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Spring Hill High School

Lesson Plan
(Feel Free to delete the descriptor questions in your actual plan)

Teacher___________________ Class_________________

Standards and Objective

State Standard with Number:

Sub Objective (if necessary)

How will teacher assess mastery for each student?
Test, Quizzes, Formative, Summative, Labs

Motivating Students
Students will be given or asked questions. Brainstorming, group hypothesis, Brain Teasers,
Leading questions, etc.

Presenting Instructional Content (list any visuals used, modeling that will be done)
How will you segment your lesson?

The hook will last roughly five minutes. Teaching standard 40 minutes with a transition
into next standard for another 45 minutes

Lesson Structure and Pacing (how many minutes have you allotted for each lesson segment?)
45 minutes for each standard Plus or minus if needed. Tentative

Activities and Materials Used (list your materials and activities)
Do they support the objectives of the lesson? Yes
Have you chosen materials that are not associated with the textbook? Yes
Have you given your students choices of activities? (this can help with differentiation)

Power Point, Paper, Graph Paper, Lab materials, Videos, Textbook, Computer Lab, Internet,

Questioning (list the overarching questions for the lessons)
Whole group and individual questions will be asked.
Student questioning student format will be completed.

Analytical, Comprehension, and application questions will be asked.

Grouping for lesson (whole class, small group, think/pair/share, shoulder partners)
Are there any grouping considerations to be made?

Groups may consist of pairs or groups of 4. Parts of lesson only individual work will be

Knowledge of students

Students with IEPs. IEP will be followed
Number of strategies will be included throughout the weeks lessons

Thinking Problem Solving

How will you thoroughly teach one type of
thinking? (see rubric for list)

Students will be asked to analyze and compare
data. Specifically compare and contrast. Explain

Students will also be asked to create and design
or formulate ideas, projects, and experiments.

Students will be asked to explore a variety of
solutions, ideas, or models and theories.

Have you included @ least 2 activities to teach
problem solving? (See rubric for a list)

Students will be asked to draw a conclusion and
justify certain solutions to problems in

Observe environments and make predictions on

Create and design experiments.

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