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How do I change the hiring date which is wrongly entered without rehiring and

changing personnel numbers?

There are Three Scenarios when you may need to change hiring date:
1) After payroll is run - when hiring date is before actual Hiring date.
2) After payroll is run when hiring date is after actual Hiring ate.
!) "efore the payroll is run.
1) #A!$ -- %opy actions infotype - action type - incorrect entry -- sa&e and come out
#A !$ copy actions infotype -- action type - correct entry - now correct your entries'
sa&e your date is changed.
2) #A!$ - (tilities - change payroll status - delete accounted to feild' sa&e and come
out - then again utilities change entry lea&ing date - corrrect the hiring date - sa&e and
come out.
!) #A!$ - (tilities change entry)lea&ing date change your date and sa&e. *-- Fahad
1. What is the use of IT ! ?
". What is the differ. between #pp.$ange and #pp.%roup ?
!. What is the role of &nterprise structure and 'ersonnel (tructure in Time
)anagement and 'ayroll?
*. I hired one employee+ after three months he promoted as )anager+ after one
year again he promoted as %)+ how many times will you upload this data by
using ,()W ? and &-plain in detail ?
.. What is the relation between IT / and IT 0 ?
1. What is the diff. between 2ob and 'osition in 3) ? 4an you asign Tas5 direct
to 'osition without 2ob ?
/. What ha6e you done in $ecruitment ?
0. What are the fields in IT / ?
1. *T $$$!- *nfotype in which data on the #ayroll status and Time +anagement status
is stored. ,or e-ample' the system stores the date of the last payroll run performed for
the employee in the #ayroll Status infotype .$$$!). The system automatically creates
this infotype when the employee is hired. *n general' the system updates the infotype
and writes the changes to the payroll past.
2. Application range-*t is used to classify applicants according to either hierarchical or
functional criteria. Hierarchical classification in&ol&es classifications such as
e-ecuti&e employees' salaried employees. Specialists. ,unctional groupings include
corporate management' administration' production ......
Applicant group- *t is used o classify applicants according to the type of employment
contract for which they are applying. /-a- employees with a permanent contract'
employees with a temporary contract and so on...........
!. /nterprise structure- *t specifies groupings for Time +anagement. This enables to
set up wor0 schedules' substitution types' absence types' and lea&e types on the
basis of a specific personnel sub area.
#ersonal structure- The employee subgroup grouping for the wor0 schedule enables
you to determine which wor0 schedules are permissible for which employee
subgroups. The employee subgroup grouping for time 1uotas enables you to specify
which attendance and absence 1uote types are eligible for which employee subgroups
2. 3elation between $$$4 and $$$5- The system ta0es the employment percentage and
the a&erage number of wor0ing hours from infotype $$$4 and suggests them as
default &alues for the capacity utili6ation le&el and wor0ing hours per period in
infotype $$$5.
7. 8ob 8ob is nothing but a general classification of sets of functions. A 9ob describes a
position. The position automatically inherits the tas0s and and characteristics assigned
to the 9ob through a relationship.
#osition-*t can be occupied by holders at company. /ach position occupied by a
employee. +ultiple assignment are possible. #osition can be 1$$: filled' partially
filled or &acant.
;. *T $$$4 fields- <or0 schedule rule' Time management status' wor0ing wee0'
employment percentage' aily wor0ing hour' wee0ly wor0ing hour' monthly wor0inh
hours' actual wor0ing hours' wee0ly wor0days. *-- 'urnimarani (atapathy
These are the answers for the following 1uestions:
1 7 What is the 8ifference between 9&6aluation 'aths and relationships 9
An e&aluation path describes a relationship chain that e-ist in a hierarchical structure
between the ob9ects .eg: =-S-# ). 3elationship.1$$1) is an infotype generally
applicable between two ob9ects.
"7 How many cost centers can we assign to a org unit ?
>enerally we can assign only one cost center. *t always refers to parent cost center.
!7 What is difference between - (imple maintainence and &-pert )ode?
"oth the interfaces are used to create =rg structure. *f the company needs to create a
huge structure' we will use Simple maintenance' because it is user friendly that is it is
easy to create a structure' the system automatically relationship between the ob9ects.
(sing *nfotypes we can create =b9ects in /-pert mode and we ha&e to use different
transactions to create &arious types of ob9ects.
*7 What could be a possible structure of a org unit+ e-g - if a organisation has
branches in !* countries and head :uarters being in london+ and ha6ing a wor5
center or branch in bangalore+ how do we relate sitting in banglaore to ,ondon
mother company?
This can be done by /nterprise structure that is #ersonnel Area and ?arious #ersonnel
Sub areas.
.7 How many 4ompany codes can a company can ha6e at a time?
Any number.
17 How can one 5now if a position is 6acant or occupied in a company?
<e can identify the &acancy position in *T1$$4.
/7 4an a ;unior employee report to * different super6isors+ if yes+ how?
There will be only one super&isor for a employee to report. *n case of concurrent
employement the employee can report to corresponding Administrator.
07 What is the difference between 9 2ob and 'osition9?
8ob is not a concrete' it is >eneral holding &arious tas0 to perform../g: +anager'
#osition is concrete and specific which are occupied by #ersons. ./g: +anager - Hr'
>+ - Hr).
<7 What are the infotypes in 3) - 'lease this is important
,rom 1$$$ to 1@@@.
17 What can a end user do in 3) - if he can face a problem where can he face a
problem ?? In regular inter6als?
%reation of &arious ob9ects li0e ='S'#'%'A. %reation of =rg Structure.
117 How do you assign a single person for two roles+ 4an we assign or not?
3oles is the combination of transactions' reports and other files. <e can assign any
number of roles to a person.
1"7 How do you report le6el * person to le6el 1 person?
"y creating relationship between the ob9ects.
1!7 What do you mean my a Tas5 and where do you assign and How?
Tas0 are the wor0 to be peroformed by the employee. <e can assign tas0 to 9ob or
position which finally inherit to the holder that is employee.
1*7 What is an 3rg=s assignment and 3rg=l 'lan+ what is the diff between them?
=rg assig defines the #A'#SA'// group' // subgroup' %ost %enter' #ayroll area all
the default assignment of the person.
=rg plan is the structure of the =rg.
1.7 How many structures are there in 3)?
"e specific' if you want to 0now the &arious structures in H3' it is =rg Structure'
/nterprise Struc.' #ersonnel Structure. *f it is =+' <e can create =rg structure by
using =rg and Staffing interface' /-pert mode' Simple +aintenance. <e can create
>eneral Structure' +atri-.
117 What do you mean by reporting (tructure?
3eporting structure is to &iew the reporting ob9ects' that is who is reporting to whom.
1/7 What is the difff between (imple )aintenance and 8etailed )aintenance?
and which one you used in your pro;ect?
As already e-plained. (sage depends on the %ompany.
107 What are the buliding bloc5s in 3) and where do you assign them?
There are totally fi&e ob9ects in building bloc0s of =+' that is ='%'S'# and %ost
center. (sing relationship we can assign them.
1<7 What do you mean by wor5 centre and 4ost center? Where do you assign
them. #nd how many 4ost centres can we assign?
%ost center which controls and maintain the cost rele&ant acti&ities of the company. *t
is controlled by ,*%= peoples. <or0 centers are the e-act wor0 location of the
employee where the company doing the daily transactions.
"7 How do you transfer 3rg=l #ssignment from '# to '8 .Answer for this is a bit
diff' try it) you can maintain =rg Assign using the *T$$$1.
"17 What are the infotypes you used in 3)?
As already e-plained from 1$$$ to 1@@@.
""7 What is the Tcode to maintain the (tandard roles?
Tcode: #,%>
"!7 What is the Tcode to 4hange the (tandard roles?
Same Tcode : #,%>
"*7What is the Tcode to )anintain the 3rg=l 'lan.
*t is depend on the interface you are using that is ##=+/'#=1$'##=%A=B'
What is (#' $>!?
A third generation set of highly integrated software modules that
performs common business function based on multinational
leading practice. Ta0es care of any enterprise howe&er di&erse in
operation' spread o&er the world. *n 3)! system all the three
ser&ers li0e presentation' application ser&er and database ser&er
are located at different system.
What are presentation+ application and database ser6ers in (#'
The application layer of an 3)! System is made up of the
application ser&ers and the message ser&er. Application programs
in an 3)! System are run on application ser&ers. The application
ser&ers communicate with the presentation components' the
database' and also with each other' using the message ser&er. All
the data are stored in a centrali6ed ser&er. This ser&er is called
database ser&er.

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