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The article published:

V.A. Abakumov. A review of some achievements in environmental sciences,

general ecology and aquatic ecology: functioning of ecosystems and environmental
toxicology. - Ecological tudies, !a"ards, olutions, #$%&, Vol. %', (. )-%).
A review of some achievements in environmental sciences, general ecology and
aquatic ecology: functioning of ecosystems and environmental toxicology
V.A. Abaumov
,nstitute of -lobal .limate and Ecology, /oshydromet, /ussian Academy of ciences
012345464 789:;8<2979 =85>;4; 5 ?=989755 @9375AB9>C4; 5 @DEF
Gey words:
environmental safety, ecology, ecosystems, water quality, (ollution, (urification,
Hytilus edulis, .rassostrea gigas, Ihalassiosira (seudonana, ynechococcus, Jago(yrum
esculentum, Kry"a sativa, LAA, ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators,
Miochemical Ecology, filter-feeders, oysters, INIHA, N, surfactant, sodium dodecylsulfate,
marine mussels, Iriton O-%$$P
Ihe goal of this review is to (rovide a short summary of a series of innovative
(ublications on environmental science and ecology 0%-#)F. Ihe (a(ers were authored by
scientists of Hoscow tate Qniversity and their co-authors. Ihe review is not a
com(rehensive analysis of this broad area but a summary of some selected exam(les
which are useful both in advancing further research and in moderni"ation of
environmental education. Ihe review is structured and the text is divided into short
sections that are easy to read.
%. !iomachinery of ecosystems. ,n the insightful review (a(er 0%F, an innovative
conce(t of ecosystemRs biomachinery Sa new scientific term that was (ro(osed and
ex(lained in detail by the authorT. According to the author of this (a(er 0%F, biomachinery
means ecological mechanisms that include biological communities and biodiversity,
which im(roves water quality. Ihe innovative ex(erimental data analysis, conce(ts, and
generali"ations in this article (rovide the fundamental elements of the new qualitative
theory of biocontrol of water quality in a systemati"ed form. Ihe theory covers water
self-(urification in freshwater and marine ecosystems 0%F.
#. "are earth elements in biodetritus in an aquatic system. ,n #$%$, a (a(er on
using neutron activation analysis SLAAT to measure the concentrations of some chemical
elements in the sam(les of detritus was (ublished 0#F. Ihis (a(er is the first (ublication
that re(orted the concentrations of a number of rare earth elements in biodetritus in an
aquatic system 0#F. Jull text: htt(:***doc*%%+$$%)&#* Abstract:
&. #nnovative scientific terms $ecological chemomediators, ecological
chemoregulators%. A (a(er on new conce(ts in ecology was (ublished 0&F. Ihe (a(er
ex(lained the innovative scientific terms Secological chemomediators, ecological
chemoregulatorsT that were coined in %V'W in the book: .A. Kstroumov X,ntroduction to
Miochemical EcologyR 0&F. htt(:***doc*W&U%%#U#* P
+. &ew qualitative theory of biotic control of water quality. Lew fundamental
theoretical issues of water sustainability, water safety and aquatic ecology were covered
in a (a(er (ublished in #$$'. Ihis article (rovides the fundamental elements of a new
qualitative theory of biotic control SbiocontrolT of water quality in a systemati"ed form.
Ihe theory covers water self-(urification in freshwater and marine ecosystems 0+F.
). 'iltration of water by invertebrate organisms, filter(feeders. ,n #$$W, an
im(ortant series of ex(eriments on ecotoxicology of detergents was (ublished in the
Yournal !ZN/KM,K[K-,A, S#$$W, Volume: ))W, \ages: &'%-&'WT by an international
team of researchers. Ihis was the first (a(er that re(orted the ex(eriments that showed
that all three main kinds of synthetic surfactants Sdetergent chemicalsT slow down the
filtration of water by marine organisms, filter-feeders Sthe bivalve mussels of Atlantic
Kcean, Mytilus edulisT 0)F. htt(:***doc*+)V)'%)W
W. &ew theory of ecological self(purification of water.
A (a(er that formulated an im(ortant ecological theory was (ublished. Ihis (a(er
contains a detailed well-structured (resentation of the authorRs innovative and
multifaceted conce(tuali"ation of how almost all aquatic organisms work together toward
making water clear and clean. Ihis (a(er 0Kn the multifunctional role of the biota in the
self-(urification of aquatic ecosystems. - /Q,AL ]KQ/LA[ KJ E.K[K-Z, #$$),
&W SWT: +%+-+#$F formulated a new theory of ecological self-(urification of water 0WF.
U. &ew concepts and terminology: ecological tax) ecological repair of water
quality. Lew conce(ts and terminology were introduced in this (a(er: ecological taxP
ecological re(air of water quality 0ome as(ects of water filtering activity of filter-
feeders. !ZN/KM,K[K-,A, #$$), Volume: )+#, \ages: #U)-#'WF 0UF. Ihis is an
interesting innovative o(inion (a(er, and simultaneously, a hel(ful review (a(er.
htt(:***doc*++%$)VV# P
'. A new ey aspect of the ecosystem function.
An interesting o(inion (a(er was (ublished. Ihe article (resented a detailed analysis of
the discovery and innovation: a new as(ect of the essence of ecosystem was discovered
and analy"ed. Ihe (a(er showed that ecosystem has attributes of a bioreactor. ,t is
considered as a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-(urification function
V. &ew facts on detergents as pollutants. Lew facts on how detergents slow
down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms Sbivalve mussels, oysters and othersT
were (resented in this (ublication. Ihese facts included a discovery of new inhibitory
effects of surfactants SINIHA and NT on water filtering activity of the marine
mollusks oysters Crassostrea gigas 0VF.
%$. A short list of research priorities in ecology and environmental sciences for
future. A useful article was (ublished: a first and unique (a(er in which an international
team of ex(erts, scientists of three countries formulated a short list of research (riorities
in ecology and environmental sciences for the current century 0%$F.
%%. *oderni+ed definition of the term ,pheromones,, comments on some new
concepts. An innovative (a(er was (ublished 0%%F. Ihis article formulated a new
moderni"ed definition of the term ^(heromones^, (.#&#-#&&P comments on the new
conce(ts that were (ro(osed by the author, .A.Kstroumov SHoscow QniversityT,
namely, ecological chemomediators S(.#&#T, ecological chemoregulators S(.#&#T,
ecological chemoeffectors S(.#&+T 0%%F.
%#. -riteria for identification and assessing environmental ha+ards of
chemical pollutants. Lew criteria were formulated in this (a(er in order to answer the
question: is a given chemical substance ha"ardous to the environment or not_ Ihis (a(er
(rovided a fundamentally new solution to the (roblem of selecting criteria for
identification and assessing environmental ha"ards of chemical (ollutants, toxicants 0%#F.
%&. .cological mechanisms of eutrophication and abnormal increase in
phytoplanton. ,n #$$#, a first article was (ublished that discovered common ecological
mechanisms that are involved in (henomena as diverse as eutro(hication and water self-
(urification. ,n this (a(er new im(ortant ex(erimental results of the author were
analy"ed to give a new fresh insight into ecological mechanisms of eutro(hication and
abnormal increase in (hyto(lankton. Also, this article (resented a new insight into how
ecosystem runs water self-(urification 0%&F. htt( :** www .dee(dyve .com *l( *s(ringer -
Yournals *inhibitory - analysis - of - to( - down - control - new - keys - to - studying - cNr[,m[x &%
%+. A short list of the most important physical, chemical, and biological
processes of water self(purification. Ihe first (ublication in which a concise outline was
made of the authorRs innovative theory of water self-(urification. A short list of the most
im(ortant (hysical, chemical, and biological (rocesses of water self-(urification is given
%). &ew facts on a chemical of an important class of substances as aquatic
pollutant. ,t is the first (a(er in which it was clearly (roved that the synthetic chemical
Sexem(lified by the surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate, NT, when it (ollutes water,
(roduces a dangerous effect on both marine mussels SMytilus edulisT and (hyto(lankton
%W. &ew ideas on criteria for identification and assessing environmental
ha+ards of chemical pollutants. Ihis (a(er formulated a fundamentally new solution to
the (roblem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental ha"ards of
chemical (ollutants, toxicants. Ihe (a(er ex(lains why the currently acce(ted set of
criteria is non-efficient and leads to mistakes 0%WF.
%U. 'undamental role of biological filtering in self(purification $and self(
bioremediation, self(organi+ation, as well as stability% of aquatic ecosystems: &ew
facts and ideas. ,t is the first (a(er in which a synthesis of both authors new
ex(erimental data and international literature was made, which led to a new broad (icture
of the fundamental role of biological filtering in self-(urification Sand self-
bioremediation, self-organi"ation, as well as stabilityT of aquatic ecosystems
0%UF. htt(:***doc*+#'&$))U
%'. /a+ardous effect of a synthetic non(ionic surfactant $exemplified by
Triton 0(122% on diatom algae. Ihe first (a(er to re(ort ha"ardous effects of a widely-
used chemical on diatom algae, im(ortant com(onent of (hyto(lankton. Ihis is a first
(ublication to re(ort a ha"ardous effect of a synthetic non-ionic surfactant Sexem(lified
by Iriton O-%$$T on diatom algae, a marine s(ecies, Thalassiosira pseudonana. 0%'F.
%V. 3iscovery of inhibitory and stimulation effects of a synthetic surfactant on
the two unique strains of the ocean species of cyanobacteria. Ihis is a first (ublication
to re(ort both inhibitory and stimulation effects of a synthetic surfactant on the two
unique strains of the ocean s(ecies of cyanobacteria Synechococcus from the collection of
`!K, S`oods !ole Kceanogra(hic ,nstitution, Q..A.T. Ihese data demonstrated a new
ha"ard of an imbalance of s(ecies com(osition of marine (hyto(lankton under the effect
of (ollution by synthetic chemical (ollutants 0%VF.
#$. 3iscovery of phytotoxicity of a synthetic polymeric surfactant. `hat is
new: a (olymeric chemical inhibited growth rate of (lant seedlings. Ihis is a first
(ublication to re(ort (hytotoxicity of a synthetic (olymeric surfactant. An innovative
bioassay with the higher (lant Fagopyrum esculentum SbuckwheatT was carried out. A
negative reaction of buckwheat seedlings to (ollution of the aqueous medium with a
(olymeric surfactant was discovered 0#$F.
#%. 3iscovery of new phytotoxic effects of a liquid detergent. Ihe first (a(er to
re(ort new (hytotoxic effects of a liquid detergent. Mefore this (a(er, no (hytotoxic
effects of liquid detergents were known. Lew (hytotoxic effects of the liquid detergent
aVilvaa on the seedlings of the higher (lants, buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum and rice
Oryza sativa, were discovered 0#%F.
##. 4nique experience in using non(traditional non(animal methods to
bioassay toxicity. Ihis (ublication re(orted the author^s unique ex(erience in using non-
traditional non-animal methods to bioassay the toxicity of chemicals. !is
ex(eriments discovered new facts on toxicity of synthetic surfactants and detergents to a
number of s(ecies, e.g. to some higher (lant s(ecies and algae 0##F.
#&. &ew method to bioassay chemicals. A discovery of a new method to do the
bioassay of chemicals. Ihis method is es(ecially useful to find and characteri"e toxicity
of chemicals. Ihis method (roved to be also useful to find new facts on environmental
ha"ards of chemicals and chemical (ollution of environment. Qsing this method a
discovery was made of new im(ortant exam(les of (hytotoxicity of synthetic chemicals,
exem(lified by some synthetic surfactants 0#&F.
#+. A review on two classes of chemicals of ecological importance: $1% the
natural chemicals in the biosphere) $5% man(made chemicals.
A review of the two classes of chemicals of ecological im(ortance: S%T the natural
chemicals that are involved in regulating and mediating natural inter-s(ecies and inter-
organismal interactions in the bios(hereP S#T man-made chemicals that are involved in
chemical (ollution of the environment 0#+F.
#). 'irst and unique 6uxtaposition of results of the three methods of
assessment of toxicity of a new pollutant: the methods that use $1% plant seedlings)
$5% aquatic algae) $7% soil algae. Ihis is a first (ublication to re(ort a unique bioassay of
synthetic surfactants using soil algae. Also, this is a first (ublication to re(ort a
Yuxta(osition of results of the three methods of assessment of toxicity of a surfactant: the
methods that use S%T (lant seedlingsP S#T aquatic algae culturesP S&T soil algal cultures
About citation of some of the papers mentioned above.
/ef. #$ was cited at 0#WF: .ited at: htt(:***fago(yrum
/ef. #% was cited: it was 3ited as: Kstroumov .A., Ghoroshilov V.. S%VV#T
Miological activity of waters (olluted with a liquid surfactant-containing detergent.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Seriya iologicheskaya $, +)#-+)'. At 0#UF:
%VV#.htm Also, /ef. #% was cited as: Kstroumov, . A., and V. . Ghoroshilov S%VV#T.
Miological activity of waters (olluted with a liquid surfactant-containing detergent.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Seriya iologicheskayaS&T: +)#-+)'. ,n Australia
0#'F: htt(:**www.newcro(*listing*fago(yrumesculentum.htm
/ef. #& was cited in Australia 0#VF as: Kstroumov, . A., and V. L. Haksimov
S%VV%T. A bioassay of surfactant solutions based on the disturbance of seedling adhesion
to the substrate and the develo(ment of root hairs by the rhi"odermis. Izvestiya Akademii
Nauk Sssr Seriya iologicheskaya S+T: )U%-)U):
htt(:**www.newcro(*listing*fago(yrumesculentum.htm P .ited at:
seedling-adhesion-substrate-(rogress-root-hairs-rhi"odermis.(h(c.QE]k(VbL-H+ P ome
other relevant sites see in the Addendum. Additional analysis of valuable innovations of
the (ublications 0%-#)F was given in refs 0&$-&+F.
%. Kstroumov . A. Miocontrol of water quality: Hultifunctional role of biota in water
self-(urification. - /ussian ]ournal of -eneral .hemistry, #$%$, '$ S%&T: #U)+-#UW%.
#. Kstroumov . A., Golesov -. H. Ihe role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in
aquatic ecosystems. - .ontem(orary \roblems of Ecology, #$%$P & S+T: &WV-&U&. Jull
text: htt(:***doc*%%+$$%)&#*
Abstract: htt(:***doc*U)$V')V# P
&. Kstroumov . A. Kn the conce(ts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology:
Ecological chemomediators. - .ontem(orary \roblems of Ecology, #$$', % S#T: #&'-#++.
htt( :** www .scribd .com *doc *U&UV)V+# P
+. Kstroumov . A. Masics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality
formation and water self-(urification. - .ontem(orary \roblems of Ecology, #$$', % S%T:
%+U-%)#. htt( :** trove .nla .gov .au *work *UV#'W%+Vd nbs(P
htt( :**) bio ). blogs(ot .com *#$%#*$U* basics - of - molecular - ecological .html P
htt(s :** sites .google .com *site *ostroumovsergei *basics - of - the - molecular - ecological -
mechanism - of - water - quality - formation - and - water - self - (urification --- contem(orary -
(roblems - of - ecology -#$$'- vol -%- no -%- ( -%+U-%)# P
). Kstroumov .A., `iddows ]. ,nhibition of mussel sus(ension feeding by surfactants of
three classes. !ydrobiologia, #$$W, Volume: ))W, \ages: &'%-&'W.
htt(:***doc*+)V)'%)W P
W. Kstroumov .A. Kn the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-(urification of
aquatic ecosystems. - /ussian ]ournal of Ecology, #$$), &W SWT: +%+-+#$.
htt( :** www .scribd .com *doc *+))U#VW' P
htt( :**) bio ). blogs(ot .com *#$%#*$V* on - multifunctional - role - of - biota - in .html
U. Kstroumov .A. ome as(ects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.
!ydrobiologia, #$$), Volume: )+#, \ages: #U)-#'W.
htt(:***doc*++%$)VV# P
'. .A. Kstroumov. Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water (urification and some other
functions. - /ivista di Miologia - Miology Jorum, VUS%T:WUeU', #$$+.
htt(:**)bio).blogs(*#$%#*$'*aquatic-ecosystem-as-bioreactor-water.html P
V. .A. Kstroumov. tudying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding
bivalves. - !ydrobiologia, )$$: &+%e&++, #$$&. htt(:***doc*W&'V'WWV
%$. .A. Kstroumov, .,. Nodson, N. !amilton, .A. \eterson, /.-. `et"el. Hedium-
term and long-term (riorities in ecological studies. - /ivista di Miologia, VWS#T:&#Ue&&#,
#$$&. htt(:***doc*+'%$$'#U htt(:**)bio).blogs(*#$%#*$'*medium-
%%. Kstroumov .A. Ihe Junctions of [iving ubstances in the Mios(here. -
!erald of the /ussian Academy of ciences, #$$&, U& S#T: %W+-%WV,
%#. Kstroumov .A. Anthro(ogenic effects on the biota: Iowards a new system of
(rinci(les and criteria for analysis of ecological ha"ards. - /ivista di Miologia - Miology
Jorum, #$$&, Volume: VW, ,ssue: %, \ages: %)V-%WV.
%&. Kstroumov .A. ,nhibitory analysis of to(-down control: new keys to studying
eutro(hication, algal blooms, and water self-(urification. - !ydrobiologia, #$$#, Vol.
+WV, ,ssue: %-&, \ages: %%U-%#V. htt( :** www .scribd .com *doc *)#)V')UV
htt( :** www .dee(dyve .com *l( *s(ringer - Yournals *inhibitory - analysis - of - to( - down - control -
new - keys - to - studying - cNr[,m[x &% htt( :** www .scribd .com *doc *)$&W&&%$
www .moi( .msu .ru *_ ( f%)+ htt( :**) bio ). blogs(ot .com *#$%#*$U* inhibitory - analysis - of - to( -
down - control .html
%+. Kstroumov .A. \olyfunctional role of biodiversity in (rocesses leading to water
(urification: current conce(tuali"ations and concluding remarks. - !ydrobiologia, #$$#,
Volume: +WVP ,ssue: %-&P \ages: #$&-#$+. htt(:**www.dee(*l(*s(ringer-
%). Kstroumov .A. An am(hi(hilic substance inhibits the mollusk ca(acity to filter out
(hyto(lankton cells from water. - Miology Mulletin, #$$%, Volume #', Lo. %, (. V)-%$#.
%W. Kstroumov .A. .riteria for assessing ecological ha"ards of man-made im(act on
biota: earching for a system. - Noklady Akademii Lauk, #$$$, Volume: &U%, ,ssue: W,
\ages: '++-'+W. Sin /ussianTP .riteria of ecological ha"ards due to anthro(ogenic effects
on the biota: searching for a system. - Nokl Miol ci SNoklady Miological ciencesT.
#$$$P &U%: #$+-#$W. Sin EnglishTP English (a(er online free:
%U. Kstroumov .A. Miological filtering and ecological machinery for self-(urification
and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: Iowards a holistic view. - /ivista di Miologia -
Miology Jorum, %VV', Volume: V%, ,ssue: #, \ages: ##%-#&#.
%'. Jisher L.P Haert"-`ernte H.P Kstroumov .A. Effects of aquatic (ollution by a non-
ionogenic surfactant on the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana.-
,"vestiya Akademii Lauk eriya Miologicheskaya, %VVW, Lo. %, \. V%-V). English
abstract of this (a(er on the web-site of the (ublishers: htt(:***cgi-
%V. `aterbury ]., Kstroumov .A. Effect of nonionogenic surfactant on cyanobacteria. -
Hicrobiology, %VV+, W& S#T: %+$-%+#.
.ited, mentioned at Mritish [ibrary Nirect as: htt(:***bld*\laceKrder.do_
Q,Lf$#&UU&)U$dEIK.fELdfromfsearchengine At the site of the Q.. library S`oods
!ole, HM[T: htt(:**biba((*works*+%W
#$. Kstroumov, . A.P emykina, L. A. /eaction of Fagopyrum esculentum Hoench to
\ollution of Aqueous Hedium with \olymeric urfactants. - /ussian ]ournal of
Ecology, %VV&, #+ SWT: &'W-&V$. Availability via the site:
.ited at Mritish [ibrary NirectP see: htt(:***bld*\laceKrder.do_
Q,Lf$%V)+$$$)dEIK.fELdfromfsearchengine .ited at: htt(:**
#%. Kstroumov .A.P Ghoroshilov V.. Miological activity of waters (olluted with a liquid
surfactant-containing detergent. - ,"vestiya Akademii Lauk /, eriya
Miologicheskaya, %VV#, Lo. &, \. +)#-+)', ee the sites:
htt(:***ergeiKstroumov*\a(ers*%V$W)UW P
ofbwatersb(ollutedbwithbabliquidbsurfactant-containingbdetergent P .itation, e.g., in
Australia: cited as Kstroumov A, Ghoroshilov V S%VV#T Miological activity of waters
(olluted with a liquid surfactant-containing detergent. - ,"vestiya /ossiiskoi Akademii
Lauk eriya Miologicheskaya $, +)#-+)'. At:
m P Also, cited as: Kstroumov, . A., and V. . Ghoroshilov S%VV#T. Miological activity of
waters (olluted with a liquid surfactant-containing detergent. - ,"vestiya /ossiiskoi
Akademii Lauk eriya Miologicheskaya S&T: +)#-+)'. ,n Australia:
##. Kstroumov .A. Lontraditional nonanimal a((roaches to the ecotoxicology of
xenobiotics. - Abstracts of \a(ers of the American .hemical ociety, %VV#, Vol. #$&
S%T, \. &$#-ELV/.
#&. Kstroumov .A.P Haximov V.L. A bioassay of surfactant solutions based on the
disturbance of seedling adhesion to the substrate and the develo(ment of root hairs by
rhi"odermis. - ,"vestiya Akademii Lauk /, eriya Miologicheskaya, %VV%, Lo. +, \.
)U%-)U). .ited as: Kstroumov, . A., and V. L. Haksimov S%VV%T. A bioassay of
surfactant solutions based on the disturbance of seedling adhesion to the substrate and the
dev elo(ment of root hairs by the rhi"odermis.- ,"vestiya Akademii Lauk ssr eriya
Miologicheskaya S+T: )U%-)U). .ited in
Australia: htt(:**www.newcro(*listing*fago(yrumesculentum.htm P .ited
at: htt(:***research*$$W*V&%*bioassay-surfactant-solutions-based-
rhi"odermis.(h(c.QE]k(VbL-H+ P
#+. Kstroumov . A. Miologically active substances of ecological im(ortance and
methodological as(ects of the estimation of the biological activity of (ollutants. - /Q.
.!EH. /EV., %VV%, W$ S&T, #W)e#W). NK,: %$.%$U$*/.%VV%v$W$n$&AME!$$%$)%P
#). Kstroumov, . A.P Iret^yakova, A. L. Effect of environmental (ollution with a
cationic surface active substance on algae and Fagopyrum esculentum s(routs. - oviet
]ournal of Ecology, %VV$, Vol. #%, Lo. #, ((. UV-'%. Available at:
#W. htt(:***fago(yrum 0here, /ef. #$ was citedF
#'. htt(:**www.newcro(*listing*fago(yrumesculentum.htm
0here, see a citation of the (a(er: Kstroumov, . A., and V. . Ghoroshilov S%VV#T.
Miological activity of waters (olluted with a liquid surfactant-containing detergent.-
,"vestiya /ossiiskoi Akademii Lauk eriya Miologicheskaya S&T: +)#-+)'P ,n AustraliaFP
#V. htt(:**www.newcro(*listing*fago(yrumesculentum.htm 0here, /ef #& was
cited, i.e. this (a(er was cited in Austrlia: Kstroumov, . A. and V. L. Haksimov S%VV%T.
A bioassay of surfactant solutions based on the disturbance of seedling adhesion to the
substrate and the dev elo(ment of root hairs by the rhi"odermis. ,"vestiya Akademii Lauk
ssr eriya Miologicheskaya S+T: )U%-)U)FP
&$. Abakumov V.A. Nevelo(ment of some conce(ts and issues of ecology and
hydrobiology. g Ecol. tudies, !a"., ol., #$$W, v. %%, (. &+-&'.
&%. Abakumov V.A. ,nnovative a((roaches to remediation and restoration of (olluted
aquatic systems. e `ater: Iechnology and Ecology. #$$U. Lo. +. (. WV-U&.
&#. Abakumov V.A. Lew achievements in the studies of aquatic ecosystems and
organisms: the conce(t of ecological re(air. - `ater: Iechnology and Ecology. #$$U. Lo.
#. (.U$-U%.
&&. Abakumov V.A. Lew advances in remediation and restoration of (olluted aquatic
systems. e \roblems of Miogeochemistry and -eochemical Ecology. #$$U, Lo. # S+T, V'-
&+. Abakumov V.A. Lew conce(t in the develo(ment of the theory of water self-
(urification: ecological re(air. e \roblems of Miogeochemistry and -eochemical
Ecology. #$$U, Lo. # S+T, +)-+W.
A33.&34*. "elevant web(sites:
Ihe references and comments on these (ublications see here:
htt(:***doc*%$+W'V+V'* htt(:**)bio).blogs(*#$%#*$'*indexed-with-
abstracts-web-of-science.html P
hh .itation of these and related (ublications: .itation SQA, .anada, QG, Jrance, -ermany,
wit"erland, Letherlands, Nenmark, Melgium...T environmental sciences:
htt(:**)bio).blogs(*#$%#*$V*citation-of-scientific-research-at.html P
hh elected exam(les of citing Hoscow Qniversity, /ussian Academy of ciences scientists.
htt( :**) bio ). blogs(ot .com *#$%#*$V* citation - of - moscow - ecologists - selected .html P
hh [ithuania. .itation of the book of Hoscow ecologists. .ited the book: Zablokov,
Kstroumov: htt(:**)bio).blogs(*#$%#*$V*lithuania-citation-of-book-of-moscow.html P
hh .ited: V selected (a(ers on environmental science from Hoscow Qniversity. .itation at the
site: htt(:**www.biomedsearch.comPdnbs(P htt(:**)bio).blogs(*#$%#*$V*cited-V-(a(ers-
on-environmental-science.html P
hh ,taly: new citation of scientific research on environmental science, ecology at Hoscow
Qniversity: htt(:**)bio).blogs(*#$%#*$V*italy-new-citation-of-scientific.html P
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