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Assignment: 1

Q.1 what do you mean by Analysis of Algorithm? Write an

Algorithm For Insertion Sort and Analyze it.
Q.2 E!lain strassen"s #atri #ulti!li$ation? %ri&e its time
$om!leity why this better than ordinary #atri #ulti!li$ation?
Q.' what is (reedy A!!roa$h? %oes it always gi&e o!timal
solution? E!lain )rus*al"s algo to obtain #S+.
Q., %es$ribe the &arious ty!es of notations with eam!le?
Q.- finds the o!timal merge !attern for the gi&en &alues
'-. 1-. 2/. ,/. 1/
Q.0 illustrate the o!eration of min hea! tree for gi&en &alues
1/. 2/. '/. 1. 2. '. ,. 11. 21. '1. ,1
Q.1 sol&es the following re$urren$e relations and find their
$om!leities using #aster #ethod.
Q.2 E!ress the following fun$tion using asym!toti$ notations3
4i5 062
n 7
4ii5 86n4n915
Class Test: 1
Q.1 What is the di&ide and $on:uer #ethod? Sort the following
se:uen$e using #erge Sort method
-. 2. ,. 1. 1. '. 2. 0
Q2.$onsider the fi&e items along with their res!e$ti&e &alues and
I; <I1. I2. I' . I, . I-=
W; <-. 1/. 2/. '/. ,/=
>; <'/. 2/. 1//. ?/. 10=
)na!sa$* has @a!a$ity W;0/. Find the o!timal solution of the
!roblem using $on$e!t of fra$tional )na!sa$*.
Q.' E!lain the Aob se:uen$ing !roblem with eam!le.
Q., Bse strassen"s matri multi!li$ation algo to $om!ute the
matri !rodu$t of the following matri$es3
A ;
C ;
1 ?
2 -
' 2
- -
Assignment: 2
Q1. 4a5 %efine how )na!sa$* Droblem is sol&ed by using dynami$
!rogramming a!!roa$h?
4b5 @onsider n;'. 4w1.w2. w' 5 ; 42 . '. ' 5
4!1. !2. !'5 ; 41. 2. ,5 and #;0 find o!timal solution for gi&en
Q.2 E; Fa. a. b. a. b G . H; Fb. a. b. b G

If I is an J@S of E and H. then find I using %ynami$
Q.' Sol&e the +SD Droblem ha&ing the following $ost matri using
Cran$h and Cound
A C @ %
E 1/ 1- 2/
- E ? 1/
0 1' E 12
2 2 ? E

Q., E!lain the matri $hain multi!li$ation algorithm using
dynami$ a!!roa$h.
Q.- find the order of !arenthesization for the o!timal $hain
A1 ; '/ 6 '- K A2 ; '- 61- K A' ; 1- 6 -K
A, ; - 6 1/K A- ; 1/ 6 2/ K A0 ; 2/ 6 2-K
Q.0 Write short note on following3
4i5 Ca$*tra$*ing algorithm
4ii5 Jower bound theory
4iii5 Queen"s !roblem
Q.1 use %ynami$ !rogramming a!!roa$h to sol&e the following
instan$e of the !roblem.
#aimum $a!a$ity3 11 units
Lo of items3 -
Weights3 1. 2.-.0.1
Drofits3 1. 0. 12. 22. 22
Class Test: 2
Q1. Sol&e the +SD Droblem ha&ing the following $ost matri using
Cran$h and Cound

A C @ %
E - 2 '
, E 2 '
, 2 E '
1 0 2 E

Q.2 E; FA. C. @. C. %. A. C G . H; FC. %. @. A. C. A G

If I is an J@S of E and H. then find I using %ynami$
Q.' %ifferentiate between (reedy algorithm and %ynami$
Assignment: 3
Q.1 E!lain the !refi fun$tion for a String with an eam!le and
write )#D mat$her algorithm?
Q.2 Write short note on the following3
4i5 Quadrati$ assignment !roblem
4ii5 Coyer #oore algorithm
Q.' %es$ribe LaM&e string #at$hing algorithm in detail?
Q., E!lain Nabin *ar! algorithm with suitable eam!le?
Q.- Bsing )#D algorithm find whether the !attern
D ; F 1/1//111G is in tet +; F1//1/1/1//111G or not?
Q.0 Sol&e the following assignment !roblem using bran$h and
bound for whi$h $ost matri is gi&en below
1 2 ' ,
11 12 12 ,/
1, 1- 1' 22
11 11 1? 2'
11 1, 2/ 22

Class Test: 3
Q.1 Derform Nabin )ar! algorithm on gi&en tet
+; F 2. '. -. ?. /. 2. '. 1 ,. 1. - G
D; F '. 1. ,. 1. - G and modulo :;1
Q.2 E!lain the Coyer #oore algorithm for !attern mat$hing using
bad $hara$ter heuristi$ and good suffi heuristi$s with eam!le?
Q.' Write the )#D string mat$hing algorithm and also find the
!refi fun$tion for the following !attern 3 a b a b b a b a a and
Im!lement the algorithm.
Assignment: 4
Q1. E!lain the Jas >egas and #onte @arlo algorithm with
Q.2. E!lain the flow networ* and augmenting !aths?
Q'.show the formation of $uts. augmentation !ath. min9flow9ma9
$ut in the following gra!h.
Class Test: 4
Q.1 define flow networ* and sol&e the following flow networ*
for maimum flow.
Q.2 what are the randomized algorithms? What are the ad&antages
using this $on$e!t?
Q.'. E!lain Nandomized algorithm for #in $ut.
Assignment: 5
Q1. What is the use of $oo*"s theorem? Dro&e it with eam!le.
Q.2 define the terms D. LD. LD @om!lete and LD hard !roblems
Q.' E!lain set $o&er !roblem in detail?
Q., assuming '9 @LF satisfiability !roblem to be LD9@om!lete.
!ro&e that $li:ue !roblem is also LD9$om!lete !roblem.

Class Test: 5
Q.1 E!lain >erte $o&er and set $o&er !roblem is LD9@om!lete
Q.2 !ro&e that +SD !roblem is LD O$om!lete !roblem.
Q.' E!lain the relation between LD.LD9@om!lete . LD9hard

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