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My body

1. hair
2. eyes
3. eyebrows
4. mouth
5. lips
6. forehead
7. neck
8. nose
9. chin
10. ears
11. cheeks
12. teeth
13. shoulders
14. hand
15. arm
16. knees
17. thumb
18. feet
19. toes
20. ankles
My family
1. randfather
2. randmother
3. randson
4. randdauhter
5. nephew
6. mother
7. brother
8. dauhter
9. father
10. niece
11. uncle
12. sister
13. son
14. aunt
15. parents
animals sound
1. barks
2. meows
3. chirps
4. runts
5. hisses
6. crows
7. roars
8. neihs
9. !uacks
10. trumpets
11. chatters
12. bleats
13. moo
14. s!ueaks
15. croaks
16. howls
17. hoots
18. bras
19. cluck
animals place
1. cae
2. stable
3. coop
4. cowshed
5. burrow
6. kennel
7. a"iary
8. den
9. web
10. nest
11. hi"e
12. hutch
13. pen
14. byre
15. sty
1. author
2. architect
3. baker
4. barber
5. butcher
6. carpenter
7. chef
8. cobbler
9. cashier
10. dentist
11. electrician
12. farmer
13. florist
14. fishmoner
15. rocer
16. hawker
17. hunter
18. headmaster
19. headmistress
20. hair dresser
21. $ude
22. labourer
23. locksmith
24. lawyer
25. librarian
26. mechanic
27. optician
28. plumber
29. pilot
30. reporter
31. rubber tapper
32. receptionist
33. sailor
34. sureon
35. tailor
36. tourist uide
37. "eterinarian
38. waiter% waitress
39. wholesaler
40. postman
1. apiary
2. a"iary
3. airport
4. bouti!ue
5. caf&
6. church
7. a!uarium
8. bakery
9. bank
10. clinic
11. dispensary
12. dump yard
13. factory
14. allery
15. ymnasium
16. hospital
17. arae
18. rocery
19. hanar
20. heliport
21. kinderarden
22. laboratory
23. nursery
24. orchard
25. park
26. laundry
27. library
28. museum
29. mos!ue
30. orphanae
31. pharmacy
32. stadium
33. temple
34. cinema
35. restaurant
36. prison
37. hostel
38. hotel
39. harbour
40. canteen
1. anry
2. beautiful
3. bi
4. briht
5. careful
6. cheerful
7. cheap
8. childish
9. cold
10. comfortable
11. couraeous
12. cowardly
13. cruel
14. danerous
15. difficult
16. dry
17. dull
18. early
19. en$oyable
20. e'pensi"e
21. famous
22. fierce
23. happy
24. hardworkin
25. hih
26. hard
27. horrible
28. hot
29. intellient
30. interestin
31. $ealous
32. $uicy
33. $oyful
34. kind
35. lare
36. late
37. loud
38. la(y
39. less
40. little
41. lon
42. lo"ely
43. merry
44. modern
45. nauhty
46. narrow
47. near
48. neat
49. old
50. o"al
51. patient
52. peaceful
53. poor
54. proud
55. rainy
56. bree(y
57. sunny
58. rich
59. ripe
60. sad
61. sharp
62. blunt
63. short
64. slow
65. small
66. soft
67. sour
68. stron
69. sweet
70. talkati"e
71. thick
72. thin
73. youn
74. wet
75. wise
76. wide
77. weak
78. hunry
79. fast
80. easy
81. bitter
82. timid
83. tired
84. do(ed off
85. rouh
86. stiny
87. honest
88. lucky
89. thirsty
1. add
2. answer
3. awake
4. arri"e
5. appear
6. aree
7. ad"ise
8. beat
9. bein
10. bend
11. bite
12. bleed
13. blow
14. break
15. brin
16. build
17. buy
18. bloom
19. burst
20. breathe
21. catch
22. carry
23. chane
24. close
25. continue
26. cut
27. copy
28. complete
29. cry
30. choose
31. come
32. creep
33. di
34. do
35. draw
36. drink
37. dance
38. drop
39. dri"e
40. eat
41. escape
42. fall
43. feed
44. feel
45. fiht
46. find
47. fly
48. foret
49. fori"e
50. et
51. i"e
52. o
53. row
54. han
55. hear
56. hurry
57. hide
58. hold
59. $ump
60. keep
61. kneel
62. know
63. lay
64. lead
65. lea"e
66. lauh
67. liht
68. lie
69. li"e
70. lose
71. make
72. meet
73. mean
74. marry
75. pay
76. put
77. read
78. reply
79. ride
80. rin
81. rise
82. sun
83. saw
84. study
85. say
86. see
87. sell
88. send
89. sew
90. shake
91. shine
92. shoot
93. show
94. sink
95. sin
96. sit
97. sleep
98. speak
99. spend
100. steal
102. swear
103. swim
104. )ake
105. tear
106. tell
107. think
108. throw
109. wear
110. win
preposition of place
1. into
2. out
3. at
4. on
5. near
6. under
7. up
8. down
9. behind
10. in front of
11. beside
12. between
13. o"er
14. aainst
15. below
16. abo"e
17. opposite
preposition of time
1. on
2. at
3. in
4. from
5. since
6. for
7. durin
8. until % till
9. about
10. by
11. throuhout
12. at he beinnin
13. in the middle of
14. at the end of
preposition of direction
1. across
2. into
3. throuh
4. alon
5. after
6. out of
7. towards
8. away
9. round
1. and
2. both * and
3. but
4. either * or
5. before
6. after
7. when
8. until
9. while
10. as
11. whene"er
12. where
13. where"er
14. because
15. since
16. althouh
17. thouh
18. e"en if
19. if
20. unless
21. so that
22. in order that
23. therefore
24. furthermore
25. besides
26. as well as
27. conse!uently
28. and also
29. but also
30. not only
31. as a result
32. so
1. +
2. me
3. mine
4. my
5. he
6. him
7. his
8. she
9. her
10. hers
11. it
12. its
13. you
14. ,our
15. ,ours
16. they
17. them
18. their
19. theirs
20. we
21. us
22. our
23. ours

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