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English Comprehension

Familiarity with English Language in its various nuances is an essential skill, especially in
the current climate of global networking. Ideally, any recruitment should involve a test of
skills in handling the Language in ways that promote the objectives of a company and
establish desired rapport. Needless to state, an appropriate test is necessary.
ur English !est uses a variety of internationally standardi"ed resources for framing
#uestions aimed at determining the candidate$s ability to understand %a& the written te't
%b& the spoken word and %c& communicate effectively through written documents. !he test
broadly covers the following areas(
). * wide+ranging ,ocabulary to cope with general and specific terminology
-. .ynta' and sentence structure, the incorrect use of which distorts meaning and
becomes a communication hurdle.
/. 0omprehension e'ercises designed to test a candidate$s ability to read fluently and
understand correctly.
1. !he ability to understand and use suitable phrases, which enrich the meaning of what,
is conveyed.
2. !ime management and accuracy in conformity with the e'aminer$s criteria.
Quantitative Ability
!he 3uantitative *bility assesses the ability of the candidate in the following two
a. Basic understanding of numbers and applications
!his section tests whether the candidate has understanding of basic number
system, i.e., fractions, decimals, negative, positive, odd, even numbers, rational
numbers, etc. !he candidate should know how to do basic operations on these
numbers, understand concepts of factors4divisibility and have good practice on
*part from operations on numbers, the candidate should know how to convert a real+
world problem into e#uations, which could be solved to find an unknown #uantity.
!he candidate is tested on 5ord 6roblems representing various scenarios to
assess the same.
b. Analytical/Engineering Maths
!hese are aspects of mathematics needed for Engineering disciplines and analysis of
data. !his includes permutation+combination, probability and understanding of
Logical Ability
!he logical ability section assesses capacity of an individual to interpret things
objectively, to be able to perceive and interpret trends to make generali"ations and be
able to analy"e assumptions behind an argument4statement. !hese abilities are primary
for success of a candidate in the industry. .pecifically, these are divided into following
a. Deductive Reasoning( *ssesses the ability to synthesi"e information and derive
b. nductive Reasoning( *ssesses the ability to learn by e'ample, imitation or hit+and+
trial. !his also provides an indication of how creative the individual is.
c. Abductive Reasoning( *ssesses the critical thinking ability of an individual to see
through loopholes in an argument or group of statements.
*ll these abilities are tested both using numerical and verbal stimuli. 0oachable #uestions have
been identified and removed.
Computer !rogramming !rinciples and Application
!he 0omputer 6rogramming 6rinciples and *lgorithms 7odule evaluate the suitability of
the candidate in the software industry. It not only tests the knowledge and application of
basic constructs of programming, but also concepts of data structures, algorithm
analysis and object+oriented+programming.
!he test is language+independent and all programming #uestions use a pseudo+code.
.ignificant effort has been made to e'clude memory+based and rote+learning #uestions.
!he test contains #uestions on debugging programs, finding the output of programs,
completing incomplete programs, finding comple'ity of algorithms, #uestions on
implementation and operations on different data structures, etc.
!he test contains the following sections(
A" #tructure and constructs of Computer !rograms
). 6rogramming flow, 6rocedures, Functions and *rguments, 7ethods
-. 8ata+types, how data is stored in computers, input4outpu, manipulation, methods
of referencing and assessing data %including pointers&.
/. Iteration, decision+making, recursions
1. *lgorithm 0omple'ity( .pace and time 0omple'ity, *symptotic Notation
2. 0ompilation, Linking and E'ecution9 debugging, kinds of errors.
B" Data$structures and Basics Algorithms
). 8ata .torage 7ethods( Linked lists, *rrays, 3ueues, .tacks, !rees, :eaps, :ash
tables, graphs9 .tress on which data structure to use for a given application
-. 8ata retrieval, Insertion of new data, merging of data from two data structures
/. 8ata search and sorting, 7ethods of array sorting and trade+off
C" %b&ect %riented !rogramming Concepts
). 0lasses, objects and methods
-. 8ata Encapsulation, 8ata hiding, Inheritance
/. 6olymorphism, verloading, *bstraction
Electronics and #emiconductor
!he Electronics and .emiconductor test assesses the suitability of the candidate for the
.0, Embedded .ystems, ,L.I design, etc. companies. !his test together with that of
6rogramming assesses suitability of candidate for E8* companies. !he test has the
following sections(
A" Analog Electronics
). Basic Components' their operations and Circuit Analysis( ;esistor,
Inductor, Independent and 8ependent .ources9 <irchoff Law, series4parallel
combination, use of !hevenin4Norton, .uperposition theorems9 Energy and 6ower
0onsideration in circuits
-. Active Components' Large' #mall #ignal and Circuit Analysis( 8iodes,
7.FE!, pamps =asics9 *mplifiers, 0urrent .ources9 ?ain *nalysis of
0ircuits, Input+output impedance, cascading of circuits. %.tress 7.FE!.&
/. (re)uency domain and time domain analysis of systems'
(eedbac* and
#tability( Fre#uency domain %Laplace& representation of components, Impulse
and .inusoidal steady state response of systems9 time constant, Initial 0onditions9
Fre#uency domain response9 =ode plot9 6oles and @eros9 *nalysis of
transistor4mos+based, ;L0 circuits, scillators, Filter reali"ations and
1. %pamp based circuits and analysis+ ?ain .tabili"ation of opamp
feedback9 Integrator, differentiator, summers, difference amplifier9 First order
model of opamp, Effect on circuit fre#uency response
2. Miscellaneous( =asic concepts of .ample+:old circuits, *8048*0,
B" Digital Electronics
). Boolean Algebra' Minimi,ation of Boolean (unctions
-. mplementation and Analysis of logic gates+ N7.467.
07. Implementation, =>! based Implementations9 Anderstanding of circuit
characteristics like delay, input4output slope, fan+in4fan+out, Noise margin, input+
output capacitance9 Anderstanding of influence of device si"es on these
/. #e)uential bloc*s $ -ip$-ops and latches+ =asic peration, 8ifferent kinds
flip+flops9 setup4hold times9 0oncept of feedback in design of flip+flops
1. Digital Circuits and Bloc*s+ *rithmetic 0ircuits, 7ultiple'ers, 8ecoder,
0ounters, .hift ;egisters, .ample B :old circuits, 7emory Elements, etc.
2. #tate Machines and design of Comple. se)uential circuits
Computer Literacy
In the current scenario, knowing how to use the computer is essential for all professions.
!his module specifically assesses the suitability of candidates for the I!e. sector,
0ustomer .upport positions, 8ata Entry positions, 0ontent 5riters, >ournalists,
7arketing4.ales, etc.
!he basic thrust of the module is not to test theoretical computer concepts, but test
whether the candidate recogni"es different parts of the computer and knows how to use the
computer for day+to+day tasks such as word processing, using the Internet, making
presentations, etc. !he test also assesses whether the candidate has e'perience in
debugging problems in computer hardware4operations and whether he4she knows how to
change some basic settings. !he test includes the following sections.
A" /ard0are 1sage and %rgani,ation
). :ardware devices( input and output, function, connection ports + usb drives,
0848,8, keyboard, mouse, laptop4desktop, etc
-. 0omputer Asage and maintenance, 6ower .upply, .peed and 7emory, *ssessing
and modifying :ardware 6roperties.
B" %perating #ystem 1sage and Concepts
). =asic 5indows Asage, !ask 7anager, identification and purpose of key folders,
file organi"ation, operations on files and folders.
-. .earching files, 7odifying settings, 6ower 7anagement, Network Asage
C" Basic #oft0are and nternet
). 5ord 6rocessing %7. 5ord&, 6resentations %7. 6ower6oint&, .pread+sheet %7.
E'cel&, 68F %*crobat&, *nti+virus, utlook
-. Ase of browsers for 5orld 5ide 5eb, .earching, *ddress %A;L&, .urfing the
web, Favorites, :istory, Email *ccess, =logs, *5*;ENE.., chatting
/. Networking + knowledge about protocols, F!6, :!!6 etc

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