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IBM Written test Questions with answers for learn and practice


1. If a car starts fro ! towards B with soe "elocit#. $ue to soe pro%le
in the en&ine after tra"elin& '()* the car &oes with +,- th of its actual
"elocit# .The car reaches B +- in later to the actual tie. If the car en&ine
fails after tra"elin& +-)* the car reaches the destination B '.in late to
the actual tie What is the initial "elocit# of car and what is the distance
%etween ! and B in )
!ns. /( 0 1'(.

/. ! person has 1s 1((,2 in his poc)et* he can as /- pencils or 1- %oo)s. 3e
)ept 1-4 of the one# for tra"elin& e5penses and purchased - pencils. So
how an# %oo)s he can purchase with the reainin& one#.

'. The "alues of shares 6in 1s7.of !* B and C fro 8anuar# to 8une are as
Month ! B C
8anuar# '( .( 9(
:e%ruar# '- .- 9-
March +- ;- .-
!pril +( ;- 9/
Ma# -- ;- 9-
8une -( ;- 9(

i7 $urin& this period which share has under&one a5iiu fluctuation<
ii7 In which onth it is possi%le to %u# B and C sellin& !<
iii7 In which onth the share "alues are "er# low<
i"7 B# purchasin& one share of ! and + each of B and C in the %e&innin& of
the period*
when should these %e sold to &et a5iu profit<
+. In a two2di&it* if it is )nown that its unit=s di&it e5ceeds its ten=s di&it %# /
and that the product of the &i"en nu%er and the su of its di&its is e>ual
to 1++* then the nu%er is?
!ns? /+

-. The "alue of @ 6(.A.7' 2 6(.17' B , @6(.A.7/ C (.(A. C 6(.17 /B
ans? (.9.

.. The ratio of the nu%er of %o#s and &irls in a colle&e is ; ? 9. If the
percenta&e increase in the nu%er of %o#s and &irls %e /(4 and 1(4
respecti"el#* what will %e the new ratio<
!ns? /1?//

;. find the ne5t no in the series 1-* '1* .'* 1/;* /--* 6....7
!ns? -11

9. ! car owner %u#s petrol at 1s.;.-(* 1s. 9 and 1s. 9.-( per liter for three
successi"e #ears. What appro5iatel# is the a"era&e cost per litre of petrol
if he spends 1s. +((( each #ear<
!ns? ;.9A

A. In !run=s opinion* his wei&ht is &reater than .- )& %ut less than ;/ )&.
3is %rother doest not a&ree with !run and he thin)s that !run=s wei&ht is
&reater than .( )& %ut less than ;( )&. 3is other=s "iew is that his wei&ht
cannot %e &reater than .9 )&. If all are the are correct in their estiation*
what is the a"era&e of different pro%a%le wei&hts of !run<

1(. Two nu%ers ! and B are such that the su of -4 of ! and +4 of B is
two2third of the su of .4 of ! and 94 of B. :ind the ratio of ! ? B.

11. The D.C.M. of two nu%ers is +9. The nu%ers are in the ratio / ? '.
Then su of the nu%er is?

1/. Det N %e the &reatest nu%er that will di"ide 1'(-* +..- and .A(-*
lea"in& the sae reainder in each case. Then su of the di&its in N is?

1'. :ind the odd one 11* +9* 1((* '9+* ;.9* '(;/

1+. If a >uarter )& of potato costs .( paise* how an# paise will /(( &
!ns?+9 paise

1-. ' pups* wor)in& 9 hours a da#* can ept# a tan) in / da#s. 3ow an#
hours a da# ust + pups wor) to ept# the tan) in 1 da#<
!ns? 1/

1.. -( en too) a dip in a water tan) +( lon& and /( %road on a
reli&ious da#. If the a"era&e displaceent of water %# a an is + '* then
the rise in the water le"el in the tan) will %e?

1;. and n are whole nu%ers such that n E 1/1* the "alue of 6 2 17n C 1

19.aE/* %E'* cE. :ind the "alue of c,6aC%726aC%7,c
!ns. 11,'(

1A. What does the he5a nu%er E;9 in radi5
6a7 1/+--
6%7 1+1-'
6c7 1+/-.
6d7 1'-+1
6e7 1'111/
!ns. 6d7

/(. Q is not e>ual to Fero and ) E 6Q 5 n 2 s7,/ What is n<
6a7 6/ 5 ) C s7,Q
6%7 6/ 5 s 5 )7,Q 6c7 6/ 5 ) 2 s7,Q
6d7 6/ 5 ) C s 5 Q7,Q 6e7 6) C s7,Q

Questions /1 2 /- are to %e answered on the followin& data
! causes B or C* %ut not %oth
: occurs onl# if B occurs $ occurs if B or C occurs E occurs onl# if C
8 occurs onl# if E or : occurs
$ causes G*3 or %oth 3 occurs if E occurs G occurs if : occurs

/1. If ! occurs which of the followin& ust occurs<
I. : and G
II. E and 3
6a7 I onl#
6%7 II onl#
6c7 III onl#
6d7 I*II* 0 III
6e7 I 0 II 6or7 II 0 III %ut not %oth
!ns. 6e7

//. If B occurs which ust occur<
6a7 $
6%7 $ and G
6c7 G and 3
6d7 : and G
6e7 8
!ns. 6a7

/'.If 8 occurs which ust ha"e occurred
6a7 E
6%7 either B or C
6c7 %oth E 0 :
6d7 B
6e7 %oth B 0 C
!ns. 6%7

/+. Which a# occurs as a result of cause not entioned
II. !
III. :
6a7 I onl#
6%7 II onl#
6c7 I 0 II
6d7 II 0 III
6e7 I*II 0 III
!ns. 6c7

/-. E occurs which one cannot occurs
6a7 !
6%7 :
6c7 $
6d7 C
6e7 8
!ns. 6%7

/..! - litre Hu& contains + litres of a salt water solution that is 1- percent
salt. If 1.- litres of the solution spills out of the Hu&* and the Hu& is then filled
to capacit# with water*appro5iatel# what percent of the resultin& solution
in the Hu& is salt<
6!7;.-4 6B7A.-4 6C7 1(.-4 6$71/4 6E71-4

/;. Wor)in& independentl#* Tina can do a certain Ho% in 1/ hours. Wor)in&
independentl#* !nn can do the sae Ho% in A hours. If Tina Wor)s
independentl# at the Ho% for 9 hours and then !nn.

/9.$irections to sol"e
1ead the para&raph carefull# and answer the >ustions?

Si5 )ni&hts 2 I* Q*1*S*T and J 2 asse%le for a lon& Hourne# in Two ra"ellin&
parties. :or securit#* each tra"ellin& part# Consists of at least two
)ni&hts. The two parties tra"el %# separate routes* northern and southern.
!fter one onth* the routes of the northern and southern &roups con"er&e
for a %rief tie and at that point the )ni&hts can* if the# wish* rearran&e
tra"ellin& parties %efore continuin&* a&ain in two parties alon& separate
northern and southern routes. Throu&hout the entire trip* the coposition
of tra"elin& parties ust %e in accord with the followin& conditions I and 1
are deadl# eneies and* althou&h the# a# eet %riefl#*can ne"er tra"el
to&ether. p ust tra"el in the sae part# with sQ canKt tra"el %# the
southern route J canKt chan&e

a. If one of the two parties of )ni&hts consists of I and J and two other
)ni&hts and tra"els %# the southern route*the other e%ers of this part#
%esides I and J ust %e
a7 Q and S
%7 Q and T
c7 1 and S
d7 1 and T
e7 S and T
!ns? e

%.If each of the two parties of )ni&hts consists of e5actl# three e%ers*
which of the followin& is not a possi%le tra"ellin& part# and route<
a7 I*S*J %# the northern route
%7 I*S*T %# the northern route
c7 I*S*T %# the southern route
d7 I*S*J %# the southern route
e7 Q*1*T %# the southern route
!ns? %

c. If one of the two parties of )ni&hts consists of J and two other )ni&hts
and tra"els %# the northern route* the other en%ers of this part#
%esides J ust %e
a7 I and S
%7 I and T
c7 Q and 1
d7 Q and T
e7 1 and T
!ns? c

d. If each of the two parties of )ni&hts consists of e5actl# three e%ers of
different parties* and 1 tra"els %# the northern route*then T ust tra"el %#
a7 southern route with I and S
%7 southern route with Q and 1
c7 southern route with 1 and J
d7 northern route with Q and 1
e7 northern route with 1 and J
!ns? a

e. If* when the two parties of )ni&hts encounter one another after a onth*
e5actl# one )ni&ht chan&es fro one tra"ellin& part# to the other tra"ellin&
part#* that )ni&ht ust %e
a7 I
%7 Q
c7 1
d7 S
e7 T
!ns? e

Questions /A 2 '/?
!* B* C* $* E and : are si5 positi"e inte&ers such that
B C C C $ C E E +!
C C : E '!
C C $ C E E /:
: E /$
E C : E /C C 1
If ! is a prie nu%er %etween 1/ and /(* then

/A. The "alue of : is
6!7 1+
6B7 1.
6C7 /(
6$7 /+
6E7 /9

'(. Which of the followin& ust %e true<
6!7 $ is the lowest inte&er and $ E 1+
6B7 C is the &reatest inte&er and C E /'
6C7 B is the lowest inte&er and B E 1/
6$7 : is the &reatest inte&er and : E /+
6E7 ! is the lowest inte&er and ! E 1'

1.What is the difference %etween C and 8a"a<
1.8!L! is O%Hect2Oriented while C is procedural.
/.8a"a is an Interpreted lan&ua&e while C is a copiled lan&ua&e.
'.C is a low2le"el lan&ua&e while 8!L! is a hi&h2le"el lan&ua&e.
+.C uses the top2down approach while 8!L! uses the %otto2up
-.Iointer &o %ac)sta&e in 8!L! while C re>uires e5plicit handlin& of
"iew ore difference
/.What is the difference %etween arra# and pointer<
Iointer is a "aria%le in a pro&ra is soethin& with a nae* the "alue of
which can "ar#. The wa# the copiler and lin)er handles this is that it
a specific %loc) of eor# within the coputer to hold the "alue of that
!n arra# is a conceptual data representation consistin& of a list of ore
than one ite of a particular scalar t#pe 6int* float* char* structure* etc.7
where each eleent is accessed %# its inde5.'.What is the difference
%etween Strin&s and !rra#s<
2 Strin& can hold onl# char data. Where as an arra# can hold an# data t#pe.
2 !n arra# siFe can not %e chan&ed. Where as a strin& siFe can %e chan&ed
if it is a char pointer
2 The last eleent of an arra# is an eleent of the specific t#pe. The last
character of a strin& is a null M NO(K character.
2 The len&th of an arra# is to specified in @B at the tie of declaration
6e5cept char@B7. The len&th of the strin& is the nu%er of characters C one
6null character7.
'.What is 1ecursion :unction<
a7 ! recursi"e function is a function which calls itself.
%7 The speed of a recursi"e pro&ra is slower %ecause of stac) o"erheads.
6This attri%ute is e"ident if #ou run a%o"e C pro&ra.7
c7 ! recursi"e function ust ha"e recursi"e conditions* terinatin&
conditions* and recursi"e e5pressions.
-.$iffrence %etween default and cop# constructor<
+.What are a%stract class<
!n a%stract class is a class which does not full# represent an o%Hect.
Instead* it represents a %road ran&e of different classes of o%Hects.
3owe"er* this representation e5tends onl# to the features that those
classes of o%Hects ha"e in coon. Thus* an a%stract class pro"ides onl#
a partial description of its o%Hects
-.$efine $eadloc)<
In an operatin& s#ste* a deadloc) is a situation which occurs when a
process enters a waitin& state %ecause a resource re>uested %# it is %ein&
held %# another waitin& process* which in turn is waitin& for another
resource. If a process is una%le to chan&e its state indefinitel# %ecause the
resources re>uested %# it are %ein& used %# other waitin& process* then
the s#ste is said to %e in a deadloc).
..What is lin)ed list<
Din)ed list is one of the fundaental data structures* and can %e used to
ipleent other data structures. In a lin)ed list there are different nu%ers
of nodes. Each node is consists of two fields. The first field holds the "alue
or data and the second field holds the reference to the ne5t node or null if
the lin)ed list is ept#.
;.What is the difference %et do loop 0 do while loop<
The difference %etween a Pdo ...whileP loop and a Pwhile QR P loop is that the
while loop tests its condition %efore e5ecution of the contents of the loop
%e&insS the PdoP loop tests its condition after it=s %een e5ecuted at least
once. !s noted a%o"e* if the test condition is false as the while loop is
entered the %loc) of code is ne"er e5ecuted. Since the condition is tested
at the %otto of a do loop* its %loc) of code is alwa#s e5ecuted at least
once.1(.What is pol#orphis 0 inheritance propert#<
Iol#orphis is the a%ilit# to use an operator or function in different wa#s.
Iol#orphis &i"es different eanin&s or functions to the operators or
functions. Iol#* referrin& to an#* si&nifies the an# uses of these
operators and functions. ! sin&le function usa&e or an operator functionin&
in an# wa#s can %e called pol#orphis. Iol#orphis refers to codes*
operations or o%Hects that %eha"e differentl# in different conte5ts.
9.What is OOIS concept<
O%Hect2oriented pro&rain& 6OOI7 is a pro&rain& paradi& usin&
Po%HectsP M data structures consistin& of data fields and ethods to&ether
with their interactions M to desi&n applications and coputer pro&ras.
Iro&rain& techni>ues a# include features such as data a%straction*
encapsulation* essa&in&* odularit#* pol#orphis* and inheritance.
Man# odern pro&rain& lan&ua&es now support OOI* at least as an
A.What are d#naic and static eor# location<
The allocation of eor# for the specific fi5ed purposes of a pro&ra in a
predeterined fashion controlled %# the copiler is said to %e static
eor# allocation.
The allocation of eor# 6and possi%l# its later deallocation7 durin& the
runnin& of a pro&ra and under the control of the pro&ra is said to %e
d#naic eor# allocation.
1(.Write a pro&ra in C to sort a list of nu%ers in ascendin& order<
11.Write a pro&ra in Ha"a to print the odd no. %etween 1 to 1((<
1/.What is the differentiate %,w analo& and di&ital counication<
1'.What is the difference %etween Truncate and $elete<
1+.What is the difference %etween $BMS and 1$BMS<
1-.What are the ad"anta&es of SQD<
These are the ad"anta&es of ID,SQD.
Bloc) Structures? ID SQD consists of %loc)s of code* which can %e nested
within each other. Each %loc) fors a unit of a tas) or a lo&ical odule.
ID,SQD Bloc)s can %e stored in the data%ase and reused.
Irocedural Dan&ua&e Capa%ilit#? ID SQD consists of procedural lan&ua&e
constructs such as conditional stateents 6if else stateents7 and loops
li)e 6:O1 loops7.
Better Ierforance? ID SQD en&ine processes ultiple SQD stateents
siultaneousl# as a sin&le %loc)* there%# reducin& networ) traffic.
Error 3andlin&? ID,SQD handles errors or e5ceptions effecti"el# durin& the
e5ecution of a ID,SQD pro&ra. Once an e5ception is cau&ht* specific
actions can %e ta)en dependin& upon the t#pe of the e5ception or it can %e
displa#ed to the user with a essa&e.
3ide data cople5it#
1..What is the difference %etween $%s and OO$%s<
1;.$ifference %etween SQD and ID ,SQD<
19.$ifference %etween $BMS and :ile S#ste
1A.What is the %asic difference %etween a 8oin and a Jnion<
It co%ines the results of two or ore >ueries into a sin&le result set
consistin& of all the rows %elon&in& to all >ueries in the union.
Basic 1ules?
The nu%er and the order of the coluns ust %e the sae in all >ueries.
The data t#pes ust %e copati%le.
To retrie"e data fro two ta%les or ore than two ta%les then use Hoins.
T#pes? Inner 8oin* Outer 8oin61i&ht outer Hoin* left outer Hoin7* cross Hoin*
E>ui Hoin* Self Hoin.
The nu%er and the order of the coluns need not %e the sae in all
/(.what is a root<
ProotP refers to the top2le"el director# of a file s#ste. The word is deri"ed
fro a tree root* since it represents the startin& point of a hierarchical tree
structure. The folders within the tree represent the %ranches* while the
actual files are considered the lea"es. 3owe"er* unli)e a real life tree* a data
tree can %e "isualiFed upside down* with the root at the top and directories
and su%directories spannin& downward.
The root node of a file s#ste is also called the root director#. On a
Windows2%ased IC* PC?OP represents the root director# of the C dri"e.
If #ou e"er use a terinal pro&ra to "iew files and folders on a coputer*
#ou can use the coand Pcd ,P 6chan&e director# to root7 to na"i&ate to
the root director#.
P1ootP is also the nae of the user who has adinistrati"e pri"le&es on a
Jni5 or Dinu5 ser"er.
IBM E5ercise >uestions
$irections ? In each of the following questions, a number series is given
with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the
same pattern and fill in the blank spaces.
1. 1* +* A* 1.* /-* 6...7
6a7 '-
6%7 '. 6!ns7
6c7 +9
6d7 +A
!ns ? The nu%ers are 1
* /
* '
* +
* -
Missin& nu%er E .
E '..

/. /(* 1A* 1;* 6...7* 1(* -*
6a7 1/
6%7 1'
6c7 1+ 6!ns7
6d7 1-
!ns ? The Iattern is 21* 2/* ...
Missin& nu%er E 1; 2 ' E 1+.

'. /* '* -* ;* 11* 6...7* 1;
6a7 1/
6%7 1' 6!ns7
6c7 1+
6d7 1-
!ns ? Clearl#* the &i"en series consists of prie nu%ers startin& fro /.
The prie nu%er after 11 is 1'. So* 1' is the issin& nu%er.

+. .* 11* /1* '.* -.* 6...7
6a7 +/
6%7 -1
6c7 91 6!ns7
6d7 A1
!ns ? The pattern is C -* C 1(* C 1-* C /(* .....
Missin& nu%er E -. C /- E 91.

-. 1* .* 1'* //* ''* 6...7
6a7 ++
6%7 +-
6c7 +. 6!ns7
6d7 +;
!ns ? The pattern is C -* C ;* C A* C 11* ....
Missin& nu%er E '' C 1' E +..
.. '* A* /;* 91* 6...7
6a7 '/+
6%7 /+' 6!ns7
6c7 /1(
6d7 1./
!ns ? Each ter of the &i"en series is o%tained %# ultipl#in& its
precedin& ter %# '.
Missin& nu%er E 91 5 ' E /+'.
;. 1* A* 1;* ''* +A* ;'* 6...7
6a7 A; 6!ns7
6%7 A9
6c7 AA
6d7 1((
!ns ? The pattern is C 9* C 9* C 1.* C 1.* C /+* ...
Missin& nu%er E ;' C /+ E A;.

9. /* -* A* 6...7* /(* /;*
6a7 1+ 6!ns7
6%7 1.
6c7 19
6d7 /+
!ns ? The pattern is C '* C +* ...
Missin& nu%er E A C - E 1+.

A. -* A* 1;* /A* +-* 6...7
6a7 .(
6%7 .- 6!ns7
6c7 .9
6d7 ;(
!ns ? The pattern is C +* C 9* C 1/* C 1.* ...
Missin& nu%er E +- C /( E .-.

1(. '* ;* 1-* '1* .'* 6...7
6a7 A/
6%7 11-
6c7 1/; 6!ns7
6d7 1'1
!ns ? Each nu%er in the series is the precedin& nu%er ultiplied %# /
and then increased %# 1.
Thus* 6' 5 /7 C 1 E ;* 6; 5 /7 C 1 E 1-* 61- 5 /7 1 E '1 and so on.
Missin& nu%er E 6.' 5 /7 C 1 E 1/;.

11. 1* .* 1-* 6...7* +-* ..* A1
6a7 /-
6%7 /.
6c7 /;
6d7 /9 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C -* C A* ...* C /1* C /-* ...
Missin& nu%er E 1- C 1' E /9.

1/. 1* /* '* -* 9* 6...7
6a7 +-.-
6%7 'A.-
6c7 '(.- 6!ns7
6d7 +(.-
!ns ? Each ters in the series is the su of the precedin& two ters.
Thus* 1 C / E 'S / C ' E -S ' C - E 9 and so on.
Missin& nu%er E - C 9 E 1'.

1'. (.-* 1.-* +.-* 1'.-* 6...7
6a7 +-.-
6%7 'A.-
6c7 '(.-
6d7 +(.- 6!ns7
!ns ? Each ters of the series is o%tained %# ultipl#in& the precedin&
ter %# '.
Missin& nu%er E 1'.- 5 ' E +(.-.

1+. 1/1* //-* '.1* 6...7
6a7 ++1
6%7 +9+
6c7 -/A 6!ns7
6d7 ;/A
!ns ? The nu%ers are 11
* 1-
* 1A
* ... i.e. 11
* 611 C + 5 17
* 611 C + 5 /7
* ...
Missin& nu%er E 611 C + 5 '7
E 6/'7
E -/A.

1-. (* /* 9* 1+* 6...7* '+
6a7 /+ 6!ns7
6%7 //
6c7 /(
6d7 19
!ns ? The nu%ers are 1
2 1* /
2 /* '
2 1* +
2 /* ...
Missin& nu%er E -
2 1 E /+.

1.. 1A* /* '9* '* 11+* +* 6...7
6a7 //9
6%7 /-.
6c7 '-/
6d7 +-. 6!ns7
!ns ? The se>uence is a co%ination of two series ?
I. 1A* '9* 11+* 6.....7 and II. /* '* +
The pattern followed in I is 5 /* 5 '* .....
Missin& nu%er E 11+ 5 + E +-..

1;. 1* /* '* .* A* 19* 6...7* -+
6a7 19
6%7 /; 6!ns7
6c7 '.
6d7 91
!ns ? The nu%ers are alternatel# ultiplied %# / and ',/.
Thus* 1 5 / E /* / 5 ',/ E '* ' 5 / E .* . 5 ',/ E A and so on.
Missin& nu%er E 19 5 ',/ E /;.

19. +* -* A* 19* '+* 6...7
6a7 +'
6%7 +A
6c7 -(
6d7 -A 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C 1* C +* C A* C 1.* .... i.e. C 1
* C /
* C '
* C +
Missin& nu%er E '+ C -
E '+ C /- E -A.

1A. '* .* 19* ;/* 6...7
6a7 1++
6%7 /1.
6c7 /99
6d7 '.( 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is 5 /* 5 '* 5 +* .....
Missin& nu%er E ;/ 5 - E '.(.

/(. ..* '.* 19* 6...7
6a7 '
6%7 .
6c7 9 6!ns7
6d7 A
!ns ? Each nu%er in the series is the product of the di&its of the
precedin& nu%er.
Thus* . 5 . E '.* ' 5 . E 19 and so on.
Missin& nu%er E 1 5 9 E 9.

/1. /1* /-* ''* +A* 91* 6...7
6a7 1+- 6!ns7
6%7 1/A
6c7 11'
6d7 A;
!ns ? The pattern is C +* C 9* C 1.* C '/* .... i.e. C /
* C /
* C /
C /
* ....
Missin& nu%er E 91 C /
E 91 C .+ E 1+-.

//. 1/* '/* ;/* 1-/* 6...7
6a7 '1/ 6!ns7
6%7 '/-
6c7 -1-
6d7 .1'
!ns ? The pattern is C /(* C +(* C 9(* ....
Missin& nu%er E 1-/ C 1.( E '1/.

/'. '* .* -* /(* ;* +/* A* 6...7
6a7 -+
6%7 .(
6c7 ..
6d7 ;/ 6!ns7
!ns ? The se>uence is a co%ination of two series ?
I. '* -* ;* A and II. .* /(* +/* 6...7
The pattern followed in II is C 1+* C //* ....
Missin& nu%er E +/ C '( E ;/.

/+. 1* '* +* 9* 1-* /;* 6...7
6a7 ';
6%7 ++
6c7 -( 6!ns7
6d7 --
!ns ? The su of an# three consecuti"e ters of the series &i"es the ne5t
Thus* 1 C ' C + E 9S ' C + C 9 E 1-S + C 9 C 1- E /; and so on.
Missin& nu%er E 9 C 1- C /; E -(.

/-. /* 1-* +1* 9(* 6...7
6a7 111
6%7 1/(
6c7 1/1
6d7 1'/ 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C 1'* C /.* C 'A* ....
Missin& nu%er E 9( C -/ E 1'/.

/.. 9* 1(* 1+* 19* 6...7* '+* -(* ..
6a7 /+
6%7 /-
6c7 /. 6!ns7
6d7 /;
!ns ? The pattern is C /* C +* C +* .... C 1.* C 1..
Missin& nu%er E 19 C 9 E /..

/;. 1* /* .* /+*6...7
6a7 .(
6%7 A-
6c7 1/( 6!ns7
6d7 1-(
!ns ? The pattern is 5 /* 5 '* 5 +* .....
Missin& nu%er E /+ 5 - E 1/(.

/9. /* '* 9* .'* 6...7
6a7 1('9
6%7 1AA9
6c7 '((9
6d7 'A.9 6!ns7
!ns ? Each ter in the series is one less than the s>uare of the precedin&
Thus* /
2 1 E '* '
2 1 E 9* 9
2 1 E .'.
Missin& ter E 6.'7
2 1 E 'A.A 2 1 E 'A.9.

/A. A-* 11-.-* 1'9* 6...7* 19A
6a7 1-+.-
6%7 1./.- 6!ns7
6c7 1.+.-
6d7 1...-
!ns ? The pattern is C /(.-* C //.-* ...
Missin& ter E 1'9 C /+.- E 1./.-

'(. +* 1(* 6...7* 9/* /++* ;'(
6a7 /+
6%7 /9 6!ns7
6c7 ;;
6d7 /19
!ns ? Each nu%er in the series is the precedin& nu%er ultiplied %# '
and then decreased %# /.

'1. +* '/* 1/9* 6...7
6a7 1/9
6%7 1++
6c7 1A/
6d7 /-. 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is 5 9* 5 +* ....
Missin& ter E 1/9 5 / E /-..

'/. /* -* A* 1A* ';* 6...7
6a7 ;.
6%7 ;- 6!ns7
6c7 ;+
6d7 ;/
!ns ? The pattern is 5 / C 1* 5 / 2 1* 5 / C 1* 5 / 2 1* ....
Missin& nu%er E '; 5 / C 1 E ;-.

''. /+* .(* 1/(* /1(* 6...7
6a7 '((
6%7 ''. 6!ns7
6c7 +/(
6d7 -/-
!ns ? The pattern is C '.* C .(* C A(*.... i.e.
C @. 5 6. C (7B* C @. 5 6. C +7B* C @. 5 6. C A7B* ....
Missin& nu%er E /1( C @. 5 6. C 1-7B E /1( C 1/. E ''..

'+. 1.-* 1A-* /--* /9-* '+-* 6...7
6a7 ';-
6%7 +/(
6c7 +'. 6!ns7
6d7 'A(
!ns ? Each nu%er is 1- ultiplied %# a prie nu%er 1- 5 11* 1- 5 1;*
1- 5 1A* 1-5 /'.
Missin& ter E 1- 5 /A E +'-.

'-. -* 1;* ';* .-* 6...7* 1+-
6a7 A-
6%7 A;
6c7 AA
6d7 1(1 6!ns7
!ns ? The nu%ers are /
C 1* +
C 1* .
C 1* 9
C 1* ...* 1/
C 1.
Missin& ter E 1(
C 1 E1(1.

'.. A* 11* /(* '1* 6...7* 9/
6a7 +1
6%7 -1 6!ns7
6c7 .(
6d7 ;1
!ns ? Each ter in the series is the su of the precedin& two ters.
Missin& nu%er E /( C '1 E -1.

';. -* 1.* +A* 1(+* 6...7
6a7 11-
6%7 1+9
6c7 1;(
6d7 191 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C 11* C ''* C --* ...* i.e. C 611 5 17* C 611 5 '7* C 611 5
-7* ....
Missin& nu%er E 1(+ C 611 5 ;7 E 191.

'9. '+* 19* 1(* .* +* 6...7
6a7 (
6%7 1
6c7 /
6d7 ' 6!ns7
!ns ? Each ter is di"ided %# / and then increased %# 1 to o%tain the ne5t
Missin& ter E 6+ T /7 C 1 E '.

'A. +./* +/(* '9(* 6...7* '(.
6a7 '//
6%7 ''/
6c7 '+/ 6!ns7
6d7 '-/
!ns ? The pattern is 2 +/* 2+(* ....
Missin& nu%er E '9( 2 '9 E '+/.

+(. '* 9* //* .'* 19-* 6...7
6a7 --( 6!ns7
6%7 '1(
6c7 /A-
6d7 /9-
!ns ? The pattern is 5 ' 2 1* 5 ' 2 /* 5 ' 2 '* 5 ' 2 +* ...
Missin& nu%er E 619- 5 '7 2 - E --(.

+1. 1* /* -* 1/* /;* -9* 1/1* 6...7
6a7 /+.
6%7 /+;
6c7 /+9 6!ns7
6d7 /+A
!ns ? The pattern is 5 / C (* 5 / C 1* 5 / C /* 5 / C '* 5 / C +* 5 / C -* ....
Missin& nu%er E 1/1 5 / C . E /+9.

+/. (.-* (.--* (..-* (.9* 6...7
6a7 (.A
6%7 (.9/
6c7 1 6!ns7
6d7 (.A-
!ns ? The pattern is C (.(-* (.1( C (.1-* ....
Missin& nu%er E (.9 C (./( E 1.

+'. '* 9* 1'* /+* +1* 6...7
6a7 ;( 6!ns7
6%7 ;-
6c7 9(
6d7 9-
!ns ? The pattern followed is ?
nth ter C 6n C 17th ter C 6n C 17 E 6n C /7th ter.
Thus* 1st ter C /nd ter C / E 'rd ter S
/nd ter C 'rd ter C ' E +th ter and so on.
Missin& ter E .th ter E +th ter C -th ter C -
E /+ C +1 C - E ;(.

++. A;* 9.* ;'* -9* +-* 6...7
6a7 '+ 6!ns7
6%7 -+
6c7 --
6d7 -.
!ns ? The pattern is 2 11* 2 1'* 2 1-* 2 1'* ....
Missin& nu%er E +- 2 11 E '+.

+-. 1;* 1A* /'* /A* 6...7* ';
6a7 '1 6!ns7
6%7 ''
6c7 '-
6d7 '.
!ns ? The &i"en series consists of consecuti"e prie nu%ers startin&
fro 1;. The ne5t prie nu%er after /A is '1.
So* the issin& nu%er is '1.

+.. -* .* A* 1-* 6...7* +(
6a7 /1
6%7 /- 6!ns7
6c7 /;
6d7 ''
!ns ? The pattern is C 1* C '* C .* .... i.e. C 1* C 61 C /7* C 61 C / C '7* ....
Missin& nu%er E 1- C 61 C / C ' C +7 E /-.

+;. '* 1/* /;* +9* ;-* 1(9* 6...7
6a7 1+; 6!ns7
6%7 1./
6c7 19'
6d7 1A/
!ns ? The nu%ers are ' 5 1
* ' 5 /
* ' 5 '
* ' 5 +
* ' 5 -
* ' 5 .
* ...
Missin& nu%er E ' 5 ;
E ' 5 +A E 1+;.

+9. 1'+* /+-* '-.* +.;* 6...7
6a7 -;A
6%7 -;9 6!ns7
6c7 -.9
6d7 +;9
!ns ? Each ter is o%tained %# addin& 111 to the precedin& ter.
Missin& nu%er E +.; C 111 E -;9.

+A. .* 1'* /9* 6...7
6a7 -.
6%7 -;
6c7 -9
6d7 -A 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is 5 / C 1* 5 / C /* ...
Missin& nu%er E /9 5 / C ' E -A.

-(. -.'* .+;* +;A* 91-* 6...7
6a7 .;/
6%7 '9.
6c7 /;A
6d7 1+' 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C 9+* 2 1.9* C ''.* ... i.e. C 9+* 2 69+ 5 /7* C 69+ 5 /
7* ....
Missin& nu%er E 91- 2 69+ 5 /
7 E 91- 2 .;/ E 1+'.
Nu%er Series
1. 1A*/+*/(*/-*/1*/.*< ans?//
/. 11*1+*1/*1-*1'*1.*< ans? 1+
'. 1(*/*9*/*.*/*< a?+
+. 9*A*11*1+**19*/'*< a?/A
-. /-*/-*//*//*1A*1A*< a?1.
.. 1+*/*1/*+*1(*.*< a?9
;. ;*1.*A*1-*11*1+*< a?1'
9. +(*+/*'A*++*'9*+.*< a?';
A. '*19*+*/+*-*'(*< a?.
1(. 19*/(*//*/(*/9*/(*< a?//
11. 19*/(*1(*1/*+*.< a?(
1/. ;*.*9*-*'*;*< a?+
1' A*19*/1*/-*/(*< a?'(
1+ '*'*+*9*1(*'.*< a?''
1-.'(*/9*/-*/(*'+*/9*< a?/1
1.. +*9*1.*'/*.+*1/9*< a?/-.
1;. 9*1.*/+*'/*+(*+9*< a?-.
19. 1'*11*1+*1/*1-*1'*< a?1.
1A. .*19*'.*1(9*/1.*.+9*< a?1/A.
/(. +*+*9*9*1.*1.*< a?'/
/1. /*.*19*-+*1./*+9.*< a?1+-9
//. +*/(*'-*+A*./*;+*< a?9-
/'. 1(*19*1-*/'*/(*/9*< a?/-
/+. +*1(*9*1+*1/*19*< a?1.
/- 1(*1-*1/*1;*1+*1(*< a?1.

Technical Questions
1. :DOI is the unit of M I7cloc) speed* ii7fre>uenc#U.i ii7eor#*

/. ain67
how an# ties it will print<

'. cople5it# of heap sort6ans?o6nlo&n7.

+. what will %e the o,p<
int ain67
char a*%S
printf6V4d4d4d4dW*siFeof6N!K7* siFeof6NNJDDK7* siFeof6NaK7* siFeof6ain77S

-. necessit# of pairt# %it6ans?%7.

.. Xwhat is the o,p<
#$E:INE 5#F6e5r7printf6Ve5rE4dW*e5r7
int 5E'S#E/S

;. siple >uestion on &raph

9. siple >uestion on s>l

A. files r there of siFe li)e /.-+'%*/(((%*+(((%*1(((% arran&e the
accordin& to there access tie

1(. unit di&it of ;Y1;'<

11.Two train coin& towards fro dist. /+ iles with speed 1/ iles,hr *a
fl# randol# fl#in& %etween two trains at the speed of 19 iles,
an# distance co"ered %# the fl# %efore will collide<6'(*'.UU7

1/.what is the increase of "olue of a sphere if its radius increases %#

1'. ! an cli%in& in a roc) at /+ ),hr and downhill '. ),hr. deterine
a"& speed< on lan&ua&e 6soe percent )nown Geran* soe )nows
:rench* soe En&lish7ans?/+.

1-.3ere two sae siFe &lass one is filled 1,' of il) and other is 1,+ il).
Then the &lasses filled with water and i5ed* what is the percenta&e of il)

1..One is filled 1,' of il) and other is 1,+ il). Then the &lasses filled with
water and i5ed* what is the percenta&e of il) now<

1;.If the tie re>uired for write one di&it is one second then how an# tie
for 61(Y1(7Y1(<
6ans?I7 few da# ii7 illions of da# iii7 one #ear

19.In 1A'( the a&e of one student is sae as the last two di&it of his #ear of
%irth and the case is sae for his &randfather also *what is the su of a&e
his and his &randfather<6ans?9(chec)7.

1A.In 1A'( the a&e of one student is sae as the last two di&it of his #ear of
%irth and the case is sae for his &randfather also *what is the su of a&e
his and his &randfather<6ans?9(chec)7.

/(.%lue soc)s?+pair*red soc)s?'pair*white soc)s?/pair*how an# soc)s one
will ta)e for two
different soc)s
/1.what is the pro%a%ilit# of / an will %e %orn in a sae

//.There is a s>uare &round of side 1+c*two horses r there in two
different point of the s>uare such that the# can Hust touch the* how uch
&rass will not %e co"ered %# the horses.

/'.! an is started his Hourne# fro point ! he &oes 1((() south then
1((() east *1((()
north* then 1((() west. Where is he now.6ans?I7at point ! ii71((() east
fro !iii7U.i"7U.
IBM Nu%er series >uestions for practice
:ind the odd an out.
1. '* -* 11* 1+* 1;* /1
!. /1
B. 1;
C. 1+
$. '
!nswer? Option C
Each of the nu%ers e5cept 1+ is an odd nu%er. The nu%er =1+= is the
onl# ELEN nu%er.
/. 9* /;* .+* 1((* 1/-* /1.* '+'
!. /;
B. 1((
C. 1/-
$. '+'
!nswer? Option B
The pattern is /'* ''* +'* -'* .'* ;'. But* 1(( is not a perfect cu%e.
'. 1(* /-* +-* -+* .(* ;-* 9(
!. 1(
B. +-
C. -+
$. ;-
!nswer? Option C
Each of the nu%ers e5cept -+ is ultiple of -.
+. 'A.* +./* -;/* +/;* .;1* /.+
!. 'A.
B. +/;
C. .;1
$. /.+
!nswer? Option B
In each nu%er e5cept +/;* the iddle di&it is the su of other two.
-. .* A* 1-* /1* /+* /9* '(
!. /9
B. /1
C. /+
$. '(
!nswer? Option !
Each of the nu%ers e5cept /9* is a ultiple of '.:ind the odd an out.
.. 1* +* A* 1.* /'* /-* '.
!. A
B. /'
C. /-
$. '.
!nswer? Option B
Each of the nu%ers e5cept /'* is perfect s>uare.
;. 1* +* A* 1.* /(* '.* +A
!. 1
B. A
C. /(
$. +A
!nswer? Option C
The pattern is 1/* //* '/* +/* -/* ./* ;/. But* instead of -/* it is /( which to
%e turned out.
9. /* -* 1(* 1;* /.* ';* -(* .+
!. -(
B. /.
C. ';
$. .+
!nswer? Option $
61Z17C1 * 6/Z/7C1 * 6'Z'7C1 * 6+Z+7C1 * 6-Z-7C1 * 6.Z.7C1 * 6;Z;7C1 * 69Z97C1
But* .+ is out of pattern.
A. 1(* 1+* 1.* 19* /1* /+* /.
!. /.
B. /+
C. /1
$. 19
!nswer? Option C
Each of the nu%ers e5cept /1 is an e"en nu%er.
1(. 1.* /-* '.* ;/* 1++* 1A.* //-
!. '.
B. ;/
C. 1A.
$. //-
!nswer? Option B
Each of the nu%ers e5cept ;/ is a perfect s>uare.
:ind the odd an out.
11. ''1* +9/* --1* /.'* '9'* './* /9+
!. /.'
B. '9'
C. ''1
$. --1
!nswer? Option B
In each nu%er e5cept '9'* the product of first and third di&its is the
iddle one.
1/. 9'-* ;'+* .+/* ;-1* 9-'* A91* -'/
!. ;-1
B. 9-'
C. A91
$. -'/
!nswer? Option !
In each nu%er e5cept ;-1* the difference of third and first di&it is the
iddle one.
1'. +1* +'* +;* -'* .1* ;1* ;'* 91
!. .1
B. ;1
C. ;'
$. 91
!nswer? Option $
Each of the nu%ers e5cept 91 is a prie nu%er.
1+. '* -* ;* 1/* 1;* 1A
!. 1A
B. 1;
C. -
$. 1/
!nswer? Option $
Each of the nu%ers is a prie nu%er e5cept 1/.
1. / pipes ! and B can fill a tan) in '(inutes and /( inutes
respecti"el#. B filled [ of the tan). Then for the rest %oth ! and B
filled the tan). 3ow uch tie it too) to fill the entire tan).
/. - on)e#s eat - %ananas in - inutes. Then how an#
on)e#s can eat /( %ananas in /( inutes.
'. ! does a wor) in /( da#s. ! did for /9 da#s. Then % cae.
The# to&ether ta)e ;. da#s to coplete the ; Ho%. :ind howan#
da#s B coplete a wor).
+. M# house nu%er is
if not ultiple %# ' it is with in -(2-A
if not ultiple %# - it is with in .(2.A
if not ultiple %# 1( it is with in ;(2;A
find house nu%er.
-. !fter . #ears the ratio of a&e of \ and ] will %e -?.. Before .
#ears it was '?+. :ind the a&e of #oun&er one.
.. The arithetic ean of two nu%ers is 1( and the &eoetrid
ean is 9. :ind the two nu%ers.
;. ' consecuti"e non Fero nu%er which of these will result a
positi"e odd inte&er.
1. 5C#CF
/. 5#2F
'. 52#2F
9. +/( ) distance. It &oes at a speed of 1(),hr less than it
too) 1.+ hour. :ind the initial speed.
A. Te* 3arr# and $ic) are three friends. :ro these two are
Shorter one is older usician.
Shorter one is #oun&er usician.
Taller is the #oun&er usician.
:ind the two usician.
1(. !Ks other is onl# dau&hter of BKs other. B is !Ks what.
11. In a /( liter i5ture of il) and water* the ratio of il) and
water is '?1. 3ow uch il) is to %e i5ed with the i5ture so as to
a)e the ratio +?1.
1/. :or a part# /+( &uests were in"ited. Contractor ha"e &ained
1/.-4 profit. But '( &uests were a%sent. 3e char&ed the sae
aount for a eal and lost 1(( rupees. 3ow uch a eal costs.
1'. Out of three !*B*C one is thief. !ll &i"e two stateents. One is
false another is true. :ind the thief.
!2i did not do* B did not do.
B2i did not do* C did not do.
C2i did not do* I donot )now who did it.
1+. The sides of an isocles trin&ale are &i"en. The perpendicular
distance is &i"en. :ind the %ase of the trin&ale.6Nuerical "alues
are &i"en* %ut I donot ree%er7
1-. In a trin&ale len&th of ' sides are &i"en. It is &i"en to find the
hi&hest len&th of scale which can %e used to easure all the sides.
6To find &cf7.
1.. There is a etallic c#linder of radius r and hei&ht h is elted.
If the radius of saller c#linder is r,1( and hei&ht is h,1(* then
howan# sall c#linders are ade fro the olten.
19. What is wea) t#pin&.
1A. What is pure "irtual function.
/(. Which is not a e%er of uni5 shell.
/1. Which is an error.
Int Zp@'B
Int 6Zp7@'B
6Int Z76int *int7
Int 6Zp@'B7
Int Z6p@'B7
//. Which is not a processor.
/'. a@-BEEQ1*/*'*+*-R
/+. what is the output.
if6rE E-^E E+7
/-. for6iE(*HE(Si_1(*H_1(SiCC*HC7S
printf6P4dP*H7S 6copilation error*run tie error*(7
/.. Which is not an inter process counication.
6tee*shared eor#*pipe*>ueue*file7
/;. for loop on strin&.
/9. Which is not a data%ase.
/A. #define prod66aX%7<aZa?%Z%7
int pEE(*>EE21S
what is result.
'(. what is reference.
Soe loop stateents on PcP are &i"en which are "er# eas#.
1. In 1A;9* a )& of paper was sold at 1s/-,2. If the paper rate increases at
1.-4 ore than the inflation rate which is ..-4 a #ear* then what will %e the
cost of a )& of paper after / #ears<
6a7 /A.1/
6%7 /A.;/
6c7 '(.1/
6d7 '/..-
6e7 none of these
/. In !*B*C are ha"in& soe ar%les with each of the. ! has &i"en B and
C the sae nu%er of ar%les each of the alread# ha"e. Then* B &a"e C
and ! the sae nu%er of ar%les the# alread# ha"e. Then C &a"e ! and B
the sae nu%er of ar%les the# alread# ha"e. !t the end !*B*and C ha"e
e>ual nu%er of ar%les.
6i7 If 5*#*F are the ar%les initiall# with !*B*C respecti"el#. Then the nu%er
of ar%les B ha"e at the end
6a7 /652#2F7
6%7 +652#2F7
6c7 /6'#252F7
6d7 5 C #2F
!ns. 6c7
6ii7 If the total nu%er of ar%les are ;/* then the nu%er of ar%les with !
at the startin&
6a7 /(
6%7 '(
6c7 '/
6d7 'A
!ns. 6d7
'. If a car starts fro ! towards B with soe "elocit#. $ue to soe pro%le
in the en&ine after tra"elin& '()* the car &oes with +,- th of its actual
"elocit# The car reaches B +- in later to the actual tie. If the car en&ine
fails after tra"elin& +-)* the car reaches the destination B '.in late to
the actual tie What is the initial "elocit# of car and what is the distance
%etween ! and B in )
!ns. /( 0 1'(.
+. ! person has 1s 1((,2 in his poc)et* he can as /- pencils or 1- %oo)s. 3e
)ept 1-4 of the one# for tra"elin& e5penses and purchased - pencils. So
how an# %oo)s he can purchase with the reainin& one#.
-. Ten >uestions on analo&ies.
e&? chief ? tri%e ?? &o"ernor ? state
epaulette ? shoulder ?? tiara ? head
&uttural ? throat ?? &astric ? stoach
inept ? cle"er ?? lan&uid ? acti"e
)nife ? %utcher ??
haer ? carpenter ??
.. The "alues of shares 6in 1s7.of !* B and C fro 8anuar# to 8une are as
Month ! B C
8anuar# '( .( 9(
:e%ruar# '- .- 9-
March +- ;- .-
!pril +( ;- 9/
Ma# -- ;- 9-
8une -( ;- 9(
i7 $urin& this period which share has under&one a5iu fluctuation<
ii7 In which onth it is possi%le to %u# B and C sellin& !<
iii7 In which onth the share "alues are "er# low<
i"7 B# purchasin& one share of ! and + each of B and C in the %e&innin& of
the period*
when should these %e sold to &et a5iu profit<
;. In a coputer institute A lan&ua&es can %e tau&ht. The odule is of .
onths duration and of the si5 lan&ua&es onl# one can %e tau&ht each
onth . In addition to that B!SIC is alwa#s tau&ht and should %e in first
onth itself
WO1$ IE1:ECT is to %e tau&ht in the preceedin& wee) of WO1$ ST!1.
:O1T1!N can not %e tau&ht until COB!D is tau&ht prior to that BINO* :I:O
can ne"er %e tau&ht in sin&le odule lan&ua&es are B!SIC* WO1$ ST!1*
i7 If word star is in 'rd onth * what could %e in .th onth.
ii7 If COB!D is in the /nd onth and BINO in .th onth. :O1T1!N will %e
tau&ht in which onth.
9. In a class* e5cept 19 all are a%o"e -( #ears. 1- are %elow -( #ears of a&e.
3ow an# people are there
6a7 '(
6%7 ''
6c7 '.
6d7 none of these.
!ns. 6d7
A. ! s>uare plate of soe siFe is cut at four corners. E>ual s>uares of the
sae siFe are cut and is fored as open %o5. If this open %o5 carries 1/9
l of oil. What is the siFe of the side of the plate<
6a7 1;
6%7 1+
6c7 1'
6d7 None of these
1(. In a s>uare* all the id points are Hoined. The inner s>uare is shaded. If
the area of the s>uare is !* what is the area of the shaded area<
11. Two >uestions on %asic an&les i.e &i"en a circle* a few chords or
diaeter is drawn etc.
1/. If the follwoin& stateents are &i"en
`6a*%7E 6aC%7,/
,6a*%7E a,%
Z6a*%7E a%
If aE1* %E/ then find
i7 ,6a*6`6a*%7*Z6a*%777
ii7 Z,6a*`6Z6a*%777
1'. If the follwoin& stateents are &i"en
65##7 E 5 C #2 5#
65Z#7 E 65 C #7,/
i7 :ind the "alues of 5* # will satisf# this e>uation 65##7#65Z#7 _ 65##7
ii7 :ind the "alues of 5* # will satisf# this e>uation 6aZ%7#6%Zc7_ 6a#%7Z6%Zc7
1+. E5port IS1 results in6IS1 pwd7
a7 priar# propt %ein& #our current director#
%7 priar# propt and secondar# propts %ein& the current director#
c7 priar# propt propt %ein& #our hoe director#
d7 priar# propt and secondar# propts %ein& the hoe director#
e7 None of the a%o"e.
1-. If #ou t#pe in the coand
nohup sort eplo#ees X list / X error out 0 and lo& off *the ne5t tie #ou
lo& in* the output will %e
a7 in a file called list and the error will de t#ped in a file error out
%7 there will %e no file called list or error out
c7 error will %e lo&&ed in a file called list and o,p will %e in error out
d7 #ou will not %e allowed to lo& in
e7 none of the a%o"e
1.. In JNI\ a files i2node ......<
!ns. Is a data structure that defines all specifications of a file li)e the file
siFe* nu%er of lines to a file* perissions etc.
1;. The JNI\ shell ....
a7 does not coe with the rest of the s#ste
%7 fors the interface %etween the user and the )ernal
c7 does not &i"e an# scope for pro&rain&
d7 does not allow callin& one pro&ra fro with in another
e7 all of the a%o"e
!ns. 6%7
19. enu nu%er Q aE 21* %E +*c*d*eR What is the "alue of e <
6a7 ;
6%7 +
6c7 -
6d7 1-
6e7 '
1A. The "er# first process created %# the )ernal that runs till the )ernal
process is halts is
a7 init
%7 &ett#
c7 %oth 6a7 and 6%7
d7 none of these
!ns. 6a7
/(. Output of the followin& pro&ra is
Qint iE(S
case (?iCE-S
case 1?iCE/S
case -?iCE-S
default iCE+S
a7 (*-*A*1'*1;
%7 -*A*1'*1;
c7 1/*1;*//
d7 1.*/1
e7 S#nta5 error
!ns. 6d7
/1. What is the output in the followin& pro&ra
Qchar cE2.+S
int iE2'/
unsi&ned int u E21.S
a7 Iass1*Iass/
%7 Iass1*:ail/
c7 :ail1*Iass/
d7 :ail1*:ail/
e7 None of these
!ns. 6c7
//. In the process ta%le entr# for the )ernel process* the process id "alue is
6a7 (
6%7 1
6c7 /
6d7 /--
6e7 it does not ha"e a process ta%le entr#
!ns. 6a7
/'. Which of the followin& !II is used to hide a window
a7 ShowWindow
%7 Ena%leWindow
c7 Mo"eWindow
d7 SetWindowIlaceent
e7 None of the a%o"e
!ns. 6a7
/+. What will the followin& pro&ra do<
"oid ain67
int iS
char a@BEPStrin&PS
char ZpEPNew Srin&PS
char ZTepS
aEalloc6strlen6p7 C 17S
strcp#6a*p7S ,,Dine nu%er?A,,
p E alloc6strlen6Tep7 C 17S
printf6P64s* 4s7P*a*p7S
R ,,Dine nu%er 1-,,
a7 Swap contents of p 0 a and print?6New strin&* strin&7
%7 Generate copilation error in line nu%er 9
c7 Generate copilation error in line nu%er -
d7 Generate copilation error in line nu%er ;
e7 Generate copilation error in line nu%er 1
!ns. 6%7
/-. In the followin& code se&ent what will %e the result of the function*
"alue of 5 * "alue of #
Qunsi&ned int 5E21S
int #S
# E a(S
if65 EE #7
printf6Pnot saeP7S
a7 sae* M!\INT* 21
%7 not sae* M!\INT* 2M!\INT
c7 sae * M!\JNIT* 21
d7 sae* M!\JNIT* M!\JNIT
e7 not sae* M!\INT* M!\JNIT
!ns. 6a7
/.. I!T3 E ,%in ? ,usr ? ,#ourhoe
The file ,%in,calender has the followin& line in it
cal 1( 1AA;
The file ,#ourhoe,calender has the followin& line in it
cal - 1AA;
If the current director# is ,#ourhoe and calender is e5ecuted
a7 The calendar for Ma# 1AA; will %e printed on screen
%7 The calendar for Oct 1AA; will %e printed on screen
c7 The calendar for the current onth6 whate"er it is7 will %e printed
d7 Nothin& will &et printed on screen
e7 !n error assa&e will %e printed
/;. What will %e the result of the followin& pro&ra <
char Z&55567
Qstatic char 555@1(/+BS
return 555S
Qchar Z&EPstrin&PS
& E &55567S
printf6PThe strin& is ? 4sP*&555677S
a7 The strin& is ? strin&
%7 The strin& is ?Oldstrin&
c7 1un tie error,Core dup
d7 S#nta5 error durin& copilation
e7 None of these
!ns. 6%7
/9. What will %e result of the followin& pro&ra<
"oid #alloc6char Z5* int n7
Q5E 6char Z7alloc6nZsiFeof6char77S
Qchar Z&EPStrin&PS
printf6PThe strin& is 4sP*&7S
a7 The strin& is ? Strin&
%7 1un tie error,Core dup
c7 The strin& is ? Oldstrin&
d7 S#nta5 error durin& copilation
e7 None of these
/A. Which of the followin& function is used to repaint a window iediatel#
a7 Sendessa&e6hWnd*WMbI!INt*......7
%7 In"alidate1ect6.......7
c7 Mo"eWindow
d7 WMbCOI]
e7 None
'(. Which function is the entr# point for a $DD in MS Windows '.1
a7 Main
%7 Winain
c7 $llain
d7 Di%ain
e7 None
!ns. 6%7
'1. The standard source for standard input* standard output and standard
error is
a7 the terinal
%7 ,de",null
c7 ,usr,#ou,input* ,usr,#ou,output,* ,usr,#ou,error respecti"el#
d7 None
!ns. 6a7
'/. What will %e the result of the followin& pro&ra<
Qchar p@BEPStrin&PS
int 5E(S
Qprintf6PIass 1P7S
printf6PIass /P7S
printf6P:ail /P7S
printf6P:ail 1P7S
printf6PIass /P7S
printf6P:ail /P7S
a7 Iass 1* Iass /
%7 :ail 1* :ail /
c7 Iass 1* :ail /
d7 :ail 1* Iass /
e7 s#nta5 error durin& copilation
''. Which of the choices is true for the entioned declaration <
const char ZpS
char Z const pS
a7 ]ou can=t chan&e the character in %oth
%7 :irst ? ]ou can=t chan&e the characterr 0 Second ? ]ou canSt chan&e the
c7 ]ou can=t chan&e the pointer in %oth
d7 :irst ? ]ou can=t chan&e the pointer 0 Second ? ]ou can=t chana&e the
e7 None
'+. The redirection operators X and XX
a7 do the sae function
%7 differ ? X o"erwrites* while XX appends
c7 differ ? X is used for input while XX is used for output
d7 differ ? X write to an# file while XX write onl# to standard output
e7 None of these
!ns. 6%7
'-. The coand &rep first second third ,usr,#ou,#file
a7 prints lines containin& the words first* second or third fro the file
%7 searches for lines containin& the pattern first in the files second* third*
and ,usr,#ou,#file and prints the
c7 searches the files ,usr,#ou,#fiel and third for lines containin& the words
first or second and prints the
d7 replaces the word first with the word second in the files third and
e7 None of the a%o"e
!ns. 6%7_,u7
Most >uestion are on Jni5 and soe in C and soe in
windows '.1all >uestion in Jni5 are :ro cerni&han 0 pi)e
Iart 1
It consists of nu%er series.In soe institutes alpha%etical series is
&i"en instead of nu%er series.Ia ha"in& nu%er series so ia sendin&
that.Ilease &o throu&h tha alpha%etical tests also.
1. 1A*/+*/(*/-*/1*/.*< ans?//
/. 11*1+*1/*1-*1'*1.*< ans? 1+
'. 1(*/*9*/*.*/*< a?+
+. 9*A*11*1+**19*/'*< a?/A
-. /-*/-*//*//*1A*1A*< a?1.
.. 1+*/*1/*+*1(*.*< a?9
;. ;*1.*A*1-*11*1+*< a?1'
9. +(*+/*'A*++*'9*+.*< a?';
A. '*19*+*/+*-*'(*< a?.
1(. 19*/(*//*/(*/9*/(*< a?//
11. 19*/(*1(*1/*+*.< a?(
1/. ;*.*9*-*'*;*< a?+
1' A*19*/1*/-*/(*< a?'(
1+ '*'*+*9*1(*'.*<
1-. '(*/9*/-*/(*'+*/9*< a?/1
1.. +*9*1.*'/*.+*1/9*< a?/-.
1;. 9*1.*/+*'/*+(*+9*< a?-.
19. 1'*11*1+*1/*1-*1'*< a?1.
1A. .*19*'.*1(9*/1.*.+9*< a?1/A.
/(. +*+*9*9*1.*1.*< a?'/
/1. /*.*19*-+*1./*+9.*< a?1+-9
//. +*/(*'-*+A*./*;+*< a?9-
/'. 1(*19*1-*/'*/(*/9*< a?/-
/+. +*1(*9*1+*1/*19*< a?1.
/- 1(*1-*1/*1;*1+*1(*< a?1.
part / consists of non2"er%al reasonin& 6fi&ures7. So it is ipossi%le for
e to send those.6/- >uestions7
part ' 6>uantitati"e7
1. ! cler) ultiplied a nu%er %# ten when it should ha"e %een di"ided
%# ten.The ans he &ot was 1((.what
should the ans ha"e %een<a?1
/. If 1s/(,2 is a"aila%le to pa# for t#pin& a research report 0 t#pist !
produces +/ pa&es and t#pist B produces
/9 pa&es.3ow uch should t#pist ! recei"e< a?1s1/,2
'. The a"era&e salar# of ' wor)ers is A- 1s. per wee). If one earns
1s.11- and second earns 1s..- how
uch is the salar# of the 'rd wor)er. !ns.1(-.
+. ! 1. stored %uildin& has 1/((( s>.feet on each floor. Copan# ! rents
; floors and copan# B rents +
floors.What is the nu%er of s>.feet of unrented floor space.
-. $urin& a &i"en wee) ! pro&raer spends 1,+ of his tie preparin& flow
chart* ',9 of his tie codin& and
the rest of the tie in de%u&&in& the pro&ras. If he wor)s +9 hours
durin& the wee) * how an# hours did he
spend de%u&&in& the pro&ra. !ns. 19.
.. ! copan# installed '. achines at the %e&innin& of the #ear. In March
the# installed A additional achines
and then disconnected 19 in !u&ust. 3ow an# were still installed at
the end of the #ear. !ns. /;
;. ! an owns /,' of the ar)et research %eauro %usiness and sells ',+
of his shares for 1s. ;-(((. What is the
"alue of Business. !ns.1-((((
9. If 1/ file ca%inets re>uire 19 feet of wall space* how an# feet of wall
space will '( ca%inets re>uire< !ns.+-
A. ! coputer printer produced 1;.*+(( lines in a &i"en da#. If the printer
was in operation for se"en hours
durin& the da#* how an# lines did it print per inute< !ns.+/(
1(. :ro its total incoe* ! sales copan# spent 1s./(*((( for
ad"ertisin&* half of the reainder on coissions
and had 1s..((( left.What was its total incoe< !ns.'/(((
11. On Monda# a %an)er processed a %atch of che>ues* on Tuesda# she
processed three ties as an#* and on
Wednesda# she processed +((( che>ues. In the three da#s* she
processed 1.((( che>ues. 3ow an# did
she process on Tuesda#< !ns.A(((
1/. The cost of four doFen proof achine ri%%ons and fi"e doFen
accoutin& achine ri%%ons was 1s.1.(,2. If one
doFen accountin& achine ri%%ons cost 1s./(,2* what is the cost of a
doFen proof achine ri%%ons<
1'. If a cler) can process 9( che>ues in half an hour* how an# che>ues
can she process in a se"en and one half
hour da#< !ns.1/((
1+. In a li%rar#* there are two rac)s with +( %oo)s per rac). On a &i"en d#a*
'( %oo)s were issued. What
fraction reained in the rac)s< !ns.-,9
1-. The a"era&e len&th of three tapes is .9(( feet. None of the tapes is less
than .+(( feet. What is the &reatest
possi%le len&th of one of the other tapes<
1.. ! copan# rented a achine for 1s.;((,2 a onth. :i"e #ears later the
treasurer calculated that if the copan#
had purchased the achine and paid 1s.1((,2 onthl# aintenance
char&e* the copan# would ha"e sa"ed
1s./(((,2. What was the purchase price of the achine< !ns.1s.'+(((
1;. Two coputers each produced +9((( pu%lic utilit# %ills in a da#. One
coputer printed %ills at the rate of A.((
an hour and the other at the rate of ;9(( an hour. When the first
coputer finished its run* how an# %ills did
the other coputer still ha"e to print<!ns.A(((
19. If a salesan=s a"era&e is a new order e"er# other wee)* he will %rea)
the office record of the #ear. 3owe"er*
after /9 wee)s* he is si5 orders %ehind schedule. In what proportion of
the reainin& wee)s does he ha"e to
o%tain a new order to %rea) the record< !ns.',+
1A. On a &i"en da#* a %an) had 1.((( che>ues returned %#
custoers.Inspection of the first 9(( che>ues indicated
that 1(( of those 9(( had errors and were therefore the a"aila%le
iediatel# for data processin&. On this %asis*
hwo an# che>ues would %e a"aila%le iediatel# for data processin&
on that da#< !ns.1+(((
/(. ! copan# fi&ured it needed ';.9 s>.feet of carpot for its reception
roo. To allow for waste* it decided to
order /(4 ore aterial than needed. :ractional parts of s>.feet
cannot %e ordered. !t 1s.A,2 a
s>.feet* how uch would the carpet cost< !ns.
a. 1s.'/+ %7 1s.+(- c7 1s.+1( d7 1s.+1+ e7 1s..9-
/1.! tape anufacturer reduces the price of his hea"# dut# tape fro
1s.'(,2 to 1s./9,2 a reel and the price of a
re&ular tape fro 1s./+,2 to 1s./',2 a reel. ! coputin& centre norall#
spends 1s.1++(,2 a onth for
tapes and ',+ of this is for hea"# dut# tapes. 3ow uch will the# sa"e a
onth under the new prices<
//. In a tea of 1/ persons* 1,' are woen and /,' are en. To o%tain a
tea with /(4 woen how an# en
should %e hired< !ns.9
/'. The diensions of a certain achine are +9P \ '(P \ -/P. If the siFe of
the achine is increased
proportionatel# until the su of its diensions e>uals 1-.P* what will
%e the increase in the shortest side< !ns. .P
/+. In a certain copan#* /(4 of the en and +(4 of the woen attended
the annual copan# picnic. If '-4 of
all the eplo#ees are an* what percent of all the eplo#ees went to
the picnic< !ns.''4
/-. It cost a colle&e 1s.(.;( a cop# to produce a Iro&rae for the
hoecoin& foot%all &ae. If 1s.1-*(((,2
was recei"ed for ad"ertiseents in the pro&rae* how an# copies at
1s.(.-( a cop# ust %e sold to a)e
a profit of 1s.9(((,2 <!ns. '-(((
IBM Written test Questions with answers for learn and practice


1. If a car starts fro ! towards B with soe "elocit#. $ue to soe pro%le
in the en&ine after tra"elin& '()* the car &oes with +,- th of its actual
"elocit# .The car reaches B +- in later to the actual tie. If the car en&ine
fails after tra"elin& +-)* the car reaches the destination B '.in late to
the actual tie What is the initial "elocit# of car and what is the distance
%etween ! and B in )
!ns. /( 0 1'(.

/. ! person has 1s 1((,2 in his poc)et* he can as /- pencils or 1- %oo)s. 3e
)ept 1-4 of the one# for tra"elin& e5penses and purchased - pencils. So
how an# %oo)s he can purchase with the reainin& one#.

'. The "alues of shares 6in 1s7.of !* B and C fro 8anuar# to 8une are as
Month ! B C
8anuar# '( .( 9(
:e%ruar# '- .- 9-
March +- ;- .-
!pril +( ;- 9/
Ma# -- ;- 9-
8une -( ;- 9(

i7 $urin& this period which share has under&one a5iiu fluctuation<
ii7 In which onth it is possi%le to %u# B and C sellin& !<
iii7 In which onth the share "alues are "er# low<
i"7 B# purchasin& one share of ! and + each of B and C in the %e&innin& of
the period*
when should these %e sold to &et a5iu profit<
+. In a two2di&it* if it is )nown that its unit=s di&it e5ceeds its ten=s di&it %# /
and that the product of the &i"en nu%er and the su of its di&its is e>ual
to 1++* then the nu%er is?
!ns? /+

-. The "alue of @ 6(.A.7' 2 6(.17' B , @6(.A.7/ C (.(A. C 6(.17 /B
ans? (.9.

.. The ratio of the nu%er of %o#s and &irls in a colle&e is ; ? 9. If the
percenta&e increase in the nu%er of %o#s and &irls %e /(4 and 1(4
respecti"el#* what will %e the new ratio<
!ns? /1?//

;. find the ne5t no in the series 1-* '1* .'* 1/;* /--* 6....7
!ns? -11

9. ! car owner %u#s petrol at 1s.;.-(* 1s. 9 and 1s. 9.-( per liter for three
successi"e #ears. What appro5iatel# is the a"era&e cost per litre of petrol
if he spends 1s. +((( each #ear<
!ns? ;.9A

A. In !run=s opinion* his wei&ht is &reater than .- )& %ut less than ;/ )&.
3is %rother doest not a&ree with !run and he thin)s that !run=s wei&ht is
&reater than .( )& %ut less than ;( )&. 3is other=s "iew is that his wei&ht
cannot %e &reater than .9 )&. If all are the are correct in their estiation*
what is the a"era&e of different pro%a%le wei&hts of !run<

1(. Two nu%ers ! and B are such that the su of -4 of ! and +4 of B is
two2third of the su of .4 of ! and 94 of B. :ind the ratio of ! ? B.

11. The D.C.M. of two nu%ers is +9. The nu%ers are in the ratio / ? '.
Then su of the nu%er is?

1/. Det N %e the &reatest nu%er that will di"ide 1'(-* +..- and .A(-*
lea"in& the sae reainder in each case. Then su of the di&its in N is?

1'. :ind the odd one 11* +9* 1((* '9+* ;.9* '(;/

1+. If a >uarter )& of potato costs .( paise* how an# paise will /(( &
!ns?+9 paise

1-. ' pups* wor)in& 9 hours a da#* can ept# a tan) in / da#s. 3ow an#
hours a da# ust + pups wor) to ept# the tan) in 1 da#<
!ns? 1/

1.. -( en too) a dip in a water tan) +( lon& and /( %road on a
reli&ious da#. If the a"era&e displaceent of water %# a an is + '* then
the rise in the water le"el in the tan) will %e?

1;. and n are whole nu%ers such that n E 1/1* the "alue of 6 2 17n C 1

19.aE/* %E'* cE. :ind the "alue of c,6aC%726aC%7,c
!ns. 11,'(

1A. What does the he5a nu%er E;9 in radi5
6a7 1/+--
6%7 1+1-'
6c7 1+/-.
6d7 1'-+1
6e7 1'111/
!ns. 6d7

/(. Q is not e>ual to Fero and ) E 6Q 5 n 2 s7,/ What is n<
6a7 6/ 5 ) C s7,Q
6%7 6/ 5 s 5 )7,Q 6c7 6/ 5 ) 2 s7,Q
6d7 6/ 5 ) C s 5 Q7,Q 6e7 6) C s7,Q

Questions /1 2 /- are to %e answered on the followin& data
! causes B or C* %ut not %oth
: occurs onl# if B occurs $ occurs if B or C occurs E occurs onl# if C
8 occurs onl# if E or : occurs
$ causes G*3 or %oth 3 occurs if E occurs G occurs if : occurs

/1. If ! occurs which of the followin& ust occurs<
I. : and G
II. E and 3
6a7 I onl#
6%7 II onl#
6c7 III onl#
6d7 I*II* 0 III
6e7 I 0 II 6or7 II 0 III %ut not %oth
!ns. 6e7

//. If B occurs which ust occur<
6a7 $
6%7 $ and G
6c7 G and 3
6d7 : and G
6e7 8
!ns. 6a7

/'.If 8 occurs which ust ha"e occurred
6a7 E
6%7 either B or C
6c7 %oth E 0 :
6d7 B
6e7 %oth B 0 C
!ns. 6%7

/+. Which a# occurs as a result of cause not entioned
II. !
III. :
6a7 I onl#
6%7 II onl#
6c7 I 0 II
6d7 II 0 III
6e7 I*II 0 III
!ns. 6c7

/-. E occurs which one cannot occurs
6a7 !
6%7 :
6c7 $
6d7 C
6e7 8
!ns. 6%7

/..! - litre Hu& contains + litres of a salt water solution that is 1- percent
salt. If 1.- litres of the solution spills out of the Hu&* and the Hu& is then filled
to capacit# with water*appro5iatel# what percent of the resultin& solution
in the Hu& is salt<
6!7;.-4 6B7A.-4 6C7 1(.-4 6$71/4 6E71-4

/;. Wor)in& independentl#* Tina can do a certain Ho% in 1/ hours. Wor)in&
independentl#* !nn can do the sae Ho% in A hours. If Tina Wor)s
independentl# at the Ho% for 9 hours and then !nn.

/9.$irections to sol"e
1ead the para&raph carefull# and answer the >ustions?

Si5 )ni&hts 2 I* Q*1*S*T and J 2 asse%le for a lon& Hourne# in Two ra"ellin&
parties. :or securit#* each tra"ellin& part# Consists of at least two
)ni&hts. The two parties tra"el %# separate routes* northern and southern.
!fter one onth* the routes of the northern and southern &roups con"er&e
for a %rief tie and at that point the )ni&hts can* if the# wish* rearran&e
tra"ellin& parties %efore continuin&* a&ain in two parties alon& separate
northern and southern routes. Throu&hout the entire trip* the coposition
of tra"elin& parties ust %e in accord with the followin& conditions I and 1
are deadl# eneies and* althou&h the# a# eet %riefl#*can ne"er tra"el
to&ether. p ust tra"el in the sae part# with sQ canKt tra"el %# the
southern route J canKt chan&e

a. If one of the two parties of )ni&hts consists of I and J and two other
)ni&hts and tra"els %# the southern route*the other e%ers of this part#
%esides I and J ust %e
a7 Q and S
%7 Q and T
c7 1 and S
d7 1 and T
e7 S and T
!ns? e

%.If each of the two parties of )ni&hts consists of e5actl# three e%ers*
which of the followin& is not a possi%le tra"ellin& part# and route<
a7 I*S*J %# the northern route
%7 I*S*T %# the northern route
c7 I*S*T %# the southern route
d7 I*S*J %# the southern route
e7 Q*1*T %# the southern route
!ns? %

c. If one of the two parties of )ni&hts consists of J and two other )ni&hts
and tra"els %# the northern route* the other en%ers of this part#
%esides J ust %e
a7 I and S
%7 I and T
c7 Q and 1
d7 Q and T
e7 1 and T
!ns? c

d. If each of the two parties of )ni&hts consists of e5actl# three e%ers of
different parties* and 1 tra"els %# the northern route*then T ust tra"el %#
a7 southern route with I and S
%7 southern route with Q and 1
c7 southern route with 1 and J
d7 northern route with Q and 1
e7 northern route with 1 and J
!ns? a

e. If* when the two parties of )ni&hts encounter one another after a onth*
e5actl# one )ni&ht chan&es fro one tra"ellin& part# to the other tra"ellin&
part#* that )ni&ht ust %e
a7 I
%7 Q
c7 1
d7 S
e7 T
!ns? e

Questions /A 2 '/?
!* B* C* $* E and : are si5 positi"e inte&ers such that
B C C C $ C E E +!
C C : E '!
C C $ C E E /:
: E /$
E C : E /C C 1
If ! is a prie nu%er %etween 1/ and /(* then

/A. The "alue of : is
6!7 1+
6B7 1.
6C7 /(
6$7 /+
6E7 /9

'(. Which of the followin& ust %e true<
6!7 $ is the lowest inte&er and $ E 1+
6B7 C is the &reatest inte&er and C E /'
6C7 B is the lowest inte&er and B E 1/
6$7 : is the &reatest inte&er and : E /+
6E7 ! is the lowest inte&er and ! E 1'

$irections ? In each of the following questions, a number series is given
with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the
same pattern and fill in the blank spaces.
1. 1* +* A* 1.* /-* 6...7
6a7 '-
6%7 '. 6!ns7
6c7 +9
6d7 +A
!ns ? The nu%ers are 1
* /
* '
* +
* -
Missin& nu%er E .
E '..

/. /(* 1A* 1;* 6...7* 1(* -*
6a7 1/
6%7 1'
6c7 1+ 6!ns7
6d7 1-
!ns ? The Iattern is 21* 2/* ...
Missin& nu%er E 1; 2 ' E 1+.

'. /* '* -* ;* 11* 6...7* 1;
6a7 1/
6%7 1' 6!ns7
6c7 1+
6d7 1-
!ns ? Clearl#* the &i"en series consists of prie nu%ers startin& fro /.
The prie nu%er after 11 is 1'. So* 1' is the issin& nu%er.

+. .* 11* /1* '.* -.* 6...7
6a7 +/
6%7 -1
6c7 91 6!ns7
6d7 A1
!ns ? The pattern is C -* C 1(* C 1-* C /(* .....
Missin& nu%er E -. C /- E 91.

-. 1* .* 1'* //* ''* 6...7
6a7 ++
6%7 +-
6c7 +. 6!ns7
6d7 +;
!ns ? The pattern is C -* C ;* C A* C 11* ....
Missin& nu%er E '' C 1' E +..
.. '* A* /;* 91* 6...7
6a7 '/+
6%7 /+' 6!ns7
6c7 /1(
6d7 1./
!ns ? Each ter of the &i"en series is o%tained %# ultipl#in& its
precedin& ter %# '.
Missin& nu%er E 91 5 ' E /+'.
;. 1* A* 1;* ''* +A* ;'* 6...7
6a7 A; 6!ns7
6%7 A9
6c7 AA
6d7 1((
!ns ? The pattern is C 9* C 9* C 1.* C 1.* C /+* ...
Missin& nu%er E ;' C /+ E A;.

9. /* -* A* 6...7* /(* /;*
6a7 1+ 6!ns7
6%7 1.
6c7 19
6d7 /+
!ns ? The pattern is C '* C +* ...
Missin& nu%er E A C - E 1+.

A. -* A* 1;* /A* +-* 6...7
6a7 .(
6%7 .- 6!ns7
6c7 .9
6d7 ;(
!ns ? The pattern is C +* C 9* C 1/* C 1.* ...
Missin& nu%er E +- C /( E .-.

1(. '* ;* 1-* '1* .'* 6...7
6a7 A/
6%7 11-
6c7 1/; 6!ns7
6d7 1'1
!ns ? Each nu%er in the series is the precedin& nu%er ultiplied %# /
and then increased %# 1.
Thus* 6' 5 /7 C 1 E ;* 6; 5 /7 C 1 E 1-* 61- 5 /7 1 E '1 and so on.
Missin& nu%er E 6.' 5 /7 C 1 E 1/;.

11. 1* .* 1-* 6...7* +-* ..* A1
6a7 /-
6%7 /.
6c7 /;
6d7 /9 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C -* C A* ...* C /1* C /-* ...
Missin& nu%er E 1- C 1' E /9.

1/. 1* /* '* -* 9* 6...7
6a7 +-.-
6%7 'A.-
6c7 '(.- 6!ns7
6d7 +(.-
!ns ? Each ters in the series is the su of the precedin& two ters.
Thus* 1 C / E 'S / C ' E -S ' C - E 9 and so on.
Missin& nu%er E - C 9 E 1'.

1'. (.-* 1.-* +.-* 1'.-* 6...7
6a7 +-.-
6%7 'A.-
6c7 '(.-
6d7 +(.- 6!ns7
!ns ? Each ters of the series is o%tained %# ultipl#in& the precedin&
ter %# '.
Missin& nu%er E 1'.- 5 ' E +(.-.

1+. 1/1* //-* '.1* 6...7
6a7 ++1
6%7 +9+
6c7 -/A 6!ns7
6d7 ;/A
!ns ? The nu%ers are 11
* 1-
* 1A
* ... i.e. 11
* 611 C + 5 17
* 611 C + 5 /7
* ...
Missin& nu%er E 611 C + 5 '7
E 6/'7
E -/A.

1-. (* /* 9* 1+* 6...7* '+
6a7 /+ 6!ns7
6%7 //
6c7 /(
6d7 19
!ns ? The nu%ers are 1
2 1* /
2 /* '
2 1* +
2 /* ...
Missin& nu%er E -
2 1 E /+.

1.. 1A* /* '9* '* 11+* +* 6...7
6a7 //9
6%7 /-.
6c7 '-/
6d7 +-. 6!ns7
!ns ? The se>uence is a co%ination of two series ?
I. 1A* '9* 11+* 6.....7 and II. /* '* +
The pattern followed in I is 5 /* 5 '* .....
Missin& nu%er E 11+ 5 + E +-..

1;. 1* /* '* .* A* 19* 6...7* -+
6a7 19
6%7 /; 6!ns7
6c7 '.
6d7 91
!ns ? The nu%ers are alternatel# ultiplied %# / and ',/.
Thus* 1 5 / E /* / 5 ',/ E '* ' 5 / E .* . 5 ',/ E A and so on.
Missin& nu%er E 19 5 ',/ E /;.

19. +* -* A* 19* '+* 6...7
6a7 +'
6%7 +A
6c7 -(
6d7 -A 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C 1* C +* C A* C 1.* .... i.e. C 1
* C /
* C '
* C +
Missin& nu%er E '+ C -
E '+ C /- E -A.

1A. '* .* 19* ;/* 6...7
6a7 1++
6%7 /1.
6c7 /99
6d7 '.( 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is 5 /* 5 '* 5 +* .....
Missin& nu%er E ;/ 5 - E '.(.

/(. ..* '.* 19* 6...7
6a7 '
6%7 .
6c7 9 6!ns7
6d7 A
!ns ? Each nu%er in the series is the product of the di&its of the
precedin& nu%er.
Thus* . 5 . E '.* ' 5 . E 19 and so on.
Missin& nu%er E 1 5 9 E 9.

/1. /1* /-* ''* +A* 91* 6...7
6a7 1+- 6!ns7
6%7 1/A
6c7 11'
6d7 A;
!ns ? The pattern is C +* C 9* C 1.* C '/* .... i.e. C /
* C /
* C /
C /
* ....
Missin& nu%er E 91 C /
E 91 C .+ E 1+-.

//. 1/* '/* ;/* 1-/* 6...7
6a7 '1/ 6!ns7
6%7 '/-
6c7 -1-
6d7 .1'
!ns ? The pattern is C /(* C +(* C 9(* ....
Missin& nu%er E 1-/ C 1.( E '1/.

/'. '* .* -* /(* ;* +/* A* 6...7
6a7 -+
6%7 .(
6c7 ..
6d7 ;/ 6!ns7
!ns ? The se>uence is a co%ination of two series ?
I. '* -* ;* A and II. .* /(* +/* 6...7
The pattern followed in II is C 1+* C //* ....
Missin& nu%er E +/ C '( E ;/.

/+. 1* '* +* 9* 1-* /;* 6...7
6a7 ';
6%7 ++
6c7 -( 6!ns7
6d7 --
!ns ? The su of an# three consecuti"e ters of the series &i"es the ne5t
Thus* 1 C ' C + E 9S ' C + C 9 E 1-S + C 9 C 1- E /; and so on.
Missin& nu%er E 9 C 1- C /; E -(.

/-. /* 1-* +1* 9(* 6...7
6a7 111
6%7 1/(
6c7 1/1
6d7 1'/ 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C 1'* C /.* C 'A* ....
Missin& nu%er E 9( C -/ E 1'/.

/.. 9* 1(* 1+* 19* 6...7* '+* -(* ..
6a7 /+
6%7 /-
6c7 /. 6!ns7
6d7 /;
!ns ? The pattern is C /* C +* C +* .... C 1.* C 1..
Missin& nu%er E 19 C 9 E /..

/;. 1* /* .* /+*6...7
6a7 .(
6%7 A-
6c7 1/( 6!ns7
6d7 1-(
!ns ? The pattern is 5 /* 5 '* 5 +* .....
Missin& nu%er E /+ 5 - E 1/(.

/9. /* '* 9* .'* 6...7
6a7 1('9
6%7 1AA9
6c7 '((9
6d7 'A.9 6!ns7
!ns ? Each ter in the series is one less than the s>uare of the precedin&
Thus* /
2 1 E '* '
2 1 E 9* 9
2 1 E .'.
Missin& ter E 6.'7
2 1 E 'A.A 2 1 E 'A.9.

/A. A-* 11-.-* 1'9* 6...7* 19A
6a7 1-+.-
6%7 1./.- 6!ns7
6c7 1.+.-
6d7 1...-
!ns ? The pattern is C /(.-* C //.-* ...
Missin& ter E 1'9 C /+.- E 1./.-

'(. +* 1(* 6...7* 9/* /++* ;'(
6a7 /+
6%7 /9 6!ns7
6c7 ;;
6d7 /19
!ns ? Each nu%er in the series is the precedin& nu%er ultiplied %# '
and then decreased %# /.

'1. +* '/* 1/9* 6...7
6a7 1/9
6%7 1++
6c7 1A/
6d7 /-. 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is 5 9* 5 +* ....
Missin& ter E 1/9 5 / E /-..

'/. /* -* A* 1A* ';* 6...7
6a7 ;.
6%7 ;- 6!ns7
6c7 ;+
6d7 ;/
!ns ? The pattern is 5 / C 1* 5 / 2 1* 5 / C 1* 5 / 2 1* ....
Missin& nu%er E '; 5 / C 1 E ;-.

''. /+* .(* 1/(* /1(* 6...7
6a7 '((
6%7 ''. 6!ns7
6c7 +/(
6d7 -/-
!ns ? The pattern is C '.* C .(* C A(*.... i.e.
C @. 5 6. C (7B* C @. 5 6. C +7B* C @. 5 6. C A7B* ....
Missin& nu%er E /1( C @. 5 6. C 1-7B E /1( C 1/. E ''..

'+. 1.-* 1A-* /--* /9-* '+-* 6...7
6a7 ';-
6%7 +/(
6c7 +'. 6!ns7
6d7 'A(
!ns ? Each nu%er is 1- ultiplied %# a prie nu%er 1- 5 11* 1- 5 1;*
1- 5 1A* 1-5 /'.
Missin& ter E 1- 5 /A E +'-.

'-. -* 1;* ';* .-* 6...7* 1+-
6a7 A-
6%7 A;
6c7 AA
6d7 1(1 6!ns7
!ns ? The nu%ers are /
C 1* +
C 1* .
C 1* 9
C 1* ...* 1/
C 1.
Missin& ter E 1(
C 1 E1(1.

'.. A* 11* /(* '1* 6...7* 9/
6a7 +1
6%7 -1 6!ns7
6c7 .(
6d7 ;1
!ns ? Each ter in the series is the su of the precedin& two ters.
Missin& nu%er E /( C '1 E -1.

';. -* 1.* +A* 1(+* 6...7
6a7 11-
6%7 1+9
6c7 1;(
6d7 191 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C 11* C ''* C --* ...* i.e. C 611 5 17* C 611 5 '7* C 611 5
-7* ....
Missin& nu%er E 1(+ C 611 5 ;7 E 191.

'9. '+* 19* 1(* .* +* 6...7
6a7 (
6%7 1
6c7 /
6d7 ' 6!ns7
!ns ? Each ter is di"ided %# / and then increased %# 1 to o%tain the ne5t
Missin& ter E 6+ T /7 C 1 E '.

'A. +./* +/(* '9(* 6...7* '(.
6a7 '//
6%7 ''/
6c7 '+/ 6!ns7
6d7 '-/
!ns ? The pattern is 2 +/* 2+(* ....
Missin& nu%er E '9( 2 '9 E '+/.

+(. '* 9* //* .'* 19-* 6...7
6a7 --( 6!ns7
6%7 '1(
6c7 /A-
6d7 /9-
!ns ? The pattern is 5 ' 2 1* 5 ' 2 /* 5 ' 2 '* 5 ' 2 +* ...
Missin& nu%er E 619- 5 '7 2 - E --(.

+1. 1* /* -* 1/* /;* -9* 1/1* 6...7
6a7 /+.
6%7 /+;
6c7 /+9 6!ns7
6d7 /+A
!ns ? The pattern is 5 / C (* 5 / C 1* 5 / C /* 5 / C '* 5 / C +* 5 / C -* ....
Missin& nu%er E 1/1 5 / C . E /+9.

+/. (.-* (.--* (..-* (.9* 6...7
6a7 (.A
6%7 (.9/
6c7 1 6!ns7
6d7 (.A-
!ns ? The pattern is C (.(-* (.1( C (.1-* ....
Missin& nu%er E (.9 C (./( E 1.

+'. '* 9* 1'* /+* +1* 6...7
6a7 ;( 6!ns7
6%7 ;-
6c7 9(
6d7 9-
!ns ? The pattern followed is ?
nth ter C 6n C 17th ter C 6n C 17 E 6n C /7th ter.
Thus* 1st ter C /nd ter C / E 'rd ter S
/nd ter C 'rd ter C ' E +th ter and so on.
Missin& ter E .th ter E +th ter C -th ter C -
E /+ C +1 C - E ;(.

++. A;* 9.* ;'* -9* +-* 6...7
6a7 '+ 6!ns7
6%7 -+
6c7 --
6d7 -.
!ns ? The pattern is 2 11* 2 1'* 2 1-* 2 1'* ....
Missin& nu%er E +- 2 11 E '+.

+-. 1;* 1A* /'* /A* 6...7* ';
6a7 '1 6!ns7
6%7 ''
6c7 '-
6d7 '.
!ns ? The &i"en series consists of consecuti"e prie nu%ers startin&
fro 1;. The ne5t prie nu%er after /A is '1.
So* the issin& nu%er is '1.

+.. -* .* A* 1-* 6...7* +(
6a7 /1
6%7 /- 6!ns7
6c7 /;
6d7 ''
!ns ? The pattern is C 1* C '* C .* .... i.e. C 1* C 61 C /7* C 61 C / C '7* ....
Missin& nu%er E 1- C 61 C / C ' C +7 E /-.

+;. '* 1/* /;* +9* ;-* 1(9* 6...7
6a7 1+; 6!ns7
6%7 1./
6c7 19'
6d7 1A/
!ns ? The nu%ers are ' 5 1
* ' 5 /
* ' 5 '
* ' 5 +
* ' 5 -
* ' 5 .
* ...
Missin& nu%er E ' 5 ;
E ' 5 +A E 1+;.

+9. 1'+* /+-* '-.* +.;* 6...7
6a7 -;A
6%7 -;9 6!ns7
6c7 -.9
6d7 +;9
!ns ? Each ter is o%tained %# addin& 111 to the precedin& ter.
Missin& nu%er E +.; C 111 E -;9.

+A. .* 1'* /9* 6...7
6a7 -.
6%7 -;
6c7 -9
6d7 -A 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is 5 / C 1* 5 / C /* ...
Missin& nu%er E /9 5 / C ' E -A.

-(. -.'* .+;* +;A* 91-* 6...7
6a7 .;/
6%7 '9.
6c7 /;A
6d7 1+' 6!ns7
!ns ? The pattern is C 9+* 2 1.9* C ''.* ... i.e. C 9+* 2 69+ 5 /7* C 69+ 5 /
7* ....
Missin& nu%er E 91- 2 69+ 5 /
7 E 91- 2 .;/ E 1+'.
IBM Datest Whole Test Iaper
Nu%er Series
1. 1A*/+*/(*/-*/1*/.*< ans?//
/. 11*1+*1/*1-*1'*1.*< ans? 1+
'. 1(*/*9*/*.*/*< a?+
+. 9*A*11*1+**19*/'*< a?/A
-. /-*/-*//*//*1A*1A*< a?1.
.. 1+*/*1/*+*1(*.*< a?9
;. ;*1.*A*1-*11*1+*< a?1'
9. +(*+/*'A*++*'9*+.*< a?';
A. '*19*+*/+*-*'(*< a?.
1(. 19*/(*//*/(*/9*/(*< a?//
11. 19*/(*1(*1/*+*.< a?(
1/. ;*.*9*-*'*;*< a?+
1' A*19*/1*/-*/(*< a?'(
1+ '*'*+*9*1(*'.*< a?''
1-.'(*/9*/-*/(*'+*/9*< a?/1
1.. +*9*1.*'/*.+*1/9*< a?/-.
1;. 9*1.*/+*'/*+(*+9*< a?-.
19. 1'*11*1+*1/*1-*1'*< a?1.
1A. .*19*'.*1(9*/1.*.+9*< a?1/A.
/(. +*+*9*9*1.*1.*< a?'/
/1. /*.*19*-+*1./*+9.*< a?1+-9
//. +*/(*'-*+A*./*;+*< a?9-
/'. 1(*19*1-*/'*/(*/9*< a?/-
/+. +*1(*9*1+*1/*19*< a?1.
/- 1(*1-*1/*1;*1+*1(*< a?1.

Technical Questions
1. :DOI is the unit of M I7cloc) speed* ii7fre>uenc#U.i ii7eor#*

/. ain67
how an# ties it will print<

'. cople5it# of heap sort6ans?o6nlo&n7.

+. what will %e the o,p<
int ain67
char a*%S
printf6V4d4d4d4dW*siFeof6N!K7* siFeof6NNJDDK7* siFeof6NaK7* siFeof6ain77S

-. necessit# of pairt# %it6ans?%7.

.. Xwhat is the o,p<
#$E:INE 5#F6e5r7printf6Ve5rE4dW*e5r7
int 5E'S#E/S

;. siple >uestion on &raph

9. siple >uestion on s>l

A. files r there of siFe li)e /.-+'%*/(((%*+(((%*1(((% arran&e the
accordin& to there access tie

1(. unit di&it of ;Y1;'<

11.Two train coin& towards fro dist. /+ iles with speed 1/ iles,hr *a
fl# randol# fl#in& %etween two trains at the speed of 19 iles,
an# distance co"ered %# the fl# %efore will collide<6'(*'.UU7

1/.what is the increase of "olue of a sphere if its radius increases %#

1'. ! an cli%in& in a roc) at /+ ),hr and downhill '. ),hr. deterine
a"& speed< on lan&ua&e 6soe percent )nown Geran* soe )nows
:rench* soe En&lish7ans?/+.

1-.3ere two sae siFe &lass one is filled 1,' of il) and other is 1,+ il).
Then the &lasses filled with water and i5ed* what is the percenta&e of il)

1..One is filled 1,' of il) and other is 1,+ il). Then the &lasses filled with
water and i5ed* what is the percenta&e of il) now<

1;.If the tie re>uired for write one di&it is one second then how an# tie
for 61(Y1(7Y1(<
6ans?I7 few da# ii7 illions of da# iii7 one #ear

19.In 1A'( the a&e of one student is sae as the last two di&it of his #ear of
%irth and the case is sae for his &randfather also *what is the su of a&e
his and his &randfather<6ans?9(chec)7.

1A.In 1A'( the a&e of one student is sae as the last two di&it of his #ear of
%irth and the case is sae for his &randfather also *what is the su of a&e
his and his &randfather<6ans?9(chec)7.

/(.%lue soc)s?+pair*red soc)s?'pair*white soc)s?/pair*how an# soc)s one
will ta)e for two
different soc)s
/1.what is the pro%a%ilit# of / an will %e %orn in a sae

//.There is a s>uare &round of side 1+c*two horses r there in two
different point of the s>uare such that the# can Hust touch the* how uch
&rass will not %e co"ered %# the horses.

/'.! an is started his Hourne# fro point ! he &oes 1((() south then
1((() east *1((()
north* then 1((() west. Where is he now.6ans?I7at point ! ii71((() east
fro !iii7U.i"7U.

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