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Queens School of Business

MBAS843: Individual and Team Self-Assessment Survey
Name: _____Kyle Chen_____ Group #: _7_
This evaluation form is intended to provide the instructor with additional insight into group dynamics.
The quality of your responses on this form, plus your overall level of performance within the group as described by you and
your other group members in their responses forms the basis for 20% of your overall grade in MBAS843.
This form is confidential and will not be disclosed to other group members.
Please list ALL GROUP MEMBERS on this form and INCLUDE YOURSELF in the evaluation.
For each question, imagine that you have 100 coins to distribute to group members (so that the total number of coins awarded
for each question must total 100).
Identical evaluations of all team members are unlikely. Please do not avoid the responsibility of this procedure. Very high
and very low evaluations should be given extra substantiation in writing on the last page of the form.
Question 1:
Please consider the following categories:
1. Amount of work done: meetings attended, research and analyses, report writing, typing, editing, etc.
2. Intellectual contribution: ideas, provocative suggestions, sage advice, useful devil's advocacy, etc.
3. Reliability: the team member's performance at meeting deadlines, attendance at meetings, delivery of work promised, etc.
4. Group relations: leadership provided, constructive actions vs. disruptive behavior, assistance provided to teammates, etc.
Team Member
Names: Lawcator
Amount of Work
Reliability Group Relations
1: (You): Kyle Chen __25_ coins __30 coins _20 coins _25 coins
Member #1: Main Contribution to Group Work and Other Comments:
Developed the financial model and revenue projection. Built the skeleton of the pitch deck. I believe I have done fairly
good work in this project.

2: Mike Weizel __25_ coins _30 coins _20 coins _25 coins
Member #2: Main Contribution to Group Work and Other Comments:
Provided in-depth analysis and insights on the law service in Canada. Was one of the main contributors to the original
idea and made it more polished from the initial discuss phase. Valuable team player and very reliable, played a lot of
devils advocate role.

3: Sophie Moher __25_ coins _20 coins _30 coins 25_ coins
Member #3: Main Contribution to Group Work and Other Comments:
Sophie was in charge of the marketing and opportunities. She also kept the whole team on the schedule, was booking
rooms and making times for everyone. Even bought pizza during one of the meetings. Great team player.

4: Lisa Pincus __25_ coins _20 coins _30 coins _25_ coins
Member #4 (if applicable): Main Contribution to Group Work and Other Comments:
Lisa was contributing great amount of work to the overall presentation, making the presentation more robust. Shes very
precise and paid a great deal attention to detail! Would definitely go to a business venture with her.

5: ___ coins ___ coins ___ coins ___ coins
Member #5 (if applicable): Main Contribution to Group Work and Other Comments:


Column Totals (Coins) 100 100 100 100

Note: all column totals must sum to 100 coins in each category.

Question 2:

Describe (in 1 paragraph) the leadership style of your team (examples include an appointed leader, an
informal leader, anarchy, or consensus leadership). Did the leader or leadership style change during
the course?

We knew each other well before and did spend fair amount of time outside of class as friends. We did not go
through the knowing each other process, it helped a lot in the team building because we did not have to break
the ice and test the water anymore. We operate in a group decision manner, and we did not have to point a
leader, with everyone was helping each other out with their levels of expertise. Another advantage of knowing
your group member is we did not have to sugar coat things, if we didnt like an idea or didnt agree with each
others point, there were always heated discussion that we did not have to worry about damaging the

Though we did not have a group lead, each of the group members were taking roles in taking the lead role in
terms of setting meeting time and location, going through works that being compiled and keeping everyone up
to date on the deadlines.

There wasnt leadership style change during the course, since we were operating in both effective and efficient
way. I think that we worked on this project in a very good pace and had a great time working with each other.

Question 3:

Describe (in 1 paragraph) your largest individual contribution to the business plan idea and explain
what you had to do to convince the rest of your group of the merits of your contribution.

I was the first one suggest this idea to provide law service online, considering the background of group, three
out of four members are in law school. This is the field that rather the law students will have more interesting
and can provide a lot more insights compare to other kind of ventures. I first made sure they understood my
original idea, and asked their opinion on this idea and they agreed, also making some changes and add more
value to this original idea.

I was also in charge of the finance, since I was the only person that was familiar with finance, giving my
background. Building the spreadsheet, changing the units of sales and testing the results were my


Question 4: Imagine that you and your teammates were all animals living in a jungle. Describe which
type of animal you and each of your team members would most resemble and why (briefly, 1-2
sentences per team member animal).
Myself: Leopard, have the ability to go very fast with instant response to current situation, imaginary but
sometimes cannot keep up for very long, easily to be distracted and drift away from the core.

Mike: Lion, have the authority to lead, always brings the final nail on the head also very patient to explain

Sophie: Owl, is intelligent and always on the look out for things that we might have been trapped into and
provides help to the group to keep things up to date.

Lisa: Fox, very smart and quick to detect things. She brought our presentation and business plan to a higher
level with her writing skills and speaking skills.

Question 5: With respect to your final business plan and your teams business idea that is described in
that plan describe the 3 biggest risks and problems that, if your team were planning to actually start-
up this business, would have to be addressed for the start-up to be successful.

1. There is not a single secret sauce in hour business, we do not possess any edge preventing others enter
this market. After launch, fast-follower can easily take the idea making a similar service and hamper our
business. Solution to this risk is that we have to capture the market fast enough so that we can build up a large
user base, both lawyers and clients. Once such client relationship has been established, it is hard to steal
business from us. As there were numbers of site trying to copy Facebook to become the next one, however,
since Facebook had made a hit that massive amount users have been registered and using it. It would be hard
to convince and give incentive to the existing Facebook users to switch to another site that provide similar
service. Plus, keep adding value-added service and maintain the conveniences of our service are also routes we
should be on.

2. The nature of the law business could be potentially a threat to our site. Because of revenue model that takes
percentage commission from each cases, and law services is not an every-day business like Tim Hortons, the
service is rather built on a need basis. To counter this, we have to both increase our customer base and make
sure that our existing customers are happy and coming back for other legal service. These can be facilitate by
keeping marketing campaign and spending on customer services to achieve customer satisfaction by
constantly monitor the user experience and obtain feedback from our clients, then making changes accordingly
to tailor customer needs. Furthermore, the reputation that we built from customer experience can also help us
to attract more business.


3. The business model we currently have is somewhat innovative, however since we are facing a low margin
on net income and most of the revenues are going to the lawyers. We might face problem trying to raise
capital, only basis we could have is our cases per year. It is a common problem in the current platform
provider that all they have is user base. It is hard to predict after couple years if the VCs are still buying into
the user base thesis instead of margins. We could try to launch more business lines to provide different service
and try to generate revenue to counter this, and also try to stabilize the business, making it a safe rather than
growth investment.

Question 6: What was the biggest missing element on your team and why? Was it a missing skill set?
A missing role (ie. the strategist, the devils advocate, etc.)?
The biggest chunk of missing element from a higher ground would an experienced marketing person that
has been with similar service platform. A chief marketing officer will be the first hire on our list. Marketing is
very vital for us that we have to enter into a market to change the way it usually operates, and how to generate
brand awareness will be the first step to success. An experienced marketing person can help us better
understand the market, provide insights from another angle and help our company shape and refine our
strategy. Marketing and strategy are highly correlated and bonded with each other, we cannot base on strategy
without the base of marketing. On the other hand, even though through our education, we have been exposed
to certain marketing class and familiar with various strategies, however, we do not possess any practical
experience. As we can easily come up with a strategy that to use newly established channel such as Facebook
and Twitter to advertise our business but none of us from the team would be able to start the campaign with a
clear mind. A person with campaign execution experience will excel in this kind of operation, and making our
team more complete.


If you gave very high or very low ratings to yourself or to any other member of your team in any
category listed in Question 1, please explain briefly below:

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