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Megan Fuchs

1479 Greystone Lane Milford, Ohio 45150

Phone: 513-406-1183 -Mail: f!"hs#$e%&%$ail#"o$
'e%istered (ietitian )y the *o$$ission on (ieteti" 'e%istration
Li"ensed (ietitian in the +tate of Ohio, ,ent!"-y, .ndiana, +o!th *arolina, Maryland,
Pennsyl/ania, 0est 1ir%inia
2"ellent inter3ersonal, or%ani4ational, leadershi3, and "o$$!ni"ation s-ills
Pro5"ient in 3erfor$in% the 6!trition *are Pro"ess and i$3le$entin% the 7+(89s dietary
CareHere, LLC December 2012 present
*arry o!t n!trition se$inars on a /ariety of to3i"s in"l!din% 7+(89s dietary %!idelines, heart
healthy diets, %ro"ery and "oo-in% ti3s in a "or3orate health settin%
8d/ise and ed!"ate sta: $e$)ers on ;ellness 3roto"ols
*o!nsel 3atients on a /ariety of lifestyle $odi5"ations and en"o!ra%e the$ to $aintain those
"han%es for the lon% ter$
(e/elo3 ed!"ational $aterials to 5t the needs of s3e"i5" "lient %ro!3s
TriHealth, Clinical Dietitian Jul 2012!present
.$3le$ent the 6!trition *are Pro"ess
*al"!late $a"ron!trient needs
'e"o$$end a33ro3riate enteral and 3arenteral rates to $eet 3atient9s needs
*o!nsel 3atients on a /ariety of diet $odi5"ations
TriHealth, "uper#ise$ %ractice "eptember 2011 Jul 2012
8n intensi/e ten-$onth 3ro%ra$ fo"!sin% on all as3e"ts of the dieteti"s 3rofession< in"l!din%
"lini"al, foodser/i"e $ana%e$ent, "o$$!nity, 3ediatri"s, and lon% ter$ "are rotations
2e"!ted the 6!trition *are Pro"ess d!rin% "lini"al rotations !nder the s!3er/ision of a
re%istered dietitian
+tren%thened $ana%e$ent s-ills needed to s!""essf!lly hire, dele%ate, and s"hed!le
e$3loyees in a hos3ital foodser/i"e en/iron$ent
8da3ted n!trition 3ro%ra$s to fa"ilitate healthy lifestyle "hoi"es for the "o$$!nity and s"hool
TriHealth, %atient Caterin& 'ssociate, Diet Cler( )a!'u&ust 200*, 200+, Januar
'u&ust 2011
Pre3ared )rea-fast, l!n"h, and dinner trays for an a/era%e of 30 3atients
*o$$!ni"ated ;ith 3atients to 3ro/ide e2"ellent ser/i"e and en=oya)le $eal "hoi"es that 5t
into the a33ro3riate diet
8naly4ed $en! "hoi"es to ens!re 3atient "hoi"es "orres3onded ;ith the "orre"t diet
Maintained >oor sto"- to 3ro/ide 3atients ;ith a /ariety of no!rish$ents in )et;een $eals
-ni#ersit o. /entuc( )e$ical Center, Diet Technician "eptember 200+
December 2010
+"reened 3atients for n!tritional ris-
d!"ated 3atients a)o!t dr!%?n!trient intera"tions, heart healthy, and no "on"entrated s;eets
*o$3leted daily "alorie "o!nts
*olle"ted $en! "hoi"es for )!rn !nit 3atients
'e"orded ne;)orn intensi/e "are !nit la)s
-ni#ersit o. Cincinnati %resent
Master of +"ien"e in @ealth d!"ation and Pro$otion
-ni#ersit o. /entuc( December 2010
Aa"helor of +"ien"e in (ieteti"s
%ro.essional '0liations
8"ade$y of 6!trition and (ieteti"s

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