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1hls program, offered by Lhe CenLer for LnLrepreneurshlp & 1echnology (CL1) ls a CL1 cornersLone
and enables sLudenLs Lo klckoff enLrepreneurshlp pro[ecLs wlLh lnLenslve acLlvaLlon, Leam formaLlon
and essenLlal Lralnlng ln Lhe early parL of Lhe semesLer. 1he 8ooLcamp conveys our laLesL approaches
for Lechnology enLrepreneurs - 1he 8erkeley MeLhod of LnLrepreneurshlp (8MoL), seLLlng Lhe
groundwork for furLher CL1 course sLudy and new venLure lncubaLlon. 1hls meLhod leverages a
layered framework of:

1heory & Cases
M|ndset and Lntrepreneur|a| Cu|ture (L-Cu|ture)
And an Accompany|ng Network & Lnv|ronment

1ogeLher Lhe formaL enables lnLenslve Lralnlng for successful enLrepreneurshlp and new venLure
creaLlon. 1he program, lnLended for Lhose who wanL an lnLenslve undersLandlng of concepLs ln
enLrepreneurshlp, lncludlng pre-formed buslness Leams and lndlvlduals wlLh a buslness ldea or
lnLeresL, wlll feaLure guesLs wlLh real-llfe experlences as enLrepreneurs and lnvesLors, lnLeracLlve
acLlvlLles and games and breakouL sesslons culmlnaLlng ln a flnal plLch challenge. SLudenLs may
conLlnue work durlng Lhe semesLer, for an addlLlonal credlL, as parL of Lhelr own CL1 venLure Lab
Leam, or by lnLernlng wlLh a currenL CL1 venLure Lab Leam.


lkhlaq Sldhu, loundlng ulrecLor and
Chlef SclenLlsL, CL1
lLC8 Lmerglng Area rofessor
rogram Manager vlcLorla Powell vhowell[

1he 4-day lnLenslve booLcamp formaL enables !"#!$!#%&'( &"# *+,-./+0,# 1,&0( Lo hone Lhelr
buslness ldeas and creaLes a forum for new Leams Lo form and develop ldeas, whlle also provldlng
lnslghLs lnLo enLrepreneurshlp.

CpporLunlLy 8ecognlLlon and ldeaLlon
LnLrepreneurlal ALLrlbuLes and CulLure
1eam 8ulldlng
CusLomer-focused roducL ueslgn
SLoryLelllng & ALLracLlng SLakeholders
Sales & MarkeLlng
Mechanlcs of a SLarL-up
lundlng Model AlLernaLlves
ueveloplng and uslng 8uslness neLworks
lLchlng lnvesLors
"8erke|ey Method of Lntrepreneursh|p" 8ootcamp (192) CCUkSL SLLA8US
Ia|| 2014, Instructor Ikh|aq S|dhu

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uC 8erkeley sLudenLs may slgn up for 1 credlL/unlL - 8ooL camp, AugusL 18 - 21, 2014, dally from
8:00am. noLe: Course credlL, when Laken for a grade, can be applled Lo Lhe CL1 currlculum sequence


8-course access
re-program asslgnmenLs
Cnllne survey Lo be compleLed before class commences, ad hoc surveys durlng program and
flnal day of Lhe class,
llnal reporL aL Lhe end of class
CompuLer access for 8erkeley 8ooLcamp slLe, sponsored by SeedlnvesL
ln-class presenLaLlons and ouLslde-class work and acLlvlLles


ALLendance 30 (8ooL camp aLLendance ls mandaLory, wlLh dally slgn-ln). lease arrlve on
Llme. lf you are more Lhan 13 mlnuLes laLe you wlll be marked absenL. lease
pre-submlL any excused absence vla emall.
llnal ro[ecL 30, ln addlLlonal Lo dally surveys wlLh posslble flnal reporL due by AugusL 23Lh.


AugusL 18
- 21
, 2014, 8am - 6pm (wlLh some opLlonal evenlng sesslons) aL 310 SuLard[a ual Pall,
8anaLao AudlLorlum (noLe, no coffee/colas are permlLLed ln Lhe AudlLorlum)


ConLacL vlcky Powell (vhowell[ Lo schedule offlce Llme wlLh rof. lkhlaq Sldhu.
noLe: check 8-space for parLlclpanL communlcaLlons.

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SCnLDULL (see speakers b|os |n fo||ow|ng sect|on)

DA CNL |n 8anatao Aud|tor|um and Atr|um, Sutad[a Da| na|| on 8erke|ey Campus
Cvervlew: lnLroducLlon, meeLlng oLhers and focuslng lnLernally on ldea generaLlon/opLlmlzaLlon and
Leam formaLlon/opLlmlzaLlon

8:00am - 8:30am keg|strat|on and L|ght 8reakfast
1heory 8:30am - 9:00am We|come And 8MoL Cverv|ew

Ikh|aq S|dhu, CL1 Academ|c
D|rector and Ch|ef Sc|ent|st
M|ndset 9:00pm - 10:00pm ku|es of 8MoL Lngagement and Group
8reakout Lxerc|se]Game ( & km 240, 242)
ken S|nger, CL1 Manag|ng
1heory 10:13am - 11:00am Cpportun|ty kecogn|t|on art I of 2 Ikh|aq S|dhu
11:00am - 11:43am now to Get an Idea Char|es nuang, co-founder
and CLC Ind|go 7, S|ngtr|x
and Green 1hrott|e Games
11:43am - 12:30pm Group 8reakout and 8ox Lunch
sponsored by Masters of Lng|neer|ng
rogram (MLng)
Iu||e McShane, MLng, Iung
Inst|tute for Lng|neer|ng
1heory 12:30pm - 1:30pm Idea Generat|on Cverv|ew Stephen |era|d|, Instructor
CL1 and naas
M|ndset 1:30pm - 2:30pm Idea Marketp|ace 8reakout Lxerc|se Stephen |era|d|
M|ndset 2:43pm - 3:30pm What |s an Lntrepreneur and 1eam
ken S|nger
M|ndset 3:30pm - 4:13pm Ins|ghts on 1eam Iormat|on Andrew Laffoon, founder
and CLC, M|xbook
M|ndset 4:30pm - 3:30pm 1he Cther "I" Word and ke[ect|on 1heory
Mark Coopersm|th, Sen|or
Ie||ow, UC 8erke|ey, naas
and ken S|nger
1heory 3:30pm - 6pm Cpt|ona| Lven|ng Sess|on on Idea
Generat|on art 2 |n 8anatao Aud|tor|um
(for Lhose [usL formlng Leams and sLarLlng
an new ldea)
Stephen |era|d| and
mentors Iason nuertas, Atta
||ram, 1h|bau|t Duchem|n,
|eter Doevendans and
Anne M|rante
7pm - 9pm Cpt|ona| Mentored 8reakouts]Idea
Generat|on art 2 |n rooms 240, 242 &

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DA 1WC |n 8anatao Aud|tor|um, Atr|um and UC 8erke|ey SkyDeck, enthouse 21S0 Shattuck Ave.
Cverv|ew: ueveloplng your ldea and Leam, Lhen Lhlnklng exLernally Lo cusLomer developmenL,
markeLlng, sales and uslng Lhe 8erkeley neLwork

8:00am - 8:30am Check-|n, "Marketp|ace & ||ght breakfast
M|ndset 8:30am - 9:00am We|come & kef|ect|on Ikh|aq S|dhu & ken S|nger
1heory 9:00am - 9:30am Idea Marketp|ace 8reakout Lxerc|se Stephen |era|d|
1heory 9:43am - 10:43am Cpportun|ty kecogn|t|on art 2 of 2 &
8us|ness Mode| Adaptat|on
Ikh|aq S|dhu
1heory 10:43am - 11:30
now 1o Capt|vate Any Aud|ence Nathan Go|d, founder
1heory 11:40am - ? 1he Vo|ce of the User - Interv|ew|ng,
Ins|ghts & Understand|ng the Data
C|ark ke||ogg, Lecturer, UC
8erke|ey, naas
Lunch 8reak SN#,.2.#$1#T U.K#( L((* '(& U.#V.$3
1heory ? - 2:20pm 1he Vo|ce of the User - Interv|ew|ng,
Ins|ghts & Understand|ng the Data
C|ark ke||ogg
1heory 2:30pm - 3:13pm Se|||ng and Sa|es Campa|gns au| Nerger, founder
App||ed Innovat|on Inst|tute
1heory 3:13pm - 4:00pm 8est ract|ces |n Se|||ng kr|s Duggan, founder and
CLC 8adgev|||e
8reak SLaggered 1rlp Lo uC 8erkeley Skyueck
Sect|on I
4:30pm - 3:13pm

3:43 - 6:30pm
1our of SkyDeck Acce|erator, Int'|
Acce|erator and CL1 Venture Lab Intro (at

Crowdfund|ng Infrastructure]Ca|Invest
S|te (|n 8anatao)
Ieff 8urton, k|chard
rzyby|a, C||v|er ounes, and
Lugene Noh

Iason 8est and k|ran L|ngam
Sect|on II
4:13pm - 3:00pm

3:13pm - 6:13pm
Crowdfund|ng Infrastructure]Ca|Invest
S|te (|n 8anatao)

1our of SkyDeck Acce|erator, Int'|
Acce|erator and CL1 Venture Lab Intro (at
Iason 8est and k|ran L|ngam

Ieff 8urton, k|chard
rzyby|a, C||v|er ounes, and
Lugene Noh
M|ndset 6:30pm - 7:00pm
(lzza ln ALrlum)
Commun|cat|on & Customer
Lxerc|se]Game at 8anatao
ken S|nger
7pm - 9pm Workrooms Ava||ab|e - rooms 240, 242 &

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DA 1nkLL |n 8anatao Aud|tor|um and Atr|um, Sutad[a Da| na|| on 8erke|ey Campus
Cverv|ew: 2+,&1!"3 0!',(1/",(4 %"#,+(1&"#!"3 .%"#!"34 5'&+!.6!"3 6/%+ !#,& &"# #,$,'/*!"3 6/%+ *!157

8:00am - 8:30am Check-|n and ||ght breakfast
M|ndset 8:30am - 9:00am We|come & kef|ect|on Ikh|aq S|dhu & ken S|nger
1heory 9:00am - 10:00am Mechan|cs of a Start-up and Sett|ng
ken S|nger
Network 10,00am -
Venture Cap|ta| 8as|cs Shom|t Ghose, artner,
CNSL1 Ventures
Network 11:00am - 11:30 Incubator]Acce|erator 8as|cs kav| 8e|an|, Manag|ng
D|rector and cofounder,
A|chem|st Acce|erator
1heory 11:30am -
kea| Wor|d Iund|ng rasanna Sundarara[an,
founder and CLC, rLNIAC
Lunch 8reak SN#,.2.#$1#T U.K#( L((* '(& U.#V.$3
Network 1:00pm - 1:43pm Iund|ng ane| D|scuss|on Ikh|aq S|dhu and Shom|t
Ghose, L|sa Csh|ma, Iason
8est, C||v|er ounes & kav|
1heory 2pm - 3:13pm |tch Workshop Nathan Go|d
M|ndset 3:13pm - 6pm L|evator |tch Lxerc|se]Game Nathan Go|d
Lvenlng reparat|on for 1hursday Cha||enge
& workrooms ava||ab|e rooms 240, 242 &

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DA ICUk |n 8anatao Aud|tor|um and Atr|um, Sutad[a Da| na|| on 8erke|ey Campus
Cverv|ew: neLworklng and demos/plLchlng

IkAMLWCkk 1nUkS. AUG. 21
8:00am - 8:43am Check-|n and ||ght breakfast
M|ndset 8:43am - 9:13am We|come & kef|ect|on Ikh|aq S|dhu & ken S|nger
Network 9:13am- 10:13am ane| D|scuss|on on Network|ng and
C|os|ng Dea|s
V|ctor|a nowe|| and Char|es
Ng, Neha| Mehta, Ieff
8urton, Atta ||ram &
k|cardo San Mart|n
10:13 - 11:00am reparat|on 1|me and |tch koom
Ass|gnment (kooms 2S0, 242 & 2S0)

M|ndset & Network 11am - 12:30noon |tch Cha||enge art 1 of 2 (kooms 2S0,
242 & 2S0 and Aud|tor|um)

8ox Lunch
SN#,.2.#$1#T U.K#( L((* '(& U.#V.$3
M|ndset & Network 1pm - 2pm |tch Cha||enge I|na||st |tches art 2 of 2
|n 8anatao Aud|tor|um

M|ndset 2:13pm - 3:00pm C|os|ng kea| Wor|d Lntrepreneursh|p
Mehd| Maghsoodn|a,
founder of Combust|on
Ventures and ser|a|
3:00 - 4:00pm I|na| 1houghts and Awards Ikh|aq S|dhu & ken S|nger
4:00 - 3:30pm kecept|on |n Atr|um

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SLAkLkS, ANALIS1S AND MLN1CkS (genera||y, |n order of appearance)

Ikh|aq S|dhu, loundlng ulrecLor & Chlef SclenLlsL, CL1 and lLC8 Lmerglng Area rofessor ln Lhe
College of Lnglneerlng aL uC 8erkeley, laculLy ulrecLor and foundlng ulrecLor of uC 8erkeley's hlghly
successful CenLer for LnLrepreneurshlp and 1echnology, now a cornersLone of Lhe lung lnsLlLuLe. Pe ls
an advlsor Lo Lhe venLure caplLal CnSL1 venLures and holder of 61 englneerlng paLenLs.

ken S|nger, Managlng ulrecLor, CL1, ls a serlal enLrepreneur, Lechnology execuLlve, unlverslLy lecLurer,
and dlrecLor/advlsor Lo numerous sLarLups ln Lhe uS and Lurope. A 14-year veLeran of Lhe moblle
lndusLry, ken has been creaLlng moblle soluLlons slnce cellphones flrsL connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL aL a
whopplng 28 kbps. MosL recenLly, ken was Lhe co-founder and CLC of AppCenLral, Lhe flrsL enLerprlse
app sLore Lo leL companles dlsLrlbuLe moblle appllcaLlons Lo Lhelr employees' lhones, lads and
Androld devlces. Pe ls a uC 8erkeley graduaLe and slnce 2008, ken has been Leachlng Lhe Moblle
AppllcaLlons and LnLrepreneurshlp course and Challenge Lab ln Lhe College of Lnglneerlng.
Char|es nuang, co-founder 8"#!3/ 94 :!"31+!;, <+,," =7+/11' <&0,(, sLudled economlcs and Aslan
sLudles aL Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla aL 8erkeley, Lhen worked for hls famlly's auLo-parLs buslness
afLer graduaLlng ln 1992. Lxperlence wlLh Lools came ln handy when he and hls younger broLher, kal,
goL Lhe sLarLup lLch durlng Lhe laLe-1990s Lech boom. 1he Puang broLhers sLruck gold when Lhey
publlshed <%!1&+ >,+/ ln parLnershlp wlLh Parmonlx Muslc SysLems. Creen 1hroLLle's currenL focus ls
on a gamlng sysLem LhaL allows a consumer Lo plug an Androld phone or LableL lnLo Lhe 1v uslng an
adapLer. Pe holds a 8A from Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla, 8erkeley.

Stephen |era|d|, a CL1 lnsLrucLor and enLrepreneur, has had a career spannlng a broad range of
lndusLrles lncludlng lnLerneL, healLhcare, onllne gamlng, and manufacLurlng, Lo name a few. Pe has
worked ln and wlLh venLure backed and prlvaLely funded sLarL-ups, ralslng mllllons ln operaLlng caplLal.
Pe has Laken a company from seed Lo lC. SLephen ls an LnLrepreneur ln 8esldence and lndusLry
lellow aL uC 8erkeley.

Andrew Laffoon ls Lhe co-founder and CLC of ?!;@//A, a venLure-backed sLarLup founded ln 2006.
revlously, Andrew worked ln markeLlng, developmenL and supporL for a venLure-backed sofLware
sLarLup. AL age 13, Andrew founded hls flrsL sLarLup - a web consulLlng buslness, whlch he ran for 8
years. Andrew recelved a 8S ln lndusLrlal Lnglneerlng and CperaLlons 8esearch from Lhe unlverslLy of
Callfornla, 8erkeley and a cerLlflcaLe from Lhe 8erkeley CenLer for LnLrepreneurshlp and 1echnology.

Nathan Go|d ls Lhe founder of 1he uemo Coach, and has worked wlLh Lhousands on buslness plLches.
Pe has consulLed wlLh larger companles llke Sanulsk, nokla and l8M and ls a soughL afLer coach ln Lhe
Slllcon valley lncubaLor and AcceleraLor neLwork.

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Mark Coopersm|th ls an educaLor and Leaches Lhe soughL afLer Workshop for SLarLups course aL uC
8erkeley's Paas School of 8uslness and co-Leaches Lhe course 1he CLher l" Word". Pe ls an
enLrepreneur and spenL hls career aL Lhe nexus of Lechnology, medla and brands bulldlng hlgh growLh
companles and helplng shape Lhe nexL generaLlon of buslness leaders. ln addlLlon Lo hls Leachlng
responslblllLles, Mark ls an advlsor Lo buslnesses ranglng from vC-backed venLures Lhrough global
corporaLlons such as lnLel and ulrec1v. Mark ls uC 8erkeley grad wlLh a 8A and an M8A.

1h|bau|t Duchem|n and |eter Doevendans, cofounders of 1ranscense.

Iason nuertas ls Lhe co-founder and CLC of CrlLlca. Pe's a uC 8erkeley Lconomlcs grad, fronLend
developer, and former MarkeL 8esearch AnalysL

Atta ||ram recenLly sLarLed LeblaMLu Lo focus on pracLlcal Lools (www.LraqMe.neL) Lo help "people"
wlLh chronlc dlseases geL Lhelr healLh on Lrack and reduce hosplLal readmlsslons. lrom 2008 Lo 2012,
he menLored varlous cross-funcLlonal Leams aL uCSl's ldea-1o-lC program ranglng from M8A
aLLendees Lo physlclan speclallsLs, hlgh-Lech professlonals and posL-doc researchers Lo formulaLe Lhelr
producL and servlce ldeas lnLo sound buslness sLraLegles. Pe prevlously founded companles focused
on dlglLal conLenL dellvery.

C|ark ke||ogg, ls a uC 8erkeley Paas lecLurer on deslgn Lhlnklng and lnnovaLlon pracLlces. 8eyond
Leachlng, kellogg ls a parLner ln Lhe lnnovaLlon consulLancy, Co||ect|ve Invent|on, a buslness and soclal
lnnovaLlon consulLancy. Clark has dellvered lnnovaLlon and deslgn Lhlnklng workshops ln Chlna, 8razll,
lLaly, korea, oland, and across Lhe uS Lo corporaLlons, sLarL-ups and unlverslLles.
au| Nerger ls a 30-year compuLer lndusLry veLeran, worklng ln sofLware developmenL, producL
managemenL, archlLecLure consulLlng, sales, and markeLlng. Pe has worked ln and wlLh many
lndusLrles, lncludlng aerospace, defense, LelecommunlcaLlons, l1, and medla. Pls prevlous poslLlons
have lncluded general managemenL and execuLlve poslLlons aL a number of moblle sLarLups, lncludlng
AppCenLral, doLMobl, and Argogroup. rlor Lo worklng wlLh sLarLups, he held execuLlve poslLlons aL
lnformlx SofLware, Slllcon Craphlcs, SequenL CompuLer SysLems, and ulglLal LqulpmenL CorporaLlon.

kr|s Duggan, cofounder and Chlef SLraLegy Cfflcer, 8adgevllle oversees producL and sLraLeglc dlrecLlon
and serves on 8adgevllle's 8oard of ulrecLors. krls ls a publlshed auLhor and soughL-afLer LhoughL
leader on gamlflcaLlon, soclal buslness and cloud compuLlng. Pe led 8adgevllle from lLs booLsLrap
phase Lo a hlgh-growLh venLure-backed company wlLh hundreds of global cusLomers ln under Lhree
years, ralslng Lhree rounds of fundlng as one of Lhe fasLesL growlng enLerprlse sofLware companles.
uuggan holds an M8A from Lhe uC lrvlne.

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Ieff 8urton, LxecuLlve ulrecLor, Skyueck 8erkeley. !eff was a member of Lhe foundlng Leam of vldeo
game maker LlecLronlc ArLs. 1hroughouL hls more Lhan 30-year career ln Lhe sLarLup world, 8urLon
has served as a founder, CLC, and owner of a varleLy of consumer-faclng sofLware Lechnology
companles. AL LlecLronlc ArLs, he was responslble for Lhe company's early enLry and success ln
lnLernaLlonal markeLs.

Lugene Noh7 venLure Lab Manager aL CL1, culLlvaLes an lnnovaLlve and collaboraLlve workspace for
enLrepreneurs, provldes hands-on menLorlng for sLarLup Leams and manages lnLernaLlonal
parLnershlps wlLh unlverslLles and sLarLup lncubaLors. Pe has over a decade of experlence menLorlng
sLudenLs aL uC 8erkeley and SLanford unlverslLy and deslgned and managed a new undergraduaLe
research program (u8C) wlLhln Lhe Collefe of Lnglneerlng. uurlng a 2-year sLlnL ln SouLh korea,
Lugene hosLed a weekly radlo program on poslLlve psychology. Pe holds a 8.S. ln Clvll and
LnvlronmenLal Lnglneerlng from uC 8erkeley and an M.ulv. from WesLmlnsLer Semlnary Callfornla.

C||v|er ouns, hu, an AfflllaLe rofessor aL arls's presLlglous PLC, ls an enLrepreneur, menLor and
advlsor Lo vC funds and Lo lnLernaLlonal sLarL-up lncubaLors. 1he company he founded, LxLn
( ls ranked 1op 13 ln lrance ln due dlllgence and falrness oplnlons dedlcaLed
Lo vC and L funds. LxLn ls also a respecLed fundralser for lnnovaLlve companles ln l1 and
llfe sclence. Cllvler ls a CA and ln hls work has collaboraLed wlLh some of Lhe world's Lop
lnsLlLuLlons. rlor Lo launchlng hls company, Cllvler had over a decade of vC experlence - 18 SMLs
flnanced, 14 exlLed lncl. 2 lCs yleldlng a poslLlve Lrack-record.

k|chard rzyby|a, hu ls a cofounder of Chlrp MlcrosysLems, whlch ls commerclallzlng low-power
ulLrasonlc sensor sysLems. ur. rzybyla ls lnLeresLed ln clrculLs and sysLems whlch lnLerface Lo Lhe
physlcal world. Pe recelved Lhe 8.S. degree ln elecLrlcal englneerlng from Cregon SLaLe unlverslLy and
hls h.u. ln elecLrlcal englneerlng from rofessor 8ernhard 8oser's group aL unlverslLy of Callfornla,

Iason 8est ls cofounder and prlnclpal of Crowdfund CaplLal Advlsors (CCA). Pe co-auLhored Lhe
crowdfund lnvesLlng framework used ln Lhe !C8S AcL Lo legallze equlLy and debL based crowdfundlng
ln Lhe uSA. Pe has provlded congresslonal LesLlmony on crowdfundlng and was honored Lo aLLend Lhe
WhlLe Pouse ceremony when resldenL Cbama slgned Lhe !C8S AcL lnLo law on Aprll 3, 2012. !ason
co-founded Lhe crowdfundlng lndusLry Lrade group LhaL works wlLh Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange
Commlsslon and lln8A as Lhey creaLe Lhe rules for crowdfund lnvesLlng.

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k|ran L|ngam, ls Ceneral Counsel for SeedlnvesL, a leader ln equlLy crowdfundlng, recenLly parLnerlng
wlLh 300 SLarLups on Lhelr $100 mllllon Lhlrd fund. lormerly aL !ones uay LL and uLA lper LL, klran
served as ouLslde legal counsel Lo venLure caplLal and prlvaLe equlLy funds, angel groups and
Lechnology sLarLups. Slnce passage of Lhe !C8S AcL, klran has been an acLlve speaker, wrlLer and
commenLaLor on crowdfundlng and Lhe relaLed legal lssues. klran recelved a 8A ln Lconomlcs from
Cornell unlverslLy and a !.u., wlLh honors, from Lhe unlverslLy of Ceorgla.

Shom|t Ghose, arLner, BC:D= E,"1%+,(, ls an lndusLry lellow and lead venLure coach aL uC
8erkeley's College of Lnglneerlng, and serves on Lhe enLrepreneurshlp advlsory board aL Lhe
unlverslLy of San lranclsco. [olned CnSL1 venLures ln 2001 afLer 19 years of worklng aL hlgh-Lech
companles ln Lhe Slllcon valley. uurlng hls career he parLlclpaLed ln several successful lCs, lncludlng
Lhose of Sun MlcrosysLems and 8roadvlslon. AL CnSL1 venLures, he focuses on sofLware, neLworklng
and lnfrasLrucLure companles. Pe also menLors and provldes managemenL resources Lo porLfollo
companles Lo help maxlmlze Lhelr success.

kav| 8e|an|, Managlng ulrecLor and cofounder aL AlchemlsL AcceleraLor, has experlence ln boLh
esLabllshed flrms and new venLures. Pe has been a producL manager aL ZapleL, a managemenL
consulLanL wlLh Mcklnsey and currenLly serves as boardmember or advlsor for MlghLy Plve,
AdapLlveAds lnc., 8edux, lnc., ersonlva lnc. and has been acLlve wlLh 1lL (1he lndus LnLrepreneurs).
Pe was a kauffman lellow and holds an M.8.A. from Parvard 8uslness School, a 8.S. wlLh ulsLlncLlon
and M.S. ln lndusLrlal Lnglneerlng and Lnglneerlng ManagemenL from SLanford unlverslLy.

rasanna Sundarara[an (Sundar), Lhe founder and CLC, rLnlAC ls an experlenced archlLecL and
lnnovaLor wlLh a Lrack record of Laklng new and early sLage Lechnology concepLs from lncepLlon Lo
producLlon. Pe holds 26 paLenLs ln Lhe areas of compuLlng and cache archlLecLures, securlLy, faulL
Lolerance & rellablllLy, and deslgn Lools . Pls currenL venLure helps reLhlnk cloud lnfrasLrucLure, ln
response Lo organlzaLlon's need Lo capLure, classlfy, analyze and manage large volumes of daLa. Pe
holds an MS ln Lnglneerlng from unlverslLy of 1oledo, CP and M8A from Paas School of 8uslness, uC

L|sa Csh|ma ls a consulLanL and angel lnvesLor, as well as an early adopLer of emerglng Lechnologles.
She has worked wlLh Lechnology companles on execuLlve level sLraLegy, buslness developmenL and
markeLlng. lor more on her work, vlslL her blog

k|cardo San Mart|n ls a vlslLlng Scholar wlLh CL1 aL uC 8erkeley. Pe ls AssoclaLed rofessor, laculLy
of Lnglneerlng from Lhe onLlflcla unlversldad CaLllca de Chlle. Pe has MasLers uegree ln Sclence
from Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla, 8erkeley, and a hu ln 8loLechnology from Lhe lmperlal College of
Sclence and 1echnology ln London, uk. Pe ls co-founder and member of Lhe board of dlrecLors of
naLural 8esponse and has publlshed more Lhan 30 sclenLlflc arLlcles ln lnLernaLlonal [ournals.

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Neha| Mehta ls Lhe ulrecLor of SLraLeglc Alllances aL SymanLec. She ls an lnfluenLlal speaker and
leader, wlLh repeaLed success of bulldlng, sLrucLurlng, and menLorlng hlgh funcLlonlng Leams of 100+
englneers. AddlLlonally, nehal has worked aL mulLlple hlgh-Lech companles, lncludlng neLApp,
LlveCfflce, verlLas, and unlsys. nehal holds exLenslve Lechnlcal and global managemenL experlence ln
sofLware quallLy assurance and producL dellvery ln Lhe cloud, sLorage, and securlLy markeLs. She ls
passlonaLe abouL glrls ln S1LM and achlevlng work-llfe lnLegraLlon, and ln honor of all her
accompllshmenLs, she was named Lhe 2011 Woman of lnfluence by Lhe Slllcon valley 8uslness !ournal.

Chuck Ng ls a parLner aL Suma venLures, a cross boarder venLure fund afflllaLed wlLh Acorn Campus
venLures of Slllcon valley. revlously, Chuck was a foundlng member of Lureka 1herapeuLlcs and
helped grew lL Lo be a leadlng oncology LherapeuLlc plaLform company ln AuCC Lechnology space.
rlor Lo lnvesLlng/sLarLups, Chuck also worked aL e8ay ayal and led lLs flnanclal sLraLegy and global
expanslon Lo Slngapore (AAC PC), Chlna and Lhe creaLlon of ayal 8ank where he won Lhe
"ayallan" Award, Lhe hlghesL award aL ayal. Chuck ls a graduaLe of uC 8erkeley and resldenL of
Lhe 8erkeley Chlnese Alumnl lnLernaLlonal AssoclaLlon.

kamran Sadd|que, CLC of, ls responslble for creaLlng a global ecosysLem for enLrepreneurs,
menLors and sLarLups. Pe ls leadlng an evenL under Lhe paLronage of Lhe Crown rlnce of uubal ln
aldlng Lo undersLand Lhe complexlLles of bulldlng a SmarL ClLy. ln Lurn Lhls has led Lo a parLnershlp
wlLh Lhe Mayors Cfflce of San lranclsco Lo hosL ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe loundaLlon Lhe flrsL Clobal
lnnovaLlon SummlL ln 2013 Lo be held ln San lranclsco where 10 global clLles geL Lo hosL Lhelr besL
clvlc sLarLups and open Lhelr daLa Lo Lhelr clLlzens. Pe holds a MasLers ln lnLernaLlonal 8uslness from
AsLon 8uslness School and has been [udglng compeLlLlons on sLarLups ln Asla and Lhe Mlddle LasL for
Lhe pasL year.
Mehd| Maghsoodn|a, a serlal enLrepreneur and soughL-afLer advlsor/boardmember, ls Lhe founder of
CombusLlon venLures. Mehdl has over 20 years of experlence bulldlng greaL Leams and operaLlng
boLh sLarLups and publlc companles. 8efore 8afLer, Mehdl was Sv of producLs and servlces aL
Caferess, a company he [olned ln Lhe early days and grew Lhe company Lo over $130M ln revenues.
rlor Lo Caferess, Mehdl was Sv of producLs aL lnLelllsync whlch held 90 ownershlp of Lhe moblle
sync markeL before belng boughL by nokla for $430M. Mehdl has held a number of execuLlve
poslLlons aL oLher valley companles and currenLly slLs on Lhe board of lace1lme, bworks and
loLomoLo. Pe has done graduaLe level sLudles ln compuLer sclence aL SLanford unlverslLy and
recelved hls 8achelor of Sclence degree ln LlecLrlcal Lnglneerlng and CompuLer Sclence from
unlverslLy of Callfornla, 8erkeley.

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