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Boiler's Terminology

ABSOLUTE PRESSURE - Pressure above zero pressure; the sum of the gauge and atmospheri
A""U#ULATOR - $STEA#% A pressure vesse& ontaining 'ater and(or steam) 'hih is used to
store the heat of steam for use at a &ate period and at some &o'er pressure!
A"*+ "LEA,*,- - The proess of &eaning the interior surfaes of steam generating units b.
fi&&ing the unit 'ith di&ute aid aompanied b. an inhibitor to prevent orrosion) and
subse/uent&. draining) 'ashing and neutra&izing the aid b. a further 'ash of a&0a&ine 'ater!
A"*+*T1 - Represents the amount of free arbon dio2ide) minera& aids and sa&ts $espeia&&.
su&phates of iron and a&uminum% 'hih h.dro&.ze to give h.drogen ions in 'ater and is reported
as mi&&ie/uiva&ents per &iter of aid) or ppm aidit. as a&ium arbonate) or p3 the measure of
h.drogen ions onentration!
A+*ABAT*" 4LA#E TE#PERATURE - The theoretia& temperature that 'ou&d be attained b.
the produts of ombustion provided the entire hemia& energ. of the fue&) the sensib&e heat
ontent of the fue& and ombustion above the datum temperature 'ere transferred to the produts
of ombustion! This assumes5 ,o heat &oss to surroundings and no dissoiation!
A*R - The mi2ture of o2.gen) nitrogen) and other gases) 'hih 'ith amounts of 'ater
vapor) forms the atmosphere of the earth!
A*R ATO#*6*,- O*L BUR,ER - A burner for firing oi& in 'hih the oi& is atomized b.
ompressed air) 'hih is fored into and through one or more streams of oi& 'hih resu&ts in the
brea0ing of the oi& into a fine spra.!
A*R +E4*"*E,"1 - *nsuffiient air) in an air-fue& mi2ture) to supp&. the o2.gen re/uired for
omp&ete o2idation of the fue&!
A*R-4REE - The desriptive harateristi of a substane from 'hih air has been removed!
A*R-4UEL RAT*O - The ratio of the 'eight) or vo&ume) of air to fue&!
A*R *,4*LTRAT*O, - The &ea0age of air into a setting or dut!
A*R) SATURATE+ - Air 'hih ontains the ma2imum amount of 'ater vapor that it an ho&d at
its temperature and pressure!
A*R 7E,T - A va&ved opening in the top of the highest drum of a boi&er or pressure vesse& for
venting air!
ALAR# - A suitab&e horn) be&&) &ight or other devie 'hih 'hen operated 'i&& give notie of
ma&funtion or off norma& ondition!
AL8AL*,*T1 - Represents the amount of arbonates) biarbonates) h.dro2ides and si&iates or
phosphates in the 'ater and is reported as grains per ga&&on) or ppm as a&ium arbonate!
ALLO9ABLE 9OR8*,- PRESSURE - See design pressure!
A#B*E,T A*R - The air that surrounds the e/uipment! The standard ambient air for
performane a&u&ations is air at :; <4) =;> re&ative humidit.) and a barometri pressure of
?@!@?A in! 3g) giving a speifi humidit. of ;!;AB &b of 'ater vapor per &b of dr. air!
A#B*E,T TE#PERATURE - The temperature of the air surrounding the e/uipment!
A,AL1S*S - Cuantitative determination of the onstituent parts!
A,AL1S*S) ULT*#ATE - "hemia& ana&.sis of so&id) &i/uid or gaseous fue&s! *n the ase of oa&
or o0e) determination of arbon) h.drogen) su&fur) nitrogen) o2.gen) and ash!
ACUASTAT - 9ater &imit temperature ontro&) a safet. devie often used on boi&ers!
ARRESTER - A devie to impede the f&o' of &arge dust parti&es or spar0s from a sta0) usua&&.
sreening at the top!
AS-4*RE+ 4UEL - 4ue& in the ondition as fed to the fue& burning e/uipment!
AS3 - The inombustib&e inorgani matter in the fue&!
AS3-4REE BAS*S - The method of reporting fue& ana&.sis) 'hereb. ash is deduted and other
onstituents are rea&u&ated to tota& A;;>!
AS3 P*T - A pit or hopper &oated be&o' a furnae 'here refuse is aumu&ated and from 'hih
refuse is removed at interva&s!
AS#E - The Amerian Soiet. of #ehania& Engineers!
ASP*RAT*,- BUR,ER - A burner in 'hih the fue& in a gaseous or fine&. divided form is
burned in suspension) the air for ombustion being supp&ied b. bringing into ontat 'ith the
fue&) air dra'n through one or more openings b. the &o'er stati pressure reated b. the ve&oit.
of the fue& stream!
AS-RE"E*7E+ 4UEL - 4ue& in the ondition as reeived at the p&ant!
AT#OSP3ER*" A*R - Air under the prevai&ing atmospheri onditions!
AT#OSP3ER*" PRESSURE - The barometri reading of pressure e2erted b. the atmosphere!
At sea &eve& AD!E &b per s/ in! or ?@!@? in! of merur.!
ATO#*6ER - A devie b. means of 'hih a &i/uid is redued to a ver. fine spra.!
A7A*LABLE +RA4T - The draft 'hih ma. be uti&ized to ause the f&o' of air for ombustion
or the f&o' of produts of ombustion!
A7A*LAB*L*T1 4A"TOR - The fration of time during 'hih the unit is in operab&e ondition!
AF*AL 4A, - "onsists of a prope&&er or dis of 'hee& 'ithin a .&inder that disharges air
para&&e& to the a2is of the 'hee&!

BA44LE - A p&ate or 'a&& for def&eting gases or &i/uids!
BA44LE T*LE - A ti&e for def&eting gases!
BA44LE-T1PE "OLLE"TOR - A devie in gas paths uti&izing baff&es so arranged as to def&et
dust parti&es out of the gas stream!
BA- 4*LTER - A devie ontaining one or more &oth bags for reovering parti&es from the
dust &aden gas or air 'hih is b&o'n through it!
BA--T1PE "OLLE"TOR - A fi&ter in 'hih the &oth fi&tering medium is made in the form of
.&indria& bags!
BARO#ETR*" PRESSURE - Atmospheri pressure as determined b. a barometer usua&&.
e2pressed in inhes of merur.!
BASE LOA+ - Base &oad is the term app&ied to that portion of a station or boi&er &oad that is
pratia&&. onstant for &ong periods!
BEA+E+ TUBE E,+ - The rounded e2posed end of a ro&&ed tube 'hen the tube meta& is
formed over against the sheet in 'hih the tube is ro&&ed!
BL*,+ ,*PPLE - A nipp&e) or a short piee of pipe or tube) &osed at one end!
BLO9+O9, - Boi&er 'ater that is removed from the boi&er in order to maintain the desired
onentration &eve&s of suspended and disso&ved so&ids in the boi&er and remova& of s&udge!
BLO9+O9,GSA4ET1 7AL7E - The differene bet'een the pressure at 'hih a safet. va&ve
opens and at 'hih it &oses!
BLO9+O9, 7AL7E - A va&ve genera&&. used to ontinuous&. regu&ate onentration of so&ids
in the boi&er) not a drain va&ve! $Often a&&ed ontinuous b&o'do'n!%
BLO9-O44 7AL7E - A speia&&. designed) manua&&. operated) va&ve that onnets to the boi&er
for the purpose of reduing the onentration of so&ids in the boi&er or for draining purposes!
$Often a&&ed bottom b&o'do'n!%
BLO9ER - A fan used to fore air under pressure!
BO*LER - A &osed vesse& in 'hih 'ater is heated) steam is generated) steam is superheated) or
an. ombination thereof) under pressure or vauum b. the app&iation of heat from ombustib&e
fue&s) e&etriit. or nu&ear energ.!
BO*LER E44*"*E,"1 - The term Hboi&er effiien.I is often substituted for ombustion or
therma& effiien.! True boi&er effiien. is the measure of fue&-to-steam effiien.!
BO*LER 3ORSEPO9ER - The evaporation of BD-A(? &bs of 'ater per hour from a temperature
of ?A? <4 into dr. saturated steam at the same temperature! E/uiva&ent to BB)DEJ Btu(hr!
BO*LER RAT*,- - The heating apait. of a boi&er e2pressed in boi&er horsepo'er) Btu(hour)
or pounds of steam(hour!
BO*LER S3ELL- The outer .&indria& portion of a pressure vesse&!
BO*LER 9ATER - A term onstrued to mean a representative samp&e of the iru&ating boi&er
'ater) after the generated steam has been separated and before the inoming feed 'ater or added
hemia& beomes mi2ed 'ith it so that its omposition is affeted!
BO*L*,- - The onversion of a &i/uid into vapor 'ith the formation of bubb&es!
BO*L*,- OUT - The boi&ing of high&. a&0a&ine 'ater in boi&er pressure parts for the remova& of
oi&s) greases) et!
BOOSTER 4A, - A devie for inreasing the pressure or f&o' of a gas!
BREE"3*,- - A dut that transports the produts of ombustion bet'een parts of a steam
generating unit or to the sta0!
BR*+-E9ALL - A 'a&& in a furnae over 'hih the produts of ombustion pass!
BR*T*S3 T3ER#AL U,*T $Btu% - The mean British Therma& Unit is A(A:; of the heat re/uired
to raise the temperature of A &b of 'ater from B? <4 to ?A? <4 at a onstant atmospheri pressure!
A Btu is essentia&&. ?J? a&ories!
BU"8STA1 - A strutura& member p&aed against a furnae or boi&er 'a&& to restrain the motion
of the 'a&&!
BU,8ER " O*L - Residua& fue& oi& of high visosit. ommon&. used in marine and stationar.
steam po'er p&ants! $,o! = fue& oi&%
BUR,ER - A devie for the introdution of fue& and air into a furnae at the desired ve&oities)
turbu&ene and onentration!
BUR,ER 9*,+BOF - A p&enum hamber around a burner that maintains an air pressure
suffiient for proper distribution and disharge of seondar. air!
BUR,ER 9*,+BOF PRESSURE - The air pressure maintained in the 'indbo2 or p&enum
hamber measured above atmospheri pressure!
B1-PASS - A passage for a f&uid) permitting a portion of the f&uid to f&o' around its norma& pass
f&o' hanne&!

" - "arbon e&ement) the prinipa& ombustib&e onstituent of a&& fue&s!
"a"OB - "a&ium "arbonate!
"ALOR*E - The mean a&orie is A(A;; of the heat re/uired to raise the temperature of A gram of
'ater from 6ero " to A;; <" at a onstant atmospheri pressure! *t is about e/ua& to the /uantit.
of heat re/uired to raise one gram of 'ater A <"! Another definition is5 A a&orie is B=;;(:=;
"ALOR*#ETER - Apparatus for determining the a&orifi va&ue of a fue&!
"APA"*T1 4A"TOR - The ratio of the average &oad arried to the ma2imum design apait.!
"ARBO, - E&ement! The prinipa& ombustib&e onstituent of a&& fue&s!
"ARR1O7ER - The hemia& so&ids and &i/uid entrained 'ith the steam from a boi&er!
"AS*,- - A overing of sheets of meta& or other materia& suh as fire resistant omposition
board used to en&ose a&& or a portion of a steam generating unit!
"E,TRAL STAT*O, - A po'er p&ant or steam heating p&ant that generates po'er or steam!
"E,TR*4U-AL 4A, - "onsists of a fan rotor or 'hee& 'ithin a housing that disharges air at a
right ang&e to the a2is of the 'hee&!
"3E#*"AL A,AL1S*S - +etermination of the prinipa& hemia& onstituents!
"3E#*"AL 4EE+ P*PE - A pipe inside a boi&er drum through 'hih hemia&s for treating the
boi&er 'ater are introdued!
"3*#,E1 - A bri0) meta& or onrete sta0!
"*R"ULAT*O, - The movement of 'ater and steam 'ithin a steam generating unit!
"*R"ULAT*O, RAT*O - The ratio of 'ater entering a iruit to the steam generated b. that
passes that iruit in a unit of time!
"*R"ULATOR - A pipe or tube to pass steam or 'ater bet'een upper boi&er drums usua&&.
&oated 'here the heat absorption is &o'! A&so used to app&. to tubes onneting headers of
horizonta& 'ater tube boi&ers 'ith drums!
"LEA,OUT +OOR - A door p&aed so that aumu&ated refuse ma. be removed room a boi&er
"O - "arbon mono2ide!
"O? - "arbon dio2ide!
"OLLE"TOR - A devie used for removing gas borne so&ids from f&ue gas!
"OLLO*+ - A fine&. divided organi substane 'hih tends to inhibit the formation of dense
sa&e and resu&ts in the deposition of s&udge) or auses it to remain in suspension) so that it ma.
be b&o'n from the boi&er!
"O#BUST*BLE LOSS - The &oss representing the un&iberated therma& energ. oasioned b.
fai&ure to o2idize omp&ete&. some of the ombustib&e matter in the fue&!
"O#BUST*BLES - The heat produing onstituents of a fue&!
"O#BUST*O, - The rapid hemia& ombination of o2.gen 'ith the ombustib&e e&ements of a
fue& resu&ting in the re&ease of heat!
"O#BUST*O, A*R - Air used in the ombustion proess! Air ontains o2.gen 'hih is
re/uired to ombust fue&!
"O#BUST*O, "3A#BER - See 4urnae!
"O#BUST*O, E44*"*E,"1 - The effetiveness of the burner to omp&ete&. burn the fue&! A
'e&& designed burner 'i&& operate 'ith as &itt&e as A; to ?;> e2ess air) 'hi&e onverting a&&
ombustib&es in the fue& to usefu& energ.!
"O#PLETE "O#BUST*O, - The omp&ete o2idation of a&& the ombustib&e onstituents of a
"O,"E,TRAT*O, - $A% The 'eight of so&ids ontained in a unit 'eight of boi&er or feed 'ater!
$?% The number of times that the disso&ved so&ids have inreased from the origina& amount in the
feed'ater to that in the boi&er 'ater due to evaporation in generating steam!
"O,+E,SATE - "ondensed 'ater resu&ting from the remova& of &atent heat from steam!
"O,+U"T*O, - The transmission of heat through and b. means of matter unaompanied b.
an. obvious motion of the matter!
"O,+U"T*7*T1 - $A% A materia& propert. re&ating heat f&u2 $heat transferred per unit area per
unit time% to a temperature differene! *n Amerian units) it is t.pia&&. defined as the amount of
heat $Btu% transmitted in one hour through one s/uare foot of materia& A inh thi0) 'ith a
temperature differene of A<4 bet'een the t'o surfaes of the materia&! $?% The propert. of a
'ater samp&e to transmit e&etri urrent under a set of standard onditions! Usua&&. e2pressed as
mirohms ondutane!
"O,T*,UOUS BLO9+O9, - The uninterrupted remova& of onentrated boi&er 'ater from a
boi&er to ontro& tota& so&ids onentration in the remaining 'ater!
"O,TROL - An. manua& or automati devie for the regu&ation of a mahine to 0eep it at
norma& operation! *f automati) the devie is motivated b. variations in temperature) pressure)
'ater &eve&) time) &ight) or other inf&uenes!
"O,TROL 7AL7E - A va&ve used to ontro& the f&o' of air) gas) 'ater) steam or other
"O,7E"T*O, - The transmission of heat b. the iru&ation of a &i/uid or gas! *t ma. be natura&)
'ith the iru&ation aused b. affets due to temperature differenes) or fored 'ith
iru&ation aused b. a mehania& devie suh as a fan or pump!
"ORROS*O, - The 'asting a'a. of meta& due to hemia& ation! *n a boi&er) usua&&. aused b.
the presene of O?) "O?) or an aid!
"RO9, S3EET - *n a firebo2 boi&er) the p&ate forming the top of the furnae!
"RU+E O*L - Unrefined petro&eum!
"S+-A - Abbreviation for the AS#E standard for "ontro&s and Safet. +evies!

+A#PER - A devie for introduing a variab&e pressure drop in a s.stem used for regu&ating the
vo&umetri f&o' of a gas) suh as air!
+A7*T - The struture on &arge firetube boi&ers from 'hih the front and rear doors are
suspended 'hen opened!
+EAERAT*O, - Remova& of air and gases from boi&er feed 'ater prior to its introdution to a
+E-AS*4*"AT*O, - Remova& of gases from samp&es of steam ta0en for purit. test! Remova& of
"O? from 'ater as in the ion e2hange method of softening!
+ELA1E+ "O#BUST*O, - A ontinuation of ombustion be.ond the furnae! $See a&so
Seondar. "ombustion!%
+ES*-, LOA+ - The &oad for 'hih a steam generating unit is designed) onsidered the
ma2imum &oad to be arried!
+ES*-, PRESSURE - The pressure used in the design of a boi&er for the purpose of a&u&ating
the minimum permissib&e thi0ness or ph.sia& harateristis of the different parts of the boi&er!
+ES*-, STEA# TE#PERATURE - The temperature of steam for 'hih a boi&er is designed!
+E9 PO*,T - The temperature at 'hih ondensation starts!
+*SE,-A-*,- SUR4A"E - The surfae of the boi&er 'ater from 'hih steam is re&eased!
+*SSO"*AT*O, - The proess b. 'hih a hemia& ompound brea0s do'n into simp&er
onstituents) as do "O? and 3?O at high temperature!
+*SSOL7E+ SOL*+ - Those so&ids in 'ater 'hih are in so&ution!
+*ST*LLATE 4UELS - Li/uid fue&s disti&&ed usua&&. from rude petro&eum!
+*ST*LLAT*O, - 7aporization of a substane 'ith subse/uent reover. of the vapor b.
ondensation! Often used in &ess preise sense to refer to vaporization of vo&ati&e onstituents of a
fue& 'ithout subse/uent ondensation!
+*ST*LLE+ 9ATER - 9ater produed b. vaporization and ondensation 'ith a resu&ting higher
+O9,"O#ER - A tube or pipe in a boi&er or 'ater'a&& iru&ating s.stem through 'hih f&uid
f&o's do'n'ard!
+O9,T*#E - Amount of time a piee of e/uipment is not operationa&!
+RA4T - The differene bet'een atmospheri pressure and some &o'er pressure e2isting in the
furnae sta0 or gas passages of a steam generating unit!
+RA4T +*44ERE,T*AL - The differene in stati pressure bet'een t'o points in a s.stem!
+RA4T -AU-E -A devie for measuring draft) usua&&. in inhes of 'ater!
+RA*, - A va&ved onnetion at the &o'est point for the remova& of a&& 'ater from the pressure
+RU# - A .&indria& she&& &osed at both ends designed to 'ithstand interna& pressure!
+R1 A*R - Air 'ith 'hih no 'ater vapor is mi2ed! This term is used omparative&.) sine in
nature there is a&'a.s some 'ater vapor in&uded in air) and suh 'ater vapor) being a gas) is dr.!
+R1BA"8 BO*LER - 4iretube boi&er 'ith a refrator. &ined ba0 door! +oor opens to a&&o'
maintenane and(or inspetion!
+R1 -AS - -as ontaining no 'ater vapor!
+R1--AS LOSS - The &oss representing the differene bet'een the heat ontent of the dr.
e2haust gases and their heat ontent at the temperature of ambient air!
+R1 STEA# - Steam ontaining no moisture! "ommeria&&. dr. steam ontaining not more
than one ha&f of one perent moisture!
+U"T - A passage for air or gas f&o'!

E"O,O#*6ER - Uti&izes 'aste heat b. transferring heat from f&ue gases to 'arm inoming
E+R - E/uiva&ent diret radiation is the rate of heat transfer from a radiator or onvetor! *t is
e/uiva&ent to the s/uare feet of surfae area neessar. to transfer heat at the same rate at 'hih it
is produed b. a generator! A sing&e boi&er horsepo'er e/ua&s AD; ft? E+R!
E44*"*E,"1 - The ratio of output to input! See a&so "ombustion) 4ue&-to-Steam and Therma&
ELE"TOR - A devie 'hih uti&izes the 0ineti energ. in a Ket of 'ater or other f&uid to remove a
f&uid or f&uent materia& from tan0s or hoppers!
ELE"TR*" BO*LER - A boi&er in 'hih e&etri energ. is used as the soure of heat!
ELE"TROSTAT*" PRE"*P*TATOR - A devie for o&&eting dust) mist or fume from a gas
stream) b. p&aing an e&etria& harge on the parti&e and removing that parti&e onto a
o&&eting e&etrode!
E,TRA*,#E,T - The of parti&es of 'ater or so&ids from the boi&er 'ater b. the
ECUAL*6ER - "onnetions bet'een parts of a boi&er to e/ua&ize pressures!
ECU*7ALE,T E7APORAT*O, - Evaporation e2pressed in pounds of 'ater evaporated from a
temperature of ?A? <4 to dr. saturated steam at ?A? <4!
E7APORAT*O, - The hange of state from a &i/uid to a vapor!
E7APORAT*O, RATE - The number of pounds of 'ater that is evaporated in a unit of time!
EF"ESS A*R - Air supp&ied for ombustion in e2ess of that theoretia&&. re/uired for omp&ete
EFPA,S*O, LO*,T - The Koint to permit movement due to e2pansion 'ithout undue stress!
EFPLOS*O, +OOR - A door in a furnae or boi&er setting that is designed to be opened b. a
pre-determined gas pressure!
EFTER,AL TREAT#E,T - Treatment of boi&er feed 'ater prior to its introdution into the

4A, - A mahine onsisting of a rotor and housing for moving air or gases at re&ative&. &o'
pressure differentia&s!
4A, PER4OR#A,"E - A measure of fan operation in terms of vo&ume) tota& pressures) stati
pressures) speed) po'er input) mehania& and stati effiien.) at a stated air densit.!
4A, PER4OR#A,"E "UR7ES - The graphia& presentation of tota& pressure) stati pressure)
po'er input) mehania& and stati effiien. as ordinates and the range of vo&umes as absissa)
a&& at onstant speed and air densit.!
4EE+ PU#P - A pump that supp&ies 'ater to a boi&er!
4EE+9ATER - 9ater introdued into a boi&er during operation! *t in&udes ma0e-up and return
4EE+9ATER TREAT#E,T - The treatment of boi&er feed 'ater b. the addition of hemia&s
to prevent the formation of sa&e or to e&iminate other obKetionab&e harateristis!
4-R - 4&ue -as Reiru&ation or the reiru&ation of f&ue gas 'ith ombustion air to redue ,O2
4*LTER - Porous materia& through 'hih f&uids or f&uid - and so&id mi2tures are passed to
separate matter he&d in suspension!
4*, - A fin is an e2tended surfae) a so&id) e2periening energ. transfer b. ondution 'ithin its
boundaries) as 'e&& as energ. transfer 'ith its surroundings b. onvetion and(or radiation) used
to enhane heat transfer b. inreasing surfae area!
4*, TUBE - A tube 'ith one or more fins!
4*RE+ PRESSURE 7ESSEL - A vesse& ontaining a f&uid under pressure e2posed to heat from
the ombustion of fue&!
4*RETUBE - A of boi&er design in 'hih ombustion gases f&o' inside the tubes and 'ater
f&o's outside the tubes!
4*R*,- RATE "O,TROL - A pressure temperature or f&o' ontro&&er 'hih ontro&s the firing
rate of a burner aording to the deviation from pressure or temperature set point! The s.stem
ma. be arranged to operate the burner on-off) high-&o' or in proportion to &oad demand!
4*FE+ "ARBO, - The arbonaeous residue &ess the ash remaining in the test ontainer after
the vo&ati&e matter has been driven off in ma0ing the pro2imate ana&.sis of a so&id fue&!
4LA#E - A &uminous bod. of burning gas or vapor!
4LA#E +ETE"TOR - A devie 'hih indiates if a fue& $&i/uid) gaseous) or pu&verized% is
burning) or if ignition has been &ost! The indiation ma. be transmitted to a signa& or to a ontro&
4LA#E PROPA-AT*O, RATE - Speed of trave& of ignition through a ombustib&e mi2ture!
4LA#E SA4E-UAR+ - A ontro& that se/uenes the burner through severa& stages of operation
to provide proper air purge) ignition) norma& operation) and shutdo'n for safe operation!
4LA##AB*L*T1 - Suseptibi&it. to ombustion!
4LAS3*,- - The proess of produing steam b. disharging 'ater into a region of pressure
&o'er than the saturation pressure that orresponds to the 'ater temperature
4LAS3 PO*,T - The &o'est temperature at 'hih) under speified onditions) fue& oi& gives off
enough vapor to f&ash into a momentar. f&ame 'hen ignited!
4LUE - A passage for produts of ombustion!
4LUE -AS - The gaseous produt of ombustion in the f&ue to the sta0!
4OA#*,- - The ontinuous formation of bubb&es 'hih have suffiient&. high surfae tension
to remain as bubb&es be.ond the disengaging surfae!
4OR"E+ "*R"ULAT*O, - The iru&ation of 'ater in a boi&er b. mehania& means e2terna& to
the boi&er!
4OR"E+-+RA4T 4A, - A fan supp&.ing air under pressure to the fue& burning e/uipment!
4OUL*,- - The aumu&ation of refuse in gas passages or on heat absorbing surfaes 'hih
resu&ts in undesirab&e restrition to the f&o' of gas or heat!
4# - 4ator. #utua&!
4REE AS3 - Ash 'hih is not in&uded in the fi2ed ash!
4UEL - A substane ontaining ombustib&e used for generating heat!
4UEL-A*R #*FTURE - #i2ture of fue& and air!
4UEL-A*R RAT*O - The ratio of the 'eight) or vo&ume) of fue& to air!
4UEL O*L - A &i/uid fue& derived from petro&eum or oa&!
4UEL-TO-STEA# E44*"*E,"1 - The ratio of heat added to boi&er feed'ater to produe the
output steam to the amount of energ. inputted 'ith fue&!
4UR,A"E - An en&osed spae provided for the ombustion of fue&!
4UR,A"E PRESSURE - Pressure ourring inside the ombustion hamber; positive if greater
than atmospheri) negative if &ess than atmospheri) and neutra& if e/ua& to atmospheri!
4UR,A"E 7OLU#E - The ubi ontents of the furnae or ombustion hamber!
4US*BLE PLU- - A ho&&o'ed threaded p&ug having the ho&&o'ed portion fi&&ed 'ith a &o'
me&ting point materia&!

-AS A,AL1S*S - The determination of the onstituents of a gaseous mi2ture!
-AS BUR,ER - A burner that uses gas or fue&!
-AS PRESSURE RE-ULATOR - A spring &oaded) dead 'eighted or pressure ba&aned devie
'hih 'i&& maintain the gas pressure to the burner supp&. &ine!
-AU-E "O"8 - A va&ve attahed to a 'ater o&umn or drum for he0ing 'ater &eve&!
-AU-E -LASS - The transparent part of a 'ater gauge assemb&. onneted diret&. or through
a 'ater o&umn to the boi&er) be&o' and above the 'ater &ine) to indiate the 'ater &eve& in a
-AU-E PRESSURE - The pressure above atmospheri pressure!
-RA+E - Oi& &assifiation aording to /ua&it.) genera&&. based on AST# speifiations!
-RA*,S PER "U-4T - The term for e2pressing dust &oading in 'eight per unit of gas vo&ume
$E;;; grains e/ua&s one pound%!
-RA*,S $9ATER% - A unit of measure ommon&. used in 'ater ana&.sis for the measurement
of impurities in 'ater $AE!A grains M A part per mi&&ion - ppm%!
-RA7*T1 - 9eight inde2 of fue&s5 &i/uid) petro&eum produts e2pressed either as speifi)
Baume or A!P!*! $Amerian Petro&eum *nstitute% gravit.; 'eight inde2 of gaseous fue&s as
speifi gravit. re&ated to air under speified onditions; or 'eight inde2 of so&id fue&s as
speifi gravit. re&ated to 'ater under speified onditions!

3A,+3OLE - An aess opening in a pressure part usua&&. not e2eeding =I in its &ongest
3A,+3OLE "O7ER - A handho&e &osure!
3AR+,ESS - A measure of the amount of a&ium and magnesium sa&ts in 'ater! Usua&&.
e2pressed as grains per ga&&on or ppm as "a"OB!
3AR+ 9ATER - 9ater 'hih ontains a&ium or magnesium in an amount 'hih re/uire an
e2essive amount of soap to form a &ather!
3EAT A7A*LABLE - The therma& energ. above a fi2ed datum that is apab&e of being absorbed
for usefu& 'or0!
3EAT BALA,"E - An aounting of the distribution of the heat input) output and &osses!
3EAT EF"3A,-ER - A vesse& in 'hih heat is transferred from one medium to another!
3EAT RELEASE RATE - Rate that desribes the heat avai&ab&e per s/uare foot of heat-
absorbing surfae in the furnae or per ubi foot of vo&ume!
3EAT*,- SUR4A"E - Those surfaes 'hih are e2posed to produts of
ombustion on one side and 'ater on the other! This surfae is measured on the side reeiving
the heat!
3EAT*,- 7ALUE - The /uantit. of heat re&eased b. a fue& through omp&ete ombustion! *t is
ommon&. e2pressed in Btu per &b) per ga&&on) or u-ft!
3*-3 -AS PRESSURE "O,TROL - A ontro& to stop the burner if the gas pressure is too high!
3*-3 O*L TE#PERATURE "O,TROL - A ontro& to stop the burner if the oi& temperature is
too high!
31+RO"ARBO, - A hemia& ompound of h.drogen and arbon!
31+ROSTAT*" TEST - A strength and tightness test of a &osed pressure vesse& b. 'ater

*-,*T*O, - The initiation of ombustion!
*-,*T*O, TE#PERATURE - Lo'est temperature of a fue& at 'hih ombustion beomes se&f-
*LLU#*,A,TS - Light oi& or oa& ompounds that readi&. burn 'ith a &uminous f&ame) suh as
eth.&ene) prop.&ene and benzene!
*,"O#PLETE "O#BUST*O, - The partia& o2idation of the ombustib&e onstituents of a fue&!
*,+U"E+ +RA4T 4A,- A fan e2hausting hot gases from the heat absorbing e/uipment!
*,ERT -ASEOUS "O,ST*TUE,TS - *nombustib&e gases suh as nitrogen 'hih ma. be
present in a fue&!
*,3*B*TOR - A substane 'hih se&etive&. retards a hemia& ation! An e2amp&e in boi&er
'or0 is the use of an inhibitor) 'hen using aid to remove sa&e) to prevent the aid from
atta0ing the boi&er meta&!
*,LE"TOR - A devie uti&izing a steam Ket to entrain and de&iver feed 'ater into a boi&er!
*,SULAT*O, - A materia& of &o' therma& ondutivit. used to redue heat &osses!
*,TE-RAL BLO9ER - A b&o'er bui&t as an integra& part of a devie to supp&. air thereto!
*,TE-RAL-BLO9ER BUR,ER - A burner of 'hih the b&o'er is an integra& part!
*,TERLO"8 - A devie to prove the ph.sia& state of a re/uired ondition) and to furnish that
proof to the primar. safet. ontro& iruit!
*,TER#*TTE,T BLO9+O9, - the b&o'ing do'n of boi&er 'ater at interva&s!
*,TER,AL TREAT#E,T - The treatment of boi&er 'ater b. introduing hemia&s diret&.
into the boi&er!
*O, - A harged atom or radia& 'hih ma. be positive or negative!
*R* - *ndustria& Ris0 *nsurers!

LA--*,- - A &ight gauge stee& overing used over a boi&er) usua&&. ombined 'ith insu&ation) to
provide a &o' temperature outer surfae!
LEA8A-E - The unontro&&ed /uantit. of f&uid 'hih enters or &eaves through the en&osure of
air or gas passages!
L*BERAT*O, - See H3eat Re&ease!I
L*#*T "O,TROL - A s'ithing devie that omp&etes or brea0s an e&etria& iruit at
predetermined pressures or temperatures! A&so 0no'n as an inter&o0! See inter&o0!
L*,*,- - The materia& used on the furnae side of a furnae 'a&&! *t is usua&&. of high grade
refrator. ti&e or bri0 or p&asti refrator. materia&!
LOA+ - The rate of output re/uired; a&so the 'eight arried!
LOA+ 4A"TOR - The ratio of the average &oad in a given period to the ma2imum &oad arried
during that period!
LO9 -AS PRESSURE "O,TROL - A ontro& to stop the burner if gas pressure is too &o'!
LO9 O*L TE#PERATURE "O,TROL - $"o&d Oi& S'ith% A ontro& to prevent burner
operation if the temperature of the oi& is too &o'!
LO9 9ATER "UTO44 - Safet. devie that shuts off the boi&er(burner in the event of &o' 'ater)
preventing pressure vesse& fai&ure!
LU- - An. proKetion) &i0e an ear) used for supporting or grasping!

#A8E-UP - The 'ater added to boi&er feed to ompensate for that &ost through e2haust)
b&o'do'n) &ea0age) et!
#A,3OLE - The opening in a pressure vesse& of suffiient size to permit a man to enter!
#A,*4OL+ - A pipe or header for o&&etion of a f&uid from) or the distribution of a f&uid to a
number of pipes or tubes!
#A,UAL -AS S3UTO44 7AL7E - A manua&&. operated va&ve in a gas &ine for the purpose of
omp&ete&. turning on or shutting off the gas supp&.!
#A,U4A"TURE+ -AS - 4ue& gas manufatured from oa&) oi&) et!) as differentiated from
natura& gas!
#AF*#U# ALLO9ABLE 9OR8*,- PRESSURE - The ma2imum gauge pressure
permissib&e in a omp&eted boi&er! The #A9P of the omp&eted boi&er sha&& be &ess than or e/ua&
to the &o'est design pressure determined for an. of its parts! This pressure is based upon either
proof tests or a&u&ations for ever. pressure part of the boi&er using nomina& thi0ness e2&usive
of a&&o'anes for orrosion and thi0ness re/uired for &oadings other than pressure! *t is the basis
for the pressure setting of the pressure re&ieving devies proteting the boi&er!
#AF*#U# "O,T*,UOUS LOA+ - The ma2imum &oad 'hih an be maintained for a
speified period!
#AF*#U# *,STA,TA,EOUS +E#A,+ - The sudden &oad demand on a boi&er be.ond
'hih an unba&aned ondition ma. be estab&ished in the boi&erNs interna& f&o' pattern and(or
surfae re&ease onditions!
#E"3A,*"AL ATO#*6*,- O*L BUR,ER - A burner 'hih uses the pressure of the oi& for
#E"3A,*"AL +RA4T - The negative pressure reated b. mehania& means!
#*"RO, - One mi&&ionth of a meter) or ;!;;;;B@ in! or A(?JD;; in! The diameter of dust
parti&es is often e2pressed in mirons!
#*,*ATURE BO*LER - 4ire pressure vesse&s 'hih do not e2eed the fo&&o'ing &imits5
A= in! inside diameter of she&&; D? in!) overa&& &ength to outside of heads at enter; ?; s/ ft 'ater
heating surfae; or A;; psi ma2imum a&&o'ab&e 'or0ing pressure!
##Btu - #i&&ions of Btus $British Therma& Units%!
#O*STURE - 9ater in the &i/uid or vapor phase!
#O*STURE *, STEA# - Parti&es of 'ater arried in steam) e2pressed as the perentage b.
#O*STURE LOSS - The boi&er f&ue gas &oss representing the differene in the heat ontent of
the moisture in the e2it gases and that at the temperature of the ambient air!
#ULT*4UEL BUR,ER - A burner b. means of 'hih more than one fue& an be burned!
#ULT*PORT BUR,ER - A burner having a number of nozz&es from 'hih fue& and air are

,ATURAL "*R"ULAT*O, - The iru&ation of 'ater in a boi&er aused b. differenes in
,ATURAL -AS - -aseous fue& ourring in nature!
,ET POS*T*7E SU"T*O, 3EAT $,PS3% - The &i/uid pressure that e2ists at the sution end of
a pump! *f the ,PS3 is insuffiient) the pump an avitate!
,O2 - Abbreviation for a&& of the fami&. of o2ides of nitrogen!
,O66LE - a short f&anged or 'e&ded ne0 onnetion on a drum or she&& for the out&et or in&et of
f&uids; a&so a proKeting spout through 'hih a f&uid f&o's!

O*L BUR,ER - A burner for firing oi&!
O*L 3EAT*,- A,+ PU#P*,- SET - A group of apparatus onsisting of a heater for raising
the temperature of the oi& to produe the desired visosit.) and a pump for de&ivering the oi& at
the desired pressure!
OPERAT*,- "O,TROL - A ontro& to start and stop the burner - must be in addition to the
high &imit ontro&!
OPERAT*,- PRESSURE - The pressure at 'hih a boi&er is operated!
OR-A,*" #ATTER - "ompounds ontaining arbon often derived from &iving organisms!
OR*4*"E - $A% The opening from the 'hir&ing hamber of a mehania& atomizer or the mi2ing
hamber of a steam atomizer through 'hih the &i/uid fue& is disharged! $?% A a&ibrated
opening in a p&ate) inserted in a gas stream for measure ve&oit. of f&o'!
ORSAT - a gas-ana&.sis apparatus in 'hih ertain gaseous onstituents are measured b.
absorption in separate hemia& so&ution!
O7ERPRESSURE - #inimum operating pressure of a hot 'ater boi&er suffiient to prevent the
'ater from steaming!
OF*+AT*O, - hemia& ombination 'ith o2.gen!
OF*+*6*,- AT#OSP3ERE - An atmosphere 'hih tends to promote the o2idation of
immersed materia&s!
OF1-E, ATTA"8 - "orrosion or pitting in a boi&er aused b. o2.gen!

PA"8A-E+ BO*LER - A boi&er supp&ied 'ith a&& of its omponents - burner) ontro&s and
au2i&iar. e/uipment) designed as a sing&e engineered pa0age) and read. for on-site insta&&ation!
PA"8A-E+ STEA# -E,ERATOR - See Pa0aged Boi&er!
PART*"LE S*6E - A measure of dust size) e2pressed in mirons or per ent passing through a
standard mesh sreen! PASS - A onfined passage'a.) ontaining heating surfae) through 'hih
a f&uid f&o's in essentia&&. one diretion!
PER4E"T "O#BUST*O, - The omp&ete o2idation of a&& the ombustib&e onstituents of a
fue&) uti&izing a&& the o2.gen supp&ied!
PETROLEU# - ,atura&&. ourring minera& oi& onsisting predominate&. of h.droarbons!
p3 - The h.drogen ion onentration of a 'ater to denote Aidit. or A&0a&init.! A p3 of E is
neutra&! A p3 above E denotes a&0a&init. 'hi&e one be&o' E denotes aidit.! This p3 number is
the negative e2ponent of A; representing h.drogen ion onentration in grams per &iter! 4or
instane a p3 of E represent A;-E grams per &iter!
P*LOT - $See a&so H*gnitor!I% A f&ame 'hih is uti&ized to ignite the fue& at the main burner or
P*TOT TUBE - An instrument 'hih 'i&& register tota& pressure and stati pressure in a gas
stream) used to determine its ve&oit.!
P*TT*,- - A onentrated atta0 b. o2.gen or other orrosive hemia&s in a boi&er) produing a
&oa&ized depression in the meta& surfae!
PORT - An opening through 'hih f&uid passes!
POST PUR-E - A method of savenging the furnae and boi&er passes to remove a&& ombustib&e
gases after f&ame fai&ure ontro&s have sensed pi&ot and main burner shutdo'n and safet. shut-off
va&ves are &osed!
ppm - Abbreviation for parts per mi&&ion! Used in hemia& determinations as one part per mi&&ion
parts b. 'eight!
PRE"*P*TATE - To separate materia&s from a so&ution b. the formation of inso&ub&e matter b.
hemia& reation! The materia& 'hih is removed!
PRE"*P*TAT*O, - The remova& of so&id or &i/uid parti&es from a f&uid!
PRE3EATE+ A*R - Air at a temperature e2eeding that of the ambient air! PRESSURE - 4ore
per unit of area!
PRESSURE +ROP - The differene in pressure bet'een t'o points in a s.stem) aused b.
resistane to f&o'!
PRESSURE 7ESSEL - A &osed vesse& or ontainer designed to onfine a f&uid at a pressure
above atmospheri!
PR*#AR1 A*R - Air introdued 'ith the fue& at the burner!
PR*#*,- - The disharge of steam ontaining e2essive /uantities of 'ater in suspension from
a boi&er) due to vio&ent ebu&&ition!
PRO"ESS STEA# - Steam used for industria& purposes other than for produing po'er!
PRO+U"TS O4 "O#BUST*O, - The gases) vapors) and so&ids resu&ting form the ombustion
of fue&!
PULSAT*O, - Rapid f&utuations in pressure!
PUR-E - To introdue air into the furnae and the boi&er f&ue passages in suh vo&ume and
manner as to omp&ete&. rep&ae the air or gas-air mi2ture ontained therein!

RA+*AT*O, LOSS - A omprehensive term used in a boi&er-unit heat ba&ane to aount for the
ondution) radiation) and onvetion heat &osses from the boi&er to the ambient air!
RATE+ "APA"*T1 - The manufaturerNs stated apait. rating for mehania& e/uipment; for
instane) the ma2imum ontinuous apait. in pounds of steam per hour for 'hih a boi&er is
RATE O4 BLO9+O9, - A rate norma&&. e2pressed as a perentage of the 'ater fed!
RAT*,- - See OLoad!O
RA9 9ATER - 9ater supp&ied to the p&ant before an. treatment!
REA"T*O, - A hemia& transformation or hange brought about b. the interation of t'o
REASSO"*AT*O, - The reombination of the produts of dissoiation!
RE"*R"ULAT*O, - The reintrodution of part of the f&o'ing f&uid to repeat the .&e of
RE+U"*,- AT#OSP3ERE - An atmosphere 'hih tends to A% promote the remova& of o2.gen
from a hemia& ompound; ?% promote the redution of immersed materia&s!
RE+U"T*O, - Remova& of o2.gen from a hemia& ompound!
RE4RA"TOR1 - Bri0'or0 or astab&e used in boi&ers to protet meta& surfaes and for boi&er
RELAT*7E 3U#*+*T1 - The ratio of the mass of 'ater vapor present in a unit vo&ume of gas to
the ma2imum possib&e mass of 'ater vapor in unit vo&ume of the same gas at the same
temperature and pressure!
REL*E4 7AL7E $Safet. Re&ief 7a&ve% - An automati pressure re&ieving devie atuated b. the
pressure upstream of the va&ve and haraterized b. opening pop ation 'ith further inrease in
&ift 'ith an inrease in pressure over popping pressure!
RES*+UAL 4UELS - Produts remaining from rude petro&eum b. remova& of some of the
'ater and an appreiab&e perentage of the more vo&ati&e h.droarbons!
RES*, - A bead-&i0e materia& used in hemia& e2hange for softeners and dea&0a&izers!
RES*STA,"E - *mpediment to gas f&o') suh as pressure drop or draft &oss through a dust
o&&etor! Usua&&. measured in inhes 'ater o&umn $O'%!
RETUR, 4LO9 O*L BUR,ER - A mehania& atomizing oi& burner in 'hih part of the oi&
supp&ied to the atomizer is 'ithdra'n and returned to storage or to the oi& &ine supp&.ing the
R*,-EL#A,, "3ART - A series of four retangu&ar grids of b&a0 &ines of 'idths
printed on a 'hite ba0ground) and used as a riterion of b&a0ness for determining smo0e
densit. in sta0 gas streams!
ROTAR1 O*L BUR,ER - A burner in 'hih atomization is aomp&ished b. feeding oi& to the
inside of a rapid&. rotating up!

SA++LE - A asting) fabriated hair) or member used for the purpose of support!
SA4E 9OR8*,- PRESSURE - See O+esign Pressure!O
SA4ET1 7AL7E - A spring &oaded va&ve that automatia&&. opens 'hen pressure attains the
va&ve setting! Used to prevent e2essive pressure from bui&ding up in a boi&er!
SA4ET1 S3UT-O44 7AL7E - A manua&&. opened) e&etria&&. &athed) e&etria&&. operated
safet. shut-off va&ve designed to automatia&&. shut off fue& 'hen de-energized!
SA#PL*,- - The remova& of a portion of a materia& for e2amination or ana&.sis!
SATURATE+ A*R - Air 'hih ontains the ma2imum amount of 'ater vapor that it an ho&d at
its temperature and pressure!
SATURATE+ STEA# - Steam at the temperature and pressure at 'hih evaporation ours!
SATURATE+ TE#PERATURE - The temperature at 'hih evaporation ours at a partiu&ar
SATURATE+ 9ATER - 9ater at its boi&ing point!
S"ALE - A hard oating or & of materia&s on surfaes of boi&er pressure parts!
SE"O,+AR1 A*R - Air for ombustion supp&ied to the furnae to supp&ement the primar. air!
SE"O,+AR1 TREAT#E,T - Treatment of boi&er feed 'ater or interna& treatment of boi&er-
'ater after primar. treatment!
SE+*#E,T - $A% #atter in 'ater 'hih an be removed from suspension b. gravit. or
mehania& means! $?% A non-ombustib&e so&id matter 'hih sett&es out at bottom of a &i/uid; a
sma&& perentage is present in residua& fue& oi&s! SE-RE-AT*O, - The tenden. of refuse of ompositions to deposit se&etive&. in differene parts of the unit!
SEL4-SUPPORT*,- STEEL STA"8 - A stee& sta0 of suffiient strength to re/uire no &atera&
SER7*"E 9ATER - -enera& purpose 'ater 'hih ma. or ma. not have been treated for a
speia& purpose!
S3ELL - The .&indria& portion of a pressure vesse&!
SLU+-E - A soft 'ater-formed sedimentar. deposit 'hih norma&&. an be removed b. b&o'ing
SLU- - A &arge OdoseO of hemia& treatment app&ied interna&&. to a steam boi&er intermittent&.!
A&so used sometimes instead of OprimingO to denote a disharge of 'ater out through a boi&er
steam out&et in re&ative&. &arge intermittent amounts!
S#O8E - Sma&& gas borne parti&es of arbon or soot) &ess than A miron in size) resu&ting from
inomp&ete ombustion of arbonaeous materia&s and of suffiient number to be observab&e!
SO4TE,*,- - The at of reduing sa&e forming a&ium and magnesium impurities from
SO4T 9ATER - 9ater 'hih ontains &itt&e or no a&ium or magnesium sa&ts) or 'ater from
'hih sa&e forming impurities have been removed or redued!
SOLUT*O, - A &i/uid) suh as boi&er 'ater) ontaining disso&ved substanes!
SOOT - Unburned parti&es of arbon derived from h.droarbons!
SOOT BLO9ER - A mehania& devie for disharging steam or air to &ean heat absorbing
SPALL*,- - The brea0ing off of the surfae of refrator. materia& as a resu&t of interna& stresses!
SPE"*4*" 3EAT - The /uantit. of heat) e2pressed in Btu) re/uired to raise the temperature of A
&b of a substane A<4!
SPE"*4*" 3U#*+*T1 - The 'eight of 'ater vapor in a gas 'ater-vapor mi2ture per unit 'eight
of dr. gas!
SPRA1 A,-LE - The ang&e in&uded bet'een the sides of the one formed b. &i/uid fue&
disharged from mehania&) rotar. atomizers and b. some forms of steam or air atomizers!
SPRA1 ,O66LE - A nozz&e from 'hih a &i/uid fue& is disharged in the form of a spra.!
STA"8 - A vertia& onduit) 'hih due to the differene in densit. bet'een interna& and e2terna&
gases) reates a draft at its base!
STA"8 +RA4T - The magnitude of the draft measured at the in&et to the sta0!
STA"8 E44E"T - That portion of a pressure differentia& resu&ting from differene in e&evation
of the points of measurement!
STA"8 E44LUE,T - -as and so&id produts disharged from sta0s!
STA-,AT*O, - The ondition of being free from movement or &a0ing iru&ation!
STA,+AR+ A*R - +r. air 'eighing ;!;EJ &b per u ft at sea &eve& $?@!@?O Barometri Pressure%
and E; <4!
STA,+AR+ 4LUE -AS - -as 'eighing ;!;E: &b per u ft at sea &eve& $?@!@?O Barometri
Pressure% and E; <4!
STAT*" PRESSURE - The measure of potentia& energ. of a f&uid!
STEA# - The vapor phase of 'ater) unmi2ed 'ith other gases!
STEA# ATO#*6*,- O*L BUR,ER - A burner for firing oi& 'hih is atomized b. steam! *t
ma. be of the inside or outside mi2ing!
STEA# B*,+*,- - A restrition in iru&ation due to a steam po0et or a rapid steam
STEA# -AU-E - A gauge for indiating the pressure of steam!
STEA# -E,ERAT*,- U,*T - A unit to 'hih 'ater) fue&) and air are supp&ied and in 'hih
steam is generated! *t onsists of a boi&er furnae) and fue& burning e/uipment) and ma. in&ude
as omponent parts 'ater 'a&&s) superheater) reheater) eonomizer) air heater) or an. ombination
STEA# PUR*T1- The degree of ontamination! "ontamination is e2pressed in ppm!
STEA# CUAL*T1 - The perent b. 'eight of vapor in a steam and 'ater mi2ture!
STEA# SEPARATOR - A devie for removing the entrained 'ater from steam!
STRA*,ER - A devie) suh as a fi&ter) to retain so&id parti&es a&&o'ing a &i/uid to pass!
STRAT*4*"AT*O, - ,on-homogeneit. e2isting transverse&. in a gas stream!
STU+ - A proKeting pin serving as a support or means of attahment!
SUPER3EATE+ STEA# - Steam 'ith its temperature raised above that of saturation! The
temperature in e2ess of its saturation temperature is referred to as superheat!
SUR4A"E BLO9O44 - Remova& of 'ater) foam) et! from the surfae at the 'ater &eve& in a
boi&er! The e/uipment for suh remova&!
SUR-E - The sudden disp&aement or movement of 'ater in a &osed vesse& or drum!
SUSPE,+E+ SOL*+S - Undisso&ved so&ids in boi&er 'ater!
S9*,-*,- LOA+ - A &oad that hanges at re&ative&. short interva&s!

TERT*AR1 A*R - Air for ombustion supp&ied to the furnae to supp&ement the primar. and
seondar. air!
T3EORET*"AL A*R - The /uantit. of air re/uired for perfet ombustion!
T3EORET*"AL +RA4T - The draft 'hih 'ou&d be avai&ab&e at the base of a sta0 if there
'ere no frition or ae&eration &osses in the sta0!
T3EORET*"AL 4LA#E TE#PERATURE - See OAdiabati 4&ame Temperature!O
T3ER# - A unit of heat app&ied espeia&&. to gas! One therm M A;;);;; Btu!
T3ER#AL E44*"*E,"1 - The effiien. of a boi&er) based on the ratio of heat
absorbed to tota& heat input! This does not in&ude heat &oss from the boi&er she&&!
T3ER#AL S3O"8 - A .&e of temperature s'ings that resu&t in fai&ure of meta& due to
e2pansion and ontration!
T3ER#O"OUPLE - A temperature measuring instrument!
T*LE - A preformed refrator.) usua&&. app&ied to shapes other than standard bri0!
TOTAL A*R - The tota& /uantit. of air supp&ied to the fue& and produts of ombustion! Perent
tota& air is the ratio of tota& air to theoretia& air) e2pressed as perent!
TOTAL PRESSURE - The sum of the stati and ve&oit. pressures!
TOTAL SOL*+S "O,"E,TRAT*O, - The 'eight of disso&ved and suspended impurities in a
unit 'eight of boi&er 'ater) usua&&. e2pressed in ppm!
TRAP - A reepta&e for the o&&etion of undesirab&e materia&!
TREATE+ 9ATER - 9ater 'hih has been hemia&&. treated to ma0e it suitab&e for boi&er
TR*# - Ani&&ar. boi&er omponents) &i0e 'ater &eve& ontro&s) pressure ontro&s) and
temperature ontro&s!
TUBE - A ho&&o' .&inder for f&uids!
TUBE 3OLE - A ho&e in a drum) heater) or tube sheet to aommodate a tube!
TURBULE,T BUR,ER - A burner in 'hih fue& and air are mi2ed and disharged into the
furnae in suh a manner as to produe turbu&ent f&o' from the burner!
TUR,+O9, RAT*O - Ratio of ma2imum to minimum fue& or steam input or boi&er output!

ULT*#ATE A,AL1S*S - See OAna&.sis U&timate!O
UL L*STE+ - Produt ertifiation that indiates the produt meets safet. standards determined
b. Under'riters Laboratories! $UL" and UL indiate "anadian re/uirements!%
U,A""OU,TE+-4OR LOSS - That portion of a boi&er heat ba&ane 'hih represents the
differene bet'een A;; per ent and the sum of the heat absorbed b. the unit and a&& the
&assified &osses e2pressed as per ent!
U,BUR,E+ "O#BUST*BLE - The ombustib&e portion of the fue& 'hih is not omp&ete&.
U,4*RE+ PRESSURE 7ESSEL - A vesse& designed to 'ithstand interna&
pressure) neither subKeted to heat from produts of ombustion nor an integra& part of a fired
pressure vesse& s.stem!
USE 4A"TOR - The ratio of hours in operation to the tota& hours in that period!

7A - 7o&t amperes!
7APOR - The gaseous produt of evaporation!
7APOR*6AT*O, - The hange from &i/uid or so&id phase to the vapor phase!
7ELO"*T1 PRESSURE - The measure of the 0ineti energ. of a f&uid!
7E,T - An opening in a vesse& or other en&osed spae for the remova& of gas or vapor!
7ERT*"AL 4*R*,- - An arrangement of a burner suh that air and fue& are disharged into the
furnae in pratia&&. a vertia& diretion!
7*S"OS*T1 - #easure of the interna& frition of a f&uid or its resistane to f&o'!
7OLAT*LE #ATTER Those produts given off b. a materia& as gas or vapor) determined b.
definite presribed methods!
7OLU#E O4 A*R - The number of u ft of air per min e2pressed at fan out&et onditions!

9ASTE 3EAT - Sensib&e heat in non-ombustib&e gases disharged to the environment!

9ATER - A &i/uid omposed of t'o parts of h.drogen and si2teen parts o2.gen b. 'eight!
9ATER "OLU#, - A vertia& tubu&ar member onneted at its top and bottom to the steam and
'ater spae respetive&. of a boi&er) to 'hih the 'ater gauge) 'ater &eve& ontro&s) and fue&
utoff ma. be onneted!
9ATER -AU-E - The gauge g&ass and its fittings for attahment!
9ATER 3A##ER - A sudden inrease in pressure of 'ater due to an instantaneous onversion
of momentum to pressure!
9ATER LE7EL - The e&evation of the surfae of the 'ater in a boi&er!
9ATER SO4TE,ER - Removes hardness $"a"OB% from 'ater through an ion e2hange of
sodium 'ith a&ium and magnesium!
9ATER TUBE - A tube in a boi&er having the 'ater and steam on the inside and heat app&ied to
the outside!
9ATER 7APOR - A s.non.m for steam) usua&&. used to denote steam of &o' abso&ute pressure!
9EEP - A term usua&&. app&ied to a minute &ea0 in a boi&er Koint 'hih forms drop&ets $or tears%
of 'ater ver. s&o'&.!
9ETBA"8 BO*LER - 4iretube boi&er design 'herein the ba0 portion of the boi&er has a 'ater
9ET-BULB TE#PERATURE - The &o'est temperature 'hih a 'ater 'etted bod. 'i&& attain
'hen e2posed to an air urrent! This is the temperature of adiabati saturation) and an be used to
measure humidit.!
9ET,ESS - A term used to designate the perentage of 'ater in steam! A&so used to desribe the
presene of a 'ater fi&m on heating surfae interiors!
9ET STEA# - Steam ontaining moisture!
9*,+BOF - A hamber be&o' the grate or surrounding a burner) through 'hih air under
pressure is supp&ied for ombustion of the fue&!
9*,+BOF PRESSURE - The stati pressure in the 'indbo2 of a burner or sto0er!

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