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Lecture 1 (Numerical)

What is CMG simulator?

It is a simulation program presented by CMG company (computer modeling group)
in Canada, this indos so!tare "ro#ides practical solutions !or oil$gas reser#oir
modeling in reser#oir engineering%
&he use o! this program is to help ma'imi(e reco#ery o! hydrocarbon assets in the
most e!!icient ay possible using e!!icient production processes, e!!icient
modeling algorithms and easy)to)use so!tare%
Main parts (so!tare(s)) o! CMG are,
1) *uilder (pre processing applications)
a) +tars ( +team, &hermal, and ,d#anced "rocesses -eser#oir +imulator)
b) Gem (Generali(ed ./uation)o!)+tate Model Compositional -eser#oir
c) Ime' (IMplicit).0plicit *lac1 2il +imulator)
3) Winprop (phase beha#ior and property program)
4) 45 results
*uilder o! CMG
a reser#oir model !or a blac1 oil reser#oir can be built by *uilder simulator o!
CMG% It is a combination process o! collecting the results and in!ormation o! the
!ield into one big unit to create the model%
*uilder is an application used in the preparation o! reser#oir simulation models% It
represents the ne't generation in model preparation, sa#ing time, money, and
!rustration o#er con#entional methods%
, reser#oir simulation model is a cost)e!!ecti#e engineering and management tool
that impro#es reco#ery !rom both de#eloped and unde#eloped oil and gas reser#es%
-eser#oir modelling helps ma1ing the most o! e'ploration and production
*uilder ma1es the design and preparation o! reser#oir models !aster and more
e!!icient than e#er be!ore% It does this by helping engineers na#igate the o!ten
comple' processes in#ol#ed in preparing a model%
*uilder pro#ides a Windos inter!ace hich organi(es data the ay the engineer
sees it6 unconstrained by simulator 1eyords% 7or ne engineers, *uilder can be
an in#aluable training tool, guiding them through the process o! preparing a
simulation model, and enabling them to concentrate on the reser#oir reco#ery
process, not 1eyord synta'%
,s a result, *uilder ) in con8unction ith CMG9s line o! reser#oir simulators )
ma1es simulation technologies more accessible to all organi(ations, e#en those
ith little pre#ious e'perience in modelling%
5e#eloped by CMG9s industry)leading team o! scientists, engineers and
programmers, *uilder as concei#ed in response to re/uests !rom engineers and
managers around the orld% *uilder ill help you build a reser#oir simulation
model in record time%
*uilder is a M+)Windos based so!tare tool that you can use to create simulation
input !iles (datasets) !or CMG simulators% ,ll three CMG simulators, IM.0, G.M
and +&,-+, are supported by *uilder% *uilder co#ers all areas o! data input,
including creating and importing grids and grid properties, locating ells, importing
ell production data, importing or creating !luid models, roc1)!luid properties, and
initial conditions% *uilder contains a number o! tools !or data manipulation, creating
tables !rom correlations, and data chec1ing% It allos you to #isuali(e and chec1 your
data be!ore running a simulation%
+tarting *uilder
"rior to starting *uilder, you should set up a pro8ect directory ithin the CMG
&echnologies Launcher% I! you need to con#ert any contour map or mesh map !iles,
this should also be done prior to starting *uilder%
-eser#oir description
*uilder can create or import the simulation grid and grid properties describing the
#olume o! a reser#oir% *uilder has tools !or the creation o! 45 models !rom 35 maps
o! top o! structure, gross thic1ness, and other properties %
*uilder also can import o! 45 :static; models !rom se#eral geological modeling
pac1ages, such as .5+ Gocad, 5GI .arth<ision, -o'ar -M+, and +I+ "etrel%
2nce the grid structure has been created or imported, there are a number o! grid
editing operations that *uilder can per!orm% -e!ined grids can be added to a grid%
*uilder can split grid bloc1s in each o! the I, =, or > directions% , sub)section o! a
grid can be e'tracted !rom a model% 7inally, grid layers may be combined, to
reduce the number o! #ertical layers%
&o build a simulation model, you must locate ells in the grid% *uilder imports a
number o! di!!erent ell tra8ectory !ormats, then can locate the grid bloc1s that the
ell tra8ectory intersects%

?sing *uilder you can@ +et or change the !luid component model, Create a
:/uic1; *L,C>2IL or G,+W,&.- model using correlations, Import a !luid
component model created using CMGLAs "<&$phase beha#iour application
Win"rop, Launch Win"rop ith the current component data in *uilder, Create and
edit multiple "<& regions, Create and edit "<& tables, +et and edit "<& -egion
properties li1e !luid densities, ater properties, etc%, Generate ater properties
using correlations, Create and edit tables o! undersaturated data (<2&, C2&, *2&
tables), and <ie and edit comments !or indi#idual data items
-esults 45
-esults is CMG9s set o! post)processing applications designed !or #isuali(ing and
reporting simulator output% With -esults, users are able to e!!iciently analy(e the
output !rom CMG simulators, prepare 35 and 45 plots, generate #arious
in!ormati#e graphs, and prepare tables o! re/uired in!ormation to be included in a
study report%
5esigned as a !le'ible, Windos)based tool, you can use -esults to create and
#ie #isual representations o! reser#oirs, and prepare reports on reser#oir
per!ormance predictions obtained !rom simulation sensiti#ity cases%
<isuali(ation capabilities pro#ided by -esults ma1e simulation output easier to
understand by managers and shareholders, as ell as pro#ide ne insights to and
understanding o! the reco#ery process to e'perienced and no#ice users%
With -esults you can #isuali(e input and output data in the !orm o! graphs, tabular
reports, 35 aerial map #ies, 35 cross section #ies and 45 perspecti#e #ies%
-esults allos /uic1 and easy e'port to spreadsheets, economic analysis, and
speciali(ed so!tare you may run !rom your des1top% +tudy reports and
presentations are easier to produce, more 7?N to prepare, and can be prepared
-esults is currently composed o! three modules@
-esults 45 ) 35 and 45 #ies
-esults -eport ) user)de!inable tabular reports
With -esults, users can /uic1ly understand the reco#ery process o! their reser#oirs
and interpret the data to ma1e /uic1 and in!ormed decisions about impro#ing the
reco#ery and per!ormance o! speci!ic ells or the entire !ield% CMG simulators,
coupled ith the -esults series o! applications, ma1e an e!!icient and e!!ecti#e
engineering tool !or reser#oir management%
5esigned ith you in mind, the user, the !le'ible and compatible -esults series
operate easily ith today9s Microso!t 2!!iceB products, and is designed !or
WindosB 2perating +ystems%
=ihad ,l)=oumaa

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