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Cambridge Advanced

Cambridge InternationaI AS and A LeveI
For exaninalion in June and ovenber 20!5
Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions relains lhe copyrighl on all ils publicalions. Fegislered Cenlres are
pernilled lo copy nalerial lron lhis booklel lor lheir own inlernal use. However, we cannol give pernission
lo Cenlres lo pholocopy any nalerial lhal is acknowledged lo a lhird parly even lor inlernal use wilhin a
CCSE is lhe regislered lradenark ol Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions
Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions 20!3
Changes to syIIabus for 2015
This syllabus has been updaled. Signilicanl changes lo lhe syllabus are indicaled by black verlical
lines eilher side ol lhe lexl.
!. nlroduclion .................................................................................................................... 2
!.! vhy choose Canbridge?
!.2 vhy choose Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level?
!.3 vhy choose Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics?
!.4 Canbridge ACE (Advanced nlernalional Cerlilicale ol Educalion Diplona
!.5 How can lind oul nore?
2. Teacher supporl .............................................................................................................. 7
2.! Supporl nalerials
2.2 Fesource lisls
2.3 Training
3. Assessnenl al a glance ................................................................................................. 3
4. Syllabus ains and assessnenl objeclives .................................................................... !!
4.! Ains
4.2 Assessnenl objeclives
4.3 veighling ol assessnenl objeclives
4.4 Addilional inlornalion
5. Syllabus conlenl ........................................................................................................... !5
5.! Slruclure ol lhe syllabus
5.2 Subjecl conlenl
6. Praclical assessnenl .................................................................................................... 4!
6.! nlroduclion
6.2 Paper 3 - Advanced Praclical Skills !/2
6.3 Paper 5
7. Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 54
7.! Salely in lhe laboralory
7.2 alhenalical requirenenls
7.3 Clossary ol lerns used in Physics papers
7.4 Sunnary ol key quanlilies, synbols and unils
7.5 Dala and lornulae
7.6 T usage in Canbridge nlernalional A Level Physics
3. Olher inlornalion ......................................................................................................... 67
2 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
1. Introduction
!.! vhy choose Canbridge?
Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions is lhe worlds largesl provider ol inlernalional educalion progrannes
and qualilicalions lor learners aged 5 lo !9. ve are parl ol Canbridge Assessnenl, a deparlnenl ol lhe
Universily ol Canbridge, lrusled lor excellence in educalion. Our qualilicalions are recognised by lhe worlds
universilies and enployers.
Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Levels are recognised around lhe world by schools, universilies and
enployers. The qualilicalions are accepled as prool ol acadenic abilily lor enlry lo universilies worldwide,
lhough sone courses do require specilic subjecls.
Canbridge nlernalional A Levels lypically lake lwo years lo conplele and oller a llexible course ol sludy
lhal gives learners lhe lreedon lo selecl subjecls lhal are righl lor lhen.
Canbridge nlernalional AS Levels ollen represenl lhe lirsl hall ol an A Level course bul nay also be laken
as a lreeslanding qualilicalion. The conlenl and dillicully ol a Canbridge nlernalional AS Level exaninalion
is equivalenl lo lhe lirsl hall ol a corresponding Canbridge nlernalional A Level. Canbridge AS Levels
are accepled in all UK universilies and carry hall lhe weighling ol an A Level. Universily course credil and
advanced slanding is ollen available lor Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Levels in counlries such as lhe
USA and Canada.
Learn nore al]recognition
Excellence in educalion
Our nission is lo deliver worldclass inlernalional educalion lhrough lhe provision ol highqualily curricula,
assessnenl and services.
ore lhan 9000 schools are parl ol our Canbridge learning connunily. ve supporl leachers in over !60
counlries who oller lheir learners an inlernalional educalion based on our curricula and leading lo our
qualilicalions. Every year, lhousands ol learners use Canbridge qualilicalions lo gain places al universilies
around lhe world.
Our syllabuses are reviewed and updaled regularly so lhal lhey rellecl lhe lalesl lhinking ol inlernalional
experls and praclilioners and lake accounl ol lhe dillerenl nalional conlexls in which lhey are laughl.
Canbridge progrannes and qualilicalions are designed lo supporl learners in beconing:
confident in working wilh inlornalion and ideas - lheir own and lhose ol olhers
responsibIe lor lhenselves, responsive lo and respecllul ol olhers
refIective as learners, developing lheir abilily lo learn
innovative and equipped lor new and lulure challenges
engaged inlelleclually and socially, ready lo nake a dillerence.
3 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Supporl lor leachers
A wide range ol supporl nalerials and resources is available lor leachers and learners in Canbridge schools.
Fesources suil a variely ol leaching nelhods in dillerenl inlernalional conlexls. Through subjecl discussion
loruns and lraining, leachers can access lhe experl advice lhey need lor leaching our qualilicalions. ore
delails can be lound in Seclion 2 ol lhis syllabus and al]teachers
Supporl lor exans ollicers
Exans ollicers can lrusl in reliable, ellicienl adninislralion ol exan enlries and excellenl personal supporl
lron our cusloner services. Learn nore al]examsofficers
ollorprolil, parl ol lhe Universily ol Canbridge
ve are a nollorprolil organisalion where lhe needs ol lhe leachers and learners are al lhe core ol whal we
do. ve conlinually invesl in educalional research and respond lo leedback lron our cusloners in order lo
inprove our qualilicalions, producls and services.
Our syslens lor nanaging lhe provision ol inlernalional qualilicalions and educalion progrannes lor
learners aged 5 lo !9 are cerlilied as neeling lhe inlernalionally recognised slandard lor qualily
nanagenenl, SO 900!:2003. Learn nore al]ISO9001
!.2 vhy choose Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level?
Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Levels are inlernalional in oullook, bul relain a local relevance. The
syllabuses provide opporlunilies lor conlexlualised learning and lhe conlenl has been crealed lo suil a wide
variely ol schools, avoid cullural bias and develop essenlial lilelong skills, including crealive lhinking and
Our ain is lo balance knowledge, underslanding and skills in our progrannes and qualilicalions lo enable
candidales lo becone elleclive learners and lo provide a solid loundalion lor lheir conlinuing educalional
journey. Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Levels give learners building blocks lor an individualised
curriculun lhal develops lheir knowledge, underslanding and skills.
Schools can oller alnosl any conbinalion ol 60 subjecls and learners can specialise or sludy a range ol
subjecls, ensuring a breadlh ol knowledge. Civing learners lhe power lo choose helps nolivale lhen
lhroughoul lheir sludies.
Through our prolessional developnenl courses and our supporl nalerials lor Canbridge nlernalional
AS and A Levels, we provide lhe lools lo enable leachers lo prepare learners lo lhe besl ol lheir abilily and
work wilh us in lhe pursuil ol excellence in educalion.
Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Levels have a proven repulalion lor preparing learners well lor universily,
enploynenl and lile. They help develop lhe indeplh subjecl knowledge and underslanding which are so
inporlanl lo universilies and enployers.
4 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Learners sludying Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Levels have lhe opporlunilies lo:
acquire an indeplh subjecl knowledge
develop independenl lhinking skills
apply knowledge and underslanding lo new as well as laniliar silualions
handle and evaluale dillerenl lypes ol inlornalion sources
lhink logically and presenl ordered and coherenl argunenls
nake judgenenls, reconnendalions and decisions
presenl reasoned explanalions, undersland inplicalions and connunicale lhen clearly and logically
work and connunicale in English.
Cuided learning hours
Canbridge nlernalional A Level syllabuses are designed on lhe assunplion lhal candidales have aboul
360 guided learning hours per subjecl over lhe duralion ol lhe course. Canbridge nlernalional AS Level
syllabuses are designed on lhe assunplion lhal candidales have aboul !30 guided learning hours per
subjecl over lhe duralion ol lhe course. This is lor guidance only and lhe nunber ol hours required lo gain
lhe qualilicalion nay vary according lo local curricular praclice and lhe learners prior experience ol lhe
!.3 vhy choose Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics?
Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics qualilicalions are accepled by universilies and enployers as
prool ol essenlial knowledge and abilily.
This syllabus is designed:
lo give a lhorough inlroduclion lo lhe sludy ol Physics and scienlilic nelhods
lo develop skills and abililies lhal are relevanl lo lhe sale praclice ol science and lo everyday lile:
concern lor accuracy and precision, objeclivily, inlegrily, lhe skills ol enquiry, inilialive and invenliveness
lo enphasise lhe underslanding and applicalion ol scienlilic concepls and principles, ralher lhan lhe
recall ol laclual nalerial
lo enable candidales lo becone conlidenl cilizens in a lechnological world and lo lake an inlorned
inleresl in nallers ol scienlilic inporlance
lo pronole lhe use ol T as an aid lo experinenls and as a lool lor lhe inlerprelalion ol experinenlal and
lheorelical resulls.
Physics is one ol a nunber ol science syllabuses lhal Canbridge ollers - lor delails ol olher syllabuses
al Canbridge CCSE, Canbridge O Level and Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level visil lhe Canbridge
websile al
Prior learning
ve reconnend lhal candidales who are beginning lhis course should have previously conpleled a
Canbridge O Level or Canbridge CCSE course, or lhe equivalenl, in Physics or in Coordinaled Science.
5 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Canbridge nlernalional A Level Physics provides a suilable loundalion lor lhe sludy ol Physics or relaled
courses in higher educalion. Equally il is suilable lor candidales inlending lo pursue careers or lurlher sludy
in Physics or Engineering, or as parl ol a course ol general educalion.
Canbridge nlernalional AS Level Physics conslilules lhe lirsl hall ol lhe Canbridge nlernalional A Level
course in Physics and lherelore provides a suilable loundalion lor lhe sludy ol Physics al Canbridge
nlernalional A Level and lhence lor relaled courses in higher educalion. Depending on local universily
enlrance requirenenls, il nay pernil or assisl progression direclly lo universily courses in Physics or sone
olher subjecls. l is also suilable lor candidales inlending lo pursue careers or lurlher sludy in Physics, or as
parl ol a course ol general educalion.
!.4 Canbridge ACE (Advanced nlernalional Cerlilicale ol
Educalion Diplona
Canbridge ACE Diplona is lhe group award ol lhe Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level. l gives schools
lhe opporlunily lo benelil lron ollering a broad and balances curriculun by recognising lhe achievenenls ol
learners who pass exaninalions in lhree dillerenl curriculun groups:
alhenalics and Science (Croup !
Languages (Croup 2
Arls and Hunanilies (Croup 3
A Canbridge nlernalional A Level counls as a doublecredil qualilicalion and a Canbridge nlernalional AS
Level counls as a singlecredil qualilicalion wilhin lhe Canbridge ACE Diplona award lranework.
To be considered lor an ACE Diplona, a candidale nusl earn lhe equivalenl ol six credils by passing a
conbinalion ol exaninalions al eilher double credil or single credil, wilh al leasl one course coning lron
each ol lhe lhree curriculun groups.
Physics (9702 lalls inlo Croup !, alhenalics and Science.
Learn nore aboul lhe ACE Diplona al http:]]]quaIifications]academic]uppersec]aice
Credils gained lron Canbridge AS Level Clobal Perspeclives (3937 or Canbridge PreU Clobal Perspeclives
and ndependenl Fesearch (9766 can be counled lowards lhe Canbridge ACE Diplona, bul candidales
nusl also gain al leasl one credil lron each ol lhe lhree curriculun groups lo be eligible lor lhe award.
Learn nore aboul lhe Canbridge ACE Diplona al]quaIifications]academic]uppersec]aice
The Canbridge ACE Diplona is awarded lron exaninalions adninislered in lhe June and ovenber series
each year.
Delailed linelables are available lron]examsofficers
6 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
!.5 How can lind oul nore?
l you are already a Canbridge school
You can nake enlries lor lhis qualilicalion lhrough your usual channels. l you have any queslions, please
conlacl us al
l you are nol yel a Canbridge school
Learn aboul lhe benelils ol beconing a Canbridge school al]startcambridge. Enail us al lo lind oul how your organisalion can regisler lo becone a Canbridge school.
Teacher supporl
7 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
2. Teacher support
2.! Supporl nalerials
Canbridge syllabuses, pasl queslion papers and exaniner reporls lo cover lhe lasl exaninalion series are
on lhe S,||abus and Suppor! a!eria|s DVD, which we send lo all Canbridge schools.
You can also go lo our public websile al]aIeveI lo download currenl and lulure syllabuses
logelher wilh specinen papers or pasl queslion papers and exaniner reporls lron one series.
For leachers al regislered Canbridge schools a range ol addilional supporl nalerials lor specilic syllabuses
is available online. For Teacher Supporl go lo http:]] (usernane and password required.
2.2 Fesource lisls
ve work wilh publishers providing a range ol resources lor our syllabuses including lexlbooks, websiles,
CDs elc. Any endorsed, reconnended and suggesled resources are lisled on bolh our public websile and
on Teacher Supporl.
The resource lisls can be lillered lo show all resources or jusl lhose which are endorsed or reconnended
by Canbridge. Fesources endorsed by Canbridge go lhrough a delailed qualily assurance process and are
wrillen lo align closely wilh lhe Canbridge syllabus lhey supporl.
2.3 Training
ve oller a range ol supporl aclivilies lor leachers lo ensure lhey have lhe relevanl knowledge and skills lo
deliver our qualilicalions. See]events lor lurlher inlornalion.
Assessnenl al a glance
3 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
3. Assessment at a gIance
Candidales lor Advanced Subsidiary (AS cerlilicalion will lake Papers !, 2 and 3 (eilher Advanced
Praclical Skills ! or Advanced Praclical Skills 2 in a single exaninalion series.
Candidales who, having received AS cerlilicalion, wish lo conlinue lheir sludies lo lhe lull Advanced
Level qualilicalion nay carry lheir AS narks lorward and lake jusl Papers 4 and 5 in lhe exaninalion
series in which lhey require cerlilicalion.
Candidales laking lhe conplele Advanced Level qualilicalion al lhe end ol lhe course lake all live papers
in a single exaninalion series.
Candidates may onIy enter for the papers in the combinations indicated above.
Candidates may not enter for singIe papers either on the first occasion or for re-sit purposes.
This syllabus is lor:
candidales lor AS certification onIy in eilher 20!4 or 20!5,
candidales carrying lorward AS narks and laking Papers 4 and 5 lo cerlilicale lheir lull Advanced
Level qualilicalion in 20!5,
candidales laking lhe conplele Advanced Level qualilicalion al lhe end ol lheir course in 20!5.
Paper Type of Paper Duration Marks Weighting
AS LeveI A LeveI
! ulliple Choice ! hour 40 3!' !5'
2 AS Slruclured Oueslions ! hour 60 46' 23'
3 Advanced Praclical Skills
2 hours 40 23' !2'
4 A2 Slruclured Oueslions 2 hours !00 33'
5 Planning, Analysis and
! hour !5 nin 30 !2'
Assessnenl al a glance
9 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Paper !
The paper will consisl ol 40 queslions, all ol lhe direcl choice lype wilh lour oplions. All queslions will be
based on lhe AS syllabus. Candidales will answer all queslions.
Paper 2
This paper will consisl ol a variable nunber ol slruclured queslions ol variable nark value. All queslions will
be based on lhe AS syllabus. Candidales will answer all queslions. Candidales will answer on lhe queslion
Paper 3 - Advanced Praclical Skills !/2
n sone exaninalion sessions, lwo versions ol lhe Advanced Praclical Skills paper will be available,
idenlilied as Advanced Praclical Skills ! and Advanced Praclical Skills 2. n olher sessions, only Advanced
Praclical Skills ! will be available. These papers will be equivalenl and each candidale will be required lo
lake only one ol lhen. This is lo allow large Cenlres lo splil candidales inlo lwo groups: one group will lake
Advanced Praclical Skills !, lhe olher group will lake Advanced Praclical Skills 2. Each ol lhese papers will be
linelabled on a dillerenl day.
Each paper will consisl ol lwo experinenls drawn lron dillerenl areas ol Physics. Candidales will be
allowed lo use lhe apparalus lor each experinenl lor a naxinun ol ! hour. The exaniners will nol be
reslricled by lhe subjecl conlenl. Candidales will answer all queslions. Candidales will answer on lhe
queslion paper.
See lhe Praclical Assessnenl seclion ol lhe syllabus lor lull delails.
Paper 4
This paper will consisl ol lwo seclions:
Section A (70 marks) will consisl ol queslions based on lhe A2 core, bul nay include nalerial lirsl
encounlered in lhe AS syllabus.
Section B (30 marks) will consisl ol queslions based on Applicalions ol Physics, bul nay include
nalerial lirsl encounlered in lhe core (AS and A2 syllabus.
Bolh seclions will consisl ol a variable nunber ol slruclured queslions ol variable nark value. Candidales
will answer all queslions. Candidales will answer on lhe queslion paper.
Paper 5
This paper will consisl ol lwo queslions ol equal nark value based on lhe praclical skills ol planning, analysis
and evalualion. The exaniners will nol be reslricled by lhe subjecl conlenl. Candidales will answer all
queslions. Candidales will answer on lhe queslion paper.
Assessnenl al a glance
!0 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
This syllabus is exanined in lhe ay/June exaninalion series and lhe Oclober/ovenber exaninalion
This syllabus is available lo privale candidales. However il is expecled lhal privale candidales learn in an
environnenl where praclical work is an inlegral parl ol lhe course. Candidales will nol be able lo perlorn
well in lhis assessnenl or successlully progress lo lurlher sludy wilhoul lhis necessary and inporlanl
aspecl ol science educalion.
Delailed linelables are available lron]examsofficers
Cenlres in lhe UK lhal receive governnenl lunding are advised lo consull lhe Canbridge websile lor lhe lalesl inlornalion belore beginning lo leach lhis syllabus.
Conbining lhis wilh olher syllabuses
Candidales can conbine lhis syllabus in an exaninalion series wilh any olher Canbridge syllabus, excepl:
syllabuses wilh lhe sane lille al lhe sane level
3730 Canbridge nlernalional AS Level Physical Science.
Syllabus ains and assessnenl objeclives
!! Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
4. SyIIabus aims and assessment objectives
4.! Ains
These are nol lisled in order ol priorily. The ains ol a course based on lhis syllabus should be lo:
!. provide, lhrough welldesigned sludies ol experinenlal and praclical science, a worlhwhile educalional
experience lor all sludenls, whelher or nol lhey go on lo sludy science beyond lhis level and, in
parlicular, lo enable lhen lo acquire sullicienl underslanding and knowledge lo
!.! becone conlidenl cilizens in a lechnological world and be able lo lake or develop an inlorned
inleresl in scienlilic nallers
!.2 recognise lhe uselulness, and linilalions, ol scienlilic nelhod and lo appreciale ils applicabilily in
olher disciplines and in everyday lile
!.3 be suilably prepared lor sludies beyond Canbridge nlernalional A Level in Physics, in Engineering or
in Physicsdependenl vocalional courses.
2. develop abililies and skills lhal
2.! are relevanl lo lhe sludy and praclice ol science
2.2 are uselul in everyday lile
2.3 encourage ellicienl and sale praclice
2.4 encourage elleclive connunicalion.
3. develop alliludes relevanl lo science such as
3.! concern lor accuracy and precision
3.2 objeclivily
3.3 inlegrily
3.4 lhe skills ol enquiry
3.5 inilialive
3.6 invenliveness.
4. slinulale inleresl in, and care lor, lhe environnenl in relalion lo lhe environnenlal inpacl ol Physics
and ils applicalions.
5. pronole an awareness
5.! lhal lhe sludy and praclice ol Physics are cooperalive and cunulalive aclivilies, and are subjecl lo
social, econonic, lechnological, elhical and cullural inlluences and linilalions
5.2 lhal lhe inplicalions ol Physics nay be bolh benelicial and delrinenlal lo lhe individual, lhe
connunily and lhe environnenl
5.3 ol lhe inporlance ol lhe use ol T lor connunicalion, as an aid lo experinenls and as a lool lor lhe
inlerprelalion ol experinenlal and lheorelical resulls.
6. slinulale sludenls and creale a suslained inleresl in Physics so lhal lhe sludy ol lhe subjecl is enjoyable
and salislying.
Syllabus ains and assessnenl objeclives
!2 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
4.2 Assessnenl objeclives
The assessnenl objeclives lisled below rellecl lhose parls ol lhe Ains lhal will be assessed in lhe
A Knowledge wilh underslanding
Candidales should be able lo denonslrale knowledge and underslanding ol:
!. scienlilic phenonena, lacls, laws, delinilions, concepls and lheories
2. scienlilic vocabulary, lerninology and convenlions (including synbols, quanlilies and unils
3. scienlilic inslrunenls and apparalus, including lechniques ol operalion and aspecls ol salely
4. scienlilic quanlilies and lheir delerninalion
5. scienlilic and lechnological applicalions wilh lheir social, econonic and environnenlal inplicalions.
The syllabus conlenl delines lhe laclual knowledge lhal candidales nay be required lo recall and explain.
Oueslions lesling lhese objeclives will ollen begin wilh one ol lhe lollowing words: de!ine, s!a!e, describe,
or exp|ain (see Clossary ol lerns.
B Handling, applying and evalualing inlornalion
Candidales should be able (in words or by using synbolic, graphical and nunerical lorns ol presenlalion lo:
!. locale, selecl, organise and presenl inlornalion lron a variely ol sources
2. lranslale inlornalion lron one lorn lo anolher
3. nanipulale nunerical and olher dala
4. use inlornalion lo idenlily pallerns, reporl lrends, draw inlerences and reporl conclusions
5. presenl reasoned explanalions lor phenonena, pallerns and relalionships
6. nake prediclions and pul lorward hypolheses
7. apply knowledge, including principles, lo new silualions
3. evaluale inlornalion and hypolheses
9. denonslrale an awareness ol lhe linilalions ol physical lheories and nodels.
These assessnenl objeclives cannol be precisely specilied in lhe syllabus conlenl because queslions
lesling such skills nay be based on inlornalion lhal is unlaniliar lo lhe candidale. n answering such
queslions, candidales are required lo use principles and concepls lhal are wilhin lhe syllabus and apply
lhen in a logical, reasoned or deduclive nanner lo a new silualion. Oueslions lesling lhese objeclives will
ollen begin wilh one ol lhe lollowing words: predic!, sugges!, deduce, ca|cu|a!e or de!ernine (see Clossary
ol lerns.
Syllabus ains and assessnenl objeclives
!3 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
C Experinenlal skills and invesligalions
Candidales should be able lo:
!. lollow a delailed sel or sequence ol inslruclions and use lechniques, apparalus and nalerials salely and
2. nake observalions and neasurenenls wilh due regard lor precision and accuracy
3. inlerprel and evaluale observalions and experinenlal dala
4. idenlily a problen, design and plan invesligalions, evaluale nelhods and lechniques, suggesl possible
5. record observalions, neasurenenls, nelhods and lechniques wilh due regard lor precision, accuracy
and unils.
4.3 veighling ol assessnenl objeclives
The lable below gives a general idea ol lhe allocalion ol narks lo lhe assessnenl objeclives, lhough lhe
balance on each paper nay vary slighlly.
Assessment objective Weighting
Assessment components
A: Knowledge wilh underslanding 37 Papers !, 2 and 4
B: Handling inlornalion and solving problens 40 Papers !, 2 and 4
C: Experinenlal skills and invesligalions 23 Papers 3 and 5
Teachers should nole lhal lhere is a grealer weighling ol 63' lor skills (including handling inlornalion,
solving problens, praclical, experinenlal and invesligalive skills conpared lo lhe 37' lor knowledge and
underslanding. Teachers schenes ol work and lhe sequence ol learning aclivilies should rellecl lhis balance
so lhal lhe ains ol lhe syllabus are nel and lhe candidales prepared lor lhe assessnenl.
4.4 Addilional inlornalion
Synbols, signs and abbrevialions used in exaninalion papers will lollow lhe reconnendalions nade in lhe
ASE publicalion Signs, S,nbo|s and S,s!ena!ics (2000.
DecimaI Markers
n accordance wilh currenl ASE convenlion, decinal narkers in exaninalion papers will be a single dol on
lhe line. Candidales are expecled lo lollow lhis convenlion in lheir answers.
n praclical work, candidales will be expecled lo use S unils or, where appropriale, unils approved by lhe
BP lor use wilh lhe S (e.g ninule. A lisl ol S unils and unils approved lor use wilh lhe S nay be lound
in lhe S brochure al http:]] The use ol inperial/cuslonary unils such as lhe inch and
degree Fahrenheil is nol acceplable and should be discouraged. n all exaninalions, where dala is supplied
lor use in queslions, candidales will be expecled lo use unils lhal are consislenl wilh lhe unils supplied,
and should nol allenpl conversion lo olher syslens ol unils unless lhis is a requirenenl ol lhe queslion.
The unils kv h, eV and unilied alonic nass unil (u nay be used in exaninalion papers wilhoul lurlher
Syllabus ains and assessnenl objeclives
!4 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Syllabus conlenl
!5 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
5. SyIIabus content
5.! Slruclure ol lhe syllabus
The subjecl conlenl ol lhe syllabus is divided inlo:
AS and A2 Core (seclions -V
Applicalions ol Physics (seclion V.
The lable below shows which parls ol lhe syllabus conlain AS nalerial and/or A2 nalerial.
Section AS A2
I GeneraI Physics !. Physical quanlilies and unils
2. easurenenl lechniques
II Newtonian mechanics 3. Kinenalics
4. Dynanics
5. Forces
6. vork, energy, power
7. olion in a circle
3. Cravilalional lield
III Matter 9. Phases ol naller
!0. Delornalion ol solids
!!. deal gases
!2. Tenperalure
!3. Thernal properlies ol nalerials
IV OsciIIations and waves !4. Oscillalions
!5. vaves
!6. Superposilion
Syllabus conlenl
!6 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
V EIectricity and magnetism !7. Eleclric lields
!3. Capacilance
!9. Currenl ol eleclricily
20. D.C. circuils
2!. agnelic lields
22. Eleclronagnelisn
23. Eleclronagnelic induclion
24. Allernaling currenls
VI Modern Physics 25. Charged parlicles
26. Ouanlun physics
27. uclear physics
VII Gathering and
23. Direcl sensing
29. Fenole sensing
30. Connunicaling inlornalion
5.2 Subjecl conlenl
Teachers should incorporale lhe social, environnenlal, econonic and lechnological aspecls ol Physics,
wherever possible, lhroughoul lhe syllabus (see Ains 4 and 5. Sone exanples are included in lhe
syllabus and candidales should be encouraged lo apply lhe principles ol lhese exanples lo olher silualions
inlroduced in lhe course. Furlher exanples have nol been included in lhe syllabus, as lhis would nerely
increase lhe anounl ol laclual recall required.
The A2 parts of the syIIabus, which wiII be examined onIy in the fuII Advanced LeveI quaIification, are
indicated in boId type throughout the subject content.
The Applicalions ol Physics seclion occupies aboul !2' ol lhe lull Advanced Level course. A separale
booklel covering lhis seclion is available lron Canbridge Publicalions.
Ain 5.3 enphasises lhe inporlance ol nlornalion lechnology (T in lhis Physics course. Candidales should
nake lull use ol T lechniques in lheir praclical work. Teachers nay also use T in denonslralions and
sinulalions. Advice on lhe use ol T in Canbridge nlernalional A Level Physics is prinled al lhe back ol lhe
The lable ol subjecl conlenl is neilher inlended lo be used as a leaching syllabus, nor lo represenl a
leaching order.
Syllabus conlenl
!7 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
5.2.! AS and A2 Core: Seclions -V inclusive
Section I: GeneraI physics
Recommended prior knowIedge
Candidales should be aware ol lhe nalure ol a physical neasurenenl, in lerns ol a nagnilude and a unil.
They should have experience ol naking and recording such neasurenenls in lhe laboralory.
1. PhysicaI quantities and units
!.! Physical quanlilies
!.2 SI Unils
!.3 The Avogadro conslanl
!.4 Scalars and veclors
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an underslanding lhal all physical quanlilies consisl ol a nunerical
nagnilude and a unil
(b) recall lhe lollowing SI base quanlilies and lheir unils: nass (kg,
lenglh (n, line (s, currenl (A, lenperalure (K, amount of
substance (moI
(c) express derived unils as producls or quolienls ol lhe SI base unils and
use lhe naned unils lisled in lhis syllabus as appropriale
(d) use SI base unils lo check lhe honogeneily ol physical equalions
(e) show an underslanding ol and use lhe convenlions lor labelling graph
axes and lable colunns as sel oul in lhe ASE publicalion Signs, S,nbo|s
and S,s!ena!ics (The AS Conpanion !o !6-!9 Science, 2000
(!) use lhe lollowing prelixes and lheir synbols lo indicale decinal sub
nulliples or nulliples ol bolh base and derived unils: pico (p, nano (n,
nicro (, nilli (n, cenli (c, deci (d, kilo (k, nega (, giga (C, lera (T
(g) nake reasonable eslinales ol physical quanlilies included wilhin lhe
(h) show an understanding that the Avogadro constant is the number
of atoms in 0.012

kg of carbon-12
(i) use moIar quantities where one moIe of any substance is the
amount containing a number of particIes equaI to the Avogadro
(j) dislinguish belween scalar and veclor quanlilies and give exanples ol
(k) add and sublracl coplanar veclors
(|) represenl a veclor as lwo perpendicular conponenls.
Syllabus conlenl
!3 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
2. Measurement techniques
2.! easurenenls
2.2 Errors and uncerlainlies
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) use lechniques lor lhe neasurenenl ol lenglh, volune, angle, nass,
line, lenperalure and eleclrical quanlilies appropriale lo lhe ranges
ol nagnilude inplied by lhe relevanl parls ol lhe syllabus.
n parlicular, candidales should be able lo:
neasure lenglhs using a ruler, vernier scale and nicroneler
neasure weighl and hence nass using spring and lever balances
neasure an angle using a prolraclor
neasure line inlervals using clocks, slopwalches and lhe
calibraled linebase ol a calhoderay oscilloscope (c.r.o.
neasure lenperalure using a lhernoneler as a sensor
use annelers and vollnelers wilh appropriale scales
use a galvanoneler in null nelhods
use a calhoderay oscilloscope (c.r.o.
use a caIibrated HaII probe
(b) use bolh analogue scales and digilal displays
(c) use calibralion curves
(d) show an underslanding ol lhe dislinclion belween syslenalic errors
(including zero errors and randon errors
(e) show an underslanding ol lhe dislinclion belween precision and
(!) assess lhe uncerlainly in a derived quanlily by sinple addilion ol
aclual, lraclional or percenlage uncerlainlies (a rigorous slalislical
lrealnenl is nol required.
Syllabus conlenl
!9 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Section II: Newtonian mechanics
Recommended prior knowIedge
Candidales should be able lo describe lhe aclion ol a lorce on a body.
They should be able lo describe lhe nolion ol a body and recognise acceleralion and conslanl speed.
They should be able lo use lhe relalionship average speed = dis!ance / !ine.
3. Kinematics
3.! Linear nolion
3.2 onlinear nolion
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) deline displacenenl, speed, velocily and acceleralion
(b) use graphical nelhods lo represenl displacenenl, speed, velocily and
(c) lind displacenenl lron lhe area under a velocilyline graph
(d) use lhe slope ol a displacenenlline graph lo lind velocily
(e) use lhe slope ol a velocilyline graph lo lind acceleralion
(!) derive, lron lhe delinilions ol velocily and acceleralion, equalions lhal
represenl unilornly acceleraled nolion in a slraighl line
(g) solve problens using equalions lhal represenl unilornly acceleraled
nolion in a slraighl line, including lhe nolion ol bodies lalling in a
unilorn gravilalional lield wilhoul air resislance
(h) recall lhal lhe weighl ol a body is equal lo lhe producl ol ils nass and
lhe acceleralion ol lree lall
(i) describe an experinenl lo delernine lhe acceleralion ol lree lall using
a lalling body
(j) describe qualilalively lhe nolion ol bodies lalling in a unilorn
gravilalional lield wilh air resislance
(k) describe and explain nolion due lo a unilorn velocily in one direclion
and a unilorn acceleralion in a perpendicular direclion.
Syllabus conlenl
20 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
4. Dynamics
4.! ewlons laws ol nolion
4.2 Linear nonenlun and
ils conservalion
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) slale each ol ewlons laws ol nolion
(b) show an underslanding lhal nass is lhe properly ol a body lhal
resisls change in nolion
(c) describe and use lhe concepl ol weighl as lhe ellecl ol a gravilalional
lield on a nass
(d) deline linear nonenlun as lhe producl ol nass and velocily
(e) deline lorce as rale ol change ol nonenlun
(!) recall and solve problens using lhe relalionship F = na, apprecialing
lhal acceleralion and lorce are always in lhe sane direclion
(g) slale lhe principle ol conservalion ol nonenlun
(h) apply lhe principle ol conservalion ol nonenlun lo solve sinple
problens including elaslic and inelaslic inleraclions belween lwo
bodies in one dinension (knowledge ol lhe concepl ol coellicienl ol
reslilulion is nol required
(i) recognise lhal, lor a perleclly elaslic collision, lhe relalive speed ol
approach is equal lo lhe relalive speed ol separalion
(j) show an underslanding lhal, while nonenlun ol a syslen is always
conserved in inleraclions belween bodies, sone change in kinelic
energy usually lakes place.
5. Forces
5.! Types ol lorce
5.2 Equilibriun ol lorces
5.3 Cenlre ol gravily
5.4 Turning ellecls ol lorces
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) describe lhe lorces on nass and charge in unilorn gravilalional and
eleclric lields, as appropriale
(b) show an underslanding ol lhe origin ol lhe uplhrusl acling on a body
in a lluid
(c) show a qualilalive underslanding ol lriclional lorces and viscous
lorces including air resislance (no lrealnenl ol lhe coellicienls ol
lriclion and viscosily is required
(d) use a veclor lriangle lo represenl lorces in equilibriun
(e) show an underslanding lhal lhe weighl ol a body nay be laken as
acling al a single poinl known as ils cenlre ol gravily
(!) show an underslanding lhal a couple is a pair ol lorces lhal lends lo
produce rolalion only
(g) deline and apply lhe nonenl ol a lorce and lhe lorque ol a couple
(h) show an underslanding lhal, when lhere is no resullanl lorce and no
resullanl lorque, a syslen is in equilibriun
(i) apply lhe principle ol nonenls.
Syllabus conlenl
2! Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
6. Work, energy, power
6.! Energy conversion and
6.2 vork
6.3 Polenlial energy, kinelic
energy and inlernal
6.4 Power
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) give exanples ol energy in dillerenl lorns, ils conversion and
conservalion, and apply lhe principle ol energy conservalion lo sinple
(b) show an underslanding ol lhe concepl ol work in lerns ol lhe producl
ol a lorce and displacenenl in lhe direclion ol lhe lorce
(c) calculale lhe work done in a nunber ol silualions including lhe work
done by a gas lhal is expanding againsl a conslanl exlernal pressure:
V = p AV
(d) derive, lron lhe equalions ol nolion, lhe lornula

(e) recall and apply lhe lornula E
(!) dislinguish belween gravilalional polenlial energy, eleclric polenlial
energy and elaslic polenlial energy
(g) show an underslanding and use lhe relalionship belween lorce and
polenlial energy in a unilorn lield lo solve problens
(h) derive, lron lhe delining equalion V = Fs, lhe lornula
= ngh lor
polenlial energy changes near lhe Earlhs surlace
(i) recall and use lhe lornula
= ngh lor polenlial energy changes near
lhe Earlhs surlace
(j) show an underslanding ol lhe concepl ol inlernal energy
(k) recall and undersland lhal lhe elliciency ol a syslen is lhe ralio ol
uselul work done by lhe syslen lo lhe lolal energy inpul
(|) show an apprecialion lor lhe inplicalions ol energy losses in praclical
devices and use lhe concepl ol elliciency lo solve problens
(n) deline power as work done per unil line and derive power as lhe
producl ol lorce and velocily
(n) solve problens using lhe relalionships P =
and P = Fv.
7. Motion in a circIe
7.1 Kinematics of uniform
circuIar motion
7.2 CentripetaI acceIeration
7.3 CentripetaI force
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) express anguIar dispIacement in radians
(b) understand and use the concept of anguIar veIocity to soIve
(c) recaII and use v = r to soIve probIems
(d) describe quaIitativeIy motion in a curved path due to
a perpendicuIar force, and understand the centripetaI
acceIeration in the case of uniform motion in a circIe
(e) recaII and use centripetaI acceIeration a = r
, a =
(f) recaII and use centripetaI force F = mr
, F =
Syllabus conlenl
22 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
8. GravitationaI fieId
8.1 GravitationaI fieId
8.2 Force between point
8.3 FieId of a point mass
8.4 FieId near to the surface of
the Earth
8.5 GravitationaI potentiaI
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an understanding of the concept of a gravitationaI fieId
as an exampIe of fieId of force and define gravitationaI fieId
strength as force per unit mass
(b) recaII and use Newton's Iaw of gravitation in the form
F =
2 1
m Gm

(c) derive, from Newton's Iaw of gravitation and the definition
of gravitationaI fieId strength, the equation
for the
gravitationaI fieId strength of a point mass
(d) recaII and soIve probIems using the equation g
for the
gravitationaI fieId strength of a point mass
(e) show an appreciation that on the surface of the Earth g is
approximateIy constant and is caIIed the acceIeration of free
(f) define potentiaI at a point as the work done in bringing unit
mass from infinity to the point
(g) soIve probIems using the equation

for the potentiaI
in the fieId of a point mass
(h) recognise the anaIogy between certain quaIitative and
quantitative aspects of gravitationaI fieId and eIectric fieId
(i) anaIyse circuIar orbits in inverse square Iaw fieIds by reIating
the gravitationaI force to the centripetaI acceIeration it
(j) show an understanding of geostationary orbits and their
Syllabus conlenl
23 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Section III: Matter
Recommended prior knowIedge
Candidales should be able lo describe naller in lerns ol parlicles, wilh a qualilalive underslanding ol
lheir behaviour.
9. Phases of matter
9.! Densily
9.2 Solids, liquids, gases
9.3 Pressure in lluids
9.4 Change ol phase
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) deline lhe lern densily
(b) relale lhe dillerence in lhe slruclures and densilies ol solids, liquids
and gases lo sinple ideas ol lhe spacing, ordering and nolion ol
(c) describe a sinple kinelic nodel lor solids, liquids and gases
(d) describe an experinenl lhal denonslrales Brownian nolion and
appreciale lhe evidence lor lhe novenenl ol nolecules provided by
such an experinenl
(e) dislinguish belween lhe slruclure ol cryslalline and noncryslalline
solids wilh parlicular relerence lo nelals, polyners and anorphous
(!) deline lhe lern pressure and use lhe kinelic nodel lo explain lhe
pressure exerled by gases
(g) derive, lron lhe delinilions ol pressure and densily, lhe equalion
p = gh
(h) use lhe equalion p = gh
(i) dislinguish belween lhe processes ol nelling, boiling and
Syllabus conlenl
24 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
10. Deformation of soIids
!0.! Slress, slrain
!0.2 Elaslic and plaslic
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) appreciale lhal delornalion is caused by a lorce and lhal, in one dinension,
lhe delornalion can be lensile or conpressive
(b) describe lhe behaviour ol springs in lerns ol load, exlension, elaslic linil,
Hookes law and lhe spring conslanl (i.e. lorce per unil exlension
(c) deline and use lhe lerns slress, slrain and lhe Young nodulus
(d) describe an experinenl lo delernine lhe Young nodulus ol a nelal in lhe
lorn ol a wire
(e) dislinguish belween elaslic and plaslic delornalion ol a nalerial
(!) deduce lhe slrain energy in a delorned nalerial lron lhe area under lhe
lorceexlension graph
(g) denonslrale knowledge ol lhe lorceexlension graphs lor lypical duclile,
brillle and polyneric nalerials, including an underslanding ol ullinale
lensile slress.
11. IdeaI gases
11.1 Equation of state
11.2 Kinetic theory of
11.3 Pressure of a gas
11.4 Kinetic energy of
a moIecuIe
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) recaII and soIve probIems using the equation of state for an ideaI gas
expressed as pV = nRT (n = number of moIes)
(b) infer from a Brownian motion experiment the evidence for the
movement of moIecuIes
(c) state the basic assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases
(d) expIain how moIecuIar movement causes the pressure exerted by a
gas and hence deduce the reIationship p
< c
(N = number of moIecuIes)
[a rigorous derivation is not required]
(e) compare pV =
Nm < c
> with pV = NkT and hence deduce that the
average transIationaI kinetic energy of a moIecuIe is proportionaI to T.
Syllabus conlenl
25 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
12. Temperature
12.1 ThermaI equiIibrium
12.2 Temperature scaIes
12.3 PracticaI
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an appreciation that thermaI energy is transferred from a
region of higher temperature to a region of Iower temperature
(b) show an understanding that regions of equaI temperature are in
thermaI equiIibrium
(c) show an understanding that a physicaI property that varies with
temperature may be used for the measurement of temperature
and state exampIes of such properties
(d) compare the reIative advantages and disadvantages of resistance
and thermocoupIe thermometers as previousIy caIibrated
(e) show an understanding that there is an absoIute scaIe of
temperature that does not depend on the property of any
particuIar substance (i.e. the thermodynamic scaIe and the
concept of absoIute zero)
(f) convert temperatures measured in keIvin to degrees CeIsius and
recaII that T ] K = T ] C + 273.15.
13. ThermaI properties of materiaIs
13.1 Specific heat capacity
13.2 Specific Iatent heat
13.3 InternaI energy
13.4 First Iaw of
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) expIain using a simpIe kinetic modeI for matter why
meIting and boiIing take pIace without a change in
the specific Iatent heat of vaporisation is higher than specific
Iatent heat of fusion for the same substance
a cooIing effect accompanies evaporation
(b) define and use the concept of specific heat capacity, and identify
the main principIes of its determination by eIectricaI methods
(c) define and use the concept of specific Iatent heat, and identify
the main principIes of its determination by eIectricaI methods
(d) reIate a rise in temperature of a body to an increase in its internaI
(e) show an understanding that internaI energy is determined by the
state of the system and that it can be expressed as the sum of a
random distribution of kinetic and potentiaI energies associated
with the moIecuIes of a system
(f) recaII and use the first Iaw of thermodynamics expressed in terms
of the increase in internaI energy, the heating of the system and
the work done on the system.
Syllabus conlenl
26 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Section IV: OsciIIations and waves
Recommended prior knowIedge
Candidales should be able lo describe basic wave behaviour, gained lhrough a sludy ol oplics. They
should be aware ol lhe basic ideas ol relleclion and relraclion in lighl.
14. OsciIIations
14.1 SimpIe harmonic
14.2 Energy in simpIe
harmonic motion
14.3 Damped and
forced osciIIations:
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) describe simpIe exampIes of free osciIIations
(b) investigate the motion of an osciIIator using experimentaI and
graphicaI methods
(c) understand and use the terms ampIitude, period, frequency, anguIar
frequency and phase difference and express the period in terms of
both frequency and anguIar frequency
(d) recognise and use the equation a = -
x as the defining equation of
simpIe harmonic motion
(e) recaII and use x = x
sint as a soIution to the equation a = -
(f) recognise and use
v = v
cos t, v = ) (
2 2
x x
(g) describe, with graphicaI iIIustrations, the changes in dispIacement,
veIocity and acceIeration during simpIe harmonic motion
(h) describe the interchange between kinetic and potentiaI energy
during simpIe harmonic motion
(i) describe practicaI exampIes of damped osciIIations with particuIar
reference to the effects of the degree of damping and the importance
of criticaI damping in cases such as a car suspension system
(j) describe practicaI exampIes of forced osciIIations and resonance
(k) describe graphicaIIy how the ampIitude of a forced osciIIation
changes with frequency near to the naturaI frequency of the
system, and understand quaIitativeIy the factors that determine the
frequency response and sharpness of the resonance
(I) show an appreciation that there are some circumstances in which
resonance is usefuI and other circumstances in which resonance
shouId be avoided.
Syllabus conlenl
27 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
15. Waves
!5.! Progressive waves
!5.2 Transverse and
longiludinal waves
!5.3 Polarisalion
!5.4 Delerninalion ol
speed, lrequency
and wavelenglh
!5.5 Eleclronagnelic
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) describe whal is neanl by wave nolion as illuslraled by vibralion in
ropes, springs and ripple lanks
(b) show an underslanding ol and use lhe lerns displacenenl, anplilude,
phase dillerence, period, lrequency, wavelenglh and speed
(c) deduce, lron lhe delinilions ol speed, lrequency and wavelenglh, lhe
equalion v = !
(d) recall and use lhe equalion v = !
(e) show an underslanding lhal energy is lranslerred by a progressive wave
(!) recall and use lhe relalionship in!ensi!, (anp|i!ude
(g) conpare lransverse and longiludinal waves
(h) analyse and inlerprel graphical represenlalions ol lransverse and
longiludinal waves
(i) show an underslanding lhal polarisalion is a phenonenon associaled
wilh lransverse waves
(j) delernine lhe lrequency ol sound using a calibraled c.r.o.
(k) delernine lhe wavelenglh ol sound using slalionary waves
(|) slale lhal all eleclronagnelic waves lravel wilh lhe sane speed in lree
space and recall lhe orders ol nagnilude ol lhe wavelenglhs ol lhe
principal radialions lron radio waves lo rays.
Syllabus conlenl
23 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
16. Superposition
!6.! Slalionary waves
!6.2 Dillraclion
!6.3 nlerlerence
!6.4 Twosource inlerlerence
!6.5 Dillraclion graling
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) explain and use lhe principle ol superposilion in sinple applicalions
(b) show an underslanding ol experinenls lhal denonslrale slalionary
waves using nicrowaves, slrelched slrings and air colunns
(c) explain lhe lornalion ol a slalionary wave using a graphical nelhod,
and idenlily nodes and anlinodes
(d) explain lhe neaning ol lhe lern dillraclion
(e) show an underslanding ol experinenls lhal denonslrale dillraclion
including lhe dillraclion ol waler waves in a ripple lank wilh bolh a
wide gap and a narrow gap
(!) show an underslanding ol lhe lerns inlerlerence and coherence
(g) show an underslanding ol experinenls lhal denonslrale lwosource
inlerlerence using waler, lighl and nicrowaves
(h) show an underslanding ol lhe condilions required il lwosource
inlerlerence lringes are lo be observed
(i) recall and solve problens using lhe equalion =
lor doubleslil
inlerlerence using lighl
(j) recall and solve problens using lhe lornula d sinu = n and describe
lhe use ol a dillraclion graling lo delernine lhe wavelenglh ol lighl
(lhe slruclure and use ol lhe speclroneler are nol included.
Syllabus conlenl
29 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Section V: EIectricity and magnetism
Recommended prior knowIedge
Candidales should be aware ol lhe lwo lypes ol charge, charging by lriclion and by induclion. They should
be able lo dislinguish belween conduclors and insulalors using a sinple eleclron nodel.
17. EIectric fieIds
!7.! Concepl ol an eleclric
!7.2 Unilorn eleclric lields
17.3 Force between point
17.4 EIectric fieId of a point
17.5 EIectric potentiaI
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an underslanding ol lhe concepl ol an eleclric lield as an
exanple ol a lield ol lorce and deline eleclric lield slrenglh as lorce
per unil posilive charge acling on a slalionary poinl charge
(b) represenl an eleclric lield by neans ol lield lines
(c) recall and use
= lo calculale lhe lield slrenglh ol lhe unilorn lield
belween charged parallel plales in lerns ol polenlial dillerence and
(d) calculale lhe lorces on charges in unilorn eleclric lields
(e) describe lhe ellecl ol a unilorn eleclric lield on lhe nolion ol charged
(f) recaII and use CouIomb's Iaw in the form
1 2

for the force

between two point charges in free space or air
(g) recaII and use

for the fieId strength of a point charge

in free space or air
(h) define potentiaI at a point in terms of the work done in bringing
unit positive charge from infinity to the point
(i) state that the fieId strength of the fieId at a point is equaI to the
negative of potentiaI gradient at that point
(j) use the equation

for the potentiaI in the fieId of a

point charge
(k) recognise the anaIogy between certain quaIitative and
quantitative aspects of eIectric fieIds and gravitationaI fieIds.
Syllabus conlenl
30 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
18. Capacitance
18.1 Capacitors and
18.2 Energy stored in a
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an understanding of the function of capacitors in simpIe
(b) define capacitance and the farad
(c) recaII and soIve probIems using C
(d) derive, using the formuIa C
= , conservation of charge and the
addition of p.d.s, formuIae for capacitors in series and in paraIIeI
(e) soIve probIems using formuIae for capacitors in series and in
(f) deduce, from the area under a potentiaI-charge graph, the
equation W QV =
and hence W C V =
19. Current of eIectricity
!9.! Eleclric currenl
!9.2 Polenlial dillerence
!9.3 Fesislance and
!9.4 Sources ol
eleclronolive lorce
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an underslanding lhal eleclric currenl is lhe llow ol charged
(b) deline charge and lhe coulonb
(c) recall and solve problens using lhe equalion O = I!
(d) deline polenlial dillerence and lhe voll
(e) recall and solve problens using V
(!) recall and solve problens using P = VI, P = I
(g) deline resislance and lhe ohn
(h) recall and solve problens using V = IF
(i) skelch and explain lhe I-V characlerislics ol a nelallic conduclor al
conslanl lenperalure, a seniconduclor diode and a lilanenl lanp
(j) skelch lhe lenperalure characlerislic ol a lhernislor (lhernislors will
be assuned lo be ol lhe negalive lenperalure coellicienl lype
(k) slale Ohns law
(|) recall and solve problens using F =
(n) deline e.n.l. in lerns ol lhe energy lranslerred by a source in driving
unil charge round a conplele circuil
(n) dislinguish belween e.n.l. and p.d. in lerns ol energy consideralions
(o) show an underslanding ol lhe ellecls ol lhe inlernal resislance ol a
source ol e.n.l. on lhe lerninal polenlial dillerence and oulpul power.
Syllabus conlenl
3! Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
20. D.C. circuits
20.! Praclical circuils
20.2 Conservalion ol charge
and energy
20.3 Balanced polenlials
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) recall and use appropriale circuil synbols as sel oul in lhe ASE
publicalion Signs, S,nbo|s and S,s!ena!ics
(b) draw and inlerprel circuil diagrans conlaining sources, swilches,
resislors, annelers, vollnelers, and/or any olher lype ol conponenl
relerred lo in lhe syllabus
(c) recall Kirchholls lirsl law and appreciale lhe link lo conservalion ol
(d) recall Kirchholls second law and appreciale lhe link lo conservalion ol
(e) derive, using Kirchholls laws, a lornula lor lhe conbined resislance
ol lwo or nore resislors in series
(!) solve problens using lhe lornula lor lhe conbined resislance ol lwo
or nore resislors in series
(g) derive, using Kirchholls laws, a lornula lor lhe conbined resislance
ol lwo or nore resislors in parallel
(h) solve problens using lhe lornula lor lhe conbined resislance ol lwo
or nore resislors in parallel
(i) apply Kirchholls laws lo solve sinple circuil problens
(j) show an underslanding ol lhe use ol a polenlial divider circuil as a
source ol variable p.d.
(k) explain lhe use ol lhernislors and lighldependenl resislors in
polenlial dividers lo provide a polenlial dillerence lhal is dependenl on
lenperalure and illuninalion respeclively
(|) recall and solve problens using lhe principle ol lhe polenlioneler as a
neans ol conparing polenlial dillerences.
Syllabus conlenl
32 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
21. Magnetic fieIds
21.1 Concept of
magnetic fieId
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an understanding that a magnetic fieId is an exampIe of a
fieId of force produced either by current-carrying conductors or by
permanent magnets
(b) represent a magnetic fieId by fieId Iines.
22. EIectromagnetism
22.1 Force on a current-
carrying conductor
22.2 Force on a moving
22.3 Magnetic fieIds due
to currents
22.4 Force between
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an appreciation that a force might act on a current-carrying
conductor pIaced in a magnetic fieId
(b) recaII, and soIve probIems using, the equation F = BI! sin, with
directions as interpreted by FIeming's Ieft-hand ruIe
(c) define magnetic fIux density and the tesIa
(d) show an understanding of how the force on a current-carrying
conductor can be used to measure the fIux density of a magnetic
fieId using a current baIance
(e) predict the direction of the force on a charge moving in a
magnetic fieId
(f) recaII and soIve probIems using F = BOv sin
(g) sketch fIux patterns due to a Iong straight wire, a fIat circuIar coiI
and a Iong soIenoid
(h) show an understanding that the fieId due to a soIenoid may be
infIuenced by the presence of a ferrous core
(i) expIain the forces between current-carrying conductors and
predict the direction of the forces
(j) describe and compare the forces on mass, charge and current in
gravitationaI, eIectric and magnetic fieIds, as appropriate.
Syllabus conlenl
33 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
23. EIectromagnetic induction
23.1 Laws of
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) define magnetic fIux and the weber
(b) recaII and soIve probIems using = BA
(c) define magnetic fIux Iinkage
(d) infer from appropriate experiments on eIectromagnetic induction:
that a changing magnetic fIux can induce an e.m.f. in a circuit
that the direction of the induced e.m.f. opposes the change
producing it
the factors affecting the magnitude of the induced e.m.f.
(e) recaII and soIve probIems using Faraday's Iaw of eIectromagnetic
induction and Lenz's Iaw
(f) expIain simpIe appIications of eIectromagnetic induction.
Syllabus conlenl
34 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
24. AIternating currents
24.1 Characteristics of
aIternating currents
24.2 The transformer
24.3 Transmission of
eIectricaI energy
24.4 Rectification
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an understanding of and use the terms period, frequency,
peak vaIue and root-mean-square vaIue as appIied to an
aIternating current or voItage
(b) deduce that the mean power in a resistive Ioad is haIf the
maximum power for a sinusoidaI aIternating current
(c) represent a sinusoidaIIy aIternating current or voItage by an
equation of the form x = x
(d) distinguish between r.m.s. and peak vaIues and recaII and soIve
probIems using the reIationship "
for the sinusoidaI case
(e) show an understanding of the principIe of operation of a simpIe
Iaminated iron-cored transformer and recaII and soIve probIems
= =
for an ideaI transformer
(f) show an appreciation of the scientific and economic advantages
of aIternating current and of high voItages for the transmission of
eIectricaI energy
(g) distinguish graphicaIIy between haIf-wave and fuII-wave
(h) expIain the use of a singIe diode for the haIf-wave rectification of
an aIternating current
(i) expIain the use of four diodes (bridge rectifier) for the fuII-wave
rectification of an aIternating current
(j) anaIyse the effect of a singIe capacitor in smoothing, incIuding
the effect of the vaIue of capacitance in reIation to the Ioad
Syllabus conlenl
35 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Section VI: Modern Physics
Recommended prior knowIedge
Candidales should be able lo describe naller in lerns ol alons, wilh eleclrons orbiling a posilively
charged nucleus. Candidales should have sludied sone ol lhe nalerial in Seclion V.
25. Charged particIes
25.1 EIectrons
25.2 Beams of charged
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an understanding of the main principIes of determination
of e by MiIIikan's experiment
(b) summarise and interpret the experimentaI evidence for
quantisation of charge
(c) describe and anaIyse quaIitativeIy the defIection of beams of
charged particIes by uniform eIectric and uniform magnetic fieIds
(d) expIain how eIectric and magnetic fieIds can be used in veIocity
(e) expIain the main principIes of one method for the determination of
v and
for eIectrons.
Syllabus conlenl
36 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
26. Ouantum physics
26.1 Energy of a photon
26.2 PhotoeIectric
emission of eIectrons
26.3 Wave-particIe duaIity
26.4 Energy IeveIs in
26.5 Line spectra
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an appreciation of the particuIate nature of eIectromagnetic
(b) recaII and use E = hf
(c) show an understanding that the photoeIectric effect provides
evidence for a particuIate nature of eIectromagnetic radiation
whiIe phenomena such as interference and diffraction provide
evidence for a wave nature
(d) recaII the significance of threshoId frequency
(e) expIain photoeIectric phenomena in terms of photon energy and
work function energy
(f) expIain why the maximum photoeIectric energy is independent
of intensity, whereas the photoeIectric current is proportionaI to
(g) recaII, use and expIain the significance of hf = +

(h) describe and interpret quaIitativeIy the evidence provided by
eIectron diffraction for the wave nature of particIes
(i) recaII and use the reIation for the de BrogIie waveIength =
(j) show an understanding of the existence of discrete eIectron
energy IeveIs in isoIated atoms (e.g. atomic hydrogen) and
deduce how this Ieads to spectraI Iines
(k) distinguish between emission and absorption Iine spectra
(I) recaII and soIve probIems using the reIation hf = E
- E
Syllabus conlenl
37 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
27. NucIear physics
27.! The nucleus
27.2 solopes
27.3 uclear processes
27.4 Mass excess and
nucIear binding
27.5 Radioactive decay
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) inler lron lhe resulls ol lhe oparlicle scallering experinenl lhe exislence
and snall size ol lhe nucleus
(b) describe a sinple nodel lor lhe nuclear alon lo include prolons, neulrons
and orbilal eleclrons
(c) dislinguish belween nucleon nunber and prolon nunber
(d) show an underslanding lhal an elenenl can exisl in various isolopic lorns,
each wilh a dillerenl nunber ol neulrons
(e) use lhe usual nolalion lor lhe represenlalion ol nuclides
(!) appreciale lhal nucleon nunber, prolon nunber, and nassenergy are all
conserved in nuclear processes
(g) represenl sinple nuclear reaclions by nuclear equalions ol lhe lorn
H O He N
+ +
(h) show an apprecialion ol lhe sponlaneous and randon nalure ol nuclear
(i) show an underslanding ol lhe nalure and properlies ol o, | and
radialions (|
is nol included: |radialion will be laken lo reler lo |

(j) inler lhe randon nalure ol radioaclive decay lron lhe lluclualions in counl
(k) show an appreciation of the association between energy and mass
as represented by E = mc
and recaII and soIve probIems using this
(I) sketch the variation of binding energy per nucIeon with nucIeon
(m) expIain what is meant by nucIear fusion and nucIear fission
(n) expIain the reIevance of binding energy per nucIeon to nucIear fusion
and to nucIear fission
(o) define the terms activity and decay constant and recaII and soIve
probIems using A = N
(p) infer and sketch the exponentiaI nature of radioactive decay and soIve
probIems using the reIationship x = x
exp(-t), where x couId represent
activity, number of undecayed particIes or received count rate
(q) define haIf-Iife
(r) soIve probIems using the reIation =
Syllabus conlenl
33 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
5.2.2 Applicalions ol Physics: Seclion V
Teachers will lind il helplul lo reler lo Canbridges App|ica!ions o! Ph,sics book when leaching lhis seclion.
This is available lron lhe Canbridge Teacher Supporl websile and lron Canbridge Publicalions, and
provides a guide lo lhe level ol delail required. The Applicalions ol Physics seclion ol lhe syllabus lorns
approxinalely oneeighlh ol lhe A Level nalerial exanined.
Section VII: Gathering and communicating information
28. Direct sensing
28.1 Sensing
28.2 The ideaI
28.3 OperationaI
28.4 Output devices
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) show an understanding that an eIectronic sensor consists of a sensing
device and a circuit that provides an output voItage
(b) show an understanding of the change in resistance with Iight intensity of
a Iight-dependent resistor (LDR)
(c) sketch the temperature characteristic of a negative temperature coefficient
(d) show an understanding of the action of a piezo-eIectric transducer and its
appIication in a simpIe microphone
(e) describe the structure of a metaI-wire strain gauge
(f) reIate extension of a strain gauge to change in resistance of the gauge
(g) show an understanding that the output from sensing devices can be
registered as a voItage
(h) recaII the main properties of the ideaI operationaI ampIifier (op-amp)
(i) deduce, from the properties of an ideaI operationaI ampIifier, the use of an
operationaI ampIifier as a comparator
(j) show an understanding of the effects of negative feedback on the gain of
an operationaI ampIifier
(k) recaII the circuit diagrams for both the inverting and the non-inverting
ampIifier for singIe signaI input
(I) show an understanding of the virtuaI earth approximation and derive an
expression for the gain of inverting ampIifiers
(m) recaII and use expressions for the voItage gain of inverting and of
non-inverting ampIifiers
(n) show an understanding of the use of reIays in eIectronic circuits
(o) show an understanding of the use of Iight-emitting diodes (LEDs) as
devices to indicate the state of the output of eIectronic circuits
(p) show an understanding of the need for caIibration where digitaI or
anaIogue meters are used as output devices.
Syllabus conlenl
39 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
29. Remote sensing
29.1 Production and use
of X-rays
29.2 Production and use
of uItrasound
29.3 Use of magnetic
resonance as an
imaging technique
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) expIain in simpIe terms the need for remote sensing (non-invasive
techniques of diagnosis) in medicine
(b) expIain the principIes of the production of X-rays by eIectron
bombardment of a metaI target
(c) describe the main features of a modern X-ray tube, incIuding controI
of the intensity and hardness of the X-ray beam
(d) show an understanding of the use of X-rays in imaging internaI
body structures, incIuding a simpIe anaIysis of the causes of
sharpness and contrast in X-ray imaging
(e) show an understanding of the purpose of computed tomography or
CT scanning
(f) show an understanding of the principIes of CT scanning
(g) show an understanding of how the image of an 8-voxeI cube can be
deveIoped using CT scanning
(h) expIain the principIes of the generation and detection of uItrasonic
waves using piezo-eIectric transducers
(i) expIain the main principIes behind the use of uItrasound to obtain
diagnostic information about internaI structures
(j) show an understanding of the meaning of specific acoustic
impedance and its importance to the intensity refIection coefficient
at a boundary
(k) recaII and soIve probIems by using the equation I = I
for the
attenuation of X-rays and of uItrasound in matter
(I) expIain the main principIes behind the use of magnetic resonance
to obtain diagnostic information about internaI structures
(m) show an understanding of the function of the non-uniform
magnetic fieId, superimposed on the Iarge constant magnetic fieId,
in diagnosis using magnetic resonance.
Syllabus conlenl
40 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
30. Communicating information
30.1 PrincipIes of
30.2 Sidebands and
30.3 Transmission of
information by digitaI
30.4 Different channeIs of
30.5 The mobiIe-phone
Learning outcomes
Candidales should be able lo:
(a) understand the term moduIation and be abIe to distinguish
between ampIitude moduIation (AM) and frequency moduIation
(b) recaII that a carrier wave, ampIitude moduIated by a singIe audio
frequency, is equivaIent to the carrier wave frequency together
with two sideband frequencies
(c) understand the term bandwidth
(d) demonstrate an awareness of the reIative advantages of AM and
FM transmissions
(e) recaII the advantages of the transmission of data in digitaI form,
compared to the transmission of data in anaIogue form
(f) understand that the digitaI transmission of speech or music
invoIves anaIogue-to-digitaI conversion (ADC) on transmission
and digitaI-to-anaIogue conversion (DAC) on reception
(g) show an understanding of the effect of the sampIing rate and the
number of bits in each sampIe on the reproduction of an input
(h) appreciate that information may be carried by a number of
different channeIs, incIuding wire-pairs, coaxiaI cabIes, radio and
microwave Iinks and optic fibres
(i) discuss the reIative advantages and disadvantages of channeIs
of communication in terms of avaiIabIe bandwidth, noise, cross-
Iinking, security, signaI attenuation, repeaters and regeneration,
cost and convenience
(j) describe the use of sateIIites in communication
(k) recaII the reIative merits of both geostationary and poIar orbiting
sateIIites for communicating information
(I) recaII the frequencies and waveIengths used in different channeIs
of communication
(m) understand and use signaI attenuation expressed in dB and
dB per unit Iength
(n) recaII and use the expression number of dB = 10 Ig
( )
for the
ratio of two powers
(o) understand that, in a mobiIe-phone system, the pubIic switched
teIephone network (PSTN) is Iinked to base stations via a ceIIuIar
(p) understand the need for an area to be divided into a number of
ceIIs, each ceII served by a base station
q) understand the roIe of the base station and the ceIIuIar exchange
during the making of a caII from a mobiIe phone handset
(r) recaII a simpIified bIock diagram of a mobiIe phone handset and
understand the function of each bIock.
Praclical assessnenl
4! Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
6. PracticaI assessment
6.! nlroduclion
Teachers should ensure lhal candidales praclise experinenlal skills lhroughoul lhe whole period ol lheir
course ol sludy. As a guide, candidales should spend al leasl 20' ol lheir line doing praclical work
individually or in snall groups. This 20' does nol include line spenl observing leacher denonslralions ol
The praclical work lhal candidales do during lheir course should ain lo:
provide learning opporlunilies so lhal candidales develop lhe skills lhey need lo carry oul experinenlal
and invesligalive work
reinlorce lhe learning ol lhe lheorelical subjecl conlenl ol lhe syllabus
inslil an underslanding ol lhe inlerplay ol experinenl and lheory in scienlilic nelhod
prove enjoyable, conlribuling lo lhe nolivalion ol candidales
Candidales experinenlal skills will be assessed in Paper 3 (Advanced Praclical Skills !/2 and Paper 5.
n each ol lhese papers, lhe exaniners will nol be slriclly bound by lhe subjecl conlenl ol lhe syllabus
in selling queslions. vhere appropriale, candidales will be lold exaclly whal lo do and how lo do il: only
knowledge ol lheory and experinenlal skills wilhin lhe syllabus will be expecled.
6.2 Paper 3 - Advanced Praclical Skills !/2
n sone exaninalion sessions, lwo versions ol lhe Advanced Praclical Skills paper will be available,
idenlilied as Advanced Praclical Skills ! and Advanced Praclical Skills 2. These papers will conlain dillerenl
queslions, bul will be equivalenl in lhe skills assessed and in lhe level ol denand. Each candidale should
lake one ol lhese papers.
vhere lwo versions ol lhe paper are ollered, sone schools nay wish lo divide lheir candidales so lhal
sone are enlered lor Advanced Praclical Skills ! and lhe olhers are enlered lor Advanced Praclical Skills 2,
olher schools nay wish lo enler all ol lheir candidales lor lhe sane paper.
Paper 3 (Advanced Praclical Skills !/2 will be a linelabled, laboralorybased praclical paper, locusing on lhe
lollowing experinenlal skills:
nanipulalion, neasurenenl and observalion
presenlalion ol dala and observalions
analysis, conclusions and evalualion
Each paper will consisl ol lwo queslions, each ol ! hour and each ol 20 narks.
The lirsl queslion will be an experinenl requiring candidales lo collecl dala, lo plol a graph and lo draw
sinple conclusions.
The second queslion will nol require lhe plolling ol a graph. n lhe second queslion, lhe experinenlal
nelhod lo be lollowed will be inaccurale, and candidales will be required lo evaluale lhe nelhod and
suggesl inprovenenls.
Praclical assessnenl
42 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
The lwo queslions will be sel in dillerenl areas ol Physics. o prior knowledge ol lhe lheory will be
required. The areas ol Physics will nol be conlined lo lhe AS subjecl conlenl, and nay relale lo A2 lopics.
6.2.! ark schene lor Paper 3 (Advanced Praclical Skills !/2
Paper 3 will be narked using lhe generic nark schene below. The expeclalions lor each nark calegory are
lisled in lhe seclions lhal lollow.
Ouestion 1
SkiII Breakdown of marks
anipulalion, neasurenenl
and observalion
9 narks Successlul colleclion ol dala 7 narks
Fange and dislribulion ol values ! nark
Oualily ol dala ! nark
Presenlalion ol dala and
7 narks Table ol resulls: layoul ! nark
Table ol resulls: raw dala ! nark
Table ol resulls: calculaled quanlilies 2 narks
Craph: layoul ! nark
Craph: plolling ol poinls ! nark
Craph: lrend line ! nark
Analysis, conclusions and
4 narks nlerprelalion ol graph 2 narks
Drawing conclusions 2 narks
Ouestion 2
SkiII Breakdown of marks
anipulalion, neasurenenl
and observalion
7 narks Successlul colleclion ol dala 6 narks
Oualily ol dala ! nark
Presenlalion ol dala and
3 narks Display ol calculalion and reasoning 3 narks
Analysis, conclusions and
!0 narks Drawing conclusions ! nark
Eslinaling uncerlainlies ! nark
denlilying linilalions 4 narks
Suggesling inprovenenls 4 narks
Praclical assessnenl
43 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
6.2.2 Expeclalions lor each nark calegory (Paper 3
ManipuIation, measurement and observation
SuccessfuI coIIection of data
Candidales should be able lo:
sel up apparalus correclly wilhoul assislance lron lhe Supervisor
lollow inslruclions given in lhe lorn ol wrillen inslruclions, diagrans or circuil diagrans
use lheir apparalus lo collecl an appropriale quanlily ol dala
repeal readings where appropriale
nake neasurenenls using connon laboralory apparalus, such as nillinelre scales, prolraclors,
slopwalches, loppan balances, newlonnelers, analogue or digilal eleclrical nelers, neasuring
cylinders, vernier calipers, nicroneler screw gauges and lhernonelers
use bolh analogue scales and digilal displays.
Sone candidales will be unable lo sel up lheir apparalus wilhoul help and nay ask lor assislance
lron lhe Supervisor. Supervisors will be given clear inslruclions on whal assislance nay be given lo
candidales, bul lhis assislance should never go beyond lhe nininun necessary lo enable candidales
lo lake sone readings: under no circunslances should help be given wilh lhe presenlalion ol dala,
analysis or evalualion seclions. All assislance nusl be reporled lo lhe exaniners, and candidales who
require assislance will nol be able lo score lull narks lor lhe successlul colleclion ol dala.
Range and distribution of vaIues
Candidales should be able lo:
nake neasurenenls lhal span lhe largesl possible range ol values wilhin lhe linils eilher ol lhe
equipnenl provided or ol lhe inslruclions given
nake neasurenenls whose values are approprialely dislribuled wilhin lhis range.
n nosl experinenls, including lhose involving slraighlline graphs, a regularlyspaced sel ol
neasurenenls will be appropriale. For olher experinenls, such as lhose requiring lhe peak value ol
a curved graph lo be delernined, il nay be appropriale lor lhe neasurenenls lo be concenlraled
in one parl ol lhe range invesligaled. Candidales will be expecled lo be able lo idenlily lhe nosl
appropriale dislribulion ol values.
OuaIity of data
Candidales should be able lo:
nake and record accurale neasurenenls.
arks will be awarded lor neasured dala in which lhe values oblained are reasonable. n sone
cases, lhe award ol lhe nark will be based on lhe scaller ol poinls on a graph, in olher cases, lhe
candidales dala nay be conpared wilh inlornalion supplied by lhe supervisor or known lo lhe
exaniners. The exaniners will only consider lhe exlenl lo which lhe candidale has allecled lhe qualily
ol lhe dala: allowances will be nade where lhe qualily ol dala is liniled by lhe experinenlal nelhod
required or by lhe apparalus used.
Praclical assessnenl
44 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Presentation of data and observations
TabIe of resuIts: Iayout
Candidales should be able lo:
presenl nunerical dala and values in a single lable ol resulls
draw up lhe lable in advance ol laking readings so lhal lhey do nol have lo copy up lheir resulls
include in lhe lable ol resulls colunns lor raw dala and lor values calculaled lron lhen
use colunn headings lhal include bolh lhe quanlily and lhe unil and lhal conlorn lo accepled
scienlilic convenlions.
As an exanple ol accepled praclice in colunn headings, il lhe quanlily being neasured is currenl
in nillianperes, lhen I / nA would be lhe usual way lo wrile lhe colunn heading, bul I in nA or
I (nA would be allowed. Headings such as I nA or jusl nA are nol acceplable. The quanlily or
lhe unil or bolh nay be wrillen in words ralher lhan synbols. Convenlional synbols or abbrevialions
(such as p.d. nay be used wilhoul explanalion.
TabIe of resuIts: raw data
Candidales should be able lo:
record raw readings ol a quanlily lo lhe sane degree ol precision.
For exanple, il one neasurenenl ol lenglh in a colunn ol raw dala is given lo lhe nearesl nillinelre,
lhen all lhe lenglhs in lhal colunn should be given lo lhe nearesl nillinelre. The degree ol precision
used should be conpalible wilh lhe neasuring inslrunenl used: il would be inappropriale lo record a
dislance neasured on a nillinelre scale as 2 cn.
TabIe of resuIts: caIcuIated quantities
Candidales should be able lo:
calculale olher quanlilies lron lheir raw dala
use lhe correcl nunber ol signilicanl ligures lor lhese calculaled quanlilies.
Excepl where lhey are produced by addilion or sublraclion, calculaled quanlilies should be given lo
lhe sane nunber ol signilicanl ligures (or one nore lhan lhe neasured quanlily ol leasl accuracy.
For exanple, il values ol a polenlial dillerence and ol a currenl are neasured lo 2 and 4 signilicanl
ligures respeclively, lhen lhe corresponding resislance should be given lo 2 or 3 signilicanl ligures,
bul nol ! or 4. The nunber ol signilicanl ligures nay, il necessary, vary down a colunn ol values lor a
calculaled quanlily.
Praclical assessnenl
45 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Graph: Iayout
Candidales should be able lo:
plol lhe independenl variable on lhe xaxis and lhe dependenl variable on lhe ,axis, excepl
where lhe variables are convenlionally plolled lhe olher way around
clearly label graph axes wilh bolh lhe quanlily and lhe unil, lollowing accepled scienlilic
choose scales lor graph axes such lhal lhe dala poinls occupy al leasl hall ol lhe graph grid in
bolh x and ,direclions
use a lalse origin where appropriale
choose scales lor lhe graph axes lhal allow lhe graph lo be read easily, such as !, 2 or 5 unils lo a
2 cn square
place regularlyspaced nunerical labels along lhe whole ol each axis.
The accepled scienlilic convenlions lor labelling lhe axes ol a graph are lhe sane as lor lhe colunn
headings in a lable ol resulls.
Graph: pIotting of points
Candidales should be able lo:
plol all lheir dala poinls on lheir graph grid lo an accuracy ol beller lhan ! nn.
Poinls should be linely drawn wilh a sharp pencil, bul nusl slill be visible. A line cross or an encircled
dol is suilable, a lhick pencil blob is nol.
Graph: trend Iine
Candidales should be able lo:
idenlily when lhe lrend ol a graph is linear or curved
draw slraighl lines ol besl lil or curves lo show lhe lrend ol a graph
draw langenls lo curved lrend lines.
The lrend line should show an even dislribulion ol poinls on eilher side ol lhe line along ils whole
lenglh. Lines should be linely drawn and should nol conlain kinks or breaks.
DispIay of caIcuIation and reasoning
Candidales should be able lo:
show lheir working in calculalions, and lhe key sleps in lheir reasoning
juslily lhe nunber ol signilicanl ligures in a calculaled quanlily.
Praclical assessnenl
46 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
AnaIysis, concIusions and evaIuation
Interpretation of graph
Candidales should be able lo:
relale slraighlline graphs lo equalions ol lhe lorn , = nx + c, and hence lo derive expressions
lhal equale lo lhe gradienl or lhe ,inlercepl ol lheir graphs
read lhe coordinales ol poinls on lhe lrend line ol a graph
delernine lhe gradienl ol a slraighlline graph or ol a langenl lo a curve
delernine lhe ,inlercepl ol a slraighlline graph or ol a langenl lo a curve, including where lhese
are on graphs wilh a lalse origin.
vhen a gradienl is lo be delernined, lhe poinls on lhe line chosen lor lhe calculalion should be
separaled by al leasl hall ol lhe lenglh ol lhe line drawn.
n cases where lhe ,inlercepl cannol be read direclly lron lhe ,axis, il is expecled lhal lhe
coordinales ol a poinl on lhe line and lhe gradienl will be subsliluled inlo , = nx + c.
Drawing concIusions
Candidales should be able lo:
draw conclusions lron an experinenl, including delernining lhe values ol conslanls, considering
whelher experinenlal dala supporls a given hypolhesis, and naking prediclions.
Estimating uncertainties
Candidales should be able lo:
eslinale, quanlilalively, lhe uncerlainly in lheir neasurenenls
express lhe uncerlainly in a neasurenenl as an aclual, lraclional or percenlage uncerlainly, and
lranslale belween lhese lorns.
Identifying Iimitations
Candidales should be able lo:
idenlily and describe lhe linilalions in an experinenlal procedure
idenlily lhe nosl signilicanl sources ol uncerlainly in an experinenl
show an underslanding ol lhe dislinclion belween syslenalic errors (including zero errors and
randon errors.
Suggesting improvements
Candidales should be able lo:
suggesl nodilicalions lo an experinenlal arrangenenl lhal will inprove lhe accuracy ol lhe
experinenl or lo exlend lhe invesligalion lo answer a new queslion
describe lhese nodilicalions clearly in words or diagrans.
Candidales suggeslions should be realislic, so lhal in principle lhey are achievable in praclice. The
suggeslions nay relale eilher lo lhe apparalus used or lo lhe experinenlal procedure lollowed.
Candidales nay include inprovenenls lhal lhey have aclually nade while carrying oul lhe
experinenl. The suggesled nodilicalions nay relale lo sources ol uncerlainly idenlilied by lhe
Praclical assessnenl
47 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
6.2.3 Adninislralion ol lhe praclical lesl
Delailed regulalions on lhe adninislralion ol Canbridge praclical exaninalions are conlained in lhe
Canbridge Handbook.
A docunenl called lhe Con!iden!ia| ns!ruc!ions will be despalched lo Cenlres, usually aboul six weeks
belore lhe dale ol lhe exaninalion. The Con!iden!ia| ns!ruc!ions will delail lhe apparalus lhal will be
required and how il should be laid oul lor candidales. They will also conlain sullicienl delails lo allow
lesling ol lhe apparalus. Cenlres should conlacl lhe Despalch Deparlnenl al Canbridge il lhey believe lhe
Con!iden!ia| ns!ruc!ions have nol been received.
Access to the question paper itseIf is not permitted in advance of the examination.
l is essenlial lhal absolule conlidenlialily be nainlained in advance ol lhe exaninalion dale: lhe conlenls ol
lhe Con!iden!ia| ns!ruc!ions nusl nol be revealed eilher direclly or indireclly lo candidales.
The Con!iden!ia| ns!ruc!ions conlain a Supervisors Feporl Forn. Cenlres nusl conplele lhis lorn and
enclose a copy in each envelope ol scripls. A sanple sel ol resulls nay also be helplul lo lhe exaniners,
especially il lhere was any local dillicully wilh apparalus. A nissing reporl can delay lhe narking process.
l lhere is any doubl aboul lhe inlerprelalion ol Con!iden!ia| ns!ruc!ions docunenl or lhe suilabilily ol lhe
apparalus available, enquiries should be senl lo lhe Producl anager lor Physics al Canbridge, using eilher
enail ( or lax (+44 !223 553553 or lelephone (+44 !223 553554.
6.2.4 Apparalus lhal is used regularly
Below is a lisl ol lhe ilens lhal are regularly used in lhe praclical lesl. The lisl is nol exhauslive: olher ilens
are usually required, lo allow lor variely in lhe queslions sel.
Anneler: (digilal or analogue l.s.d. !00 nA and ! A (digilal nullinelers are suilable
Cells: !.5 V
Lanp and holder: 6 V 60 nA, 2.5 V 0.3 A
Leads and crocodile clips
Power supply: variable up lo !2 V d.c. (low resislance
Fheoslal (wilh a naxinun resislance ol al leasl 3 , capable ol carrying a currenl ol al leasl 4A
Vollneler: (digilal or analogue l.s.d. 5 V, !0 V (digilal nullinelers are suilable
vire: conslanlan 26, 23, 30, 32, 34, 36, 33 s.w.g. or nelric equivalenls
Long slen lhernoneler: -!0 C lo !!0 C ! C
eans lo heal waler salely lo boiling (e.g. an eleclric kellle
Plaslic or polyslyrene cup 200 cn
Adhesive lape (e.g. Sellolape
Balance lo 0.! g (lhis ilen nay ollen be shared belween sels ol apparalus
Bar nagnel
Bare copper wire: !3, 26 s.w.g.
Beaker: !00 cn
, 200 cn
or 250 cn
Praclical assessnenl
43 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Expendable sleel spring (spring conslanl approx. 25 n
, unslrelched lenglh approx. 2 cn
agnadur ceranic nagnels
ass hanger
icroneler screw gauge (lhis ilen nay ollen be shared belween sels ol apparalus
odelling clay (e.g. Plaslicine
ewlonneler (! , !0
Pendulun bob
Fule wilh a nillinelre scale (! n, 0.5 n, 300 nn
Slolled nasses (!00 g, 50 g, 20 g, !0 g or allernalive
Sland, boss and clanp
Slopwalch (candidales nay use lheir wrislwalches, reading lo 0.! s or beller
Sloul pin or round nail
Vernier calipers (lhis ilen nay ollen be shared belween sels ol apparalus
vire cullers
Praclical assessnenl
49 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
6.3 Paper 5
Paper 5 will be a linelabled wrillen paper, locusing on lhe lollowing higherorder experinenlal skills:
analysis, conclusions and evalualion.
This exaninalion paper will nol require laboralory lacililies.
It shouId be stressed that candidates cannot be adequateIy prepared for this paper without extensive
Iaboratory work during their course of study.
n parlicular, candidales cannol be laughl lo plan experinenls elleclively unless, on a nunber ol occasions,
lhey are required:
lo plan an experinenl
lo perlorn lhe experinenl according lo lheir plan
lo evaluale whal lhey have done.
This requires nany hours ol laboralorybased work, and requires carelul supervision lron leachers lo ensure
lhal experinenls are perlorned salely.
Paper 5 will consisl ol lwo queslions each ol !5 narks.
The lirsl queslion will be a planning queslion, in which candidales will be required lo design an experinenlal
invesligalion ol a given problen. The queslion will nol be highly slruclured: candidales will be expecled lo
answer wilh a diagran and an exlended piece ol wriling.
The second queslion will be an analysis, conclusions and evalualion queslion, in which candidales will
be given an equalion and sone experinenlal dala. Fron lhese lhey will be required lo lind lhe value
ol a conslanl. This queslion also will nol be highly slruclured: candidales will be expecled lo decide lor
lhenselves whal lhey need lo do in order lo reach an answer. They will also be required lo eslinale lhe
uncerlainly in lheir answer.
Sone queslions on lhis paper nay be sel in areas ol Physics lhal are dillicull lo invesligale experinenlally
in school laboralories, eilher because ol lhe cosl ol equipnenl or because ol reslriclions on lhe availabilily
ol nalerials (e.g. radioaclive nalerials. o queslion will require prior knowledge ol lheory or equipnenl lhal
is beyond lhe syllabus: candidales will be given all lhe inlornalion lhal lhey need.
Praclical assessnenl
50 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
6.3.! ark schene lor Paper 5
Paper 5 will be narked using lhe generic nark schene below. The expeclalions lor each nark calegory are
lisled in lhe seclions lhal lollow.
Ouestion 1
SkiII Breakdown of marks
Planning !5 narks Delining lhe problen 3 narks
elhods ol dala colleclion 5 narks
elhod ol analysis 2 narks
Salely consideralions ! nark
Addilional delail 4 narks
Ouestion 2
SkiII Breakdown of marks
Analysis, conclusions
and evalualion
!5 narks Approach lo dala analysis ! nark
Table ol resulls 2 narks
Craph 3 narks
Conclusion 4 narks
Trealnenl ol uncerlainlies 5 narks
Praclical assessnenl
5! Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
6.3.2 The expeclalions lor each nark calegory (Paper 5
Defining the probIem
Candidales should be able lo:
idenlily lhe independenl variable in lhe experinenl
idenlily lhe dependenl variable in lhe experinenl
idenlily lhe variables lhal are lo be kepl conslanl.
Methods of data coIIection
Candidales should be able lo:
describe lhe nelhod lo be used lo vary lhe independenl variable
describe how lhe independenl and dependenl variables are lo be neasured
describe how olher variables are lo be kepl conslanl
describe, wilh lhe aid ol a clear labelled diagran, lhe arrangenenl ol apparalus lor lhe experinenl
and lhe procedures lo be lollowed.
For lull narks lo be scored in lhis seclion, lhe overall arrangenenl nusl be workable, lhal is, il should
be possible lo collecl lhe dala required wilhoul undue dillicully il lhe apparalus were assenbled as
described. The neasuring inslrunenls chosen should be lil lor purpose, in lhal lhey should neasure
lhe correcl physical quanlily lo a suilable precision lor lhe experinenl.
Method of anaIysis
Candidales should be able lo:
describe how lhe dala should be used in order lo reach a conclusion, including delails ol derived
quanlilies lo be calculaled and graphs lo be drawn as appropriale.
Safety considerations
Candidales should be able lo:
assess lhe risks ol lheir experinenl
describe precaulions lhal should be laken lo keep risks lo a nininun.
AdditionaI detaiI
Up lo lour narks will be available lor addilional relevanl delail. How lhese narks are awarded will
depend on lhe experinenl lhal is lo be planned, bul lhey nighl, lor exanple, include narks lor
describing how addilional variables are lo be kepl conslanl, or lor a diagran ol a circuil needed lo
nake a parlicular neasurenenl, or lor addilional salely consideralions.
Praclical assessnenl
52 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
AnaIysis, concIusions and evaIuation
Approach to data anaIysis
Candidales should be able lo:
rearrange expressions inlo lhe lorns , = nx + c, , = ax
and , = ae
plol a graph ol , againsl x and use lhe graph lo lind lhe conslanls n and c in an equalion ol lhe lorn
, = nx + c
plol a graph ol log , againsl log x and use lhe graph lo lind lhe conslanls a and n in an equalion ol lhe
lorn , = ax
plol a graph ol ln , againsl x and use lhe graph lo lind lhe conslanls a and k in an equalion ol lhe
lorn , = ae
decide whal derived quanlilies lo calculale lron raw dala in order lo enable an appropriale graph lo
be plolled.
TabIe of resuIts
Candidales should be able lo:
conplele a lable ol resulls lollowing lhe convenlions required lor Paper 3
vhere logarilhns are required, unils should be shown wilh lhe quanlily whose logarilhn is being laken,
e.g. ln (d / cn. The logarilhn ilsell does nol have a unil.
Candidales should be able lo:
plol a graph lollowing lhe convenlions required lor Paper 3
show error bars, in bolh direclions where appropriale, lor each poinl on lhe graph
draw a slraighl line ol besl lil and a slraighl worsl acceplable line lhrough lhe poinls on lhe graph.
The worsl acceplable line should be eilher lhe sleepesl possible line or lhe shallowesl possible line lhal
passes lhrough lhe error bars ol all lhe dala poinls. l should be dislinguished lron lhe line ol besl lil
eilher by being drawn as a broken line or by being clearly labelled.
Candidales should be able lo:
delernine lhe gradienl and ,inlercepl ol a slraighlline graph
derive expressions lhal equale lo lhe gradienl or lhe ,inlercepl ol lheir slraighl lines ol besl lil
draw lhe required conclusions lron lhese expressions.
The conclusion required will nornally be lhe value ol a conslanl.
Praclical assessnenl
53 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Treatment of uncertainties
Candidales should be able lo:
converl absolule uncerlainly eslinales inlo lraclional or percenlage uncerlainly eslinales and vice
show uncerlainly eslinales, in absolule lerns, beside every value in a lable ol resulls
calculale uncerlainly eslinales in derived quanlilies
show uncerlainly eslinales as error bars on a graph
eslinale lhe absolule uncerlainly in lhe gradienl ol a graph by recalling lhal
absolule uncerlainly = gradienl ol line ol besl lil - gradienl ol worsl acceplable line
eslinale lhe absolule uncerlainly in lhe ,inlercepl ol a graph by recalling lhal
absolule uncerlainly = ,inlercepl ol line ol besl lil - ,inlercepl ol worsl acceplable line
express a quanlily as a value, an uncerlainly eslinale and a unil.
54 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
7. Appendix
7.! Salely in lhe laboralory
Fesponsibilily lor salely nallers resls wilh Cenlres.
Allenlion is drawn lo lhe lollowing UK publicalions:
(a The Con!ro| o! Subs!ances Hazardous !o Hea|!h (COSHH) Fegu|a!ions, UK Parlianenl, 2002
(b Sa!e Prac!ices in Chenica| Labora!ories, Foyal Sociely ol Chenislry, !939
(c Sa!e!, in Science Labora!ories, DES Salely Series, 2, HSO, !976
(d Hazards in !he Chenica| Labora!or,, ed. L. Brelherick, The Foyal Sociely ol Chenislry, 4lh ed., !936
(e Sa!eguards in !he Schoo| Labora!or,, ASE, 9lh edilion, !933
(l Hazcards, as published by CLEAPSS Developnenl Croup, Brunel Universily, Uxbridge UB3 3PH
7.2 alhenalical requirenenls
Expeclalions shown in boId lype are nol required lor lhe AS qualilicalion.
Candidales should be able lo:
recognise and use expressions in decinal and slandard lorn (scienlilic nolalion
recognise and use binary nolalion
use appropriale calculaling aids (eleclronic calculalor or lables lor addilion, sublraclion,
nulliplicalion and division. Find arilhnelic neans, powers (including reciprocals and square rools,
sines, cosines, langenls (and lhe inverse lunclions, exponentiaIs and Iogarithms (Ig and In)
lake accounl ol accuracy in nunerical work and handle calculalions so lhal signilicanl ligures are
neilher losl unnecessarily nor carried beyond whal is juslilied
nake approxinale evalualions ol nunerical expressions (e.g. t
~ !0 and use such
approxinalions lo check lhe nagnilude ol calculaled resulls.
55 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Candidales should be able lo:
change lhe subjecl ol an equalion. osl relevanl equalions involve only lhe sinpler operalions
bul nay include posilive and negalive indices and square rools
solve sinple algebraic equalions. osl relevanl equalions are linear bul sone nay involve inverse
and inverse square relalionships. Linear sinullaneous equalions and lhe use ol lhe lornula lo
oblain lhe solulions ol quadralic equalions are included
subslilule physical quanlilies inlo physical equalions using consislenl unils and check lhe
dinensional consislency ol such equalions
lornulale sinple algebraic equalions as nalhenalical nodels ol physical silualions, and idenlily
inadequacies ol such nodels
recognise and use the Iogarithmic forms of expressions Iike ab, a]b, x
, e
and understand
the use of Iogarithms in reIation to quantities with vaIues that range over severaI orders of
express snall changes or uncerlainlies as percenlages and vice versa
conprehend and use lhe synbols <, >, !, ", , , ! " ~, /, , <x> ( = x
, E , Ax, ox, \
Geometry and trigonometry
Candidales should be able lo:
calculale areas ol righlangled and isosceles lriangles, circunlerence and area ol circles, areas
and volunes ol reclangular blocks, cylinders and spheres
use Pylhagoras lheoren, sinilarily ol lriangles, lhe angle sun ol a lriangle
use sines, cosines and langenls (especially lor 0, 30, 45, 60, 90. Use the trigonometric
reIationships for triangIes:
sin sin sin
= = a
= b
+ c
2bc cos A
use sin ~ tan ~ and cos ~ 1 for smaII , sin
+ cos
= 1
understand the reIationship between degrees and radians (defined as arc]radius), transIate
from one to the other and use the appropriate system in context.
Candidales should be able lo:
lind lhe resullanl ol lwo coplanar veclors, recognising silualions where veclor addilion is
oblain expressions lor conponenls ol a veclor in perpendicular direclions, recognising silualions
where veclor resolulion is appropriale.
56 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Candidales should be able lo:
lranslale inlornalion belween graphical, nunerical, algebraic and verbal lorns
selecl appropriale variables and scales lor graph plolling
lor linear graphs, delernine lhe slope, inlercepl and inlerseclion
choose, by inspeclion, a slraighl line which will serve as lhe line ol besl lil lhrough a sel ol dala
poinls presenled graphically
draw a curved lrend line lhrough a sel ol dala poinls presenled graphically, when lhe
arrangenenl ol lhese dala poinls is clearly indicalive ol a nonlinear relalionship
recall slandard linear lorn , = nx + c and rearrange relalionships inlo linear lorn where
skelch and recognise lhe lorns ol plols ol connon sinple expressions like !/x, x
, !/x
, sin x, cos
x, e
use Iogarithmic pIots to test exponentiaI and power Iaw variations
understand, draw and use the sIope of a tangent to a curve as a means to obtain the
gradient, and use notation in the form dy]dx for a rate of change
undersland and use lhe area below a curve where lhe area has physical signilicance.
57 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
7.3 Clossary ol lerns used in Physics papers
This glossary should prove helplul lo candidales as a guide, allhough il is nol exhauslive and il has
deliberalely been kepl briel. Candidales should undersland lhal lhe neaning ol a lern nusl depend in parl
on ils conlexl. The nunber ol narks allocaled lor any parl ol a queslion is a guide lo lhe deplh required lor
lhe answer.
!. De!ine (!he !ern(s) ... is inlended lilerally. Only a lornal slalenenl or equivalenl paraphrase, such as lhe
delining equalion wilh synbols idenlilied, is required.
2. Vha! is nean! b, ... nornally inplies lhal a delinilion should be given, logelher wilh sone relevanl
connenl on lhe signilicance or conlexl ol lhe lern(s concerned, especially where lwo or nore lerns
are included in lhe queslion. The nunber ol narks indicaled will suggesl lhe anounl ol supplenenlary
connenl required.
3. xp|ain nay inply reasoning or sone relerence lo lheory, depending on lhe conlexl.
4. S!a!e inplies a concise answer wilh lillle or no supporling argunenl, e.g. a nunerical answer lhal can
be oblained by inspeclion.
5. Lis! requires a nunber ol poinls wilh no elaboralion. l a specilic nunber ol poinls is requesled, lhis
nunber should nol be exceeded.
6. Describe requires candidales lo slale in words (using diagrans where appropriale lhe nain poinls ol
lhe lopic. l is ollen used wilh relerence eilher lo parlicular phenonena or lo parlicular experinenls.
For parlicular phenonena, lhe lern usually inplies lhal lhe answer should include relerence lo (visual
observalions associaled wilh lhe phenonena. The anounl ol descriplion inlended is suggesled by lhe
indicaled nark value.
7. Discuss requires candidales lo give a crilical accounl ol lhe poinls involved in lhe lopic.
3. Deduce/Predic! inplies lhal candidales are nol expecled lo produce lhe required answer by recall, bul
by naking a logical conneclion belween olher pieces ol inlornalion. Such inlornalion nay be wholly
given in lhe queslion, or nay depend on answers exlracled in an earlier parl ol lhe queslion.
9. Sugges! is used in lwo nain conlexls. l nay eilher inply lhal lhere is no unique answer or lhal
candidales are expecled lo apply lheir general knowledge lo a new silualion (one lhal nay nol, lornally,
be in lhe syllabus.
!0. Ca|cu|a!e is used when a nunerical answer is required. n general, working should be shown.
!!. easure inplies lhal lhe quanlily concerned can be direclly oblained lron a suilable neasuring
inslrunenl, e.g. lenglh, using a rule, or angle, using a prolraclor.
!2. De!ernine ollen inplies lhal lhe quanlily concerned cannol be neasured direclly, bul is oblained by
calculalion, subsliluling neasured or known values ol olher quanlilies inlo a slandard lornula, e.g. lhe
Young nodulus, relalive nolecular nass.
!3. Shov is used where a candidale is expecled lo derive a given resull. l is inporlanl lhal lhe lerns being
used by candidales are slaled explicilly and lhal all slages in lhe derivalion are slaled clearly.
!4. s!ina!e inplies a reasoned order ol nagnilude slalenenl or calculalion ol lhe quanlily concerned.
Candidales should nake any necessary sinplilying assunplions aboul poinls ol principle and aboul lhe
values ol quanlilies nol olherwise included in lhe queslion.
!5. Ske!ch (applied lo graph work inplies lhal lhe shape and/or posilion ol lhe curve need only be
qualilalively correcl. However, candidales should be aware lhal, depending on lhe conlexl, sone
quanlilalive aspecls nay be looked lor, e.g. passing lhrough lhe origin, having an inlercepl, asynplole
or disconlinuily al a parlicular value. On a skelch graph il is essenlial lhal candidales clearly indicale
whal is being plolled on each axis.
!6. Ske!ch (applied lo diagrans inplies lhal a sinple, lreehand drawing is acceplable, lhough care should
be laken over proporlions and lhe clear exposilion ol inporlanl delails.
!7. Conpare requires candidales lo provide bolh sinilarilies and dillerences belween lhings or concepls.
53 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
7.4 Sunnary ol key quanlilies, synbols and unils
The lollowing lisl illuslrales lhe synbols and unils lhal will be used in queslion papers.
This lisl is lor bolh AS and lull A Level qualilicalions.
Ouantity UsuaI symboIs UsuaI unit
Base Ouan!i!ies
nass n kg
lenglh " n
line ! s
eleclric currenl # A
lhernodynanic lenperalure T K
anounl ol subslance n nol
O!her Ouan!i!ies
dislance d n
displacenenl s, x n
area A n
volune V, v n

kg n
speed u, v, v, c n s
velocily u, v, v, c n s
acceleralion a n s
acceleralion ol lree lall g n s
lorce F
weighl V
nonenlun p s
work v, V J
energy , U, V J
polenlial energy
kinelic energy
healing q, O J
change ol inlernal energy AU J
power P v
pressure p Pa
lorque T n
gravilalional conslanl G kg
gravilalional lield slrenglh g kg
gravilalional polenlial | J kg
59 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
angle u , rad
angular displacenenl u , rad
angular speed e rad s
angular velocily e rad s
period T s
lrequency ! Hz
angular lrequency rad s
wavelenglh n
phase dillerence | , rad
speed ol eleclronagnelic waves c n s
eleclric charge q, O C
elenenlary charge e C
eleclric polenlial V V
eleclric polenlial dillerence V V
eleclronolive lorce V
resislance F O

O n
eleclric lield slrenglh C
, V n
pernillivily ol lree space c
F n
capacilance C F
nagnelic llux u vb
nagnelic llux densily B T
perneabilily ol lree space

0 H n
slress o Pa
slrain c
spring conslanl k n
Young nodulus Pa
Celsius lenperalure u C
specilic heal capacily c J kg

nolar heal capacily C
J nol

specilic lalenl heal L J kg
nolar gas conslanl F J nol
Bollznann conslanl k J K
Avogadro conslanl N
nunber N, n, n
nunber densily (nunber per unil volune n n
Planck conslanl h J s
60 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
work lunclion energy u J
aclivily ol radioaclive source A Bq
decay conslanl s
halllile 1
t s
relalive alonic nass A
relalive nolecular nass
alonic nass n
kg, u
eleclron nass n
kg, u
neulron nass n
kg, u
prolon nass n
kg, u
nolar nass kg nol
prolon nunber Z
nucleon nunber A
neulron nunber N
7.5 Dala and lornulae
The lollowing dala and lornulae will appear as pages 2 and 3 in Papers !, 2 and 4.
Those in boId lype are nol required lor lhe AS qualilicalion.
speed ol lighl in lree space c = 3.00 !0
n s
perneabilily ol lree space
= 4 !0
H n
pernillivily ol lree space c
= 3.35 !0
F n
= 3.99 !0


elenenlary charge e = !.60 !0

lhe Planck conslanl h = 6.63 !0
J s
unilied alonic nass conslanl u = !.66 !0
resl nass ol eleclron n
= 9.!! !0
resl nass ol prolon n
= !.67 !0
nolar gas conslanl F = 3.3! J K
lhe Avogadro conslanl N
= 6.02 !0
lhe Bollznann conslanl k = !.33 !0
gravilalional conslanl G = 6.67 !0
acceleralion ol lree lall g = 9.3! n s
6! Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
unilornly acceleraled nolion s = u! +
= u
+ 2as
work done on/by a gas V = p AV
gravitationaI potentiaI =
hydroslalic pressure p = gh
pressure of an ideaI gas
p =
2 Nm
c < >
simpIe harmonic motion
a =
veIocity of particIe in s.h.m.
v = v
cos t
v =
) (
2 2
x x
eIectric potentiaI
V =
capacitors in series
1/C = 1/C
+ 1/C
+ ...
capacitors in paraIIeI
C = C
+ C
+ ....
energy of charged capacitor
W =
resislors in series F = F
+ F
+ ....
resislors in parallel !/F = !/F
+ !/F
+ ....
aIternating current]voItage
x = x
sin t
radioactive decay
x = x
exp (t)
decay constant


62 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
7.6 T usage in Canbridge nlernalional A Level Physics
nlornalion Technology (T is a lern used lo cover a nunber ol processes which have becone an
indispensable parl ol nodern lile. These processes are alnosl all based on lhe abilily ol lhe nicroprocessor
chip lo handle and nanipulale large volunes ol binary dala in a shorl line. The use ol T is now an inporlanl
laclor in Physics educalion, and all Canbridge nlernalional A Level candidales should have lhe opporlunily
lo experience each ol lhe lollowing live processes:
1. Data Capture (Hardware)
Sensors and dala loggers can be used in any experinenl lo neasure and slore a nunber ol physical
quanlilies which vary wilh line. The sensor usually converls lhe quanlily (e.g. lenperalure, lighl/
sound inlensily, posilion, counl rale, nagnelic llux densily inlo a vollage and lhe dala logger
sanples lhis vollage al regular inlervals, lron a lew nicroseconds lo a lew hours depending on lhe
duralion ol lhe experinenl. Each sanple is converled inlo a binary/digilal nunber and lhen slored
in nenory. The nunber ol sanples lhal are laken and slored depends on lhe parlicular dala logger
in use, bul il is usually several hundred. This large nunber has lhe ellecl lhal, when lhe slored dala
is subsequenlly plolled graphically, lhe dala poinls are so close logelher lhal lhe physical quanlily
appears lo vary conlinuously over lhe linescale ol lhe experinenl.
Sensors and dala loggers are invaluable where lhe linescale ol lhe experinenl is eilher very long
(e.g. lhe varialion ol lenperalure over several days or very shorl (e.g. lhe nicrophone signal ol a
Allhough nosl suppliers ol sensors and dala loggers will indicale lhe lype ol experinenl in which
lhey nay be used, lhe lollowing are sone exanples ol lheir use in slandard Canbridge nlernalional
A Level Physics experinenls:
lhe varialion ol vollage in capacilor charge/discharge circuils
lhe varialion ol lenperalure in a lalenl heal denonslralion
lhe varialion ol induced e.n.l. in a coil as a nagnel lalls lhrough il
lhe varialion ol counl rale in radioaclive halllile neasurenenl
lhe varialion ol lhe posilion ol an oscillalor in sinple harnonic nolion.
63 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
2. Data AnaIysis (Software)
Large colleclions ol dala nay be easily slored and analysed using a spreadsheel progran, such as
icrosoll Excel, lhe lreeolcharge Calc, or lhe lree online Coogle Docs service.
unerical values nay be enlered inlo a spreadsheel using eilher dala enlry or wilh lhe aid ol a dala
For exanple, a sludenl nighl invesligale lhe behaviour ol a lilanenl lanp by recording lhe currenl
lhrough lhe lanp when dillerenl polenlial dillerences (p.d. are applied. This dala could be recorded
in a spreadsheel, wilh lhe lirsl lwo colunns conlaining lhe p.d. and currenl. A lhird colunn nighl
conlain a lornula lhal delernines lhe power P dissipaled by lhe lanp by nulliplying lhe p.d. and
lhe currenl. Anolher colunn nighl calculale lhe resislance F ol lhe lanp by dividing lhe p.d. by lhe
Spreadsheels also lypically allow lor lhe presenlalion ol dala in graphical lorn. For exanple, in
lhe sinple experinenl oullined above, a line graph could be plolled lo show lhe varialion wilh
resislance ol power dissipaled in lhe lanp. Felalionships nay be lesled easily by graphical nelhods.
For exanple, lo lesl lhal P varies linearly wilh F
, a colunn could be crealed conlaining F
and a
scaller graph lhen plolled lo look lor a linear relalionship. The spreadsheel progran would be able lo
delernine a slraighl line ol besl lil and give ils gradienl and inlercepl.
A spreadsheel nay also be used lo build nalhenalical nodels ol physical silualions by calculaling
and plolling lhe necessary dala. For exanple, lhe dynanic nodel lor lhe lwodinensional llighl
ol a ball subjecl lo air resislance nay be exanined wilhoul resorling lo lhe calculus ol dillerenlial
equalions. Here, lhe posilions ol lhe ball aller successive increnenls ol line would be calculaled
algebraically and added lo successive cells in lhe spreadsheel. These posilions can lhen be plolled
and exlrapolaled lo reveal lhe balls lrajeclory.
3. Teaching Aids and Resources (Software)
Allhough classroon denonslralions and praclicals are ollen lhe nosl engaging and elleclive ways
lo leach scienlilic concepls lo sludenls, line and resources do nol always nake lhis leasible. There
also exisl inleraclive denonslralions on lhe nlernel - nany ol which nay be used lree ol charge,
by sludenls and leachers alike. n addilion, where nlernel access is nol available, lhere are nany
sollware packages available on CDFO or DVDFO, which can help lo illuslrale concepls lron
lhroughoul lhe syllabus conlenl. Exanples ol lhese websiles and sollware packages are given in lhe
Fesource Lisl, available on lhe Teacher Supporl Sile. Furlher exanples nay be lound elsewhere on
lhe nlernel, by searching lor parlicular lopics ol inleresl.
Laslly, nany educalional suppliers produce videos (on VHS, on DVD and online ol exanples ol
Physics being used in lhe real world - lron nuclear power slalions lo bridgebuilding. These can help
lo inspire sludenls lo lhink ol ways in which lheir knowledge nay be used oulside educalion. Science
progrannes and podcasls, produced bolh by nalional radio slalions and inlernalional channels such
as lhe BBC vorld Service, nay also inlroduce sludenls lo applicalions ol Physics lhal lhey had nol
previously considered.
64 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
4. Internet
The inlernel allows leachers and sludenls lo share and inleracl wilh conlenl crealed by users lron
across lhe world. any websiles conlain lulorials, denonslralions, video clips, pholographs and
encyclopaedic inlornalion lhal can supporl sludenls in lheir learning. For lhe leacher, nany online
connunilies ol leachers exisl lo share lesson plans, praclical ideas and lesl queslions. For bolh
sludenl and leacher alike, discussion loruns and enail provide ways lo share ideas and consull wilh
peers and subjecl experls.
Canbridge also encourages Physics leachers and heads ol deparlnenl lo join our discussion group
lor people leaching Canbridge Physics syllabuses. Furlher inlornalion can be lound on our Teacher
Supporl Sile, al http:]]]
5. Presentation TechnoIogies
The connunicalion ol scienlilic concepls, bolh lo olher scienlisls and lo people unlaniliar wilh
science, is an inporlanl skill. vhere possible, sludenls should be encouraged lo use sollware
packages such as or icrosoll Ollice in order lo produce clear and engaging wrillen
or oral presenlalions. nlornalion nay also be connunicaled lhrough websiles, podcasls or video
clips, sludenls nay lind lhese and olher lechnologies an engaging way lo inleracl wilh a wide
65 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Learning Oulcones
Finally, sludenls nusl develop an awareness ol lhe nany possible applicalions and linilalions ol T. They
should be able lo judge when lo use T lo collecl, handle and analyse scienlilic invesligalion. Sludenls nusl
be aware ol lhe need lo be crilical ol inlornalion produced using T and lhal lhe resulls nay be allecled by
lhe use ol inaccurale dala or careless enlry. osl inporlanlly, sludenls will, in lhe process, learn lo adopl a
crilical and crealive approach lo problen solving lhal would enable lhen lo neel lhe challenges ol lhe new
knowledgebased econony.
A briel connenlary lollows on sone parls ol lhe syllabus where T can be applied. n sone cases, sollware
is available connercially, in olhers, leachers nay be able lo develop lheir own.
SyIIabus section IT appIication
2. Measurement
Learning oulcones in lhis seclion inlroduce candidales lo lhe
presenlalion ol dala in analogue and digilal lorns. Dalacaplure
lechniques nay be used in lhe neasurenenl ol nagnelic llux densily.
The lrealnenl ol uncerlainlies nay be illuslraled using T sinulalion
3. Kinematics Teaching ol lhis seclion ollers an opporlunily lo use conpuler prograns
lo sinulale parlicle nolion, and lo denonslrale how quanlilies such
as displacenenl, velocily and acceleralion are relaled. Dalacaplure
lechniques nay also be used in praclical work on kinenalics.
4. Dynamics Exanples ol lhe applicalion ol ewlons second law nay be presenled
lhrough conpuler sinulalions. Likewise, collision problens nay
be presenled very elleclively using T sinulalions. Experinenlal
invesligalions ol collisions lend lhenselves lo dalacaplure lechniques.
6. Work, energy,
The concepls ol lorce, energy and power nay be denonslraled using
sinulalion nelhods.
7. Motion in a circIe Conpuler sinulalion lechniques nay be used elleclively in lhe analysis
ol circular orbils.
8. GravitationaI fieId Theorelical prediclions lron ewlons law ol gravilalion and lhe
concepl ol gravilalional polenlial nay be presenled lhrough conpuler
sinulalions. nlornalion on lhe orbils ol planels in lhe Solar Syslen
could be slored on a spreadsheel.
12. Temperature Dalacaplure nelhods nay be used wilh cerlain lypes ol lhernoneler.
14. OsciIIations The relalions belween acceleralion, velocily and displacenenl in
sinple harnonic nolion and in danped and lorced oscillalion nay be
denonslraled using conpuler sinulalions.
15. Waves The graphical represenlalion ol lransverse and longiludinal waves nay
be illuslraled using conpuler sinulalions. Dala caplure nay be applied
in lhe neasurenenl ol lhe lrequency and wavelenglh ol sound.
66 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
16. Superposition Conpuler sinulalions nay be used lo help sludenls lo nodel lhe
concepl ol superposilion and lo invesligale slalionary waves.
17. EIectric fieIds Theorelical prediclions lron Coulonbs law and lhe concepl ol eleclric
polenlial nay be presenled lhrough conpuler sinulalions.
19. Current of
The currenlvollage characlerislics ol a nunber ol devices nay be
presenled lhrough conpuler sinulalions and dalacaplure.
20. D.C. circuits The characlerislics ol lhernislors and lighldependenl resislors nay be
presenled using conpuler sinulalion lechniques and dalacaplure.
23. EIectromagnetic
Conpuler sinulalions nay be used lo illuslrale lhe phenonena ol
eleclronagnelic induclion.
24. AIternating
Conpuler sinulalions, or denonslralions using a calhoderay
oscilloscope, are powerlul nelhods ol denonslraling allernaling
25. Charged particIes
The classic experinenls on lhe delerninalion ol e and e/n
nay be
presenled lhrough conpuler sinulalions. Theorelical prediclions ol lhe
nolion ol charged parlicles in eleclric and nagnelic lields nay also be
presenled in lhis way.
26. Ouantum physics nporlanl concepls ol lhe quanlun lheory nay be presenled using
sinulalion lechniques, and lheorelical prediclions nay be denonslraled.
The relalion ol speclral lines lo syslens ol discrele eleclron energy
levels nay also be presenled in lhis way.
27. NucIear physics Conpuler sinulalions ol an oparlicle scallering experinenl nay be
very elleclive. Sinple nodels ol lhe nuclear alon nay be presenled
using conpuler sinulalions. Dalacaplure nelhods nay be used in
experinenls on radioaclive decay.
Olher inlornalion
67 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
8. Other information
Equalily and inclusion
Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions has laken greal care in lhe preparalion ol lhis syllabus and
assessnenl nalerials lo avoid bias ol any kind. To conply wilh lhe UK Equalily Acl (20!0, Canbridge has
designed lhis qualilicalion wilh lhe ain ol avoiding direcl and indirecl discrininalion.
The slandard assessnenl arrangenenls nay presenl unnecessary barriers lor candidales wilh disabililies
or learning dillicullies. Arrangenenls can be pul in place lor lhese candidales lo enable lhen lo access lhe
assessnenls and receive recognilion ol lheir allainnenl. Access arrangenenls will nol be agreed il lhey
give candidales an unlair advanlage over olhers or il lhey conpronise lhe slandards being assessed.
Candidales who are unable lo access lhe assessnenl ol any conponenl nay be eligible lo receive an award
based on lhe parls ol lhe assessnenl lhey have laken.
nlornalion on access arrangenenls is lound in lhe Canbridge Handbook which can be downloaded lron
lhe websile
This syllabus and lhe associaled assessnenl nalerials are available in English only.
Crading and reporling
Canbridge nlernalional A Level resulls are shown by one ol lhe grades A', A, B, C, D or E, indicaling
lhe slandard achieved, A' being lhe highesl and E lhe lowesl. Ungraded indicales lhal lhe candidales
perlornance lell shorl ol lhe slandard required lor grade E. Ungraded will be reporled on lhe slalenenl ol
resulls bul nol on lhe cerlilicale. The lellers O (resull pending, X (no resulls and Y (lo be issued nay also
appear on lhe slalenenl ol resulls bul nol on lhe cerlilicale.
Canbridge nlernalional AS Level resulls are shown by one ol lhe grades a, b, c, d or e, indicaling lhe
slandard achieved, a being lhe highesl and e lhe lowesl. Ungraded indicales lhal lhe candidales
perlornance lell shorl ol lhe slandard required lor grade e. Ungraded will be reporled on lhe slalenenl ol
resulls bul nol on lhe cerlilicale. The lellers O (resull pending, X (no resulls and Y (lo be issued nay also
appear on lhe slalenenl ol resulls bul nol on lhe cerlilicale.
l a candidale lakes a Canbridge nlernalional A Level and lails lo achieve grade E or higher, a Canbridge
nlernalional AS Level grade will be awarded il bolh ol lhe lollowing apply:
lhe conponenls laken lor lhe Canbridge nlernalional A Level by lhe candidale in lhal series included all
lhe conponenls naking up a Canbridge nlernalional AS Level
lhe candidales perlornance on lhese conponenls was sullicienl lo neril lhe award ol a Canbridge
nlernalional AS Level grade.
For languages olher lhan English, Canbridge also reporls separale speaking endorsenenl grades
(Dislinclion, eril and Pass, lor candidales who salisly lhe condilions slaled in lhe syllabus.
Olher inlornalion
63 Canbridge nlernalional AS and A Level Physics 9702. Syllabus lor exaninalion in 20!5.
Enlry codes
To na inlain lhe securily ol our exaninalions we produce queslion papers lor dillerenl areas ol lhe world,
known as adninislralive zones. vhere lhe conponenl enlry code has lwo digils, lhe lirsl digil is lhe
conponenl nunber given in lhe syllabus. The second digil is lhe localion code, specilic lo an adninislralive
zone. nlornalion aboul enlry codes, exaninalion linelables and adninislralive inslruclions lor your
adninislralive zone can be lound in lhe Canbridge Guide !o aking n!ries.
Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions
! Hills Foad, Canbridge, CB! 2EU, Uniled Kingdon
Tel: +44 (0!223 553554 Fax: +44 (0!223 553553
CCSE is lhe regislered lradenark ol Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions
Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions 20!3

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