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You are CordiallY Invited To a Reception

In Honorq/
Congressman Joe Sestak (PA-7)
ArmedSeroices Committee
Education & Labor Committee
Small Business Committee (Vice Chairman)
Fonner 3-Stax AdmlralJoe Sestak served 31 years in the Navy befure returning home to successfullyrun fur Congtess in
PennsyivatJia's 7
District. Joe is the Inost senior military veteran serving in Congress, and is the highest-ranking military
officer ever elected to Congress. He commanded the Geo1Jl,e Wa.rhil1gton aircmft camer battlegroup that conducted combat
operations in Atghaoistao and Iraq. Joe served as President Clinton's Director for Defense Policy on the National
Security Council in the White House. After 9/11, Joe was the first Director of"Deep Blue," the Navy's anti-terrorism
unit He served as Deputy Chief ofNa'Vll.! Operations fur Warfute Requirements and Prog:ta1lls, responsible fur the
Navy's $70 billiOll war:fiu:e budget Joe graduated from the u.s. Na'Vll.! Academy (2"d in his class) and earned a PhD. in
Political Economy and Government from HlttV<lrd University.
Joe is Ol1e of the leading figures fur the Democrats on national security and domestic issues. Joe's thoughtful approach to
issues, his deep knowledge and broad perspective, and his l.ifC experience have made him a leading voice in Congress. He
has appeared on national shows such as M,.r The Prwwith Tim Rn.,",rt; This Week witb Stepba11lJjx!JI1os; LateEdition with
WolfBIit'lfr,' Hardball with Chris Matthews; HBO:r Real Time with Bill Maher, Late Night 011 PBS with TaNJ' and Cometfy
Cent",!'s Colbl!l't Report. Joe has also, in the past two years, deliveted the Democratic party's National Radio Address
in response to President Bush's weekly radio address.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Fluor Townhouse
403 East Capitol Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
Individual Contribution:
Friend: $500 Supporter: $1,000 Sponsor: $2,300
Friend: $1,500
PAC Contribution:
Supporter: $2,500 Sponsor: $5,000
Please RSVP to Elizabeth Sestak at: or call 610-891-8956
Please make checks payable to "Sestak For Congress"
Mailing address: Sestak For Congress PO Box 16 Media, PA 19063
Contributions to Sestak for Congress are not tax deductible. Corporate contributions are irnpenrussible by federal
law. Federall.w requires us to use our best e!forts to collect and to report the name, mailing address, oecupation and
name of employer of individuals wbose contributions ""ceed $200 in an ele<)tion cycle..
lFax Paid for by the DCCC and Authorized bY-Sestak for

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