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Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma
Rework Elimination
Under the guidance !
Mrs.Savita Jadhav
Submitted by
M"# K$%L& ABASA$&B 'A()$A"%(A*$
"LL ( +, -./0112/1
in partial fulfillment o f the requirement
for the award of the degree
MBA S&M&S*&" 4%56
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University

Vision V
7e 8ill emerge as a 8orld,class company#
7e 8ill be a dominant %ndian player 8ho is innovative in products 9 strategies#
:ustomers 8ill experience us as cost e!!ective; sa!e 9 reliable#
ur people 8ill !eel and be empo8ered ; and our stakeholders 8ill en<oy healthy returns#

Bonafide Certificate:
BONA!"E #ER$!!#A$E
:erti!ied that this pro<ect report titled
is the bona!ide 8ork o! =M"#K$%L& ABASA$&B 'A()$A"%(A*$>
8ho carried out the pro<ect 8ork under my supervision#

Mrs#Medha ?a8ale; Mrs#Savita ?adhav;
%EA" O $%E "E&AR$MEN$ A#'($) !N #%AR*E
Sneha %nstitute o! &ngineering And
Management Studies; Sneha %nstitute o! &ngineering And
Management Studies;
Sneha Sadan; 'lot (o 1;Sector (o 10;
:hinch8ad;'une , 111/1@
Sneha Sadan; 'lot (o 1;Sector (o 10;
:hinch8ad;'une , 111/1@

Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University

Vision V
7e 8ill emerge as a 8orld,class company#
7e 8ill be a dominant %ndian player 8ho is innovative in products 9 strategies#
:ustomers 8ill experience us as cost e!!ective; sa!e 9 reliable#
ur people 8ill !eel and be empo8ered ; and our stakeholders 8ill en<oy healthy returns#

Sitting on the seashore 8e thought that it 8as an easy task to dive but it 8as only 8hen 8e
dived into the ocean o! the pro<ect; 8e realiBed ho8 much help!ul 8ere so many people to us#
7ithout these people this exploration could never have been completed# %t is a great pleasure
!or me to ackno8ledge the contribution 9 support o! a large number o! individuals o! this
A+ove all, ! +ow m- head +e.ore Almight- *O" 8ithout 8hose blessing my present
8ould not have existed and thanks !or giving me patience and strength to overcome the
di!!iculties; 8hich crossed my 8ay in the accomplishment o! this endeavor#
/rther ! wo/ld like to thank m- 0arents who instilled 1on.iden1e and moral s/00ort
vario/s stages d/ring the 1o/rse o. this training. And also to Mr. Shrirang Raikar, Mr.
Nilesh Amr/tkar, Mr. R. "hawale , Mr. Ravi *awhale .or their s/00ort#
! extend m- s0e1ial gratit/de in o/r Senior Manager Mr. S. S. Vaisam0a-an,
Mr. "atta *hadage 2Asst. Manager3, Mr. Santosh Birasdar 2Asst. Manager3, 4/alit-
Ass/ran1e "e0artment Mr. Nitin Joshi 2Sr.Manager3 5 o/r st/d- 1enter .or hel0 in
ever- 0hase o. the 0ro6e1t work.
inall-, ! wo/ld like to thank all those 8ho have helped me directly or indirectly in
completing the present study#
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
O/r Vision
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University

Vision V
7e 8ill emerge as a 8orld,class company#
7e 8ill be a dominant %ndian player 8ho is innovative in products 9 strategies#
:ustomers 8ill experience us as cost e!!ective; sa!e 9 reliable#
ur people 8ill !eel and be empo8ered ; and our stakeholders 8ill en<oy healthy returns#

:ompany 'ro!ile
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University

NO #%A&$ER &A*E NO
7 #om0an- &ro.ile
8 S1o0e o. &ro6e1t
9 $heoreti1al Ba1kgro/nd
: O+6e1tives O. St/d-
; Resear1h Methodolog-
< "ata #olle1tion 5 !nter0retation
= indings
> Re1ommendations
? #on1l/sion
7@ 4/estionnaires
77 Bi+liogra0h-
:ompany 'ro!ile
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
:ompany 'ro!ile
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
1#/ :M'A(E '"F%L&
Bharat Forge ; an %ndian M(: US F .#1 billion Kalyani group is a true 8orld leader #*he
company has manu!acturing !acilities spread across six countries ;t8o in %ndia; *hree in
Aermany; ne in S8eden; ne in Scotland; ne in (orth America and ne in :hina# Bharat
Forge Ltd# has t8o plants in %ndia; ne in 'une and other plant is in :hakan# 7e are number
t8o !orging Manu!acturing :ompany in the 7orld# ur company is an innovation Bone# *he
more complex the challenges are; the more innovative 8e get# 7e chart ne8 <ourneys# 7e
created !ull service o!!erings in response to the evolving needs o! our customers# 7e invested
in 8orld class !acilities# ur Guest to gro8 8ithout limits has taken us to ne8 markets# ur
mergers and acGuisition initiatives have !urther !ueled innovation and gro8th# %n this exciting
<ourney together; our people create ne8 benchmarks; ne8 sign,posts# 7e all share our
learning; gro8th; and prosperity#
Follo8 these sign,posts to kno8 more about us#
:onsolidated "evenue surpassed US) 1 billion mark; one year ahead o! the target o!
FE .//0#
:onsolidated &arnings per Share 4&'S6 reached "s# 12#/1 4&ach share o! the !ace
value o! "s# .6#
:ompleted the !orging and machining capacity expansion program at Mundh8a;
&stablished the global manu!acturing !ootprint 8ith commencement o! ?oint 5enture
operations in :hina#
Further strengthened position 8ith global customers 8ith three large long term
contracts; each in excess o! US) -/ million annual value#
Signi!icantly de,risked the US business; the largest export market !or the company#
Launched strategic !oray into non automotive component business# *o address key
sectors such as Aerospace; il 9 Aas; :onventional 9 (on :onventional &nergy;
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
"ail 9 Marine and Mining; Metals 9 %n!rastructure 8ith initial long,term contracts
already secured#
41 US) H "s#116
$ealthy global and %ndian gro8th rates have steadily increased 8orld demand !or
automobiles and trucks; and hence auto components such as !orgings# %t is not surprising;
there!ore; that our :ompany has signi!icantly gro8n during the year# 7ith its !acilities in
%ndia; Aermany; S8eden; the UK; the USA and :hina; the Bharat Forge group has !urther
strengthened its position in the global !orging industry#
ur :ompany has embarked upon a !ive,!old path o! pro!itable gro8th# *his includes+
consolidation o! its businesses 8ith an un8avering !ocus on executionI continuously ramping
up additional capacities; not <ust !or tomorro8 but !or the years to comeI broadening client
relationships to becoming a valued development partner and !irst choice !ull service
providerI building the :hina businessI and creating a siBable; 8orld,class; non,automotive
components business#
%n the Annual Aeneral Meeting ur :hairman; Baba Kalyni said J =% am even more
impatient !or !aster gro8th; better execution; greater customer satis!action; 8ider de,risking
and greater shareholder value# %t is not enough to be the biggest in the business in the 8orld#
ne also has to be the best#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Scope o! 'ro<ect
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
7& A"& :MM%**&) * &($A(:& SA*%SFA:*%( F ALL
S*AK&$L&)&"S:BE MA(UFA:*U"%(A :S* &FF&:*%5&
'")U:*S;'"5%)%(A SAF& A() $&L*$E &(5%"M&(* *$"UA$
&FF&:*%5& %M'L&M&(*A*%( A() :(*%(UAL %M'"5&M&(* F *$&
16 L&5&"AA%(A *&:$(LAE * A&(&"A*& :M'&*%*%5&
A)5A(*AA& A() * %M'"5& '&"F"MA(:&#
.6 &FF&:*%5& U*%L%SA*%( F "&SU":&S#
26 &M'LE&& %( 5L5&M&(*; *"A%(%(A A() M*%5A*%(#
16 %M'L&M&(*%(A *KM '"%(:%'L&S#
-6 S*"(A F%(A(:%ALS#

)A*& + A# K# Agar8al
'LA:& + )eputy Managing )irector

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Scope o! 'ro<ect
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd

S:'& F *$& '"?&:*
.#/ S:'& F '"?&:*
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Scope o! 'ro<ect
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
1# 7e can achieve Bero de!ects#
.# *otal customer satis!action#
2# 7e can control on cost reduction i#e# 1 lack per month#
1# &limination o! re8ork and scrap percentage#
-# :ycle time reduction#
C# 7e can improves companyLs capability and their competitiveness#
D# &limination o! operative !atigue#
0# )esigning !or ease manu!acturing#
@# 'o8er!ul ne8 tools especially design o! ne8 tools#
1/# *rue partnership 8ith key suppliers#
11# *raining !or all employs#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
2#/ *heoretical Background
*otal Kuality Management4*KM6
)e!inition+ *KM is a management approach !or an organiBation; centered on Guality;
based on the participation o! all its members and aiming at long term success through
customer satis!action; and bene!its to all members o! the organiBation and society#
ne ma<or aim is to reduce variation !rom every process to achieve greater consistency#
:oncept o! *KM+ *KM is management philosophy that seeks to integrate all
organiBational !unctions 4marketing; !inances; design; engineering and production;
customer service etc#6 to !ocus on meeting customer needs and organiBational ob<ectives#
*KM vie8s an organiBation as a collection o! processes# %t maintains that organiBation
must strive to continuously improve these processes by incorporating the kno8ledge and
experience o! 8orkers#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
*he simple ob<ective o! *KM is =)o the right things; right the !irst time; every time>#
*KM is the !oundation !or activities 8hich include
:ommitment by the senior management and all employs#
Meeting customer reGuirements#
?ust in time#
%mprovement teams#
"educing product and service cost#
&mployee involvement and empo8erment#
"econgniBation and celebration#
:hallanging Guantiti!ied goals and benchmarcking#
Focus on processes M %mprovement plans#
Speci!ic %ncorporation in strategic planning#
:ontinuous %mprovement through *KM
*KM is mainly concern 8ith continuous improvement in all 8ork !rom high level strategic
planning and decision making; to detail execution o! 8ork elements on the shop !loor# %ts
steams !rom the belie! that mistakes can be avoided and de!ects can be prevented# %t leads to
continuously improving results; in all aspects o! 8ork as result o! continuously improving
capabilities; peoples processes and technology and machine capability#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
For &xample+,
:ause and &!!ect )iagram+,
Late deliveries training maintenance
ut o! spec ability calibration
Material supervision type
de!ects experience age
temperature process design out o! speci!ication
dust poor product
design type
'oor Guality
ventilation management material grade
%ntroduction to Six Sigma methodology and philosophy
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Processes Material
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
7hat is Six Sigma N
%s an =rganiBation J 7ide %nitiative> to achieve Bero de!ects and reduce
8astes4=Muda>6and variations in the processes
Muda that occur in the processes are+
7orkers 8aiting
Unnecessary transport
ver, processing
&xcess inventory
Unnecessary movement
Unused employee creativity
Six Sigma initiative helps in reducing the !ollo8ing 8astes
ver, processing 4ver toleranceMUnder tolerance o! design6
Unused employee creativity
ther types o! 8astes are eliminated through other initiatives and techniGues
7hat is Six Sigma N
*he methodology 8hich 8e are going to discuss is speci!ically !ocused on
eliminating 8astes in the Manu!acturing processes
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
Six Sigma helps in eliminating the 8aste in manu!acturing process through
t8o methods
'roblem Solving
*his helps in reducing scrap; re8ork and customer complaints
&xisting 'rocess characteriBation and ptimiBation
*his helps in increasing productivity and also helps in !ixing the correct
tolerance !or the design
7hat is Six Sigma N
*op Management commitment and strong revie8 mechanisms are the key
to the success o! the Six Sigma initiative #
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
*rained people 8ho are skilled in understanding the process and also has
the selection and application o! Six Sigma tools to achieve Bero de!ects
are essential in this initiative#
)uring the initial deployment phases; Black belts have to spend at,least
-/ O o! the time in the pro<ects#
*his is an initiative 8hich 8ill lead rganiBation in the long run to
achieve =Six Sigma Levels> in each o! their manu!acturingMservice
processes #
Success!ul rganiBation 8ide deployment o! Six sigma 8ill take a
minimum o! three years#
rigin o! Six Sigma initiative
Six Sigma initiaive 8as !irst developed by Mr# Bill Smith; 8ho 8as 8orking as
Kuality Manager at Motorola
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
7ith a strong commitment !rom Mr# Bob Aalvin; then :& o! Motorola;the
implementation o! the intiative began in 1@0C
*his intiative helped Motorola 8in the !irst Malcolm Baldrige A8ard in 1@00
Several o! the ma<or companies in the 8orld have adopted Six Sigma since thenP#
*exas %nstruments; ABB; AlliedSignal; Aeneral &lectric; Bombardier;(okia Mobile
'hones; Lockheed Martin; Sony; 'olaroid; )upont;American &xpress and Ford
BirdLs eye vie8 o! Six sigma
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
"educed de!ect Levels and
5ariations in any process
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
)ata based decision making # (o =Atmospheric Analysis>
Use Shainin)esign o! &xperiments 4)&6 as the )ata based tool !or Beroing in
on the root cause 4s6 o! the variations
Structured troubleshooting done by cross !unctional teams having ='rocess
&ach team is assigned a pro<ect 4called = Six sigma pro<ect>6 8hich 8hen
resolved 8ill lead to substantial savings !or the rganiBation
'ro<ect selection done by =*' MA(AA&M&(*L
&ach 'ro<ect should be completed in a maximum duration o! three months
'rocess adopted is =)MA%:>

Six Sigma Focus
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
)e!ect reduction pro<ects
:ost reduction pro<ects 4'rocess ptimiBation6
Speed !actor 'o8er
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
Funneling approach in Six sigma
*he approach that 8ill the be !ollo8ed in Six sigma to reach the root cause4s6
is through data and by !unneling
*o start 8ith !or a problem; =!irst Level SSvLs> are identi!ied ; than )& tool
is applied to pinpoint 8hich o! the !irst Level SSvLs are creating the problem
*hen 8e have to check 8hether the cause pinpointed is a = cause> or =root,
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
%! it is a =cause> ;the cause should be taken as E; and then next Level SSvLs
should be Listed; again )& tools applied !urther to pinpoint
*his should be continued till 8e reach the root cause
*he =cause> 8hich is =controllable> by implementing process improvement
actions is called as = "oot cause>
7hy the name Six Sigma N
b<ective o! six sigma %nitiative is#
*o have all measurable outcomes o! the processes operate at =Six Sigma level>#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
*o have all attribute outcomes o! the processes operate at =Qero de!ect>#
*he Key to achieving the Six sigma level is the application o! the )& tools#
7hy the name six sigma N
Lo8er (ominal Upper
Spec Limit

'rocess Mean
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
%n this case;
Csigma H -/O *olerance
)e!ect level H 2 ppb
Assuming the process is
*his level is called C Sigma
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
&stimate 'art to 'art variation is represented by
7hy the name six sigma N
Lo8er (ominal Upper
Spec Limit *arget Spec Limit

'rocess Mean

&stimate 'art to 'art variation is represented by
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
%n this case;
Csigma H -/O *olerance
)e!ect level H 2 ppb
Assuming the process is
*his level is called C Sigma
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
7hy the name six sigma N
&stimated 'art to 'art
variation as O to *olerance
4CR as to *olerance6
Sigma level
CR H *olerance .D// 2
CR H D- O o! *olerance C/ 1
CR H C/ O o! *olerance .0 ppb -
CR H -/ O o! *olerance 2 ppb C
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
Key 'oints
Six sigma is the =estimated 'art to 'art variation at @@#D2 O con!idence level>#
A 'rocess is operating at Six sigma level; 8hen the &stimated 'art to 'art variation
is -/O o! the *olerance#
*he ob<ective o! Six sigma initiative is to make all the 'rocesses in the rganiBation
operate at Six sigma level#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
$o8 to select BB pro<ects
*ypes o! 'roblem
Six sigma 'ro<ects
,'riority S 2
Kno8n Unkno8n

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University

:ause Kno8n
Solution Unkno8n

:ause Unkno8n
Solution Unkno8n

:ause Kno8n
Solution Kno8n

:ause Unkno8n
Solution Kno8n
1 2
Six sigma 'ro<ects S1
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
Kno8n :ause Unkno8n
%ntroduction to MMA%: 'rocess J
*he skeleton o! the Six sigma process
'hase J 1 J )e!inition
'hase J . J Measure and AnalyBe
'hase J 2 J %mprove
'hase J 1 J :ontrol
*his cycle is called as )MA%:
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six sigma
,'riority S .
Measure 9
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
%ntroduction to )MA%: 'rocess
nce the 'ro<ect is selected; the !irst step is 8e need to )&F%(& the 'roblem#
*he next step is to use )& techniGues to pinpoint the root cause4S6 o! the problem#
*his is done in M&ASU"& A() A(ALEQ& phase#
nce the root cause 4s6 are pinpointed; 8e have to plan and implement 'rocess
improvement actions# *his is done in %M'"5&M&(* phase# "oot cause 4s6 are
also validated in this phase#
nce the 'rocess improvement actions are implemented; 8e need to ensure that the
actions stay permanent in process# *his is done in :(*"L phase#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
$o8 the root cause 4s6 are pinpointed
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Sources ! 5ariations
%nput Material
'oor 'rocess
'oor 'roduct
Six Sigma initiative, helps to zero in on the source o variations using the !"E
tools to reduce the variation and achieve #ero deect$
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
)MA%: and the Six sigma tools
'hase *ools
)e!ine 1#'rocess mapping 416
.#*rend analysis 416
2#'areto 416
1#Brainstorming 416
-#Machine abnormality study 416
C#'roduct de!ect concentration chart 416
D#:alibration 416
0#Aage " 9 " studies 416
Measure and AnalyBe @#'aired :omparison 416
1/#'rocess parameter search 416
11#:omponent Search 416
1.#Modi!ied :omponent search 416
12#Multi,vari analysis 416
11#'rocess de!ect concentration chart
1-#5ariable search 4.6
1C#Full Factorial 4.6
1D#*est o! Means 426
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
10*est o! eGual variances 426
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
)MA%: and the tools
'hase *ools
%mprove 1@#B 5s : 4.6
./#A(5A 4Analysis o! 5ariance6 426
.1#Scatter 'lot 426
..#&valuating solutions 426
:ontrol .2#5ariation analysis 4.6
.1#T,bar and "ange charts 4.6
.-#'re,:ontrol charts 4.6
.C#'rocess :ontrols analysis and
:ontrol 'lanning 416
.D#Mistake 'roo!ing 416
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
*here are .D tools and techniGues that needs to be used in various phases
rganiBation Structure
"evie8 !reGuency "ole 'osition
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
(ote + *he number 8ithin bracket against each tool indicates the module in 8hich 8e 8ill be seeing
these tools
&very 8eek 8ith BB
*op Management
Black Belts
*eam 4Areen Belts6
&very day 8ith
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
b<ectives o! Study
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
1#/ B?&:*%5&S F S*U)E
1# *o evaluate * K M and its implementation#
.# *o implementation o! Bero de!ects#
2# *o signi!icance kaiBen and ?apanese philosophy#
1# *o understand concept o! * K M and its advantages#
-# *o !ind out cause and problems#
C# *o consider remedial measure#
D# *o de!ine and explain 8hat a process is#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
0# *o explain the role o! process in organiBation#
@# *o sho8 the role o! six sigma as a process mapping#
1/# *o describe the model o! six sigma process improvement !rame8ork#
11# *o develop various supervisory skills like leadership; problem solving; etc# in the
1.# *o increase employee motivation; to promote <ob involvement#
12# *o develop a greater sa!ety a8areness among the employees#
11# *o provide necessary training to understand and utilise the skills; Gualities and
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd

Resear1h Methodolog-
Meaning o. Resear

-#/ "esearch Methodology
Meaning o! "esearch+,

"esearch in common parlance to a search !or kno8ledge# ne can also de!ine
research as a scienti!ic and systematic search !or pertinent in!ormation on a speci!ic topic#
%n !act; research is an act o! scienti!ic investigation# *he Advanced LearnerLs )ictionary
o! current &nglish lays do8n the meaning o! research as =A care!ul investigation or
inGuiry especially through search !or ne8 !acts in any branch o! kno8ledge#>
"esearch is academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical
sense# According to :li!!ord 7oody research comprises de!ining and rede!ining
problems; !ormulating hypothesis or suggested solutionsI collecting; organiBing and
evaluating dataI making deductions and reaching conclusionsI and at last care!ully testing
the conclusion to determine 8hether they !it the !ormulating hypothesis# %t is the pursuit o!
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
truth 8ith the help o! study; observation; comparison and experiment# %n short; the search
!or kno8ledge through ob<ective and systematic method !inding solution to problem is
b<ectives o! "esearch
*he purpose o! research is to discover ans8ers to Guestions through the
application o! scienti!ic procedures# *hough each research study has its o8n speci!ic
purpose; 8e may think o! research ob<ectives as !alling into a number o! !ollo8ing groups#
*o gain !amiliarity 8ith a phenomenon or to achieve ne8 insights into it#
*o portray accurately the characteristics o! a particular individual; situation or a
*o determine the !reGuency 8ith 8hich something occurs or 8ith 8hich it is
associated 8ith something else#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
*o test a hypothesis o! a casual relationship bet8een variables#
Meaning o! "esearch Methodology
"esearch Methodology is a 8ay to systematically solve the research problem# %t may
be understood as science o! studying ho8 research id done scienti!ically# %n it 8e study the
various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem
along 8ith the logic behind them# %t is necessary !or the researcher to kno8 not only the
research methodsM techniGues but also the methodology# "esearch methodology has many
dimensions and research methods do constitute a part o! the research methodology#
*he scope o! research methodology is 8ider than research methods# *hus; 8hen 8e
talk o! research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods but also consider the
logic behind the methods 8e use in context o! our research study and explain 8hy 8e are
using a particular method or techniGue and 8hy 8e are not using others so that research
results are capable o! being evaluated either by the researcher himsel! or by others#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
"esearch 'rocess
Be!ore embarking on the details o! research methodology and techniGues; it seems
appropriate to present a brie! overvie8 o! research process# "esearch process consists o! a
series o! seGuencing o! these steps# *he !ollo8ing order concerning various steps provides a
use!ul procedural guideline regarding the research process+
Formulating the research problem
&xtensive literature survey
)evelopment o! 8orking hypotheses
'reparing the research design
)etermining sample siBe
"andom sampling
:ollecting the data
By observation
*hrough personal intervie8
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd
*hrough schedules
&xecution o! the pro<ect
$ypothesis testing
AeneraliBation and interpretation
'reparation o! the report or the thesis#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
'ro<ect )escription
"e8ork &limination on
'in )iameter
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

"esearch Methodology+,
'hase J 1 )e!inition
'roblem and response de!inition#
'roblem Statement , 'in diameter comes over siBe more than limit tolerance in
pin grinding operation#
Location , Line (umber ..
Machine J 121
) H 2-2C
'art (ame , *ata Motors#
peration , 'in grinding operation#
'art to part variation#
'in to pin variation#
Steam to steam variation#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

)ata :ollection and %nterpretation +,
)ata collection o! daily production pin diameter siBe updates#
'art (ame *A*A Motors
perations 'in Arinding 4All pins6
peration (o# 1@/
Machine (o# 121
?ob (o# SiBe
'1 'in '. 'in '2 'in '1 'in
1 : 1/D- U 1@#@@2
V /#//D mm
W /#//. /#//- /#//0 /#//0 mm
. : C21 W /#//1 /#//- /#//@ /#//@ mm
2 : 10C W /#//D /#//D /#//@ /#/1/ mm
1 : -/C W /#//- /#//0 /#//0 /#//@ mm
- : 111. W /#//- /#//C /#//@ /#/1/ mm
C : .D1 W /#//2 /#//- /#//C /#//@ mm
D : /1/ W /#//2 /#//- /#/1/ /#/1/ mm
0 : 1-C W /#//. /#//1 /#/1/ /#/1/ mm
@ : 2.2 W /#/// /#//1 /#//0 /#//@ mm
1/ : 1111 W /#/// /#//- /#//@ /#/1/ mm
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

?ob (o# SiBe
'1 'in '. 'in '2 'in '1 'in
11 : 1/@. W /#/// /#//. /#//- /#//@ mm
1. : 120 W /#//. /#//1 /#//D /#/1/ mm
12 : C-/ W /#//2 /#//- /#/1/ /#//0 mm
11 : -1C W /#/// /#//. /#//D /#//D mm
1- : 11DC W /#//1 /#//2 /#//0 /#//D mm
1C : .0/ W /#//2 /#//1 /#/1/ /#//0 mm
1D : 1-1 W /#//1 /#//. /#//0 /#/1/ mm
10 : 1C1D W /#/// /#//. /#//D /#//D mm
1@ : -20 W /#//2 /#//- /#//C /#/1/ mm
./ : -1C W /#//. /#//1 /#//0 /#//D mm
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

Measure and AnalyBe+,
'in diameter oversiBe variation#
'art to 'art variation H /#/1/ mm#
'in to 'in variation '1,'1 H /#//D mm#
*aper H /#//-.#
vality H /#//2.#
*ime to *ime variation H /#//21 mm#
'art to 'art variation is highest amongst all#
1# 'in to 'in variation is almost as that 'art to 'art variation H /#/1/ mm#
.# 5ariation is because o! mis,alignment o! L $ and " $ heads#
2# 7idth o! hal! Br# Block is more#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

%mprovements )&+,
Blue Matching o! hal! Br# Block checked#
%t 8as spread on bottom o! the hal! Br# Block#
*his 8as clear identi!ication o! hal! Br# Block 8ear#
)esign o! hal! Br# Block :hain changed J 8idth reduced# 4cham!er extension6#
"educe the area o! contact o! <ob and hal! Br# Block#
L $ and " $ head alignment corrected#
Apply blue test and checked and collect data again#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

(e8 $al! Br# Block !itted#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
L $ 9 " $
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

C#/ )ata :ollection and %nterpretation A!ter %mplementation+,
'in )iameter daily production siBe updates#
'art (ame *A*A Motors
perations 'in Arinding 4All pins6
peration (o# 1@/
Machine (o# 121
?ob (o# SiBe
'1 'in '. 'in '2 'in '1 'in
1 ) 1/@. U 1@#@@2
V /#//D mm
W /#//1 /#//. /#//1 /#//- mm
. ) 2.. W /#//. /#//2 /#//- /#//1 mm
2 ) 1C0 W /#//1 /#//C /#//C /#//C mm
1 ) C-/ , /#//2 /#//2 /#//2 /#//2 mm
- ) --. , /#//. /#//1 /#//1 /#//1 mm
C ) 11DC , /#//2 /#//1 /#//1 /#//2 mm
D ) .0/ W /#//1 /#//. /#//- /#//- mm
0 ) 1-1 , /#/// /#/// /#//C /#//2 mm
@ ) 1C1D W /#//. /#//2 /#//. /#//2 mm
1/ ) 11./ W/#//1 /#//1 /#//. /#//2 mm
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

?ob (o# SiBe
'1 'in '. 'in '2 'in '1 'in
11 ) @/@ U 1@#@@2
V /#//D mm
W /#/// /#//2 /#//1 /#/// mm
1. ) C-1 W /#/// /#//. /#//2 /#//. mm
12 ) 11/- W /#//1 /#//- /#//. /#//2 mm
11 ) 2.- W /#//2 /#//2 /#//2 /#//1 mm
1- ) /-/ W /#//. /#//1 /#//1 /#//0 mm
1C ) D02 , /#//1 /#//- /#//2 /#//- mm
1D ) --/ , /#//1 /#//1 /#//1 /#//- mm
10 ) 1110 W /#//. /#//2 /#//. /#//1 mm
1@ ) 1-1 W /#//1 /#//. /#//2 /#//D mm
./ ) @/1 , /#//1 /#//2 /#//. /#//- mm
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

:ause and &!!ect )iagram+,

Measure and AnalyBe+,
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
'in )ia#
L#$# and
"#$# head
(ot ok
$al! Br
block 8ear
o! $al! Br,
Finger used
o! $al! Br,
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

'in )iameter oversiBe variation#
'art to 'art variation# H /#//D mm
'in to 'in variation '1,'1 H /#//- mm#
vality H /#//2/
*aper H /#//2-
*ime to *ime variation H /#//2/ mm#
'roblem solved -/O#
5ariation is at higher level#
)ue to less area o! contact o! <ob and hal! Br# Block 8ear !reGuency reduced# %t
reduces automatically siBe variation#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

Funneling 'rocess+,
7hen problem solved -/O there is necessary to !unneling#
'roblem , Morposs reading sho8s variation#
'art to 'art variation .,2O#
'in to 'in variation .,2O#
Measure and AnalyBe
'art to 'art centrality variation i#e# mismatching centrality detection point#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

%mprovement J .
)esign o! Morposs !inger changed#
1# 'revious Morposs !inger H boll type#
.# (e8 changed !inger H :arbide braBed plate type#
Fitted to Morposs and collect data#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

Be!ore %mplementation
A!ter %mplementation
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Boll *ype
'late *ype
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

)ata :ollection A!ter %mplementation+,
?ob (o# SiBe
'1 'in '. 'in '2 'in '1 'in
1 ) 1CD0 U 1@#@@2
V /#//D mm
W /#//. /#//2 /#//1 /#//1 mm
. ) 1D0 , /#//1 /#//1 /#//2 /#//- mm
2 ) 1102 W /#//1 /#//. /#/// ,/#//1 mm
1 ) 1/0C W /#//2 /#//2 /#//2 ,/#//1 mm
- ) -/@ W /#//1 /#//1 /#//- /#//- mm
C ) 1/0/ W /#//. /#//2 /#//1 /#//- mm
D ) 1/D0 W /#//1 /#//2 /#//- /#//- mm
0 ) C.. , /#//1 /#/// /#//. /#/// mm
@ ) C-1 , /#//. /#//. /#//1 /#/// mm
1/ ) -1- W /#/// /#//1 /#//1 /#//. mm
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

Measure and AnalyBe A!ter %mplementation+,
'in )iameter oversiBe variation#
'art to 'art variation# H /#//C mm
'in to 'in variation '1,'1 H /#//1 mm#
vality H /#//21 mm
*aper H /#//2-
*ime to *ime variation H /#//2/ mm#
*here is no chance o! mismatching o! centrality point detection#
(o variation occurred#
'art to 'art variation is /#//C mm#
%t is less than -/O o! tolerance#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

Action 'lan and :ontrol+,
're control chart to be used !or monitoring !ingers 8orn out or not#
Schedule made !or change o! Morposs !inger#
"e!er attachment o! pre control chart#
're control charts to be used to monitor the process since actual#
Six Sigma X tolerance#
'art to 'art variation is /#//C mm less than -/O tolerance#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

=.@ !N"!N*S
*he !ollo8ing are the !indings o! Kuality circle+,

A6 7astage o! time
B6 7astage o! operative time and cost
:6 "e<ection due to re8ork
)6 Kuality su!!er
&6 :ustomer :omplaints
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University

Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

D#/ F%()%(AS
*he !ollo8ing are the !indings o! Kuality circle+,

A6 7astage o! time
B6 7astage o! operative time and cost
:6 "e<ection due to re8ork
)6 Kuality su!!er
&6 :ustomer :omplaints
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University

Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University

Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

0#/ "&::M&()A*%(S

*he suggestions % have given !or the betterment are explained belo8+
Management should be explain importance o! *KM ; *'M and Six Sigma elements to the
Management should clear vision; mission and goals to8ards the employees in organiBation#
Management should to motivate peoples to that direction#
%t is very important to regular revie8 and comparison; detection in process#
Management should increase the a8areness o! employees !or to remove all variations in
the process#
Management should involve in this activities 8ith employees#
For better Guality per!ormance#
For increase the competitiveness in market#
For increase the pro!itability#
For increase the capability o! organiBation#
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

@#/ :(:LUS%(
:onclusion 4pin dia# oversiBe6
*hus by applying the Six Sigma tool and cause and e!!ect diagram; 8e tried to solved the problem
o! pin diameter oversiBe#
*he results obtained !rom the experiment are explanatory enough# 7e thus eliminate the re8orking
o! pin diameter#
*hus 8e can achieve re8ork elimination !rom 1.O to .O per month#
Month *otal 'roduction "e8ork ?ob 'ercentage
?anuary ./1/ 2.-/ (os# ?ob 2.- (os# 1/O
February ./1/ 2-// (os# ?ob 20- (os# 11O
March ./1/ 2C// (o# ?ob 12. (os# 1.O
April ./1/ 21// (os# ?ob /C. (os# /.O
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

1/#/ KU&S*%((A"%&S
(*&+ *$%S KU&S*%((A%"& %S 'U"&LE F" A:A)&M%: 'U"'S&S#
ALL *$& %(F"MA*%( '"5%)&) 7UL) B& K&'* :(F%)&(*%AL#

1# )oes the organiBation practicing Six Sigma agendaN
Ees (o
.# %s the organiBation providing in!ormation about Six Sigma to employeesN
Ees (o
2# )oes the organiBation have the certi!icates o! %S @///N
Ees (o
1# %s the organiBation providing in!ormation and techniGue o! *KMN
Ees (o
-# $o8 many peoples are involved in Six Sigma missionN
Belo8 - Above 1/ Above 1- :anLt say
C# $o8 !reGuently the organiBation have meeting o! Six SigmaN
7eekly Bi8eekly Monthly &arly
D# )o you kno8 about agenda Six SigmaN
Ees (o
0# )oes the organiBation explain the importance and process in!ormation o! Six Sigma to
Ees (o :anLt say
Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

@# )oes the organiBation have certi!icates o! *# S# 1C@1@N
Ees (o
1/# Are the organiBation going !or the Guality auditN
Ees (o :anLt say
11# )oes the organiBation have in!ormation systemN
Ees (o
1.# )oes the organiBation practicing - S ?apanese philosophyN
Ees (o
12# )o you kno8 in!ormation about - S philosophyN
Ees (o
11# )oes the organiBation have certi!icates o! %S 11///N
Ees (o )onLt kno8
1-# )o you !eel that organiBation is capable to achieve Six Sigma levelN
Ees (o :anLt say
1C# )o you like to participate in Six Sigma mission and to help to increase capability o! the
Ees (o
*hank you !or your kind co,operation#

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University
Six Sigma Bharat Forge Ltd#

11#/ B%BL%A"A'$E
7eb site+,
1# Foundation o! Kuality Management#
.# 'rincipals and 'hilosophies o! Kuality Management J *extbook
2# *otal Kuality management by Sahay#
1# 888#google#com

Abasaheb Khile
Sikkim Manipal University

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