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Sap HR Payroll

This component/sub module provides solution for calculation of remuneration for work performed by an
employee in an organization.
The SP HR Payroll !ndia component integrates with other SP HR components such as Personnel
dministration "P# and Personnel Time $anagement"T$. There are interfaces to %inancial ccounting
and &ontrolling "SP %!&'#.
(hat are important )eneral Payroll infotypes*
+++, Payroll Status
+++- .asic Pay
++/0 ppraisals
/+1+ 2mployee Remuneration !nfo !nfotype
+314 Time 5uota &ompensation !nfotype
++10 dditional Payments
++06 $embership %ees
+1/- 7otifications !nfotype
++0/ Standard (age $aintenance
++13 Recurring Payments/8eductions
(hat are 9S Payroll !nfotypes*
.esides the common infotypes these are some of the 9.S pay roll specific infotypes that need to configure
in SP 9S Payroll.
!nfotypes !nfotype 8escription
+1:0 )arnishment 'rder
+1:3 &reating a )arnishment 8ocument
+/14 )arnishment d;ustment
+141 !RS <imits
+141 &reating !RS $andates for an 2mployee
+/+- (ork Ta= area
+/+6 Residence Ta= rea
+/+6 &reating Residence Ta= rea 8ata
+/1+ (>3 (ithholding !nformation
+/,3 &reating (ithholding 'verrides
+/,3 (ithholding 'verrides
+/+- &reating an 2mployee?s (ork Ta= rea
+/,0 'ther Ta=es
+/+: 9nemployment State
+334 @ +306 9.S. Ta= Payroll !TS
+0+4 Tip !ndicators
+3:4>+0+1 9.S. .enefits Payroll

(hat are Payroll !ndia specific infotypes*
!nfotypes Payroll !ndia Specific !nfotypes
+0-+ Previous 2mployment Ta= 8etails
+0-1 Housing "HR / &< / &'#
+0-/ 2=emptions
+0-, &ar A &onveyance
+0-3 !ncome %rom 'ther Sources
+0-0 Section -+ 8eductions
+0-4 Section -+ & 8eductions
+0-6 Provident %und &ontribution
+0-- 'ther Statutory 8eductions
+0-: !ndividual Reimbursements
+0:+ <ong term reimbursements
(hat is payroll area and uses of payroll area*
2mployees payroll area is maintained in 'rganization assignment infotype"+++1#.Payroll areas are used
to group together employees for whom payroll is run at the same time. 2mployees from different
employee subgroups can belong to the same payroll area.Payroll &ontrol record should be created for
every payroll area. This control record controls the individual stages of payroll.
How to create payroll area*
!$) Path for &reation of Payroll reaB
!$)>CPersonnel $anagement >C Personnel dministration >C 'rganizational 8ata >C 'rganizational
8o below , steps to create a payroll area.
1.&reate Payroll area "for te=t#
/.&reate Payroll area
,.&heck 8efault Payroll rea "To maintain feature .DRS#.
(hich criteria determine payroll areas*
Payroll rea are mainly determined on
1.# Payroll cycle 2gB $onthly E .i $onthly
/.# Payment 8ate
(hat is the feature to 8efault Payroll rea*
Payroll rea is used to group employees whose payroll is run with same freFuency and same payment
date.2mployees from different employee subgroups can be belong to the same payroll area. (e can use
feature .DRS to set default payroll area value based on enterprise structure and personnel structure.
Payroll &ontrol Record is important for the payroll runE and which contains all the information on a
payroll area.
(hat are main functions/status of a payroll control record*
The main functions/status of a control record areB
1#Released for Payroll
/#Release payroll for corrections
,#2=it Payroll
3#&heck Payroll Results
(hat are the uses of Payroll &ontrol Record*
$ain role of Payroll &ontrol Record are
1. To display the payroll status "released for payrollE release
for correctionsE check payroll resultsE e=it payroll#.
/. To determines last payroll run period
,. To determines earliest retro accounting period.
/.(hat is meant by a control record in Payroll*
Transaction code to access Payroll &ontrol Record is P+,.
SPR' pathB
Personnel $anagement >C Personnel dministration >C 'rganizational 8ata >C &reate &ontrol Record.
The Payroll &ontrol Record describe the current payroll period and payroll past for retroactive
accounting. Payroll &ontrol Record locks the HR $aster 8ata against changes during a payroll run.
(hat is meant by payscale structure* How did you configure payscale structure*
Payscale structure is defined by following element
Payscale areaE payscale typeE payscale level E payscale groupE 2mployee sub group grouping for &P.
How do we assign employees to the pay scale structure*
(e assign employees to the pay scale structure in the following infotypes
.asic Pay "+++-#ERecurring Payments and 8eductions "++13#Edditional Payments "++10# and (age
$aintenance "++0/#.
(hat are the important elements in pay scale structure*
Pay scale type
Pay scale area
2mployee subgroup grouping for collective agreement provisions
Pay scale group
Pay scale level

8ifference between 'ff cycle payroll and retroactive account*
ny Payroll run that is carried out other than regular payroll run is called as 'ff>&ycle payroll run.
2=amples for 'ff>&ycle payroll run are additional paymentE bonusE advance payment.
The payroll run for a period is completed .if there is change in HR master data for which period the
payroll has already been runE the payroll must be run once again for this period using current values. This
is known as retroactive accounting. Retroactive accounting is a standard procedure of SP>H&$ which
provides the changes in the last period.
!f SP HR system is live from +4.+1./++- and in /+1+ the company decided to increase the
reimbursement/Salary of employees w.e.f +1.+1./+11 then the system will calculate all the arrears due to
an employee from +1.+1./+11.
(hen you perform a 'ff>cycle payroll*
ny Payroll run that is carried out other than regular payroll run is called as 'ff>&ycle payroll run.
2=amples for 'ff>&ycle payroll run are additional paymentE bonusE advance payment.
8ifference between Regular payroll and 'ff &ycle payroll*
Regular payroll runs only at fi=ed payroll date. for e=ample ,+ th of every month.
%or 'ff cycle payroll there is no fi=ed payroll date. %or e=ample bonus payment for certain employees
on 1+ th of a month.
(hat are the advantages of off cycle payroll run*
1.&orrection Payroll >'ff>&ycle payroll run allows to give ad;ustment for all erroneous payroll
/..onus payment to an employee for a special occasion.
,.&arry out an immediate correction run
3.dvance Payroll Run >(e can run payroll for several periods in advance. for e=ampleE an employee is
leaving the company
0.!ndividual 'ff>&ycle Payment Run
4.$ass 'ff>&ycle Payment Run
(hat are the &onfiguration steps of 'ff &ycle payroll run*
!$)>CPayroll >CPayroll !ndia >C 'ff cycle activities >C Recurring &heck entry permissibility per
!$)>C Payroll >CPayroll !ndia >C 'ff cycle activities >C Set up 'ff cycle reasons
!$)>C Payroll >CPayroll !ndia >C 'ff cycle activities >C8efine default for payment in advance
!$)>C Payroll >CPayroll !ndia >C 'ff cycle activities >CSpecify default for wage types
!$)>C Payroll >CPayroll !ndia >C 'ff cycle activities >CSpecify default for payroll results
!$)>C Payroll >CPayroll !ndia >C 'ff cycle activities >CSpecify default for payment methods
How does the system know when to trigger retroactive accounting for a particular employee*
(hen there are some HR master data change related to payroll past
(hat is $atchcode ( used for*
$atchcode ( is a list of all those personnel numbers for a selected payroll accounting area and its payroll
period which were re;ected during payroll accounting because of incorrect dataE and therefore could not
be included in a payroll run.
(hat steps are reFuired to post payroll results to ccounting*
Posting to ccounting includes the evaluation of the payroll resultsE the creation of summarized
documents and posting them in the ccounting components.
(hen posting to ccountingE you carry out the following activitiesB
Simulating a Posting Run
&reating Posting Run
&hecking a Posting Run
&hecking the Posting 8ocuments
Releasing Posting 8ocuments
Posting Posting 8ocuments
&hecking ccounting 8ocuments
&hecking the &ompleteness of the Postings
(here do you specify whether an employee is paid in cash or whether the money is transferred to a bank
!T +++:
How Time management and payroll is is integrated*
Time management and Payroll are integrated through the info type +++6. Time data "employee working
hours# is collected from !t +++6 and these hours are taken in basic as 7umber of hours worked .
(hat is the connection between Planned (orking Time "!T6# and .asic Pay "!T -#*
The system takes 2mployment Percentage and verage working hours from !T +++6 are defaulted into
&apacity 9tilization level and (orking hours per period in !T +++-. &apacity utilization level and (ork
hours/period fields in .asic pay infotype are brought to !T+++- from !T+++6.
!ntegration between time and payroll is done here.

How do you run payroll*
There are the steps to run the pay roll
a# Simultaion
b# Release Pay roll
c# Start pay roll
d# &heck the pay roll
e# &orrection and 2=it the pay roll
How do your correct payroll*
(e can correct payroll using transaction P&++G$::GP+,G&'RR.
How to &heck Payroll Results
(e can use the transaction P&GPHR2S9<T to displays all payroll related tables in SP "i.e.E RTE RTGE
&RTE .TE Iersc etc.#.
Steps to e=ecute transaction P&GPHR2S9<T
1. 2nter transaction P&GPHR2S9<T
/. 2nter the Personnel number of the employees you wish to view pay result and 2nter the date you wish
to view all results from
,. Press 2nter
3. &lick on the personnel number to see payroll results. Hou will get an 'verview of Payroll Results
To view the tables double click on the Payroll results line !tem
0. 8ouble click on the payroll program table to view more details.
How to 8elete Payroll Results*
(e can delete payroll results in case accidentally run off cycle payment for an employee.
9sing transaction P9+1 we can delete the latest payroll result for an employee if payroll has not been
posted to )< account yet.
How to 8elete multiple payroll results*
(e can use the program RP982</+ to delete multiple payroll results of many employees.
(hat are the importance of Payroll Status infotype "+++,#*
The Payroll Status infotype "+++,# stores data for employeeJs payroll run and time evaluation.
!t is created automatically by the systemE in the backgroundE during the Hiring ction. 8ata is updated
automatically when time is evaluatedE payroll is runE or changes are made to the payroll past for the
The start date is when Payroll is first run for an employee and the end date is
system end date "1//,1/::::#.The system stores the following information
about an employeeJs payroll status.
The info type screen is divided into two tabsB
K Payroll/Retroactive ccounting
K Time 2valuation
!T+++, fields description are as follows.
Payroll/Retroactive ccounting
2arl.pers. R date >!f you want to set a retroactive accounting limit for an employee that is different from
the date set in the control record of employee payroll areaE you specify the date here to which the system
can run retroactive accounting.
ccounted to > 8ate until which payroll has last completed for an employee.
Run Payroll up to > 8ay to which date payroll is run for an employee if he or she has left the
company.This field is set the date to which payroll is run for an employee if the employee leaves the
company but need to be still paid.
2arliest $8 &hange > if you change payroll related master dataE the start date of validity of those master
data is set here. This date is deleted after each completed payroll run. The program recognizes whether
and when payroll must be repeated to take master data changes into account.
8o not ccount fter >Payroll is run for this employee until this date.
$aster data &hange .onus >To perform retroactive accounting in connection with bonus accounting.
Pers. 7umber locked @ Hou can use the indicator to e=clude an employee frompayroll.
Payroll correction @ The Payroll &orrection indicator is set by the system if payroll relevant data has been
changed in the correction phase or if an employee is not accounted for during a payroll run because of an
error in their master data or time data.
Time 2valuation
2arl. Pers. Rec. date @ To determine a retroactive accounting limit up to which retroactiveaccounting for
time evaluation and pair formation is possible for the employee.
P8& recalculation date @ This date refers to the date of the employeeJs last error>free time evaluation
Pers. &alendar from @ This field contains the date as of which the employeeJs personal calendar is
P8& 2rror indicator @ The Time 2valuation program checks this indicator for an employee if there is an
error during the time evaluation process and cannot correctly perform the evaluation.
!s it possible to configure a single payroll to pay an individual in multiple currencies*
&an we delete a posting run*
Hes. !t can be reversed before the .ank transfer.
(hat is Symbolic mount*
Symbolic account is an intermediate account between )/< account and wage types while posting wage
type results to %!&'.
How to $ap Symbolic ccount to )/< ccount *
.elow are / SP transactions used to map symbolic accounts to different )eneral <edger ccounts.
How to delete Payroll Results*
9se transaction P9+1 to delete the lastest payroll result for an employee provided payroll has not been
posted to )< account.
How the payroll results of employees are transferred to SP %!&' module*
SP H&$ is basically !ntegrated with %!&' through the &ost &enter E )< account E Iendor ccount etc.
%or integration link the symbolic accounts"from HR# to )< accounts. Symbolic accounts are the point of
integration between %! and HR.
Symbolic accounts forms the link between the wage types in payroll and )/< accounts.
2very wage type have to assign the Symbolic account. The symbolic account will decide to which type
of account "2=pense ccountE .alance sheet ccountE &ustomerE Iendor# the postings will made in
a.Run the Payroll
b.&reating the 8ata $edium 2=change "8$2# for payments
c.Posting to %inancial ccounting
d.Posting Third>Party Remittance.
Pay Scale Group and Pay Scale Level
Pay scale groups and pay scale levels are the criteria used to classify data for job evaluations and indirect
valuations. Pay scale levels are subdivisions of pay scale groups.
You define pay scale groups and levels per country grouping, pay scale type, pay scale area and
employee subgrouping grouping for the collective agreement provision in Customizing for Personnel
Administration. When doing so, you describe pay scale groups using an alphanumeric identifier with a
maximum of eight characters and describe pay scale levels using a twocharacter alphanumeric identifier.
Pay scale type
!he pay scale type defines the area of economic activity for which a collective agreement is valid. !he
area in which it is valid may be determined at company or trade union level and often applies to a whole
industry, for example, the chemical and metal processing industries or the civil service.
!he pay scale types are described by a fourcharacter alphanumeric identifier per country grouping and
are defined in Customizing for Personnel Administration.
Within a pay scale type, you define the pay scale groups and levels for each pay scale area and
employee subgroup grouping for collective agreement provisions.
Pay scale area
!he pay scale area defines the geographical area in which a collective agreement is valid. !he
geographical validity area is determined by the size of the pay scale area. "n #ermany, you differentiate
according to the size of the pay scale area, the district, borough, state, and country pay scale, for
example, $essen, %axony.
!he pay scale areas are described by a four character alphanumeric identifier per country grouping and
are defined in Customizing for Personnel Administration.
Within a pay scale area, you define the pay scale groups and levels for each pay scale type and
employee subgroup grouping for collective agreement provisions.
PCR.. Personnel calculation Rules &onditions that are written to the Schemas "in pay roll and
T$#. To edit them to met the specific reFuirement of the &lients Time and (ages evaluation.
CAP is &ollective greement Provision based on which the different groups of 2mployees are
eligible for different kinds of pay scale structures and benefits and son on. &P is based on the
following components B
1# Pay scale type
/# Pay scale area
,# 2mployee subgroup grouping for &P
3# Pay Scale )roup and Pay Scale <evel
> See more atB httpB//>is>the>difference>between>pcr>and>

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