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Sample calculations of Boiler Pumps and ID / FD Fans

Sample sizing calculations for BFW pumps and Fans for a typical Coal fired Boiler generating
steam of 50,000 Kg/hr at 6 !g/cm" and #$5 degC% &''0,000 l(/hr at )50 *S+ , )05 F-% Feed
Water inlet at '05 C and ./haust gas temp at '50 C%
0et us first calculate heat load and fuel consumption of the a(o1e (oiler%
coal (oiler
*ressure and temp at '% Superheater 2utlet 3 6 Kg/cm" , #$5 C
"% Steam 4rum 3 5 Kg/cm" , Saturated
5% .conomizer inlet 3 Water inlet at '05 C
From Steam ta(les,
.nthalpy of Superheated steam , 6sh 7 $0) Kcal/ !g 7 '#56 B89/l(
.nthalpy of 4rum :ater , 6d:at 7 505 Kcal/!g 7 5#) B89/l(
.nthalpy of inlet :ater , 6:at 7 '05 Kcal/!g 7 '$) B89/l(
;ssume 5< Blo:do:n from Boiler%
8otal 6eat 0oad of the Boiler 7 8otal heat a(sor(ed (y :ater to con1ert to steam = heat a(sor(ed
to get superheated = Blo: do:n losses
7 50000&$0)>505- = 50000 / '%05 / &505>'05-
7 55%5e06 Kcal/hr 7 '#0%$e06 B89/hr
Fuel consumption 7 6eat 0oad/ &66? / .fficiency-
7 55%5e06/ &"$ / 0%$6#)-
7 565) Kg/hr 7 '"#"$ 0(/hr of coal
From pre1ious article on Com(ustion and efficiency,
Wet gases 7 '#%05 and ;ir 7 '5%'" !g / !g of coal
8herefore, ./haust gases produced 7 Fuel consumption / 9nitWet@as
7 565) / '#%05
7 ),""$ Kg/hr of :et gases
Com(ustion ;ir reAuired 7 565) / '5%'"
7 5,)$# Kg/hr of com(ustion air
Feed Water reAuired 7 50,000 / '%05 3 5< Blo:do:n
7 5',00 Kg/hr
Sizing Calculations 3
a- Boiler feed Water *umps 3
8:o pumps of '00 < capacity are reAuired one for :or!ing and one for stand(y%
.ach pump discharge capacity minimum7 5'500 Kg/hr
7 5'500/)50 3 )50 !g/m5 :ater density
7 55%$ m5/hr
Bargin on discharge capacity 3 '5> "5 <%
8a!e "0< margin in this case%
So discharge capacity of each pump 3 55%$ / '%"
7 6#%6 m5/hr 7say 65 m5/hr
+f Cecirculation 1al1es are not pro1ided, you need to add min recirculation flo: to the a(o1e
figure, :hich may (e a(out 6>'0 m5/hr depending up on pump type and ma!e%
*ump head reAuired 7 4rum *ressure = 4rum ele1ation = *iping 0osses = Control ?al1e 0oss =
2ther 1al1e losses
7 5 Kg/cm" = "%0 = "%0 =5%0 ="%0
7 $6 Kg/cm"
7 $6 / '0/0%)5 mts of :ater head at '05C
7 )05 mts of WC
*ro1ide up to 5< margin on head% So final *ump head is )05 / '%05 7 )50 m of WC
So BFW pumps &" nos- rating is 65 m5/hr at )50 m of WC :ith feed :ater at '05 C%
(- Sizing calculations of F4 Fan 3
Forced 4raft Fan is reAuired to pump in primary com(ustion ;ir into the Boiler furnace% ;ir
from F4 fan passes through ;ir 6eater (efore entering furnace through @rate% Secondary ;ir
Fan &S; fan- supplies secondary com(ustion air in to the furnace% 9sually primary air is 0 >$0
< of the total air and (alance is supplied as secondary air through S; fan% Secondary air is
supplied at a higher pressure to help fuel spreading on the grate called as pneumatic spreading%
8otal com(ustion ;ir, Kg/hr 7 5,)$#
7 5))#/&'%' / 5600- m5/s 3;ir density>'%'!g/m5
7 '%56 m5/s
*rimary ;ir , 0< of total , m5/s 7 0% / '%56
7 '"%5 m5/s
8a!e "0< margin on discharge capacity% So F4 Fan flo: is '%" / '"%5 7 '#%6 m5/s
6ead reAuired 7 4raft loss across ;ir 6eater = @rate = 4ucting , others
7 5 mmWC = 5 = 50 mm 3 ;ppro/imate
7 "00 mm WC &appro/imate-
8a!e '5>"0 < margin on head% So F4 fan head should (e a(out "50 mm of WC%
8herefore, F4 fan rating is '5 m5/s of air at "50 mm WC static head%
*o:er reAuirements of F4 Fan 3
0et us assume Fan efficiency as 5< and Botor .fficiency as )0<%
*o:er reAuired for F4 Fan, B6* 7 Flo: / 6ead / & .fficiency / 5%$ -
7 '5 / "50 / & 0%5 / 5%$ -
7 60% 6*
Botor 6* reAuired 7 60% / 0%) 7 6$ 6*
;nnual cost of operation assuming cents per KW6 and "00 hrs of operation per annum% 0%#
is factor for con1erting 6* to KW% *l note that unit .lectricity charges 1ary :idely across
different countries%
7 6$ / 0%# / 0%0 / "00
7 D "5, 56" />
c- Sizing calculations of S; Fan 3
Secondary ;ir Fan &S; fan- supplies secondary com(ustion air in to the furnace%
Secondary ;ir , 50< of total , m5/s 7 0%5 / '%56
7 5%" m5/s
8a!e "0< margin on discharge capacity% So S; Fan flo: is '%" / 5%" 7 6%5 m5/s
S; fan static head is a(out 650 mm WC%
8herefore, S; fan rating is 6%5 m5/s of air at 650 mm WC static head%
*o:er reAuirements of S; Fan 3
0et us assume Fan efficiency as 0< and Botor .fficiency as )0<%
*o:er reAuired for F4 Fan, B6* 7 Flo: / 6ead / & .fficiency / 5%$ -
7 6%5 / 650 / & 0% / 5%$ -
7 %' 6*
Botor 6* reAuired 7 %' / 0%) 7 $6 6*
;nnual cost of operation assuming cents per KW6 and "00 hrs of operation per annum% 0%#
is factor for con1erting 6* to KW% *l note that unit .lectricity charges 1ary :idely across
different countries%
7 $6 / 0%# / 0%0 / "00
7 D 5",05 />
d- Sizing calculations of +4 Fan 3
+nduced draft fan or +4 Fan is reAuired to e1acuate the e/haust gases from Boiler to atmosphere
through 4uct collectors and chimney% 9sually +4 should ta!e care of draft loss across the Boiler
from furnace to ;ir heater and then draft loss across 4uct Collectors li!e .S*, Wet Scru((er or
mechanical type Cyclone dust collectors %etc%
8otal :et gases, Kg/hr 7 ),""$
@as 4ensity 7 '%5"65 Kg/Em5
8herefore, gas flo: in Em5/hr 7 ),""$ / '%5"65
7 5)"" Em5/hr
7 '6%6 Em5/s
@as flo: at '50C in m5/s 7 '6%6 / &"5='50-/"5 7 "5%
+4 Fan capacity ta!ing "0< margin on flo: 7 "5% / '%"
7 50 m5/s
+4 Fan static 6ead 7 4raft 0oss in &Boiler = 4uct = 4ust collector-
7 '50 = 50 = 50 mm WC 3 ;ppro/imate
7 "50 mmWC
8a!ing "0< margin on head, +4 Fan head 7 "50 F '%" 7 500 mm WC
*o:er reAuirements of +4 Fan 3
0et us assume Fan efficiency as 5< and Botor .fficiency as )0<%
*o:er reAuired for +4 Fan, B6* 7 Flo: / 6ead / & .fficiency / 5%$ -
7 50 / 500 / & 0%5 / 5%$ -
7 '5$ 6*
Botor 6* reAuired 7 '5$ / 0%) 7 '5 6*
;nnual cost of operation assuming cents per KW6 and "00 hrs of operation per annum% 0%#
is factor for con1erting 6* to KW% *l note that unit .lectricity charges 1ary :idely across
different countries%
7 '5 / 0%# / 0%0 / "00 7 D 65,"6$ />

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