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April 2013
The Auditors
MB&P Accounting & Auditing
Doha - Qatar
Sub !epresentation "etter
Dear Sir,
In connection with your audit to the financial statements of Al-Hassan International Trading
and contracting CO. W... as at Decem!er "#, $%#$ and for the &ur&ose of e'&ressing an
o&inion as to whether the financial statements &resent fairly, in all material res&ect, the
financial &osition, results of o&erations and cash flow of Al-Hassan International Trading and
contracting CO. W... In conformity with generally acce&ted accounting &rinci&les. We
confirm, to the !est of our (nowledge and !elief, the following re&resentations made to you
during your audit.
We are res&onsi!le for the fair &resentation in the financial statements) financial &osition,
results of o&erations and cash flow in conformity with generally acce&ted accounting
&rinci&les including the a&&ro&riate disclosure of all information re*uired !y statute.
There are no unad+usted audit differences identified during the current audit and
&ertaining to the current year &resented.
We confirm to the !est of our (nowledge and !elief, the following re&resentations made to
su&&lement information o!tained !y you from the !oo(s and records of the esta!lishment
and to confirm information gi,en to you orally.
We ha,e made a,aila!le to you all -inancial records and related data
There ha,e !een no.
a. Irregularities in,ol,ing management or em&loyees who ha,e significant roles in
the internal control structure.
!. Irregularities in,ol,ing other em&loyees that could ha,e a material effect on the
financial statements.
c. Communications from regulatory agencies concerning non-com&liance with, or
deficiencies in, financial re&orting &ractice that could ha,e a material effect on the
financial statements.
We ha,e no &lans or intentions that may materially affect the carrying ,alue or
classification of assets and lia!ilities.
Accounting estimates included in the financial statements are !ased u&on
/anagement0s !est +udgments, after considering &ast and current e,ents and
assum&tions a!out future e,ents.
The following ha,e !een &ro&erly recorded or disclosed in the financial statements. -
a. 1elated &arty transactions and related amounts recei,a!le or &aya!le, including
sales, &urchases, loans transfers, leasing arrangements, and 2uarantees.
!. 3alances with financial institutions with res&ect to oans 4 !an( o,erdrafts.
c. The correct ,alue of all assets 4 ia!ilities in the financial &osition, and the
details for the same in notes to -inancial Statements.
d. We confirm the accounts recei,a!les to !e 51. "6,7%6,"68 as at "#9#$9$%#$.
e. We confirm the trade and other recei,a!les to !e 51. 6,"#%,6:8 as at "#9#$9$%#$.
f. We confirm the accrued re,enues to !e 51. ",%%%,%%% as at "#9#$9$%#$.
g. We confirm the Ad,ances to !e 51. #,$8#,$%7 as at "#9#$9$%#$.
h. We confirm &re&aid e'&enses to !e 51. ;7;,##6 as at "#9#$9$%#$.
i. We confirm the accounts &aya!les to !e 51. 6,%$<,;$# as at "#9#$9$%#$.
+. We confirm the !an( o,erdraft to !e 51. $;,:;7,7$< as at "#9#$9$%#$.
(. We confirm the short term loans to !e 51. "7,86# as at "#9#$9$%#$.
l. We confirm the other &aya!les !alance to !e 51. 7,$"6,$6: as at "#9#$9$%#$.
m. We confirm the ca&ital to !e 51. ##,%%%,%%% as at "#9#$9$%#$.
n. We confirm the &artner=s current account to !e 51. #",";7,;8# as at "#9#$9$%#$.
o. We confirm the retained earnings to !e 51. 6,"6;,"86 as at "#9#$9$%#$.
&. We confirm the legal reser,es to !e 51. <#6,;#< as at "#9#$9$%#$.
*. We confirm the Total sales re,enue to !e 51. ##,$77,$%< as at "#9#$9$%#$.
r. We confirm the Total Direct e'&ense to !e 51. <,%<8,;"6 as at "#9#$9$%#$.
s. We confirm the Total 2eneral and administration e'&ense to !e 51. #,#6%,";: as
at "#9#$9$%#$.
t. We confirm the sales 4 &romotional e'&ense to !e 51. 7;,%7< as at "#9#$9$%#$.
u. We confirm the -inance e'&ense to !e 51. :,:67 as at "#9#$9$%#$
,. We confirm the de&reciation to !e 51. #,7<<,6#$ as at "#9#$9$%#$
w. We confirm the Other income to !e 51. #,88<,#6% as at "#9#$9$%#$
There are no. -
a. >iolations or &ossi!le ,iolations of laws or regulations whose effects should !e
considered for disclosure in the financial statements or as a !asis of recording a loss
!. Other material lia!ilities of gain or loss contingencies that are re*uired to !e accrued
or disclosed !y accounting standards.
There are no unasserted claims or assessments that our lawyer has ad,ised us are
&ro!a!le of assertion and must !e disclosed in accordance with the accounting
There are no material transactions that ha,e not !een &ro&erly recorded in the accounting
records underlying the financial statements.
The com&any has satisfactory title to allowed assets, and there are no liens or
encum!rances on such assets nor has any asset !een &ledged.
The assets are de&reciated at a&&ro&riate rates to reduce the assets to their estimated
residual ,alue at the end of their e'&ected useful li,es.
We ha,e recorded or disclosed as a&&ro&riate, all lia!ilities, !oth accrual 4 contingent,
and ha,e disclosed in the financial statements all guarantees that we ha,e gi,en to the
third &arties.
We confirm the a,aila!ility of cash in hand and !an( at "#9#$9$%#$ amounted to !e
51. $;7,$#< is to !e true and relia!le.
We confirm the a,aila!ility of ?et fi'ed asset cost at "#9#$9$%#$ amounted to !e 51.
#:,%$7,877 and lands to !e 51. $,%%%,%%% is to !e true and relia!le.
We confirm the amount of recei,a!le and &aya!le to !e true and relia!le.
We confirm the &ayment of 3usiness @romotion A'&enses to !e true and relia!le.
We ha,e com&lied with all as&ect of contractual agreements that would ha,e a
material effect on the financial statements in the e,ent of non- com&liance.
?o e,ents ha,e occurred su!se*uent to the !alance sheet date that would re*uire
ad+ustments to, disclosure in, the financial statements.
All ad,ances, Accounts recei,a!les, Accounts &aya!les are &ro&erly disclosed and
there are no misstatements relating to these amounts.
All the details mentioned in the notes to -inancial Statements are true and we are
res&onsi!le for misstatements if any.
The Income earned on uncom&leted contracts has !een fairly 4 reasona!ly determined
!y reference to the &rogress of each contract B@ayment CertificateC 4 ade*uate
&ro,ision has !een made for contingencies 4 &otential losses.
There are no formal or informal com&ensating !alance arrangements with any of our
cash accounts. A'ce&t as disclosed in the financial statements, we ha,e no other line
of credit arrangements.
Director 9 /anager

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