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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Inovării

Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2009

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba engleză
L1 - Bilingv

• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

SUBIECTUL I (30 de puncte) Varianta 038

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

A new American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) technical report and policy statement,
“Global Climate Change and Children’s Health,” outlines the specific ways global climate change
impacts child health, and calls on pediatricians to understand the threats to children, anticipate the
impact on children’s health, and advocate for strategies that will lessen the effects. Direct health
impacts from global warming include injury and death from more frequent extreme weather events,
such as hurricanes and tornados.
(1) … Increased climate-sensitive infectious diseases, air pollution-related illness, and heat-
related illness and fatalities also are expected.
As the climate changes, the earth’s geography also will change, (2) … Disruptions in the
availability of food and water and the displacement of coastal populations can cause malnutrition,
vitamin deficiencies and water-borne illness, the statement said.
“This is a call for us to look at how climate change may be impacted by what we do as an
organization, what we do in our personal business and what we do in our home life,” said Helen J.
Binns, chair of the AAP Committee on Environmental Health.
(3) … by making small changes such as switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs,
reducing thermostat settings in the winter and increasing settings in the summer, and using cars
less. Pediatricians should make sure their patients understand the air quality index, pollen counts
and UV measures used in most metropolitan areas. These conversations can be opportunities to
introduce the broader issue of climate change and the importance of reducing carbon dioxide
The statement also advises pediatricians to advocate and support policies that strengthen
public transportation, (4) … It’s also crucial that children are given specific attention in emergency
and disaster response planning.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. expand green spaces and reward energy efficiency.

B. For children, this can mean post-traumatic stress, loss of caregivers, disrupted education and
C. leading to a host of health risks for kids.
D. making the air impossible to breathe.
E. The statement encourages pediatricians to be role models for minimizing greenhouse gas

2. Give the synonyms of the following words. 6 points

1. impact
2. reducing
3. support
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Inovării
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. The report warns of the negative effect of global climate change in the case of …
A. newly-born children.
B. children living in costal areas.
C. child health in general.

2. Scarcity of food and water will lead to …

A. deaths among all life forms along with the pollution of the environment.
B. unhealthy diet, disease and lack of vitamins.
C. the need to take new measures as to the the quality of public transportation.

3. The last paragraph …

A. offers solutions to the problem of global climate change.
B. increases the awareness of pediatricians concerning the health of people.
C. insists on the importance of reducing the number of cars.

5. Comment on the following in about 100 words: It’s also crucial that children are given
specific attention in emergency and disaster response planning. 4 points

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