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Na I Soqosoqo
Vakamarama I Taukei
Cakaudrove (SVTC)

Women stand up and shine

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About Na I Soqosoqo Vakamarama I
Cakaudrove (SVTC)

Who We Are:
Na I Soqosoqo Vakamarama I Taukei, Cakaudrove (SVTC) is a NGO based
in Cakaudrove Province, Savusavu, Northern Fiji. SVTC is an organisation
representing all the Indigenous Women in the Cakaudrove Province, many
of whom live in remote, rural villages. The groups objectives are to
enhance the status of Indigenous Women to preserve, encourage and
strengthen traditional indigenous values, culture, arts, crafts, chants,
songs and dance throughout the Province. SVTC also facilitates a range
of education and scholarship programs for remote communities within the
Province to assist them to develop their communities capacity and
promote gender equity.

The organisation has quarterly meetings attended by representatives
from each of the provinces 16 tikinas (districts) led by a committee
consisting of a President, Treasurer, Secretary and seventeen other
representatives. The SVTC is represented annually at the meeting of the
national womens organization Soqosoqo Vakamarama I Taukei Fiji.

SVTCs Resource Centre is being built in Savusavu. This project aims to
provide the following benefits to SVTC Members and the community in

Space for Cakaudrove women to exhibit their cultural
skills/craft work, generate an income and protect and their

Protect and display indigenous womens craft work and skills.

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Safe and affordable temporary accommodation for rural people
travelling to and from the town.

Provide training facilities for younger Cakaudrove rural women
and youth.

Our Vision:
To empower rural indigenous women, their families and
communities within the Cakaudrove Province to value
their traditional culture and skills while realising their
full potential for a brighter future.
Our Mission:
SVTC is dedicated to preserving traditional rural
indigenous womens culture and craft while improving
the physical, mental and social well-being of women,
families and their communities. We will achieve this
by the preservation and marketing of traditional
crafts and skills while facilitating the delivery of
empowering educational programs throughout the
Cakaudrove Province.

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Our Values:


Respect for Culture



Social Justice


Environmental Sustainability

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In January this year I took over the
Presidency of SVTC due to the untimely
passing away of the former President Adi
Mitimiti Lewenilovo. I have had a very busy
beginning to the new year adjusting to my new role.
What an exciting year it has been for SVTC!
In January, together with Adi Kunea, I went to Suva to meet
Emma Healy the AWFA Project Coordinator from Australia.
We had to interview two contractors for the Resource Centre
Jaduram Industries Ltd and Estate Builders.
SVTC had applied for volunteer assistance and in April this
year an AYAD and an ABV plus the partner of the ABV
volunteer arrived. Work soon began developing Strategic and
Business Plans for SVTC.
In May an enthusiastic workshop of approximately one hundred
members from all over the Province came to the Provincial
Office to speak of their desires for the future of SVTC.
These ideas have now been developed into a Strategic Plan and
Business Plan for the future. At this meeting we put forward
the idea of having a logo and catch phrase WOMEN STAND
UP AND SHINE We have begun to use this on all our written
Through SVTC SGP/GEF granted money for the Natewa and
Tunuloa Project. This project, is for forest resource
conservation and educational sustainability workshops, was run
in partnership with the Cakaudrove Provincial Office - the first
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of three stages is now near completion. At the present time
there is no paid staff to oversee this project.
At the beginning of the year SVTC had only a draft
constitution. This has been developed ready to take to the
Annual General Meeting for approval.
Road Shows have been taken to the districts to familiarise
them with the planning and constitution. These have been
exciting and most worthwhile events for all participants.
An awesome stage of our progress has begun! On Friday 20

June the foundation of our long awaited for Great Hall was
laid. The Provincial Council Holdings Ltd donated land and the
construction of the Great Hall has finally begun. Architects
Without Frontiers Australia has designed the building and
passed it on to
Architects of Fiji
who are now acting
on their behalf.
AusAid have
funded this first
stage of building.
The Great Hall is
due to be
completed by the
end of this year. Meli Maivusaroko from Clearview Architects
has been appointed as the local project manager for the
construction of the Great Hall.

D| kavu Iong
D|rector - res|dent

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About f|fty peop|e part|c|pated |n a workshop |n March th|s year. 1h|s
gather|ng was he|d at the rov|nc|a| Adm|n|strators Conference koom.
art|c|pat|ng w|th
SV1C were youth,
women and
members of the
commun|ty. 1he
covered c||mate
change, gender
and f|nanc|a|
||teracy. 1h|s
gather|ng showed a new era for SV1C as we began to |nvo|ve others |n
our act|v|t|es.

Ior the f|rst t|me th|s year f|ve women became members of the
Cakaudrove rov|nc|a| Counc||. rev|ous|y on|y one woman, the
pres|dent of SV1C, attended the rov|nc|a| Counc||.

koad shows have been another h|gh||ght th|s year. 1hese koad Shows
have been a means of
convey|ng the message of our
new Strateg|c |an and
Const|tut|on wh|ch has been
under the gu|dance of our A8V
vo|unteer ken Dust|ng and h|s
w|fe kobyn. D|str|cts have
been very generous |n the|r
support for these koad Shows
and the women have act|ve|y
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part|c|pated |n the d|scuss|ons and bra|nstorm|ng. 1hese are pav|ng a
way forward for SV1C.

Under the gu|dance of our AAD vo|unteer, Ioyce Vasta , SV1C |s
undertak|ng a p||ot pro[ect to prov|de an |ncome generat|ng bread
oven for the women of Lauca|a and Vuna D|str|cts.

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Some comments from the community:
# Now we have a direction to go forward Manaini Tulagi
# The workshop was fantastic Eva Ravisa
# I enjoyed everything we did in the workshop Marica
# The Road
Show shows that
we are moving to
another level
Seini Ligairi
# I loved the
way Rabale was
dancing and
singing at the
Workshop. Siliva Leweniqila
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Mrs Ad| Sa|ase|n| kavu Iong - ./$"01$2)34/$5"#/$/ 678#21$/9
Mrs Mana|n| 1u|bua - :$;/$)5/<
Ms Ad| kunea La|aba|avu - Cakaudrove I Wa|
Vu|ase Mare - Cakaudrove Vanua
Iva 8at|k| - Nasavusavu
Ad| Mak|ta|ena - Wa|n|ke||
As|nate 8o|e - Lauca|a
Let||a 1u| - Vuna
Se|n| L|ga|r| - Wa||evu
Ad| Marama - Wa||evu
1|ma|ma 8a|e|suva - koroa|au
Sen|m||| Mara - 1awake
Sa|ote Daugunu - Saqan|
Laven|a De|a|bat|k| - Vaturova
Mar|ca kabuka - Navatu
Akos|ta - Natewa
Mar|a 1a|atoka - Nawen|
Meres|ana at|v| - 1unu|oa
Mere Na|yawa - Wa|r|k|

Ms S|||va Lewen|q||a - =8>>#20)< =8-8/1025)8/ 521 '1>020")/5)082 ?@@0;$/A

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