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Travis Pastrana

Hola a todos, yo les hablar sobre Travis Pastrana. Quin es TP? l es un piloto de automviles y
motocicletas, l se destac en los X-Games. Los X-G son eventos de deportes extremos. Para m,
Travis Pastrana es el ms famoso y talentoso motociclista de estilo libre.
Hi all, I will talk about Travis Pastrana. Who is TP? He is a car and motorcycle rider, he excelled at
the X-Games. The X-G are extreme sports events. For me, Travis Pastrana is the most famous and
talented freestyle rider.

Travias naci en 1983, en Estados Unidos, especficamente en Maryland. l comenz a andar en
motocicleta cuando l tena slo 4 aos de edad. Su primera motocicleta fue una Honda Z-50, la
cual su padre le mostr como andar en ella cerca de su casa.
Travias was born in 1983, in the United States, specifically in Maryland. He started to ride a
motorcycle when he was only 4 years old. His first motorcycle was a Honda Z-50, which his father
showed him how to ride it near his home.

X-Games .....
Desde que l era un nio, particip en algunas competencias de motocross, pero desde el ao
1999 hasta el 2006 se destac en los X-Games. El particip en varias competencias y gan muchas
medallas de oro, ocho en el estilo libre, tres en mejor truco, entre otras medallas.
Desde el 2006 hasta el 2010, l comenz a competir en carreras de automovilismo, en los X-Game,
ac gan 3 medallas de oro en competencias de Rally.
Esta es una foto cuando realiz el doble back flip, l fue el primero motociclista en realizar ese
X-Games .....
Since he was a child, participated in some motocross competitions, but from 1999 until 2006 he
excelled in the X-Games. He participated in several competitions and won many gold medals, eight
in freestyle, best trick three, among other medals.
From 2006 until 2010, he began competing in auto racing in the X-Game, here he won 3 gold
medals in Rally competitions.
This is a picture when he made the double back flip, he was the first rider to perform that trick.
Entre el 2011 y el 2012 TP se alej de los X-game para participar en las carreras Nascar. En este
deporte no logr ganar cosas importantes. Al final del 2012 vuelve a competir en una carrera de
rally en los X-game.
Tp ha tenido muchas lesiones, incluso l dice "No me acuerdo de la mayora de las lesiones, he
tenido demasiadas."
Su historial mdico incluye: una columna vertebral dislocada, desgarro del ligamento de ambas
rodilla, fractura de tibia, peron, mueca izquierda dos veces, pulgar izquierdo, codo derecho,
entre otras lesiones. Por todas estas lesiones se ha tenido que operar muchas veces.
Between 2011 and 2012 TP turned away from the X-game to participate in the Nascar races. In this
sport could not win important things. At the end of 2012 he returns to compete in a rally race in
the X-game.
Injury ...
Tp has had many injuries, even he says "I do not remember most of the injuries I've had many."
His medical history include: a dislocated spinal column torn ligament in both knees, broken tibia,
fibula, left wrist twice, left thumb, right elbow, among other injuries. For all these injuries he
operated many times.
Desde el 2009 hasta hoy, l ha estado grabando una serie de TV llamada Nitro Circus. En esta serie
de TV, TP y sus amigos realizan deportes extremos, pero de forma graciosa. Por ejemplo ellos
saltan en ramplas gigantes en triciclos. Hace dos semanas comenz una nueva temporada de NC.
Adems grab una pelcula para NCircus.

TP ha dicho en varias entrevistas que seguir grabando la serie NCircus, y que probablemente haga
otra pelcula, porque eso lo hace feliz.
En cuanto a las competencias, el no descarta volver a los XGame, pero hasta el momento no es
nada seguro. Yo pienso que si entrena duro l puede volver a ganar una nueva medalla de oro en
los XGame.

Si quieres hacer algo, hazlo, pero siempre lleno de pasin.

NitroCircus ...
Since 2009 until today, he has been recording a TV show called Nitro Circus. Here Travis and his
friends perform extreme sports, but with jokes. For example they jump on giant ramps riding
tricycles. Two weeks ago he started a new season of the TV show.
He also recorded a movie in 2012.

Future ...
TP has said in interviews that continue to record the Circus series, and probably make another
movie because it makes him happy.
As for the race, he did not rule out returning to XGame, but so far he does not know. I think if he
trains, he will gain a new gold medal in the XGame.

If you want to do something, do it, but always full of passion.
life motto

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