that senior 5ice president of Worldide
,roduct ?arketing ,hilip -chiller ould deli5er the '))3 keynote address in lieu of the
eIpected 6obs. The official press release eIplained that Apple as "scaling back" on trade
shos generally, ith ?acorld Tokyo and Apple =Ipo in ,aris, France to other e5ents
that the corporation had ceased attendance at. The enormous success of the Apple 8etail
-tores and ebsite had rendered trade shos into a minor promotional channel and as
cited as the primary reason for the change.
>n 6anuary %:, '))3, an internal memo from 6obs announced that he ould be taking a
siI0month medical lea5e of absence from Apple until the end of 6une '))3, during hich
time he ould focus on his health. *n the email, 6obs also stated that he reali7ed "the
curiosity o5er my personal health continues to be a distraction not only for me and my
family, but e5eryone else at Apple as ell," further eIplaining that the break ould allo
the company "to focus on deli5ering eItraordinary products."
.espite 6obsEs absence,
Apple recorded its best non0holiday Duarter (/% FP '))3) during the recession ith a
re5enue of C&.%4 billion and a profit of C%.'% billion.
Wikines has related nes"
Apple unveils iPhone 4, iOS 4 at Worldwide Developers Conference 2010
Apple to give free cases, refunds to iPhone 4 owners
Apple unveils new iPods, Apple !" updates iOS, iunes
Apple unveils new #ac$oo% Air laptops, i&ife '11 software suite
After years of speculation and multiple rumored "leaks", Apple announced a large screen,
tablet0like media de5ice knon as the i,ad on 6anuary '$, ')%). The i,ad runs the same
touch based operating system that the i,hone uses and many of the same i,hone apps are
compatible ith the i,ad. This ga5e the i,ad a large app catalog on launch e5en ith 5ery
little de5elopment time before the release. +ater that year on April #, ')%), the i,ad as
launched in the 9- and sold more than #)),))) units on that day, reaching 2)),))) by
the end of the first eek.
*n ?ay of the same year, AppleEs market cap eIceeded that
of competitor ?icrosoft for the first time since %3&3.
Apple released the i,hone :, hich introduced 5ideo calling, multitasking, and a ne
uninsulated stainless steel design, hich acts as the phoneEs antenna. Because of this
antenna implementation, some i,hone : users reported a reduction in signal strength
hen the phone is held in specific ays. After a large amount of media co5erage
including mainstream nes organi7ations, Apple held a press conference here they
offered buyers a free rubber EbumperE case, hich had been pro5en to eliminate the signal
reduction issue. +ater that year Apple again refreshed its i,od line of ?,# players hich
introduced a multi0touch i,od Nano, i,od Touch ith FaceTime, and i,od -huffle ith
buttons hich brought back the buttons of earlier generations.
*n >ctober ')%), Apple shares hit an all0time high, eclipsing C#)).
Additionally, on
>ctober '), Apple updated their ?acBook Air laptop, i+ife suite of applications, and
un5eiled ?ac >- A +ion, the last 5ersion ith the name Mac #! $.
>n 6anuary 4,
')%%, the company opened their ?ac App -tore, a digital softare distribution platform,
similar to the eIisting i>- App -tore.
Apple as featured in the documentary
!omething %entured hich premiered in ')%%.
4.((,(4/ teve 5obs6s deat1
Apple store in Ponkers, Ne Pork
>n 6anuary %$, ')%%, 6obs announced in an internal Apple memo that he ould take
another medical lea5e of absence, for an indefinite period, to allo him to focus on his
health. !hief operating officer Tim !ook assumed 6obsEs day0to0day operations at Apple,
although 6obs ould still remain "in5ol5ed in maKor strategic decisions for the
Apple became the most 5aluable consumer0facing brand in the orld.
6une ')%%, -te5e 6obs surprisingly took the stage and un5eiled i!loud, an online storage
and syncing ser5ice for music, photos, files and softare hich replaced ?obile?e,
AppleEs pre5ious attempt at content syncing.
This ould be the last product launch 6obs ould attend before his death. *t has been
argued that Apple has achie5ed such efficiency in its supply chain
that the company
operates as a monopsony (one buyer, many sellers), in that it can dictate terms to its
*n 6uly ')%%, due to the American debt0ceiling crisis, AppleEs financial
reser5es ere briefly larger than those of the 9.-. Fo5ernment.
>n August ':, ')%%, 6obs resigned his position as !=> of Apple.
Ge as replaced by
Tim !ook and 6obs became AppleEs chairman. ,rior to this, Apple did not ha5e a
chairman and instead had to co0lead directors, Andrea 6ung and Arthur .. +e5inson,
ho continued ith those titles until +e5inson became !hairman of the Board in
>n >ctober :, ')%%, Apple announced the i,hone :-, hich included an impro5ed
camera ith %)&)p 5ideo recording, a dual core A2 chip capable of $ times faster
graphics than the A:, an "intelligent softare assistant" named -iri, and cloud0sourced
data ith i!loud.
(The i,hone :- as officially released on >ctober %:, ')%%.)
>n >ctober 2, ')%%, Apple announced that 6obs had died, marking the end of an era for
Apple *nc.
>n >ctober '3, ')%%, Apple purchased !# Technologies, a mapping company, for C':)
million, becoming the third mapping company Apple has purchased.
>n 6anuary %),
')%', Apple paid C2)) million to acDuire Anobit, an *sraeli hardare company that
de5eloped and supplies a proprietary memory signal processing technology that impro5es
the performance of flash0memory used in i,hones and i,ads.
>n 6anuary %3, ')%', AppleEs ,hil -chiller introduced iBooks TeItbooks for i>- and
iBook Author for ?ac >- A in Ne Pork !ity.
This as the first maKor announcement
by Apple since the passing of -te5e 6obs, ho stated in his biography that he anted to
rein5ent the teItbook and education. The third0generation i,ad as announced on ?arch
$, ')%'. *t includes a 8etina display, a ne !,9, a fi5e megapiIel camera, and %)&)p
5ideo recording.
>n 6uly ':, ')%', during a conference call ith in5estors, Tim !ook said that he lo5ed
*ndia, but that Apple as going to eIpect larger opportunities outside of *ndia, citing the
reason as the #)H sourcing reDuirement from *ndia.
>n August '), ')%', AppleEs rising stock rose the companyEs 5alue to a orld0record
C4': billion. This beat the non0inflation0adKusted record for market capitali7ation set by
?icrosoft in %333.
>n August ':, ')%', a 9- Kury ruled that -amsung should pay
Apple C%.)2 billion (Q442m) in damages in an intellectual property lasuit. -amsung said
they ill appeal the court ruling.
-amsung subseDuently pre5ailed on its motion to
5acate this damages aard, hich the !ourt reduced by C:2) million.
The !ourt
further granted -amsungEs reDuest for a ne trial.
>n -eptember %', ')%', Apple un5eiled the i,hone 2, featuring an enlarged screen, more
poerful processors, and running i>- 4. The latter includes a ne mapping application
(replacing Foogle ?aps) that has attracted some criticism.
*t as made a5ailable on
-eptember '%, ')%', and became AppleEs biggest i,hone launch, ith o5er ' million pre0
orders pushing back the deli5ery date to late >ctober.
>n >ctober '#, ')%', Apple un5eiled the i,ad ?ini, hich features a $.30inch screen in
contrast to the i,adEs 3.$0inch screen. Apple also released a third0generation %#0inch
?acBook ,ro ith a 8etina displayM the fourth0generation i,ad, featuring a faster
processor and a +ightning dock connectorM
and ne i?ac and ?ac ?ini
After the launch of AppleEs i,ad ?ini and fourth generation i,ad on
No5ember #, ')%', Apple announced that they had sold # million i,ads in three days of
the launch, but it did not mention the sales figures of specific i,ad models.
>n No5ember %), ')%', Apple confirmed a global settlement that ould dismiss all
lasuits beteen Apple and GT! up to that date, in fa5or of a ten0year license agreement
for current and future patents beteen the to companies.
*t is predicted that Apple
ill make C'&) million a year from this deal ith GT!.
*n .ecember ')%', in a T@ inter5ie for NB!Es &oc' Center and also aired on the Today
morning sho, Apple !=> Tim !ook said that in ')%# the company ill produce one of
its eIisting lines of ?ac computers in the 9nited -tates.
*n 6anuary ')%#, !ook stated
that he eIpected !hina to o5ertake the 9- as AppleEs biggest market.
;citation needed<
4.(7,present/ Acquisitions and e8pansion
-ee also" +ist of mergers and acDuisitions by Apple
*n ?arch ')%#, Apple announced a patent for an augmented reality (A8) system that can
identify obKects in a li5e 5ideo stream and present information corresponding to these
obKects through a computer0generated information layer o5erlaid on top of the real0orld
At the Worldide .e5eloperEs !onference on 6une %), ')%#, Apple announced the
se5enth i>- operating system alongside >- A ?a5ericks, the tenth 5ersion of ?ac >- A,
and a ne *nternet radio ser5ice called iTunes 8adio.
iTunes 8adio, i>- $ and
>- A ?a5ericks ere released fall ')%#.
The radio ser5ice features more than
')) stations according to companyEs statement.
>n 6uly ', ')%#, Apple announced the recruitment of ,aul .ene5e, Belgian ,resident and
!=> of P5es -aint +aurent, to AppleEs top ranks. A spokesperson for the company stated,
"WeEre thrilled to elcome ,aul .ene5e to Apple. GeEll be orking on special proKects as
a 5ice president reporting directly to Tim !ook."
Alongside Foogle 5ice0president @int !erf and AT1T !=> 8andall -tephenson, !ook
attended a closed0door summit held by ,resident >bama on August &, ')%# in regard to
go5ernment sur5eillance and the *nternet in the ake of the =dard -noden N-A
A report on August '', ')%# confirmed that Apple acDuired =mbark *nc., a small -ilicon
@alley0based mapping company. =mbark builds free transit apps to help smartphone users
na5igate public transportation in 9.-. cities such as Ne Pork, -an Francisco and
!hicago. Folloing the confirmation of the acDuisition, an Apple spokesperson
eIplained, "Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and e
generally do not discuss our purpose or plans." *n No5ember ')%', =mbark claimed that
o5er 2)),))) people used its apps.
An anonymous Apple employee re5ealed to the (loom)erg media publication that the
opening of a Tokyo, 6apan store is planned for ')%:. The construction of the store ill be
completed in February ')%:, but as of August '3, ')%#, Takashi Takebayashi, a Tokyo0
based spokesman for Apple, has not made any comment to the media. A 6apanese analyst
has stated, "For Apple, the 6apanese market is appealing in terms of Duantity and price.
There is room to eIpand tablet sales and a possibility the 6apanese market eIpands if
AppleRs mobile carrier partners increase.
>n >ctober %, ')%#, Apple *ndia eIecuti5es un5eiled a plan to eIpand further into the
*ndian market, folloing !ookEs acknoledgment of the country in 6uly ')%# hen sales
results shoed that i,hone sales in *ndia gre :))H during the second Duarter of ')%#.
*n attendance at the confidential meeting ere ') !=>s and senior eIecuti5es from
telecom and electronic retail companies.
A mid0>ctober ')%# announcement re5ealed that Burberry eIecuti5e Angela Ahrendts
ill commence as a senior 5ice president at Apple in mid0')%:. Ahrendts o5ersa
BurberryEs digital strategy for almost eight years and, during her tenure, sales increased to
about 9-C#.' billion (' billion pounds) and shares gained more than threefold.
*n a
company ide memo sent on the morning of >ctober %2, ')%#, !ook eIplained the
decision to hire Ahrendts"
-he ;Ahrendts< shares our 5alues and our focus on inno5ation. -he places the same strong
emphasis as e do on the customer eIperience. -he cares deeply about people and
embraces our 5ie that our most important resource and our soul is our people. -he
belie5es in enriching the li5es of others and she is icked smart.
>n No5ember ':, ')%#, Apple *nc. confirmed the purchase of ,rime-ense, an *sraeli #.
sensing company based in Tel A5i5.
*n the folloing month, Apple *nc. purchased
social analytics firm Topsy, one of a small number of firms ith real0time access to the
messages that appear on Titter (e5ery teet published since '))4 is ithin its scope).
.ebra Aho Williamson, an analyst ith =?arketer *nc., eIplained" SA key point is they
are one of the fe companies that has access to the Titter fire hose and can do real0time
analysis of the trends and discussions happening on Titter.T While an eIact amount is
unknon, the deal as apparently orth more than 9-C')) million, according to people
ith knoledge of the secret deal, and Apple spokespeople refused to disclose a purpose
at the time of the acDuisition.
>n .ecember 4, ')%#, Apple *nc. launched iBeacon technology across its '2: 9.-. retail
stores. 9sing Bluetooth ireless technology, iBeacon senses the userEs eIact location
ithin the Apple store and sends the user messages about products, e5ents and other
information, tailored to the userEs location. iBeacon orks as long as the user has
donloaded the Apple -tore app and has eIpressly permitted Apple to track them.
Apple *nc. reported that the company sold 2% million i,hones in the /% of ')%: (an all0
time Duarterly record), compared to :$.& million in the year0ago Duarter. Apple also sold
'4 million i,ads during the Duarter, also an all0time Duarterly record, compared to ''.3
million in the year0ago Duarter. The !ompany sold :.& million ?acs, compared to :.%
million in the year0ago Duarter.
>n February :, ')%:, !ook met ith Abdullah FUl, the ,resident of Turkey, in Ankara to
discuss the companyEs in5ol5ement in the Fatih proKect.
!ook also confirmed that
TurkeyEs first Apple 8etail -tore ould be opened in *stanbul in April ')%:.
.uring the proceedings of the Apple Inc. v. !amsung Electronics Co., *td. lasuits, a
pre5iously confidential email, ritten by 6obs a year before his death, as presented and
its content became publicly a5ailable in early April ')%:. With a subKect line that reads
"Top %)) J A," the email as sent only to the companyEs %)) most senior employees and
outlines 6obsEs 5ision of Apple *nc.Es future under %) subheadings, including a "')%%
-trategy." Notably, 6obs declares a "Goly War ith Foogle" for ')%% and schedules a
"ne campus" for ')%2.
>n ?ay '&, ')%:, Apple confirmed its intent to acDuire .r. .re and 6immy *o5ineEs
audio company Beats =lectronicsOproducer of the (eats )y +r. +re line of headphones
and speaker products, and operator of the music streaming ser5ice Beats ?usicOfor C#
billion. *o5ine felt that Beats had alays "belonged" ith Apple, as the company modeled
itself after AppleEs "unmatched ability to marry culture and technology." *n regards to the
deal, Tim !ook stated that "?usic is such an important part of all of our li5es and holds a
special place ithin our hearts at Apple. ThatEs hy e ha5e kept in5esting in music and
are bringing together these eItraordinary teams so e can continue to create the most
inno5ati5e music products and ser5ices in the orld." As a result of the acDuisition,
Apple plans to offer BeatsE products through its retail outlets and resellers, but the
company has not made any further indications about ho Beats ill be integrated into
AppleEs product line.
-ee also" Timeline of Apple products and +ist of products discontinued by Apple *nc.
?acBook Air
?ain article" ?acintosh
-ee also" Timeline of ?acintosh models, +ist of ?acintosh models grouped by !,9 type
and +ist of ?acintosh models by case type
?acBook Air" !onsumer ultra0thin, ultra0portable notebook, introduced in '))&.
?acBook ,ro" ,rofessional notebook, introduced in '))4.
?ac ?ini" !onsumer sub0desktop computer and ser5er, introduced in '))2.
i?ac" !onsumer all0in one desktop computer, introduced in %33&.
?ac ,ro" Workstation desktop computer, introduced in '))4.
Apple sells a 5ariety of computer accessories for ?acs, including Thunderbolt .isplay,
?agic ?ouse, ?agic Trackpad, Wireless Neyboard, Battery !harger, the Air,ort
ireless netorking products, and Time !apsule.
?ain article" i,ad
>n 6anuary '$, ')%), Apple introduced their much0anticipated media tablet, the i,ad,
running a modified 5ersion of i>-. *t offers multi0touch interaction ith multimedia
formats including nespapers, maga7ines, ebooks, teItbooks, photos, mo5ies, 5ideos of
T@ shos, music, ord processing documents, spreadsheets, 5ideogames, and most
eIisting i,hone apps.
*t also includes a mobile 5ersion of -afari for eb brosing, as
ell as access to the App -tore, iTunes +ibrary, iBookstore, contacts, and notepad.
!ontent is donloadable 5ia Wi0Fi and optional #F ser5ice or synced through the userEs
AT1T as initially the sole 9- pro5ider of #F ireless access for the i,ad.
>n ?arch ', ')%%, Apple introduced the i,ad ', hich had a faster processor and a
camera on the front and back. *t also added support for optional #F ser5ice pro5ided by
@eri7on in addition to the eIisting offering by AT1T.
Goe5er, the a5ailability of the
i,ad ' has been limited as a result of the de5astating earthDuake and ensuing tsunami in
6apan in ?arch ')%%.
>n ?arch $, ')%', Apple introduced the third0generation i,ad, marketed as "the ne
i,ad". *t added +T= ser5ice from AT1T or @eri7on, the upgraded A2A processor, and the
8etina display ('):& by %2#4 resolution), originally implemented on the i,hone : and
i,hone :-. The dimensions and form factor remained relati5ely unchanged, ith the ne
i,ad being a fraction thicker and hea5ier than the pre5ious 5ersion, and minor positioning
>n >ctober '#, ')%', AppleEs fourth0generation i,ad came out, marketed as the "i,ad
ith 8etina display". *t added the upgraded A4A processor and replaced the traditional
#)0pin dock connector ith the all0digital +ightning connector.
The i,ad ?ini as
also introduced, ith a reduced $.30inch display and featuring much of the same internal
specifications as the i,ad '.
>n >ctober '', ')%#, Apple introduced the i,ad Air. *t added the ne 4: bit Apple0A$
processor. The i,ad mini ith 8etina .isplay as also introduced, featuring the Apple0
A$ processor as ell.
-ince its launch, i,ad
users ha5e donloaded three billion apps, hile the total
number of App -tore donloads is o5er '2 billion.
?ain article" i,od
The ')%' i,od -huffle, i,od Nano, i,od !lassic, and i,od Touch.
>n >ctober '#, '))%, Apple introduced the i,od digital music player. -e5eral updated
models ha5e since been introduced, and the i,od brand is no the market leader in
portable music players by a significant margin, ith more than #2) million units shipped
as of -eptember ')%'.
Apple has partnered ith Nike to offer the NikeVi,od -ports
Nit, enabling runners to synchroni7e and monitor their runs ith iTunes and the NikeV
Apple currently sells four 5ariants of the i,od"
i,od -huffle" 9ltra0portable digital audio player, currently a5ailable in a ' FB
model, introduced in '))2.
i,od Nano" ,ortable media player, currently a5ailable in a %4 FB model,
introduced in '))2. =arlier models featured the traditional i,od click heel,
though the current generation features a multi0touch interface and includes an F?
radio and a pedometer.
i,od Touch" ,ortable media player than runs i>-, currently a5ailable in %4, #'
and 4: FB models, introduced in '))$. The current generation, hich as
released on -eptember %', ')%' features the Apple A2 processor, a 8etina
display, and dual cameras on the front (%.' megapiIel sensor) and back (2
megapiIel i-ight), the latter of hich supports G. 5ideo recording at %)&)p and
i,od !lassic" ,ortable media player, currently a5ailable in a %4) FB model, first
introduced in '))%.
The first0generation i,hone, #F, :, 2, 2! and 2- to scale.
?ain article" i,hone
At the ?acorld !onference 1 =Ipo in 6anuary '))$, -te5e 6obs introduced the long0
i,hone, a con5ergence of an *nternet0enabled smartphone and i,od.
first0generation i,hone as released on 6une '3, '))$ for C:33 (: FB) and C233 (& FB)
ith an AT1T contract.
>n February 2, '))&, it as updated to ha5e %4 FB of
memory, in addition to the & FB and : FB models.
*t combined a '.2F Duad band
F-? and =.F= cellular phone ith features found in handheld de5ices, running scaled0
don 5ersions of AppleEs ?ac >- A (dubbed i,hone >-, later renamed i>-), ith
5arious ?ac >- A applications such as -afari and ?ail. *t also includes eb0based and
.ashboard apps such as Foogle ?aps and Weather. The i,hone features a #.20inch
(&3 mm) touchscreen display, Bluetooth, and Wi0Fi (both "b" and "g").
At Worldide .e5elopers !onference (WW.!) on 6une 3, '))&, Apple announced the
i,hone #F. *t as released on 6uly %%, '))&, ith a reduced price of C%33 for the & FB
5ersion, and C'33 for the %4 FB 5ersion.
This 5ersion added support for #F
netorking and assisted0F,- na5igation. The flat sil5er back and large antenna sDuare of
the original model ere eliminated in fa5or of a cur5ed glossy black or hite back.
-oftare capabilities ere impro5ed ith the release of the App -tore, pro5iding
applications for donload that ere compatible ith the i,hone. >n April ':, '))3, the
App -tore
surpassed one billion donloads.
At WW.! on 6une &, '))3, Apple
announced the i,hone #F-. *t pro5ided an incremental update to the de5ice, including
faster internal components, support for faster #F speeds, 5ideo recording capability, and
5oice control.
At WW.! on 6une $, ')%), Apple announced the redesigned i,hone :.
*t features a
34)I4:) display, the Apple A: processor also used in the i,ad, a gyroscope for enhanced
gaming, 2?, camera ith +=. flash, front0facing @FA camera and FaceTime 5ideo
calling. -hortly after its release, reception issues ere disco5ered by consumers, due to
the stainless steel band around the edge of the de5ice, hich also ser5es as the phoneEs
cellular signal and Wi0Fi antenna. The issue as corrected by a "Bumper !ase"
distributed by Apple for free to all oners for a fe months. *n 6une ')%%, Apple
o5ertook Nokia to become the orldEs biggest smartphone maker by 5olume.
>n >ctober :, ')%%, Apple un5eiled the i,hone :-, hich as first released on >ctober
%:, ')%%.
*t features the Apple A2 processor, and is the first model offered by -print
(Koining AT1T and @eri7on Wireless as the 9nited -tates carriers offering i,hone
models). >n >ctober %3, ')%%, Apple announced an agreement ith ! -pire Wireless to
sell the i,hone :- ith that carrier in the near future, marking the first time the i,hone
as officially supported on a regional carrierEs netork.
Another notable feature of the
i,hone :- as -iri 5oice assistant technology, hich Apple had acDuired in ')%),
ell as other features, including an updated &?, camera ith ne optics. Apple sold :
million i,hone :- phones in the first three days of a5ailability.
>n -eptember %', ')%', Apple introduced the i,hone 2.
*t added a :0inch display, :F
+T= connecti5ity, and the upgraded Apple A4 chip, among se5eral other impro5ements.
To million i,hones ere sold in the first tenty0four hours of pre0ordering
o5er fi5e million handsets ere sold in the first three days of its launch.
A patent filed in 6uly ')%# re5ealed the de5elopment of a ne i,hone battery system that
uses location data in combination ith data on the userEs habits to moderate the handsets
poer settings accordingly. Apple is orking toards a poer management system that
ill pro5ide features such as the ability of the i,hone to estimate the length of time a user
ill be aay from a poer source to modify energy usage and a detection function that
adKusts the charging rate to best suit the type of poer source that is being used.
*n ?arch ')%#, one of the largest cellular phone companies in the 9nited -tates, T0
?obile, announced that it ould begin selling the i,hone 2 on April %'. The
announcement of the i,hone came ith the announcement that the company ould begin
implementing :F cellular ser5ice for its users.
9pon the launch of the i,hone 2- and i,hone 2!, Apple sold o5er nine million de5ices in
the first three days of its launch, hich sets a ne record for first0eekend smartphone
This as the first time that Apple has simultaneously launched to models and
the inclusion of !hina in the list of markets contributed to the record sales result.
>n >ctober %2, ')%#, 9.-. !ellular, the 9nited -tates fifth largest cell phone pro5ider,
announced that it ould in fact begin to carry the i,hone. *t is the last of the fi5e maKor
carriers, including AT1T, @eri7on, -print, and T0?obile to acDuire the phone. The phone
ent on sale on No5ember & at 9.-. !ellular stores around the country.
finali7ation of a deal beteen Apple and !hina ?obile, the orldEs largest mobile
netork, as announced in late .ecember ')%#. The multi0year agreement pro5ides
i,hone access to o5er $4) million !hina ?obile subscribers.
*n a ?arch ')%: inter5ie, *5e used the i,hone as an eIample of AppleEs ethos of
creating high0Duality, life0changing products, eIplaining that they are comparati5ely
eIpensi5e due to the intensi5e effort that is used to make them"
We donRt take so long and make the ay e make for fiscal reasons ... /uite the re5erse.
The body is made from a single piece of machined aluminium ... The hole thing is
polished first to a mirror finish and then is 5ery finely teItured, eIcept for the Apple logo.
The chamfers ;smoothed0off edges< are cut ith diamond0tipped cutters. The cutters
donRt usually last 5ery long, so e had to figure out a ay of mass0manufacturing long0
lasting ones. The camera co5er is sapphire crystal. +ook at the details around the sim0
card slot. *tRs eItraordinaryW
Apple T9
?ain article" Apple T@
The current generation Apple T@.
At the '))$ ?acorld conference, 6obs demonstrated the Apple T@, (pre5iously knon
as the iT@),
a set0top 5ideo de5ice intended to bridge the sale of content from iTunes
ith high0definition tele5isions. The de5ice links up to a userEs T@ and syncs, either 5ia
Wi0Fi or a ired netork, ith one computerEs iTunes library and streams from an
additional four. The Apple T@ originally incorporated a :) FB hard dri5e for storage,
includes outputs for G.?* and component 5ideo, and plays 5ideo at a maIimum
resolution of $')p.
>n ?ay #%, '))$ a %4) FB dri5e as released alongside the
eIisting :) FB model
and on 6anuary %2, '))& a softare update as released, hich
alloed media to be purchased directly from the Apple T@.
*n -eptember '))3, Apple discontinued the original :) FB Apple T@ and no continues
to produce and sell the %4) FB Apple T@. >n -eptember %, ')%), alongside the release of
the ne line of i,od de5ices for the year, Apple released a completely redesigned Apple
T@. The ne de5ice is %L: the si7e, runs Duieter, and replaces the need for a hard dri5e
ith media streaming from any iTunes library on the netork along ith & FB of flash
memory to cache media donloaded. Apple ith the Apple T@ has added another de5ice
to its portfolio that runs on its A: processor along ith the i,ad and the i,hone. The
memory included in the de5ice is the half of the i,hone : at '24 ?BM the same as the
i,ad, i,hone #F-, third and fourth0generation i,od Touch.
*t has G.?* out as the only 5ideo out source. Features include access to the iTunes -tore
to rent mo5ies and T@ shos (purchasing has been discontinued), streaming from
internet 5ideo sources, including PouTube and NetfliI, and media streaming from an
iTunes library. Apple also reduced the price of the de5ice to C33. A third generation of the
de5ice as introduced at an Apple e5ent on ?arch $, ')%', ith ne features such as
higher resolution (%)&)p) and a ne user interface.
-ee also" +ist of ?acintosh softare
Apple de5elops its on operating system to run on ?acs, >- A, the latest 5ersion being
>- A ?a5ericks (5ersion %).3). Apple also independently de5elops computer softare
titles for its >- A operating system. ?uch of the softare Apple de5elops is bundled
ith its computers. An eIample of this is the consumer0oriented i+ife softare package
that bundles i?o5ie, i,hoto and FarageBand. For presentation, page layout and ord
processing, iWork is a5ailable, hich includes Neynote, ,ages, and Numbers. iTunes,
/uickTime media player, and -oftare 9pdate are a5ailable as free donloads for both
>- A and Windos.
Apple also offers a range of professional softare titles. Their range of ser5er softare
includes the operating system >- A -er5erM Apple 8emote .esktop, a remote systems
management applicationM and Asan, a -torage Area Netork file system. For the
professional creati5e market, there is Aperture for professional 8AW0format photo
processingM Final !ut ,ro, a 5ideo production suiteM +ogic ,ro, a comprehensi5e music
toolkitM and ?otion, an ad5anced effects composition program.
Apple also offers online ser5ices ith i!loud, hich pro5ides cloud storage and syncing
for a ide range of data, including email, contacts, calendars, photos and documents. *t
also offers i>- de5ice backup, and is able to integrate directly ith third0party apps for
e5en greater functionality. i!loud is the fourth generation of online ser5ices pro5ided by
Apple, and as preceded by ?obile?e, .?ac and iTools, all hich met 5arying degrees
of success.
&orporate identity
-ee also" Typography of Apple *nc.
"Apple logo" redirects here. For the programming language, see Apple +ogo.
First Apple logo (April %, %3$4, ,rototype)
First official Apple logo from ?ay %$, %3$4 to August '4, %333.
!urrent Apple logo since August '$, %333.
According to -te5e 6obs, Apple as so named because 6obs as coming back from an
apple farm, and he as on a fruitarian diet. Ge thought the name as "fun, spirited and
not intimidating".
AppleEs first logo, designed by 8on Wayne, depicts -ir *saac Neton sitting under an
apple tree. *t as almost immediately replaced by 8ob 6anoffEs "rainbo Apple", the
no0familiar rainbo0colored silhouette of an apple ith a bite taken out of it. 6anoff
presented 6obs ith se5eral different monochromatic themes for the "bitten" logo, and
6obs immediately took a liking to it. While 6obs liked the logo, he insisted it be in color to
humani7e the company.
The logo as designed ith a bite so that it ould not be
confused ith a cherry.
The colored stripes ere concei5ed to make the logo more
accessible, and to represent the fact the Apple ** could generate graphics in color.
logo is often erroneously referred to as a tribute to Alan Turing, ith the bite mark a
reference to his method of suicide.
Both 6anoff and Apple deny any homage to
Turing in the design of the logo.
>n August '$, %333
(the folloing year after the i?ac F# as introduced), Apple
officially dropped the rainbo scheme and began to use monochromatic themes, nearly
identical in shape to its pre5ious rainbo incarnation, on 5arious products, packaging and
ad5ertising. An ADua0themed 5ersion of the monochrome logo as used from %333 to
'))#, and a Flass0themed 5ersion as used from '))$ to ')%#. With the release of i>- $
and >- A ?a5ericks in late ')%#, the logo appears flat and hite ith no glossy effects.
-te5e 6obs and -te5e Wo7niak ere Beatles fans,
but Apple *nc. had trademark
issues ith Apple !orps +td., a multimedia company started by the Beatles in %34$,
in5ol5ing their name and logo. This resulted in a series of lasuits and tension beteen
the to companies. These issues ended ith settling of their most recent lasuit in '))$.
?ain articles" Apple *nc. ad5ertising and +ist of Apple *nc. slogans
AppleEs first slogan, "Byte into an Apple", as coined in the late %3$)s.
From %33$ to
'))', the slogan "Think .ifferent" as used in ad5ertising campaigns, and is still closely
associated ith Apple.
Apple also has slogans for specific product lines O for
eIample, "iThink, therefore i?ac" as used in %33& to promote the i?ac,
and "-ay
hello to i,hone" has been used in i,hone ad5ertisements.
"Gello" as also used to
introduce the original ?acintosh, Neton, i?ac ("hello (again)"), and i,od.
-ince the introduction of the ?acintosh in %3&: ith the %3&: -uper Bol commercial to
the more modern EFet a ?acE ad5erts, Apple has been recogni7ed in the past for its efforts
toards effecti5e ad5ertising and marketing for its products, though its ad5ertising as
critici7ed for the claims made by some later campaigns, particularly the '))2 ,oer ?ac
and i,hone ads in Britain.
AppleEs product commercials gained fame for launching musicians into stardom as a
result of their eye0popping graphics and catchy tunes.
First, the company populari7ed
!anadian singer FeistEs "%'#:" song in its ad campaign.
+ater, Apple used the song
"Ne -oul" by French0*sraeli singer0songriter Pael NaXm to promote the ?acBook Air.
The debut single shot to the top of the charts and sold hundreds of thousands of
copies in a span of eeks.
;rand loyalty
-ee also" !riticism of Apple *nc. Y !omparison ith a cultLreligion
Apple aficionados ait in line around the Apple -tore on Fifth A5enue in Ne Pork !ity
in anticipation of a ne product.
"The scenes * itnessed at the opening of the ne Apple store in +ondonEs !o5ent Farden ere more
like an e5angelical prayer meeting than a chance to buy a phone or a laptop."
OAleI 8iley, riting for the BB!
AppleEs brand loyalty is considered unusual for any product. At one time, Apple
e5angelists ere acti5ely engaged by the company, but this as after the phenomenon
as already firmly established. Apple e5angelist Fuy Naasaki has called the brand
fanaticism "something that as stumbled upon,"
hile *5e eIplained in ')%: that
",eople ha5e an incredibly personal relationship" ith AppleEs products.
Apple supports the continuing eIistence of a netork of ?ac 9ser Froups in many areas
here ?ac computers are a5ailable.
;citation needed<
?ac users pre5iously meet at the =uropean
Apple =Ipo and the -an Francisco ?acorld !onference 1 =Ipo trade shos, here
Apple traditionally introduced ne products each year, to both the industry and public,
until Apple pulled out of both e5entsOthe conferences continue, but Apple is not
officially represented at either e5ent. ?ac de5elopers, in turn, continue to gather at the
annual Apple Worldide .e5elopers !onference.
;citation needed<
Apple -tore openings can dra crods of thousands, ith some aiting in line as much
as a day before the opening or flying in from other countries for the e5ent.
The Ne
Pork !ity Fifth A5enue "!ube" store had a line as long as half a mileM a fe ?ac fans
took the opportunity of the setting to propose marriage.
The Fin7a opening in Tokyo
as estimated in the thousands ith a line eIceeding eight city blocks.
6ohn -culley told The ,uardian nespaper in %33$" ",eople talk about technology, but
Apple as a marketing company. *t as the marketing company of the decade."

8esearch in '))' by Net8atings indicate that the a5erage Apple consumer as usually
more affluent and better educated than other ,! company consumers. The research
indicated that this correlation could stem from the fact that on a5erage Apple *nc.
products are more eIpensi5e than other ,! products.
*n response to a Duery about the de5otion of loyal Apple consumers, *5e responded"
What people are responding to is much bigger than the obKect. They are responding to
something rare O a group of people ho do more than simply make something ork,
they make the 5ery best products they possibly can. *tRs a demonstration against
thoughtlessness and carelessness.
&orporate affairs
-ee also" +ist of mergers and acDuisitions by Apple, Braeburn !apital and File?aker *nc.
.uring the ?acEs early history Apple generally refused to adopt pre5ailing industry
standards for hardare, instead creating their on.
This trend as largely re5ersed in
the late %33)s beginning ith AppleEs adoption of the ,!* bus in the $2))L&2))L32))
,oer ?acs. Apple has since adopted 9-B, AF,, GyperTransport, Wi0Fi, and other
industry standards in its computers and as in some cases a leader in the adoption of
standards such as 9-B.
FireWire is an Apple0originated standard that has seen
idespread industry adoption after it as standardi7ed as *=== %#3:.
=5er since the first Apple -tore opened, Apple has sold third0party accessories.
instance, at one point Nikon and !anon digital cameras ere sold inside the store. Adobe,
one of AppleEs oldest softare partners,
also sells its ?ac0compatible softare, as
does ?icrosoft, ho sells ?icrosoft >ffice for the ?ac. Books from 6ohn Wiley 1 -ons,
ho publishes the For +ummies series of instructional books, are a notable eIception,
hoe5er. The publisherEs line of books ere banned from Apple -tores in '))2 because
-te5e 6obs disagreed ith their decision to publish an unauthori7ed 6obs biography, iCon.
After the launch of the iBookstore, Apple stopped selling physical books, both online
and at the Apple 8etail -tores.
?ain article" Apple !ampus
Apple *nc.Es orld corporate headDuarters are located in the middle of -ilicon @alley, at
%J4 *nfinite +oop, !upertino, !alifornia. This Apple campus has siI buildings that total
&2),))) sDuare feet ($3,))) m
) and as built in %33# by -obrato .e5elopment !os.
*n '))4, Apple announced its intention to build a second campus on 2) acres
(')),))) m
) assembled from 5arious contiguous plots (east of N Wolfe 8oad beteen
,runeridge A5enue and @allco ,arkay). +ater acDuisitions increased this to %$2 acres.
The ne campus, also in !upertino, ill be about % mile (%.4 km) east of the current
The ne campus building ill be designed by Norman Foster.
>n >ctober %2, ')%# it as announced that the !upertino !ity !ouncil has appro5ed the
proposed "spaceship" design campus. >n 6une $, ')%%, -te5e 6obs ga5e a presentation to
!upertino !ity !ouncil, detailing the architectural design of the ne building and its
en5irons. The ne campus is planned to house up to %#,))) employees in one central
four0storied circular building (ith a cafZ for #,))) sitting people integrated) surrounded
by eItensi5e landscape (ith parking mainly underground and the rest centrali7ed in a
parking structure). The ne campus ill be built on the former G, headDuarters, neIt to
*nterstate '&). The morning of the announcement, Apple !=> Tim !ook teeted ">ur
home for inno5ation and creati5ity for decades to come. !upertino !ity !ouncil Fi5es
9nanimous Appro5al for AppleEs Ne !ampus." The '.& million sDuare foot facility,
hich ill include -te5e 6obsEs original designs for a fitness center and corporate
auditorium ill be able to house %:,))) employees and ill ha5e enough parking to
accommodate almost all of them.
AppleEs headDuarters for =urope, the ?iddle =ast and Africa (=?=A) are located in !ork
in the south of *reland.
The facility, hich opened in %3&), as
AppleEs first location outside of the 9nited -tates.
Apple -ales *nternational, hich
deals ith all of AppleEs international sales outside of the 9-A, is located at AppleEs
campus in !ork
along ith Apple .istribution *nternational, hich similarly deals
ith AppleEs international distribution netork.
>n April '), ')%', Apple announced the addition of 2)) ne Kobs to its =uropean
headDuarters. This ill bring the total orkforce from around ',&)) to #,#)) employees.
The company ill build a ne office block on its Gollyhill !ampus to
accommodate the additional staff.
&orporate culture
Apple as one of se5eral highly successful companies founded in the %3$)s that bucked
the traditional notions of hat a corporate culture should look like in organi7ational
hierarchy (flat 5ersus tall, casual 5ersus formal attire, etc.). >ther highly successful firms
ith similar cultural aspects from the same period include -outhest Airlines and
?icrosoft. >riginally, the company stood in opposition to staid competitors like *B? by
default, thanks to the influence of its foundersM -te5e 6obs often alked around the office
barefoot e5en after Apple as a Fortune 2)) company. By the time of the "%3&:" T@ ad,
this trait had become a key ay the company attempted to differentiate itself from its
According to a ')%% report in Fortune, this has resulted in a corporate
culture more akin to a startup rather than a multinational corporation.
As the company has gron and been led by a series of chief eIecuti5es, each ith his
on idea of hat Apple should be, some of its original character has arguably been lost,
but Apple still has a reputation for fostering indi5iduality and eIcellence that reliably
dras talented people into its employ. This as especially after 6obsEs return. To
recogni7e the best of its employees, Apple created the Apple Fellos program, aarding
indi5iduals ho made eItraordinary technical or leadership contributions to personal
computing hile at the company. The Apple Felloship has so far been aarded to a fe
indi5iduals including Bill Atkinson,
-te5e !apps,
8od Golt,
Alan Nay,

Fuy Naasaki,
Al Alcorn,
.on Norman,
8ich ,age,
and -te5e Wo7niak.
Apple is also knon for strictly enforcing accountability. =ach proKect has a "directly
responsible indi5idual," or ".8*" in Apple Kargon.
As an eIample, hen i>- senior
5ice president -cott Forstall refused to sign AppleEs official apology for numerous errors
in the redesigned ?aps app, he as forced to resign.
Numerous employees of Apple ha5e cited that proKects ithout 6obsEs in5ol5ement often
took longer than proKects ith his in5ol5ement.
At Apple, employees are specialists ho are not eIposed to functions outside their area of
eIpertise. 6obs sa this as a means of ha5ing best0in0class employees in e5ery role. For
instance, 8on 6ohnson ho as -enior @ice ,resident of 8etail >perations until
No5ember %, ')%%, as responsible for site selection, in0store ser5ice, and store layout,
yet he had no control of the in5entory in his stores (hich is done company ide by then0
!>> and no !=> Tim !ook ho has a background in supply0chain management). This
is the opposite of Feneral =lectricEs corporate culture hich has created ell0rounded
9nder the leadership of Tim !ook, ho Koined the company in %33& and ascended to his
present position as !=>, Apple has de5eloped an eItremely efficient and effecti5e supply
chain hich has been ranked as the orldEs best for the four years '))$J')%).
;citation needed<

The companyEs manufacturing, procurement and logistics enables it to eIecute massi5e
product launches ithout ha5ing to maintain large, profit0sapping in5entoriesM AppleEs
profit margins ha5e been :) percent compared ith %)J') percent for most other
hardare companies in ')%%. !ookEs catchphrase to describe his focus on the companyEs
operational edge is SNobody ants to buy sour milkT.
The company pre5iously ad5ertised its products as being made in America up to the late
%33)s, hoe5er as a result of outsourcing initiati5es in the ')))s almost all of its
manufacturing is no done abroad. According to a report by the Ne- .or' Times, Apple
insiders "belie5e the 5ast scale of o5erseas factories as ell as the fleIibility, diligence
and industrial skills of foreign orkers ha5e so outpaced their American counterparts that
S?ade in the 9.-.A.T is no longer a 5iable option for most Apple products".
9nlike other maKor 9- companies, Apple has a relati5ely simple compensation policy for
eIecuti5es, hich does not include perks that other !=>s enKoy such as country club fees
and pri5ate use of company aircraft. The company usually grants stock options to
eIecuti5es e5ery other year.
A media article published in 6uly ')%# pro5ided details about AppleEs "At0Gome Apple
Ad5isors" customer support program that ser5es as the corporationEs call center. The
ad5isors are employed ithin the 9.-. and ork remotely after undergoing a four0eek
training program that also ser5es as a testing period. The ad5isors earn beteen 9-C3 and
C%' per hour, and recei5e intensi5e management to ensure a high Duality of customer
?ain article" Apple *nc. litigation
This section contains information of unclear or questionable importance or
relevance to t1e article6s sub<ect matter. ,lease help impro5e this article by
clarifying or remo5ing superfluous information. /May 01234
Apple has been a participant in 5arious legal proceedings
and claims since it began
operation and, like its competitors and peers, engages in litigation (trying legal cases
before the courts) in its normal course of business for a 5ariety of reasons. *n particular,
Apple is knon for and promotes itself as acti5ely and aggressi5ely enforcing its
intellectual property interests.
-ome eIamples include Apple 5. -amsung, Apple 5. ?icrosoft, ?otorola 5. Apple, Apple
!orps 5. Apple !omputer.
*n its fiscal year ending in -eptember ')%%, Apple *nc. reported a total of C%)& billion in
annual re5enues J a significant increase from its ')%) re5enues of C42 billion J and
nearly C&' billion in cash reser5es. Apple achie5ed these results hile losing market
share in certain product categories.
>n ?arch %3, ')%', Apple announced plans for a
C'.420per0share di5idend beginning in fourth Duarter of ')%', per appro5al by their board
of directors.
>n -eptember ')%', Apple reached a record share price of more than C$)2 and closed at
abo5e $)).
With 3#4,234,))) outstanding shares (as of 6une #), ')%'),
it had a
market capitali7ation of about C44) billion. At the time, this as the highest nominal
market capitali7ation e5er reached by a publicly traded company, surpassing a record set
by ?icrosoft in %333.
$nvironmental record
&limate c1an#e and clean ener#y
>n April '%, ')%%, Freenpeace released a report highlighting the fact that data centers
consumed up to 'H of all global electricity and this amount as proKected to increase.
,hil 8adford of Freenpeace said Se are concerned that this ne eIplosion in electricity
use could lock us into old, polluting energy sources instead of the clean energy a5ailable
>n April %$, ')%', folloing a Freenpeace protest of Apple, Apple *nc.
released a statement committing to ending its use of coal and shifting to %))H clean
*n ')%# Apple announced it as using %))H reneable energy to poer
their data centers, and o5erall $2H of its poer comes from reneable sources.
*n ')%), !limate !ounts, a nonprofit organi7ation dedicated to directing consumers
toard the greenest companies, ga5e Apple a score of 2' points out of a possible %)),
hich puts Apple in their top category "-triding".
This as an increase from ?ay
'))&, hen !limate !ounts only ga5e Apple %% points out of %)), hich placed the
company last among electronics companies, at hich time !limate !ounts also labeled
Apple ith a "stuck icon", adding that Apple at the time as "a choice to a5oid for the
climate conscious consumer".
Freenpeace has campaigned against Apple because of 5arious en5ironmental issues,
including a global end0of0life take0back plan, non0recyclable hardare components and
toIins ithin i,hone hardare.
-ince '))# Freenpeace has campaigned against
AppleEs use of particular chemicals in its products, more specifically, the inclusion of
,@! and BF8s in their de5ices.
>n ?ay ', '))$, -te5e 6obs released a report
announcing plans to eliminate ,@! and BF8s by the end of '))&.
Apple has since
eliminated ,@! and BF8s from its product range,
becoming the first laptop
manufacturer to do so.
*n the first edition of the Freenpeace EFreen =lectronics FuideE, released in August '))4,
Apple only scored '.$L%).
The =n5ironmental ,rotection Agency rates Apple highest amongst producers of
notebooks, and fairly ell compared to producers of desktop computers and +!.
*n 6une '))$, Apple upgraded the ?acBook ,ro, replacing cold cathode fluorescent lamp
(!!F+) backlit +!. displays ith mercury0free +=. backlit +!. displays and arsenic0
free glass,
and has since done this for all notebooks. Apple has also left out BF8s and
,@!s in 5arious internal components.
Apple offers information about
emissions, materials, and electrical usage concerning each product.
*n 6une '))3, AppleEs i,hone #F- as free of ,@!, arsenic, BF8s and had an efficient
poer adapter.
*n >ctober '))3, Apple upgraded the i?ac and ?acBook, replacing the cold cathode
fluorescent lamp (!!F+) backlit +!. displays ith mercury0free +=. backlit +!.
displays and arsenic0free glass.
This means all Apple computers ha5e mercury free
+=. backlit displays, arsenic0free glass and are ithout ,@! cables. All Apple
computers also ha5e =,=AT Fold status.
*n >ctober ')%%, !hinese authorities ordered an Apple supplier to close part of its plant
in -u7hou after residents li5ing nearby raised significant en5ironmental concerns.
*n No5ember ')%%, Apple featured in FreenpeaceEs Fuide to Freener =lectronics, hich
ranks electronics manufacturers on sustainability, climate and energy policy, and ho
"green" their products are. The company ranked fourth of fifteen electronics companies
(mo5ing up fi5e places from the pre5ious year) ith a score of :.4L%) don from :.3.

Freenpeace praises AppleEs sustainability, noting that the company eIceeded its $)H
global recycling goal in ')%). *t continues to score ell on the products rating ith all
Apple products no being free of ,@! 5inyl plastic and brominated flame retardants.
Goe5er, the guide critici7es Apple on the =nergy criteria for not seeking eIternal
5erification of its greenhouse gas emissions data and for not setting out any targets to
reduce emissions.
*n 6anuary ')%', Apple announced plans and reDuested that their
cable maker @oleI begin producing halogen0free 9-B and poer cables.
*n 6une ')%', Apple *nc. ithdre its products from the =lectronic ,roduct
=n5ironmental Assessment Tool (=,=AT) certification system,
but re5ersed this
decision in 6uly.
:abor practices
Further information" !riticism of Apple *nc. Y +abor practices
*n '))4, the Mail on !unday reported on the orking conditions that eIisted at factories
in !hina here the contract manufacturers FoIconn and *n5entec produced the i,od.

The article stated that one compleI of factories that assembles the i,od (among other
items) had o5er ')),))) orkers that li5ed and orked in the factory, ith employees
regularly orking more than 4) hours per eek. The article also reported that orkers
made around C%)) per month and ere reDuired to li5e pay for rent and food from the
company, hich generally amounted to a little o5er half of orkersE earnings.
Apple immediately launched an in5estigation and orked ith their manufacturers to
ensure acceptable orking conditions.
*n '))$, Apple started yearly audits of all its
suppliers regarding orkerEs rights, sloly raising standards and pruning suppliers that
did not comply. Pearly progress reports ha5e been published since '))&.
*n ')%),
orkers in !hina planned to sue i,hone contractors o5er poisoning by a cleaner used to
clean +!. screens. >ne orker claimed that he and his coorkers had not been informed
of possible occupational illnesses.
After a spate of suicides in a FoIconn facility in
!hina making i,ads and i,hones, albeit at a loer rate than in !hina as a hole,

orkers ere forced to sign a legally binding document guaranteeing that they ould not
kill themsel5es.
*n ')%%, Apple admitted that its suppliersE child labor practices in !hina had orsened.
Workers in factories producing Apple products ha5e also been eIposed to n0heIane, a
neurotoIin that is a cheaper alternati5e than alcohol for cleaning the products.
*n ')%#, !hina +abor Watch said it found 5iolations of the la and of AppleEs pledges
about orking conditions at facilities operated by ,egatron, including discrimination
against ethnic minorities and omen, ithholding employeesE pay, eIcessi5e ork hours,
poor li5ing conditions, health and safety problems and pollution.
Ta8 practices
Further information" !riticism of Apple *nc. Y TaI practices
Flobal taIes paid by A-*, '))30')%%
4.(( 4.(. 4..) Total
Pre=ta8 earnin#s 9-C'' billion 9-C%' billion 9-C: billion 9-C#& billion
>lobal ta8 9-C%) million 9-C$ million 9-C: million 9-C'% million
Ta8 rate ).)2H ).)4H ).%H ).)4H
Apple created subsidiaries in lo0taI places such as the 8epublic of *reland, the
Netherlands, +uIembourg and the British @irgin *slands to cut the taIes it pays around
the orld. According to the Ne- .or' Times, in the %3&)s Apple as among the first tech
companies to designate o5erseas salespeople in high0taI countries in a manner that
alloed the company to sell on behalf of lo0taI subsidiaries on other continents,
sidestepping income taIes. *n the late %3&)s Apple as a pioneer of an accounting
techniDue knon as the ".ouble *rish With a .utch -andich," hich reduces taIes by
routing profits through *rish subsidiaries and the Netherlands and then to the !aribbean.
British !onser5ati5e ,arty ?ember of ,arliament !harlie =lphicke published research on
>ctober #), ')%',
hich shoed that some multinational companies, including Apple
*nc., ere making billions of pounds of profit in the 9N, but ere paying an effecti5e taI
rate to the 9N Treasury of only # percent, ell belo standard corporation taI. Ge
folloed this research by calling on the !hancellor of the =IcheDuer Feorge >sborne to
force these multinationals, hich also included Foogle and The !oca0!ola !ompany, to
state the effecti5e rate of taI they pay on their 9N re5enues. =lphicke also said that
go5ernment contracts should be ithheld from multinationals ho do not pay their fair
share of 9N taI.
*n 6une ')%: the =uropean !ommissioner for !ompetition launched an in5estigation of
AppleEs taI practices in *reland, as part of a ider probe of multi0national companiesE taI
arrangements in 5arious =uropean countries.
&1aritable causes
As of ')%', Apple is listed as a partner of the ,roduct 8=. campaign, together ith other
brands such as Nike, Firl, American =Ipress and !on5erse. The campaignEs mission is to
pre5ent the transmission of G*@ from mother to child by ')%2 (its byline is "Fighting For
An A*.- Free Feneration").
*n No5ember ')%', Apple donated C'.2 million to the American 8ed !ross to aid relief
efforts after Gurricane -andy.
ee also
;oo?/ Apple Inc.
Apple !ampus
Apple media e5ents
Apple *nc. litigation
Apple Inc. portal
&ompanies portal
an Francisco ;ay Area portal
%. ",ress *nfo J Apple +eadership". Apple. 8etrie5ed February '', ')%'.
'. "A,,+= *N! ')%# Annual 8eport Form (%)0N)" (AB8+). 9nited -tates
-ecurities and =Ichange !ommission. >ctober #), ')%#.
#. "A,,+= *N! ')%: /' /uarterly 8eport Form (%)0/)" (AB8+). 9nited
-tates -ecurities and =Ichange !ommission. April ':, ')%:.
:. "AppleEs 6obs creation". No5ember #), ')%#. 8etrie5ed
No5ember #), ')%#.
2. "Fartner -ays Worldide -ales of ?obile ,hones .eclined ' ,ercent in
First /uarter of ')%'M ,re5ious Pear0o5er0Pear .ecline >ccurred in -econd
/uarter of '))3". 8etrie5ed ?ay %4, ')%'.
4. Fisher, Anne (?arch %$, '))&). "AmericaEs ?ost Admired !ompanies".
Fortune (@* (2)" 42J4$.
$. !ol5in, Feoff (?arch %4, '))3). "The WorldEs ?ost Admired !ompanies
'))3". Fortune (@) (2)" $4.
&. "WorldEs ?ost Admired !ompanies". Fortune. ?arch ')%). Archi5ed
from the original on ?arch $, ')%). 8etrie5ed ?arch $, ')%).
3. "WorldEs ?ost Admired !ompanies". Fortune. No5 ')%%. 8etrie5ed
No5ember %), ')%%.
%). "The WorldEs ?ost Admired !ompanies". Fortune (+@ (:)" %#3J%:).
?arch %3, ')%'.
%%. -tuart =lliot (-eptember '3, ')%#). "Apple ,asses !oca0!ola as ?ost
@aluable Brand". The Ne- .or' Times. 8etrie5ed >ctober '%, ')%#.
%'. "Apple 8etail -tore J -tore +ist". Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed 6une 3, ')%:.
%#. http"')%#L)$L'#Apple08eports0Third0/uarter0
%:. 9- Apple -tore. 8etrie5ed 6uly &, ')%#.
%2. "Go iTunes changed music, and the orld". !NN. April '4, ')%#.
8etrie5ed 6uly &, ')%#.
%4. ">5er5ie". ?arketatch. 8etrie5ed ' February ')%:.
%$. "Annual Financials for Apple". ?arketatch. 8etrie5ed ' February ')%:.
%&. 8odrigue7, -al5ador (?ay 4, ')%#). "Apple makes Fortune 2))Es top %)
for first timeM Facebook makes list". *os Angeles Times. 8etrie5ed 6une %), ')%#.
%3. +in7mayer, >en W. (%333). Apple Confidential5 The &eal !tory of Apple
Computer, Inc.. No -tarch ,ress.
'). Benny +uo (-eptember %', ')%#). "AppleRs Third !o0Founder 8on
Wayne" >n Forming the !ompany and Working With -te5e 6obs". NeIt-hark.
'%. "Apple co0founder tells his side of the story". !ydney Morning 6erald.
-eptember '&, '))4. 8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
''. "A !hat ith !omputing ,ioneer -te5e Wo7niak", National ,ublic 8adio,
-eptember '3, '))4.
'#. Wo7niak, -tephen. "Gomebre and Go the Apple !ame to Be", +igital
+eli. 8etrie5ed ?arch ', '))$.
':. Nahney, +eander. 8ebuilding an Apple From the ,ast, ired, No5ember
%3, '))'.
'2. !onsumer ,rice *ndeI (estimate) %&))J')%:. Federal 8eser5e Bank of
?inneapolis. 8etrie5ed February '$, ')%:.
'4. "BB! Nes" Gistory of Technology". No5ember %2, '))$. 8etrie5ed
6anuary %3, '))&.
'$. "Apple *". !omputer Gistory ?useum. Archi5ed from the original on
?arch '4, '))$. 8etrie5ed 6anuary %3, '))&.
'&. Fame ?akers (T@ -ho)" Apple **. >riginally aired 6anuary 4, '))2.
'3. ",icture of original ad featuring 9-444.44 price".
#). Wo7niak, -te5en. "iWo7", p. %&). W. W. Norton, '))4. *-BN 3$&0)0#3#0
#%. Apple *n5estor 8elations FA/, Apple inc. 8etrie5ed ?arch ', '))$.
#'. "Apple !hronology". Fortune (!NN). 6anuary 4, %33&. 8etrie5ed
-eptember %%, '))&.
##. "Apple *nc". M!N Encarta. Archi5ed from the original on >ctober #%,
'))3. 8etrie5ed ?arch ', '))$.
#:. -te5en Weyhrich (April '%, '))'). "Apple ** Gistory !hapter :".
8etrie5ed August %&, '))&.
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:'. ?alone, ?ichael -. Infinite *oop. *-BN 3$&0%0&2:%)04#&0:
:#. Gormby, Thomas. A history of AppleEs +isa, %3$3J%3&4, *o- End Mac,
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!omputer -ciences, 9ni5ersity of !alifornia, Berkeley, accessed, and archi5ed
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24. Gormby, Thomas. The Apple 5s. ?icrosoft F9* lasuit, *o- End Mac,
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2$. "?ichael -pindler" The ,eter ,rinciple at Apple". Archi5ed from the
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2&. "%33)J%332" Gitting the Wall". Archi5ed from the original on -eptember
':, '))&. 8etrie5ed August %:, '))&.
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The ?ac >bser5er", The ?ac >bser5er, February 4, '))%. 8etrie5ed August %2,
4%. "Apple !omputer, *nc. Finali7es AcDuisition of NeAT -oftare *nc".
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44. Frossman, +e5. The Apple >f Pour =ar, Time, 6anuary %', '))$.
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+aily Ne-s, 6anuary %:, '))$. 8etrie5ed February %, '))$.
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$&. !antrell, Amanda. AppleEs remarkable comeback story, CNN, ?arch '3,
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get rid of it". Engadget. A>+ *nc. 8etrie5ed '# ?arch ')%:.
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%):. "Apple reports the best non0holiday Duarter in its history". Betanes. April
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%)4. "Apple passes ?icrosoft to be biggest tech company". ((C Ne-s (BB!).
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%)$. Topolsky, 6oshua (-eptember $, ')%)). "i,od touch re5ie (')%))".
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%)&. "Apple un5eils ne T@ boI for renting mo5ies, shos J PahooW Nes". Archi5ed from the original on -eptember ', ')%). 8etrie5ed
-eptember ', ')%).
;dead lin'<
%)3. Apple !omputer, *nc. (-eptember %, ')%)). "Apple 8ein5ents i,od nano
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%%). "Apple -hares Git C#))". Masha)le. >ctober %#, ')%). Archi5ed from the
original on >ctober %4, ')%). 8etrie5ed >ctober %#, ')%).
%%%. Albanesius, !hloe (>ctober '), ')%)). "Apple 9n5eils i+ife %% ith Ne
i,hoto, i?o5ie, FarageBand". 9C Maga=ine (,! ?aga7ine). Archi5ed from the
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%%'. ?uchmore, ?ichael (6anuary 4, ')%%). "AppleEs ?ac App -tore" Gands
>n". 9C Maga=ine. 8etrie5ed 6anuary 4, ')%%.
%%#. "Apple boss -te5e 6obs takes Emedical lea5eE". BB! Nes. 6anuary %$,
')%%. Archi5ed from the original on 6anuary %3, ')%%. 8etrie5ed 6anuary %$,
%%:. *nd5ik, +auren (?ay 3, ')%%). "Apple No WorldEs ?ost @aluable
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%%2. Gelft, ?iguel. "Apple 9n5eils ]!loudR ?usic and -torage -er5ice". The
Ne- .or' Times. 6une 4, ')%%. 8etrie5ed 6une $, ')%%.
%%4. Fobry, ,ascal0=mmanuel (6uly :, ')%%). "AppleEs =Iclusi5e -upply !hain
>f Ad5anced Technology *s +iterally Pears Ahead >f Anyone =lse >n The
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%%$. =lmer, ,hilip (6uly 2, ')%%). "Go Apple became a monopsonist J Apple
'.)". Fortune Tech (! 8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
%%&. "AppleEs -upply0!hain -ecret[ Goard +asers". (loom)erg (usiness-ee'.
Archi5ed from the original on No5ember :, ')%%. 8etrie5ed No5ember :, ')%%.
"The i,hone maker spends la5ishly on all stages of the manufacturing process,
gi5ing it a huge operations ad5antage"
%%3. "Apple holding more cash than 9-A". BB!. 6uly '3, ')%%. 8etrie5ed
>ctober $, ')%%.
%'). ,rimack, .oug. "Fallen Apple" -te5e 6obs resigns". CNN. 8etrie5ed
August ':, ')%%.
%'%. "?eet AppleEs Board of .irectors". Ethiopian &evie-. August '2, ')%%.
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%''. "i,hone :- J Apple -tore (9.-.)". Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
%'#. *onescu, .aniel (>ctober $, ')%%). "i,hone :- ,re0>rders Begin". 9C
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%':. "-te5e 6obs, Apple founder, dies". !NN. >ctober 2, ')%%. 8etrie5ed
>ctober 2, ')%%.
%'2. "-tatement by AppleEs Board of .irectors". Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed >ctober
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%'4. ?urphy, .a5id (>ctober '3, ')%%). "Apple AcDuires !# Technologies,
>ne -tep !loser to Ne ?aps App". 9C Maga=ine. 8etrie5ed >ctober #), ')%%.
%'$. "Apple buys *sraeli technology firm Anobit". 8euters. 6anuary %%, ')%'.
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%'3. "Apple 8ein5ents TeItbooks ith iBooks ' for i,ad J Ne iBooks Author
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%#). ?ossberg, Walter (?arch %2, ')%'). "Ne i,ad" a ?illion ?ore ,iIels
Than G.T@". The all !treet "ournal. .o 6ones 1 !ompany. 8etrie5ed ?arch
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%#%. +oensohn, 6osh (?arch $, ')%'). "Apple i,ad li5e blog (Wednesday,
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%#'. Aner, 6a5ed (6uly '2, ')%'). "Apple !=> lo5es *ndia but doesnEt see
much business here". The Economic Times (*ndia Times).
%##. Apple !=> Tim !ook" "* lo5e *ndia, but...", N.T@ Fadgets, 6uly '2,
%#:. "We lo5e *ndia, Kust not enough" Apple !=> Tim !ook",
%#2. Aner, 6a5ed (6uly '4, ')%'). "Apple !=> Tim !ook lo5es *ndia, but bets
big on !hina". The Times of India (*ndia Times).
%#4. -5ensson, ,eter. "Apple -ets 8ecord for !ompany @alue at C4':B".
Associated 9ress. 8etrie5ed August '), ')%'.
%#$. "Apple aarded C%bn in damages from -amsung in 9- court". BB!.
August '2, ')%'. 8etrie5ed August '2, ')%'.
%#&. "6udge strikes C:2) million from C% billion damages aard in Apple 5.
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%#3. "AppleEs i>- 4 ?aps app fails to impress, users ant Foogle ?aps back,
-ep ') ')%'". ?acorld. 8etrie5ed No5ember %%, ')%'.
%:). "Apple i,hone 2". !N=T 9N. -eptember %', ')%'. 8etrie5ed -eptember
%#, ')%'.
%:%. Wood, ?olly (>ctober '#, ')%'). "The ne Ene i,adE" +ightning strikes
again \ ?olly 8ants 0 !N=T Nes". 8etrie5ed No5ember %%,
%:'. Bron, 8ich. "Apple ?ac ?ini ith Fusion .ri5e 8e5ie 0 Watch
!N=TEs @ideo 8e5ie". 8etrie5ed No5ember %%, ')%'.
%:#. .udley0Nicholson, 6ennifer (>ctober ':, ')%'). "Apple un5eils ne i,ad
?ini, updated i,ad and ne ?acs". 6erald !un.
%::. "Apple -ells Three ?illion i,ads in Three .ays". No5ember
2, ')%'. 8etrie5ed February '', ')%#.
%:2. "GT! and Apple -ettle ,atent .ispute". No5ember %), ')%'.
8etrie5ed February '', ')%#.
%:4. "Apple predicted to generate up to C'&) million a year in GT! deal".
!N=T. No5ember %', ')%'. 8etrie5ed February $, ')%#.
%:$. "Apple to produce line of ?acs in the 9- neIt year". The &ecord (Bergen
!ounty, Ne 6ersey). .ecember 4, ')%'. 8etrie5ed February $, ')%#.
%:&. "AppleEs interacti5e augmented reality system identifies real0orld
obKects, allos screen sharing".
%:3. Welch, !hris (6une %), ')%#). "AppleEs >- A %).3 ?a5ericks ships this
fall ith tabbed Finder, ?aps and iBooks apps". The %erge. @oI ?edia. 8etrie5ed
6une %), ')%#.
%2). -eifert, .an (6une %), ')%#). "Apple announces i>- $, Ebiggest changeE
since the introduction of the i,hone, coming this fall". The %erge. @oI ?edia.
8etrie5ed 6une %), ')%#.
%2%. Gamburger, =llis (6une %), ')%#). "Apple announces iTunes 8adio, a
streaming music ser5ice to compete ith ,andora". The %erge. @oI ?edia.
Archi5ed from the original on 6une %), ')%#. 8etrie5ed 6une %), ')%#.
%2'. "i>- $ With !ompletely 8edesigned 9ser *nterface 1 Freat Ne Features
A5ailable -eptember %&". Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed ?ay ')%:.
%2#. Aditya .ey. "Apple 9n5eils ]iTunes 8adioR along ith i>- $". Tech-take.
8etrie5ed 6une ')%#.
%2:. AF, (6une %%, ')%#). "Apple un5eils ne iTunes radio ser5ice". The
Australian. 8etrie5ed 6une %', ')%#.
%22. ,oornima Fupta (6uly ', ')%#). "Apple hires former P5es -aint +aurent
!=> for Especial proKectsE". &euters. 8etrie5ed August ':, ')%#.
%24. 6uliette Farside (August 3, ')%#). "Apple, Foogle and AT1T meet >bama
to discuss N-A sur5eillance concerns". The ,uardian. 8etrie5ed August %', ')%#.
%2$. Tony 8omm. "AppleRs Tim !ook, tech eIecuti5es meet ith Barack
>bama to talk sur5eillance". 9olitico. ,olitico ++!. 8etrie5ed August %', ')%#.
%2&. 6essica =. +essin (August '', ')%#). "=Iclusi5e" Apple Buys (Another)
?ap App, =mbark". "essica *essin. 6essica +essin. 8etrie5ed August ':, ')%#.
%23. Nathleen !huM Takashi Amano (August '3, ')%#). "Apple -aid to ,lan
First Tokyo 8etail -tore -ince '))2". (loom)erg *.9. 8etrie5ed August '3, ')%#.
%4). Writankar ?ukherKee (>ctober :, ')%#). "Apple to enter smaller *ndian
tons ith i,hones, i,ads". The Economic Times. 8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%#.
%4%. Andre 8oberts (>ctober %2, ')%#). "Burberry .esigner Bailey to
Become !=> as Ahrendts Foes to Apple". (loom)erg *.9. 8etrie5ed >ctober %2,
%4'. ?ark Furman (>ctober %2, ')%#). "Tim !ook talks hiring of Angela
Ahrendts as 8etail chief, says she is ]best person in the orld for this roleR".
>to?Mac. 3to2. 8etrie5ed >ctober %2, ')%#.
%4#. "Apple !onfirms AcDuisition of #0. -ensor -tartup ,rime-ense 0 ?ike
*saac and 6ohn ,ac7koski 0 ?obile". AllThings.. ')%#0%%0':. 8etrie5ed ')%:0
%4:. Adam -atariano (# .ecember ')%#). "Apple Buys 8eal0Time Access to
Titter Feed With Topsy". (loom)erg *.9. 8etrie5ed # .ecember ')%#.
%42. By Barbara >rtutay, The Associated ,ress."L A,,+= F9*.=-
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%44. "Apple 8eports First /uarter 8esults". Apple Inc. 6anuary '$, ')%:.
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%4$. "Tim !ook lands in Turkey, could he be planning an i,ad deal[". !N=T.
')%:0)'0)#. 8etrie5ed ')%:0)'0):.
%4&. "Tim !ook to ?eet With Turkish ,resident Ahead of *stanbul Apple -tore
>pening ;9pdated<". ?ac8umors. ')%:0)'0)#. 8etrie5ed ')%:0)'0):.
%43. ^achary ?. -eard (2 April ')%:). "The -te5e 6obs email that outlined
AppleRs strategy a year before his death". @uart=. 8etrie5ed $ April ')%:.
%$). "Apple acDuires Beats =lectronics for C# billion". Engadget. ?ay '&,
')%:. 8etrie5ed ?ay '&, ')%:.
%$%. "Apple confirms itEs buying Beats for C# billion". The %erge. 8etrie5ed '&
?ay ')%:.
%$'. "Apple to AcDuire Beats ?usic 1 Beats =lectronics". Apple. 8etrie5ed '&
?ay ')%:.
%$#. "Apple +aunches i,ad". 6anuary '$, ')%). Archi5ed from the original on
6anuary #), ')%). 8etrie5ed 6anuary '$, ')%).
%$:. "Apple Tablet ?edia =5ent Today" "!ome -ee >ur +atest !reation"".
?ac8umors. 6anuary '$, ')%). Archi5ed from the original on 6anuary #), ')%).
8etrie5ed 6anuary '$, ')%).
%$2. Tony Bradley (6anuary '3, ')%)). "AT1T Beefing 9p Netork for i,ad
and i,hone". 9C orld. Archi5ed from the original on February %, ')%).
8etrie5ed 6anuary '3, ')%).
%$4. Gelft, ?iguel (?arch ', ')%%). "6obs 8eturns to *ntroduce a Ne i,ad".
The Ne- .or' Times. 8etrie5ed ?arch '#, ')%%.
%$$. ?artin, ?el (?arch %&, ')%%). "i,ad ' supply line affected by 6apan
disaster". T7A - The 7nofficial Apple e)log. 8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
%$&. The ne i,ad 0 @ie all the technical specifications. Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed
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%$3. i,ad 0 Features. Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed February $, ')%#.
%&). i,ad ?ini 0 Features. Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed February $, ')%#.
%&%. "i,ad". Apple. 8etrie5ed ')%:0)%0)%.
%&'. The i,adEs 9ncontested =nterprise 8un *s >5er. Forbes. ?arch %&, ')%#.
8etrie5ed April 2, ')%#.
%&#. !honey, -u7anne. "i,ad users donload # billion apps". ?-NB!. 6anuary
:, ')%'.
%&:. "Apple by the numbers" &:? i,ads, :))? i>- de5ices, #2)? i,ods sold".
CNET. -eptember %', ')%'. 8etrie5ed 6anuary '&, ')%#.
%&2. "i,od Touch" G. 5ideo recording". Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed >ctober '',
%&4. "Gold e5erything". Apple *nc.
%&$. AppleEs !hief in the 8isky +and of the Gandhelds The Ne- .or' Times
%&&. "Apple 8ein5ents the ,hone ith i,hone". 6anuary 3, '))$.
8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
%&3. "i,hone ,remieres This Friday Night at Apple 8etail -tores".
8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
%3). "Apple Adds Ne i,hone 1 i,od touch ?odels". Apple *nc. February 2,
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%32. Ward, Andre (6uly '%, ')%%). "Apple o5ertakes Nokia in smartphone
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%33. "i,hone :- First Weekend -ales Top Four ?illion". Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed
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')'. "i,hone 2 ,re0>rders Top To ?illion in First ': Gours". Apple *nc.
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')#. "i,hone 2 First Weekend -ales Top Fi5e ?illion". Apple *nc. 8etrie5ed
6anuary %, ')%#.
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')2. ?arguerite 8eardon (?arch '4, ')%#). "T0?obile finally gets the i,hone".
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'%4. "-te5e 6obs bio says Apple !=> abhorred EcorruptE eIecs". C(C Ne-s.
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Independent (9N). 6anuary :, '))&. Archi5ed from the original on >ctober #,
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''%. "Archi5ed *nter5ie ith 8ob 6anoff". ?arch %:, '))2.
'''. +ea5itt, .a5id ('))$). The Man ho :ne- Too MuchA Alan Turing and
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''#. ?oses, Asher (>ctober $, ')%%). "Who as -te5e 6obs the man[". The
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'':. "Tearful memories for Apple co0founder". The Age (?elbourne).
8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
''2. "Apple !ompany". #perating !ystem +ocumentation 9roBect. >perating
-ystem .ocumentation ,roKect. .ecember %), '))$. Archi5ed from the original
on -eptember '%, '))&. 8etrie5ed August %&, '))&.
''4. "Apple Think .ifferent !ampaign". The Inspiration &oom +aily.
8etrie5ed August %', '))&.
''$. "?acWorld Ne Pork" * think, therefore i?ac". 8etrie5ed August %#,
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-eptember $, '))&. 8etrie5ed August %#, '))&.
''3. *?ac" WhatEs in a .esign, Anyay[. ired Maga=ine. 8etrie5ed February
%2, ')%).
'#). "BBB Tells Apple to Galt ?isleading Ads". .e5,ro. ?arch '3, ')):.
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'#%. "Apple ,oer ?ac ads EmisleadingE". ((C Ne-s. 6une %%, ')):.
'#'. "9N atchdog clears Apple ads". Archi5ed from the original on 6anuary
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'##. Farber, 6im. Apple ad creates recognition for Pael Naim, Ne- .or' +aily
Ne-s, ?arch %%, '))&.
'#:. 8iley, AleI (?ay %4, ')%%). "BB! Nes J -uperbrandsE success fuelled
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'#2. Guba, 6ackieM ?c!onnell, Ben. "The father of e5angelism marketing".
!hurch of the !ustomer. 8etrie5ed February %', ')%#.
'#4. Nahney, +eander (.ecember %), '))#). "Apple -tore" !hain of .e5otion".
ired. 8etrie5ed No5ember '3, ')%).
'#$. "ifo Apple -tore J Fifth A5enue Frand >pening". *
8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
'#&. "Apple in >saka" another huge opening". 6apan!onsuming. Archi5ed from
the original on ?ay '&, '))&.
'#3. "Wired Nes" Apple" *tEs All About the Brand". .ecember :, '))'.
;dead lin'<
':). Fried, *an. Are ?ac users smarter[,, 6uly %', '))'. 8etrie5ed
April ':, '))4.
':%. "!omputer >nership -tatistics". The N,. Froup. >ctober 2, '))3.
8etrie5ed No5ember '', ')%).
':'. "?ac ,orts". ?arch %$, '))%. 8etrie5ed >ctober $,
':#. -eebach, ,eter (April '4, '))2). "-tandards and specs" The ins and outs of
9-B". *B?. Archi5ed from the original on No5ember &, ')%). 8etrie5ed
No5ember '3, ')%).
;dead lin'<
'::. "%#3: Trade Association" What is %#3:[".
':2. "Apple ?arks -econd Anni5ersary of 8etail -tores".
8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
':4. ">pinion" AdobeEs .NA is part of Apple". ?acorld. 8etrie5ed >ctober
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':$. Gafner, Natie" -te5e 6obsEs 8e5ie of Gis Biography" Ban *t, The Ne-
.or' Times, April #), '))2.
':&. -imonson, -haron (>ctober ', '))2). "Apple gobbles up !upertino office
':3. "The Bay Area" Apple *nc". traveld'.com. .orling Nindersley +imited.
Archi5ed from the original on 6une %&, '))&. 8etrie5ed ?ay $, '))&.
'2). "AppleEs Ne GeadDuarters Will Be .esigned by Norman Foster 8ead
more" AppleEs Ne GeadDuarters to be .esigned by Norman Foster". Inha)itat.
8etrie5ed 6une 3, ')%).
'2%. "AppleEs EspaceshipE G/ gets green light from !upertino". CNET Tech
Ne-s. 8etrie5ed No5ember %, ')%#.
'2'. Gumphries, !onor (April '), ')%'). "8euters Nes Article .iscussing
Addition of 2)) ne Kobs to AppleEs =uropean GeadDuarters". &euters. 8etrie5ed
April '%, ')%'.
'2#. "6ob .escription on Apple Website describing AppleEs =?=A
headDuarters". Apple e)site. 8etrie5ed April %&, ')%'.
'2:. 8iegel, 8alphM Walsh, Anne0?arie (April '%, ')%'). "*rish *ndependent
Article .iscussing Addition of 2)) ne Kobs to AppleEs =?=A GeadDuarters".
Irish Independent. 8etrie5ed April '%, ')%'.
'22. "Article from the *rish =Iaminer .escribing !ork as AppleEs =uropean
GeadDuarters". Irish ECaminer. 8etrie5ed April %&, ')%'.
'24. 8oche, Barry. "Article from the *rish Times .escribing !ork as AppleEs
=uropean GeadDuarters". Irish Times. 8etrie5ed April %&, ')%'.
'2$. "Article from the Belfast Telegraph .escribing !ork as AppleEs =uropean
GeadDuarters". (elfast Telegraph. 8etrie5ed April %&, ')%'.
'2&. "*rish =Iaminer Article". Irish ECaminer. 8etrie5ed April '%, ')%'.
'23. "Bloomberg Businesseek ,rofile of Apple -ales *nternational".
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'4). "AppleEs *rish ebsite ith contact information for Apple .istribution
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'4%. "AF, Article on France ': ebsite discussing addition of 2)) Kobs". AF9.
8etrie5ed April '%, ')%'.
'4'. >EBrien, !iara. "*rish Times Article .iscussing Addition of 2)) ne Kobs
to AppleEs =uropean GeadDuarters". Irish Times. 8etrie5ed April '%, ')%'.
'4#. .eutschman, Alan. "The once and future -te5e 6obs". !
Archi5ed from the original on .ecember ', ')%). 8etrie5ed No5ember '', ')%).
'4:. +ashinsky, Adam (August '2, ')%%). "Go Apple orks" inside the
orldEs largest startup". Fortune.
'42. Gert7feld, Andy. !redit Where .ue,Fol', 6anuary %3&#. 8etrie5ed
?ay '4, '))4.
'44. "Neton Gall of FameW".
'4$. =isenhart, ?ary. Fighting Back For ?ac, MicroTimes, %33$. 8etrie5ed
?ay '4, '))4.
'4&. Gert7feld, Andy. +ea5e of Absence,Fol', ?arch %3&:. 8etrie5ed
?ay '4, '))4.
'43. Naakami, 6ohn. Apple Taps Fuy Naasaki For Apple Fellos ,rogram,
MacTech, -eptember %332. 8etrie5ed ?ay '4, '))4.
'$). ?ontfort, Nick. "Wired :.%)" -pan of Atari".
'$%. +ashinsky, Adam (>ctober '3, ')%'). "*nside AppleEs maKor shakeup".
Fortune. 8etrie5ed .ecember %), ')%'.
'$'. Bronlee, 6ohn (6uly $, ')%)). "What *tEs +ike To Work At Apple".
'$#. +ashinsky, Adam. "Go Apple orks" *nside the orldEs biggest startup J
Fortune Tech". 8etrie5ed .ecember ':, ')%%.
'$:. "8uthlessness and lasers" AppleEs supply chain re5ealed \ -mart -hift \
=Iecuti5e \ Financial ,ost". 8etrie5ed .ecember ':,
'$2. .uhigg, !harlesM Bradsher, Neith (6anuary '%, ')%'). "Apple, America
and a -Duee7ed ?iddle !lass". The Ne- .or' Times.
'$4. "Apple !=> gets modest ')%' pay after huge ')%%". .ecember '$, ')%'.
'$$. Ashley @errill (6uly '&, ')%#). "Go Apple Fets At0Gome Workers To
Work". TechCrunch. A>+ *nc. 8etrie5ed 6uly '3, ')%#.
'$&. "Federal !ourt !ases *n5ol5ing Apple, *nc.". .ocket Alarm, *nc.
8etrie5ed %) ?ay ')%:.
'$3. "Apple in race to keep ahead in ')%'". .ecember '3, ')%%.
'&). Tsukayama, Gayley (?arch '), ')%'). "FA/" AppleEs .i5idend". The
ashington 9ost. 8etrie5ed ?arch '%, ')%'.
'&%. "Apple *nc." NA-.A/"AA,+ Duotes 1 nes 0 Foogle Finance". >ctober '2, ')%'. 8etrie5ed No5ember $, ')%'.
'&'. Apple /# Financial 8eport (,.F). 6uly '2, ')%'.
8etrie5ed February $, ')%#.
'&#. ".irty .ata 8eport !ard". Freenpeace. 8etrie5ed August '', ')%#.
'&:. ?c?illan, 8obert (?ay %$, ')%'). "After Freenpeace ,rotests, Apple
,romises to .ump !oal ,oer". Wired ?aga7ine. 8etrie5ed August '', ')%#.
'&2. ",oering >ur Facilities ith !lean, 8eneable =nergy". Wired
?aga7ine. 8etrie5ed August '', ')%#.
'&4. "Apple -ays .ata !enters No 9se %))H 8eneable =nergy". Business
Week. ?arch '%, ')%#. 8etrie5ed August #), ')%#.
'&$. "!limate !ounts scorecard". ! 8etrie5ed >ctober $,
'&&. "=n5ironmental Froup Gits Apple".
'&3. "iToI V iWaste". Archi5ed from the original on 6uly '%, '))&. 8etrie5ed
August %', '))&.
'3). "Freenpeace -lams i,hone". AB! Nes. 8etrie5ed No5ember '', ')%).
'3%. "Apple J A Freener Apple". Archi5ed from the original on 6uly '2, '))&.
8etrie5ed August %', '))&.
'3'. Tasty nes from AppleW. Freenpeace *nternational. 8etrie5ed August %',
'3#. "Apple J =n5ironment J 9pdate". Apple *nc. Archi5ed from the original
on No5ember '', ')%). 8etrie5ed No5ember '', ')%).
'3:. "Which companies are phasing out ,@! and BF8s". Freenpeace
*nternational. 8etrie5ed 6anuary %#, ')%%.
'32. "Go the companies line up". Freenpeace *nternational. 8etrie5ed
6anuary %#, ')%%.
'34. =,A Fi5es Apple -il5er 8ating on =n5ironment The ?ac >bser5er.
'3$. =,A information should make Freen,eace red0faced o5er Apple targeting,
Ars Technica. 8etrie5ed 6anuary &, '))$.
'3&. "Apple J =n5ironment J =n5ironmental ,rogress". Archi5ed from the
original on No5ember '', ')%). 8etrie5ed No5ember '', ')%).
'33. "Apple O ?ac O Freen Notebooks". Apple *nc. '))&. Archi5ed from the
original on .ecember '', '))&. 8etrie5ed .ecember ':, '))&.
#)). "Apple" ?acBook ,ro Fraphics". Archi5ed from the original on 6une ',
'))$. 8etrie5ed 6une &, '))$.
#)%. "Apple J =n5ironment J 8eports". Apple *nc.
#)'. "i?ac and the =n5ironment". Apple *nc. Archi5ed from the original on
No5ember '3, ')%). 8etrie5ed No5ember '3, ')%).
#)#. "!hina orders Apple supplier plant closure o5er en5ironmental concerns0
The *nDuirer mobile". ? 8etrie5ed .ecember ':, ')%%.
#):. "Fuide to Freener =lectronics". Freenpeace *nternational. 8etrie5ed
No5ember %:, ')%%.
;dead lin'<
#)2. Anderson, Ash. "Apple ,oer !ables to Become =5en ?ore
=n5ironmentally Friendly". NeyNoodle. 8etrie5ed 6anuary %:, ')%'.
#)4. 6oel -chectman (?ay '', ')%'). "Apple 8emo5es Freen =,=AT
=lectronics !ertification From ,roducts 0 The !*> 8eport 0 W-6". 8etrie5ed 6uly '#, ')%'.
#)$. "Apple !eases 8egistering ,roducts in =,=AT". =lectronic ,roduct
=n5ironmental Assessment Tool. 6une '3, ')%'. Archi5ed from the original on
6uly %%, ')%'. 8etrie5ed 6uly %%, ')%'.
#)&. "Apple u0turn as ?ac maker reKoins =,=AT green registry". ((C #nline.
6uly %#, ')%'. 8etrie5ed 6uly %$, ')%'.
#)3. "The -tark 8eality of i,odEs !hinese Factories". +aily Mail (9N). August
%&, '))4.
#%). ?usgro5e, ?ike (6une %4, '))4). "-eatshop !onditions at *,od Factory
8eported". The ashington 9ost.
#%%. Nahney, +eander (6une %#, '))4). "udging Apple !-eatshop Charge.
#%'. .ean (No5ember ', ')%)). "The Forbidden !ity of Terry Fou". The all
!treet "ournal (Wired). Archi5ed from the original on No5ember :, ')%).
8etrie5ed No5ember %#, ')%).
#%#. ?orphy, =ricka (6anuary #%, '))&). Apple, IT and the !pecter of
!-eatshop *a)or. ?ac Ne World.
#%:. "Apple ')%) -upplier 8esponsibility 8eport" (,.F).
#%2. !hen, Brian A. (?ay %:, ')%)). or'ers 9lan to !ue i9hone Contractor
#ver 9oisoning. Wired.
#%4. "-uicides at FoIconn" +ight and death". =conomist. ?ay '$, ')%).
8etrie5ed April ':, ')%'.
#%$. ?alone, AndreM 6ones, 8ichard (.ecember 4, ')%)). "8e5ealed" *nside
the !hinese suicide seatshop here orkers toil in #:0hour shifts to make your
i,od \ ?ail >nline". +aily Mail (+ondon). 8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
#%&. Apple (February %2, ')%%). "AppleEs child labour issues orsen". +ondon"
Telegraph. 8etrie5ed >ctober $, ')%%.
#%3. Workers poisoned hile making i,hones AB! Nes, >ctober '2, ')%)
#'). .irty -ecrets AB! Foreign !orrespondent, ')%)0>ct0'4
#'%. >ccupational -afety and Gealth Fuideline for n0GeIane, >-GA.go5
#''. Apple -upplier Accused >f +abor Abuses By !hina Watchdog (@*.=>)
The 6uffington 9ost. 8etrie5ed 6uly '3, ')%#.
#'#. ">ffshore ,rofit -hifting and the 9.-. TaI !ode 0 ,art ' (Apple *nc.)".
#':. .uhigg, !harles (April '3, ')%'); "Go Apple -idesteps Billions in
TaIes."< Ne- .or' Times. (8etrie5ed :0')0%'.)
#'2. Watson, 8oland (>ctober #), ')%'). "Foreign companies Ea5oid billions in
corporation taIE". The Times.
#'4. =brahimi, Gelia (No5ember ', ')%'). "Foreign firms could oe 9N Q%%bn
in unpaid taIes". Telegraph (+ondon).
#'$. "=uropean !ommission to probe taI affairs of Apple, -tarbucks and Fiat".
=urope -un. 8etrie5ed %' 6une ')%:.
#'&. "(8=.) ,artners". /&E+4. (8=.), a di5ision of The >N= !ampaign. ')%'.
8etrie5ed >ctober %#, ')%'.
#'3. Weintraub, -eth. "Apple donates C'.2? to Gurricane -andy relief".
3to2?ac. 8etrie5ed No5ember %&, ')%'.
8ob ,rice (%3&$). !o Far5 The First Ten .ears of a %ision. Apple !omputer.
*-BN 3$&0%02243#03$:0$.
Nen ,olsson. "!hronology of =5ents in the Gistory of ?icrocomputers".
Archi5ed from the original on 6une ', '))&. 8etrie5ed August %&, '))&.
"Apple ** history". 8etrie5ed August %&, '))&.
"Apple *** history". 8etrie5ed August 2, '))4.
"AppleEs ')%' Annual 8eport" ?ore =mployees, ?ore >ffice -pace, ?ore -ales".
Furt1er readin#
Fil Amelio, William +. -imon (%333), #n the Firing *ine5 My ?11 +ays at Apple
*-BN 3$&0)0&&$#)03%303
6im !arlton, Apple5 The Inside !tory of Intrigue, Egomania and (usiness
(lunders *-BN 3$&0)0&&$#)034204
Alan .eutschman (')))), The !econd Coming of !teve "o)s, Broaday, *-BN
Andy Gert7feld (')):), &evolution in the %alley, >E8eilly Books *-BN 3$&0)0
,aul Nunkel, Apple+esign5 The or' of the Apple Industrial +esign ,roup *-BN
-te5en +e5y (%33:), Insanely ,reat5 The *ife and Times of Macintosh, the
Computer That Changed Everything *-BN 3$&0)0%:0)'3%$$0#
>en +in7mayer (')):), Apple Confidential 0.1, No -tarch ,ress *-BN 3$&0%0
?ichael -. ?alone (%333), Infinite *oop *-BN 3$&0)0#&20:&4&:0'
Frank 8ose (%33)), est of Eden5 The End of Innocence at Apple Computer,
,enguin Books *-BN 3$&0)0%:0))3#$'0&
6ohn -culley, 6ohn A. Byrne (%3&$) #dyssey5 9epsi to Apple, Garper!ollins,
*-BN 3$&0)0)40)%2$&)0$
-te5e Wo7niak, Fina -mith ('))4), io=5 From Computer ,ee' to Cult Icon5
6o- I Invented the 9ersonal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and 6ad Fun +oing
It, W. W. Norton 1 !ompany, *-BN 3$&0)0#3#0)4%:#0$
6effrey -. Poung (%3&&). !teve "o)s, The "ourney is the &e-ard, +ynI Books,
*-BN 3$&0%022&)'0#$&03
6effrey -. Poung, William +. -imon ('))2), iCon !teve "o)s5 The ,reatest
!econd Act in the 6istory of (usiness, 6ohn Wiley 1 -ons, *-BN 3$&0)0:$%0
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